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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Spoiler: OOC Thread
    An Unceasing Hunger

    Against the mountains of the American Northwest is a relatively small state park centered around the modestly sized Lake Luton. This park is the sole source of tourism for the nearby township, also named Luton. The inhabitants generally appreciate the various campers, hikers, swimmers, and other park-goers that provide income for the small businesses that populate the area.

    It is in this park that the protagonists of this tale find themselves. However, before we look at these individuals, let us look at their surroundings.

    Within this park is a great pine forest, the conical evergreens reaching their peaks into the sky to grasp for the light of the sun. The earth below the mighty pines is shaded by the canopy they provide. With little sun reaching the forest floor, the undergrowth is sparse at best, leaving a carpet of discarded pinecones and brown needles to provide ground cover.

    The only places where dense, low-lying plant life thrives are in those areas where the trees are separate enough that precious sunlight may break through the canopy. The most notable sites are along the coast of the lake and along the side of the road, which marks one of the park's borders.

    The park itself has a modest network of paved roads and small parking lots so visitors and park staff can easily traverse the area. The park is also home to nearly a dozen different hiking trails and a smattering of paved biking paths.

    Lake Luton itself is rather magnificent. It may not be large enough to make it onto most maps, but it is by no means small. It sits several hundred feet across at its widest point in a rough egg shape. The narrow end of this egg is the inlet of the small river of mountain meltwater that feeds the lake. Most of the coastline is choked by dense plant growth, but two areas on opposite sides of the lake have been cleared away and made into smooth gravel beaches, which each have a nearby campsite that they serve.

    One site is little more than a restroom and water spigot with an open dirt area where campers can set campfires or pitch tents, three of which currently dot the otherwise bare land.

    The opposite site is somewhat more civilized. Six log cabins spaced well apart look out over the lake. Even from the outside, modern amenities can be seen. The porches have electric lights, a satellite dish on each of the rooves, and even a modest air conditioning unit for any warm periods.
    These two sites are reached by a paved road that comes from the park entrance and splits near the wide end of Lake Luton, directly adjacent to the boat rental and launch.

    A short way down this road, back toward the park entrance, is the Park Lodge. The lodge is a grand, beautiful building that could nearly be mistaken for a mansion at first glance. It is a gathering place for all sorts. From a series of seating areas where you can sit in comfort while admiring the beauty of nature, to a knowledge center where park rangers can tell you all about the various plants, animals, and other sorts of life that inhabit the area, to a general store where you can buy anything you may need for a camping trip, to a small restaurant that serves perfectly acceptable, albeit stereotypical, American fare.

    Today, that lodge, and in fact, the rest of the park, is not very densely populated. It is already mid-afternoon, and the park only has about a dozen visitors, and it is in those dozen visitors we find our protagonists.

    Now, let us turn our attention away from the environment we find ourselves in and instead turn it to those people that we see within it.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    WindStruck's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    We find Chelsea Higgins swimming in the lake, naturally. She had originally arrived in the Luton State Park on a moped for some sightseeing, hiking, relaxation, and connection with nature. Of course, she also heard of the lake there, and came prepared in case the weather allowed for a pleasant swim.

    After having a light meal in the lodge restaurant and hiking around a bit, she eventually meandered her way to Lake Luton. Looking around, there seemed to be three people who had set up campsites nearby. It wasn't a lot, and she had hardly walked by many people today, but to be safe, she decided to walk along a trail on the outskirts of the lake, then she cut into the forest, then the dense underbrush as she neared the wider "base" of the large, egg-shaped lake.

    It was here that she had decided to strip off. Underneath her shorts and tank top was a bright pink bikini; it was a tiny affair, secured in the back and to the sides with bits of string. Having placed her shoes and clothes on top of her backpack, Chelsea was confident her belongings wouldn't be found. And even then, still less likely they would be stolen.

