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  1. - Top - End - #181
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Bertelis reads over his letter in silence in the midst of the group, and his countenance falls precipitously. Visibly, he is desolated by the news.

    Dazed, he takes his brother's battered and worn writing kit from a saddlebag, and begins to compose a short reply.


    I am on my way home. Do not despair; the testing of our faith develops perseverance.

    Your Son,


    This he hands off to the courier, nodding his understanding of the warning just given. He secures its passage with a few gold crowns; and then is quiet, and shellshocked, for the rest of the day's march towards Marienburg, on the way to Couronne.

  2. - Top - End - #182
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    the caravan stops a few hours before nightfall at the pink peacock. the caravan makes camp. there is a travelling circus in the next spot over, and a long raven haired knife thrower comes over to the company of the burning slug."im looking for emil reissner?" she purrs, looking at all of you with a sultry expression. the pendant dangles between her voluptuous boobs, and it seems to have grown a little bigger

    can i get a wp at -10 for everyone but bertelis, who rolls at +10 due to his glum mood

  3. - Top - End - #183
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Gimgroth smiles as he imagines his student friends adventures with this sultry circus performer. The legend of the Order of the Burning Slug grows if it's preceded us to your ears.
    Unfortunately you won't find Emil among our numbers this evening. While he remains an honorary member of the order he is no longer actively serving.
    the dwarf answers with an honest smile. Who might you be to our friend and compatriot, my Lady?

  4. - Top - End - #184
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    "emil and i had a torrid encounter in a talabheim bar's rented room" zarinna says, chuckling a little at the silliness of it all "i just thought i'd let Emil's' comrades know he's got a beautiful bouncing baby on the way" she says, patting her stomach

  5. - Top - End - #185
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    They neglected to sign it, so just tell us who its from and I'll save you the effort of having to take a reply but still pay you

    Wighard gives Bertelis his space during the next part of the trip, when the Bretonnian is ready to talk, he'll take


    Wighards decides to sabotage any attempt at seduction from this woman by being a boorish *******

    Well if you are sure it is his, you'll find him playing dress-up lordship at Westvein on the Reik

    A unacknowledged bastard is something else he needs to complete the set.
    Last edited by wilphe; 2022-10-24 at 05:55 PM.

  6. - Top - End - #186
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    "it was given to me by a masked man" the courier says. "suffice it to say he didn't give his name"

    at the camp

    zarinna harrumphs, and says "fine. I'll be sure to tell him about your boorishness" she stalks off after making eye contact with bertelis, and beckoning him to follow.

    bert, gimme wp at -10 or follow

  7. - Top - End - #187
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by bramblefoot View Post
    "it was given to me by a masked man" the courier says. "suffice it to say he didn't give his name"
    Did he happen to have one arm?

  8. - Top - End - #188
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by wilphe View Post
    Well if you are sure it is his, you'll find him playing dress-up lordship at Westvein on the Reik

    A unacknowledged bastard is something else he needs to complete the set.
    Gimgroth looks shocked at Wighard's response. After Zarinna leaves he address Wighard Dress-up lordship. Has your view of our former companion dropped so much?
    An unacknowledged bastard is still one's offspring. I'm sure a man of Emil's disposition would raise the child as a proper heir. Did something happen between you two when we were last in Westvein? Are you jealous of the books Wighard?

    Spoiler: OOC

    Gimgroth is shocked at Wighard's out of character boorishness concerning a former companion. I'm playing that his WP was so good he didn't even detect the seduction attempt. But he also is not the brightest so he doesn't get what Wighard is doing here.

  9. - Top - End - #189
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Bertelis's eyes drift after Zarinna for a moment - he's a man of principle, but he's not literally carved from stone - and for a crazy moment it looks like he will wander off after the apparent hookup-turned-mother-to-be of his friend's child. But even he can see he doesn't want that - he just wants to be confronting something other than the truth.

    Back in the privacy of their camp next to the Pink Peacock, shows Wighard the letter.

