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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Orc in the Playground
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    Jan 2016

    Default Special materials - heavier weapon

    I'm looking for special materials that increase the weight of a weapon. The actual effect of the material is not as important, but it needs to be heavier than a regular weapon of normal construction.

    Wood-based or metal-based materials are both fine, I have an option for each.

    3.5 material only; the DM has already vetoed alchemical gold from Faerun.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by Malapterus View Post
    I'm looking for special materials that increase the weight of a weapon. The actual effect of the material is not as important, but it needs to be heavier than a regular weapon of normal construction.

    Wood-based or metal-based materials are both fine, I have an option for each.

    3.5 material only; the DM has already vetoed alchemical gold from Faerun.
    check encyclopedia draconis from minmax forums it has all 3.5 content there.
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    This is a good list of special weapon materials, although you'll have to check which ones are heavier than metal yourself:
    Abyssal Bloodiron: replicates cold iron, bonus to confirm crits. PH
    Adamantine: bypasses /adamantine damage reduction, ignores hardness 20 and below when used to sunder items. DMG
    Aurorum: restores itself if sundered. BoED
    Baatorian Green Steel: enhancement bonus to damage. A&EG
    Blueice: Slashing weapons deal bonus damage. FB
    Blood Obsidian: +1 natural enhancement bonus on damage, hardness 12 and 30 hp per inch of thickness. Dragon Magazine 319 p 39
    Bone: -2 attack and damage (minimum damage 1) hardness of 6 10 hps per inch, and weighs half as much Dragon Magazine 319 p 39
    Bronze: -1 attack and damage, hardness of 9 and 20 hp per inch. Dragon Magazine 319 p 40
    Bronzewood: reduces weight. A&EG
    Byeshk: deals bonus damage with bludgeoning weapons, bypasses the damage reduction of daelkyr. ECS
    Calomal: overcomes the damage reduction of creatures with the fire subtype. MoE
    Copper-Adamantite alloy: d8 d10 d12 damage +1 damage Dragon Magazine Annual 5
    Crystal, Deep: deals bonus damage by channeling power points. EXH
    Cyrite (Arcane Steel): bypasses /magic damage reduction PGtE
    Darksteel: deals bonus electricity damage. MoF
    Dlarun: deals bonus frost damage. MoF
    Dragonbone Bow: increases the range by 20' and makes the bow composite. Draco
    Dragonfang: grants an enhancement bonus to attacks and energy damage of the respective dragon as an extraordinary ability. Draco
    Duskwood: steel weapons weigh half as much. MoF
    Fever Iron: deals bonus fire damage. MoF
    Flametouched Iron: weapon is considered good-aligned. ECS
    Frystalline: weapon is considered good-aligned. BoED
    Gehennan Moghuth-Iron: penalty to attack and damage, but naturally poisonous. A&EG
    Glassteel: makes hidden weapons harder to spot. Stronger and lighter than iron. RoF pg 158, updated (nerfed) in Champions of Valor on pg 65
    Gold, Alchemical: increases the damage dice of a weapon.* MoF
    Hizagkuur: deals bonus electricity damage. MoF updated on page 157 of Underdark adds bonus fire and electricity damage, considered silver and adds cold resistance for armor
    Iron, Cold: bypasses /cold iron damage reduction. DMG
    Kaorti: critical becomes X4 when used for slashing or piercing weapons and makes it an Exotic Weapon. It has no effect when used for other items. The Kaorti Ubercyst see also FF Pg 110
    Kheferu: bypasses the damage reduction of creatures with the earth subtype. SS
    Lenaer wood: -25% weight, +10' range increment. Dragon Magazine Annual 5
    Mournlode, Purple: overcomes undead damage reduction as silver or cold iron. MoE
    Nephelium: a ferrous metal identical to iron(same stats) except its transparent. Purposely adding mineral impurities to can produce shades of sapphire, emerald, ruby. Sunless Citadel p.32.
    Oerthblood: must be primarily metallic, +1 luck bonus on att and dmg, and applies a penalty if hit, Dragon Magazine 351 pg 45
    Pandemonic Silver:replicates silver, creates a 30 ft. aura of fear when unsheathed in windy conditions. CW
    Pearlsteel: reduces the penalties of using a weapon underwater. SW
    Platinum, Alchemical: increases the damage dice of a weapon.* MoF
    Riedran Crysteel: deals bonus damage to psionic creatures. ECS
    Rimefire Ice: deals bonus cold damage. FB
    Silver, Alchemical: bypasses /silver damage reduction, reduces weapon damage. DMG
    Serren: adds the ghost touched property. BoED
    Slug crystal: -25% weight, but very brittle. Dragon Magazine Annual 5
    Solarian Truesteel: bonus to confirm crits. BoED
    Starmetal: replicates adamantine, but deals extra damage to extraplanar creatures. CAr
    Stone: -2 attack and damage, hardness of 8 and 15 hos per inch. Dragon Magazine 319 p 40
    Stygian Ice: chance to break when dealing damage, deals bonus cold damage and chance to deal WIS damage on hit. FB
    Targath: overcomes the damage reduction of Aerenal deathless, reduces attack and damage. ECS
    Thinaun: absorbs the souls of those who die while touching the weapon, and prevents their resurrection unless the caster has the weapon at hand. CW
    Vakar metal: +2d6 damage vs. elves. Dragon Magazine Annual 5
    Wood: club, quarterstaff, sap, great club and all bows and crossbows suffer no penalty, other bludgeoning weapons suffer -3 attack and damage (minimum 1 damage) 5 hardness and 10 hps per inch. Dragon Magazine 319 p 40

