Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Some people play D&D all seriousness and immersion and deep strategy.
    Other people spend half the time laughing at the ludicrousness of the stuff that happens in the game.
    Those are the people I cater to.

    This gallery is for everyone to post their homebrewed monsters that were not meant to be taken seriously.
    Mind you, they may be serious challenges. They may even be final bosses. However, if they are intended to make your players astonished and disbelieving, they belong here. Bonus points if your players got you hospitalized for clear brain issues after seeing the monsters.

    (sorry if my formatting suck. Anyone who can help me with that is welcome)
    EDIT: I edited my formatting to improve it according to debihuman suggestions. I kept using metric, but I included imperial units in parentheses for ease of reference. I did a couple fixes on values for plastic trash mound and malevolent homicidal pineapple as I realized I slightly miscalculated some of the bonuses, but nothing major.

    plastic trash mound

    (I'd like to upload the image from my hard disk, but I can't find a way)

    this construct is a pile of plastic garbage vaguely shaped like a 5-meter tall humanoid.

    It was created by a druid diviner who got a glimpse into the far future, saw the great pacific garbage patch, and went mad with the horror of it. He then came up with the following chain of beliefs: 1) man is part of nature 2) whatever man does must therefore also be part of nature 3) plastic is part of nature 4) plastic garbage keeps accumulating and is not eaten by anything 5) plastic garbage is therefore the pinnacle of evolution 6) plastic must therefore be revered as a godlike entity

    How I got this idea: the monster, and its whole related quest, was inspired by the ocean cleanup foundation and their effort to find a cost-effective way of cleaning the oceans.
    Spoiler: stats

    plastic trash mound
    huge construct
    Hit Dice: 30d10+40 (average 205 hp)
    Initiative: -3 (-3 dex)
    Speed: 6 m (20 feet, 4 squares)
    Armor Class: 15 (-2 size, -3 dex, +10 natural)
    BAB/Grapple: +22/+40
    Attack: slam +20 melee (4d8+10)
    Full Attack: 2 slams +20 melee (4d8+10)
    Space/Reach: 3 m / 3 m (10 ft / 10 ft)
    Special Attacks: entangled fishing nets, soft fists
    Special Qualities: construct traits, chemically inert, electrical insulator, thermal insulator, non-crystalline, flame retardant, dioxin smoke, unconsolidated mass, great pacific garbage patch
    Saves: fort 10 ref 7 will 10
    Abilities: str 31 dex 5 con - int - wis 11 cha 1
    Skills: -
    Feats: -
    Environment: wherever there is a large plastic concentration
    Organization: solitary
    Challenge Rating: circa 10
    Treasure: none
    Alignment: always neutral
    Advancement: 31-60 HD (Gargantuan) 61-90 HD (Colossal)
    Level Adjustment: -

    entangled fishing nets (Ex): a plastic trash mound trails a bundle of loose entangled fishing nets that it can use to trap opponents. As a swift action every round, it must try to hit with a ranged touch attack (+12, range 9 meters) and if it hits, it triggers a grapple check. If the golem is successful, it traps the target into the tangle of nets. A creature tangled counts as grappled for all relevant purposes. It is possible to free oneself by dealing 25 damages to the nets with a small slashing weapon. Alternatively, one can try to rip the nets (str check, deals damage equal to the result minus 15), to untangle them (use rope check, deals damage equal to the result minus 15) or to free himself with an escape artist check (DC 25). A character from outside the nets can also free one inside by damaging the nets with a slashing weapon. In any case, the broken nets keep entangling, so another creature must cut another way. The tangle of nets can contain up to two medium creatures or four small creatures. Damage dealt to the nets is not dealt to the mound. Creatures smaller than tiny can just slip through the holes.

    soft fists: a plastic trash mound's fists are not sturdy. Every opponent is treated as having a +10 natural armor against it (for all practical purposes, it can be considered a -10 to hit, which is already included in the stats) and half the damage it deals is nonletal damage.

    chemically inert: a plastic trash mound is immune to acid damage

    electric insulator: a plastic trash mound is immune to electrical damage

    thermal insulator
    : a plastic trash mound has damage reduction 20/- from cold

    non-crystalline: a plastic trash mound has damage reduction 20/- from sonic

    flame retardant
    : much plastic is treated with additives that make it fire-resistant; a plastic trash mound therefore negates one third of the damage it takes from fire.

    unconsolidated mass
    : smash around a pile of garbage, and you'll still have a pile of garbage. Weapons are less effective against a plastic trash mound, dealing only half damage.

    dioxin smoke (Ex): a plastic trash mound releases noxious fumes when burned. When it is dealt fire damage, it releases a dioxin cloud with radius of 3 meters for every 10 damages dealt. Those inside the cloud will get fast-growth tumor (DC 25 to resist, -1 to STR, DEX and CON every two hours until healed with no further saving throw, requires restoration or better spell to heal).

    great pacific garbage patch (Ex)
    : scattering a bunch of plastic won't do any good in the long run. If destroyed by physical damage, the plastic trash mound will reform in 1d3 days. It will permanently lose all the hit points it lost from fire damage. The only way to get rid of a plastic trash mound is by properly recycling its body. Burning also works, but it will trigger dioxin smoke.

    Combat: this is a mindless construct. It just swings its fists at whichever is closest, while tossing its net and whiomever is dealing it more damage. It's not exceptionally dangerous, but it is exceptionally resilient, as befitting plastic itself.

    Note: most of the creature's abilities are natural, as they are 100% natural, nonmagical properties of plastic

    cute fluffy infernal killer bunnies of cuddly death

    This creature looks exactly like a cute fluffy bunny, even though it is actually a twisted infernal creature born of evilness itself. It remains cute and fluffy even as it is chewing on someone's entrails. As the hellish planes have a peculiar set of dimensions, the human mind cannot grasp the true form of what is in there. Philosophers speculated that the true form of those bunnies would kill the bravest of men with shock, but as there is no way to ascertain its true form, it will remain a conjecture.

    How i got this idea: So there I was, preparing an adventure in the lower planes, and all enemies available seemed so clich่. At some point I flipped and said "No! I don't want any huge dog with flaming eyes or stuff like that. My lower planes will be full of cute fluffy bunnies!". And I expanded from there.

    Spoiler: stats

    cute fluffy infernal killer bunnies of cuddly death
    Tiny outsider
    Hit Dice: 5d8 (average 24 hp)
    Initiative: +10 (+10 dex)
    Speed: 12 meters per round (40 feet, 8 squares)
    Armor Class: 25 (+2 size, +10 Dex, +3 natural), touch 22, flat-footed 15
    BAB/Grapple: +5/-6
    Attack: bite +17 melee (1d4+1d20-3)
    Full Attack: bite +17 melee (1d4+1d20-3)
    Space/Reach: 60 cm / 0 cm (2 feet / 0)
    Special Attacks: breath weapons, electrostatic fur, extradimensional jaw
    Special Qualities: improved evasion, can't harm that cute little thing, soft insulating fur, back from death
    Saves: Fort +4, Ref +14, Will +5
    Abilities: Str 4, Dex 30, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 17
    Skills: hide +26, didn't bother to assign others
    Feats: weapon finesse
    Environment: infernal planes
    Organization: solitary, small group or pack
    Challenge Rating: circa 6
    Treasure: cute fluffy bunnies hoard no loot, but their bodies can be mined for spell components, and can be sold for about 500 gp each.
    Alignment: Always neutral evil
    Advancement: no idea
    Level Adjustment: no idea

    extradimensional jaw (Ex): because of the non-euclidean way the infernal dimensions are folded, the cute fluffy bunny has a much larger jaw than it looks like. Its bite deals an extra 1d20 damage (included in the stats).

    breath weapons (Ex): choice between acid (cone, 3 meters, 4d6 damage, reflexes halves), fireball (detonation at impact, 12 meters range, 3 meters radius, 3d6 damage, reflexes halves) and electricity (line, 6 meters, 6d6 damage, reflexes halves). A cute fluffy bunny can use a breath weapon once every three rounds, regardless of which breath weapon it uses. The DC is 12 in all cases and it is CON-based

    electrostatic fur (Ex): the soft cuddly fur of the cute fluffy bunny can get charged electrostatically. After it does, a creature closing an electrical contact (touching, hitting with a metal weapon) with the bunny will get zapped with 4d6 electrical damage (reflexes halves, DC 12) and will discharge the fur. To charge its fur, the bunny must spend a full round action scratching against something. Being hit with electricity also automatically charges the fur. The DC is CON-based

    can't hurt that cute little thing (Ex): The cute fluffy bunny is so cute, many victims found they were unable to hurt it even as they were chewed/fried/melted to death. Undertaking any action to hurt a cute fluffy bunny requires a will saving throw (DC 15). If the saving throw fails, the target just loses the action making cooeing sounds. Healing or buffing an ally does not require a saving throw. Casting an area effect spell does, even if it is targeted against another creature that is hostile to the bunnies. Debuffing or charming a bunny requires a saving throw. Attacking several bunnies or casting several spells requires multiple saving throws, but using area attacks or spells only requires one, the higher, regardless of how many bunnies it influences. The DC is increased by 10 for a bunny that has not attempted to harm the target or his allies, even if other bunnies around it have. The DC is CHA-based.

    soft insulating fur (Ex): the fur of a cute fluffy bunny is so soft and warm and electrically insulating that it provides damage reduction 5/- against bludgeoning, 10/- against lightning, and 15/- against cold.

    back from death (Ex): a cute fluffy bunny can recover from large amounts of damage dealt in one single blow, to the point of melding itself back together if sliced in half. It takes multiple hits to make one stay dead. A bunny must be damaged in at least three separate blows to be killed. A bunny killed by less than three blows will regenerate completely the next round - the blows taken before death counting towards the total of three. Some powerful spells like disintegrate ignore this effect.

