Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Aug 2013

    d20 Bek's Book of Blissful Bewitchment: Everyday items for non-adventurers

    "There aren't even rules for sleeping, you know!"
    — Miko Miyazaki (OoTS 224)

    Bek's Book of Blissful Betwitchment is a compendium of magical items intended to make life more comfortable.

    These items have varying level of mechanical utility and, indeed, varying levels of mechanical text at all. But that's all right. NPCs don't get to ignore the roleplay, and when everying's roleplay, nothing is. Here you will find a variety of magical tools designed to bring everyday convenience to a fantasy world. Many of these designs are inspired by modern technology. Many of these designs are sourced from others, often on these very forums.

    And yes, if you let me, I will 100% buy some of these in a game. I love this stuff.

    The price of each item here began with the standard magic item creation pricing rules outlined in the DMG. However, as you may have noticed elsewhere in that same book, NPCs don't have a ton of money, and I don't want only the ultra-rich to have something like "a lightbulb" or "air conditioning." Therefore, I tried to strike a midpoint between the first-order "stock" prices and prices these items would command in our real world, where billions have access to many of them. I did this by adding modifiers where I deemed appropriate, for example, determining the number of squares covered by a standard Obscuring Mist and dividing the price of Privacy Tent by the ratio. As a bonus, these bring many of these items into the price ranges where players wouldn't feel as bad shelling out for "flavor" items.

    Item Listing
    Item Price Category Concept
    Ablutive Armoire 1620 gp Furniture (Placed) Washer/Dryer
    Ale Goggles 225 gp Gear (Eyes) Beer goggles
    Arrow of Calling 225 gp Equipment (Held) Laser Telemeter
    Book Press 5625 gp Furniture Printing Press
    Booster 200 gp+ Equipment Repulsorlift
    Bronzer 720 gp+ Consumable Sunscreen
    Bucket of Purification 900 gp Equipment (Held) Water Purifier
    Busybody's Gloves 8100 gp Gear (Hands) Covert information
    Constant Composer 8100 gp+ Equipment (Held) Radio
    Construction Hammer 400 gp Equipment (Held) Construction equipment
    Continuous Canteen 200 gp Equipment (Held) Water Bottle
    Convenient Counsel 75 gp+ Consumable Therapist
    Creature Fence 2000 gp+ Furniture Invisible Fence
    Cube of Environmental Control 3600 gp Equipment (Held), Gear (Slotless) AC
    Darkandle / Darktorch 100 gp+ Equipment Darkness Generator
    Enchanted Broom 2700 gp Equipment (Held) roomba
    Everlasting Soap 81 gp Equipment (Held) Soap
    Everlasting Tea Bag 81 gp+ Equipment Tea bag
    Eversharp Knife 200 gp Equipment (Held) Knife
    Farspeaking Pad 31500 gp+ Equipment (Held), Gear (Slotless) Cell Phone
    Favorite Plate 45 gp+ Equipment Flavoring
    Figurine of Wondrous Power, Servants 500 gp+ Equipment Waitstaff
    Flask of Endless Booze 9100 gp Equipment (Held) Hip Flask
    Food Station 49500 gp Furniture replicator
    Framed Painting 1000 gp Furniture Portraiture
    Freshbox 90 gp Equipment Breath Mints
    Gaming Table 1250 gp+ Furniture Tabletop Simulator
    Gardener's Gloves 60 gp Gear (Hands) Gardening tools
    Gloves of Ledgerdemain 200 gp Gear (Hands) TK
    Hotrock 400 gp Equipment Induction cooktop
    Icebox 800 gp+ Furniture Fridge / Freezer
    Insectbane Canister 25 gp Equipment Bug Spray
    Instant Artist 4800 gp Equipment (Held) Camera
    Memory Band 400 gp Gear (Head) Memory Aid
    Messaging Sweets 450 gp+ Furniture Answering Machine
    Nchaser's Fluorescence 150 gp+ Furniture Light
    Notebook of Memorization 1500 gp+ Equipment (Held) Teleprompter
    Pearl of Speech (Animals) 360 gp Gear (Face) Translator
    Polymer Pot 400 gp Equipment (Held) Nonstick cookware
    Portable Library 135 gp+ Equipment (Held) E-reader
    Portable Symphony 22500 gp+ Equipment (Held) Boombox
    Porter's Belt 200 gp Gear (Waist) Lifting Aid
    Presti-Paint 18 gp+ Architecture Smart Wall
    Privacy Shield 103 gp+ Furniture Privacy Tent
    Prompt Precept 72 gp Equipment (Held) Bible
    Rain Hat 1800 gp Gear (Head) Umbrella
    Reading Desk 3600 gp+ Furniture / Equipment (Held) Auto-reader
    Record Book 1000 gp Equipment (Held) Copy/paste
    Refreshers 900 gp+ Consumable Wet Wipes
    Return Ticket 1800 gp Consumable Trip home
    Robe of the Everyday Mage 1000 gp Gear (Body) Catch-all
    Rube Tube 500 gp Furniture (Placed) TV
    Safe Sparker 450 gp Equipment (Held) Lighter
    Seat of your Pants 675 gp+ Gear (Slotless) Chair
    Self-Cleaning Chamber 500 gp+ Wondrous Architecture Custodian
    Sheets of Comfort 54050 gp+ Furniture / Equipment Extra-comfy bed
    Square Meal 450 gp+ Consumable MRE
    Stamp of Authenticity 450 gp Equipment (Held) Stamp
    Storage Shelf 15000 gp Furniture Warehouse
    Tarot Deck 2025 gp Equipment (Held) "Real" augury
    Thaumaturgical Threads 100 gp+ Gear Designer clothes
    Traveler's Suitcase 50550 gp+ Equipment Newt's suitcase
    Waste Bin 50 gp Furniture Garbage can
    Water Mattress 2548 gp Furniture Waterbed

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    Ogre in the Playground
    bekeleven's Avatar

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    Aug 2013

    Default Items

    "'Comfort' is just extraneous detail that we add to our lives as part of roleplaying."
    — Acolyte, The Church of Universal Ignorance (OotS, Dr359)

    Ablutive Armoire
    Concept: Washer/Dryer
    Category: Furniture (Placed)
    Description: This walnut wardrobe is six feet tall, four feet wide, and two feet deep. Its exterior has two mirrored double doors. Inside the left half is a hanging rail with four feet of clearance as well as a small shelf. The right interior includes a hanging rail with two feet of clearance, with the remaining space taken up by more shelves and cubbies. Across the very bottom of both shelves is a rosewood drawer.
    Any clothing inserted in the rosewood drawer will be slowly washed, dried, and pressed over the course of 8 hours. Once fully clean, it's lifted through a small hatch atop the drawer and hung or placed in the location most appropriate.
    Weight: 70 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Unseen Servant
    Price: 1620 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Ale Goggles
    Concept: Beer goggles
    Category: Gear (Eyes)
    Description: Traditionally found as well-worn leather goggles, the same magic can be found in less conspicuous glasses. Regardless, the function of these goggles is apparent once worn.
    When the wearer relaxes and lets the Ale Goggles work their magic, they find everybody around them more charming. Effectively, they are charmed by those around them, finding them more attractive, witty, and entertaining. This effect is both mind-affecting and willing-only.
    Mechanically, all charisma-based skill and ability checks made on or against the wearer get a +2 circumstance bonus so long as the wearer consents. This also applies to group influence. For instance, if watching a performance, the wearer will enjoy it that much more (the performer's perform check being 2 higher for the purposes of the Ale Goggle wearer).
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Charm Person, Eagle's Splendor
    Price: 225 gp
    Aura: Faint Enchantment
    Author: Bek

    Arrow of Calling
    Concept: Laser Telemeter
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: The Arrow of Calling is thicker than an arrow fired from a bow, almost an inch around the shaft, but still has an arrowhead and fletching.
    The holder of this arrow can point it in any direction. After 3-4 seconds of being pointed at the same thing, they will psychically know the exact distance (to the half-inch) from the tip of the arrow to the nearest object (solid or liquid) a straight line away.
    The Arrow of Calling will report any distance over 1000 feet as 1000 feet. In addition, if pointing at a far-off target, not everyone can hold it steady enough that it will point at the same thing for 3-4 seconds and activate. Characters measuring distances over 100 feet must make a dexterity check, with a DC of 10 + 2 for every 100 feet. Failing to point the arrow for the requisite time returns no result, not an incorrect result.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Know Direction
    Price: 225 gp
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Bek

