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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In a cave w/piles of gold

    Default Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    At first there is only darkness. Darkness and stillness all around you, completely engulfing and suffocating you in the stifling endless void. Until you open your eyes to the vision of rolling grassy hills before you, a gust of wind whips out and around you whistling and reveling with joyous noise in it's freedom making the fields of grass start to sway and flow like many green and amber ocean waves. As the wind plays with the ebbing and flowing waves of grass, you feel yourself rise up into the air as if on powerful wings, the scent of summer foliage and heat enveloping you. As you gain altitude your field of vision starts to change from that of a green and gold ocean to a distant and dark mountain range across the horizon, accompanied by the back-splash of a clear blue sky like turquoise accented by cotton clouds. It is then that the sky starts to turn noticeably darker, the clouds going dark with anger and the turquoise sky taking on the oranges and reds of sunset even as the mountain seems to start growing roots or flowing streams of darkness into the green hills.

    As the roots extend swiftly ever closer to your lofty position on the ground the forms of hundreds if not thousands of dark humanoids amongst monsters start to take shape. Stomping out the greens and golds of the fields, replacing them with browns of mud and the reek of death's blackness reaches you on the wind's current. An army of darkness marches out from before you, below you and now behind you towards towns and cities razing, burning, and destroying everything in its wake as you watch with dread and disbelief. The fires start to grow into an inferno with a ravenous appetite devouring the green with it's crimson tongues licking the air all while dying the now night sky in crimson before the flames start to converge into what seems to be the form of a clenched fist of blood red.

    Slowly at first the clenched fist starts to unfurl it’s fingers, starting from thumb to the little finger they straighten to a slight curl with claws threatening to slice the sky. Just as the talon of red seems to reach and grasp at the starry night sky, each of the fingers once more seems to change shape and even color. The thumb takes on a forest green, the index into obsidian black, the middle into sapphire blue, the ring stays crimson red, and lastly the smallest finger a stark bone white. Each of the fingertips split open forming the jaws of five long serpentine heads, before the fingers now five dragon heads joined at the neck to one body shift their attention towards you. Eyes flash with malice and ill contempt like dark stars as the jaws open revealing their gleaming sets of razor sharp fangs seemingly readying to release out multiple resounding thunderous roars loud enough to shake the country-side...

    But suddenly Chogotai awakens from his trance in a cold sweat before his ears could endure the roar.

    Looking about your eyes pierce the darkness in the dim light of Arwyn the silvery moon, you find you and your still sleeping companions still in the camp you set up earlier that night. No fire was lit this night, seeing how your destination of Vraath Keep was less than a mile’s walk from the camp. As your eyes fall on each of your companion's sleeping forms you can't help but think about the adventures you've been on together to make it to this point.

    Sometime about 2 months back was when you first started to have the now reoccurring nightmare, showing visions that eerily looked similar to the Wyrmsmoke Mountains from Drellin's Ferry. Together with Acaeus your Leonin Barbarian companion of several years and long time friend you started heading west by hitching a ride with a caravan of merchants. It was while riding with those merchants that companions of adventures past, Jolienne the Tiefling Cleric and Anisette the Sprite familiar dragging Skynir the Half-Elf Warlock behind them as they too have received visions of death and destruction coming to the people of the Vale. Arriving to Drellin's Ferry you were greeted by your friends Kelhedros the High Elf Rogue and Nyx the Loresong Fae Wizard. They had arrived a few days earlier, as Kelhedros wanted to both introduce Nyx to a friend named Serrierran the Wise a local wizard along with looking into a potential job involving goblin attacks.

    Spoiler: Townspeaker Norro and Captain Soranna

    Deciding it better to work together for better chances of success the Townspeaker Norro Winston and Guard Captain Soranna contacted your group to explain the circumstances. The Dawn Way, the well known central road all through Elsir Vale and the lifeblood of towns like Drellin's Ferry has been suffering from an increasing number of goblinoid raids ranging from Worg riding goblins, hobgoblin marauders, and even some draconian dog-like creatures covered in red scales. Through reports of local woodsmen and huntsmen it's become apparent that they are coming down from the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. While it isn't exactly clear if they are using Vraath Keep as a base of operations it wasn't off the table of possibilities. Before leaving in the morning Captain Soranna, a experienced ex-adventurer of her own right advises your group to seek out the help of Jorr a local huntsman who lives in the Witchwood.

    It's then that Chogotai notices that Jorr, the woodsman your party hired earlier after meeting at his cabin with his bow drawn when his three wolfhound dogs alerted him to your presence, currently wasn't in the campsite. Looking around some more you do make out the dimly glowing form of Anisette, talking to what at first looks like fireflies before realizing they are pixies off in the distance. The pixies at least seem to be snickering and laughing in their fey tongue while Anisette seems to be practically scolding them.

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

    Extended Homebrew Signature

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    (Un)Inspired's Avatar

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    Cambridge, MA

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    As the group chooses their campsite for the night Skynir Elkhart drops his pack unceremoniously, cringing momentarily as he hears the bottles of wine and spirits he carries clink threateningly against each other. Bending down to make sure nothing in his bag needs rescuing; he runs his eyes surreptitiously over his companions checking if anyone noticed his near brush with beverage tragedy.

    (Whelp, better prove that I’m not just a pretty face. What’s the old halfling saying, time to make the donuts?) While others are setting up tents or a camp fire, Skynir heads to the edge of their encampment and points at the loose earth on the ground. He silently flicks his finger this way and that, and the dirt at which he points spouts from the grounds as if excavated by some invisible earth-mover. As he works, his thoughts drift to each of his new companions.

    (Chogotai and Acaeus, you couldn't hope for a better pair to lead you on a walkabout. And that bond between them runs deep; if Chogotai’s leading this operation, I won’t be surprised if Acaeus turns anything that looks at us funny into cube steak.

    And then there’s Nyx and Kelhedros. Both of them so smart. Daaaaamn smart. Please let it be the sort of smart that keeps us out of trouble and not the sort of smart that leads to me gets parts bitten off by monsters.

    And of course Jolienne and Anisette. A man spends his whole life with only a brother, he blinks his eyes for an instant and all the sudden he’s got a collection of little sisters checking up on him. Well, I guess if anyone’s gonna make the Vale a better place it’s gonna be Jolienne, and Aniette’s just got to be the key to finally getting The Unicorn off my back. Even if they did drag me on this crazy crusade, I don’t know what the hells I’d do if something happens to either one of them.)

