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    Troll in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Aurangh's Savage Tide OG CLOSED TO NEW INTEREST

    Ahoy there, ye scurvy dogs! Gather 'round, for I have a tale that'll send shivers down yer timbers! I be seekin' brave souls, four in number, to join me crew on a daring adventure across the treacherous seas of Sasserine. There be mysteries aplenty, and the Savage Tide awaits those with the mettle to face it.

    If ye be yearnin' for personal glory, thirstin' for honor, or simply lusting after the glitterin' promise of gold, then this be the voyage for ye! We'll sail through uncharted waters, face monstrous sea beasts, and uncover secrets buried deep in the heart of the ocean.

    Bring yer swords, yer wits, and a hearty appetite for adventure! If ye be up to the challenge, leave a mark in the comments below, and we'll set sail together on a journey that'll be sung about in taverns for generations to come! Arrr, who among ye dares to join me crew and seek the treasures of the Savage Tide?

    I'm already running two completely homebrew games of different colors and flavors, I wanted to run amodule and I was torn between this one and Temple of Elemental Evil. But to be honest, the Temple is a very flawed module with a really good start that then dissolves into a grind of a dungeon crawl. So I'm running this, which is what I'm running with my in person group.

    Spoiler: Disclaimer
    I'm very candid about my style of DMing and my expectations: I want people who want to build a collective story and have fun, I don't like indestructible PCs, and I don't like arguing with players on RAW and stuff. I run the game trying to offer a fun game, please respect the effort put in this.


    I'm accepting interest through this week. Read the big 16 to see if you are buying what I'm selling. Roll for abilities and give me a general concept pitch. This next saturday I'll make a shortlist of concepts I like (these may include some mechanics but I'm not really going to look into it much) and then give you a week to develop them.

    Spoiler: Big 16

    1. What are we playing?
    Savage tides. DND 3.5.

    2. What setting?
    Published Adventure path.
    The Free City of Sasserine, North of Cauldron. Greyhawk, but I'm open to touches of Forgotten realms and Ravenloft.

    4. How large of a crew are you looking for and where will we play?
    I'm looking for 4 and only 4, I don't believe in larger groups in PbP

    5. What level?
    Lvl 3, milestone system.

    6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with?
    No of course not, 1500 gp. Alternatively. you can trade 1/3 of your wealth for something cool. But only after character selection.

    7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes?

    This is 3.5. In general, all classes from allowed sources are allowed. But I'll chose those I feel are thematic to the premise. Also, see the Homebrew section.

    8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species?

    Races in the allowed sources, be sure to read those before asking questions.

    9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points?

    Roll [roll]3d6b2+6[/rolllll] x6, order them, that's it. I don't like point buy.

    Max HP at first level, then roll. No averages (however see homebrew).

    10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so?

    Run any alignment you want, but roleplay it and roleplay within the group. Fair warning: evil characters and chaotic stupid will likely die fast and painfully or simply not be selected, but you can build your character as you want.

    11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it?
    Since we are using milestone there are no multiclassing penalties, but I'll cap MC at two classes, no dips on prestige classes. You go in, you stay the full run.

    12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them?

    Roll in the IC in a spoiler by declaring your actions. read the homebrew rules please.

    13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules.

    Changes to classes

    Rangers get full progression on Animal Companion they also apply their FE bonus as an Insight bonus to attack (the bonus to damage remains untyped)

    Druid's get the ranger's progression on animal companion.

    Fighters and Barbarians get unarmed fighting and do 1d6.

    Monks get good BAB

    Paladins's spells are based on Charisma, their Smite evil ability works for a full round and it is usable 1/encounter instead of 1/day.

    Hexblades can use their hex at will, they don't get spells, instead they gain Martial Maneuvers as a Swordsage-1: they can pick from Shadowhand, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, and White Raven.

    All classes with a d4 hp get d6 instead, and classes with a d6 get d8 instead.

    All classes get +2 skill points per level.

    Tier 1 classes do not need anything nice, so no SAD archivists, etc.

