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  1. - Top - End - #481
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
    Whaddaya know, Sydney's non-golden co-workers are tired of her antics as well.
    They also don't know that she's been paralyzed...
    It is one thing to suspend your disbelief. It is another thing entirely to hang it by the neck until dead.

    Verisimilitude -- n, the appearance or semblance of truth, likelihood, or probability.

    The concern is not realism in speculative fiction, but rather the sense that a setting or story could be real, fostered by internal consistency and coherence.

    The Worldbuilding Forum -- where realities are born.

  2. - Top - End - #482
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
    Whaddaya know, Sydney's non-golden co-workers are tired of her antics as well.
    I feel this is more a 'boy who cried wolf' scenario. They feel like she's messing up in some way (accidentally turning her comms off or forgetting them, ect.) because of her past behavior when in reality she's been paralyzed and this is the only way she can communicate.
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  3. - Top - End - #483
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    I feel this is more a 'boy who cried wolf' scenario. They feel like she's messing up in some way (accidentally turning her comms off or forgetting them, ect.) because of her past behavior when in reality she's been paralyzed and this is the only way she can communicate.
    But the thing is, she ISNT a spaz during serious situations like a fight or whatever. Or at least not much of one, certainly no more than say, dabbler or math might be. They are taking her in her off duty time and acting like thats all she is. Even without training she has repeatedly proven herself to be an excellent fighter with great instincts on what to do or not do in any given serious scenario. Yes she can be spazzy during down time like at the twilight council meeting but cut her some slack! She JUST LEARNED THE SUPERNATURAL IS REAL. I would be pretty hyped up too. I think pinky here is really kind of ragging on sydney unfairly. Even without already knowing the situation it seems uncalled for to be grumbling and griping and whining about her like this when they have worked together, what, ONCE?! Aside from a brief freeze which is natural with a newbie facing death she handled herself just fine.
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

  4. - Top - End - #484
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
    But the thing is, she ISNT a spaz during serious situations like a fight or whatever. Or at least not much of one, certainly no more than say, dabbler or math might be. They are taking her in her off duty time and acting like thats all she is. Even without training she has repeatedly proven herself to be an excellent fighter with great instincts on what to do or not do in any given serious scenario. Yes she can be spazzy during down time like at the twilight council meeting but cut her some slack! She JUST LEARNED THE SUPERNATURAL IS REAL. I would be pretty hyped up too. I think pinky here is really kind of ragging on sydney unfairly. Even without already knowing the situation it seems uncalled for to be grumbling and griping and whining about her like this when they have worked together, what, ONCE?! Aside from a brief freeze which is natural with a newbie facing death she handled herself just fine.
    There is also a time gap throwing Pinky off here. The last she met Sydney was what, two months ago? All she has to go off is her first impression of Sydney (which was bad), and the stories other people tell about Sydney (what do you think they told her? The time she was talking rationally or the times where she'd say something or do something hilarious and wacky?)

    So yeah, Pinky is being completely unfair here, but hey, that's what happens to people with Sydney's reputation.
    Spoiler: I'm a writer!
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    The Lost Dragon: A story about a priest who finds a baby dragon in his church and decides to protect them.

  5. - Top - End - #485

    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    This has nothing to do with the time gap and everything to do with the fact that none of the half-dozen or so times Halo and Pixel have interacted have gone well.

    From the first moment they met, where Sydney immediately got judgmental based on Pixel's appearance, to having to listen to Sydney prattle away on the Bubble Bus, to the media swarm, to the dinner, to a clandestine meeting where Sydney's behavior was so bad Maxima had to physically boot the teacher's pet out the door, followed immediately by a fight where Sydney spent much of her time talking smack. Then we get to the rooftop, where first Sydney stomps on one of Pixel's personal landmines (the whole Pink Panther thing), then (after the timeloop Pixel doesn't remember), Sydney has a very loud bout of Sydney-itis, resulting in a Superhusk showing up and dishing out lethal damage to anybody of the non-lycanthropic persuasion.

    And then there's this night, which started with Sydney ripping on Pixel for exposing the Veil when the only threat to the Veil is Sydney's mouth.

