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  1. - Top - End - #511
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Tawmis's Avatar

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Great Dragon View Post
    This Challenge is meant to be a heavy Investigation and Roleplaying situation, and since I'm only good at Plot Ideas and Mechanical twerking, I place this here to see how you spin this one.
    Unlike a lot of my Characters, this one has not been "placed" anywhere in the World yet, so you have full freedom to do what you want.
    Using the PoVs of either (one or more of) the Townspeople or the dPC (or switching between them) should make for an interesting challenge for you.
    Spoiler: Darker Path

    The small town is located between two major trade Cities but remote enough that Wilderness Encounters are more common. Mixed Races live (mostly) peacefully together.
    Everyone in town knows about the Copper Dragon family that has their Lair somewhere nearby.
    Most Dragon family members are seen in town in their Humanoid forms.
    But, the appearance of what looks like a Green Dragon Wyrmling has the townsfolk upset and traveling armed.
    Rizalyxev Rambreaker
    Copper Dragon Wyrmling
    Spoiler: Stuff

    Str 15, Dex 12, Con 14,
    Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 13.
    AC 16. HP 30.
    Speed 30, Climb 30, Fly 60.
    Blindsight 10' Darkvision 60'
    Saves: Str +3, Con +3, Wis +2, Cha +3
    Skills: Perception, Intimidation.
    Breath (recharges on 5-6)
    Acid 4d8 Dex DC 12 for half
    Slowing Con DC 12. 1 minute.
    Half Speed: No Reactions:
    Either Action or Bonus Action.
    Lair actions as per MM

    "Mother believed that I was Cursed by Tiamat upon my hatching, after my Father commented on how I looked more like a Green Dragon than a Copper. While I wasn't rejected by my parents, none of my siblings liked me, and constantly make sure I know this.
    I also found that Shapechanging was difficult for me, and as such I had more negative Encounters with "people" than any of my siblings.
    As such, I hate everyone but my parents. I love my Mother and respect my Father.
    I have taken over the Tunnels and Chambers of what was a Goblin nest, recently cleared out local "Adventuring" groups cutting their teeth learning their profession. I have made it my Lair, and after dedicating the time needed, I have some nice tricks to use on anyone trying to oust me.
    Now, I'm out to prove to all those "Superior" people just how wrong they are…."

    The main thing I'm looking for (in addition to a cool Backstory) are Clues about this dPC for the Players to have their Characters find by Investigation and RP with the Townspeople, ideas about the Personalities of various Dragon Family members, and Hints that maybe there is a misunderstanding about this dPC, and after Exploring to find the correct caverns, there is the Major Encounter in the Wyrmling's Lair.
    Both Combat and Roleplaying are possible. Depending on how this dPC is dealt with, he can become a Great Ally or a Major Foe.
    From PM:
    One of the things that I thought of after I posted this idea, was that to cause further confusion, there could be an actual Green Dragon Wyrmling (of random gender) that also has a Lair somewhere in the area. Starts out not knowing about the dPC, but once it does, is out to cause as much trouble and confusion as possible.
    Well, I look forward to seeing what you do with this.
    A hero is only as good - or interesting - as his villain.
    And the idea of having an actual Green Dragon Wyrmling being involved spawned the entire thing...
    So we see some of the point of the view from the townsfolk from the town...
    We see a brief view from Rambreaker, our beloved cursed Copper Dragon...
    But then we get an inside look and thoughts of the actual Green Dragon Wyrmling...
    I think I definitely opened some potential ideas for you to explore...
    And tied it all to my beloved and dreaded, Emereth...
    The title is a poke at A Tale of Two Cities...
    As both our cursed Copper Dragon and the Green Dragon Wyrmling both want the same thing - make their mother proud because they love her.

    As always, I'd love feedback!
    ================================================== ================

    The Terribly Confusing Tale of Two Dragons.

    “Well,” Kole sat down and gestured to the barkeep to bring another beer, “if you ask me, that dragon is trouble. Saw it sweep down on my live stock. Picked up Bessy and just flew off with her. Haven’t seen Bessy since, and that was six days ago.”

    “It can’t be,” Tanya shook her head. “I was out harvesting the lands, just beyond the town’s walls, when a group of goblins got the drop on me. I would have been dead had it not been the arrival of Rambreaker.”

    “Rambreaker,” Kole shook his head. “Why do you call that foul beast Rambreaker?”

    “Because after it killed the goblins, it stopped to ensure I was all right,” Tanya explained. “And I asked it its name. Well, first it said it was Rizalyxevyezeriot or something – but when I looked confused, it explained that it translated to ‘Rambreaker.’”

    “More like ‘Sheepstealer’,” Kole took a big drink of his mug of ale and wiped his beard with the back of his sleeve.

    “You must be mistaken,” Tanya was convinced Kole was wrong. “Having this dragon protect us is the best of times!”

    “The worse of times! The damn thing stole one of my sheep!” He shook his head. “Bessy was the best sheep for sheering off the coat. Without the wool, we’re in financial distress…”

    “But have you not seen those magical carvings that have appeared? They’re of the dragon, and so … happy looking. Sometimes… I see it… smile… and laugh,” Tanya replied. (1)

    “I am going to have to agree with Kole, Tanya,” Bayrd replied. “Everyone knows that Green Dragons – along with Red, Black, Blue, and White – are all evil. They’re simply bred that way. The bloodline of Tiamat.”

    Tanya peered out the window of the old ‘Bark Wood Tavern’ and sighed wistfully, “But what if this one is different? Somehow free of Tiamat’s curse?”

    Even as Tanya gazed out the window, Rizalyxev – better known as “Rambreaker” to someone – emerged from his den; a cavern that had formerly belonged to a group of goblins; most of whom had been killed by Adventurers passing through the area. The few that had survived were tracked down by Rambreaker.

    My name is Rizalyxev – some of the mortals I have interacted with know me as “Rambreaker.” My scales are as emerald as the forests at the base of the mountain I call home; however, this is believed to be due to a curse. As it would so happen, my mother – a Copper Dragon name Tylienia – “The Sun Scale” – had killed the youngling of a Green Dragon named Emereth, to protect her own young. Emereth was so furious she appealed to Tiamat to curse my mother. Tiamat, knowing Emereth and how she had faithfully served her, granted her the boon. I am, in truth, a Copper Dragon, but was born with scales of green. The irony, my father claims, is that I was a symbol of the youngling that my mother had killed, defending me and my siblings; and that as I grew in age, Adventurers would seek me out, believing I was evil, to put an end to me.

    When I was old enough, I left my mother and father behind, as I felt that sightings of me flying around might jeopardized them. Now this former goblin den is my home.

    The local town, near the base of the mountain is where I’ve made an effort to show them that I am not evil, by helping them when I can. One such example is when the goblins who had survived the attack on their den from the adventurers, ambushed a mortal woman. I flew down and killed the goblins and ensured the woman was unharmed.

    Things seem like they might be going good.

    But things would quickly take a turn.

    To further complicate matters, I believe I have seen a green dragon, around my age also flying around. The humans cannot distinguish the difference between it and me, so there is some confusion. Understandably so. I have tried to track the Green Wyrmling, but it continues to elude me. (2)

    My name is Vazerthyn – though, I’ve told some of the mortals my name is “Rambreaker.” I have been following Rizalyxev for several years. His mother murdered one of my brothers, before I was born; my mother, Emereth has never forgiven her. My mother told me about Tiamat’s curse that was bestowed upon the murderess and found Rizalyxev one day. She revealed his location to me and I have done everything I can to ensure he will never know peace.

    He’s recently taken up residence in an abandoned goblin cavern and trying to gain allies with the mortals at the nearby village; undoubtedly in hopes that they would befriend him and ensure any adventurers who came along to not harm him. I can’t allow him to have a peaceful life. Sometimes I strike at day, sometimes at night – but I always make enough noise to be heard, as I use my breath on live stock to kill them. I’ve yet to kill one of the mortals; because then they would come up and hunt him down and kill him.

    I don’t want that. Not yet. I want to enjoy tormenting him because I know he can’t track me, no matter how hard he might try.

    He knows I am here. He knows what I am doing.

    But there’s no one who can help him. Because no will trust him.

    His scales are green; just like mine.

    Adventurers will kill him if they see him. The towns people below are torn, confused. They see him helping them; but then they see me – believing it’s him – killing their livestock. Some may seek to protect him; but others may hire adventurers to try and kill him.

    How ironic would it be that I would have to intervene and kill the adventurers because I don’t want him killed yet?

    He will suffer. I will ensure he will suffer.

    My name is Vazerthyn and I will avenge my brother and make my mother proud.

    (1) From the Copper Dragon Wymling: Magic carvings of the dragon’s smiling visage can be seen worked into stone terrain and objects within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair. See:
    (2) One of the abilities of a Green Dragon Wyrmling: Within 1 mile of its lair, the dragon leaves no physical evidence of its passage unless it wishes to. Tracking it there is impossible except by magical means. In addition, it ignores movement impediments and damage from plants in this area that are neither magical nor creatures, including the thickets described above. The plants remove themselves from the dragon’s path. See:
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-10-11 at 01:55 AM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

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  2. - Top - End - #512
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Hello OP! how do you do?

    While I'm already working on a character right now, I think that two brains are better than one, so I'll gratefully take you up on your offer.

    You said Name/Race/Class and general outline if existing.

    *Name: Shou Akimura (翔 秋村 the kanji characters means Soaring for the first name, Autumn-Village for the last name, which is rare but exist irl) (I'm no "{scrubbed}" or anything, just a student majoring in Japanese in the mood for a serious eastern character).
    *Race: human
    *Class: fighter
    *General outline: child of members of small land nobility. Eventually ran way from home and joined an adventuring group due to being ostracized (see below) and because of fear of a noble's responsibilities, obligations and constraints.
    *Particularities: just one - for whatever reason (up to you, OP), he was born (blessed? cursed?) with hermaphroditism, which obviously caused some issues eventually. As stated previously it's mostly others who had issues with this, the man himself learned to live with it. (I took inspiration from Legend of the Five Rings' "horrible secret" disadvantage)

    Again, thanks for offering the service OP, looking forward to what you might cook up :)
    Last edited by Peelee; 2019-10-14 at 01:15 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #513
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    @Tawmis: Beautiful!!
    My Knowledge, Understanding, and Opinion on things can be changed
    No offense is intended by anything I post.
    *Limited Playtest Group - I'm mostly Stuck in the White Room.
    *I am learning valuable things, here. So thanks, everyone!