    Feats and stuff:

    One flaw, one extra feat. No traits. Flaws are a few of the materials allowed from Dragon Magazine.

    Feats every odd level (1,3,5,7) If your would benefit more from a feat at lv 6, I'm sorry, take it at lvl 7.

    No double stat to any roll even if it's from different sources: i.e. Charisma as Deflection Bonus and Charisma as Dodge bonus do not stack.

    I'll type any untyped bonuses (Except the Barbarian's rage and the ranger's FE).

    Feats from PF: Vital Strike (and the line of).

    Weapon finesse adds Dex to damage.

    Bows add Dex to damage, crossbows still need a feat.

    Dodge gives you a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Ref Saves.

    Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, instead give you GOOD Save progression.

    Combat reflexes grants 2 extra AoO no more, AoO builds are horrible in PbP, so are grapplers.

    However, grappling as a concept is cool and fixing it is a mess unless we use 5ed or CMD and I don't want to go there. Just be advised.

    I like combat fast and bloody so:

    Natural 20 crits do not need confirmation, other threats do.

    A full-attack is a Standard action, max attacks are capped at 6 REGARDLESS of the combination or any ability, max is 6, apply penalties to iteratives as usual.

    You can split your movement before and after your standard action, movement provokes AoO as usual.

    You can't use Aid another for an attack, that's literally what flanking is for.

    You can't have more than an extra standard action per round under any circumstances. i.e Factotum + belt of battle.

    14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)?
    See the other spoiler

    15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above?
    It is a published path that goes up to lvl 20, a bit of everything, more hack and slash. Not so many puzzles, I expect good role playing from everyone, that is essential. I have run this twice in person, I abbreviate a lot and remove most of the random encounters.

    16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters?

    Auto accepted: PH I and II, Spell Compendium, The Complete Series, ToM (no true namers), MoI, Stormwrack, Tome of Blade, Psionics, city scape.
    There will be zero transparency with magic and psionics. Assume that I'm not limited to those sources and may use stuff from PF for NPCs and monsters.

    I don't usually ban stuff, I simply don't pick characters I don't like, that said, the only allowed materials from Dragon Magazine are Battle Dancer, Mystic Ranger, the above mentioned flaws and stuff related to Sasserine and the adventure. Please don't ask.

    16+. Any banned stuff?
    See above

    Spoiler: My quick companion guide on Sasserine as I run it

    Sasserine was a We Jas Cleric who sacrificed herself to save the life of her lover, Teraknian. Teraknian built a castle as a shrine to his lover and founded the city in her name 700 years ago. It is perched in a safe harbor between two enormous cliffs and prospered as one of the safest ports in the Amedo Region, a subtropical jungle area along the south coast of the Azure Sea: the Jeklea Bay, to the west a large and almost impenetrable line of innactive volcanoes separate the bay from the Dust lands of the old Suel Empire.

    For 200 years it prospered under Teraknian and his Descendants with strong ties to Suel, the Church of Wee Jas, and the church of Kord. Then 500 years ago, Orren Teraknian tried to rule as an enlightened absolute ruler and abolished many of the social institutions and religions, his kingdom was long and he had two successors who were highly popular among the destitute. Tat regime lasted until the noble families allied with the Sea Princes under false promises. The Sea Princes seized control, taking the children of the Sasserian elite as hostages, and ruled Sasserine for almost 200 years, isolating it from the main continent and even from the neighboring city of cauldron. This period meant the Sasserine elite had to spent their youth amongst the refined but bizarre Sea Princes in their strongholds in the Flannaes.

    Then twenty years ago, the Scarlett Brotherhood, some nasty pirates they are, waged war against the Sea Princes and assassinated most of them. And some of the Sasserinian nobles still in their hold. The people of Sasserine did the rest and liberated the city. For the Past 20 years of so, the powerful families of the city have ruled as a council: The Dawn Council. But this oligarchy is tenuous, subject to treason and porous to crime and parallel powers and always under the threat of the Bullywug tribes to the east and the constant pressure of the Scarlett Brotherhood raids.

