Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Unscrewed's Avatar

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    Mar 2007
    Somewhere over Wendsday

    Default The Lunatic [Prc]

    You're a Landlord?! Sugoi! Does that mean you Rule all the land? Do you rule my land? Does a lord rule? Does that make you an aristocat? Or is that a Disney movie? Oh! Are you a Disney actor? I ate a Disney once...or was that a dixie treat? I love those little dixie cups. Wait, I think I was thinking of Debbie cakes. Or are you thinking that? What were we talking about? Do you wanna go catch a Unicorn with me? I want to give them more corn, it's so sad they only have one. I like corn but I like jell-o better, do you like jell-o? Where are you going? Do you know where the unicorns are? I'm going to follow you cause you're not answering!
    -Eddie, Lunatic.

    There's crazy. There's really crazy. And then there's the-normal-has-left-the-building crazy. Lunatic fall universally into the third category. They are those who are so crazy, that their lunacy has given them strange and mysterious power. Emphasis on the strange. Lunatic's are often part of a non-insane group. The are sometimes found as companion's to Wierders

    Prerequisites: BAB +5, Chaotic alignment, Wis<10, Must have done one of the following:
    Made peaceful contact with a chaotic outsider, been under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug for three days non-stop, had a mind-effecting magic item backfire on him by means of a failed UMD check
    HD: d8
    Class skills: Bluff, Tumble, Slight of Hand, Handle Animal, Use Magic Device, Search, Spot, Sense Motive, Balance, Move Silently, Climb, Jump, Swim, Disable Device, Decipher Script, Hide, Listen, Diplomacy.
    Skill Points: 4+Int Modifier
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon

    |Power of the Loon[/table]

    Class abilities

    Power of the Loon
    The Lunatic's lunacy grants him power and skill. At every Lunatic level, choose one of the abilities below:

    Well, I'm the lord of Biscuits!: The Lunatic gains a +4 Lunacy bonus of Bluff checks. This bonus increases to +20 if the bluff is "Unbelievable" (i.e. it would incur a +20 bonus to the opposing sense motive roll.)

    Lovable Loon: The Lunatic gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks.

    Hyperspace Mallet: Available only at Lunatic level 3 or higher. Despite it's name, this ability can be used with any weapon, or indeed, anything inanimate. The Lunatic grasps the object and swears to never never never never never leave the target object behind. From then on, the object springs to the Lunatic's hand when needed, and vanishes when it's no longer needed. Where it goes, nobody knows. (Except the Lunatic, and he's not telling.) This ability can only affect one object at a time, but it's subject can be changed by swearing to a different object. This ability can only work on unattended objects of small size or smaller.

    Gravity? What's Gravity?: The Lunatic gains Spider Climb as an at will spell like ability, caster level 3rd.

    CONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Available only at Lunatic level three or higher. The Lunatic can designate one object the object of his desire. He must do everything in his power to get the object, and gains a +4 Lunacy bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks, and AC. He also gets a +2 Lunacy bonus to all saves. These bonuses last for 4+con Modifier rounds, or until the Lunatic obtains the object. In either case, he promptly loses interest in whatever it was he wanted. This ability can be used once per day.

    I challenge you to a Dance-off!: Available only at Lunatic level 7 or higher. The Lunatic gains Otto's Irresitible Dance once per day. Caster level is 15th. However, the Lunatic is also under the effect of an Otto's Irresitible Dance for the same amount of time.

    Ya missed me!: The Loon gains a +2 bonus to AC and a +1 Reflex saves because of his extremely unpredictable movements.

    What's the square root of a Pumpkin?: Available only at Lunatic level 5 or higher. Once per day, the Lunatic can say something so inconceivably nonsensical that his target opponent is stunned for one round by it's sheer weirdness. The Lunatic must take a standard action to use this ability. The Save DC of this ability is equal to 10+half the Lunatic's levels in Lunatic+the Lunatic's Charisma modifier. Lawful creatures take a -2 penalty on this save.

    I've got a waffle and I'm not afraid to use it!: The Lunatic takes no penalties for using improvised weapons.

    Grandmaster of the Unintended Use: Available only at Lunatic level 9 or higher. Once per day for three rounds only, the Lunatic can take any object and use it as a different object of similar size. For example, a Lunatic using this ability can use a loaf of French bread as a longsword, a good size rock as a piece of pie, a book as a boomerang, or a random stick as a wand of Cure light wounds. No other being can use such items as for the unintended purpose. For example, the Lunatic cannot declare the loaf of French bread to be a longsword, then hand it off to the fighter to use. Only the Lunatic can use the bread. Magic items or weapons can be imitated, but the caster level of such items cannot be higher than 5, and the spells involved in such items creation can only be 3rd level or lower.

    I'm a ninja!: The loon gains a +4 bonus to Tumble checks.

    Crosswired: Available only at Lunatic level 3 or higher. The Lunatic's chaotic logic streams are so weird that to impose your will upon him you'd need to be equally crazy. The Lunatic gains a +4 bonus to saves against all mind-effecting and compulsion spells and effects. He also becomes immune to confusion, insanity, and all similar spells.

    Luck of the Loon: Luck favors the crazy. The Lunatic gains a +1 luck bonus to all attack rolls.

    No, me father was a tree.
    Available at Lunatic level 6 and higher.
    The Lunatic has (or gains in some manner, if he does not have) unusual features that seem innocuous at first but actually have a very bizarre origin, such as peg legs, scars, birth marks, tattoos, a tail, strange ears, etc. The telling of people how these came to be are so bizarre and fascinating that anyone of indifferent attitude instantly moves to friendly. Their new attitude lasts for 1 minute per Lunatic level, after which their attitude returns to normal. This has no effect on people of any other attitude.

    I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together:
    Lunatic L.5
    The Lunatic and one other player character, and one NPC character all switch character sheets. All three characters must be within 100 ft. radius from the lunatic, including the lunatic himself. The Lunatic takes on the other player character, the other player character becomes the NPC, and the NPC becomes the Lunatic. [Effectively the Lunatic hands his sheet to the DM, the DM to the other player, and the other to the player hands his to the Lunatic.] The goals and aspirations, and desires are played out as they appeared to be
    originally by the first effective character. This lasts for 2d12 rounds.
    For the duration, all three characters have telepathic communication open between the three of them.

