Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    The Frozen North

    Default [ISLE] Lodestone

    Table of Contents

    Post the First: The Island

    Table of Contents
    Flora & Fauna
    Reaching Lodestone

    Post the Second: Geography

    General Geography
    Map of Lodestone
    Cobalt Dream
    The Copper Plains
    Magnetic Field Combat

    Post the Third: Inhabitants

    The Vedeek
    Important NPCs

    Post the Fourth: Monsters

    Copper Golems
    Ferrous Creatures
    Hematite Dragons
    Mercury Oozes
    Mutant Ironweed
    The Northern Lights
    Polar Shades

    Post the Fifth: The Ironheart

    The Ironheart

    Post the Sixth: Treasures

    Minor Artifact: The Platinum Blade
    Special Material: Fused Platinum
    Other Magic and Psionic Items

    Post the Seventh: Psychomagnetism

    Discipline of Psychomagnetism
    Psion/Wilder Powers
    Aurora Powers
    Psychic Warrior Powers

    Post the Eighth: Psychomagnetism Powers

    Psychomagnetism Powers

    Post the Ninth: Rules Supplements

    Prestige Class: The Starwalker
    Vedook Monk Racial Substitution Levels
    Magnet Speeds
    New Feat: Uncharged

    Post the Tenth: Adventures on Lodestone

    Adventure Seeds


    Lodestone is, at first glance, a lump of iron floating in the sea. Its defining trait is its strange magnetic qualities that permeate all aspects of life on the island. The magnetic traits of Lodestone stem from a stone that rests at its center, called the Ironheart. This small ore contains the crazed persona of a misguided angel, who now oversees life on Lodestone.

    Although a small island, Lodestone is well populated. Some inhabitants live on the rock by choice, hoping to discover the secret of the magnetic heart. The native vedeek have an established culture that began when a fused platninum meteorite smashed into the island in ages past. Some come here seeking treasures and riches, while others live here after shipwrecks and all manner of foul disaster. Lodestone is not an easy place to reach, nor a simple place to leave. Magnetic storms turn away all but the most skilled navigators, while the skeletons of the indigenous pyriplanea block magical access to the island. Over the last few decades only a few individuals have reached the island, and they live for the most part in isolation of each other.

    Although it boasts a fairly wide ecology, all life on the island is shaped by the Ironheart and its magnetic effects. Collectively, the magnetic effects of the island can be grouped together into a psionic discipline, known as psychomagnetism. All life on the island uses psychomagnetism to one degree or another, whether to hunt, like the magnetosaurs of the southern plains, or are brought into existence by the magnetic fields of the isalnd, polar shades. The Ironheart watches all that happens on the island, however, with its magnetic senses. It watches... And waits.


    The climate is fairly temperate on Lodestone. It can grow quite warm during the day, but not too chilly at night. Obviously, as the island is mobile, the climate can differ greatly depending on where it goes on the world’s seas. Luckily the inhabitants of Lodestone are a hardy bunch, and don’t mind a little variety in their weather.

    Also of importance are the fierce magnetic storms that cover the island. These maelstroms congregate when battle occurs, and can have a number of strange effects, as described below (Magnetic Field Combat). The magnetic climate of Lodestone makes it especially difficult to approach the island by sea, since no compass will lead to the island.

    Flora & Fauna

    Lodestone is inhabited by a number of native species, described in detail below. Among them, magnetosaurs, pyriplanea, and ampshades are especially common. Ferrous animals also roam the island, including herds of ferrous of boars and prides of ferrous lions.

    Vegetation is sparse on the island, but a highly nutritious weed high in metal content, ironweed, grows all over the area. It is especially populous in the ironweed forest in the south, where it is defended by its mutant killer relative. Also common are a large species of oak tree with silver leaves that grows rampantly in both forests on the island. Most indigenous species or fauna on the island subside on ironweed (nonmutant) for nutrional requirements.


    Lodestone is some 11,000 years old. To be precise, the Ironheart is of this age, and it has slowly drawn the island together around it. When the Ironheart first came into the world, it was nothing but a normal rock, albeit one that showed strange activity around metal. Most unfortunately an angel from the Mounting Heavens of Celestia, whose original name has long since been lost to the murky depths of time, discovered the stone and attempted to plumb its secrets and draw what power he could from the mysterious ore.

    It was only after the angel began to study the rock that his own mind became trapped by the magnetic fields woven tightly around the Ironheart. Bereft of his body, the angel's mind was sealed inside of the chunk of metal. He was deprived of sight, of sound, of all manner of senses familiar to him. It was thus that his madness began, when he was cut off from that he knew. Over several centuries, the angel learned to use the magnetic powers of the stone as if they were his own, and it was then that the distinction broke down entirely; the angel was the Ironheart, and the Ironheart was the angel. Twisted by solitude and piousness, the Ironheart reached out with its magnetic tendrils and drew what it would towards it. This was the origin of Lodestone itself, as stray metal and iron slowly made its way to the Ironheart.

    Today, the island wanders the world, built around the Ironheart. The Ironheart is still, after 11,000 years, convinced that it has a great purpose to do, to protect all the planes from evil. Unfortunately, its perception has been so twisted by its iron prison that it no longer even reasons clearly. The stone itself lies at the center of the island, a nondescript chunk of ore in a nondescript cavern. It is utterly paranoid, however, and has gone to great lengths to leave false trails around the island to hide its location. With its magnetic senses, it knows all that happens on the island, and is always on the lookout for anything that might be a threat to it or its continued semi-life.

    There is, however, one thing that the Lodestone couldn't predict and couldn't sense. A few thousand years after it began its descent into madness, a fellow celestial saw what had happened, and saw that the Ironheart had to be brought to redemption and justice. This being's creations were the vedeek, and the meteor that brought them to Lodestone. Alone of all the life on the island, the vedeek are invisible to the Ironheart, their gummy structures undetectable to its prying magnetic fields. Yet through an unfortunate turn of events, this noble destiny for the vedeek was cut short and their true purpose lost. For more information on the origin of the vedeek and the meteorite that brought them to Lodestone, see the section on the Platinum Blade below.

    Reaching Lodestone

    Reaching Lodestone requires brilliant navigation, and a refusal to rely on compasses and magic. No accurate map exists to reach it, since the island is mobile on the sea according to the whims of the Ironheart. To find the area around Lodestone requires a mere DC 25 Knowledge (geography) check and several weeks of sailing, depending on where Lodestone has moved to in the ocean. Finding the island itself, however, requires a DC 35 Knowledge (geography) check and a similar Profession (sailor) check. These two checks cannot be improved with magic or tools.

    Landing on Lodestone is not especially tricky, unless your ship is primarily made of metal, such as was the case with the Cobalt Dream. In such a situation, another DC 35 Profession (sailor) check (similarly unaided) is required to land the ship in the Bay of Silver. Otherwise, you risk crashing the ship against the ridge surrounding the island as it is drawn in by the magnetic fields of the island.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 11:29 PM. Reason: History!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Kellus's Avatar

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    The Frozen North

    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    General Geography

    Lodestone is roughly circular, and quite small; only about 20 miles in diameter. It is surrounded by a rocky bluff on all sides except near the east side, where the ridge lowers around the Bay of Silver. On the interior of the island, the ground lowers almost to sea level. A ring of mountains surrounds the center of the island, with the tallest mountain (almost a mile high) sitting near the middle of the island. The island is also fairly large below the water level. It descends in a conical shape, about a mile underwater. The entire island is made of a metallic ore that conducts electricity fairly well and is highly magnetic.

    Map of Lodestone


    Locations on Lodestone

    1) Vedook Lands: The vedeek are the primary inhabitants of Lodestone. They live on the interior of the mountain ring. Their main territory lies adjacent to their flower farmlands.

    2) Metaltop Monastery: The principal monastery of the vedook monks lies on the second highest mountain on Lodestone. This monastery is headed by the esteemed Oolong Sooniyoo Joojitsoo.

    3) Meteorite: Thousands of years ago, a meteorite fell on Lodestone, carrying with it the progenitors of today's Vedook. Unlike the rest of the island, the meteorite is entirely nonmagnetic as it is made of fused platinum; unfortunately for would-be treasure hunters, the platinum has been rendered worthless by the meteorite's atmospheric entry. Even worse, the interior is mostly hollow, as it holds a nest of hematite dragons. Fused platinum can be used, however, to make weapons and armour that have nonmagnetic properties.

    4) Mercury Lake: This lake lies inside Ironweed forest, and is mostly known to the vedook for the aquatic ferrous snakes and mercury oozes that inhabit it. It and the north river are the only sources of fresh water on the island. The vedook, not needing to drink, don't find this terribly distressing.

    5) Miles' Outpost: Miles Gasket lives in a small shelter on the southern plains of the island, in the magnetosaurs' territory, where he studies the magnetic effects of the island and its inhabitants.

    6) Ghost Ship: The Cobalt Dream sits derelict on the southern shore, shipwrecked against the ridge that surrounds the island.

    7) Ilania's Marsh: Ilania Montrésor lives in a shack in this northern swamp with her assistant, Trooloom Moonboon Voodoo. It is here she studies the magnetic properties of the island, in hopes of claiming the power of the Ironheart for herself.

    8) The Copper Plains: The Copper Plains sit on the north-east of the island. See below for more information on the Plains.

    9) Luminem Forest: This fairly nondescript wood lies on the north end of the island, between the Copper Plains and Ilania's marsh.

    10) Bay of Silver: This bay is the only easy access to the island by sea, as the rest of the island is surrounded by a rocky bluff. The Astral Dancer can often be found circling the bay. Rumours of a gigantic sea serpent living in the depths of the bay have persisted for generations, but have so far been proved inconclusive.

    11) Ironweed Forest: This forest lies in the wake of the meteorite, on the southern edge of the island. It is filled mostly with ironweed and the occasional mutant killer ironweed.

    12) The Astral Dancer: This ship belongs to Jacob Compassbane, and is the only ship to make regular visits to Lodestone.

    13) Catacomb Entrances: There are three entrances to the catacombs of the island: one near the north end of the magnetosaurs' nesting grounds, one on the side of the hematite dragons' mountain, and one underwater near the bottom of the island. See the section on the Ironheart for more information on the purpose and details of the catacombs of the island.

    The Cobalt Dream

    The Cobalt Dream lies derelict on the southern bluff of the island. Miles Gasket was the only survivor of its wreck, and he doesn’t dare to venture near it because of the ghosts he believes to inhabit it.

    Maneuvering around the broken ship is very difficult in its current condition. The terrain is all treated as difficult, and anybody that tries to run through it must make a DC 15 Balance check each round or stumble and fall prone on the cris-crossed beams of the floor.

    The ship is inhabited by ampshades, pyriplanea that eat away at the hull, the occasional hematite dragon, and many polar shades that regularly haunt the area.

    The ship can also be approached by sea, but navigating the shallows around Lodestone requires a DC 20 Profession (sailor) check to enter the area without damaging your ship and a DC 25 check to escape the rocky area. Ships that fail the check lose a hull section and must make the check again to enter or escape. Ships made primarily of metal receive a -5 penalty on both checks as the magnetic ores in the cliff yard at the vessel from all directions (this uses the alternative ship health rules presented in Stormwrack. In a campaign that does not include this sourcebook, ships should take an appropriate amount of damage on a failed check, as decided by the DM).

    The ship contains several things. The treasure hold has gold and jewels in it, and the remains of the crew lie strewn about the ship. The real treasure of the Dream, however, sits in the captain’s cabin, in a watertight safe. This safe requires a successful DC 30 Open Lock check to open. Any attempt to open it by brute force destroys the logbook inside, and any magical attempt activates a contignent spell which destroys the book as well. Alternatively, the key to the safe lies on the captain’s body, which has sunk to the ocean floor several hundred feet below the ship.

    This logbook contains information and measurements of the magnetic properties of Lodestone, which can be studied by Miles, Jacob, Ilania, or any other literate character with at least 10 ranks in Decipher Script to triangulate the location of the Ironheart. Studying the book requires an hour of effort and both a successful DC 30 Decipher Script and DC 25 Knowledge (geography) check. On a successful check, the character learns the true location of the Ironheart.

    The Cobalt Dream can be repaired to be made seaworthy again. This requires several things. Approximately 500 lb of wood is needed to repair the hull and deck of the ship, as well as 200 man-hours and a successful DC 25 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) or Profession (sailor) check by someone involved in the work.

    The engine is altogether another matter. The ship is steam-powered, and the steam engine has been trashed by the shipwreck. It can be repaired with about 400 lb of copper from the Copper Plains and 150 man-hours, as well as a DC 30 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) or Profession (steam engineer) check by someone involved in the work. The engine, powered partially by magic, is the reason the polar shades of the ship remain close; it is perhaps the strongest magical aura given off by a metal object anywhere near the ship. Consequentially, this magical nature of the engine allows any character to assist with repairing the engine with a successful DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check.