    Chelsea is a young woman with an athletic body. She has long, fiery-red hair with slight, frizzy curls and sky-blue eyes. Her skin is pretty pale, maybe even pasty, with some freckles all along her body and some on her face. As an actual ginger who was made fun of in school sometimes, one thing was actually true: sunblock was important.

    It is during this warmest part of the day in the afternoon that we find Chelsea swimming. She's an extremely good swimmer, and swimming from one end of the lake to the other at its longest point was no problem. She fully intended to do just that, over and over. Though, her pace was not competitive or race worthy. It was quite the opposite: leisurely and relaxed.

    Chelsea practiced various forms, occasionally diving under the surface as well, though much of the time she merely did a simple backstroke, or just floated there in the middle of the lake, gazing at the sky. Something was on her mind and clearly bothering her. But in the end, this is where she felt at home. It was so quiet and peaceful here in the water, amid the beauty of nature.

    She had already been here a while. And she could yet remain here for hours more.

    Spoiler: ooc
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer
    Avatar by linklele!

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Orc in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim liked his time out in nature, enjoying fresh air and the tranquil lack of office chatter that filled his normal workdays. He was social enough but some of the people there could seemingly talk the hind legs off a donkey! This morning, he'd checked the weather, seemed good enough but tying the sleeves of a thin waterproof around his waist he set out, jumped on a bus to arrive at the lake Luton and slowly walk laps and wander its ways.

    He'd already had lunch at the lodge, it had been quiet, though he remembered seeing a redhead lass who he exchanged a smile and nod with on walking in but didn't interact with further as he sat staring out of the window and had left at some point before he had. The food was wholesome enough and the hot chocolate nothing special but far from bad.

    At this point in the afternoon, he'd reached the far end of the egg shaped lake, near the inlet of the mountain stream that fed it. Taking a moment to stare at the water slowly rippling along, splashing gently against the rocks and banks.

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Unlike these other two, Carine Laplace is not exactly where she'd like to be. Clad in a white one-shoulder T-shirt, light grey high ankle skinny jeans and a pair of soft, flat thong sandals very much unfit for the purpose of trekking, she's been erratically meandering through the pine forest for hours now, somehow managing to miss even the dirt tracks traversing it. As evidenced by the look of confusion combined with traces of mild fascination in her little, round brown eyes and her near-constant fidgeting with her shoulder-length flaxen hair, this slim, short girl has mixed feelings regarding the situation she's found herself in. On the one hand, this might be the single best environment to experiment with her newfound and boundless personal freedom and reflect on her unique and unfiltered individuality, safe from the fetters of social expectations and the need to maintain the routines that these expectations prescribe. On the other hand, she's been walking for hours, she's getting the nagging feeling she's going to get hungry soon-ish and her bag with all her money, her second most favourite sweater and her bottle of majestically oversweetened coffee is probably still on that train, unlike herself who markedly isn't – all she's left with are the clothes on her back and that snazzy little spade that will totally prove very useful someday (unless, of course, she gets devoured by some crazy naked guy before that, but she's not yet aware of that risk). Accordingly, when her ears pick up the soft lapping of waves in the distance, she immediately corrects course and begins to walk towards what she expects to be more of a landmark than a bunch of pines – but at a very leisurely pace.

    Spoiler: Carine

    Blood tokens: 5/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Dwarf in the Playground
    7LayerDipstick's Avatar

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    East Coast, USA

    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    At this moment, Carine Laplace crests a ridge to see something resembling civilization for the first time in hours, a group of half a dozen cabins spread out in front of a modestly sized lake. They are perhaps ten minutes of light jogging away, thrice that, if she were to continue at her current pace. She also spies a figure floating gently near the middle of the lake and, albeit briefly, another individual rounding the corner of one of the cabins. However, Carine is too far to make out any actual details beyond that.

    Chelsea Higgins has been mostly left alone in the waters of the lake. A few individuals had spent some time swimming near the campsite beach, but they never got far enough out to be considered "close" to Chelsea, and besides, they had gotten out of the water a little while ago. At this moment, she was floating, drifting slightly as light winds made small currents in the water.

