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  1. - Top - End - #691
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    Filler DOES count, because it is part of the thing they are showing. You're making an adaption of something and chosing to had more to it, so yes, it counts. (If you don't want to do that, then don't add anything extra, don't add any padding and have a shorter show you can't have on all the time and not make as much money, lads. 'Cos you cna be damned sure I don't have any sympathy for you doing a slid-shod job (not that Naruto filler very often is) so you can gouge a few more pennies. You do the job right, or not at all.) It counts even if the writer of the original thing doesn't like it or hates it (in which case, he shouldn't have sold his rights off, then). If the writer is having any kind of input into it, then he himself should be actively working with the script guys to integrate it, because there is no reason AT ALL for them to have to follow by-rote the source if they can improve and expand it. (If (the metaphorical) he's the type of asshat who thinks his work is perfect, then double frack-him, because he's inevitably wrong.) If the original writer isn't helping, then the onus is on the show writers to do the job (and after ten to fifteen bloody years, they ought to damn well know how as well as anyone collectively).

    Basically, "it didn't happen in the manga so it doesn't count" ITSELF doesn't count as an excuse for anything, because - guess what - I'm not reading the manga. Nor am I GOING to read the manga, to be perfectly honest, so I kind of don't give to flying fracks what does or does not happen in the manga, because that's not the bit I'm interested in. Nor do I set any stock by "but that's his artistic vision" because I don't care about "artistic vision;" I only care whether the thing is actually any good. (At the ened of the day, I don't give much of a flying frag about who wrote it and only care about authors in the sense that "this person has done good stuff previously.") And let's be clear, in Naruto especially towards the middle of Shippuden, the filler was better than a lot of the main plot. And again, Will of Fire, which was fracking the very best it's ever been.

    (Look, you're talking to someone who very much enjoyed both the LotR and the Hobbit movies and especially Tauriel's inclusion in the latter, and Tolkien still stands as my favourite author. So "you didn't adapt this by-rote from the source material" doesn't mean diddly-squat to me.)

    Long story short, the entire concept, no matter how popular, no matter how ingrained, no matter the reason, of "anime adaption ('canon') plus extra ('filler')" needs to go die screaming in a fire forever and I simply won't accept it as a legitimate excuse for lazy or poor writing.

    YES, I know that's what they have done, but my point is the fact they HAVE is the damned problem, they shouldn't have, 'cos it's now crapper than it ought to be.
    The thing is, it doesnt count in the anime either. Have you SEEN hinata laser blasting things in this war like she did on the bikochu arc? Im not certain but im fairly sure naruto wont mention he got his first stiffy seeing her dance naked on the lake either. These filler arcs are never referenced again, and neither is anything they did in them. They have to add this extra garbage though or else they have to wait entire seasons for new content to come out at which point you have viewers losing interest in it as its been a year and the cliffhanger doesnt interest them as much. I realize you really want this stuff to be canon, I would really like a lot of this stuff to be canon too, but it isnt. Personally, I would have laughed hysterically as naruto transitioned in its epilogue from shonen anime to harem comedy as priestess shion, haruna from vegetable, kyoki, sasame from the fuma clan, and lord knows who else all show up at konoha demanding they be allowed to marry the hokage in training. But unfortunately, it never happened. Clearly those filler arcs were dry runs of the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan and they just couldnt pull it off right.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
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  2. - Top - End - #692
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
    THIS! This right here! I cant believe I didnt include that as to why filler doesnt count. Naruto would be a world famous ninja in every sense of the word with a vast web of alliances (and probably a few arranged marriages) by the time we reach the end of the series if filler counted. Again, it doesnt matter that the various ninja involved used awesome skills that by all rights should be included, because it changes the path of the storyline in a subtle but powerful way if kishi treats them as things that happened. I suppose technically he could try to just crib the attacks and state the filler arcs themselves didnt happen but the cast DID learn these skills, but thats a bit complicated and damages suspension of disbelief imo.
    Honestly, this makes the series make more sense. How the **** else is Naruto going to convince the entire ninja world to allow Sasuke off the hook for attempted genocide and multiple regicide if not with a ton of minor countries and nobles backing him.
    Last edited by LaZodiac; 2019-02-20 at 10:45 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #693
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    well if you guys go with snail speed we might hit boruto Shippuden when you guys finally start boruto era. Naruto's main ship already sailed and produced two kids and he has zero time to interact with his kids Himawari and boruto. okay, I can kinda admit story can be better but hey THİS İS SHONEN FİGHTİNG SERİES, not a harem anime where hero empowered by his girlfriends. man you guys made watching paint dry look quicker than normal with this snail pace of watching then discussing why random mook n^24 does not have a personal arc going. for Asmodeus sake get with the current series will ya. Its good think that only kagura fight remains for bleakbane catches with curent cannon but damn you guys are slower then snail with acces to still force.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Shadow View Post
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  4. - Top - End - #694
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Honestly, this makes the series make more sense. How the **** else is Naruto going to convince the entire ninja world to allow Sasuke off the hook for attempted genocide and multiple regicide if not with a ton of minor countries and nobles backing him.
    The fact that the Kazekage considers Naruto to be his firned and has done 90% of the stuff Sasuke tried to do probably helps.

