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    Bugbear in the Playground
    CaoimhinTheCape's Avatar

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    Default Love Letter Mafia

    Love Letter Mafia

    Twas dead of night, the threat nearly unseen,
    The Princess was attacked, saved just in time,
    Cloaked figure unmasked, for it was the Queen!
    The horror! The thought! Her mother! This crime!

    When Queen was brought out she had this to say:
    "The way forward is mine, soon all shall see.
    My loyal inside will yet win the day."
    Till this threat has been stopped, no one is free.

    The Palace is locked, no one in or out.
    The cast has been set, the setting is staged,
    By Night you beware of the Queen's devout
    By Day have your talks, among those still caged.

    Distrust sets in, accusations be bold,
    Threats are still hidden, let story unfold."

    CaoimhinTheCape and Queen Mariana, Mafia, were arrested.

    Spoiler: Original Post

    Quote Originally Posted by CaoimhinTheCape View Post
    Love Letter Mafia

    Twas dead of night, the threat nearly unseen,
    The Princess was attacked, saved just in time,
    Cloaked figure unmasked, for it was the Queen!
    The horror! The thought! Her mother! This crime!

    When Queen was brought out she had this to say:
    "The way forward is mine, soon all shall see.
    My loyal inside will yet win the day."
    Till this threat has been stopped, no one is free.

    The Palace is locked, no one in or out.
    The cast has been set, the setting is staged,
    By Night you beware of the Queen's devout
    By Day have your talks, among those still caged.

    Distrust sets in, accusations be bold,
    Threats are still hidden, let story unfold."

    CaoimhinTheCape and Queen Mariana, Mafia, were arrested.


    Mafia is a game of social deduction game where most players (the Town) must root out the killers in their midst, while a small number of players (the Mafia) must eliminate the others until their numbers overpower the rest.

    During the Night Phase, the Mafia decide who to kill and all players use their special powers. During the Day, all players publicly discuss their thoughts and vote on who they think is part of the Mafia.

    Game Information


    Game Setup

    Before the game starts, everyone will be assigned an Alignment and a Role. You will get a Private Message with a link to your Alignment and Role. Private communication will be done through QuickTopic to avoid your inboxes being flooded with messages.

    Your Alignment will be Loyal Follower of the Princess (Town) or Loyal Subject of the Queen (Mafia). Going forward, I'll refer to each side as Town or Mafia.

    Your Role will give you an ability that you can use during the Night Phase (described later). This game of Mafia is unique in that your Role may change during the course of the game.

    How To Play

    The game is split into Day Phase and Night Phase.

    Day Phase

    During the Day Phase, players will be able to talk publicly in thread and discuss who they think are in the Mafia. At the end of each Day Phase the player with the most votes will be lynched, at which time the player is removed from the game and their Role and Alignment are revealed.

    Players vote to decide who should be lynched by writing a person's name in red. I would prefer the vote to be bolded, but red text is fine. It doesn't have to be your target's full name but it should be obvious who you are voting for.

    You may change your vote during the course of the day. If you change your vote, it is recommended that you strikethrough your previous votes. At the end of the day phase, each player's most recent vote that has not been crossed out will count toward deciding who to lynch.

    You may choose not to lynch anyone, with a vote of No Lynch. This acts just like a vote for another player - if a majority of people choose "No Lynch" then no player will die at the end of the phase.

    In the case of a tie, the role with the lowest role value (described below) will be lynched. If there is a tie, I will privately roll a die to decide.

    After a player is lynched they may no longer participate in the game or take actions. The Role that they had when they were lynched is also removed from the game. There will be a place for Dead players to discuss the game as it continues.

    Additionally, a player who has not participated either publicly or privately for 2 in game days (an in game day defined as both a Day and Night phase) will be autolynched and removed from the game. Their role and alignment will be revealed, as with any other player elimination.

    The Day Phase usually lasts 48 hours. When the Day Phase begins, I will announce the time that the day phase will end.

    Night Phase

    During the Night Phase, players will be able to decide what action they will take based on their Role. The Mafia will be able to talk to one another and discuss who to kill, in addition to their other Night actions. The Town members will be able to decide on their action and submit it in their Quick Topic.

    At the end of the Night Phase, everyone's actions will resolve. The order that the actions resolve will be based on their role value (described below).

    There is one Role in the game (The Countess) that disrupts actions at the end of the night. While the Countess is in the game, there will be time between the end of the Night Phase and the beginning of the next Day Phase. To shorten this extra phase, any player can specify their night action as FINAL at any point in the Night. After submitting an action as FINAL, the action cannot be changed.

    Once the final resolution of the actions have been decided, the Narrator will post a scene and reveal if anyone died overnight. Then, the next Day Phase will begin.

    The Night Phase usually lasts 24 hours.

    Ending the Game

    The game will be over either when all of the Mafia members have been lynched (Town win) or the members of the Mafia outnumber the Town (Mafia win).

    If a Day Phase begins with an equal number of Mafia and Town we will continue the game as normal - due to how ties are resolved there is a chance that a Mafia member will be lynched.

    Other Rules

    Private Communication

    Private Communication is not allowed, outside of specific circumstances. All Private Communication will be done with QuickTopics set up by the Narrator.

    Mafia will have a QuickTopic created for them at the start of the game. Other QuickTopics may be requested by a specific Role, which will be created at the end of the corresponding Night Phase.

    You may only post in group QuickTopics during the Night Phase.


    This game is a mostly open setup, where the possible roles are known to all players. Each role, value, and its power will be described below. As mentioned above, a player's Role may change during the course of the game, but not their Alignment.

    The number of roles in the game will be based on how many players join. The default number of roles will be based on a 15 player game:
    Princess - 1
    Countess - 1
    King - 1
    Prince - 2
    Handmaid - 2
    Baron - 2
    Priest - 2
    Guard - 5

    This means that one role will not be in the game at any given time. The Mafia will always be aware of what role is not in the game.

