Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC


    Deep in the wooded wilderness, the village of Grimmsgate is an outpost town on a seldom-traveled trail, right at the edge of nowhere. The village’s half-ruined temple of Law, dilapidated inn, drunken blacksmith, exiled trader and a few fur-trappers are enough to keep the bloody-minded denizens of the dark forest at bay, but nobody really expects the village to still be there in another ten years. The woods have become too dangerous for the trappers who once caught animals for fur, and merchants no longer travel the poorly- maintained road.

    What great evil and what fabulous treasures are to be found in these lands? A brave band of adventurers might make their fortunes here. Or perhaps they might never return . . .

    Spoiler: Knowledge (Geography) - Riaghan, Elethielle, Philemon

    Scale: 1 hex = 50 miles

    King's Road

    The King’s Road is one of the old Hyperborean high roads paved with stone and set with milestones. It passes through a variety of different terrains and countrysides and stretches from the capital city of the Kingdom of Foere, Courghais, in the west through to Endhome at the eastern end.

    The Cretian Mountains

    The Cretians are the northernmost range of the March of Mountains, and also the largest. The peaks of the Cretians are unusually high, taller than any others of the highest mountains of the central Kal’Iugus range. The Cretians completely encircle the heavily wooded Yolbiac Vale. The heights of the Cretians are virtually unknown to geographers, scholars, and cartographers, with the exception of the outermost few miles around the periphery of the vast mountain range.

    The Rampart Mountains

    The Rampart Mountains are so named because the central peaks of the range are steep and uniform like a castle wall.

    The Yolbiac Vale

    The vale is a deep indentation in the middle of the Cretian Mountains that runs from Coelum to about a hundred miles south of the town of Elet. It has several wide river valleys extending to the west that curl into the deep heart of the mountains. The strange folk of the Yolbiac populate these remote areas. The territory comprises approximately 22,000 square miles. The majority of the region is heavily forested, but not with a single, contiguous growth of trees. Instead, the region has many primordial forests that run five to 10 miles across. Ridges of stone, or infertile ground, divide the forests, for this is high and broken terrain.

    The vale may be reached either through the Coelum Pass in the Duchy of the Rampart or by the Ghostwind Pass near Elet in Aachen Province.

    Gaelon River Valley

    The Gaelon River Valley is a large area including the river’s tributaries as well as the valley of the main river.

    The many streams and tributaries branching off from the Gaelon River carve a circuitous path through the rolling grassy hills and wide valleys between the uplifted land masses. The elevation along the Gaelon River steadily decreases from the waterway’s origins in the western mountains until the end of its journey in Endhome.

    Spoiler: Knowledge (Untrained History) - everyone except Artaith
    GENERAL HISTORY (the last ~300 years)

    The reign of Graeltor, Overking of Foere, was not long. Shortly after his coronation, a delegation of religious leaders in the capital of Courghais approached him about the threat rising in the wastes north of Bard’s Gate where the temple city of Orcus known as Tsar was threatening trade between Foere and the Isthmus. Though the temple-city had been there for many years, Graeltor declared his own Great Crusade to destroy the city, which he dubbed the Army of Light. The siege of Tsar lasted for over a year and claimed tens of thousands on both sides.

    Then in distant Libynos, swarms of invading Mguru tribesmen emerged from the Malagro Jungle and overran the holy city of Tircople and the Sacred Table, reducing it to a burning waste. News of this atrocity shocked the Army of Light and shook its morale. Yet shortly thereafter, the forces of Tsar suddenly retreated from the field and led the vengeful Army of Light on a long chase down the Gulf of Akados coast. The army of Tsar was driven into the Forest of Hope, and the Army of Light followed. Both disappeared under the forest canopy, and no sign of either has been seen since.

    The shock of the loss of so much of the realm’s nobility and greatest warriors shook Foere to its core. Uprisings started to occur across the kingdom, with few knights or noblemen to put them down. Three years later, the broken Graeltor died in his bed, passing the crown to his largely unknown and untested grandson Oedwin. Shortly thereafter, Ramthion Island declared its independence from Foere, beginning what is known as the Foerdewaith Wars of Succession. Two years after that, the Grand Admiral of Pontus Tinigal withdrew from Foere and declared himself Emperor of the Oceans Blue, and established the Kingdom of Oceanus on Pontos Island. Efforts by the Foerdewaith to recover these lost provinces failed, and in short order other Foere lands followed suit, including Burgundy, Suilley, the Vast, North Heath and, in a devastating blow, Reme.

    During the three centuries since, the power of Foere has continued to decline, and many areas on its periphery have fallen increasingly into chaos and disorder. Where once the legions of empire kept the peace, now bandits and monsters roam, and good folk bar their doors and keep fires burning through the perilous night.

    Just three years ago, an event occurred that shook the kingdoms of Akados as a Huun army of the apparently immortal King of Kings Ossimandius appeared on the northern border of the Desolation of Tsar, past the ruins of Oxibbul. Never before had a Huun army set foot on the shores of the continent of Akados. It advanced southward until it reached the Lyre Valley, where it found its way blocked by Bard’s Gate and so laid siege to the city. King Ovar the Magnificent, the overking of Courghais, hastily called for a new Great Crusade against the age-old enemy and rallied the nobles and men-at-arms of Foere and its former provinces to the defence of their allies at Bard’s Gate. But first he unleashed a fleet of ships against the sambuks of Ossimandius’ navy in the Gulf of Akados. A combined Foerdewaith and Heldring armada delivered a crushing defeat to the Huun ships and forced them into a retreat back up to the coasts of the Sea of Spices.

    With their supply lines disrupted by the loss of its naval support, the besieging Huun forces withdrew from the walls of Bard’s Gate and retreated back across the Desolation with the crusader army in pursuit. The last reports from the front were of the crusading army pursuing the Huun into the wastes of the Irkainian Desert to draw them into battle, but nothing further has been heard for two years. With no word from the king of Foere nor any of the lesser rulers who marched with him, the Lost Lands are once again on the verge of turmoil as the rule of law is stretched by the absence of so many lords and men-at-arms. And rumours that King Ovar has returned to his Throne Tower of the citadel Caene, arriving alone at night astride his trained black dragon, has only further sparked talk of rebellion and betrayal. The Lost Lands are in need of heroes now more than ever.

