Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Wrath of Virbius!

    You have gotten off the Transport that took you to Virbius. Before you is a sprawling, ramshackle collection of tents and vehicles, all sunk slightly into the muddy grass. The outpost sentries clutch their lasguns tightly, briefly looking you over and then staring back out into the open plains of Virbius intently. All around you, guardsmen are cleaning their weapons and inspecting their vehicles, though a few pause for a moment to give you a distrustful glance. In the distance, you can hear a confessor evenly chanting a catechism, praying to the Emperor for an ignoble and horrific death to the enemies of Mankind.
    A massive tent is in the middle of the Camp. Your orders are to report there for further instructions.

    You can take a few actions like Information Gathering or you can head straight to the Command tent to await your orders. Also please repost sheets in spoilers with your first post

    Last edited by Xenopax; 2018-10-23 at 06:58 AM.
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Stepping out of the transport, Tiberius took a moment to take in the scenery: it was no unfamiliar sight, and it was indeed almost relaxing - compared to being dropped behind enemy lines, at least. Then, unheeding of the glances - he knew Tempestus Scions were scorned by normal troopers, and his gear was a dead giveaway - and with a steady gait, he headed straight for the command tent; there is little a soldier needs to know beyond his orders.

    "Scion Tiberius Hallermann, reporting for duty."
    To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
    To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
    To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

    Might suffer occasional hiccups in posting rate. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Spoiler: Character sheet
    Andrii Kostov, trooper recently turned psyker.

    Andrii stands near a heat lamp in solid ground. This place - what foul things he could say about this mudball. Not quite as fierce and clean as an ice world, but better than Krieg. Everything was better than that hole.

    He stood near the lamp and waited for two reasons. The first was because he wouldn't liket o be the first arriving. No rushing death - it would come, eventually, but why rush it. Better to continue suffering a bit more.
    The second reason was because through this spot - a good, hot, empty, dry spot, a lot of soldiers passed. And soldiers, especially tired aand frightned infantryman gossiped. And Gossip was a way to know things around camp. Recently transfered to this mudhole, Andrii saw it as a better place than the inside of a blackship... An alternative if he was found out... So if news appeared of a psyker around camp, or an inquisitor or a grey knight or so he must be the first to know.

    He looks to the side and spits. Damn that fate. He was dead but hadn't lost his soul. He would be with the Emperor in the end as a way to repay all the damn things he suffered in life...

    His face told a bit of the tale - dark, black lines under his eyes were maps of hundreds of nights poorly slept. During the day he could supress it. He could be normal. But... While he slept he received images, voices, places he never been to. He might be becoming insane. Or he could be becoming a visionaire. He only knew it was a gift of the emperor.

    He laid there, the orc with butchering murdering iron claws approaching, smilling. Filled with killing glee. And then... He wished him dead. And the orc was smithen in thunderous bolts... The Emperor answered his prayer, his dying prayer.

    A new soldier sits near Andrii and he asks, as he gets up to go to the command tent "Hey sit and rest comrade. How are things going in the front lines? Anything Juicy?"

    Spoiler: Rolls

    1st is the wrath: Let's roll Cunning for info on the place and local sucess of operation
    1st is the wrath: Let's roll Investigation (if possible)

    Edit: After this conversation he will go to the tent as ordered.
    Last edited by Darkstorm; 2018-10-22 at 12:58 PM.
    Creativity is my weapon of choice!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Luis got off the transport and looked around the camp. A sprawling mess, nothing different from the hundreds of camps he had seen all throughout the crusade. He never did like these wide open planets, no real place to hide, and him without his long las! The quartermaster wouldn't let him take it with him when he was transferred here. "Property o' the Crusade and all". Luis had been in hundreds of camps like these. Surely there was somewhere were 'spare' weapons could be found...

    Surely there was. But after some hurried searching, Luis was forced to concede defeat. He headed to the tent where he was supposed to report to. He supposed he should at least find out why he'd been diverted to this planet...