  4. - Top - End - #514
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by synapsecod View Post
    Hello Tawmis!
    I stumbled upon this thread. I am very much impressed by your writing, and wanted to ask you to have a go at a character idea that I have. I hope your talent will help me understand my character's personality better.
    Here is a starting point that may help you:
    Name: Vesper (still need a last name)
    Race: Changeling, has spent most of their time after the Academy as a male human private investigator (Vesper)
    Gender: Male (technically only the gender of this particular persona)
    Class: 1 lvl Cleric (knowledge) / 1 lvl Wizard (school of enchantment)
    Background: Private Investigator
    Alignment: (Chaotic) Neutral
    Personality: Let your creativity go wild!
    - I would like something to do with the evil goddess Shar. Maybe I am a cleric of hers, or maybe I pray to her on the side?
    - I like to imagine I had found the love of my life at the Academy, but something happened to her.
    - Or anything else. Let your imagination go wild!
    I am very curious what you will come up with! Feel free to change anything I have suggested above :)
    Thanks in advance!
    This was quite fun to write... and I had an opportunity to tie it to some existing backgrounds I've previously written (see the notes at the end), which is always fun.
    I really dove in with this character...
    I think the idea of him calling on Shar, who I knew about, but never really READ UP ON, really gave me a doorway.
    I think we all deal with darkness in our souls... some more than others...
    Creative folks seem to have an insatiable darkness that feeds on our souls...
    So I was able to really connect with this character...
    And added a twisted bit of irony (which might be recognizable before it's plainly stated at the end)...
    As always, I appreciate feedback!

    Much like the world we live in; we are all born with darkness inside of us. For some, the darkness is a brief shadow, destroyed by the light of hope. For others, the darkness lingers, like a long, starless night where not even the moon dare show her face.

    My name is Vesper, and I was born into this world a Changeling. My mother, Kiiso, is a Changeling like myself. She says that she used to travel with a band of Gypsies, before joining a Monastery and finding peace. One of her mentors at the Monastery sensed great magic in her and taught her the ways of Wizardry.

    That same sense of magic passed through my mother into me. Perhaps because my mother sensed that magic coursing in my veins, or perhaps because she sensed the darkness, even at a young age that lingered in my soul.

    I’ve always felt that there was nothing that was simply mine. Not even my birth. I was born with a twin brother, who in every regard was the opposite of me. Where I seemed to see the darker side of things, he was overly optimistic. Where I was weaker and had magic, my brother was stronger, more agile. In appearance, we were exactly alike; but in every other regard, we were twins who could not be any more different if we had tried.

    My mother tended to me since my brother, Varkaun, seemed to be well adjusted. Like me, he was a Changeling, but he wore his Mask beautifully, and the ladies always seemed to look at him, even as I walked next to him. My mother shared with me the knowledge she gained when she was a gypsy, on how to read people, and learn to pick up on small things – she called them “signs” in how people react to things, whether it was a nervous twitch of their nose when they lied, or how they tugged at their ear when they were lying.

    When I was old enough, my Mother sent me to Darius Mage Tower (2) in Silverymoon where I met Carmyar, a beautiful Moon Elf, with long, blond hair, as bright and warm as the sun; and eyes, a soft green like the rolling hills. I’d never seen someone of such… beauty.

    I didn’t know how to speak to her. Like me, she was studying magic – but I did not know how to approach her. All too often she caught me glancing at her as she walked by; I was too enthralled by her beauty to be aware she was looking at me, smiling back at me.

    One day, our teacher had asked us to pair up with other students, and I had not connected with any of them over the weeks, so I was pleasantly surprised when Carmyar was standing next to me.

    “Would you like to me my partner?” she asked her voice like a gentle note of music.

    I stammered over my words, before I finally said, “Yes. Yes. Yes I would. Please.”

    She sat next to me, and even as she did so, it was as if she did it all in slow motion. It took great effort to not stare at her constantly as we worked together to understand magic.

    After that class, we’d spend days walking together, talking about our lives, and the magic we felt coursing in our bodies. It’d been one of those nights, when the stars were aligned, the full moon watching us, casting beautiful shadows on her face, that I leaned forward to kiss her, and just as our lips were about to touch, a familiar voice said, “There you are brother!”

    Carmyar and I both jumped at the unexpected sound. It’d been my brother Varkaun.

    “What are you doing here?” I growled.

    “I’d not seen you in a long time, brother, I came to see how you were doing,” he replied. “And,” he looked at Carmyar, “I see you’re doing quite fine. She’s quite beautiful.”

    I saw Carmyar blush.

    She looked at me, tugging at strands of her hair, “You did not tell me you had a brother.”

    “You didn’t speak of me brother? I am wounded!” He extended his arm, “Allow me to fill you in about me.”

    Carmyar took his arm and the two began to walk off, talking, leaving me to stand in the darkness as a cloud passed over the bright moon, drowning me in darkness.

    I ran away from the school that night, so desperate to get away. I ran blindly, tears streaking my eyes, until I finally collapsed. Through blurred vision, I cast my gaze up at the moon that seemed to be emerging from the dark clouds and saw the moon had been purple with a dark ring around it.

    I heard a voice in my head, “Shar…”

    The goddess… she could take away pain… make people forget…

    I closed my eyes and prayed to her.

    Surprisingly – whether I was mad or it was real – I heard a voice in my soul. “You are like me. A twin made of light has taken everything from you. I can help you forget that pain. Live in the shadows of your soul and call upon me as the one you love above all else, and I will help you…”

    “I embrace the darkness,” I whispered.

    And in that moment, the pain, the loss, was washed away.

    I was free.

    ============ NOTES ===========

    (1) The reference of Kiiso as the mother comes from another person’s background I wrote, not too long ago, who was also a Changeling (“female”). So with the idea that perhaps in this complex multiverse of realities, this same Kiiso was your character’s mother, some years after her adventuring career had come to an end and she settled down or, it’s completely unrelated, and your mother, Kiiso, simply has the same name; with “Kiiso” being a common name (like “Bob”, “Robert”, “David”, “Thomas” in English). In the end, it doesn’t take away or add to your character’s own background, other than having a named mother. I simply enjoy tying in things like this if I can. Kiiso’s origin story is here:

    (2) The Darius Mage Tower also appears in a previously written story I wrote; and I used that to tie in your love interest to the character that that piece had been written for. Again, doesn’t add or take away from your story, and is just another way of me tying in character backgrounds together, to make the Tawmis-Verse as it’s been playfully called, feel more alive by being connected. Carmyar’s story is here (to see what eventually happens to the school) - and her brother’s origin which directly ties to hers is here:
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  5. - Top - End - #515
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Hello Tawmis, this whole thread is one massive work of art, and one of the best things I've seen here in the playground.

    I'm not going to lie I am bad at writing backgrounds even the most cliche so why not ask a great storyteller to write one.

    PC name: Rerat Zallend (male)
    Race: human
    Class: Fighter 2
    Background: Sailor

    His life brought him to a kingdom in the center of the continent far away from the sea.

    This is little to nothing so you would have complete freedom to do whatever you want with it. If this is too boring for your standars I hunderstand.

    Anyway keep the great work and have a nice day.

  6. - Top - End - #516
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    This is awesome! I love that there's some new blood diving in here for requests! I feel flattered!

    So far the order is...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyracian View Post
    I thought I would see if you can help me expand what I have.
    Your character's
    Name: Redvus Dundonald
    Race: Hill Dwarf
    Class: Cleric of the Forge (Divine Soul Sorcerer later)
    Background: Sailor
    rough outline for a backstory:
    Viking Dwarf Priest!
    Following a self-imposed exile from the order or Solarus [sun god forger of the world] Redvus is seeking to try and find an answer to the infighting between the dwarven factions* by spending time with other cultures. He can trace his ancestors back ten generations to a dwarven demi-god and was drawn to the priesthood at a young age when he felt the healing magics flowing through his blood.
    Decedent of a God
    Reading Percy Jackson books to my daughter it got me thinking about what his children would be. First quarter-gods then eight-gods and after ten generations there would still be some divine blood in the lineage. This seemed a great idea for a character background. Drawn towards the Cleric class by a natural affinity for the Gods and then multi-class with Divine Soul Sorcerer to play up the bloodline.
    Why Adventure?
    I always like to have some reason for a character to be wandering around adventuring. In the game world there is a schism between the Luddites and Steamer in Dwarven culture; those that want to embrace new technology [gunpower] and those that do not. How does this affect the priesthood? Might priests get banished from the order or choice to remove themselves seeking to try and find an answer by spending time with other cultures. A self-imposed exile as a journey of discovery seems a good reason for a character to be out and about in the world.
    Followed by:
    This one is sure to be a challenge! Between the setting and the specific reason for the self exile!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aidamis View Post
    Hello OP! how do you do?
    While I'm already working on a character right now, I think that two brains are better than one, so I'll gratefully take you up on your offer.
    You said Name/Race/Class and general outline if existing.
    *Name: Shou Akimura (翔 秋村 the kanji characters means Soaring for the first name, Autumn-Village for the last name, which is rare but exist irl) (I'm no "{scrub the post, scrub the quote}" or anything, just a student majoring in Japanese in the mood for a serious eastern character).
    *Race: human
    *Class: fighter
    *General outline: child of members of small land nobility. Eventually ran way from home and joined an adventuring group due to being ostracized (see below) and because of fear of a noble's responsibilities, obligations and constraints.
    *Particularities: just one - for whatever reason (up to you, OP), he was born (blessed? cursed?) with hermaphroditism, which obviously caused some issues eventually. As stated previously it's mostly others who had issues with this, the man himself learned to live with it. (I took inspiration from Legend of the Five Rings' "horrible secret" disadvantage)
    Again, thanks for offering the service OP, looking forward to what you might cook up :)
    And then finally:
    Quote Originally Posted by Trandir View Post
    Hello Tawmis, this whole thread is one massive work of art, and one of the best things I've seen here in the playground.
    I'm not going to lie I am bad at writing backgrounds even the most cliche so why not ask a great storyteller to write one.
    PC name: Rerat Zallend (male)
    Race: human
    Class: Fighter 2
    Background: Sailor
    His life brought him to a kingdom in the center of the continent far away from the sea.
    This is little to nothing so you would have complete freedom to do whatever you want with it. If this is too boring for your standars I hunderstand.
    Anyway keep the great work and have a nice day.
    May have time this weekend to knock some of these out. (I've written my first module for DMsGuild - see signature - and working on my next one!) But I love doing these backgrounds so I will try to set aside time to roll these out!