    Spoiler: Knowledge (Local) - Felix

    The Duchy of the Rampart & City of Troye

    The Duchy of the Rampart, on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Foere, is well-settled, although pockets of wilderness are everywhere in between settlements. The southern verge of the Cretians is a wild and rugged place, much more sparsely inhabited, and correspondingly more dangerous for those who venture close to these strange peaks. Fewer settlements are along the margins of the Rampart Mountains, but this is an area where mining towns and villages of hill dwarves can be found in the rugged foothills. Patrols are at least occasionally undertaken by actual troops rather than a lone knight or a few volunteer yeomen with billhooks and crossbows.

    Settlements of note:
    • The City of Troye - capital city of the Duchy of the Rampart
    • Town of Metzel - an iron smelting town with a bad reputation
    • City of Ristalt - a small city with a large dwarf population
    • Reliquary of Jamboor - high in the foothills of the Rampart Mountains, this is the most significant temple to Jamboor for thousands of miles

    In general, the folk of the Rampart are not traders or merchants, but the duchy makes efforts to foster trade and travel within its borders. The capital city of Troye benefits from an excellent strategic location for trade, although the city itself is not particularly mercantile. Caravans ascend the King’s Road from the Kingdom of Foere and enter Troye’s gates from the west. Southern trade arrives from Toullen, Keston, and Vourdon along the South Road, and the King’s Road brings cargo from Endhome’s seaport and the farms of the Gaelon River Valley. Many of these shipments change hands in Troye as the various different merchants buy each other’s goods to take back on the return journey.

    King's Road

    The King’s Road passes through a variety of different terrains and countrysides and stretches from the capital city of the Kingdom of Foere, Courghais, in the west through to Endhome at the eastern end. In general, travelers can find accommodation for the night in small coaching inns provided they do not press on too far in the evenings. For the most part it is well-patrolled and (relatively) safe, the exception being in the east where it passes through the Gundlock Hills.

    The Yolbiac Vale

    The Yolbiac Vale is a dark and forested realm, barely populated, ruled by independent barons and a scattering of local nobles claiming higher status than baronial. Villages are far apart, roads are dangerous, peasants are secretive, and dangers lurk in the omnipresent forests. The people of the Yolbiac Vale are considered to be strange and unpredictable.

    The Yolbiac Vale is a land of dark alpine forests, independent villages, isolated abbeys, bizarre superstitions, and strange perils. Its people are widely varied in attitudes and customs, for few of them ever leave the environs of their home villages. Such wanderers are highly suspect, and even though they bring back fascinating news and tales of other villages, they might be doppelgangers or shape-changed faeries. It is best to always be careful; some returning travelers merely receive a sound thrashing before being sent back on their way.

    The Yolbiac region produces many strange commodities such as a variety of dark-purple apples that induce strange dreams and a dark grape, almost black, from which they ferment a potent, bitter wine that stains the lips and teeth of those who indulge frequently. Fey items are often brought down from the vale and include twists of hair or painted sticks that have magical powers, or finely chased goblets of hypnotic beauty.

    Settlements of note:
    • Coelum - main town in the Vale

    Gaelon River Valley

    The Gaelon River Valley is a large area including the river’s tributaries as well as the valley of the main river. Many of the river valleys are inhabited, but the area also contains a considerable quantity of completely untamed wilderness. The great trading city of Endhome sits at the river mouth where it empties into the Sinnar Ocean.

    The river and overland trade between the city of Endhome and the balance of the Gaelon River Valley defines this region. The coastal settlement’s economic influence reaches deep into the entire area, though its potency wanes in proportion to the settlement’s distance from the river or another well-traveled overland route. Travelers generally refer to these remote locales as the hinterlands.

    Settlements of note:
    • Beetlebridge - a small village that breeds giant beetles as draft animals
    • Deadfellows - a lawless frontier town
    • City of Endhome - port city and major trading hub
    • Gaelon River Bridge - town with famed tanneries built around an ancient dwarven bridge at intersection of barge & caravan trade routes
    • Grimmsgate - an isolated thorp in the middle of nowhere
    • Free City of Mirquinoc - an independent city located on ley lines, with associated fey activity

    Kingdom of Suilley

    Some 300 years ago, the Kingdom of Suilley declared itself an independent kingdom and seceded from the Kingdoms of Foere. Since this time, other large regions of the Borderland Provinces have declared themselves vassals of the Suilleyn king, which has increased the kingdom’s power by an order of magnitude but strained its resources to the utmost.

    Selected settlements of note:
    • Manas - sprawling metropolis and capital city of Suilley

    District of Sunderland

    The District of Sunderland proper primarily encompasses the plains and hills between the Gaelon River to the north, Old Burgundia to the south, and the Matagost Peninsula to the east. Hundreds of villages and farmsteads are scattered across the district, most with no more than a few dozen inhabitants and many without even a name.

    Selected settlements of note:
    • Grollek's Grove - small town and trading post with vineyards

    Spoiler: Knowledge (Local and/ or Nobility) - Felix & Eponine
    Duchy of the Rampart

    The current ruler of the Duchy is Claud VII, Duke of the Rampart, Battle-Duke of Foere, and Sword of the Foerdewaith. He has a long and bloody history in petty wars on the wild fringes of civilization fi ghting on behalf of Foere, with the duchy administered in his absence by the nobleman Traont, Baron Thulde under the title of Lord-Steward of the Rampart. In the recent campaign against the Huun in the lands of the Gulf of Akados and Irkaina, the overking decided to lead the armies personally rather than placing the duke in his traditional post of command, and Claud returned to his lands in the Rampart, clearly confused and insulted.

    Having been established by decree, the duchy is not a wild patchwork of feudal divisions like the provinces to its east. It is segmented into a regular system of equally-sized counties. The counts appoint sheriffs and other officials and usually have at least four castled baronies in their lands, along with several knightly manors.

    The Yolbiac Vale

    Outsiders consider the Yolbiac Vale to be an annex of Foere, but it is strangely ignored and appears to have no ruling authority whatsoever. As such, the vale cannot be said to have any loyalties to, or diplomacy with, other nations.