    Gaara is a reformed serial killer with a body count in the hundreds. If you do not have a problem with Gaara, it's hypocritical to have problems with Sasuke.

    What do ninja do? They infiltrate other villages, steal secrets, kidnap people, assassinate people, and fight and kill in wars. In War Time, they try to destroy villages or take out village leaders.

    Basically, the indifference between Sasuke and literally every other Ninja in the world is that Sasuke wasn't getting paid for it. Every Ninja who was alive duing the Third Shinobi World War either commited the same crimes as Sasuke or is friends with somebody who did.
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
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  5. - Top - End - #695
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    The fact that the Kazekage considers Naruto to be his firned and has done 90% of the stuff Sasuke tried to do probably helps.

    Gaara is a reformed serial killer with a body count in the hundreds. If you do not have a problem with Gaara, it's hypocritical to have problems with Sasuke.

    What do ninja do? They infiltrate other villages, steal secrets, kidnap people, assassinate people, and fight and kill in wars. In War Time, they try to destroy villages or take out village leaders.

    Basically, the indifference between Sasuke and literally every other Ninja in the world is that Sasuke wasn't getting paid for it. Every Ninja who was alive duing the Third Shinobi World War either commited the same crimes as Sasuke or is friends with somebody who did.
    That's the thing though. Look at your words. Gaara is a "reformed" serial killer. At no point during the actual main story does Sasuke ever make up for what he did. Now, in Boruto he's become a little better, but in the actual text of Naruto Sasuke does nothing worth allowing him to live.

    The world was at peace and he was a missing nin that tried to kill ALL the military leaders of all the countries, TWICE. That's not something a simple "Eh it's war times" can hand wave away.

    Also, further more, one of the plot points is that yes, the stuff the ninjas did during the ninja war...was bad, and they need to act to make up for it because the world will never see true peace as long as those underlying grudges persist. It's one of the smaller themes of the final arc that kinda gets discarded in favor of eyeball super powers, but it IS there.

  6. - Top - End - #696
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    "Hey, all of those grudges resulted in us having to fight a War against not one bu t tworidiulously powerful mad-men who were driven insane by the constant cycle of war and vengence. Lets change our ways."

    "Okay, but first, lets take horrific revenge on this guy who did things that we ourselves are all guilty of ebcuase we're mad at him, never mind that he helped save the world, has started to reform, and that killing him would alienate the guy that we're all friends with."

    You see how that doesn't work?

    As for Sasuke never reforming... The very last thing that happens before the epilog is Sasuke realizing that he was wrong and going off to make a genuine effort to atone.

