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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Post Need a character background/story written up?

    So, I love doing writing challenges - it's undoubtedly what got me into D&D to begin with (the ability to spin up a story, and have players interact and change and shape the world!)

    I even go as far as write character backgrounds for characters I make in CRPG - for example, Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance and DragonAge: "Life Begins With Death."

    I recently did two backgrounds for folks here (up to them if they want to use it - for me, I just enjoyed the challenge of writing it) - The Not So Evil Necromancer and The Fighter With Magic Missile. And just for fun, did one for Luna Miranti (though I wasn't asked to)

    If you're interested in me writing up a backstory (all for free, naturally! But if you enjoyed what I wrote and want to donate - I do take donations through paypal - donations, obviously are not mandatory!) - all I need is...

    Your character's Name, Race, Class (gender too, if the name isn't too obvious about the gender) - and if you already have a rough outline for a backstory... or if you selected Flaws, Traits, etc. (standard in 5e characters)... or if you have nothing, but have a rough idea - or just NO idea - let me know. Just reply to this thread... I will whip something up when I see it - and then PM you the link to the post in here. :)

    Also - I welcome feedback from ANYONE who reads these! Even if it's not a background I wrote for you - feel free to comment on it - tell me where I am strong, tell me where I am weak. So I welcome anyone and everyone to share feedback with me.

    NEW! My wife came up with the idea of allowing folks to donate (THIS IS NOT REQUIRED!) should you want to - whether it be 50cents or a dollar - to our paypal account. If you DO choose to donate, please donate AFTER I've written your character's background! Fixed the link!

    Special Shout Out For The Donations Go Out To:
    MaxiBoy x2
    Galithar x2
    Ogre Mage
    george moshingt

    Here's a list in this thread I've done so far (links go directly to the character backgrounds - with the quoted requests)
    ================================================== ========================
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2023-05-26 at 11:41 PM. Reason: Added links to stories - 9/24/2022
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Jun 2019

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    I would love some backstory help. Here is what I have to far. I am up for anything to be changed. Figured it needs went he is adventuring, why he left home, etc.

    Leoendithas Lingenhall (need 3rd name)

    Rock gnome Artificer

    When Leoendithas was young a diseased rat bit his left foot. His parents did not believe in using magic to heal it. The infection spread and Leoendithas got so sick he lost his leg. Bedridden for quite some time, Leoendithas starting tinkering with things and discovered he had an innate ability at magic. To hid this from his parents, he used his tinker tools to channel his magic. Leoendithas developed a clockwork leg to replace his lost leg. Being bedridden for so long, caused Leoendithas to not have very good social skills. He does not speak a lot, but when he does it is awkward.

    Losing his leg also caused him to become obsessed with spiders. He has built a small mechanical spider named Gimble that he keeps with him at all times.

    He is super socially awkward.

    Decide – Should the leg leave him with a permanent limp or if he can tinker with it for 1 hour, he can walk fine for 4 hours.

    I eventually plan on doing battle Smith and making a giant spider he rides.

    As I said, I am up for any changes you can think of but definitely feels it needs more. I do want him to lose his leg somehow. If you can think of a better way by all means. Thanks so much.
    Last edited by evilspacecow; 2019-07-04 at 05:59 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Tawmis's Avatar

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilspacecow View Post
    I would love some backstory help. Here is what I have to far. I am up for anything to be changed. Figured it needs went he is adventuring, why he left home, etc.

    Leoendithas Lingenhall (need 3rd name)

    Rock gnome Artificer

    When Leoendithas was young a diseased rat bit his left foot. His parents did not believe in using magic to heal it. The infection spread and Leoendithas got so sick he lost his leg. Bedridden for quite some time, Leoendithas starting tinkering with things and discovered he had an innate ability at magic. To hid this from his parents, he used his tinker tools to channel his magic. Leoendithas developed a clockwork leg to replace his lost leg. Being bedridden for so long, caused Leoendithas to not have very good social skills. He does not speak a lot, but when he does it is awkward.
    Losing his leg also caused him to become obsessed with spiders. He has built a small mechanical spider named Gimble that he keeps with him at all times.
    He is super socially awkward.
    Decide – Should the leg leave him with a permanent limp or if he can tinker with it for 1 hour, he can walk fine for 4 hours.
    I eventually plan on doing battle Smith and making a giant spider he rides.
    As I said, I am up for any changes you can think of but definitely feels it needs more. I do want him to lose his leg somehow. If you can think of a better way by all means. Thanks so much.

    The Farwin family had a wonderful reputation; known throughout the Stoneheim community as proficient in their tinkered objects – most noticeably the Farwin music box. One thing that made them stick out among other gnomes is that the Farwin family did not believe in using magic to amplify their tinkered objects. (Some in Stoneheim claimed that there was Dwarven blood somewhere in the Farwin bloodline, which would explain their avoidance of magic).

    Corfanpopip Uriben Farwin, proud father of three sons, trained each of them how to craft tinkered items – specifically the family secret to the Music Box they were so well known for.

    Leoendithas Lingenhall Farwin, the youngest of the three, frequently found his mind wandering as his father described the intricacy of ever gear, spring, and coil that goes into making the fabled music boxes. One night, before dinner, Leoendithas had convinced his two elder brothers (with some heavy handed scolding by their mother to play with their youngest sibling) to a game of hide and seek.

    Leoendithas had hidden in the barn, and while his eldest brothers agreed to play (fearful that their mother might restrict them from further tinkering for several cycles of the time piece) – they hardly made the effort to seek out their sibling (finding that while he was hiding, the brothers were able to enjoy some peace and quiet).

    During one such game, Leoendithas had taken to hiding in the shed where they father had kept the gears. Normally a spotless area, the shed had fallen into some dust, as the eldest brothers did not take their cleaning chores seriously. As such, a small rat had found sanctuary in the shed. While Leoendithas sat there waiting to be found, the rat had stumbled across the young gnome hiding, and took to defending its young, and sank its teeth deep into Leoendithas big toe. Not having seen the rat, and thinking a nail or something had fallen onto his foot, he cried out in pain. His hand instinctively grabbed a piece of nearby metal to pull himself up, but another piece of metal had fallen on a lizard’s tail (what the rat had originally been hunting), and severed the lizard’s tail.

    Leoendithas felt bad, but knew the lizard would survive. His mother and two eldest brothers came out to see why Leoendithas had cried out. He showed them his toe and explained that he thought a nail had punctured it. The days went by and his big toe seemed to get worse. Both of his older brothers, perhaps feeling guilty, wondered if they should call upon the priests.

    Their father disagreed. Had it just been a nail as Leoendithas thought, it was probably just a small infection (though the state of the gears and equipment being dusty in the shed had also managed to get his two older brothers in trouble, since it was clear they were not doing their cleaning chores that their father had assigned them). The infection spread up his leg, and still his father declined to call upon the priests, believing natural herbs and medicine would take care of this “rusty nail infection.”