    It's been a hard day’s night..: The Lunatic whips out of nowhere, (preferably from behind his back) a little blue or brown ocarina, and plays a little tune. For the next 1d6 minutes the moon is blocked by a shining sun or the sun by a silver moon. For all effects and purposes treat day-time as night
    time, and night time as day time.

    There is no ending in the bending of the mending that I am sending it
    is trending without befriending, am I ascending, or is it attending the defending that is tending to the apprehending without pending in the machine... is vending?:
    Lunatic L.8 The Lunatic may at will change his sanity points, this is a free action. They cannot rise above 50 sanity points. Ever.
    ~ChumpLump original

    I Have had it with these mother-loving [insert nouns here] on this mother-loving [Insert target here]: The lunatic may explain his annoyance at any sort of group of things, on any target as a standard action. After this statement is made the group of objects (2d6 objects) appear as a major image spell, cast at the Lunatic's caster level, on the target. These are not under the lunatic's control but act naturally like the group of objects the
    lunatic has specified. This may be done 3/day. These objects may be anything at all.

    ~Samuel L Jackson

    Red or Blue?:
    Lunatic L.10
    Flip a coin. If it is heads the lunatic eats a blue pill. For the next 1d6 rounds the lunatic may make temporary wishes as a swift action. This wish lasts until the duration is over. If it is tails, someone appears behind the lunatic as he is about to eat the red pill and hits him over the head with a shovel. He is
    unconscious for the next 1d12 rounds.

    ~The Matrix

    Hot Potato!
    Available only at Lunatic level 3 and higher. When under the effects of a spell that affects her and only her, the Lunatic may remove the effects of that spell as a move action. The Lunatic then receives a random small object (a fish, a skull, a potato, etc). As a move action, the Lunatic may pass this to any creature within reach, or throw it to any character within 30 ft. It
    is impossible to refuse to take the object, or to get rid of it by any means other than passing it on. The creature then holding the object may also pass it to any character within reach, or throw to any character within 30 ft. Any character holding the object (including the Lunatic) is panicked when holding the object. 1d12 rounds after the initial creation of the object, it vanishes, and the creature holding the object is affected by the spell the Lunatic used this ability to remove. The Lunatic may not use this ability while the object exists, nor while the spell she passed on affects the other creature.

    I challenge you to a duel - of a children's card game! A number of times per day equal to the number of times the DM feels like it, the Lunatic may challenge one creature brought to the plane it currently inhabits by magic to a duel. The challenged creature may not harm the Lunatic during the challenge, nor may the Lunatic harm the creature. The creature may select one of three games - checkers (INT), jacks (DEX), or arm-wrestling (STR). The game goes on for 1d4 rounds, at which point each character rolls 1d20+their modifier for the stat of the game. Should the Lunatic win, the creature is teleported to its home plane. Should the creature win, the Lunatic
    suffers a full attack from the challenged creature, and no AC, miss chance, resistance, or damage reduction applies.

    Summon Tire Iron:
    Available at Lunatic level 5 and higher. The lunatic learns the true meaning of humor, and this is not to be random. Oh no, and to prove so much, the Lunatic calls forth a bad example of humor. This works exactly like a summon
    monster V spell of caster level equal to the Lunatic's Lunatic level. At the
    end of this duration Tire Iron does not pop out of existence, rather
    the Lunatic must have moved as close to Tire Iron as possible. The
    Lunatic is completely enraged with Tire Iron, and kills it in the most
    violent, or gruesome means available. This ability may be used once per day.

    Tire Iron
    Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Jelly)
    Hit Dice: 6d4+9 (24 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares); Fly 5 ft. (Clumsy)
    Armor Class: 23 ( +2 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural +8 deflection); touch
    21; flat-footed 22
    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-4
    Attack: +6 Purple Umbrella [+2 Anarchic Club] (1d3) x2 +2d6 damage to
    lawfully aligned creatures.
    Full-Attack: +6 Purple Umbrella [+2 Anarchic Club] (1d3) x2 +2d6
    damage to lawfully aligned creatures.
    Space/Reach: 2˝ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Jam shot.
    Special Qualities: Reverse Damage Reduction 10/Rye, Spell Immunity,
    Jamming Death, Dark Vision 60ft.
    Saves: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +5
    Abilities: Str 6, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
    Skills: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +0 (+4 acting), Hide +15,
    Knowledge (Nonsense) +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Search +8,
    Spellcraft +8, Spot +6
    Feats: (B) Hover, weapon finesse(club), Improved Initiative, Toughness
    Environment: Lunatics' Minds
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Chaotic N
    Advancement: Fish.
    Level Adjustment: to the left.

    Tire Iron is the epitome of the sad clown. And if he is an Epic tome
    he must be over level 20. Which is why he isn't funny. Tire Iron was
    not a gift from the heavens. Ergo must die. Must I? No mustard sir,
    only jam and jelly. From my lamb and belly. It's framb sand contelly.

    The little living toast is actually an animated construct, but rather
    an outsider from within the realms of the Lunatic's mind. This
    creature is fully real, and completely capable of thinking for itself.
    Tire Iron is not crazy. At least so we think. We think now? Anyway,
    his tiny purple umbrella allows him to fly slowly and poorly, and his
    jammy center is a sin against the gods of jam. Smother him.

    Jelly Subtype
    d4 Hitdice
    Poor fortitude and reflex saves.

    Reverse Damage Reduction 10/Rye and Chaotic:
    Unless a weapon is of both the Rye and Chaotic categories Tire Iron
    ignores the last 10 points of damage.

    Spell Immunity:
    Tire Iron ignores all spells with a spell resistance.

    Confusion grants him 5 temporary hit points per caster level, which last for 1d6 rounds.

    Insanity allows Tire Iron to remain for (caster level) more rounds
    before the Lunatic attacks him.