    Combat: cute fluffy bunnies generally fight in packs, surrounding their prey and hitting with their breath weapons. Generally one or two bunnies will instead sit and do nothing, so as to protect their peers (as it increases the will save DC against can't hurt that cute little thing when one is using area effect attacks against the whole pack of bunnies). They will also jump in front of a charging barbarian to hamper him, that kind of nonviolent obstructionism. if they are attacked by stronger opponents, they will generally scatter and try to regroup later, wearing down their foes with breath weapons. they prefer to not fight in melee if they don't have to. As infernal animals will respawn a short time after they die, they are absolutely fearless and will fight to the death in front of overwhelming odds. It is however possible to train them by offering plenty of human flesh whenever they want. Just make sure to have a disposable minion to feed them whenever they get restless. Demon lords will often do that by feeding them damned souls, who also respawn whenever killed. truly, their torment is eternal.

    malevolent homicidal pineapple

    Just a giant pineapple plant. A giant, malevolent pineapple plant throwin a limitless supply of explosive fruit that can teleport around in a place where nobody else can and is utterly undetectable from afar. So, nothing to worry about. The pineapple grows on a sort of stalk, and it is used as a sort of flail. This is also a denizen of the lower planes. it likes to kill humans, slice them latitudinally, and put them into cans, just like humans do to its smaller brethrens.

    How I got the idea: On the italian unyciclopedia, there is an article about a malevolent homicidal pineapple. It's not particularly funny, and it has nothing to do with this, but the name just stuck. As I had already introduced killer watermelons and assassins zucchini (which are unstatted and are more of an enigma kind of challenge; they also got inspired by the same source), the infernal planes seemed the right place for it.
    Spoiler: stats

    malevolent homicidal pineapple
    gargantuan plant
    Hit Dice: 30d8+240 (average 380 hp)
    Initiative: -2 (-2 dex)
    Speed: none
    Armor Class: 30 (-4 size, -2 dex, +26 natural)
    BAB/Grapple: +22/+46
    Attack: pineapple flail +30 (4d8+16+pineapple grenade+pineapple seedlings)
    Full Attack: pineapple flail +30 (4d8+16+pineapple grenade+pineapple seedlings) and 4 spiky leaves +25 (2d6+5+needles inside)
    Space/Reach: 3 m (12 meters height) / 9 meters (10 ft (40 ft height) / 30 ft)
    Special Attacks: pineapple grenade, pineapple seedlings, needles inside, pineapple artillery
    Special Qualities: didn't see it coming, used to be somewhere else, DR 10/slashing, spell absorption, plant traits
    Saves: fort +25, ref +8, will +14
    Abilities: str 33 dex 6 con 27 int 15 wis 19 cha 6
    Skills: I didn't bother assigning them
    Feats: I didn't bother assigning them
    Environment: infernal planes; specifically, the fields of the assassins zucchini
    Organization: solitary (unique creature)
    Challenge Rating: circa 18
    Treasure: there is only one, and it has never been killed. while it has no loot, its body would certainly sell well among many wizards who would like to study it. Expect 20000 to 50000 gp for it.
    Alignment: chaotic evil
    Advancement: 31-60 hd (gargantuan) 61-90 hd (colossal)
    Level Adjustment: -

    pineapple grenade (Ex): the pineapple that constitutes the beast's main weapon explodes on contact with the target, dealing 10d6 damages in a 6 meters radius (half bludgeoning for the explosion, half piercing for the shrapnel, reflexes halves, DC 33 (the DC is CON-based)). If the attack was successful, the creature hit does not receive a saving throw. Inexplicably, whenever the pineapple swings again its flail, there will be a new fruit upon it. the malevolent homicidal pineapple can damage itself that way [Note: If I get this right, since the pineapple has DR against both bludgeoning and piercing, it means that it takes 20 less damages from its own pineapple grenade]

    pineapple seedlings (Ex): a creature that took piercing damage from pineapple grenade has pineapple splinters embedded in its body. those splinters quickly grow into new plants, ripping the unfortunate from the inside. Every round (starting the round after the seedlings were planted), it will take 2d6 damages and a cumulative -2 penalty to every action that requires movement until it receives a healing check (DC 25, will do an additional d6 of damage regardless of success) or a healing spell of 3rd level or above. If a creature was damaged more than once by pineapple grenade, the damage is cumulative. If the pineapple damages itself with its own grenade, the seedlings will grow up to patch up and strengthen it, healing it for 1d6 hp per round for 10 rounds, as well as increasing its natural AC by 1.

    Needles inside (Ex): those struck by a spiky leaf are grappled by the plant (as if the pineapple had improved grab); since the plant is only using the leaf to grapple, it has a -20 penalty, and so has an overall score of +27. If the malevolent homicidal pineapple is successful, the leaf remains stuck on the target, entangling it. It takes a penalty of -2 to attacks, -4 to dexterity, has movement speed halved, and if it is a spellcaster it must pass a DC 15+spell level+damage(see below) concentration check to cast. Furthermore, the needles stuck inside the body will damage the creature if it attempt to make brisk movements; moving at more than half speed, attacking or casting a spell cause 1d6 of damage, cumulative (so moving and casting a spell is 2d6, or making three attacks as a full round attack is 3d6). After a leaf has attached to a creature that way, the pineapple instantly creates a new leaf, so it will always keep the same number of strikes.

    pineapple artillery (Ex): once per minute, as a full round action, the malevolent homicidal pineapple can fire its pineapple as a cannonball at up to 5 kilometers (3 miles) of range. hitting is a ranged attack with range increment of 500 meters (one third of a mile). On a successful hit it deals 20d6 of damage, as well as triggering pineapple grenade.

    didn't see it coming (Ex): the pineapple is invisible from farther away than 9 meters (30 ft), and it is protected from divinations as if it were affected by a permanent mind blank.

    used to be somewhere else (Su): the pineapple does not have any regular mean of locomotion, but once per round it can teleport at up to 50 meters (170 ft) of distance as a free action, in a manner similar to a spell of quickened dimensional door (except quickened dimension door is a swift action, not a free action). Notice that this mode of teleportation does work in the infernal planes, where (in my setting) most ethereal travels fail.

    spell absorption (Ex): the malevolent homicidal pineapple feeds on magic, even as it is used against it. Every spell directed against it heals it for 2d6*spell level hit points, after it has taken effect. Furthermore, every round it can absorb a spell (of its own chosing) with an ongoing duration affecting the area, or itself, as a free action, healing the same amount and dispelling the effect (so a spell with an ongoing duration heals the pineapple twice, first when it is cast on it, and then when the pinapple absorbs the spell. Despite that, those who tried to fight it found that spamming dimensional anchors is the only way to keep it pinned). On the down side, it needs huge amounts of environmental magic to sustain itself and its illogical exista, so if brough somehow in a place without the massive background thaumic radiation of the lower planes (something like, say, the prime material plane) it would whiter and die within a few days.*

    Combat: the malevolent homicidal pineapple is out for blood, and always looking for a fight. it prefers to pop in the middle of a party of surprised opponents, close enough that it can attack them but far enough that they will need to move to attack it. it then proceeds to smash its explosive pineapple in the way that will get more shrapnel damage, while using the leaves to entangle spellcasters (as fighter types will generally manage to succeed on the opposite grapple check). It will then change position every round to always give full attacks without receiving them, until all resistance is annihilated. it generally just tries to do as much area damage as possible, but it may decide to focus on an opponent it considers particularly dangerous. It could just stay out of range and hit with pinapple artillery, but it does not like to use that tactic and will only resort to it if If low on hp, it will teleport to safety; in the same way, it could greatly benefit from hitting itself with pineapple grenade to gain stacks of AC and healing, but it rarely does so, as it tends to underestimate its opponents.. If a wizard is keeping it pinned with (quickened) dimensional anchors, it will try to kill it with pineapple artillery so that it will be able to retreat.
    * The easiest way to kill this beast would therefore be to planeshift it on the prime material plane and hope it tanks its saving throw against planeshift. Unfortunately it sticks to parts of the infernal planes where planeshifting and other forms of ethereal travels do not work.
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2017-08-02 at 09:51 AM.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

    my take on the highly skilled professional: the specialized expert

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Elemental Plane of Purple

    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    This seems to be written in a British version of 3.0. US generally uses feet. 5 feet, 10 feet, etc. not meters. Also, this could use some better formatting. I love the idea of a Plastic Trash Mound as a monster. You might want to convert this to 3.5 and use the same formatting as the online SRD for 3.5. for consistency.

    Ranged touch is BAB (+11) plus Dex (-3), plus Size modifier (-2) for a total of +6. DC should be 10 + 1/2 Creature's HD 15 + Str Modifier +10 or Con modifier +0.