    After completing repairs on the vessel, the Cobalt Dream is the equivalent of a caravel, as described on page 98 of Stormwrack.

    The Copper Plains

    The Copper Plains are a large barren waste on the north-east edge of Lodestone. It is dotted with nine high towers of copper which act as natural lightning rods for a perpetual lightning storm that covers the Plains. The lightning striking the Plains often spontaneously causes the creation of Copper Golems, which wander the area aimlessly.

    Combat on the Copper Plains can be deadly. Every 1d20 rounds, a lightning surge travels through the ground. Any being standing on the ground when this happens who is not wearing insulating footwear takes 4d6 points of electricity damage from this effect. A being may make a DC 25 Reflex save to take half damage from this effect.

    Spells or powers cast or manifested in this area with the [Electricity] descriptor are treated as if they have been affected by the Empower Spell or Empower Power feat without increasing the effective spell level or the power points necessary to manifest it.

    Magnetic Field Combat

    Magnetic storms circle Lodestone constantly. A tight network of shifting magnetic fields covers the island, and this has a distinct effect in combat. For reasons nobody quite understands, when beings gather to fight on the island they seem to attract a greater concentration of fields, as if someone or something were taking interest in them.

    This is, in itself, all that the indigenous races of Lodestone know about the phenomenon. In reality, this increase in field effects is the Ironheart, paying attention to anything that might be a danger to itself or the island.

    In any case, random fields permeate Lodestone. When a combat begins, the DM rolls a d8 on the following table to determine what field effect begins for the whole area. Each of these effects works exactly like the psionic power of the same name, except for area. No matter how large the area of combat is, all combatants are affected equally by the field.

    {table=head]Roll|Field Effect
    1|Field of Puissance
    2|Field of Puissance (reversed)
    3|Field of Lightning
    4|Field of Lightning (reversed)
    5|Field of Gravity
    6|Field of Gravity (reversed)
    7|Field of Health
    8|Field of Health (reversed)[/table]

    In addition, the DM rolls a d20 to determine the number of power points spent on this field power, including augments. If the result is less than is required to manifest the power, then no effect occurs.

    Every 1d4 rounds, the DM rolls to determine a new field effect. If the powers require any adjudication by the 'manifester' (most notably Field of Lightning), the DM may make any relevant decisions, either arbitrarily or randomly as they see fit.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-04 at 01:08 AM. Reason: A map!

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    The Vedeek

    Vedeek (singular vedook) are humanoid beings made entirely of a rubbery, gummy substance. They have discrete digits and features, but have some control over the shape of these details, as their bodies are very stretchy.

    Personality: To a man, vedeek are upbeat and cheerful. Happy-go-lucky, vedeek need little in the way of material posessions and bodily wants, and so they do what they enjoy.

    Alignment: Few vedeek turn to evil, and even fewer have the ambition to act on their dark desires. Most vedeek are good, and law-abiding as well.

    Vedook Lands: The vedeek live on the interior of the mountainous ring on Lodestone. Originally, they were carried to the island on the meteorite that crashed nearby, and soon established a small society on the rock. They use the nearby mountains to hold their monastery and to have a nice view, while they use nearby lands to grow flowers. Since they don't need the land to grow food or raise livestock, of course. They do, however, like flowers.

    Religion: Vedeek have no organised religion, and no particular god to owe allegiance to. Many worship Obad-Hai or Ehlonna for their respect for nature, or Pelor for his gift of the sun.

    Language: Vedeek speak heavily accented Common and their own language, Voolook. Voolook is composed primarily of long vowel sounds, as the vedeek love making such sounds. A favourite pastime of vedeek is to sit around rolling around 'o' and 'ah' sounds simply for enjoyment.

    Names: The vedeek have three names each. Their first is their chosen name, which they can change as they wish at any time. Their second is a placeholder name which describes the time of day during which they were born; a vedook born during the evening bears the name Sooniyoo, while a vedook born below the sun bears the name Moonboon. Their third name describes their purpose or job, which can also often change as they go on.

    Aging: Vedeek live 36,518 days before whatever the property is that holds their bodies together fades, at which point they simply fall apart, the rubbery gummy substance of their bodies dissolving in a quivering mass. As such, they don't have aging penalties. Vedeek generally reproduce exactly twice in their lifetimes, at times of their choosing. Population control is remarkably simple for the vedeek, since they can control their own fertility. Thus, the population of the vedeek stays almost perfectly constant.

    Vedook Racial Traits

    • Living Construct Subtype: Vedeek are constructs with the living construct subtype. Vedeek are beings that are seemingly made of rubber and gum.

    Features: As a living construct, a vedook has the following features.

    - A vedook derives its Hit Dice, base attack bonus progression, saving throws, and skill points from the class it selects.

    Traits: A vedook possesses the following traits.

    - Unlike other constructs, a vedook has a Constitution score.
    - Unlike other constructs, a vedook does not have low-light vision or darkvision.
    - Unlike other constructs, a vedook is not immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
    - Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
    - A vedook cannot heal damage naturally.
    - Unlike other constructs, vedeek are subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death effects or necromancy effects.
    - As living constructs, vedeek can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a vedook can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light wounds spell, for example, and a vedook is vulnerable to disable construct and harm. However, spells from the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure hit point damage or ability damage provide only half their normal effect to a vedook.
    - As a living construct, a vedook can be raised or resurrected.
    - As a living construct, a vedook does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.

    • +2 Wis, -2 Int, -2 Cha. The vedeek are a simple people who are utterly unassuming. However, they show good common sense in most facets of their lives.
    • Medium: As Medium creatures, vedeek have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    • Vedook base land speed is 30ft.
    • Gummy (Ex): Vedeek are naturally gummy and rubbery. They are immune to electricity, as well as any power from the psychomagnetism discipline which targets a creature. Due to their flexible nature, however, they are vulnerable to cold damage.
    • Stretchy (Ex): If a vedook only makes one unarmed attack in a round, he may add 5ft. to the reach of the attack as his gummy body stretches out.
    • Automatic Languages: Common, Voolook
    • Bonus Languages: Auran, Draconic, Giant
    • Favored Class: Monk. A multiclass vedook’s monk class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

    Important NPCs on Lodestone

    Jacob Compassbane: Male CN halfling ranger 5/starwalker 5

    Jacob Compassbane is the only sailor to ever find Lodestone. In his youth he realized the fallibility of compasses and other such mundane navigational tools, and instead studied astronomics and how to navigate solely by the stars. When he heard the tales of Lodestone he set out to find it with a loyal crew and his elven lover, Ilania Montrésor. By depending on the stars to guide him, Jacob successfully located the island despite the fields surrounding the island which foil navigational aids both mundane and magical. Unfortunately for him, upon arriving at the island he was double-crossed by Ilania, who had used him to get to the island. She stole supplies from his ship, the Astral Dancer, and jumped ship to explore the island and steal its power for herself.

    These days, Jacob often sails the waters of Lodestone, taking harbour in the Bay of Silver and ferrying goods and people to and from the island. He makes a fair profit bringing would-be-explorers and by selling rarities found only on the island. Although he hates relying on tools rather than skill, Jacob has studied the magnetic fields of the island thouroughly, and from his studies knows the rough location of the Ironheart. In fact, he knows the artifact lies somewhere along the vertical axis of the island, in the catacombs that run through the interior. He doesn’t know what the Ironheart is or where it came from, but he’d be perfectly willing to sell his knowledge of its location to any individuals interested in purchasing it.

    Miles Gasket: Male NG ferrous human bard 3/aurora 5

    Miles crashed on the southern edge of the island several years ago in the Cobalt Dream. The sole survivor of the shipwreck, he set out alone to explore the island. What he ended up finding was that he himself had latent psychomagnetic abilities, and with exposure to the island’s magnetic fields these powers started to bloom. He now lives in a small outpost on the southern side of the island, near the magnetosaurs’ nesting grounds. He studies these beasts, the magnetic properties of the island, and his own psychic abilities in peace. He doesn’t know much about the secrets of the island, but is glad to share his speculations on the origins of the island’s magnetism to anybody that cares to listen.

    Miles is one of the only inhabitants of the island who is not aware that there are other beings on Lodestone. He lives a quiet and secluded life, and nobody else disturbs him for the simple reason that they don't know he's there. He has one companion, a pet ampshade that he affectionately calls 'Sparky'. While ignorant of the Ironheart, Miles is very knowledgable about the Cobalt Dream and suspects that the undead that inhabit it are really the shades of his former crewmates. He also knows about the existance of his former captain's logbook, which remains on the Cobalt Dream.

    Oolong Sooniyoo Joojitsoo: Male LN vedook monk 10

    Oolong is the master of the Metaltop monastery built on a large mountain adjacent to the vedook settlement on Lodestone. Oolong is calm and patient, but harsher than most vedeek. He sees himself as truly just, and answers kindness with kindness and anger with anger. Oolong trains all vedeek who would choose to forsake the quiet life on contemplation and inner reflection on the flower farms and instead take up a quiet life of contemplation and inner reflection in his monastery. In any event which would require hostile action on behalf of the vedeek as a whole, Oolong’s students are the true fighting force of the settlement. For any kind of important decision to be made for the vedeek, an agreement needs to be reached with the master of the monastery and the warchieftaness of the settlement; currently Oolong and Oordoora.

    Oolong is also the keeper of the Platinum Blade, a knife carved from the meteorite that carried the vedeek to Lodestone to begin with. He sees it as mostly ceremonial, but keeps it safe with all his power. The Platinum Blade is described in more detail in the magic item section below.

    Ilania Montrésor: Female LE high elf voodoo lady 11

    Possibly the most powerful individual on Lodestone, Ilania arrived on the island hoping to uncover a fabled power supposedly hidden on the island. She knows quite a bit about the legends surrounding the Ironheart and its origin. However, she would have no particular inclination to divulge any of this information, as she hopes to claim the power of the Ironheart for her own. What she doesn’t know is the location of the artifact or where to retrieve it; her strongest theory at the moment is that it is located in the platinum meteorite near the vedook settlement. For now she lives in a shack in the northern marshes of the island, studying her voodoo arts and the magnetic properties of the island, crafting magical magnetic items, and preparing for the day when she can take control of Lodestone.

    She has one assistant, Trooloom; a vedook. Trooloom is the result of a compromise between the vedeek and the witch – if she actually tried to take destroy or dominate the vedook, their monks would probably be able to beat her, but they would take heavy casualties. So for now Trooloom assists her and informs Oordoora of the voodoo lady’s doings. It’s an uneasy compromise that neither Ilania or the vedeek are happy with, but it works well enough.

    Trooloom Moonboon Voodoo: Female LN vedook scout 5

    Trooloom is a vedook assistant for Ilania. Although she helps Ilania with her research and studies, Trooloom reports constantly to Oordoora about what the witch does and discovers. What Oordoora doesn’t know is that Ilania is aware of this arrangement and uses Trooloom to report false information in an effort to deceive the vedeek and conceal her true aims. In any case, Trooloom serves Ilania loyally and well, so long as she doesn’t see the witch undertaking any truly despicable acts or doing anything which might endanger the vedeek.

    Oordoora Moonboon Yoodo: Female LG vedook paladin 9

    Oordoora is the leader of the vedook settlement on Lodestone, and laughingly holds the title of ‘warchieftaness’. Of course, the vedeek are ridiculously peaceful, so her job consists primarily of governing minor disputes between her people, taking care of zoning conflicts, and overseeing the flower farms the vedeek manage. Oordoora is dedicated to doing whatever is best for the vedeek and for nature; she worships the sun and the flowers, and is not afraid to use the power of nature to take care of anything that could threaten the tranquility of the vedeek. As far as the secrets of the island are concerned, Oordoora doesn’t know anything about the Ironheart or its origin. Like most vedeek, Oordoora is generally helpful and generous to strangers.

    Oordoora doesn't know anything about the Ironheart, but is very knowledgable about the meteorite and the traditions and origins of the vedeek.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:42 PM. Reason: NPCs!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Kellus's Avatar

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    The Frozen North

    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone


    Tiny Magical Beast
    HD: 4d10+8 (30)
    Speed: fly 60ft. (good) (12 squares)
    Init: +3
    AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +2 size, +3 natural)
    BAB: +3; Grp: -6
    Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3 and electric body)
    Full-Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d3 and electric body)
    Space: 2 1/2 ft.; Reach: 0 ft.
    Special Attacks: –
    Special Qualities: Conduction, darkvision 120ft., electric body, electromagnetism
    Saves: Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +2
    Abilities: Str 9, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 4
    Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
    Feats: Fly-By Attack, Weapon Finesse
    Environment: Lodestone (caves)
    Organization: Pair, volt (6-10), or tesla (11-50)
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: 1/2 standard
    Alignment: Often neutral
    Advancement: 5-8 HD (Tiny); 9-12 HD (Small)
    Level Adjustment: +3

    With the slightest sound of rustling wings and a low hum of electricity, a winged creature descends from the roof of the cave. Its body seems to be built of solid electricity that snaps and crackles at you. With a ferocity that would be more appropriate for an ogre, it dives recklessly at you, its hissing fangs widening for the kill.

