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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Rizban's Revised Third Edition
    Spoiler: Table of Contents
    —• Introduction
    ——• Project Goals
    ——• Design Paradigm
    ——• Credits and Acknowledgments

    —• Races
    ——• Human
    ——• Dwarf
    ——• Elf
    ——• Gnome
    ——• Half-Elf
    ——• Half-Orc
    ——• Halfling
    —• Classes
    ——• Barbarian
    ——• Bard
    ——• Cleric
    ——• Druid
    ——• Fighter
    ——• Monk
    ——• Paladin
    ——• Ranger
    ——• Rogue
    ——• Sorcerer
    ——• Wizard
    ——• Psion
    —• Skills
    ——• Academics
    ——• Acrobatics
    ——• Arcane Lore
    ——• Athletics
    ——• Deception
    ——• Engineering
    ——• Handle Animal
    ——• Heal
    ——• Insight
    ——• Intimidate
    ——• Linguistics
    ——• Natural Lore
    ——• Perception
    ——• Perform
    ——• Persuasion
    ——• Profession
    ——• Psi Lore
    ——• Stealth
    ——• Streetwise
    ——• Theology
    —• Feats
    —• Equipment and Supplies
    —• Adventuring and Combat
    —• Magic and Spells

    Spoiler: Design Notes
    As stated in the Index thread, the purpose of this project is threefold:
    1. To improve and streamline parts of 3rd Edition without changing it into an entirely new system.
    2. To revise the SRD classes to be within Tier 2 to Tier 3 in power level.
    3. Because I enjoy homebrewing and want to do it.

    A few notes about this project in general:
    • Skills have been revised completely. There are now only 21 skills. Max skill rank is equal to Hit Dice.
    • Feats have been heavily revised. Most notably among them, Weapon Finesse has been made a normal feature of certain weapons rather than a feat.
    • While this project does touch on material from other sources, it is focused primarily on material in the SRD. Where material from other sourcebooks intersects this project directly, such as with alternate class features and substitution levels, that material will be referenced here but not reproduced if unavailable in the SRD. Where other sourcebooks don't directly intersect, such as new feats and spells, that content will be largely ignored and is considered to be compatible with this project unless otherwise stated.

    The Fighter
    In my opinion, fighter has always been the bane of game design in 3rd edition and is, along with the monk, the most frequently rewritten class. I believe that the design of the fighter is extremely lazy and the sheer number of bonus feats it received looked imposing to the developers, leading them to tone down feats more than necessary to compensate. This led to lasting problems throughout 3e and 3.5 that only started to see improvement towards the end of the system's lifespan.

    Bonus feats are nice, sure, but the fighter has zero actual class features. It's boring, weak because the feats it can use are weak, and provides nothing unique beyond the ability to pick up Weapon Specialization, which is generally a terrible use of a feat. I feel like the only place fighter ever really shines is when dipping a level or two in another build or taking the Dungeon Crasher ACF, because that at least grants a unique class feature that is actually useful.

    There were several other attempts at a fighter type class in several different sourcebooks, but most of them suffered from the same or similar design flaws. Any unique class abilities they received were largely equivalent to a low level feat or actually were just a feat with a new name. The most common complaint with those classes that I heard was that they're just a fighter with your feats picked out for you.

    This leads us to a single question: What is a Fighter? It's someone who... fights. That's what all the classes do, so that doesn't tell us much. For inspiration, I went back to earlier editions to see what a fighter has been before 3rd edition rolled around. A fighter is a heavily armored tank, a bastion of defense on the battlefield, a fearsome foe, and a leader of men. The archetypal fighter is armed with a sword and shield, a skilled officer calling out orders to the men under his command as he leads the fight against the enemy, using his own skills to single out and defeat the evil army's champion, and routing the dregs that make up the rest. A fighter is the commander who leads from the front.