    Luis Akoak, Catachan Scout

    (5d6)[6][2][1][1][4](14): Influence to try to requisition a long-las
    Last edited by dojango; 2018-10-22 at 11:45 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Spoiler: Call me Fredrick

    With a deep breath in and out, Fredrick got off the transport. Fredrick wasn’t his real name, of course, but after a decade of changing regiments and positions he could hardly remember what his birth name was any more. In this case it was a Guardsman he had gotten drunk and taken his identification before leaving the last port behind. Largely he looked like any other grunt with just a nice cloak to keep him warm and what appeared to be a small flamer strapped to his belt. Once the ship touched down he was gone and mingling with the locals in a roundabout way to his destination.

    While he walked he visually eyed the majority of the camp, seeing who was likely going to have the most money on hand or who he’d be riffling through when he buried their body in yet another shallow grave. He almost seemed to make it a point to delay his entrance into the tent, loitering outside it for almost a minute. He then pulled his cloak close and slipped in, sneaking into the tent and sticking to the back and away from any figure of authority.

    Spoiler: Rolls!?
    So Cunning, right? (10d6)[4][2][1][4][2][4][6][3][3][4](33) (Scrounger gives me +Rank, 4 Rating, 4 Fellowship)
    I saw an Investigation, too? (6d6)[6][3][4][1][5][6](25)

    And I’d like to stealth into the tent? (10d6)[5][2][5][6][1][6][3][5][3][1](37) (Cameleoline Cloak gives me +1d, 4 Rating, 5 Agility)
    New job, who dis?
    I'll check in the evenings when I get home from work / take a break from whatever game has claimed my soul.

    Your understanding is appreciated.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    A pair of glowing blue orbs rested in the darkness of a hood dyed in the forever recognizable red of the Mechanicus, the sound of gears and augmetics whirring and grinding as the figure moved forward and out of the transport. Mistrustful glances were always something that were cast at people like her, but that just meant they didn't know enough about her, which additionally meant that she ha dplenty to work with in forging her identity here. She was a deserter to the omnissiah, and her brain screams at her to return to the magos and submit to a dismantling and recycling, but she shouted that back down, the parts of her brain that were untouched by the incomplete conversion able to hold out over the indoctrination. She wouldn't return, not to waste her life and the years she spent working.

    Moving forward, her foot nearly sunk into the mud and she almost tripped, before adjusting herself and moving forward, though with heavier steps as her feet put pressure into one spot when she walked. She looked around, hoping to spot anything like a tech priest or even just a motor pool. She would easily be able to be the tech priest of this camp, as most of the imperium knew very little about the Mechanicus and the differences between their various forces. She wore read, had a hood, and was decked out in cybernetics, to anyone unaware she could very well pass off as just a new tech priestess.

    Spoiler: Gathering information
    dice pool(7d6)[25]

    Wrath dice: (1d6)[3]

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Spoiler: Dice pool reroll
    1st: (1d6)[3]
    2nd: (1d6)[1]
    3rd: (1d6)[4]
    4th: (1d6)[3]
    5th: (1d6)[2]
    6th: (1d6)[2]
    7th: (1d6)[2]

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!


    Novus strode with confidence and purpose as he headed to the tent. If he noticed the attention shown his way - or perhaps more accurately to his weapon, a heavy flamer heavily decorated with symbols of the Emperor and polished, shining metal - he doesn't respond, relying on his intimidating presence to carry him to his destination without being interrupted or approached. While naturally he had duties as a priest towards the common soldier, whose faith he expected to be lacking after their time out here (a disappointing reality), for now his higher duty to follow orders and as such serve the Imperium took priority.
    Last edited by Volthawk; 2018-10-23 at 12:31 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Spoiler: Sheet

    Ezekiel gets out of the transport ship with a quiet groan and creaking of bones. Finally, after so much time spent idle in that rickety flying box, a chance to stretch his legs. He closes his eyes for a while, listening to the fire nad brimstone sermon delivered by a fellow servant of the Ministorum. With his energy renewed he marches on, content to know that the soldiers have spiritual guidance to help them on through the travails of this campaign. Ezekiel considered it his holy duty to take this faint flame of faith and stoke it into a glorious blaze of religious fervor in the pitch of battle. He found out some years ago that this was most easily achieved when he lead by example, smiting the mutant and heretic on the front lines. He idly scratches his left cheek, which bears a particularly large, jagged scar - a memento of a reckless charge on a trench full of frenzied cultists.