    Ampshades are small bat-like creatures that arise spontaneously from the electromagnetic fields surrounding Lodestone. Despite this strange origin, they are living creatures in their own right, but can transform their bodies into pulses of electricity to travel through their iron home. Caves and tunnels are their favourite nesting grounds, but to hunt they will often go onto the open iron fields of the island. Emerging mostly at night, their luminescent bodies radiate a blue field of light that allows them to easily spot prey.

    Ampshades are reasonably intelligent, but are mostly solitary creatures that shun companions and prefer to live and hunt in peace on the island. They are, however, highly prized by auroras as companions for their scouting abilities and their electromagnetic fields which can improve psychomagnetic powers. Ampshades enjoy collecting trinkets, and their dens can often be found holding some gold or jewels that the ampshade found intriguing.

    Ampshades cannot speak.


    Conduction (Su): As a swift action, an ampshade may pass its own body through a magnetic metal object. It may travel up to 50ft. in one action in this way, but it must begin and finish its turn outside of a metal object. After passing through a metal object, the ampshade may emerge in any unoccupied space adjacent to the object. If there are multiple metal objects adjacent to each other, the ampshade may pass through multiple objects, but must still emerge within 50ft. of its original location. Travelling in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

    Electric Body (Su): Anybody that attempts to comes in contact with an ampshade (either from a melee attack or a grapple) must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or be stunned for one round. In addition, even if they succeed on the save, the being takes 2d6 electricity damage every round they remain in contact with the ampshade. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    An ampshade’s electric body radiates bright light in a 5ft. radius.

    Electromagnetism (Su): Any being who manifests a power from the psychomagnetism discipline while adjacent to an ampshade may augment the power with 1 more power point than their manifester level would normally allow. They must still provide this additional power point as normal. Multiple ampshades may provide a higher potential power point total, but only to a maximum of 5.

    Copper Golem

    Copper Golem
    Large Construct
    HD: 10d10+30 (120)
    Speed: 30ft. (5 squares)
    Init:: +2
    AC: 20 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural)
    BAB: +7/+2; Grp: +18
    Attack: Slam +14 melee (2d6+10)
    Full-Attack: 2 slams +14 melee (2d6+10)
    Space: 10ft.; Reach: 10ft.
    Special Attacks: Conduction
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/metal, electricity dependancy, immunity to magic, low-light vision
    Saves: Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3
    Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha 1
    Skills: –
    Feats: –
    Environment: Lodestone (Copper Plains)
    Organization: Solitary or horde (201-210)
    Challenge Rating: 10
    Treasure: Ore
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 11-14 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: –

    A shambling mass of gnarled copper lurches towards you. Dull, soulless eyes peer at you beneath a twisted brow as lightning cracks through the sky overhead.

    Copper golems are inhuman constructs born from the eternal lightning storms of the Copper Plains. Every now and then, when two simultaneous bolts strike a particularly rich copper deposit, the electricity can animate the metal itself with a semblance of life. These unintelligent twisted masses wander the Plains, relying on the electrical pulses of lightning for sustenance. In battle they bulldoze through opponents with no regard for their own safety.

    Copper golems weigh approximately 2,400 lb and stand about 8ft. tall, although no one has ever gotten close enough to one to measure its full statistics.


    Electricity Dependancy (Ex): Copper golems use the electricity that runs through the Copper Plains to heal themselves. Instead of taking electricity damage once every 1d20 rounds, as described above, they instead heal this damage. This does not grant them immunity to other kinds of electricity damage.

    If a copper golem does not receive this electricity damage at least once every two hours, it becomes inert until it is returned to the Copper Plains and receives another jolt.

    Immunity to Magic (Ex): A copper golem is immune to any spell, power, spell-like ability, or psi-like ability that allows spell or power resistance. In addition, certain spells, powers, and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    Powers and psi-like abilities from the discipline of psychomagnetism work normally against a copper golem.

    A magical effect that deals fire damage deals no damage to a copper golem but slows it (as the slow spell) for 1d6 rounds, with no saving throw.

    A magical effect that deals electricity damage deals its normal damage against a copper golem.

    Conduction: Whenever a copper golem is targetted by a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability with the [Electricity] descriptor, there is a 1d4 chance that the effect is redirected as if by the magnetic arc power, but with a random target within range.


    Copper golems arise spontaneously from the Copper Plains, and cannot be fashioned by human means.


    Copper golems leave nothing behind when they are destroyed but a raw mass of metal weighing 2,400 lb. By itself, this copper is completely worthless, as it is transformed by lightning into nothing but a worthless alloy. However, this metal can be used to fashion copper bracelets and other copper-based items.

    Ferrous Creatures

    Ferrous creatures are native to Lodestone. They have learned how to survive in a magnetic environment, and moreover how to use such a terrain to their advantage against others. This template may be applied to any being that spends a fair amount of time on Lodestone. A PC who levels up on Lodestone and who has spent a fair amount of time living on the island may choose to take this template instead of gaining a character level.

    Creating a Ferrous Creature

    “Ferrous” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

    A ferrous creature uses all of the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Do not recalculat the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points if its type changes.

    Size and Type: Animals or vermin with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. Size is unchanged.

    Special Attacks: A ferrous creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature.

    Special Qualities: A ferrous creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.

    • Damage Reduction (Ex): Ferrous creatures learn to use the traits of Lodestone to their advantage. As such, they are vulnerable only to metal weapons; weapons which in and of themselves will be a hindrance in the magnetic chaos of Lodestone. Ferrous creatures gain damage reduction 5/metal.

    • Electricity Vulnerability (Ex): Ferrous creatures take 1.5 times as much damage as normal from electricity.

    • Field Immunity (Ps): Ferrous creatures are naturally attuned to magnetic fields, and thus are immune to any psychomagnetic power from the Field subdiscipline, as well as the natural magnetic fields on Lodestone.

    • Magnetic Motion (Ps): Ferrous creatures gain a magnet speed of one-half their land speed (minimum 10ft.).

    Abilities: Same as the base creature, but Intelligence is at least 3.

    Environment: Lodestone.

    Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

    Alignment: Unchanged.

    Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +1.

    Hematite Dragons

    Dragon (Earth)
    Environment: Lodestone (the highest mountain)
    Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5 offspring)
    Challenge Ratings: Wyrmling 3; very young 4; young 5; juvenile 8; young adult 11; adult 13; mature adult 16; old 18; very old 19; ancient 21; wyrm 22; great wyrm 24
    Treasure: Double standard
    Alignment: Always true neutral
    Advancement: Wyrmling 8-9 HD; yery young 11 HD; young 13-14 HD; juvenile 16-17 HD; young adult 19-20 HD; adult 22-23 HD; mature adult 25-26 HD; old 28-29 HD; 31-32 HD; ancient 34-35 HD; wyrm 37-38 HD; great wyrm 40+ HD
    Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +5; very young +5; young +6; others –

    With a hideous keening, a shadow falls over the iron landscape. Ahead of you a monstrous dragon drops out of the sky and its feet seal themselves to the rough metal plain with an audible noise. Its scales glimmer, jewels running with blue lightning. From a glittering brow, grey eyes observe you with wry interest.

    Hematite dragons are resident dragons of Lodestone. Whatever type of dragon they may have begun as, over thousands of years they have been changed by the psychomagnetic energies that permeate the island. They are brilliant intellectually, but frailer physically than most dragons. Their command over magnetics makes up for any physical lacking, however, since they are also immune to the randomly shifting magnetic fields that cover Lodestone.

    These dragons live primarily on the highest mountain of Lodestone, situated near the middle of the island. They often fly all over the island to hunt for food. They also often nest in the platinum meteorite near the vedook settlement.

    Hematite dragons are beautiful like all gem dragons, their skin studded with scales that seem more like crystals than flesh. The dragons are grey tinted with red, but in the right light they seem to glitter with blue flashes of electricity.

    Personality-wise, hematite dragons are fairly reasonable. They’re open-minded, but very territorial. They would rather chase a stranger away than kill him, but they would rather kill them than let him walk in their territory.

    Hematite dragons are gem dragons. These dragons and their traits are described on pages 77-79 of the Monster Manual II. Hematite dragons differ in the following ways from normal gem dragons:

    • The DCs for a hematite dragon’s psi-like abilities have a DC of 10 + 1/2 the dragon’s HD + the dragon’s Int modifier.

    • Hematite dragons manifest as auroras of their manifester level instead of casting spells as sorcerers.

    • Hematite dragons always take Uncharged as their first feat.

    • Hematite dragons do not have the Planar Travel supernatural ability.

    • Hematite dragons do not have a burrow speed; instead, they have a magnet speed.

    Table: Hematite Dragons by Age
    {table=head]Age|Size|HD (hp)|Str|Dex|Con|Int|Wis|Cha|BAB/Grapple|Attack|Fort|Ref|Will|Breath (DC)|Frightful Presence DC
    Wyrmling|S|7d12+14 (59)|15|10|14|15|12|13|+7/+5|+10|+7|+5|+6|2d6 (15)|–
    Very young|M|10d12+30 (95)|17|10|16|17|12|15|+10/+13|+13|+10|+7|+8|4d6 (18)|–
    Young|M|12d12+48 (126)|17|10|18|19|12|15|+12/+15|+15|+12|+8|+9|6d6 (20)|–
    Juvenile|L|15d12+75 (172)|19|10|20|19|14|15|+15/+23|+18|+14|+9|+11|8d6 (22)|–
    Young adult|L|18d12+90 (207)|21|10|20|21|14|17|+18/+27|+22|+16|+11|+13|10d6 (24)|22
    Adult|H|21d12+126 (262)|21|10|22|23|14|17|+21/+34|+24|+18|+12|+14|12d6 (26)|23
    Mature adult|H|24d12+148 (304)|23|10|22|23|16|19|+24/+38|+28|+20|+14|+17|14d6 (28)|26
    Old|H|27d12+189 (364)|25|10|24|25|16|19|+27/+42|+32|+22|+15|+18|16d6 (30)|27
    Very old|G|30d12+210 (405)|25|10|24|27|16|21|+30/49|+33|+24|+17|+20|18d6 (32)|30
    Ancient|G|33d12+264 (478)|27|10|26|27|18|21|+33/+53|+37|+26|+18|+22|20d6 (34)|31
    Wyrm|G|36d12+324 (568)|29|10|28|29|18|21|+36/+57|+41|+29|+20|+24|22d6 (37)|33
    Great wyrm|G|39d12+390 (643)|31|10|30|31|20|23|+39/+61|+45|+31|+21|+26|24d6 (39)|35[/table]

    Table: Hematite Dragon Abilities by Age
    {table=head]Age|Speed|Initiative|AC|Special Abilities|Manifester Level|PR
    Wyrmling|40ft., fly 100ft. (average), magnet 20ft., swim 20ft.|+0|17 (+1 size, +6 natural)|Field immunity, immunity to electricity, vulnerability to cold|–|–
    Very young|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 40ft., swim 20ft.|+0|19 (+9 natural)|–|–|–
    Young|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 60ft., swim 20ft.|+0|22 (+12 natural)|–|1st|–
    Juvenile|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 80ft., swim 20ft.|+0|24 (-1 size, +15 natural)|Heavy metal|3rd|–
    Young adult|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 100ft., swim 20ft.|+0|27 (-1 size, +18 natural)|DR 5/metal|5th|19
    Adult|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 120ft., swim 20ft.|+0|29 (-2 size, +21 natural)|–|7th|21
    Mature adult|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 140ft., swim 20ft.|+0|32 (-2 size, +24 natural)|DR 10/metal|9th|23
    Old|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 160ft., swim 20ft.|+0|35 (-2 size, +27 natural)|Intercept projectile|11th|24
    Very old|40ft., fly 150ft. (poor), magnet 180ft., swim 20ft.|+0|38 (-2 size, +30 natural)|DR 15/metal|13th|26
    Ancient|40ft., fly 200ft. (clumsy), magnet 200ft., swim 20ft.|+0|39 (-4 size, +33 natural)|Immobilize metal|15th|28
    Wyrm|40ft., fly 200ft. (clumsy), magnet 220ft., swim 20ft.|+0|42 (-4 size, +36 natural)|DR 20/metal|17th|30
    Great wyrm|40ft., fly 200ft. (clumsy), magnet 240ft., swim 20ft.|+0|45 (-4 size, +39 natural)|Reverse polarity|19th|32[/table]


    Hematite dragons find it easy enough to thrive on the food available on Lodestone, so they will rarely attack without at least some attempt at communication. They are, however, fiercely protective of the island and are most likely to try to beat off someone they perceive as intruding on it.

