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Thread: Porcelain Souls

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Porcelain Souls

    Porcelain Souls

    Those lifeless eyes were all he saw in his nightmares. He never expected his last moment of life to be consumed by those soulless things...

    Often the cause of urban legends and campfire stories, porcelain souls are a fairly new race that has recently sprung up. No one knows where or when they first appeared, only that it must have been within the last few hundred years. A porcelain soul is a strange creature, a simple porcelain doll that over time developed a soul and mind, eventually animating the doll itself.

    Many porcelain souls are around one and a half feet in height and weigh around 6 to 8 pounds on average. They tend to be dressed in clothes reminiscent of the dolls they used to be. There are few similarities between porcelain souls, as each doll is a work of art on it's own, but there are a few factors that tend to link them together: rigid, emotionless faces, glassy eyes, stiff movement from joints that were never meant to move in the first place, humanoid stature, and a childlike sense of wonder.

    Most porcelain souls are neutral, but many others take on the alignments of their former owners.

    Porcelain Souls
    Race characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -4 Str, -4 Con (-6 App)
    • Tiny Living Construct
    • Speed: 20 foot
    • Special Qualities: Fragile, Still Frame, Creepiness, Placid Expression,
    • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any.
    • Favored Class: Rogue
    • Level adjustment: +1

    Fragile: Porcelain Souls take double damage from bludgeoning weapons.

    Still Frame: As long as a porcelain soul remains still, they are indistinguishable from a normal porcelain doll. Porcelain Souls gain a +15 bonus to disguise themselves as an inanimate porcelain doll.

    Creepiness: While the porcelain soul is within eyesight, all enemies take a -1 to all will saves vs fear per HD.

    Placid Expression: Due to their unmoving and unemotional face, all sense motive checks against porcelain souls take a -10 penalty.


    Spoiler: Cracked

    Cracked, forgotten, abandoned, and hateful, the cracked porcelain souls are filled with a lust for revenge on those who wronged them, those who tossed them away like trash, those who have a warmth within their breast that badly needs to be stopped...

    Cracked porcelain souls are most commonly chaotic evil, but after taking their vengeance out many can be swayed towards other paths.


    Cracked characters possess the same racial traits as normal porcelain souls except where noted here.
    • +4 Dex, +4 Cha, -6 Str, -6 Con (-8 App)
    • Special Qualities: Shards, Dark Eyes
    • LA: +2

    Shards: By dealing a single point of damage to itself as a free action, the cracked can create a number of small shards equal to their HD. These Shards deal 1d4 slashing or piercing damage, count as light weapons, and can be thrown up to 40 feet away. Thrown shards only deal piercing damage. The shards bypass all damage reduction with values less than two and damage reduction/magic

    Dark Eyes: All fear effects originating from the cracked have their DCs increased by 2.

    Natural Weapons: Cracked have a single bite attack that deals 1d3 damage and two claw attacks that deal 1d3 damage.

    Spoiler: Plated

    Porcelain souls with reinforced porcelain plates in many places on their bodies.

    Plated characters tend towards good alignments. Many feel a protective sense for those who used to own them and their friends after their old masters have passed on.


    Plated characters possess the same racial traits as normal porcelain souls except where noted here.
    • +2 Cha, -4 Con (-6 App)
    • Special Qualities: Composite Plating, Light Fortification

    Composite Plating: The plating used to build a Plated provides a +2 armor bonus. This plating is not natural armor and does not stack with other effects that give an armor bonus (other than natural armor). This composite plating occupies the same space on the body as a suit of armor or a robe, and thus a plated cannot wear armor or magic robes. Plated can be enchanted just as armor can be. The character must be present for the entire time it takes to enchant him. Composite plating also provides a plated with a 5% arcane spell failure chance, similar to the penalty for wearing light armor. Any class ability that allows a plated to ignore the arcane spell failure chance for light armor lets him ignore this penalty as well.

    Light Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a cracked, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.

    Spoiler: Hollow

    Hollow porcelain souls are a strange bunch. Their eyes are long gone but their gaze is readily apparent, the darkness within them slowly creeping out through their empty sockets in the form of dark cracks and torturous will.

    Hollow characters tend are most commonly Evil, wanting to cause more suffering to others in order to spread their hateful wills.


    Hollow characters possess the same racial traits as normal porcelain souls except where noted here.
    • +2 Dex, +6 Cha, -4 Str, -4 Con (-6 App)
    • Special Qualities: Resonant, Trapped Gaze
    • LA: +3

    Resonant: The Hollow takes double damage from sonic attacks.

    Trapped Gaze: At will, but no more than once per round, the hollow may fix their gaze upon an enemy. That enemy must make a will save (10+Cha+HD) or become transfixed until the Hollow's next turn. The transfixed condition is very similar to the fascinated condition, save that the skill penalty is -6 and the creature must have been aware of the threat before becoming transfixed for it to be allowed a new saving throw or break the effect.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-03-22 at 09:23 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
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    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Porcelain Souls

    Darkened One

    Race: Porcelain Soul

    Class Skills
    The Darkened One's class skills are Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Spot
    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Sneak Attack +1d6, Unassuming Doll
    Creeping Darkness, Path, Path Boon, +1 Wis
    Sneak Attack +2d6, Path Boon, +1 Dex
    Path Boon, Racial Truth, +1 Cha

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: You are proficient with all simple weapons and a single martial and exotic weapon of your choice.