    Thank you for taking the time to visit and post. :)
    Last edited by Peelee; 2019-10-14 at 01:16 AM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  7. - Top - End - #517
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I think we all deal with darkness in our souls... some more than others...
    Creative folks seem to have an insatiable darkness that feeds on our souls...
    So I was able to really connect with this character...
    And added a twisted bit of irony (which might be recognizable before it's plainly stated at the end)...
    This is why I also gravitated towards Shar. She is so interesting. I think many people would be able to relate to her.

    I LOVE the analogy. The foreshadowing in the first sentence... amazing!
    As a matter of fact I really enjoyed the whole story. It shone a new light (or darkness for that matter) on Vesper. It inspired me in many ways. Thank you so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    One day, our teacher had asked us to pair up with other students, and I had not connected with any of them over the weeks, so I was pleasantly surprised when Carmyar was standing next to me.

    “Would you like to me my partner?” she asked her voice like a gentle note of music.

    I stammered over my words, before I finally said, “Yes. Yes. Yes I would. Please.”

    She sat next to me, and even as she did so, it was as if she did it all in slow motion. It took great effort to not stare at her constantly as we worked together to understand magic.

    After that class, we’d spend days walking together, talking about our lives, and the magic we felt coursing in our bodies. It’d been one of those nights, when the stars were aligned, the full moon watching us, casting beautiful shadows on her face, that I leaned forward to kiss her, and just as our lips were about to touch, a familiar voice said, “There you are brother!”
    I really like this part! I may change it so that the relationship had developed even further, to make the misery even greater when Vesper's brother steals her away;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I heard a voice in my head, “Shar…”

    The goddess… she could take away pain… make people forget…

    I closed my eyes and prayed to her.

    Surprisingly – whether I was mad or it was real – I heard a voice in my soul. “You are like me. A twin made of light has taken everything from you. I can help you forget that pain. Live in the shadows of your soul and call upon me as the one you love above all else, and I will help you…”

    “I embrace the darkness,” I whispered.
    This is such as nice piece as well! Really shows that you don't have to be evil to give in to darkness, going through a rough patch might do it (temporarily). I am really curious how Vesper will get passed this :)

    The study of enchantment magic is very dangerous if you're lost and not bound much by morals. I am very curious where this leaves Vesper. Thank you so much. This character already has quite a bit of depth already and the game has not even started yet ;)

  8. - Top - End - #518
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by synapsecod View Post
    This is why I also gravitated towards Shar. She is so interesting. I think many people would be able to relate to her.
    I LOVE the analogy. The foreshadowing in the first sentence... amazing!
    As a matter of fact I really enjoyed the whole story. It shone a new light (or darkness for that matter) on Vesper. It inspired me in many ways. Thank you so much!
    Thank YOU for giving me the chance to explore your character.

    Quote Originally Posted by synapsecod View Post
    I really like this part! I may change it so that the relationship had developed even further, to make the misery even greater when Vesper's brother steals her away;)
    By all means, change up what you need/want! When I was in Vesper's head, to me he was someone who never got what he wanted... he always got close... but never crossed the line to success. So to be right there at the cusp of having what he's always wanted and have the rug pulled from underneath him - by his brother no less - was why I had it before the relationship ever happened. That way there's always this lingering feeling that she was the one... but in truth he would never know. It's the big "What if she and I had kissed" that devours the soul.

    Quote Originally Posted by synapsecod View Post
    This is such as nice piece as well! Really shows that you don't have to be evil to give in to darkness, going through a rough patch might do it (temporarily). I am really curious how Vesper will get passed this :)
    Darkness... depression... it's very easy to fall deeper into it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by synapsecod View Post
    The study of enchantment magic is very dangerous if you're lost and not bound much by morals. I am very curious where this leaves Vesper. Thank you so much. This character already has quite a bit of depth already and the game has not even started yet ;)
    Was honored to be of service!
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  9. - Top - End - #519
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    You know what? Sure!

    Name: Ssirath
    Race: Lizardfolk
    Background: Sailor
    Class: Cleric (Tempest)
    Alignment: Chaotic Natural

    Character traits: So first of all, I'm going to use "he" for ease of speaking/writing. The character is genderless. He believes society needs to be taken down a couple notches to allow nature to reclaim its primacy. He also tends to be very survivalist; he has no problem with necromancy and butchering the corpses of humanoids for rations, but only because he doesn't want to waste the resources. With regards to Good and Evil, I'm not sure if he actually understands what they are, seeing them as unnecessary for survival.

    I'm thinking he was raised as a shaman but was cast out due to his innate survivalist tendencies being frowned upon; some view him as corrupting the natural order while he views is as using every part of the animal. He was taught as a shaman but wound up scavenging from humans and has no problem with wearing metal armor.

    I dunno... anything else?
    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Where did you start yours?

    In a mountain after a cave-in.

    Str: 14 Dex: 8 Con: 12 Int: 15 Wis: 10 Cha: 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Vrock_Summoner View Post
    I wish I had you for a DM...
    Please critique my 5e Beguiler Wizard subclass!

  10. - Top - End - #520
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by GreyBlack View Post
    You know what? Sure!
    Name: Ssirath
    Race: Lizardfolk
    Background: Sailor
    Class: Cleric (Tempest)
    Alignment: Chaotic Natural
    Character traits: So first of all, I'm going to use "he" for ease of speaking/writing. The character is genderless. He believes society needs to be taken down a couple notches to allow nature to reclaim its primacy. He also tends to be very survivalist; he has no problem with necromancy and butchering the corpses of humanoids for rations, but only because he doesn't want to waste the resources. With regards to Good and Evil, I'm not sure if he actually understands what they are, seeing them as unnecessary for survival.
    I'm thinking he was raised as a shaman but was cast out due to his innate survivalist tendencies being frowned upon; some view him as corrupting the natural order while he views is as using every part of the animal. He was taught as a shaman but wound up scavenging from humans and has no problem with wearing metal armor.
    I dunno... anything else?
    This is all I need. Added to the list!
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  11. - Top - End - #521
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    This is all I need. Added to the list!
    Thank you so much!
    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.

    Where did you start yours?

    In a mountain after a cave-in.

    Str: 14 Dex: 8 Con: 12 Int: 15 Wis: 10 Cha: 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Vrock_Summoner View Post
    I wish I had you for a DM...
    Please critique my 5e Beguiler Wizard subclass!

  12. - Top - End - #522
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    i'll try. you do great work!
    Name: Am Truesnout
    race: Human
    Class- wizard (evoker or war mage, not sure yet)
    he's a chaotic Neural character, somewhat young. he is a Pyromancer, and he LOVES fire. he did't have a terribly tragic backstory, and he's not evil, but his Ideal/bond is "I want to watch the world burn" Not exactly Evil, he's just lost the ability to care. He comes from waterdeep, but he doesn't stay there for long.
    Last edited by Goldlizard; 2019-10-18 at 02:58 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #523
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyracian View Post
    I thought I would see if you can help me expand what I have.
    Your character's
    Name: Redvus Dundonald
    Race: Hill Dwarf
    Class: Cleric of the Forge (Divine Soul Sorcerer later)
    Background: Sailor
    rough outline for a backstory:
    Viking Dwarf Priest!
    Following a self-imposed exile from the order or Solarus [sun god forger of the world] Redvus is seeking to try and find an answer to the infighting between the dwarven factions* by spending time with other cultures. He can trace his ancestors back ten generations to a dwarven demi-god and was drawn to the priesthood at a young age when he felt the healing magics flowing through his blood.

    Decedent of a God
    Reading Percy Jackson books to my daughter it got me thinking about what his children would be. First quarter-gods then eight-gods and after ten generations there would still be some divine blood in the lineage. This seemed a great idea for a character background. Drawn towards the Cleric class by a natural affinity for the Gods and then multi-class with Divine Soul Sorcerer to play up the bloodline.

    Why Adventure?
    I always like to have some reason for a character to be wandering around adventuring. In the game world there is a schism between the Luddites and Steamer in Dwarven culture; those that want to embrace new technology [gunpower] and those that do not. How does this affect the priesthood? Might priests get banished from the order or choice to remove themselves seeking to try and find an answer by spending time with other cultures. A self-imposed exile as a journey of discovery seems a good reason for a character to be out and about in the world.
    This was fun to write...
    I tried to capture the Viking feel, by introducing this concept that your people were always at war with a common foe...
    Before things turned to inside fighting...
    And the reason for the evolution of that inside fighting...
    As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Good or bad!

    My people were born into this world, under the guidance of Solarus, God of the Sun, Forger of the World. We have channeled his powers into our own; creating forges that burn so hot and so bright that we can forge and shape metals.

    Living in the Great White North, life was often short and brutal. If the chill of the frozen nights did not freeze you, the lack of food made survival difficult. If those did not take your life, then the Ogres of the Great White North, were there to fight for everything you wanted – whether that was warmth or food.

    For as long as I can remember, my people have waged a war against the Ogres of the Great White North.

    Our children are bred to be warriors from an early age, and the idea of growing old was not one many ever considered.