    In battle, hematite dragons enjoy showing off their magnetic strength, using the terrain to their advantage. Being unaffected by the random magnetic fields that cover the surface of Lodestone, they generally will have the upper hand in mobility in any fight. They generally start combat with their breath weapon, and use their psionics to cripple anybody carrying metal. Others aren’t too much concern, since its damage reduction can only be penetrated by metallic weapons. Its intercept projectile psi-like ability protects it from archers. As for spellcasters, the dragon will often use its magnet speed to slide through a party’s ranks without provoking any attacks, and engage the generally frail casters in melee.

    Breath Weapon (Su): A hematite dragon has one type of breath weapon, a cone of magnetic lightning. This breath weapon deals electricity damage, and treats anyone carrying or wearing metal as vulnerable to it (1.5x damage). This does not negate electricity immunity or resistance.

    Field Immunity (Ps): Hematite dragons are naturally attuned to magnetic fields, and thus are immune to any psychomagnetic power from the Field subdiscipline, as well as the natural magnetic fields on Lodestone.

    Heavy Metal (Ps): A juvenile or older hematite dragon can use this ability as the power of the same name, oncer per day per age category.

    Other Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day–intercept projectile (old or older); 1/day–immobilize metal (ancient or older), reverse polarity (great wyrm).

    Skills: Climb, Hide, and Move Silently are considered class skills for hematite dragons.


    Large Animal
    HD: 11d8+33 (82)
    Speed: 60ft. (12 squares)
    Init:: +2
    AC: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural)
    BAB: +8/+3; Grp: +16
    Attack: Headbutt +11 melee (1d12+4)
    Full-Attack: Headbutt +11 melee (1d12+4) and 2 foreclaws +6 melee (1d6+2) and bite +6 melee (1d8+2)
    Space: 10ft.; Reach: 5ft.
    Special Attacks: Charging charge, pounce, psi-like abilities, warcall
    Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
    Saves: Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +4
    Abilities: Str 19, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11
    Skills: Climb +12, Listen +13, Jump +26, Spot +13, Survival +9
    Feats: Awesome Blow, Power Attack, Run, Track
    Environment: Lodestone (southern plains)
    Organization: Pair, claw (4-6), or talon (12-18)
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 12-14 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: –


    As a bugling call fills the air, you look up just in time to see a large raptor-like dinosaur charging at you, talons held at the ready.

    Magnetosaurs are canny dinosaurs that hunt in packs using innate magnetic abilities to immobilize their foes while they tear them apart. Magnetosaurs stand roughly 10ft. tall, and have a total length of about 19ft. from head to tail.

    In combat, a pack of magnetosaurs will have one raptor make a bugling warcall to raise the morale of the others, while the rest charge and pounce on their prey. Their charging charge ability primes nonmagnetic metal on their targets to be affected with their immobilize metal psi-like ability, which they usually use on the 2nd round of combat. Alteratively, some raptors may hang back from the fighting and use their magnetics to rip their opponents’ metal weapons away from them while their kin rend them apart.

    Charging Charge (Ps): If a magnetosaur succeeds with its headbutt attack on a charge, the target is affected as if by the magnetosaur’s charge metal psi-like ability.

    Pounce (Ex): If a magnetosaur charges, it can make a full attack.

    Psi-Like Abilities: Manifester level 8th. The save DCs are Wisdom-based.

    At will - charge metal, pull metal (DC 16)
    1/day - immobilize metal

    Skills: A magnetosaur has a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks.

    Warcall (Ex): As a standard action, a magnetosaur can give off a bugling warcall, granting all magnetosaurs who can hear it a +2 morale bonus to AC and attack rolls. This bonus lasts for as long as the magnetosaur continues to bugle, and for 1 round thereafter.

    Mercury Ooze

    Mercury Ooze
    Small Ooze
    HD: 6d10+6 (39)
    Speed: 100ft. (20 squares); swim 100ft., burrow 40ft.
    Init:: +14
    AC: 25 (+1 size, +14 Dex)
    BAB: +4; Grp: +0
    Attack: Mercury bullet +18 ranged (2d6 plus poison) or slam +4 melee (2d6 plus suffocation plus poison)
    Full-Attack: 3 mercury bullets +18 ranged (2d6 plus poison) or 2 slams +4 melee (2d6 plus suffocation plus poison)
    Space: 5ft.; Reach: 10ft.
    Special Attacks: Mercury bullet, poison, suffocation
    Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft., damage reduction 10/metal, ooze traits, quicksilver
    Saves: Fort +3 Ref +16 Will -1
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 38, Con 12, Int –, Wis 1, Cha 1
    Skills: –
    Feats: –
    Environment: Lodestone (Mercury Lake)
    Organization: Solitary, triad, or squadron (6-12)
    Challenge Rating: 8
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 7-10 HD (Small); 11-16 HD (Medium); 17-22 HD (Large)
    Level Adjustment: –


    A sudden motion on the ground draws your eye as liquid metal seems to run like lightning along the cracks and crevices. Hundreds of streamlets run together and rise up in a tentacle of quicksilver that waves back and forth faster than the eye can follow.

    Mercury oozes are mindless inhabitants of Lodestone. Their liquid bodies can go practically anywhere, and they permeate the island searching for food. Unlike most oozes, mercury oozes are amazingly fast and agile.

    Mercury oozes are made of metal, and are thus vulnerable to psychomagnetic powers that target metal and the magnetic fields on Lodestone.

    Mercury oozes cannot speak.

    Mercury Bullet (Ex): Mercury oozes attack at a distance by detaching parts of their bodies which they fling at their enemies. This attack has a range of 150ft. with no range increment.

    Poison (Ex): Contact, Fortitude DC 14, initial damage 1d6 Str, secondary damage 2d4 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Suffocation (Ex): Any target who is hit by a mercury ooze’s slam attack must make a DC 27 Fortitude save or begin to drown. The save DC is Dexterity-based.

    Quicksilver (Ex): If a mercury ooze moves at least 50ft. in a round, it deals an additional 2d6 precision damage and gains a +2 dodge bonus to its AC until the following turn. In addition, it may apply its Dexterity modifier to its slam attack rolls instead of its Strength modifier until its next turn.

    Mutant Ironweed

    Mutant Ironweed
    Small Plant
    HD: 8d8+19 (55)
    Speed: 5ft. (1 square); burrow 5ft. (1 square)
    Init:: +5
    AC: 19 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +3 natural)
    BAB: +6; Grp: +3
    Attack: Vine +12 melee (1d8+1 plus poison)
    Full-Attack: 4 vines +10 (1d8+1 plus poison)
    Space: 5ft.; Reach: 5ft.
    Special Attacks: poison, psi-like abilities
    Special Qualities: blindsense 60ft., damage reduction 10/metal and slashing, field immunity, plant traits
    Saves: Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +3
    Abilities: Str 13, Dex 21, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6
    Skills: –
    Feats: Weapon Finesse, Multiattack, Toughness
    Environment: Lodestone
    Organization: Solitary, pair, or forest (60-80)
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral evil
    Advancement: 9-11 HD (Small); 12-16 HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: –

    What seems to be a large weed flails at you with grey-green vines, leaves snapping around briskly. As you get closer, your teeth start to ache slightly as the air seems to grow heavier...

    One of the only indigenous plants on Lodestone, ironweed thrives in a magnetic environment and can absorb nutrients from pure metal. Sometimes, however, a defect in growth can cause the plant to mutate, turning it into a raging plant of magnetic death.


    A mutant ironweed will generally try to come at a party from below, with its burrow, as it can sense them through the metal with its blindsense. Once it breaks through the surface, it’s vines lash out at anything in range, inflicting poison. It’s psi-like abilities protect it if the party tries to take it on from afar, and its immunity to magnetic fields allows it to use the environment of Lodestone to its advantage.

    Field Immunity (Ps): Mutant ironweeds are naturally attuned to magnetic fields, and thus are immune to any psychomagnetic power from the Field subdiscipline, as well as the natural magnetic fields on Lodestone.

    Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 16, initial damage 1d4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Psi-Like Abilities: Manifester level 8th. The save DCs are Wisdom-based.

    3/day: intercept projectile, ionic guard (DC 15)
    1/day: mutual repulsion (DC 16)

    The Northern Lights


    The Northern Lights
    Colossal Elemental (Air, Incorporeal)
    HD: 23d8+115 (218)
    Speed: Fly 100ft. (perfect) (20 squares)
    Init: +16
    AC: 28 (-8 size, +12 Dex, +14 deflection)
    BAB: +17/+12/+7/+2; Grp: +24
    Attack: Slam +29 melee (2d10 and burst of colour)
    Full-Attack: 2 slams +29 melee (2d10 and burst of colour)
    Space: 30ft.; Reach: 30ft.
    Special Attacks: Air mastery, psi-like abilities
    Special Qualities: Burst of colour, damage reduction 10/metal, elemental traits, incorporeal traits, empowering field, entrancing pattern, natural phenomenon
    Saves: Fort +12 Ref +25 Will +9
    Abilities: Str –, Dex 35, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 38
    Skills: Listen +26, Spot +26
    Feats: Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack
    Environment: Lodestone
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 16
    Treasure: Borealis mist
    Alignment: Usually neutral
    Advancement: 24-30 (Colossal); 31+ (Colossal+)
    Level Adjustment: –

    From miles away, it lights up the night sky. Every shade of the rainbow flashes as if on an artist’s slate as it flows upon a starry backdrop like some terrible, beautiful beast.

    The Northern Lights is the personification of the rampant magnetic fields surrounding Lodestone. Although not exactly an inhabitant of the island, its rule over the night sky above the island is unchallenged. During the day the Lights dims, but every night is comes back in force, visible from one end of the island to the other. It charges itself with keeping the peace on the island and keeping the fields running properly.

    There is only one Northern Lights at a time, but if it dies another forms at the next nightfall, posessing all the memories of the old Lights.

    The Northern Lights speaks Auran.


    Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against the Northern Lights.

    Burst of Colour (Sp): Any being that comes into contact with the Northern Lights is affected as if by a prismatic spray (DC 35). The save DC is Charisma-based.

    Empowering Field (Su): When on Lodestone, the Northern Lights may choose to reroll any roll made to determine the random magnetic field in play when it is first determined. It may do this once for each roll, as it sees fit. In addition, as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, it may immediately cause the field in play to change.

    Entrancing Pattern (Sp): As a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the Northern Lights can entrance targets with its beautiful colours. This is a gaze attack and a mind-affecting effect. All beings within 10 miles of the Northern Lights must make a DC 35 Will save or be fascinated for 1 minute. Whether or not they succeed on their saving throw, they are immune to this ability for the following 5 minutes. The save DC is Charisma-based.

    Natural Phenomenon (Ex): A being must make a successful DC 20 Spot check and DC 30 Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge (local) check whle less than 10 miles away from it to realize that the Northern Lights is alive. Upon a successful check, the being realizes it is alive but also becomes shaken so long as it can see the Northern Lights.

    In addition, the Northern Lights receives a -20 racial penalty on Hide checks.

    Psi-Like Abilities: Manifester Level 20th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

    At will - borealis, immobilize metal, magnetic implosion
    3/day - iron eruption

    Polar Shade

    Polar Shade
    Medium Undead
    HD: 6d12+6 (45)
    Speed: 30ft. (6 squares)
    Init:: +1
    AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +5 natural)
    BAB: +3; Grp: +6
    Attack: Polar touch +7 melee (1d4+3 plus reverse polarity)
    Full-Attack: Polar touch +7 melee (1d4+3 plus reverse polarity)
    Space: 5ft.; Reach: 5ft.
    Special Attacks: Polar touch
    Special Qualities: Dweomersight 120ft., out of focus
    Saves: Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +9
    Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con –, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 13
    Skills: Climb +12, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Swim +12
    Feats: Ability Focus (out of focus), Ability Focus (polar touch), Improved Toughness
    Environment: Lodestone (the Cobalt Dream)
    Organization: Solitary, pair, or yacht (12-20)
    Challenge Rating: 5
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral good
    Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium)
    Level Adjustment: –


    Out of the corner of your eye, a humanoid shadow slips through the air, but when you turn, there’s nothing but empty space. As a cold hand grasps at your arm, you shrug and turn back to your previous business.

    Polar shades are born when a foreigner to Lodestone dies on the island. Essentially, anybody not native to the island, and who has not taken the ferrous template becomes a polar shade if they die on these shores.

