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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Add another vote to sour cream and cream cheese. I don't know why on the sour cream. I enjoy sour cream and onion chips (and sour cream and cheddar chips) and things that I know are made with sour cream, just not actual sour cream. I know part of that is that growing up I didn't eat a lot of dairy products. My mom (who did most of the cooking) is lactose intolerant (and allergic to seafood). So there's several kinds of cheese that I don't care for by themselves. I keep trying them now that I'm older and some of them aren't bad. Oddly there's a dish that she makes that has sour cream, cream cheese, and shredded cheese and I like it. Totally unrelated, but I'm very picky about macaroni and cheese. If I don't eat it fairly shortly after it is done cooking while it is still hot and melty, I don't care for it. As soon as it starts to cool something about the taste changes. Another oddity, despite only being able to sporadically eat seafood growing up, I love seafood.

    Sometimes when I drink alcohol (which isn't very often as it is, unrelated to this reaction) I get pain in my upper chest. It's hard to explain. I don't mean heart pain or anything like that. It feels like a pain in my muscles just under the surface and it basically feels like I'm dying. It lasts for about 15 minutes the couple of times it happened. After it passes I can drink the rest of the night with no other issues (well, potential drunkenness aside). It only happened a couple times years ago and I don't drink very often (as in, maybe once or twice a year do I have a drink, much less even come close to getting drunk) so I never really thought much of it.

    Other than that it's mainly things I would prefer not to eat. Things like eggs or cheese in salad. I have no idea what the appeal of eggs in salad is. I like eggs. I like them warm, not cold and surrounded by lettuce. Cheese and ranch somehow combine to become terrible tasting to me. Or thick pretzels (the kind in a bag in the chip aisle, not the warm bready kind). I like the salt and the crispy outside, not the bready interior. Thin pretzels are fine and pretzel M&Ms (which I thought I would hate) are good. I love peanuts, almonds, and cashews, but not walnuts or pecans (though I like them on some things). I like milk chocolate, but not chocolate milk. I like chocolate chunks in some kinds of ice cream, but not chocolate ice cream. Just oddities like that.

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    I use normal sour cream in my cheesecake recipe, but for stuff like tacos et al, I've become a huge fan of crema Mexicana. It's like the Burrata of sour cream!

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Tofu is supposed to take on the flavor of what you're cooking.
    Yeah, that's what people say. In practice, I've found that tofu is the bland part of whatever the meal is. It's like biting into a piece of half-seasoned stuff in your food, that has a bad texture.

    I do happen to like miso soup, though I could do without the chunks of tofu floating in it like little blobs of bland that many people put in the soup for reasons that are beyond me.

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stattick View Post
    Yeah, that's what people say. In practice, I've found that tofu is the bland part of whatever the meal is. It's like biting into a piece of half-seasoned stuff in your food, that has a bad texture.

    I do happen to like miso soup, though I could do without the chunks of tofu floating in it like little blobs of bland that many people put in the soup for reasons that are beyond me.
    "The bland part of the meal" is quite welcome in spicy meals, I'll tell ya. And even in non-spicy meals, it can be decidedly non-bland. My wife's tofu stew is great (especially on the second day).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  5. - Top - End - #65
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    After it's pressed, I like to oven bake my tofu with my homemade taco seasoning blend.

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnia View Post
    After it's pressed, I like to oven bake my tofu with my homemade taco seasoning blend.
    It's interesting I loathe Tofu to the point I regularly forget it is a food that exists but I love Okara.
    Yes I also dislike soy milk.

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by sktarq View Post
    It's interesting I loathe Tofu to the point I regularly forget it is a food that exists but I love Okara.
    Yes I also dislike soy milk.
    Soy milk just has a weird taste. I'm severely lactose intolerant. But because soy can screw up my digestive system nearly as much as dairy, I avoid soy milk like the plague. I can take pills to help me digest dairy, but there's no pill to help me digest soy.