    Below are the names of the roles, in the format of "Role Name - Role Value"

    The Princess - 8

    Spoiler: Role Information - Princess
    The Princess is always Town. Whoever gets the role of Princess cannot lose the role of Princess for any reason.

    Once per game, you may publicly declare yourself Princess (by bolding words to the effect of Claim: Princess). The Narrator will confirm your role. Going forward, your vote count at the end of each Day will be set to 0, regardless of how many people voted you. After revealing yourself, the only Night action that can target you is the Mafia kill.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Princess

    If the game begins while no one has the Princess and a Mafia member is forced to take a new role, then the Mafia member will not receive a new role. The target who would receive a new role and the person who forced the role change are not notified that the power did not work.

    The Countess - 7
    Spoiler: Role Information - Countess
    The Countess is always Town. Whoever gets the role of the Countess cannot lose the role of the Countess for any reason.

    At the end of each night, you will be informed of who has targeted the Princess (but not the identity of the Princess or the people who targeted them). You will have the option to change any number of abilities targeting the Princess to target you instead. The player(s) whose target is changed will not be told.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Countess

    If the game begins while no one has the Countess and a Mafia member is forced to take a new role, then the Mafia member will not receive a new role. The target who would receive a new role and the person who forced the role change are not notified that the power did not work.

    The Countess does not count as targeting the Princess, so the ability will still work after the Princess has claimed.

    If multiple cards of the same type target the Princess, the Countess will be told.

    The Countess will receive the following information when someone targets the Princess.
    King - "The King has tried to swap roles with the Princess."
    Prince - "The Prince has tried to swap roles with the Princess."
    Handmaid - "The Handmaid has tried to block actions targeting the Princess. Any actions listed below will not resolve."
    Baron - "The Baron has tried to establish communication with the Princess."
    Priest - "The Priest has tried to watch the Princess."
    Guard - "The Guard has tried to guess that the Princess is the ____."
    Mafia - "The Mafia has tried to kill the Princess."

    The King - 6
    Spoiler: Role Information - King
    Each night, the player with the King may choose one other player in the game. They will switch roles so that the targeted player becomes the King and the original player gains a new Role.

    This functions as a Roleblock, as the King's ability will have already resolved before the target player gets their turn. The player who used the King does not get to benefit from their new Role until the next Night Phase.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - King

    If the King targets the player with the Princess or the Countess, the King will receive the following feedback "You cannot trade roles with your target."

    The Prince - 5
    Spoiler: Role Information - Prince
    Each night, choose one player (you may choose yourself). That player discards their role and takes the unused role.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Prince

    If the Prince targets the player with the Princess or the Countess, the Prince will not receive any feedback.
    If the Prince targets a player with the King or Prince, the target will discard their Role and possibly use their new ability if there is a valid target on that Role's turn.

    The Handmaid - 4
    Spoiler: Role Information - Handmaid
    Each night, choose one player (you may choose yourself). No further actions against the target resolve.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Handmaid

    If both Handmaids target the same player, no further actions will resolve against the target as if only one player targeted them.
    If the Baron targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will receive a result of "Target invalid, no communication established."
    If the Priest targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will receive a result of "Target invalid".
    If the Guard targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will receive a result of "Target invalid".
    If the Mafia targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will not receive feedback but their target will not die.

    The Baron - 3
    Spoiler: Role Information - Baron
    Each night, you choose two different players (you may choose yourself). A private communication will be set up between them.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Baron

    If one target was blocked by the Handmaid's ability, you will receive a result of, "Target invalid, no communication established."

    If someone starts the Night as the Baron but has their role switched, they will receive the message "Invalid number of targets."
    If someone targets one player but has their role switched to the Baron, they will receive the message "Invalid number of targets."

    The Priest - 2
    Spoiler: Role Information - Priest
    Each night, choose a player (you may choose yourself). You will learn the name of the player they targeted.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Priest

    The Priest will learn everyone that their target has targeted. They may receive the following results:
    "Your target did not target anyone."
    "Your target targeted _____."
    "Your target targeted _____ and ____."
    "Your target targeted _____, ____, and ____."

    If the Priest targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will receive a result of "Target invalid".

    The Guard - 1
    Spoiler: Role Information - Guard
    Each night, choose one player and guess what their role is. You will be told if you are correct or not.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Guard

    If the Guard targets a player that has been targeted by the Handmaid, they will receive a result of "Target invalid".

    The Guard will receive one of two results:
    "Your target is the ____."
    "Your target is NOT the ____."

    This action occurs after roles are swapped by the King/Prince so the Guard will receive information about the new role.

    You can use this ability only to check roles, not alignment.

    Night Actions will resolve in the following order:
    King > Prince > Handmaid > Baron > Priest > Guard > Mafia Kill

    Before any of those actions resolves, The Countess will use their ability to change targets.

    Spoiler: Ability Interactions - Unused Role Example

    At the start of the game, there is a Guard who is unused.
    On Night 1, Alice (The Prince) forces Bob (The Baron) to take a new role. Carol (The Prince) chooses herself to take a new role.

    Both of the Princes have the same value, so the Narrator flips a coin to see whose power is used first. After the coin flip, Carol's ability resolves first.

    Carol's power resolves on Carol. Carol discards her card (The Prince) and receives the unused card (The Guard).
    Alice's power resolved on Bob. Bob discards his card (The Baron) and receives the unused card (The Prince).

    The Mafia receives the following feedback.
    "At night start, the unused role was The Guard. During the night, The Guard was assigned to a player and replaced by The Prince. Also, The Prince was assigned to a player and replaced by The Baron. The current unused role is the Baron."

    Game Theme

    The setting of this Mafia game is based on the Love Letter card game. That game (and a few others) are part of a shared universe. No knowledge of the story behind that game (or knowledge of how to play that game) is needed to participate.

    Each card will be given a proper name (such as Guard Odette) but this will not be referred to until a player is eliminated.

    To go along with the flavor of the game, characters will be arrested or found unconscious rather than killed. You're still removed from the game like normal, it's just to fit the setting.