    "This ... is madness to me. The last I heard from them, it was a mysterious illness with odd features like striking people mute, and he forbade me from coming home. Perhaps there were letters between that one and this in which things got worse. But now, they have a name for it - have you ever heard of a vermilion flue? - and it is raking through the region with much desolation. And my step-mother has vanished entire - what curse is this that takes people, voice first? He did not mention my young step sister; she must be with him still... but to say there is no one left to search for her is to say that my three brothers, each knights like myself, have sought and... at best found nothing, at worst disappeared themselves. To say he may not be long for this world is all but to confess that he suspects he is plagued, or will soon be. But the -audacity- of him to write these things then ask me not to return... I cannot have it! I cannot simply read, a nation removed, about my family turning to vapor and memory!"

    He had begun the confession quietly, so that Wighard alone might hear; but by the end of it he is in such a state of animation that the rest of the company (and probably some boggled pilgrims) have likely heard the pertinent details. He touches his forehead, his eyes closed and expression tight with turmoil. "I would endure the shame of defying his wish rather than the shame of standing aside. The pilgrimage, once we pass through Axe-Bite Pass, must continue to Couronne. I am bound to go this way, much as I want to cut across Bastonne straight to Bordeleaux. But the difference in land travel, going home or to Couronne, is ... not so great. It may be a day or so faster to get to Couronne, given how well patrolled and cleared the pilgrimage road is; and how that travel is exempt from the need to check with regional lords before passing through their territory. If we go to Couronne, and do not linger but ... but charter a boat the same day to take us around the cliffs of Lyonesse and down to Bordeleaux... It may be only... three days longer than cutting overland. If the winds are favorable. But Manaan has always loved the sons of Bordeleaux. He will not spite me here."

    Finally, he opens his eyes, and looks around at those 'Sluggers' who have chosen not to hide the fact that they have easily overheard. "... On top of all this. The stranger, who they say brought the plague to my father's lands and those around him. And the 'sudden emergence' of this evil weapon, in Mousillon. It is to much, yes? To many chances at once? My father's lands are not adjacent to the river, but they are close enough that if a plague, or plague carrier should come from there, it is not outlandish to think they would make it that far."

  10. - Top - End - #190
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Gimgroth frowns at hearing Bertelis's news and his emotional outburst. Family is important Sir Knight we will not tarry in Couronne long but perhaps that holy city might have a remedy among the Shallyan Priests for what ails your lands and line. I have seen the plague during some of my tours in the mercenary companies of Tilea. Terrible stuff. I hope the Ratfolk have nothing to do with this new disease racking Bordeleaux. I think it best that we move on tomorrow then and push the caravan a bit harder and tarry not and trust in the gods for a safe undelayed trip.

  11. - Top - End - #191
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Jasmine cheers up when she hears about Zarinna's news. "That's fantastic! I hear motherhood changes a woman, and for the better! I don't know meself, but why, I remember when my sister was givin' birth, she was screamin' and there was blood an' **** an' she swore that she'd never let a man touch her again, and now she's got five kids! It's great to see the little nieces and nephews havin' her run around doin' stuff..." Jasmine then launches into a very detailed description of her observations of the child birth process.
    Last edited by dojango; 2022-10-25 at 08:56 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #192
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    the company of the burning slug beds down for the night. the last thing you see before falling asleep is the dreaming stone flash bright purple

    bertelis: you get a vision of your mother in the forests of brettonia. tell me what is chasing her, and end on a cliffhanger.

