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  1. - Top - End - #91
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!


    The fox Faunus blinks.
    Not that I know of, and what's a DRD?
    She asks.
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
    ~Welcome to Night Vale

    Spoiler: Quotes from Friends <3
    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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  2. - Top - End - #92
    Ogre in the Playground
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    writhing about

    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post

    "Done," Magtok snaps his fingers, and a Magbot walks in with a suitable costume hanging off of a coat hanger.

    "I'll be sending one of my own to MALE if all I've got is you two, I suppose. "
    Shoyler nods slowly. Of course, sir. When are we to set off? He admires the costume for a little while before wondering what weapon he was going to sneak in. In case something went wrong, he needed to be armed. But you can't really sneak in a warhammer... I'll be sure to handle SLAVE to the best of my abilities.

  3. - Top - End - #93
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    "the truth is that I only met her once when she foiled my robbery attempt of some gems. I'm not really a sheriff, I just pretended to be one to infiltrate HALO to check up on her without being caught as the criminal I am, since its supposed to be the Heroic Anti-Evil and LAWBREAKING Organization, so I figured you'd all be like those strict police types that don't tolerate crime around these parts and pursue it with zeal towards anyone who dares do evil or break the law, and I'm being honest now because you spotted an inconsistency in my lie that I could find no way to lie around.

    My real name, is Valcario De Zantasa, pirate, cowboy, thief of boredom, and I'm starting to think my assumptions about this place are crooked if they have let evil people in before and are undisciplined enough to let a valuable resource like you clearly go to waste. I truly am only trying to check up on Caelynn though, just a visit. Man, I've gone to so much trouble to do this that I'm starting to question if just walking in and just honestly asking outright, then walking out as if I was a normal person would've been faster and more effective. Which doesn't give me a lot of faith in your organization, how am I supposed to be running from the authorities and living on the edge of civilized society while braving death or capture if your so.....laid back about this? Not natural."
    Kwen-ni . . . well. She really didn't like the massive amounts of jabs at HALO that this guy made, nor did she like that he just told her that he had lied to her.
    "Well, according to written records she was executed. Something about being pregnant with apoco-baby. I don't know.
    According to video, however, that was a clever cover, and she left to go hide out somewhere. Something about a group of Vampires in Inside."

    Quote Originally Posted by aric_kale View Post
    Garn Kubo

    Garn nods his head as they make their way. Of course, this should not be kept secret...
    I am a Jedi, one of an order of Force-Sensitive individuals who live only to bring light, peace, and order to the galaxies. However, the Sith are a group of Jedi who have turned away, using their abilities selfishly to conquer and destroy. I have information that a man named Trucido Amare, known as Darth Calamity, has started an academy for Sith, and I believe HALO needs to rise up and stop it. They can't be up to any good. Darth Calamity is a convicted murderer and villain of many crimes; he must be captured.
    The short man walks quickly, keeping up with Civvy throughout his monologue.
    "That . . . yes. That does definitely sound bad. You'll need to talk to the boss, though. I have no authority to start anything like this." With that, though, they arrive at Magtok's office, and Civvy knocks on the door.
    Spoiler: Quotes

    Quote Originally Posted by FireFox
    I didn't even know Naku, the bloodthirsty, hardened combat veteran, could get so adorable.

    Shoutout to billtodamax for the The Nurse Detective Meekachu avatar.

  4. - Top - End - #94
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mee View Post
    Kwen-ni . . . well. She really didn't like the massive amounts of jabs at HALO that this guy made, nor did she like that he just told her that he had lied to her.
    "Well, according to written records she was executed. Something about being pregnant with apoco-baby. I don't know.
    According to video, however, that was a clever cover, and she left to go hide out somewhere. Something about a group of Vampires in Inside."
    "Wat. apoco-baby? vampires? ugh. y'know what screw it, if she gone Inside, she could be anywhere by now. Sorry I lied. This was all stupid of me. and now I made a lonely AI hate me, just great. half of me is wondering why you don't just let the rest of HALO know now that there is a thief in their base, I've lied to you and am a confessed criminal, you could become less lonely by letting everyone know I'm here and be perfectly justified in doi- oh god why I am voicing this idea out loud like an idiot."