    When it had gotten so bad, that his father agreed to call upon the priests, they arrived to explain it was too late. Leoendithas would need to have his leg amputated, or the infection would spread into his body, and reach his heart and kill him – slowly and painfully.

    His father was ashamed that he had let it go so far, but his family – and Leoendithas – all agreed, that amputating the leg was the best course of action.

    Leoendithas was depressed for many weeks, lying in bed, not even wanting to go out – barely even eating. On one of those nights – he saw the lizard from the shed. Part of its tail had grown back through regeneration. Leoendithas looked down at his missing leg, and noticed a spider crawling across the foot of the bed. For a moment he considered smashing it, but as he struggled to pull himself up – he watched the spider – eight legs moving fluidly across the bed. Leoendithas looked back at the lizard, then back at the spider.

    That was it! He would forge a new leg!

    Leoendithas began tinkering with the plans of a new leg – he thought about the various animals he encountered, and the best way to plan to make this. He had gone through several blueprints, which he kept from his family. One day, after settling on a design, as he screwed in one piece, and put in the gear, he noticed sparks between his fingers and the metal. Things began to flow through his mind, how to improve on an already incredible design – and soon, he saw the leg he had created was not heavy or cumbersome, but light and efficient – almost… magical.

    As he put the artificial leg over the fleshly stump of his severed leg, he could feel the magic coursing through his body. Though his father had hated it, Leoendithas had somehow channeled the ability to unlock magic in everyday objects. As if waiting, he took notice that the spider and the lizard were both in his room again as the artificial leg was strapped on.

    With his leg forged, he went into the living room – his entire family was not only shocked to see him come out of the room – but shocked to see him walking.

    His father took him out to celebrate him in Stoneheim – claiming his son had forged a leg, through sheer skill alone – no magic involved. Leoendithas did not correct his father, but rather than feeling proud, he felt ashamed now. As others in Stoneheim greeted him and explained they were happy to see him, Leoendithas discovered he was more and more uncomfortable. He barely had a relationship with his older brothers, and now all of these people, congratulating him; the years he had spent with only his brothers, his time confined in his room, declining visits from friends had made him socially timid and awkward.

    He ran off to hide in his room, and his mother – the only one he truly spoke with – came in to see if he was alright. He told her to leave; but as she did – she spotted the spider and killed it. Leoendithas was further devastated – though he had never spoken with the spider or anything – he felt as if it had helped him develop the idea to create a leg. He took up the hammer and anvil and began to tinker a mechanical spider he named Gimble that he keeps with him at all times.
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-07-12 at 12:19 PM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Awesome! This is perfect. Thank you so much. Any suggestions as to why he would be adventuring?
    Last edited by evilspacecow; 2019-07-05 at 12:41 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by evilspacecow View Post
    Awesome! This is perfect. Thank you so much. Any suggestions as to why he would be adventuring?
    The reason for adventuring would be an easy one to explain - because he's socially awkward, and his family is so famous - and people feel bad about his leg - he was CONSTANTLY getting (in his eyes) unwanted attention.

    So he decided to pack up and leave - to find some peace. And he's finding, despite being socially awkward - that it is easier to talk to people who have no expectations of him (due to his family's popularity).
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Between SEA and PDX.

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    I got a challenge for you:

    Moon Druid Human. Chef's choice on name and traits. However, he does not choose to be a Druid. He does not necessarily believe in Druidic philosophies, and he isn't a "reskin" of Druidic/Wildshape mechanics (so he's actually using Druidic magic to transform, and casts powers that come from nature, he just either doesn't want them or believe in them).
    Quote Originally Posted by KOLE View Post
    MOG, design a darn RPG system. Seriously, the amount of ideas I’ve gleaned from your posts has been valuable. You’re a gem of the community here.

    5th Edition Homebrewery
    Prestige Options, changing primary attributes to open a world of new multiclassing.
    Adrenaline Surge, fitting Short Rests into combat to fix bosses/Short Rest Classes.
    Pain, using Exhaustion to make tactical martial combatants.
    Fate Sorcery, lucky winner of the 5e D&D Subclass Contest VII!

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Man_Over_Game View Post
    I got a challenge for you:
    Moon Druid Human. Chef's choice on name and traits. However, he does not choose to be a Druid. He does not necessarily believe in Druidic philosophies, and he isn't a "reskin" of Druidic/Wildshape mechanics (so he's actually using Druidic magic to transform, and casts powers that come from nature, he just either doesn't want them or believe in them).
    Challenge accepted! I will work on something right now. :)
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Man_Over_Game View Post
    I got a challenge for you:

    Moon Druid Human. Chef's choice on name and traits. However, he does not choose to be a Druid. He does not necessarily believe in Druidic philosophies, and he isn't a "reskin" of Druidic/Wildshape mechanics (so he's actually using Druidic magic to transform, and casts powers that come from nature, he just either doesn't want them or believe in them).
    I went with Forgotten Realms area and goddess. These can naturally be changed.

    ================================================== ===========
    “You don’t understand, boy.”

    “No, father – it’s you who does not understand. I don’t want to be bound to the land, like you are.”

    My name is Barius Toweroak, and I come from a family that has dedicated their lives to protecting the wild and maintaining the balance of Nature. My father, who is furiously scowling at me, is Den Toweroak, an Arch Druid and next in line to be the Great Druid. He wants – no, expects – the same thing out of me.

    I hear my father whisper, “Eldath, forgive him…” As I stormed out.

    The High Forest is massive; and there are bands of Druids of the Moon Circle scattered throughout. There are days – sometimes weeks or months – before we see others. This life of isolation isn’t for me. It’s not what I want for me. Honestly, I don’t know what I want – but I know it’s not this.

    One night, while I was patrolling the woods – furious that I had not yet made a change in my life – I heard a woman’s screams. I quickly moved through the woods and found two brigands chasing a woman. I moved behind one of the brigands and trailed them, ambushing them as soon as I was able to get him alone. I then moved to the other – who had paused – wondering where his companion had gone – allowing me the chance to easily overtake him. I caught up to the woman and assured her that the problem had been resolved.

    She thanked me, and that night – I did not return home. Instead, I escorted her safely through the woods, for a week. Was she the key to me finding out what I would do with my life? I admit that sense of adventure – the thrill of the hunt against those brigands had … excited me.

    One night, while she and I sat at a campfire, she asked me if I belonged to some Druidic or Ranger order, because of how efficient I was in the woods. I assured her, I was neither. I, like her, was someone lost in the woods, trying to find themselves. She had commented how I moved like a cat, when I was going after the brigands – and that I moved very quietly in the woods. She clearly did not believe me when I told her that I was neither Druid nor Ranger.

    On the third night, she seemed unusually stiff as she sat at the campfire – not the least bit relaxed like she had been the other two nights. She looked at me, with seriousness in her eyes, and asked, “Do you know what Lycanthropy is?”