    I didn't even get rebar shoved through my torso, and my patience with Sydney is pretty much shot at this point.

  6. - Top - End - #486
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    How long is it since Sydney's been poisoned? She shouldn't be able to maintain consciousness for much longer. If her mouth is paralyzed that should mean her diaphragm and other breathing muscles are immobile too, seeing as how she was poked in the leg. Brain damage should follow shortly after.
    My deaths to wolves (or other evil night killers)

    Spytrap III, Ultimate Kaos II, Monty Python, Twin Village, Invasion of the Zombies: Outbreak, Vampires III

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow
    I think Lamech will make a great Sephiroth.
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  7. - Top - End - #487
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    But how long until we notice anything is different?

  8. - Top - End - #488
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    How long is it since Sydney's been poisoned? She shouldn't be able to maintain consciousness for much longer. If her mouth is paralyzed that should mean her diaphragm and other breathing muscles are immobile too, seeing as how she was poked in the leg. Brain damage should follow shortly after.
    There toxins and such that can parallelize a person, but not affect the autonomic nervous system. So while she can't more she can still breath.
    Member of the Giants in the Playground Forum Chapter for the Movement to Reunite Gondwana!

  9. - Top - End - #489
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
    This has nothing to do with the time gap and everything to do with the fact that none of the half-dozen or so times Halo and Pixel have interacted have gone well.

    From the first moment they met, where Sydney immediately got judgmental based on Pixel's appearance, to having to listen to Sydney prattle away on the Bubble Bus, to the media swarm, to the dinner, to a clandestine meeting where Sydney's behavior was so bad Maxima had to physically boot the teacher's pet out the door, followed immediately by a fight where Sydney spent much of her time talking smack. Then we get to the rooftop, where first Sydney stomps on one of Pixel's personal landmines (the whole Pink Panther thing), then (after the timeloop Pixel doesn't remember), Sydney has a very loud bout of Sydney-itis, resulting in a Superhusk showing up and dishing out lethal damage to anybody of the non-lycanthropic persuasion.

    And then there's this night, which started with Sydney ripping on Pixel for exposing the Veil when the only threat to the Veil is Sydney's mouth.

    I didn't even get rebar shoved through my torso, and my patience with Sydney is pretty much shot at this point.
    I may or may not seek her out for a night on the town, but after reading the various AAR surrounding the varying battles she has been in I wouldnt object even slightly to her fighting by my side. Which is kinda the point. I admit that max is certainly far less strict than she probably should be with her, but there is a REASON that sydney gets dragged along on these adventures (outside protagonist armor) and that is she is really really good in a tight spot. She personally took down several members of the super brawl with zero training, not only that, she managed to puzzle out the weaknesses of the two most troublesome members involved and figured out how to beat them. That buys you a TON of leeway as far as im concerned.

    Then while she embarrassed herself and max to an extent at the twilight meeting (I dont think many were actually offended as such, just annoyed till she left) She also was the one who spotted the incoming attack and gave max enough warning to handle the start of it and save most of the council from a good maiming at best. She also provided quite solid aid in the battle there by keeping one of the dolls restrained till it went beast mode.

    At the mars factory battle she DID slip up a bit by freezing since she was caught unable to use her shield in mid upgrade, but again, she has had barely any training so its hardly an unforgivable sin and she DID turn it around at the end, keeping the bot busy till the a team could get there. She was also the one who identified sciona as being present though that part didnt go well for her. Not that pixel has any room to complain as she was trussed up like a christmas goose.

    She is also the only reason anyone but maybe maxima survived the trip to scionas home planet, again, her good instincts let her make the right move and shield everyone when she saw an incoming attack. That doesnt even take into consideration what she went through to get home combat wise. So yeah, if pixel has any access to sydneys current combat record, and being a member of arc light she probably does, she should be aware that sydney is not an idiot when it comes to combat or other serious scenarios. So if she isnt TALKING, there are loud noises from where she went, and she is using freaking sign language to communicate, then maybe take it as a serious issue and not sydney being an idiot until proven otherwise.
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

  10. - Top - End - #490

    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    What After Action Reports? Word of God is that Sydney's been doing this for a week or two. She hasn't had time for one AAR, let alone multiple. Also, the pace continues to be ridiculous.

