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  1. - Top - End - #1111
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    I just want to say that I'm finding the detailed analysis of the 30+ year old children's cartoon far more interesting than any conversation we've ever had about Goblins.

  2. - Top - End - #1112
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Vinyadan View Post
    Returning to this, the reason why there is some overlap is that Gaston is actually a double of the Beast. I believe it was a deliberate intention of the writers. «Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.» Gaston is young, strong, beautiful, admired, skilled, but spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

    «Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.»

    Simply put, the old woman looks bad. It's about the appearance. She's repelling. The Prince does not consider any other factor when dealing with her.

    Now, let's look at Gaston: from the first minute he appears, he declares that Belle is the only girl as beautiful as he, and that that's why he's going after her. It's all about exterior beauty. Belle is very active on an intellectual level: she's curious, investigative, enjoys reading, and is also caring and supportive towards her father, all things that make her an outsider in the village, but also constitute her "beauty found within". And Gaston openly disdains these aspects, repeatedly covering her books in mud and insulting her father.

    The hot triplette also shows something about Belle: Belle is an individual. The triplettes are pretty, but they have lost any aspiration for individuality and intellectual autonomy; they are a group of three, but not three different people.

    The Beast forces Belle to stay with him as a bargain for her father's freedom. He then learns to love her, and lets her go. Gaston then... also tries to force Belle to marry him through a bargain for her father's freedom! Except she can prove her father isn't insane through the mirror. Gaston then decides to destroy his rival. Incidentally, here it seems to me that it isn't really about Belle, it's about Gaston's need to be the best at everything he does; someone is thwarting his plan, while showing that he's better than Gaston at being liked by Belle? He must be destroyed (and it's certainly important that, by now, Gaston had already started to metaphorically bargain with the Devil to get what he wanted, from corruption and unlawful inprisonment, to leading a lynching mob, shooting a peaceful man in his own home, and figurative and literal backstabbing).

    The Beast in his starting position is an early Gaston, but bigger: he is powerful, he actually owns the castle, the people there are his literal servants. As the film moves on, their paths diverge: Gaston doesn't change his objectives or mentality and, instead, starts using increasingly evil means. On the other hand, the Beast, having been proved fallible and being in a very tight spot, has to accept the advice of his servants (who are older than he is, but who also have a lot of different personalities, unlike the villagers), gets to know Belle by engaging with her in discussion, learns from her, and sees her "inner beauty" to the point that he understands on his own that what would make Belle happy is a library, and then he is compelled to let her go to care for her father.
    Gaston admits no weakness, and it's what turns him into a monster. The Beast instead is forced to show his fear and vulnerability by desperately hugging the rose when Belle discovers it.

    About this whole "inner beauty" thing, I liked that, in the ending, when the Beast turns into the Prince, Belle doesn't just pounce on this suddenly beautiful young man, and instead examines his face until in his eyes she finds the trace of the Beast she loves.

    In a way, Goblins also follows the contrast of exterior appearance vs inner beauty with the monster/human divide. But that's something with which everyone except Kin and maybe Ears and Thac0 seems to struggle. Minmax and Forgath start out as killers of monsters, Complains wants to kill Minmax, Vorpal stabs a child, and then we have all the bad guys (GS, Kore, Duv). The wide population is openly racist. No wonder evil is winning... I tried thinking of whether there could be some more parallels with Beauty and the Beast, but I find that the tropes of a D&D world end up overtaking them. Looking for a Beast-Gaston duo, MM for example could be a GS in fieri whose development is suddenly stopped (as he says, he wants to be like him, to promptly thow him out a window as soon as he understands what he really does), but MM, while shallow, selfish, vengeful, and chauvinistic, doesn't really care about his own dignity in front of the community, and is quite the weathercock in general.

