Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    The day has finally arrived, the first Delve. For some it is a day or extreme anxiety and nervous fear and anticipation, for others, a source of great excitement. You each begin heading from your residences within the massive City of Solum towards The Dungeon. The familiar sprawling expanse of painted stone cityscape, with its bustling people living innocent and happy lives, eventually gives way to greater greenery. You can see the edge of the island of Solum in the distance, but you follow the sadly well trodden path towards one of the two mountains, the one feared and revered by the people, the location of The Dungeon.

    Numerous others walk this road, some with coin and goods hoping to be the first to trade for new spoils recovered from The Dungeon. Some travel with grim anticipation and fear or naive excitement, you suspect they are other new Delvers. Some walk in grim silence, veterans showing who know and have experienced first hand the hell you're about to enter.

    Roughly half-way, the farthest most of you have ever come before, you reach the monument; a towering Obelisk with thousands of names etched into its surface, those remembered as heroes; Delvers either MIA or confirmed dead fulfilling their duty to secure Solum's survival. As you each learned growing up here, each name has a magic glyph embedded into the writing so that you can learn more about the individual. Just past lie the ruins of a previous Obelisk, the magnificent towering structure gone other than a jagged base, a reminder of the consequences for not upholding this duty - you know that it was destroyed by a vicious monster that emerged from The Dungeon, long before the current King's reign, but the details are often discussed in whispers and the rumors have become quite outrageous. Was it really a Dragon? A Demon? A two-hundred twenty foot tall gnome with sharp teeth? A giant floating eyeball? The stories are varied as they are ridiculous, all that's known for sure is that it was a devastating event.

    In the distance at the base of the mountain rises a large structure made of dwarvencraft stonework, plants have been magically encouraged to shape themselves to the structure's support. An enormous stone wall capable of supporting 4 men standing shoulder to shoulder on the width of its towering battlements surrounds an expanse of land called The Dungeon Courtyard, but colloquially referred to as simply the yard. Before that, an enormous moat filled with jagged barbed spikes, and running water. The drawbridge to the Dungeon has already been lowered by the time you arrive in preparation. Here, outside of the fortress, the enterprising merchants begin to set up their carts and wares.

    Passage across the drawbridge is closely watched by several heavily armed city guards, a post often taken by successful Delvers desperate to never return to the forsaken Dungeon, and is being managed by several bureaucrats, obvious by their emblematic garb, tall round hats, and the potent stink of ink. The bureaucrats ominously copy information from your papers onto their books, stamp your papers and direct you into the yard. You know this process is used to keep track of the death toll.

    As you pass over the drawbridge you see numerous doors and stairs to the battlements on the outside of the wall. You pass through the wall, seeing the numerous metallic portcullises and gates suspended overhead, you emerge into the yard. You see numerous seasoned Delvers, including some that you know, famous heroes and celebrities often talked about. Celebrities such as Mialee the grand elven sorceress, Harran the Iron Dragon, Sword Saint Noctis, the Ephemeral Valan. You also note the hundreds of murder holes in the walls of the yard, it appears this place was designed as a kill box in the event anything should ever exit The Dungeon uninvited again.

    Numerous guards patrol the area, some simply watching the crowd, others fortifying and repairing the wall with tools and magic. The dull roar of the chatter of those Delving today comes to a sudden stillness after the deafening blast of a trumpet. The Magistrate, with her especially tall round hat, steps onto a raised platform at one side of the yard and in a loud voice begins making announcements. Most of them are irrelevant to you and pass you by in anxious anticipation. Many teams are announced and enter together until they at long last get to the new Delvers. You're being assigned a team, all in all, your team is assigned six individuals:

    "The next team shall be composed of the following new Delvers!
    Levyk the Dwarf!
    Aertre Foucalt!
    Thanquil Rokeby!
    Solstafir Bazaretek!
    Orchid the Human!
    Geraldo Halbinger!
    You six shall proceed as one unit together, proceed into The Dungeon, and may Solum smile upon your Delve."