    Jim Bodily had seen the redheaded woman from the lodge swimming in the lake as he ambled the various trails but had seen a scarce few other people beyond that. There had been a man in a tracksuit who looked somewhat familiar as they passed each other. He had given Jim quite the odd look as he ran by. Jim still hadn't been able to place what emotion it was conveying. Though, now, he was admiring the patterns of the water as it flowed down from the mountains, over rocks and fallen branches, and into the lake, the ripples of water spreading and disappearing into the calmer water of the lake.

    And it is at this moment, all three of these individuals, Chelsea, Carine, Jim, and indeed any park-goer, hear a cry from the collection of cabins. None of the three can tell what emotion is behind the scream before it is suddenly silenced. A moment later, another noise can be heard, a sound that most closely resembles the howl of a wolf, though there is a different timbre to the howl that none of them had heard from a wolf before.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim full of peace and serenity, on hearing the first cry merely raises his head to the general direction of the cabins. He wonders what caused them to scream, more than likely someone playing a prank or someone being really happily surprised. Disregarding it he turns back to the water only to hear the howl. Grrr, that just jilted his concentration or rather his lack of thought, too far.

    Sporadic meditation abandoned, he returns to walking. Perhaps he should think to return to that lodge. A meal or snack will make the journey home more comfortable. Added bonus, the cabins are on the way so that little bit of curiosity will possibly be sated. After all, he wasn't familiar with dogs and their howls but it just seemed different enough. That's it decided! The walk via cabins to see if he can spot the dog, lodge for some food and then then head home. Not going much more than his normal hike walking, he sets off.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Chelsea hears the same abrupt scream and is initially bewildered, but nothing else seemed to come of it. She had briefly been peering around a bit with some curiosity, perhaps thinking maybe something happened to someone, but when she heard that howl, that settled it...

    It was obviously some prank. So Chelsea continued floating in the middle of the lake without a care in the world.
    Avatar by linklele!

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Carine feels a rush of smug satisfaction as once again, the universe proves that intuition is the best of guides in life. Now that civilization is back within an arm's length (if one has a very long arm, but "can be reached in half an hour or so" is more than good enough, as far as she is concerned). As she'd begin to amble down the slope towards the cabins however, that ugly scream is heard from just there, followed by the howling, prompting her to jump with a shrill gasp. She's quick to collect herself, nevertheless. She's barely done pressing her free palm against her chest and exhaling loudly when a lighthearted chuckle escapes her. She's always liked dogs, but damn, they can sure make scary sounds if something gets in their strange little canine heads. She's not going to be deterred by that, though. Not this time. She's got two sore feet and there's a perfectly good lake down there she can soak them in. The water should be warm enough; it's a godsend really. She thus continues downhill unabated, picking up, in fact, a slightly quicker pace, drawing vigor from the idiosyncratic little miracles life gifts to the individuum with a healthy desire to feel and enjoy.

    Spoiler: Carine

    Blood tokens: 5/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)
    Last edited by Metastachydium; 2022-03-27 at 02:08 PM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Dwarf in the Playground
    7LayerDipstick's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    While Chelsea continues to enjoy the refreshing waters, nothing more seems to come from the noises from the shore. Although, she briefly notices a somewhat familiar parkgoer walking at an unhurried pace along the path before he is obscured, passing behind the furthest cabin.

    This individual, Jim, can see that same woman still in the lake as he passes the open sightline between the obscuring plant growth and the rear of the cabin. He also spots another figure off in the woods and certainly off of any marked trail. They stand out with their white top against the brown of needles and tree trunks. More so, his eyes are drawn down the path to, if his memory of the map is correct, Cabin 3 and the glittering of something strewn across the ground near the opposite rear corner of the building.