    About Gaston and GS, I think Gaston would feel envy for GS's hunting skills and would be weirded out by his mores, but Gaston is also cunning and knows how to get something out of people. In other words, I suspect that he would see GS as a resource, like the Asylum chief, assuming he can keep him out of his little kingdom at the village.
    The Beats is, even PHYSICALLY, like Gaston but more so. Gaston takes pride in being strong, powerful, ETC. The Beast is even bigger, even stronger, and, of course, even more so then Gaston, say it with me....EVERY LAST INCH OF HIM'S COVERED IN HAIR! The Beast is much like Gaston at first, except the Beast changes and becomes better. Gaston does not. The monster becomes a man, and the man slowly reveals the monster he was all along.
    Last edited by woweedd; 2022-06-25 at 03:41 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #1113
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by woweedd View Post
    The Beats is, even PHYSICALLY, like Gaston but more so. Gaston takes pride in being strong, powerful, ETC. The Beast is even bigger, even stronger, and, of course, even more so then Gaston, say it with me....EVERY LAST INCH OF HIM'S COVERED IN HAIR! The Beast is much like Gaston at first, except the Beast changes and becomes better. Gaston does not. The monster becomes a man, and the man slowly reveals the monster he was all along.
    There's also some colour coding. The most evident is with Belle: she is the only person to wear blue in the whole village, with a white shirt. Gaston wears red, and the Beast wears a red mantle when first seen. After he saves Belle, the Beast wears a blue mantle and a white shirt. Then he uses a blue coat and adds blue decorations to the castle for the ball.

    And this is where I think the movie really goes out with the colour and general symbolism. The preparations for the ball are long and full of little scenes. At the center are Beauty and the Beast reading Romeo and Juliet aloud. The Beast likes the book and wants Belle to read it again. Belle wants to hear him read. The Beast admits he can't read any more. Belle proposes to help, for the Beast's joy. And immediately we see the servants draw a heart with a sponge on the dirty window of the room, before cleaning it completely (love pushed the Beast to shed the dirt of meanness, admitting weakness, which allows him to be transparent). And then even the monstrous statues that populate the garden start spouting blue water.
    So I think that the cleaning, full of hope of renewal, also refers to the removal of the traits that created the Beast and made him ugly inside, and of the rage, self-hate, hopelessness and mistrust against others that followed the transformation (as we saw in his first meeting with Belle's dad: "So, you’ve come to stare at the Beast, have you?"). Even a comical scene like the dog coming in with dirty paws, leaving mud on the floor, to be immediately chased outside by a flock of brooms that clean up his tracks, probably is meant to be read that way: it's a cute doggie, but it's still a dog, and the Beast wants to be a man, and must chase away everything that made him an animal.

    At the ball, the Beast wears blue, Belle wears gold. The hall where they dance is made of blue windows and golden architecture. The Beast has allowed himself to be fragile and transparent like the glass to show his humanity. Belle wears gold; in spite of the relative sizes, she's the stronger one, holding up the Beast and his dream to be human again as the architecture sustains the windows. Belle's gold dress creates an exceptional, fairytale-like atmosphere, but but also shows how precious she appears to the Beast (and the Beast's refined coat also represents how she now sees him).

    In the final scenes, the Beast has gone back to the red mantle, but he is still wearing the white shirt with it. Gaston instead is wearing his usual red clothes, with a blue mantle thrown on them. I think the main reason for this was to give him a jarring look as he's become completely unhinged (all three primary colours is a bit much), but it might also be symbolic: Gaston is wearing his human looks as something tacked on (the blue mantle), but his horrible nature (the red coat) is visible to all. The Beast still wears his outwardly ugliness (the red mantle), to which he has resigned after Belle left, but he has remained beautiful underneath it (the white shirt).

    When the Beast transforms, he is enveloped by the red mantle in a way that reminds of a flower's petal, and, when he comes to, he stands up and the red mantle slides off him, and only the white shirt is left. A final magical blue spark circles him and Belle as they kiss, then shoots towards the sky and start the liberation of the castle.

    The transformation scene itself reminded me of Michelangelo for a number of reasons. One is the emphasis on the hands and feet, the extremities with which we interact and walk upon the world (the famous hand of Adam). Another one is how the body emerges from the mantle. Michelangelo represented draping extensively in his works, but he also had the idea of freeing an already present human figure that was closed inside the rock. There are some unfinished works of his (the "slaves") that are almost legendary in how they show the human form emerging and freeing itself from the mass of unformed matter of the stone. (Visually, it also reminded me of Blake, with those strong limbs, draping, flight, and rays of light).