    The vale is considered a part of the Kingdom of Foere, but no one seems to rule it; there is no capital and no governor, just the occasionally tyrannical law of a few barons, some of whom pay fealty to one of the 13 so-called “ducal” families, more commonly referred to as the “Old Families.” Unruled lands separate the baronies and duchies, but the barons make no attempt whatsoever to expand their territories and stay strictly within their traditional landholdings. This is a general tendency in the vale: Strange traditions and odd customs are seemingly more binding upon the folk of the Yolbiac than any decree of authority.

    Gaelon River Valley

    The Gaelon River Valley is a free land unclaimed by foreigners, with no central government. Although by far the most developed settlement in the region, the neutral commercial powerhouse of Endhome keeps its nose out of local politics and allows these communities to govern themselves without interference from Endhome.

    Kingdom of Suilley

    Suilley is a monarchy ruled by a hereditary king or queen who derive descent from Ghienvais I, the first king to bear the crown in rebellion against Foere. The realm has eight ducal houses, which makes the king relatively strong compared with many of his peer monarchs, since it is rare for the dukes to agree long enough with each other to unite against the king in any way.

    The heraldry of the house of King Ulrich, and thus the device of Suilley, is a golden crown over two red lions rampant, back to back, on a green field.

    District of Sunderland

    These lands are under no sovereign in general, though mercantile interests from other lands have made forays in some strategic locations.

    Spoiler: Knowledge (Religion) - Macelan
    Selected religious establishments of note
    • Reliquary of Jamboor - high in the foothills of the Rampart Mountains, this is the most significant temple to Jamboor for thousands of miles
    • Temple of Narrah - Mirquinoc holds one of the major temples to the goddess Narrah, the Lady of the Moon


    Duchy of the Rampart:
    • Sefagreth, God of Commerce, Trade, and Cities
    • Vanitthu, God of the Steadfast Guard
    • Archeillus, God of Rightful Rule; Protector of the Nobility
    • Mithras, God of War, Battles, and Soldiers
    • Vergrimm Earthsblood, Dwarven God of Miners
    • Mick O’Delving, God of Halflings
    • Thyr (declining), God of Law and Justice
    • Mitra (rising), God of Law, Justice, and the Sun
    • Darach-Albith, High God of the Elves
    • Jamboor, God of Knowledge, Magic, and Death
    • Muir, Goddess of Virtue and Paladins
    • Solanus (declining), Goddess of the Sun and Healing
    • Quell, God of the Sea

    Yolbiac Vale
    • Narrah, Goddess of the Moon,
    • Thyr, God of Law and Justice,
    • The Green Father, The Huntsman/Herne the Hunter, the Horned God, Cernunnos (Tuathe De), God of the Wilds,
    • Cybele, Goddess of Fertility and Witchcraft
    • druidism
    • Hecate, Goddess of Evil Magic
    • Bilis, Dwarf God of the Underworld

    Gaelon River Valley
    • Kamien, Goddess of Rivers, Streams and Springs
    • Telophus, God of Crops and the Seasons
    • Tykee, Goddess of Luck and Good Fortune
    • Pekko, God of Ale and Spirits
    • Darach-Albith, High God of the Elves,
    • Solanus, Goddess of the Sun and Healing,
    • Vergrimm Earthsblood, Dwarven God of Miners,
    • Mick O’Delving, God of Halflings,
    • Jamboor, God of Knowledge, Magic, and Death,
    • Narrah, Goddess of the Moon,
    • The Green Father, The Huntsman/Herne the Hunter, the Horned God, God of the Wilds,

    Kingdom of Suilley
    • Ceres, Goddess of the Home, Midwives, Healing, Mercy, Patience, and the Millstone
    • Sefagreth, God of Commerce, Trade, and Cities
    • Freya, Goddess of Love and Fertility
    • Vanitthu, God of the Steadfast Guard,
    • Mitra (rising), God of Law, Justice, and the Sun,
    • Thyr, God of Law and Justice,
    • Muir, Goddess of Virtue and Paladins,
    • Archeillus, God of Rightful Rule; Protector of the Nobility,
    • Mick O’Delving, God of Halflings,
    • Belon the Wise, God of Travel
    • Solanus, Goddess of the Sun and Healing,
    • Darach-Albith, High God of the Elves,
    • Yenomesh, God of Glyphs and Writing
    • Bowbe, God of War and Slaughter
    • The Father, God of Violence and Warfare

    District of Sunderland
    • Kudrak, God of Guardians
    • Freya, Goddess of Love and Fertility
    • Mithras, God of War, Battles, and Soldiers,
    • Sefagreth, God of Commerce, Trade, and Cities
    • Stryme, God of Strength
    • Thyr, God of Law and Justice

    Spoiler: Supplementary information - Elethielle, Artaith & Philomen
    Spoiler: Elethielle
    Many of the inhabitants of Yolbiac Vale practice druidism. The Drogas Mondu, an extremely old druid who dresses in white robes, oversees a grove and cromlech stone outside the walls of Coelum where he intones prayers to gods that sound strange to the ears of visitors: names like Bel, Myrddin, and Annawn, the gods of the Old Ways (The Green Father is one of these strange gods and is the local representation of Cernunnos (Tuathe De).

    The Free City of Mirquinoc also houses a small druidic academy.

    There is a certain historical antagonism between druidism and the god-centered religions. In the present day, the hostility is considerably less, and is mainly found in isolated communities. However, it is common to find clerics of the Hyperborean gods who disdain and distrust druids, and druids — particularly in the oldest of the druidic sects — who consider deity-centered worship to be sapping the strength of the world in favour of fat clerics and otherworldly gods.

    Spoiler: Artaith
    Dwarven clans of the region are many and varied, generally living in the foothills of the great ranges of the March of Mountains. Most clans are hill dwarves that live in underground halls, operating separate mines that follow the ore. A single dwarven community might have two or three working mines. Additionally, most clans have small herds of sheep or goats that provide the dwarves with food that need not be brought in from the lowlands. Periodically, the dwarves load up a wagon with their forged blades, intricate jewelry, and other metalwork, and head down to the towns and villages of the lowlands to trade their work for gold and town-produced products.

    The western verge of the Rampart Mountains, entirely within the Duchy of the Rampart, has numerous mines that produce gold and iron. Many of these are dwarven excavations, but the mining towns serving them are predominantly human.