  5. - Top - End - #95
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    HALO Entrance

    Well look who's back! Caelynn strides in, looking a bit more attractive, and clad in a purple dress shirt, black skirt with a purple trim, matching black leggings underneath, black boots with purple detailing, and black gloves worn under her well-polished gauntlets. A utility belt with various pockets filled of bullets and dust encircles her.
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
    ~Welcome to Night Vale

    Spoiler: Quotes from Friends <3
    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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  6. - Top - End - #96
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by FireFox View Post
    Is this... permanent? Kyne's never heard of a mortal becoming a deity, burning out their divine power, and then later recovering it.
    Carrie sighs.
    No, this is the end of the line for my goddesshood. Carrie is just plain old Carrie now... and a lot scrawnier. She smiles ruefully. Sorry I'm not hot any more.
    🔜 🆒️ 🚰
    Spoiler: My Stories And Things

  7. - Top - End - #97
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Jedi in Magtok's Office

    Our cyborg raises an eyebrow. A Jedi, huh? Haven't seen one of those in a while. This could go a number of ways, all of which Magtok isn't entirely comfortable with. Part of him wonders if he radiates dark side force energy or something. Maybe, maybe not, who can say? Midichlorians and whatnot, being as debatable as they are, it could go either way, depending on the Jedi.

    "Hello. Kubo, was it? Lord Magtok." The cyborg extends a hand from the opposite end of a desk with what appears to be a solo game of Jenga off to the left. Jeez, doesn't Magtok have more important things to be doing than stacking wooden blocks?
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  8. - Top - End - #98
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Thatcher by gurgleflep

    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mee View Post
    "That . . . yes. That does definitely sound bad. You'll need to talk to the boss, though. I have no authority to start anything like this." With that, though, they arrive at Magtok's office, and Civvy knocks on the door.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    Jedi in Magtok's Office

    Our cyborg raises an eyebrow. A Jedi, huh? Haven't seen one of those in a while. This could go a number of ways, all of which Magtok isn't entirely comfortable with. Part of him wonders if he radiates dark side force energy or something. Maybe, maybe not, who can say? Midichlorians and whatnot, being as debatable as they are, it could go either way, depending on the Jedi.

    "Hello. Kubo, was it? Lord Magtok." The cyborg extends a hand from the opposite end of a desk with what appears to be a solo game of Jenga off to the left. Jeez, doesn't Magtok have more important things to be doing than stacking wooden blocks?
    Yes, bad is one word for it. He states simply as they reach the office and, presumably, enter. He holds the door for Civvy and introduces himself to HALO's current leader, accepting the handshake. Yes, sir, thank you. Or should I refer to you as Lord? I wasn't sure if that was your name or your title; nothing is certain in the Nexus. He reiterates the Sith dilemma to Magtok, assuming the cyborg doesn't know already or interrupt him.

    Zane and Aric by Recaiden. Aric Kat by Hatter.

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  9. - Top - End - #99
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
    HALO Entrance

    Well look who's back! Caelynn strides in, looking a bit more attractive, and clad in a purple dress shirt, black skirt with a purple trim, matching black leggings underneath, black boots with purple detailing, and black gloves worn under her well-polished gauntlets. A utility belt with various pockets filled of bullets and dust encircles her.
    HALO Entrance

    Valcario in his Sheriff Lockston disguise walks by muttering under his breath how Caelynn is gone, walks by her, still muttering and focused on how this was all pointless.

    Then he double takes and actually looks at her. Well.....that was ironic, or was coincidental? Either one. No need to give himself away by saying hi though. She seems fine, so might as well leave to Seaside and start a pirate crew. He feels like being a captain of his own ship, technically he already is, but he wants a Crew, and a ship to sail the high seas....or the high skies, whichever one, or both, with enough ingenuity, anything is possible...

    He turns to leave HALO.

  10. - Top - End - #100
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Not in a secret base, no!

    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post

    "Hrm. So what else have you got around here, besides punch guns?" Poor Pesty; Magtok's already lost interest in Thumper. Doesn't really bode too well for future funding, does it?