    At the superbrawl, Sydney dropped a couple scrubs. One of whom went to intensive care with half his body smashed up. Death Toll doesn't count, because all Sydney's little show and tell bit did was delay the orders Maxima had already issued (everyone hit him at once). Vehemence, yeah that was good on Sydney, but only because it turned out her shield stopped his aggro aura and gave her time to sit back and think it through. Not something you can count on.

    The Twilight Council thing has so many problems, starting with the fact that Sydney should not have been there at all. The proper response to her discovering the Veil with her Scry Orb is to tell her to keep her mouth shut and she'll maybe get read in once she passes Basic, now hit the track and keep running until you aren't getting lapped regularly by the chubby secretary. And it's arguable (given Max's reaction time) that Sydney's text gave her any real advantage, since the sequence went "My phone is ringi..." *BOOM* Action! Also, Sydney tying up one opponent is not a big deal, since she could have easily secured all of them with the Lighthook, if she would've been running her mouth less and watching more.

    As for the factory, again, Pixel got mindwiped by the reset so she doesn't know what happened to get her captured. For all we know, Sydney freaking out about were-jaguar-girl tripped alarms (I doubt it, but it is possible). More on point, Sydney just kept getting in the way until the plot suddenly remembered to make her the main heroine. Even then, all she did was indulge in massive property damage and arson until Anvil and Max showed up to deal with the problem (and I wish Anvil had been the one to get the win, just to show that the others are there to do something besides hold Maxima's coat).

    As for the subject of clearances and reports, well, as noted Sydney hasn't had the time to write lots of reports on all the stuff she's been up to in the less than two weeks she's been an Archon member. Even then, I'm not sure they'd let Pixel read them until after they'd been reviewed and vetted (a process that often takes weeks if not months). And this is an organization that hasn't even figured out that priority messages shouldn't have to wait on routine traffic, so their level of organization is pretty minimal.

  11. - Top - End - #491
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    She dropped several of the bad guys attacking, they dont all have to be vehemence to be considered a notable achievement for someone who has never, ever, fought superpowered beings or used her orbs outside of hesitant practice before. She stopped max from fighting death toll one on one since she was the only one to realize how his powers worked, max fighting him would have been a disaster. Or at the very elast a big pita till they figured it out otherwise. And yeah she had time to think, so what? She still was the one who figured out not only how his powers worked, but how to circumvent them. Arclight didnt figure it out while standing there observing everything, arcswat didnt figure it out despite being there fighting him, sydney figured it out. And her shield explicitly does mean she can stand back and think as so far we have only seen one attack damage it, and that was from some planet genociding kaiju ultimate attack beam. Her standing orders in a fight are to shield up then help where she feels she can.

    Max had enough time to read the message before the attack hit so yeah, she got warning that something was up so there was no exploitable moment of shock at the attack. As for being there in the first place I actually agree there was no actual reason for it other than indulgence on maximas part. She DID have to be read into the whole supernatural issue so she wouldnt screw up by seeing something unusual and freaking out, but it would have been better if she was sat down at archon, given some paperwork to read that covered the main species and gave her a warning to shush if she happened to spot anything supernatural beyond telling her co at the time.

    She did not indulge in massive property damage and arson, wtf? She protected herself from an enemy who it turned out had reflective shields to block attacks, its not like sydney was burning down the forest on purpose. And dont forget that it was the so called expert anvil who hulk smashed the building they were on into rubble and maxima who tore off its power pack making it explode as violently as it did. As for AAR pixel IS a part of the intelligence arm of archon, her entire job is to study intel to see what can be learned so if anyone has clearance and the need to know, it would be her. Its not just curiosity on her part, its her freaking job. Im starting to think you have an oddly deep seated dislike for sydney and its making you judge her very unfairly.