    Spoiler: Philomen
    • “Seems like things have been going downhill for years, in Grimmsgate. Ever since the barons lost a big patrol in the forest, they haven’t sent anyone else. Seems like we lost a fur trapper or a farmer every month for a while, and now there aren’t enough people to keep things going.”
    • “There is an old temple out there somewhere nearby. It’s called the Elder Temple because it was before we had a temple here in the village. Something bad happened there a long time ago.”

    Grimmsgate is a small hamlet of ~50 people on a now-unused trail that runs south to Mirquinoc. There is an inn, merchant, blacksmith & a small temple to Solanus.

    You gather together in the city of Troye, friendships both well established and/ or burgeoning, and consider your future in the weeks ahead...

    Spoiler: Next steps
    Greetings all! Time to get this adventure underway.

    Having met & determined to travel out into the hinterlands to the small village of Grimmsgate for various reasons, you now need to establish how you wish to travel. The logical route is to follow the King's Road to the city of Mirquinoc, and then shortly after passing the city follow a smaller road north to Grimmsgate.

    The journey can be made on foot or by horse, and you can travel independently or as part of a merchant's caravan (either as paying passengers or as hired guards), although the caravan will only travel so far as Mirquinoc.

    => time for introductions & logistical decisions

    => Party
    Last edited by Ghostfoot; 2021-06-12 at 03:49 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    "...and that's why I don't eat meat or like it when people hunt animals. It's not a popular attitude, but that's life sometimes," finishes Philemon as he tries - most likely unsuccessfully - to convince his new companions to consider not eating meat.

    "Now, to getting to Grimmsgate - I came by foot, most of the way alone, but I'm pretty good at disappearing and leaving few signs that I'm there. Some of you look like your carrying cymbals on every possible limb. If we want to get to the village in one piece, we should go with a caravan. I think one is leaving today - we might be able to join if we go fast. Hardly anyone goes past Mirquinoc, but that's about halfway there..."

    The young man seems excited to be around so many people and to have found a group of people willing to join him in Grimmsgate. The woods have been getting more dangerous of late, and he had been pretty worried about things. "Thanks again for coming, everyone. Grimmsgate is small, but it's my home and I'm worried. Having some new folks around who are interested in helping make the area safer will be really good!"

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Farmerbink's Avatar

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    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    Artaith glances down at her scale mail and frowns. She shifts her weight slightly, sending the scales cascading noisily down her trunk and revealing a partial profile of the broad-bladed axe at her waist. I hearda' worse. Kinda does look like a cymbal, too...
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkOne7141981 View Post
    "If we want to get to the village in one piece, we should go with a caravan. I think one is leaving today - we might be able to join if we go fast. Hardly anyone goes past Mirquinoc, but that's about halfway there..."
    "Aye 'at's most sensible," the blonde-haired Dwarf grunts. "Might 'ven make some coin outa' it."

    She shrugs, rolling impressively muscled shoulders, and looks around the table at the unlikely troupe. "Prolly best I let you all do the negotiatin'," she begins. "I'll be good for the fightin', if't comes to it, but've been getting... Ah they ain't gonna like me," she spits out.

    Artaith actually favors Philemon with a smile as he expresses worries about his home town. "Don'cha fret, young'n. Ah'm not perfect, but we'll for sure make it safer, at least." She glances around the table, studying faces and inviting agreements and alternate options.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC


    "Sorry Phil, but if animals weren't meant to be eaten then the gods shouldn't have made them so tasty!" Eponine disagrees jokingly.

    "Plus there's this whole thing with hawks taking my daddy's rabbits, so, y'know, it's kind of a needs of the many situation? Hey Felix! I didn't realise you were coming with!" she pivots to greet her noble friend, armour sparkling in the mid-morning sun.

    "The caravan sounds good. My horse picked up a stone bruise last week and is still a little lame. Walking the whole way would be such a drag. And besides! With Felix and I on board nobody would dare give us any trouble!" she finishes, joshing Felix in the ribs playfully, her armoured elbow clanging harmlessly off his cuirass.
    Last edited by RCgothic; 2021-05-05 at 03:51 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Phil shrugs and replies, "Natural carnivores do what is in their nature, but we can rise above that. But I don't usually convince others, so I understand. Please understand that I won't help hunt, though, so if we are out and you get hungry, plan on veggies, fruit, and what you bring with you."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC


    Elethielle stood quietly nearby, her brown leathers and soft green cloak with bits of twig and leaf still stuck to it blending into the background. She smiles slightly at the suggestion from Philemon. "Nature is red in tooth and claw. Eating prey is a natural thing. The waste of prey is the crime." At the mention of the caravan she nods, "I would agree, the road to Grimmsgate is long and even the Kings Road in the long shadows of the The Cretian Mountains is not always safe for a small group alone"

    She smiles at the interplay between some of her new companions. With normally only the beasts of the woods for company she wasn't used to such a protracted interplay with other travellers. She nods though. "The road will be long and some terrifying armoured folk such as yourself will surely help us." Nodding slightly she introduces herself, "I am Elethielle, Ellie in your tongue is what most of the villagers call me. I was, I am, training to follow my mother as a druid of Cernunnos, or the Old Faith as I've it called." She looks at the distant hills wistfully, "It has been a while since I journeyed near the Yolbiac Vale and it has got worse I've heard and there will be many in danger there that may need help."

    Spoiler: OOC

    Elethielle (Ellie)
    M LG Half Elf Summoner (Wild caller) [VMC Druid], Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed
    AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 3, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
    Shortbow (20) +2 (1d6, x3)
    Reach Longspear (-) +1 (1d8+1, x3)
    Longsword (Cold Iron) +1 (1d8+1, 19-20)
    Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
    Condition Half Elf: Immune sleep, +2 vs Mind Affecting
    Trait: +1 saves vs Fey

    Summon Animal I: 6/6 remaining

    Biped Eidolon - Looks like cross between a wolf and a large cat
    HD 1d10 HPs 11 BAB +1 Saves 3/4/0 Init +2 Speed 40ft
    AC 16 ( +4 natural, +2 dex)
    Bite +3 (1d6+3), 2 x Claws +3 (1d4+3) +1d6 bleed
    Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
    Skills (4): Perception (1) +4, Stealth (1) +6, Survival (1) +4, Acrobatics (1) +6
    Feats (1): Power attack
    Evol Pool (4): Limbs, Bite, Claws (1), Bleed (claws) (1), Imp Natural armour (1), Pounce (1)
    SQ: Darkvision, link, Share spells
    Last edited by DrK; 2021-01-17 at 05:15 PM.
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    "Quite pleased to make your acquaintance, Elethielle. As well to everyone else," spoke up Riaghan, lifting his pint up a bit in tribute before taking another sip. He took in the banter of his new traveling companions with relief. He was glad to be surrounded with good company as much of his journey has been solo up until this point. With this last leg of travel doing a number on his coin purse, he thought through his best options before him.