    Jamming Death: When Tire Iron dies he explodes with grape jam. The
    Lunatic may as a swift action consume any of this grape jam. It
    restores 5 hit points to Lunatics only. This cannot exceed the maximum
    hit points. All other creatures within a 5' radius of Tire Iron are
    treated as if a tangle foot bag has been successfully thrown at them. The temporary hit points fade after 24 hours

    Jam Shot: Tire Iron may throw jelly as a standard action, treat this
    like throwing a tangle-foot bag. This ability has no limit on range,
    but Tire Iron needs a direct line of sight to use this. Tire Iron can
    see for 1,000 ft.

    The Lunatic can answer any mind puzzling enigma by saying the most
    ridiculous thing possible then destroying a portion of their body,
    inflicting 20 hit points of damage. This instantly resolves effects
    like Maze, or it could be used to answer an ancient riddle scribbled
    on the tomb entrance to the next dungeon. This works especially well
    on riddles without answers.

    We are all filled with Raisins.:

    This ability cannot be selected before lunatic level 5. The Lunatic
    may survive any one situation per week that would normally kill him.
    He is instead left stable with -1 hit points, and unconscious. This even works
    on death effects.

    Alchemist Fire is Nature's tooth paste:

    Available at Lunatic level 3 and higher.
    The Lunatic learns the secret of filling objects with strange
    substances. The lunatic may fill any object at all with any alchemical
    substance at all that he has access to. This takes 5 minutes of
    uninterrupted work with said object and substance. The next
    time the object is thrown at something, its alchemical effect comes
    into play. [If used against any creature older than 100 years, or
    past middle-aged, the creature suffers a -2 lunacy penalty on saves
    against the alchemical substance.]

    Gender Neutral pronouns! :

    The Lunatic can pinpoint the nearest dwarf at will. This ability makes
    no sense. This works very much like a paladin's detect evil, except
    replace evil with dwarf. This does mean that there will be levels of
    dwarf, and strengths of dwarf auras.


    The Lunatic sprouts any mundane object from his left ear, this object
    cannot be worth more than 5 gold coins, and it can only remain outside
    of the lunatic's ear for a number of rounds equal to the Lunatic's
    Constitutional modifier. For the duration, the Lunatic's pants are
    stained red. This can be used 3/day.


    Lunatic 7th level or higher.
    The Lunatic may mount an inanimate object of Large Size or Larger.
    This mount becomes an animated object with all the same qualities as
    if it had been animated by the spell animate objects. However it may
    not attack, or make aggressive actions. It is treated as having the
    run feat.

    Mechanical Womb:

    Lunatic 7th level or Higher
    The Lunatic gains Trap Stride once per day. This functions like Tree
    stride, except it only works on traps and not trees. Extend the maximum distance traveled by 500xCR of the trap entered. Caster Level is equal to the
    Lunatic's Lunatic level. The Lunatic is still subject to both traps if not

    Left sock plus spider knee cap...Learn! :

    Lunatic 10th level.
    Choose one Power of the Loon ability the Lunatic knows. Once per day, the Lunatic may spend a standard action performing a visual demonstration to grant this ability to a willing target within 50 ft. The Lunatic and target must be able to see each other. If the Lunatic has two hands free and can touch the target, the Lunatic can use Left sock plus spider knee cap...learn at a range of touch by guiding the target physically. If the granted ability is use based, the target has the same number of uses the as the Lunatic. The granted abilities last for 1 minute per the Lunatic’s Lunatic level.

    Shwiggety Shwag what's in the bag?

    The Lunatic may steal anyone
    container from any one within 25 feet as a standard action. He may peer into the bag, even if it is magical, and see all what is in it. Then as a move
    action on his next turn the Lunatic returns the container. The Lunatic cannot take anything.

    Buttered Toast:

    The Lunatic develops a catch phrase. This statement
    must have no valid meaning to anything what so ever. This catch phrase
    acts as truename magic, and allows the lunatic to use any cantrip as a move action. [He must select one or the other.] This
    requires a bluff check in place of the DC (10+ resistance). The laws of resistance are doubled.

    I dare you, to sprout the wings of a bat and stalk like a zombie while
    whistling "Row Row Row Your Boat" through a car wash!

    The Lunatic may make any ridiculous phrase count as one word for the
    purposes of the spell command. He also gains the ability to use command once per day as a spell like ability.

    Mr. Welsh is my Middle Toe!:

    Lunatic L.10
    The Lunatic may break any one rule listed in the SRD once per month.
    Any numerical value involved in the rule breaking cannot exceed 100. I.e. no more than
    100 gold coins, 100 hit points, +100 or -100 modifier to anything.
    This break of rule is either instant, or lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.

    ~ Ed, from Ed Edd and Eddy.

    The Power of Pepsi!:

    Lunatic L.5
    The Lunatic may summon any dead companion of yours back from the dead for a
    number of rounds equal to you lunatic level 1/day.
    ~Pepsi Advertising Campaign

    I worked really hard!

    The Lunatic may place bags of holding, or portable holes inside each
    other, or other bags of holding or portable holes. No negative effect
    happens. The lunatic may also turn either of these inside out. The
    objects all fall out, and the dimensional carrying devise suffers no
    negative consequences, and is treated as if simply emptied. This
    requires a DC 20 strength check.

    ~Fighter, 8-bit Theatre

    At least I have chicken!:

    Any attempt the Lunatic makes to charge an enemy is treated as a
    compulsion effect to all of the Lunatic's allies within a 50ft radius.
    They must succeed on a will save or spend the next 6 rounds brutally
    attacking what ever the Lunatic charged. This ability may be used
    1/day. The DC is [10+Lunatic Levels-Wis Mod] The allies must make some
    sort attempt to injure the target, by any means possible. Spells,
    ranged weapons, throwing melee weapons, or even throwing rocks. If
    there is no means possible to attack the target, the ally cannot act
    this round.

    ~Leroy Jenkins

    I Know Deja Fu!

    Lunatic L.7
    The may make a full attack unarmed as if having the Imp. Unarmed
    Attack feat, this is a full round action. If the lunatic only has one
    attack in his full attack he may take a secondary attack at -5. In the
    following round the target of the previous attack suffers the same
    amount of damage that it suffered from the original unarmed attacks.
    The Lunatic does not need to actually attack this opponent again. A
    shadowy whisp of the Lunatic seems to be doing exactly what the
    lunatic did in the original round.

    ~ Unknown, to me.