    Content with the work he puts in setting up the barricade, Skynir sets up his own sleeping roll, using further applications of Move Earth to eject as much loose dust from his spot as possible. He checks in to see if any of the more martially competent members of the party are interested in bringing some game back to camp to spare everyone the indignity of another night of trail rations.

    When the time for sleep finally arrives Skynir tucks himself in as comfortably as physically possible given the circumstances. Bidding the party a good night, he drifts off to the sleep with a light snore. The gentle roar of Acaeus’ purring acting like a white noise machine, enabling him to get the kind of restful night sleep typically reserved for those without a care in the world.
    Last edited by (Un)Inspired; 2021-03-14 at 01:19 AM.
    amazing avatar of my favorite character, Gheera, by Pesimismrocks

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    Izzarra's Avatar

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    Washington, USA

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Nyx Alsaz
    Bladesinger Wizard
    HP: 27/27, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Upon arriving at the campsite Nyx pulls her travel chest off of the floating disk, opens her spellbook on top of the chest, pulls out a wand and a dagger and begins dancing around the chest to summon her unseen servant.

    After completing the ritual she unlocks the chest. A blanket pulls itself out of the chest and is suspended in the air providing a privacy curtain. She empties one of her waterskins into a bucket and warms the water with prestidigitation. After getting out some soap she doffs her coat of plate and traveling cloths, shrinks into her sprite form, and climbs into the bucket to take a bath. With the blanket mostly covering the top of the bucket she directs the unseen servant to perform different aspects of setting up camp and to brew some spice tea.

    After putting on her robes she goes through her armor and every article of clothing she wore casting prestidigitation to remove any trace of dirt.

    After spending some time combing her hair, and the fur of her familiar, she beds down inside a crude tent made from her chest, a quarterstaff, and waxed canvas tarpaulin; with Nibbles keeping an eye out.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2021-03-14 at 02:58 AM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Jolienne Arcensis
    Tiefling Twilight Cleric
    HP: 46/46, AC: 19
    Passive Perception: 18
    Conditions: Eyes of Night (Darkvision 300 ft)
    Concentrating: --
    A young woman looks up at stars and ponders simpler times.

    "Healer, you do me dishonour," the man insisted.

    Jolienne shook her head, smiling to take away the sting of it, and refused to close her fingers around the handful of silver coins. She pressed them back into the farmer's palm.

    "I have taken a vow of poverty," she lied gently, "I cannot, my friend. That you have provided me with a roof and meal is already more than enough."

    The man - Olivar, his name was - hesitated but did not press any further. Such vows were rare among country healers, but common enough to certain monastic orders and lodges of warrior priests. Such groups disdained all earthly possessions save for faith itself, and none could enter into their ranks without discarding all riches. Truth be told, Jolienne could have used the silver. What little food she had left in her satchel was growing stale, and it would be a long walk back to Brindol. The hills could be treacherous, especially at night, and full of prowling creatures of which wolves were the least dangerous. The village of Dauth was too small to even warrant mention on any of the larger regional maps, barely three hundred souls, but it was close to the most common path from Prosser to the Hammerfist Holds to the south-west.

    She had hoped to hitch a ride on a trader's cart, but none had passed through. Without coin to offer, the chances were slim that any would accept her even if one did it come, she knew, but she could not find it in her to take what was likely the only coin the older man possessed. If there was a lean month, come winter, they could make the difference between survival and starvation. Still, she could not linger here any longer. She had helped those she could, it was time to move on.

    "Your wife must not exert herself for the full moon's turn," she reminded Olivar. "The powers of the Lady can only do so much to ease the passage of time, and if she returns to the fields her joins will swell anew. In my experience, warmth followed by cold will do her some good."

    "I will do what I can," the man promised with a grimace, putting away the silver and doing his best to hide his look of relief. "Though I must offer you some reward. Here," he said brightening, leaving for a moment before returning with a tray of piping hot cakes. Though she had already eaten, she could feel her mouth watering at the prospect and could not bring it in herself to refuse.

    Surely a servant of the heavens was allowed a few indulgences?

    They have broken off to make camp in the Witchwood, not too far from one of the game trails. Thanks to Captain Soranna's recommendation, they have taken on a guide to these parts - a man by the name of Jorr - to help uncover the root of the recent attacks. Vraath Keep is their goal, deep in the shadowed glens of the forest here. In many ways, the swaying trees and moonlit skies remind her of home, of the stead. Childhood excursions with Papa, playing with Raith in the glens. Those were simpler times too.

    Now, as she begins to prepare her rite, Jolienne feels the warm hand on her shoulder. Three years ago, she heard a voice, a presence to guide her steps. She has never been alone since. A burnished gaze made wise to night's ways scans the treeline once, twice, to make sure that they're alone. There are no secrets in the dark from Shaeliss - the gift of sight, granted freely to those who carry her prayers out into the world. Even now, after so much time, it is a strange thing to see the world through a goddess' eyes.

    "Honoured dusk," she speaks across the glade, clarion call heard by mortal and divine alike, "grant us respite from wrath, woe and weather, that we may live to see another sunset." Jolienne does not beg for aid, nor does she demand it - these are old words, and true. They are a groove in the fabric of Creation itself, through which a channel of outer power flows. As she speaks, she walks the length and outer circumference of the camp site, her feet treading the edges of the ground they will be sleeping on. This is a deliberate ponderance to the ritual, the vise around the channel tightened so that what might have otherwise been a surge of divinity emerges instead as a trickle. In doing so, Jolienne retains her own strength for any evening confrontation.

    She gives the familiar pair of Anisette and Skynir a little smile as the last of the working takes shape, a translucent dome shimmering into being around the periphery of their chosen resting place. For an instant, anyone looking on can see a firmament of stars by twilight made miniature expanding around them before it fades. "That should do it," she tells the others as she prepares to turn in. "You can come and go whenever you please, but just to remind you all that while the spell is opaque from the outside, we can still see everything that happens... in case anyone might need to relieve themselves in the middle of the night." Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time.

    Sleep comes easily, as it always has. Her last thoughts before closing her eyes are of home.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Hello all! Jolienne is going to take 10 minutes to ritually cast Tiny Hut around the camp before going to sleep. The hut is opaque from the outside - it looks like a well of shadow to anyone looking on - and cannot be passed through by people that Jolienne does not designate (in this case, the party plus Jorr). Spells also cannot be cast through that barrier. Our vision from the dome looking out is not impaired at all, since it's transparent to us.