    If you want to join the game, reply to this thread and say something to the effect of "I'm in!" If you have any questions about game specifics, feel free to ask.

    Recruitment will last until Wednesday, September 8th.


    When a player is removed from the game, either through Mafia Kill or through lynch, their Role will also be revealed.

    When a player is removed from the game, the instance the Role that they had is permanently removed from the game. So if I was lynched when my Role was the King, it would be removed from the game and no one would be able to get that Role again (because there will only ever be 1 King). If I was lynched when I was the Priest, that Role would be removed from the game and there would be one other Priest possibly active (because in a 15 player game, there are 2 Priests at the start).

    The Mafia have these roles and are subject to switching. If a Mafia member whose role is the Baron is targeted by either the King or Prince their Role will change and will most likely lose their action (because of the targets they tried to select as Baron).

    That said, if the Mafia player mentioned above is performing the Mafia kill it will still go through. Role switches (from the King or Prince) won't interrupt the Mafia kill - the only abilities that can affect the Mafia kill are the Handmaid's protection and the Countess protecting the Princess.

    Yes. That means that private communication will only happen at Night. Since I'm limiting the Mafia to night talk, I'm limiting the Town to night talk. Basically I want to force as much discussion into the main thread as possible, with added bonuses for a few people at night.

    With the current number of players (13) all roles will be in the game, but 3 will be unused. So, during setup I give everyone a role and am leftover with three (for example: a Guard, a Baron, a Handmaid).

    The mafia gets to see this list of roles (and know there are four active Guards, one active Baron, one active Handmaid). During Night 1, the Princes use their abilities and force a role change. After this, the Guard role is assigned to a player, who loses their old role. Then, the Baron role is assigned to a player who loses their old role.

    Countess receives the information after everything else has played out. For example.

    Alice uses the prince to change Bob's role.
    Bob was the Guard targeting the princess, but after he receives a new role his target isn't valid.
    The Countess does not see Bob's intended guess because it never actually happened.

    Yes. Let's say the Princess was targeted by the Handmaid, a Baron, and a Guard.

    Countess receives:
    Handmaid - "The Handmaid has tried to block actions targeting the Princess. Any actions listed below will not resolve."
    Baron - "The Baron has tried to establish communication with the Princess."
    Guard - "The Guard has tried to guess that the Princess is the Priest."

    The countess chooses to redirect the Handmaid (and only the Handmaid).

    In this case, the Countess is blocked by the Handmaid as if she was targeted originally.
    The Baron successfully makes a QT with whatever player is the Princess.
    The Guard receives a result of No, your target is not the Priest.

    Uhhh. Huh. You know, I did not expect that scenario. So, per the rules I've established in the Baron (two different targets are required) the QT would not be made and the Baron will receive a result of, "Target invalid, no communication established."

    Yeah, I'll do that later today.

    If Carol is targeted by the Prince twice, she would cycle through two roles at essentially the same time. So, Let's use the same example as above. There is a Guard, Baron, and Handmaid that aren't used. Carol is currently the Priest.

    When the first Prince uses their ability, she loses the Priest and becomes the Guard. Then, the second Prince uses his ability, she loses the Guard and becomes the Baron.

    Roles are given First In, First Out. So Mafia will know what roles may get shuffled in (they'll have the order).

    The QT that is established will be named for the two players. So something similar to: "Love Letter: Player 1/Player 2". I will not identify/confirm the roles of anyone in the chat. Names will be alphabetical.

    Dan is the King, Ellie is the Prince, Frank is the Guard.
    Dan targets Frank, Ellie targets Frank, Frank guesses "Dan is the Handmaid".

    In turn order:

    Dan's ability works. Frank becomes the King, Dan becomes the Guard.

    Frank's action (guessing Dan as the Handmaid) is currently invalid.

    Ellie's ability works. Frank must discard his current card (King) and gets a new one. This new card happens to be a Guard.

    On Frank's turn, his action (guessing that Dan is the Handmaid) is valid again and works as normal, even after al of the role switching.

    Player List:
    1. gac3
    2. AvatarVecna
    3. BatCatHat
    4. Snowblaze
    5. Rogan
    6. Libro
    7. Supagoof
    8. Mr. Popo
    9. Xihirli
    10. Rogue_Alchemist
    11. Book Wombat
    12. EmmyNecromancer
    13. bladescape
    14. JeenLeen
    Role List:
    • Prince
    • Handmaid
    • Baron
    • Priest
    • Guard
    • Guard
    • Guard
    • Countess
    • King
    • Prince Escalus
    • Baron Talus
    • Princess Annette
    • Handmaid Ursula
    • Guard Parolles
    • Priest Helenus
    • Guard Odette

    Night 4 - Libro and Countess Wilhelmina, Town, were poisoned.
    Day 4 - Supagoof and King Arnaud IV, Town, were arrested.
    Night 3 - Mr. Popo and Prince Escalus, Town, were poisoned.
    Day 3 - Xihirli and Baron Talus, Mafia, were missing/arrested.
    Night 2 - Rogue_Alchemist and Princess Annette, Town, fainted.
    Night 2 - Book Wombat and Handmaid Ursula, Town, were poisoned.
    Day 2 - EmmyNecromancer and Guard Parolles, Mafia, were arrested.
    Night 1 - bladescape and Priest Helenus, Town, were poisoned.
    Day 1 - JeenLeen and Guard Odette, Town, were arrested

    The news of the Queen's betrayal spread far,
    Throughout all of Tempus, they held their breath,
    As the royal palace hoped to debar
    her Queen's allies from delivering death.

    But of the Queen's words, she says there are more -
    Agents of her still inside the palace.
    and what of their number? Three, five, four?
    No matter how much, hearts set on malice

    Yet we cannot despair, hope is not lost.
    Those who would stand for their Princess yet stay.
    Fight with their words, their skills, at any cost
    As dawn brings new Day, all with have their say.

    Dawn breaks, eyes open, birds call, enter sun.
    To those in the palace, begin, Day 1.