    “It’s a disease,” I replied, with a shrug of my shoulder. “Turns a person into a wolf… rat… tiger… whatever the infection stemmed from. Typically bound by the moon’s cycle.”

    “This is similar, is it not, the Circle of the Moon,” the woman poked at the fire, as if afraid to make eye contact with me. I was, admittedly, taken aback.

    “It is similar, yes,” I had replied. “But the Circle of the Moon Druids are not bound to the moon’s cycle, to change into their forms.”

    “You seem to know a lot about the Druid Organization that you claim not to be a part of,” the woman smiled, still not making eye contact.

    “Yes, well, I’ve heard things, living in these woods,” I lied, deciding not to reveal that my entire family has a bloodline that has been dedicated to the Order of the Moon since as far as we can all remember.

    “I feel like,” she finally looked up as embers from the campfire floated up, “that you may be tied to that order. The way you moved like a cat – unusual – especially for a human. If you were an elf, I might have not thought anything about it. But a human being that graceful – in these tangled woods?”

    On the fifth night, around the campfire, she looked at me, and asked, “May I see your hand?”

    I extended my hand to her, palm up, over the campfire. She traces the line in my hands, and looks at me. “There is magic in your line,” she said, tracing the line by my thumb. “It runs deep and long. And here, I see deep love, but the line that crosses it here, shows conflict.” She looked at me, “Did you and your mother of father, or someone near to you – disagree on something – and you were at a crossroads?”

    I looked at her, feeling oddly compelled to tell the truth. “My father and I recently had a disagreement about the direction of my life.”

    “You do not wish to follow his path?” she asked, looking back at my palm.

    “Correct. He is one of those Druids of the Circle of the Moon,” I found myself saying.

    She pulled out a dagger, and ran it along the life line of my palm, and barely cut – but enough to draw blood. She turned my palm upside down so that the blood dripped into the fire and hissed as small puffs of smoke rose up, and each of them, a distorted shape of an animal. “It is in your blood,” she whispered.

    I awoke to the echo of those words – “It is in your blood.” Then came the excruciating headache that had me vomiting, as if severely hung over. I could barely control the vomit bursting from my stomach and burning my lungs.

    I stared down at my hands, as I was on all fours vomiting and watched as my hands changed into claws. My arms turned muscular and I felt my body change. And then, and only then, did my headache subside.

    “Damn you, Eldath,” I growled in my black panther form. “You have taken my choice away! I will find a cure to this…. And I will be free of you.”

    ================================================== ===========

    So essentially, the vanity of the goddess forced her powers upon the character. Now the character gets headaches, unless he changes into a form, that makes the headaches subside. The character is now angry - at his father, and the goddess - and has a little bit of anger towards druids and rangers in general, who insist on defending the woods. He'd never go as far as destroying the woods, but wouldn't be so inclined to lay his life down to defend it. He tries to keep it straight that the animals in the woods and such are not what did this to him... but sometimes the lines blur.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Here's one I have been trying to make interesting
    Robert Pattan
    Aasimar divine soul sorcerer. Fights almost exclusively with short range magic. Typically pretty lazy and doesn't like to get involved but can lay down the hurt when he really needs to.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by clash View Post
    Here's one I have been trying to make interesting
    Robert Pattan
    Aasimar divine soul sorcerer. Fights almost exclusively with short range magic. Typically pretty lazy and doesn't like to get involved but can lay down the hurt when he really needs to.
    I will do something right now. :)
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by clash View Post
    Here's one I have been trying to make interesting
    Robert Pattan
    Aasimar divine soul sorcerer. Fights almost exclusively with short range magic. Typically pretty lazy and doesn't like to get involved but can lay down the hurt when he really needs to.

    I stuck with Forgotten Realms for the deity and the landmarks...
    ================================================== ===========

    The people had watched the skies in fear.

    The Moon had come to pass before the sun and bring darkness upon the world. In the distance, thunder rolled across the heavens, like the sound of a thousand men marching to war. Lightning split the skies with bright – but all too brief – bursts of light. The fury of the wind prevented torches from remaining lit. The world was bathed in pitch darkness.

    Alissa Pattan, a human female, ran out of her home and collapsed in the center of town. Alissa was pregnant and due at any moment. She claimed she had never lain with a man, so she was not aware of how she had become pregnant. No one believed her; the small town of Nightstone believed that she had gotten drunk one night and laid with someone. Now she was in the center of the town, gripping her stomach and screaming. The townspeople stared – unsure what to do.

    Just as Jerick, one of the tavern owners began to move forward – a blinding flash three lightning bolts from the heavens striking Alissa light up the sky with such intensity, that everyone was forced to look away – and even then, their vision did not properly return to them for over ten minutes. But after the flash, they had all heard the same thing – the sound of an infant crying.

    When Jerick could see again, he could see Alissa, still lying in the center of town, but in her arms was an infant, who seemed to have an unusual glow about him. Jerick slowly moved towards Alissa, and she looked up at Jerick and smiled proudly, “Isn’t he just beautiful?”

    Jerick looked down at the boy, who in turn, grabbed Jerick’s finger and gave it a tight squeeze and a smile. “Why yes,” the old tavern keeper assured her, “yes, yes he is. What’s his name?”

    She looked into her infant’s eyes, “Robert,” she said. “Robert Pattan.”

    “That’s a wonderful name,” Jerick assured her, all the while looking her over, to see if she had been burned by the lightning strike. But there was not a single wound upon her. Oddly enough, even the signs of her pregnancy had completely vanished. She was as fit and beautiful as she was before she ever got pregnant. There were no signs of the typical fluids found during childbirth on the ground. “Let’s have you, and the boy looked at.”

    The Priests had spent nights going over what they found when examining both Alissa, who by all signs was still human – but the unusual pregnancy was anything but human. And her child – Robert Pattan – he seemed to be anything but human. His eyes showed signs of great intelligence – even as an infant. And from time to time, the irises in his eyes seemed to reflect the heavens, even when the child was inside – it was like gazing into the night skies.

    The omen of the eclipse, and the unusual lightning strike, had one priest – a human by the name of Ellis Farsong – believe that perhaps Alissa was telling the truth in regards to her pregnancy and not knowing the father – and that perhaps, the father of the child was a heavenly being. By the three pronged lightning strike, Ellis would have believed it to be none other than Talos, the God of Storms, whose very symbol was a three pronged lightning bolt.

    By the age of five, Robert was clearly displaying that he was – indeed – more than just human. His intelligence and wisdom continued to grow, as did his strength. He also quickly found that people would treat him differently. Some seemed to shy away from him, showing signs of fear, while others seemed to do whatever he asked of them, and held him in high regard.

    It was difficult understanding why people acted so differently around him, at such a young age. By the age of sixteen, the priests had built a shrine in Robert’s name and showered him (and his mother) with endless amounts of gifts and blessings, hoping to gain favor with whom they assumed to be Robert’s father – the god, Talos.