    Carine, perhaps halfway from where she crested the ridge and the lake, is also able to see the man walking down the path and, at least occasionally between the trees, the shine of something near one of the buildings, though she is not able to make out what it is from here. As she continues to walk, she suddenly hears the sound of needles shifting as though some animal were moving nearby, though she cannot see the source of the noise.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    While absolutely nothing strange nor alarming continues going on in the park grounds, Chelsea decides to take a deep breath and dives into the water. Just for fun, she tries to see how far down she can go. Maybe she'll even touch the bottom of the lake! After rising to the surface once more, it is time for more good old relaxation.

    Spoiler: ooc
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer

    (And I don't have plans for Chelsea to get out of the water any time soon, FYI. I guess when it starts to get dark, or another opportunity/danger presents itself)
    Avatar by linklele!

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Carine halts her progress for the moment and shifting her weight to her left foot, looks around again with an expectant smile. It would seem that marvelous possibilities will just keep presenting themselves to her today: first the lake, and now this. If she stays put and alert she may get to observe some cute, fuzzy forest critter in its cute, needly forest habitat! She can soak those feet later; the lake won't go anywhere.

    Spoiler: Carine

    Blood tokens: 5/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Orc in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    The magpie within Jim smiles at the sight of something shining. Having a quick look about, he spots the redhead out in the lake taking a dive, looks like she a good swimmer having fun. Turning the other way is confused by seeing someone so far off track, perhaps it's worth him trying that next time, should be a different atmosphere with just trees, nice. Looking back at the cabins and making a relatively direct path, he will walk towards the glittering streak.

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Carine's eyes flick around near where she heard the noise, though she cannot see any sign of whatever animal made it. Until she looks up the nearest tree and briefly spots what she could swear is the edge of someone's head leaning out from behind and staring right at her, but the moment she makes eye contact with whatever it is, it disappears back behind the tree.

    While Carine is looking for wildlife, Jim presses forward towards the glittering something on the ground. He needs to get close, maybe a dozen feet away, before realizing that the glittering he sees is indeed broken glass. Wherever it came from, it certainly seems that something was broken around the corner of the building, and the glass shards ended up spraying a decent distance. Jim can also see a small piece of bent metal sitting among the shattered glass.

    Meanwhile, in the middle of the lake, Chelsea resurfaces from her dive without much consequence. Perhaps her lungs ache a little from being underwater for a while, but nothing significant occurs while she relaxes and enjoys the water. At least, that is, she can now make out the shape of Carine off in the distance, though much of the detail is lost at this range, and she can see two of the people she saw swimming on the camp side of the lake walking in the direction of the park entrance while carrying a few bags.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Welp, nothing else was going on with Chelsea for the time being. After what seemed to be a lengthy dive which either challenged or entertained her, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She flattened her body out more along the surface of the lake water and floated aimlessly, daydreaming.

    Spoiler: ooc
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer
    Avatar by linklele!

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim is now a little confused or concerned maybe. What happened here too cause this. Still, he walks to the metal item in the middle of the glad to pick it up and inspect what it is, before waking around to try and find the source of the smashed glass. He wonders if the scream from earlier was in relation to it, perhaps it was a scream when they did this and now they've gone to report it at the lodge. Right, what's this metal thing...

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat.
    Last edited by MaltholLoth; 2022-03-30 at 04:03 AM.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Carine narrows her eyes and her lips part slightly. A head? Is that an actual person up there? She begins very slowly rounding the tree trunk, peering upwards. This is a fair bit unusual, but damn, whoever went that far to kind of prank her, apparently, must sure know how to live without the leaden ballast of philistine compromises. This might, in the end, prove a useful lesson for her! Or, at least, net her an interesting conversation.Um… Anybody up there? she asks a little hesitantly, tilting her head to the side.

    Spoiler: Carine

    Blood tokens: 5/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)
    Other belongings: white one-shoulder T-shirt, light gray high ankle skinny jeans, flat thong sandals

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Dwarf in the Playground
    7LayerDipstick's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim walks up to the metal object, the glass shards crunching under his steps. He carefully retrieves the piece of metal, seeing that it seems to be some sort of handle to something. It looks pretty old, or at least as if it was designed to look old. It's a metal rod with a bend at either end and a hole on each tip where a nail or screw might hold it.

