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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Jan 2019

    Default How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Supernatural is running its last season, and there are only 4 episodes remaining. So far, characters mostly were only talking about the end of the world, but the issue obviously needs to be resolved before the end, I don't believe the final episode will have cliffhanger.

    So, what do you think will happen and what obviously wouldn't?

    What I was thinking from the beginning of the episode, that even if Chuck is destroyed, his position can't remain unoccupied. Someone else will get this "title" and maybe there will even be a fight between claimants. Who can become next ruler?
    I myself think that it will the dark entity from the void. I think on English websites he is called Empty. Amara will die together with Chuck, and Jack even if survives, won't fit or accept to take this role.
    So, instead both good and evil deities there will be one pure neutral entity. Remember, the only thing Empty wants is to go back to sleep.
    Cas will probably die, since this is what Empty wants more than anything. But most important - what will happen to Sam and Dean?
    Supernatural isn't kind of movie where the good ending is dying from old age. I don't see the guys old and surrounded by grand-children. And if they just die, it will simply dumb and pointless. But I really don't know how else the movie can be concluded. Well, maybe they will just continue to hunt monsters, without a closed resolution.

    And what ideas you have?

    I know there are more specific forums about Supernatural, but I like local community much more and prefer to discuss here.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    I suspect there'll be at least a little fourth wall breaking somewhere, because that's happened before both with the idea of Chuck writing the Supernatural books and with them jumping into the universe where they were themselves irl. Maybe the universe will end and it'll cut away to them saying that's not a good ending, and they'll rewrite it or something.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Everyone dies.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Everyone dies.
    That's quite an option, yes. But this will be very foolish solution from the developers.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Edreyn View Post
    That's quite an option, yes. But this will be very foolish solution from the developers.
    Indeed. Obviously rocks need to fall first.
    “Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    I wonder if an interesting ending would be a sort of pulling back the camera thing where we have been focused on dean and sam for so long we forget the world is huge, and there are more heroes than them out there to make sure the planet keeps spinning. Basically, they lose the final confrontation, there was no way for them to win, but we get to see why that doesnt make for the end of everything, because they were never the only check on the forces of evil in existence. Or, conversely, they win the fight, banish the evil, have a beer, and the world ends anyways, we learn because these incredibly powerful beings had other plans going on elsewhere in the world and one of them succeeded. Think Cabin in the Woods scenario. They have all these horror story events going on everywhere because that way there are fail safes to keep the end from happening if the "story" doesnt play out like its supposed to for one of them. They dont all have to work, just one of them is enough. I havent watched a lot of supernatural so I dont know if this kind of ending could be made to work or not. Heck i stopped watching entirely with the end of the lucifer arc back in season... (googles it) 5.
    "Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
    "If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room."

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Pretty sure it will end with Sam sacrificing himself to keep Lucifer contained in Hell, while Dean finally gets to live a normal life and settle down with a nice woman. They may do a sequel series after that where somehow Sam gets out of Hell, but that just seems silly to me, so I probably won't watch it.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Edreyn View Post
    That's quite an option, yes. But this will be very foolish solution from the developers.
    Speak for yourself, I love the series still but I'm not entirely on board with the last two seasons or the premise of this final one overall. I'm reaching a point where I wouldn't entirely mind if they decided to commit murder suicide with the entire world by killing God. More likely though, I think they will probably just replace him with Jack, the character already literally right there and ready for the job. Alternatively this will turn out to be more of a Demiurge situation and Chuck turns out to be less important to the flow of things then he things he is.
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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Credence View Post
    Pretty sure it will end with Sam sacrificing himself to keep Lucifer contained in Hell, while Dean finally gets to live a normal life and settle down with a nice woman. They may do a sequel series after that where somehow Sam gets out of Hell, but that just seems silly to me, so I probably won't watch it.
    Top tier sarcasm mate.
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Edreyn View Post
    That's quite an option, yes. But this will be very foolish solution from the developers.
    I'm not seeing anymore "live a normal life and settle down" scenarios for neither of them. So, it's either death or some sort of ascendancy into godhood.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Crossover with The Boys at Season 3.
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  12. - Top - End - #12
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
    I wonder if an interesting ending would be a sort of pulling back the camera thing where we have been focused on dean and sam for so long we forget the world is huge, and there are more heroes than them out there to make sure the planet keeps spinning. Basically, they lose the final confrontation, there was no way for them to win, but we get to see why that doesnt make for the end of everything, because they were never the only check on the forces of evil in existence. Or, conversely, they win the fight, banish the evil, have a beer, and the world ends anyways, we learn because these incredibly powerful beings had other plans going on elsewhere in the world and one of them succeeded. Think Cabin in the Woods scenario. They have all these horror story events going on everywhere because that way there are fail safes to keep the end from happening if the "story" doesnt play out like its supposed to for one of them. They dont all have to work, just one of them is enough. I havent watched a lot of supernatural so I dont know if this kind of ending could be made to work or not. Heck i stopped watching entirely with the end of the lucifer arc back in season... (googles it) 5.
    I do think that'd be kind of interesting. It wouldn't even be entirely out of character for the series considering that I think at least some loose ends in terms of powerful characters aren't totally resolved.