    "Done," Magtok snaps his fingers, and a Magbot walks in with a suitable costume hanging off of a coat hanger.

    "I'll be sending one of my own to MALE if all I've got is you two, I suppose. "

    The stone scorpion nods and just waits for the money.
    ((May I ask who plays the orphange?))

    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post

    ((A post for Zefir, since I had nothing to go on earlier))

    "you're about to move things without a touch, like I can. Well, to start, close your eyes. Later it will help to perceive, but currently you want to focus on your mind's eye."
    Arlem carefully pushes the air near Mr. C around.
    "Can you see how I'm doing this?"
    You can hear this, right? Can you make me stop speaking? Can you imagine how you would do that? It's hard because one can't perceive their brain, but think of the ideas this evokes.

    Mr. C close his eyes, well having stuff animal size should be a problem their but he got eyelid. Strange isn't it.

    "I feel something, but I can't see it."
    Seems like he isn't as sensitive for such thing as Leo is. Maybe it's due to his wide knowledge.

    As the voice comes he holds his ears instead. It's still a bit loud for a small creature like him, even thought shuting the ears doesn't help. But it seems like he at least got an Idea. something builds around him. it could be seen as a cage. Not very fine, there are holes in it of irregular size. Mr. C tries to find something in his mind, maybe he did read a book about it.
    Grammer is my declared deadly enemy!
    Avatar by Ceika

    Let's PLay's in German Take a Look at Bravely Default.

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  11. - Top - End - #101
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!


    Caelynn strides to Tobias's Office. She is about to knock, when she notices the plaque.

    The occupants of whatever MagOffice timeline this is may hear a slight thud as Caelynn faints and hits the ground!
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
    ~Welcome to Night Vale

    Spoiler: Quotes from Friends <3
    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

    Interested in the Nexus FFRP setting? Try joining our Discord server!

  12. - Top - End - #102
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!


    Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
    He'll just be foisting the problem on someone else. I pity the Lemurians.
    Weeeeeell, I had tentacles in storage, but I was worried Marvel would sue on behalf of Doc Ock... I do still have the Phoena Belts, those are kind of like lightish power armor.
    "I wasn't aware supervillains were protected under copyright law. Then again, being accused of plagiarizing Ock was actually a thing in one of the Superior Spidermans, so..."

    Magtok, you're getting off-topic! We're talking about technology and stuff, not how much you hate Dan Slott!

    "So the belts...solid light power armor, or not-heavy power armor? The former's sorta like Green Lantern, but not a wedding ring so I suppose it'd be a thing you could wear in public."


    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post

    The fox Faunus blinks.
    Not that I know of, and what's a DRD?
    She asks.
    "It's like a Roomba, but from Fargate or Starscape or one of those sci-fi shows I don't watch. Google it or something."

    MagOffice - Slave Mission

    "You're headed off now," Magtok informs the duo, before providing the false funds. Earl plays both locations in Skyside.

    MagOffice - Jedi and Catgirl

    "It's Magtok, and I think I might've crossed paths with this Sith guy before. White hair, really pale and ugly? He was robbing a bank when I-" Oh dear, it sounds like something hit the door outside! Magtok reaches out to keep his Jenga tower from falling, and simultaneously gives the Jedi a look, hoping the space knight is polite enough to investigate so Maggy doesn't have to be bothered with getting out of his chair to do anything.
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  13. - Top - End - #103
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!


    Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
    Mr. C close his eyes, well having stuff animal size should be a problem their but he got eyelid. Strange isn't it.

    "I feel something, but I can't see it."
    Seems like he isn't as sensitive for such thing as Leo is. Maybe it's due to his wide knowledge.
    Quote Originally Posted by ImpSyndrome View Post
    [PSI-chosis: Poolside]

    Leo is thinking of raising a point in regards to reasonable doubt, but he suddenly feels an uncharacteristic swelling in his self-confidence. Was Arlem affecting his mood and behavior somehow? Regardless, he finds that his headache is gone now, and further telepathic messages sent to him will now be easier to both discover and decipher.