    This is the concept I went with when designing this revision. The fighter gains an ability to challenge enemies to face him and him alone, can grant buffs to nearby allies, has defensive buffs, and has some defensive area control abilities. While he is more defensive than a barbarian, he's still a threat to be reckoned with. A good fighter can turn a close battle into a decisive victory. He also still gets his bonus feats.

    Fort Ref Will Challenge Command Auras Known
    Attack Bonus
    Save Save Save
    Bonus Minor Major
    +2 +1 +0
    Challenge, command aura
    +1 1 -
    +3 +2 +0
    Bonus Feat, combat prowess, major aura +1
    +1 1 1
    +3 +2 +1
    Defensive threat
    +1 2 1
    +4 +3 +1
    Bonus Feat, shield mastery +1
    +1 2 1
    +4 +3 +1
    Intimidating challenge
    +2 3 2
    +5 +3 +2
    Bonus Feat, shield ward
    +2 3 2
    +5 +4 +2
    Armor mastery +1, instant command
    +2 4 2
    +6 +4 +2
    Bonus Feat
    +2 4 3
    +6 +4 +3
    Major aura +2
    +2 5 3
    +7 +5 +3
    Bonus Feat, shield mastery (touch)
    +3 5 3
    +7 +5 +3
    Mass challenge
    +3 6 4
    +8 +6 +4
    Bonus Feat
    +3 6 4
    +8 +6 +4
    Armor mastery +2
    +3 7 4
    +9 +6 +4
    Bonus Feat
    +3 7 5
    +9 +7 +5
    Major aura +3
    +4 8 5
    +10 +7 +5
    Bonus Feat, shield mastery +2
    +4 8 5
    +10 +7 +5
    Dual command
    +4 9 6
    +11 +8 +6
    Bonus Feat
    +4 9 6
    +11 +8 +6
    Armor mastery +3
    +4 10 6
    +12 +9 +6
    Bonus Feat, major aura +4
    +5 10 7

    Hit Die: d10
    Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, Χ2 at 1st level): Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Handle Animal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Streetwise (Int).

    Class Features
    All of the following are class features of the Fighter.

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency
    Fighters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light, medium, and heavy armor, and shields, including tower shields.

    Challenge (Ex)
    A fighter can issue a challenge against a foe in battle, compelling strong opponents to attack him and terrorizing those who are weak willed. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to his fighter class level + his Charisma bonus, if any.

    As a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a fighter may issue a challenge to a single opponent. The target of this ability must have an Intelligence of 3 or higher, have a language, and be able to hear the Fighter. If any of these requirements are not met, the challenge fails.

    The fighter gains a bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and AC against the target of the challenge. In addition, the target of the fighter's challenge takes a penalty equal to the fighter's challenge bonus to attacks rolls, damage rolls, and save DCs for its spells and abilities against any target other than the fighter.

    The challenge bonus (and penalty to the target) increases to +2 at 7th level, +3 at 13th level, and +4 at 19th level.

    A fighter's challenge lasts a number of rounds equal to 5 + his Charisma bonus, if any. The challenge also ends if the fighter is knocked unconscious or killed.

    Command Aura (Ex)
    A natural leader on the battlefield, a fighter is able to direct the flow of combat around him by issuing orders to his allies. This commands are expressed as command auras. A fighter may have one minor and one major aura active at a time.

    Issuing a command aura is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A command aura remains in effect until the fighter dismisses it as a free action, activates another aura of the same type, or becomes dazed, stunned, paralyzed, unconscious, or otherwise unable to speak or be heard.

    Unless otherwise indicated, a command aura affects all allies within 60 feet of the fighter. Because issuing a command aura involves shouting orders to his allies, allies who cannot hear the fighter do not benefit from his command auras.