    You each make your way towards the large temple-like structure, guards face both in and out towards the entrance, but they've already parted ways to make room. The six of you, three humans, two dwarves, and an elf, march to face your fate, ascending the white steps one by one you enter the large structure. Support columns clearly rigged to be quickly destroyed to collapse the structure line the left and right side of this hall, as you pass deeper in it seems the light from outside struggles harder and harder to reach you until you feel a strange sickening sensation of a shift in gravity as you pass through space-time to enter... The Dungeon.

    Unsure what just happened and not a word spoken to each other prior, as is the custom for a first Delve, you stand in total darkness. The smell of salt lingers in the air and you hear the sounds of intense winds and rain. A flash of lightning from behind you briefly illuminates the large square chamber. The momentary glance grants you the sigh of three doors, one on the far wall, one to the left, and one to the right. Those of you with darkvision can't quite make out the the far wall, but see the walls to the right and left, even after the brief flash. Cacophonous echoes of thunder crash through the chamber.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-17 at 10:13 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Allow me." Orchid says to the party.

    She dives a hand into her haversack, fumbling for a moment before bringing out her hearthfire lantern and an accompanying gel cube. She sets the cube into the lantern and then pours in water from her Everfull mug, causing the gel to ignite with a blue-green flame.

    "Much better." she states, taking the opportunity to ensure everyone is present.

    Spoiler: Hearthfire
    This is just a reference for how it works. When an ounce of water is poured onto the gel, it's goes up in a blue-green flames that does not emit heat nor harm anything that touches it. It emits light as a torch(20ft. radius) and lasts for 24 hours. The hours of use doesn't need to be continuous and it can be turned off by drying the cube off.
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    If there is more then one way, and you don't know which to go, go the right, 'cause it's the right way - is an old dwarven saying. So, team, should we take the right door first?

    Levyk steps forward turns around to watch the group and points at the right door behind him.
    By the way, my name is Levyk

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Th-thank you" stammers Thanquil quietly to Orchid before clearing his throat and trying again in a louder and more confident voice. "Thank You. What a fascinating substance, it reacts with water to produce light yes?"

    Thanquil reaches into his own Haversack and pulls out a piece of chalk and his shortbow which he proceeds to string.

    "Right is as good a direction as any to start. I have some chalk here I can use to mark the routes we have taken in case we get turned around or need to come back on ourselves. My name is Thanquil, of the Rokeby family."

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character


    Geraldo nods towards the rest of the group and cautiously treads over to the right door pulling out his own everburning torch and some rope along the way. He fastens the torch to a strap of his haversack so he has free hands and starts searching the door for traps once he reaches the door.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Orchid curtsies using her one free hand.

    "Orchid... just Orchid now. I suppose my family name doesn't matter much without a family."

    She sets aside her lantern, opting to hang it from her haversack. Orchid then squints in the direction of the door, trying to see it through the low-light until Geraldo's torch makes its location more apparent.

    "Right seems like a fine direction. Let me know if you require assistance with searching."
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
    TheFallenOne's Avatar

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    When the sense of vertigo from entering the Dungeon passed Solstafir closed his eyes in concentration for a moment, whereupon a cloak of blue-white flames started to envelop him, wispy flames dancing around his body without seeming to radiate any noticable heat. Until now the soulmeld had been suppressed, people seeming strangely uncomfortable with seeing someone walking around while on fire. His other soulmeld didn't share this problem and the half-substantial vambraces of a shimmering silver had been visible all the while, hovering a fraction of an inch above his forearms without any apparent fastening holding it in place.

    "Solstafir Bazaratek. Three a, one e. Better get it right unlike that announcer up there." He seemed in agreement with the chosen direction though he didn't deign to verbally express as much, following closely on the path to the right door.

    What does my dwarven depth sense say?
    A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
    Last edited by TheFallenOne; 2019-11-18 at 03:08 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Geraldo glances back at the group on his way over to the door and says in a barely audible voice, "Name's Geraldo Halbinger. Suppose that just leaves Miss Foucault, I presume. In any case, I'm going to check this door for traps. You can never be too careful in this type of place, or at least, so the stories tell."