    At this moment, Chelsea and Jim both hear that same wolfish howl from before now coming from near that woman idling off the trail. If they turn to look, they'll be able to see the following.

    Carine hears this and then sees a barefoot man in a tracksuit suddenly swing from around the tree with extraordinary agility and begin plunging, feet first, directly on a collision course with her chest. Carine has but a brief moment before he impacts where she can act to defend herself.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Chelsea hears that stupid howl again. Stupid pranksters, she thinks.

    However it's just enough to get her to bother to open her eyes and look towards the source of sound for a second.

    She sees what looks like a man in a tracksuit leaping towards the woman she spotted earlier. What the f***??
    Avatar by linklele!

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Oh. that's terribly convenient in fact, she is getting hungry, after all. Okay, dinner sounds… not so good, suddenly. When what still looks like a surprisingly athletic fellow human being bursts out of his cover, the old reflex of flight takes over and Carine shifts forward as fast as her body can manage and drops flat on the ground, hoping the hungry guy will just harmlessly fly past.

    Spoiler: Carine

    (1d6)[6] to react in time.

    Blood tokens: 5/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)
    Other belongings: white one-shoulder T-shirt, light gray high ankle skinny jeans, flat thong sandals

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim looks over the odd bit of metal, what was it. Well maybe it's a handle but what's it doing in all this glass? He looks up just in time to see something that looks like a person fall out of a tree onto another. Hmm they didn't scream so perhaps they were trying to catch them even if both did fall to the ground. Sigh.

    He looks at the handle item then walks a bit to look at the cabin list there's some obvious place it all came from our any other person stood within sight. (In the unlikely instance this is a yes, he'll approach them instead of this) Just pocketing the handle for now, he starts to walk up to where the two playing catch were just in case they're hurt.

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat.

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim takes a few steps to round the corner of the building and can immediately see the source of the broken glass. A window on the side of the building has been shattered, and the ground is strewn with glass shards.

    Carine's dodge is somewhat effective. It prevents the man from landing directly on top of her, but it cannot move her far enough away and leaves her unable to see his next move. The man quickly spins and, in one swift motion, drops to his knees, pinning one leg to the ground, and bends down to sink his teeth into the flesh of Carine's calf.

    Carine feels the stabbing pain as the man's teeth tear through her skin and into her calf muscle. For the briefest of moments, she can feel the unyielding agony as the man pulls the flesh from her leg before her body dumps adrenaline into her system and dulls the pain.

    A piece of his prize claimed, the man straightens up, the part of Carine's leg dripping blood from his mouth as he tilts his head to the sky and swallows the piece of muscle whole. For just a few moments, he spreads his arms and closes his eyes as if basking in the satisfaction of his deed.

    Chelsea sees this all happen from the water, whereas Jim misses the first few seconds of action, only turning in time to see the piece of flesh in the man's mouth. Certainly, some detail is lost to the distance, but that is definitely a piece of raw meat he just swallowed.

    Spoiler: OOC
    [Carine has lost 1 Blood Token]
    Last edited by 7LayerDipstick; 2022-03-31 at 09:21 PM.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Chelsea sees everything that happens. There was not much mistaking what was going on. Clearly it seemed the man was attacking this other woman. Unless, maybe they knew each other and they were fooling around?

    But when Chelsea saw him bite into the woman's leg, her stomach immediately turned, and she choked and gagged on something nonexistent in her throat, in sheer disbelief. Blood was beginning to pour from the wound in the woman's leg, and the man was ingesting the raw meat! That was part of her leg! HER LEG! Human flesh, and, and...

    Finally, after nearly losing her lunch and forgetting to breathe, Chelsea gasped. And then she screamed.

    A dozen thoughts were flooding her mind at once. She kind of wanted to help this other woman in a way, but honestly, what could she do?? They needed to get help, though. And she should probably get her stuff!

    Either way, Chelsea was paralyzed with indecision and still watching the events as they unfolded horrified.