    Because I'm a whassit? Pi-rale? Py-re? Pi-nut? Pi-rus? Pirate!
    Thassit. Pirate.*stumble*.

    The lunatic gains a temporary pool of +5 points when she has drunk
    more than 3 servings of alcohol. She may distribute these to
    Deflection bonus for AC, competence bonus for Bluff, Diplomacy,
    Profession (Sailor), Use Rope, Knowledge (History), Appraise, Gather
    Information, Survival checks, or competence bonus on Fortitude saves.
    These points last for one round once distributed, but float in the
    pool as long as the pirate is 3 drinks drunk. If the Lunatic recovers
    from her 3 drinks drunk state, she looses all points in the pool.
    Points may be recovered at the rate of 1 per drink after the first
    initial three.

    ~Captain Jack


    Available only at Lunatic level 3 or higher.
    After being effected by an illusion for a number of rounds equal to
    12-the lunatic's level the lunatic is treated as if making his save
    vs. the illusion. However the lunatic does not recall the illusion,
    and cannot see a ghostly outline of images, or any other things that
    indicate that the illusion has happened. He may not offer a +2 to
    resist illusions for his companions.

    ~Eternal Darkness

    I'm a goody two shoes!

    Once per day the Lunatic may sprout a Doppelganger that looks
    exactly like the Lunatic. This Doppelganger is not controlled by
    the Lunatic, and often sets out to annoy or mock the Lunatic. This
    sprouting deals the Doppelganger’s max Hp (Which is equal to ˝ the Lunatic’s current Hp) in damage to the Lunatic. The Doppelganger is treated as a level 3 version of the Lunatic. It is completely sane and vanishes after one hour.

    ~Evil Ash, Evil Dead 3, Army of Darkness.

    I killed Mr. Welsh with my back hammer!

    Lunatic L.10
    The Lunatic may ignore one house rule once a week. Treat this rule as
    if it weren't house ruled, and instead a regular SRD rule. If there is
    no SRD rule that applies, the most current WOTC rule does. If there is
    no WOTC rule that applies, the most generally accepted by the party
    and DM third source rule may be substituted.


    A fool's everyside! :

    Available at Lunatic level 3 or higher
    Any and all natural 1s rolled by the Lunatic deals 1d6 damage per
    Lunatic level, by some means somewhat reasonable, to himself and all
    others within a 20ft radius. The means need not be the same. The
    others may roll a reflex save for half damage. The DC on the Reflex
    save is the DC of the Lunatic's roll -10.

    ~Yiddish Saying

    Week and What you need, nowhere as you bleed. :

    The Lunatic takes on the appearance of a Lich, and gains its feature
    Fear Aura. The DC is equal to 10 +Lunatic's level+ Cha modifier. It
    also suffers a -5 ugly as sin penalty to all charisma based skill
    checks. The Lunatic may switch between this state and his normal state
    as a standard action. He switch his appearance to a Lich 3/day for as long as the Lunatic wants.

    ~Dragula, Rob Zombie

    I'm a Pinball wizard!:

    The Lunatic may ricochet thrown objects off
    walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. The Lunatic can ricochet his
    projectile a number of surfaces equal to his Lunatic level. The
    lunatic also takes a -1 penalty on the attack roll for each ricochet.
    The projected flight path must be at least somewhat realistic, and the
    Lunatic cannot ricochet objects off living beings.

    Spontaneous musical number:

    Available at Lunatic level 3 and higher.
    Once per day, the Lunatic can burst out singing and compel 3+Cha mod
    others intelligent (Int>2) within 60 feet to sing with him. The Save
    DC against this effect is 10+1/2 Lunatic's Lunatic levels+Cha Mod. The
    duration of the effect is 1 round per Lunatic level. Treat the singing
    creatures as dazed.

    It's Just a Flesh Wound...:
    The Lunatic may not be rendered unconscious, helpless, or disabled by
    means of damage (i.e. Either having negative hit points or having more
    non-lethal damage than hit points).

    If the Lunatic has negative hit points, then they are considered dying
    in that they must role a d% to check for stability and lose 1 hit point
    if they fail such a check (presumably for gratuitous blood leakage),
    but they may otherwise take actions as if they had positive hit
    points. This ability does not keep the Lunatic conscious if he is alive due to We are all filled with raisins.

    Mr. Gibbles sends his regards. He says meow!:

    Available only at Lunatic level 8 of higher. The Lunatic may use Dimension Door a number of times per day
    equal to half their class level. However, they must always use an exit
    point as a place far too small for their body to fit (I.E. A sink
    hole, a tiny box, etc.). In the next round, they must jump out of this
    item, or be thrown out the round after, suffering 1d6 damage.

    Whether they are thrown out or jump out, opponents must make a Will
    Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Lunatic's class level + Lunatic's Cha modifier) or
    be shaken as long as they're in the Lunatic's presence.

    "There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and
    the United States of America."

    Available at Lunatic level 5 and higher. Once per day, the Lunatic may do the impossible. For a number of rounds equal to his class level plus his
    Cha modifier, he can become nigh-invulnerable. He gains his Cha bonus
    to his AC as a luck bonus, a natural armor bonus equal to his class
    level, DR 30/Adamantine, immunity to all energy types, and a bonus to
    all saves and counter-checks (I.E. To avoid a grapple) equal to his
    class level. However, this incredible resilience comes at a price.
    While in this state, he cannot attack, and as soon as it ends, the
    next attack to strike him within a number of rounds equal to the
    amount of time he was in this state scores an automatic critical hit
    as it catches him off guard.

    "You're mad!" "Thank goodness, because if I wasn't, this'd probably
    never work."