    "Alright, let's not waste any more time with words alone," braver!Leo says. "If there's any other place within HALO that would be more conducive to practicing psychic skills, we should go there; otherwise, I think we should get started right away. I've got to admit, I'm a bit excited to learn more of what I'm capable of."
    Focus on it. Keep trying to feel it. Take a hold of it.
    It is a bit strange that he can close his eyes, but it's a nice feature. Saves his having to get an eye-patch.

    You remember counting the number of people in the building? It's possible to see them through their minds. One can see the past of objects or places, know the future before it happens, convince people that they thought of things themselves, steal others' a certain extent your imagination is your only limit. Practically, some things take a lot more mental energy than others.
    Arlem sits herself down, cross-legged, and looks between Leo and Mr. C.
    ~Inner Circle~
    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    He takes normality and reason and turns them UP TO 11!
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
    Recaiden, stop using your mastery of the English language to confuse the issue.
    Echidna by Serpentine

  14. - Top - End - #104
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
    "I wasn't aware supervillains were protected under copyright law. Then again, being accused of plagiarizing Ock was actually a thing in one of the Superior Spidermans, so..."

    Magtok, you're getting off-topic! We're talking about technology and stuff, not how much you hate Dan Slott!

    "So the belts...solid light power armor, or not-heavy power armor? The former's sorta like Green Lantern, but not a wedding ring so I suppose it'd be a thing you could wear in public."
    Pesty shrugs. Not-heavy power armor---the belt manifests the form-fitting base suit and over-armor plates, which keeps you pretty safe while not hampering your movements. Enhances your strength and speed too, and there's some tactical data in the helmet display.

    She pulls out a bit of a bulky-looking belt with a dull greyish buckle; the metal oval has a cut-out section that looks like you could slide in a circular object. Accordingly, she pulls out a greyish circle with a red Y-like symbol on it. They all have the same basic principle---there's a power button on the back of the buckle here, and then you slide in the insert key. Bing, boom, the belt says its little jingle and you're wearing a new pair of laser-powered pants.
    🔜 🆒️ 🚰
    Spoiler: My Stories And Things

  15. - Top - End - #105
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
    Carrie sighs.
    No, this is the end of the line for my goddesshood. Carrie is just plain old Carrie now... and a lot scrawnier. She smiles ruefully. Sorry I'm not hot any more.
    Carrie may find herself forcefully, angrily kissed. That's rather inconsiderate of Kyne, but the implication that she liked Carrie for her body was too... Angelic to let pass.

    [Inside Disturbance]

    Unless anyone has a good reason to delay starting this up, I'll post Inside.


    Tobias has apparently spent the last week sleeping. He really kinda needed the rest. But the fox-eyed man woke up several hours ago and set fire to the large pile of wood in his firepit. Now it's just a small pile of glowing coals carefully arranged around a couple of short cylindrical objects. The portal to his Druidic Glade is visible in the dormitory wing and anyone walking through there can see it and drop by.
    “Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores
    iactatam hac demum voluit consistere terra.
    Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.”

    – Publius Vergilius Maro, The Aeneid

    Avatar by Pilot Anon

  16. - Top - End - #106
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    [Carrie's Room]
    Carrie makes a little surprised sound, but kisses back. The fact that she does so without equal enthusiasm is more due to her exhaustion than anything else. When she finally breaks free, she pants in exertion.
    I love you too, hon, but go a little easy on me for now. Smiling crookedly, she closes her eyes.
    🔜 🆒️ 🚰
    Spoiler: My Stories And Things

  17. - Top - End - #107
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by aric_kale View Post
    Yes, bad is one word for it. He states simply as they reach the office and, presumably, enter. He holds the door for Civvy and introduces himself to HALO's current leader, accepting the handshake. Yes, sir, thank you. Or should I refer to you as Lord? I wasn't sure if that was your name or your title; nothing is certain in the Nexus. He reiterates the Sith dilemma to Magtok, assuming the cyborg doesn't know already or interrupt him.
    Civvy is here! She doesn't have anything to say, though she does open the door to check out the noise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    "Wat. apoco-baby? vampires? ugh. y'know what screw it, if she gone Inside, she could be anywhere by now. Sorry I lied. This was all stupid of me. and now I made a lonely AI hate me, just great. half of me is wondering why you don't just let the rest of HALO know now that there is a thief in their base, I've lied to you and am a confessed criminal, you could become less lonely by letting everyone know I'm here and be perfectly justified in doi- oh god why I am voicing this idea out loud like an idiot."
    "Because, regardless of all that, I'm not that mean."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    HALO Entrance

    Valcario in his Sheriff Lockston disguise walks by muttering under his breath how Caelynn is gone, walks by her, still muttering and focused on how this was all pointless.

