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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I am thinking particularly about a few people who pronunce their own name differently depending on setting - stressing different syllables (or adding stress where they normally wouldn't use it) to make the name clearer in formal settings.
    I’ll sorry what?

    We have named people from mars martians despite not meeting them and them likely not existing
    No, that’s not what martian mean. It means ‘of Mars’. If a man and a dog settled on Mars we’d call them martians but they’d still be a man and a dog. Likewise a twi’lek that lives on Tatooine (like Jabba’s Butler) would be both a Tatooinian and a twi’lek. And the characters from that last episodes are both twi’lek and Rylothians because twi’lek is the name of the species.
    I see no reason to assume that the galactic civilisation didn't name the twi'leks (or get a name from some other race) prior to meeting them and learning their language.
    Wether the word twi’lek comes from their own language or from a neigbouring’s people does not change anything.

    There are billion of stars in the SW galaxy and hundreds of species, they are not going to name every single rock unless there’s a reason to. And why not use the names the people there already have.
    Edit: To make a Star Wars example 'Wookiee' does not seem to be a shyriiwook word (and presumedly not either of their other two languages that I did not know existed).
    Shryiiwook is not pronounceable by humans, do of course they had to find a way.

    You’ll note that twi’lek is not a Basic word because (unlike tail-head which has the exact same meaning) it’s not translated in English.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2020-06-20 at 10:32 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #122
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    IÂ’ll sorry what?
    I'm not sure what you are asking here - I know people who pronounce their own names differently in different settings.

    To use your forum name as an example 'Fyraltari' lets imagine that this might be properly pronounced 'Fee-RAL-tar-I' you might use that in a formal setting to insure that it was correctly and clearly understood rather then some other similar name, on the other hand in a social situation with your friends you might go with 'Fee-real-tar-e' because you just find it easiler and have been using it for decades or it is how your family normally pronounces it.
    You could then switch between them based on mood and situations.

    Wether the word twiÂ’lek comes from their own language or from a neigbouringÂ’s people does not change anything.
    Whether it is a loan word from the twi'lek changes and if it was created in galactic basic then it is a created word in galactic basic which could be translated back to Twi'lek - unless we know the full language background then we don't know how the word came to be.

    There are billion of stars in the SW galaxy and hundreds of species, they are not going to name every single rock unless thereÂ’s a reason to. And why not use the names the people there already have.
    If they think they are going to make contact with a new species they have reason to name that species - similiarly if they are going to enter an unexplored area of space they have reason to name things in that space. There are plenty of uninhabited (or near uninhabited) rocks that have names in Star Wars.

    Shryiiwook is not pronounceable by humans, do of course they had to find a way.
    Han Solo in the Solo movie speaks a bit of it to memory
    Also the twi'lek languages includes sign language using the lekku (head tails) - so it would not be pronounceable to other species without such.

    Is it possible it is a from the twi'lek language (or some other language) sure - but I see no reason to assume it was not merely created in Basic (and I suppose no reason to think it was either).

  3. - Top - End - #123
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Sorry for the dealy, folks, week-end was tad more eventful than what I planned for.

    Season 1, Episode 21: Liberty on Ryloth

    Spoiler: Recap
    Well, Anakin cleared the skies and Obi-Wan took a landing ground which means it's Windu's job to take the capital apprently. We're told that Obi-Wan took the whole Southern Hemishpere in-between episodes and when Windu takes the capital city of Lassu the whole planet will be freed of Separatist presence. Somehow. I mean, it's still more battles per planet than Empire at War but it always amuse me how small pla,ets seem to be in Star Wars. Anyway Windu isn't off to a great start as his column is bogged down on some narrow mountain pass being shelled by droid cannons. Windu's heavy armour transports are lost so he breaks out some tiny-teensie cutie one-man chicken walkers and outmaneuvers the droids. However without his tank force he does not feel confident in his ability to take Lassu and decides to meet with some local freedom fighters. he tells so to Obinakin as well as Palpatine and Ryloth's Senator Orn Free Tah. Tah is worried that the head of said fighters, Cham Syndulla, is going to want to take power for himself. Windu says he's here to free Ryloth, what happens next, he leaves to the twi'lek to decide.