    Rich families are an old aristocracy, most of them came with Teraknian or shortly after. They have plantations and ships, mainly using indenture servants and cheap labor, slavery was abolished by Orren Teraknian. The main exports are agricultural commodities like coffee and hemp that grows in the volcanic lands to the west of the city, exotic animals and furs.

    The law forbids murder, theft and other strong offenses and is severe and swift, often death penalties, for those without connections or influence. But it is very relaxed about minor crimes and misdemeanors and has a bustling underworld. Reason why Sasserine has become attractive for all kinds of people looking to make fortune.

    Since the ancient families came from Suel, Wee Jass has some faithful followers, so does Kord, but since the times of Orren Teraknian, the most popular god is Illmater (I know is not Greyhawk, but there's no equivalent), and due to the influence of the Sea Princes, there's also a strong following of other Flanaes deities.

    You may be from Sasserine, maybe loosely connected to one of the big families, or you could have just arrived looking to make a name for yourselves.

    If you are from the city, then you are most likely Human and if from a noble family most likely you are of Suel origin, dark haired and handsome. There's some tolerance to a few civilized Bullywugs, and the western plantations employ nomadic halflings that do seasonal work, there are a few dwarves from Cauldron.

    If you are from any other race the, then you probably arrived recently and will not find many that look like you.

    Last edited by Auranghzeb; 2024-02-23 at 05:52 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    Ridai's Avatar

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Savage Tide, huh. Always been curious about this one. Perhaps this might be an opportunity to actually try for being a Scarlet Corsair (the good-leaning, possibly privateer kind). It's horrendously MAD, easily resisted, and easily outclassed by various mages and initiators. But I wanna.


  3. - Top - End - #3
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Aaaand I forgot modifiers do not work for xdybz rolls. Trying this again.

    (3d6b2)[10] + 6 = 16
    (3d6b2)[5] + 6 = 11
    (3d6b2)[8] + 6 = 14
    (3d6b2)[11] + 6 = 17
    (3d6b2)[9] + 6 = 15
    (3d6b2)[10] + 6 = 16

    Hmm. Perhaps a Rogue/Hexblade... Never thought I'd ever play that.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2024-02-19 at 10:17 PM.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Your variant Hexblade sounds fun!

    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Rilx was born with a curse, marked by fate with platinum blonde hair from two lines of dark brunettes. He was the shame of his parents, and ran away repeatedly. He was apprenticed to a sailor at a young age, to the mutual agreement of himself and his estranged family.

    He had a remarkable aptitude for weapons and was enlisted to the Marine Guard of Sasserine, before being drummed out after a haughty, highborne cleric declared him cursed by the gods and unsuitable for Service.

    Cut loose, he is seeking a job in the only life he knows.

    Two questions:

    1)Do Karsites get the bonus feat and skills of Humans?

    2)s Human Paragon an option? If it were, would it advance 2.5 levels of initiator level at level 3?

    Edit: I assuming the answer to 1 is "no" but I get one bonus feat at level one as I understand it, anyway.
    Last edited by Feathersnow; 2024-02-19 at 11:26 PM.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quick question: I'm familiar with the storyline; if the group is starting at level 3, is it starting with "There is No Honor" or do you pick up later, when the AP is level3-ish? (I've got a couple of background concepts, but one makes a lot more sense if they're leaving town in a hurry.)
    Last edited by Rilem; 2024-02-20 at 12:00 AM.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Oh, and rolls

    (3d6b2)[11] +6
    (3d6b2)[7] +6
    (3d6b2)[8] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6
    (3d6b2)[8] +6

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Let's see what the dice say.

    (3d6b2)[10] + 6 = [16]
    (3d6b2)[5] + 6 = [11]
    (3d6b2)[12] + 6 = [18]
    (3d6b2)[8] + 6 = [14]
    (3d6b2)[6] + 6 = [12]
    (3d6b2)[12] + 6 = [18]

    Those are rather promising. I'll give some thought to the rules and be back with a concept hopefully tomorrow or the day after.

