Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    The kingdom of Undersky. Flourishing with trade, treasure, and triumph over the north-neighboring, now divided, kingdom of Overland, which it was fighting in war until only a couple years ago.

    It seemed like a triumphant victory, anyway. With war, there's death on both sides, and with too much death there's corruption. The local governments hold a few too many hidden secrets about their leaders' true selves. Sometimes things slip through the cracks. But are they slipping through one way, or the other? Only investigation could tell.

    This, however, does not matter to many of you. You are mercenaries! If there's a high-paying job from a noble, you'd probably take it for ease of living.

    A dark cloud billows over the small ale-making village of Featherton. Children laying in a field point at the clouds. "That white one looks like a lion!" "This big dark one looks like a goat!". A large, muscled, balding old man atop the seat of a wagon leading a caravan calls out to your group of ten:

    "Ho there! We are headed to the city of Marketville, 4 days north by wagon, two weeks by foot. We are of course taking our wagons to bring the finest Featherton ale to sell. You will be paid one of ten silver spent to drink such ale, and a further 2 gold each for completing the job, which is to guard me and my caravan of three wagons on the road there."

    OOC Thread
    Last edited by Gluteus_Maximus; 2018-01-13 at 06:36 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    The vices of self destruction are easy to sell to men. Raven intoned as she got to her feet.

    It seems like a good deal, and we're just lounging around. Shall we accept this escort of the next few nights. She adds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    One day, we must all have our characters butchered by romhacks face our ends.
    Avatar by Honest Tiefling

    Won as Good Mayans on a science victory GMR 4. Won as Sweden on a science victory GMR 7. Won as Desert England on a concession victory GMR 8 Lost as Poland in GMR 3. Lost as Japan in GMR 5, Surrendered as Korea in GMR 10. Surrendered as Bad Maya in GMR 11, Lost as Shoshone in GMR 13.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Brom looks down from the clouds, having been enjoying the child's game himself. He scratches his beard, then speaks to his companions. "Not a bad day for a walk I suppose." He shrugs.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Leonids looks up from his mug of rotgut. "Ale and Gold. My two favorite things. Anyone have any objections against us accepting this contract? Paymaster have we already been hired out to anyone for this week or are we free?"
    After saying all this, he went back to nursing his mug.
    Last edited by Xenopax; 2018-01-11 at 02:54 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "Pelor's bright knickers!" Lucian rolls his eyes at the woman's remark, closing his book.
    "Leave it to Raven to describe you a pie like a choking hazard... or is that your way to coax me into buying you a pint?"

    He gives her a wink, wrapping the tome in its protective leather and stashing it back into his backpack.
    "Well, good sir, I for one wouldn't mind assisting your noble endeavor: without you and your fine merchandise, I'm guessing fair Undersky would make much slower progress toward repopulating...
    I'm in as well, so long as the others agree. What does our treasurer think?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    No, no we're between jobs at the moment, Fin's voice sits somewhere between bemused and respectful as he responds Leonidas's query, Though I would have two things I should like cleared up with our potential employer. The first is to clarify payment: we are ten and the company as a whole gets a share as well, to account for business expenses. You know, the possibility of tolls or bribes for corrupt guards, funeral concerns, tithes to the church, equipment repair, that sort of thing. Ah, and the gold shall need to be up front. The second is a name, I should very much appreciate knowing the name of our employer before we accept the job, if only for my records. This, of course is our bold captain, Leonidas Dimitri, and I am the humble paymaster Fin. A light of mischief sparks in Fin's eyes before he adds, The rest of our assorted rabble you can meet at your convenience.