    Spoiler: ooc
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer

    Actions in this update involves one loud, shrill scream. I don't know, maybe that'll do something.

    But I do figure Chelsea's mind is flopping around indecisively right now.
    Last edited by WindStruck; 2022-03-31 at 09:53 PM.
    Avatar by linklele!

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Metastachydium's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Well, so much for flight. A fearful yelp bursts out of Carine as the hungry creature grabs her leg, followed shortly by a shriek, pained and panicked when he (it?) tears into her calf. She barely hears the scream of another, coming from somewhere below. None of this feels real, except the pain. The only thing that keeps her conscious is the welcome prodding from her sympathetic nervous system, now on high alert. Even her own voice sounds distant and hollow as she attempts to plead with the entity, tears rolling down her cheeks. No! PleaseÂ… Please don't kill me!

    And then, just then, the predator does, in fact, let go of her. She doesn't think. Thinking takes time. Thinking hurts. Some primal awareness takes over and she rolls onto her back with a grunt and rising into a crouch of sorts, tightens her grip on the handle of the spade. If flight is not an option, then fight it has to be. Pulling her good leg under herself for use as a spring, she snaps forward in a desperate attempt to smack him in the chest.

    Spoiler: Carine


    Blood tokens: 4/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)
    Other belongings: white one-shoulder T-shirt, light gray high ankle skinny jeans (now torn), flat thong sandals

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Orc in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    As he looks around to the pair out in the woods he hears the pained cry from the woman and.. What did he just eat?! That's not a scream of disgust coming from her.

    The next scream but moments later comes from the lake and he quickly takes a few steps to get back in sight of the lake and presumably that woman who'd been swimming. What was happening around here?

    Caught between the two screaming women he had a quick look back into the forest in time to see the woman pounce from the ground with... A spade? What! He looks again out to the lake, she seemed to be looking at them or him maybe. He takes a few more steps towards the water and calls out "Are you alright or there? Are you OK?"

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat
    Last edited by MaltholLoth; 2022-04-01 at 02:03 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim can see nothing immediately wrong with the woman in the lake, though if something is amiss below the water, it is invisible to him.

    Out in the water, Chelsea continues watching in terror as the two in the distance engage in combat.

    Carine, however, can see very little beyond the man who just ripped a chunk out of her leg. Her sight has tunneled down, her peripheral vision reduced drastically. As she rolls and puts herself into a crouch, she sees the man, his face, neck, and chest slicked with her blood, turn to look at the water in response to a scream that sounds to her like a mere whisper. That briefest of distractions leaves the hunter unable to react in time to Carine's lunging swing of her spade. She smashes the folded spade into the man's chest with force far beyond her usual limits. Down below, Jim can hear the crack of the improvised weapon and probably the crack of at least one fractured bone, though the only thing Carine hears is her own pulse pounding in her ears.

    The force of the blow is enough to send the man sprawling backward as he instinctively brings his arms to his chest. He scrambles back, away from the woman he just attempted to make into prey. Carine can see his teeth are bared in a predator's snarl as he moves to get back onto his feet.

    Spoiler: NOTICE
    [Shia LaBeouf has lost 1 Blood Token]

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Chelsea continued to watch in horror, though the situation seemed to be looking better for that woman as she fought back with something in her hands, causing the man to sprawl backwards for a moment. And just then, a voice to her right caught her attention, snapping her out of her daze.

    She looked at Jim blankly for a few seconds before blinking and began swimming to him. "That guy just bit her! He literally just took a bite out of her leg and...."

    But then Chelsea begins changing the course of her swimming, toward the large end of the "egg" where she had left her stuff. "We have to help her! I'm going to get my stuff and call 911!"

    Spoiler: Chelsea
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer
    Last edited by WindStruck; 2022-04-01 at 06:44 PM.
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  27. - Top - End - #27
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Jim heard what the woman in the lake says and things click into place, 'oh that's what he was...!'. As she sets off he half shouts "Ok" which probably goes unheard as she swings away.