    Book Press
    Concept: Printing Press
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This large contraption, approximately rectangular in shape, is 4' tall, 3' wide, and 4' long. It's a mishmash of gears and wires, with its most discernable features a series of labeled bays and a horizontal tunnel going through it lengthwise. The bays have labels such as Ink, Medium, Binding, and Gilding, and must be loaded prior to use.
    When a nonmagical book is placed in one end of the tunnel, a pair of doors close on the tunnel's ends, sealing it from view. Within 30 minutes to an hour, the doors will open, both ends revealing the same book. One is the original, and the other constructed from the materials provided.
    There are limitations. For size, the tunnel can't hold books wider than 13"×6". The book's contents can't be reproduced in better condition than the template book, so the reproduction will share any torn or folded pages, smeared ink, or any other blemish, be it from wear or production mistakes. It also needs multiple inks loaded to reproduce any color illustrations or covers. However, the reproduction can change page medium (such as rough parchment to fine paper) and other individual components.
    A typical book requires 1 to 5 GP of raw materials to reproduce, although books with color illustrations, gilded binding, or a particularly high page count can increase this amount. Lack of materials results in production errors, and usually, an unusable book: For instance, running out of paper will instead cause the few existing pages to get soaked through with ink.
    Weight: 200 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Major Creation
    Price: 5625 gp
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Concept: Repulsorlift
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This small wooden disc resembles a drink coaster, except that it's nearly an inch thick. Its function is to reduce weight. A booster exerts a constant upwards force of 5 lbs, but can never exceed the weight of objects directly above it. In other words, it never moves an object upwards on its own, and if not underneath another object, it will not float or fly upwards. Placing one or more boosters underneath a heavy object will cause that object to become 5 lbs lighter for each one placed, down to a minimum of 0 lbs (weightless). Boosters move with the objects above them, but can be off easily peeled off. A larger model, one foot in diameter, can cancel up to 100 lbs and works otherwise identically. Boosters don't function on living creatures, but can be placed under a backpack.
    Weight: Up to -5 lbs / -100 lbs (large)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Mage Hand (standard) or Floating Disk (large)
    Price: 200 gp (Standard), 2000 gp (Large)
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bek

    Concept: Sunscreen
    Category: Consumable
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This small cylindrical tin, 3 inches tall with a 4 inch diameter, contains a slowly-regenerating supply of a cream-like substance that can be slathered over the user's skin. Standard bronzer, when applied, protects the user for 24 hours from any harmful effects of the sun's rays on their skin (but not their eyes, so it has no effect against light sensitivity) as well as the harmful effects of any light effects of first level or lower. In addition, for many species, light exposure will cause the creature's skin to darken in a way many find pleasing. A single tin generates enough to coat one user per day, regardless of the user's size, and can fit 5 coatings at a time.
    Deluxe Bronzer forgoes the need for exposing oneself to light, performing the same actions even if the user spends the day indoors.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Grease, Endure Elements, Daylight (Deluxe Bronzer only)
    Price: 720 gp (Bronzer), 1800 gp (Deluxe Bronzer)
    Aura: Faint Abjuration
    Author: Bek

    Bucket of Purification
    Concept: Water Purifier
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: This darkwood bucket (with a brass handle) can hold up to 3 gallons of liquid, although as with all buckets, it's hard to top it off without splashing or spilling any. Any liquid placed within it will slowly collect impurities, as they drift down to the bottom of the bucket. Once the liquid is chemically pure, the rim of the bucket will softly glow. At this point, all impurities will stick to the bucket's bottom. The liquid can be poured out, and then the rest - usually with the texture of a semisolid paste - can be scraped out.
    The bucket takes around 1 minute to purify a typical sample of river or lakewater without too much silt in it. It will take 10 minutes to purify 3 gallons of a drink, such as wine, into distilled water. It could take an hour to raise a thin film of water to the top of a bucket of mud, and by that point much of the water will have evaporated without a lid.
    The impurities will never pour with the water as long as the light remains lit, but leaving impurities in the bucket reduces its capacity over time.
    Weight: 3 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Purify Food and Drink, Light
    Price: 900 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Busybody's Gloves
    Concept: Covert information
    Category: Gear (Hands)
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: These white silk gloves are best suited for a courtier, but can fit into any upscale ensemble. Any piece of paper graped in both hands for at least a standard action is automatically read by the wearer. Even a sealed letter can be read in this fashion. If both hands grasp a stack, sheaf, book, or other arrangement with multiple pages of writing, the wearer can read one page per round.
    Thanks to a Comprehend Languages spell attached to the gloves, the knowledge is imparted to the user regardless of language.
    Prerequisites: CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Comprehend Languages, Scholar's Touch
    Price: 8100 gp
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Bek

    Constant Composer
    Concept: Radio
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Move (Manipulation)
    Description: When constructed, the creator of this 4-inch teak box can imbue it with a copy of their skills in 1 to 10 instruments. A constant composer will contantly create new music using the instruments it knows, never repeating a track.
    The Constant Composer has no visible features save a single dial on its top. Turned all the way to one side, it's silent. Turning the dial increases the volume, until it emits music at 70 decibels, louder than normal speech. The music it outputs is all original and created on the spot. A newly created composer sticks to its creator's favorite musical genres but given enough time, it will branch out to new musical forms and styles.
    Each constant composer can be imbued with 1 to 10 instruments with which to weave its tracks. A typical creator can imbue their composers with several related instruments (such as woodwinds or stringed instruments). Constant composers that include disparate instruments may command a premium in excess of their normal price tags.
    Weight: 3 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Protégé, Ghostharp, 10 ranks in each perform skill associated with the instruments
    Price: 8100 gp (for one instrument), 900 gp for additional instruments; 16200 gp maximum
    Aura: Moderate Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Construction Hammer
    Concept: Construction equipment
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: A Construction Hammer is a construction tool. Typically 1 foot long, it looks almost like a light hammer, with a flat striking end on one side of its head and a longer piercing end on the other.
    Each side of this simple light weapon deals 1 damage, and only one side can be used in a round. However, it has the unique ability that every time it strikes something with hardness, it can ignore 1 point of hardness on that object for the next 2 minutes. This means that continuous strikes at a rate of 1 per round enable it to deal its single point of damage even to an object with hardness 20.
    A construction hammer never adds the wielder's strength bonus to damage. However, this also means that strikes with it can be as subtle or precise as required, and enables the wielder to work for longer periods without tiring.
    Some have pointed out that it would be better named a "destruction hammer."
    Weight: 2 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Shatter
    Price: 400 gp
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bek

    Continuous Canteen
    Concept: Water Bottle
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: This appears to be a durable canteen, with a leather exterior, a twist-off brass cap, and cleaned animal-gut watertight interior. It's more durable than it looks, with 5 hit points and 5 hardness. However, its real magic is the water it contains.
    The Continuous Canteen has only a half-gallon capacity. However, as long as at least one drop of liquid remains in the canteen, it will slowly regenerate more, filling to capacity in four hours, or less if it had more water in it. If the canteen contains fluid it does not recognize as water, its magic is dormant.
    Weight: 4 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Create Water
    Price: 200 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bohandas

    Convenient Counsel
    Concept: Therapist
    Category: Consumable
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: A Convenient Counsel helps a creature get over mental, emotional, or psychological issues they may have.
    A creature must think of a trauma, fear, poor memory, or coping behavior as they swallow this small, pink pill. The pill does not immediately erase the given issue, but will jump-start the character's recovery. A character will be able to work through their issues given time to reflect. Meditation also speeds up the process.
    For examples of times, a phobia based on little lived experience (like arachnaphobia from a scary story) can be eased from a panic response to merely startling in a week; a phobia based on real trauma might take multiple months, but it is doable.
    A Convenient Counsel requires the user to honestly state their issue to themselves upon use. Because of this, it only works if the user acknowledges their issue and wants to fix it.
    A Convenient Counsel never applies numerical or mechanical effects. It does not give a bonus against fear effects. Its effects are larger and more general than such tactical considerations.
    Convenient Counsels have a diminished impact in multiples. A second Counsel is only half as effective, a third drops to a quarter. This tolerance wears off at a rate of one per year, so one person can take one convenient counsel per year with no issue.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Heart's Ease
    Price: 75 gp (per pill)
    Aura: Moderate Enchantment
    Author: Bek