    "I agree that moving in caravan would be the wisest. I will likely step up to that of a guard, or at least lookout for this venture. I enjoy being on my feet anyway, as aside from on the deck of a ship, that's how I've gotten here anyway," he said beaming.

    Turning to Philemon, "What can you tell us of Mirquinoc? I suspect that's a obvious stop for caravans on the way, especially for it's size?
    Riaghan Meadowbrook, Lost Lands – Grimmsgate | IC | OOC | Sheet
    Aqualith Media

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Felix glances around the room and the many faces before before settling his eyes on Eponine, "Ah! What a wonderful surprise to see you as well Eponine! Damn Antonio won a property, gotta go check it out for him. Even brought little Able with me." His attention is drawn back to this Phil person who seems to have some insider information, "Felix Millaud, pleasured I'm sure. You know where to find this caravan that's leaving soon? Half way is definitely better than all on foot."

    The jab to his side from Eponine must have hit a funny bone, because he belts out a hearty laugh, "Ha! Yes my friend, I'm sure nobody would challenge nobles such as us. No one out there would want our heads for ransom." He winks at Eponine, the sarcasm heavy in his words.

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    Artaith looks about clearly uncomfortable. Odd folks, these.... Seems everyone but me wants to be shipped off to this backwater? She frowns thoughtfully before turning to hear Phil's response, as she's curious about the future as well.

    "Aye, you said you were worried. Can ya tell us more 'bout why?"

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    Spoiler: OoC
    @Ghostfoot, please feel free to take Philemon and tell everyone about both Mirquinoc and the troubles in Grimmsgate for me. He would try to answer as best he could...

    Phil smiles and blushes a little, as if he's a bit unused to being the center of attention. Then he does his best to answer the questions his new companions have about his home-village...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_Elderfire View Post
    The jab to his side from Eponine must have hit a funny bone, because he belts out a hearty laugh, "Ha! Yes my friend, I'm sure nobody would challenge nobles such as us. No one out there would want our heads for ransom." He winks at Eponine, the sarcasm heavy in his words.
    "Exactly," Eponine agrees deadpan. "Our heads are far too pretty for that. Using them for anything other than their original purpose would be a crime against nature."

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    The big man observed the group carefully, they seemed honest enough, but newfound kinships were fragile things, easy to squander and quick to wither.

    "While you may enjoy the shield of nobility, Eponine, I'll sooner trust my targe. These roads are rumoured to be dangersome of late. Journey by foot may be slower, but we shall be more aware of our surroundings." Macelan said, trying to sound sagely. "Still, if you insist on speed, I shall try to hire a mule or somesuch, Mitra has not forseen to line my pockets so deeply as to afford a charger."

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    "Safety in numbers," Artaith blurts out. "No sense traveling even in a large party when you could be part of a caravan instead." She shrugs, before adding "unless we can't afford it, I guess. My vote's still guard duty."

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    Elethielle nods quietly, "THere is much to said for the safety of herd. Many eyes to watch for dangers and only the most desperate predator or bandit would try such a brazen raid. And.." she blushes lightly, "I am also short of coin, there is little i need so have little possessions so no charger for me either I am afraid. Though I shall endavour to keep up as best I can."

    Spoiler: OOC

    Elethielle (Ellie)
    M LG Half Elf Summoner (Wild caller) [VMC Druid], Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed
    AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 3, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
    Shortbow (20) +2 (1d6, x3)
    Reach Longspear (-) +1 (1d8+1, x3)
    Longsword (Cold Iron) +1 (1d8+1, 19-20)
    Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
    Condition Half Elf: Immune sleep, +2 vs Mind Affecting
    Trait: +1 saves vs Fey

    Summon Animal I: 6/6 remaining

    Biped Eidolon - Looks like cross between a wolf and a large cat
    HD 1d10 HPs 11 BAB +1 Saves 3/4/0 Init +2 Speed 40ft
    AC 16 ( +4 natural, +2 dex)
    Bite +3 (1d6+3), 2 x Claws +3 (1d4+3) +1d6 bleed
    Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
    Skills (4): Perception (1) +4, Stealth (1) +6, Survival (1) +4, Acrobatics (1) +6
    Feats (1): Power attack
    Evol Pool (4): Limbs, Bite, Claws (1), Bleed (claws) (1), Imp Natural armour (1), Pounce (1)
    SQ: Darkvision, link, Share spells
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    After some discussion you resolve to hire on as guards on one of the many caravans that make their way east along the King's Road to Mirquinoc and beyond eventually to Endhome.

    Eponine & Felix lead your negotiations, and before too long you have canvassed the key taverns and noticeboards and have identified a likely group of merchants leaving on the morrow. You track down the caravan master as he is finalising the provisions for the journey, an experienced leader from Endhome by the name of Lucius Palejohn. With pushed back greying hair and fine armour the veteran trader certainly seems to know his stuff as he confidently orders his men and women about.

    "You're hired. We have cavalry who will do most of the heavy lifting. You're job is covering fire. I don't expect too much trouble on the King's Road, but a few well-placed arrows should see off any bandits or goblins that get too close. Failing that, you protect those wagons with your lives. Understood?

    There are waystations and fortified inns all along the road. We must make good time each day to reach shelter. There can be no delays."

    Spoiler: The Caravan of Lucius Palejohn
    Caravan makeup:
    • Caravan Master, Lucius Palejohn, resplendent in fine plate armour, sword and shield
    • 5 wagons, 5 oxen, 2 great-oxen (yak-beasts)
    • 3 dogs
    • 10 cavalrymen/ women, heavily armoured in banded mail with lance, sword and crossbows
    • 5 teamsters
    • 5 merchants: Perault Vane, Gillaina Fenberry, Guraldo Silvercoin, Hugh Featherstock, Louis Ambrose
    • Guards: The 7 of you

    Goods: Wine, hazelnuts, tapestries, spices, leather shoes

    Travel time to Mirquinoc: 19 days

    Pay: ~19gp each, paid in arrears

    @Ghostfoot, please feel free to take Philemon and tell everyone about both Mirquinoc and the troubles in Grimmsgate for me. He would try to answer as best he could...
    I haven't forgotten, just ran out of time with this post. Will pick it up next time.
    Last edited by Ghostfoot; 2021-01-24 at 04:08 PM.