    Polar shades are cursed beings; the body and soul have passed on to whatever afterlife awaits the shade, but the mind lies trapped by the magnetic flux around the island. Sightless, deaf, disconnected from everything around them, polar shades sense nothing but magical auras. Unfortunately for them, their slightest touch warps the magnetic auras of such items, activating them blindly. Some shades have even realized what happens, and try to use these items going off as a crude form of communication.

    Polar shades are not necessarily evil, nor are they mindless. They are a touch out of step with reality. Their very forms slide out of people’s minds and memories, while their only anchor to the real world produces mayhem and chaos. They are tormented beings, neither dead nor alive but trapped in a cruel limbo by unforgiving magnetic fields.

    A polar shade dissolves if reduced to 0 hp, but reforms in 24 hours in the same location. A shade can only be laid to rest if its body or its remains are taken at least 10 miles away from Lodestone– that is, outside of the range of influence of the Ironheart. At this point, the polar shade is no longer bound by the magnetic fields of the island, and can move on to its final resting place.

    Most of the polar shades on Lodestone are the remnants of the crew of the Cobalt Dream. The shades haunt the ship, and approach and try to touch any visitor bearing metallic magic items.

    Polar shades cannot speak.

    Dweomersight (Su): A polar shade senses only the magical auras of magic items. Otherwise, it is treated as blind and deaf. It ‘sees’ the auras as light, with brighter lights being more powerful magic items.

    Out of Focus (Su): Polar shades seem to always be viewed out of focus and slide out of view. They are always treated as being invisible unless a target makes a DC 25 Spot check, in which case it is treated as having full concealment (50% miss chance on attacks made against it). A being may make a Spot check to notice it as a free action after being attacked by the shade, whether or not the attack succeeds. Alternatively, true seeing or a similar effect allows beings to notice a polar shade as normal.

    Every round, a being that has successfully noticed the shade must make a DC 19 Will save or forget that the shade exists again. Beings gain a cumulative +1 bonus to this save every time they are successfully hit by the polar shade. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

    Polar Touch (Ps): Any being hit by a polar shade’s touch attack must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or have one of their metal magical or psionic items activate, as per the reverse polarity power. The item with the strongest aura is targeted first. The save DC is Wisdom-based.


    Diminutive Vermin
    HD: 2d8 (9)
    Speed: 15ft. (3 squares), climb 15ft., fly 15ft. (average)
    Init:: +2
    AC: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex)
    BAB: +1; Grp: -14
    Attack: Bite -2 melee (1d2-3 plus disease)
    Full-Attack: 2 bites -2 melee (1d2-3 plus disease)
    Space: 1ft.; Reach: 0ft.
    Special Attacks: Disease
    Special Qualities: Field immunity, static, vermin traits
    Saves: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +1
    Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 2
    Skills: –
    Feats: –
    Environment: Lodestone (everywhere)
    Organization: Swarm (4-10), hive (11-80), or colony (81+)
    Challenge Rating: 1
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: 3-4 HD (Diminutive); 5-6 HD (Tiny); 7-8 HD (Small); 9-10 HD (Medium); 11-12 HD (Large); 13-14 HD (Huge); 15+ HD (Gargantuan)
    Level Adjustment: –


    Scuttling noises rise from the ground as these greyish-red cockroaches crawl quickly back and forth through cracks and crevices.

    Pyriplanea are resident roaches of Lodestone. They are fairly harmless individually, but can form huge colonies to destroy opponents. Although they are fairly small when hatched, they can grow to enormous sizes in time. Pyriplanea generally eat mundane ironweed, but prefer to snack on flowers, making them hated by vedeek florists.

    Pyriplanea are also one of the reasons why Lodestone is so hard to get to by sea. Their natural static ability repels divination and teleportation, and there are so many roaches on the island that the aura extends well past the shores.

    Their shells do make for excellent hats, though.

    Disease (Ex): Hemotic fever - bite, Fortitude DC 11, incubation period 4 hours, damage 1d4 Dex and 1d4 Wis. The save DC is Constitution-based.

    Field Immunity (Ps): Pyriplanea are naturally attuned to magnetic fields, and thus are immune to any psychomagnetic power from the Field subdiscipline, as well as the natural magnetic fields on Lodestone.

    Static (Su): Pyriplanea exude a natural static which automatically foils any divination or teleportation effect within 60ft. of it. This range is only applicable outside of Lodestone since with the multitude of pyriplanea that inhabit the island, the entire island is treated as being under this effect.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:01 PM. Reason: Edit to northern lights' treasure

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    The Ironheart

    The Ironheart is the source of all of the magnetic effects on Lodestone. Its history is described above (see History of Lodestone). The Ironheart itself is a Major Artifact.

    Description: The Ironheart is a fist-sized chunk of metal ore, roughly six inches across. It is dark grey and red, and fairly dull to look at.

    Physical Traits: The Ironheart posessed hardness 30 and 20 hp per inch of thickness. However, it also has regeneration 30, meaning that it slowly pulls itself back together through magnetism. This regeneration can be overcome (see below), but it means that it very difficult to destroy the Ironheart. No matter how far the constituent parts of the stone are spread, it will pull eventually pull itself back together.

    Mental Traits: The Ironheart holds the consciousness of a deranged angel. This angel can only sense through magnetics, which means that it can sense any metal within range of its senses (20 miles). It can also dimly sense living creatures because of their personal magnetic fields. The only exception to this is the vedeek, who are utterly unknown to the Ironheart.

    Aside from its senses, the Ironheart manifests as a 20th level aurora, but the range for all of its powers from the discipline of psychomagnetism with a range greater than Touch have their range changed to 20 miles. The Ironheart also has perfect control over the terrain of Lodestone, although it rarely alters it. It may move or alter up to 5,000 cubic feet of Lodestone's landscape or interior catacombs with a full-round action.

    Location: The Ironheart rests in the center of Lodestone, inside of a series of catacombs. These caverns run directly along the vertical axis of the island, from the inside of the tallest mountain to the tapered point underwater, below the island. There are three entrances to the catacombs; near the top of the tallest mountain, at ground level, and deep underwater on the side of the island. These entrances are shown on the Map of Lodestone, above.

    Unfortunately, millennia of solitude and being detached from reality has driven the Ironheart to deep paranoia and fear. The stone itself rests in a cavern near the direct center of the island, in a nest of ampshades that increase its psychomagnetic powers. However, it has created eight fake Ironhearts that it has hidden in various chambers all along the interior catacombs. In addition, it has attracted all manner of fierce beasts to guard the fake hearts, most notably hematite dragons and magnetosaurs.

    Reaction to PCs: Although the Ironheart will be aware almost immediately when the PCs even get near Lodestone, it will not arbitrarily destroy them. Watching is one of the only things it can do at this point, and fresh visitors to the island are always interesting. If one of the PCs seems to present a threat or be unusually strong, the Ironheart will still rarely act itself; instead, it will cause some of the indigenous species on Lodestone to attack the being, to test its strength and judge it. The Ironheart still believes itself to be innately good and lawful, and so it is against its nature to kill arbitrarily. That being said, if it senses any threat to its person (such as it is), it will not fail to utterly destroy the individual it fears. It is important to note that the Ironheart can sense actions, objects, and individuals; it cannot sense thoughts or intentions.

    Learning About the Ironheart: Aside from a few specific individuals, nothing is known about the Ironheart; not even that it exists. Certain NPCs on the island know something about the history of the island, the magnetic powers of the Ironheart, or the history of the vedeek, as described in the 'Important Inhabitants of Lodestone' section, above.

    Destruction: The Ironheart is, as noted above, very difficult to destroy. However, the material necessary to defeat it lies on the surface of the island in the form of the fused platinum meteorite. Weapons made from fused platinum overcome the regenerative properties of the Ironheart, and the Platinum Blade in particular deals double damage to it. However, breaking it apart is not enough. After its hp has been reduced to 0, the Ironheart is broken into many small pieces. However, after 1 hour the pieces will reassemble into the whole, no matter how far apart they are.

    The only way to avoid this is to move the pieces of the Ironheart more than 20 miles away from any metal whatsoever before an hour passes. This is made difficult by its death throes, which causes the magnetic fields of the island to go crazy. For the duration of the hour, rolls for magnetic field combat on the island always use 20 power points to augment the fields. In addition, every monster on the island becomes attracted to the constituent pieces of the Ironheart, becomes hostile, and will attack any living thing near the Ironheart. Finally, the weather around Lodestone becomes especially dangerous. Lightning strikes the Copper Plains every round, and Profession (sailor) checks made around Lodestone have their DCs increased by 10 to avoid running afoul of the island's ridge.

    After the hour has passed, if the Ironheart is 20 or more miles away from any metal, the ore finally loses its properties and becomes inert. The angel inside of it also fades, finally at rest. Luckily for the inhabitants of Lodestone, the island remains coherent, but the inherent magnetic properties of the island stop functioning. This means that several of the indigenous inhabitants disappear, including the Northern Lights and the Polar Shades. The frenzy of magnetic fields around the island finally ends, and the island stops moving on the ocean.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 11:28 PM. Reason: The Ironheart!

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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    Minor Artifact: The Platinum Blade

    The Platinum Blade is a knife that was carved from the heart of the meteorite that carried the vedeek to Lodestone. It is guarded faithfully by the master of the vedook monastery, currently Oolong. The Blade has many interesting antimagnetic properties, but what is most important about it is that it is the only weapon capable of destroying the Ironheart.

    None of the vedeek know why the Platinum Blade has such actively antimagnetic properties, and most vedeek don’t even know that the Blade has such powers to begin with. The leaders of the settlement, Oolong and Oordoora, know that the Blade is a powerful protective item, but don’t know its history.

    In ages past when the meteorite first landed on Lodestone, it was inhabited by an intelligence that had guided the vedeek to the island. The intelligence belonged to an extraplanar being who had devised and created the vedeek as a way to destroy the Ironheart. This entity had watched the angel of the Ironheart’s fall from glory into madness, and planned a way to end his torment.

    The race of the vedeek was forged specifically to be able to overcome the rogue angel’s magnetic defences and lay it to rest. Unfortunately for the being who orchestrated his plan, he found himself trapped in his own antimagnetic vessel and unable to command his creations. Thus, the vedeek spread to create a settlement, blissfully unaware of the deeper intelligence lurking in the heart of their new home. When they carved into the meteorite, a blade came forth as if of its own accord and ever since it has been kept in the monastery as one of the greatest treasures of the vedeek.

    Although at one point an intelligence inhabited the Platinum Blade, it has dwindled and slowly died over the millenia. Now the only remnants of its powers and the vedeeks’ higher purpose are the strange antimagnetic properties infused into the knife.

    The Blade is held sacred by the vedeek, who would never stoop to have it used for such a mundane purpose as battle. However, once a year the knife is brought down from the Metaltop monastery, where it is used in the annual Flower Festival of the vedeek for the Ceremonial Cutting Of The Sixth Flower Of Spring. No one knows why the sixth flower of Spring is so important for the vedeek, and they certainly aren’t about to tell any outsiders. It just is.

    As an artifact, the Platinum Blade is very difficult to destroy. There are two ways this can happen, however. The destruction of the Ironheart fulfills the original purpose of the knife, which removes all special properties of it, leaving it a fused platinum dagger. Alternatively, an aurora of at least 20th level can remove all of its special properties by undergoing a ten-minute ritual which drains all of their power points (minimum 400 power points required) for the day.

    The Platinum Blade works as a +2 psibane soulbreaker fused platinum dagger in addition to its special properties, which function as follows:

    Aura of Antimagnetism (Su): All unusual magnetics are suppressed in a 100ft. radius around the Platinum Blade. In order to successfully manifest a power from the discipline of psychomagnetism while in this area, a manifester must succeed on a manifester level check against a DC of 25. This ability can be activated or suppressed as a full-round action by the wielder of the Platinum Blade.

    Decharge Metal(Su): Any metal target of the Platinum Blade becomes nonmagnetic for the following hour. Items in someone’s possession may have a Fortitude save made against this effect by their holder, against a DC of 25. This counters and negates the charge metal power. Items so affected may not be targetted by a psychomagnetic power that targets metal.

    Vedook Mercy (Su): The Platinum Blade cannot be used to deal lethal damage against a vedook. All damage dealt is nonlethal as the blade turns away from the attack.

    Ironheart’s Bane (Su): The Platinum Blade deals lethal damage against the Ironheart.

    Special Material: Fused Platinum

    Fused Platinum: Fused platinum is mined from the meteorite that lies near the vedook settlement. This special ore has certain antimagnetic properties. It is treated as metal for all purposes except psychomagnetism. Fused platinum is completely nonmagnetic, and is not affected by powers or abilities that target metal unless the fused platinum is first subject to a charge metal power. In such a case, the power has only half its normal duration as the charge cannot linger in the metal. It does, however, overcome damage reduction as if it were metal and in fact any weapon forged from fused platinum deals an additional 3 damage on a successful attack against a being with damage reduction/metal.