    Meanwhile Watt Tambor and a random tactical droid are holographically meeting with Dooku. He tells them to pack their **** and leave. The droid wants to but Tambor wants to saty and pillage some more. Oh yeah, turns out he's only here to get some sweet loot. That's... peculiarly uninteresting. By the way, the same dialog between Tambor and the droid about him telling him to get a move on and Tambor not wanting to happens a couple times so I'm not sure if it started here but anyway I'm not repeating it. Tambor is using the twi'lek population of the city as hostage because that worked so well last time. But there's a twist, Dooku tells him that befor ehe leaves he should have his remaining fighter droids bomb as many civilian centers as possible to show the galaxy "the price of a Republic Victory". I'm not sure propaganda works that way, but okay.

    Windu and a handful of clones arrive at a place that would be completely undifferantiable from the rest of teh planet if it weren't for some big cairns. Windu explains that the freedom fighters got slaughtered there at the beginning of the invasion (how he knows this, I don't know) so he figure they'll be back to pay their respects. A droid patrol shows up and Wondu elects to hide. One B1 picks up the head of another one killed some time ago and recognize him. they mock that B1 for being an earlier model that relied on a central computer Phantom Menace style "unlike us! We're independant thinkers!
    -Roger, roger.
    -Roger, roger.
    -Roger, roger."
    Okay that made me laugh. The droids get cut down by the resitance fighters and we are introduced to Syndulla. He's got a very noticeable French accent. It's not as bad as the other times because he's presented positively but still, I'm not a fan. Cham isn't very fond of the Jedi and the Republic at large but he welcomes the ennemies of his ennemies in his stronghold. There's a lot of civilian there under the protection of his little army. As he enters he hugs a little yellow twi'lek girl (either he's popular enough that random children hug him or hera changed colour during puberty. I mean she might have, I used to be a blonde when a was a wee lad). Syndulla asks Windu if the republic intends to leave troops after the separatist are driven off. Windu says that yes, for a time thinking it will confort him. Quite the opposite Syndulla then wonders how long it will take before he will have to take arms agaisnt them then. Oh, Cham, you have no idea. He also doesn't like Tah at all, thinking he is a coward who hides in Coruscant so Mace's track record does not improve.

    Cut to some clone spotting a surprise Vulture droid attack, they brace for the shock and discover that the target was the nearby city now in flames. they report to their superior and a video-conference is quicky created to bring everyone up to speed. Inlcuding Windu. Who is in th emiddle of a feast. Mass murder has a way to kill the mood of just any party. Anakin is immediately ordered to track and shoot down the bombers. Cham reconsiders and agrees to talk to Tah and Palpatine. They come to the agreement that the Republic and the freedom fighters will work together in eXchange for Cham's promise not to stage a coup. Which he had no intention to do in the first place. So everybody is just going to do what they were going to do anyway. Hooray for diplomacy?

    Lassu is protected by a huge circular ravine. The only way in is a plasm-bridge that can be turned on and off and that the Separatists promptly turn off sending one of their droids falling to its death. Windu and Co have to fidn a stratagem to get the bridge on so they can cross Also they can' tshoot at the city because of all the twi'lek forced 'round the walls. You know what woudl be really useful, right now? Some kind of flying machines that could carry people in it maybe with some sliding doors on the side. Oh and guns to. A ship-gun if you will. To bad the good guys don't have any of those. Watt Tambor is finally agreeing to leave but then is told the last caravan of precious booty is arriving so he has the bridged turned on. Windu and friends spot the caravan and deiced to slip in so they cn take over the commands of the bridge. Cham warns them the caravn will be scanned. Windu and two clones jump on a transport, make a hole in the roof and go in. Once at the middle of the bridge, two droids with metal detector-like devices scan the transports and spot the intruders. Windu and the clones fight the droids nearby but the bridge is turned off under their feet. What was the plan exactly? Windu forces pushes the two clones to safety before landing on a droid jetbike, wrestling control of it, shooting down the other jetbikes and crahslanding on the ground. AOkay that was badass. The rest of the twi'lek/clone army charges. Better hope they turn the bridge on in time guys, because you won't have time to stop. Also one clone is riding a local mount instead of his bike because a twi'lek who told him they were fatser (highly dubious) raced him earlier. Character development, I guess?