    Pixel is the one behaving irrationally here. There are tracking down a missing person, probably kidnapping setup, She gets a warning that something is up from sydney, who then stops talking, HEARS SOUNDS OF A STRUGGLE and sees sydney choosing to point out her location visually with the message that there is a BAD GUY HERE instead of verbally and her first instinct is to grumble and whine about sydney being unprofessional rather than to assume there is a fight going on and sydney is in trouble hence not talking? And on top of it all, she and her partner are just blundering into the situation without calling anyone else for backup just in case the bad guy who sydney just located is a real threat to them, meaning if they get taken down from ambush as appears to be the bad guys next move, NOBODY knows where to find them. Remind me again who the untrained idiot is here? Sydney has a week of training most of which has been pt, pixel and specs presumably have a little bit more than that and should know better.
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

  12. - Top - End - #492

    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    You do realize you keep handing me points against Sydney, right?

    Standing order: always use shield. Current situation: poisoned because she disobeyed orders.

    Current orders: keep comms open. Situation: Said 'Oh that's interesting' (implying she just got distracted by her ADHD), an indeterminate amount of time under radio silence*, and then the light show. As far as Pixel knows, the villain is long gone. She will be disabused of that next update, I think.

    Sydney really shouldn't be let out without a minder to make sure she actually does exactly what she's told to do. Which kind of negates the point of having her on the team.

    And you might want to reread the section with the superhusk. First, Sydney missed most of her shots (which is to be expected with spray and pray), which is where the forest fire came from. Too bad she forgot what Max told her about looking behind the target. Second, Hiro is the one who ripped the power pack out, followed very shortly thereafter by giving Maxima the Full Monty. Third, by the time Anvil arrived on the scene, it looks like between Husk and Halo about a third of the building was already rubble.

    I don't think we're going to convince each other, so maybe we should drop this before it gets heated and the mods get involved.

    *I can't remember which webcomic I saw it in, but the author used a clock icon to note the passage of time in the scene. I wish more artists did that.

  13. - Top - End - #493
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
    You do realize you keep handing me points against Sydney, right?

    Standing order: always use shield. Current situation: poisoned because she disobeyed orders.

    Current orders: keep comms open. Situation: Said 'Oh that's interesting' (implying she just got distracted by her ADHD), an indeterminate amount of time under radio silence*, and then the light show. As far as Pixel knows, the villain is long gone. She will be disabused of that next update, I think.

    Sydney really shouldn't be let out without a minder to make sure she actually does exactly what she's told to do. Which kind of negates the point of having her on the team.

    And you might want to reread the section with the superhusk. First, Sydney missed most of her shots (which is to be expected with spray and pray), which is where the forest fire came from. Too bad she forgot what Max told her about looking behind the target. Second, Hiro is the one who ripped the power pack out, followed very shortly thereafter by giving Maxima the Full Monty. Third, by the time Anvil arrived on the scene, it looks like between Husk and Halo about a third of the building was already rubble.

    I don't think we're going to convince each other, so maybe we should drop this before it gets heated and the mods get involved.

    *I can't remember which webcomic I saw it in, but the author used a clock icon to note the passage of time in the scene. I wish more artists did that.
    Her standing order is to keep shields up in combat. Sydney didn't know she was in a fight. For all she knew, the spiderwoman was a victim in need of help.

    Her exact words were 'Guys, I've either found Tammy or something else worth investigating.' Considering that the next time we see Pixel, she's asking Sydney to elaborate, I'm imagining that literal seconds have passed. Since the same panel has sounds of combat on it, Pixel should immediately jump to 'her comms have either been disabled, or she's incapacitated to the point of being unable to speak' not 'Sydeny is messing around again.'

    Pixel's poor opinion of Sydney is leading her to make the wrong choices here, no matter how justified you think her opinion might be.
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  14. - Top - End - #494
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
    Her standing order is to keep shields up in combat. Sydney didn't know she was in a fight. For all she knew, the spiderwoman was a victim in need of help.