    Items forged from fused platinum cost additional money, and are only available on Lodestone in the vedook settlement or from Jacob Compassbane, who has bartered for a large supply of the ore. Item prices are modified as shown on the following table:

    Fused platinum has hardness 15 and 20 hp per inch of thickness

    {table=head]Type of Fused Platinum Item|Item Cost Modifier
    Ammunition|+20 gp
    Light armour|+1,500 gp
    Medium armour|+3,000 gp
    Heavy armour|+5,000 gp
    Weapon|+1,000 gp[/table]

    Other Magic and Psionic Items

    Borealis Mist

    Price: 10,000 gp
    Body Slot: - (held)
    Caster Level: 20th
    Aura: Strong (evocation)
    Activation: Standard (manipulation)
    Weight: 1 lb.

    This bottle is filled with shimmering colour that seems almost congealed into a fluid. As you swirl the bottle, a faint twinkling escapes it as the colours mist gently through the air.

    Borealis mist is left when the Northern Lights is destroyed. After a few minutes, the remains of the Lights coalesce into a few cups of liquid colour that floats gently in the air.

    Drinking this elixir allows the imbiber to use prismatic spray, as the spell, three times before the duration expires after five minutes. In addition, so long as he has at least one use left, the drinker can manipulate the fields of Lodestone in the same way as the Northern Lights. That is, he knows instinctively what the dominant field in battle on Lodestone is, and he may reroll any roll for the field in play when it is first rolled. As well, as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, he may cause the dominant field to be rerolled.

    Prerequisites: n/a; borealis mist may not be created by conventional means.
    Cost to Create: n/a; borealis mist may not be created by conventional means.

    Copper Bracelet

    Price: 11,000 gp
    Body Slot: Arms
    Manifester Level: 11th
    Aura: Strong (transmutation)
    Activation: Immediate (mental)
    Weight: 2 lb.

    This simple bracelet is made of shiny copper. Touching it lightly it burns with some kind of inner warmth. It produces a low hum, as if powered from a hidden source.

    Copper bracelets are forged from ore taken from the Copper Plains. Although removed from the electric ground, the metal retains some ability to manipulate the flow of electricity. The bracelet allows the wielder to use magnetic arc as a spell-like ability three times per day.

    Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, magnetic arc.
    Cost to Create: 5,500 gp, 440 XP, 11 days.

    Marsh Goggles

    Price: 600 gp
    Body Slot: Eyes
    Caster Level: 4th
    Aura: Faint (abjuration)
    Activation: Continual
    Weight: 3 lb.

    These oversized rubber goggles have dark lenses made of a jeweled substance. Looking through them, it seems like all the colour has been drained out of the world.

    Marsh goggles were created by Ilania Montrésor to protect her from the nightly display of the Northern Lights over the island. The goggles protect against the Natural Phenomenon and Entrancing Pattern abilities of the Northern Lights. However, they impose a -2 penalty on any visual skill checks so long as they are worn.

    Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, locate object.
    Cost to Create: 300 gp, 24 XP, 1 day.

    Pyriplanea Helmet

    Price: 50,000 gp
    Body Slot: Head
    Caster Level: 17th
    Aura: Strong (abjuration)
    Activation: Continual
    Weight: 8 lb.

    This scaled helmet is built from what looks like hideous greyish-red cockroach shells. Antennae poke out from it at all angles and two giant mandibles reach down to cover the wearer’s face.

    Pyriplanea shells, at least from the young roaches, can be used to make a brilliant defensive item against attacks on the mind. This helmet absorbs mind-affecting spells and powers targeting the wearer. A new helmet can absorb 50 spell levels, or 100 power points at a 2:1 conversion between power points and spell levels before it burns out. So long as it remains potent, the helmet also produces a dimension lock spell-like effect in a 50ft. radius of the wearer.

    Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, at least three pyriplanea bodies of Tiny or larger size.
    Cost to Create: 25,000 gp, 2,000 XP, 50 days.

    Rubber Elixir

    Price: 2,100 gp
    Body Slot: - (held)
    Caster Level: 9th
    Aura: Moderate (abjuration)
    Activation: Standard (manipulation)
    Weight: 1 1/2 lb.

    This bottle is filled with a gruesome black and grey substance. Tipping it slightly, it flows with the speed of wet tar.

    Rubber elixir grants protection against psychomagnetism, but tastes truly awful. Imbibing it gives power resistance 20 to the drinker against powers from the discipline of psychomagnetism for 6 minutes. However, the drinker must make a DC 16 Fortitude save when they drink it or be sickened for the duration of the effect.

    Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, power resistance.
    Cost to Create: 1,050 gp, 84 XP, 3 days.

    Vedook Boooots

    Price: 8,000 gp
    Body Slot: Feet
    Caster Level: 12th
    Aura: Moderate (abjuration)
    Activation: Continual
    Weight: 10 lb.

    These gummy boots slosh and stick, but your feet seem well-insulated inside of them.

    Vedook boooots were originally made by the vedeek to help nonvedeek to make passage through the Copper Plains. These boots grant immunity to electricity damage from any form of lightning, including the lightning pulses on the Copper Plains, conventional lightning, or magical lightning from a call lightning or similar spell.

    Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, energy adaptation.
    Cost to Create: 4,000 gp, 320 XP, 8 days.

    Vedook Clooooak

    Price: 3,500 gp
    Body Slot: Shoulders
    Caster Level: 10th
    Aura: Faint (transmutation)
    Activation: Immediate (mental)
    Weight: 8 lb.

    This dull cloak is made of a thin rubbery, gummy substance that looks sickeningly like a vedook’s skin.

    A vedook clooooak grants electricity resistance 10 to anybody that wears it. This is a continual effect that requires no initiation. Three times per day, the wearer may add up to 10ft. to the reach of one unarmed attack he makes.

    Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, energy adaptation, specified.
    Cost to Create: 1,750 gp, 140 XP, 4 days.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 11:30 PM. Reason: Changes and addition

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    New Psionic Discipline: Psychomagnetism

    Psychomagnetism powers use magnetic fields to move or alter metal. Representative powers include intercept projectile, ironic twist, and shattering glance.

    For the purpose of psionics-magic transparency, psychomagnetism powers do not have an equivalent school.

    Many psychomagnetism powers target ‘metal’. However, not all metals are magnetic and thus subject to psychomagnetism. Whenever a psychomagnetism power refers to metal, it generally means iron or steel. However, the DM should feel free to determine whether an exotic substance would count as metal for the purposes of magnetism. Cold iron and other variants of iron or steel should certainly be included.

    Many of the rules for psychomagnetism could cripple a metal character such as a warforged. Warforged interested in playing in a campaign with psychomagnetism should consider the Uncharged feat shown below.

    Field: Psychomagnetism powers of the Field subdiscipline set up a lasting magnetic effect in an area. These fields can produce one of two opposing effects, and can all be made permanent with the Incarnate power. If two fields come in contact with each other, the two manifesters must make opposed manifester level checks, with the loser having their field dispelled.

    A psion who specializes in psychomagnetism is known as an aurora. An aurora adds the Balance, Disable Device, Hide, and Move Silently skills to her class skill list.

    Psion/Wilder Discipline Powers

    Detect Metal: Sense location, form, and weight of metal.
    Weld Metal: Glue two metal objects together.
    Field of Puissance: Help or hinder attacks made by field targets.
    Heavy Metal: Weigh down a target with their own metal.
    Iron Climber: Allow easy climbing on metal.
    Mutual Attraction: Force two targets to grapple.
    Magnetokinesis: Move one or more metal objects with your mind.
    Orbital Attack: Hold a weapon or shield in midair.
    Sudden Attract: Cause a target to attract metal.
    Sudden Repel: Cause a target to repel metal.
    Field of Lightning: Improve electric effects or cause a lightning storm.
    Ionic Guard: Electrocute enemies with metal.
    Mutual Repulsion: Force two targets to repel each other.
    Magnetic Implosion: Cause a metal object to explode into shrapnel.
    Field of Gravity: Weigh down or lift up field targets.
    Magnetic Arc: Redirect electrical spells and powers.
    Borealis: Magnetic storm strikes those without metal protection.
    Field of Health: Speed up or slow down natural healing of field targets.
    Iron Eruption: Dredge molten iron out of the core of the planet.

    Aurora (Psychomagnetism) Discipline Powers

    Charge Metal: Grant magnetic properties to metal.
    Pull Weapon: Pull a weapon from someone’s hand.
    Shattering Glance: Sunder your foe’s weapon with a look.
    Metallurgy: Shape metal with your mind.
    Intercept Projectile: Catch a projectile on a piece of metal.
    Magnet Road: Fly to a metal anchor.
    Ironic Twist: Twist an opponent’s weapon on a fumble.
    Orbital Effect: Open orbital body slot for metal items.
    Antimetal Wall: Create a wall metal cannot permeate.
    Hemoglobe: Rip iron out of a target’s blood and throw it at someone.
    Immobilize Metal: Hold a metal object dead still.
    Hemogore: Rip iron out of a target’s blood and force it back in.
    Reverse Polarity: Activate another’s magical metal items.
    Hemogolem: Rip iron out of many targets' blood and make it into a golem.

    Psychic Warrior Powers

    Attractive Blow: Your attacks disarm your foe.
    Shattering Glance: Sunder your foe’s weapon with a look.
    Armour Foil: Coat yourself in molten metal.
    Orbital Attack: Hold a weapon or shield in midair.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:26 PM. Reason: Magnetokinesis

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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    Psychomagnetism Powers


    Antimetal Wall
    Level: Psion/wilder 5
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: A wall up to 10ft. long
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 9

    You create an invisible wall which is 10ft. high and up to 10ft. long. Metal cannot pass through this wall. The wall has no thickness, being only a sheet that metal cannot enter. Someone attempting to pass the wall who carries metal may choose to enter or not enter after they realize metal cannot pass. Thus, in order to pass they must either drop their metal objects or remove them from their bodies.

    You need not build the wall in a straight line, but you do need to use discrete 5ft. lengths. You may not build an antimetal wall so that it lies on or appears in metal.

    Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the length of the wall increases by 5ft.

    Armour Foil
    Level: Psychic warrior 3
    Display: Mental, material
    Manifesting Time: 1 move action
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 5

    You coat yourself in molten iron that shields you and turns away metallic attacks. You gain DR 3/nonmetal and a +2 bonus to natural armor.

    Augment: For every 4 additional power points you spend, the DR and natural armor bonus each increase by 1.

    Attractive Blow
    Level: Psychic Warrior 2
    Display: Mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Target: One metal weapon you hold
    Duration: 1 round
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You charge your metal weapon with magnetic power. If you attack someone armed with a metal weapon during the round, your weapon automatically gets a disarm attempt with a +4 bonus if you beat the touch AC of your opponent with your normal attack. This disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. All attacks you make until your next turn have this ability.

    Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points manifesting this power, you can catch a disarmed item with an empty hand as a free action.

    Level: Psion/wilder 7
    Display: Mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Area: 100ft. burst, centered on you
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial and Reflex negates, see text
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 13

    Unleashing a magnetic frenzy, you create a maelstrom of magnetic colour and lightning. All creatures in the area that are not carrying metal are struck with the full fury of the storm, while others receive only a milder effect as the lightning enfolds them. Targets without metal take 10d6 electricity damage and are knocked prone. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage, and a successful Reflex save negates the prone condition. Targets carrying metal take 6d6 electricity damage, which can still be halved by a successful Fortitude save.

    Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the damage dealt by this power increases by 1d6, and the save DCs increase by 1.

    Charge Metal
    Level: Aurora 1
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Target: Up to 5lb/level of nonmagnetic metal
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 1

    You make nonmagnetic metal such as gold into magnetic metal, so that it responds to magnetic effects in the same way as iron.

    Detect Metal
    Level: Psion/wilder 1
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Personal
    Area: 40ft. burst, centered on you
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: No
    Power Points: 1

    You instantly glean the location, form, and weight of all magnetic metals (such as normal iron) within 40ft. of you.

    Field of Gravity
    Psychomagnetism (Field)
    Level: Psion/wilder 6
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Area: 80ft. radius burst
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: Will negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 9

    You set up an enduring magnetic field that weighs down metal. All metal objects in the area are affected as if by the heavy metal power, increasing their apparent weight to twice their normal weight.

    Alternatively, you may cause beings carrying metal to become lighter and more aerodynamic. All such beings gain a +20 magnetic bonus on Jump checks and their fly speed (if any) is improved by 20ft. and the maneuverability improved by on step.

    The decision between the two versions of this power must be made when manifested and may not be changed thereafter.