  13. - Top - End - #13
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Edreyn View Post
    That's quite an option, yes. But this will be very foolish solution from the developers.
    Not necessarily... it would actually be pretty consistent with the tone of the series as a whole. Yes, it's very optimistic in terms of celebrating the relationship of the two brothers and their extended surrogate family, and glamourizing the struggles of the underdog heroes against unfathomably powerful forces. However, keep in mind that it's also a pretty grim world--most of their biggest victories have both come with staggering personal loses and inadvertently contributed to the rise of something even more dangerous. So if they win at the cost of their lives, or even if they lose, I can still see them providing an ending that gives the appropriate level of closure and doesn't feel unnatural given the road so far. Remember, the show started with the struggle of humanity against forces that they could fight be never completely defeat. If they lose, then their fight is over, and the world remains the sandbox of an increasingly capricious Chuck, but for the rest of the world, do things really become worse than when the series started, and the idea of even facing a single demon was terrifying to most hunters?

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    I have got a new theory, which I just wrote on TvTropes.

    Chuck is trying to escape his own "real ending".
    God's original plan was a form of pantheism, the Creator becoming the Creation, as all his light would pass into his work. But he knew that when the time would come to sacrifice the last remaining piece of himself, his last shred of ego, he would have become cowardly and cruel. That's the real reason why Chuck has a book in Death's library, which even he can't read or oppose.

    And I think that at least one other character will die, and still be dead by the end of the series. Probably Dean and/or Castiel. I really doubt that it will be the technically-two-year-old miracle boy who has proven so popular (including with myself). I hope Amara survives too, somehow.

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    They've set the show up to end before, so at this point I just assumed it would actually end whenever one of the actors died of old age.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    This week is the final episode and last week's seems to have wrapped up most of the major plot elements for the season.

    So now that this has happened, what do people who've seen it actually think of it?

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arcane_Secrets View Post
    This week is the final episode and last week's seems to have wrapped up most of the major plot elements for the season.

    So now that this has happened, what do people who've seen it actually think of it?
    I'm convinced the greatest enemy the Winchesters faced was the dreaded Budget.

    Spoiler: Latest episode/s spoilers
    In the span of a couple of episodes, they fight and kill Lucifer, Michael, Death(twice!) defeat God and make a new god. The entire human population vanishes and returns. But it doesn't FEEL epic. The camera work and effects as they fight freaking DEATH is the same as when they fight rando demons. The powers Death uses are also random demons have.

    The show became epic fantasy without having the budget for it. Now, I'm being generous in assuming its the budget, not a limitation of the creativity of the creators, the choregraphers, the effects artists, but I think I'm right.

    Theres also a weakness that alot of fantasy falls into, but good fantasy doesn't. The plot is resolved by new magic thing, and new magic thing is explained after the plot is resolved.

    So basically the finale episode might be great, but the final season was weak.
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  18. - Top - End - #18
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Yes, the previous episode really seemed as a conclusion, but I wonder - why have one more episode. Do the series makers try to cheat us somehow, and the last episode will turn everything upside down?