    Basically, the ending of the series is to Sasuke what the ending of the Invasion Arc was to Gaara--the realization that he's wrong and the first step towards reforming.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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  7. - Top - End - #697
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    "Hey, all of those grudges resulted in us having to fight a War against not one bu t tworidiulously powerful mad-men who were driven insane by the constant cycle of war and vengence. Lets change our ways."

    "Okay, but first, lets take horrific revenge on this guy who did things that we ourselves are all guilty of ebcuase we're mad at him, never mind that he helped save the world, has started to reform, and that killing him would alienate the guy that we're all friends with."

    You see how that doesn't work?

    As for Sasuke never reforming... The very last thing that happens before the epilog is Sasuke realizing that he was wrong and going off to make a genuine effort to atone.

    Basically, the ending of the series is to Sasuke what the ending of the Invasion Arc was to Gaara--the realization that he's wrong and the first step towards reforming.
    I'm not saying we should outright execute Sasuke, and sorry for going that hard again this is just a topic that frustrates me.

    But SOME degree of punishment would be cool. They let him walk entirely free. He's allowed to leave the city and go on missions. He can have his arm back whenever he wants. There's no consequences for it at all because he's Naruto's friend and that bugs me.

    Do keep in mind that he is abandoning Sakura in that epilogue, and she has to chase after him (which is good characterization on her part) and then she has to leave because of her baby but then Sasuke becomes a distant ass father to his daughter which is really just compounding problems.

    I get he's reforming, and in boruto they show that, but they don't REALLY show it up Naruto proper. He only comes to a realization he should be good after Naruto and him beat each other half to death.

  8. - Top - End - #698
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Well, again, considering what Ninja do for a living the only thing Sasuke actually did that was "wrong" was defect from the village. Everything else, the only differance between what Sasuke did and what every Ninja did or may do is that Sasuke didn';t get paid for it.

    Gaara making the effort to atone meant that he didn't get punished for doing basically everything Sasuke would go on to do except the treason.

    The fact that Gaara doesn't get punished for the hundreds of people he maimed and killed for fun basically means that punishing anyone for anything goes out the window as long as they're genuinly sorry.

    If you don't have a problem with Gaara, you shouldn't have a problem with Sasuke.

    Furthermore, Revenge is a Binary thing--you either seek it or you don't. Even a symbolic punishment,if done out of anger at what he did, would undermine the message.

    And to reiterate a point I've made before: It honestly has more meaning for Sasuke himself to decide that no, he deserves to be punished and thus decline the restoration of his abillity to use 99% of his abillities and spend time atoning instead of just going back to normal like nothing happened. It shows that Sasuke's desire to repent is genuine.
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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  9. - Top - End - #699
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    I don't think the board rules allow me to explain why, regardless of it being standard ninja military practice, Sasuke trying to assassinate all the world leaders twice is actually bad, and how all actions in war are inherently morally wrong, so I guess we'll agree to disagree on this part.

    I'll admit Gaara doesn't get as much screen time devoted to his redemption as I'd like, but it's clear he's basically constantly patrolling Sune day and night to ensure nothing bad happens. He's putting in the work. Also he dies, he literally dies for his sins. Gaara gets punished for what he does and also note most of the people he killed were HIRED TO KILL HIM first? That's self defense!

    Revenge is not binary. Revenge via proxy is not as damning to the soul as taken it with your own hands, and settling for a symbolic punishment is valid.

    All I wanted was for them to never let Sasuke have his arm back, and for Sasuke to be grounded in Konohamaru long enough to raise his kid so that the first time he sees her he doesn't try to kill her. That's all I really want punishment wise. Letting Sasuke CHOOSE to be punished has not one iota of symbolism to it, beyond "if you save the world you get a free pass". Which you don't, personally. If you save the world I'm still gonna be pissed you literally stabbed Karin nearly to death to kill Danzo.

  10. - Top - End - #700
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    New chapter!

    Eye lasers that cause cellular death is a ****in' weird ass thing to have in this series but I guess it's valid. This is was actually not bad it's just...fighting a lot with nothing much else to it.

