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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    “I don’t know that the thought of going to an Otherworld is comforting,” Akiko says to Chrétien. “But that does offer a few explanations.”

    She moves back a half step from the window as something races across it. This was reminding her way too much of the weirdness of her dream just a few minutes ago.

    “Who is this lady you’re talking about? What calling?” she asks the exchange student.

    As Arata and Yoshiro mention leaving for the hospital, Akiko starts to head for the second floor. “I’m gonna go check on Koji and Sasaki-chan. They could’ve been caught in… whatever just happened too.”

    Akiko heads straight for Koji’s door and knocks loudly. “Hey, Koji! You okay in there?”

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Chotto Matte:

    Sakuma is trapped in his own thoughts, slowly coming to grips with the unhinged reality before him compared to what should and ought be... He could feel that presence helping bridge the gap.

    He starts from his reverie as Akiko heads up stairs. "Wait, Akiko-san, that's the boy's floor." He mutters reflexively. He starts after her and stops on the steps, looking back toward Tien-san and the others, and the ruddy skies outside. "We should... probably try to stick together, or at least avoid being alone."

    He sighs. "I'll be back." and hurries up the stairs after Akiko.

    After checking on her, he'll continue on towards Sasaki's room on the girls' floor. "Turnaround is fair play, I guess." Sakuma muttered.

    Notice: 4....

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Yoshiro's head whips around as Akiko mentions Koji, and when she runs off, his eyes widen.

    “A-Arata-senpai….. do you think?”

    Arata puts his free hand on Yoshiro's shoulder. “I'm sure he's ok, Yoshiro-kun. And you can drop the honorifics with me. They won't do us much good if we're in the Otherworld as Chrétien-San says.”

    He looks at the Frenchman. “But you're probably right. In which case, we need a way back. Any ideas?”

    Yoshiro shakes his head. “I can tell there's movement all around us, but I'm only sensing us here. It's like…. That voice gave me a sort of radar.”

    As Akiko knocks on the door, there is no answer. The door also opens on its own, and Koji's room is empty.

    As Sakuma reaches Sasaki’s room, the same occurs. It's almost strange how much more spacious the girls’ rooms are than the boys’.

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    As the door opens at her knock, the cold tingle of dread shoots down Akiko’s spine. Her respiration increases as her eyes dart around Koji’s room.

    Her first incoherent thought is that he’s obviously playing a prank on her. But there room was small and the closet was open. There was nowhere to hide.

    There’s a few boxes of his things that she recognized, and his jacket was draped over the back of the chair at his desk. There wasn’t any doubt that she’d knocked at the right room.

    He was gone.

    She swallows to wet her dry throat before pulling out her phone to try and text him. Her fingers tremble on the black screen. Dead. Just like the TV.

    Akiko grits her teeth and closes the door. She makes her way back down the stairs with much less urgency than she climbed them.

    When she arrives back in the common room, her gaze moves to Yoshiro and darts away almost guiltily. “He’s… not there.”

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    One Door Opens:


    Sakuma Matsuyo stared in consternation as 'Sasaki's' door swung open at his touch. He chewed his lip.

    I can't just... walk into a girl's room.
    It's an emergency though.
    What if
    we're the crazy ones though?
    What if
    she needs more help than we do?

    Taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders, the red-haired youth pushes on the door with greater intent and strides into the room.

    Sakuma's semi-practiced eye sweeps the room quickly. A total, definite, disconcerting lack of oppai life.

    The youth's frown returns. Turning on his heel he stiffly marches back out into the empty, quiet hallway. He sighs disgustedly and marches from door to door, knocking at the first two, and then simply pushing open into the handful after, throwing each door open with greater violence and desperation than the one prior until eventually he was back at the end of the hall, across from Usagi-chan's room.

    He looked at ground for a moment, down the hallway of open dorms, then back at the stairs.

    He sighed and adjusted his vest.

    The pistol was a comforting weight beneath it.

    Sakuma Matsuyo went back down the stairs to the common room, sparing only a glance to see if Akiko was on the boys' floor.

    "I think it's just us." He announced from the landing.

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    La Dame du La Lac,” Chrétien replied to Akiko reverently before she dashed off to inspect the rooms for their occupants. “It was her voice that called me to serve her — to serve a higher calling. If it be madness to accept, so be it.”

    As his two friends depart to inspect the other floors, Chrétien drew a chair over to the window in the hopes of getting a better view of what was happening at the street level. “Where are you sensing these movements, Yoshiro, are they in the building or outside? Knowing where others are will be helpful — although it is not spoken of the the older storied my mother studies. Oh — and see if you can tell the difference between out two volunteer scouts and the others as they inspect the higher floors.”