    Minor Auras
    A minor aura adds the fighter's Charisma bonus, minimum 1, to a specific type of roll.
    • Blitz: Bonus on opposed checks when making a bull rush or overrun attempt and on damage rolls when making a charge attack.
    • Charisma: Bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks.
    • Constitution: Bonus on Constitution checks and Constitution-based skill checks.
    • Critical: Bonus to confirm critical hits and on critical hit damage.
    • Dexterity: Bonus on Dexterity checks and Dexterity-based skill checks.
    • Distraction: Bonus on opposed rolls when making disarm, feint, and sunder attempts.
    • Fortify: Bonus on Fortitude saves.
    • Intelligence: Bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks.
    • Reaction: Bonus on Reflex saves.
    • Resolve: Bonus on Will saves.
    • Strength: Bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.
    • Take Down: Bonus on opposed rolls when making trip attempts and grapple checks.
    • Wisdom: Bonus on Wisdom checks and Wisdom-based skill checks.

    Major Auras
    Major auras add a fixed bonus to certain rolls, which increases with the fighter's level as shown on the table.
    • Attack: Bonus on attack rolls.
    • Defense: Bonus to armor class.
    • Speed: Increase speed by 5ft per +1 bonus.
    • Resilience: Bonus to all saves.
    • Unyielding: Grant DR 2/- per +1 aura bonus. This stacks with damage reduction from other sources.
    • Toughness: Allies gain 5 Χ aura bonus in temporary hit points when this aura is activated.
    • Evade: Dodge bonus to AC. Grant uncanny dodge. At +2 aura bonus, also grant evasion.

    Bonus Feats
    A fighter gains a bonus combat-oriented feat at 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, etc.). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

    Combat Prowess (Ex)
    When making opposed checks in combat based on his Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, a Fighter gains a bonus on the check equal to half his class level, rounded down.

    Defensive Threat (Ex)
    A fighter learns to dominate the area around himself on the battlefield through vigilance and active defense. Starting a 3rd level, a fighter causes his enemies to treat any squares he threatens as difficult terrain.

    Shield Mastery (Ex)
    Starting at 4th level, a fighter has learned to use his shield to the best advantage. Any shield the fighter wields has its shield bonus to AC increased by 1 and its armor check penalty reduced by 1 as long as he wields it. The fighter also gains +1 on attack rolls when making a shield bash attack.

    At 10th level, a fighter's shield bonus to AC also applies to touch attacks made against him.

    At 16th level, the shield bonus to AC and increases by 2 rather than by 1. The bonus on shield bash attack rolls increases to +2.

    A fighter with the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat can apply the benefits of this ability to the shield bonus he gains while wielding a double weapon or two weapons and may also use the shield ward ability gained at 6th level.

    Intimidating Challenge (Ex)
    Any target affected by a 5th-level fighter's challenge must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 his fighter level + his Charisma modifier + his challenge bonus) or become shaken for the duration of the challenge.

    Shield Ward (Ex)
    As an immediate action, a fighter can move to defend an adjacent ally, granting that ally the fighter's shield bonus to AC, including any bonuses from his shield mastery ability. If the attack still hits the ally, the fighter and the ally each take half damage from the attack, rounded up.

    Armor Mastery (Ex)
    Becoming increasingly comfortable in armor, a 7th-level fighter learns to wear his armor like a second skin. Any armor the fighter wears has its armor bonus to AC, maximum dexterity bonus, and damage reduction increased by 1 and its armor check penalty reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0) for as long as he wears it. In addition, the fighter can sleep in his armor without becoming fatigued.

    At 12th level, the armor bonus to AC, maximum dexterity bonus, and damage reduction are instead increased by 2, and the armor check penalty is instead reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0). In addition, a 12th-level Fighter may add half of his armor bonus (rounded down) to his touch AC.

    At 18th level, the bonuses are increased by a total of 3, and the armor check penalty is reduced by a total of 3 (to a minimum of 0). In addition, an 18th-level Fighter may add his full armor bonus to his touch AC.

    Instant Command (Ex)
    When a fighter reaches 7th level, he becomes able to issue command auras more quickly than before. He can issue command auras as a swift or immediate action.

    Mass Challenge (Ex)
    Starting at 11th level, a fighter's challenge can target all enemies within 50 feet.