    GM, I was hoping to ask this before we started with the IC, but would it make more sense for Jolienne to get her spells back at dusk rather than dawn, given her goddess?
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2021-03-14 at 08:00 AM.
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
    Small Justice

    An ongoing web serial about politics, vengeance, and miniature lizards. Go check it out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Acaeus, Champion of the Ghost Tree
    AC: 19 | MAX HP: 58 | CURRENT: 58 | HIT DIE: 3d12; 2d10 | CURRENT: 3d12;2d10
    RAGE: 3 | CURRENT: 3 | SPELL SLOTS: 1st: 2/2

    Acaeus was on edge, his blood sworn kin, Chogotai, had been troubled by dreams of late, had not been sleeping, the fitful rest he did get was disturbed by murmurs and dark portents, half spoken in the night. What wounded the leonin warrior more, is that his elf blooded brother had not shared, with him, what troubled him so, and had chosen to carry the burden alone. He swung his massive head as he contemplated these thoughts, however, Chogotai's ways were not Acaeus' ways, and he would need to give his soft-skinned brother time to recognize the burden he carried, and come to his own conclusions on how best to manage it's troublesome weight.

    He watched as his new companions established the camp, their guide having chosen a spot, that he, himself, found suitable. However, as they began to bed down, Elkhart began to conjure great arcane energies, shifting earth that had provided nurture to the nearby trees, grass and scrub into earthern fortifications. The Leonine shook his massive head, padding softly towards the man who smelled of Chogotai's kin, "You do the earth a great disservice, that tree," he lifted a golden furred hand to point to a massive oak twenty yards from them, "which has seen generations walk beneath it's limbs, relied on the slope of the earth to feed it water that flows beneath. You have disintered mice, and moles, who made their warrens in the soil, for what? An embankment, to provide us with momentary advantage should our foes attack us in the night?" He paused, his voice echoing in his massive chest, a low rumble, "Your forethought is admirable, but have a care you pay respect to those around you, and heed how your actions affect the natural order. My people strive to live in harmony with the world around us, we feel no need to assert mastery over it."

    As the night progressed, he watched the actions of his companions, the horned one, a Matriarch to her people, conducted a ritual prayer at dusk. Her reverence so serene, that Acaeus could only growl in approval, far enough removed that such sound would not reach her ear, or distract her from her nightly devotions. However, when she conjured her shelter, he felt constrained, confined, and so moved beyond it's perimeter to sleep. Looking at the old oak that his companion had consigned to a slow death, he climbed it's lower limbs, instead, sleeping in it's embrace, it's gentle swaying rocking him to sleep. He awoke early, perhaps Chogotai's dreams invaded his own, for he awoke with a disquieting sense of ... dread?

    Instead of attempting to return to sleep, he crept from his perch, and moved into the night. He had spoken directly to his pride mate the previous evening, and such direct speech was not always the way of the soft skinned, so in an effort to make amends, he took it upon himself to provide, for his pride, their morning repast. Some game for himself, small rabbits, and a quail, berries, roots, and even some broad headed mushrooms, a full skin of spring water. He returned as the sun crested the horizon, and as he started a fire, he moved beside Elkhart, placing a bloody rabbit by his feet, so he would see it when he first awoke.

    Then, eating the quail whole, enjoying the crunch of the fine bones between his teeth, he noted Jorr's bedrool was empty. He moved to Chogotai's form, and noted his blood kin awake, "Jorr's bedroll is empty, did you oserve him leave?"

    Spoiler: Out of Character Actions
    OOC: Assuming that I can use the Outsider's Wanderer feature to feed the party for the day, I assumed it took about an hour, hope that is ok. Also, Elkheart, brought you a present! <3
    Last edited by Zero Prime; 2021-03-16 at 10:34 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Canada, Pacific Time

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    "Where Fey creatures dwell, best not to twist the wood and soil. And where foes patrol, best not to put up a sign just for the sake of hiding behind it. But it's done." The lilts and burrs of Kelhedros' accent lent extra gravitas to his advice. He was motionless beneath his cloak, lying well below the raw-hewn rampart—his eyes were those of the owl circling silently overhead. He held a bow with nocked arrow in his left hand and held the hilt of a Dagger on his right, its sheath strapped smartly to his breast. "I don't see the woodsman. We should track him down before he gives us away, or before he's taken by whatever possessed him to wander off."
    Last edited by Athaleon; 2021-03-14 at 10:43 PM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    In a cave w/piles of gold

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Prime View Post
    Then, eating the quail whole, enjoying the crunch of the fine bones between his teeth, he noted Jorr's bedrool was empty. He moved to Chogotai's form, and noted his blood kin awake, "Jorr's bedroll is empty, did you oserve him leave?"[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]

    Spoiler: Out of Character Actions
    OOC: Assuming that I can use the Outsider's Wanderer feature to feed the party for the day, I assumed it took about an hour, hope that is ok. Also, Elkheart, brought you a present! <3
    Quote Originally Posted by Athaleon View Post
    "Where Fey creatures dwell, best not to twist the wood and soil. And where foes patrol, best not to put up a sign just for the sake of hiding behind it. But it's done." The lilts and burrs of Kelhedros' accent lent extra gravitas to his advice. He was motionless beneath his cloak, lying well below the raw-hewn rampart—his eyes were those of the owl circling silently overhead. He held a bow with nocked arrow in his left hand and held the hilt of a Dagger on his right, its sheath strapped smartly to his breast. "I don't see the woodsman. We should track him down before he gives us away, or before he's taken by whatever possessed him to wander off."
    With the moon still in the sky and the sun hasn't even crested over the tree tops the darkness still gave cover ontop of the opaque Tiny Hut's outer shell. Turning away from her conversation with the pixies, Anisette gives a wave to gain attention. "Mr. Natherson went about a hour or two ago to scout ahead. He said that with the morning coming that's typically the best time to catch goblinoids with their guard down. Something about how goblinoids lean more to being nocturnal creatures. I made him pinkie promise he'd be back before morning, and when he left it was like the shadows enveloped him turning invisible."

    Shoo-ing the pixies away Anisette flies back into the shelter of the Tiny Hut. "He figured with the bubble camp set up that you'd be safe enough. In any case, should of known how 'passionate' he was about hunting goblins when he decorated the insides of his house with worg pelts, and goblin skulls..." watching from her new position from inside the Tiny Hut she makes sure that the pixies actually leave before continuing with the conversation "But don't worry, Nibbles and I kept watch just in case. Good thing too cause those pixies seemed to be intent on playing a prank on us if it wasn't for the bubble. So I scolded them."

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Chogotai stalked the woods like a wolf, having learned how to do so from his year long sojourn in the Witchwood pack, it had been a strange and rare occurrence, but they had let him in, the pack leader sniffing him disapprovingly, but allowed him in after he had saved several pups. several of which had taken him on as a pack member instantly, he smiled in the shadow of the elk next to him just thinking about them, it was a stark shift of landscape to his young years in the city, refreshing.