    Ezekiel walks straight to the command tent, eager to find out how he can help spread the gospel of God Emperor on this planet.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    You all walk into the Tent and salute the Colonel.
    “The Colonel returns your salute with a snap. “You may be seated,” he bellows, “I am Colonel Garn of the 37th Maccabian Janissaries, and for the duration of this mission I’ll be your commanding officer.” Colonel Garn retrieves a pointer from the desk, and turns to face the large map on his wall. “The Battle for Virbius has not been going well.” You notice on the map dozens of small, black Xs. “The Severan Dominate forces on this planet have been waging a particularly brutal guerrilla campaign against us, but we think we may have found the man responsible. Imperial intelligence believes that they have located General Harvax Scarus somewhere in this mountain range.” The Colonel takes his pointer and swats the map with a resounding crack. “In the morning, the 37th will be launching a major offensive against the General and his forces. Meanwhile, your orders are to find the General and capture or kill him. You will be well behind enemy lines and are required to maintain vox silence for the duration of your mission. Yours will be the third squad we have sent after the General, and you are expected to set off at dawn. You may now leave. Extra Gear has been allotted for you in the armory so I suggest you head there first,”


    Extra Gear: One Signal Jammer, One Missile Launcher, Two Frag Missiles, Two Krak Missiles and Field Rations for One Month.
    I need a DN 2 awareness test.
    Last edited by Xenopax; 2018-10-27 at 03:26 AM.
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Luis salutes the Colonel, and heads out of the command tent. "What kinda operation is this? I seen some grox****e, but this..." Luis inspects his new squadmates. He turns to the tech-priest. "Oy, sparky. See yon Chimera? Reckon you can make her work again? They don't mind if we borrows it, I'm sure. There's a few extra wheels over there." Luis saunters over to the scrapyard. Is over the fence in a moment. He easily finds some spare wheels. He even supposes they might match those needed by the Chimera! But how to get them over...

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Andrii nods at the Colonel salutes back and exits the tent straight.

    As he gets out he tries to put this mission to order in his head "We're going into unknown territory, doing a strike mission without knowing the region or where to go, and even without a vehicle. Typical Imperial guard mission eh?" he jokes.

    As Luis points to the broken Chimera, Andrii nods again. "That might help"

    "My name's Andrii by the way." at what he was expecting to receive a "you're that damn psyker"

    Somehow, gossip had caught up with him, and the worst was that in it there was truth and in a very imperial guard way - it made things even more dangerous than they should be.
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    A surgical strike behind enemy lines: it was very much a textbook Tempestus operation, and it certainly explained Tiberius was called. What it did not explain was why not send and entire Scion unit, or Valkyrie-drop them...but if that was command's decision, than so be it - a mere soldier could not hope to understand His will, and a good soldier wouldn't question orders regardless.

    Fully determined to walk the entire way, and used to comrades who would have done the same, Tiberius was taken off-guard by Luis pointing out the Chimera. It wasn't a bad idea - on second though, they weren't explicitly ordered to go on foot - but...

    "To get to the rebel General, we must remain unnoticed as long as possible. With a transport, we will have a limited selection of routes, and they'll see us coming from miles away."

    He didn't introduce himself.

    Spoiler: Insight DN 2
    You can tell it isn't purposeful - you think a direct question would get an answer.
    To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
    To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
    To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

    Might suffer occasional hiccups in posting rate. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Ezekiel has to admit he felt a slight sting of disappointment when the Colonel explained their mission. Sneaking behind enemy lines, trudging through mountain ranges - these are far from the glorious frontal assault he expected. The mention of two previous, failed expeditions did little to put the priest's mind at ease, and some of the chatter between the members of the newly formed strike team confirms he isn't the only one feeling uneasy. But it is no time for hesitation - the traitorous rebels need to be purged from Virbius, for the greater good of Mankind.

    Ezekiel decides that finding the Chimera is a good sign. It's dire state was, of course, a reminder that a good servant of the Imperium must always struggle against hardship to strengthen their resolve.
    "Ask, and the Emperor shall provide! Here's a vehicle that will take us where we must go. Surely, it is better to ride at least some of the way? Otherwise, the battle might be over before we reach our destination." The priest looks over to the Tempestus Scion, who, he realizes, still remains anonymous to him.