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Upon turning toward the group to indicate the door, Levyk sees a large hole in the wall behind the group. Far, far in the distance, lightning dances illuminating pitch black storm clouds. It seems the sound of violent wind and torrential rain are also passing through this absence of wall. There appears to be no ground past the precipice, much like the edge of Solum.

    Spoiler: Listen checks

    Aertre (1d20-1)[2]
    Geraldo (1d20-1)[4]
    Orchid (1d20+1)[18]
    Solstafir (1d20-2)[18]
    Levyk (1d20+3)[20]
    Thanquil (1d20+6)[26]

    Move Silently: (1d20+10)[17]

    Carefully examining the door, Geraldo finds no traps. However, some of you hear a noise, a soft chattering and the ominous clickety-clak of a multitude of creatures quickly traversing the hard floor on claws.

    A dozen fuzzballs with long scraggly black fur and beady eyes, their red irises reflecting the group's light sources scurry across the floor from the far corner. Were they even there before? Ten of the tiny creatures hiss as they approach bearing their proportionately small fangs. You note that two more fuzzy creatures tower over their counterparts, roughly the size of a medium breed of dog, they release a low growl and then a strange squeak, commencing their charge, their claws clacking loudly as they attempt to bum rush the group.

    Spoiler: Initiative
    Baddies: (1d20+3)[6]
    Aertre (1d20+3)[7]
    Geraldo (1d20+2)[18]
    Orchid (1d20+2)[3]
    Solstafir (1d20+3)[17]
    Levyk (1d20+0)[3]
    Thanquil (1d20+3)[5]

    Before the fuzzballs can make their approach, Solstafir can take one standard action during the surprise round.
    After which, the fuzzballs will finish their approach.
    Then, those not caught unawares: Thanquil, Orchid, and Levyk may act in the surprise round with one standard action.
    Then all players who beat the initiative of 6 may act.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-18 at 07:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Solstafir's right hand reached for the backside of his shield, pulling forth a small hammer and then flung it at one of the bigger creatures while they were mid-charge.

    Free action to pull light hammer from shield sheath
    Standard action for ranged attack
    attack - (1d20+4)[24] bludgeoning damage - (1d4+3)[5]
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    The hammer smashes into the small-sized fuzzball, crushing it onto the stone floor. A crimson explosion of blood now decorates the floor in that area and the iron smell of the creature's blood mingles with the humid salty air.

    The fuzzballs make their approach, seemingly unfazed by the sudden death of one of their number. Four tiny fuzzballs and the surviving small fuzzball enter melee with Thanquil, four tiny fuzzballs make their way into melee with Aertre, and four more into melee with Solstafir. Since they used their surprise round to move (not actually a charge action) they don't yet attack, but bear their teeth and claws in preparation to try to destroy... probably your ankles, its about as high as they can reach.

    Thanquil, Orchid, and Levyk now get their standard actions for the surprise round and...
    Aertre, Geraldo, and Solstafir can take full actions for winning initiative in round 1. These player actions, both surprise round and round 1 actions, can be taken in any order.

    Then the fuzzballs will make their attack.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-18 at 11:00 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Aertre lagged the others, casting an eye back at the portal they'd been through and trying to put out of her mind the hard stares of the veterans.

    She'd read some of the Delver sagas, and a common trope was the camaraderie between the old and young: Grizzled veterans offering encouraging words to first-timers, or new recruits saluting older teams as they exited.

    She always knew it was bunk.

    "Eh, Aertre's fine … I could do without hearing 'Foucault' for a while. Wait, what's he … gah!
    Last edited by infomatic; 2019-11-18 at 11:12 PM.
    "My advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it."
    — The Dragon, to Grendel

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Wohohohoooo, little furry buggers Levyk says in surprise, when seeing them. None of them attacks him and without any further ado, he draws his weapon.

    Spoiler: what are these buggers?
    knowledge arcana check (i guess magical beasts) (1d20+4)[15]

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Ah!" Orchid barely manages to stop herself from shrieking when she sees the fluffballs come out of the woodwork.