    Dual Command (Ex)
    A fighter of at least 17th level can issue and maintain a second command aura of the same type. He can activate a second minor or a second major aura as he chooses, to have a total of four active at once. Each command aura must be issued individually.
    Last edited by Rizban; 2018-06-14 at 12:17 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Fighter Alternative Class Features
    Martial Artist
    Some fighters focus more on their martial prowess than they do leading on the battlefield. These fighters sacrifice their ability to inspire others for more potent attacks.

    Level: Any
    Replaces: Any minor or major aura known.
    Benefit: At any level that a martial artist gains a minor aura known, he may instead learn one martial maneuver for which he meets the prerequisites. He may learn this maneuver from the following martial disciplines: Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw, and White Raven. A martial artist may ready a number of maneuvers equal to his challenge bonus.

    A martial artist begins each encounter with all readied maneuvers available. He may recover all of his expended maneuvers by spending a swift action to focus his mind followed by a single attack made as a standard action. A fighter may not use any maneuver or change stances in the round he attempts to recover his maneuvers.

    At any level that a fighter gains a major aura known, he may instead learn one martial stance for which he meets the prerequisites.

    A martial artist's initiator level is equal to his class level.

    Special: A fighter who takes levels in a prestige class that grants additional maneuvers and stances known may choose to exchange those for minor and major auras if he desires.

    Courage, honor, and loyalty. These are what define a samurai in service to his lord. A samurai's reputation and strict code of conduct are important to him, but they are most easily recognized by their unique fighting styles.

    Level: 1st
    Replaces: A samurai loses the minor aura known at 1st level and the bonus feat gained at 2nd level.
    Base Saves
    A samurai has a poor Reflex save and a medium Will save.

    Ancestral Daisho
    A 1st level samurai gains an ancestral daisho of masterwork quality, a paired katana and wakizashi, handed down to him by his ancestors. Protecting these weapons is an important to his sense of honor, and losing or breaking them is devastating to him, often starting a personal quest to recover or repair them.

    The samurai gains the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat at 1st level and is treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting when wielding his ancestral daisho.

    A samurai can spend time in meditation at a shrine to enhance his ancestral daisho as though he had the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. The costs and time required are as normal, except that he does not need to spend any Craft Points and cannot enhance any other items in this way. The maximum enhancement bonus on his ancestral daisho is equal to half his Hit Dice, rounded down.

    A samurai can change the existing enchantments on his ancestral daisho by meditating at a shrine, but he must pay either one-quarter of the already expended costs or an equivalent number of Craft Points to do so.

    He can enchant both his katana and his wakizashi in this way. Because the enchantments are created by awakening his ancestral spirits, only the samurai benefits from them. The ancestral daisho functions as normal masterwork weapons in the hands of anyone else.

    If either the katana or wakizashi are sundered or destroyed, they may be repaired or reforged from the remnants. The enchantments are returned to the weapon after the samurai undergoes a 24 hour meditative prayer vigil at a shrine.

    A samurai's ancestral daisho cannot be enchanted in the normal way weapons can, but it can benefit from temporary effects, such as spells and augment crystals, as normal.

    Fierce Gaze (Ex)
    Starting at 3rd level, a samurai can use Intimidate to demoralize an opponent within 30 feet. He also adds his challenge bonus to his Intimidate checks.

    Samurai Code
    A samurai who commits an act of grievous dishonor, such as betraying his lord, fleeing in cowardice while leaving others to die, or other serious breaches of honor or integrity loses the blessing of his ancestral spirits. His ancestral daisho becomes non-magical and cannot be enhanced until he atones for his dishonor.

    Special: A samurai may select a different ancestral weapon as appropriate to his heritage, gaining the appropriate feats.

    Favoring agility and wit over brute force, the swashbuckler is most for his daring and panache.