    "Andrii's got the right idea. I would like to at least know your names, if we are to fight together. I am Ezekiel." He doesn't elaborate further, confident that all of his comrades can recognize the robes of a Ministorum priest.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Fredrick casually slipped back out of the tent before the meeting was entirely done and loitered for a moment. He finally started to move again once the fellow soldiers started to mingle and discuss plans, remaining nonchalant in all of his movements versus drawing attention to himself, and got close enough that he could be considered a part of the group. His voice was as low as theirs, his accent impossible to nail down to any one world, as he mumbled ”Best part of that debriefing? Didn’t hear anything about what we should do with the general’s belongings. Name’s…” He paused for a bit longer than he should’ve before he added ”Fredrick. Pleased to meet everyone for however long it lasts.”
    New job, who dis?
    I'll check in the evenings when I get home from work / take a break from whatever game has claimed my soul.

    Your understanding is appreciated.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    "From where I am, the enemy uses all it's gear trying to kill us, so when we succeed they have nothing of use. Maybe here is the same. I've heard of orks - and orks never have valuable stuff, and also of stealthy assassins.

    "So in general a lot of gossip going around, wich means no one really bloody knows what is happening."

    "We should get this vehicle up and running and pick the extra gear and something more if available. Food at least, as this doesn't appear to be a fast mission."

    "Do any of you know this blasted place? Going to a mountain without knowing is a sure way of getting waylaid".
    Creativity is my weapon of choice!

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Luis rolls one of the salvaged wheels over past where the others are talking. "You ladies done talking? Come help grab those wheels and roll them over so sparky can get this thing working. We got a long trip ahead of us, you can chit chat on the way over."

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    "Tiberius." he replied to Ezekiel, then resumed staring the the Chimera while thinking. He still wasn't entirely convinced it was a good idea, but...perhaps riding it halfway had more benefits than advantages, especially if the rumours were true - less times they'd have to camp, less chances to be ambushed.

    "We have been allotted one month of rations." he then said to Andrii, before heading towards the scrapyard to fetch the remaining wheels.
    To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
    To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
    To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

    Might suffer occasional hiccups in posting rate. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    You get the rest of the wheels with no problem.
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    "Do any of you guys need extra gear? Besides the aloted missile launcher? We should also get somekind of a map or cartographer if available. Shall we split? As some stay repaiing the chimera, others will go fetch the gear."
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  21. - Top - End - #21
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Iota looked at the gathering supplies of the Chimera and nodded, befor emoving forward and getting to work. Miu extending and connecting with the machine, she began to gather parts and tools and getting to work earnestly, hymms of the omnissiah rising from her throat.

    Spoiler: Roles

    MIU bonus roll if applicable


  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    The holy hymns work and the Chimera rumbles to life with it's new wheels.
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    "Nice job, Sparky!" says Luis. "Someone go and sweet-talk the quartermaster into giving us some extra supplies. Careful, he's a jerk. Wouldn't give me the time of day, much less a damn sniper rifle. I'll, uh, guard the Chimera, make sure some other idiots on a bizarre mission don't try and borrow our wheels." With that, Luis stows his gear in the Chimera and stretches out in the passenger compartment, to take a nap.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Fredrick stretched a bit before he said ”I’ll go ahead and give the quartermaster a shot. You said a sniper rifle in addition to what we got from the cap’n, yeah?” He was already on his way to where he heard the quartermaster and resultant armory was at at a somewhat leisurely pace. When he entered he didn’t immediately approach, instead taking his time to get used to the environs and size up his mark for a moment. Once he was confident he knew what he was getting himself into he approached and in a fairly low, but not low enough to immediately signal anyone who was keeping an eye from a remote location, voice spoke to the man in charge.
    ”Hey there pal. Cap’n’s sending us on a mission, should’ve gathered it up for us already, yeah? Mind if I look over it before I get out of your hair and let you get back to more important things?” He lingered and looked over the gear that they were requisitioned, a frown slowly playing over his face, as he said apologetically ”Shooootttt pal. It seems like we’re missing some items. See, cap’n wanted us to get a sniper rifle before we left. It was a last minute addition, the paperwork’s probably just caught up somewhere. Tell ya what, though, you add that to the list and I promise I’ll get some fine salvage from the mission just for you. Sound good, pal?” He then flashed his best smile and awaited the results.
    Spoiler: Test?
    @me on Discord with what I need to roll? Will probably spend some glory to make this test pass if I have to but up to you, really. I’ll save my once per session thing for Influence, though.
    Influence? (6d6)[1][1][6][5][3][6](22)
    Deceive? (6d6)[4][6][5][5][4][2](26)
    Cunning? (10d6)[5][1][3][3][2][2][2][5][4][2](29)
    New job, who dis?
    I'll check in the evenings when I get home from work / take a break from whatever game has claimed my soul.