    Persuasion on counting the company as a share and getting the gold up front: (1d20+5)[9]
    And an Insight check, to look for any signs that this man might be other than what he claims: (1d20+3)[22]
    What? Fin is a bit paranoid, yes. It's his job. His self-appointed job, maybe, but still.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertier View Post
    A good background is like a skirt. Short enough to keep my interest, but long enough to cover the important bits.
    Quote Originally Posted by FistsFullofDice View Post
    Derailed in the best way, thank you good sir.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "Where is the goat?!" blended into the grasses, a currently unarmored and very large golden lizard suddenly appears behind the group of children, having been sneaking through the field collecting herbs and edible insects, her skin changing back to its normal tones from its camouflage. Szass's head twitches left and right, eyes moving independently, as she seeks this goat. "Goat meat, easy to slice, good bones for stock. Where is goat?" Her long, rainbow-colored tongue flicks out to nab a couple of nearby grasshoppers. "Hoppers good. But not goat. You saw the goat. Where is the goat?"

    Hearing the group suddenly decide to take on the job, the need for fresh meat becomes even more serious, and Szass is torn between hurrying back to the group to prepare and continuing to secure this prime food source for travel. Her swiveling red eyes lock on one of the children. Head not moving, the eyes move to each in turn. Fumbling in a pack with one hand, she produces a fresh honeycomb. "The no-scale hatchling that shows me the goat and ensures me that I can eat it without being accused of stealing *again* gets the bug sweet!" Her eyes then flick to Brom, hoping to not let him down in getting some non-questionable stew meat.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    The man holds up his hands. "That is impossible. The pay for each drink of ale cannot be measured out before hand, as we do not know how much of it will sell. Though we are plenty confident that all of it will run dry by the time we send another delivery, we do not possess all the coin right now. Also, the pay for the delivery reaching there would normally go to me from the inn keeper up there; I am merely sharing it with your group when I acquire it."

    The children, confused, point at the cloud above. It is vaguely shaped like a goat.

    His eyes pan over to the lizardfolk and its antics, a very uncommon sight in quiet parts such as this. "Is... that with you?" He says, pausing before figuring out his choice of words. "If you are going to be guarding us, then please tell it to not harm the oxen."
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "Don't worry. SHE won't." He mutters under his breath: "unless we run out of meat"
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    The head stays still but the red eyes flick up, then one flicks back down at the children. The other slowly lowers as well. She is silent for a moment, then begins cackling, though it sounds more like someone making the noise of cackling than actually laughing with true mirth. This goes on for longer than it probably should before abruptly stopping.

    "Oh. A goat shape is not a goat. No bug-sweet for you. However. Sun's blessing, hatchlings. Be warm and grow big in the light." She touches the golden holy symbol of a many-pointed sun at her throat, and it flashes slightly as she waves it over them.

    With that she turns and heads towards the company. "False alarm, no free goat," she adds as she passes Brom. "Did find plenty of eggs to spice. Wild-caught. Not from," she sighs, "The unwatched coop of some other no-scales. Again."

    Her eyes flick to the purported employer and, while not really physiologically adapted to narrowing, do the equivalent. But she quickly moves on and starts donning a well-managed set of chainmail since it seems like it's time to go.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Ollindral is sitting and leaning back precariously in a wooden chair. "I think you should let Leonidas test the product. How could we live with ourselves if we helped deliver bad ale, and who would know it better?" Ollin(for short) calls out, just barely catching himself from tipping over in the chair. Ollin takes the opportunity to stand and walk towards his compatriots, turning his head towards Szass for a moment and smiling.
    Last edited by SirSlicksAlot; 2018-01-12 at 10:57 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "That sounds delicious, Mama." Lucian comments, eyeing the cleric fondly. One weird one, to be sure, but then again, that goes for most of them, doesn't it?
    Her heart is in the right place, and that's what matters.


    The right spot for a lizardfolk, surely? Ok, bad metaphor, but still.

    He takes notice of both the man's phrasing and Leonidas' reaction. He agrees with his companion, though the other's reaction is wrong but... somewhat understandable.
    "Szass here is a full member of the company, sir " he says, stepping in "and all our bellies are thankful for that, let me tell you. You and your charming quadruped will both grow to love her before we're halfway there, as sure as the sun.