    Day 1 Ends Saturday, Sept. 11 at 11:00 PM EST /
    Sunday, Sept. 12 at 4:00 AM Snow's time? /
    Sunday, Sept. 12 at 5:00 AM CEST
    Last edited by CaoimhinTheCape; 2021-09-21 at 10:38 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap

    The roar of the crowd clamors over the bleachers. The peasants, despite the unrest in the castle, still clamor for a show. They have traveled in from their homesteads, their farmlands and towns, to see a performance after all. The crowd even managed to get in sync on the same page for a chant.

    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    We will, we will, joust you
    boom boom clap
    boom boom clap
    We will, we will, joust you

    Sir Goof couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculousness. With his armor on, atop his steed, he asks for his lance. He scans the audience, and sees that the royal box is empty. No king, certainly no queen, and sadly - no princess. Sir Goof had hoped to win her favor this day, but with the events of last night, she has gone into hiding to protect herself. Goof had even gone so far as to wear her colors, purple and gold. With worried dismay, Goof sets his sights down the field. His opponent, clad in heavy iron armor with colors of black and red, was ready before him. His shield bore a strange insignia - a BatCatHat. Sir Good pondered at the origins.
    Last edited by Supagoof; 2021-09-09 at 04:27 PM.
    I'm usually late to the party, but it's a great time when I get there....
    Legionary of Protection
    The Legion, endures....
    Quote Originally Posted by Lex-kat View Post
    It wasn't that easy. Supagoof's just that good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    This is LLD, which, I shouldn't have to tell you, will not bow to your math because it was DESIGNED to ruin it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Murska View Post
    Supagoof has won the game and withdrawn. He was Epic

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Now I want to rewatch A Knight's Tale. I love that movie.

    Anyway, I think getting Snowblaze killed is just my thing now. Might as well own it.
    Last edited by Batcathat; 2021-09-10 at 04:03 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Welcome Mr Popo I hope you enjoy the stay.
    Last edited by bladescape; 2021-09-11 at 02:42 AM.
    "Trust bladescape, Shadow of Doubt,"

    My almighty and all knowing extended Signature lies HERE! Now includes awesome quotes!

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Sugapoof because i was going to vote BCH and you beat me too it.
    Last edited by gac3; 2021-09-11 at 03:26 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Time for me to read how this game works lol. Throwaway vote on Libro in case I fall off the face of the Earth - that way I'm still voting the least active player.
    Last edited by AvatarVecna; 2021-09-11 at 02:18 AM.

    Currently Recruiting WW/Mafia: Logic's Deathloop Mafia and Cazero's Graduates Of Hope's Peak - Danganronpa Mafia

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xumtiil View Post
    An Abattoir Vecna, if you will.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
    Time for me to read how this game works lol.
    How I feel every game. I see the recruitment and am like "welp, I'm playing." Then the game roles around and I'm like... "Do I even know how to play this version?"

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by gac3 View Post
    Sugapoof because i was going to vote BCH and you beat me too it.
    Who's Sugapoof?
    I'm usually late to the party, but it's a great time when I get there....
    Legionary of Protection
    The Legion, endures....
    Quote Originally Posted by Lex-kat View Post
    It wasn't that easy. Supagoof's just that good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
    This is LLD, which, I shouldn't have to tell you, will not bow to your math because it was DESIGNED to ruin it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Murska View Post
    Supagoof has won the game and withdrawn. He was Epic

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    My Dearest Enemy,

    I’m a photographer now. Not so much a passion as it is an excuse. My preferred subjects are dead things–ghost towns, empty houses, broken buildings. There are a surprising number of them.
    Interesting, isn’t it, to see something that once held so much value stripped down to its barest bones?
    That’s why I came back home, you know. I remembered this place. I believe I was around twelve or thirteen the last time I was here. This forgotten old science station that held so many memories of my childhood, back when marine biology was still something I could stomach. Odd, exchanging my interest in marine life for an attraction to death, instead.
    I guess I ought to thank you for that.

    Alright let's kill Libro it's been ages since the last good ol' rousing round of kill libro.
    Last edited by Xihirli; 2021-09-11 at 12:44 AM.
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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    The die favours Rogan not.
    Last edited by Book Wombat; 2021-09-15 at 12:06 PM. Reason: I live to serve.
    Fleeting dreams of paper wings.

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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Who's Sugapoof?
    I just assumed it was your alter ego. By day, mild-mannered and loyal knight Supagoof, by night villainous queen-supporter Sugapoof. We have foiled your evil plot, good sir!

    (Meanwhile, spell check suggests that I should call you SUPAGRO for some reason. Perhaps a third, even more devious, personality? )
    Last edited by Batcathat; 2021-09-10 at 01:02 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    I'm about to do something very out of character: start a game with a mechanics wallpost. But I have a plan, and I think that plan will work.

    Step 1: The Countess claims their role publicly.

    Step 2: The Princess reveals themselves.

    Step 3: Tonight, all town Handmaidens should target the Countess. If the wolves try to kill the Princess the Countess should redirect the kill to themselves. Other town roles shouldn't target either. This should be repeated on future nights.

    "But what's so good about this plan?"

    It gives us two confirmed town who wolves can't nightkill in the short-term. That means town has people who can be trusted, and also means there are two less people who could be suspected.

    "But what if the Princess/Countess are unused roles?"

    That's why I asked for the Countess to claim first. If the Princess claims when the Countess isn't in the game, wolves can just kill them. But if the Countess claims and there's no Princess, we can still proceed with the plan, just with only the Countess protected.

    (The above means that the Princess shouldn't reveal until and unless we have a Countess claim.)

    "But what if wolves, knowing the Countess is an unused role, fakeclaim it?"

    If wolves want to trade being able to kill the Princess night one for one of them being outed as soon as the Prince(s) use their actions, then that's fine by me. A 1 for 1 trade is pro-town.

    "But what if there aren't any town Handmaidens on night one?"