    Creature Fence
    Concept: Invisible Fence
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Full-Round (Command)
    Description: This well-crafted wooden box, 1 foot wide and 5 inches tall and deep, contains 4 thin steel spikes with flared heads. Too dull for any martial application, they can be driven into soft (or even hard) ground, or left standing on their heads on a floor. They can each be activated by touching them and saying the command word, and function once three are outside of the box, activated, and stationary. Multiple sets of 4 spikes can be combined into a single Creature Fence if all placed into, then withdrawn from, the same carrying box. Spikes form a perimeter with other spikes to a range of 40 feet.
    An active Creature Fence will apply a charm effect on any animal inside it, either ones entering or ones inside it when it activated. Animals that fail a DC11 will save will be charmed. Those that succeed will resist the charm's effects for 24 hours, after which they will need to save once more.
    A charmed animal will be less prone to leaving it, although with the proper incentive, will still do so. In addition, they view other creatures within the area as friends, making them less likely to attack other creatures, unless those creatures display hostility towards them first.
    Weight: 4 lbs (Per box of 4)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Charm Animal
    Price: 2000 gp (per box of 4 spikes)
    Aura: Faint Enchantment
    Author: Bek

    Cube of Environmental Control
    Concept: AC
    Category: Equipment (Held), Gear (Slotless)
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This brushed steel cube is about an inch on a side. It can be held, kept in a pocket, placed, or attached to jewelery and still function. It has a small, firm, inset button on one face with a firm, inset slider next to it. Pressing the button activates or deactivates the cube.
    While the cube is on, it instantaneously changes the temperature of ambient air in a cube 10 feet to a side around it. Moving the slider from its minimum to its maximum settings will alter the set temperature from 33 to 80 degrees farenheit. This has functions in still air and a light breeze, but has less effect in a moderate breeze and no effect in a heavy breeze. Also, not only does the cube not stop energy damage, but any fire or cold damage dealt to a creature within the cube's volume renders the cube inoperative for 1 minute per point of damage suffered.
    Weight: 1/2 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, Endure Elements
    Price: 3600 gp
    Aura: Faint Abjuration
    Author: Bek

    Darkandle / Darktorch
    Concept: Darkness Generator
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: A Darkandle appears to be a candle made of pitch-black wax. It functions as a candle, in terms of operation and duration, but darkens its surroundings instead of lightening them. While candles normally provide 5 feet of shadowy illumination, a Darkandle turns bright illumination shadowy or erases shadowy illumination entirely.
    Dark torches can be purchased for the same price. They have the same operation and duration as torches, but eliminate all light within 20 feet and lower the level of illumination within 40 feet.
    Neither candles or torches can compete with the sun. In direct sunlight, a Darkandle barely darkens its surroundings (no mechanical effect) and a Darktorch lowers the light one level, for 20 feet only.
    Weight: — (Darkandle), 1 lb (Dark torch)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Darkness
    Price: 100 gp (candle or torch)
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bohandas

    Enchanted Broom
    Concept: roomba
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Command)
    Description: This broom has a four foot long, straight handle and shockingly short bristles that make it useless in nonmagical cleaning. Instead, a small compartment in the handle contains ten small black cylinders about an inch in height and diameter. When at least three are placed on the same level, the enchanted broom can be placed within their boundaries and told to clean.
    The broom will move itself around its chosen area, unable to climb up or down stairs, but able to clean walls, ceilings up to 10 feet high, and tables and shelves within its space - anything it can access. The exposed areas will be free of dust, hinges oiled, surfaces shined, polish buffed. The broom can't lift items from one surface to another (for instance, putting a book onto a shelf) but can arrange items up to 100lbs on each surface (sorting books on each shelf, and moving books on the floor to the base of the bookshelf). It takes only a few minutes of upkeep per day to maintain a clean area, but could take hours to get a dirty or disused room presentable. A second command word stops it, and a third makes its boundary markers glow for easy collection. If left alone for more than a day, the broom may damage exposed surfaces with excessive buffing.
    Weight: 3 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Unseen Servant, Prestidigitation, Grease
    Price: 2700 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Mickey

    Everlasting Soap
    Concept: Soap
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: This bar of soap appears normal to the eye. However, it constantly regenerates its mass. As long as this soap is more than half there (1/4 lb or greater), it will repair itself to full at a rate of 1 ounce of soap per hour. Unless left soaking in water or deliberately cut or broken, it's hard for even a large family to use more than a few ounces of soap in one day.
    Weight: 1/2 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Mending
    Price: 81 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Maat Mons

    Everlasting Tea Bag
    Concept: Tea bag
    Category: Equipment
    Description: An Everlasting Tea Bag appears to be a small ball of netting containing some crinkly dried leaves, attached to a string for ease of movement. A close sniff reveals its flavor.
    Each Everlasting Tea Bag has a set flavor. When placed in hot water, that flavor infuses the water like normal tea. However, an everlasting tea Bag doesn't run thin after a cup or two, and can be washed and reused endlessly. It takes time to flavor amounts of water greater than a cup, a pitcher taking several minutes.
    Two other varieties of Everlasting Tea Bag are sold. The Self-Heating Tea Bag will slowly raise the temperature of the water it's in. When placed in a standard mug, it will raise the temperature 1 degree per second until reaching optimal brewing temperature, which is usually around 160-200 degrees, depending on tea variety. Larger amounts of water will take correspondingly longer to heat. The Iced Tea Bag will instead chill water at the same speed, usually to around 40 degrees, but takes two to five times as long to flavor the water.
    Most flavors cost the same, but particularly rare of expensive tea bags can cost as much as double.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost (Iced Teabag only)
    Price: 81 gp (standard teabag), 162 gp (Self-heating or Iced Teabag)
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Brian 333

    Eversharp Knife
    Concept: Knife
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: All sorts of knives can be made eversharp, but the most common are butcher's cleavers or other knives designed for meat, as they dull the fastest. Eversharp Knives function as a normal nonmagical knife, but as their name implies, they never dull. Eversharp Knives are still damaged by trauma that would normally damage a knive, such as anything capable of breaking one or bending the blade.
    As masterwork tools, eversharp knives will give a +2 circumstance bonus to related food-creation checks, such as any craft, profession, or even Perform (Teppanyaki) checks that involve a lot of cutting.
    Weight: 1/4 lb - 1 lb, depending on knife
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Mending
    Price: 200 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Farspeaking Pad
    Concept: Cell Phone
    Category: Equipment (Held), Gear (Slotless)
    Activation: Move (Manipulation)
    Description: This is a thin rectangle, about 4 by 3 inches. Its front face has a grid of 18 buttons of varying colors in a 6×3 arrangement. By pressing the buttons, a farspeaking pad can do any of the following:
    Bind one of its 12 "line" buttons to another pad; both must be present and bind to each other.
    Add itself to a pad group on one of the three "group" buttons. Another pad in the group must be present.
    Bind a farspeaking earring (jewelery that allows for farspeaking when the pad itself is within 10 feet).
    Unbind a group, line, or earring.
    Any pad can alert one of its lines or groups, causing the linked pads to softly ring. Those that answer can converse easily, able to hear each other's voice, but nothing else from their environments. Pads can't connect across planar boundaries, except transitive planes (Astral and Shadow). A more expensive variant alows interplanar communication, but all parties involved in the line or group need it for such a call to function.
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Ghost Sound (all), Lesser Telepathic Bond (Pads only), Interplanar Message (Interplanar only)
    Price: 31500 gp (Farspeaking Pad), 900 gp (Farspeaking Earring), 58500 gp (Interplanar Pad)
    Aura: Moderate Divination
    Author: Bek