    Then he double takes and actually looks at her. Well.....that was ironic, or was coincidental? Either one. No need to give himself away by saying hi though. She seems fine, so might as well leave to Seaside and start a pirate crew. He feels like being a captain of his own ship, technically he already is, but he wants a Crew, and a ship to sail the high seas....or the high skies, whichever one, or both, with enough ingenuity, anything is possible...

    He turns to leave HALO.
    But then apparently, just like everyone else, he just left.
    Oh well.

    Kwen-ni fades off again into nothing.
    Spoiler: Quotes

    Quote Originally Posted by FireFox
    I didn't even know Naku, the bloodthirsty, hardened combat veteran, could get so adorable.

    Shoutout to billtodamax for the The Nurse Detective Meekachu avatar.

  18. - Top - End - #108
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Outside MagOffice

    Caelynn is lying on the floor, a nasty bruise on the cat faunus's back of her head likely forming due to the thump and the fact that she fainted.
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
    ~Welcome to Night Vale

    Spoiler: Quotes from Friends <3
    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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  19. - Top - End - #109
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Thatcher by gurgleflep

    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    MagOffice - Jedi and Catgirl

    Garn nods in reply to Magtok's description of the Sith. Before he can reply, however, he's interrupted by a thud. The Jedi recognizes the "look" and turns to face the open door, walking forward and offering the girl a hand. Miss, are you alright? As he asks the question he glances at her to see if she's seriously injured.

    Zane and Aric by Recaiden. Aric Kat by Hatter.

    Nexus Characters

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  20. - Top - End - #110
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
    You remember counting the number of people in the building? It's possible to see them through their minds. One can see the past of objects or places, know the future before it happens, convince people that they thought of things themselves, steal others' a certain extent your imagination is your only limit. Practically, some things take a lot more mental energy than others.
    Arlem sits herself down, cross-legged, and looks between Leo and Mr. C.
    "Hmm...That makes sense," Leo muses over Arlem's teachings. "I wonder...Does psychokinesis require much more energy than telepathy?" His eyes move toward the pool nearby; he clearly has an idea that he'd like to try. The confidence that he felt before is still with him, apparently, because he doesn't even wait for a response before focusing his conscious mind on the surface of the water, trying to influence it with his mind. Several seconds pass with no result, so Leo takes a seat at the edge of the water and tries again to concentrate his thoughts on shaping the water...

    ((There won't be any effect yet, of course. Just wanted to set this up as the next thing he'd like to try.))

  21. - Top - End - #111
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
    Pesty shrugs. Not-heavy power armor---the belt manifests the form-fitting base suit and over-armor plates, which keeps you pretty safe while not hampering your movements. Enhances your strength and speed too, and there's some tactical data in the helmet display.

    She pulls out a bit of a bulky-looking belt with a dull greyish buckle; the metal oval has a cut-out section that looks like you could slide in a circular object. Accordingly, she pulls out a greyish circle with a red Y-like symbol on it. They all have the same basic principle---there's a power button on the back of the buckle here, and then you slide in the insert key. Bing, boom, the belt says its little jingle and you're wearing a new pair of laser-powered pants.
    ((I'll get to this later.))

    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
    Outside MagOffice

    Caelynn is lying on the floor, a nasty bruise on the cat faunus's back of her head likely forming due to the thump and the fact that she fainted.
    Magtok sighs in exasperation. That Caelynn just cannot help but be a burden and liability on everyone, can she?