    That is the largest problem with my plan. If that's the case, the Countess dies night one and the Princess night two. But I did the maths (assuming three wolves, two unused roles, and roles allocated randomly with no respect for alignment) and there's a 1/12 chance that will happen. That's a risk I'm prepared to take.

    “But what if you’re a wolf and know there are no town Handmaidens?”

    I’m not. Honestly. Trust me.

    "But the Baron can't set up QTs with our confirmed town."

    True. But the setup is designed so that most of the discussion will be taking place in public anyway, so the disadvantage is relatively minor compared to what town gains from the plan.

    So. If you think the plan shouldn't go ahead, please say so (and explain why) asap. Otherwise, the Countess can claim whenever they're ready. (I'm implying pretty strongly that I'm not currently the Countess, so I may as well just say it outright. I'm not the Countess. Please don't speculate about my role in thread.)

    And, you know, remember we need to hunt wolves as well. I'm going to try not to spend too much time debating the merits of this plan now I've made my case.

    In other news, my schedule is extremely unpredictable after the next three hours. Knowing me I’ll still be posting too much, though! I’m also probably going to end up writing some RP at some point.

    And in other other news, Batcathat - partly OMGUS, partly so we have wagons.
    Last edited by Snowblaze; 2021-09-11 at 01:46 AM.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
    Welcome Mr Popo I hope you enjoy the stay.
    All right, Go-scape. Popo's about to teach you the pecking order. It goes: you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Caoimhin, and then Popo. You're lucky you're endearing.

    "Hypeebolah Mime Chamber"
    "Hyperglycemic Crime Chamber"
    "Hypeebonic Shrine Chamber"

    You get one more.

    "Hypertonic Lion Tamer"

    Go-scape? smack

    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Who's Sugapoof?
    That would be my wife's favorite member of BTS. Kpop is not my jam but it keeps the missus happy.

    "Jynx! Jynx! Jynx!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
    My Dearest Enemy,

    I’m a photographer now. Not so much a passion as it is an excuse. My preferred subjects are dead things–ghost towns, empty houses, broken buildings. There are a surprising number of them.
    Interesting, isn’t it, to see something that once held so much value stripped down to its barest bones?
    That’s why I came back home, you know. I remembered this place. I believe I was around twelve or thirteen the last time I was here. This forgotten old science station that held so many memories of my childhood, back when marine biology was still something I could stomach. Odd, exchanging my interest in marine life for an attraction to death, instead.
    I guess I ought to thank you for that.

    Alright let's kill Libro it's been ages since the last good ol' rousing round of kill libro.
    Gravestones in rows and ghost towns quite eerie
    Broken old buildings and caskets so dreary
    Desiccated corpses strung up with strings
    These are a few of my favorite things

    Ash covered bones, a blood covered carcass
    Church bells and funerals and robots named Markus.
    Effigies burnt, and Detroit when it's spring
    These are a few of my favorite things

    When the dog bites....
    When the bee stings............ (I'm allergic.)
    When I'm feeling sad...

    (single tear)

    By the way, Mr Popo is the count (gender corrected. I am MISTER Popo) in case anyone cares. I figure we should probably start mass claiming.

    I'll start, because I figure this will keep the disloyal maggots off balance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post
    I'm about to do something very out of character: start a game with a mechanics wallpost. But I have a plan, and I think that plan will work.

    Step 1: The Countess claims their role publicly.

    Step 2: The Princess reveals themselves.

    Step 3: Tonight, all town Handmaidens should target the Countess. If the wolves try to kill the Princess the Countess should redirect the kill to themselves. Other town roles shouldn't target either. This should be repeated on future nights.

    "But what's so good about this plan?"

    It gives us two confirmed town who wolves can't nightkill in the short-term. That means town has people who can be trusted, and also means there are two less people who could be suspected.

    "But what if the Princess/Countess are unused roles?"

    That's why I asked for the Countess to claim first. If the Princess claims when the Countess isn't in the game, wolves can just kill them. But if the Countess claims and there's no Princess, we can still proceed with the plan, just with only the Countess protected.

    (The above means that the Princess shouldn't reveal until and unless we have a Countess claim.)

    "But what if wolves, knowing the Countess is an unused role, fakeclaim it?"

    If wolves want to trade being able to kill the Princess night one for one of them being outed as soon as the Prince(s) use their actions, then that's fine by me. A 1 for 1 trade is pro-town.

    "But what if there aren't any town Handmaidens on night one?"

    That is the largest problem with my plan. If that's the case, the Countess dies night one and the Princess night two. But I did the maths (assuming three wolves, two unused roles, and roles allocated randomly with no respect for alignment) and there's a 1/12 chance that will happen. That's a risk I'm prepared to take.

    “But what if you’re a wolf and know there are no town Handmaidens?”

    I’m not. Honestly. Trust me.

    "But the Baron can't set up QTs with our confirmed town."

    True. But the setup is designed so that most of the discussion will be taking place in public anyway, so the disadvantage is relatively minor compared to what town gains from the plan.

    So. If you think the plan shouldn't go ahead, please say so (and explain why) asap. Otherwise, the Countess can claim whenever they're ready. (I'm implying pretty strongly that I'm not currently the Countess, so I may as well just say it outright. I'm not the Countess. Please don't speculate about my role in thread.)

    And, you know, remember we need to hunt wolves as well. I'm going to try not to spend too much time debating the merits of this plan now I've made my case.

    In other news, my schedule is extremely unpredictable after the next three hours. Knowing me I’ll still be posting too much, though! I’m also probably going to end up writing some RP at some point.

    And in other other news, Batcathat - partly OMGUS, partly so we have wagons.

    Great minds think alike I suppose. You can be my first town read for the mindmeld.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Not sure I want to go quite as far as mass-claiming just yet. There’s a lot of unknowns and a lot of info we’re giving the wolves. But that’s still step one of my plan accomplished... no, I’m a good guy. I should not be cackling evilly.

    Princess, reveal yourself whenever you’re ready.