    Favorite Plate
    Concept: Flavoring
    Category: Equipment
    Description: The first favorite plate was invented by a particularly picky sorcerer. Since then, others have created Favorite Bowls and Favorite Cups, which are identical besides their form.
    Each Favorite Plate is created with a specific flavor, and imparts that flavor to food eaten from it. So long as the user considers what is on the plate food, and the substance sits on the plate (or in the bowl/cup) for at least 1 minute prior to consumption, the flavor replaces whatever flavor the previous substance had. Particularly unique or distinctive tastes may take longer to infuse, especially in larger dishes, but only those with refined palates will care about the difference after the first minute.
    The sorcerer hated his invention, when he realized it didn't change texture.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, 5 ranks in a cooking-related Craft or Profession skill
    Price: 45 gp (per piece of crockery)
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Figurine of Wondrous Power, Servants
    Concept: Waitstaff
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: Unless otherwise noted, the following Figurines of Wondrous Power can be used once per day and last for two hours. They all summon humanoids (most often humans) with 10 in every ability. A figurine obeys its summoner and retains its memories from previous animations, but has no awareness as a statue. They come dressed for their station, and can't change as their clothes are part of their body. Wondrous Servants flee from any combat. All Wondrous Servants speak common, and many speak additional languages, which are chosen on creation, and can't be a secret language like Druidic.
    Laborer: A commoner 1 with no skill ranks.
    Butler: Expert 1 with 4 ranks in Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Diplomacy, and Profession (Housekeeper), and two additional languages known.
    Cook: A literate Commoner 1 with 4 ranks in Profession (Chef) and one additional language known.
    Housekeeper: A literate Commoner 1 with 4 ranks in Profession (Housekeeper) and one additional language known.
    Scribe: Expert 1 with 4 ranks in Appraise, 2 ranks in Decipher Script, 2 ranks in Forgery, 4 ranks in Profession (Scribe), and two additional languages known.
    Clergy: Expert 1 with 4 ranks in Diplomacy, Knowledge (Religion), Perform (Religious Services), and two additional languages known, one of which is typically a language of an outer plane.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Creator must have all skill ranks and know all languages of the created figurine
    Price: 500 gp (Laborer), 1500 gp (Housekeeper, Cook), 3700 gp (Butler, Clergy, Scribe)

    Flask of Endless Booze
    Concept: Hip Flask
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: This steel hip flask is engraved with intricate runes. When opened and poured, it produces a specific type of beverage decided upon its creation, most commonly a type of alcohol. A single flask can only produce 8 gallons or 20 GP of its chosen beverage per day, whichever is lower. Further upending of the flask will produce nothing until the following dawn. This price is based on the price of the materials used to manufacture the flask. This means that if manufactured in a country famous for its plentiful vineyards, it can be created with discounted wines and potentially produce more wine each day.
    Weight: 1/2 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Major Creation
    Price: 9100 gp
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Food Station
    Concept: replicator
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This piece of furniture is a marble plinth three feet tall and one foot wide and deep. Its only apparent markings are a button on one side, near the top, and a circle of runes on its top face.
    Pressing the button and then speaking the name of a food or drink causes a single serving of the desired foodstuff to appear atop the plinth, within a common but sturdy clay cup, bowl, plate, or other dish capable of holding it. The request can include a temperature, between 32° and 140°F. If the request did not specify a temperature, this food is as hot or cold as as is customary for the item in question. The maximum weight of a single item, not counting dishes, is 1lb. Some dishes will appear separated, in multiple smaller dishes.
    One hour after their creation, the conjured dishes wink instantly from existence, spilling any food still on them. The food itself will go bad in 1 day if not otherwise preserved.
    Weight: 500 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Create Food and Water, Detect Thoughts, Prestidigitation
    Price: 49500 gp
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Framed Painting
    Concept: Portraiture
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This sturdy ash frame, three feet to a side, looks like it should be hanging around a portrait of some minor noble in a castle somewhere. Instead, it's totally empty.
    When a person holds the frame (usually at arm's length) and says a command word, the frame fills in with a picture. The picture is a perfect reproduction of whatever the holder could see through the frame as they spoke the command word.
    The frame is decently sturdy (5 hardness, 5 hit points), but if the picture inside is dealt any damage, it pops like film of soap. If anybody speaks the command word while touching the center of the picture, it also disappears. Either way, the frame can again be reused.
    Weight: 5 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Silent Image
    Price: 1000 gp
    Aura: Faint Illusion
    Author: Bohandas

    Concept: Breath Mints
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This small wooden box has a wheel built into one thin edge, with three radial blades separating the wheel into three compartments. It is otherwise unornamented. If shaken, items within it rattle.
    When the wheel is spun, the next revealed compartment contains a small white capsule. If eaten, it tasts minty, and will give the eater's breath a fresh and pleasing odor for several minutes. These capsules can never provide sustenance, and disappear in 2 rounds if not consumed. If being eaten, they don't disappear.
    A freshbox can only generate 20 capsules per day.
    Use of a freshbox may grant a +2 circumstance bonus to rare charisma-based rolls.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation
    Price: 90 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Gaming Table
    Concept: Tabletop Simulator
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: A user need only command this table and it will construct all the tools and pieces needed to play a game of their choice, with limits. Items created will last only the duration of the game, up to 24 hours; the items disappear if they ever move more than 10 feet from the table; items aren't particularly sturdy and can't have fine detail; and items can't include any form of text. A single game can't require more than 5 lbs of items, any expensive materials, or any items larger than Small.
    Besides those limits, the table will instantiate the pieces required to make a game work. It requires that the user commanding the table understand the game and what is required to play it, as the process of commanding the table allows the table to skim some of those thoughts and memories from the user's mind. In this way, the same gaming table can be sold in different cultures and adapt to their games and leisure activities.
    A significantly more expensive version of the Gaming Table is an intelligent magic item. In addition to memorizing the pieces for dozens of games, it also knows their rules and can help move pieces as called for. (LN; 14/10/14; speaks Common and two other languages; 10 ranks in Knowledge (Games), continuous Dancing Lights to facilitage games and theatrics.)
    Weight: 40 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Detect Thoughts
    Price: 1250 gp (standard table), 13850 gp (intelligent table)
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bohandas

    Gardener's Gloves
    Concept: Gardening tools
    Category: Gear (Hands)
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: These stitched leather gloves tend to be dyed in various off-green colors. They enable their user to perform two tasks, both with living, noncreature plants:
    First, the user can use their Gardener's Gloves to sculpt plants. By simply pressing their hands into vegetation such as a bush, they can prune away areas they don't like. While this can remove bushes, even thornbushes, quickly, it takes longer to remove or shorten even small branches or other pieces of wood. 10 to 20 minutes of sculpting can cut through the trunk of a moderate tree.
    Second, the user can Flatten grasses. As a standard action, they may point both palms at the ground and utter a command word. This causes the grass in a single 5-foot square to shrink. It reduces the tallest blades of grass by 1 inch, and any grass that would be taller is shrunk to the same length. Multiple uses can further tidy and unify the grass length. This works on even long grass, although it may take many uses to get it orderly.
    Prerequisites: Cl 5st; Craft Wondrous Item, Diminish Plants
    Price: 60 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Gloves of Ledgerdemain
    Concept: TK
    Category: Gear (Hands)
    Description: These gloves have tiny, two inch-diameter portals in their palms. As long as the gloves are within ten feet of each other, items pressed into one will slowly move through and out the other. These gloves grant a +5 enhancement bonus to relevant sleight of hand and perform checks. They have no combat application.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Benign Transposition
    Price: 200 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Sengmeng

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Aug 2013

    Default Items

    Concept: Induction cooktop
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This slab of dark stone is one foot square and about 1 inch deep. Its top has a thin border of white arcane runes chiseled around it.
    When the command word is spoken, the runes glow with a soft light. Thereafter, anything metal put into contact with the hotrock's top rapidly heats up. A metal pot of room-temperature water reaches boiling in one to two minutes. Speaking the command word a second time cancels the heat.
    Attended metals may make a saving throw (DC13) to resist the heat. Metal that saves remains unheated unless the hotrock is removed (or turned off) and then reapplied.
    The other sides of the hotrock have no special properties.
    Weight: 20 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, Heat Metal
    Price: 400 gp
    Aura: Faint transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Concept: Fridge / Freezer
    Category: Furniture
    Description: An Icebox is a large metal-and-wooden container with a hinged opening on the top or side, depending on its make.
    Iceboxes can be found in multiple sizes. The smallest iceboxes are about two feet to a side and weigh 10 lbs empty. Larger iceboxes can be up to four feet wide and deep, and ten feet tall. These larger iceboxes are generally installed in buildings.
    Iceboxes also come in multiple temperatures. The two most common temperatures are just above freezing (34°F), and well below it (around 0°F).
    Iceboxes are used primarily to arrest the spoilage of foodstuffs, but have some other uses.
    Iceboxes are so well insulated that they are barely cool to the touch when closed. If left open, they equalize their temperature with their surroundings over a few mintues.
    Weight: 15 lbs - 200 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Darsson's Chilling Chamber
    Price: 800 gp (smallest) - 950 gp (largest; includes delivery and installation)
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bek