    Your understanding is appreciated.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    The Quartermaster gives you the stink eye before reaching under his desk and grabbing a Long Las. It has a hundred different regiment names engraved in it, so it's clearly seen plenty of use. He then says "You better keep your word on that Salvage or i'll make sure you can't even get a spare power pack for your lasgun"
    Omnissiah grant me the strength to change what I can,
    the patience to accept what I cannot,
    Quote Originally Posted by Timble View Post
    when an imperial knight says it wants to stick you in a large arena in which to fight to the death, you can't exactly say no.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Fredrick says "Sure thing, bud! I'll scrounge something up for ya and ain't no one gonna know otherwise" as he gathers up the long las and other gear, making his way back to the chimera. He dropped off the gear and held out the long-las, saying apologetically "Here's the rub, friend. Gotta get some salvage for that rifle if I'm gonna stick around longer than a mission. We do that and ya can keep it for all I care." Assuming such was the case he hopped into the tank and said "Well that salvage ain't gonna loot itself. Let's go, pals!"
    New job, who dis?
    I'll check in the evenings when I get home from work / take a break from whatever game has claimed my soul.

    Your understanding is appreciated.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Luis took the Long Las, checked it over for minute imperfections and the like. Typical sniper stuff. "All goes according to plan, we snipe the bastard and bug out without ever gettin' in range of them. But maybe we can find some game or something for him. How's the hunting here? Ah, I suppose we'll see for ourselves. Lookin' forward to some home cooking if I can bag something."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Quote Originally Posted by dojango View Post
    "Nice job, Sparky!" says Luis. "Someone go and sweet-talk the quartermaster into giving us some extra supplies. Careful, he's a jerk. Wouldn't give me the time of day, much less a damn sniper rifle. I'll, uh, guard the Chimera, make sure some other idiots on a bizarre mission don't try and borrow our wheels." With that, Luis stows his gear in the Chimera and stretches out in the passenger compartment, to take a nap.
    Iota nodded with a bit of happiness to her posture "The machine spirits were most agreeable, I think they appreciated being given the chance to move once more." She gently brushed her hand across the surface of the vehicle, before climbing in after Luis to inspect the controls and connect her MIU to the vehicle.

    Eventually, when Frederick returned with the long Las, she let out a whistle, which came out high pitched and electronic " Good work, We can avoid a confrontation like Luis said." She said, powering on the vehicle "I am looking forward to a good meal. I may be mostly metal, but I still need to eat." She said, doing tech priests things with her hands and MIU to prepare the vehicle for the journey.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    If only...

    Tiberius didn't think it was impossible they could actually pull off what they were saying, but, was a best case scenario, things were hardly ever that easy. Perhaps they could indeed snipe the commander from afar, but getting there without confrontation was whishful thinking.

    "...Keep your guard up." he advised, crawling inside the Chimera's turret and trying to suppress the thoughts of all the field-rations-based meals that were awaiting him.
    To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
    To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
    To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

    Might suffer occasional hiccups in posting rate. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Troll in the Playground

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    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Wrath of Virbius!

    Luis spread out the map they'd been given. Let's see. The plains rapidly gave way to woods in one sector. There they'd be safer from prying eyes. He scanned the map, trying to find the best route to the target. If they went up the river marked there, and cut past the valley, they should arrive just behind the target zone...

    I have 7 in survival, so let's read some maps! Woo! (7d6)[4][6][1][4][4][1][5](25)
    Last edited by dojango; 2018-11-16 at 11:57 PM.

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