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Hate mustard. Always have. No idea why, because I generally like spicy foods--I just can't stand the taste of mustard.

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    For me, I can't stand the taste and smell of more or less any form of meat or fish, but katsuobushi (dried, shaved bonito flakes) in particular causes me problems even in trace amounts, like in residual char on a grill or if a little bit of katsuo dashi is included in sauces or soups.

    As far as tofu goes, it's a difficult ingredient and I think it also gets a bit too much leeway from health/vegetarianism uses of it that result in a lot of places just using it as an afterthought rather than really leaning into what you have to do to use it to good, purposeful effect..

    For one thing, it's a lot more versatile in texture than in flavor, so it has to be used with that in mind - you're filling a texture gap that would otherwise be absent, or creating a texture that goes with a given flavor whose carriers lack the ability to provide that normally. For example, I've used deep-fried tofu in curries and that seems to pair well.

    But I do think it can be used for flavor too, in certain cases. For me at least, fried tofu has a very distinctive flavor (it's really strong if you slow-fry it until it's basically a chip, but even the puffed fried tofu has a bit of this). Another thing you can do flavorwise, though a bit indirect, is to take advantage of how tofu doesn't really break down when cooked (at least if you use firm tofu), so it can handle sears strong enough to caramelize glazes and the like without turning into the mush you'd get if you tried to do that on any vegetable short of a carrot or potato.

    Or with a more watery or oily sauce, freeze and thaw the tofu first (this basically creates a sort of spongy structure throughout, so don't expect it to hold up quite as well afterwards, and I'd guess it'd be disgusting deep fried since it'd just draw up half its weight in oil) and then marinate it in the sauce and it behaves like eggplant in terms of absorbing sauces but again doesn't really break down at all when cooked. So this is sort of an easier way to get the 'exploding with juice' effect of something like a xiao long bao without dealing with gelatinizing and freezing a stock and trying to form a dumpling around that. I think this sort of method also would hold up better to having multiple contrasting sauces in a single dish than pure surface coatings (e.g. you use one set of flavors when marinating the tofu, another set for the things you pair it with, and the sauce that's soaked into the tofu shouldn't be as easily displaced).

    Silken tofu is harder for me to find a use for in my cooking (probably the only use I have for it is in mapo tofu), and I've yet to find a method of baking tofu that results in something I've wanted to repeat.

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    I'm going to be honest, most asian cuisine bothers me on an instinctual level. I wasn't fed it as a child and I can't really enjoy it. I don't necessarily hate it but most asian cuisine I can't eat, or atleast enjoy.

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Eggs. Nothing against eggs as ingredients in other food. But boiled eggs or scrambled eggs are just revolting.
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  12. - Top - End - #72
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Oh yeah yet another food I forgot to put on the list....Durian.

    I will say it tastes better than it smells but that's in the same vein as saying I'd prefer to be shot with birdshot than a slug. . . still rather not be shot up the nose with such vile rotting onion/sweatsock chemical mixes (and I'm not totally against sweatsock foods...there are a few French and dutch cheeses like that...but Durians? NOPENOPENOPE)
    Last edited by sktarq; 2020-06-29 at 03:24 PM.

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Haven't tried it but pretty sure I would dislike garum.
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  14. - Top - End - #74
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stattick View Post
    Yeah, that's what people say. In practice, I've found that tofu is the bland part of whatever the meal is. It's like biting into a piece of half-seasoned stuff in your food, that has a bad texture.

    I do happen to like miso soup, though I could do without the chunks of tofu floating in it like little blobs of bland that many people put in the soup for reasons that are beyond me.
    Eh, tofu and soja have a bad reputation because they are labeled as an alternative to meat.

    I like both in some recipies, and they go well together with beef.

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  15. - Top - End - #75
    Dragon in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Asmotherion View Post
    Eh, tofu and soja have a bad reputation because they are labeled as an alternative to meat.