    Something in recent years has changed, however. Our people have discovered a combustible powder that can be focused into a steel pipe and project objects at incredible speed, causing immense damage. While, at this stage, it’s currently only large objects; so we’ve created what we’ve dubbed a cannon to fire upon the invading Ogres. One would think that this might be a good thing; but those who developed this powder are already finding ways to hone this down to smaller objects, so that one day, we might be able to carry a destructive force in our hands just as easily as one carries a sword or axe.

    A revolt by many who oppose this has torn our kingdom apart. They’ve been attacking the forges that make these cannons and going as far as abducting and beating those who are working on the smaller versions of the cannon, even threatening their families.

    We now fight a war on two fronts and each day the Ogres draw closer and closer to these hills we call home and have fought so hard to protect.

    Those that oppose this technology fear that these weapons will be turned on ourselves and cause harm; while those who make it, swear it will only be used for defense.

    I’ve seen both sides of this. The makers of these weapons are trying to do what’s best for the Kingdom; and those who fear the results, also believe they’re doing what’s best for the Kingdom.

    My own blood traces back at least ten generations, where the blood of my god courses through my veins. I am not a divine being, but perhaps because of the bloodline, I am a loyal, faithful member of the Church of Solarus; and I have called upon my god to guide me in this internal struggle between my people, but I’ve not heard anything.

    Perhaps he is inundated by the prayers of my people, and I must find the answer myself.

    Tonight, I set sail to new lands, to see how others in this world settle these internal wars… I only pray that I return in time to save my people…

    My name is Redvus Dundonald, and I am the descendant of a god, and the light of hope for my people…
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  14. - Top - End - #524
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    This was fun to write...
    I tried to capture the Viking feel, by introducing this concept that your people were always at war with a common foe...
    Before things turned to inside fighting...
    And the reason for the evolution of that inside fighting...
    As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Good or bad!
    Thank you that is great! We have our session zero on Sunday so perfectly timed. Might need to change the Ogres to something else but I like the concept of the third force. Will see what the DM will let me add to their world.

  15. - Top - End - #525
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyracian View Post
    Thank you that is great! We have our session zero on Sunday so perfectly timed. Might need to change the Ogres to something else but I like the concept of the third force. Will see what the DM will let me add to their world.
    Yes, it can be changed to something like goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, etc., but I feel like the introduction of a third force really helps explain WHY there's guns being made...
    And why there's a conflict AMONG your own people.

    Like one side sees it as safety (keep the enemy at bay), the other side sees it as (what stops someone from using it against us, especially once guns are introduced?)
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-10-17 at 05:00 PM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  16. - Top - End - #526
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Yes, it can be changed to something like goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, etc., but I feel like the introduction of a third force really helps explain WHY there's guns being made...
    And why there's a conflict AMONG your own people.
    Like one side sees it as safety (keep the enemy at bay), the other side sees it as (what stops someone from using it against us, especially once guns are introduced?)
    DM let me keep the Ogres! Made a few changes to add in local world detail and the fact pistols already exist. Thank you again this looks awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redvus
    My people were born into this world, under the guidance of Solarus, God of the Sun, Forger of the World. We have channeled his powers into our own; creating forges that burn so hot and so bright that we can forge and shape metals. We build Knight Hold a small dwarven community in the foothills of the Scion mountain range. Living there life was often short and brutal. If the chill of the frozen nights did not freeze you, the lack of food made survival difficult. If those did not take your life then the Ogres of the Great White North were there to fight for everything you wanted – whether that was warmth or food.

    For as long as I can remember, my people have waged a war against these Ogres who come to pilage and plunder our lands. Our children are bred to be warriors from an early age, and for generations the idea of growing old was not one many ever considered. Until our people discovered a combustible powder that can be focused into a steel pipe and project objects at incredible speed, causing immense damage. We created what we’ve dubbed a cannon to fire upon the invading Ogres.

    One would think that this might be a good thing; but those who developed this powder are already finding ways to hone this down to smaller objects, so that we might carry this destructive force in our hands just as easily as one carries a sword or axe. A revolt by many who oppose this has torn our kingdom apart. They’ve been attacking the forges that make these cannons and going as far as abducting and beating those who are working on the hand-cannon, even threatening their families. We now fight a war on two fronts and each day the Ogres draw closer and closer to these hills we call home and have fought so hard to protect.

    Those that oppose this technology fear that these weapons will be turned on ourselves and cause harm; while those who make it, swear it will only be used for defense. I’ve seen both sides of this. The makers of these weapons are trying to do what’s best for the Kingdom; and those who fear the results, also believe they’re doing what’s best for the Kingdom.

    Divine blood courses through my veins I can trace my ancestors back a dozen generations to a hero, a demi-god of my people. I am not a divine being, but perhaps because of my bloodline, I am a loyal, faithful member of the Church of Solarus; and I have called upon my god to guide me in this internal struggle between my people, but I have not heard anything. Perhaps he is inundated by the prayers of my people, and I must find the answer myself. Thus, I set sail to new lands to see how others in this world settle these internal wars. I only pray that I return in time to save my people. My name is Redvus Dundonald, and I am the descendant of a god, and the light of hope for my people.

  17. - Top - End - #527
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Hey! I wanted to preface saying I LOVE the work you do, and it's always amazing! Anyway, is it possible you can write a background for a Whispers Bard named Warner Leroux, who is part of a society that is devoted to keeping magic safe, and out of the wrong hands. They hoard all secrets they can find, keeping it for the 'greater good' (Think Harpers + Zhentarim). He is relatively new to the society, and doesn't know that it has darker intentions beyond collecting information. He is a pessimist and he's ambitious. If this is too little or too much to work around, then either let me know or don't do it, I don't want it to be too difficult.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, he's a human. He's probably Lawful Neutral as well.
    Last edited by WadeWay33; 2019-10-18 at 09:30 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #528
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Alright, so one of my players made a somewhat interesting character, but have no backstory for them, so I was wondering if you could think one up for them.

    Name: Vernon Kirkwood
    Race: Hill Dwarf
    Class: Nature Cleric
    Background: Haunted One

    And here is the interesting part, they asked before the first session if they could have a pet goat, and I agreed, and they named it Goatzart. What the player then mentioned to me is that their character believes that Goatzart is the deity that they worship and that it whispers into their mind, so I pushed it one step further and made Goatzart into an actual demon possessed goat that is tricking the cleric into believing that they are a nature god, rather than having their character just be crazy. Also the goat is telling them to do evil things, but the cleric thinks that they are doing the right thing when they listen. I was thinking for the demon possessing Goatzart could be Baphomet, or Bar'garius from your Tawmis-verse could be really fun.

    Whatever ideas you would have would be great and helpful for my player.

  19. - Top - End - #529
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldlizard View Post
    i'll try. you do great work!
    Name: Am Truesnout
    race: Human
    Class- wizard (evoker or war mage, not sure yet)
    he's a chaotic Neural character, somewhat young. he is a Pyromancer, and he LOVES fire. he did't have a terribly tragic backstory, and he's not evil, but his Ideal/bond is "I want to watch the world burn" Not exactly Evil, he's just lost the ability to care. He comes from waterdeep, but he doesn't stay there for long.
    Added to the list! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyracian View Post
    DM let me keep the Ogres! Made a few changes to add in local world detail and the fact pistols already exist. Thank you again this looks awesome.
    Awesome! That works! And thank YOU for the donation!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWay33 View Post
    Hey! I wanted to preface saying I LOVE the work you do, and it's always amazing! Anyway, is it possible you can write a background for a Whispers Bard named Warner Leroux, who is part of a society that is devoted to keeping magic safe, and out of the wrong hands. They hoard all secrets they can find, keeping it for the 'greater good' (Think Harpers + Zhentarim). He is relatively new to the society, and doesn't know that it has darker intentions beyond collecting information. He is a pessimist and he's ambitious. If this is too little or too much to work around, then either let me know or don't do it, I don't want it to be too difficult.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, he's a human. He's probably Lawful Neutral as well.
    Consider it added to the list! Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mythalidor View Post
    Alright, so one of my players made a somewhat interesting character, but have no backstory for them, so I was wondering if you could think one up for them.

    Name: Vernon Kirkwood
    Race: Hill Dwarf
    Class: Nature Cleric
    Background: Haunted One

    And here is the interesting part, they asked before the first session if they could have a pet goat, and I agreed, and they named it Goatzart. What the player then mentioned to me is that their character believes that Goatzart is the deity that they worship and that it whispers into their mind, so I pushed it one step further and made Goatzart into an actual demon possessed goat that is tricking the cleric into believing that they are a nature god, rather than having their character just be crazy. Also the goat is telling them to do evil things, but the cleric thinks that they are doing the right thing when they listen. I was thinking for the demon possessing Goatzart could be Baphomet, or Bar'garius from your Tawmis-verse could be really fun.

    Whatever ideas you would have would be great and helpful for my player.
    Also added to the list! Nice backlog going! So let's start knocking some of these out. :) And yes, Bar'garius could make another appearance! He's due another one! :D
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  20. - Top - End - #530
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aidamis View Post
    Hello OP! how do you do?
    While I'm already working on a character right now, I think that two brains are better than one, so I'll gratefully take you up on your offer.
    *Name: Shou Akimura (翔 秋村 the kanji characters means Soaring for the first name, Autumn-Village for the last name, which is rare but exist irl) (I'm no "{scrubbed}" or anything, just a student majoring in Japanese in the mood for a serious eastern character).
    *Race: human
    *Class: fighter
    *General outline: child of members of small land nobility. Eventually ran way from home and joined an adventuring group due to being ostracized (see below) and because of fear of a noble's responsibilities, obligations and constraints.
    *Particularities: just one - for whatever reason (up to you, OP), he was born (blessed? cursed?) with hermaphroditism, which obviously caused some issues eventually. As stated previously it's mostly others who had issues with this, the man himself learned to live with it. (I took inspiration from Legend of the Five Rings' "horrible secret" disadvantage)

    Again, thanks for offering the service OP, looking forward to what you might cook up :)
    This is one of those things... where it's difficult to write... not because of the story...
    But you want to handle something as sensitive like hermaphroditism and gender identity with a lot of care...
    It's pretty easy to offend someone these days!
    But I think I walked the balance and explained why Shou is the way "he" is...
    As always, I welcome feedback!