    This treatment made Robert very lax. There was never a need any more to go out and do something; he could snap his fingers and one of the priests of Nightstone would come running, and ask what he had wanted.

    When a band of goblins from the Ardeep Forest came to Nightstone, seeking to attack it one day – Robert watched as the City Guard tried to defend itself from the attackers. He watched from the tower that had been built in his name, and saw people who feared him – and others who adored him – fall before the goblins.

    He heaved a deep sigh and stepped out and engaged in battle with the goblins. His bloodline to his father truly began to show that night, as he made all the attacks close and personal – as if the show his enemies how bothered he was that he had to be involved. When the goblins were driven back, he walked around, briskly touching and healing those, that were only along the way back to his tower.

    One night, he got a visit from a sailor, who had said to have traveled to Nightstone from Waterdeep after hearing about this “blessed being.” The sailor introduced himself as “Talon Stormbringer.” Talon asked the boy, if he was truly “a blessed being” why did he not travel the world, and use his powers to make the world a better place.

    Robert explained that as far as he was concerned – the world was already a wonderful place. He had everything he wanted.

    Talon Stormbringer shook his head and explained that the world beyond Nightstone needed him. But Robert explained, then the world outside of Nightstone can come to him. Talon Stormbreaker heaved a deep sigh and stood up. He looked at the young boy and said, “I was afraid you’d say that. Your mother will miss you. But I will tell her you’re fine.”

    “I am not going anywhere,” Robert replied.

    “Oh, but you are,” and Talon placed his hand on Robert’s shoulder.

    Robert blinked and everything was different. He suddenly found himself clinging to the ropes of a galley ship – and the only person on it was him – and this Talon Stormbringer. Lightning and thunder boomed across the heavens. Massive tides slammed against the side of the galley ship. “Where am I?” Robert screamed above the whipping sounds and fury of nature.

    “You?” Talon seemed unaffected by the violently shifting boat. “You are on the adventure of your life. And I am afraid this is as far as I go.”

    Robert looked around and saw that there was no one else on the galley ship – and when he turned to look back at Talon Stormbringer – even he had vanished.

    There was the sound of the hull crashing into stone, and Robert was thrust forward, his hands burned as he tried desperately to cling to the rope but lost hold.

    He awoke, washed ashore, fragments of the galley ship on the sides of him, littering the beach.

    He stood up and wondered where he was…
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-07-06 at 01:23 AM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    I'd love to!
    Name: Neivara Amakiir
    Race: Half Elf
    Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer
    Background: Haunted One

    Neivara lost both her parents in a break-in to their home when she was a child.
    The assailants were hard to pin down as to their humanity. As far as she recalls it, they almost looked demonic (like in the movie Mandy), but she isn't sure whether it was just her childish imagination or not.
    She saved herself by hiding while both her parents were murdered, and ever since she wandered alone, from place to place, city to city, with only her to lookout for herself.
    She couldn't really make foster homes work due to her wild and unpredictable magic, so she resorted to just staying alone. Never really having much of a family or friends.

    As a result of these traumatic events she is quite eccentric. She tends to be a little paranoid, hyperactive, impulsive, and find people hard to trust, though she really yearns for true companionship, which she never had.

    Attracted to chaos
    Hyper aware to potential danger (though she herself often causes it without much foresight)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by bendking View Post
    I'd love to!
    Name: Neivara Amakiir
    Race: Half Elf
    Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer
    Background: Haunted One
    Working on something now based on your Outline... although I had to look up the movie you mentioned.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by bendking View Post
    I'd love to!
    Name: Neivara Amakiir
    Race: Half Elf
    Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer
    Background: Haunted One
    Based off the outline - here's what I've come up with.
    A side note - I've been using the demon mention (Bar'garius) in other people's backgrounds that I've written (where a demon seemed to fit).
    So far all of them have been with Sorcerer types - where a demon might just fit the background.
    All of them have Bar'garius wanting the servitude of the victim's child.
    So now I have this idea, of this Horned Devil (which is what Bar'garius is, in the other stories) traveling the multiverse, making these deals, trying to increase his power.
    The demons Neivara sees are Vrocks, if that wasn't clear. Anyway...
    If you like it, dislike it, have opinions - please share here. I take all feedback - good and bad - as it all helps me grow! :)

    My name is Neivara Amakiir and I have been on the run from my past, for most of my life.

    There’s a memory – at the edge of my mind that comes to me almost every night, just waiting for me to sleep.

    It had been a night – just like any other night. My mother was a beautiful elf, with her long, flowing, blond hair that bounced into tiny curls at the end. Whenever she walked, you could see her hair bouncing. I remember as an infant, tugging on her hair, just to watch it spring into action. My father was a human, his name was Grendel. He and my mother had met a long, long time ago. My father hardly seemed to age, which was odd for being a human. My mother though? Her name was Saveena, and she seemed to uncharacteristically seemed to age for an Elf. Her blond eventually got streaks of grey in her bouncing blond hair, but that, somehow made her even more beautiful.

    We had just finished dinner that night and retired to the living room. There was a sound of breaking glass further back in the house. My father turned to me and told me to hide. I quickly ran and hid in the spandrel – the small closet beneath the stairs.

    I closed the door and only barely cracked it open so I could listen.

    I heard my father say, “Bar’garius… what are you doing here?”

    I heard another voice – someone I had never heard before, and I assume was this Bar’garius person. “From you, nothing. Your beautiful wife, however…”

    Then I heard my mother. “Bar’garius – stop.”

    “Ah,” I heard Bar’garius’ voice say. “So you show yourself, Saveena. Your daughter is of age now… She’s mine to take.”

    “What?” I heard my father scream. “What madness do you speak of Bar’garius?”

    “Oh,” Bar’garius’ voice sounded smug. “She’s… not told you?”

    “Told me what?” I heard my father shout. I could almost feel the tension – like he was looking between my mother and this Bar’garius person. I could feel the fear creeping over me – had my mother bartered me off? Did she not love me? Want me?

    “Have you not wondered how you’ve lived this… youthful life, Grendel?” Bar’garius’ voice sounded smug once more. “Go on, Seveena, tell him… I will wait here.”

    “Seveena,” I heard my father plead, “what is he talking about?”

    I’ve never heard someone dying before. But the sound in my mother’s voice sounded like death. “It’s true,” I could hear that she was weeping. “My love… I was so terrified of living my life without you… Because of my bloodline, I would out live you… and I would be forced to live this life without you… I couldn’t imagine it… So, five years ago – I … cast a dark ritual… and made a deal, that some of my own life force could be taken to extend yours… and the payment would be our first child…”

    “Seveena…” I heard my father gasp. “What… have you done?” There was more sobbing from my mother… Then I heard my father shout, “I will not let you take her.”

    “I am afraid the choice is not yours,” I heard Bar’garius reply. “If you won’t surrender her, then you have broken the vow… and if you’ve broken the vow… then I take back the gift…”

    I heard my father scream. Then I heard my mother cry out.

