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Thread: The Staffmaster

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2008

    Default The Staffmaster


    The humble staff. Most likely the best weapon in the world. You can grab it anywhere bring a blow to bear from anywhere and staffmasters know how to use it.

    Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff or one of its variations
    +5 BAB
    Power Attack

    Class Skills
    The Staffmaster's Class Skills are
    Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha) Sleigth of Hand (Dex), Spot, (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
    A Staffmaster gains 4 skill points + Intelligence modifer per level.

    Class Features
    Hd: d10
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Staff Finesse, Counterblock

    |Breaking Strikes, Jump Aid

    |Strategic Strike 4/day, Uncanny Dodge

    |Bonus Feat: Two Weapon Fighting

    |Staff Redirection 6/day, No I'm Hitting You Here 1d6, Bonus Feat: Improved Feint

    |Strong Off Hand Strike, Bonus Feat: Improved Trip, Staff Trip

    |Chosen Strike, Improved Uncanny Dodge

    |Strategic Strike 6/day, No I'm Hitting You Here 2d6

    |Tripping Sweep

    |Staff Mastery, No I'm Hitting You Here 3d6

    A Staffmaster gets no additional profiencies
    If s/he wears greater than light armor s/he cannot use his/her class abilities.

    Staff Finesse (Lvl 1)
    You Wield the Staff with great grace
    You gain Weapon finesse that applies for the Quarterstaff and it's variations

    Counterblock (Lvl 1) (Ex)
    Strike and Block. You have mastered this simple technique.
    You gain gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC against the last person you hit with a staff and it's variations last.

    Breaking Strikes (Lvl 2) (Ex)
    You strikes of the Staff are exequted with unmatched Power and Finesse.
    You now deal damage with your staff as if you were 1 size category larger than you actually are.

    Jump Aid (Lvl 2) (Ex)
    You use your staff to jump high and long
    You get a +4 competence bonsu to jump checks as long as you wield a Quarterstaff or one of it's variations. If you have a Longstaff the bonus is +6

    Strategic Strike (Lvl 3) (Ex)
    You know where your staff strikes hurt the most
    Four times per day you can add your Intelligience modifier to attack and damage with a Staff and its variations. at level 8 you get two more uses of this ability

    Uncanny Dodge (Lvl 3) (Ex)
    As Barbarian

    Bonus Feat: Two Weapon Fighting (Lvl 4)
    You gain two weapon fighting as a Bonus Feat: Id you already have Two Weapon Fighting then you get Improved Two Weapon Fighting. If you have that greater. If you have Greater Two Weapon Fighting choose instead any feat you qualify for.

    Staff Redirection 6/day (Lvl 5) (Ex)
    You see the mage cast a spell at you, You swing you staff in to the right position and, knock it out
    Six times per day, you can exchange your base attack bonus+dex bonus with your touch AC, making an attack roll to knock away a projectile of at most small size and touch attacks. If your roll+modifiers exceeds the attack roll, the object is deflected. Also, you gain a shield bonus to AC equal to 1/2 your Staffmaster level, rounded up. To gain this bonus or use the ability you must be aware of the attack.

    No I'm Hitting You Here (Lvl 5) (Ex)
    You pretent to strike with your staff and strike, at the last moment you turn your staff back, around and strike for real. The fool had no idea
    When you wield a Staff or one of it's variations you can opt to take a feint chechk to deal extra damaga. On a succesful check against your opponent your next strike deals 1d6 extra damage
    Increases to 2d6 at Lvl 8 and 3d6 at Lvl 10. This check requires no extra action. It is a part of your attack action. Creatures immune to sneak attacks are immune to this ability.

    Bonus Feat: Improved Feint (Lvl 5)
    You gain Improved Feint as a bonus feat. If you already have Improved Feint choose any other Feat you meet the prequisites of

    Strong Off Hand Strike (Lvl 6) (Ex)
    You suffer no ill to the strenght of your blows when striking with both ends of your staff
    When fighting with both ends of the Staff you strike with your full strength bonus

    Bonus Feat: Improved Trip (Lvl 6)
    You gain Improved Trip as a bonus feat. If you already have Improved Trip choose any other Feat you meet the prequisites of

    Staff Trip (Lvl 6) (Ex)
    You can make trip attacks with your staff. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt you can drop the staff to avoid being tripped.