    I come from a noble family but I have never felt like I’ve belong there.

    I had spent most of my youth trying to determine who – or even – what I am.

    When I was born, I was named Shou Akimura, meaning “Soaring Autumn Village.” I was named that because it had been Autumn when I was born, the first child of the village born in Autumn that year; and my parents had been so happy their hearts soared. They’d tried for years to have a child and had never been able to. They believed they had been cursed by the gods for some shame in their bloodline that they were not aware of.

    My mother firmly believed she was cursed after holding me. The Nāsu, or Nurse, told my mother she’d never seen anything like me; and now my mother saw why. When she wondered if I was a boy or girl, she was surprised I was a mixture of both. She knew she would have to keep the secret from her husband and simply told him that she had given him a son, knowing this would make him the most happy.

    I learned to live life as a boy; helping my father with chores around the house and farm, getting my hands dirty and sweating, while my mother would watch from her chair, sewing yet another blanket together made from the wool we had gathered from the sheep.

    When I was old enough to begin going to class, after practicing with swords; since all the boys were trained to become honorable warriors to defend the women, I began to notice I looked different than many of the boys – down… below. Afraid of being different, I would cover myself and often be teased for it, especially as a teenager.

    One day, after hours of being teased, I ran home to my mother to question why I looked different than the other boys. She explained to me that she did not know why – but that I must keep this secret from my father.

    This made it increasingly difficult to live at home, that I was forced to hide something about myself from my own family.

    Things would only get worse for me when my mother eventually gave birth to a young girl, when I was eighteen years old. She had been born normal, and now had become the main focus of my mother’s affection; so as twisted as it might have been, knowing that I had this secret about myself, that I could at least confide in my mother with, now that my sister had been born – and born normal – all of my mother’s time and affection was directed at her.

    I decided to tell my father the truth about me – and he did not react as I expected. I thought he might tell me he still loved me. After all I had grown up as his son for nineteen years; I was still the same person he knew. But my father was horrified and demanded that I leave. I quickly packed several possessions and left home.

    On the road, I had met an interesting man, from a distant land, who introduced himself as Tyrell Stormshadow. He claimed to be a bard – a man of music and storytelling. I traveled with him for weeks and he indeed knew how to play the lute and tell good stories. One day he had asked me, as we sat around a crackling fire, shadows dancing around us as the flames swayed, “You are young and when I met you, clearly not an experienced adventurer. But the wakizash strapped to your side is of exceptional make, so I am guessing you come from a rich family. Why would a young man, from nobility, leave his family behind?”

    I debated tell him a lie, but something inside me told me I would need to be truthful with others going forward, so I told him how I had been born, and how my mother was ashamed and my father cast me out.

    Tyrell Stormshadow smiled and said, “First, let me say I am sorry for all you’ve gone through, Shou. But how your organs look should never be a cause to fear or hate you. Who you are is the person inside. The flesh is only a mask we wear over our souls. Some masks may scare people, it’s true. But the person behind the mask is not necessarily as scary as the mask itself. I’ve stopped looking at the mask people wear and try to see their souls. That’s how you truly know someone. Someone with a scar across their face may look horrifying, but perhaps they got that saving their young daughter from a man or beast that meant her harm. The scar he wears is no different than your own. Remember that when you meet others. Judge them not by how they appear, but how their souls act. That is what truly matters.”

    I traveled with Tyrell Stormshadow for many weeks after; his story weaving and unique skills had gotten us jobs with other adventurers, whether that was driving out goblins from a cave, chasing giant rats out of a sewer, or looking into the disappearance of royal members of a family…

    One day, after finishing a task with several others, Tyrell said he would be leaving and that there was someone else he was to meet. I expected to go with him, but he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, “No, now it’s time for you to find your path. I’ve taught you all I can teach you about yourself. You are your own man now. You no longer need me to help you see that. Go on, venture forth in the world, confident in who you are; and remember what I said – judge not by how they appear, but how their souls act.”

    I gave him a hug and he walked off, strumming his lute, singing a song about some fallen angel who had escaped captivity and wreaking havoc upon the world. As grim as it sounded, he made the song sound quite pleasant…
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

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  21. - Top - End - #531
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trandir View Post
    Hello Tawmis, this whole thread is one massive work of art, and one of the best things I've seen here in the playground.
    I'm not going to lie I am bad at writing backgrounds even the most cliche so why not ask a great storyteller to write one.

    PC name: Rerat Zallend (male)
    Race: human
    Class: Fighter 2
    Background: Sailor

    His life brought him to a kingdom in the center of the continent far away from the sea.
    This is little to nothing so you would have complete freedom to do whatever you want with it. If this is too boring for your standards I understand.
    Anyway keep the great work and have a nice day.
    I accept any and every challenge presented to me! The idea of a character being "boring" is a character without a backstory!
    So it may "seem" boring to you - but once you dive into what makes a character be the way they are - you give them some soul!
    So I enjoyed writing this!
    I'd love to hear your thoughts!
    I wasn't aware of what campaign you were playing (if it was Forgotten Realms or Homebrew)...
    I assumed Homebrew... since there's no mention of Forgotten Realms...
    So I made up a name of the town (can be changed to fit the world) and described it (also can be changed to fit the worl)
    Let me know!

    I have lived my entire life wanting to being free.

    By the age of eight, I had run away from my home nearly once a week, but my parents, with their money, hired bounty hunters to track me down and bring me back home.

    Was my life at home horrible? Was I beaten? Abused? None of that, really. However, my family was rich and they had expected me to behave in a certain manor; prim, proper, sit up straight, be in before it gets dark outside. Otherwise, I was given whatever I asked for and had free reign around the house, could even command my servants to fetch me things I wanted.

    It was just the rules my parents put on me and the behavior they expected out of me. This is what I could not stand. I felt like one of their servants – demanded to act a specific way.

    I was sixteen, when one day a rather eccentric dressing man met my father for one of his standard business deals. The man smelt of wine and wore long, hard boots, a hat with a large feather through it, and a red sash that nearly touched the ground. He had a swagger when he walked through the room that drew your eyes to him and the women in the house – including my sister who was only thirteen years old – all heaved a heavy sigh as he walked by.

    Whatever business my father and he discussed behind closed doors lasted only an hour before he came sauntering out of my father’s office. He saw my mother then looked down at my sister, then back to my mother. “Are the two of ye – what – six maybe seven years apart?”

    My mother flushed red, her cheeks a deep crimson. Even she seemed smitten by this individual. I followed him outside and shouted, “Excuse me, may I have a moment of your time?”

    The man stopped, spun on one boot and looked at me with a coy smile. “Say what you will, young Zallend.”

    “Who are you?” I asked for beginners.

    “Me?” he placed his hands as if shocked. “Oh, I’m just someone named Captain Darick Eagletalon.”

    “You dress like no other I’ve seen before,” I explained.

    “That’s because I usually make your father come to the docks to do business, so he can see the goods I am bringing him,” Darick explained. “But this time, it would seem his schedule was too busy, so I,” he looked around, “ventured inland. Truth be told, I don’t like being landlocked. The sea,” he stretched out his hand and moved it across the horizon, “there’s nothing out there to obscure your view. No trees, no buildings, nothing – just the open sea as far as your own eyes can see.” He looked at me curiously, “It’s the only place to ever feel free,” he added, as if speaking directly to my soul.

    “Would I be able to come with you?” I asked.

    “What would your father say?” he smiled.

    “To Hades with my father,” I snapped back. “I am sixteen. Well and old enough to do what I want.”

    He looked at the house then back at me. “You have it easy here, boy. The sea – she’s beautiful – but she’s relentless, brutal. It’s not always beautiful and it’s not always kind. A storm can come along, dark as night, fill your eyes with blindness and pull you to the bottom of the sea.”

    “I am willing to risk it,” I said, firmly.

    “Then come along boy,” he gestured towards the wagon that had carried him here. “Do you plan to tell your family?”

    “No,” I said matter-of-factly. “Let them wonder and worry.”

    I sailed with Darick Eagletalon for four years aboard “The World’s Edge” until one day he docked and said he had business with my father. My father was waiting at the pier and when he saw me, he began to weep. “I thought we had lost you! Like we lost your sister.”

    “My sister? What’s happened to Allana?” I asked, breaking free of my father’s hug.

    “She took a wagon to Tarren’tor, where she was to be wed,” my father cried. “She is documented as arriving – but never made it to the castle. Her wagon was found with bloodstains in it, but otherwise completely empty.”

    I looked at Darick and he looked back at me. “Tarren’tor is dead center of a large continent. I can sail you to the nearest dock, but the rest is all on you. You seemed to not care about family when we originally left.”

    I looked at my father and sighed. “I’ve changed. I didn’t like being told what to do, back then. But my sister is another matter entirely.” I turned to my father, “I will find her, father. I promise.”

    It took six weeks to sail to Port of Nayr; a large port for a massive continent. I booked passage on a wagon, using money I had earned while sailing with Darick, and for three weeks, rode until I reached Tarren’tor. It was a massive city, like nothing I’d ever seen; full of decadent people, all who seemed to be consumed with the sense of pleasure; whether that was through flesh or inducing or smoking to enhance the sensation. As I walked through the city, I knew, deadlocked as I was, I would be alone unless I could find others to help me locate my missing sister…
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by GreyBlack View Post
    You know what? Sure!

    Name: Ssirath
    Race: Lizardfolk
    Background: Sailor
    Class: Cleric (Tempest)
    Alignment: Chaotic Natural

    Character traits: So first of all, I'm going to use "he" for ease of speaking/writing. The character is genderless. He believes society needs to be taken down a couple notches to allow nature to reclaim its primacy. He also tends to be very survivalist; he has no problem with necromancy and butchering the corpses of humanoids for rations, but only because he doesn't want to waste the resources. With regards to Good and Evil, I'm not sure if he actually understands what they are, seeing them as unnecessary for survival.
    I'm thinking he was raised as a shaman but was cast out due to his innate survivalist tendencies being frowned upon; some view him as corrupting the natural order while he views is as using every part of the animal. He was taught as a shaman but wound up scavenging from humans and has no problem with wearing metal armor.
    I dunno... anything else?
    This one became a lot easier to write once I looked up some of the Forgotten Realms gods that the Lizard People have worshiped...
    Once I had that, the rest simply fell into place.
    Since you mentioned "he" is generless - I wasn't sure how you wanted to work that, since said god, basically wants his followers to propagate once a month... and if they're sterile to do a ritual suicide. So you could simply change the god and a few lines, or go with a specific gender (and become even more ruthless... since he could, reasonably, take female lizardfolk, against their will to breed his bloodline on)...
    Up to you with how you want to go from here - but hopefully I've given you SOMETHING to work with that works with you!
    I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Long have my people sought to make peace with the humans who continue to encroach upon our lands. Human settlements continue to spring up and expand deeper and deeper into the lands like a sickening disease.