    Spoiler: Chip


    Exceptionally curious and easily distracted, Chip wholly lacks any awareness of, or interest in, social decorum and propriety, seeming to speak aloud nearly every thought that bubbles up from his subconscious. This is trouble enough when he speaks with his own voice, and can be utterly calamitous when he speaks in uncanny mimicry of others.

    As a reformed thief, Chip knows better than to steal from others, but this does not stop him from remarking on the things he would otherwise wish to steal. Precious stones are of particular appeal, as are polished metals and all forms of coinage. The concept of currency is something Chip only loosely understands, for he struggles at times to appreciate that shininess does not necessarily translate into monetary value.


    Chip is tall and lean for his kind, with black feathers and glistening grey in amber eyes. It seems a stiff breeze might knock him over, but the kenku is so exceptionally light and quick on his feet that it is easy to lose track of where he is. One moment, you might hear the excited clacking of his beak right beside you, only to realize the next moment that he is now a dozen yards away, speaking foolishness to someone he shouldn't be speaking to at all.


    A recent Shadowshore resident and former cutpurse, Chip is looking to make a clean start having recently served time as an indentured servant.


    I'm pretty flexible here. I could see him as a number of different classes. Spellthief, Beguiler, Factotum, Mystic Ranger, Scout, Hexblade, Warblade, Swordsage.
    Last edited by rypt; 2024-02-23 at 01:32 AM.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground
    SCARY WIZARD's Avatar

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    d20 Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Let us see...! 😼


    ...and the verdict is... Enchanter. Might-could doll up a Sorcerer or Transmuter, though...

    17, 18, 16, 17, 12, 12

    Last edited by SCARY WIZARD; 2024-02-20 at 04:00 PM.
    "I don't want problems solved for me. I want the fishing rod, not the fish." -Yanni

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Troll in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by Ridai View Post
    Savage Tide, huh. Always been curious about this one. Perhaps this might be an opportunity to actually try for being a Scarlet Corsair (the good-leaning, possibly privateer kind). It's horrendously MAD, easily resisted, and easily outclassed by various mages and initiators. But I wanna.

    One of my favorite classes. Funny though, Corsair means Privateer and for setting reasons, the good ones are not Scarlet in this game, they'll be Sasserine Privateers.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    Rilx was born with a curse, marked by fate with platinum blonde hair from two lines of dark brunettes. He was the shame of his parents, and ran away repeatedly. He was apprenticed to a sailor at a young age, to the mutual agreement of himself and his estranged family.

    He had a remarkable aptitude for weapons and was enlisted to the Marine Guard of Sasserine, before being drummed out after a haughty, highborne cleric declared him cursed by the gods and unsuitable for Service.

    Cut loose, he is seeking a job in the only life he knows.

    Two questions:

    1)Do Karsites get the bonus feat and skills of Humans?

    2)s Human Paragon an option? If it were, would it advance 2.5 levels of initiator level at level 3?

    Edit: I assuming the answer to 1 is "no" but I get one bonus feat at level one as I understand it, anyway.

    1. They do, it's even in their statblock.

    2) why would it? Ah, you mean, instead of spellcasting? Na, paragons are just there for the free stats. Not interested in them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rilem View Post
    Quick question: I'm familiar with the storyline; if the group is starting at level 3, is it starting with "There is No Honor" or do you pick up later, when the AP is level3-ish? (I've got a couple of background concepts, but one makes a lot more sense if they're leaving town in a hurry.)
    We will start with "No honor" I just want to start at lvl 3 for flexibility and quickness.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Interested in swashbuckler, fighter or monk.

    (3d6b2)[9] + 6 = 15
    (3d6b2)[9] + 6 = 15
    (3d6b2)[11] + 6 = 17
    (3d6b2)[8] + 6 = 14
    (3d6b2)[11] + 6 = 17
    (3d6b2)[9] + 6 = 15
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-02-20 at 05:21 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Spoiler: rolls

    14, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18

    I might go Hexblade.
    Since Hexblades have access to White Raven, would they benefit from the Song of the White Raven feat (ToB 32), like Crusader and Warblades?
    Last edited by namo; 2024-02-20 at 09:14 AM.
    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
    The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Steven Erikson

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    SECOND TRY: I deleted the initial post because rolling did not work

    My 3.5-fu is weak lately, but it would be fun to play a character away from my usual Mary Sues. I am thinking an archer ranger, or something similar. Should I read the Player Companion of the AP?