    Available to Lvl 10 Lunatics or higher only. The Lunatic
    takes a highly dangerous, highly improbable course of action that
    would be unlikely to ever work (I.E. Slingshoting himself without
    calculating trajectory, charging an enemy who seems invulnerable,
    punching a solid stone wall, etc.) and it has the best possible result
    (I.E. He lands right where he'd hoped, he hits the enemy's one weak
    spot, he hits the wall's load stone and the entire thing collapses,
    and so on). As the actual effect is up to the game master, this is an
    uncontrolled ability that takes effect when and if the DM wishes it

    We've seen him rise, then fall. Rise, and then fall again. Then fall some
    more. Then rise again. How could he do this?! He's not human I tell

    Available to level 18 Lunatics or higher. If the Lunatic dies,
    they are, somehow, revived as True Resurrection at a later point. How
    it happens is always different, however. For example, the heroes might
    see him disintegrated, but a set of ley lines converged just as it
    happened, causing him to be instantaneously transported to a nearby
    village where he suffered amnesia, believed he was a fishwife, and has
    wandered through the town offering people non-existent fish and
    telling them about a family that just isn't real. Upon seeing his
    companions, it doesn't take much to convince him that he adventures
    with them, but every now and then, he will make up a story about "old
    William and his dinghy" or offer to show them how to cook up some fish
    or make up some tea. This is an epic ability, and cannot be chosen if the Lunatic’s character level is not above 21. This ability does not protect against death by old age.

    The DM should be creative and work with the Lunatic's player to try
    and create a unique and funny scenario for them to meet up with the
    Lunatic later.

    Oh, I saw him. Sure, I was tired. And my one eye was bad from swimming
    in a pool with too much chlorine. And my other eye was sore from
    picking at it. And it was the hour my glasses were at Lens Crafters.
    But I've seen that fish!

    The Lunatic can make a Bardic Knowledge check
    once per week, using their Lunatic level in place of their Bard level
    and their Charisma score in place of their Intelligence score. The
    results hardly sound believable, especially with a Lunatic telling the
    story, but they are often disturbingly accurate.

    There is a spoon!:
    The lunatic may mentally bend any non-magical tiny
    sized or smaller object into a twisted and warped useless object. The
    effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the Lunatic's Lunatic level.
    Treat this as a level one power.

    "We'll never survive!" "Nonsense, you're only saying that because no one ever has."

    Once per day, as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, a Lunatic can grant himself and a number of allies no greater than his Lunatic level 1/2 his Lunatic level as an Lunacy bonus to all saving throws. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Lunatic's level.[/QUOTE]

    Props to Delcan for inspiring this with the Weirder class.
    Props to NJ Huff for her comic's serving as inspiration for the abilities.
    Last edited by Unscrewed; 2008-05-18 at 01:54 PM. Reason: format
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    Well I didn't know that was the emergency stop button.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers View Post
    I...I just want to shake your hand...

    Elementary, my dear Watson...[Detective Feats]

    The prestige class for crazies: The Lunatic!
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Hehe, I like this one Perhaps add a negative WIS modifier under Prerequisites, to me it seems like it fits the flavour of the class. Otherwise, I don't see anything wrong with it.
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Truly, great. Can't wait to spring this on my DM... I love Grandmaster of the Unintended Use, although if Tippy finds this, cheese will result.
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    This has to be one of the best homebrewed PrCs I've seen for a while.
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by Moff Chumley View Post
    Truly, great. Can't wait to spring this on my DM... I love Grandmaster of the Unintended Use, although if Tippy finds this, cheese will result.
    Who's Tippy?

    P.S. Tell me how things go when you use it in game.
    Last edited by Unscrewed; 2008-02-20 at 03:04 PM.
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    Well I didn't know that was the emergency stop button.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers View Post
    I...I just want to shake your hand...

    Elementary, my dear Watson...[Detective Feats]

    The prestige class for crazies: The Lunatic!
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]


    I laughed like hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cormag81 View Post
    2117: No matter how good a debater I am out of character there is no way to logically get out of falling after your paladin kills his patron god.

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Otto's Irresistible Dance doesn't normally allow a save. Hence the name. If you want to add a save, you should specify which type.

    Otherwise, looks pretty good.

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    I think I've just found the class that I have levels in.

    Rizban: You could be all, "Today's Destruction is brought to you by the color green.... I HATE GREEN!" then fly off mumbling to yourself "Seven... seven bats... mwa ha ha ha..."

    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    Everyone knows you can just parse XML with regex.
    Don't mind me. I'm just going to have some post traumatic flashbacks in the corner here and sob uncontrollably.

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    "Madness? THIS IS... did say madness? Yup. That's about right."

    You sir, have finally buttered the grapes of Chef Brian's cake-nickel. There shall be noisy syruple to-mine eyeball today! FORSOOTH!?!?!?

    But on a more productive level of thinking, Cone seems a touch over powered. I mean, I know most of the other things are mildly over powered, but Cone probably should have a limit of uses per day.

    Otherwise, I love this class.
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    Did some fine tuning.
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    Well I didn't know that was the emergency stop button.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers View Post
    I...I just want to shake your hand...

    Elementary, my dear Watson...[Detective Feats]

    The prestige class for crazies: The Lunatic!
    Weird stuff happens. This Prc deals with it: Only Sane Man

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    I'm opposed to the negative Wis modifier. I beleive that every Grand and Wise Teacher of Ancient stuff had at least a few levels in this class (or at least the hyperactive ones did). Although it is funny that a buff spell (Something's Wisdom) can rob you of your class powers...

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    With the grandmaster of unintended use...could a stick also be a wand of instadeath? I suggest an XP cost dependent on spell level or maybe limit the spell level. Maybe have a coin slot that only the lunatic sees...

    AMAZING PrC! I would play it if I wasnt always the DM.
    I take this game with the seriousness it deserves.
    Not all that much. It's a game.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyntonian View Post
    What. Is. This. Madness.

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by Unscrewed View Post
    Hyperspace Mallet: Available only at Lunatic level 3 or higher. Despite it's name, this ability can be used with any weapon, or indeed, anything inanimate. The Lunatic swears to never never never never never leave the target object behind. From then on, the object springs to the Lunatic's hand when needed, and vanishes when it's no longer needed. Where it goes, nobody knows. (Except the Lunatic, and he's not telling.) This ability can only affect one object at a time, but it's subject can be changed by swearing to a different object.
    "Oh, +5 Full Plate armor on that NPC over there. I promise to never ever leave you."
    This ability would allow you to steal anything from anyone ever.

    Make a deal with some powerful NPC's armor. Go back to your lair, and summon it to you. Go back, do the same with his weapon, etc.