  11. - Top - End - #701
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    I mean, attacks that specifically target the cells were a thing in this franchise for years--Wind Release: Rasenshuriken explicitly destroys the cells of the person it hits(Which is why it was effective against Kakuzu.)
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    I mean, attacks that specifically target the cells were a thing in this franchise for years--Wind Release: Rasenshuriken explicitly destroys the cells of the person it hits(Which is why it was effective against Kakuzu.)
    I should have put the emphasis on eye lasers.

  13. - Top - End - #703
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    I should have put the emphasis on eye lasers.
    Are we Jumping the Shark? Nope for Kisame Hoshigaki has not been reincarnated and inserted with Ninja Tools.
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  14. - Top - End - #704
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    I should have put the emphasis on eye lasers.
    How much focus does this series place on eye-related powers and techniques?
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    How much focus does this series place on eye-related powers and techniques?
    Lasers are different than fire, reality warping, seeing, and illusion making. Lasers are different for they are shiny and are single directional.

    Except when magic lasers occur and the laser can suddenly change angles abruptly.
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  16. - Top - End - #706
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
    Lasers are different than fire, reality warping, seeing, and illusion making. Lasers are different for they are shiny and are single directional.

    Except when magic lasers occur and the laser can suddenly change angles abruptly.
    How about eyes that can summon kaiju sized armor in samurai gear? Komamura wants his bankai back. (Ok, so susanoo is WAY better than his bankai, so what?)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
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  17. - Top - End - #707
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    How much focus does this series place on eye-related powers and techniques?
    Too much! Eye lasers aren't really that out of bonds for the series but it's one of those arbitrary points of "this feels a step too far".

  18. - Top - End - #708
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
    Too much! Eye lasers aren't really that out of bonds for the series but it's one of those arbitrary points of "this feels a step too far".
    honestly, I would've stopped the sharingans abilities at "copy any jutsu" all those other abilities that Sasuke exhibits later? just split them up into various jutsu that other ninja figured out and use. Then when Sasuke comes across them, he does his eye-kirby thing and gets those jutsu for himself. the author had a perfectly good explanation for why the Sharingan could upgrade Sasuke endlessly to face Naruto, but he didn't use it.

    Itachi's abilities? could've just been jutsu he copied from someone else.

    Mangekyo? could've been just something stolen from someone else.

    and so on. it would keep the Sharingan powerful and relevant, keep it consistent while expanding the lore of the world and showing all these techniques that Sasuke would've had to overcome first to use after. but he was too lazy so he didn't.

  19. - Top - End - #709
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    honestly, I would've stopped the sharingans abilities at "copy any jutsu" all those other abilities that Sasuke exhibits later? just split them up into various jutsu that other ninja figured out and use. Then when Sasuke comes across them, he does his eye-kirby thing and gets those jutsu for himself. the author had a perfectly good explanation for why the Sharingan could upgrade Sasuke endlessly to face Naruto, but he didn't use it.

    Itachi's abilities? could've just been jutsu he copied from someone else.

    Mangekyo? could've been just something stolen from someone else.

    and so on. it would keep the Sharingan powerful and relevant, keep it consistent while expanding the lore of the world and showing all these techniques that Sasuke would've had to overcome first to use after. but he was too lazy so he didn't.
    See that's what a smart writer would do. It even fits in to the theme of Naruto having to work and scrounge for every bit of power he has, while Sasuke just has to peep it happening. The enforced scrappy dog who's nature means he has to fight even himself to get stronger, vs the skilled ******* who masters things literally by sight.

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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    I recently watched Naruto to the very end, after wandering off from the series for over 7 years.

    It was good to come back but boy am I lucky that I lost interest for those 7+ years. They really milked the end of the series to the max. So. Much. Filler. I never watch filler because of its poor quality and insignificance but I can imagine how it must have felt when you watched the series week by week.