    glod: the camera pans to a mining camp in the grey mountains. a pair of humans hammer at rock, until they expose a bauble glowing with green light. the humans make the mistake of staring at it for too long, and melt like taffy, becoming goop on the cave floor

    gimgroth: the man with yellow eyes appears in your dream. "care to play a game?" he says, shuffling a tarot deck one handed. "the rules are simple. you ask a question, and i answer honestly. then i do the same, and you must answer honestly." he chuckles and continues "lies, deception and half-truths are punished by a draw off the deck. refusing to answer is two draws"

    wighard: you get a vision of castle drakenhof. bats fly around the battlements, and a tall figure stands in the topmost tower with a glass of something red in his hand. a ghoul capers up behind the figure saying "master, shall i call the hunt?" the figure smiles, showing fangs. "yes heinrich, call the hunt" the ghoul nods and lets out a piercing whistle. the doors of the castle fly open and direwolves let out howls to start the hunt

    jasmine: you have a vision of your home village in flames after an orc raid. tell me who if any survives, and who dies

    bruno: you see yourself brought before a witch-hunter tribunal "baronet richter, we find you guilty of conspiring with chaos!" the judge booms. "hans, gunther, take him outside and burn him now" the hammer barks.

    can i get flat wp rolls or take an IP
    Last edited by bramblefoot; 2022-10-25 at 10:56 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #193
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Dress-up lordship. Has your view of our former companion dropped so much?
    An unacknowledged bastard is still one's offspring. I'm sure a man of Emil's disposition would raise the child as a proper heir. Did something happen between you two when we were last in Westvein? Are you jealous of the books Wighard?

    I was being deliberately rude to get her to go away Gimgroth; not interested in being another notch on her bedpost.

    As for Emil, no I have not quarrelled with him.

    He is a Lord now, whether he recognises himself as one or admits it even to himself or nay

    He has people that he has undertaken to lead and protect.

    That's what lords do

    Or rather are supposed to do - few do

    Whether his high-minded principles will survive contact with reality and responsibility would be interesting to watch

    The most interesting bit will be if the community decides they don't want him in charge anymore, especially if he has an heir

    They say magic corrupts, and it does, but that's because magic is power and power corrupts the best intentions. Different forms of power do it differently, but few can resist.

    I don't think Emil fully realises that succeeding in Westvein could be more dangerous than failing

  14. - Top - End - #194
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Bruno had seen that Bertelis had been worrying about something after getting the letter, but he had not inquired. If the Bretonnian wanted to tell, he would listen, but he wouldn't pry.

    "Gimgroth is right," he said after the story, "if there is a plague, the temple of Shallya is your best option to find a cure. They know more about plague than just about anybody else. We can ask a few of their priests to check things out at your father's estate. My small talents of persuasion stand at your disposal for this purpose, no problem."

    After going to sleep, he doesn't have a good night, with nightmares wrecking his sleep. He's not sure what's going on, but he does know that this isn't normal anymore. In the morning, he seeks out wighard.
    "I've had some very strange dreams tonight," he said, "and it's not the first time. I'm quite sure it's nothing I've eaten or drunk. Can this be induced with magic?"
    Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

    "Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
    "I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute."

  15. - Top - End - #195
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Wighard sits quietly and listens to his friend unburden himself, stands as he does and then hugs him tightly.

    Remember, we undertook this pilgrimage to seek the aid of merciful Shallya. We need that more than ever and must continue especially as how we have taken responsibility for the protection of the innocent and helpless. A true knight sees his quest through to the end, regardless. Understand?

    He grips the young knight even tightly and looks him the eyes until he signals assent, then releases him

    Now understand that there is perhaps nowhere better to find information on this than Couronne itself.

    Not just the the very centre of Shallya's cult, but the court may well still be there.

    And don't forget that you are not alone

    You are the boon companion of one of the greatest medico-magical prodigies in the Old World, a man in whom the gods have taken a very personal interest and one considered uniquely qualified to investigate this matter.

    He lets his voice drop from drill sergeant levels

    And you also have four other companions who are really really good at killing things

    Spoiler: OOC

    [roll]1d100[/100] Heal 61 for knowledge of Vermilion flue

    [roll]1d100[/100] WP 77
    Last edited by wilphe; 2022-10-25 at 05:17 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #196
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Spoiler: OOC
    (1d100)[60] Heal 61 for knowledge of Vermilion flue

    (1d100)[92] WP 77

  17. - Top - End - #197
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Spoiler: OOC

    FPing that

    (1d00)[1] WP 77

  18. - Top - End - #198
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Spoiler: Dream

    Wighard stops looking through Kwolf's eyes from his perch on the battlements and returns to his own position, waiting in the woods with the Knights of the Raven and the mages at his side.