    The tactical droid deemed Tambor a lost cause and leaves in his shuttle leaving Tambor pretty pissed. The dorid tells Dooku Tambot didn't make it an dDooku tels him to have all remaining bombers target Lassu. He does.
    Windu and the clones go isnde the city. A whole bunch of droids attack so Windu satys behind to fight them while the two clones head to the control room. The droids there are as inept as you would guess but some commando droids (what are they doing here?) get ther to give the clones a proper fight. The bridge is turned on just in time and Cham and the boys get in while the civilian cheer. Windu corners Tambor and tells him to surrender. Tambor asks what terms of surrender would be acceptable. "Unconditional" answers Cham. Tambor points to the appraoching bombers and says he won't surrender because they're all going to die anyway. Anakin and Ahsoka show up out of nowher and shoot the bombers down telling each other (and us) that these were the last. Tambor gets back to surrendering.
    Last scene is Orn Free Tah arriving on Ryloth and decalring it a free world.

    Spoiler: My thoughts
    This is no great episode. It's not bad either but all it has got going is some decent action. It tries to have a "reconcialition of old ennemies" plot but since we know neither Tah nor Syndulla and their only problem was apprently bad communciation it doesn't really work. Besides episode 13 already did a better job of it.
    I feel like the tactical droid should have been the captain from two episodes ago. I did a little digging and apparently the captain surviving was alast minute decision becaus ethey thought th character had potential. Iguess they ahd already made too much of the next episodes to plug him in anywhere. But my digging also told me he never reappred so they probably just forgot. Which can only means that he's still floating in his escape pod as Rey buries lightaber on Tatooine.

    Why was Watt Tambo in this? He had no personnality in the movies beyond "Separatist leader" so they decided he was a greedy idiot and left him at that, given us a Nute Gunray somehow even less threatening. He's the leader of the Techno-Union, couldn't you have made him a normal an evil engineer? With actual plans for th eplanet we spent three episodes on/around beyond "pillage"? And frankly a second Separatist leader getting captured even though he's free by RoS? Are just going to repeat Gunray'evasion with a character we care even less about? Why?

    Also is it just me or was the animation quite bad in this episode? Something felt wrong with Cham's face but I couldn't pinpoint what exactly. and Tambor's robe did not behave like a robe at all more like a slab of rock sliding on soap.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2021-07-05 at 09:16 AM.
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  4. - Top - End - #124
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    In the case of Ryloth, it's somewhat justified that they can take the entire planet in relatively few battles: Ryloth has a day side and a night side, and virtually all Twi'lek cities are in the very thin twilight zone (cue intro music) between them. So while the planet itself is regular sized, the actual area that's worth fighting over is quite small.

  5. - Top - End - #125
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    As he enters he hugs a little yellow twi'lek girl (either he's popular enough that random children hug him or hera changed colour during puberty. I mean she might have, I used to be a blonde when a was a wee lad)
    Apparently Pablo confirmed that the TCW Twi'lek girl he hugs isn't Hera, in a Rebels Recon episode.
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  6. - Top - End - #126
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Dargaron View Post
    In the case of Ryloth, it's somewhat justified that they can take the entire planet in relatively few battles: Ryloth has a day side and a night side, and virtually all Twi'lek cities are in the very thin twilight zone (cue intro music) between them. So while the planet itself is regular sized, the actual area that's worth fighting over is quite small.
    Except that the lighting looks nothing like dawn/twilight in theses episodes, so either that's been retconned or the twi'lek are just fine living on the sunny side.
    Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
    Apparently Pablo confirmed that the TCW Twi'lek girl he hugs isn't Hera, in a Rebels Recon episode.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2020-06-22 at 03:31 AM.
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  7. - Top - End - #127
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Except that the lighting looks l=nothing like dwan/twilight in theses episodes, so either that's been retconned or the twi'lek are jsut fine living on the sunny side.
    You're right: apparently it's been retconned under Disney Star Wars. Now Ryloth is just generic alien planet #42. Yay, I guess?
    Last edited by Dargaron; 2020-06-21 at 06:26 PM.