    Sneak Attack: This works as the Rogue ability of the same name. This stacks with other classes that advance Sneak Attack.

    Ability Score Increase: At level 2 you gain a +1 untyped bonus to your Dexterity score.

    At level 3 you gain a +1 untyped bonus to your Wisdom score.

    At level 4 you gain a +1 untyped bonus to your Charisma score.

    Unassuming Doll: If you are hiding and a creature sees you who has not seen you move, you may make a special bluff check to make the viewer believe that you have always been there. Roll a bluff check and the creature makes a will save, if the bluff check is higher than the will save then the creature is fooled, otherwise the effect does not happen. If at any time you move or so something that a normal doll wouldn't do while the viewer is in sight, the viewer is allowed another save against this effect.

    Creeping Darkness: You gain the ability to use the Shadow Fundamental Dark Candle a number of times equal to a shadowcaster of your level as well as the ability to use the prestidigitation cantrip at will with the following stipulations.

    You may only use prestidigitation to cause effects similar or related to:
    • Clean items you own
    • Open and close unlocked doors, windows, chests, etc.
    • Move rocking chairs
    • Move toys
    • Make a simple form appear from shadow for a split second
    • Generally act like a creepy/possessed doll

    Your caster level is equal to your HD.

    Path: At second level, you must choose a path to go down. Each path is reminiscent of a type of possessed or creepy doll of some form, either real or fictive.

    Racial Truth: At 4th level, you gain a special ability unique to your form of Porcelain Soul. This ability is given based on what subrace you are. The abilities are:

    Porcelain Chameleon: Any time that you are not within sight of a non-ally creature you may change how you look. This replicates the effect of the minor shape change ability of a changeling, save that you still look like a porcelain doll version of whatever you are mimicking. Only Porcelain Souls with no subrace gain this ability.

    Soul Marker: Once per day per HD, when a creature is under the effect of your trapped gaze ability you may choose to mark them. This mark lasts for 24 hours and the marked creature takes a -1 penalty to all rolls while the mark is active. You may dismiss the mark as a free action. Only Hollow Porcelain Souls gain this ability.

    Solid Make: You lose the Light Fortification special quality and gain the Moderate Fortification special quality. At 15 HD you lose the Fortification special quality and gain the Heavy Fortification Special Quality. In addition, you may cast arcane spells in light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Only Plated Porcelain Souls gain this ability.

    Sheer Malice: You may cast Cause Fear as Spell-Like Ability once per day per two Hit Dice you have. If you do not have a casting stat, add your Charisma modifier to the Save DC. In addition, you gain a deflection bonus and Damage Resistance overcome by Good and Law each equal to your Charisma modifier or your Level, whichever is lower. Only Cracked Porcelain Souls gain this ability.


    Annabelle: This path is reminiscent of a possessed doll who caused dire trouble for her "owners".

    Pact Boons:
    At level 2, you gain the ability to use Ghost Sound at-will, save that it can only be used to make soft and unsettling noises like rustling, creaking, or the sounds of movement.

    At level 3, once per day you may make a feint attack. If this attack hits the person is dealt +1d4 fire damage per 2 HD you have and must make a fort save equal to (10+1/2 HD+Cha) or take 1 Constitution damage.

    At level 4, you may cast Dream as a Spell-Like Ability once per week. Upon using this ability, you may instead cause a sleep paralysis-like dream to occur to the recipient, in which you then physically harm and/or kill the recipient with no actual damage done, though they remember it clearly as with a normal casting.

    Chucky: This path is reminiscent of a doll used as a phylactery by a serial killer who refused to die.

    Pact Boons:
    At level 2, your Base Attack Bonus for all future levels of the Darkened One class is equal to your HD (like a fighter's)

    At level 3, the size of the damage dice for all of your attacks with simple and natural weapons increases by one. In addition, whenever you deal more than 1/2 of a target's max HP in one hit, you may choose to mutilate a limb, making it unusable until it is supplied with a restoration or heal spell or it is tended to by making a DC 15 Heal check.

    At level 4, if you are reduced to -10 or less and die, you may choose to roll a death saving throw with 2d20s. If your total for each d20 is above 45, you may choose to resurrect yourself with no level loss a year after your death. If your total for each d20 is above 35, you may choose to resurrect yourself two years after your death and you lose a level and two constitution points. If your total for each d20 is above 30, you may choose to resurrect yourself 10 years after your death and lose two levels and four constitution points. If your total for each d20 is less than 30 you may not resurrect yourself with this ability, but you may be resurrected as normal by others.

    Estrella: This path is reminiscent of a clockwork fortune teller.

    Pact Boons:
    At level 2, you gain a +2 to initiative and once per day per 4 HD can gain a +2 insight bonus to AC for one round.

    At level 3, once per day, you may conjure a single card with a cryptic message upon it. This message foretells of an event or foreshadows an upcoming struggle. (Read as: easy plothooks for the DM.)

    At level 4, you may cast Scrying as a Spell-Like Ability once per week. Upon using this ability you are fatigued.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-01-28 at 09:19 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Porcelain Souls

    All done, the paths are probably too powerful...
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
    Steam: Papa Palpy Palpatine
    Pesterchum: mysticUmbra
    YouTube: Noctus Does Things

    Black(Blue and Green) or Sultai is my khanate, and my colour alignment.

    The Rest of my Signature
    My Hombrew

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