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    "Covering Fire I can do!" Eponine enthuses, patting her new bow. "Just give me a good vantage point and I'll send any bandits and goblins running!"

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    "No delays, aye." Artaith grunts sourly, eyeing Eponine with an expression that can most charitably be described as "annoyance." A few moments later, more distant from their employer, she mutters. "Ne'er did get good with a bow. Might be past time." She frowns deeply. "If I could afford one. I'll keep you all patched up, and if anyone foul gets close, they'll see what Dwarf steel feels like."

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    Riaghan, feeling more confident that the party would not be the only ones protecting the caravan, breathed a sigh of relief. "This a sound plan and a fair schedule to keep apace."

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "Ne'er did get good with a bow. Might be past time." She frowns deeply. "If I could afford one. I'll keep you all patched up, and if anyone foul gets close, they'll see what Dwarf steel feels like."
    Riaghan nods and replies to Artaith's lament, If any bandits make the unwise choice of impeding our progress, you may not be without one for long."
    Last edited by Cephor; 2021-02-12 at 02:38 PM.
    Riaghan Meadowbrook, Lost Lands – Grimmsgate | IC | OOC | Sheet
    Aqualith Media

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostfoot View Post
    "You're job is covering fire..."
    "Sir, if you lack scouts I can help - I'm from Grimmsgate and used to the outdoors," says Philemon a bit shyly, nodding deferentially. "If you want me with the others, that's fine too, of course."

    Later, when overhearing Artaith and Riaghan speaking he smiles and gestures at the greatsword strapped across his back. Then he laughs and finds a place to put his gear on one of the wagons, preferring one near the front of the train.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cephor View Post
    Riaghan nods and replies to Artaith's lament, If any bandits make the unwise choice of impeding our progress, you may not be without one for long."
    Artaith eyes the blue-skinned sorcerer with newfound appreciation. After a few seconds (when she realizes what he means), she grins broadly. "Heh, I suppose you might be right there. Another man's loss, eh?" She chuckles loudly, a grating and annoying noise, but full of genuine mirth. "Makes me wonder if we'll be lucky to avoid conflict, or find it."

    Following Philemon's suit, Artaith asks about for instruction on where to stow her things so she won't have to carry them. Of course, she keeps her armor and weapons on hand.

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    Elethielle strode alongside the caravans smiling happily as she padded on the grassy verge barefoot enjoying the grass and mud underfoot. At one point she vanishes into the woods and then a few minutes later returns with a grin - although now the observant can see a strange looking animal keeping pace with the caravan, a cross between a wolf and cat it features things of both.

    Elethielle will glance at the first person who mentions it. "He is my protector. One of the hunters of the horned god, woe betide any bandit that seeks to attack us." Happily striding along she does keep her bow in hand a ready quiver, her soft eyes roaming the woods.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Elethielle (Ellie)
    M LG Half Elf Summoner (Wild caller) [VMC Druid], Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed
    AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 3, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
    Shortbow (20) +2 (1d6, x3)
    Reach Longspear (-) +1 (1d8+1, x3)
    Longsword (Cold Iron) +1 (1d8+1, 19-20)
    Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
    Condition Half Elf: Immune sleep, +2 vs Mind Affecting
    Trait: +1 saves vs Fey

    Summon Animal I: 6/6 remaining

    Biped Eidolon - Looks like cross between a wolf and a large cat
    HD 1d10 HPs 11 BAB +1 Saves 3/4/0 Init +2 Speed 40ft
    AC 16 ( +4 natural, +2 dex)
    Bite +3 (1d6+3), 2 x Claws +3 (1d4+3) +1d6 bleed
    Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
    Skills (4): Perception (1) +4, Stealth (1) +6, Survival (1) +4, Acrobatics (1) +6
    Feats (1): Power attack
    Evol Pool (4): Limbs, Bite, Claws (1), Bleed (claws) (1), Imp Natural armour (1), Pounce (1)
    SQ: Darkvision, link, Share spells
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Having made your preparations for the journey, the next morning you set off with the caravan. It is a miserably start to the journey, as a spring storm batters the region overnight, sweeping down from the mountains to the north. But the weather is no excuse for trade to be delayed, and the caravan master Lucius confirms the intent to press on.

    You stow your gear and draw your travelling cloaks about you as best you can to keep the rain off. The loaded caravans rumble slowly out of the gates of Troye, the merchant/ owners and the drivers also trying their best to stay dry. The mounted guards ride just ahead, with outriders and scouts appointed to patrol the road.

    Remarkably the decision to travel onward in spite of the inclement weather proves to be sound, as the rain eases after an hour or so and you begin to dry off, trudging alongside. The road itself is easy traverse, ancient paving stones still proving an easy path for the wagons and beasts with minimal danger of getting bogged down.

    The first day for you passes with little in the way of direct action and you find yourselves counting the milestones that are set regularly along the road. You pass through countryside, fields for starters then copses of trees with occasional small clusters of houses forming thorps where the countryfolk live. Late in the morning your scouts report back that they have spotted a gang of goblins skulking about, and the horsemen set off to flush them out eventually driving them off into the woods to hide for their lives. Similarly a group of people, no doubt bandits, are spied beating a hasty retreat as you pass over a bridge in one of the thickets. Clearly the size of your group (25+ individuals) means that many of the miscreant opportunists that plague the region are happy to look elsewhere for easier victims to rob.

    As the day draws to a close you approach your destination, a roadside inn by the name of The Robin's Shoe. A simple structure with stables and barns it is notable due to the large group of Duchy soldiers camped in the surrounding clearing. With great relief after your long day of marching, you are happy to finally unburden yourselves and put your feet up as everyone else also does in the crowded area. While the soldiers nearby have to feed themselves some of the officers have come to the in for a change of scene and the poor innkeep is busy making a stew of boiled lamb and cabbage last the distance as best he can. While simple fare, it is most heartening after your day and you gulp it down (sorry Philemon, no vegan platters here! You can probably pick out a few veges and scrounge a crust of bread).

