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Thread: Epic Psionics

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    Troll in the Playground
    The Demented One's Avatar

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    Default Epic Psionics

    Epic Psionics

    Just like spellcasters, psions and manifesters of epic power gain access to almost unlimited potential. They are capable of creating, learn, and manifesting epic powers with the potential to totally reshape the world. Epic powers function in many ways like epic spells, but with a few differences, listed below. In order to manifest epic powers, you must take the Epic Psionics feat, listed below.

    Epic Power Points and Psicraft
    While epic spells are prepared in epic spell slots, an epic manifester must expend epic power points in order to manifest epic powers. An epic manifester gains one epic power point each day for every 10 ranks he has in Knowledge (Psionics). While epic spells require a Spellcraft check in order to cast, an epic manifester must make a Psicraft check to use his epic powers.+

    Manifesters use seeds to create their epic powers, just like epic spellcasters. Psionic seeds have a discipline instead of a school, displays instead of components, and may function differently than their magical counterparts. Any manifester can use any seed when making a power, unless otherwise noted. Not all magical seeds have a psionic version. A full list of psionic seeds and the differences can be found below.

    When a manifester manifests an epic power, he may augment it, similar to have normal powers can be augmented. He may choose any number of factors and apply them to the power, though mitigating factors cannot be applied. The DC increase of those factors is increased by 50% for determining the total Psicraft DC of the power.

    Developing Epic Powers
    Developing epic powers functions just like developing epic spells, but the factors and mitigating factors that can be applied to them are different. Below is a full list of all factors and mitigating factors that can be added to any epic psionic power. In addition, some seeds may have their own factors associated with them. In general, any existing epic spell can be converted into a epic power assuming it does not use any seeds that manifesters do not have access to (see below).

    Manifesting Time
    Reduce manifesting time by 1 round (minimum 1 round)|+2
    1-action manifesting time|+20
    Swift action manifesting time|+28
    Contingent on specific trigger1|+25
    Remove one display|+1
    Increase duration by 100%|+2
    Increase range by 100%|+2
    Add extra target within 300 ft|+10
    Change from target to area|+8
    Change from personal to area|+15
    Change from target to touch or ray (300 ft. range)|+2
    Change from touch or ranged touch attack to target|+2
    Change area to bolt (5 ft. ×300 ft. or 10 ft. ×150 ft.)|+2
    Change area to cylinder (10-ft. radius, 30 ft. high)|+2
    Change area to 40-ft. cone|+2
    Change area to four 10-ft. cubes|+2
    Change area to 20-ft. radius|+2
    Change area to target|+4
    Change area to touch or ray (close range)|+4
    Increase area by 100%|+4
    Saving Throw
    Increase saving throw DC by +1|+2
    Power Resistance
    Gain +1 bonus on manifester level check to overcome target’s power resistance|+2
    Gain +1 on manifester level check to beat foe’s dispel effect|+2
    Increase damage die by one step (d20 maximum)|+2
    Affect targets immune to mind-affecting powers (mind-affecting only)|+15

    1: Epic power points spent to manifest a contingent epic power cannot be recovered in any way until the power is triggered.
    2: Seeds that already have an instantaneous or permanent duration cannot be increased.
    3: When changing a targeted or area seed to a touch or ranged attack, the seed no longer requires a save if it deals damage, instead requiring a successful attack roll. Seeds with a nondamaging effect still allow the target a save. Area powers changed to touch or ranged attacks now affect only the creature successfully attacked.
    4: When changing a touch or ranged attack seed to a targeted seed, the seed no longer requires an attack roll if it deals damage, instead requiring a saving throw from the target. On a failed saving throw, the target takes half damage. Area seeds changed to targeted seeds now only affect the target. The GM determines the most appropriate kind of saving throw for the epic power.