    [Size] [Type]
    Hit Dice: [Hit Dice] + [Bonus Hit points], ([average hp])
    Armor Class:
    Full Attack:
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities:
    Challenge Rating:
    Level Adjustment:

    Kudos on this thread.

    Here is how I would edit this critter to be 3.5 compliant

    Plastic Trash Mound

    This Construct is a pile of plastic garbage vaguely shaped like a 15-foot tall humanoid.

    It was created by a druid diviner who got a glimpse into the far future, saw the great pacific garbage patch, and went mad with the horror of it. He then came up with the following chain of beliefs:

    1) Man is part of nature
    2) Whatever man does must therefore also be part of nature
    3) Plastic is part of nature
    4) Plastic garbage keeps accumulating and is not eaten by anything
    5) Plastic garbage is therefore the pinnacle of evolution
    6) Plastic must therefore be revered as a godlike entity

    Plastic Trash Mound
    Huge Construct
    Hit Dice:
    30d10+40 (205 hp)
    Initiative: -3
    Speed: 10 ft.
    Armor Class: 15 (-2 size, -3 Dex, +10 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 12
    BAB/Grapple: +11/+ 29
    Attack: Slam +19 melee (4d8+10)
    Full Attack: 2 slams +19 melee (4d8+10)
    Space/Reach: 15 ft./ 15 ft.
    Special Attacks: Entangle Fishing Nets (+6 ranged plus grapple), Soft Fists
    Special Qualities: Chemically Inert, Construct Traits, Dioxin Smoke, Electrical Insulator, Flame Retardant, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Non-Crystalline, Thermal Insulator, Unconsolidated Mass
    Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10
    Abilities: Str 31, Dex 5, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
    Skills: —
    Feats: —
    Environment: Polluted Shores
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 10
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always Neutral
    Advancement: 31-60 HD (Gargantuan) 61-90 HD (Colossol)
    Level Adjustment: —

    Entangled Fishing Nets (Ex): A plastic trash mound trails a bundle of loose entangled fishing nets that it can use to trap opponents That are Tiny and Larger. As a swift action every round, the plastic trash mound can attempt to hit an opponent within 60 feet with a ranged touch attack +6 to hit. If it hits, it triggers a Grapple check. If the plastic trash mound is successful, it traps the target into the tangle of nets. A creature tangled counts as grappled for all relevant purposes. It is possible to free oneself by dealing 25 points of damage to the nets with a slashing weapon.

    Alternatively, one can try to rip the nets using a Strength check (DC 35), which deals damage equal to the result minus 15 (Minimum 1). It takes a full round action to untangle the nets with a Use Rope check (DC 25), which also deals damage equal to the result minus 15 (Minimum 1). Alternatively, a trapped creature can attempt to free itself with an Escape Artist Check (DC 25). A character from outside the nets can also free one inside by damaging the nets with a slashing weapon. In any case, the broken nets keep entangling, so another creature must cut another way. The tangle of nets can contain up to two Medium creatures or four Small creatures. Damage dealt to the nets is not dealt to the mound. Creatures smaller than Tiny can just slip through the holes.

    Chemically Inert (Ex): A plastic trash mound is immune to acid damage.

    Electric Insulator (Ex): A plastic trash mound is immune to electrical damage

    Non-Crystalline (Ex): a plastic trash mound has damage reduction 20/- from sonic

    Flame Retardant (Ex): Much plastic is treated with additives that make it fire-resistant; a plastic trash mound therefore negates one third of the damage it takes from fire.

    Dioxin Smoke (Ex): A plastic trash mound releases noxious fumes when burned. When it is dealt fire damage, it releases a dioxin cloud with radius of 10 feet for every 10 points of damage dealt. Those inside the cloud will get fast-growth tumor (DC 25 to resist, -1 to STR, DEX and CON every two hours until healed with no further saving throw, requires restoration or better spell to heal). The save DCs are Constitution-based.

    Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Ex): Scattering a bunch of plastic won't do any good in the long run. If destroyed by physical damage, the plastic trash mound will reform in 1d3 days. It will permanently lose all the hit points it lost from fire damage. The only way to get rid of a plastic trash mound is by properly recycling its body. Burning also works, but it will trigger dioxin smoke.

    Soft Fists (Ex): A plastic trash mound's fists are not sturdy. Every opponent is treated as having a +10 natural armor against it (for all purposes, it's a -10 to hit, already included in the stats) and half the damage it deals is nonlethal damage.

    Thermal Insulator (Ex): A plastic trash mound has damage reduction 20/- from cold

    Unconsolidated Mass (Ex): Smash around a pile of garbage, and you'll still have a pile of garbage. Weapons are less effective against a plastic trash mound, dealing only half damage.

    Combat: this is a mindless construct. It just swings its fists at whichever is closest, while tossing its net and whomever is dealing it more damage. It's not exceptionally dangerous, but it is exceptionally resilient, as befitting plastic itself.

    Hope this helps.

    Last edited by Debihuman; 2017-08-01 at 09:04 PM.
    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
    my creations in homebrew signature thread

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    I use 3.5, mostly. My formatting is incomplete because I don't bother with some invisible, time-consuming details; for example, I may want a monster to have some feats, but if the monster should have more than that based on its hit dice, I don't bother picking them, assuming they will not be relevant. Same with skill points. I also don't write a distinction between attack and full attack because it's fairly obvious. Thanks for the tips, though. When I have more time, I may reformat my post. Hoping somebody will post some new monsters. I can't be the only one who likes to throw surreal creatures at his players.

    Oh, and I use meters because everywhere in the world uses meters except the US. It's so much better than imperial units, I can't fathom why you didn't swap. Everything is a multiple of 10. I can easily tell how many millimeters are in 563.14 kilometers: 563140000. How many inches are in 563.14 miles? And what's the point of using nautical miles over sea, land miles over land, feet for altitude and fathoms for depth? they are all lengths, it's much simpler to use the same unit for all of them. So, I may be the only person using metric in this forum, I may even be the only non-american in this forum, I may be the last person in the world with a knowledge of the metric system, I'd still use metric. This is not a thing I'm going to change. Sorry if I'm going rant-y about this. I failed my saving throw against things that annoy me.
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2017-08-01 at 08:58 PM.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

    my take on the highly skilled professional: the specialized expert

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Elemental Plane of Purple

    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Even though everything is in feet, almost all things are in multiples of 5 and 10. So you won't have 9 meters, you'd have 10 meters or 30 feet. Even if you use meters, you should probably still have everything divisible by 5 or 10 for simplicity. And no, you aren't the only non-American here. Also, 30 feet or 9 meters is silly for maximum range. I'd peg the range of the nets to be a maximum of 60 feet at least or 20 meters. The numbers don't have to be perfect, but they should be easy.

    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
    my creations in homebrew signature thread

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Vancouver <-> Dublin

    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowere View Post
    I use 3.5, mostly. My formatting is incomplete because I don't bother with some invisible, time-consuming details; for example, I may want a monster to have some feats, but if the monster should have more than that based on its hit dice, I don't bother picking them, assuming they will not be relevant. Same with skill points. I also don't write a distinction between attack and full attack because it's fairly obvious. Thanks for the tips, though. When I have more time, I may reformat my post. Hoping somebody will post some new monsters. I can't be the only one who likes to throw surreal creatures at his players.

    Oh, and I use meters because everywhere in the world uses meters except the US. It's so much better than imperial units, I can't fathom why you didn't swap. Everything is a multiple of 10. I can easily tell how many millimeters are in 563.14 kilometers: 563140000. How many inches are in 563.14 miles? And what's the point of using nautical miles over sea, land miles over land, feet for altitude and fathoms for depth? they are all lengths, it's much simpler to use the same unit for all of them. So, I may be the only person using metric in this forum, I may even be the only non-american in this forum, I may be the last person in the world with a knowledge of the metric system, I'd still use metric. This is not a thing I'm going to change. Sorry if I'm going rant-y about this. I failed my saving throw against things that annoy me.
    As a Canadian (God save the Queen!) I agree that metric is by far the more precise system. However DnD uses imperial, for better or for worse, so it'll be easier to assess your creations if they're formatted in that system.

    I also get your point about monsters not needing every stat fleshed out (when was the last time a Pit Fiend needed to make a Climb check?!), but again it makes them more readable here, and therefore makes it more likely that posters will bother to critique them or incorporate them into their own games.

    Now, apart from my fussy pedantry, I will say that I want some of whatever it is that you're smoking. :D Your beasts are VERY original, I sense that you make for a very fun DM!

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowere View Post
    I use 3.5, mostly. My formatting is incomplete because I don't bother with some invisible, time-consuming details; for example, I may want a monster to have some feats, but if the monster should have more than that based on its hit dice, I don't bother picking them, assuming they will not be relevant. Same with skill points. I also don't write a distinction between attack and full attack because it's fairly obvious. Thanks for the tips, though. When I have more time, I may reformat my post. Hoping somebody will post some new monsters. I can't be the only one who likes to throw surreal creatures at his players.