    Also, a final consideration, although I'm more inclined to believe this to be random, or not intended to be noticed: remember that Gaston boasts of eating 60 eggs a day, and then accuses the Beast of wishing to feast on children? One of the first scenes in the movie actually shows a very evenly divided frame that could be titled "eggs and children". But messy eating is a recurrent theme with the Beast, who forces himself to try to eat with a spoon, being met halfway by Belle who drinks the soup with him directly from the bowl, until he learns with effort to use cutlery that is too small for his hands, even if he looks a bit odd while doing it.
    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955
    I thought Tom Bombadil dreadful — but worse still was the announcer's preliminary remarks that Goldberry was his daughter (!), and that Willowman was an ally of Mordor (!!).

  4. - Top - End - #1114
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by woweedd View Post
    The Beats is, even PHYSICALLY, like Gaston but more so. Gaston takes pride in being strong, powerful, ETC. The Beast is even bigger, even stronger, and, of course, even more so then Gaston, say it with me....EVERY LAST INCH OF HIM'S COVERED IN HAIR! The Beast is much like Gaston at first, except the Beast changes and becomes better. Gaston does not. The monster becomes a man, and the man slowly reveals the monster he was all along.
    Also consider that for Gaston this physical prowess is a boon, the aegis over his weak and fragile soul that helps protect him. For the Beast, his strength is even greater yet it is a curse that separates his vulnerable self from the help he desperately desires. He is trapped by his own appearance of power and agency.
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  5. - Top - End - #1115
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955
    I thought Tom Bombadil dreadful — but worse still was the announcer's preliminary remarks that Goldberry was his daughter (!), and that Willowman was an ally of Mordor (!!).

  6. - Top - End - #1116
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Ah yes, the d12 hd supremacy, where even by level 4 (or is it 5 now?), 1 hp is chump change. Vorpal is a, what, 4th level character with probably d8 or d6?

  7. - Top - End - #1117
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildstag View Post
    Ah yes, the d12 hd supremacy, where even by level 4 (or is it 5 now?), 1 hp is chump change. Vorpal is a, what, 4th level character with probably d8 or d6?
    Isn’t Vorpal still pure multi class? So he’d have 4/11ths of each classes hit dice?
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  8. - Top - End - #1118
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildstag View Post
    Ah yes, the d12 hd supremacy, where even by level 4 (or is it 5 now?), 1 hp is chump change. Vorpal is a, what, 4th level character with probably d8 or d6?
    Does he even have a full hit die? Potentially he has like maybe 4hp from the class he took 1/11 of first and maybe one or two from every other class. So we're looking at maybe 15ish hp if we go by that assumption (another is that he has his Warrior d8 until he actually picks something to take a full level in, but that's even worse at ~5).

    Complains meanwhile has around 38 without his CON bonus being taken into account, Big Ears 32, and Thaco 28. Of course adding in the CON bonus Complains is probably pushing 50hp, the demon transformation might have pushed him over it.

    Complains also has Fast Healing IIRC. He gets that hp back in like six seconds.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zelphas View Post
    So here I am, trapped in my laboratory, trying to create a Mechabeast that's powerful enough to take down the howling horde outside my door, but also won't join them once it realizes what I've done...twentieth time's the charm, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    How about a Jovian Uplift stuck in a Case morph? it makes so little sense.

  9. - Top - End - #1119
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
    Does he even have a full hit die? Potentially he has like maybe 4hp from the class he took 1/11 of first and maybe one or two from every other class. So we're looking at maybe 15ish hp if we go by that assumption (another is that he has his Warrior d8 until he actually picks something to take a full level in, but that's even worse at ~5).

    Complains meanwhile has around 38 without his CON bonus being taken into account, Big Ears 32, and Thaco 28. Of course adding in the CON bonus Complains is probably pushing 50hp, the demon transformation might have pushed him over it.

    Complains also has Fast Healing IIRC. He gets that hp back in like six seconds.
    If we go by mechanics, becoming a teller must have given Vorpal some boost. Considering that it is scalable proportionally to how many spirits you take in, the most natural mechanics would be gaining levels in some teller class. That would translate to some additional HP.
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  10. - Top - End - #1120
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Do you guys remember there was some sort of demonic axe? Me neither.