    Level: 1st
    Replaces: A swashbuckler loses proficiency with medium and heavy armor and with shields. He also loses the shield mastery, shield ward, and armor mastery class features.
    Class Skills
    A swashbuckler gains 2 additional skill points per level. He adds Deception (Cha), Insight (Wis), and Persuasion (Cha) to his list of class skills.

    Grace (Ex)
    A 1st level swashbuckler gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 10th level, and +4 at 16th level.

    Dodge (Ex)
    At 2nd level, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level, +3 at 13th level, and +4 at 19th level.

    Canny Strike (Ex)
    At 3rd level, a swashbuckler gains the ability to apply his Intelligence bonus, if any, to his damage rolls with any light or finesse weapon. This is precision damage, so targets with immunity to critical hits are immune to this damage. A swashbuckler cannot use this ability while wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.

    Combat Prowess (Ex)
    The benefits of this ability also apply to Deception checks made to Feint in combat.

    Agile Striker (Ex)
    Starting at 7th level, a swashbuckler may make a 5-foot step after each successful melee attack. This does not count as his 5-foot step for the round and may be used even if he has already moved this round. A swashbuckler may not move more than his speed during a round when using this ability, regardless of how many attacks he makes.

    Psychic Warrior
    The spark of psionic potential within leads the psychic warrior fighter along a different path than most.

    Level: 1st
    Replaces: A psychic warrior loses the command aura and major aura class features and all minor and major auras known.
    Class Skills
    A psychic warrior gains Psi Lore as a class skill.

    Power Points/Day
    A psychic warrior's ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on the table. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score.

    Powers Known
    A psychic warrior knows one power of his choice. Each time he achieves a new level thereafter, he unlocks the knowledge of a new power. He chooses his powers known from the psychic warrior power list. A psychic warrior can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.

    The total number of powers a psychic warrior can manifest in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

    A psychic warrior simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them, though he must get a good night's sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

    The Difficulty Class for saving throws against psychic warrior powers is 10 + the power's level + the psychic warrior's Charisma modifier.

    Maximum Power Level Known
    A psychic warrior has the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As he attains higher levels, he may gain the ability to master more complex powers as shown on the table. To learn or manifest a power, a psychic warrior must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the power's level.

    Bonus Feats
    A psychic warrior adds psionic feats to the list of feats he may choose as a bonus feat.
    Power Maximum
    Level Known
    1st 1 1 1st
    2nd 2 2 1st
    3rd 3 3 1st
    4th 5 3 1st
    5th 7 4 2nd
    6th 11 5 2nd
    7th 15 6 2nd
    8th 19 6 2nd
    9th 23 7 3rd
    10th 27 8 3rd
    11th 35 9 3rd
    12th 43 9 3rd
    13th 51 10 4th
    14th 59 11 4th
    15th 67 12 4th
    16th 79 12 4th
    17th 91 13 4th
    18th 103 14 4th
    19th 115 15 5th
    20th 127 16 5th

    Compatible ACFs
    The following alternative class features from official sources are fully compatible with this class.
    • Armor of God (Complete Champion)
    • Armored Mage (Complete Champion)
    • Aligned Strike (Complete Champion)
    • Counter Attack (PHB2)
    • Elusive Attack (PHB2)
    • Overpowering Attack (PHB2)
    • Darksong Knight (Champions of Valor)
    • Zhentarim Fighter (Champions of Valor)
    • Dragonscale Husk (Dragon Magic)
    • Hit-and-Run Tactics (Drow of the Underdark)
    • Dungeon Crasher (Dungeonscape)
    • Planar Fighter (Planar Handbook)
    • Raptoran Fighter (Races of the Wild)

    Modified ACFs
    The following alternative class features from official sources are not fully compatible with this class and require some modification. Substitution features not listed are as written.
    • Dwarf Fighter (Races of Stone)
    • Half-Elf Fighter (Races of Destiny)
    • Kobold Fighter (Races of the Dragon)
    • Sneak Attack (Unearthed Arcana)
    • Thug (Unearthed Arcana)
    • Warforged Fighter (Races of Eberron)

    Spoiler: Modified ACFs
    Dwarf Fighter
    Axe Focus (Ex): A dwarf who selects this substitution level loses one daily use of his Challenge class feature.