    I like both in some recipies, and they go well together with beef.
    Truth. Tofu shouldn't be used as a meat alternative, it should be used as its own ingredient.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
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  16. - Top - End - #76
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    The big "nopes" for me are mushrooms and seafood. With mushrooms I can eat around them (picking them out of Chinese food dishes, picking them off pizza, etc.) but when it comes to seafood, my motto is "if it lives in the water, I don't eat it."

    There's plenty of other stuff I really dislike: horseradish, beets, organ meats, many kinds of nuts (especially nuts mixed with... well, anything). But most of those are in the "I can eat it if I have to, or eat a bit to be polite" category.

    I used to think I was allergic to almonds, because there were about four or fives times when I threw up shortly after eating some, but eventually I figured out that was at least partly psychosomatic. I still don't care for them though.
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  17. - Top - End - #77
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Apricots (I tried cooking with them once and resolved never to do it again)
    Whole wheat pasta.

    I like dairy quite a bit, but I couldn't drink milk straight without it tasting bitter to me so I haven't tried this in...years. In cereal/cooked or processed somehow like cheese/cottage cheese/pancakes et cetera I've never had trouble with it. Is anyone else this way as well?

    There aren't a lot of foods I don't like as long as they're not cooked bland. Someone I know really likes to mummify his meats and I have a lot of internal jokes about that.

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
    The big "nopes" for me are mushrooms and seafood. With mushrooms I can eat around them (picking them out of Chinese food dishes, picking them off pizza, etc.) but when it comes to seafood, my motto is "if it lives in the water, I don't eat it."

    There's plenty of other stuff I really dislike: horseradish, beets, organ meats, many kinds of nuts (especially nuts mixed with... well, anything). But most of those are in the "I can eat it if I have to, or eat a bit to be polite" category.

    I used to think I was allergic to almonds, because there were about four or fives times when I threw up shortly after eating some, but eventually I figured out that was at least partly psychosomatic. I still don't care for them though.
    I've noticed there is a connection between mushrooms and seafood, I wonder what is up with that. My sister and grandma hate both as well.
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  19. - Top - End - #79
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    I've noticed there is a connection between mushrooms and seafood, I wonder what is up with that. My sister and grandma hate both as well.
    (Very much all my opinions) For me, it's their texture, which feels...awful. Mushrooms remind me as if I'm chewing live worms. Seeafood tastes too flaky, and there's always bones everywhere.

    As for flavor, mushrooms have absolutely no taste whatsoever, and seafood has too much of it.

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Something that doesn't come up much is that I can't drink cafe au lait. When I worked at the hotel, the trash bags always got too full, would often burst and there would always be a slurry of coffee, milk and who knows what else at the bottom. Now I always associate cafe au lait with garbage juice. I still drink a lot of coffee, I just can't put milk in it.

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by understatement View Post
    (Very much all my opinions) For me, it's their texture, which feels...awful. Mushrooms remind me as if I'm chewing live worms. Seeafood tastes too flaky, and there's always bones everywhere.

    As for flavor, mushrooms have absolutely no taste whatsoever, and seafood has too much of it.
    You will probably be saddened to hear I like eating the skin and bones of the fish. Very healthy and I like the crispiness.
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  22. - Top - End - #82
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by understatement View Post
    Mushrooms remind me as if I'm chewing live worms
    Quote Originally Posted by understatement View Post
    As for flavor, mushrooms have absolutely no taste whatsoever, and seafood has too much of it.
    I used to agree with you. . . except the live worms.