    Once everyone is settling down, Lucius Palejohn speaks to the officers and you are able to listen in on the conversation. The soldiers it seems are returning to Troye having recently visited a disruptive local Baron Ventador to remind him (through a show of strength) where his allegiances lie. With the baron suitably obedient once more the Duke's forces are looking forward to returning to the city.

    The night at the inn passes without major incident, and for the next few days you continue along the King's Road passing a number of similar environs. You meet a few travellers namely a couple of goatherds taking their herd to sell to the innkeep you have recently patronised, and a group of a dozen ruffians that watch you warily from some distance while you keep an equally watchful eye on them finally scampering as the mounted guards approach. Some hours later you cross paths with a noble knight and his retinue of cavalry. Introducing himself as Sir Jean Heubit he announces his task at hand to clear the nearby lands of robbers and highwaymen, and you give him directions of the potential troublemakers encountered so far. With a smile and a salute he is off, eager to hunt down the lawless folk causing trouble for his liege-lord.

    Also of note, the next day as you start to get much further from the city you cross paths with a group of a dozen or so elves. All armed with bows and swords these are clearly no traders and indeed you hardly even notice them until you have almost reached them, as they blend in to the trees in the woods through which you are passing. Nevertheless, they make no moves to actually hide or flee, and a quick curt conversation between their leader and your caravan master confirms that they are guarding the road making sure that no human brigands cause trouble for their village (presumably hidden in the woods not too far distant). They have no trouble with caravans or simple folk going about their business (as they have reasonable relations and trade actively with the local folk). They wave you through and wish you well on your journey, you suspect out of politeness rather than any real concern for your wellbeing.

    You continue your travels with the caravan through the lands of the Duchy for the next four days. The roadside inns are all serviceable and with Lucius guidance you are able to make sure that you reach the next stop before dark each night. One evening you are even served up a vegetarian fare of huge steamed mushrooms!

    On the fourth day one of the riders returns from scouting the road ahead "A wizard! A wizard is coming" she states in rushed voice. Around the bend ahead appears a couple of exotic covered wagons. Trinkets cover them and arcane symbols adorn the cloth. Seven mounted horsemen in lurid orange livery and heavy armour accompany the arcane wagons.

    => Party

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    Philemon seems happy to leave the city and smiles broadly in spite of the heavy rain. "It will be good to get back out into the open again...all these buildings and walls make me a bit uncomfortable, if I'm being honest," he comments to the others briefly on the way out of town. The young man seems glad that the goblins and bandits stay clear of the caravan. "Never much cared for goblins...I've heard some are alright, but most like lighting things on fire too can cause real problems during the drier parts of the year. Most of the animals know to avoid a wildfire, but it's not always easy for some of them to stay ahead of a fast moving one. When it happens from a lightning strike it's not too bad...there's usually rain shortly behind, so it just clears out some of the dry brush and keeps the forest floor clean, but goblins will light stuff on fire and not realize the damage they do."

    When the caravan encounters the elven patrol Philemon greets them happily, asking if any of them worship Arialee and sharing a joyful prayer and brief conversation with them if they do. If any of them have good fruits/veggies for trade, he takes advantage of the opportunity, given the mixed fair they find in the inns. "I always try to be prepared, since I know so many other people don't prepare their meals cruelty-free. It's not even really that hard to separate the meat and veggies early enough to allow people to have what they want without upsetting each other," he sulks after eating his own trail rations one evening as the rest of the party enjoy something hearty and meaty. When they have the steamed mushrooms he overflows with compliments for the innkeeper and their establishment, thanking them over and over again for their generous and considerate meal.

    " could see those riders on a moonless night," mutters Philemon at the sight of the gaudy riders and their covered wagons. "I thought wizards were supposed to be smart...why would you travel like that if not to attract attention? That doesn't seem very smart to me..."

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    Artaith is grateful to be on the road, it feels like something that matters, at least. She trudges along stoically, taking quick steps throughout the day just to keep up, but making no complaints over it. When the caravan passes by the Goblins, she actually looks eager for a fight, and ultimately makes no show of her disappointment when the vile little critters prove to understand some scraps of self-preservation. "Only good Goblin's a dead one," she spits, as Philemon voices his more measured concerns.

    Between stone walls, making a meal of lamb stew, she gladly devours at least an extra half portion to restore her weary limbs from the day's hard march. Unlike most of the merchants who stay up late sharing tales and drinking ales, Artaith makes an early departure to sleep, having been noticeably unused to the long days of hard marching.

    A few days later, she's begun to acclimate to the hard march, and her shifts are hanging a little looser than before. Certainly, she's still stocky, and has plenty of muscle to go around, but the near-constant aerobics have nonetheless had an obvious and predictable result on her physique. She squints suspiciously at the oncoming caravan and snorts at Philemon's comment. "Hell, I could hear 'em on a moonless night. They definitely aren't trying to pass unnoticed."

    She sniffs disdainfully, eying them as they approach. "Either way, we're hired as guards. Best be ready for excitement." Her hands drift to the haft of her axe, almost of their own accord, and she brings the shield around over her shoulder. A moment later, she calls down the blessing of Yngret Yellow-Hair, and her blade begins to flicker with a ruddy glow.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Mechanically, she's going to draw both weapon and shield and use one of her daily uses of the fire blessing to enhance her axe with a little kick of heat.

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    The few days of travel had been reassuring and pleasing to the druidess. She had walked in the long grasses by the wagons and been happy with the grass under her feet and the light filtering between the leaves and the branches. The night at the Inn she more or less kept herself mainly to herself, avoiding the human soldiers and it was some relief that she watched them depart.

    The next day she walks by he wagons seeking to know her companions better, lots of "WHat brings you to Grimmsgate," or ""Have you travelled widely before?" before the excitement of the elves. She greeted them politely and enjoys the lembas bread delicate frost wine. A brief, "We have a duty to these caravans. We must keep them south, beware of he woods West of here. There are some goblins in the woods a day to the West."