    Insectbane Canister
    Concept: Bug Spray
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: One round after the command word is spoken, this small cylinder emits a poisonous fog. This fog will fill up the room it's in, or up to a 20×20×20' space, whichever is smaller. It's dispersed by even a light wind. It also infuses the walls of the room in which it's placed, penetrating inside of them, although not out the other side. The fog lasts for 5 rounds (30 seconds), after which it dissipates within 1 round.
    Creatures within the area take 1D3 damage per round, although they may make a fortitude save (DC 11) to halve that damage, minimum 0. A non-mindless creature can hold its breath to gain a +10 bonus on its saves.
    Many mindless or low-intelligence creatures are unable to determine the source of the gas and flee from it properly. Swarms, notably, will suffer damage for every creature of the swarm within the area, making them particularly vulnerable to the Insectbane Canister.
    An Insectbane Canister can only be used once.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Fetid Breath
    Price: 25 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Instant Artist
    Concept: Camera
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Command)
    Description: This rectangular mechanical contraption, about 1 foot wide and 4 inches tall and deep, has a scope-like viewport through the center of its body horizontally, and a pair of rollers on top leading through the chassis vertically. When a button beside the viewport is pressed, the rollers spin, and if there's a piece of paper, parchment, or other object thinner than 0.08 inches (2mm) stuck into the top of the rollers, it will be fed through the device and the image visible through the viewport will be imprinted on it. The rollers can accept a material up to 11 inches wide, and will always draw a square, adjusting the size for smaller mediums, although if the medium's shape is irregular the printing will be incomplete or flawed. The printing is rendered as though by a skilled painter, and can be easily smudged in the first ten minutes until the inks dry. In addition, moving or jostling the Instant Artist during the full round it takes the paper to feed through the rollers will result in the top of the painting not matching the bottom.
    Weight: 2 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Minor Creation
    Price: 4800 gp
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Memory Band
    Concept: Memory Aid
    Category: Gear (Head)
    Activation: Immediate (Mental)
    Description: This red and white headband improves the wearer's memory and recall, although not to eidetic levels. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus to autohypnosis checks (as a masterwork tool). In addition, once per day as an immediate action, the user can reroll a knowledge check. They must make this decision before the results of the roll have been announced. The recond result replaces the first.
    Prerequisites: ML 1st; Craft Universal Item, Call to Mind
    Price: 400 gp
    Aura: Faint Telepathy
    Author: Garryl

    Messaging Sweets
    Concept: Answering Machine
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This sweets jar allows people to leave each other messages. Despite the name, the "sweets" can also be found in cherry, coffee, mint, and other flavors.
    This jar has a button on its front and a small flap on the back. To use it, anybody can press the button and speak a message of up to 25 words. This causes a candy to move from the upper receptacle into a lower chamber, accessible to the flap. Anybody can reach into the back and pop a sweet into their mouth, which will cause the message recorded on that sweet to play in their head exactly as it was said. If multiple messages were left since the Messaging Sweets jar was checked, it's difficult to know the order.
    Because the button and flap are on opposite ends, Sweets jars are sometimes built into doors or walls to take messages while absent.
    Weight: 5 lbs (jar), 1 lb (50 sweets)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Message (Jar only), Magic Mouth (Sweets only)
    Price: 450 gp (Empty jar), 90 gp (50 sweets of one flavor)
    Aura: Faint Illusion
    Author: Bek

    Nchaser's Fluorescence
    Concept: Light
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Move (Manipulation)
    Description: The Mage Nchaser invented this form of clean, constant indoor light. It doesn't flicker like a flame and, in fact, its light has a bluer hue than the sun. One fluorescence gives 20 feet of bright illumination, lighting a 20x20x10 room if placed in its center, or more if the shields are removed (but that can hurt the eyes).
    Nchaser's Fluorescence is normally sold as a standing lamp with a polished metal shield to deflect the light into and off of the ceiling to light the area, but other forms exist: It can be purchased as a desk lamp with a flexible, aimable neck, or installed in a room's ceiling as an architectural fixture, with its control mounted to a wall.
    Each form has a single control point: A dial that totally disables the light at one end, and turns brightness to maximum on the other.
    Weight: 10 lbs (floor lamp), 5 lbs (desk lamp)
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Glowing Orb
    Price: 150 gp (every form), 10 gp to install (fixture only)
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bek

    Notebook of Memorization
    Concept: Teleprompter
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This is an ordinary book, usually far less fancy than a typical spellbook, although of course ostentatious versions can be made. It confers special powers to its owner (the last person to speak its command word while touching it.) A Notebook of Memorization has 100 pages, each about 6 by 8 inches.
    As long as a Notebook of Memorization is open, its owner can read whatever pages are open. They can read two facing pages this way, and can do so near-instantaneously, effectively as though they have the words memorized. This can be used to read a speech, appear smarter, or even communicate across long distances. Although, if using it to convery messages, the owner will need to remember to "look" mentally at the notebook every once in a while.
    Connecting to one Notebook of Memorization severs any connections with other notebooks. A user cannot read notebooks across planar boundaries. The magical inks required to record spells do not function through this connection.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Clairvoyance
    Price: 1500 gp (for an unused notebook; reduce for used or missing pages)
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Brian 333

    Pearl of Speech (Animals)
    Concept: Translator
    Category: Gear (Face)
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This pearl is placed on the tongue, melding and unmelding with the wearer's mouth via command word. While active, the wearer's speech will be understood by animals (creatures of the animal type). The wearer can also understand animal's speech in turn, although they can only understand one species of animal per round. If multiple speak, they must choose to concentrate on the words of one species at a time. If the wearer doesn't concentrate, they will understand no animals, although animals will still understand them.
    A single creature can have only one Pearl of Speech active at a time.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Speak with Animals
    Price: 360 gp
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Bek

    Polymer Pot
    Concept: Nonstick cookware
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Description: Every type of pot and pan can be enchanted as a Polymer Pot. Ironically, small and medium-sized pans are the most common.
    A Polymer Pot behaves as a normal pot, save that no food sticks to its inside. This makes them easier to remove food from, even burnt food, and easier to clean: A Polymer Pot's inside can be cleaned in seconds with only water.
    As masterwork tools, Polymer Pots grant a +2 circumstance bonus to related food-creation checks.
    Polymer Pots and Pans are sometimes referred to as "Happy Pots" or "Happy Pans."
    Weight: 1 lb - 3 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Grease
    Price: 400 gp
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Portable Library
    Concept: E-reader
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This presents itself as a small, sturdy book, 8 inches tall, 5 inches wide, and half an inch deep. It's waterproof but appears unornamented, with a two-tone unassuming cover and a crack down its spine.
    The first page of the book is a table of contents, listing by name other books and their authors (for some portable libraries, this takes multiple pages; 20 books can be listed per page.) When one is pressed, a full-round action, the remaining pages in the portable library change to the pages of that book instead. A portable library can change books once per day.
    The price of a portable library rises for every book included. A portable library can't contain more than 100 books. Most portable libraries are exclusive to novels of a specific genre; some include their creator's favorites. Rare libraries include encyclopedias and guidebooks (masterwork tools that each give +2 to an intelligence-based skill if consulted for at least an hour before making the check).
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Secret Page, access to copies of included books.
    Price: 135 gp (per included book); 13500 gp (maximum)
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Bek

    Portable Symphony
    Concept: Boombox
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Swift (Manipulation)
    Description: This brown mahogany rectangle (1 foot wide, 8 inches tall, 2 inches thick) has buttons and dials on its front. When the correct button is pressed, it starts emitting music. Ten buttons on the device's right side can change the music to ten different genres. The left side, in addition to the on/off button, contains buttons for increasing or decreasing the volume of the music being played. Each genre of music contains approximately 1 week of unique music before it repeats a piece. Most include genres such as opera, folk (with lyre accompaniment), and hymns of the creator's religion, but there is plenty of variation.
    A variant of the Portable Symphony, the Personal Symphony, consists of two mythral rings, which can be lodged harmlessly in the user's outer ears. Once there, each button can be emulated by a series of taps on the ring, requiring a move action. These ones play music loud enough for only the user to hear clearly.
    Weight: 2 lbs / — (Personal Symphony)
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Ghost Sound, Crystalline Memories, Shrink Item (Personal Symphony only)
    Price: 22500 gp (Portable Symphony), 23250 gp (Personal Symphony)
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Bek

    Porter's Belt
    Concept: Lifting Aid
    Category: Gear (Waist)
    Description: A Porter's Belt enables its wearer to carry more, more easily. The user's carrying capacity (light, medium, and heavy) each double, as do related capacities (such as lift/drag weight).
    In addition, the user's armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (maximum 0) and their maximum dexterity increases by 1. Neither of these benefits apply to penalties or dexterity limits imposed by actual armor or shields.
    Weight: 1/2 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Bull's Strength
    Price: 200 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Garryl