    Chrétien was glad the leather of his pants was supple enough to not hinder him stepping onto the seat of the chair. Something thicker would be better armor, of course, but it would…

    Chrétien stopped and looked down at himself.

    His pants were leather, dyed almost to an olive color that perfectly matched a snug fitting, multi-buttoned waistcoat. The sleeveless blue jacket was a royal blue with a military cut. His boots, were a polished brown but a quick shifting of his feet confirmed a modern sole — one that would keep him from losing his footing should he draw his rapier in anger. His sword belt lay over a red sash that both felt separate from and a part of the rest of the ensemble.

    His hand reached up and felt the cravat at his neck.

    He drew out his cell phone to get a view of the thing.

    He didn’t even know how to tie a cravat. Where had this thing come from?

    At least it was not lacy in style, he assured himself — much more d'Artagnan than Louis Quatorze.

    Not that he was sure either wore such a thing.

    He glanced at the others in the room, surveying their mode of dress to ascertain if they, too, had changed. The look felt so natural to him — in the way sheathing the rapier had been second nature — that it only now occurred to him that he was no longer in his school uniform. What of the others? Had they changed, too, and their own comfort make it seem tres normal?

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Yoshiro and Arata looked confused at the name given by Chrétien. Granted, Arata knew a little French from their interactions, Yoshiro was left entirely in the dark. At his other question while the others ran upstairs, he looked at the ground.

    "I-it's not so much seeing as sensing. I'm feeling them outside, but they don't feel familiar." He draws a sharp breath as he looks again. "Almost terrifying."

    Arata also looks at the window in his new black leather armor with feather patterns adorned on the bracers and boots. He sat the naginata against the wall with the point down and adjusted the bracers and duster. They seemed to fit well. Yoshiro was still in his regular clothes.

    "Yoshiro-kun, if you're sensing what we saw earlier today, then maybe we should all be ready to fight. Doesn't look like you got the same treatment of weapons and suits that we did so we'll protect you on the road then."

    Yoshiro looked up at Arata and nodded, a look of fear in his eyes. "Y-yes, Arata-senpai." He then looked at Chrétien and closed his eyes to focus on Akiko and Sakuma. He shook his head a bit and then nodded after a moment. "There is a difference. So if anything, I can see you all clearly. The others out there feel like..." He was stuck on the word. "Shadows."

    When Akiko came back down with the news, Yoshiro looked at the ground and nodded. "I..... I thought so after what Chrétien-senpai just had me try. So we really are...."

    At Sakuma's words, Arata nodded. "Yep." He grabbed the naginata again. "We should get-"

    Arata is cut off by a banging on the door, and the next moment it flies open revealing three entities.

    "Well, it seems like humans have wandered in." The first says.

    "I haven't had human in ages! Maybe now our worlds will collide again and we can feast!" The second pipes up.

    "Shut up you Hee-ho moron! They may be intelligent enough to understand us." The third looks a lot like the one you saw at the maze.

    Arata readies his blade. "Get behind us, Yoshiro-kun. At least one of them is smart." He smirks at the jack-o-lantern.

    "Hee-ho hee-ho hee! A human with a challenge!"

    READY FOR COMBAT! Our heroes move first!

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
    Yoshiro and Arata looked confused at the name given by Chrétien. Granted, Arata knew a little French from their interactions, Yoshiro was left entirely in the dark. At his other question while the others ran upstairs, he looked at the ground.

    "I-it's not so much seeing as sensing. I'm feeling them outside, but they don't feel familiar." He draws a sharp breath as he looks again. "Almost terrifying."

    Arata also looks at the window in his new black leather armor with feather patterns adorned on the bracers and boots. He sat the naginata against the wall with the point down and adjusted the bracers and duster. They seemed to fit well. Yoshiro was still in his regular clothes.

    "Yoshiro-kun, if you're sensing what we saw earlier today, then maybe we should all be ready to fight. Doesn't look like you got the same treatment of weapons and suits that we did so we'll protect you on the road then."

    Yoshiro looked up at Arata and nodded, a look of fear in his eyes. "Y-yes, Arata-senpai." He then looked at Chrétien and closed his eyes to focus on Akiko and Sakuma. He shook his head a bit and then nodded after a moment. "There is a difference. So if anything, I can see you all clearly. The others out there feel like..." He was stuck on the word. "Shadows."

    When Akiko came back down with the news, Yoshiro looked at the ground and nodded. "I..... I thought so after what Chrétien-senpai just had me try. So we really are...."

    At Sakuma's words, Arata nodded. "Yep." He grabbed the naginata again. "We should get-"

    Arata is cut off by a banging on the door, and the next moment it flies open revealing three entities.