    "So the Sith academy business...about how many lightsaber-swinging maniacs would you estimate are inside that place?"
    Quote Originally Posted by RabbitHoleLost View Post
    Magtok's the best
    "You probably found 'How to Survive a Robot Uprising' in the humor section. Let's just hope that is where it belongs."
    -Daniel H. Wilson
    Unhooded Magtok avvie by urodivoi

  22. - Top - End - #112
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
    [Carrie's Room]
    Carrie makes a little surprised sound, but kisses back. The fact that she does so without equal enthusiasm is more due to her exhaustion than anything else. When she finally breaks free, she pants in exertion.
    I love you too, hon, but go a little easy on me for now. Smiling crookedly, she closes her eyes.
    S-stupid! Kyne blushes in embarrassment and rolls off Carrie. Everyone is so stupid!
    “Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by FireFox View Post
    S-stupid! Kyne blushes in embarrassment and rolls off Carrie. Everyone is so stupid!
    [Carrie's Room]
    Carrie giggles weakly, leaning over to nuzzle the intensely tsundere assassin. I think I have my old gloves in my bedside drawer there... could you get them for me? I wanna be able to give you a snuggle, 'least once I catch my breath...
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  24. - Top - End - #114
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    [Carrie's Room]

    The slightest shift in the Aspect's posture and the raising of her hand by no more than an inch is all the indication Carrie has that she almost got slapped. Fortunately, Kyne has matured enough to realize that, while she took that as an insult, Carrie certainly didn't mean it that way. However, she's still enough of a teenager to petulantly rub her friend's mistake in her face while feeling sorry for herself. Do I really want physical... stuff too much? Am I too clingy? Is that why Reinholdt left me?
    “Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores
    iactatam hac demum voluit consistere terra.
    Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.”

    – Publius Vergilius Maro, The Aeneid

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    [Carrie's Room]
    Carrie's too tired to properly notice this, so she just tries to nuzzle Kyne again.
    Oh, sugar, I'm sorry... I don't think you're too clingy, I'd love to cuddle and stuff, I just don't want to risk hurting you when I do, not with my hands the way they are...
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    [Carrie's Room]

    Kyne holds her friend at arm's length, her face an amusing mix of self-pity and anger. I wouldn't dare laugh at her though. I'm not like that! That's not me! I don't know why that stupid cat decided to disappear from my life with a stupid letter that didn't explain anything, but he was the one who always... Her face gets bright red for a second while she tries to get back on track. I mean... I only care if you're okay, Carrie! I don't want you to be hurt anymore!
    “Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores
    iactatam hac demum voluit consistere terra.
    Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.”

    – Publius Vergilius Maro, The Aeneid

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    I know, hon, and I'm lucky to have you taking care of me... She smiles softly. I love you, sweetie, I really do.
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    [Carrie's Room]

    I love you too. Idiot. Still lying on top of the covers, looking up at the ceiling like it owes her money, Kyne reaches underneath the blankets between her and the blightwalker. And she grabs Carrie's hand. I can't solve all my problems by killing them anymore. Growing up sucks.
    Last edited by FireFox; 2014-04-03 at 09:00 PM.
    “Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores
    iactatam hac demum voluit consistere terra.
    Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco.”

    – Publius Vergilius Maro, The Aeneid

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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    [Carrie's Room]
    Carrie hesitates, then squeezes her hand even as the burning sensation very likely begins.
    I know, honey, I know... I'll always have your back, Kyne. I'll do whatever I can to help you, I promise...
    ... Are you hungry? 'Cause I could eat... five people if you cut 'em into small enough bits.
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    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 179: Under New MAGnagement!

    Quote Originally Posted by aric_kale View Post
    MagOffice - Jedi and Catgirl

    Garn nods in reply to Magtok's description of the Sith. Before he can reply, however, he's interrupted by a thud. The Jedi recognizes the "look" and turns to face the open door, walking forward and offering the girl a hand. Miss, are you alright? As he asks the question he glances at her to see if she's seriously injured.
    Caelynn gets up, rubbing the back of her head.
    I'm dreaming, right? This is all a dream, there's no way anyone one elect Magtok as leader!
    "Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not, we never are. But that's not the right question. The question is: are we living a life that is worth the harm?"
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    Quote Originally Posted by SliiArhem
    Arkh I may be slightly delirious but I don't think that would make sense even if I was coherent.

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