    It's probably not important.
    Last edited by -D-; 2022-07-13 at 07:22 PM.

  11. - Top - End - #1121
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    I think they have traveled through like 5 rooms since the axe broke. Dear god the pacing on this comic is painful when you try to look at the overall storyline.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nerd-o-rama View Post
    Traab is yelling everything that I'm thinking already.
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  12. - Top - End - #1122
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    When did axe broke? As in what year AD. Archives don't help.

  13. - Top - End - #1123
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    When did axe broke? As in what year AD. Archives don't help.
    2016. The page URLs contain dates now.
    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955
    I thought Tom Bombadil dreadful — but worse still was the announcer's preliminary remarks that Goldberry was his daughter (!), and that Willowman was an ally of Mordor (!!).

  14. - Top - End - #1124
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    When did axe broke? As in what year AD. Archives don't help.
    According to the URL of this page: on the 13th of April 2016.
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  15. - Top - End - #1125
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Traab View Post
    I think they have traveled through like 5 rooms since the axe broke. Dear god the pacing on this comic is painful when you try to look at the overall storyline.
    The death of a major character who the rest of the cast is still mourning happened in-universe (at most) two days ago.

    For us as readers, it's been 12 years.
    "But it always seemed weird to me to get mad about things going wrong, as if everything turning out OK was promised to anyone, ever. There wouldn't need to be paladins if the world was, like, fair." -Lien

    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    Howard Johnson Dame_Mechanus is right
    I get to be a favorite today!

  16. - Top - End - #1126
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Dame_Mechanus View Post
    The death of a major character who the rest of the cast is still mourning happened in-universe (at most) two days ago.

    For us as readers, it's been 12 years.
    Not quite glacial on a geological scale, but dang. I'm almost tempted to say there was more forward story momentum on Berserk or Hunter X Hunter.
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Lurkmoar View Post
    Not quite glacial on a geological scale, but dang. I'm almost tempted to say there was more forward story momentum on Berserk or Hunter X Hunter.
    I'm not sure if it's better or worse to consider Kin and Minmax, since we just (well, relatively speaking, it was more like a year ago) got their touching reunion and saw Kin again after she had clearly spent some time leveling and gaining power...

    And it's still. Been. Two. Days.

    For us it's been nine years, but for them it was seriously something that just happened.

    Ellipsis is still an excellent artist and I really enjoy her story, but the pacing of the comic has kind of ruined some of the emotional impacts.
    "But it always seemed weird to me to get mad about things going wrong, as if everything turning out OK was promised to anyone, ever. There wouldn't need to be paladins if the world was, like, fair." -Lien

    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    Howard Johnson Dame_Mechanus is right
    I get to be a favorite today!

  18. - Top - End - #1128
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Dame_Mechanus View Post
    Ellipsis is still an excellent artist and I really enjoy her story, but the pacing of the comic has kind of ruined some of the emotional impacts.
    That might be for the better, considering the grim tone she often desires.

    For me, something strange happened when Kore's gratuitous time dilation was revealed by the ghost of Chief. It looped around from being horrific to being hilarious. I've returned to its original idea of the entire thing being a campaign run by Herbert, and now I think of the goblins as an extra set of players with an adolescent grasp of storytelling, always trying to up the grimdark. (In this interpretation, Herbert is an inexperienced enough DM to think it's a good idea to run three synchronized games in the same world.)

    I know that interpretation won't be supported by the ending (if there's ever an ending), but it makes me enjoy the comic more. *grins* And it's apparent that most of us in this thread have to search for a way to enjoy it.

  19. - Top - End - #1129
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchic Fox View Post
    That might be for the better, considering the grim tone she often desires.

    For me, something strange happened when Kore's gratuitous time dilation was revealed by the ghost of Chief. It looped around from being horrific to being hilarious. I've returned to its original idea of the entire thing being a campaign run by Herbert, and now I think of the goblins as an extra set of players with an adolescent grasp of storytelling, always trying to up the grimdark. (In this interpretation, Herbert is an inexperienced enough DM to think it's a good idea to run three synchronized games in the same world.)