  8. - Top - End - #128
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Dargaron View Post
    You're right: apparently it's been retconned under Disney Star Wars. Now Ryloth is just generic alien planet #42. Yay, I guess?
    I mean, it wasn't the most original of concept either. we used to think Mercury was like that for once.
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  9. - Top - End - #129
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    I've been rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender and wishing Lucas had been able to get Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, and Aaron Ehasz to be showrunners for TCW. Think of the things we could have had - consistency! Competent enemies! Decent world building! Plots that make sense!

    But I dream... I dream.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  10. - Top - End - #130
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    I've been rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender and wishing Lucas had been able to get Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, and Aaron Ehasz to be showrunners for TCW. Think of the things we could have had - consistency! Competent enemies! Decent world building! Plots that make sense!

    But I dream... I dream.
    Alright, alright, I'll watch that show. Once I'm done with this, The Witcher, Wakfu, Harley Quinn and, most likely, this year's season of Doctor Who.

    Oh and:

    Worldbuing? Consistency? In Star Wars? Get out of here, man!
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2020-06-22 at 04:00 AM.
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  11. - Top - End - #131
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Alright, alright, I'll watch that show.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Once I'm done with this, The Witcher, Wakfu, Harley Quinn and, most likely, this year's season of Doctor Who.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Worldbuing? Consistency? In Star Wars? Get out of here, man!
    Hey, it's worth a shot.
    Last edited by Peelee; 2020-06-22 at 04:40 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  12. - Top - End - #132
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post

    Hey, it's with a shot.
    I don’t understand this sentence.
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  13. - Top - End - #133
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    I don’t understand this sentence.
    I believe it might be 'Hey, it's worth a shot'.

    Unless I am missing a reference.

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    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    I don’t understand this sentence.
    That's because it was unintelligible.
    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I believe it might be 'Hey, it's worth a shot'.

    Unless I am missing a reference.
    Aye, fixed now.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
    roof dad got laid

  15. - Top - End - #135
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    I kind of miss the early seasons.
    Spoiler: stuff that happens later
    There were more varying antagonists, and less endless Anakin/Dooku and Obi/Maul duels. But I could be misremembering

  16. - Top - End - #136
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Season 1, Episode 22: Hostage Crisis a.k.a. the finale of the first season.

    Really? We're ending on this? Why?

    Spoiler: Recap
    Anyway, we are told the infamous duro bounty hunter Cad Bane is on Coruscant and has gathered together a crew for his nefarious ends. I know this guy, I've seen clips of him on the Internet but he wasn't on the pilot movie was he? Because the episode seem to treat him like a houshold name, like I should already know how dangerous he is. which is weird. Anyway. Bane's craft lands on the Senate parking lot and Senate Guards tell him nd his gang to sod off but Bane's sniper take them out. The Bounty Hunter has two commando droid impersonnate the guards (they pretend to have been shooting at war protestors which I guess is business as usual near the Senate). These droids barely feature in the episode which confuses the hell out of me because because of them I operated under the assumption the hunters were hired by the Separatists but it doesn't seem so so that's weird (and make their actions that more reckless). Bane's crew enters the building. There's him, the two commando, a female sniper (whose design I had already seen, and a quick Qwant search told me her name was Aurra Sing), a weequay (so Hondo's policy of not getting involved in politics is a cultural thing?), a couple IG droids and a diminutive fish man. Taking on what ought to be the most secure place in the galaxy.

    We cut to Padmé's office. She's with Anakin who has a two weeks' leave and so thinks she should take some vacation too so that they could go to a place no-one will recognize them, away from the war and the politics to be husband and wife. Cute, this show continues to make a better job than the prequels at what they were trying to do. She says she's got to much important work. He asks her if the Republic is more important to her than their love and says that, in his eyes, nothing goes before their love. Nothing. Careful, Ani, your Vader is showing (even if it's more AotC whiny-Anakin-Vader than Vader-Vader). He then tells her how Obi-Wan told him his lightsaber was his life once he finished his and hands it to her. That's supposed to be a romantic gesture, but, frankly, I'm not sure what letting her handle his phallic symbol for thirty seconds is going to prove. IT's not like he can give it to her and she seems to find the whole situation more awkward than anything. This is not helped by her good friend Bail Organa barging in (knock, man!) leaving only enough time for Anakin to hide under Padmé's desk and for her to hide his sabre behind her back. He tells her they've got to go to this super-duper meeting right this instant and they leave. Wow, a plot device to separate Anakin from his slightsaber, I did not see that coming. [pikachu face]. It pains me to know that he will never invest in a hand-strap.