    You can call me Lucian, and I didn't quite catch your name...?
    Last edited by Shveiran; 2018-01-11 at 04:10 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Ah, my apologies for the misunderstanding. I did not mean the portion of the ale sales, of course not. Naturally that requires knowledge none yet have, save perhaps a bored prophet. I meant, instead, the flat rate you mentioned. I do beg your pardon, but it is our company policy, regardless of employer, that we do need at least a little up front. Perhaps half of the flat 2 gold each would be equitable? I believe that would yield 11 gold now, another 11 on successful delivery, and a silver for each of the ten you make on your sale?

    Second Persuasion: (1d20+5)[24]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertier View Post
    A good background is like a skirt. Short enough to keep my interest, but long enough to cover the important bits.
    Quote Originally Posted by FistsFullofDice View Post
    Derailed in the best way, thank you good sir.
    Spoiler: Homebrew Links

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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Morn looks looks up, glad to have an excuse to put down a rather dull and dificult treatise on magic.
    "I think we can do that."

    He rubs his eyes and shakes his head to dispel his drowsiness, then asks the prospective customer:
    "Are you concerned for your safety or that of your beer sir?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Portent for the day: (1d20)[9], (1d20)[8]
    Insight: (1d20+4)[21] Is the waggoner holding back on his reasons for hiring the company?
    A first level spell spent on Mage Armor.

    Edit: missing "we" in dialogue.
    Last edited by aguaracu; 2018-01-13 at 08:01 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Shveiran View Post
    You can call me Lucian, and I didn't quite catch your name...?[/COLOR][/B]"
    "I am Alan "Flamehair" Garrick. I got my nickname from..." He waves his hand over his head. "You know."

    Quote Originally Posted by aguaracu View Post
    Morn looks looks up, glad to have an excuse to put down a rather dull and dificult treatise on magic.
    "I think can do that."

    He rubs his eyes and shakes his head to dispel his drowsiness, then asks the prospective customer:
    "Are you concerned for your safety or that of your beer sir?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Portent for the day: [roll0], [roll1]
    Insight: [roll2] Is the waggoner holding back on his reasons for hiring the company?
    A first level spell spent on Mage Armor.
    "One week ago a similar group of mercenaries told us there were bandits up ahead. This was when the ale was being made. We're just being safe for if the bandits haven't dispersed."
    Last edited by Gluteus_Maximus; 2018-01-11 at 06:28 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Has anyone tried, oh I don't know. Robin commented hand on her hip. Giving the bandits charity instead of murdering them by the dozen, gods.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    One day, we must all have our characters butchered by romhacks face our ends.
    Avatar by Honest Tiefling

    Won as Good Mayans on a science victory GMR 4. Won as Sweden on a science victory GMR 7. Won as Desert England on a concession victory GMR 8 Lost as Poland in GMR 3. Lost as Japan in GMR 5, Surrendered as Korea in GMR 10. Surrendered as Bad Maya in GMR 11, Lost as Shoshone in GMR 13.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Illven View Post
    Has anyone tried, oh I don't know. Robin commented hand on her hip. Giving the bandits charity instead of murdering them by the dozen, gods.
    With a wry smile, Fin quips, Oh, I hope not, we'd be out of a job.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertier View Post
    A good background is like a skirt. Short enough to keep my interest, but long enough to cover the important bits.
    Quote Originally Posted by FistsFullofDice View Post
    Derailed in the best way, thank you good sir.
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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Ollin's eyes gleamed at the mention of bandits on the road ahead. "What choice do we have then? he said as he spins around to where he was sitting and picks up his pack and weapons. "It's been too long since we've gotten out anyway" as Ollin said this a faint shimmer of gold surrounds his body. As he adjusts the pack on his back he turns to Robin. "Yeah, what Fin said. Murdering by the dozens is what we do best." he said with a joking smile, and placing a friendly pat on Fin's shoulder.