    He was hunting an elk, it had done nothing wrong, and he would honor it's spirit, but his group needed sustenance, such was the cycle of life. This is the way.

    Coming back to the party, Jorr grumbled at the site of the elk on his shoulders as he dropped it in a heap before them, he wanted them to have a good meal before heading out, he knew once they left, they would be lights out and silent. Trail rations can get old, even for an experienced stomach, and fresh meat would provide them energy in the long run. Ignoring the old hunters annoyance, he began to field strip the animal, having already said a prayer and thanked the animals spirit for the sustenance it would provide. He left the skin for the old hunter as recompense, the skin and antlers would fetch a price he was sure.

    They arrived, Chogotai's respect for the local hunter had grown, he knew his woods well, and they had made good work of his guidance, allowing the group to get as close to the keep as possible.

    He smiled, watching his larger brother admonish Skynir as he unrolled his bedroll, it was all he needed, the soft ground here was perfect, and just hard enough, his body wasn't aching like an elder just yet.

    Approaching Skynir he smiled "Thank you for your thought, do not take Acaeus' word's to harshly, it is the way of his kind to speak their truth he lives differently to others, see's things differently, I think if you let him, he will become a fierce ally." he finishes with a warm smile noting Acaeus moving outside the circle to sleep in the boughs of the tree. He would join him, but a tree's limbs were not...well put for an elf to sleep on.

    He tended to his equipment, waxing his bowstring, oiling his weapons, and tightening, clipping any loose strings from his clothes, it wasn't overtly obvious, to all but Acaeus, it looked like he was being efficient with his gear, but to Acaeus, he was delaying the inevitable, it was obvious he did not want to start his reverie.

    But, eventually, watching the others, and having set the watch order, he succumbed to the need, and sat cross legged on his bedroll, entering the trance.

    It had happened again, he thought, for a moment, they were under attack, such a feeling of dread, of impending doom, had washed over him. It was hard to shake it off, but it did, eventually subside, he glanced around in the darkness, his eyes piercing the darkness as easily as a knife slides through butter. Jorr was gone.

    Standing, quickly at first, but slowed down as he regained control and refused to make a sound in case something was amiss, he saw Anisette with her Pixies and his sense of doom faded. he must have gone out for some food or something he mused to himself, stepping out of the circle, to inspect the tracks the old man had left, if any.


    not sure which check
    Perception - (1d20+6)[8]
    Survival - (1d20+6)[13]

    As the others woke, he saw Acaeus give a bloody rabbit to Skynir he spoke up "See, he likes you!" he said with a wink and a smile. "Acaeus, did you see Jorr?"

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  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    In a cave w/piles of gold

    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    As Chogotai searches for Jorr Natherson's tracks, you can spot the old male human's footprints leading away from the Tiny Hut's radius before entering the woods. After that, it's like he disappeared as the footprints ease into nothingness. As far as direction it's as Anisette explained, and seems that the old huntsman has headed towards the Keep's direction. "Best be careful boy... Dem Gobbos won't be as nice as me." Before you can stand up from your tracking you do feel the point of a arrowhead resting on a bow of elven make gently pushing against your back before you so much as hear the wood and string groan. "If yer lookin' fer me, you don't have ter worry. Aye be back from me little hunt." easing the arrowtip from your back and stowing away the bow and arrow. Still clad in the night's darkness the old man Jorr seems almost wrapped in strands of shadows causing him to be invisible even to your vision in the darkness before dispelling whatever magic that shrouded him to stand behind you. "Aye didn't want ah repeat of the Hydra fight we had yesterday, with da beast getting da jump on us. So I went ter scout out the Keep, and come bearing news to share with the others."

    Spoiler: Jorr Natherson

    Walking over back towards the Tiny Hut he waves his wrinkled hand for you to follow.
    Last edited by Igneel; 2021-03-16 at 01:59 PM.

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Listening to Chogotai’s reassurances, Skynir returned the elf’s smile with one of his own. People will always talk, Chogotai. I just give them something to talk about. He gives the ranger a mirthful wink. But I’m not exactly our premier woodsman. I’m happy to concede to those with more experience. He gives both Acaeus and Kelhedros nods of contrition, and sweeps his right hand through the air, as if brushing sand off a table, and all the earth he excavated refills the holes from whence it came precisely. (Besides, Jolienne’s sanctuary ought to keep me safe enough through the night.)

    When he eventually wakes up (whether tonight due to Jorr’s return or in the morning proper) he stares at the rabbit carcass at the foot of his bedroll. (Hmmmm... I’m going to choose to take this as a gift rather than a threat.) Looking at his companions he notices Acaeus observe his inspection of the rabbit, putting 2 and 2 together, he gives the Leonin a jovial wave.
    amazing avatar of my favorite character, Gheera, by Pesimismrocks

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Jorr (and hopefully Chogotai) re-enters the Tiny hut bubble as the morning hours start to dawn upon the party. The old man wastes no time to stop over to some dirt and starts drawing out a very rough map what you assume is Vraath Keep. "Good news es dat da Keep hasn't changed much since me days working under da late Lord some 40 years ago save ver da damage da Forest Giants ded back den.", pausing only as he corrects some of his doodles. "Bad news es dat the Keep es most definitely habited by more deen gobbos." Finishing his drawing he waits for the party to finish waking up and gather around.

    "First, we have aboot two worg riders an der gobbos as aye saw deem return ter switch out with ah new shift. Seemed they were greeted by at least a hobgobbo before sending out ah different pair of worg riders out. If dah Keep es as aye remember et, dah stables used to be here.", pointing to the northmost section of the map.

    "Second, dey have some beasty or pair of beastys aye didn't see but found der tracks. Dere definitely was ah set dat belonged ter a four-legged beasty bigger den a lion but et seemed ter be armed with spears or spikes ter hunt ets prey. Aye don't know ef dat beasty es home presently.", he moves his finger to the southwestern corner "Dah tower has seen better days, and aye saw durin' da night ah strange sight at dah top floor through ah hole. Ah greenish glow dat flickered like fire behind ah figure. All while aye watched et dah figure didn't move."

    Then he points to the box by the tower's circle "Dis used ter be dah barracks at one point, aye wouldn't be surprised if they have guards sleepin' der. Looks like der es ah hole were dah door ah door used ter be.", finally he points to various openings in the walls "Ter dah east was dah gate house, doors and half of dah gate house long smashed by dah giants. Dat south side has ah hole big enough fer ah giant ter walk through."