    Rolling, rolling, rolling...


    Final rolls 10,13,14,13,14,16
    A thoroughly mediocre roll. OK then

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Ooh. Savage Tide, always enjoyable and a thouroughly good starting adventure

    (3d6b2)[4] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6
    (3d6b2)[8] +6
    (3d6b2)[9] +6
    (3d6b2)[5] +6
    (3d6b2)[5] +6
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Question- so we need to take our Stats in order rolled? If so, I can't afford to have Charisma as my dump stat and will need to ditch this concept.
    GNU Terry Pratchett
    Survived Total War: Mandate of Heaven as The Witch-Doctors
    Thrived in Empire! 7 as the Sakura-Jin

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by namo View Post
    Spoiler: rolls

    14, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18

    I might go Hexblade.
    Since Hexblades have access to White Raven, would they benefit from the Song of the White Raven feat (ToB 32), like Crusader and Warblades?
    It makes sense, yes. I'm smelling multiclassing...

    Quote Originally Posted by ProudGrognard View Post
    SECOND TRY: I deleted the initial post because rolling did not work

    My 3.5-fu is weak lately, but it would be fun to play a character away from my usual Mary Sues. I am thinking an archer ranger, or something similar. Should I read the Player Companion of the AP?

    You can, but don't take anything there to the letter. As DM I'll color myself, otherwise I need to learn and remember everything on the Player Companion. It is easier for me to use my notes. See above in the new spoiler I added.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    Ooh. Savage Tide, always enjoyable and a thouroughly good starting adventure

    [roll0] +6
    [roll1] +6
    [roll2] +6
    [roll3] +6
    [roll4] +6
    [roll5] +6
    Welcome, not the best rolls, but that's workable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
    Question- so we need to take our Stats in order rolled? If so, I can't afford to have Charisma as my dump stat and will need to ditch this concept.
    No, arrange as desired.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by Auranghzeb View Post
    You can, but don't take anything there to the letter. As DM I'll color myself, otherwise I need to learn and remember everything on the Player Companion. It is easier for me to use my notes. See above in the new spoiler I added.
    Thank you for the quick answer. A specific question: The PG states that there are a few elves in Sasserine, and even has one of the families be elven. Can I play an elven ranger and still be a native?

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by Auranghzeb View Post
    Welcome, not the best rolls, but that's workable.
    Dreadful rolls! with 4,5,5 on 3 of them
    I'll work out what I fancy, been a while since I've done 3.5 instead of Pathfinder
    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by ProudGrognard View Post
    Thank you for the quick answer. A specific question: The PG states that there are a few elves in Sasserine, and even has one of the families be elven. Can I play an elven ranger and still be a native?
    Elves? what elves? No family will be elven. However, it makes sense that an elven ranger came here 20-30 years ago as a youngling. Even after the fall of the Sea Princes. These are not typical elven woods, more like insect infested tropical jungles. Your character may be looking for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    Dreadful rolls! with 4,5,5 on 3 of them
    I'll work out what I fancy, been a while since I've done 3.5 instead of Pathfinder
    Yeah, I was being diplomatic, but I have faith in ye.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Ok, I am ready. Here is my character pitch. True to the Big16 instructions, there are no mechanics here. If shortlisted, I will create the charsheet, as instructed.