    Also, like the song... I need to start thinking up my own!
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post
    Not sure I want to go quite as far as mass-claiming just yet. There’s a lot of unknowns and a lot of info we’re giving the wolves. But that’s still step one of my plan accomplished... no, I’m a good guy. I should not be cackling evilly.

    Princess, reveal yourself whenever you’re ready.

    Also, like the song... I need to start thinking up my own!
    I would actually prefer the Princess not reveal until there is some silly wagon on her. With ample time remaining in a round, of course. But why give the disloyal maggots that info? That one is self resolving and it is better if they don't know for sure where to look.

    Protect the Princess for longer by not giving them our Princess. She can fake claim whatever she wants and still never get executed.

    We can mass claim and be smart about it. And/or just leave the claims at just my claim for now.

    One a day, perhaps? A claim per day is a good slow release of info. Maybe two, particularly when someone is strongly suspected.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am not quite sure I fully comprehend this setup. I can't tell if it's the acid or not.

    But after I am done watering my pots, I am going to suggest perhaps that mass claiming is actually a bad idea in retrospect, because there are roles in the game that seem to be able to steal powers or switch powers or what have you.

    I haven't really played a setup with such a role so it never even occurred to me that this might be a danger.

    It's probably better if those with useful (?) abilities not claim so as not to have their power stolen by the Prince I think it is.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Not entirely sure how useful any of these powers are. It seems like there's going to be a lot of missing information or wrong information due to the role switching and mass amounts of the equivalent of roleblocking.

    So the usual solve by spreadsheet stuff is probably ill advised here. Just find disloyal maggots using your Earthling brains and see how it goes. Claim the info you get when you get enough of it to make it worth claiming.

    Otherwise, treat it like a vanilla game with an innocent child more or less. Protect the innocent child and keep her hidden until late game if possible.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Unless you all really think it's worthy of discussion I think it is good to table the mechanics and role discussion for now.

    Just seems like a dead end and a distraction from the more important thing which is to find loyal minions for the Princess and disloyal maggots for the rope.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Mmm... sure. Not talking about mechanics is something I can get behind.
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  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia


    Do I know you Mr Popo.

    I think I do.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also wanna say that Snow is just town rn so there's that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If Mr Popo is who I think they are then they don't even get a townread for their opening so far. =P

    I respect you too much my good sir.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Supagoof View Post
    Who's Sugapoof?
    Good Sir Goof, I recommend you ignore such heathenous activity of peasantfolk. They know not their position compared to your own incomparable position.

    Let it be known that you are a knight of much renown. I've only joust come to this decision.
    "Trust bladescape, Shadow of Doubt,"

    My almighty and all knowing extended Signature lies HERE! Now includes awesome quotes!

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    I mean, I'd say that claiming a role that's guaranteed to be town is pretty deserving of a townread, but ymmv. how paranoid should I be about the fact you're townreading me?

    I've worked out what I'm doing for my RP and will get to work on putting together a scene. No song ideas yet, though!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ta-da, one short RP scene.

    The servant was not happy. Not that she showed that, of course; outwardly she was all smiles and curtsies and "yes sir, no ma'am". But she was not happy.

    She had a family, for heaven's sake. It was her sister's birthday in three days, and if this investigation wasn't done by then she'd miss it. And they hadn't even let her send a message to them to stop them worrying about her. Surely there were better ways to find a conspiracy?

    Besides, if the people asked too many questions they might discover her secret. And that wasn't going to happen unless it was on her own terms.
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
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  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    The Countess and Princess are the only Roles that can't be changed via King or Prince, correct?
    Asking mainly to make sure they can't mess up this plan.


    I like the feel of Snowblaze's plan. It feels similar to the type of perhaps-overthought plan I'd like to devise and submit D1 for consideration, and I generally only do that as Town. (A wolf is usually too cautious to submit such a thing.) However, I've seen Snowblaze be a bold wolf.

    Would the wolves like the plan to work?
    In an obvious way, no. Sets up a towncore, blah, blah. But let's look at it from a wolf!Snowblaze perspective, if Snowblaze's goal is to gain immense towncred.

    It sets up 2 players as essentially-death-proof Town (assuming 2+ Handmaidens and the wolves don't get lucky killing handmaidens early and/or trading out the Roles of handmaidens). That's strong, and (if the Baron is/stays Town) enables strong networking. Even if the Baron is a wolf and sets up the town-verified as in communication with a wolf, that seems likely to backfire. Unless the wolves have an abnormal number of wolves -- seems unlikely due to some dislike of the number of wolves in the last game -- I think the wolves would be more worried about the towncore than having a wolf embedded in towncore early on. The wolves would need to luck out killing handmaidens for this plan to be in their favor... so unless there aren't any curently or they are wolves... seems a bad ploy for a wolf to suggest.

    All in all, doesn't sound worth it. So I'd lean Snowblaze as town.
    Also, I agree it's worth getting the Princess killed if it means we can kill a wolf fakeclaiming Countess.

    Something about AvatarVecna's banter/joke-vote on Libro rubs me the wrong way, enough to justify an early D1 vote.
    Last edited by JeenLeen; 2021-09-10 at 03:32 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post
    Something about AvatarVecna's banter/joke-vote on Libro rubs me the wrong way, enough to justify an early D1 vote.
    Wait, are you implying votes on AV need to be justified?

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    It was in this little park that I used to categorize fossils and read the rings of slaughtered tree trunks. I wrote a research paper once that dedicated thirty pages purely to logging birds. I’ve never been happier to forget the words double-crested cormorant.
    They used to tell us when we spent our summers here that we could canoe or kayak, whatever we liked. But we couldn’t swim. No, never swim. That was too dangerous, we had to be weary of the water. Even the beach had signs that read “DANGER” for fear the residue from inside you still swirled into the algae-flooded waters, even after all those years. They must have been right, though. To find any signs of life we had to take the river where it met the ocean. There, the muck thinned into salted clouds of green that you still couldn’t quite see through, but somehow seemed more inviting.
    We were children, though. And all the precautions made us restless.