    "Oh, CASTLE. I promise to never ever leave you."
    You then stick your hand out over a cliff, and summon the Castle to you, dropping it, and everyone inside of it, to their doom.

    "Oh (plane of existence), which is technically inanimate. I promise..."

    Put some kind of size limit on this thing...

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    *mumbles something about there being no cake*

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    Oh spellbook, I promise never to leave you!
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    this was pretty funny. i enjoyed a good chuckle. i'm working on my own prc right now that involves a more subtle (maybe) use of insanity, though it is based off of truenaming paranoia.

    good work.

    EDIT: totally forgot what i was originally going to say: needs more lunacy options. i know that those take time to come up with, but right now you've got a limited selection for a lot of levels to fill. i'd work on more. maybe get the playground to offer more abilities.
    Last edited by Stycotl; 2008-02-20 at 11:48 PM.
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    Wiggum, checking— “Well I'll be damned.”

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by Stycotl View Post
    this was pretty funny. i enjoyed a good chuckle. i'm working on my own prc right now that involves a more subtle (maybe) use of insanity, though it is based off of truenaming paranoia.

    good work.

    EDIT: totally forgot what i was originally going to say: needs more lunacy options. i know that those take time to come up with, but right now you've got a limited selection for a lot of levels to fill. i'd work on more. maybe get the playground to offer more abilities.
    A great point, so I offer you Unscrewed some ideas. Like them, hate them, they are all just suggestions and ideas. Sleep now for me, upon an ocean of buttery basketed brie.

    There is a spoon!: The lunatic may mentally bend any non-magical tiny sized or smaller object into a twisted and warped useless object. The effect, lasts a number of rounds equal to the Lunatic's level.

    Summon Tire Iron: The lunatic learns the true meaning of humor, and this is not to be random. Oh no, and to prove so much, the Lunatic Calls forth a bad example of humor. This works exactly like a summon monster V spell of caster level equal to the Lunatic's level. At the end of this duration Tire Iron does not pop out of existence, rather the Lunatic must have moved as close to Tire Iron as possible. The Lunatic is completely enraged with Tire Iron, and kills it in the most violent, or gruesome means available. This ability may be used at will.


    Tire Iron
    Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Jelly)
    Hit Dice: 6d4+9 (24 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares); Fly 5 ft. (Clumsy)
    Armor Class: 23 ( +2 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural +8 deflection); touch 21; flat-footed 22
    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-4
    Attack: +6 Purple Umbrella [+2 Anarchic Club] (1d3) x2 +2d6 damage to lawfully aligned creatures.
    Full-Attack: +6 Purple Umbrella [+2 Anarchic Club] (1d3) x2 +2d6 damage to lawfully aligned creatures.
    Space/Reach: 2˝ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Jam shot.
    Special Qualities: Reverse Damage Reduction 10/Rye, Spell Immunity, Jamming Death, Dark Vision 60ft.
    Saves: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +5
    Abilities: Str 6, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
    Skills: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +0 (+4 acting), Hide +15, Knowledge (Nonsense) +8, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Search +8, Spellcraft +8, Spot +6
    Feats: (B) Hover, weapon finesse(club), Improved Initiative, Toughness
    Environment: Lunatics' Minds
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Chaotic N
    Advancement: Fish.
    Level Adjustment: to the left.

    Tire Iron is the epitome of the sad clown. And if he is an Epic tome he must be over level 20. Which is why he isn't funny. Tire Iron was not a gift from the heavens. Ergo must die. Must I? No mustard sir, only jam and jelly. From my lamb and belly. It's framb sand contelly. Rye.

    The little living toast is actually an animated construct, but rather an outsider from within the realms of the Lunatic's mind. This creature is fully real, and completely capable of thinking for itself. Tire Iron is not crazy. At least so we think. We think now? Anywhy, his tiny purple umbrella allows him to fly slowly and poorly, and his jammy center is a sin against the gods of jam. Smother him.

    Jelly Subtype
    d4 Hitdice
    Poor fortitude and reflex saves.

    Reverse Damage Reduction 10/Rye and Chaotic:
    Unless a weapon is of both the Rye and Chaotic categories Tire Iron ignores the last 10 points of damage.

    Spell Immunity:
    Tire Iron ignores all spells with a spell resistance.

    Confusion grants him 5 temporary hit points per caster level, for 1d6 rounds.

    Insanity allows Tire Iron the caster's level more rounds to live before the Lunatic attacks him.

    Jamming Death: When Tire Iron dies he explodes with grape jam. The Lunatic may as a swift action consume any of this grape jam. It restores 5 hit points to Lunatics only. This cannot exceed the maximum hit points. All other creatures within a 5' radius of Tire Iron are treated as if a tangle foot bag has been successfully thrown at them.

    Jam Shot: Tire Iron may throw jelly as a standard action, treat this like throwing a tangle-foot bag. This ability has no limit on range, but Tire Iron needs a direct line of sight to use this. Tire Iron can see for 1,000 ft.

    The Lunatic can answer any mind puzzling enigma by saying the most ridiculous thing possible then destroying a portion of their body, inflicting 20 hit points of damage. This instantly resolves effects like Maze, or it could be used to answer an ancient riddle scribbled on the tomb entrance to the next dungeon. This works especially well on riddles without answers.

    We are all filled with Rasins.:
    This ability cannot be selected before lunatic level 5. The Lunatic may survive any one situation per week that would normally kill him. He is instead left with 1 hit point, and unconscious. This even works on death effects.

    Alchemist Fire is Nature's tooth paste:
    The Lunatic learns the secret of filling objects with strange substances. The lunatic may fill any object at all with any alchemical substance at all that he has access to. This takes 5 minutes of severely interrupted work with said object and substance. The next time the object is thrown at something, it's alchemical effect comes into play. [ If used against any creature older than 100 years, or past middle-aged, the creature suffers a -2 lunacy penalty on saves against the alchemical substance.]

    Gender Neutral pronouns! :
    The Lunatic can pinpoint the nearest dwarf at will. This ability makes no sense. This works very much like a paladin's detect evil, except replace evil with dwarf. This does mean that there will be levels of dwarf, and strengths of dwarf auras.