    Augment: For every additional 4 power points you spend, the apparent weight of objects increases by their original weight once more (x2 to x3, x3 to x4, etc) or the Jump bonus improves by +5, the fly speed bonus improves by 10ft. and the maneuverability increase improves by an additional step.

    Special: This power can be made permanent with the Incarnate power. This option requires a minimum manifester level of 13 and the expenditure of 1,500 XP.

    Field of Health
    Psychomagnetism (Field)
    Level: Psion/wilder 8
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Area: 80ft. radius burst
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: Will negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 15

    You set up an enduring magnetic field that improves the natural healing processes of all beings holding or wearing metal in the area by affecting the natural magnetic fields surrounding living creatures. They gain fast healing 1 and a +4 magnetism bonus on saves against disease and poison.

    Alternatively, you may cause the bodies of beings carrying metal to destroy themselves. Their own fast healing is negated, and they instead take 1 damage every turn. They take a -4 magnetism penalty on saves against disease and poison. Regeneration is not affected by this power.

    Nonliving creatures are immune to this power.

    The decision between the two versions of this power must be made when manifested and may not be changed thereafter.

    Augment: For every additional 2 power points you spend, the fast healing improves by 1 and the bonus on saves improves by +4. Alternatively, the target takes an additional 1 damage every round, and their penalty on saves improves by -4.

    Special: This power can be made permanent with the Incarnate power. This option requires a minimum manifester level of 17 and the expenditure of 2,500 XP.

    Field of Lightning
    Psychomagnetism (Field)
    Level: Psion/wilder 4
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Area: 80ft. radius burst
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: None or Reflex half; see text
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 7

    You set up an enduring magnetic field that improves electricity conduction through the area. Spells, powers, spell-like abilities, and psi-like abilities that have the [Electricity] descritor are affected as if the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat or the Enlarge Power metapower feat, without increasing the casting time, effective spell level or power points spent to manifest the power.

    Alternatively, you may cause lightning to fly through the area. Designate one being in the area holding or carrying a metal object. This being takes 4d6 electricity damage (Reflex half). At the start of every turn afterwards, you may select one target within 10ft. of the current target but still within the field area which is carrying or holding a metal object. The lightning then jumps to this target, dealing the damage to both targets connected by the lightning. You may thus not select the same target for this power twice in a row. If there is not other suitable target, the lightning does not jump on that turn, and no damage is dealt.

    The decision between the two versions of this power must be made when manifested and may not be changed thereafter.

    Augment: For every additional 6 power points you spend, you may apply an additional metamagic or metapower effect from a feat you know, up to a maximum of +1 spell level or +2 additional power points. Alternatively, for every 2 power points you spend, the damage dealt by this power increases by 1d6 electricity damage, the save DC increases by 1, and the maximum range between each successive target of this power increases by 5ft.

    Special: This power can be made permanent with the Incarnate power. This option requires a minimum manifester level of 9 and the expenditure of 1,000 XP.

    Field of Puissance
    Psychomagnetism (Field)
    Level: Psion/wilder 2
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Area: 80ft. radius burst
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Saving Throw: Will negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You set up an enduring magnetic field that lends strength to blows made with metal. All beings wielding metal weapons gain a +1 magnetic bonus on attack rolls. This bonus is doubled when striking magnetic metal creatures.

    Alternatively, you may cause beings with metal weapons to lose strength from their swings as the weapons try to repel from the target. With this field, all beings wielding metal weapons take a -1 magnetic penalty on attack rolls. This penalty is doubled when striking magnetic metal creatures.

    The decision between the two versions of this power must be made when manifested and may not be changed thereafter.

    Augment: For every additional 2 power points you spend, the base bonus or penalty provided by this power increases by 1.

    Special: This power can be made permanent with the Incarnate power. This option requires a minimum manifester level of 9 and the expenditure of 500 XP.

    Heavy Metal
    Level: Psion/wilder 2
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Target: One metal object weighing up to 5lb/level
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: See text
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You use magnetic currents to increase the apparent weight of a metal object. For the duration of the power, the object is treated for all purposes as having twice its normal weight. An unattended object gets no save against this effect, while a being holding or wearing the targeted object may make a Will save on its behalf to avoid this effect.

    Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend, you may target one additional metal object in range.

    Level: Aurora 5
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Target: One living creature with blood
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 9

    You use magnetic forces to rip iron (or other appropriate metals) out of the target creature’s blood and body and coalesce into a projectile globe, which you may then use to attack a nearby target. The initial target must make a Fortitude save or take 2d4 Constitution damage and become fatigued for 10 minutes. After this effect, you may make a ranged touch attack against a target within 100ft. of the initial target, which deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage per point of Constitution damage dealt to the initial target.

    Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend, the Constitution damage increases by 1 and the save DC increases by 1.

    Level: Aurora 9
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Area: 80ft. radius burst, centered on you
    Target: Living creatures with blood
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 17, XP

    You use magnetic forces to rip iron (or other appropriate metals) out of the bodies of all living creatures with blood within 80ft. of you, and form it into an iron golem (MM 136) that appears adjacent to you. All beings that fail their save take 4d6 Constitution damage, are exhausted for 5 minutes and fatigued for 24 hours. A successful Fortitude save halves the Constitution damage and negates the exhaustion effect (but not the fatigue).

    The iron golem that appears serves you with perfect obedience as if you were its creator.

    XP Cost: Manifesting this power requires the expenditure of 5,000 XP.

    Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend, the Constitution damage on a failed save increases by 1 and the save DC increases by 1.

    Level: Aurora 7
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 25ft./level)
    Target: One living creature with blood
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 13

    You use magnetic forces to rip iron (or other appropriate metals) out of the target creature’s blood and body, and then force it back into their bloodstream. If they fail the initial Fortitude save, they die. Upon a successful save, they instead take 3d6 Constitution damage and become fatigued for 1 hour.

    Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend, the power deals an additional 1 Constitution damage on a failed save, and the save DC increases by 1.

    Immobilize Metal
    Level: Aurora 6
    Display: Mentals
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: One metal object weighing up to 5lb/level
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 11

    The target metal object is immobilized with magnetic power. It may not be moved from where it rests, even if it is in midair. An immobilized metal object can support up to 8,000lb before it falls, and it requires a DC 30 Strength check to move it 10ft. in one round.

    A creature trapped by or in the immobilized object may make a DC 30 Escape Artist check as a move action to escape the immobilized object, although this does not free the object from the effect.

    Intercept Projectile
    Level: Aurora 3
    Display: Mental and visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
    Range: Close (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Target: One metal object, weighing no more than 1lb/level
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: No
    Power Points: 5

    You manifest this power when a projectile is aimed at you. You must decide whether or not to manifest this power after you know that you are being targetted but before you know if the attack succeeds. The metal target of this power leaps into the path of the projectile, protecting you. The attack is resolved normally as if the projectile had been aimed at the metal object instead of at you.

    Augment: If you spend 5 additional power points manifesting this power, it does not count as your swift or immediate action for the round.

    Iron Climber
    Level: Psion/wilder 2
    Display: Mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Target: One creature
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You tamper with a creature’s magentic field to allow them to scale metal with ease. The target receives a +10 enhancement bonus on Climb checks made on metal surfaces.

    Iron Eruption
    Level: Psion/wilder 8
    Display: Mental, material, olfactory
    Manifesting Time: 10 minutes
    Range: Long (400ft. + 40ft./level)
    Area: A cylinder 20ft. in radius and 200ft. high
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Reflex half
    Power Resistance: No
    Power Points: 15

    With magnetic might you delve into the core of the planet and funnel molten iron through the ground in an enormous eruption. All beings in the cylinder when it erupts take 10d6 bludgeoning and 10d6 fire damage

    Augment: This power may be augmented in one or both of the follwing ways:

    1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, the power deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 fire damage.

    2. For every 2 additonal power points you spend, the power requires 1 less minute to cast, to a minimum of 5 minutes.

    For every 2 additional power points spent on either of these augments, the save DC of the power increases by 1.

    Ionic Guard
    Level: Psion/wilder 4
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Area: 10ft. radius burst, centered on you
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 7

    You charge the particles of the air around you with magnetic force. All beings in the area aside from you who are holding or wearing metal take 3d6 electricity damage. Every round that they begin within the area, they take the damage again. They aura of ionized air moves with you.

    Augment: For every 4 additional power points you spend, this power deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage.

    Ironic Twist
    Level: Aurora 4
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 25ft./level)
    Target: One metal weapon
    Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 7

    You imbue magnetic potential within the target weapon, causing it to twist aside when the wielder fumbles. If the wielder of the weapon rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll before the duration expires, the weapon twists and strikes the wielder with a critical hit in addition to the normal effects of the roll.

    Augment: For every 4 additional power points you spend, the threat range of the twist increases by 1 (ie. from 1 to 2, etc).

    Magnetic Arc
    Level: Psion/wilder 6
    Display: Mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
    Range: Personal
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 11

    You manifest this power when you are the target of a spell, spell-like effect, power, or psi-like effect which deals electricity damage to you. The effect must be targetted specifically on you, and may not be an area effect or the like. Upon manifesting this power, you may choose a new target for the effect within the original area of the effect, including potentially the caster or manifester.

    Magnetic Implosion
    Level: Aurora 5
    Display: Material, mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: One nonmagical metal object weighing up to 9lb
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: See text
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 9

    You cause the target of this power to explode into hundreds of tiny shards. All beings within 30ft. of it take 1d6 damage/lb of the object. They may make a Reflex save for half damage. Half of the damage inflicted is piercing damage, and the other half is slashing damage. The target of the power is destroyed.

    Augment: For every additional power point you spend, the maximum weight of the target increases by 1lb.

    Level: Psion/wilder 3
    Display: Visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: One metal object weighing up to 25 lb/level
    Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
    Power Resistance: Yes (object)
    Power Points: 3

    This power works like the telekinetic force power, except as described above.

    Augment: For every 3 additional power points you spend, you may simultaneously affect another metal object in range. The combined weight of all the metal objects affected may not exceed the limit of 25 lb/level.

    Magnet Road
    Level: Aurora 3
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 5

    You may attune your personal magnetism to external anchors. You gain a magnet speed of 75ft.

    Augment: For every additional power point you spend, your magnet speed increases by 15ft.

    Level: Aurora 2
    Display: Auditory, mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Touch
    Target: One metal object weighing up to 1lb/level
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    With magnetism you can shape a metal object into another form. For example, you could use this to change a longsword into a rapier or a helmet into a set of lockpicks. The object made must be primarily metal, and you must have any other supplies neccessary at hand. The object made must weigh as much or less than the object changed. Manifesting this power requires an appropriate Craft check to make the object, although it grants a +5 enhancement bonus on this check. You may not use this power to perform magical crafting, nor to make masterwork items.

    Mutual Attraction
    Level: Psion/wilder 2
    Display: Mental, olfactory
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: Two adjacent creatures
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You create a magnetic attraction between two adjacent creatures. This power fails if either of the targets succeeds on a Fortitude saving throw. The targets must immediately make grapple checks against each other, with the winner grappling the loser. To cease grappling, one of the creatures must make a successful Strength check against the save DC of this power (a move action), at which point both targets may make new Fortitude saves. If either of them succeeds, this power ends; if both fail, they must grapple with each other again.

    Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the DC of this power increases by 1.

    Mutual Repulsion
    Level: Psion/wilder 4
    Display: Mental, olfactory
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: Two creatures
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 7

    You create a magnetic repulsion between two creatures. If the two creatures come within 30ft. of each other, they act both act as if the other has bull rushed them away from the other. Every round that one of them chooses to try and remain within 30ft. of the other, both make new bull rushes against the other to push each other away. These bull rushes count only for moving the defender backwards; they do not move the bull rusher forward. If the bull rushing check result beats the defending check by more than 5, the bull rusher must choose to push the defender back as far as possible.

    Regardless of the bull rush results, if the two creatures are within 30ft. they each take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, and AC from distraction as they fight the repulsing effect. If either of the two Fortitude saves succeeds, the power fails.

    Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the distance of the repulsion effect increases by 5ft. and the DC for this power increases by 1.

    Orbital Attack
    Level: Psion/wilder 3, psychic warrior 3
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 1 hour/level
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 5

    You tie your magnetic field to an orbital location outside your body, which allows you to wield an additional metal weapon you are proficient with in midair at your side. This weapon may not weigh any more than 1lb/level. Whenever you make a full attack, you may also make an attack with this weapon at your full base attack bonus.

    Alternatively, you may instead wield a shield you are proficient with in midair magnetically. This shield protects you as well as if you wielded it, and frees your hands for any other activity. A shield has the same weight restriction as a weapon for this power.