    He smiles slightly

    They have taken the bait

    The direwolves continue to howl

    Also everyone is going to get woken up by Schlapp and his sister howling with a timbre and power you didn't really think was possible
    Last edited by wilphe; 2022-10-25 at 11:54 AM.

  19. - Top - End - #199
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by farothel View Post
    In the morning, he seeks out wighard.
    "I've had some very strange dreams tonight," he said, "and it's not the first time. I'm quite sure it's nothing I've eaten or drunk. Can this be induced with magic?"
    Some dreams are just dreams. Not all dreams come from Morr, and even the ones that do are not all necessarily supposed to be taken literally

    Did you pray for guidance or receive a message?

  20. - Top - End - #200
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Gimgroth slams the ale mug on the table splashes what remains onto a fully restored and glorious beard. The dwarf laughs as he smiles across the table as Bertelis and Bruno struggle to keep pass with Gimgroth and Glod as the dwarves lift their next cup to their mouths. The table is strewn with empty tankards some standing some resting on their sides it is obvious that this drinking contest has been going on for some time. Jasmine and Wighard are resting heads down on the table. Then one by one his friends disappear in an instant and
    Quote Originally Posted by bramblefoot View Post
    gimgroth: the man with yellow eyes appears in your dream. "care to play a game?" he says, shuffling a tarot deck one handed. "the rules are simple. you ask a question, and i answer honestly. then i do the same, and you must answer honestly." he chuckles and continues "lies, deception and half-truths are punished by a draw off the deck. refusing to answer is two draws"
    Gimgroth stands up feeling the effect of the night's tally doing so. He looks around for his axe but doesn't see it. What are you doing here? How are you in my dreams?

  21. - Top - End - #201
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    "magic" the man says smugly. "for my question i ask what your plans are in brettonia."

    he sits primly on a stool and awaits your answer

  22. - Top - End - #202
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Gimgroth looks puzzled for a second before frowning. A look of understanding comes over the dwarf before the start of a smile.
    Ah but you did not answer my first question so draw two you must first before it is my turn to answer.

  23. - Top - End - #203
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by wilphe View Post
    Some dreams are just dreams. Not all dreams come from Morr, and even the ones that do are not all necessarily supposed to be taken literally

    Did you pray for guidance or receive a message?
    "I didn't pray for guidance," Bruno said, "it could be a message, but I'm not sure who would send it. And I certainly hope it will not be happening."
    Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

    "Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
    "I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute."

  24. - Top - End - #204
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    two cards flash in front of the man. he looks at them and guffaws."these are helpful cards" he cackles, pocketing them in his sling bag. you notice a mirror-helm has spawned next to him, and a tattoo of a dragon curls up his one arm

    "waiting on you master dwarf" he cackles, wiggling his fingers

  25. - Top - End - #205
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Gimgroth ponders his nemesis's question "what are your plans in Brettonia?" and smiled thinking to himself their plans are yet unknown. He answers the twisted mage. Our plans are simple. Protect the weak. Honor the gods. Heal the sick. Keep yer cursed cards to yerself twisted fool. Now to find me axe I see another arm to take. Gimgroth shoots furtive glances around the room looking for his weapon any weapon.

  26. - Top - End - #206
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    "my plan is to cause chaos and harm people close to the company of the burning slug, and by my reckoning, its going like clockwork" the man says. no cards are dealt for him

    "this is the dream world gimgroth. im in control here" the man with yellow eyes gloats. there is no weapon here in the bar

    "do you perhaps have any family or children i should know about?" the man with yellow eyes probes, and then asks a second question

    "what is your greatest fear?"