    {table=head]Mitigating Factors1|PP Cost
    Backlash 1d6 points of damage (Maximum 2d6 per HD)2|-1
    Take one point of burn to primary manifesting stat (Maximum equal to stat)3|-1
    Burn 100 XP (Maximum 20,000 XP)|-1
    Requires focus to be expended|-1
    Increase manifesting time by 1 minute (maximum 10 minutes)4|-2
    Increase manifesting time by 1 day (maximum 100 days)4|-2
    Gestalt manifestation|See below
    Decrease damage dice by one step (d4 minimum)|-3

    1: Mitigating factors are always applied after all other factors are accounted for in the development of an epic power.
    2: The manifester cannot somehow avoid or make him or her self immune to backlash damage. For powers with durations longer than instantaneous, the backlash damage is per round. If backlash damage kills a manifester, no power or method exists that will return life to the manifester’s body without costing the caster a level—not even reality revision, wish, true resurrection, miracle, or epic powers that return life to the deceased. Effects that normally penalize the recipient one level when they return him or her to life penalize a manifester killed by backlash two levels.
    3: The burn is taken immediately after manifesting the power. A manifester cannot avoid or make himself immune to the ability burn. For powers with durations longer than instantaneous, the manifester takes 1 additional point of burn. A manifester whose primary manifesting stat is reduced to 0 by this burn dies automatically, and is treated as having died of backlash damage for purposes of being resurrected.
    4: When increasing the manifesting time, a character must first “use up” the maximum of 10 minutes (for a total cost modifier of -20). After that, a character can continue to add days to the casting time, with a further modifier of -2 per day, up to the maximum of 100 days.

    Gestalt Manifestation
    Epic powers can be developed that specifically require additional manifesters. This is referred to as gestalt manifestation. An epic power with gestalt manifestation requires a specific number of additional participants, who each must expend a specified number of power points, which cannot exceed their manifester level. During an epic power’s development, the creator determines the number of additional manifesters and amount of power points to be contributed. If the exact number of manifesters does not partake in the gestalt manifestation, or if the manifesters do not expend the required amount of power points, the epic power automatically fails. To participate, each participant readies an action to contribute his or her power points when the primary manifesters begins the epic power. Additional participants in a gestalt manifestation reduce the Psicraft DC of the power by the total amount of power points expended by all participants.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Psionics

    Epic Power Seeds

    Below is a list of all epic seeds that epic manifesters have access to. Listed with each seed is its discipline, its display, its base power point cost, as well as any other changes made to it. Any factors or mitigating factors associated with an epic seed increase or decrease the power point cost by the same amount they increased or decreased the base Spellcraft DC of a spell, unless otherwise noted.

    Discipline: Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
    Display: Visual

    Discipline: Metacreativity
    Display: Material

    Animate Dead
    Discipline: Psychokinesis
    Display: Material
    Speical: Only Mediums can create epic powers with the psionic animate dead seed.

    Discipline: Psychokinesis
    Display: Visual

    Discipline: Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
    Display: Mental
    Special: A Telepath, and only a Telepath, can use the psionic compel seed to replicate the effects of the conceal or delude seed. Doing so increases the power point cost by 4.

    Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
    Display: Mental

    Discipline: Metacreativity
    Display: Auditory, Material, and Visual

    Discipline: Psychokinesis
    Display: Visual

    Discipline: Psychokinesis
    Display: Auditory
    Special: When an epic manifester uses the psionic energy seed in a power, he does not have to pick the energy type beforehand. Instead, he can choose what type of energy damage is dealt as he manifests the power.

    Discipline: Clairsentience
    Display: Material and Visual

    Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Display: Material

    Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Display: Auditory and Material
    Special: Only Egoists and Ardents or Divine Minds with the Healing mantle can create epic powers with the psionic heal seed.

    Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Display: Auditory and Material
    Special: Only Egoists and Ardents or Divine Minds with the Healing mantle can create epic powers with the psionic life seed. They cannot use the awaken version of it.