    Sitting back he pulls out a bit of jerky to eat as he looks to the party. "So youngun's, how do you want ter do dis?"

    Spoiler: Jorr's Rough Doodle

    North most 'block' seems to be the stables.
    Dual east blocks represent the gate house that's been smashed halfway.
    Circle in south west seems to be a tower with a mysterious figure.
    Square by the circle is where he indicates used to be a barracks.

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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    Nyx Alsaz
    Bladesinger Wizard
    HP: 27/27, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Sitting on her wooden chest in her robes Nyx sips some spice tea from a nice little cup and saucer while considering the intelligence report.

    "To attack a force of greater numbers that are entrenched in a defensible location is . . . well, ill advised to say the least. I have read in a book once that when assaulting an enemy force it is a good idea to divide and conquer. Now, this can be taken one of two ways. One:" she holds up a finger for emphases. "You divide your own troops in order to outflank or outmaneuver the enemy. Two" she holds up a second finger "You get the enemy to divide their own forces so that you can take them on a few at a time. I suggest that we attempt the latter. This would be phase one of our assault, we take out as many as we can draw out of the keep by means of ambush and trap."

    Takes a sip of tea.

    "Once they become aware that something is amiss and hold up inside we transition to phase two, misdirection. We shall attempt to draw their attention to defending several places in fortress that are away from where we wish to make our entrance, a pity that we do not have greater numbers for this part. We want them spread out, confused, and unaware of what they are actually up against. This way when we begin phase three, stealth assault, they are completely disorganized. We sneak in and incapacitate as many as we can before they know what has hit them."

    Takes a sip of tea.

    "This is all assuming that the plan does not fall apart in the first five minutes forcing us to improvise the rest. I am open to hearing alternate ideas?"

    She studies the drawing some more "My good man, does this keep have a sally port that is not included on this sketch?"
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Acaeus, Champion of the Ghost Tree
    AC: 19 | MAX HP: 58 | CURRENT: 58 | HIT DIE: 3d12; 2d10 | CURRENT: 3d12;2d10
    RAGE: 3 | CURRENT: 3 | SPELL SLOTS: 1st: 2/2

    Acaeus considered their guide's rough drawn map, and the fae's plan, it was sound, but there were some concerns which nagged him. "By necessity, drawing the defenders away from the Keep means exposing a threat, which we would hope they investigate, to spring our trap. This in turn will alert them to a threat, and make it that much more difficult to gain the keep. However, if we watch, and determine the timing on the Warg Riders patrol, we can lay an ambush for them at the beginning of their shift." He paused, driving a claw to the east of the keep, dragging it over the wall to the stables. "We then take the wall, while the defenders are unaware of our intentions, we enter the stables and quickly dispatch the remaining wargs, they are predators with keen senses. Once slain, we can deal with the tower, then the barracks. For the barracks, I suggest setting them alight, and then slaughtering the fleeing goblins as they escape the blaze."

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    "Plans are useless, but planning is essential." Kelhedros quoted laconically from wherever he'd head the maxim. "I doubt they'll fall for any ploy to lure them out. At most they'll send a few riders to look for the missing patrol, and I suppose every little bit helps, but I prefer not to alert them until we're already in the keep."

    "Hmm. I know a magic trick or two, mainly illusory images and sounds. I could gain the wall in an instant, provided it's not more than ten yards high. Some of you are surely capable of more, like Skynir here. Any chance we can set the barracks on fire and trap some hobs in it by moving earth to block the door? Any structures on their last legs that can be collapsed by moving earth out from under it?"


    Most of my suggestions got ninja'ed so I edited the post to agree with them :P
    Last edited by Athaleon; 2021-03-16 at 10:51 PM.

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    If we’re being Feudal about this sort of thing then I’m content to follow whatever course Chogotai sets for us. If we’re interested in democracy, then I vote for the destruction of the outgoing scout team before we proceed to pick apart the fort, location by location. Those wargs can hear across frankly ludicrous distances and squashing a scout team before it might return to literally bite us in the arse in the middle of a rumble seems prudent.

    Skynir grins at Kelhedros’ aphorism. That’s a great turn of phrase.

    When comes to scaling walls, both Ani and I can fly if we need to silently cross an obstacle; I can even take a passenger with me provided they’re under 200 lbs. or so. But, listen, I really like Acaeus’ plan to do pointed strikes against zones, and Kelhedros, your idea to lock off certain areas with earth is superb. We’ve got to think consequentially though.

    He looks back and forth between the high elf and the leonin, both men advocating for arson.

    We just don’t know what’s actually inside this keep. If we set fire to things who knows what will go up in the blaze. There could be valuable tapestries, furs, magic scrolls... His eyes flick first to Jolienne, then to Anisette. What I mean is... prisoners? Yup, prisoners and there could be vital maps indicating other goblin locations, and in a forest like this, who knows how far a fire could spread. Just seems like the morally upstanding thing to do would be to avoid such squaderous destruction.
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Nyx Alsaz
    Bladesinger Wizard
    HP: 27/27, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Nyx's skin paled slightly at the notion of trapping them to burn alive, it was in some way a bit more cruel then simply slinging fire magic at them, even if they are evil.

    "We know not what manner of tricks and traps they might have inside that keep. To engage them behind those walls after slaying a single patrol is unsound, even with the element of surprise. It would be to our advantage to gaod them to ride out en masse, it gives us the ability to lure them to a location of our choosing and engage them on our terms."

    "Letting them understand that something is attacking them is not so bad, so long as we do not allow them to find out who is attacking them. Fear of an unseen force taking their patrols could crush their morale."
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Acaeus, Champion of the Ghost Tree
    AC: 19 | MAX HP: 58 | CURRENT: 58 | HIT DIE: 3d12; 2d10 | CURRENT: 3d12;2d10
    RAGE: 3 | CURRENT: 3 | SPELL SLOTS: 1st: 2/2

    Acaeus' brow furrowed, "Unsound? You would rather lead them out, to where we can be surrounded, five to one? I would rather the element of surprise, stealth, and fear. Take out their patrol, destroy their mounts and their beasts of war, burn the barracks, and take the Keep I say." He sighed, they were, in truth, now a pride, so he would not brook further argument or dissent, for fear of fracturing their camaraderie, "Put it to a vote, the pack shall decide, and we will abide by their decision. That, to me, seems the most judicious approach."

    Spoiler: Out of Character Action
    OOC: Long planning sessions figuring out the minutiae of a strategy are the death of PbP, so I say we do a vote 1) take out scouts and sneak in, or 2) lead them out and ambush whatever force they send out. And as Kheledrous said, plans are useless, and won't survive first contact either way, heh.