    I could hear her gurgling… dying… choking…

    I could barely contain my tears.

    I heard Bar’garius shout, “Find the girl.”

    I closed the spandrel door completely – I remember my mother telling me, if I was ever scared, to run there – and nothing would ever find me. She showed me a Protection Rune she had placed on the inside of the door, and promised nothing would find me here… no matter how long and how hard they searched. I wondered now – was it to protect me from the nightmares I had had… The visions I had of my mother, standing in front of a portal, pregnant, with magic pouring out of it, penetrating her body, as she spoke to something beyond… or was it all to protect me from this moment? Had my mother known that this day would come?

    When I peeked out of the door for just a moment – I saw what looked to be humanoids tearing the house apart – some of them looked human… some looked like they might have been human once… but now bore the resemblance to vultures…

    I closed the door again and waited… I waited until I heard no more sounds. I lost track of time locked inside the spandrel. It could have been days… even weeks… before I opened the door again, and saw our home in a state of ruin. As I crawled out and went back to the dining room – I saw my father lying on the floor; only he had now looked as if he was over seventy years old. He wasn’t moving, I knew he was dead. My mother lay next to him, her neck snapped.

    Whoever, or whatever did this was someone that was powerful – not only in magic, but in sheer strength.

    Whoever or whatever it was, was also bound to keep searching for me. I needed to get what I could and leave. I would have to forget my friends. My family. Everyone. Everything.

    I grew up – moving city to city – always afraid if I stayed in one place too long, whoever it was that had wanted me so desperately – would eventually stumble upon me. I never trusted anyone, because I didn’t know who I could trust. Someone I befriend could be working for whoever it is that is probably still out there looking for me.

    I hope to one day find out who it this Bar’garius was – and put an end to him. Maybe then, I might find peace. Maybe then, I could settle down. Maybe then, I could make friends. And maybe then, I can have a family of my own…
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    You? You are awesome.

    I put together a wizard pretty quickly to fill in the needs of my party for Waterdeep Dragon Heist, and never quite figured out backstory details...

    Name: Fizzle (or, in Gnommish, Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zaroch Lirron Eldish, the Third. Or so he claims.)
    Race: Forest Gnome
    Class: Wizard (probably illusionist, possibly War Mage)
    Background: Sage
    Outline: Traveled to Waterdeep from his home in Baldur's Gate, and this is far from his first adventure. His ultimate goal? Steal Undermountain.

    The entire thing.

    Literally out from under Waterdeep, if possible. It'd be much nicer back home in Baldur's Gate.

    —Impish: His first reaction to seeing an entirely purple house was to make a minor illusion of a green splotch of paint on the inside.
    —Clever: Our first task was to break up a bar fight. Which he did with a single cantrip, making sounds imitating the Waterdeep City Guard coming through.
    —Genuinely helpful: Is glad to help out where he can for no charge, mostly for the challenge of it.
    —Exceedingly cautious when weapons might be drawn. Level 1 wizard. No Mage Armor. Hefty survival instinct.
    Used to be DMofDarkness
    Old avatar by Elagune.
    Spoiler: Collection of Signature Quotes

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I will do something right now. :)
    You have a gift. I can always come up with a million character concepts I want to play but I get stuck on the backstories

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Based off the outline - here's what I've come up with.
    I like it a lot! I love the background you came up with for the attack, which I never thought of even explaining.

    As for critisism: I kind of would have liked the event to be kept a bit more mysterious for Neivara. I like that I know why what happened to her parents happened, but not necessarily that she would understand it entirely.
    Also, not entirely sold on Vrocks, as I would have liked something a bit more human-like and yet demonic. But that's a small detail, I can probably find something else scrolling through the DMG :)

    Thanks a lot buddy. Definitely going to use this!

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Kallista Fireheart, Enchanter Wizard, Winged variant Tiefling who ran away from a poor abusive home and taken to passing herself off as a noblewoman
    Last edited by Tiamatwing; 2019-07-06 at 10:12 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    You? You are awesome.
    I put together a wizard pretty quickly to fill in the needs of my party for Waterdeep Dragon Heist, and never quite figured out backstory details...
    Name: Fizzle (or, in Gnommish, Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zaroch Lirron Eldish, the Third. Or so he claims.)
    Race: Forest Gnome
    Class: Wizard (probably illusionist, possibly War Mage)
    Background: Sage
    Outline: Traveled to Waterdeep from his home in Baldur's Gate, and this is far from his first adventure. His ultimate goal? Steal Undermountain.
    The entire thing.
    Literally out from under Waterdeep, if possible. It'd be much nicer back home in Baldur's Gate.
    —Impish: His first reaction to seeing an entirely purple house was to make a minor illusion of a green splotch of paint on the inside.
    —Clever: Our first task was to break up a bar fight. Which he did with a single cantrip, making sounds imitating the Waterdeep City Guard coming through.
    —Genuinely helpful: Is glad to help out where he can for no charge, mostly for the challenge of it.
    —Exceedingly cautious when weapons might be drawn. Level 1 wizard. No Mage Armor. Hefty survival instinct.
    Hah! This sounds fun. Will start working on something now!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    You? You are awesome.
    I put together a wizard pretty quickly to fill in the needs of my party for Waterdeep Dragon Heist, and never quite figured out backstory details...
    Name: Fizzle (or, in Gnommish, Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zaroch Lirron Eldish, the Third. Or so he claims.)
    Race: Forest Gnome
    Class: Wizard (probably illusionist, possibly War Mage)
    Background: Sage
    Outline: Traveled to Waterdeep from his home in Baldur's Gate, and this is far from his first adventure. His ultimate goal? Steal Undermountain.
    The entire thing.
    Literally out from under Waterdeep, if possible. It'd be much nicer back home in Baldur's Gate.

    —Impish: His first reaction to seeing an entirely purple house was to make a minor illusion of a green splotch of paint on the inside.
    —Clever: Our first task was to break up a bar fight. Which he did with a single cantrip, making sounds imitating the Waterdeep City Guard coming through.
    —Genuinely helpful: Is glad to help out where he can for no charge, mostly for the challenge of it.
    —Exceedingly cautious when weapons might be drawn. Level 1 wizard. No Mage Armor. Hefty survival instinct.

    I left it open as to potentially turning into a War Mage if you go that route...
    As always, I welcome all feedback - good, bad, down the middle - it all helps me grow. :)

    ================================================== ============

    They say anyone can call Baldur’s Gate “home.”

    And for me, it was home for a great many years. One of the largest – if not the largest – cities on the Sword Coast, there was an abundance of rain, which would often get rather annoying to deal with. The slick cobblestones during these rains, were often covered in straw so people wouldn’t slip and break their backs. The smell of wet straw mixed the with the mildew that often grew in cellars, was more than enough for me – the great Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zaroch Lirron Eldish, the Third (but you can call me Fizzle), to go out and see what the world had to offer.