    "GreaseGreaseGrease!" she shouts in response, going through the casting motions, which creates a pool of grease underneath the fluff balls.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Standard: Grease, in a place that won't hinder allies will catch the fluffballs. DC 12 Reflex,

    Knowledge Arcana to attempt to identify the fluff balls. [roll]1d20+6[/roll
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "I think you're panicking far more than is warranted yet." Solstafir didn't draw his axe; given the size of their assailants he'd probably just end up dulling its edge when hitting the floor after cutting through them. Instead he just raised his right foot and stomped down hard on one of the skittering creatures.

    Unarmed attack on one of them, provoking an AoO from all four attack - (1d20+4)[24] bludgeoning damage - (1d3+3)[5]
    They probably won't get through my DR 4/magic anyway and just burn themselves to death on my Mantle of Flames.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Gah" Thanquil cries as he is swarmed by the small furry creatures. Surrounded on several sides he decides it would be a mistake to try and shoot his bow and instead draws his sword.

    Spoiler: Knowledge
    Knowledge to identify (1d20+8)[18], Thanquil has the following knowledge's with the same modifier so roll if for whichever is most appropriate - Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes and Religion.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Fie!" Aertre shouts in frustration as she stumbles over one of the fuzzy things, spoiling a spell that was beginning to gather power in her hands. Her eyes narrow in anger as a hand drops to her belt, plucking a nasty-looking spiked club from its loop.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Standard: attempt to cast on defensive, fail (in OOC thread)
    Move: Draw morningstar

    Five-foot step away from larger monsters, and hopefully toward a party member, to keep from being completely surrounded.

    "My advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it."
    — The Dragon, to Grendel

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Spoiler: Knowledge Nature results or if you have any ranks in Nature
    Thanquil is the only one who rolled the type to reveal what these are. These are a type of Vermin native to The Dungeon. The small sized fuzzballs are the parents of this cluster of tiny fuzzballs. Left alone, these creatures propagate extremely quickly. Within a day their numbers are likely to have doubled. Though even in small groups they're not a serious threat, once they reach critical population, more powerful fuzzballs can arise that can coordinate their smaller brethren with pack level intelligence. Generally these creatures are not considered an enormous threat, but keeping their population down is important. It's unknown if a high enough population of intelligent fuzzballs would cause an even more powerful kind of fuzzball to appear, and it's a hypothesis just about nobody is keen on testing.

    Their closest cousins that exist in Solum would be rats and dire rats.

    Resolving actions in generally most beneficial order:

    Solstafir readies to punch a fuzzball, provoking an attack of opportunity. The four fuzzballs take their opportunity to leap at Solstafir's ankles attempting to bite him.

    Spoiler: AoOs on Solstafir
    1. (1d20+4)[24] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

    2. (1d20+4)[16] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

    3. (1d20+4)[23] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

    4. (1d20+4)[9] - if it hits a total of 20, the fuzzball is incinerated on the mantle of flames.

    Two fuzzball creatures are incinerated in the mantle of flames. The other get by merely singed. Solstafir's foot comes down hard on a fluffball, incapacitating it. Three fluff balls defeated, one is still in melee with Solstafir.

    Aertre's spell is disrupted by the little menacing creatures, but she successfully steps away from them.

    Orchid lays down grease on the 4 fuzzballs previously engaged with Aertre, carefully avoiding her allies.
    Spoiler: Reflex Saves
    1. (1d20+4)[6]
    2. (1d20+4)[16]
    3. (1d20+4)[20]
    4. (1d20+4)[22]

    The fuzzballs, being quadrupedal as best you can tell, balance relatively well even on the slimy grease patch, but one slips, wheeling onto its back. Its tiny claws flail about above it, finding no purchase.

    * post roll count doesn't match database
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-20 at 04:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Geraldo spins around as he hears the exclamations of his new companions and notices the fuzzballs have already engaged in combat with a few of them.

    "I should have known that it wasn't going to be so easy. At least this door isn't trapped."