    Oh, and I use meters because everywhere in the world uses meters except the US. It's so much better than imperial units, I can't fathom why you didn't swap. Everything is a multiple of 10. I can easily tell how many millimeters are in 563.14 kilometers: 563140000. How many inches are in 563.14 miles? And what's the point of using nautical miles over sea, land miles over land, feet for altitude and fathoms for depth? they are all lengths, it's much simpler to use the same unit for all of them. So, I may be the only person using metric in this forum, I may even be the only non-american in this forum, I may be the last person in the world with a knowledge of the metric system, I'd still use metric. This is not a thing I'm going to change. Sorry if I'm going rant-y about this. I failed my saving throw against things that annoy me.
    One part of it's because we'd have to also use celcius for temperature, which is less precise than farenheit but every bit as arbitrary (unlike, for example, the Rankine scale)
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by Bohandas View Post
    One part of it's because we'd have to also use celcius for temperature, which is less precise than farenheit but every bit as arbitrary (unlike, for example, the Rankine scale)
    Why would it be less precise? Just use half degrees if you need.
    It is also much less arbitrary, because it is at least linked to termodinamic points of pure water, one of the most abundant substances in the universe.
    One kilogram of water occupies a cube with an edge of 10 cm; this volume is one liter. To raise the temperature of this water from its freezing point to its boiling point you need 100 kilocalories, because a calory is the amount of energy you need to heat a gram of water by one degree, and there are exactly 1000 grams to a kilo, and there are exactly 100 degrees between the freezing and boiling point of water (notice that the calory isn't a metric unit, but it is considered acceptable even in scientific use because of its practicity). So, while Celsius is defined as arbitrarily as Farenheit, it is of better practical use when dealing with what is the most abundant substance both in the universe and on earth's surface.

    Also, temperatures are only mentioned a handful of times in the manuals, and very few people use those sections, and differences of half degree celsius wouldn't be relevant anyway.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

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    The cluckromancer the deific cluckh chose this bbeg to stop the random assault on chickens from adventures. And lo and behold the apeckalepse from the sky.
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    linklele you have brought a beautiful and favorite character of mine as well as fluffy to life i wanted to thank you. i may never again switch my avatar

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    Blue Rhino

    Pity that one of the message boards where I posted something removed it, I had made an approximation of the Wizard of Oz's flying monkeys. But it wasn't much of a homebrew.
    Last edited by gooddragon1; 2017-08-06 at 09:23 PM.
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Critiquing more: Cute Fluffy Bunny is missing a feat. I'd give it Acrobatic to make most use of its Dex. I'd also give it the following skills: Skills: Balance +20, Hide +26, Jump +13, Move Silently +18, Tumble +22 [Includes synergy bonuses and Acrobatic feat bonuses].

    Skill Notes: It has 40 skill points, max 8 in any skill. Balance (+8 skills, +10 Dex, +2 synergy
    Hide +26 (8 skill points, +8 size +10 Dex), Jump 13 (8 skill points, -3 Str, + 4 speed, +2 feat, +2 synergy from tumble skill), Move Silently (8 skill points +10 Dex), Tumble 22 (8 skill points, +10 Dex, +2 feat, +2 synergy)

    LA should be — as it isn't suitable as a PC.

    Advancement should be by HD. I'd say 6-8 HD (Tiny).

    Attack lines are slightly off. You apply the Str penalty to main damage not to bonus damage unless you think the penalty should apply there too.

    Attack: Bite +17 melee (1d4-3 plus 1d20)
    Full Attack: Bite +17 melee (1d4-3 plus 1d20)

    Edit: I really don't understand why your pineapple monster has a flail instead of just throwing pineapples at its foes.
    Last edited by Debihuman; 2017-08-07 at 07:19 AM.
    P.E.A.C.H. Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Being nicer and kinder doesn't hurt either. Note I generally only critique 3.5 and Pathfinder material.
    Please, please, please when using non-core material, cite to the books. There are too many books to wade through to find the one with the feat, special ability or spell you use.
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by Debihuman View Post
    Critiquing more: Cute Fluffy Bunny is missing a feat. I'd give it Acrobatic to make most use of its Dex. I'd also give it the following skills: Skills: Balance +20, Hide +26, Jump +13, Move Silently +18, Tumble +22 [Includes synergy bonuses and Acrobatic feat bonuses].

    Skill Notes: It has 40 skill points, max 8 in any skill. Balance (+8 skills, +10 Dex, +2 synergy
    Hide +26 (8 skill points, +8 size +10 Dex), Jump 13 (8 skill points, -3 Str, + 4 speed, +2 feat, +2 synergy from tumble skill), Move Silently (8 skill points +10 Dex), Tumble 22 (8 skill points, +10 Dex, +2 feat, +2 synergy)

    LA should be — as it isn't suitable as a PC.

    Advancement should be by HD. I'd say 6-8 HD (Tiny).

    Attack lines are slightly off. You apply the Str penalty to main damage not to bonus damage unless you think the penalty should apply there too.

    Attack: Bite +17 melee (1d4-3 plus 1d20)
    Full Attack: Bite +17 melee (1d4-3 plus 1d20)
    As I said, I wasn't going to keep track of those skills, so I didn't bother assigning them. But yeah, you did a good job with it.

    Edit: I really don't understand why your pineapple monster has a flail instead of just throwing pineapples at its foes.
    Look at a picture of a pineapple plant, you can see that the fruit grows on a sort of stalk. That stalk being used as a flail or whip was the first thing I envisioned, before even deciding that the pineapple would explode on contact.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowere View Post
    Why would it be less precise? Just use half degrees if you need.
    It is also much less arbitrary, because it is at least linked to termodinamic points of pure water, one of the most abundant substances in the universe.
    One kilogram of water occupies a cube with an edge of 10 cm; this volume is one liter. To raise the temperature of this water from its freezing point to its boiling point you need 100 kilocalories, because a calory is the amount of energy you need to heat a gram of water by one degree, and there are exactly 1000 grams to a kilo, and there are exactly 100 degrees between the freezing and boiling point of water (notice that the calory isn't a metric unit, but it is considered acceptable even in scientific use because of its practicity). So, while Celsius is defined as arbitrarily as Farenheit, it is of better practical use when dealing with what is the most abundant substance both in the universe and on earth's surface.
    What's the abundance in the universe of areas at one atmosphere of pressure?
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    Many are the denizens of hell, and one of them are the assassin zucchini. They grow in large fields where they use reality-warping powers to fold the dimensions into inescapable traps, where the victims will wander endlessly. They only move when they are not looked at, though.
    Now they found a way to invade the prime material plane. By camouflaging as normal plants, they lured unsuspecting victims and charmed them. Then the plants grew inside the people, turning them into a mix between a garment and an armor. As they are covered from sight, they can also move freely.
    The plant is totally in control of the host, if the host is still alive in the first place. The only detectable difference is a slightly greener tinge of the skin, but one who does not know what he's looking for will either not notice it or think it a trick of the light. As the plant does not suffer when the human body is damaged, in battle the body is often reduced to a bloody pulp, with a few limbs and leaves poking out here and there.

    How I got the idea: One of my friends (and a player, too) has a recurring joke. He noticed how very few people are neutral on zucchini: they either love them or hate them. And those who love them would put them everywhere. He therefore postulated that zucchini exercice some sort of mental control on those who eat them, pushing them to eat more and more zucchini, as a ploy to subjugate humankind. At one point we were in an hotel where every second dish contained zucchini; we all recalled that joke and had good laughs. There I came up with this monster
    Spoiler: stats

    medium humanoid plant // note: I don't know how to treat a monster that belongs to two different types; in the end I settled for giving it plant stats, but with the high ref saves of humanoids
    Hit dice: 14 d8 (63 hp)
    Initiative: +1 (+1 dex)
    Speed: 9 m
    Armor class: 20 (+1 dex, +9 natural)
    BAB/grapple: +10/+14
    Attack: slam +15 (1d8+4)
    Full attack: 2 slams +15 (1d8+4)
    Space/reach: 1.5/1.5
    special attacks: zucchini temptation, liking for zucchini
    Special qualities: hive mind, the mole, hidden true body, warp the continuum, red lights green lights, plant traits
    Saves: fort +9 ref +10 will +3
    Abilities: STR 18 DEX 12 CON 11 INT 5 WIS 8 CHA 11
    Feats: weapon focus (slam), improved natural attack (slam)
    Challenge rating: 6? // very durable, but very little damage
    Alignment: Always Lawful Evil
    Advancement: 15-27 hd (medium) 28-42 hd (large)
    Level adjustment: N/A
    zucchini temptation (spell-like): the assassin zucchini compels you to like zucchini and eat them. Once per day, the zucchinifolk can spew six zucchini from his mouth. Every non-zucchini creature in a 9-mt radius must succeed on a will save (DC 17, cha based) or feel the urge to eat those zucchini. If they fail, they must eat a zucchini (takes two rounds and the creature cannot undertake other actions while doing so). Succeeding on the saving throw grant immunity from this ability for the rest of the day, even from other zucchinifolk, unless they have a higher save DC.
    liking for zucchini (su): The zucchini produced with zucchini temptation are cursed, and if eaten they bestow a -2 (cumulative) to future will saves to resist this ability. This penalty can only be removed with break enchantment or a stronger effect. The zucchini thus produced do not look magical, so a sneaky zucchinifolk could simply put some of them in the market and wait for them to be eaten. This curse also entails a progressively stronger liking for zucchini, to the point that a victim will eventually want to eat nothing else.
    hive mind (ex): zucchinifolk can communicate telepathically with each other in a 30 mt radius
    the mole: zucchinifolk are hard to distinguish from regular humans. There are only two visual clues. The first is a greenish tinge to the skin that requires a DC 15 spot check to notice (harder for dark skins, even harder for green skins), the second is that they sprout roots from beneath their feet, but they generally hide them in their shoes (a zucchinifolk must spend 8 hours per day with its roots in the soil, or one hour with its roots in fertilizer, to feed properly)
    hidden true body: the body of the plant is hidden inside the humanoid body, and hurting the humanoid body does not hurt the plant (though it will prevent it from masquerading as a regular human). All attacks against the zucchinifolk suffer a 50% miss chance due to occulatation. A missed attack means that the humanoid body was damaged. As the humanoid body loses pieces, it becomes easier to target the plant within, so this occultation decreases by 10% for every 30 damages dealt to the host body. For the same reason, area effects and most spells deal only half damage to the zucchinifolk, and the rest to the humanoid body. The only spells that can focus their damage on the zucchinifolk are those that hit the target's life force, like inflict wounds.
    warp the continuum (su): the assassin zucchini are infernal creatures coming from a place so warped from magical energy that you can keep walking straight and always find yourself in the same place. When the assassin zucchini invade the prime material plane, they bring some of their home with them. Whenever there are at least five zucchinifolk within 30 mt of each other, they all project a dimensional lock in a 30 mt radius. Divinations of level 6th or below do not work from outside to inside the area, and those of higher levels are severely limited in effectiveness. Divinations from inside the area are also severely limited, and the caster will feel a strong interference and immediately be able to tell there is a very strong thaumic field. [No, I did not establish exactly what that does entail, because it would be overly complicated and not needed]
    red lights green lights (ex): the assassin zucchini can only move when not looked at; when the human body they use to hide takes more than 150 damages (0% occultation from hidden true body), the plant is exposed to sight, and it must suffer this limitation.