    Though I called Baldur’s Gate home, I was actually born not too far from the city – in Glimmerwood, well, officially called The Wood of Sharpteeth after some Werewolves took up residence there. Though my family and I never saw these supposed werewolves – the Dryads and Satyrs all claimed to have sensed them in the woods.

    As a Forest Gnome, I learned to use illusions – in part, we had used it to protect ourselves in the woods, when unfavorable would come through. (I must admit, I did enjoy scaring a brigand or two, that took shelter in the woods, with the illusion of a Displacer Beast – foul creatures, those things!)

    When my family had moved us to Baldur’s Gate, I had run into a wizard named Tarus Magestone. He was a tall human – jet black hair, but in contrast had ice blue eyes. He had a strong sense of magic all about him – like something I’d never seen or felt before.

    I took to talking to him about magic, and he explained that it took dedicating studying. It was nice, he had told me, that as a Forest Gnome, I already had the inherent ability to use illusions to my benefit. But to experience true power would take dedication – and sacrifice.

    And the way he said sacrifice told me, he was just talking about spending all my nights, reading tomes of magic. He seemed to indicate that there was something more. I expressed my interest in becoming more powerful and dedicating myself to the Arts of the Arcane. He explained that a true wizard does not simply rely on their magic; but knowledge of the world. So between the tomes of magic he forced me to study, and even scribe for him; he threw tomes of history about the world at me. One thing I took notice to, a lot of his history tomes dealt with the Undermountain.

    I asked him about the Undermountain, and why so many of his history books dealt with it. That’s when he told me how he and his comrades had found their way into Undermountain, on pure chance, and sensed great magic within. Naturally curious, as any adventurer would be, Tarus and his companions began to explore. But tragedy struck quickly – as they discovered, not only were there magical traps – but magical beasts, the likes that none of them had seen before – awaiting any who dared enter – and teleporting out was impossible, as if some barrier prevented it. Tarus had literally watched all of his friends die before him. He had been forced to flee, on foot, out of magic, and out of luck – how he escaped he doesn’t remember. He simply remembers awakening outside, cut, tattered, bruised and barely alive.

    He explained, after that – he became obsessed. He wanted to seek revenge against whoever had done that – and he learned of an ancient human wizard named Halaster Blackcloak, who was still alive – well beyond the human years that should be allowed. Clearly, Halaster took to some form of dark magic to extend his own life – and that’s when Tarus told me he knew, if he had any hope of extracting revenge, he would need to make his own sacrifice to rise in power.

    Every time I asked Tarus what that sacrifice was, he would suddenly go quiet and excuse himself from the room.

    Once a week, he would go down into a basement and lock himself away. Every time he came out, he felt surged with magical energy. One night, I snuck down into the basement to see what could be down there – it was the only room he had forbidden me to go into. I searched but couldn’t find anything – but that’s when I suddenly heard him coming down the stairs. I quickly hid myself with a minor illusion, terrified at his fury if he caught me down here. I saw he pressed on a brick, which then revealed a hidden room. In the room, from where I stood – I could see he took a dagger – cut his palm, and then poured red fluid from a vial onto the open wound – clenched his fist, and sat there for almost an hour before, leaving, pressing the brick again, which closed the room and walked upstairs. As he passed me, I could feel that surge of magic emanating from his body.

    I should have left right then and there – honored his privacy, considering the time he had dedicated to me. But the curiosity got the best of me. I pressed on the brick and entered the room, opened the cabinet and there – vials of blood. It looked to be written in an ancient language – but one of the many history books Tarus had forced me to read, showed it was an ancient Elven language, used by the Elves of Lurkwood. They all read the same thing, “Dragon Blood.”

    He was somehow infusing himself with Dragon Blood to enhance his magical abilities. I couldn’t help it – I should have turned around, I should not have pressed the brick – but curiosity struck again – and I took a vial of Dragon Blood.

    The next day is when I told Tarus that I would be departing for Waterdeep to see what the world had to offer, and thanked him profusely for all he had shared with me. As I left, I couldn’t help but think of everything I had read about Undermountain, and the power Tarus told me he sensed. The power of magic was… addicting. What if… what if I could somehow get enough power to steal Undermountain? The whole thing? To claim all of its potential magic for myself.

    The trek to Waterdeep would be boring, but I opened my vest and peeked in, and saw the Dragon Blood vial was still safe, and wondered – at what measure would I go to obtain such power?
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by clash View Post
    You have a gift. I can always come up with a million character concepts I want to play but I get stuck on the backstories
    I love fleshing out things like this! Taking concepts and challenging my brain to come up with something - and flesh it out.
    It's why I love D&D (and DMing) - because I am constantly doing this (not just characters, but cities, history, etc).
    So thank you VERY much for the compliment!

    Quote Originally Posted by bendking View Post
    I like it a lot! I love the background you came up with for the attack, which I never thought of even explaining.
    As for critisism: I kind of would have liked the event to be kept a bit more mysterious for Neivara. I like that I know why what happened to her parents happened, but not necessarily that she would understand it entirely. Also, not entirely sold on Vrocks, as I would have liked something a bit more human-like and yet demonic. But that's a small detail, I can probably find something else scrolling through the DMG :)
    Thanks a lot buddy. Definitely going to use this!
    For Neivara, I left it so that she knows her mother made some kind of deal with this "Bar'garius" "person." But she doesn't know what the deal why or why it was made.
    She knows there's something about a gift - and it seems to have been for her father's extended life.
    So is Bar'garius (in Neivara's mind) a wizard? Or something more sinister? (Like a Horned Devil)
    The whole vision of the dream of her mother at a portal that Neivara has in the past (is more a reflection to show you, the owner of the character) how she came to be born with Wild Magic. (And I thought would make an interesting concept, that this Wild Magic that struck Neivara's mother while she was pregnant, gave the child in the womb - Neivara - the tie to her mother, so that her mother's memories were shared directly with Neivara, as a part of the Wild Magic).

    As for the Vrocks, those were the creepiest demons that had a "human-like" shape that I could come up with, spur of the moment (without digging up my Monster Manual type books!)

    I am flattered that you like it a lot and that you will be using it. :)
    To me, that's one of the greatest flattering things about this entire thread, for me.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatwing View Post
    Kallista Fireheart, Enchanter Wizard, Winged variant Tiefling who ran away from a poor abusive home and taken to passing herself off as a noblewoman
    I will work on something now. :)
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatwing View Post
    Kallista Fireheart, Enchanter Wizard, Winged variant Tiefling who ran away from a poor abusive home and taken to passing herself off as a noblewoman

    So Palina (introduced in this) is an Enchantment Wizard, if that's not obvious.
    And the thing that happens at the end is Hypnotic Gaze, which Enchantment Wizards get at level 2.
    You may still be Level 1, but could brush it off (if the DM allows) as an RP moment, where the power is definitely inside of you...

    Enjoy! Feel free to use or discard! As always - love feedback if you have any, good or bad!
    ================================================== ===========

    My name is Kallista Fireheart, and I am both blessed and cursed.