    Judging that Thanquil has the most fuzzballs on him, Geraldo dashes over towards him drawing his a large curved blade in the process. Upon reaching the vermin, Geraldo swings his blade diagonally downwards at the largest of the pack and flows into a shoulder check to stab into it with an armor spike if it doesn't fall from the blade.

    Spoiler: Wolf Fang Strike Maneuver
    Great Falchion Swing:
    Armor Spike Attack:

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Spoiler: Damage roll for Geraldo

    The remaining small-size fluff ball is cleaved in two by Geraldo's vicious swing.

    The four tiny fluff balls surrounding Thanquil go for his ankles.

    Spoiler: Fluffball attacks
    1. (1d20+4)[16] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[14] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    2. (1d20+4)[10] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[16] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    3. (1d20+4)[12] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[6] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    4. (1d20+4)[10] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[17] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    The little fuzzballs can't quite get good enough leverage to actually hurt Thanquil.

    The one conscious fluffball near Solstafir withdraws (withdrawal action) from Solstafir, and moves to Levyk instead, not wanting to be destroyed by the Mantle of Flames.

    The one fluff upside down from the Grease rights itself after a moment of struggling. All four cautiously tread their way through the slimy grease patch back into melee with Aertre. Three go for the ankles, the one that had to flip over just makes it over by that time.

    Spoiler: Attacks and Balance
    They have a +10 to balance so they can't fail the balance roll.

    1. (1d20+4)[13] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[24] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    2. (1d20+4)[8] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[14] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    3. (1d20+4)[15] to bite for 1 damage.
    If a critical threat (24), (1d20+4)[13] to confirm for 1 additional damage.

    The telegraphing of their approach as they plod through the grease buys Aertre ample time to avoid the creatures.

    All players may now act in any order, then enemies will act again.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-20 at 04:01 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Thanquil flinches back when the fuzzballs close in on him but as he avoids their attacks gains in confidence and stabs down with his blade.

    "Take that vermin"

    Spoiler: Attack

    Attack: (1d20+1)[18] damage: (1d8+1)[6]

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Orchid draws out her scythe from her haversack and moves nearby Aertre to provide support.

    "Stop!" she shouts, trying to steal the poofballs' attention.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Move: Draw out her scythe from her haversack.
    Standard: Move next to the fluffballs targeting Aertre, hopefully to draw them off.
    Intimidate roll just in case it's necessary. (1d20+3)[23]
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Geraldo takes a brief moment to fix his posture and stance, then takes another swing at one of the tiny vermin nearby. He figures that Thanquil will probably dice up his target fine, so he aims for a different fuzzball.

    Spoiler: Attack roll
    Spend a swift to recover maneuvers -> standard attack
    (1d20+5)[8] damage: (1d12+6)[17]

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Seeing that the fuzzballs were more an annoyance than genuine threat Solstafir strode into the thickest concentration of the tiny creatures, heedless of their ineffectual attacks and drew his leck back to punt one of them against the wall.

    Move 20 feet, provoking as many AoOs as possible. Forego dexterity bonus to AC.
    unarmed attack - (1d20+4)[21] nonlethal damage - (1d3+3)[4]
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    The surprise of the encounter has faded, replaced by a quiet disgust (though those who look at her closely will see her lips curled back and her nose scrunched.) Taking another step to stay within range of her fellows, she swings the club like a croquet mallet at one of the fuzzballs haranguing her.

    Spoiler: actions

    Five-foot step to keep from being surrounded again

    (1d20)[14] attack with morningstar for (1d8)[6] damage.
    "My advice to you, my violent friend, is to seek out gold and sit on it."
    — The Dragon, to Grendel

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    With his axe drawn already, Levyk could make out one fuzzy, that made him his new target. If it wanna die... he thoughts.

    He readjusts the grip on his axe and waits for it to come

    Spoiler: Rolls
    ready an attack when fuzzball is in range
    Attack (1d20+4)[8] damage (1d10+3)[5]

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    Thanquil impales a fuzzball, it twitches momentarily before becoming still.