    So it's now occurred to me that I was really into the idea of a love letter themed game not knowing that love letter is like... a show name or something. I just thought it was letters and I think I'm in a different setting than everyone else.

    Eh, in for a penny.

    Weighing in on the "reveal town roles" plan: This will always just feel unsporting to me. It's such an obvious move that a lot of games inspired by preexisting stories just don't have a mechanical way to prevent. Heck, I left Seto Kaiba out of Yu-Gi-Oh! purely to subvert the idea "she'd never leave THIS character out"
    also the section of the story I was adapting had nothing to do with that windbag
    but a lot of games like this just can't have that option built in. This just feels like a move we should ladies' agreement out of.
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    I post short stories in the middle of every month, and if you want to follow my novels as they’re edited and written, you can join as a patron!

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
    Weighing in on the "reveal town roles" plan: This will always just feel unsporting to me. It's such an obvious move that a lot of games inspired by preexisting stories just don't have a mechanical way to prevent. Heck, I left Seto Kaiba out of Yu-Gi-Oh! purely to subvert the idea "she'd never leave THIS character out"
    also the section of the story I was adapting had nothing to do with that windbag
    but a lot of games like this just can't have that option built in. This just feels like a move we should ladies' agreement out of.
    This makes me lean slightly towards Xi being Town. When we were wolves together last game, she pushed a lot for moves that'd make an interesting challenge rather than playing it safe, so protesting a plan for being unsporting in favor of Town seems more towny than wolfy coming from Xi. Of course, she might be counting on someone pointing that out, so who knows for sure?
    Last edited by Batcathat; 2021-09-10 at 08:18 AM.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Xihirli View Post
    So it's now occurred to me that I was really into the idea of a love letter themed game not knowing that love letter is like... a show name or something. I just thought it was letters and I think I'm in a different setting than everyone else.

    Eh, in for a penny.
    I like how you're playing. Very fun to read.
    From a practical perspective, I'd rather vote someone else than you, assuming no actual evidence, just to keep reading the letters you are writing.

    Weighing in on the "reveal town roles" plan: This will always just feel unsporting to me. It's such an obvious move that a lot of games inspired by preexisting stories just don't have a mechanical way to prevent. Heck, I left Seto Kaiba out of Yu-Gi-Oh! purely to subvert the idea "she'd never leave THIS character out"
    also the section of the story I was adapting had nothing to do with that windbag
    but a lot of games like this just can't have that option built in. This just feels like a move we should ladies' agreement out of.
    Quote Originally Posted by Batcathat View Post
    This makes me lean slightly towards Xi being Town. When we were wolves together last game, she pushed a lot for moves that'd make an interesting challenge rather than playing it safe, so protesting a plan for being unsporting in favor of Town seems more towny than wolfy coming from Xi. Of course, she might be counting on someone pointing that out, so who knows for sure?
    Since Roles aren't tied to alignment (except for two Roles), eh... hard to read Xi's suggestion and the relevance of what Batcathat notes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Popo View Post
    But after I am done watering my pots, I am going to suggest perhaps that mass claiming is actually a bad idea in retrospect, because there are roles in the game that seem to be able to steal powers or switch powers or what have you.

    I haven't really played a setup with such a role so it never even occurred to me that this might be a danger.

    It's probably better if those with useful (?) abilities not claim so as not to have their power stolen by the Prince I think it is.
    I agree with this thought.
    But note that Snowblaze is only asking the Countess and Princess to claim, and their powers can't be stolen/swapped by the Prince or King.

    But, yeah, massclaiming in general is... at the least, strange this game. Since you can't really verify. For one example: even if a Guard says someone lied about their Role, the claimer (truthfully or not) could say that they got swapped. Since it can't help the Town verify someone as being honest, I think claiming (outside of Princess or Countess) only helps the wolves.
    I lean that Snowblaze's plan helps the town more than the wolves, but I'd like to hear more thoughts.

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Slight nitpick, @Jeen: the Baron can’t network with the confirmed town under my plan. The Princess can only be targeted by the nightkill once they’ve revealed and the Handmaidens prevent other actions from resolving on the Countess.

    Also, I just realised: with Caoimhin narrating we don’t have a resident vote counter any more.

    Batcathat 2 (Supagoof, Snowblaze)
    Libro 2 (AvatarVecna, Xihirli)
    Snowblaze 1 (Batcathat)
    Mr Popo 1 (bladescape)
    Supagoof 1 (gac3)
    Rogan 1 (Book Wombat)
    AvatarVecna 1 (JeenLeen)
    Posted without voting: Mr Popo
    Yet to post: Libro, Rogan, rogue_alchemist, EmmyNecromancer
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
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    Games as neutral: 6.5
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    Deaths: 31

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  25. - Top - End - #25
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post

    Do I know you Mr Popo.

    If Mr Popo is who I think they are then they don't even get a townread for their opening so far. =P
    It matters not. Neither of us is the cat this time. I doubt you will be the bringer of my end in either manner of passing because I too have respect for your considerable abilities.

    I doubt you are either disloyal or so foolish.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post
    Also, I just realised: with Caoimhin narrating we don’t have a resident vote counter any more.
    It's good of you to pick up the slack, but I'm curious whether this will make the classic mistake of "scrolling for the vote count and gets fooled by Snow's sig" more or less prominent. (Well, it's a classic mistake for me, anyway, and I'm pretty sure someone else talked about it at some point)

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    My friends and I, long gone now, we used to go exploring after curfew. We’d sneak out of the cabins and try to find the activity that would get us into the most trouble. We ended up finding this watchtower and adoring it, so far above everything, surrounded by cypress trees that cloaked us. We could exist in our own bubble. We felt invincible.
    We had a perfect view of you from up here. It’s where we would tell our stories of your monsters. We would stare over the water and talk about what would happen if we decided to take one of the kayaks out to you. Maybe one night we would–just to see. By then, the bridge had been down for a few years. Who would catch us?
    What an idea that had been.
    Now here I am, twenty years later, still watching you. The divorced feeling has not gone away, but with no one left to share it with, it’s more like isolation than invincibility. Lucky for me, I’m quite used to that by now.
    Is this what it’s like for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post
    I like how you're playing. Very fun to read.
    From a practical perspective, I'd rather vote someone else than you, assuming no actual evidence, just to keep reading the letters you are writing.