    "Well, it seems like humans have wandered in." The first says.

    "I haven't had human in ages! Maybe now our worlds will collide again and we can feast!" The second pipes up.

    "Shut up you Hee-ho moron! They may be intelligent enough to understand us." The third looks a lot like the one you saw at the maze.

    Arata readies his blade. "Get behind us, Yoshiro-kun. At least one of them is smart." He smirks at the jack-o-lantern.

    "Hee-ho hee-ho hee! A human with a challenge!"

    READY FOR COMBAT! Our heroes move first!
    “I wouldn’t concern yourself overmuch,” Chrétien observed as he stepped down from the chair and drew his rapier. “I’m sure our understanding is sufficiently limited that we won’t be able to follow.

    En garde!” the exchange student warned as he awkwardly thrust at his enemies.

    Spoiler: More Elan than Accuracy
    Attack!: 2d6o6+1 6

    Chrétien misses and suffers a setback!

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Akiko takes a few steps back as the three shadows enter the room. Wha—what are those? They want to eat us!? She thinks in horror.

    Her hands grow slack on the haft of her axe as the exchange student lunges at one of the evil looking beings.

    You must fight, the voice from her dreams whispers in her ear. They will indeed eat you should you fall.

    “I can’t,” Akiko says, her eyes wide.

    You can, her demonic companion retorts. I will assist you. It would not do for this rabble to best you.

    A black silhouette phases into existence behind Akiko for just a moment. It beckons a clawed hand upward at the Slime and red and black energy erupts from beneath the Shadow, bathing it in evil energy, before fading back out of reality.

    OOC: Eiha to Hit: 8
    Damage (Curse): 3

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Court is in Session:

    Up on the landing, Sakuma rocks back on his heels as the monsters enter the room. His eyes grow wide and his jaw slackens, a lit cigarette falls from his lips to the floor.

    The red-headed youth's form flickers as Chretien attempts to stab one of the monsters, but Sakuma still doesn't move.

    The black silhouette's appearance and subsequent eruption of energy shock the boy into motion.

    He takes a half step forward, his clothes stuttering his movement, one frame - his casual outfit from the day. The next, black leather trousers and a white shirt beneath a black vest and a darker coat, trimmed in silver and exaggerated vertebrae. The humble newsboy cap evaporates, replaced with a broad-brimmed hat, the bastard child of a gambler and a capotain.

    Sakuma's gloved hand snakes into his coat and pulls forth the revolver that felt made for his gloved hand. He blades himself and aims at the pumpkin-headed thing in one smooth motion...

    and fires.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/Whatnot

    Basic Shot: 11!
    Damage: 5 Ranged vs. The Jack-O-Lantern Hee-Ho!

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Yoshiro yelped and rushed to hide behind a chair, as Arata struck the shadowy man with his naginata. The demons all hissed as the respective attacks hit, though the one that Chrétien struck whirls around to strike him again, narrowly missing his target.

    The slime looks at Akiko with surprise and snarls. "ThEsE hUmAnS HaVe MaGiC!!" He lunges at her and manages a glancing hit.

    The Jack-o-lantern cackles as it looks at Sakuma. "HEE-HO!! Then magic we go!" He shouts as a ball of flame fires at Sakuma and hits him square.

    The Dybbuk is hit by Arata, and misses its counter on Chrétien.
    The Slime attacks Akiko for 3 damage!
    Pyro Jack hits Sakuma for 4 fire damage!
    Heroes have initiative!

  12. - Top - End - #72
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Courtroom Drama:

    Sakuma's eyes widen as the fireball grows larger in his vision. The youth wards himself, crossing his blackclad arms across his face and flinching. The impact throws him back against the wall. He staggers back through the smoke, his clothes normal again. He coughs, barely keeping one eye open against the smoke and the pain. A hasty shot puts a bullet through the glass of the front door.

    Not Good...

    Basic Shot: 3...

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    The Slime’s lunge sends Akiko staggering back a few steps. She could feel a dull pain in her shoulder where its oddly firm body he struck her that she knew would bruise tomorrow.

    If they lived to see tomorrow.

    “Sakuma!” she calls out in horror as he’s hit with the ball of flame.

    You see? the voice says in her ear. Find your courage to fight. Or die.

    Akiko takes several shallow breaths as she looks at her classmates and the demons that they faced. She closes her eyes for a moment as various moment of her life appear in her thoughts. I… don’t want to die!

    Her clothes shift in that moment, turning into a tight assassin’s outfit made of black leather and a cloak with an inner lining of ornate purple cloth.

    Alright, Ruin Collector, she thinks as she throws back her hood. Help me.

    I thought you’d never ask, he replies with a dark chuckle.

