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Thread: X-Mafia

  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default X-Mafia

    Spoiler: Original Post and Player List

    X-Men: It was just another peaceful night at the X-Mansion, until it wasn't. Something has scrambled your brain and you can't seem to remember who the people around you are. Someone must have broken in and done something. But who? I know! Let's ask the Professor! What does he look like again? The campus has gone into lockdown mode until someone can enter the codes to return things to normal. Also, you are pretty sure Jean is dead again. That would be more concerning but by now you are kind of use to it.

    Brother Hood: Finally your time has come to attack the mansion head on. However, something is off. Not everyone is one of Xavier's students. At least you think that's the case. You aren't really sure. Something else is clearly happening here.

    It's strange that the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants would attack the same day you come to the mansion. That might make things easier. That might make things harder. It depends on why you're here. Best just make the most of it.

    Okay guys. It's time for my first go at running a werewolf/mafia game. I'm putting a spoiler in this post to include the rule basics to assist and encourage new players. I also encourage experienced players to look through them and double check me but if you feel comfortable diving into the game, it's pretty simple and you can just skip the rules spoiler.

    Spoiler: Rules
    If you are a new player, welcome. I hope you enjoy the game. We do these regularly and the higher the participation, the more fun it will be. I will be here to answer any questions you have, as well as your fellow players. Some questions, by the nature of the game, will not have answers I can give until after the game.

    It is important to note, if you are not familiar with this style of game, that this is not an RPG with rolls and dice. It is an adaptation of the game Mafia. It's also known as Werewolves or something but I am not sure which is the original. I always played Mafia in school. I have included the rules but please don't be overwhelmed, I tried to over explain to avoid confusion.

    Spoiler: Basics
    Roles: Everyone is assigned a role at the beginning of the game. This will be done semi-randomly by me. Each role comes with it's own powers and win conditions. You will receive specific details about how your role works at the beginning of the game through PM. Your role is secret. Unless otherwise noted, you are the only one (besides me of course) who knows your role and how it works. So as far as character creation goes, just sign up and be ready to roll with your role.

    Factions: Every role is assigned a faction. There are normally two or more factions. One faction is normally called Town. They are the "good guys." The other standard faction for the game are the Werewolves/Mafia. They are the "bad guys." In some games, there are other factions that have their own alignments. In this game, the Town is the X-Men and the Wolves are the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. There will be other neutral factions in this game, as long as we have enough people.

    Playing the Game: You begin the game knowing nothing more than whatever I include in this recruitment post and whatever information you receive in your role PM. So you will not know who is town and who is a wolf unless you receive a role that begins with that information. That's the game, figuring it out. The game is played in two phases: Day Phase and Night Phase.
    During the Day Phase, everyone may place a vote on who they suspect of being a wolf. You place a vote by posting another player's name in Red. You may change your vote at any point by marking out your previous vote. If this is not done, I will not count your new vote. At the end of the day phase, the person with the most votes is "lynched" and removed from the game. The Day Phase lasts for 48 hours in this game.

    During the Night Phase, people who have night powers will be able to use them. They privately tell me whom they would like to target with their power. You will be told of any results of your powers at the end of the night phase/beginning of the day phase. The Night Phase will last 48 hours.

    Winning the Game: Each role or faction may have their own individual win conditions. As a whole though, people belonging to the Town win if they eliminate all of the Wolves. The Wolves on the other hand win if they bring the total number of Town to less than the total number of Wolves remaining. So if there are Four Wolves and only Three town, the Wolves will win. Most neutrals have win conditions independent of these two factions. Unless otherwise stated, if your faction wins, you win, even if you die.

    I also wanted to include some notes about how communication will work.
    Spoiler: Communication
    Anything you post in the in game thread will be public for everyone to see.

    You will each receive a quick topic link from me. Quick Topic is a website with a great system for making quick topical threads to allow communication. Any private communication, including power use, will be done through your quick topic (QT) thread. You do not need an account to use the thread. If you want to start a new one, I believe you do need an account but it is free. We use this to allow for private discussion without needing to clog up our PM Inboxes.

    If you want to communicate privately with another player, then it is recommended that you create a quick topic thread and PM the link to both them and me. I should be kept in the loop with all game related communications and this method is the easiest.

    You are not allowed to send anyone a screenshot of your role PM. I came up with that idea last game and then realized why it's a bad idea after being shut down for suggesting it.

    Trust no one.