    zucchinifolk inquisitor
    Those are elite zucchinifolk, stronger and with additional powers. Unlike others of their kind, they can move when looked at. Unlike normal zucchinifolk, those are easily recognizable because they have zucchini sticking out where their eyes should be, so they stay out of sight until a town is fully under their control.
    How I got the idea: for the general theme of zucchinifolk, see above. Those are inspired by the mistborn inquisitors, from the saga by Brandon Sanderson (those had metal spikes planted in their eyes giving them powers). Originally I conceived them as full parodies of mistborn inquisitors, with related powers (mistborn inquisitors can push or pull on metals nearby, and use the ability to fly - provided there were enough metal objects on the ground to keep pushing at - and throw small bits of metal as a sort of telekinetic shuriken; zucchinifolk inquisitors would push and pulll on dills, use the power to fly over fields and throw carrots), but then I decided that while I may do whacky stuff, but I have to draw the line somewhere.
    Spoiler: stats
    medium humanoid plant
    Hit dice: 20 d8 + 40 (130 hp)
    Initiative: +7 (+3 dex, +4 improved initiative)
    Speed: 9 m, fly 15 m (good)
    Armor class: 25 (+3 dex, +12 natural)
    BAB/grapple: +15/+25
    Attack: slam +24 (1d8+8)
    Full attack: 2 slam +24 (1d8+8)
    Space/reach: 1.5/1.5
    special attacks: zucchini temptation, liking for zucchini, enchanted slam, insertion
    Special qualities: avoid knife and fork, hive mind, hidden true body, warp the continuum, plant traits
    Saves: fort +14 ref +15 will +9
    Abilities: STR 22 DEX 17 CON 14 INT 15 WIS 16 CHA 17
    Skills: spot +26, listen +26
    Feats: weapon focus (slam), improved natural attack, improved grapple, improved initiative, power attack
    Challenge rating: 10?
    Alignment: Always lawful Evil
    Advancement: 21-30 hd (medium) 31-60 hd (large)
    Level adjustment: N/A

    zucchini temptation (spell-like): like a normal zucchinifolk, except for the higher DC on the will save (DC 23, cha based)
    liking for zucchini (su): like a normal zucchinifolk
    enchanted slam (su): the zucchinifolk inquisitor slams count as +2 weapons
    insertion (ex): as a standard action during grapple, a zucchinifolk inquisitor may try to insert a zucchini into its opponent's rectus. It is successful if it wins an opposed grapple check with a -5 penalty. In that case, the zucchini starts growing until it rips the unfortunate victim from inside. The first round it deals 1d6 damage, the second 2d6, the third 3d6 and so on. Removing a growing zucchini can be achieved with heal, minor wish, wish, miracle, or with a heal skill check (DC 20 + 2* the number of rounds that the zucchini has been growing) that will deal half as many damage as the zucchini has dealt in its last round. It is also possible to simply rip open someone's guts and remove the zucchini that way, but it deals 10 d6 damages or twice as much as the zucchini dealt in its last round, whichever is highest.
    avoid knife and fork (su): a zucchinifolk inquisitor is protected against those implement more often used to send it to its doom. It gains a +4 deviation bonus against all slashing and piercing weapons.
    hive mind (ex): like normal zucchinifold, but with a 90 mt radius
    hidden true body: like normal zucchinifolk
    warp the continuum (su): Like normal zucchinifolk, with the following difference: a zucchinifolk inquisitor counts as 3 zucchinifolk for the purposes of this ability, and extends its own warped area to 90 meters.

    P.S. I'm not really satisfied with zucchinifolk as a name, but I can't come up with anything better. On the other hand, avoid knife and fork may be the best name for a special ability I ever came up with
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2017-09-28 at 07:38 PM.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Avatar of DM frustration
    According to a myth, there is a god beyond the gods. A being who created the whole of the multiverse - some say that the very reality in which we live solely exists in his imagination - and uses mortals and even gods as pieces of a game. Proponents of this myth call this supposed uber-god "dungeon master", or DM for brevity.
    This DM is a capricious god who plays dice with the universe, and occasionally changes the whole rules of creations according to the whims of an even more powerful and capricious being, a mysterious wizard who lives by the coast. Occasionally, this DM will look with favor upon a group of mortals. Although his favor can be as much a curse as a blessing, because his favored will often find themselves orphaned and subjected to the most atrocious backstories, those blessed few will find themselves at the center of the world, capable of doing the impossible, destined to become incredibly powerful in an incredibly short time; luck will favor them every time they really need it, every opponent they encounter will be just strong enough to give them a good challenge, riddles and conundrums that defeated the wisest of elder mages will be solved in the space of a lazy afternoon.
    Sometimes, however, this DM will grow angry at his favorites and will turn on them. Of course he could crush those unlucky ones at the merest whim, for he can make gods rise and fall. But for some reasons, he will be compelled to play along the rules. Or at least, he will pretend to do so, but he will cheat as much as he can while at it. Those horrible creatures are supposedly the personification of the DM grown angry at his loved ones and trying unfairly to kill them.
    Modern scholars consider the myth a completely ridiculous fancy tale. The theory currently favored has the monsters being the cursed spirits of those who cheated at solitaire, though that's disputed. Regardless, the mythical name is still rooted in popular culture. They do appear to have some fate-manipulation powers (as befitting someone who always tried to cheat and eventually became so apt at it that it could cheat fate itself) but reports of them attacking especially those who seem exceptional individuals and favored by fate are likely a case of confirmation bias.
    They look like a grotesquely caricatured large person with a horribly deformed face, forever contorted in an expression of anger and dripping spit and bile from the mouth. The creature apparently has the intelligence level of a chimp and a limited ability to talk, but all it says are curses and threats, which it often mumbles when engaged.
    P.S. It is suggested showing this paper to the players if they accuse you of cheating.

    How I got the idea: I don't remember the chain of thoughts that led me there, but it involved considering how often a DM is tempted to surreptitiously add an immunity to a boss monster that got defeated too easily by some unforeseen special attack. Immunity to this and that was the first concept I came up with and I expanded from there.
    This monster leans heavily on the fourth wall, more than any I've made. If you like the concept but want to avoid the fourth wall, you could refluff the DM rage check by calling it "invoke the luck goddess" or something like that.
    This monster can be extremely frustrating for players to fight; on the plus side, it makes it more rewarding to kill. I don't remeber my players cheering that much, not even when they defeated a recurring villain. It is said that the purpose of art is to make people feel emotions, and if that is true, then judging by that cheering I am a real artist

    Spoiler: stats
    large aberration
    Hit dice: 15d8 + 75 (172 hp)
    Initiative: +6
    Speed: 15 m (10 squares)
    Armor class: 26 (+2 dex -1 size +15 natural)
    BAB/grapple: +11/+22
    Attack: slam +18 melee (2d8+7)
    Full attack: 2 slam +18 melee (2d8+7)
    Space/reach: 3x3/3 m (2x2 squares / 2 squares)
    special attacks: because I say so, rock falls you die, spit and bile
    Special qualities: DM rage, roll in secret, immunity to this and that, "accidental" miscalculation, suddenly it could always do that, not quite dead yet, reward denied.
    Saves: fort +12 ref +9 will +13
    Abilities: STR 25 DEX 14 CON 21 INT 3 WIS 15 CHA 3
    Skills: listen +18, spot +18
    Feats: greater fortitude, weapon focus (slam), iron will, lightning reflexes, improved initiative
    Environment: anywhere there are PCs
    Organization: solitary or group
    Challenge rating: approximately 12 for a full fight on generous, 15 on normal, 18 on sadistic (see DM rage)
    Treasure: see reward denied
    Alignment: always evil
    Advancement: 16-30 hd (large), 31-60 hd (huge)
    Level adjustment: /