    These stone walls push deeper and deeper into our lands as the human population continues to grow. The deeper the walls push, the more humans there are. The deeper the walls push, the less land there is for the wildlife, the more humans devour.

    They are a festering disease.

    I do not hate them because they are humans as a race; I hate them because of how wasteful they are. Not only do these ever expanding walls push on deeper and deeper, devouring the land which animals we hunt graze upon; more often than not, the streets to these cities and towns are overly large, allowing for large wagons to pass on both sides, with ample room.

    Humans, other than knowing how to expand and breed, know nothing of keeping matters simple. Many of the humans I’ve observed become belligerent on some form of liquid that they drink in excess; many of them not even skilled enough to survive, choosing to trade with other races, such as dwarves for their armor and elves for their bows and arrows.

    I have never shared the view of my people, who I believe are weaker for being more and more like the humans. Rather than hunt their own food, my people have continued to allow themselves to be hired as escorts through the High Moor in exchange for food and weapons.

    I do realize that some of my people will intentionally steer a good sized party towards a goblin cave for shelter or a troll’s nest, to help get rid of the larger problems with the High Moor.

    But civilizations encroaching on our swamps, such as Dragonspear Castle attracted unwanted attention from marauders after the castle fell. Trade Way and the Way Inn, attract adventurers who think there’s things to be found in the Misty Forest or High Moors. Julkoun, Secomber and Zelbross continue to expand in size as people travel to and from Daggerford and Waterdeep.

    When I was young, I was taught about Semuanya who focused entirely on matters of survivaland nothing else. Considered utterly amoral, uncaring, and unfeeling, his Shamanistic followers had called on their kin to avoid contact with other races and to limit it to contact within their own kind. As our people grew further and further away from Semuanya’s teachings, the louder and louder I got, until I was cast out of my own tribe.

    I did what I had to survive after that. I lived on the fringes of the swamp, praying on both animals and humanoids – whether human, goblin, gnome or kobold – to feast upon and put food in my stomach. I did not waste their bones, using them as traps or weapons and pieced together armor from the victims I devoured. I did not view this as an act of evil; I viewed this as an act of survival. Is an alligator evil when it devours a child that has roamed too close to the edge?

    My people have become weak – but the power and message of Semuanya still courses through my veins. Survive. Propagate. Survive. Propagate.

    My name is Ssirath and I will restore the glory of Semuanya and show my people the error of their ways.
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldlizard View Post
    i'll try. you do great work!
    Name: Am Truesnout
    race: Human
    Class- wizard (evoker or war mage, not sure yet)
    he's a chaotic Neural character, somewhat young. he is a Pyromancer, and he LOVES fire. he did't have a terribly tragic backstory, and he's not evil, but his Ideal/bond is "I want to watch the world burn" Not exactly Evil, he's just lost the ability to care. He comes from waterdeep, but he doesn't stay there for long.
    Heh - this one has an Easter Egg if you've ever played the Sierra game King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human it will be immediately recognizable once seen.
    If you've never played it, then it's fine just the way it is. Just a little extra pumpkin spice to the story for folks who may be as old as I am and played old DOS games!
    That said, I had fun developing this story and this mentality...
    As someone who loves camping, campfires, and fire in general... I was able to tap into myself a little...
    Then turn it up to 11. (Spinal Tap, anyone?)
    As always, would love to hear feedback!

    I admit I might have a problem.

    You see, when I first decided to become to be a Wizard it’d been because during a visit to Baulder’s Gate, there’d been a massive explosion at Felogyr's Fireworks – and I witness several wizards shaping and controlling the fires to bring it under control. Something about the sheer natural force of fire was enchanting; as the flames danced and burned, I was enthralled as if the fires had been speaking some kind of secret sign language message to me.

    I was only six years old at the time. Growing up in Waterdeep, I had access to the Great Library and began studying what it took to be a Wizard. Apparently it took a lot of study because manipulating the magical spectrum not only took a great amount of patience, but recalling the words of the spell, and studying them all night to have them memorized was a daunting task. One simple misspoken word or the word amount of salt being thrown could lead to catastrophic results.

    By the age of twelve, I had convinced my parents to allow me to enroll in The Order of the Evocation. I studied under the widely known, but often cruel, Manannan. He took his Wizardry very seriously and would scorn us if we tried to take any of the spell components home to learn magic on our own. He explained that without his guidance we could turn our families into sentient green slime or bring the roof down around our ears.

    Our first few sessions, after weeks of readying, studying and testing, was learning how to manipulate cantrips. There were some I enjoyed; such as Acid Splash, Fire Bolt and Shocking Grasp – but the others in my class seemed obsessed with things like Message, Mending, and Prestidigitation. When Manannan saw that my interests bled more towards things of violence he began to take a larger interest in me; I wasn’t sure if that was so I don’t burn myself to death or because he thought I could be trouble in the near future.

    Three months in, Manannan approached me after one of the classes had ended and said, “I see your interest wanes when it is spells that don’t deal with fire specifically. I had thought learning Ray of Frost would interest you, since it was more of a damaging spell, which I’ve noticed you enjoy.”

    “Ray of Frost is fine,” I said with a smile, “but it lacks the punch of fire. Chilling someone’s bones rather than setting their flesh on fire seems so mild.”

    “You would rather set someone’s flesh on fire?” Manannan raised a grey brow.

    “Not necessarily,” I admitted, “I just feel like fire does so much more. It’s destruction when it burns through a home, but its rebirth when it burns down a forest.”

    “Rain and water, and so by nature, ice,” Manannan contradicted, “are things of destruction and life as well. All of the four elements – whether they be stones falling from the sky, storm winds of great power, fires that rip through a city, or a watery flood – the four forces of nature are all symbols of life and death, depending on their use.”

    “True,” I acknowledged, “but there’s something different about staring into an open flame… it’s like each fleck of fire is a soul, dancing in the planes of Hell… and the shadows the fire cause to constantly shift and move around you… the crackling of the wood, the explosion of small flecks of ash ascending to heaven, only to be snuffed out before their journey has ever begun… There’s something about the fire that talks to me.”

    Manannan smiled and opened the palm of his hand where a small sphere of fire began to spin. “Good, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Now, let me show you the true power of fire…”

    For weeks I would meet Manannan after the class and he would continue to show me the power of fires; and how, one could even summon a fire elemental to do their bidding…

    There was so much to learn.

    There was so much to burn.
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by WadeWay33 View Post
    Hey! I wanted to preface saying I LOVE the work you do, and it's always amazing! Anyway, is it possible you can write a background for a Whispers Bard named Warner Leroux, who is part of a society that is devoted to keeping magic safe, and out of the wrong hands. They hoard all secrets they can find, keeping it for the 'greater good' (Think Harpers + Zhentarim). He is relatively new to the society, and doesn't know that it has darker intentions beyond collecting information. He is a pessimist and he's ambitious. If this is too little or too much to work around, then either let me know or don't do it, I don't want it to be too difficult.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, he's a human. He's probably Lawful Neutral as well.
    Heh – people need to not worry about if it’s too little/much/difficult. The entire idea that triggered this for me was having people who had these character concepts – no matter how little or how much information – and give me the details they have – and allow me to challenge myself to write something for them in less than an hour’s time. So if it’s too difficult (I’ve had some that have been difficult, like the MTG ones), too easy (some just speak to me), or right now the middle – I want folks to feel comfortable posting it, knowing – I will, at the very least, give it a try. There’s some I am going to hit the mark on perfect, and folks will love it – sometimes, I am going to be off the mark, but may provide enough for them to change some of the details and spur their own imagination!

    So that said, let’s see where Warner takes us today…
    As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
    ================================================== ======

    I was like your typical hopeless romantic.

    I had tried to use song and poem to sway the hearts of women I thought were beautiful into my arms but they’d always wanted to the “bad boys” – preferring the stronger, burlier, and typically much dumber men in the city.

    Tired of having my heartbroken and certain I was never going to find love in Silverymoon. Frequently called the Gem of the North, it was nothing but a constant reminder of heartache.

    So I did what any torn, broken, and emotional teenager would do; I ran away from home when I was sixteen years old thinking I had the world figured out and that life had to be better “out there.”

    I traveled south with some merchants, one of whom had been a bard named Tyrell Stormshadow. He was an older gentleman but knew how to play the lute in such a soothing manner and during the stops where we formed a camp we’d sit around the campfire and just listen to his stories. He had a voice that was both commanding and soothing. One the night before we reached Everlund he sat next to me and looked me over. “Runaway?” he asked, matter-of-factly.

    “Yes,” I replied.

    “Seem to be running into a lot of those these days,” he sighed. (1)

    He took a deep drink. “So what’s your story? Why did you run away?”

    I itched my head, giving it some thought, because it was going to sound childish. “Well, I kept getting my heart broken… I just thought, getting a fresh start might allow me to do something with my life… break the cycle I was stuck in.” I was surprised that I spoke the truth when I had a lie on the tip of my tongue. How had that happened?

    Tyrell heaved a deep sigh and took another drink of his tankard. “So what I see in your words… you used to try and sway the ladies with your words and songs and it just wasn’t working out?”

    I raised an eyebrow, surprised he knew so much from so little spoken. “Something like that,” I admitted.