    Meanwhile Bane and his crew made their way to whatever the place where guard changes is called and toss a grenade at them, somehow taking out every single senate Guard in the building without setting off one thousand alarms at once. Also one guard beg Sing for his life and she kills him, And then she didn't wash her hands, because she's eviiiiiiil. How did they even get that far? How did they even know the security's schedule and itinerary, not to mention the layout of the place? Bugger if I know. God the security is terrible. Aquaguy then gets to work on the power grid and is told to shut down the whole thing. Again without triggerring an emergency response from the GAR, somehow. Padmé, Bail and 3PO are meeting with some more Seanators (including Senator Chichu from Pantoria and Padmé's rodian uncle. I think. I thought the guy was the head of state of Rodia, not the Senator) in the atrium to discuss how to stop Palplatine's upcoming Enhanced Privacy Invasion bill (I hope that's what the opponents are calling it because else I'd be disappointed in Sidious' manipulating skills). I think Filoni and Co had a couple things in mind when they thought of that law, but politics. Bane and his henchmen enter and take everybody hostage. Padmé starts planning a afight until Organa reminds her they don't have weapons. One gran Senator utterly fails to read the room and tries to leave. Bane shoots him dead. You know between this and the Jar Jar episode I think Malastare's next Senator is going to have trouble finding a life-insurance policy. Orn Free Tah, having apparently read the script enters Palpatine's office and patches him to Bane who says that he has control of the east wing of the building and that if Palpatine wants to see his Senators alive again, he'll have to agree to his demands. So what great and terrible mission is the bounty hunter on? What prize is grand enough to risk attacking the heart of the Galactic Republic herself, no doubt making him the most wanted criminal in the Galaxy? To free Ziro the Hutt.

    To. Free. Ziro. The Hutt. Z.I.R.O. .T.H.E. .H.U.T.T. *screams into pillow* Jabba's pink effeminate incompetent uncle with a shrill voice.
    Why? Why are you bringing this guy back? Were you so confident in the charcater you literally called a Zero? Was the pilot movie, such a smashing success that you had to bring him back for the first season finale? What went on? What is the rationale behind this decision?

    So, moving on, Palpatine tells Bane the obvious: the Republic isn't going to take his crap laying down. this makes him rant like a maniac proclaiming he has complete control just as the man from Innsmouth shuts the power down. This locks Palpatine in his office (the hacker triggered the security system) with Orn Free Tah (Tah's presence and his general not-being in danger in this situation are probably why he doesn't go full Sith on the interlopers). This also signals Anakin's that something very bad is going on. Naturally he decides to Die Hard the **** out of this situation rather than use his wrist-mounted communicator to ask for help. Not that it would help as Palapatine tries to call in the Jedi but Bane is apparently scrambling all communication from the Senate. Which nobody seems to notice. Also, I guess Palpatine was trying to stay in character when he called the Jedi but I would have assumed he'd go for a platoon of clones. The bounty hunters search the Senators for communication devices which propmts Amidalal to tell Organa she's got something they mustn't find. Anakin made his way to the atrium just as Bane is creeping on PAdmé (guess he likes them with hair, visible pupils and not blue). Bane shoots at him and recognize him (let me guess, anachronic order?) which forces him to flee. Bane sends the Weequay and one IG droid after him. Now he tries to call for help but to no avail (why did they want the senator's communcation devices then?) and hides in an office. The Weequay finds a female-looking droid in an office and leeaves her alone. Random. Slywalker takes his communicator apart and plugs it into a big desk thingie which lets him talk to Palpatine. Nice, I like when they show his mecanic side. Palpatine explains that it's up to him since no-one can get in and that he must go to the control room and turn the power on. The bounty hunters overhear the conversation and barge in just after he's hidden and the Jedi mind tricks the weequay into leaving without beeing seen, huh, so they can do that. Also why not mind trick him into dropping his gun as he leaves?