    I know that interpretation won't be supported by the ending (if there's ever an ending), but it makes me enjoy the comic more. *grins* And it's apparent that most of us in this thread have to search for a way to enjoy it.
    At this point, it's as valid an interpretation as any.

    For me, it's not struggling for a way to enjoy the comic so much as frustration that the pacing is just... terrible. Obviously, being here means being no stranger to comics sometimes taking a while to come out, but... like... honestly, something broke in me in the comic before the most recent one. A full-page glamour shot of a character with no background resolving a problem that had just been introduced in a way that made no sense... and then it sort of concurrently hit that this is also the... fifth? Sixth? Some number-eth dungeon crawl in which a bunch of strange rooms come one after another without any obvious thematic rationale between them. Sure, each one is visually distinct, but... what the heck is this place supposed to be? Who built it and why? Can anyone even remember why the main characters are in this dungeon in the first place?

    And then you think about the fact that there are at least two supposedly important cast members who literally have not been seen in the comic since 2012, and it's just... this comic's pacing was not great when she was following a regular update schedule. Now it's downright interminable. And we just introduced another new cast member when the comic can barely keep up with the ones it already has.

    The comic itself is fine. It's fun, the characters are fun, the art is nice, and so forth. But it needs to either start picking up the pace with each page or having pages come out faster, and that doesn't seem to be happening. Yes, you don't have to read the comic if you're not enjoying it, but the reasons for that lack of enjoyment are all around the text, not because of the text itself.
    "But it always seemed weird to me to get mad about things going wrong, as if everything turning out OK was promised to anyone, ever. There wouldn't need to be paladins if the world was, like, fair." -Lien

    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    Howard Johnson Dame_Mechanus is right
    I get to be a favorite today!

  20. - Top - End - #1130
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchic Fox View Post
    now I think of the goblins as an extra set of players with an adolescent grasp of storytelling, always trying to up the grimdark. (In this interpretation, Herbert is an inexperienced enough DM to think it's a good idea to run three synchronized games in the same world.)

    I know that interpretation won't be supported by the ending (if there's ever an ending), but it makes me enjoy the comic more. *grins* And it's apparent that most of us in this thread have to search for a way to enjoy it.
    As an ending, I would find it extra-depressing (the Goblins were not their own characters all along, and they only realise it at the end). So it would be very fitting. However, outside the comic, there's been a series of explanations for how players don't control player characters, and are more like distant ancestors, so it probably would be less sad than I picture it, assuming it gets explained in-comic.

    I also found Kore's Hyperbolic Torture Chamber hilarious. It's as if, instead of the lone tank rolling towards Tom Hanks in Private Ryan, there had been a whole column of 10,000 German soldiers, complete with stereotypical Nazi officer barking orders, following it. It's just too much.

    I don't think the comic is doing particularly well on a writing perspective, though. Chief's arc was abruptly assumed to be complete and ended. The characters don't have much in the way of personal objectives. Something about their personalities also doesn't convince me: it's as if they change a lot based on the scene to be shown (see Ears going from being reasonable and explanatory to massive hammy emotional outbursts and illogical decisions).

    EDIT: According to a quick count, it's been 186 pages since MM started adventuring with the Goblins. If there's not yet been any payoff for anything important that was introduced since then (except Paulusz), it wasn't for lack of pages.
    Last edited by Vinyadan; 2022-07-17 at 07:42 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955
    I thought Tom Bombadil dreadful — but worse still was the announcer's preliminary remarks that Goldberry was his daughter (!), and that Willowman was an ally of Mordor (!!).

  21. - Top - End - #1131
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Dame_Mechanus View Post
    A and then it sort of concurrently hit that this is also the... fifth? Sixth? Some number-eth dungeon crawl in which a bunch of strange rooms come one after another without any obvious thematic rationale between them. Sure, each one is visually distinct, but... what the heck is this place supposed to be? Who built it and why?
    I think the best way to look at it is that these dungeons just are. Thy weren't built. When the world was created, dungeons were part of the package.