    Geraldo makes another swing down at one of three remaining tiny fuzzballs. The tiny creature skitters out of the way of the blade in the nick of time.

    Orchid moves next to Aertre, drawing her scythe, attempting to act menacingly towards the creatures in hopes to draw their attention.

    Levyk swings his axe down on the unfortunate fuzzball, but the darn thing manages to skitter past the weapon.

    Solstafir marches into the midst of the fuzzballs in front of Aertre and Orchid casually, provoking AoOs from each of them. The fuzzballs, not yet aware of what is in store of them, follow in the way of their kin.

    Spoiler: AoOs
    1. (1d20+4)[6] dies on a 17 or better
    2. (1d20+4)[24] dies on a 17 or better
    3. (1d20+4)[13] dies on a 17 or better
    4. (1d20+4)[22] dies on a 17 or better

    Two fuzzballs leap into the Mantle of Flames finding only their doom.
    Solstafir kicks one out of the hole in the wall. It disappears from sight into the endless void of storm clouds.

    Aertre takes a swing at one of them, its grease coated body nearly lets it slip out from under the morningstar, but not quite. She smashes the creature with a sickening crunch.

    This group of 4 was defeated

    Spoiler: No attacks, they died.
    1. If not dead from AoO, (1d20+4)[7] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[24] for 1 extra damage

    2. If not dead from AoO, (1d20+4)[8] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[15] for 1 extra damage

    3. If not dead from AoO, (1d20+4)[7] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[17] for 1 extra damage

    4. If not dead from AoO, (1d20+4)[12] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[17] for 1 extra damage

    The three remaining fuzzballs around Thanquil continue to try to bite him.

    Spoiler: Attacks
    1. (1d20+4)[20] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[23] for 1 extra damage

    2. (1d20+4)[21] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[14] for 1 extra damage

    3. (1d20+4)[15] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[17] for 1 extra damage

    The one by Levyk goes for the dwarf's ankles.

    Spoiler: Attack
    1. (1d20+4)[22] to hit for 1 damage
    If crit threat (24) (1d20+4)[16] for 1 extra damage

    All players may now act.
    Last edited by Aegis013; 2019-11-21 at 08:25 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thatwarforged View Post
    You sir are a True Pirate Lord.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2016

    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    "Tsk, fast little bugger."

    Geraldo reattempts to slice the same one and follows up with another shoulder check to make sure it perishes.

    Spoiler: Wolf Fang Strike
    (1d20+3)[17] damage: (1d12+6)[16]
    (1d20+3)[9] damage: (1d6+4)[5]

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    After successfully drawing away the furballs from Aertre and defending herself from the menacing balls of poof, Orchid swings her scythe at them, like a farmer would cut grass, and then follows up with a tail slam.

    "Go away!" she shouts, trying to keep them away from her ankles.

    Spoiler: Actions

    Full Attack; if the scythe hits, retarget to a fluff balls that's still alive.
    Scythe Attack: (1d20+4)[20] Damage: (2d4+4)[8]
    Tail Attack: (1d20-2)[7] Damage: (1d6+1)[3]
    My posting may be slowed due to new job.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Titan in the Playground
    TheFallenOne's Avatar

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    Dec 2005
    Heidelberg, Germany

    Default Re: Aegis' Dungeoncrawler In-Character

    With their attackers thinned out Solstafir walks into the last concentration around Thanquil, getting ready for another stomp but this time he missed his mark as it skittered away from the licking flames of his soulmeld. He sighed in annoyance; these weak little creatures were barely worth making a toothpick from.

    Unarmed attack, provoking AoO again.
    Crusader's Strike - (1d20+4)[5] nonlethal damage - (1d3+3)[6]
    On hit, Martial Spirit heals Levyk two HP and Crusader's Strike heals Thanquil (1d6+1)[7] HP
    Last edited by TheFallenOne; 2019-11-22 at 12:39 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff the Green View Post
    Actually, when you first put up the post where the gazebo started trying to eat us, I assumed you were pulling our legs and you'd put up the real post soon enough.

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