    Spoiler: ooc
    if you dont want me to bring your child into this just say the word
    Last edited by bramblefoot; 2022-10-25 at 01:10 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #207
    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Another Night, Another Vision...

    Deanna Roche runs. Her panting is almost soundless; her throat forbidden by strange magic to utter vocalizations. But her pursuer is not so bound; thrashing through the trees behind her is a silhouette of a rider; armored and mounted like a night, but dark and terrible as a parody of one. Its steed was tireless; a monstrosity of bone and sinew rendered from the body and spirit of a once-loyal steed... but it was not gifted to ride amongst the roots and branches, and these delays permitted Deanna her lead. She, herself, was tiring; though a child of privilege, she was a daughter of Aquitaine; and she spent much of her youth with her handmaidens and sisters, often swimming in a creek or running through the friendlier outskirts of the Forest of Chalons.

    But this was not Chalons.

    The rider was closing. She risked a glance over her shoulder, and saw the red lacquered helm, the flash of fangs in its interior; and her feet struck one of the very roots she was relying on to keep him at bay. Down she went, hard; tumbling onto the forest floor in her now truly stained and torn sleeping shift, dark hair tangled and messy. But no sword fell; no fangs struck her skin. Infact the hoofbeats retreated the other way. And looking up, she saw why. Looming over her, flanked by impossibly graceful and terrible warriors, was a being unlike any she had ever beheld, or heard in story. Twelve feet tall. Rippling with primordial power. Green of skin; dark of eye; and gazing down upon her from beneath a crown of antlers that might be seen otherwise on a great majestic stag. No wonder the vampire turned and fled.

    What is a mere vampire, to a god?
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2022-10-26 at 09:44 AM.

  28. - Top - End - #208
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by bramblefoot View Post
    "do you perhaps have any family or children i should know about?" the man with yellow eyes probes.
    Gimgroth strokes his beard thinking a second weighing the costs of not answering with the costs of answering before answering. I can think of no one you should know about. Now again I say take yer cards and begone. Trouble me no more.

    Accounts squared for the time being the sound of braying from Schlapp and his sister wakes Gimgroth from his troubled sleep.

  29. - Top - End - #209
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by LarsWester View Post
    Gimgroth ponders his nemesis's question "what are your plans in Brettonia?" and smiled thinking to himself their plans are yet unknown. He answers the twisted mage. Our plans are simple. Protect the weak. Honor the gods. Heal the sick. Keep yer cursed cards to yerself twisted fool. Now to find me axe I see another arm to take. Gimgroth shoots furtive glances around the room looking for his weapon any weapon.
    the man with yellow eyes says "the game is done for now' he waves his hand,and you are jerked awake by the howling of schlapp and his sister

    bertelis: as you awaken, there is a note written on tree bark on your chest. it reads come to the outskirts of the forest two hours ride from here. we will talk terms for your mother

    the green knight
    Last edited by bramblefoot; 2022-10-25 at 01:36 PM.

  30. - Top - End - #210
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Jasmine's Dream

    Perhaps it was the talk of her sister, but Jasmine found herself thinking of her family back in Malmford as she drifted off to sleep. A sleepy little hamlet, tucked into the arms of a slow-flowing river. Long fields hemmed in by the brooding forest. But in her dream the village was burning. The ferry, with a few huddled survivors drifted down the river. Her sort-of ex-husband at the tiller, hollow-eyed and weeping. Her two youngest nieces holding hands with one of her cousins. A few other people; the miller and his son (of course they'd run), Old Human Karl trying to balance on his wooden leg as the ferry rocked in the current. The ferry headed towards the opposite bank and she could hear the wolves howling, see the red eyes glinting in the darkness. The survivors were headed straight for it... then she woke up with a start to the howling of the wolves. It took her a few minutes to calm down, to remember that it was just a dream. Just a dream. She wouldn't get back to sleep that night. Once she heard the cooks starting to stoke the ovens in the kitchen for the day's bread she made her way down there and spent a few hours annoying them with small talk and chatter (and maybe helping out a little) until daybreak.

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