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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Magic of Faerun has rules for heavy weapons on page 179. Weapons made with magically-treated gold and platinum weigh twice as much as normal, increase the damage dice by a step (sorta... there's a table), and require Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Heavy {blah} to wield without a -4 penalty.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    Magic of Faerun has rules for heavy weapons on page 179. Weapons made with magically-treated gold and platinum weigh twice as much as normal, increase the damage dice by a step (sorta... there's a table), and require Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Heavy {blah} to wield without a -4 penalty.
    Hum. I have a question about those: if I take a Heavy Exotic Weapon, do I need two EWP feats? One for the regular exotic weapon and another one for its heavier version? In case only one feat is needed, there is basically no reason to turn every spiked chain you wield into a heavy spiked chain, right?
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    There are some:

    +X lbs.
    Entropium (Arms and Equipment Guide)

    x1.5 heavier
    Byeshk (Eberron Campaign Setting)

    X2 heavier
    Alchemical Gold (Magic of Faerūn)
    Alchemical Platinum (Magic of Faerūn)
    Blended Quartz (Arms and Equipment Guide)
    Densewood (Eberron Campaign Setting)

    Hellforged template (Dungeon Master's Guide II) "In addition, they generally appear heavier than their normal counterparts"
    Staff of Abyssal Iron (Planar Handbook) Duh! It's literally made of iron - thus, should be notably heavier than usual wooden staves
    Urdrukar (Arms and Equipment Guide) "Urdrukar is heavier and harder to work with than most other metals"

    Illusory weight?
    Heavy signature trait (Dungeon Master's Guide II) "An item that has this trait feels unusually heavy when held, though its actual weight is unchanged."

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by remetagross View Post
    Hum. I have a question about those: if I take a Heavy Exotic Weapon, do I need two EWP feats? One for the regular exotic weapon and another one for its heavier version? In case only one feat is needed, there is basically no reason to turn every spiked chain you wield into a heavy spiked chain, right?
    No you don't need to take EWP twice. But EWP (Heavy Spiked Chain) is not transferrable to non-heavy spiked chains.

    If you read the text carefully, though, there's an option to use a smaller-sized version of the heavy weapon with no -4 proficiency penalty. (However, you presumably still get a -2 size penalty for an inappropriately-sized weapon.)

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by remetagross View Post
    Hum. I have a question about those: if I take a Heavy Exotic Weapon, do I need two EWP feats? One for the regular exotic weapon and another one for its heavier version? In case only one feat is needed, there is basically no reason to turn every spiked chain you wield into a heavy spiked chain, right?
    In addition to the above, losing access to Weapon Finesse is a reason to not make a Heavy Spiked Chain.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Special materials - heavier weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
    No you don't need to take EWP twice. But EWP (Heavy Spiked Chain) is not transferrable to non-heavy spiked chains.

    If you read the text carefully, though, there's an option to use a smaller-sized version of the heavy weapon with no -4 proficiency penalty. (However, you presumably still get a -2 size penalty for an inappropriately-sized weapon.)
    Hey, that's a niche that's good to know. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nifft View Post
    In addition to the above, losing access to Weapon Finesse is a reason to not make a Heavy Spiked Chain.
    That is entirely true...however, for, say, a Greathorn Minotaur Greathammer, I got my 3d6 19-20/x4 weapon for one EWP...I'd say that makes the feat worth it
    VC XV, The horsemen are drawing nearer: The Alien and the Omen (part 1 and part 2).
    VC XVI, Burn baby burn:Nero
    VC XVIII, This is Heresy! Torquemada
    VC XX, Elder Evil: Henry Bowyer

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