    Racial Foes (Ex): The damage bonus from this class feature is 2 + the fighter's Challenge Bonus.

    Heavy Armor Expertise (Ex): This class feature also increases the damage reduction granted by the armor by 2. This stacks with the Armor Mastery class feature.

    Half-Elf Fighter
    Blade Focus (Ex): A half-elf who selects this substitution level loses one daily use of his Challenge class feature.

    Main-Gauche (Ex): The fighter does not need to fight defensively to gain the AC bonus from this class feature.
    This class feature also counts as the Dodge feat for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.

    Confusing Banter (Ex): This ability applies anytime the fighter fights defensively or uses the Combat Expertise feat. The attack bonus is equal to 1 + his Challenge Bonus.

    Kobold Fighter
    Spear Focus (Ex): A kobold who selects this substitution level loses one daily use of his Challenge class feature and medium armor proficiency.

    Dodge (Ex): This class feature is as written.

    Sneak Attack
    A fighter with this alternate class feature also loses two daily uses of his Challenge class feature.

    Bonus Feats: The thug loses the bonus feat at 2nd level.

    Martial Disciplines: Thug adds Shadow Hand to the list of disciplines he can choose from when selecting maneuvers and stances.

    Warforged Fighter
    Battle Hardened (Ex): A warforged who selects this substitution level loses one daily use of his Challenge class feature.

    Body as Weapon (Ex): This counts as Weapon Specialization for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.
    Last edited by Rizban; 2019-01-14 at 05:15 AM.
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    Default Re: [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Couple of questions:

    Why base your fighter on Charisma, with Charisma-based abilities?

    Shouldn't a Paladin / Cavalier Rework use such mechanics?

    Should the fighter be MAD at all? He still needs STR for melee attack and damage, DEX for AC, Saves and ranged attacks, CON for HP and Saves, and Wisdom for Saves and Perception checks.

    If you want it completely MAD, shouldn't your variants focus on different stats? Samurai could be known for their stubbornness and the higher difficulty to shake or charm them (Wisdom-dependant abilities would encourage that). Meanwhile, Psychic Warrior might rely on INT so that he truly gets the Mind over Matter outlook.

    Shouldn't the halfway save (the Reflex save progression) be left to the player, or at least vary according to the variation? I don't imagine a Samurai dodge a trap but be shaken by a mere goblin making an intimidate check.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorum View Post
    Couple of questions:

    Why base your fighter on Charisma, with Charisma-based abilities?
    Should the fighter be MAD at all? He still needs STR for melee attack and damage, DEX for AC, Saves and ranged attacks, CON for HP and Saves, and Wisdom for Saves and Perception checks.
    My thought process was based on how I define what I imagine a fighter to be and what role I expect it to fill, as explained in the Design Notes spoiler. I designed it with the concept of a battlefield commander and wanted abilities based on inspiring allies and on intimidating and provoking foes. All of those things seem to be largely Charisma based.

    Now, I've tried to design the class to be functional with a minimal Charisma while still rewarding a higher Charisma. Let's go through the class abilities that rely on Charisma though.
    1. Challenge: This gives additional uses per day and extended duration based on Charisma, but it only counts the bonus, not the modifier. This means a negative Cha mod doesn't reduce your ability to use a challenge while a higher Cha does help. It's not strictly necessary, but it's useful.
    2. Command Aura (minor aura): This is arguably the main ability that requires Cha. A high Cha does well here, but it does have a minimum bonus of 1 and has [Fighter] feats to boost that. This allows it to be a decent class feature even with a negative Cha mod. A higher Cha does better, naturally, but an 8 or lower can still work.
    3. Intimidating Challenge: This was originally based on the Intimidate skill, which is and always has been Charisma based. I changed that to just a simple Will save, because I wanted it to be functional without a mandatory investment of skill points. Its save DC scales with the challenge bonus as well as with class level, and the feats that boost challenge bonus also indirectly boost the DC of this ability, mitigating the need for Charisma. A higher Cha still helps out, but it isn't strictly necessary. A penalty here hurts, but not as much as it could. Since challenging a foe is a swift action, a fighter can also use Intimidate in the same round against that foe, allowing for single round fear stacking with a minimum duration of 5 rounds. I feel like that's good enough to justify the MAD in this ability.