    Spoiler: Tefkros Telamonassa

    Tefkros Telamonassa is a young elf, hailing from the clan of Nastaroquen in the Amado jungle. Tefkros' people have resided in these lands since time immemorial, and enjoy a certain status among the other elven and non-elven clans. The Nastaroquen are hunters and tamers of wild beasts, herbalists of some renown and lorekeepers of Solonor Thelandira and Fenmarel Mestarine. Tefkros learned to hunt and to fight from the Clan's elders, and to use his Clan's herbal magic from the lorekeepers. In the young age of 100, he was considered a fair shot even by elven standards.
    But Tefkros was a bit strange, by the norms of his people. Something called to him, but he did not know what. He often ignored the demands of his clan and went out alone. He also displayed a great love of luxury and of comforts, resulting in trading things that would have been useful for things that made him more comfortable. His elders chided him again and again, but Tefkros continued to defy them. The final straw was the first time that Tefkros saw the sea, in a trading journey to the Emerald Cove. His heart was enamored, by the city and the sea both. Despite the behests of his family and friends, he went back to the sea the first chance he got. His elders disavowed him and sentenced him to become an outcast for the next century. Tefkros, furious, denounced them in turn and vowed that this was not a punishment, but a blessing.
    This is how, fifty years ago, he ended up in Sasserine. It took him years to get used to life in the human city and decades to get accepted as a native. But Tefkros did not care. He was happy to sail the large human ships as a sailor, a warrior and a hunter. He was happy to live near the eternal but everchanging sea. He even made friends with these short-lived humans. Over the years, his skills adapted to his new life. He is still an archer and a tracker of some renown, and with a fair reputation for impartiality. What do petty, short-lived, human intrigues concern him?

    Tefkros sees himself as a self-appointed ambassador for his people - much to the chagrin of his clan. He believes he must show the world what an elven warrior can do. He has also developed a love of glory and urban luxury, which he sees as an extension of his ethos as a hunter. This is a new kind of jungle, even more interesting, deadly and rewarding than his ancestral lands. And of course, there is the sea.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
    namo's Avatar

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Denya aims to live her life fully, and to laugh out loud through most of it.

    She is gregarious, and trusting by nature: she enjoys making new friends from all walks of life. She is definitely not racist for a human, taking interest in darfellan customs, the idiosyncracies of the elven language, and dwarven jokes. She is an avid reader too - even she likes getting away from the ruckus of the harbour from time to time: she then retires to an isolated creek for a few hours.

    She likes to haggle, and will try to get the best deals for her and her friends.

    Short background
    Denya was born and raised in Sasserine. Her elder brother Tern fell in with some bad types - smugglers - a long time back and they're not on speaking terms anymore. Her dad is long gone: he sailed away when she was 6, never to return. Her mother lives with her aunt.
    ...that's the official story: in truth, her dad is a member of the Mervanchi family, but he refused to recognize his bastard children. Denya is unaware of this.

    Denya survives through odd jobs: guarding a shipment, acting as bouncer for a night... sometimes just carrying packages or dragging crates around town. But she is not content to sit tight in this backwater: she aims to travel the world, and perhaps become famous.
    Her main claim to fame right now is her voice, a suave contralto that carries far, and that she has learned to charge with power. So far it hasn't been enough to bring her fame and fortune.

    She does not know much about sailing. She spends time every day sparring against sailors, both on solid ground and on the tilting, unstable deck of small boats, to practice her skills and also, hopefully, get noticed by a potential employer. They humor her because she's fun, and skilled in her own way.

    What she will be like in-game
    Her personality translates into a flashy combat style: while she may not be the most efficient, cold-blooded brawler, she can sure put on a performance, dancing around blows or throwing her opponents around!

    She uses her voice to empower allies and weaken enemies in turn.

    With her full lips, tilted eyes and long, long hair, Denya has a kind of exotic beauty that does not leave people indifferent.

    She likes to get noticed, and wears clothes with many colours, as well as bangles (anklets, bracelets - all sorts!).
    The long, sharp weapon she carries shows however that she is not easy prey and knows how to defend herself.

    Spoiler: Picture

    Links to some other submissions
    She has worked with Eli (rilem) as a bouncer a couple of times; they have similar talents.

    She's come across Aron (DrK) while on errands, but doesn't know that they are related.