    Discipline: Psychokinesis
    Display: Visual

    Discipline: Clairsentience
    Display: Mental

    Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting, Death]
    Display: Mental

    Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Display: Material and Olfactory
    Special: When used to transform an inanimate object into something else (but not when used to transform a creature into an inanimate object), this seed’s discipline changes to Metacreativity, and it loses its olfactory display.

    Discipline: Psychoportation
    Display: Visual
    Special: Only nomads and seers can create epic powers that use the psionic transport seed to travel into a different time stream or otherwise affect time.

    Discipline: Psychometabolism
    Display: Material and Olfactory
    Special: When used to ward an object, this seed’s discipline changes to Metacreativity, and it loses its olfactory display.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Epic Psionics

    Epic Psionic Feats

    Aura-Sensing Power [Epic, Metapsionic]
    Even against mindless foes, you can sense out the psionic auras they are steeped in and manipulate your foes through them.
    Requirements: Knowledge (Psionics) 27 ranks, Psicraft 27 ranks
    Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. An aura-sensing power with the mind-affecting descriptor can affect even foes who are normally immune to mind-affecting abilities, such as constructs or the undead. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 8. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level.

    Deflecting Force [Epic, Psionic]
    Your mind blade emits a defensive force.
    Requirements: +5 mind blade
    Benefit: As long as you wield your mind blade, you gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your mind blade's enhancement bonus.

    Epic Power Penetration [Epic, Psionic]
    Your powers are amazingly potent at breaking through power resistance.
    Prerequisites: Greater Power Penetration, Psicraft 24 ranks, able to manifest 9th level powers.
    Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. You get a +12 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome a creature’s power resistance. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from Greater Power Penetration.

    Epic Psionic Endowment [Epic, Psionic]
    Your powers are irresistible.
    Requirements: Greater Psionic Endowment, Psicraft 24 ranks, able to manifest 9th level powers
    Benefit: When you use the Psionic Endowment feat, you add +4 to the save DC of a power you manifest instead of +2.

    Epic Psionic Meditation [Epic, Psionic]
    You can focus your mind instantly.
    Requirements: Psionic Meditation, Concentration 24 ranks
    Benefit: You may gain psionic focus as a swift action.

    Epic Psionics [Epic, Psionic]
    You can learn and manifest epic powers.
    Requirements: Knowledge (Psionics) 24 ranks, Psicraft 24 ranks, able to manifest 9th level powers
    Benefit: You may develop and manifest epic powers. You gain one epic power point each day for every 10 ranks you have in Knowledge (Psionics).

    Epic Wild Surge [Epic, Psionic]
    Your wild surges are much more powerful.
    Requirements: Wild Surge class feature, able to manifest 9th level powers
    Benefit: Whenever you use your wild surge ability, you may use any feat or ability that requires you to expend your focus without having to expend that focus, such as a metapsionic feat, to modify that power. In addition, when you suffer psychic enervation, you are only stunned, not dazed.

    Extra Psionic Aura [Epic, Psionic]
    You are a psionic avatar of your deity.
    Requirements: Able to have three psionic auras active at one time
    Benefit: You may keep one additional psionic aura active at a time.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Faith in All Things [Epic, Psionic]
    You believe fervently in reality.
    Requirements: Access to five psionic mantles
    Benefit: At the beginning of each day, you may swap out one mantle you have access to for another. You lose access to all powers and the special ability of the swapped out mantle, but gain access to the special ability of the swapped in mantle and may substitute powers from it for powers you know from the swapped out mantle.

    Improved Psychic Sneak Attack [Epic, Psionic]
    You can psychically strike at your foes' weak points.
    Requirements: Psychic Sneak Attack +4d6
    Benefit: Add +1d6 to your psychic sneak attack damage.
    Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Intensify Power [Epic, Metapsionic]
    You can intensify your power's destructive potential.
    Prerequisites: Empower Power, Maximize Power, Psicraft 30 ranks, able to manifest 9th level powers.
    Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. All variable, numeric effects of an intensified power are maximized, then doubled. An intensified spell deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth, as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power by 13. The power’s total cost cannot exceed your manifester level. You can’t combine the effects of this feat with any other feat that affects the variable, numeric effects of a power.