    I vote for 1, however, both 1 & 2 would require us to find a suitable ambush spot, so we will have to do that with whatever plan we choose.

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    Chogotai's throat tightened, he had let his guard down, and his hackles raised instantly, his only thought was how he was going to gut this man, and how quickly he could get it done. The arrow point poked him, and he tensed.


    He moved slowly around, he was not happy the older man had crept up on him, he was annoyed at the mans petulance, but...he could see, and smell, he was not altogether malicious in his intent, he nodded to the fellow ranger with respect, and followed him into the 'hut' hands inside the others sleeves, silently watching as he sketched out the keep, and provided the intel he was sought out for.

    Nodding, he listened to the wise words, he responds to Skynir with a hand, palm out "No friend, we are a like minded group, I do not lead here as much as the wind walks these forests at night, our minds shall need to be one to pull this off. I like the idea of ambushing them, if we take out their scouts, that is 2 less enemies to deal with, and they will be none the wiser as to what happened. If they send more out, we can ambush them, if they send more than we can handle, we can choose our moment." he smiles broadly "Nyx seems to be making the most sense to me, it must be all those dusty tomes she is reading, I cannot for the life of me see their appeal!"

    Smiling widely with mirth, he continues "Does anyone know what this beast with spikes is? It sounds familiar, but I cannot put a name to the monster."

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Jolienne Arcensis
    Tiefling Twilight Cleric
    HP: 46/46, AC: 19
    Passive Perception: 18
    Conditions: Eyes of Night (Darkvision 300 ft)
    Concentrating: --
    Jolienne sits up by the edge of the fire and listens. She hears Jorr’s report from the woods about the Keep and the forces arrayed therein, as well as the initial suggestions given by both Nyx and Alcaeus. She gives each of them warm nods in turn as they speak up, but does not speak yet in support of either plan; the gesture is one of general encouragement, not tacit agreement. Both have strengths, and both carry risks of a different sort. When Skynir vocalizes his disapproval and gives her a look, she gives him a thumbs and returns his effusive grin.

    Lady willing, he may yet be a success story, the twilit apostle muses to herself. The warmth around her shoulders increases ever so slightly. She politely asks Nyx for a cup of tea of her own to take the edge off her sleep as it comes time for her to weigh in on their future course of action.

    "Our objective here in the Witchwood," she begins carefully, deliberately, as she waits for her beverage to cool, "is to stop the goblin attacks against the trade highways. However, as the good Captain Soranna believes that the attacks are coming down from the Wyrmsmokes, I think we should all take that information to mean that Vraath Keep - while certainly a fortified base of operations - is not their central staging ground."

    The horned priestess takes stock of the group: the proud leonin, the translucent fae, and those of elven blood. An unusual melange, yet effective when they are all on the same page. "What I mean to say is that our taking the keep should not compromise its effectiveness as a defensive position, and there are more troops out there whose movements we should learn of beforehand. Burning the barracks would countermand both of those directives, and so I would discourage it no matter what approach we take. I’d also prefer if we could take an officer alive for questioning - I have magic to put such individuals to sleep should they be wounded in battle without being slain."

    "When I look at both plans through this lens," she continues, "I would endorse the ambush-then-infiltrate strategy. We are all quite well suited to a night approach, and will be able to see better in the dark than the enemy. That gives us a distinct advantage when we enter the Keep once we have taken out one patrol. Once inside, we can maintain our movements in secrecy and engage enemy resistance piecemeal. We have between us several means of preventing the guards from raising any alarm, and by the time they are aware of us we will have thinned out their numbers accordingly."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Jolienne is voting for the ambush the patrol then enter the Keep plan, maintaining our stealth. This group has truly ridiculous Stealth scores especially with Pass Without Trace up, and Jolienne can cast Enhance Ability and Guidance to boost anyone who has a base +5 or lower. She can also give everyone Darkvision 300 ft for an hour and has Silence to shut down anyone who wants to raise the alarm.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2021-03-17 at 08:43 AM.
    Spoiler: Stuff I'm Working On
    Small Justice

    An ongoing web serial about politics, vengeance, and miniature lizards. Go check it out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Quote Originally Posted by Izzarra View Post
    She studies the drawing some more "My good man, does this keep have a sally port that is not included on this sketch?"
    Old man Jorr gently shakes his head side to side. "In da time Aye worked at da Keep before et's fall dere wasn't one as ah part of the Keep. Aye didn't dare get much closer than me vantage point ter spy from ah distance as Worgs have keen senses of smell."

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Prime View Post
    Acaeus considered their guide's rough drawn map, and the fae's plan, it was sound, but there were some concerns which nagged him. "By necessity, drawing the defenders away from the Keep means exposing a threat, which we would hope they investigate, to spring our trap. This in turn will alert them to a threat, and make it that much more difficult to gain the keep. However, if we watch, and determine the timing on the Warg Riders patrol, we can lay an ambush for them at the beginning of their shift." He paused, driving a claw to the east of the keep, dragging it over the wall to the stables. "We then take the wall, while the defenders are unaware of our intentions, we enter the stables and quickly dispatch the remaining wargs, they are predators with keen senses. Once slain, we can deal with the tower, then the barracks. For the barracks, I suggest setting them alight, and then slaughtering the fleeing goblins as they escape the blaze."
    "Aye agree with da lionman on takin' out da worgs first. They be like guard dogs fer rich men, bayin' an growlin' at unknown scents. Dey also can speak Gobbo speech, thus could alert der riders and da master or leader of da Keep. Keep in mind tho, da walls are aboot three men or 15 feet tall on da outside. By da look of et, giants did some damage all dose years ago and possibly left us some handholds with dose rocks they threw."

    Quote Originally Posted by Athaleon View Post
    "Plans are useless, but planning is essential." Kelhedros quoted laconically from wherever he'd head the maxim. "I doubt they'll fall for any ploy to lure them out. At most they'll send a few riders to look for the missing patrol, and I suppose every little bit helps, but I prefer not to alert them until we're already in the keep."

    "Hmm. I know a magic trick or two, mainly illusory images and sounds. I could gain the wall in an instant, provided it's not more than ten yards high. Some of you are surely capable of more, like Skynir here. Any chance we can set the barracks on fire and trap some hobs in it by moving earth to block the door? Any structures on their last legs that can be collapsed by moving earth out from under it?"
    "Only structure aye saw anywhere truly near ets last legs was da old gardening shed. Made of wood, surprised et hasn't fallen with a breeze yet."