    She could be friends with Cygnia (Abiano) [if the player agrees to it]; they share similar dreams.
    Last edited by namo; 2024-02-22 at 04:24 AM.
    "Even gods must learn to control their tempers, lest they set a bad example."
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  24. - Top - End - #24
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Well, let's see what a roll grants me at least...

    (3d6b2)[8] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6
    (3d6b2)[11] +6
    (3d6b2)[8] +6
    (3d6b2)[6] +6
    (3d6b2)[4] +6

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG



  26. - Top - End - #26
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    I know exactly what im for some DICE!!

    (3d6b2)[4] +6
    (3d6b2)[5] +6
    (3d6b2)[7] +6
    (3d6b2)[9] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6
    (3d6b2)[10] +6

    Brannick the Bold


    Tall and strong, Brannick stands like a regal noble lord, he has the bearing, but upon closer inspection, he is a little rugged around the edges. His steel blue eyes pierce through his ruggedness, contrasting to his grey hair and beard, almost as if he has seen things. His tagged but yet, royal looking cloak hang on his shoulders, with his royal blue coat underneath.


    Brannick is a thoughtful man, and applies this to all of his actions, attempting to figure things out, and apply the correct amount of effort as is appropriate. While smart, he is more of a social butterfly, and can rub elbows with nobles and beggars alike, a poor facsimile of a Paladin.


    Brannick is a bastard son of a noble long dead to the city, though their ancestors may remain within the city proper as the elite. Not So for Brannick, being the bastard son, he was given no heed, and was left to fend for himself. His family dates back to the old Suel Empire. And, having stumbled upon an ancient grimoire of Ancient Suloise, he realized what he found was perhaps valuable to some, he absconded with the tome, and fled the city. He became a self made man on a mission, he was hunting for anything that could help him read his book, so he could learn its secrets and unlock them. Hopefully becoming something along the way, and not having to rely on his family, who doesn't even recognize him anyway.

    He has found his way back to the city of his origins, book in hand, and new, but old language learned, what could he find here that could help him on his transformative journey....


    Fighter into Suel Archanamach
    Last edited by BelGareth; 2024-02-21 at 05:57 PM.

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    "I have a high art; I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me." -Archilochus

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  27. - Top - End - #27
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Well with the change to how Paladins work I'm up for that. Let's see how the dice shake out.


    So... 17, 16, 15, 15, 9, 9...? I can work with that.
    Last edited by Infernally Clay; 2024-02-20 at 06:20 PM.
    "Don't think of it as dying," said Death,
    "Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Mechanically, I know I want to do something with skirmish. Probably something with Swift Hunter and Mystic Ranger, maybe stir in some Sword of the Arcane Order and Swiftblade down the road?

    As far as fluff goes, I'm thinking the younger brother and former sparring partner of a competitive duelist who becomes indentured to a pirate crew after his older brother tries to bet on and fix his own bouts. When the older brother's scheme is discovered, he skips town, leaving his younger brother to deal with the fallout. Maybe his period of servitude is just ending at the start of the campaign, or maybe the rest of his ship's crew has just been killed in some way that serves as a hook for the campaign moving forward.
    Last edited by rypt; 2024-02-20 at 09:06 PM.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    A build stub in the spoiler below

    Spoiler: Build Stub

    Aron Mervanchi


    A tall and regal looking young man with a handsome face, tousled dark black hair and piercing green eyes he is normally garbed in fine noble's robes and stout work clothes for his day job. As a magic user he tries to keep an air of mystery around and his clothes are normally accented by a range of (non-magical) charms and fetishes that lend credibility to his day job in Blenakk's Bazzaar.


    Aron comes across as friendly, approachable and with a naive love for magic that you'd expect for one that works in a magic shop having been expelled from The Witchwarden Tower having fallen afoul of Magister Lux. Behind the banal facade that he shows to the clients in the shop, (a job that he managed to get thanks to his father Zebula's influence with Master Blenakk (and his obscure tastes that Zebula can cater for at Minx Market in the merchant district) however Aron is calculating, and has a lust for power, knowledge and has long viewed that magic is the path to that. He is determined in that regard and willing to put himself in some danger to achieve that goal.