    Chosen Strike (Lvl 7) (Ex)
    You can Pierce, you can smash and you can slash with your staff
    Everytime you strike you can as a free action choose which damage type you deal. In addition you can once per your turn you can switch the staff from a double weapon to a reach weapon and back. This is a free action that can be used in conjunction with cleave.

    Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lvl 7) (Ex)
    As Barbarian

    Tripping Sweep (Lvl 9) (Ex)
    You bow down, Swing you staff in front of you and your enemies fall down.
    When wielding a staff you can use a standard make up to three trip attacks against adjecent enemies.

    Staff Mastery (Lvl 10) (Ex)
    You have mastered the use of the staff
    You gain two more uses of Staff Redirection
    You gain a +2 shield bonus to AC when you wield a staff and you are aware of incoming attacks.
    Stacks with Staff Redirection.
    Apply double your intelligence modifier to Strategic strike

    Comments about my class
    Well I think the staff is just so cool that there must be a prestige class for it. Anyway it is in fact a totally pwnage weapon and this prestige class is made to show it. BTW this guy is really useless without his/her staff and that's how it's supposed to be. The class is meant to fill the generic fighter role as it has d10 HD and AC bonuses. Even with just light armour He has AC and powerful attacks as long as he has a staff. Melee Rangers really make ideal candidates for this class with their two weapon fighting. Fighter can get this early with their bonus feats
    Last edited by Frog Dragon; 2008-11-20 at 07:45 AM.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Only going to comment on Staff Redirection

    Staff Redirection 6/day (Lvl 5)
    You see the mage cast a spell at you, You swing you staff in to the right position and, knock it out
    Six time a day you can exhance your base attack bonus + dex bonus for your reflex save when wielding a staff or one of it's variations. You can only do this for objects reasonably small enough for you to knock out of the way. So you cannot use this on a wall out to crush or a fireball spell. In addition you get 1/2 of your Staffmaster level rounding up as a shield bonus to AC. You must be aware of the attacker or attacking object to use this ability.
    This seems really messy. Why not say it like this:
    Staff Redirection 6/day (Lvl 5)
    Six times per day, you can exchange your base attack bonus+dex bonus with your touch AC, making an attack roll to knock away a projectile of at most small size and touch attacks. If your roll+modifiers exceeds the attack roll, the object is deflected. Also, you gain a shield bonus to AC equal to 1/2 your Staffmaster level, rounded down. To gain this bonus or use the ability you must be aware of the attack.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Quote Originally Posted by MeklorIlavator View Post
    Only going to comment on Staff Redirection

    This seems really messy. Why not say it like this:
    Okay seems like it really is messy cuz you understood it wrong I'll fix it

    Hmm looking at it it makes sense more your way.
    Last edited by Frog Dragon; 2008-11-19 at 02:54 AM.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Seems like a Monk class to me. Using some oriental adventures rules you can really hurt someone.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    I'm no expert overall, especially on whether a class is over/under-powered so I'm just going to comment on some specifics and make a couple of suggestions:

    Counterblock (Lvl 1) (Ex)
    Strike and Block. You have mastered this simple technique.
    You gain gain a dodge bonus to AC against the last person you hit with a staff and it's variations last. The dodge bonus is equal to the damage roll you rolled. Do not apply enchantment bonuses or a strenght bonus. Just Base Damage
    This could be overpowered with oversized quarterstaffs (or the Shillelagh spell). Probably better to make the dodge bonus equal to Staff master level/2 (minimum 1).

    Staff Trip (Lvl 6) (Ex)
    You can make trip attacks with your staff
    You should specify that if the trip fails, you can drop the weapon to keep from being tripped yourself.