    Quote Originally Posted by (Un)Inspired View Post
    When comes to scaling walls, both Ani and I can fly if we need to silently cross an obstacle; I can even take a passenger with me provided they’re under 200 lbs. or so. But, listen, I really like Acaeus’ plan to do pointed strikes against zones, and Kelhedros, your idea to lock off certain areas with earth is superb. We’ve got to think consequentially though.

    He looks back and forth between the high elf and the leonin, both men advocating for arson.

    We just don’t know what’s actually inside this keep. If we set fire to things who knows what will go up in the blaze. There could be valuable tapestries, furs, magic scrolls... His eyes flick first to Jolienne, then to Anisette. What I mean is... prisoners? Yup, prisoners and there could be vital maps indicating other goblin locations, and in a forest like this, who knows how far a fire could spread. Just seems like the morally upstanding thing to do would be to avoid such squaderous destruction.
    Flying over to his shoulder Anisette lands to give Skynir a gentle pat on the head as a reward for at least attempting to change his argument away from the possible treasures to lose.

    Old man Jorr practically licks his lips at the thought of burning goblins and their ilk alive like a rat in a bucket over a fire. "Ay won't say no to burnin' dem. Structure es mostly stone wiff wood floorin' and supports. Da Keep stands on ah bit of rocky hill with some distance from trees. While slower, we could climb up dah south side of dah hill and go less noticed as well."

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Prime View Post

    Acaeus' brow furrowed, "Unsound? You would rather lead them out, to where we can be surrounded, five to one? I would rather the element of surprise, stealth, and fear. Take out their patrol, destroy their mounts and their beasts of war, burn the barracks, and take the Keep I say." He sighed, they were, in truth, now a pride, so he would not brook further argument or dissent, for fear of fracturing their camaraderie, "Put it to a vote, the pack shall decide, and we will abide by their decision. That, to me, seems the most judicious approach."
    Jorr leans back a little on his seat as he continues to eat his bit of jerky ration. "Aye won't vote, as aye am bein' paid by you lot to do what you need. But... If Aye were ter vote, Aye'd be fer gettin' da scouts first, sneak in, and kill da whole lot of dem."

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    Nodding, he listened to the wise words, he responds to Skynir with a hand, palm out "No friend, we are a like minded group, I do not lead here as much as the wind walks these forests at night, our minds shall need to be one to pull this off. I like the idea of ambushing them, if we take out their scouts, that is 2 less enemies to deal with, and they will be none the wiser as to what happened. If they send more out, we can ambush them, if they send more than we can handle, we can choose our moment." he smiles broadly "Nyx seems to be making the most sense to me, it must be all those dusty tomes she is reading, I cannot for the life of me see their appeal!"
    At the mention of "2 less enemies" Jorr somewhat cuts in "4 less. Worgs maybe dumb, but der wily and a trouble of der own with or without rider."

    Smiling widely with mirth, he continues "Does anyone know what this beast with spikes is? It sounds familiar, but I cannot put a name to the monster."
    "Aye have an idear, but... Aye don't think et possible. If it is da same beast aye dink it is, ah old huntin' buddy of mine took a spine ter his leg years ago. Never walked again since."

    Quote Originally Posted by 3SecondCultist View Post
    "Our objective here in the Witchwood," she begins carefully, deliberately, as she waits for her beverage to cool, "is to stop the goblin attacks against the trade highways. However, as the good Captain Soranna believes that the attacks are coming down from the Wyrmsmokes, I think we should all take that information to mean that Vraath Keep - while certainly a fortified base of operations - is not their central staging ground."

    The horned priestess takes stock of the group: the proud leonin, the translucent fae, and those of elven blood. An unusual melange, yet effective when they are all on the same page. "What I mean to say is that our taking the keep should not compromise its effectiveness as a defensive position, and there are more troops out there whose movements we should learn of beforehand. Burning the barracks would countermand both of those directives, and so I would discourage it no matter what approach we take. I’d also prefer if we could take an officer alive for questioning - I have magic to put such individuals to sleep should they be wounded in battle without being slain."

    "When I look at both plans through this lens," she continues, "I would endorse the ambush-then-infiltrate strategy. We are all quite well suited to a night approach, and will be able to see better in the dark than the enemy. That gives us a distinct advantage when we enter the Keep once we have taken out one patrol. Once inside, we can maintain our movements in secrecy and engage enemy resistance piecemeal. We have between us several means of preventing the guards from raising any alarm, and by the time they are aware of us we will have thinned out their numbers accordingly."
    Jorr gives a bit of a silent clap of applause at the end of the priestess's input. "Aye agree priestess. Dat Keep ain't no base of operation, but ah forward base ef Aye had ter guess. Possibly usin' dah worg riders ter gather info."

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Nyx Alsaz
    Bladesinger Wizard
    HP: 27/27, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    Quote Originally Posted by Zero Prime View Post
    Acaeus' brow furrowed, "Unsound? You would rather lead them out, to where we can be surrounded, five to one?"
    "By the spirits no, we would want to leave a trail to a place of our choosing with favorable terrain. Also it would be highly unlikely that they would bring their entire force out of the keep if they have any grasp of tactics."

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    "Does anyone know what this beast with spikes is? It sounds familiar, but I cannot put a name to the monster."
    "From the description I am thinking it might be a Manticore, a fierce monster that has the body of a lion, wings of a dragon, and can shoot spikes from its tail. We may want to consider engaging such a creature separately from other combatants if possible."

    Quote Originally Posted by 3SecondCultist View Post
    She politely asks Nyx for a cup of tea of her own to take the edge off her sleep as it comes time for her to weigh in on their future course of action.
    Nyx retrieves a cup and pours some tea for Jolienne, it smells of wild roses and has notes of citrus. The cup is comically small in Jolienne's hands.
    Last edited by Izzarra; 2021-03-17 at 10:29 PM.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Acaeus, Champion of the Ghost Tree
    AC: 19 | MAX HP: 58 | CURRENT: 58 | HIT DIE: 3d12; 2d10 | CURRENT: 3d12;2d10
    RAGE: 3 | CURRENT: 3 | SPELL SLOTS: 1st: 2/2

    Acaeus nodded his great maned head as he listened to his companions' insights and opinions into their assault on the keep, his breath like distant thunder in his chest. "It seems then," he spoke slowly, after having taken Jorr's counsel, "that we have the beginning of a plan. We shall observe the worg patrol, engage it at the beginning of their circuit, and then make for the Keep itself, using magics and skill to gain the wall. Once inside we shall concentrate effort on the stables, then the barracks, then investigate the tower."

