Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Giant in the Playground Administrator
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    confused OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    New comic is up.
    Rich Burlew

    Now Available: Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales as a PDF e-book, available from Gumroad!

    ~~You can also support The Order of the Stick and the GITP forum at Patreon.~~

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Poor Thad! Lost his love to a Celestial.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    That just raises further questions!
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Ok, Durkon, I know you liked Thad, but the new guy is clearly pretty awesome. You should give him a chance.
    If you're a Brandon Sanderson fan (or you want to start being one), check out The Sanderlanche podcast!

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Wow, I want this guy's story. He looks like a nice dude.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    So what's that make us?

    Absolutely nothing!

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    I find it amusing that Durkon's cousin's brother-in-law's neice's fiance told Durkon that but not his name. Also, I guess we now know where Dark Helmet ended up.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by monomer View Post
    So what's that make us?

    Absolutely nothing!
    Great minds Think alike. And so do we apparently.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Just came here to see if anyone has already done a family tree in order for me to understand that.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Poor Thad, always alone.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    What does the blue text mean? I don't remember...

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Finally monday!

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote0715 View Post
    What does the blue text mean? I don't remember...
    It usually indicates they are an outsider of some description.

    That said, the spectral weapon in his hand suggests to me he might be channeling something instead. I await the experts to let me know what under Earth his class and/or race might be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Was that a soulknife???
    Longtime lurker, Infrequent poster.

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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Who in the heck is that? And beheading a rock elemental, does that really kill them? I didn't think coup de tat or criticals affected elementals
    EDIT: did they just toss a dwarf? I thought you weren't allowed to do that (LOTR)
    Last edited by Syncrogti; 2019-05-13 at 08:42 AM.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Well I wasn't expecting that!
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    Does the game you play feature a Dragon sitting on a pile of treasure, in a Dungeon?
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  17. - Top - End - #17
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrogti View Post
    Who in the heck is that?
    Durkon's cousin's brother in law's niece's fiancé. But no Thad, the new one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrogti View Post
    And beheading a rock elemental, does that really kill them? I didn't think coup de tat or criticals affected elementals
    It needn't be a critical. He could just have delivered enough damage to kill it, which the comic depicted as a decapitation.

    Grey Wolf
    Last edited by Grey_Wolf_c; 2019-05-13 at 08:43 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrogti View Post
    Who in the heck is that? And beheading a rock elemental, does that really kill them? I didn't think coup de tat or criticals affected elementals
    I think it's just a visual effect to indicate how strong this new guy is.
    Last edited by Resileaf; 2019-05-13 at 08:43 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeson View Post
    I find it amusing that Durkon's cousin's brother-in-law's neice's fiance told Durkon that but not his name. Also, I guess we now know where Dark Helmet ended up.
    What Helmet??

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Okay, now I'm really curious to find out who that is... And I don't really buy that story. A guy that mysterious won't be just a relative of a relative twice removed...

    Quote Originally Posted by monomer View Post
    So what's that make us?

    Absolutely nothing!
    Also, +1 internet to you ^^

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrogti View Post
    EDIT: did they just toss a dwarf? I thought you weren't allowed to do that (LOTR)
    No it's ok, because your legs and arms have the same strength score
    Last edited by littlebum2002; 2019-05-13 at 08:59 AM.
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  22. - Top - End - #22
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    ...What. Just... what.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
    Actually finishing a seven-book series of fantasy novels is a better dig at ASOIAF than any in-strip parody could be.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore View Post
    What Helmet??
    It's a reference to this scene from Spaceballs, parodying The Empire Strikes Back:

    Dark Helmet: Before you die, there is something you should know about us, Lone Starr.
    Lone Starr: What?
    Dark Helmet: I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
    Lone Starr: [confused] What's that make us?
    Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become. Prepare to die.
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  24. - Top - End - #24
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    So many questions !
    Can't find Thad on the wiki or in any other posts here.

    Going to be a long wait until the next comic.

    Thad's replacement has a white cloak with purple. That doesn't seem like normal dwarf colors, so wondering what it signifies.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Wait, what? How many levels is this guy?

    Like, I don't think we've ever even seen a character with such equipment. It looks like an Epic full set from a guild instance for chrissake!

    ...Also, does it makes sense to say "cousin's brother-in-law's niece"? If she's the niece of the husband of the sister of the cousin, then he could just say cousin's husband's niece, because the sister of the cousin is also a cousin. If on the other hand she's the niece of the brother of the wife of the cousin, then he could just say cousin's wife's niece, because the niece of the brother is also a niece. Hmmm...

    Anyway, it's hilarious to compare Elan who did not know he had a brother, and Durkon who not only understood what the sentence above meant, but remembered who the niece was engaged to
    Last edited by ratfox; 2019-05-13 at 09:04 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Turin_19 View Post
    Just came here to see if anyone has already done a family tree in order for me to understand that.
    I'm pretty much on the same boat

    Quote Originally Posted by Syncrogti View Post
    I didn't think coup de tat or criticals affected elementals
    Sure they do. For any society other than a completely anarchic one with no formal government, a coup de tat affects pretty much every inhabitant of that society. As Neutral and not Chaotic, I'm pretty sure Elementals can be affected by a drastic change in jurisdictional power

    Or did you mean coup de grâce?

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Coyote0715 View Post
    What does the blue text mean? I don't remember...
    As Grey_Wolf_c pointed out colored speech balloons usually mean some kind of outsider. Cousin's brother-in-law's niece's fiancé (Cbilnf for short) has the same color scheme in his speech balloons as Celia (example) so maybe he's got a connection to the elemental plane of air, or maybe that's the generic color for all good-aligned outsiders. Unlike Celia, Cbilnf gets a different font than everyone else when he speaks. That may be significant, or it may just be that we haven't seen Celia (I think) since the latest art upgrade.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by noneill View Post
    So many questions !
    Can't find Thad on the wiki or in any other posts here.

    Going to be a long wait until the next comic.

    Thad's replacement has a white cloak with purple. That doesn't seem like normal dwarf colors, so wondering what it signifies.
    I think the idea is that Durkon has a very large, very extended family (as he basically inherited the families of everyone that Sigdi sacrificed her fortune to Raise). . .so he's got a lot of distant relatives that have never come up to the audience, but he knows.

    If he hasn't been mentioned before, that doesn't mean he didn't exist, he just hadn't been mentioned so far. It was just a passing reference to drive home how Durkon has so many distant relatives he knows about and keeps track of.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    At the color of the speechbubble I alsmot thought it was Celia, but no, it's a part-dwarf celestial.

    I expect the combination of templates and classes to be as multi-layered as that relation. A relation wich includes both blood and non-blood bonds, I should note.

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  30. - Top - End - #30
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1163 - The Discussion Thread

    For some reason I read that font as strong chaotic alignment.

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