    The Lunatic sprouts any mundane object from his left ear, this object cannot be worth more than 5 gold coins, and it can only remain outside of the lunatic's ear for a number of rounds equal to the Lunatic's Constitutional modifier. For the duration, the Lunatic's pants are stained red. This can be used 3/day.

    Lunatic 7th level or higher.
    The Lunatic may mount an inamite object of Large Size or Larger.
    This mount becomes an animated object with all the same qualities as if it had been animated by the spell animate objects. However it may not attack, or make aggressive actions. It is treated as having the run feat.

    Mechanical Womb:
    Lunatic 7th level or Higher
    The Lunatic gains Trap Stride once per day. This functions like Tree stride, except it only works on traps and not trees. Increasing distance by 500 ft per CR of the trap. Caster Level is equal to the Lunatic's level. The Lunatic is still subject to both traps if not disarmed.

    Left sock plus spider knee cap...Learn! :
    Lunatic 10th level.
    The Lunatic may inspire Lunacy upon an ally within 50 ft. This ally gains all the benefits of one of the Lunatic's powers. This may be Left Sock plus spider kne cap... Learn! Which would only allow the transfer of the ability with same name.

    More later if you like these.
    Last edited by AugustNights; 2008-02-21 at 01:49 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    All in all those seem creative enough to me. Some of them might or might not need to be limited to specific levels of the PrC but I haven't thought that deeply.

    Tire-Iron might need more HD.

    Does Tire Iron's reverse damage reduction end up working out any differently from regular damage reduction mechanically? Also, is it Rye, or Rye and Chaotic?
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by Unscrewed View Post
    Who's Tippy?

    P.S. Tell me how things go when you use it in game.
    Emperor Tippy is a guy who hangs out in the Gaming forum and creates epic spells that have no XP cost and create a universe. (Damn you Tippy...)
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    tire iron went completely over my head. i didn't get it at all.

    mechanical womb was stellar. i would love to see someone try to use that. outstanding.

    i like the filled with raisins ability, but i would call it something like 'the cat came back' or something like that.
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    Wiggum, checking— “Well I'll be damned.”

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Heh, I love it!

    Not a fan of the ninja ability, but a lack of pirate abilities...*glares*

    But you can't have everything, right? Or can you...duh duh duh!!!
    For the last time, it stands for Shadow of Darkness!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauve Shirt
    SoD is my favorite too.
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by SoD View Post
    Heh, I love it!

    Not a fan of the ninja ability, but a lack of pirate abilities...*glares*

    But you can't have everything, right? Or can you...duh duh duh!!!
    Three words: Epic Level Progression.

    To ChumpLump. You are the greatest. I love you. *Hugs* Consider your abilities yoinked for all Lunatic's to use.

    On a more serious note, in Alchemist's fire is nature's toothpaste, severely interrupted should probably be changed to uninterrupted.

    Also, on Left sock plus spider knee cap...Learn! the given ability should wear off after a while and have some sort of limit. Usable once per day to grant the chosen ability for one minute, perhaps?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xefas View Post
    "Oh, +5 Full Plate armor on that NPC over there. I promise to never ever leave you."

    "Oh, CASTLE. I promise to never ever leave you."

    "Oh (plane of existence), which is technically inanimate. I promise..."

    Put some kind of size limit on this thing...
    Point taken. Size limit added, along with unattended requirement.
    Last edited by Unscrewed; 2008-02-21 at 02:18 PM.
    Avatar by Bitzeralisis

    Genius: The Transgression A Game of Forbidden Science

    Well I didn't know that was the emergency stop button.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers View Post
    I...I just want to shake your hand...

    Elementary, my dear Watson...[Detective Feats]

    The prestige class for crazies: The Lunatic!
    Weird stuff happens. This Prc deals with it: Only Sane Man

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Inspiration for most of those came from Chef Brain of ctrl+alt+del.

    Tire Iron
    Reverse Damagre Reduction removes the last 10 points of damage, opposed to the first 10.

    And it is Rye and Chaotic.

    Touched up Tire Iron


    We are all filled with raisins.

    Alchemist Fire is Nature's tooth paste.

    Gender Neutral Pronouns.

    I Are Pant!


    Mechanical Womb

    Left sock plus spider knee cap...Learn!

    Some more ideas, from random sources.

    Shwiggety Shwag what's in the bag? The Lunatic may steal anyone container from any one as a standard action. He may pear into the bag, even if it is magical, and see all what is in it. Then as a move action on his next turn the Lunatic returns the container.

    Buttered Toast: The Lunatic develops a catch phrase. This statement must have no valid meaning to anything what so ever. This catch phrase acts as truename magic, and allows the lunatic to use any cantrip or orison as a move action.[ He must select one or the other.] This requires a bluff check in place of the DC (10+ resistance). The laws of resistance applies doubly to this outrageous abuse of mechanics and DnD rule-Lawyer's brains.
    special: This ability may be selected twice, the second time it applies to the other L.0 type spells. Each ability has it's separate DC. ( The laws of resistance only apply to the one you used. [ Gravy!]

    I dare you, to sprout the wings of a bat and stalk like a zombie while whistling "Row Row Row Your Boat" through a car wash! :
    Pre-req: Ability to use command as spell or spell like ability.
    The Lunatic may make any ridiculous phrase count as one word for the purposes of the spell command.

    Mr. Welsh is my Middle Toe!:
    Lunatic L.10
    The Lunatic may break any one rule listed in the SRD once per month.
    This is limited by 100. Any value cannot exceed 100. Ie. no more than 100 gold coins, 100 hit points, +100 or -100 modifier to anything. This break of rule is either instant, or lasts for 1d4+1 rounds.

    ~ Ed, from Ed Edd and Eddy.

    The Power of Pepsi!:
    Lunatic L.5
    You may summon any dead companion of yours back from the dead for a number of rounds equal to you lunatic level 1/day. If you can convince them to pay 50,000xp they are resurrected as if by the spell resurrection, and still suffer the level loss.

    ~Pepsi Advertising Campaign

    I worked really hard!
    The Lunatic may place bags of holding, or portable holes inside each other, or other bags of holding or portable holes. No negative effect happens. The lunatic may also turn either of these inside out. The objects all fall out, and the dimensional carrying devise suffers no negative consequences, and is treated as if simply emptied. This requires a DC 20 strength check.