    Because I say so (ex): the avatar's slam damage has been decided arbitrarily rather than by its size.
    Rock falls, you die (ex): Once per round as a swift action, on a successful DM rage check (see below), the avatar can call forth a small asteroid to fall on an enemy. This is equivalent to a quickened meteor swarm (save DC 24, the save is CON based), except that only one meteor is called instead of four. Further adjustments are made according to DM rage and roll in secret, see below. Note that while the effect is equivalent to part of a spell, it is not a spell: it is literally a small asteroid that just by random chance hit a PC because the DM was angry at him.
    spit and bile (ex): the avatar slobs a corrosive spit and bile all the time. Anyone within 3 meters of it is dealt 4d6 acid damage, and anyone within 6 meters is dealt 2d6 (in both cases reflexes negates, DC 22; the DC is con-based). Damage is repeated every round. Once per round on a successful DM rage check (see below), the avatar can spit against a single target as part of its full attack (ranged touch attack, +12, range increment 6 meters) dealing 8d6 acid damage (no saving throw). Further adjustments are made according to roll in secret.
    DM rage (ex): Many of the avatar's powers are determined by how generous the DM feels at the moment. There are three states for the DM: generous, normal, sadistic. Some of the avatar's skills require a DM rage check. Roll a d6: the monster wins with a roll of 4 or greater on normal, 3 or greater on sadistic, 5 or greater on generous. Some other abilities are affected as well.
    Factors that can influence the DM attitude towards sadistic are for example:
    - none of the characters died in the past five sessions
    - the characters killed a plot-critical character earlier than the DM planned, possibly in an anticlimactic way ruining a planned epic fight scene.
    - the characters are sensibly above the wealth-by-level guidelines
    - the players have eaten all the snacks, leaving none for the DM
    - the avatar is going to die and none of the players has been put in serious danger.
    Factors that can influence the DM attitude towards generous are for example:
    - a character died in the last session
    - a valuable item in the possession of the party has just been destroyed
    - the players have kept the DM well fed
    - the characters are below the wealth-by-level guidelines
    - the avatar is seriously risking a total party kill.
    Regardless of specific, as a DM pick what you feel appropriate, and feel free to change it according to how the fight is going.
    Roll in secret (ex): - Every time the avatar rolls a d20, he rolls twice and takes the best result. On generous, this does not apply when attacking a character below 50% hit points. On sadistic, once per round he may roll a third time after seeing the result of the first two dice.
    - Every time the avatar rolls for slam damage damage on generous, he rerolls once a roll below average. On normal, he rolls twice and takes the best result. On sadistic, he rolls twice and sums the result.
    - Every time the avatar rolls damage for rock falls, you die or spit and bile, on generous it can reroll all the dice once if the total result is below average. On normal, the avatar gets to reroll all the "1". On sadistic, it also adds two dices (at DM discretion if bludgeoning or fire).
    Hit dice scoring less than average are also rerolled (practically, the average die is 6.5 instead of 4.5); hit points are already calculated according to that.
    Immunity to this and that (ex): After being hurt by an hostile effect, the avatar can try to pretend it has always been immune to it. If it wins a DM rage check, the avatar negates any adverse consequence on itself. This does not negate further identical attacks: if the avatar successfully became immune to a sword strike, it can still be damaged by the same weapon with a subsequent attack. It is customary to give some thinly-veiled excuse for it (the avatar is immune to the second strike from a sword measuring exactly 104.3 cm from tip to hilt, the avatar is immune to the second spell cast in a day if the caster is born in a leap year, whatever will allow you to engage in a good bout of evil laughter). Immunity to this and that can ignore that way up to one attack per round on generous, two on normal, three on sadistic (failed attempts do not count). The avatar can choose to not use this ability, to avoid wasting one of its limited uses to prevent a minor wound.
    "Accidental" miscalculation (ex): The avatar can try to invoke this power as a free action after a d20 is rolled. On a successful DM rage check, the avatar can assign a +5 or -5 luck bonus/penalty on the roll. This ability can be used successfully up to once per round on generous, twice on normal, three times on sadistic (failed attempts do not count). On sadistic, the avatar can also give a -10 instead of -5 once per round.
    Suddenly it could always do that (ex): Once per round as a free action, the avatar can try a DM rage check to gain one of the following abilities for one minute round: fly (15 m, perfect), burrow (6 m), ghostform, ethereal form, darkvision, see invisibility, true sight, improved arcane sight, any one capacity to bypass a damage resistance, can cast dimension door once per day, changes creature type and traits, +10 to a skill check. If the check fails, the avatar cannot try to gain the same ability for the next three rounds. On sadistic, feel free to use any other ability of similar power, provided that the avatar sorely needs it.
    not quite defeated yet (ex): whenever the avatar would die, roll a DM rage check. If successful, the avatar does not die (if killed by damage it retroactively gains enough hit points that the attack left it with one-fifth of its total hit points, if killed by another effect it ignores it as if immunity to this and that had triggered).
    This also applies to effects that would effectively end the combat without directly killing the beast, including but not limited to charme, domination, baleful polimorph, imprisonment.
    Furthermore, if the monster did not have at least two rounds where it was fully able to act add +1 to the DM rage check. Nothing is more frustrating to a DM than creating a cool monster and see it one-shotted before it can do any of its cool stuff.
    reward denied (ex): the body of an avatar is worth 10000 gp as many spell components can be extracted for it. On a successful DM rage check, however, the body completely disappears leaving nothing behind.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

    my take on the highly skilled professional: the specialized expert

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    You wanted to upload an image from your computer... I use this site, if it helps.
    Homebrew: If it is mine feel free to PEACH and/or use it.

    Extended Signature

    Well, it seems that life has deposited me here, yet again. Hopefully this time I get to stay a while, as I intend on revising some old homebrew.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    That which hungers
    Adventurers: "So, what's exactly this 'that which hungers'?"
    Villager: "It's something too horrible to describe"
    A: "What does it look like?"
    V: "Didn't I just say that it was too horrible to describe? Try to pay attention!"
    A: " Anyway, 'that which hungers'. What exactly does it hunger for?"
    V (speaking like he was explaining stuff to a dumb kid): "Look, when something is called 'that which hungers', sensible people understand that it hungers for something so terrible that is better left unspoken. Wise people never ask questions like 'what does it look like' or 'how does it feed'. "
    A:"Well, ok. But we must know what we're up against if we're to fight it, so any information is useful. And we faced a lot of horrors before, so we can handle it. Now, can you tell me what does it eat?"
    V: "Actually, I don't know"
    A: "You don't know? But your whole life you've been unable to leave your village because of an unspoken horror stalking the forest! How can you possibly not know?"
    V: "When I was told I could not go in the forest because there was 'that which hungers', I've been wise. I did not ask for details"

    Adventurers: "So, that drunkard over there is the only one who ever saw 'that which hungers' and lived"
    Barman: "Yes"
    A: "And now he doesn't remember it because he's always drunk"
    B: "Yes"
    A: "But he is unable to work. How does he pay for his alcohol?"
    B: "I give him freely"
    A: "But why? He doesn't remember anything and he can't speak of his encounter"
    B (with terrified voice): "Yes, and I want this state of things to continue!"

    Adventurers: "Hello dude, why are you drinking so much?"
    Drunkard (with slurred voice): "To forget"
    A: "And what exactly are you trying to forget?"
    D: "Huh... I don't know. I forgot. See? it worked! Good job barman, get me another one!"
    A: "No, we want you to remember, because your brain may hide important information. For you see, you are trying to forget the fact that you saw 'that which hungers'"
    D: "Naaaah, that's impossible. If I had actually ever met 'that which hungers', then I would not be here to tell"
    A: "It's true, really. You are the sole survivor"
    D: "Really, people, tell these new guys that they must be wrong. It's impossible, nobody meets 'that which hungers' and live. You meet it, you just die. If you're lucky"
    Silence in the pub. Nobody dares to say anything
    D (voice suddenly turning dead serious): "What? It really happened? Well, no wonder I was trying to forget! Curse you, adventurers. Now I have to start over!" (grabs for the flask)
    A (stopping him): "No. You tell us what you know and we use it to fight that monstrosity. Be strong, and you'll never have to live in fear again."
    D (now completely sober): "... Funny thing. I can't remember what happened. I remember going into the woods, and then I remember being found, half crazy, around the village. Nothing of what happened in between. I guess my brain knew forgetting was for the best"
    A: "Ok, time to bring out the big guns. Let's cast that memory-affecting spell"
    A: "The spell should have unrooted the deepest memories. Now tell us, what was it like?"
    D: ". ... aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! Heh! Heh! hehehehehehehe!"
    A: "Great, he's gone crazy again. Heal!"
    D: "Hey! I can vaguely remember that remembering 'that which hungers' was the most horrible thing I ever experienced. And I remember nothing of the actual encounter"
    A: "But how did the healing delete his memory again? Unless... it means the spell decided remembering 'that which hungers' was the only thing actually wrong with his mind"

    I can't describe that which hungers. If I could, you could not read this message. If I could, and you could read the message, then you'd go insane, so you shouldn't try in the first place. When you look at it - assuming you're strong enough to not die or go insane immediately - you just see a blank space, as your subconscious brain filters out the thing's true form. It feeds on fear and sanity, and it will generally feast on the second to increase the first.