    The two bounty hunters separate, the weequay goes upstair an the droid downstair. Anakin, alone and weaponless is faced with a choice. What would you do in his place? A) Leave and find another way to the control room. B) Take on the guy you know he can mind control. C) Take on the literal killing machine with your bare hands. D) Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you've answered C) then congratulations! You just might have what it takes to make it as a general of the Grand Army of the Republic! Somehow punching metal works gret for Ani who manages to clobber the droid's head with its own gun (rendered unusable by the droid bending the canon) and flees before the weequay gets there. Oh come on you could have beaten that guy! Just force push him down the stairs, it's like you've never played JEdi Knight. the weequay notices the abscence of lightsabre cuts on his late partener and informs Bane that the Jedi has lost his weapon. bane sends Sing and the weequay after him. Padmé tells Organa she has the sabre, dodges the question of how that happened and ask him if he thinks they should use it themselves or try to find a way to give it back to its owner. Before he can answers, Bane orders everybody to piepe down and calls Palpatine again. He wants him to make a pardon disk for Ziro, give it to Tah who will be taken to collet the hutt and, once Ziro is with him, he'll release the hostages. Why didn't he say all that last time?

    On his side of things, John McClane found the control room but the hackers retreats inside of it as he sees him and as he tries to open it, Sing and the weequay attack him. More precisely, the weequay points his gun at him, he Furce pulls it in his hand (see? you could have done that earlier) but Sing shoots him out and the hacker opens the door and tazes him while he's distracted. They cuff him and bring him to Bane who taunts him about how unimpressive he is without his saber (gotta side with the bounty hunter here, Anakin really should invest more skill points in his Force Powers) and has him tossed with the Senators. The remaining IG fetches Tah who is nhappy to have been picked (I thought you'd be glad to be leaving the hostage situation, but hey you do you) And Palpatine creepily tells him everybody's got a job to do. They fly to the prison where apparently they've been warned in advance (seriously? By who? The terrorists or the people trapped with no communication devices) since they co-operate with the one droid pointing a gun at a Senator and have already brought Zero the Hutt for realease. He complains that the sun is too bright and they should have done that at night. I hope somebody kills him fast. IG and him leaves. Ziro wants to head to the Outer Rim immediately, but IG is ordered to rendez-vous at the Senate so that's where they're going. Bane puts some bombs arounf the Senators and the Jedi which creates a laser cage, if they touch the lasers they go boom. Cad Bane then calls Palpatine and says he's leaving, if the pursuit starts before nightfall the Senators die. The bounty hunters leave. At the same moment troopers sent by Orn Free tah arrive and "rescue" the Chancellor, see, was it that hard? They confront the bounty hunters but they have to let htem go becaus eof the bombs. They all leave with Ziro. And then Bane decides to trigger the explosives anyways before he's even reached his spacesship because he's not very bright. Anakin wakes up with the senators and almost blows his and Padmé's cover because he sucks at the secret lovers thing. She claims to have found his lightsabre where he "dropped it". And he cuts a hole in th efloor just as the bombs go off. The explosion is big enough to make a hole in the roof of the twenty-meter tall atrium and create a huge column of smoke but not big enough to harm the people one level down with a big hole in the roof/floor. Go figures. Padmé congratulates Skywalker on another daring rescue while Cad Bane demands to be paid.

    We end the season on that note.

    Spoiler: My thoughts
    So first off, that the finale is not the conclusion of a three/four-parter epic about a Separatis grand plan or Sidious manipulation the Jedi somehow is baffling to me. Why would we care about these thugs (seriously, they're not bounty hunters, they're hired guns) springing this third-rate villain from prison?

    Second, Cad Bane doesn't really strike me as a mastermind here, his plan isn't too shoddy but his sudden burst of random supervillainy really undersell his air of professionalism. Not to mention that apparently he wasn't hired by someone like who could protect him from the fallout of this Dooku or even the Hutt Cartels but just decided to free Ziro on his won and expects him to pay him. The shows wants me to fear him, but meh.

    Ziro, thankfully, had very little screentime.

    Anakin getting separated from his saber was such a plot contrivance it hurts. I hope later season have Organa having figured out that PAdmé and him are together so that somehing comes out of it.