    “Part of what makes someone like me be able to do what I do is experience,” Tyrell explained. “You can read a story about how some adventurers rescued a princess from some dragon in some distant tower; but until you’ve felt the dragon’s breath on your back, the beating of his wings deafening your ears, and the fear in your heart; and the victory at the end…” He tapped me on the chest, just above my heart, “When you sing from the heart, it will be hollow. In order to truly ‘wow’ the crowd with a song or story, you have to have lived it. Or… lived something similar to it. For example, there’s a haunted Manor in the southern tip of Neverwinter Forest called The Havenfall Manor… Entering the house would be… a terrifying experience… and probably fatal… but during The Hollowing Season… homes are emulating actual haunted houses and can cause the same nerve racking fear, without the true risk of death… Experience that, and you could easily weave a tale of how you braved the Havenfall Manor and came out of it alive. No one would be able to counter your story, because no one else is brave enough – or perhaps – foolish enough, to actually enter the Manor.”

    He took another swig of his tankard and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. “What you need to do is live a little. Why not come with me? See what we can discover together? Learn from me, listen to me, watch me – and see how I weave a story just as a seamstress weaves her thread; with a beginning, a middle and an end, and when it’s all done, it’s a beautiful image they’re left with.”

    I traveled with Tyrell for three years, being his assistant. Getting him different musical instruments to play for the crowds he would gather. I listened as he spoke of various things; such as the tragedy of Havenfall Manor, and how he had gone in, all by himself, to see if he could find out what was the curse behind the Manor… he explained that an evil being, far too powerful for him, resided there and that he had barely escaped with his life, encountering ghosts and the like that still haunted the Manor grounds.

    Three days later, at another town, much smaller, he had told me to tell the story. It had not worked out so well. They could tell – even though I had memorized how he told the story, word for word – that there wasn’t the emotion behind it.

    I traveled with him a few more days, feeling down that I couldn’t make him proud. It was then that he had stopped me and looked back and said, “I am proud of you.”

    I looked up at him, wondering how he had read my mind.

    “I can’t read minds,” he suddenly said.

    “Then how – “ I started.

    “Because of your body language,” he explained. “It’s shouting, almost deafening.” He slung his arm around me, as we walked into Olostin's Hold. “Listen, you just need to build up experiences in your life. Don’t try too hard. Just let it happen. But while you go stumbling through life, beware of those who wear masks and hide behind them. After tonight’s performance, you and I will have to part ways. I have some other people that I need to see – and can’t have anyone with me. Private business, I am sure you understand. Besides, you’ve learned a lot traveling back and forth between these few towns. It’s time for you to stop living beneath my shadow and live your own life, create your own experiences and your own songs.”

    That night at Boukar’s Tavern & Drink, I sang a song about how I would miss a dear friend of mine in the near future, and the crowd was on their feet applauding me. When I turned to look at Tyrell to make sure he saw – he wasn’t there. The stool he’d been sitting on was empty. I felt a sting of pain for a moment by it was put at ease when I felt a hand on my shoulder. A man, one of the actors of the play coming on after me, wearing a beautiful snake mask said, “Hey kid, that was pretty good. We could use you.”

    “We? You mean the play?” I asked.

    “Well, the play is a part of it,” he whispered. “But it’s a College, if you will. Listen, we travel around various cities, as a part of this play – but what we’re doing is having our donation collectors who constantly walk around the crowd, listen to our patrons – because there’s a lot of magic in this world, and people are using them for all the wrong reasons. We’re out there to try and find these items and stop them from getting into the wrong hands. It will land you a gig with us and be quite an experience! You in?”

    I quickly shook his hand, and whispered, “I’m in.”

    (1) This is a reference to: where I used the same Bard name. Tying these two origins loosely together, though not needed – it’s something in this thread that’s been called “The Tawmis-Verse.”
    (2) What’s this business about Havenfall Manor? Oh! It’s a module I wrote!
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Been awhile since I asked for one early on, but glad you're still going strong.

    I have a bit of an odd request, but it's sorta similar to what you're doing here--Can you write a quick background for a large town's unique feature?

    I went google searching and found a map for a large Town named Thornwall, it's got a huge wall covered in thorns completely encircling it (big shocker!).

    The wall is factually of Elven design, and is maintained by a Druid Circle actually living within the town (it's approximately 2 miles in diameter, and 15ft thick/tall, and appears to be one solid piece of stone, like they carved a collosal Boulder down to a circle, and there's a section of farmlands, a forest, and a Lake within, plus the actual Town.

    I know the city was originally made for some other setting, but I can't find what, or where. I'm trying to make up a bit of history to explain it's existence, as the PCs will inevitably ask, as they're not from the town.
    I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Orc Fighter/Barbarian (2nd/1st Level)

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mythalidor View Post
    Alright, so one of my players made a somewhat interesting character, but have no backstory for them, so I was wondering if you could think one up for them.

    Name: Vernon Kirkwood
    Race: Hill Dwarf
    Class: Nature Cleric
    Background: Haunted One

    And here is the interesting part, they asked before the first session if they could have a pet goat, and I agreed, and they named it Goatzart. What the player then mentioned to me is that their character believes that Goatzart is the deity that they worship and that it whispers into their mind, so I pushed it one step further and made Goatzart into an actual demon possessed goat that is tricking the cleric into believing that they are a nature god, rather than having their character just be crazy. Also the goat is telling them to do evil things, but the cleric thinks that they are doing the right thing when they listen. I was thinking for the demon possessing Goatzart could be Baphomet, or Bar'garius from your Tawmis-verse could be really fun.

    Whatever ideas you would have would be great and helpful for my player.
    This was kind of fun to write... explore a more ... simple, superstitious, type community...
    It explains why a demon would possess a goat (but why he remains is entirely up to the DM... is he stuck? Or is there a reason for his acts of evil?)...
    And sets up an example of an evil act, believing it's a good act... and removing the character before he sees the results...
    And leaves a mystery, at the end for the DM to explore if they wanted - maybe the Hill Dwarf learns of the abduction and knows her and wants to rescue her...
    Plenty to play with...
    Hopefully works for you - as always, would love feedback!
    ================================================== ==

    South of the Rauvin Mountains but just north of the Nether Moutains, Greyhaven sat peacefully between a number of rolling hills and home to the Grayhaven Dwarves.

    My name is Vernon Kirkwood, and I am a proud Hill Dwarf of the Greyhaven Dwarves. My family was composed of simple farmers, often trading wools from the sheep and milk from cows, with our Mountain Dwarf cousins who resided in the Nether Mountains. Life was relatively simple. There was the occasional raid from the goblins that would come through the hills, but because of the relationship we had with our Mountain Dwarf cousins, we were typically well equipped and as long as we had enough warning, we could keep them at bay and drive them back.

    I was pulling Goatzart on his lead, after he’d done a bit of grazing and was alarmed to hear a voice in my head, “You should burn the northern guard tower.”

    I looked around and saw no one else in the field – just me and Goatzart. I hastily pulled Goatzart into the barn and joined my family for a delicious dinner, choosing not to speak of the mysterious voice I’d heard. As I laid down that night, the voice came again, “Burn the northern guard tower. Burn it before they come.”

    They? I sat up in my bed alarmed. Again, I looked around and saw no one else with me. However, Goatzart was peering in my window, mindlessly chewing on some straw. How had he gotten out of the barn? I quickly put on my overalls and walked outside to the brisk night and grabbed Goatzart by his lead and began pulling him towards the barn. Just as we got to the door he put his foot down and refused to budge. “Burn the northern gate tower before they come.”

    I turned and looked at Goatzart. His eyes were locked with mine. “Burn. The. Northern. Guard. Tower. Before. They. Come.”

    The voice emphasized every word.

    “Who are you?” I found myself asking Goatzart.

    “I am your goat,” he replied in my head.

    I was so stunned he replied that I tumbled backwards over the empty water trough. I peered back over the water trough. “How is that possible?”

    “Something’s gone wrong,” the goat’s voice said in my head. “I had hoped to come to you as an Avatar – but apparently your bond with this goat is so strong it pulled me into it. I am here to warn you the goblins are coming.”

    “The goblins are coming!” I jumped up screaming.

    “Silence!” the goat shouted in my head. “This is only for you to know. I need you to do this to save your people. If you awaken the others, then what would happen next would even be more disastrous. Get down the hill and burn the northern guard tower, so asks Artemis.”

    “Artemis? The… the…” I stammered.

    “Yes, the god of nature,” the goat’s voice replied.

    Quickly, I gathered some supplies and ran down the hill and ignited the northern tower. It quickly went up in flames, even as I saw an approaching hoard of goblins! He’d been right! The goblins were coming! But without the guard tower this would be disastrous! But it soon became clear – the goblins were holding up their arms, covering their eyes, stepping away from the massive blaze. My god had come to me and given me a sacred mission and I helped save my people!

    I returned to Goatzart and explained that I had done as he’d asked and even saw the goblins being driven back!

    “Good,” the goat said inside my head, “there is much more to do now. Come. We must leave. The world awaits.”

    “Leave?” I stammered.

    “Yes. Leave. I am giving you a holy order,” the goat snapped in my head.

    “Yes! Of course, let me say goodbye to my family,” I began.

    “No time for that! Come! Take the rope! Let us leave!”

    Together Goatzart and I set out on a greater mission than either of us could have imaged.

    Hours earlier…

    A demon stood before a pack of eager goblins.

    “Listen to me,” the demon smiled, “I have a plan. The Dwarves of Greyhaven are simple; but they keep you at bay because of the weapons they’ve been provided by their Mountain cousins,” he explained. “I plan on doing something that will make one of them burn the northern guard tower. This will leave the northern branch vulnerable. Attack the following night, to the north. This will allow you free reign into the Greyhaven Dwarves home. Take their livestock and kill who you will – but there is a young girl there named Ellanar Twohill. You must capture her and bring her back here and speak the words I’ve given you. This will transport her to me. She will easily be identified as a Tiefling – she is a daughter of mine, the great Bar’garius!”

    The goblins cheered.