    That said, since the series has ended, the filler didn't ruin the experience anymore. I was able coast through the end of the series comfortably with a filler guide in hand. With the ability to ignore the filler now days, Naruto is a good anime to watch. Yeah. I liked to see how it all ended.
    Signatures are so 90's.

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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Youtube is recommending me things even though I do not watch this anime.

    But supposedly per Episode 95 of Boruto, Sasuke does not like his relationship status with his daughter and he is trying to do better and thus he and Kakashi have a conservation and Kakashi gives tips but also does "character impressions."


    The white hot sun of my frustration with Sasuke can't be salvaged just because he does something in filler!
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  22. - Top - End - #712
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
    Youtube is recommending me things even though I do not watch this anime.

    But supposedly per Episode 95 of Boruto, Sasuke does not like his relationship status with his daughter and he is trying to do better and thus he and Kakashi have a conservation and Kakashi gives tips but also does "character impressions."


    The white hot sun of my frustration with Sasuke can't be salvaged just because he does something in filler!
    speaking of Sasuke he is basically Vegeta of Naruto-verse he will be redeemed down the road after piccolo arc ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Shadow View Post
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  23. - Top - End - #713
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Boruto returns! Delta soundly, as expected. That's the chapter.

    Not bad, and honestly reasonable a plot development.

  24. - Top - End - #714
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Here is the Boruto Chapter on

    Chapter 33 released on 03/24/19


    Why does Naruto not fight with Shadow Clones anymore?

    Even if his kyubi cloak is elite, the ability to do distractions, split your opponents attention (thus making it harder to focus for situational awareness that is dispersed is counter correlated with focused attention and analysis, you can't do both at once, you can't look right and left at the same time), launch attacks from multiple angles, etc. Well this is kind of a big deal in battle.

    It is especially a big deal in battle when your enemy has an attack that bypasses regeneration and mames the opponent, do a shadow clone in such a fight.

    Hell even just using shadow clones to "analyze your opponent, to watch and think" and then turn off that shadow clone relaying this "insight" to the original is important. It may not be as good as Six Paths of Pain, but in some ways it is better and Naruto could always use some battlefield analysis for that was more Sasukes and Sakura's thing.

    Yes I am still grumbling.
    Last edited by Ramza00; 2019-03-25 at 08:05 PM.
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza00 View Post
    Why does Naruto not fight with Shadow Clones anymore?

    Even if his kyubi cloak is elite, the ability to do distractions, split your opponents attention (thus making it harder to focus for situational awareness that is dispersed is counter correlated with focused attention and analysis, you can't do both at once, you can't look right and left at the same time), launch attacks from multiple angles, etc. Well this is kind of a big deal in battle.

    It is especially a big deal in battle when your enemy has an attack that bypasses regeneration and mames the opponent, do a shadow clone in such a fight.

    Hell even just using shadow clones to "analyze your opponent, to watch and think" and then turn off that shadow clone relaying this "insight" to the original is important. It may not be as good as Six Paths of Pain, but in some ways it is better and Naruto could always use some battlefield analysis for that was more Sasukes and Sakura's thing.

    Yes I am still grumbling.
    because thats a protagonist jutsu Ramza. don't you know? once your not the main character anymore, you can't cast it.

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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Uh oh... Looks like it's that time again (and with FMA being downgraded from Best Supper Watch to Ordinary Supper Watch) and because it'll be a bit of a laugh...

    Bleakbane Catches Up With Naruto

    (I mean, I had slated the second part of the Orville Identity for tonight, but the first part was so good, I binged both. Fracking A starship battle! Huzzah!)

    Killer Bee Rappuden Part 1 & 2

    Well, that was as batspit as I expected... Okay, maybe it was slightly less batspit than I expected (the basis for comparison is Mecha-Naruto), but still pretty batspit.

    Starting with chibi tailed beasts, running through comedically Evil Yamato (and Bee being disabled by the sight of Tsunade's boobs in his own fantasy), running through Itachi and Sasuke just up and leaving, a guest appearance by what was clearly Ninja Pals!Orochimaru and Kabuto and a ramen-obsessed, idiot Naruto (so that was realistic, at least...)