    That being said, it was a fun episode, nothing was egregiously bad and I hope Bane shows up again (with a more sensible plan). This is the only episode so far without the Separatists as the villains which is an intersting variation. I just wish it wasn't the finale.

    Soooo, that's it for season then. I'll make a season-wide rumble on my thoughts about the show so far tomorrow and then get o with season 2. What do you think of the reviews so far? Should I summarize more or be more precise? Analyse more? Do more jokes? Be more mindful of typos? get a coherent sleep schedule? Any and all feedback is welcome.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    To. Free. Ziro. The Hutt. Z.I.R.O. .T.H.E. .H.U.T.T. *screams into pillow* Jabba's pink effeminate incompetent uncle with a shrill voice.
    Why? Why are you bringing this guy back? Were you so confident in the charcater you literally called a Zero? Was the pilot movie, such a smashing success that you had to bring him back for the first season finale? What went on? What is the rationale behind this decision?
    Fun fact! I always joked about Ziro the Hutt sounding like Truman Capote, until I discovered that Ziro originally sounded like every other Hutt but Lucas came on set and specifically told them "make him sound like Truman Capote", so it became less of a joke for me and more a sad fact of life. Anyway. Lucas loves Ziro the Hutt.

    I feel the need to reiterate my massive lack of sadness that George Lucas is largely uninvolved in executive decisions in Star Wars now.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Fun fact! I always joked about Ziro the Hutt sounding like Truman Capote, until I discovered that Ziro originally sounded like every other Hutt but Lucas came on set and specifically told them "make him sound like Truman Capote", so it became less of a joke for me and more a sad fact of life. Anyway. Lucas loves Ziro the Hutt.

    I feel the need to reiterate my massive lack of sadness that George Lucas is largely uninvolved in executive decisions in Star Wars now.

    The mind of George Lucas is a strange place, indeed.

    I don't know who Truman Capote is but I apparently already know too much about the man for my liking.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2020-06-22 at 04:48 PM.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post

    The mind of George Lucas is a strange place, indeed.

    I don't know who truman Capote is but I apparently already know too much about the man for my liking.
    Famous American author/celebrity author. Openly gay in a time where being openly gay was generally not helpful, to say the least, and managed to maintain his popularity and fame, which is monumentally impressive. Other than that, though, I'm not a fan.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    To. Free. Ziro. The Hutt. Z.I.R.O. .T.H.E. .H.U.T.T. *screams into pillow* Jabba's pink effeminate incompetent uncle with a shrill voice.
    Why? Why are you bringing this guy back?

    What do you think of the reviews so far?
    I like them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Lucas loves Ziro the Hutt.
    Are you sure that isn't just because he hates Star Wars? (or possibly just likes annoying the fans).

    I feel the need to reiterate my massive lack of sadness that George Lucas is largely uninvolved in executive decisions in Star Wars now.
    It is not as if him not being present has made things better - it has just spread the bad around.
    So where you used to have a big pile of fecal matter sitting in the corner in the form of Ziro or Jar-Jar - now you have the same amount of fecal matter but it is spread over everything.

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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I mean, I'm hardly qualified to judge that but in that cse: bwuh?

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    I like them.
    Nice! Thank you.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    I'll make a season-wide rumble on my thoughts about the show so far tomorrow and then get o with season 2. What do you think of the reviews so far? Should I summarize more or be more precise? Analyse more? Do more jokes? Be more mindful of typos? get a coherent sleep schedule? Any and all feedback is welcome.
    Didn't see this at first, since I generally skim and look for the non-description-of-what-happens parts. Which leads me to my two cents, I'd prefer less shot-by-shot description and more analysis, thoughts & feelings, and impressions.
    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    It is not as if him not being present has made things better - it has just spread the bad around.
    Eh, I'm not sure I agree. The prequel trilogy was a more stuffy formal, Lawful disjointed mess where the second movie could probably have been dropped altogether except for a couple of scenes which impacted the third, while the sequel trilogy was a more loose, casual, Chaotic disjointed mess where the second movie could probably have been dropped altogether except for a couple of scenes which impacted the third. So all in all, they were in the same spirit. Solo was an unnecessary but potentially good idea, just remarkably poorly executed, similar to how The Clone Wars film was an unnecessary but potentially good idea, just remarkably poorly executed. Rogue One was flat-out good... and hey, I've run out of stuff to compare, so score one for Disney there.