    Her exact words were 'Guys, I've either found Tammy or something else worth investigating.' Considering that the next time we see Pixel, she's asking Sydney to elaborate, I'm imagining that literal seconds have passed. Since the same panel has sounds of combat on it, Pixel should immediately jump to 'her comms have either been disabled, or she's incapacitated to the point of being unable to speak' not 'Sydeny is messing around again.'

    Pixel's poor opinion of Sydney is leading her to make the wrong choices here, no matter how justified you think her opinion might be.
    Exactly, her shield cant be up 24/7 and she wasnt aware she was under attack until it was too late. Pixel is making assumptions that really dont have much basis in fact given the situation due to personal dislike of sydney. "Hey I think ive spotted something" followed by both radio silence and loud sounds that could easily be combat are not things you respond to with, "Ugh sigh, sydney is such a spazz, clearly she has turned off her radio and gone crazy fighting a bug she saw in the dumpster. No, the literal giant glowing sign saying BAD GUY HERE doesnt mean anything other than her being a brat somehow."
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
    Translation: "Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe."

    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

  15. - Top - End - #495
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar Demonblud View Post
    You do realize you keep handing me points against Sydney, right?.
    I'm sure you see it that way, given how talented you've shown yourself to be at interpreting anything and everything in the worst possible way for Sydney, and ignoring anything that would be inconvenient to your "case".
    It is one thing to suspend your disbelief. It is another thing entirely to hang it by the neck until dead.

    Verisimilitude -- n, the appearance or semblance of truth, likelihood, or probability.

    The concern is not realism in speculative fiction, but rather the sense that a setting or story could be real, fostered by internal consistency and coherence.

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  16. - Top - End - #496
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Honestly, Sydney screwed up. She suspected something was wrong ("A teen girl does not just forget her phone!") but let the sight of a potentially injured girl lead her to lower her guard. I can't really blame her, it's not like there were hallmarks of this being anything more insidious than a typical dance club, but she really should have known better. Of course, there's the other angle to consider, here. The shield is a bubble, not a skin-tight field like Maxima's. She can't just bend over and examine someone when it's up unless they're already in the bubble and then the bubble isn't exactly doing much. She wanted to check on the girl, and that took precedence, which left her open. "Careless but kind" is not the worst descriptor Sydney Scoville could earn.

    Pixel also screwed up, just a little. She was still in "casual mode", if you will. She didn't see the idea of any signs of danger, so she interpreted Sydney's behavior through a casual lens. She didn't dismiss the message, she just didn't read it as dire as she would have on a known battlefield. Still, she's a Super on the trail of a possible abduction, so her reaction should have been more "what the hell is going on here?" and a little less "what the hell is wrong with that girl?". Both are valid questions, she just put the emphasis on the wrong one. I expect Max will have words for both of them in the after action.

    I do wonder if Pixel's senses were confused by a well-meaning but misinformed opponent. The spider girl thinks Succubus => Demon => evil => friends are evil, she's not trying to do evil herself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kairos Theodosian
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  17. - Top - End - #497
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
    Honestly, Sydney screwed up. She suspected something was wrong ("A teen girl does not just forget her phone!") but let the sight of a potentially injured girl lead her to lower her guard. I can't really blame her, it's not like there were hallmarks of this being anything more insidious than a typical dance club, but she really should have known better. Of course, there's the other angle to consider, here. The shield is a bubble, not a skin-tight field like Maxima's. She can't just bend over and examine someone when it's up unless they're already in the bubble and then the bubble isn't exactly doing much. She wanted to check on the girl, and that took precedence, which left her open. "Careless but kind" is not the worst descriptor Sydney Scoville could earn.

    Pixel also screwed up, just a little. She was still in "casual mode", if you will. She didn't see the idea of any signs of danger, so she interpreted Sydney's behavior through a casual lens. She didn't dismiss the message, she just didn't read it as dire as she would have on a known battlefield. Still, she's a Super on the trail of a possible abduction, so her reaction should have been more "what the hell is going on here?" and a little less "what the hell is wrong with that girl?". Both are valid questions, she just put the emphasis on the wrong one. I expect Max will have words for both of them in the after action.