    More seriously, the Princess/Countess claim plan was what I was responding to. Mass claiming hadn't been brought up, so I guess I didn't feel the need to specify.
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post how paranoid should I be about the fact you're townreading me? .
    "Trust bladescape, Shadow of Doubt,"

    My almighty and all knowing extended Signature lies HERE! Now includes awesome quotes!

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Spoiler: Quotes & Reactions

    Quote Originally Posted by Book Wombat View Post
    The die favours Rogan not.
    Be careful what you say there! I might think you are a gambler, even willing to gamble with lives at stake! This certainly is no honorable behaviour. And when there is no honor, there might be no loyality as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post

    “But what if you’re a wolf and know there are no town Handmaidens?”

    IÂ’m not. Honestly. Trust me.


    So. If you think the plan shouldn't go ahead, please say so (and explain why) asap. Otherwise, the Countess can claim whenever they're ready. (I'm implying pretty strongly that I'm not currently the Countess, so I may as well just say it outright. I'm not the Countess. Please don't speculate about my role in thread.)
    The idea is not bad, but it also brings some risks. You pointed some of them out (and I would be interested in your math for the Handmaidens, but this can wait until after the game) and gave your assessment about them. So, I will claim that I have no role involved and no major objections to your analysis. Minor negative points for the "Trust me" part of your argument. But it's propably too obvious for a wolf. I reserve the right to reasses my stance toward you if the princess or countesse gets ambushed tonight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Popo View Post
    By the way, Mr Popo is the count (gender corrected. I am MISTER Popo) in case anyone cares. I figure we should probably start mass claiming.
    Hard disagree here. Massclaiming would be a huge disadvantage! Since the Handmaidens are occupied protecting the Princess and Countesse, a mass claim would allow the wolves to snipe the more useful roles. Like the Handmaidens, which we need for the plan to work.
    (And, in my interpretation of the game the countesse is still female, its just someone you are allied with. Notice the OP, where two persons were arrested, the evil queen and our dear narrator. (A big thank you for your work!))

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post
    Not sure I want to go quite as far as mass-claiming just yet. There’s a lot of unknowns and a lot of info we’re giving the wolves. But that's still step one of my plan accomplished... no, I’m a good guy. I should not be cackling evilly.

    Princess, reveal yourself whenever youÂ’re ready.

    Also, like the song... I need to start thinking up my own!
    Again, mixed feelings, Snow. On the one hand, you are opposed to a mass claim. On the other hand...
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowblaze View Post
    no, IÂ’m a good guy. I should not be cackling evilly.
    I don't like this!
    But I like Snows songs as well, so another reason to avoid going after her.

    Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post
    The Countess and Princess are the only Roles that can't be changed via King or Prince, correct?
    Asking mainly to make sure they can't mess up this plan.


    That's strong, and (if the Baron is/stays Town) enables strong networking.


    All in all, doesn't sound worth it. So I'd lean Snowblaze as town.
    I think you are correct about the first part (King, Prince).
    You are however wrong about the second part (Baron). Snow even pointed this out in her plan. The baron can't connect anybody to this core. The princess can't be targeted after claiming. The Countess will be blocked by the handmaidens. They protect against the kill, but also prevent most other powers.
    If the wolves get the countess night 1, will you change your oppinion about Snow?

    Quote Originally Posted by JeenLeen View Post
    I like how you're <Xi> playing. Very fun to read.
    From a practical perspective, I'd rather vote someone else than you, assuming no actual evidence, just to keep reading the letters you are writing.
    Hard agree here. Xi is on my List of persons I don't want to remove from the game.

    Dear Prince Roland
    I bring you terrible news! The Queen has tried to assassinate the Princess. But - praise the gods - the Princess was not hurt and the Queen was arrested. She is avaiting trial in the royal dungon. However, the danger is not over yet. She still has some allies hidden in the castle. Currently, we are locked in here. I hope, at least my letter will reach you, so you can learn of the events from a trusted source.
    The Princess has gone into hiding, however there is wisper she might reveal herself soon and place herself under the protection of the Countess and her trusted Handmaidens. One of the other guests of the palace, Mr Popo, claims to be the Count. Nobody objected to this till now, and I tend to believe him. Such a lie would be too easy to proove wrong.
    Personaly, I suspect AvatarVecna but I have to admit, I never liked her very much. Some time ago, I even dreamed of killing her with lightning, but she was innocent that night. Strange dream, realy, but I disgress. Pardon, Mylord.
    I also don't like this stranger named BookWombat. A gambler, for sure. Maybe I can use my contacts at the servants to gain some more inforamtion about him tonight.

    Yours truely,
    Ambassador Rogan
    Last edited by Rogan; 2021-09-11 at 06:30 AM.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Default Re: Love Letter Mafia

    Spoiler: Handmaiden maths

    My reasoning: we have 16 roles, of which 3 are wolves and two unused. So the probability of the first Handmaiden being in the wolves/unused is 5/16.

    Given this, there are 15 roles left of which 4 are unused, so the probability of the second Handmaiden being in the wolves/unused is 4/15.

    Multiplying this gives 1/12. Though now I think about it I’m really scared I’m going about it the wrong way. I hate probability sometimes.

    Can I get people’s thoughts on Rogan’s post above? A lot of it is talking about me so I might be biased.

    Also, Rogan, how random is your AV vote?
    I'm writing stuff, come and read it!
    Werewolf games won: 28
    Werewolf games lost: 19
    Games as town: 29.5
    Games as neutral: 6.5
    Games as wolf: 11
    Games narrated: 2
    Deaths: 31

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