    Some additional suggestions... It strikes me that it should be easy enough to use a quarterstaff non-lethally if you know what you're doing with it. A nice, but not too powerful early class feature might be losing the penalty to hit from non-lethal damage. Another good one might be a grip shift that allows you to change the quarterstaff from a double to a reach weapon or back as a free action. This would represent using it to make long thrusts, a la Once upon a time in China 2.
    Last edited by paddyfool; 2008-11-20 at 08:37 AM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Versatile Grip (Ex): There are many ways to hold a quarterstaff, some of them suited for different tasks. As a free action, you may shift your grip on a quarterstaff from the centre to one end, wielding it as a reach weapon instead of a double weapon. This maneuver can be used with the Cleave feat, allowing you to change your reach before taking the extra granted attack. You only count as threatening the squares you would normally threaten with either a reach or a non-reach weapon, not both at the same time. Therefore, you cannot alter your grip in order to take an attack of opportunity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    The only person in the past two pages who has known what (s)he has been talking about is Heliomance.
    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    I just don't want to have long romantic conversations or any sort of drama with my computer, okay? It knows what kind of porn I watch. I don't want to mess that up by allowing it to judge any of my choices in romance.

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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
    Versatile Grip (Ex): There are many ways to hold a quarterstaff, some of them suited for different tasks. As a free action, you may shift your grip on a quarterstaff from the centre to one end, wielding it as a reach weapon instead of a double weapon. This maneuver can be used with the Cleave feat, allowing you to change your reach before taking the extra granted attack. You only count as threatening the squares you would normally threaten with either a reach or a non-reach weapon, not both at the same time. Therefore, you cannot alter your grip in order to take an attack of opportunity.
    I'll integrate that to Chosen Strike. And about the counterblock. Yeah bad thinking there on my part. Will change it to a dodge bonus.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Staffmaster

    Cleaning up format and making it easier to read.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog Dragon View Post

    The humble staff. In the hands of a master, this weapon can be truly terrifying. You can grab it anywhere, bring a blow to bear from anywhere, and Staffmasters know how to use it.

    Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff, Longstaff, or other similar weapon
    Base Attack Bonus: +5
    Power Attack

    Class Skills
    The Staffmaster's Class Skills are
    Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha) Sleigth of Hand (Dex), Spot, (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
    Skill points per level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

    Class Features
    Hit Die: d10
    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Weapon Finesse, Counterblock

    |Powerful Strike, Pole Vault

    |Strategic Strike, Uncanny Dodge

    |Two Weapon Fighting

    |Staff Redirection 6/day, No I'm Hitting You Here 1d6, Bonus Feat: Improved Feint

    |Strong Off Hand Strike, Bonus Feat: Improved Trip, Staff Trip

    |Chosen Strike, Improved Uncanny Dodge

    |Strategic Strike 6/day, No I'm Hitting You Here 2d6

    |Tripping Sweep

    |Staff Mastery, No I'm Hitting You Here 3d6

    A Staffmaster gains no proficiences with any weapons or armour.
    A Staffmaster is unable to use his class abilities while wearing Medium or heavier armour.

    Weapon Finesse
    Gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. If you already have it, you may pick any other feat you meet the prerequisites for.

    Counterblock (Ex):
    Strike and Block. You have mastered this simple technique.
    Whenever you successfully strike a target with a quarterstaff, you gain a +3 Dodge bonus to Armour Class against them until the start of your next turn.

    Powerful Strike (Ex):
    You have learnt how to use a quarterstaff to strike with unmatched power and finesse. You may treat any quartestaff as if it were one size larger for the purposes of damage. This does not affect your ability to wield it.

    Pole Vault (Ex):
    You use your staff to jump high and far.
    You gain a +4 competence bonus to jump checks as long as you wield a Quarterstaff or similar. If you have a Longstaff the bonus is +6.

    Strategic Strike (Ex):
    You know where your staff strikes hurt the most.
    A number of times per day equal to 2 + One half your class level (rounded down), you may apply your Intelligence modifier to attack and damage on an attack with a Quarterstaff or similar.

    Uncanny Dodge (Ex):
    You retain your Dex bonus to AC even when flat-footed. See the Barbarian class feature.

    Two Weapon Fighting:
    You gain two weapon fighting as a Bonus Feat. If you already have Two Weapon Fighting then you get Improved Two Weapon Fighting. If you have that, then you gain Greater Two-Weapon Fighting.. If you have Greater Two Weapon Fighting you may choose any feat you qualify for.
    I'll go through the rest later.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalirren View Post
    The only person in the past two pages who has known what (s)he has been talking about is Heliomance.
    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    I just don't want to have long romantic conversations or any sort of drama with my computer, okay? It knows what kind of porn I watch. I don't want to mess that up by allowing it to judge any of my choices in romance.

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