    I can do what so few can do. At will I can fly into the sky, and share the currents of the wind with an eagle or hawk. I can find my freedom, my peace, and my tranquility in the clouds.

    But I am cursed, by my appearance, for I was born a Tiefling. At first glance, most people think I am a demon of some kind.

    You see, long ago – Asmodeus achieved godhood when he devoured the Divine Spark of Azuth and proclaimed all Tieflings are bound to him and bare his appearance. The truth of the matter is – Tieflings still had free will to do as they wished. But fear creeps into the hearts and minds of people, like a growing shadow as the sun sets on the horizon. Once the shadow of doubt is in their minds, that darkness never really goes away.

    My father, Brell Fireheart took after his name sake. There was so much fire burning in his heart, that he was frequently consumed with rage. I didn’t know then – and I am not even sure I am convinced now – but I believe my father’s heart was bound to Darkness – and that he fought to regain control of it. Whether he was somehow bound to Asmodeus and fighting it – the results for me, were disastrous – especially being his daughter.

    My father frequently lashed out, uncontrollably, and often without reason. First, it was just the words – they cut like daggers through my soul. He told me how I would never be anyone, or amount to anything. This was the worse, because this abuse did not leave bruises on my skin, that I could watch heal – or even show someone that I was suffering abuse.

    It wasn’t long before the physical abuse came, by the time I was sixteen. The black eyes, the bruises, the broken arm – but, as strange as it might sound – I preferred this over the verbal abuse. These wounds I could mend, I could watch heal. The words he spoke to me, with such cruelty, were holes in my heart and soul that I don’t think would ever heal.

    A wizard in the town, had seen me crying in one of my many attempts to run away from home, and took me under their wing. It was a human woman named Palina Stargazer. She had long, flowing blond hair, and the most beautiful of blue eyes. She explained to me, that there was magic in my blood, and that I had the power to make a change in my life.

    It was easy to believe everything she said; it were as if she was peering directly into my tattered heart and soul, and whispering the words I had always wanted to hear. She showed me affection, love and trust, as she taught me the ways of magic. Though I had returned home, and faced the abuse again, just as I had done before, when I had tried to run away, I somehow felt better knowing that in the following mornings, I would be able to leave for the day and see Palina, so that she could continue to teach me the mystical ways of the Arcane world.

    One day, my father, suspicious of my joy, no longer feeling broken under his thumb had followed me to Palina’s home. He had kicked down the door, and demanded that Palina surrender me over to him. But Palina did something that no one else had ever done – she stood up for me and refused my father’s demands, despite his terrifying presence.

    The fire in my father’s heart burst into an inferno, and he lunged at Palina. Palina tried to hold him back with a number of spells, by the fire burned in my father’s eyes, having moved up from his heart. I had never seen him so angry. I heard Palina shout, “Run, Kallista! Run! Take with you what I’ve taught you! I will always be with you, in magic!”

    I did as she said – I ran. I thought that perhaps my father would chase me, but he was so consumed with fury that someone had dared defy him, that he remained focused on Palina. As I fled, I looked back from time to time, and eventually saw smoke rising.

    I knew that was Palina’s home, and that she had, undoubtedly sacrificed herself for me.

    I took to the skies and flew until I could not – and found myself crashing into the brush and branches of a dark forest. I was panting, breathing hard, when I heard a wagon approaching. It was a beautiful wagon, pulled by magnificent horses. For the briefest of moments, I thought, perhaps I had died, and this was my passage to the heavens.

    A handsome man stepped out, and extended his hand. “My lady,” I heard him say. “Do you need assistance?”

    I looked up at him and smiled. As I took his hand into mine, as he pulled me up, I looked deep into his eyes, and smiled, “Why, yes, yes I do.”

    I could almost hear my voice, imitating the tone of Palina – and wondered – is this what she meant when she said she’d always be with me?
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    I've got a concept I've been working on. His name is Thaddeus Hale. He is a human wild shape druid. The idea I had was he was some kind of Teddy Roosevelt/Ernest Hemingway type "gentleman hunter" who stalks powerful creatures, learns their shape, and then defeats them while shaped as the creature.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post

    I left it open as to potentially turning into a War Mage if you go that route...
    As always, I welcome all feedback - good, bad, down the middle - it all helps me grow. :)
    So when I first read this backstory, I thought you were referring to Dragon's Blood, the drug from Eberron, notable for temporarily increasing magical power at the cost of addiction and risk of burnout.

    Especially with quotes like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    The power of magic was… addicting. [...]

    The trek to Waterdeep would be boring, but I opened my vest and peeked in, and saw the Dragon Blood vial was still safe, and wondered – at what measure would I go to obtain such power?
    Which seemed a bit dark for someone calling himself Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zarroch Lirron Eldish, the Third; and a bit of a strange twist to throw into a backstory of a lighthearted character. It would hit noir beats that fit Dragon Heist, with the temptation of magical drugs and addiction, but dropping that in a player's backstory unexpectedly seemed a bit strange, especially given that Dragon's Blood is very tied to Eberron and more specifically the Daask, which doesn't have a clean forgotten realms equivalent.

    ...and then I realized that the trinket table had a vial of literal dragon's blood that you were referring to.

    Back to the technical level instead of roleplaying implications, the story beats of
    (1) an adventuring master;
    (2) who focused on preparing for combat with knowledge;
    (3) who held a grudge against Undermountain;
    (4) and had a terrible secret that would push the PC away from him and out into the world

    All match up perfectly. They explain why a traditional bookish archetype is adventuring; hit his adventuring knowledge despite his first level; and tie together the weaponization of knowledge that he has been wielding in game. (Small sidenote—the illusion would be the sound of a Displacer beast, given the limitations of minor illusion. Still plenty strong to freak people into fleeing!)

    From a technical perspective, the scene you set of Baldur's gate was able to set up descriptive language for two senses—the unusual (to modern eyes) sights of straw on cobblestones; and the smell of moldy straw. Together, they help place your reader in the scene. It's only two sentences, and quite effective. However, in the scene that should hold the most tension, you revert to an impassive description of his actions and don't elaborate deeper—either on an emotional note, drawing on a pained or sorrowful expression as he infused himself, sheer destructive rage that could inspire fear in Fizzle, or otherwise give an emotional tension to the scene, nor do you invoke senses beyond sight, which could let the reader imagine their own atmosphere to get immersed in. Both together, of course, would be an incredibly resonant experience that matches the imprint that this could have had on Fizzle.