    This part is far from necessary for any of you to look at yet but I'll throw it on here just because it's convenient and why not. Below are some terms that are used commonly as a short hand by players. If you are new and see a term you don't recognize, check this out.
    Spoiler: Some Basic Terms
    I'll add more as I think of them.
    Baner: Baners protect a target from kill powers.
    Blocker: Blockers can prevent someone from taking their night action.
    Scry: Usually refers to a power that gives you information about a player's role.

    Now here is where everybody will want to look. I'll post a little about each role alphabetically but I'm not decided that I will post anything about powers yet.
    Spoiler: Roles

    ???: Well, you finally wake up and this is what you find. Oh well, all this madness is going to be inconsequential in the end.
    Caliban: Well you are new here and this is not good. You can tell that most people here are like you. Most people here are mutants. Let's see if you can find your friends.
    Colossus: You have always been a protector at heart. Protecting your sister and then your team mates. Looks like people might need a lot of protecting. Good thing you can turn into steel.
    Cyclops: This is the worst thing that can happen. Not only is Jean dead but the mansion is under attack, and you have no idea who most of these people are. Guess there is only one thing to do, blast people with your optic blast until you find who is responsible.
    Emma Frost: It's time to show Xavier that you are a telepath on par with even his greatness. Even with the interference your telepathy and diamond form should be more than enough to get the job done.
    Forge: You were up when the attack happened. You are almost always up and working down in your lab. Well, grab some gear and let's get out of here.
    Gambit: Well, this is quite a pickle. Who are all these people? That's a nice vase though. And a nice helmet. Let's see what a Master Thief can accomplish in this madness.
    ???: You don't care about any of this nonsense. You have a score to settle. Nothing can stop you in your mission.
    ???: As if your life isn't confusing and complicated enough. Now you come here to stop things before they get out of hand, but things have already gotten out of hand. Hopefully you can get yourself under control enough to get the job done.
    Magik: You are a powerful sorceress and master of Limbo. Your mutant powers however allow you to transport people through time and space. This is going to be fun.
    Magento: You are the master of Magnetism. No one has better control over metal. You are going to use that to make quick work of this mess.
    Mastermind: You have the power to make people believe and see what you want them to. All this chaos is just going to make your job easier.
    ???: This was an unexpected outcome. Threat greater than initially expected. Must acquire new resources.
    Mystique: Between your training and powers, this is no problem. You have always been a master infiltrator. Now it's your chance to use those skills and disguise your self as a familiar face.
    Nightcrawler: You might not have your memories but you have always been trusting and good at heart. You might be the easiest to pick out if it wasn't for your image inducer. People might not remember who you are but the definitely remember the way you smell when you teleport. You have got to do something about that.
    Polaris: You are so sick of your father being so smug just because he is "master of magnetism." Well it's time you proved to everyone that you are just as powerful as your father, but less of a jerk about it.
    Professor X: You are the world's most powerful telepath. Were you at full strength, you would have this whole mess sorted out in no time. The issue is however, that whatever has caused you to forget who your students are, is messing with your telepathy. It's going to take far more focus than normal to restore your link with your students.
    Rogue: Well this is a mess. The mansion has turned to chaos. It's a good thing you have some handy tricks for making people calm down for a while. Might even use their powers while they are zonked out. You'll have this whole mess straightened out in no time.
    Shadowcat: Not only are you a powerful mutant with the ability to phase through matter, but when you went to Japan, you were trained as a ninja assassin. You aren't sitting on the sidelines for any of this. You need to figure out what is going on.
    Wolverine: Yeah, you are the best at what you do, but what if you aren't in a situation where you can do what you are best at. You can't just go around indiscriminately killing students. Good thing you have plenty of other skills and your enhanced senses to bring to the table.

    And Finally:
    Spoiler: Player List, Alphabetically

    1. Avatar Vecna
    2. Caerulea
    3. DukeGod
    4. Godzillarich
    5. Jeen Leen
    6. JoyWonderLove
    7. Kgato530
    8. Logan1996
    9. MacJoe
    10. Part of Rogues
    11. Rogue Alchemist
    12. Snowblaze
    13. Valmark

    Recruitment will end January 27th.

    The X-Mansion is startled awake by the alarms. They all rush to the living room to discover that Gac3 has died. They were Jean Grey. It's clear the mansion is under attack by the brotherhood but most of you can't remember who the other people around you are. You need to get to the bottom of this.