    I do wonder if Pixel's senses were confused by a well-meaning but misinformed opponent. The spider girl thinks Succubus => Demon => evil => friends are evil, she's not trying to do evil herself.

    The one thing Sydney could have done to give Pixel a bit more warning would be "Bad Guy! Danger!" or something similar in her lighthook message and arrow.
    It is one thing to suspend your disbelief. It is another thing entirely to hang it by the neck until dead.

    Verisimilitude -- n, the appearance or semblance of truth, likelihood, or probability.

    The concern is not realism in speculative fiction, but rather the sense that a setting or story could be real, fostered by internal consistency and coherence.

    The Worldbuilding Forum -- where realities are born.

  18. - Top - End - #498
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by HandofShadows View Post
    There toxins and such that can parallelize a person, but not affect the autonomic nervous system. So while she can't more she can still breath.
    Diaphragm and accessory breathing muscles are skeletal muscles and not under autonomic control. If her skeletal muscles are out she can't breath.
    My deaths to wolves (or other evil night killers)

    Spytrap III, Ultimate Kaos II, Monty Python, Twin Village, Invasion of the Zombies: Outbreak, Vampires III

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow
    I think Lamech will make a great Sephiroth.
    A new New York IC OOC

  19. - Top - End - #499
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    Diaphragm and accessory breathing muscles are skeletal muscles and not under autonomic control. If her skeletal muscles are out she can't breath.
    I am neither a biochemist nor a medical personel, so this is a wild guess, but maybe one can get a right ammount of poison that would relax skeletal muscles enough that any movement would not be feasable, but breathing would still be possible if uncomfortable? I would expect it to be difficult to gauge the ammount though since it would be heavily mass-dependent just like it is a very delicate task to induce medical coma.

    Still, If you're wondering how she eats or breaths and other science facts... You probably know, where this would go.
    In a war it doesn't matter who's right, only who's left.

  20. - Top - End - #500
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    Diaphragm and accessory breathing muscles are skeletal muscles and not under autonomic control. If her skeletal muscles are out she can't breath.
    Fine its special magic poison that only targets specific muscles. Seriously, the paralyzed but still able to breath trope is so ubiquitous in this type of story its honestly not worth complaining about it. Same for getting a tranq to the neck and it working perfectly instead of being ineffective or murdering you because such things are very precisely measured per person, not a one dart fits all scenario.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
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  21. - Top - End - #501
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    Diaphragm and accessory breathing muscles are skeletal muscles and not under autonomic control. If her skeletal muscles are out she can't breath.
    Really? What's the distinction here that makes that statement and the info at these links both true?
    Last edited by Max_Killjoy; 2020-01-16 at 06:57 PM.
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    I'm sure you see it that way, given how talented you've shown yourself to be at interpreting anything and everything in the worst possible way for Sydney, and ignoring anything that would be inconvenient to your "case".
    Actually, my problem isn't with Sydney, really, except in how her omnipresence distorts the story to keep her always involved with no real reason ever given because Dave has a protagonist fetish. As an example, look at this arc. If I had posed the question to the Playground for an arc to help Arc-Light show off their stuff, it would've taken you guys, what, a few hours to come up with an investigation plot like this? It is pretty much tailor made for the purpose, except there's no need to have Sydney anywhere around. She should be in the club eating jalapeno poppers (actually, she should be home in bed trying to get some sleep before 5AM PT, because she doesn't have the superhero physique to help her out). What skills does she have in this situation? She knows nothing of investigation, tracking, search grids, profiling, hostage negotiation, less-lethal or hand-to-hand combat...actually, I can't remember if she knows basic first aid. It's mandatory to get out of middle school here, but not most of the country. Eh, we'll spot her that. The one skill she supposedly has (Tropemistress) just got ashcanned so she could make a dumb decision in a situation that pretty much screamed It's A Trap!

    Heck, if you look at this as a D&D scenario, she's probably played it at least twice. Princess was captured from a party with lots of security, including highly trained heroes, without anybody noticing. Do you think Gamer-Sydney would leave all her equipment in a bag of holding in this scenario? Halo-Sydney did. Heck, she didn't even send Holo-Sydney over to check it out, which she knew to do back with Vehemence on her first fricking day on the job.