    Spoiler: OOC
    1st Level spell used(1 of 2):Mage Armor

    Edit: Lining up convo with latest post.
    Last edited by SirSlicksAlot; 2018-01-12 at 10:57 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Jallorn View Post
    Ah, my apologies for the misunderstanding. I did not mean the portion of the ale sales, of course not. Naturally that requires knowledge none yet have, save perhaps a bored prophet. I meant, instead, the flat rate you mentioned. I do beg your pardon, but it is our company policy, regardless of employer, that we do need at least a little up front. Perhaps half of the flat 2 gold each would be equitable? I believe that would yield 11 gold now, another 11 on successful delivery, and a silver for each of the ten you make on your sale?

    Second Persuasion: [roll0]
    "I have said, I do not possess even half of what you are being paid, not even ten gold." He emphasizes the word ten, showing that he has a very sharp ear. He isn't getting sweet-talked by this.
    "There is nothing gained or lost in those four days, except lives possibly if bandits strike, or my livelihood. You, on the other hand? Lose nothing by not being paid up-front. You can run away if they attack, and you lose absolutely nothing except your pride. Pride's all you got when you aren't being paid up front. Which you are not."
    Last edited by Gluteus_Maximus; 2018-01-11 at 08:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    If we accept this contract, we should get it in writing. Raven pipes up immediately.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    One day, we must all have our characters butchered by romhacks face our ends.
    Avatar by Honest Tiefling

    Won as Good Mayans on a science victory GMR 4. Won as Sweden on a science victory GMR 7. Won as Desert England on a concession victory GMR 8 Lost as Poland in GMR 3. Lost as Japan in GMR 5, Surrendered as Korea in GMR 10. Surrendered as Bad Maya in GMR 11, Lost as Shoshone in GMR 13.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "Fin write up something me and our good employer here can sign. I trust that you'll give most favorable terms for both of us. "
    He then turns to the man
    "Will we be allowed to ride with your carts or will we have to provide our own way of movement? What about accommodation? Do you have spare tents?"
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Right away Captain, Fin nods respectfully, then, before turning away, adds to Mr. Garrick, I hope I have not offended. Though, of course, my captain can overrule me, it is my business to watch the bottom line, as any good businessman must. And with a respectful flourish, Fin takes his leave to write up a pair of contracts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertier View Post
    A good background is like a skirt. Short enough to keep my interest, but long enough to cover the important bits.
    Quote Originally Posted by FistsFullofDice View Post
    Derailed in the best way, thank you good sir.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    "Of course, you may ride in the back of the wagon. Your sleeping accommodations are your own, however." He turns to Lucian, suddenly. "By the way... About those mercenaries I mentioned... is that a depiction of Sune on your shield?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Requilac View Post
    Wow, i can’t believe it, WotC actually made the rules compatible for a situation in which an ape demon is leaping into the air to knock a vampire out of a Poylmorphed T-rex’s jaws who is flying 120 feet above the ground.
    Amazing Avatar by Smutmulch

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Illven View Post
    If we accept this contract, we should get it in writing. Raven pipes up immediately.
    "We do not need to get it in writing." Gulrik growls."For we will keep our honour." He glares."Will we not?"

    Spoiler: OOC

    Enter Gulrik Shadowhammer, the gruff and grimly honourable conscience of the party...
    Last edited by CircleOfTheRock; 2018-01-12 at 01:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by bc56 View Post
    REAL mages speak Modron!
    Quote Originally Posted by KOLE View Post
    If I ever tried to cast animate dead or conjure animals at my table, my DM would reveal an AK47 and kill everyone in the room and then himself.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleOfTheRock View Post
    [COLOR=#133f6b"]"We do not need to get it in writing."[/COLOR] Gulrik growls.[COLOR=#133f6b"]"For we will keep our honour."[/COLOR] He glares.[COLOR=#133f6b"]"Will we not?"[/COLOR]
    Leonidas shrugs “Never hurts to be cautious. This is proof that we are contracted and that we are owed a sum of 20 gold and 1 silver per 10. ”
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleOfTheRock View Post
    "We do not need to get it in writing." Gulrik growls."For we will keep our honour." He glares."Will we not?"
    Right, because everything is sunshine and rainbows, and there's no way this complete stranger would ever betray us? Raven remarks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    One day, we must all have our characters butchered by romhacks face our ends.
    Avatar by Honest Tiefling