    Or maybe they spontaneously generate where there's a lot of magic. Like remember how the Maze of Many was contained inside a gigantic sword lost by a demigod or something? Think the gigantic smith put it there? No. But a place with an insanely powerful gigantic magic item, bam, spontaneous dungeon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight Roamer View Post
    I think he did the only morally acceptable thing by killing everyone.
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  22. - Top - End - #1132
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Dame_Mechanus View Post
    I'm not sure if it's better or worse to consider Kin and Minmax, since we just (well, relatively speaking, it was more like a year ago) got their touching reunion and saw Kin again after she had clearly spent some time leveling and gaining power...

    And it's still. Been. Two. Days.

    For us it's been nine years, but for them it was seriously something that just happened.

    Ellipsis is still an excellent artist and I really enjoy her story, but the pacing of the comic has kind of ruined some of the emotional impacts.
    For Kin it had probably been a lot longer. For Minmax... yeah, it was just before they entered the dungeon they are currently in.
    There's no wrong way to play. - S. John Ross

    Quote Originally Posted by archaeo View Post
    Man, this is just one of those things you see and realize, "I live in a weird and banal future."

  23. - Top - End - #1133
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Gez View Post
    I think the best way to look at it is that these dungeons just are. Thy weren't built. When the world was created, dungeons were part of the package.
    Right. Which... certainly works all right so long as it feels like the comic is moving at a decent pace and everything feels like it's progressing well enough. There are worse things to believe than that this world just has a bunch of generated dungeons full of traps that somehow magically reset for the next group to go through what appear to be prog rock landscapes with combat encounters.

    But we have been in this dungeon for a decade now, and there's no indication we're getting close to leaving. Also, as mentioned, isn't there supposed to be some kind of demon infestation happening? And again, does anyone remember why the characters are in this dungeon in the first place? There was a clearly stated reason, yes, but it feels like even the characters have forgotten now.

    There are, to be fair, worse fates for comics. But... eh, now this is just whinging instead of constructive commentary.
    "But it always seemed weird to me to get mad about things going wrong, as if everything turning out OK was promised to anyone, ever. There wouldn't need to be paladins if the world was, like, fair." -Lien

    Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
    Howard Johnson Dame_Mechanus is right
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  24. - Top - End - #1134
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    I think it was a shortcut back home to their tribe.
    Or wherever they were going before they broke the axe.
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  25. - Top - End - #1135
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Kantaki View Post
    I think it was a shortcut back home to their tribe.
    Or wherever they were going before they broke the axe.
    Yep. It was a shortcut.
    An almost 13 year long shortcut.
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  26. - Top - End - #1136
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    To tell the truth, going into the Dragon's Maw was a suicidal decision. Maybe not the first time, as they knew Kore was after them, but they didn't know about the bridge. After they roped Kore's throat, however, their best bet was to drop their current path and escape through the woods. The trees would have given them cover, and they were faster than the Dwarf. Instead, they decided to go back to the completely coverless bridge, where they would have certainly died, had it not been for Forgath and MM (Forgath held off Kore, and MM was absolutely necessary to solve the puzzle by lifing the grate).
    Quote Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1955
    I thought Tom Bombadil dreadful — but worse still was the announcer's preliminary remarks that Goldberry was his daughter (!), and that Willowman was an ally of Mordor (!!).

  27. - Top - End - #1137
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by sihnfahl View Post
    Yep. It was a shortcut.
    An almost 13 year long shortcut.
    Just iagine how long the way around would have been!
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  28. - Top - End - #1138
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
    Just iagine how long the way around would have been!
    Well, it's all the speed of Plot, anyhow. And Elli's update schedule.
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by sihnfahl View Post
    Well, it's all the speed of Plot, anyhow. And Elli's update schedule.
    I know. That was a joke.
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  30. - Top - End - #1140
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    Default Re: Goblins XVIII: Being yourself can be dangerous

    Quote Originally Posted by sihnfahl View Post
    And Elli's update schedule.
    Considering that Elli's children are going to be finishing the current arc I'm grateful they didn't go the long way.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zelphas View Post
    So here I am, trapped in my laboratory, trying to create a Mechabeast that's powerful enough to take down the howling horde outside my door, but also won't join them once it realizes what I've done...twentieth time's the charm, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
    How about a Jovian Uplift stuck in a Case morph? it makes so little sense.

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