    Day 1 Begins You may begin voting. One small change, I'm going to try a 72 hour day and a 48 hour night. The day will end approximately 6 a.m. forum time on Thursday.
    Last edited by flat_footed; 2020-01-27 at 03:15 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: X-Mafia

    After being awakened by the alarms and avoiding the 503 Server Error drones that are running rampant through the mansion, the hero arrives to see Jean Grey already fallen. He thinks to himself, "Huh; I thought she died last year. Deja vu?' He's ready to join the team, but realizes he can't recall who is who. This is bad.

    I was thinking of waiting to post, but it took a while to get logged in, so I'll go ahead and give a poke-vote to Caerulea.
    Last edited by JeenLeen; 2020-02-26 at 12:55 AM. Reason: strike out vote

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
    Valmark's Avatar

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    JeenLeen said that they are a hero- no reason to suspect them. Right, AvatarVecna?

    (I'm really voting randomly and picking the first in the list)
    Last edited by Valmark; 2020-01-27 at 06:06 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I will vote for the eternal schemer, AvatarVecna in response.
    Non caerulea sum, Caerulea nomen meum est.
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I... Feel like it's kinda strange to pick someone who already has a vote on them right off the bat. Especially if you consider that AV appears to be good at this game from what I understood (danger for wolves) and got eliminated first last game (so we should avoid lynching her so early. I think. Is there such an unspoken rule?)

    And before you tell me that it's defensive, I feel like it's kinda early to be defensive (we have the major half of 72 hours) but I believe wolves would start scheming immediately.

    ...yeah, that's the greatest theory I can come up with in a handful of hours. So, Caerulea.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Valmark View Post
    I... Feel like it's kinda strange to pick someone who already has a vote on them right off the bat. Especially if you consider that AV appears to be good at this game from what I understood (danger for wolves) and got eliminated first last game (so we should avoid lynching her so early. I think. Is there such an unspoken rule?) And before you tell me that it's defensive, I feel like it's kinda early to be defensive (we have the major half of 72 hours) but I believe wolves would start scheming immediately. ...yeah, that's the greatest theory I can come up with in a handful of hours. So, Caerulea.
    And the coin flip of will GitP register my post comes up. . . false! Yay! So here's why I voted AV: I couldn't see your post until after I posted. So I thought I was first voting her. Then, I tried to post an edit, where I voted for you instead but gitp decided nope, I'm not going to do that. Anyway, now that I have briefly regained access to the forum I will leave my vote on AV as there is only one vote for them now (as far as I am aware).
    Non caerulea sum, Caerulea nomen meum est.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    That IS plausible. Though, you could be lying and I... Don't really have anything else to go on, so I'll leave the vote there. For now, at least

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    kgato503 by RNG. Also just saying, voting for AvatarVecna on principle isn't the worst idea at this point.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    *Rolls d20* Godzillarich are you about?

    Also, yes, hello AvatarVecna. How are you?

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by kgato503 View Post
    *Rolls d20* Godzillarich are you about?

    Also, yes, hello AvatarVecna. How are you?
    Doing alright. Wish the forum was more cooperative about posting, but then so does everybody.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    RNG says PartyOfRouges gets a vote.
    Last edited by Snowblaze; 2020-02-25 at 02:06 AM.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
    rogue_alchemist's Avatar

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Having nothing better to go off of than looks (read random dice roll), I will pick Jeen Leen.

    I love playing this with my family IRL, but haven't played on here yet, so I am excited to see how this plays out. At this rate, it seems we may all vote before the 72hrs is up, though I suspect we will need more of that time as the game progresses.
    Last edited by rogue_alchemist; 2020-01-28 at 04:55 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by rogue_alchemist View Post
    Having nothing better to go off of than looks (read random dice roll), I will pick Jeen Leen.

    I love playing this with my family IRL, but haven't played on here yet, so I am excited to see how this plays out. At this rate, it seems we may all vote before the 72hrs is up, though I suspect we will need more of that time as the game progresses.
    Remember to color-code your votes red. The code for it is below, but the icon with a big A when you are writing your post also lets you select the color.
    my name
    The 72 hour thing is a bummer, but with how slow the forum has been lately, I see it as a good way to make sure everyone has a chance. I know there's been a few times I hope to get on and participate in something, but I just have to try again later.

    Hope you enjoy the game.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post
    Remember to color-code your votes red. The code for it is below, but the icon with a big A when you are writing your post also lets you select the color.