    He continued to chew on the rabbit carcass as he spoke, "Now, as Nyx said, to find a suitable ambush spot for the worgs." He smiled a great toothy grin, "After, of course, we break our morning's fast."

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    Chogotai nods his head in agreement, even as his dislike for Jorr waxed.

    "Jorr, did you happen to follow the warg riders? or know their route, we'll want to ambush them if possible."

    Bel's Compendium
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    “Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows!” -Shakespeare
    “Gnyðja mundu nú grísir, ef þeir vissi, hvat inn gamli þyldi” -Ragnar Lodbrok

    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Quote Originally Posted by BelGareth View Post
    Chogotai nods his head in agreement, even as his dislike for Jorr waxed.

    "Jorr, did you happen to follow the warg riders? or know their route, we'll want to ambush them if possible."
    "Aye followed dem ah little while dah wind was in me favor. They seemed ter go down dah Old Forest Road headin' ter dah east. Der's some other woodsmen cabin's in dat direction Aye know fer sure."

    "Words ought to be chosen with greater care then either clothing or weaponry. For they can last much longer than the former, and cut deeper than the latter."

    -Doomraga's Revenge by T.A. Barron

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    "Perfect, we can either go there now and watch a few patrols? may take a day or two, or we can just ambush them when we see them." Chogotai wasn't really talking to anyone in particular, and it didn't seem he cared either "lets get going then, once the women have packed up and finished their tea of course." he says smiling.

    Bel's Compendium
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Nyx Alsaz
    Bladesinger Wizard
    HP: 27/27, AC: 16
    Conditions: None
    With the basic plan in place Nyx begins preparing her spells for the day. Her delicate fingers holding a maple wand as she practices movements and mutters the incantations under her breath.
    "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay." - Thunderclese

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Skynir reaches up and gives Anisette’s hand a reassuring squeeze and she pays his head. (All right! Starting a battle off with an ambush at a safe distance! This is the kind of adventure I can sink my teeth into.)

    Accepting that it’s time to move, He packs up his gear, using Move Earth to whisk away any dust or dirty clinging to to his accoutrement.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Jolienne Arcensis
    Tiefling Twilight Cleric
    HP: 46/46, AC: 19
    Passive Perception: 18
    Conditions: Eyes of Night (Darkvision 300 ft)
    Concentrating: --
    Finishing her tea with a sound of contentment, the tiefling rises to her feet and begins to make sure she's packed everything. She ensures that she will be the last to leave the circle of the dome, which will dissipate before the sun has fully risen. Feeling the day already begin to ebb at her strength - infinitesimally, but she knows how to look for it now - Jolienne hears out the last of the battle planning without being too forceful about her input. The ambush seems sound, if they can get into position and ensure that they use the right magic to be unheard. Of course, early expenditures of her reserves will render her increasingly useless as they approach the Keep.

    The silent question of whether the benefits of remaining absolutely silent outweigh the potential costs of plundering her connection to the Lady at this early an hour weighs on the young priestess' mind. She decides eventually, as she knew she would, that she will do what she can to help out her allies in the moment. It was never going to be any other way. It is the course that leads to the least suffering, she says to herself, and does her best not to wonder if these goblins they are about to kill are simply soldiers being led astray, dying far from home for a cause that is not their own.

    "I can hide in the undergrowth with Chogotai and we can spot out a patrol together," Jolienne offers. While she is not the best hunter, the Lady's blessing has given her the best sight of this company.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    Nodding his head Jorr fetches his few things he brought with him from his home. Once everyone was ready to head out he takes point, leading the party through the forest to the beginnings of the worg tracks some distance away from Vraath Keep.

    Highsun 12th
    Weather: Sunny, few clouds, 65 degrees F/~18 degrees C

    It takes a few hours walking in the warm forest, shaded under mostly oak and evergreen branches from the sun's warming rays of light. Wind whistling through the branches accompanied by the sounds of birds and insects helps make natural music during the trek. The tracks made by the worgs largely follows a nearly abandoned dirt cart track that might of at one point been a secondary route to Witchcross through the forest. Once the Dawn Way became the main route through Elsir Vale this path likely fell into disrepair. It becomes evident the longer you follow them that this is a fairly common trek for the worg patrol. Taking a closer look at the tracks, those with the skill and knowledge can recognize signs of them going back and forth every few days.

    Eventually as you continue following the trail the sounds of flowing water can be heard through the trees. Jorr motions to move off the trail way as he moves closer. Coming closer to a clearing near a river the party can see off in the distance are two Goblins wearing studded leather along side their nearly horse-sized wolf creatures called Worgs getting a drink from the water.


    I'll assume you guys sneak up/get ready so I'm throwing up this tentative battle map to give you all an idea of positioning along with allowing people to do what they want over the weekend.
    Go on ahead and roll Stealth checks, activate abilities/spells, etc along with Initiative. Feel free to let me know if you'd like your tokens moved elsewhere as well, I'll adjust accordingly. Unless the Worgs get a good roll with their sniffer's I'm pretty sure you'll catch them surprised what with all of your sneaky abilities.

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Red Talon of Doom [RHoD 5e] IC

    As the team sets off down the path, Skynir sets down his Skystaff, kicks up the kickstand, and rises up into the air. He lets the staff roll forward at the pace of the party without actually giving it too much of the metaphorical gas.

    Anisette stands on one of his shoulders as he rolls out and as the trek goes on she paces back and forth across both his shoulders, her bow in hand, ready for action. As the party closes in on the tracks, her half-elf perch pours a small quantity of water out into his hand, concentrates on it, and it absorbs into his skin.

    Hiding in the tree-line and observing their enemy, Skynir addresses the crew. Gentlemen, Ladies, Ani and I can pin down the two to the north, you guys smash the two to the east. Divide and conquer, ya know?

    He drops his Skystaff into gear and guns it to the edge of the tree-line, and up 20ft. He puts his right hand around his eyes, closing them for a moment, and concentrates. Suddenly he whips his hand out in front of him, held out towards the goblin and warg. Arrêt!

    For an instant, a whirlpool of colors drains around the humanoid and monstrosity.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Before combat Skynir casts Armor of Agathys. Anisette turns Invisible and whispers hiding advice into Skynir’s ear to use the help action to aid his stealth check.

    Stealth (assuming PWT, if not subtract 10): (1d20+16)[33]
    Advantage: (1d20+16)[19]

    Initiative: (1d20+3)[12]

    On his turn he moves 25’ directly up and raises 20’ into the air and casts Hypnotic Pattern centered in the two enemies to the north. DC 16 Wis
    Last edited by (Un)Inspired; 2021-03-20 at 11:39 PM.
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