    Master Dorje [Epic, Psionic]
    You are skilled at using dorjes.
    Prerequisites: Craft Dorje, Psicraft 15 ranks.
    Benefit: When you activate a dorje, a number of power points equal to the cost of the stored power instead of a charge. You may not spend a number of points greater than your manifester level.

    Master Psicrown [Epic, Psionic]
    You are skilled at using psicrowns.
    Prerequisites: Craft Psicrown, Psicraft 15 ranks.
    Benefit: When you activate a psicrown, you may expend your own power points in place of those of the psicrown. You may not spend a number of points greater than your manifester level.

    Multipower [Epic, Psionic]
    You can manifest many powers in the time it takes to exhale a breath.
    Prerequisites: Quicken Power, able to manifest 9th level powers.
    Benefit: You may manifest one additional quickened power in a round.
    Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

    Natural Metapsionics [Epic, Metapsionic]
    You reflexively alter your powers.
    Requirements: Three metapsionic feats, Psicraft 30 ranks, able to manifest 9th-level psionic powers
    Benefit: Choose one metapsionic feat you have. While your are psionically focused, you automatically apply the benefits of that feat to all powers of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level that you manifest without increasing their power point cost or having to expend your focus.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, you may either choose a different metapsionic feat to apply it to, or choose a metapsionic feat you have already applied it to, and have the next three lowest levels of powers you can manifest be affected by it while you are focused.

    Psionic Opportunity [Epic, Psionic]
    You can make psionic attacks of opportunity.
    Prerequisites: Combat Manifesting, Combat Reflexes, Quicken Power, Psicraft 25 ranks.
    Benefit: Whenever you are allowed an attack of opportunity, you may manifest (and attack with) a touch power as your attack of opportunity. This incurs attacks of opportunity just as if you had manifest the power normally. You must be psionically focused to use this feat.

    Psionic Stowaway [Epic, Psionic]
    You are attuned to the intricacies of one particular power.
    Prerequisites: Psicraft 24 ranks, manifester level 12th.
    Benefit: Choose a psi-like ability you have, or a power you can manifest. You are attuned to the power you choose. If another manifester within 300 feet of you uses this power, you sense it, and you may expend your psionic focus to immediately gain the power’s effect as if it had been used on you by the same manifester. You must have direct line of effect to the manifester in order to gain the benefit of the attuned power (though you do not have to know the manifester is present, and you can be flat-footed). The power’s duration, effect, and other specifics are determined by its original manifester’s level. You must be psionically focused to use this feat.
    Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a different power or psi-like ability.

    Psychic Surge [Epic, Psionic]
    You can let loose powerful surges of psychic energy.
    Requirements: Psicraft 24 ranks
    Benefit: The number of power points you can expend increases by one, allowing you to spend an amount of power points greater than your manifester level.
    Special: You may take this feat up to five times. Each time, the amount of power points you can expend when manifesting a power increases by one.

    Sunder the Soul [Epic, Psionic]
    You wrend your foes' minds apart with your mind blade.
    Requirements: +5 mind blade, Knife to the Soul class feature
    Benefit: Whenever you use your Knife to the Soul class feature, it causes ability burn, and drains 1d3 points per psychic strike damage die substituted.
    Normal: When you use your Knife to the Soul class feature, it deals 1 point of ability damage per psychic strike damage die substituted.
    I no longer actively read the forums, and probably won't respond to any PMs. I'm fine with people using my homebrew in anything, including fan-compilations and wikis, as long as you credit me.

    Homebrew by The Demented One.

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Epic Psionics

    Nice. Seems like something that just belongs there, right? I assume that epic progression for the classes is somewhere else/unnecessary. I think you're missing a "you may expend" or something similar in Master Dorje, though.

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