    And, since I'm just exploring the movies here, Disney actually decided to go ahead and make more, so there's another point in their favor. I'm not thrilled with how they've (grossly mis)handled things so far, but at least they're moving, which is more than I could say for Lucas when he was in control.
    Last edited by Peelee; 2020-06-22 at 05:44 PM.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Didn't see this at first, since I generally skim and look for the non-description-of-what-happens parts. Which leads me to my two cents, I'd prefer less shot-by-shot description and more analysis, thoughts & feelings, and impressions.
    I'll try but a lot of episodes so far are kinda bland. I often felt the nned to type "There's not much to say about this one." There seems to be more of a focus on action than charcter development or worldbuilding.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    I'll try but a lot of episodes so far are kinda bland. I often felt the nned to type "There's not much to say about this one." There seems to be more of a focus on action than charcter development or worldbuilding.
    I agree, and won't mind at all if you disregard my opinion due to that.

    However, I suspect I'll be able to read your Avatar TLA watchthrough with the utmost enjoyment.

    You should get through the intervening shows on your list fast.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    I agree, and won't mind at all if you disregard my opinion due to that.

    However, I suspect I'll be able to read your Avatar TLA watchthrough with the utmost enjoyment.

    You should get through the intervening shows on your list fast.
    You know, I might do just that.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    ......... andthenyoushouldwatchthemovie

    [ducks for cover from those who have seen the movie]
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    ......... andthenyoushouldwatchthemovie

    [ducks for cover from those who have seen the movie]
    Or perhaps watch the movie first ...

    I mean maybe the movie is better if you haven't seen the series first?

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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Just force push him down the stairs, it's like you've never played JEdi Knight.
    Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II did not have Force Push, much to my annoyance since the game loved the vertical heights its excessive jumping "puzzles" called for. I have to use this otherwise-useless trivia when I can....

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    The terrorists or the people trapped with no communication devices) since they co-operate with the one droid pointing a gun at a Senator and have already brought Zero the Hutt for realease. He complains that the sun is too bright and they should have done that at night. I hope somebody kills him fast.
    Spoiler: Later seasons
    Sorry, it's a bit past midway through the third season. But you do get to see the blaster holes still glowing before he falls over!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    That being said, it was a fun episode, nothing was egregiously bad and I hope Bane shows up again (with a more sensible plan).
    This is the probably the best of the extra-Senate-y episodes.

    Spoiler: Later seasons
    Bane does show up again, multiple times. He's even pivotal to a four-episode-arc later on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    I often felt the nned to type "There's not much to say about this one." There seems to be more of a focus on action than charcter development or worldbuilding.
    They get better at doing both as the series goes on, thankfully. The last...wait, it's not the last season anymore, is it...season five in particular is composed entirely of multi-episode arcs, if you overlook that one of them actually had its "intro" episode split off to open the season with (George Lucas thought it was a good idea....); and makes good use of the extra time for character/world development that allows.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by dancrilis View Post
    Or perhaps watch the movie first ...

    I mean maybe the movie is better if you haven't seen the series first?
    I just finished my series rewatch on Sunday, tried to find Legend of Korra, and on that failure, discovered the movie is in Netflix, and gave it a go, expecting to have fun just mocking it.

    I will theorize that no, watching it without seeing the series first would not help. It's not just bad, it's aggressively bad. And I think that seeing it with no show context would just be confusing for the most part, along with spoiling the entire first season despite managing to skip over the vast majority of it, and instill a desire to just not watch the show. I was shocked when I found out Shyamalan was the one who pushed to make it into a movie after watching with his kids, because not ten minutes into it, I would have sworn it was made by someone who not only didn't watch the series, but only heard about it from a friend who watched it despite not being terribly interested and probably spent some time on their phone instead.
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    Default Re: Fyraltari watches The Clone Wars (2008) for the first time

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    I was shocked when I found out Shyamalan was the one who pushed to make it into a movie after watching with his kids
    ... what the hell did his kids ever do to him?

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