    Beyond that, there are no Charisma requirements to this class. I tried to design it so that any fighter can be decent at the role I envisioned for fighter to fill, but I also tried to create the leadership abilities in a way that rewarded a character with natural leadership abilities, i.e. a high Charisma.

    The only class feature that outright requires a Charisma score is the Psychic Warrior ACF. Even then, that's only because it has psionic manifesting. I switched that to Charisma from Wisdom specifically to reduce the amount of MAD in the class. I feel pretty good about that change.

    If that hasn't addressed your question completely, I'm happy to discuss it further, but I believe that should cover my position well enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorum View Post
    Shouldn't a Paladin / Cavalier Rework use such mechanics?
    Paladin will have more divine mechanics. I don't see a paladin as a battlefield commander and haven't designed it that way. I'm still polishing that class a bit more before posting it, but I should have it up shortly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorum View Post
    If you want it completely MAD, shouldn't your variants focus on different stats? Samurai could be known for their stubbornness and the higher difficulty to shake or charm them (Wisdom-dependant abilities would encourage that). Meanwhile, Psychic Warrior might rely on INT so that he truly gets the Mind over Matter outlook.

    Shouldn't the halfway save (the Reflex save progression) be left to the player, or at least vary according to the variation? I don't imagine a Samurai dodge a trap but be shaken by a mere goblin making an intimidate check.
    That's a good point! It hadn't even occurred to me to change the save progression for the ACFs. I'm going to change the saves for the Samurai now. I feel they're acceptable for the Swashbuckler and Psychic Warrior though.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Challenge: table and description are in conflict regarding the progression of Challenge bonus.

    I notice that Medium and Heavy armor slow your Fighter down at all levels. Is that intentional?

    Also, the Fighter is known for suffering from inferior action economy, and I see nothing that handles that.
    Last edited by nonsi; 2018-05-28 at 05:07 PM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.R] Rizban's Revised Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    Challenge: table and description are in conflict regarding the progression of Challenge bonus.
    You're right. I updated the table after running some numbers and forgot to update the text. Fixing it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    I notice that Medium and Heavy armor slow your Fighter down at all levels. Is that intentional?
    Yeah, for now. It's something I've considered changing, but because of some of the other changes that I'm still working on getting posted, I think it's okay. I had a small drive failure and had to revert to backup, losing a couple days of writing and formatting that I need to redo. I'm getting it reworked as quickly as I have time and am posting each as soon as they're ready. I should hopefully have everything up this week, but that depends on how much time my work load and 3 month old require of me.

    Quote Originally Posted by nonsi View Post
    Also, the Fighter is known for suffering from inferior action economy, and I see nothing that handles that.
    Yes and no. I haven't done anything to improve a fighter's action economy (other than the posted changes to Two-Weapon Fighting). I did give them some options of things to do with their actions, but they're still fairly immobile. I feel like that's more or less okay for Fighter, as it's largely meant to be a more stationary, defensive class. Yeah, it's not optimum, and it's something I'm still wrestling with myself. There's always martial maneuvers available via the ACF, including things like white raven tactics.

    Before I go making too many changes or additions at this point, I want to get the other revised classes posted. I've done a bit at nerfing casters, including eliminating some of the more problematic spells and just generally limiting spellcasting in general. My overall goal is to bring the mundane classes up and the casting classes down to meet in the middle rather than trying to bring everything else up to the level of the SRD full casters.

    I know that's probably not the answer you're looking for at the moment, but it's the best I've got for now.
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