    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  27. - Top - End - #537
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongobear View Post
    Been awhile since I asked for one early on, but glad you're still going strong.
    I have a bit of an odd request, but it's sorta similar to what you're doing here--Can you write a quick background for a large town's unique feature?
    I went google searching and found a map for a large Town named Thornwall, it's got a huge wall covered in thorns completely encircling it (big shocker!).
    The wall is factually of Elven design, and is maintained by a Druid Circle actually living within the town (it's approximately 2 miles in diameter, and 15ft thick/tall, and appears to be one solid piece of stone, like they carved a collosal Boulder down to a circle, and there's a section of farmlands, a forest, and a Lake within, plus the actual Town.
    I know the city was originally made for some other setting, but I can't find what, or where. I'm trying to make up a bit of history to explain it's existence, as the PCs will inevitably ask, as they're not from the town.
    Sure! I love exploring lore...

    I might have to get to this one tomorrow (wrote a few back to back stories - and about to head to a concert to support a friend - but I will definitely do this for you!)

    What can you tell me about your world? The gods? Some history? I will see if I can tie some of that into it?
    Last edited by Tawmis; 2019-10-19 at 06:36 PM.
    Need a character origin written? Enjoyed what I wrote? How can you help me? Not required, but appreciated! <3

    Check out my 5e The Secret of Havenfall Manor or my character back stories over at! (If you check it out - please rate, comment, and tell others!)

    Subscribe to my D&D Channel on Youtube! (Come by and Sub)

  28. - Top - End - #538
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Sure! I love exploring lore...

    I might have to get to this one tomorrow (wrote a few back to back stories - and about to head to a concert to support a friend - but I will definitely do this for you!)

    What can you tell me about your world? The gods? Some history? I will see if I can tie some of that into it?
    The world follows the books version of the Norse Pantheon, but they're not culturally Norse. Elves are just elves, Giants and trolls aren't god-threatening entities, there's no World Serpent, etc.

    The region with Thornwall is similar to GoT's Winterfell, secluded wild region with harsh winter's and sparsely occupied with small vilages several days apart, Thornwall is the central hub of the region.

    The lake within the ring is fed by two small streams from the mountains a few days south, which form a barrier between Thornwall's region and the rest of the kingdom it is apart of. They are treacherous at times, and infested by Orcs and Goblins, but there is a well built trade highway through them, but armed escorts are still required.

    The lake also drains out into a pretty massive river that flows north into an Arctic sea port on the border of an unsettled tundra region (think the area North of the Wall in GoT, just without zombies and a 500ft tall wall), the port would be Hardhome, but larger.

    Historically, the world is quite old, the wall and city are recorded to have existed for several millennia, the original are what's unclear, think Illefarn or Netherese type empires from Faerun. However, this is the only "massive ring" of stone in the known world.

    Magic is less *the Weave" and more just a raw primal energy in the world. There is no Mystra, magic is something that just is. There are Leylines, which cover the world, and intersections of them are able to boost magical powers or cause Wild Magic surges. Most Wizards will build their sanctums on top of or very close to intersections of these Leylines.

    Planar cosmology is the standard inner/outer/prime material planes, except that it is possible to crossover to them without magical means if you can find a path. Fire Elemental plane is at the heart of a MASSIVE volcano, Earth is the bottom-most level of the Underdark, Air is above the clouds, and Water is at the bottom of the Ocean.

    Hope this is enough? I can answer more if needed.
    I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Orc Fighter/Barbarian (2nd/1st Level)

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  29. - Top - End - #539
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Heh – people need to not worry about if it’s too little/much/difficult. The entire idea that triggered this for me was having people who had these character concepts – no matter how little or how much information – and give me the details they have – and allow me to challenge myself to write something for them in less than an hour’s time. So if it’s too difficult (I’ve had some that have been difficult, like the MTG ones), too easy (some just speak to me), or right now the middle – I want folks to feel comfortable posting it, knowing – I will, at the very least, give it a try. There’s some I am going to hit the mark on perfect, and folks will love it – sometimes, I am going to be off the mark, but may provide enough for them to change some of the details and spur their own imagination!

    So that said, let’s see where Warner takes us today…
    As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
    ================================================== ======

    I was like your typical hopeless romantic.

    I had tried to use song and poem to sway the hearts of women I thought were beautiful into my arms but they’d always wanted to the “bad boys” – preferring the stronger, burlier, and typically much dumber men in the city.

    Tired of having my heartbroken and certain I was never going to find love in Silverymoon. Frequently called the Gem of the North, it was nothing but a constant reminder of heartache.

    So I did what any torn, broken, and emotional teenager would do; I ran away from home when I was sixteen years old thinking I had the world figured out and that life had to be better “out there.”

    I traveled south with some merchants, one of whom had been a bard named Tyrell Stormshadow. He was an older gentleman but knew how to play the lute in such a soothing manner and during the stops where we formed a camp we’d sit around the campfire and just listen to his stories. He had a voice that was both commanding and soothing. One the night before we reached Everlund he sat next to me and looked me over. “Runaway?” he asked, matter-of-factly.

    “Yes,” I replied.

    “Seem to be running into a lot of those these days,” he sighed. (1)

    He took a deep drink. “So what’s your story? Why did you run away?”

    I itched my head, giving it some thought, because it was going to sound childish. “Well, I kept getting my heart broken… I just thought, getting a fresh start might allow me to do something with my life… break the cycle I was stuck in.” I was surprised that I spoke the truth when I had a lie on the tip of my tongue. How had that happened?

    Tyrell heaved a deep sigh and took another drink of his tankard. “So what I see in your words… you used to try and sway the ladies with your words and songs and it just wasn’t working out?”

    I raised an eyebrow, surprised he knew so much from so little spoken. “Something like that,” I admitted.

    “Part of what makes someone like me be able to do what I do is experience,” Tyrell explained. “You can read a story about how some adventurers rescued a princess from some dragon in some distant tower; but until you’ve felt the dragon’s breath on your back, the beating of his wings deafening your ears, and the fear in your heart; and the victory at the end…” He tapped me on the chest, just above my heart, “When you sing from the heart, it will be hollow. In order to truly ‘wow’ the crowd with a song or story, you have to have lived it. Or… lived something similar to it. For example, there’s a haunted Manor in the southern tip of Neverwinter Forest called The Havenfall Manor… Entering the house would be… a terrifying experience… and probably fatal… but during The Hollowing Season… homes are emulating actual haunted houses and can cause the same nerve racking fear, without the true risk of death… Experience that, and you could easily weave a tale of how you braved the Havenfall Manor and came out of it alive. No one would be able to counter your story, because no one else is brave enough – or perhaps – foolish enough, to actually enter the Manor.”

    He took another swig of his tankard and wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. “What you need to do is live a little. Why not come with me? See what we can discover together? Learn from me, listen to me, watch me – and see how I weave a story just as a seamstress weaves her thread; with a beginning, a middle and an end, and when it’s all done, it’s a beautiful image they’re left with.”

    I traveled with Tyrell for three years, being his assistant. Getting him different musical instruments to play for the crowds he would gather. I listened as he spoke of various things; such as the tragedy of Havenfall Manor, and how he had gone in, all by himself, to see if he could find out what was the curse behind the Manor… he explained that an evil being, far too powerful for him, resided there and that he had barely escaped with his life, encountering ghosts and the like that still haunted the Manor grounds.

    Three days later, at another town, much smaller, he had told me to tell the story. It had not worked out so well. They could tell – even though I had memorized how he told the story, word for word – that there wasn’t the emotion behind it.

    I traveled with him a few more days, feeling down that I couldn’t make him proud. It was then that he had stopped me and looked back and said, “I am proud of you.”

    I looked up at him, wondering how he had read my mind.

    “I can’t read minds,” he suddenly said.

    “Then how – “ I started.

    “Because of your body language,” he explained. “It’s shouting, almost deafening.” He slung his arm around me, as we walked into Olostin's Hold. “Listen, you just need to build up experiences in your life. Don’t try too hard. Just let it happen. But while you go stumbling through life, beware of those who wear masks and hide behind them. After tonight’s performance, you and I will have to part ways. I have some other people that I need to see – and can’t have anyone with me. Private business, I am sure you understand. Besides, you’ve learned a lot traveling back and forth between these few towns. It’s time for you to stop living beneath my shadow and live your own life, create your own experiences and your own songs.”

    That night at Boukar’s Tavern & Drink, I sang a song about how I would miss a dear friend of mine in the near future, and the crowd was on their feet applauding me. When I turned to look at Tyrell to make sure he saw – he wasn’t there. The stool he’d been sitting on was empty. I felt a sting of pain for a moment by it was put at ease when I felt a hand on my shoulder. A man, one of the actors of the play coming on after me, wearing a beautiful snake mask said, “Hey kid, that was pretty good. We could use you.”

    “We? You mean the play?” I asked.

    “Well, the play is a part of it,” he whispered. “But it’s a College, if you will. Listen, we travel around various cities, as a part of this play – but what we’re doing is having our donation collectors who constantly walk around the crowd, listen to our patrons – because there’s a lot of magic in this world, and people are using them for all the wrong reasons. We’re out there to try and find these items and stop them from getting into the wrong hands. It will land you a gig with us and be quite an experience! You in?”

    I quickly shook his hand, and whispered, “I’m in.”
    This is perfect! Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!

  30. - Top - End - #540
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Need a character background written up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    This was kind of fun to write... explore a more ... simple, superstitious, type community...
    It explains why a demon would possess a goat (but why he remains is entirely up to the DM... is he stuck? Or is there a reason for his acts of evil?)...
    And sets up an example of an evil act, believing it's a good act... and removing the character before he sees the results...
    And leaves a mystery, at the end for the DM to explore if they wanted - maybe the Hill Dwarf learns of the abduction and knows her and wants to rescue her...
    Plenty to play with...
    Hopefully works for you - as always, would love feedback!
    Thanks for getting to this so quickly, I'll give it to my player that way they'll have a backstory. Glad to hear that you had a little fun with this. I really enjoyed reading it, I especially enjoyed the ending, when you revealled the whole thing was Bar'garius's plan, that gives me plenty of ideas to incorporate Goatzart into the future of the campaign, make him an actual driving force. As for Ellanar, is she a character that you had written before, or just a throw-away name?

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