Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Nov 2016

    Default Squirrel-like races

    Made these a while back... Please PEACH.

    Halfling, Treeborn
    The result of a wizard experimenting with magic he didn’t understand, these Halflings have had their bodies infused with the essence of squirrels. They have tufts of fur growing from the tip of their ears and big bushy tails.
    Treeborn halfling stats are identical to the halflings described in the Player’s Handbook, except as noted below.
    • Treeborn halfling climb speed is 20 feet. A Treeborn halfling has a +8 racial bonus on any Climb check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. He can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if distracted or endangered. He can use the run action while Climbing, provided he climbs in a straight line.
    • Treeborn halflings apply their +1 racial bonus on attack rolls to shortbows and hand crossbows instead of thrown weapons and slings like other halflings.
    • Treeborn halflings consider Hand crossbows as martial weapons instead of exotic weapons.

    Ikornafolk look like small Elves with tufts of fur growing from the tip of their ears and long bushy tails.
    • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
    • Small: As a Small creature, a Ikorfolk gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
    • Fey
    • 5 DR/Cold Iron
    • Cold iron vulnerability: Ikornafolk are extremely vulnerable to cold iron, not only does it get pass its Dr but they also take one extra damage from these weapons(/items). They also take a penalty of -5 to all fort saves when around Cold iron items.
    • Ikornafolk base land speed is 20 feet. Their climb speed is 30 feet.
    • Low-light Vision: An Ikornafolk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
    • +1 racial bonus on Climb, Listen, and Spot checks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, Feline, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, Orc.

    Edit: Added Cold Iron Vulnerability to Ikornafolk.
    Last edited by Ranged Ranger; 2017-10-05 at 01:24 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Oct 2016
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    Default Re: Squirrel-like races

    Quote Originally Posted by Ranged Ranger View Post
    Do the Ikornafolk need an LA, and if so how much?
    If you give them this none if not then +1

    Cold iron vulnerability
    Ikornafolk are extremely vulnerable to cold iron, not only does it get pass its Dr but they also take one extra damage from these weapons(/items). They also take a penalty of -5 to all fort saves when around Cold iron items.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flappeercraft

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