    Turning, he runs towards the dueling pair. At first his only thought is to get there, not knowing what he'd do. Getting closer, he shouts out at them "OI! What do you think you're doing?!"

    Spoiler: Jim

    Blood tokens: 5
    Item: multitool with torch
    Dressed: Comfy waking boots, loose cargo trousers, loose t-shirt and lightweight waterproof coat
    Last edited by MaltholLoth; 2022-04-02 at 03:04 AM.

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Carine doesn't get to enjoy her moment of triumph for very long. She doesn't evenget to see the predator hitting the ground, since lacking proper support for her body, she is just as quick to land on her face with an undignified thump and groan. Spitting pine needles, she somehow gets back on her feet and unflding the spade, she begins to back off, limping and in pain. Everything seems slow, disturbingly slow as if she were walking through soup, but still, soon enough, her back bumps into a tree trunk. Her heart beats faster and faster. She feels cornered. It takes a mental effort almost too intense to dismiss the thought that there might be more creatures, hiding on the trees, above and around her and to keep her eyes fixed on him. He will get up. She knows that. Her whole body knows that. She can barely hear someone shouting something through the throbbing of her head. She doesn't feel like she can muster enough strength to at least cry out in response, for help. Instinctively, she raises the spade with shaky hands and waits.

    Spoiler: Carine

    Blood tokens: 4/5
    Item: folding spade (equipped)
    Other belongings: white one-shoulder T-shirt, light gray high ankle skinny jeans (now torn), flat thong sandals

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    The man stands back up, an arm still clutched around his chest. His eyes flick between Carine and the spade in her hands. Occasionally, he casts a glance down toward Jim. After a few seconds of bared teeth, he lets out a snarl and leaps up against a nearby tree trunk, where he pushes himself off and into the obscuring canopy of needles, leaving Carine alone.

    Jim, his mind much less addled with adrenaline, gets a good look at the man's face. Although it is covered in blood, it seems familiar somehow. It looks like someone he's seen before, though he isn't entirely sure. In any case, Jim experiences no issue in reaching the scene of the conflict. He can now get a better view of Carine, and he can see that, yes, a portion of her calf has been torn off.

    In the meantime, Chelsea makes her way to shore in record time and scrambles out of the water. Immediately she notices something wrong. All her belongings are not where she left them. Her clothes, any identification, her phone, all of it is missing. The only thing she can see is her shoes, about 30 feet away from where she left them in the direction of the nearest parking lot. Even from where she stands, she can see that they've been tied together with twine or something of that sort.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Titan in the Playground
    WindStruck's Avatar

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    Default Re: (IC) An Unceasing Hunger [Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf]

    Dang it! Really!? Chelsea thought, realizing all her stuff was missing.

    Was this the prank of some stupid teen or someone that might have been following her around? Then again, the last time she thought there was a prank. That howling...

    Chelsea shuddered a bit, thinking something sinister was actually going on in this camp instead. Was it just that one crazy guy, or were there more?? At least the man she briefly talked to seemed sane and trustworthy.

    Maybe Chelsea was just misremembering things. She tried combing the area a bit to determine if maybe she just happened to place her stuff somewhere else nearby, but the only thing she spotted were her shoes. They were some flip flops - not the really cheap plastic kind, mind you; they were high quality (albeit thin) leather!

    Still, something was off. Why were they tied together with twine? Something really didn't seem right here. What if this crazy dude surrounded them with bear traps, or they were attached to a net or something?? Maybe her imagination was running wild again.. or maybe not. But she definitely didn't imagine seeing the guy take a bite out of that other girl's leg.

    Chelsea exercised extreme caution when approaching her shoes, slowly approaching them but not getting more than 15 feet near them. She wound up circling around them, her back to the parking lot now, scrutinizing her flip flops and the ground around them, and looking up.

    Spoiler: Chelsea
    Blood Tokens: 5
    items: bikini
    -excellent swimmer
    Last edited by WindStruck; 2022-04-02 at 08:36 PM.
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