    Won as Good Mayans on a science victory GMR 4. Won as Sweden on a science victory GMR 7. Won as Desert England on a concession victory GMR 8 Lost as Poland in GMR 3. Lost as Japan in GMR 5, Surrendered as Korea in GMR 10. Surrendered as Bad Maya in GMR 11, Lost as Shoshone in GMR 13.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenopax View Post
    Leonidas shrugs “Never hurts to be cautious. This is proof that we are contracted and that we are owed a sum of 20 gold and 1 silver per 10. ”
    Quote Originally Posted by Illven View Post
    Right, because everything is sunshine and rainbows, and there's no way this complete stranger would ever betray us? Raven remarks.
    "It does not hurt, you are correct. I meant merely that there is no reason for us to get it on paper... If he needs to hire us, then how can he betray us - within reason? Gulrik smiles. "And if he does, woe to him; he shall meet with my fist, and, I am sure, and your spear and dark blasts straight from the depths of hell." He pauses. "Although I will admit," he says with a chuckle "I may be being unreasonable."
    Last edited by CircleOfTheRock; 2018-01-12 at 02:03 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by bc56 View Post
    REAL mages speak Modron!
    Quote Originally Posted by KOLE View Post
    If I ever tried to cast animate dead or conjure animals at my table, my DM would reveal an AK47 and kill everyone in the room and then himself.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by CircleOfTheRock View Post
    "It does not hurt, you are correct. I meant merely that there is no reason for us to get it on paper... If he needs to hire us, then how can he betray us - within reason? Gulrik smiles. "And if he does, woe to him; he shall meet with my fist, and, I am sure, and your spear and dark blasts straight from the depths of hell." He pauses. "Although I will admit," he says with a chuckle "I may be being unreasonable."
    Leonidas walks next to Gulrik and says quietly.
    "What if he inside a town? Then we could be taken down as Murderers and Thieves. A contract makes sure this does not happen. Now Hush. You're scaring our client. I hope to make this one into a repeat customer if his ale is good enough.
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Quote Originally Posted by Xenopax View Post
    Leonidas walks next to Gulrik and says quietly.
    "What if he inside a town? Then we could be taken down as Murderers and Thieves. A contract makes sure this does not happen. Now Hush. You're scaring our client. I hope to make this one into a repeat customer if his ale is good enough.
    He chuckles, but much more quietly, for a moment. "Very well. But it has not happened before, no matter how little sunshine we get."
    Quote Originally Posted by bc56 View Post
    REAL mages speak Modron!
    Quote Originally Posted by KOLE View Post
    If I ever tried to cast animate dead or conjure animals at my table, my DM would reveal an AK47 and kill everyone in the room and then himself.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: [5E] The Lions Of Undersky

    Lucian grimaces at Ollin's comment, clearly finding it distasteful. Still, he turns to Raven in a conciliatory way.
    "If they come in swinging, we can't really do anything but stop them. Our prospective employers did nothing to deserve the assault and should be protected." he says, but then adds "But I hear you. If a fight can be avoided, we should do so, and if some can be brought down alive, we should capture them. Perhaps we can find a way to turn them away from a life of crime and violence... I certainly lack the funds to allow them a fresh start, but we can try."

    Surprised at Alan's question, he strolls closer and flashes him a charming smile.
    "Why, indeed it is! Are you a follower of Lady Firehair as well, Alan? I was wondering if that was how you got your nickname."

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