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Edreyn View Post
    Yes, the previous episode really seemed as a conclusion, but I wonder - why have one more episode. Do the series makers try to cheat us somehow, and the last episode will turn everything upside down?
    That's where I'm a little bit more sympathetic to them, although I will say that I liked it and at least so far, I liked the note that it ended on. I don't see any way how they could've fit in those other remaining issues into a one hour episode without it basically rushing from place to place, like a certain movie. :)

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Quote Originally Posted by Precure View Post
    Everyone dies.
    Well, I wasn't entirely wrong. And it could still happen within the last episode.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    So my hope is that the last episode just turns into an hour of us seeing Sam and Dean live out a happy enough ending and die of old age or something. Just take the time to celebrate 15 years of schlocky good fun and the characters dyanmics and chemistry that made it happen. Also, hopefully, bring back my boy Castiel in some capacity.
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  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    I enjoyed 15x19 when I watched it, but upon reflection it did several characters really dirty.

    The most obvious is Michael. His original shtick was the anti-Lucifer being actually no better than his brother, which worked fine back then. Then we got an alternate Michael who was arguably more terrifying than Lucifer. Not only had this Michael killed his brother in that reality, but the main Lucifer got scared of him. And that was fairly cool too. Finally, we got the return of the main Michael, whose time alone in the Cage with his vessel Adam had apparently made him a better person. I have to say this got me pumped up. Finally, an archangel on the heroes' side! But 15x19 threw that down the drain, with Michael proving to still be "daddy's boy".

    Then, there is said daddy. Hopefully, my reaction is divorced from my real-life beliefs, or lack thereof.
    I rewatched his long exchange with Metatron in 11x20, where Chuck already talked about Creation, and humans in particular, being a failure. He was also already shown to be dishonest and a coward. However, the exchange ended with Metatron, of all people, convincing him to risk his life for mankind. Chuck singing Fare Thee Well while Metatron read his latest script, and the look Metatron gave him, even gave the impression that Chuck was going to sacrifice himself. It nearly happened in the season finale, with a mortally-wounded Chuck helping the boys with a plan that would have both he and Amara disappear.
    How far from that we got. As my previous post showed, I still expected some sort of twist. But 15x19 really insisted on Chuck not having a shred of compassion left.

    Finally, there are all the characters that weren't there at the end. Amara? She is inside Jack now, and apparently won't even come out to say goodbye. Castiel? His sacrifice in the previous episode was moving, but we need an in-universe explanation for Jack not bringing him back. Eileen? Bobby? Donna? Charlie? They were presumably un-raptured along with the rest of humanity, and will probably show up in the series finale, but we should still have seen Sam and Dean jump on their phones.

    So, yeah, I am more than a bit disappointed.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Just watched 15x20.

    It was clearly meant to be a heartwarming sendoff, and I think it worked.

    Still raised some questions, though:
    • Why are vampires still a thing? Couldn't Jack have removed or cured them? I understand the show not wanting to address diseases, earthquakes and the like, let alone the matter of good people being hurt by the malevolent. But vampires?
    • If I understand Bobby correctly, Jack did in fact bring Castiel back from the Empty, and may have put him in charge of Heaven before leaving for Jack knows where. Cool! But why did Dean have to learn this post-mortem?
    • And now for the real question. Who was Sam's wife? Was it Eileen? I need to knooooow!

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Its over.
    Its done.

    There'll be a little hole where the show went for a while. But they did a good send off. Apparently COVID-19 prevented them from having a massive finale with cameos from dozens of previous characters. Who knows? maybe it was for the best.

    Supernatural was always a show about how even in the biggest world changing cataclysms, what mattered was the people around you, who you loved.

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  25. - Top - End - #25
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    Yeah, I saw the final episode too. Honestly, I can't say I am impressed. I guess they had to shorten everything because of this accursed Covid.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: How do you expect Supernatural will end?

    for me the show ended after season 5. everything was perfect.

    P.S. in the end it was necessary to make Dean Lucifer, and make Sam a god

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