    Then there's today's update. What happens when Aranea tries to jump a trained hero? Pixel immediately detects and reacts. And then gets Worfed for the third time (and I hate that trope in the first place, let alone when it keeps getting used on a woman). I figure it's at least even money the situation will be resolved when Dave's other favorite shows up.

    Oh, and for an example of when there was a reason built up to involve Sydney? The Black Reliquary. They needed her specific talents to get everyone to the site. Took like two panels to establish. Not hard, if you actually take a moment.

    For icing, we're something like 3-5 days from Halo completing Basic, getting promoted to Corporal, and going to the game night we saw in strip one. Actually, we were past it until Dave rolled back how much time had passed before the time skip.

    Short version is, Dave needs to have somebody other than Sydney front and center so not all the plot-enforced screw ups are on her. Which means we might actually learn something about the rest of the cast and develop the world some more.

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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    Diaphragm and accessory breathing muscles are skeletal muscles and not under autonomic control. If her skeletal muscles are out she can't breath.
    There being an entire separate subsection of the nervous system for operating autonomous functions, kind of leaves one giant plausible vector of influence.

    There are even various known conditions, such as sleep paralysis, where the person is fully aware and has functioning autonomic systems, but is unable to move. So the existence of a chemical cocktail that triggers such a condition is not outside the realm of plausibility.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    Really? What's the distinction here that makes that statement and the info at these links both true?
    A quick skim of those links shows me nothing that points to the diaphragm or other skeletal muscles.

    The rate of breathing is influenced by autonomics, partly due to sense info from carotid bodies. Autonomics also control the adrenal glands. They also control smooth muscle within the lungs, but those don't actually pump air in and out. The actual muscles that cause breathing are all skeletal and use the same type of nerves the other skeletal muscles do. The diaphragm specifically uses the phrenic nerve.

    On the other hand the heart has an internal pacemaker and doesn't need any nervous input from the brain, but the autonomics can still influence the rate.
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Mirrsen View Post
    There are even various known conditions, such as sleep paralysis, where the person is fully aware and has functioning autonomic systems, but is unable to move. So the existence of a chemical cocktail that triggers such a condition is not outside the realm of plausibility.
    Sleep paralysis is what happens when your brain is still running its dreaming system. Specifically activating only a part of that would be even more silly than those magic knock out drugs that don't need careful calibration.

    P.S. I also complain when people toss and turn while having a nightmare in stories.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lamech View Post
    P.S. I also complain when people toss and turn while having a nightmare in stories.
    Is that unrealistic? I mean, I've had a nightmare while sleep-walking before.
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    Its not impossible, but usually tossing and turning happens in NREM sleep, while dreaming happens in REM sleep. The official version of sleepwalking is for NREM.

    Really, its characters voicing stuff like "He must be having a bad dream" who need to be educated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow
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  28. - Top - End - #508
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    You know? I just realized, why Pixel gets the short end of the stick in the fights so often: she has a bad power. It is so obvious once you think about it.
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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
    You know? I just realized, why Pixel gets the short end of the stick in the fights so often: she has a bad power. It is so obvious once you think about it.
    True, laser claws that can cut through anything mean you wont get to cut anything important. Which means instead you get tossed around like a hacky sack. Also,
    spider girl is taking a beating but still going. Will she work her way through the heroes before finally getting taken down? Also also, I agree, crotch to the face would be far less painful than chunky boot heel to the face.
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

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    Default Re: Grrl Power V: Probably Not an Octopus

    Quote Originally Posted by Radar View Post
    You know? I just realized, why Pixel gets the short end of the stick in the fights so often: she has a bad power. It is so obvious once you think about it.
    Actually, while she can be a beast in combat, that's really not her strong point. She's really more an intel officer, infiltration specialist.

    Also I don't think Pixel is finished yet. Hurt, but she's a wear and I bet she's going to heal VERY quickly from he injuries.
    Last edited by HandofShadows; 2020-01-20 at 09:02 AM.
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