    A few things that I find help.
    Leave the spores....I was shocked to find some people trim off the actual spore producing regions of mushrooms...this can reduce the taste IMO.
    Thicker Cuts of a Portabello and saute on a quite high heat. . . you are looking for a golden/grown tinge at the edges before turning the heat down. . . changes the texture and taste.
    Also just toss a whole portabello head onto a charcoal fired grill...low heat...light marking only..I like to pair with and avocado/scallion/lemon juice mash.
    Also find some of the weirder mushrooms. Oysters, Elephant, (Enoki) ear etc. There is a huge variety of tastes and the generic "mushroom" . . . . isn't a highlight.
    also pairing with a bit of shallot or onion

    Quote Originally Posted by understatement View Post
    Seeafood tastes too flaky, and there's always bones everywhere.
    Well Flaky is a texture. and better than rubber duckie IMO.
    Firstly....Freshness is everything when it comes to seafood...
    some can be frozen alright but many with loose internal water and their texture changes when they thaw (some turn to mush, some become very sensitive to overcooking into a rubbery mass etc)
    I'd try larger fish where you have no bones...such as a slab of tuna, swordfish, etc.
    Also I'd lean toward whitefish (Cod or Halibut) if you are finding things too fishy tasting....bit of butter and lemon...done
    In general seafood is more highly sensitive to quality (and thus price) scaling so that isn't fun.

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    You will probably be saddened to hear I like eating the skin and bones of the fish. Very healthy and I like the crispiness.
    Isn't that bad for your stomach/intestines?

  24. - Top - End - #84
    Titan in the Playground

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcane_Secrets View Post
    Isn't that bad for your stomach/intestines?
    No, both are quite healthy for you. Fishbones are an excellent source of calcium for instance.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    No, both are quite healthy for you. Fishbones are an excellent source of calcium for instance.
    So there's no risk that they'll cut the stomach up? They're too small for that?

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    That's another vote for "no sour cream/cream cheese/mayo/et c." for me. Weirdly, yogurt does not violate this rule, nor does tzatziki. I don't know why.

    I don't like the texture of mushrooms, and I find there's a taste I dislike as well unless they're cooked down. I like them as a savory component when they are cooked down though, love a good chanterelle soup.

    I used to be really picky as a kid, but have enjoyed becoming a more adventurous eater as an adult. I still draw the line at organ meat, blood sausage, and things of that nature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cygnia View Post
    After it's pressed, I like to oven bake my tofu with my homemade taco seasoning blend.
    And holy cow, this sounds amazing.
    Last edited by Civis Mundi; 2020-07-11 at 11:04 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Asmotherion View Post
    Eh, tofu and soja have a bad reputation because they are labeled as an alternative to meat.

    I like both in some recipies, and they go well together with beef.
    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Truth. Tofu shouldn't be used as a meat alternative, it should be used as its own ingredient.
    Very much this. I'm perfectly fine with tofu (and some of the other meat substitutes. Where they run into problems is naming the dish after the meat they are replacing in the first place. Jack-fruit brisket taste good to me, but the texture in no way resembles brisket and the taste (again while good) doesn't taste like brisket except for sauce and spices). Same for tofurkey. Call it by it's own unique name, because when you try and make me think I'm getting the meat by naming it that way, I'm more likely to be critical.
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  28. - Top - End - #88
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcane_Secrets View Post
    So there's no risk that they'll cut the stomach up? They're too small for that?
    I haven't heard of that happening. I know the bones can stick in your throat, but I doubt a fish bone is much more dangerous then a carrot (I have almost died eating a carrot before though.)
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Colossus in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
    I haven't heard of that happening. I know the bones can stick in your throat, but I doubt a fish bone is much more dangerous then a carrot (I have almost died eating a carrot before though.)
    People have choked to death on fish bones, so you can't be 100% sure about them. Mind you, you can technically choke to death on pretty much anything that isn't chewed down properly to fit in your gullet...

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: What foods do you really hate?

    Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
    People have choked to death on fish bones, so you can't be 100% sure about them. Mind you, you can technically choke to death on pretty much anything that isn't chewed down properly to fit in your gullet...
    Yeah, darn voicebox turning our throats into a death trap. Actually the whole airhole in the mouth seems like a bad plan overall, why not just make bigger noses and seal that entrance?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Glyphstone View Post
    Vibranium: If it was on the periodic table, its chemical symbol would be "Bs".

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