    Concept: Smart Wall
    Category: Architecture
    Activation: Standard (Command) (Several minutes to apply)
    Description: One vial of Presti-Paint is enough to solidly cover a 10'×10' area of wall. Presti-Paint appears solid black and has two magical properties when applied.
    First, Presti-Paint is hard to dirty. Once applied, the paint resist dirt and smudges of all kinds, remaining clean unless a concerted effort is made to soil it.
    Second, if a drop of a creature's blood is mixed into the vial before application, that person becomes able to control that wall's color. By touching the wall and saying a command word, they can set the wall's color to anything between white and black, with many varying hues; 256 colors in all, although many are indistinguishably light or dark. They can also use the command to adjust the existing color by brightness ("two shades darker") or hue ("two shades more red"). Contiguous areas of Presti-Paint that share an owner can be commanded in one action.
    Up to two creatures can mix their blood into a vial. If given too many masters, the paint is unable to follow any commands, although it remains black and still resists dirt.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Mending
    Price: 18 gp (per vial)
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Tippy

    Privacy Shield
    Concept: Privacy Tent
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This rune-inscribed steel rectangular prism measures six inches to a side on its base and one foot tall, but due to its wiry construction, it weighs only 2 lbs. The steel wires are bent and fitted together, interlocking into arcane runes. It has hardness 10 and 10 hit points.
    On command, the Privacy Shield emits a mist into its square and the above square (5'×5'×10'). The round it's commanded and the following round, this mist is too thin to have any mechanical effect. Thereafter, lt limits visibility: Creatures standing in the square of mist can see only 5' outside of it (and those they can see have partial concealment), and only creatures within 5' can see in, with the same haze and restrictions. Obviously, a mysterious cube of mist is hardly inconspicuous, so this makes a poor hiding place. It's usually used to disguise not a person, but an activity that person is performing.
    A moderate wind (over 10 mph) disperses the fog within 1 round. If not dispersed, it lasts for 5 minutes or until the Privacy Shield is activated again in a different square.
    Privacy shields can also be manufactured for large creatures. They cover a 10'×10'×20' volume.
    Weight: 2 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Obscuring Mist
    Price: 103 gp (Standard Privacy Shield), 410 gp (Large shield)
    Aura: Faint Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Prompt Precept
    Concept: Bible
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Mental)
    Description: Sometimes found in interfaith shrines or remote chapels, a Prompt Precept enables anybody to consult their holy books at a moment's notice. Typically, they take the form of large, leatherbound books.
    To use a Prompt Precept, the user can clutch it and focus on a specific book of holy doctrine for their faith that they have at least a passing familiarity with. Then, they roll (or take 10 on) a DC15 wisdom check. However, they may add their ranks in Knowledge (Religion). Success writes the concents of the chosen holy book into the Prompt Precept, until 24 hours pass or the contents are again overwritten. The user must have some level of knowledge of the book itself, but divine energy write the individual words and fill in gaps.
    Anybody attempting to fool a Prompt Precept can make a charisma or Use Magic Device check instead of the above wisdom check. However, they must still have some knowledge of the book they are attempting to emulate.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Conviction
    Price: 72 gp
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Bek

    Rain Hat
    Concept: Umbrella
    Category: Gear (Head)
    Activation: Full-Round (Command)
    Description: This wide-brimmed canvas hat is usually found in a muted green, but can be sold in a variety of colors. It protects its wearer from the elements in several minor ways, needing only to be turned on once when worn. It turns off when removed or commanded a second time.
    First, the wearer is automatically protected from rain, snow, sand, dust, and other flying particulate weighing under 0.1oz (300mg). The particles will simply curve away from the wearer 6 inches to 1 foot from their clothing or skin.
    Second, the wearer's temperature will be controlled. As long as the ambient temperature is warm (60° F to 90° F), this does nothing. Otherwise, it will move the temperature of air within 6 inches of the wearer one temperature band closer to warm (about 20-30°).
    The Rain Hat's protective aura also protects against harmful rays of the sun, preventing sunburns and skin diseases caused by natural sunlight. It does not protect eyes or vision from bright light, however.
    Weight: 1/2 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Endure Elements
    Price: 1800 gp
    Aura: Faint Abjuration
    Author: Bek

    Reading Desk
    Concept: Auto-reader
    Category: Furniture / Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This sturdy, polished oak desk is a prized tool for on-the-stay wizards everywhere. Its user need only place a book upon the desktop, open it up facing himself, and then flip through all of the pages. By the time they're done - a full-round action - they've read and comprehended the book. A reading desk works on nonmagical books only.
    A variation of the reading desk is the Lap Desk, which provides the same function in a much smaller frame - a flat oval 18 inches wide and 1 foot deep, with padding on the bottom.
    Weight: 80 lbs (Desk), 2 lbs (Lap Desk)
    Prerequisites: CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Scholar's Touch, Shrink Item (Lap Desk only)
    Price: 3600 gp (Reading Desk), 3975 gp (Lap Desk)
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Tippy

    Record Book
    Concept: Copy/paste
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This tome appears to be an average book: about 9 inches tall, 5 inches wide, and just under an inch thick, with thin gold leafing in its binding. The book is waterproof and sturdy (5 hit points with hardness 2), and despite its size, contains 1000 pages with magic on their front face.
    The tome is activated by Pressing a sheet of nonmagical paper, which can be a standalone sheet or a page from another tome, onto a page of the Record Book, then speaking a command word. The page of the Record Book will instantly and perfectly copy the text pressed against it. If the paper pressed against the book is larger, the image in the book will shrink, but the book's user can use two fingers to enlarge and pan around it; this view is reset any time the book is closed or the page turned. A second command word will cause the currently open page to faintly glow. Stating that command word again will erase it.
    The Record Book can't magically copy pages back out, although any pages ripped from the tome lose their magic and continue to display their current contents.
    Weight: 1 lb
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Amanuensis
    Price: 1000 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Tippy

    Concept: Wet Wipes
    Category: Consumable
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: These small tissues are sold in packs of 50. When a tissue is wiped around a creature's face in a circular motion, its magic discharges. The creature is instantly cleaned, from the sweat on their brow to the dirt on their shoes. Mud, blood, and even makeup and hair products all vanish from the subject and their clothing, which will flatten themselves as though recently washed and pressed. Only the truly most soiled targets would face issue: A single refreher can't clean more than 2 lbs of matter from its target, so somebody who slipped down a muddy ravine could require multiple refreshers to get clean. If a refresher finishes cleaning a subject and hasn't exhausted its magic, its remaining cleaning power will dry them.
    People using refreshers often report being invogorated or energized by them. Rather than magical, this is throught to be a psychological reaction.
    Weight: 1lb (for pack of 50)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Dead End
    Price: 900 gp (for pack of 50)
    Aura: Faint Illusion
    Author: Bohandas

    Return Ticket
    Concept: Trip home
    Category: Consumable
    Activation: One Minute (Command)
    Description: This small piece of paper is half white and half green, with a small perforation separating the two. Tearing the ticket in half primes the magic, but return tickets are long-lasting, and can be used up to a year after they were first torn.
    A person holding the green stub who speaks the command word and concentrates for a minute teleports instantly to the room containing the white ticket stub, so long as they are on the same plane. They can take along up to four willing touching creatures, and each can carry up to their maximum load in nonliving items. Once used, the magic is lost. If the white ticket stub is not intact or not on the same plane, the teleport fails.
    Prerequisites: CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, Word of Recall
    Price: 1800 gp
    Aura: Moderate Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Robe of the Everyday Mage
    Concept: Catch-all
    Category: Gear (Body)
    Description: This robe is usually made of a thin, maroon velvet and is more cosmetic than protective. Its wearer is under a constant Prestidigitation, able to perform any and all related magic at will. Most non-spellcasters donning the robe for the first time will only be able to use a few functions, most commonly controlling temperature and lifting tiny objects. Continued use will slowly train the user in prestidigitation's wide array of powers.
    Weight: 2 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation
    Price: 1000 gp
    Aura: Faint (no school)
    Author: Bek

    Rube Tube
    Concept: TV
    Category: Furniture (Placed)
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This steel tube is 1 foot in diameter and 6 inches long, and has a single button on its outside, halfway down the tube. Both the exterior and interior are carved with in magical runes. One end is sealed with a steel disc, and the other is open.
    When the tube is placed on its side and its button is pressed, a gentle glow emanates from the interior of the tube, gradually shifting through colors. Any living creature within 30 feet oriented appropriately can look into the tube. Those that choose to do so become fascinated for as long as they choose to remain so. A second press of the button deactivates the tube.
    Weight: 5 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Daze or Lullaby
    Price: 500 gp
    Aura: Faint Enchantment
    Author: Bek