    As the excitement of a wizard approaches she whistles softly making sure that her eidolon is close by as she watches he wizard carefullly. A mutter under her breath as she speaks a sole word of power to summon her witch sight and cast an eye over this wizard and his wagons seeking to detect magic present.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Elethielle (Ellie)
    M LG Half Elf Summoner (Wild caller) [VMC Druid], Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed
    AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 3, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
    Shortbow (20) +2 (1d6, x3)
    Reach Longspear (-) +1 (1d8+1, x3)
    Longsword (Cold Iron) +1 (1d8+1, 19-20)
    Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
    Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
    Condition Half Elf: Immune sleep, +2 vs Mind Affecting
    Trait: +1 saves vs Fey

    Summon Animal I: 6/6 remaining

    Biped Eidolon - Looks like cross between a wolf and a large cat
    HD 1d10 HPs 11 BAB +1 Saves 3/4/0 Init +2 Speed 40ft
    AC 16 ( +4 natural, +2 dex)
    Bite +3 (1d6+3), 2 x Claws +3 (1d4+3) +1d6 bleed
    Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
    Skills (4): Perception (1) +4, Stealth (1) +6, Survival (1) +4, Acrobatics (1) +6
    Feats (1): Power attack
    Evol Pool (4): Limbs, Bite, Claws (1), Bleed (claws) (1), Imp Natural armour (1), Pounce (1)
    SQ: Darkvision, link, Share spells
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    Eponine rides on top of one of the wagons alongside Felix, keeping a watchful eye out. As the riders set off to flush out the goblins on the first day Eponine clearly wishes she was riding with them. "How come they get to have all the fun? Is it because they've got horses? I wish I'd been able to bring Misty. I guess I'll have to buy a new horse when I've got the pieces. Is this poverty? Is this what poverty is like? Having to earn money suuuucks," she laments.

    The next day she's nowhere near as alert, having found the food unpalatable and the common bunk room at the inn too noisy and uncomfortable to get a proper night's sleep, and she barely manages to realise a knight is passing by in time to smarten her hair and smile back! When Elethielle stops by, she admits this is her first long journey. "Is it always this uncomfortable?"

    By the third day Eponine perks up a bit, hunger and fatigue having forced her to eat and sleep despite the meager surroundings. And so it continues for four more days until the caravan catches sight of of the wizard's group. "Daddy always says not to meddle with the affairs of wizards," Eponine comments to Felix. "Because they're, like, totally weird. Or something like that," she continues, craning her neck for a better look.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RCgothic View Post
    "Because they're, like, totally weird. Or something like that,"
    Artaith chortles quietly. "Not quite how I heard it, but they certainly don't much like it when you do..."

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    Riaghan, in due part of distant marid ancestry and his particular affinity, saw no issue with the first day's rain. He relished in the droplets. With having been a few days from exposure with the nearest river since his arrival in Troye, he barely noticed the weariness in his legs or the aches in his soles. The chatter with his new party were welcome company. Sharing stories even over the meager offerings at the inn almost felt like he was back home with his guild.

    Upon hearing the comments of the approaching alleged wizards, Riaghan felt obliged to mention, "When you wield strange powers as they, or even I do... it's easy to puff yourself up. It also has it's advantages in certain courts when, shall we say... appealing to the weaker-willed."

    He noted a few of the others taking stances to defend and mentally prepared as such, gripping his staff just a little tighter as he waited on the path with his companions.
    Riaghan Meadowbrook, Lost Lands – Grimmsgate | IC | OOC | Sheet
    Aqualith Media

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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "Only good Goblin's a dead one,"
    "That seems a bit harsh," replies Phil with a shocked expression. "I mean, surely not all goblins are so bad that you'd want to kill them all? Some are even a little funny, as long as you keep them away from anything delicate...right?"

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    ""Have you travelled widely before?"
    "Well, I spend most of my time outdoors - honestly, the fresh air and open skies just feels right to me. That said, I've spent most of my time around Grimmsgate -
    it may not make it on many maps, but it's where I was born and grew up. Troye wasn't all bad, but it's the furthest I've ever been that was an actual city. I wouldn't mind traveling more though - the walking is nice and I like seeing new places and things...

    Quote Originally Posted by RCgothic View Post
    "Is it always this uncomfortable?"
    Philemon looks sadly at the struggling noblewoman before looking like he has an idea. Running over to his pack he pulls out his waterskin and returns to her. "You're probably having a bad time cause you're not drinking enough water - if you get dehydrated it makes everything worse. And if you're thirsty, it's already too late. Here, take some of mine for now and see if that helps..." he says, offering it to her with a genuine smile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farmerbink View Post
    "Hell, I could hear 'em on a moonless night. They definitely aren't trying to pass unnoticed."
    With a snort Philemon nods, laughing quietly at the dwarf woman's quip. He follows her lead, though, drawing his bow and readying an arrow, just in case...

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    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Lost Lands: Grimmsgate IC

    The wizardly wagons approach, trinkets jangling and glittering in the sunlight. Several of the riders canter ahead until they are well within earshot of you and your caravan "Make way! Make way! Move aside and clear the way for the great Vaeleus, the Veiled Mistress" shouts one of the resplendent riders.

    "Aye, move it over" grumbles Lucius Palejohn, casting his eyes back to his charges, the merchants and their wagons. "No sense picking a fight with a wizard. The cargo won't be happy with us if we get them killed."

    "I said stand down" he urges Artaith and Philemon as they strike threatening poses causing the opposing riders the similarly become agitated and focus their attention. "Let the wizard pass. Whoever they are they're none of our business."

    Shifting over, begrudgingly or otherwise, you allow the wagons to pass alongside. The latter wagon, draped in arcane cloth, can be seen to hold a supply of travelling trunks, sorcerous-looking paraphernalia and a number of birdcages with brightly-coloured small birds inside. However it's the first wagon that really catches your eye.

    The gaudy cloth is drawn back by a delicate hand and a waft of perfume assaults you from within. Peering out is a scantily-clad elven woman, true to her title wearing a gauze veil across her face but little else. She reclines among many plush cushions and you see, perhaps alarmingly, a large snake writhing slowly about her limbs as she raises herself to observe you.

    "You there. Is it much farther to the University of Subtleties? This journey irks me so."

    Your caravan master looks visibly uncomfortable that you have managed to attract the attention of the strange sorceress, and that she is addressing you directly rather than he.

    Spoiler: Info
    The University of Subtleties is in Troye, so ~5 days away.

    Spoiler: Elethielle
    Yes, plenty of magic lighting up in there/ on her person.

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