    I thought the fact that apparently, even Bee subconsciously thinks Bee must look shady, since they kept bringing that up.

    Also, I think Bee ships Gaara and Fu. (He also clearly likes Gaara, come to that...)

    I reallt wanted to know who the Princess was they were supposed to be protecting (I was sure it'd be priceless), but no.

    And, at the end of COURSE they had to do an actual Power Rangers, thing didn't they?

    Oh, Bee.

    Well, by the sounds of the title, the next episode isn't going to be jolly at all, is it?

    To See That Smile, Just One More Time

    Oh Lichemaster, it's Karin.

    This is going to be terrible, isn't it?




    Okay. So, I'm not sure how much of this episode is actually real backstory and how much is Karin's fantasy. I suspect there is a grain of truth, exaggerated by the dream world - can't be truth, there's too much that doesn't work or line up - but, given as the infinite tsukiyome is supposed to create your dream world, Karin's apparent perfect world is one where she is repeatedly subjected to allogorically rape (first by the Grass village, then by the Sound) and then dies in (Hokage) Sasuke's arms. (Without ever over-reacting once.)

    I don't even.

    The FRACK is wrong with that girl?

    She needs help, more so than most ninja.

    Ye gods, I'm releived that was a one-shot...

    Thanks, Naruto, I was trying to take break from grim crap...
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2019-03-26 at 09:29 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #717
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Aotrs Commander View Post
    The FRACK is wrong with that girl?
    She's an Uzumaki.

    No, seriously. All we know about the clan is that they have strong life-chakras and thus live a long time, that they have sealing techniques that let them make the God of Death their bitch, and that all four members we've seen have been various degrees of obsessive, eccentric, and crazy.
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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    She's an Uzumaki.

    No, seriously. All we know about the clan is that they have strong life-chakras and thus live a long time, that they have sealing techniques that let them make the God of Death their bitch, and that all four members we've seen have been various degrees of obsessive, eccentric, and crazy.
    two of which's obsession is Sasuke.

    then Boruto Uzumaki also has an an idol worship of Sasuke. and there is implied love/crush between Boruto and Sarada.

    and apparently Kushina was friends with Mikoto, Sasuke's mother.

    seriously whats with Uzumakis having the hots for Uchihas?

  29. - Top - End - #719
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    two of which's obsession is Sasuke.

    then Boruto Uzumaki also has an an idol worship of Sasuke. and there is implied love/crush between Boruto and Sarada.

    and apparently Kushina was friends with Mikoto, Sasuke's mother.

    seriously whats with Uzumakis having the hots for Uchihas?
    ...If you extend it to the conflict with the Senju, since the Uzumaki and Senju are branches of the same tree, it might be a hidden genetic imperative to recreate the Rinnegan?
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

    Read my fanfiction here. Homebrew Material Here Rater Reads the Hobbit and Dracula
    Awesome Avatar by Emperor Ing
    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
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    Default Re: Naruto IX: [Epilogue Intensifies]

    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    ...If you extend it to the conflict with the Senju, since the Uzumaki and Senju are branches of the same tree, it might be a hidden genetic imperative to recreate the Rinnegan?
    ....that might actually make a lot of sense. it certainly explains a lot of things about the generational weirdness of Naruto. like some weird screwed up multi-generational bloodline wide tsundere relationship. they can't leave each other alone because their genes are secretly telling them to bang, but they can't admit it because it would be too weird for them all to admit they feel that way about each other so they psychologically shunt it off into something else that makes it more plausible to themselves and others. thus rivalry.

    also, Naruto ends up marrying Hinata, who is a calm brunette from a noble clan, like Sasuke.
    Kushina ends up marrying Minato who is a cool, calm prodigy genius, like Sasuke.

    they even have a type. even when they find other loves, its an Uchiha replacement.

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