    Safe Sparker
    Concept: Lighter
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This looks like a normal sparker: Flint and steel set on a hinge, that can light fires as a standard action. However, it has two important differences.
    First, a safe sparker has unlimited uses. It and its components never need replacing due to use, although they are fragile (2 HP, with hardness 0).
    Second, fires started by a Safe Sparker always have an "anchor," which is whatever piece of flammable material was touched by the first spark. Fires started by a Safe Sparker can't spread more than 5 feet from their Anchor, and if any of the fire is moved out of this range (or the anchor is moved) that piece will extinguish. A fire that merges with a fire started in any other way loses all safeties.
    Fires started by a Safe Sparker always burn out within 12 hours, even if one second earlier they're roaring flames.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Fire
    Price: 450 gp
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: Garryl

    Seat of your Pants
    Concept: Chair
    Category: Gear (Slotless)
    Activation: Move (Manipulation)
    Description: These elegant, tapered pants are made of a shiftweave-darkweave blend and fit in at almost any occasion. When the wearer bends at the waist in a sitting motion, the bottom of the pants support them with the power of raw force, even distributing some weight to parts of the back for comfort. This "chair" is stationary and ends when the wearer moves off of it. It supports 300 lbs, slowly sinking to the ground if tasked with more. More expensive versions can support more weight, a necessity if building pants for larger-sized creatures.
    Seat of Your Pants can be combined with Thaumaturgical Threads at cost.
    Weight: Varies (usually —)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Tenser's Floating Disk
    Price: 675 gp (for 300lbs; add 225 per 100 lbs). Add 100 gp for thaumaturgical thread.
    Aura: Faint Evocation
    Author: TacticsLion

    Self-Cleaning Chamber
    Concept: Custodian
    Category: Wondrous Architecture
    Description: The stronghold space enchanted with Self-Cleaning never gets dirty. This doesn't apply to anything heavier than a leaf or stray stalk of straw. However, dirt, dust, sand, and any similar detritus will slowly vanish from the area. Even liquid spills will dry with no trace. After things are cleaned, their smell vanishes.
    This enchantment is not powerful, not is it perfect. Large deposits of waste, such as piles of dirt, will remain untouched. Any damage done by the detritus will remain, such as chemical damage, or water damage done by spills. The enchantment won't clean anything too close to a living being, even a spiderweb, so long as it contains a live spider.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Dead End
    Price: 500 gp/Stronghold Space
    Aura: Faint Illusion
    Author: Bek

    Sheets of Comfort
    Concept: Extra-comfy bed
    Category: Furniture / Equipment
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This magic is most commonly attached to sheets, but can be used on a bedroll. Anybody that climbs into these sheets feels immense comfort and can fall asleep with no effort. In addition, once per 24-hour period, they may gain the benefits of a full night of sleep (elimination of fatigue, healing of damage, refreshment of spells) in only one hour. Spells cast in the last 8 hours count against daily limits as normal. Multiple creatures may use the sheets if they are comfortable sleeping close together.
    Each set of Sheet/Bedroll of Comfort comes with two specially marked glass vials. Should the user place one of these vials within 5 feet before they fall asleep, they will sleep for 2 hours instead of 1. However, when they awake, the vial will be filled with on application of Ambrosia, a precious fluid that can be consumed, used as a spell component, or used to help create magic items. Anybody with a steady hand (over 10 Dexterity) or a relevant skill (concentration, or a craft or profession skill requiring similar care) can transfer the ambrosia to a more mundane container. One set of Sheets can make only 1 dose of ambrosia per 24 hours.
    Weight: 4 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Distilled Joy, Heart's Ease
    Price: 54050 gp (sheets or bedroll)
    Aura: Faint Enchantment
    Author: Bek

    Square Meal
    Concept: MRE
    Category: Consumable
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This appears to be a square of cloth with embroidered images of a plate of food, a mug of drink, and a set of utensils. However, placing it on any solid surface and stating the command word causes it to revert to the real food depicted in the embroidery. After that point, all of the items are nonmagical, meaning that the cutlery and dishes remain after the food is eaten.
    Square Meals start cheap, for bland but filling rations, but more expensive Square Meals can be found containing fancier food and real silverware. While the price below covers meals typical of a noble, a feast for royalty could easily cost twice as much.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Shrink Item
    Price: 450 gp (for 50 basic meals), 600 gp (for 50 high-class meals)
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: Brian 333

    Stamp of Authenticity
    Concept: Stamp
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: Full-Round (Manipulation)
    Description: This stamp, typically a circle two or three inches in diameter, comes with its own tie-on cover. When pressed against anything for a full round, it leaves a visible mark. Each Stamp is manufactured with a specific design and color, typically unique.
    Any creature stamped this way can resist the mark taking hold (Fort DC 10), but even if marked, the mark fades from living flesh in a week. A Stamp of Authenticity behaves in may ways like an Arcane Mark, but it's the stamp's mark rather than the user's, so they can't use spells like Instant Summons with it.
    The prices below assume a custom or unique stamp. Stamps can be purchased secondhand at a discount (usually around 20%), but the buyer may need to do research to check if the design is in use elsewhere. Many of these stamps are mass-produced by universities and libraries to mark their goods and stock.
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Arcane Mark
    Price: 450 gp
    Aura: Faint (no school)
    Author: Bek

    Storage Shelf
    Concept: Warehouse
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: This six-foot tall maplewood ladder bookshelf contains five shelves, each four feet long and six inches deep.
    As a creature reaches out to place an item on one of the shelves, the item shrinks as it nears the shelf, finally reaching the shelf's surface having shrunk 4 size categories, losing most of its weight. However, no item shrinks so small that its largest dimension is under 1 inch, and items this small already don't shrink further. As an item is removed from a shelf, it grows to its original size and weight. Each of the five shelves can hold up to 100 items before the magic is stretched too thin to shink more. Colossal items and most gargantuan items won't fit on the shelves, even shrunk.
    Moving items on and off of a Storage Shelf can be tricky, especially to those not used to the process. Somebody not used to the shelf placing or removing medium or larger items requires a balance check (DC12) or the user may be unbalanced by the weight change, dropping the item or injuring themselves. Furthermore, even when a gargantuan item is flat enough (under 16 feet tall) that it can fit onto one of the shelves, failing a DC 20 balance check may result in knocking the entire shelf over, with potentially disastrous results.
    Weight: 40 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Shrink Item
    Price: 15000 gp
    Aura: Moderate Transmutation
    Author: Bohandas

    Tarot Deck
    Concept: "Real" augury
    Category: Equipment (Held)
    Activation: 5 minutes (Manipulation)
    Description: This deck has 78 cards with elaborate and portentious pictograms, and can be used to predict the future in some limited ways. By dealing cards and interpreting their meanings, a fortune teller can uncover cryptic hints of the near future. Hints come in many forms, but are often cryptic.
    A tarot deck can be used in one of two ways: To gain a minor edge, or to foretell a result. If used to gain an edge, the teller decides on a single type of save or check (a single save, skill, or non-skill ability check, but not an attack) to gain an edge for. A successful tarot reading grants a +1 insight bonus to the first such check the character makes within the next hour. A failed reading confers no penalty.
    If used to foretell a result, treat the Tarot Deck as a casting of Augury, but with the chances of success modified to use the skill check below.
    Over the course of 5 minutes, a character deals out cards for themselves or a willing ally, and makes a profession (Fortune Teller) check. The Tarot deck's chance of working is (55 + the check result)%, to maximum of 90%.
    A Tarot Deck can read up to three fortunes per day, but can only read any one person once per day.
    Weight: 1/2 lb (including waterproof box)
    Prerequisites: CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Augury, Guidance
    Price: 2025 gp
    Aura: Faint Divination
    Author: Bek