    Orbital Effect
    Level: Aurora 4
    Display: Mental, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 minute
    Range: Personal
    Duration: 24 hours
    Saving Throw: None (harmless)
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 7

    You tie your magnetic field to an orbital location outside your body, which allows you to benefit from a metallic item you place in this location, which may weigh no more than 1lb/level. Essentially, you create a floating ‘body slot’ outside your body where you can ‘wear’ a wondrous item or similar item to gain its benefit without actually taking up the location on your body. This slot may mimic one of the following body slots: throat, ring, feet.

    Augment: You may augment this power in one of two different ways:

    1. If you spend an additional 5 power points, you may mimic one of the following body slots: arms, face, hands, head.

    3. If you spend an additional 10 power points, you may mimic one of the following body slots: body, shoulders, torso, waist.

    Pull Weapon
    Level: Aurora 1
    Display: Mental, material, visual
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Target: One armed creature
    Duration: 1 round/level
    Saving Throw: Reflex negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 1

    With a magnetic tug, you pull one of the target’s metal weapons that it is wielding from its grasp and pull it towards you. You must have line of effect to the weapon to manifest this power. You may choose to drop the weapon in any square it passes through, or to make a Reflex save of your own to grab the weapon in a free hand. If you fail, you take damage as if the weapon had been thrown at you and it drops inert in your square.

    Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the DC of this power increases by 1 for the target (your own DC to catch the weapon does not increase).

    Reverse Polarity
    Level: Aurora 8
    Display: Auditory, material, olfactory
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Short (25ft. + 5ft./level)
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 15

    Turning your glance on the target creature you unleash the full bore of your magnetic strength, which twines into their metal posessions and activates the magic in them. You instantly activate many of the metal magical items the creature is holding, expending charges and uses as normal. However, you may choose how they activate and what they target. You automatically succeed at activating the items, without a check of any kind. A successful Fortitude save by the target prevents this effect. If any of the items have a range of personal or touch, you may instead grant the effect of the item to any target of your choice within the range of this power.

    You may activate up to 3 magical or psionic items with this power. All of the items must be primarily made of metal.

    Augment: For every 5 additional power points you spend, you may activate 1 additional item. For every 2 additional power points you spend to achieve this, the save DC increases by 1.

    Shattering Glance
    Level: Aurora 2, psychic warrior 2
    Display: Auditory, mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: One metal weapon, shield, or suit of armor
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 3

    You use magnetic forces to rip your opponent’s equipment asunder. You may make a sunder attempt against the target, substituting a manifester level check for your own sunder check. This special sunder does not provoke an attack of opportunity like a normal sunder.

    Sudden Repel
    Level: Psion/wilder 3
    Display: Mental, olfactory
    Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
    Target: One creature
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Saving Throw: Reflex negates
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 5

    You cause a creature’s body to momentarily repel metal. Any metal objects attached to them are not affected significantly, but the target must make a single Reflex save to hang on to any metal items it is holding or which are not attached to it. Failure indicates that the metal objects in question fly away from it in a random direction. Objects affected land 1d8 x 10ft. away from the target and fall unattended in the square they land on.

    If an inanimate obstacle is in the way before they reach the target square, they land beside the obstacle instead. If a creature is in the way, you may make a ranged attack roll with the item against the creature, which deals the same amount of damage the weapon would deal if thrown.

    Augment: For every additional power point you spend, the distance the repelled objects fly is increased by 10ft.

    Weld Metal
    Level: Psion/wilder 1
    Display: Mental
    Manifesting Time: 1 action
    Range: Medium (100ft. + 25ft./level)
    Target: Two metal items touching each other
    Duration: Permanent, or until separated
    Saving Throw: None
    Power Resistance: Yes
    Power Points: 1

    You alter magnetic auras to seal two metal objects together indelibly. Separating them requires a move action and a Strength check against a DC of 20. After being separated, this power ends.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:29 PM. Reason: Magnetokinesis, clarified Mutual Attraction, and a purdy picture!

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Feb 2007
    The Frozen North

    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    Prestige Class: The Starwalker


    Starwalkers are uncanny navigators who depend on the heavens to guide them. Recognizing the limits and fallibilities of compasses, astrolabes, and other man-made navigational tools, these brilliant explorers use only their own minds to navigate. Becoming a starwalker requires a keen mind and an interest in the mechanics of the heavens. Being a starwalker means poring through maps and charts, studying the stars, and developing a keen mind to interpret all manner of navigational signs.

    To become a starwalker, a character must fulfill all of the following requirements:

    Feats: Endurance, Iron Will
    Skills: Knowledge (geography) 8 ranks, Survival 8 ranks

    Hit Die: d8.
    Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
    Class Skills: The starwalker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex).

    Table: The Starwalker
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Astronavigation, cunning step

    |Accurate eye

    |Canny research


    |Natural cunning


    All of the following are class features of the starwalker prestige class.

    Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The starwalker does not gain any additional weapon or armour proficiencies.

    Astronavigation (Ex): A starwalker is practiced at using the stars to navigate. So long as he has can see the sky, he receives a +2 bonus per class level to Knowledge (geography), Profession (sailor), and Survival checks made to navigate, find his way, and track.

    Cunning Step (Ex): A starwalker’s intellectual training also has practicality in avoiding danger. He may add his Intelligence modifier to his saving throws and his Armor Class, but only up to a maximum of his class level.

    Accurate Eye (Ex): At 2nd level, a starwalker has trained his eyes to quickly spot details others miss. He receives a +4 bonus to Spot and visual Search checks, and gains the ability to make a Spot check once every round as a free action instead of a move action.

    Canny Research (Ex): At 3rd level, a starwalker has benefited from his study of maps and natural guides over fallible man-made instruments. He receives a +4 bonus on Decipher Script checks made to decipher maps and guides. In addition, he may make a Decipher Script check to decipher a map or guide as a full-round action instead of a minute as usual.

    Clear-Headed (Ex): At 4th level, a starwalker has achieved perfect mental clarity, which allows him to remain collected at all times and see truths others cannot. This gives him immunity to confusion and a +4 bonus to Sense Motive checks.

    Natural Cunning (Ex): At 5th level, a starwalker has developed innate cunning and logical ability. This gives him immunity to maze spells, prevents him from ever becoming lost, and enables him to track enemies. Further, he is never flat-footed.

    Vedook Monk Racial Substitution Levels

    Vedook monks study at the Metaltop monastery on Lodestone under Oolong Sooniyoo Joojitsoo. This elite order of monks learns to use their natural stretchiness to their advantage in battle.


    To take a vedook monk substitution level, a character must be a vedook about to take his 1st, 2nd, or 4th level of monk.

    Class Skills: Vedook monk substitution levels grant the same class skills as the standard monk class.

    Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
    Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier

    Alignment: Any lawful
    Hit Die: d8

    Table: Vedook Monk Substitution Levels
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Stretchy strike




    All of the following are class features of the vedook monk’s racial substitution levels.

    Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Vedook monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and sling. Vedook monks are not proficient with any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a vedook monk loses her AC bonus, as well as her fast movement ability.

    Stretchy Strike (Ex): Vedook monks can use their natural stretchiness to great advantage in battle. Instead of the normal rapid-fire attacks that a monk learns, vedook monks learn to use their stretchy bodies to deliver powerful distance blows. In lieu of any unarmed attack, a vedook monk may volunarily increase the reach of the attack by 5ft., although they take a -1 penalty on the attack roll. They may not use this ability to make attacks of opportunity.

    At 5th level, they may add up to 10ft. of reach to any unarmed attack, but they take a -2 penalty on the attack roll.

    At 9th level, they may add up to 15ft. of reach to any unarmed attack, but they take a -3 penalty on the attack roll.

    At 11th level, they may make attacks of opportunity with unarmed attacks with an additional 5ft. of reach, and all of the penalties of this ability are lessened by 1 (ie. no penalty for +5ft.; -1 for +10ft.; -2 for +15ft.).

    This ability replaces the flurry of blows ability gained by a normal monk, and the greater flurry ability gained at 11th level.

    Mettle (Ex): At 2nd level, a vedook monk gains the mettle ability. If they succeed on a saving throw for any ability that offers a Fortitude or Will save for half or partial effect, they instead take suffer no consequences from the effect.

    This ability replaces the evasion ability normally gained at 2nd level.

    At 9th level, they gain the evasion ability instead of the improved evasion ability.

    Shock-Absorbant (Ex): Vedook monks learn to use the stretchiness and gumminess of their bodies to take blows that would fell lesser beings. Beginning at 4th level, if they take the partial defence or total defence action in combat, instead of gaining a bonus to their AC they instead gain an equivalent amount of DR/- until their next turn.

    This ability replaces the slow fall ability normally gained at 4th level and later.

    Magnet Speeds

    A being with a magnet speed can use magnetic fields to quickly maneuver around metal. As a normal move action, a being with a magnet speed may directly to any metal object which weighs at least half as much as the being. They move directly towards the metal object, even if something nonmetal is in the way. In such a case, they end their movement adjacent to the barrier, in such a way so that it stands directly between the mover and the metal target.

    Different magnet ‘speeds’ mean that the initiator of the movement may target a metal object from further away; for example, a being with a magnet speed of 50ft. can instantly fly in the most direct path possible towards any suitable metal object within 50ft.

    No matter how far the initiator actually moves with his movement speed, it still consumes his entire move action. Someone with a magnet speed of 30ft. who moves 30ft. takes as long to move as someone with a magnet speed of 60ft. moving 15ft.

    Magnet speeds will allow a being to move against gravity, but at the end of the movement gravity begins to affect them normally. Magnet movement is similarly unaffected by rough terrain and the like.

    Initiating a magnetic movement takes hardly any time at all, and thus doesn't occupy the traveler very much. As such, movement with a magnet speed does not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving through threatened spaces.

    A magnet speed may not be used to move to a metal object that the traveler is already touching, no matter the size.

    Travel with magnet speeds on Lodestone is exceptionally easy, as the entire island is magnetic. Thus, any point on the ground within range may be used to pull the traveler horizontally along the ground.

    New Feat: Uncharged


    Psychomagnetism allows great control over most metal. Many beings who are magnetic by nature have found ways to eliminate their own magnetic potential, rendering them immune to many devastating magnetic effects.

    Prerequisites: Your body must be made primarily of magnetic material, such as iron or hematite.
    Benefit: Your metallic body loses the ability to posess a magnetic charge. Your body is no longer affected by psychomagnetic powers that target a metal object unless you choose to let the power affect you. This feat grants no immunity against psychomagnetic powers which do not target metal. The exception to this is the charge metal power, which works normally on your body.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:55 PM. Reason: Typo

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    Adventure Seeds

    The following adventure seeds are based on and around Lodestone.

    1) The PCs are marooned on Lodestone and found by Miles, who asks them to help him retrieve a memento from the Cobalt Dream.

    2) The PCs are hired by Jacob to venture to Lodestone and steal the Platinum Blade from the vedeek so he can sell it to a mainland buyer. Fortunately for the PCs, the annual Flower Festival is occuring, during which the blade is brought down from the Metaltop monastery. Unfortunately for the PCs, Ilania has realized this too, and is also trying to get her hands on the blade to examine its qualities.

    3) The PCs are hired by Ilania via Jacob to investigate the meteorite, where she believes the Ironheart to rest. She anticipates their destruction, but hopes to use them as guinea pigs to discover for certain the location and powers of the artifact. Unfortunately, since her location is false, she is sending the PCs into a hematite dragon nest.

    4) The PCs are vedeek asked by Oordoora and Oolong to finally deal with the witch in the marsh once and for all.

    5) In a high-level campaign, the PCs are youthful hematite dragons that set out to discover the secrets of the island.

    6) Another interesting idea for a campaign involves letting the PCs take the roles of some of the important NPCs on the island, who need to join together to find and destroy the Ironheart.


    Making an island turns out to be hard work! I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I'd like to thank my brother for inspiration and Yolanda, as usual, for a beautiful illustration.
    Last edited by Kellus; 2008-01-14 at 09:34 PM. Reason: Adventure seeds!

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    Hemo powers: It'd probably be a good idea to qualify that creatures who are vulnerable to critical hits are the ones that are targetable by these powers.

    Magnetic Implosion: do magical items get a save?

    Mutual Attraction: the last line confuses me. Do the targets make saves when the spell is cast, per round, or what?

    Orbital Effect: I would personally only allow such things as wands, rings, and amulets with this power, at least off the bat. Perhaps a series of augments (like the psionic charm power) that allows you to make it emulate a different body slot?
    Last edited by Fax Celestis; 2009-09-08 at 11:01 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [ISLE] Lodestone

    This is very cool, I might use some of it in my next campaign
    I Am A: True Neutral Human Sorcerer (2nd Level)
    Ability Scores:

    Stone cold love to Nevitan, kudos for the Avatar.

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