    ~Fighter, 8-bit Theatre

    At least I have chicken!:
    Any attempt the Lunatic makes to charge an enemy is treated as a compulsion effect to all of the Lunatic's allies within a 50ft radius. They must succeed on a will save or spend the next 6 rounds brutally attacking what ever the Lunatic charged. This ability may be used 1/day. The DC is [10+Lunatic Levels-Wis Mod] The allies must make some sort attempt to injure the target, by any means possible. Spells, ranged weapons, throwing melee weapons, or even throwing rocks. If there is no means possible to attack the target, the ally cannot act this round.

    ~Leroy Jenkins

    I Know Deja Fu!
    Lunatic L.7
    The may make a full attack unarmed as if having the Imp. Unarmed Attack feat, this is a full round action. If the lunatic only has one attack in his full attack he may take a secondary attack at -5. In the following round the target of the previous attack suffers the same amount of damage that it suffered from the original unarmed attacks. The Lunatic does not need to actually attack this opponent again. A shadowy whisp of the Lunatic seems to be doing exactly what the lunatic did in the original round.

    ~ Unknown, to me.

    Because I'm a whassit? Pi-rale? Py-re? Pi-nut? Pi-rus? Pirate! Thassit. Pirate.*stumble*
    The lunatic gains a +5 temporary pool of points when she has drank more than 3 servings of alcohol. She may distribute these to Deflection bonus for AC, competence bonus for Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession (Sailor), Use Rope, Knowledge (History), Appraise, Gather Information, Survival checks, or competence bonus on Fortitude saves. These points last for one round once distributed, but float in the pool as long as the pirate is 3 drinks drunk. If the pirate recovers from her 3 drinks drunk state, she looses all points in the pool. Points may be recovered at the rate of 1 per drink after the first initial three.

    ~Captain Jack

    After being effected by an illusion for a number of rounds equal to 12-the lunatic's level the lunatic is treated as if making his save vs. the illusion. However the lunatic does not recall the illusion, and cannot see a ghostly outline of images, or any other things that indicate that the illusion has happened. He may not offer a +2 to resist illusions for his companions.

    ~Eternal Darkness

    I'm a goody two shoes!
    Once per day the Lunatic may sprout a Dopple-ganger that looks permanently like the Lunatic. This Dopple-ganger is not controlled by the Lunatic, and often sets out to annoy or mock the Lunatic. This sprouting deals the Dopple-ganger's max Hp in damage to the Lunatic.

    ~Evil Ash, Evil Dead 3, Army of Darkness.

    I killed Mr. Welsh with my back hammer!
    Lunatic L.10
    The Lunatic may ignore one house rule once a week. Treat this rule as if it weren't house ruled, and instead a regular SRD rule. If there is no SRD rule that applies, the most current WOTC rule does. If there is no WOTC rule that applies, the most generally accepted by the party and DM third source rule may be substituted.


    A fool's everyside! :
    Any and all natural 1s rolled by the Lunatic deals 1d6 damage per Lunatic level, by some means somewhat reasonable, to himself and all others within a 20ft radius. The means need not be the same. The others may roll a reflex save for half damage. The DC on the Reflex save is the DC of the Lunatic's roll -10.

    ~Yiddish Saying

    Week and What you need, nowhere as you bleed. :
    The Lunatic takes on the appearance of a Lich, and gains it's feature Fear Aura. The DC is equal to 10 +Lunatic's level+ Cha modifier. It also suffers a -5 ugly as sin penalty to all charisma based skill checks. The Lunatic may switch between this state and his normal state as a standard action at will.

    ~Dragula, Rob Zombie
    Last edited by AugustNights; 2008-02-21 at 03:58 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    At Least I have Chicken Seemed useless until I realized that it is helpful against charm and compulsion effects (especially area of effect ones).
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    More Lunacy Ideas:

    I'm a Pinball wizard!: The Lunatic may ricochet thrown objects off walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. The Lunatic can ricochet his projectile a number of surfaces equal to his Lunatic level. The lunatic also takes a -1 penalty on the attack roll for each ricochet. The projected flight path must be at least somewhat realistic, and the Lunatic cannot ricochet objects off living beings.

    Spontaneous musical number: Available at Lunatic level 3 and higher. Once per day, the Lunatic can burst out singing and compel 3+Cha mod others intelligent (Int>2) within 60 feet to sing with him. The Save DC against this effect is 10+1/2 Lunatic's Lunatic levels+Cha Mod. The duration of the effect is 1 round per Lunatic level. Treat the singing creatures as dazed.
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    Well I didn't know that was the emergency stop button.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristo Meyers View Post
    I...I just want to shake your hand...

    Elementary, my dear Watson...[Detective Feats]

    The prestige class for crazies: The Lunatic!
    Weird stuff happens. This Prc deals with it: Only Sane Man

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    This class is awesome. It's perfect for a friend of mine. keep adding more powers!!!!

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    don't look here!!!

    I warned you. Now you have to go read it.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    It's Just A Flesh Wound...:

    The Lunatic may not be rendered unconscious, helpless, or disabled by means of damage (i.e. Either having negative hitpoints or having more non-lethal damage than hitpoints).

    If the Lunatic has negative hitpoints, then they are considered dying in that they must role a d% to check for stability and lose 1 hitpoint if they fail such a check (presumably for gratuitous blood leakage), but they may otherwise take actions as if they had positive hit points.
    Last edited by cha0s4a11; 2008-02-25 at 05:06 AM.

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    So basically a version of the "Die Hard" Feat for that last one?
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    My Homebrew is meant to be used, but, if you do, PLEASE tell me how it goes.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Lunatic [Prc]

    Quote Originally Posted by DracoDei View Post
    So basically a version of the "Die Hard" Feat for that last one?
    Mostly, except that it also effectively renders the Lunatic immune to non-lethal damage, it doesn't automatically stabilize the Lunatic, and it allows the Lunatic to perform any action as they could if they had positive HP (as opposed to limiting them to only single moves and standard actions with penalties for some of the latter).

    I'm new at this, and I was basing it more on Monty Python than the SRD.

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