    Solid initial attempt!
    Used to be DMofDarkness
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  26. - Top - End - #26
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    So when I first read this backstory, I thought you were referring to Dragon's Blood, the drug from Eberron, notable for temporarily increasing magical power at the cost of addiction and risk of burnout.
    Which seemed a bit dark for someone calling himself Fitzbern Imalgo Zal Zarroch Lirron Eldish, the Third; and a bit of a strange twist to throw into a backstory of a lighthearted character. It would hit noir beats that fit Dragon Heist, with the temptation of magical drugs and addiction, but dropping that in a player's backstory unexpectedly seemed a bit strange, especially given that Dragon's Blood is very tied to Eberron and more specifically the Daask, which doesn't have a clean forgotten realms equivalent.
    ...and then I realized that the trinket table had a vial of literal dragon's blood that you were referring to.
    I've actually never played in Eberron campaign, so I actually know nothing of it (other than briefly playing in DDO - D&D Online, which is based on the Eberron world setting - but I don't think I ever got a character higher than level 5 in that game).

    I'd love to say that I was referencing the trinket table - but, I have to confess the idea of "Dragon Blood" came from here:
    War mages are created through a secret ritual in which the blood of a magical creature, such as a dragon, is combined with that of the applicant. This ritual creates a sort of "artificial" sorcerer.

    But hey! If it's on the trinket chart - all the better! :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    Back to the technical level instead of roleplaying implications, the story beats of
    (1) an adventuring master;
    (2) who focused on preparing for combat with knowledge;
    (3) who held a grudge against Undermountain;
    (4) and had a terrible secret that would push the PC away from him and out into the world

    All match up perfectly. They explain why a traditional bookish archetype is adventuring; hit his adventuring knowledge despite his first level; and tie together the weaponization of knowledge that he has been wielding in game. (Small sidenote—the illusion would be the sound of a Displacer beast, given the limitations of minor illusion. Still plenty strong to freak people into fleeing!)
    I focused on introducing endless amounts of books, because you had noted the Scholar background. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Fable Wright View Post
    From a technical perspective, the scene you set of Baldur's gate was able to set up descriptive language for two senses—the unusual (to modern eyes) sights of straw on cobblestones; and the smell of moldy straw. Together, they help place your reader in the scene. It's only two sentences, and quite effective. However, in the scene that should hold the most tension, you revert to an impassive description of his actions and don't elaborate deeper—either on an emotional note, drawing on a pained or sorrowful expression as he infused himself, sheer destructive rage that could inspire fear in Fizzle, or otherwise give an emotional tension to the scene, nor do you invoke senses beyond sight, which could let the reader imagine their own atmosphere to get immersed in. Both together, of course, would be an incredibly resonant experience that matches the imprint that this could have had on Fizzle.
    Solid initial attempt!
    A lot of times, I will begin writing - read what I wrote - pause - think what should be next - and write - which, sadly, can lead to a change of perception of the story telling.

    I rarely (if ever) go back and edit these. I typically take these as a chance to do some creative writing - and challenge myself to write these in less than an hour. (Not that no one deserves more time, but because I feel like it helps me focus on writing - rather than getting lost in the details of how I should REALLY flesh it out - and end up with a 10 page story, for someone's simple background!) I am not sure anyone wants that!

    But thank you for suggesting it, reading it - and most importantly for the feedback - this truly helps me!
    So - Thank you! I truly enjoyed writing it. :)
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by HeartlessBow View Post
    I've got a concept I've been working on. His name is Thaddeus Hale. He is a human wild shape druid. The idea I had was he was some kind of Teddy Roosevelt/Ernest Hemingway type "gentleman hunter" who stalks powerful creatures, learns their shape, and then defeats them while shaped as the creature.
    Oh! I will enjoy writing this.
    My wife is currently dragging me off to watch the last 2 episodes of Season 3 of Stranger ThingS. But I will write something tonight, when that's done!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    These have been great so far! I hope you have time and inspiration to help me.

    I've got a chaotic good human conquest paladin named Jesse Wolfwood who I've envisioned to be a bit of a drinking gambling cowboy driven by dispensing "justice" on his own terms. I'm refluffing the tenants of his oath to be "Oath of the Vigilante." I haven't come up with a reason for why yet, but somehow he's decided that while the law and authorities often mean well, they're prone to corruption and inaction. As such, while he isn't actively working against the legal authorities, he doesn't feel bound by them at all. This may have resulted in him having some run ins with the law.

    Also, I haven't written the specifics of the tenants yet, so feel free to include any that you feel fit into the backstory. I know they're still going to be focused on using strength and fear to accomplish his goals similar to conquest paladins, but also more positive like inspiring/protecting the helpless while striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. I'm overly lawful myself, so I'm trying to write tenants that force me to get in character and act in ways I wouldn't normally. All that said, you didn't offer to write tenants, so feel free to skip this part.

    Lastly, if you're familiar with LMoP from the starter set, some connection to the adventure would be great. My current plan was to have Jesse on a path of vigilante justice involving the Redbrands, but I don't really know anything about them yet, which makes it difficult to come up with details. Thanks!

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    I could actually use a hand. I have the bones of a backstory, but I'm missing the middle part, I'm not sure how this character got from where she started to where she is.

    Ilya (eastern European surname)
    Tiefling Wizard (Divination)
    Background: Entertainer

    Born human in a diabolic cult, profane rituals performed near-constantly during infancy have resulted in a fiendish aspect. Whatever the cultists were trying to turn her into was thwarted when she was abducted from the cult by her older siblings around age 4.

    They lived on the run from the cult, which doggedly pursued the trio in the early years.

    At some point, Ilya fell in with a troupe of traveling performers and learned to act as a fortune teller.

    At another point, before or after joining the traveling performers, Ilya was separated from her siblings.

    She's currently still with the troupe as they arrive in the port town of Saltmarsh, but is intensely concerned with finding her lost siblings.

    A key aspect of this character is despite being a wizard, she has no formal arcane training. Only a elderly guide who taught her about (performance level) fortune telling, and a mysterious feeling that the cards "speak to her" when she holds them. (Mechanically, my tarot deck functions as both my spellbook and arcane focus. This character casts spells by channeling them through specific cards.)

    I greatly appreciate any assistance with hammering these disparate ideas into a cohesive story.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by HeartlessBow View Post
    I've got a concept I've been working on. His name is Thaddeus Hale. He is a human wild shape druid. The idea I had was he was some kind of Teddy Roosevelt/Ernest Hemingway type "gentleman hunter" who stalks powerful creatures, learns their shape, and then defeats them while shaped as the creature.
    Done with Stranger Things... and Lord, if you've not watched it folks - WATCH IT. This so much better than Season 2 (which was very "meh" to me).

    So I will start working on your gentleman hunter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malkavia View Post
    These have been great so far! I hope you have time and inspiration to help me.
    I've got a chaotic good human conquest paladin named Jesse Wolfwood

    Quote Originally Posted by AvvyR View Post
    I could actually use a hand. I have the bones of a backstory, but I'm missing the middle part, I'm not sure how this character got from where she started to where she is.
    Ilya (eastern European surname)
    Tiefling Wizard (Divination)
    Background: Entertainer
    Will definitely take these on in the order they rolled in. Thank you all for trusting me to see if what I create feeds well into your characters! <3
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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