    How I got the idea: Well, I just started envisioning the dialogues above. then I knoew I wanted to do something with this creature someday. The first time I turned it into a joke encounter, but I later revamped it.
    Spoiler: stats

    large incorporeal undead
    Hit dice: 20d12 [130 hp]
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 18 m (fly, perfect)
    Armor class: 24 (+4 dex, -1 size, +11 deviation)
    BAB/grapple: +10/+14
    Attack: incorporeal touch +16 (no damage, see sanity eater)
    Full attack: incorporeal touch +16 (no damage, see sanity eater)
    Space/reach: 3x3 / 3 m
    special attacks: sanity eater
    Special qualities: scare the fearless, too horrible to look at, most fearsome, turn cleric
    Saves: fort +6 ref +10 will +14
    Abilities: STR / DEX 19 CON / INT 8 WIS 15 CHA 33
    Skills: spot +25, listen +25
    Feats: weapon focus (natural weapon)
    Environment: your worst nightmares
    Organization: solitary (unique creature)
    Challenge rating: 18-20
    Alignment: so evil that fiends point at it and say "see, I'm not a bad person, that guy is" (NE)
    Advancement: 20-30 hd (large), 31-60 hd (huge)
    Level adjustment: N/A

    Sanity eater (su): that which hungers' spectral touch drains 1d4 points of WIS from the target. It applies a -1 penalty to saving throws against fear, cumulative upwards to -5 (needs a remove curse to fix). And it casts a greater dispel magic on the target that only affects spells or items specifically protecting from fear effects (it first tries to dispel all active spells that protect from fear, including will save boosts and WIS enhancements; if no spells of the right variety are active, then it tries to dispel items that specifically protect from fear, starting from the one granting the higher bonus. Lacking those, it targets any item boosting will saving throw. Lastly, it targets items enhancing WIS).
    Creatures reduced to 0 wisdom by that which hungers' attacks become empty husks and die. If resurrected, they retain a -2 penalty to WIS that can only be removed with miracle or wish.
    Scare the fearless (ex): that which hungers' fear-based attacks are so terrifying that they affect even creatures that would be otherwise immune to fear. Likewise, the WIS drain caused by those attacks does affect normally creatures that would be immune to stat damage. Those creatures still get a bonus to their saving throws against those attacks, detailed as below.
    immunity caused by a spell or item: +5
    immunity caused by a class feature: +8
    racial immunity or mindless: +10
    In the case of immunity to fear, those bonuses apply to all fear-based attacks. In the case of immunity to WIS draining, they apply only to the loss of wisdom (so a creature immune to stat damage, but not fear, rolling a 25 against most fearsome counts as having rolled a 25 for the purpose of resisting panic, and a 35 for the purpose of resisting the WIS damage; it would become panicked, but it would not take WIS damage). Those bonuses do not stack with each other, but they stack with all other bonuses. So a ghost paladin dragon would still only get a +10, but it would get another +4 from the aura of another adjacent paladin.
    too horrible to look at (su): that which hungers is so horrible that creatures looking at it can't actually see it. They see a blank space where that which hungers is. This means that that which hungers counts as invisible for most practical purposes (the +2 to hit is already included in the stats); the main difference is that there is no problem pinpointing its location. Notice that any sight-improving spell, such as true sight, does not help with this condition. It's not that seeing that which hungers is difficult, it's that mortal brains are not equipped to deal with it.
    A creature can attempt a will saving throw (DC 36, CHA based) to push through it and actually glimpse the true form of that which hungers. If the saving throw is successful, the creature immediately takes 2d6 damage to its WIS score, and immediately forgets whatever it saw. To be able to actually see that which hungers, one needs all three scores of INT, WIS and CHA to be 30 or greater, at least one of those to be 40 or greater, and passing a will save with a DC of 50 [those conditions were specifically tailored for a main villain of the campaign]. Even if one can fulfill all the prerequisites, he would be unable to describe the creature anyway, as words can't do it justice.
    most fearsome (su): Creatures within a 9-meters radius of that which hungers must make a will saving throw (DC 31, CHA based) every round or become panicked, cower on the spot and take 1d4 damage to their wisdom score. The panic lasts for 10 minutes. Panicked creatures must still make the saving throw every round to resist the WIS damage; if they succeed, they do not shake away the fear, but for that round they can choose to run away instead of cower. Creatures attempting to interact with that which hungers from afar (for example by casting spells, making ranged attack or scrying on it) also become subjected to the aura.
    turn cleric (ex): if a cleric makes an attempt to turn or rebuke undead on that which hungers, he must make an opposed charisma check. If the cleric wins, the turn/rebuke attempt proceeds normally, and the cleric gains a +4 to the turn check. If that which hungers wins, it is the cleric that becomes turned or rebuked for one round, as if he was an undead affected by a turn or rebuke undead.
    Lifesense (Su): that which hungers notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2018-02-28 at 06:00 PM.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

    my take on the highly skilled professional: the specialized expert

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    From Family Guy, the Reversed Merman. Torso and head of a fish, hips and legs of a human.

    Beatles: insects which have a unique mating call involving simple musical scores with repetitive beats and simple lyrics.

    Psychedelic Beatles: these beatles have long manes and sport colored abstract patterns on their shells and wings. Their mating calls are somewhat more complex than the standard beatles but they still tend to frequent repetition and the lyrics are often incomprehensible.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2018-02-28 at 06:44 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by brian 333 View Post
    From Family Guy, the Reversed Merman. Torso and head of a fish, hips and legs of a human.
    1.) They also mentioned those in Futurama
    2,) Also, that's basically H.P.Lovecraft's Deep Ones
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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    pandemonium chihuahua
    the final and most terrible of the denizens of the infernal planes, the hellhound is hated and feared even by the other demons. Not necessarily because it's especially dangerous, but because it is such a terrible nuisance. most damned souls would rather be eaten by critters than having to listen to their barks. In fact, their barking is so trying that it drives mad not only people, but supernatural beings and even inanimate objects, turning them into balls of fury lashing out at everything.
    And they are very hard to kill too; they have an uncanny instinct to duck and hide whenever retribution is coming their way, even getting out of the way of the most powerful magic. Better be eaten by a pack of fluffy bunnies, than to face but one of those creatures

    How I got the idea: the mention of pandemonium chihuahua comes from this strip. The concept is that dog that comes just out of kicking range and starts barking at you, and if you move will scamper away, always staying out of range and always barking at you. real annoying. I also put a bit of my students there (I am a teacher): I got the "scream louder contest" from a class that is very noisy, making me speak louder to remain audible. So my students also speak louder, to still be audible above the noise of their professor, and I also speak louder, without realizing it because it happens gradually. I got a permanently sore throath before I learned to control it.
    Spoiler: stats

    Pandemonium chihuahua (hellhound)
    tiny dire animal
    Hit dice: 1d8+5 (9 hp)
    Initiative: +10
    Speed: 12 m
    Armor class: 22 (+2 size, +10 dex)
    BAB/grapple: 0/-10
    Attack: bite +12 (1d2-3)
    Full attack: bite +12 (1d2-3)
    Space/reach: 0/0
    special attacks: barking
    Special qualities: spell resistance 23, step away, improved evasion, slight build
    Saves: fort +7 ref +12 will +4
    Abilities: STR 5 DEX 30 CON 20 INT 7 WIS 15 CHA 22
    Skills: hide +26, move silently +18
    Feats: weapon finesse
    Environment: infernal plains
    Organization: pack
    Challenge rating: frankly, I don't have the faintest idea. Step away ignores level scaling, making this equally hard to kill for a 5th or 20th level party. And while the chihuahua itself has little offensive capacity, its debuffing skills makes it powerful when supporting another monster.
    Treasure: The body can be mined for magic components and is worth 1000 gp
    Alignment: so chaotic evil that even demons hate them
    Advancement: no real idea, the only thing that matters about them is saving throw DC and DEX modifier.
    Level adjustment: N/A