    Thaumaturgical Threads
    Concept: Designer clothes
    Category: Gear
    Description: Thaumaturgical threads come in many varieties, but are always well-crafted and tend to reflect current styles. Despite the name, even non-thread clothing can be enchanted in this way, such as footwear.
    Thaumaturgical threads are sturdy for clothing, with 1 point of hardness above the standard for their materials and make (most clothing has a hardness of 0). They also resist passive damage and don't easily lose their colors when washed.
    Thaumaturgical threads are supernaturally comfortable. Anybody wearing one or more items of thaumaturgical thread in their item slots (hats, shirts, robes, boots, belts, gloves, etc.) gains a circumstance bonus to saves against pain and discomfort equal to that number. Other magical items in those body slots will take priority. For instance, somebody wearing a thaumaturgical shirt and thaumaturgical socks will get a +2 bonus to these saves, but if they put on some Boots of Elvenkind, the bonus drops to 1, as the socks make way for the boots' benefit. Items worn in non-slot locations (such as shorts) also provide no bonus, but are still comfortable and easy to wear.
    Wearing more than one visible thaumaturgical thread item grants a bonus to diplomacy checks among the rich and/or fashion conscious, as a masterwork tool. Wearing only a single item isn't enough for the full ensemble effect.
    Weight: Varies (usually —)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Endure Elements, 10 ranks in a related craft skill
    Price: 100 gp (plus cost of base item, if above 1 gp)
    Aura: Faint abjuration
    Author: Bek

    Traveler's Suitcase
    Concept: Newt's suitcase
    Category: Equipment
    Activation: Standard (Manipulation)
    Description: From the outside, this is a sturdy, rectangular leather suitcase, about 2'6"×2', and 8" deep. However, opening it reveals a hole in one side, with a 10-foot ladder leading down it. The suitcase is actually a portal to an extradimensional living space the size of a large (4500 square feet) house, like one owned by a wealthy merchant or a minor noble. The main (entry) floor has a dining room, kitchen, half bath, closet, and large room for relaxing and socializing; the upper floor has a closet, full bath, 6 standard bedrooms (10×10 feet including closet), and a master suite including a second full bath; the bottom floor has training and exercise rooms, storage rooms, and a servant's suite including three smaller bedrooms and another full bath. The kitchen and bathrooms all have working plumbing, and every room in the Suitcase has "windows" that let in a soft, omnidirectional sunlight to brighten up the building. The Suitcase stays at 70 degrees at all times unless its occupants work to change that. The house never stays dusty or dirty, with visible mud, stains, or other imperfections fading over time.
    Part of the enchantment ensures that the kitchen cupboards and attached pantry are stocked at all times with basic edible foodstuffs and ingredients, so even the most untrained will be able to survive off of the provided food, but true variety will require either bringing food in from outside, extensive or creative preparation of the provided ingredients, or a combination of the two.
    If placed into an antimagic field or suppressed via a Dispelling effect, the Traveler's Suitcase becomes an ordinary suitcase, its occupants unable to use the ladder to leave. If Disjoined or destroyed, all occupants are shunted forcefully from the suitcase, landing in the nearest open spaces that support them, and the suitcase will continue to erratically spurt belongings, food, or broken pieces of furniture over the next week, until it's empty, its magic extinguished.
    Other layouts exist, but the one provided above is a common one.
    Weight: 20 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Daylight, Create Water (or Minor Creation)
    Price: 50550 gp (includes a superior suitcase lock)
    Aura: Major Conjuration
    Author: Bek

    Waste Bin
    Concept: Garbage can
    Category: Furniture
    Description: These clay pots typically 12" to 18" tall, with an opening of a similar diameter. They're most often found painted white, with small vines, flowers, or other plants painted on them; particularly fancy or unusual designs may cost more.
    Nonliving organic material placed in these bins won't smell, nor will it attract flies or other vermin. Instead, it will sowly break down into a dark, compostable paste usable in gardens. Inorganic materials in the bin will be untouched by this process. A small hatch at the bottom can be opened to access the compost, even when fresh food waste is placed on top.
    One waste bin will break down food scraps fast enough to comfortably handle the food waste from a family of five.
    Weight: 3 lbs
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Decomposition
    Price: 50 gp
    Aura: Faint Necromancy
    Author: Bek

    Water Mattress
    Concept: Waterbed
    Category: Furniture
    Activation: Standard (Command)
    Description: This bed rests on an elegant, stained mahogany base held together with inset steel. The base is two feet off the ground and, like the bed, is most commonly found in size "King:" 7'×6'6".
    The base itself contains the magic. When water is poured atop it, the water collects without spilling as though walled in, not even a single drop leaking away. Solids and even other liquids will rest atop of this layer of water, depressing or deforming it according to its weight but never entering it or getting wet. A Water Mattress can hold water up to 1 foot high, although for reasons of weight, most are filled approximately half as much. Disturbing or "splashing" a Water Mattress will not spill it. Once a Mattress is full, further water will slide off the top.
    A Water Mattress has three controls built into its base. The first requires it to be depressed for a full minute while chanting a command word. At the end of the minute, the Base's magic dismisses itself, spilling all of the water and not holding more until the process is reversed. The second is a simple dial. Moving it back and forth will cause the Water Mattress to change firmness, from 1 (as soft as a sack of water) to 12 (as soft as packed earth). The third is a dial for temperature, changing the Mattress water's temperature from 40° to 90°, although a full Mattress can only change 1° every 5 minutes (partially filled Mattresses change proportionally faster).
    Weight: 50 lbs (base only); 1550 lbs (typical fill), 3050 lbs (maximum fill)
    Prerequisites: CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Control Water, Control Temperature
    Price: 2548 gp
    Aura: Faint Transmutation
    Author: goto124

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Existing Items

    Plenty of items in the existing game can, either primarily or as a side effect, increase somebody's quality of life. I've collected some of them here for your convenience, although of course I'm not reproducing their full text. With a few exeptions where I thought I could add better pricing, I tried not to mechanically duplicate existing items.

    First Party Items
    Name Source Type Function
    Chamber of Comfort SBG Architecture Climate Control
    Dilating Dr295 Architecture Sci-Fi Door
    Hall of Speech SBG Architecture Auto-Translate
    Invisible Helper SBG Architecture Misc.
    Alchemist's Glass DrComp Equipment Food
    Bag of Holding SRD Equipment Storage
    Bottle of Air SRD Equipment SCUBA
    Bottomless Toy Box Dr299 Equipment Storage
    Cube of Frost Resistance SRD Equipment Shelter
    Daern's Instant Tent MIC Equipment Shelter
    Decanter of Endless Water SRD Equipment Food
    Everfull Mug MIC Equipment Food
    Everlasting Rations MIC Equipment Food
    Field Provisions Box MIC Equipment Food
    Handy Haversack SRD Equipment Storage
    Heward's Fortifying Bedroll CM Equipment Shelter
    Magic Bedroll MIC Equipment Shelter
    Makeup Mirror Dr305 Equipment Makeup
    Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments SRD Equipment Misc.
    Nolzur's Orb Dr359 Equipment Misc.
    Personal Oasis MIC Equipment Shelter
    Portable Shade SS Equipment Parasol
    Rod of Leadership HoB Equipment Shelter
    Rod of Security SRD Equipment Shelter, Food
    Rod of Splendor SRD Equipment Outfits, Food
    Spice Jar MoF Equipment Food
    Survival Pouch MIC Equipment Shelter, Food
    The Doll House Dr299 Equipment Shelter
    Angriz's Chest RotD Furniture Storage
    Pantry of Preservation SBG Furniture Storage
    Belt of Hidden Pouches MIC Gear Storage
    Belt of Many Pockets CArc Gear Storage
    Cloak of Shelter AEG Gear Shelter
    Contact Medallion MIC Gear Communication
    Escrier's Brooch TaB Gear Communication
    Farspeaking Amulet MIC Gear Communication
    Glamer Clothes KoK-SaS Gear Outfits
    Hand of the Mage SRD Gear Misc.
    Hat of Disguise SRD Gear Outfits, Makeup
    Hathran Mask of Disguise UE Gear Makeup
    Hathran Mask of Water Breathing UE Gear SCUBA
    Howling Helm MM5 Gear Megaphone
    Mask of Lhestyn CoSW Gear Outfits, Makeup
    Mask of Sweet Air MIC Gear Gas Mask
    Necklace of Adaptation SRD Gear Gas Mask, SCUBA
    Necklace of Inflection Dr316 Gear Auto-Translate
    Ring of Communication MIC Gear Communication
    Ring of Sustenance SRD Gear Food
    Robe of Blending SRD Gear Outfits, Makeup
    Shiftweave MIC Gear Outfits
    Travel Cloak MoF Gear Shelter, Food
    Restful Crystal MIC Special Shelter
    Clothier's Closet MoE Spell Outfits
    Gateway to Immortality KoKPG Spell Storage

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Bek's Book of Blissful Bewitchment

    Don't forget the Square Cube box
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