    The 72 hour thing is a bummer, but with how slow the forum has been lately, I see it as a good way to make sure everyone has a chance.
    Feeling the need to add that the"big A" is only there if the forum feels like it. The last couple times I've gone to post, it wasn't there, probably due to the continuing forum problems.

    Speaking of which, I think the extra time is good for that very reason. Also, even if we all vote well ahead of the deadline, the extra time gives us time to discuss, and for some one to potentially mess up (and then we all pounce on them :P). If we want the day to end early, that would probably be a separate vote/narrator discretion thing.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    If the forum deems me worthy enough to post, my d12 says DukeGod

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by kgato503 View Post
    Feeling the need to add that the"big A" is only there if the forum feels like it. The last couple times I've gone to post, it wasn't there, probably due to the continuing forum problems.

    Speaking of which, I think the extra time is good for that very reason. Also, even if we all vote well ahead of the deadline, the extra time gives us time to discuss, and for some one to potentially mess up (and then we all pounce on them :P). If we want the day to end early, that would probably be a separate vote/narrator discretion thing.
    you can also type something like this if the forum panel doesn't wanna work:

    [ color = red ]example text[ /color ]
    Removing the spaces obviously. Although if the forum is giving issues, then getting any kinda post might be difficult.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I spy with my little eye a vote for hmm...

    First one on the alphabetical list to not have a vote on him already

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by DukeGod View Post
    I spy with my little eye a vote for hmm...

    First one on the alphabetical list to not have a vote on him already
    Ummm, rogue_alchemist already voted for JeenLeen (they now have 2 votes if I am not mistaken)

    Also, will the mutant with the time stop powers please knock it off? (Welcome back everyone )

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Somehow, I get the feeling that tecnically the day has ended by now :p

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Welcome back, everyone!

    (My theory is that the wolves broke the forum to make everyone forget what was going on.)

    Also, since it’s been a while:
    Spoiler: Day One Vote Count

    Caerulea 2 (JeenLeen, Valmark)
    JeenLeen 2 (rogue_alchemist, DukeGod)
    AvatarVecna 1 (Caerulea)
    kgato503 1 (AvatarVecna)
    Godzillarich 1 (kgato503)
    PartyOfRouges 1 (Snowblaze)
    DukeGod 1 (PartyOfRouges)

    @gac3 when does day now end?
    Last edited by Snowblaze; 2020-02-23 at 02:02 AM.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

    Extended Signature

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Okay. So my big concern is people missing the mere fact that the forums are back. So for now we will say tentative: Day ends Wednesday at 6 a.m. EST.

    Please everyone check in either here or in your quick Topic so I can have a count of who is still here/back.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Still here!

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Anyone who doesn't check in by tomorrow when I get off work will get a message in their QT in case they are checking that instead for any reason.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground
    rogue_alchemist's Avatar

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I am still here. I checked the forums before the weekend, and assumed that nothing would happen until Monday, but then I got back on this morning, and lo! the forums are back!

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Titan in the Playground
    AvatarVecna's Avatar

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I'm present.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

    Avatar by AsteriskAmp

    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
    My Homebrew

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    I'm still playing.

    I generally aren't online during the weekend unless I have something like a PbP game to get me online. Glad I have that reason again

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    For the record, feel free to begin voting again. In case that wasn't clear. Nobody has so I just wanted to clarify. Someone asked in a QT if it was okay to start voting again.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Provided I haven't missed anything, the following players have not voted yet today:


    Just a reminder to new players, it is wise to speak up and vote on D1, lest everyone view you with suspicion for being quiet.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by kgato503 View Post
    Provided I haven't missed anything, the following players have not voted yet today:


    Just a reminder to new players, it is wise to speak up and vote on D1, lest everyone view you with suspicion for being quiet.
    I know MacJoe in person. I'll be seeing them in about two hours. So I'll make sure he knows the forum is back up.

    Actually I know Godzillarich too and have a discord with him. So the same for him.
    Last edited by gac3; 2020-02-24 at 08:52 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: X-Mafia

    Greetings and Salutations fellow Mutants,

    It is a pleasure to finally return to this place of learning, having recessed for so long (and on such short notice), but I'm afraid that after my vacation I have no clue what is happening anymore.
    Non caerulea sum, Caerulea nomen meum est.
    Extended Signature.
    I'm not not a humanoid. Come not not be one too.
    Answer trivial questions in the OOTS trivia thread!


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