    The third son of Zebula Mervanchi he grew up in his family's estate in the pampered Noble's district of the city. There he would see the shows and watch with admiration the students going in and out the Witchwarden Tower and practicing minor magics in the shops and cafes in the district. From a young age he didn't want to follow his father into the flesh trade catering for the decadent appetites of the wealthy and instead chose to study magic to gain his own power base. Something that his father actually supported as the noble head of the family could see advantages in a magister in the family.

    However, delving too deeply into the libraries in the WItchwarden Tower and getting caught by Mitsress Lux resulted in his rapid expelling from the school and some groveling to his father who arranged a job for him at Blenakk's where he could still pick up elements of magical training and power from the sage and the various patrons of the store. There he also started to dip into moonlighting as a "spell for hire" where he would frequent the Six Swords in the Champions district or the Notched Axe in the shadowshore to raise funds. This has led to an improvement in his magical skills, even if also more frequent needs of the apothecaries... Its also given him a small reputation as a reliable and discreet spell caster who can be relied upon in a scuffle, even if that has mainly been confined to events within the city or once, helping with a strange monstrous beast that had waylaying caravans of the Kellani family on their plantation.


    To be confirmed.... he's going to be an arcane caster. But currently not sure if it will be straight wizard, beguiler, rogue/wizard/arcane trickster or a gish... But mainly arcane caster.

    Thanks to Emperor Ing for the nice Avatar

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Troll in the Playground

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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG

    Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
    A build stub in the spoiler below

    Spoiler: Build Stub

    Aron Mervanchi


    A tall and regal looking young man with a handsome face, tousled dark black hair and piercing green eyes he is normally garbed in fine noble's robes and stout work clothes for his day job. As a magic user he tries to keep an air of mystery around and his clothes are normally accented by a range of (non-magical) charms and fetishes that lend credibility to his day job in Blenakk's Bazzaar.


    Aron comes across as friendly, approachable and with a naive love for magic that you'd expect for one that works in a magic shop having been expelled from The Witchwarden Tower having fallen afoul of Magister Lux. Behind the banal facade that he shows to the clients in the shop, (a job that he managed to get thanks to his father Zebula's influence with Master Blenakk (and his obscure tastes that Zebula can cater for at Minx Market in the merchant district) however Aron is calculating, and has a lust for power, knowledge and has long viewed that magic is the path to that. He is determined in that regard and willing to put himself in some danger to achieve that goal.


    The third son of Zebula Mervanchi he grew up in his family's estate in the pampered Noble's district of the city. There he would see the shows and watch with admiration the students going in and out the Witchwarden Tower and practicing minor magics in the shops and cafes in the district. From a young age he didn't want to follow his father into the flesh trade catering for the decadent appetites of the wealthy and instead chose to study magic to gain his own power base. Something that his father actually supported as the noble head of the family could see advantages in a magister in the family.

    However, delving too deeply into the libraries in the WItchwarden Tower and getting caught by Mitsress Lux resulted in his rapid expelling from the school and some groveling to his father who arranged a job for him at Blenakk's where he could still pick up elements of magical training and power from the sage and the various patrons of the store. There he also started to dip into moonlighting as a "spell for hire" where he would frequent the Six Swords in the Champions district or the Notched Axe in the shadowshore to raise funds. This has led to an improvement in his magical skills, even if also more frequent needs of the apothecaries... Its also given him a small reputation as a reliable and discreet spell caster who can be relied upon in a scuffle, even if that has mainly been confined to events within the city or once, helping with a strange monstrous beast that had waylaying caravans of the Kellani family on their plantation.


    To be confirmed.... he's going to be an arcane caster. But currently not sure if it will be straight wizard, beguiler, rogue/wizard/arcane trickster or a gish... But mainly arcane caster.

    This is really cool, Though I don't think a Mervanchi needs an actual job, if any, i see the job being like a favor to the family to cater the young Mervanchi's "foolish" dreams of being a wizard.

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