    barking (ex)
    : pandemonium chihuahuas bark in an extremely unnerving way. They can bark while performing full movement actions, but not while attacking. Upon first hearing a chihuahua, creatures must make a will save (DC 15, CHA based) or take 1d4+1 damage to INT, WIS and CHA. This saving throw has to be repeated every minute. In addition to this the barking also has an additional effect, which the chihuahua can choose from the list below; the range is 18 meters unless otherwise specified. Those effects are mind-affecting, but not mind-controlling (protection from evil does not suppress them)
    - reinforcing bark: a pandemonium chihuahua can bark to simply support its pack mates. A dog using this bark increases by +2 the DC to resist the barking of another dog (or gives a +2 to the opposed check of another dog) for every creature within range. This effect can be cumulative up to three times, for a total increase of +6.
    - nerve-wreaking bark: the pandemonium chihuahua barking is so annoying that it drives people crazy. Literally, as every round those subject must pass a will saving throw or act as if under the effect of a confusion spell. This can affect every creature within range, in which case the DC to resist is 16, or it can affect a single creature, in which case the DC is 21 (CHA-based in both cases). Multiple dogs barking do no force multiple saving throws on the same target.
    - "scream louder" contest: the pandemonium chihuahua can bark to cover any sound-based effect. Anyone trying to use one (casting a spell with a vocal component, using bardic music, giving verbal directions) must make an opposed CON check with the chihuahua; if the chihuahua wins, it screamed louder, and the sound-based effect is nullified
    - taunt: the chihuahua taunts a single creature into strong homicidal feelings towards it. A creature failing the will saving throw (DC 21, CHA-based) must attempt to kill the dog by either charging, full-attacking or casting its higher-level offensive spell against the dog. A taunted creature will not take suicidal actions to chase the dog, but will take risks and injury; for example, she may try to jump across a lava pit to reach the offending dog only if it could do so with a roll of 6 or more on her jump check. She would not intentionally step over an obvious lethal trap, but she may intentionally step over caltrops.
    This effect lasts 3 rounds.
    - twist magic (su): the chihuahua is so annoying that even magic hates it. This effect targets a single spell with ongoing duration or magic item. A spell converts all its energy into an attempt at killing the chihuahua, becoming dispelled but turning into a save or die spell of one level lower than its level targeting the dog (instant death, fort negates, DC 10 + 2*spell level of the activated effect). Step away applied, with the spell level being used for the opposed dex check, see below. A spell with a permanent duration is merely suppressed for ten minutes.
    If the target is a magic item, it must make a will saving throw (DC 21, CHA-based) or it temporarily loses all its normal properties and change according to the item type. An item giving a flat boost now gives a bonus to hit and damage that only applies against pandemonium chihuahuas equal to half its caster level and cumulative with everything. An item with an activated effect now can only conjure the effect of killing a chihuahua (fort negates, DC 10 + 2*spell level of the activated effect); if using the item drained charges, using this effect still drains charges. The item will resume its normal function after ten minutes.
    step away (ex): when attacked, the accursed beast will just sidestep the attack and keep barking. When a creature attacks a chihuahua, they both make opposed dexterity checks; if the chihuahua wins, it moves just enough to be out of range as an immediate action (except that it can be done unlimited times per round) and the attack fails. If the attack is ranged, the chihuahua sidesteps the arrow; the enhancement bonus of the arrow is added to the archer's opposed check. When the chihuahua is the target of a spell, the chihuahua and the spellcaster make opposed dexterity checks (the caster can use the spell level instead); if the chihuahua wins, it takes cover, thus breaking line of effect and generally ruining the spell; given its size, it can take cover in almost any environment. If the spell has an area of effect, the chihuahua will move out of the area of effect. In all cases the chihuahua takes a -1 penalty to its opposed check for every 1.5 meters it has to move beyond the first step
    Last edited by King of Nowhere; 2018-04-08 at 05:32 PM.
    In memory of Evisceratus: he dreamed of a better world, but he lacked the class levels to make the dream come true.

    Ridiculous monsters you won't take seriously even as they disembowel you

    my take on the highly skilled professional: the specialized expert

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters


    These creatures tend to appear just as a lame skit is ending, typically quashing debates, arguments, or altercations immediately. They appear as a large human foot from the ankle down, with nothing above. They are Huge sized, and move about by hopping to great heights, from which they fall to land squarely upon any one or group engaged in failed attempts to be humorous.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowere View Post
    I use 3.5, mostly. My formatting is incomplete because I don't bother with some invisible, time-consuming details; for example, I may want a monster to have some feats, but if the monster should have more than that based on its hit dice, I don't bother picking them, assuming they will not be relevant. Same with skill points. I also don't write a distinction between attack and full attack because it's fairly obvious. Thanks for the tips, though. When I have more time, I may reformat my post. Hoping somebody will post some new monsters. I can't be the only one who likes to throw surreal creatures at his players.

    Oh, and I use meters because everywhere in the world uses meters except the US. It's so much better than imperial units, I can't fathom why you didn't swap. Everything is a multiple of 10. I can easily tell how many millimeters are in 563.14 kilometers: 563140000. How many inches are in 563.14 miles? And what's the point of using nautical miles over sea, land miles over land, feet for altitude and fathoms for depth? they are all lengths, it's much simpler to use the same unit for all of them. So, I may be the only person using metric in this forum, I may even be the only non-american in this forum, I may be the last person in the world with a knowledge of the metric system, I'd still use metric. This is not a thing I'm going to change. Sorry if I'm going rant-y about this. I failed my saving throw against things that annoy me.
    I love the crazy creatures, it's a good reminder to have some balance when it comes to relative seriousnessness.

    I just thought I'd mention that a nautical mile isn't part of the Imperial System but rather defined as equalling exactly 1,852 metres. The reason this number is important is that before it was subjected to slight rounding in the metric system it was exactly 1/60th of a degree of latitude. In other words, if you drew a circle around the earth passing through the north and south pole and split that circle into 360 degrees and divided those points of degree by 60 you would have exactly 1 nautical mile. This is important in navigation. That means that that circle is exactly 360*60 nautical miles in circumference (21600nm circumference of our globe).

    There is also a geographical mile that is worked out by the circumference around the equator that is slightly longer due to the way the earth bulges from its spin.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Though this is for ridiculous or funny monsters...

    ... But I think something this terrible has to be shared. I'm not used to making monsters, but here is what I can think of off the top of my head. It is designed to be able to hide in plain sight and cause intense paranoia. I tend to run my games with a bit of horror to them -- really good spice to ensure some tension and actual logical thinking.

    That Who Walks in Walls

    The wall shifts as though it were a sheet of thin latex, the stonework stretching over a hideously thin, vaguely humanoid shape leaning out from behind the wall's surface. Its arms are malformed, long with five elbows and six-fingered hands with thumbs on either side -- each of the fingers are tipped with long, thin claws. Its faceless head bobs up and down, and then snaps toward the sound of running footsteps.

    That Who Walks in Walls (Aberration)
    Hit Dice: 20 + 1d8
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 30 Ft through a vertical plane or surface -- may move through floors and ceilings, but cannot emerge from them. Emerging from a wall is a quick action, and retreating into a wall is a full action. If That Who Walks in Walls cannot move from the point it emerged from until it retreats back into the wall. It takes a perception check of 15 to detect the noise it makes while moving -- something akin to shifting gravel.
    Armor Class: 18 + hit points of wall
    Attack (Claws): 2d6 + 3
    Reach: 5 Ft
    Saves: CON- +4 REF- +6 WILL- +2
    Senses: Tremorsense
    Special Attacks:
    * Sudden Grapple~ That Who Walks in Walls may attempt to make a grapple attack against a target. Its gains a +5 bonus to its attack if it is attacking an unsuspecting victim.

    * Drag into Plane~ Upon making a successful grapple attack, That Who Walks in Walls may attempt drag its victim into the wall with it (18 strength check saves and frees target from grapple). When the target is dragged into the wall, they take 1d8 points for the initial shock, and will take 1d6 asphyxiation damage for every round in the wall. While in the wall, the victim is considered helpless, and is unable to move, see, or hear. Targets with the tunnel ability may attempt to break free from the wall, attacking the wall from the inside in an attempt to free themselves. Creatures outside of the wall may attempt to break the wall to free the victim. If the victim dies within the wall, their body is consumed completely That Who Walks in Walls, leaving a crystalline statue in their shape within the wall they were killed in. DC 18 (Profession, Mining) in order to extract a crystal statue from the wall.

    Weaknesses: That Who Walks in Walls takes +3 points extra damage from sonic-attacks, and damaging the wall it emerges from deals 1d6 damage to it and causes it to automatically recede into the wall. If the wall space it is hiding in and has not emerged from is damaged, it takes d4 damage, or if the wall is effectively destroyed, it takes 1d12 damage and is exposed for a brief moment before slipping into an adjacent wall. If it were to be torn out from a wall (EX: it were hiding in a pillar, and it were the target of fireball, completely destroying the pillar), it dies instantly.

    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Enviroment: Caves, dungeons, abandoned castles or manors -- places with lots of walls to hide in.
    Languages: It knows Common, Goblin, Elvish, Terran, and Druidic, can vocalize in either a masculine or feminine voice, but can only comprehend and vocalize two phrases in the languages it knows, and uses them to attract humanoid creatures: "Is someone there?" and "OH GODS HELP ME PLEASE!"
    Organization: Solitary
    Treasure: Upon its death, its body crumbles and ash spews from the wall it emerged from, smelling of rotting meat and vinegar. Within the pile of ash is 1d6 small crystals worth 20 gold each -- if these are used in tandem with a resurrection spell, one may be used to bring back a creature that was killed by That Who Walks in Walls' Drag into Plane ability.
    "My new favorite spell is Ice Knife, because it is a throwing knife made from ice, and a grenade."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The gallery of ridiculous monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by King of Nowhere View Post
    D: "Hey! I can vaguely remember that remembering 'that which hungers' was the most horrible thing I ever experienced. And I remember nothing of the actual encounter"
    PC: “Can you remember anything before the encounter?”
    Drunkard: ”I ... I think so. It looked perfectly ordinary until it was ready to strike.”
    PC: ”But what did it look like then?”
    Drunkard: ”It looked like ... like ...”
    Voice From Behind Them: ”... like an ordinary barman. Roll for initiative.”

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