    Her shadowy companion appears behind her again, and this time she raises her own hand in conjunction with his, bathing the Slime is more cursed energy.

    OOC: To Hit Roll (Slime): 9

    Eiha (Curse) Damage using Pulse (1SP): 7

  14. - Top - End - #74
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Spoiler: Riposte!
    Attack!: 2d6o6+1 8

    Damage (if applicable): 1d6+1 7

    Chrétien hastily parried and riposted, keenly aware that it was only his friends’ ranged attacks that had likely prevented his overextension from having fatal consequences. His HEMA classes were serving him well here but not so well as he might like. And unlike those bouts, this one carried the risk of death or dismemberment in a world other than his own.

    Would his family ever know? Or would he merely become one who had disappeared?

    He would have to make sure no one ever found out — which required him to live.

  15. - Top - End - #75
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High


    The Dybbuk looks down at Chrétien's rapier and spits a curse at him as it falls over and disappears. The Slime and Pyro Jack look over and roar as they continue their assault. Yoshiuro screams out from behind the couch.

    "Sakuma-senpai, aim for the lantern! Arata, use your Persona on it! Don't attack that Slime with anything physical!"

    Arata turned to the Slime at first, but then to the Pyro Jack and spins the naginata so the point faces the floor. "MANIFEST!" A giant black bird-like creature appears behind him as an icicle spears the pumpkin, knocking it down.

    Arata shouts at Sakuma. "Passing the baton!"

    The Slime lunges at Arata in retaliation but crashes into the wall.

    The Dybuuk is slain!
    Yoshiro uses Analyze on the Slime.
    Arata uses Bufu on the Pyro Jack and Downed.
    Sakuma gains a One More for an extra attack.
    The Slime attacks Arata and misses.
    Arata passes the baton to Sakuma, he has a +1 on the next attack.
    Our Heroes go.
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-05-03 at 01:46 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
    "Sakuma-senpai, aim for the lantern! Arata, use your Persona on it! Don't attack that Slime with anything physical!"
    Chrétien's sense of triumph was short lived. Yes, his opponent had dissipated in response to his better-aimed thrust but the recommendations and commands Arata and Yoshiuro had begun using made no sense to him. The words he understood — or at least he thought he understood them — but their significance was alien, as if there were a layer to their meaning that his classes and outside reading had not covered.

    Perhaps a persona was slang for one of the weapons they had manifested.

    “Use our what?” he demanded as he circled the tip of his blade around and under the lantern before delivering a a smart rap to the scarecrow’s wrist.

    Catching the lantern by its handle with the tip of his blade, Chrétien stepped back, disengaging from his new opponent and readying himself as best he could for whatever surprise came next.

    Spoiler: Complete Success!
    Attack!: 2d6o6+1 11

    Chrétien adroitly knocks the lantern from the Pyro Jack’s hand!

    If an 11 is good enough, can he have it now hanging from the end of his rapier?
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2024-05-03 at 08:15 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #77
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Akiko’s eyes widen as the shadow of some kind of bird appears briefly behind Arata and attacks at his command. He had something like Ruin Collector too. Was that what Shiro meant by ‘Persona’?

    How does Shiro know that though?

    She focuses on the slime, and, reading her intentions, Ruin Collector attacks it mentally, sliding knives of psychic energy into it’s head where it’s brain should be.

    OOC: Psi To Hit- 10!
    Psi Damage- 8

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Jury Duty:

    Sakuma staggers into the wall and braces himself, sighting down his revolver with eyes still stung by smoke.

    He hears Yoshiro's commands, muffled, like being shouted from another room.

    He spies the lantern and starts to line up a shot. His brain processes the sight before him, seeing the lantern dangling from Chretien's sword.

    The red-haired youth frowns, hesitating, before shifting his aim back to the jack-o-lantern itself and firing again. Plugging another round into the floating monster's body.

    Spoiler: OOC/Mechanics/Whatnot

  19. - Top - End - #79
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    The Slime lets out a death rattle as the knives piece it's viscous body, fading away to ash.

    Pyro Jack turns and glares at the frenchman as his lantern is stolen and then turns back to Sakuma. "N-n-now wait a hee-ho minute!"

    The shot from Sakuma's nails its head before it can make its plea. The demon begins to dissolve before any innards spill from the bullet holes.

    Yoshiro comes out from his hiding spot and looks around. "Looks like that's all of them for now. That other one seems to have run away, but it could be back any minute now."

    Arata looks around and starts to check on Sakuma's injuries. "You ok dude? Seems like you had a pretty nasty hit there." He turns to Yoshiro. "And what did you call that thing? A Persona, like... the game we played?" His expression was confused as Yoshiro nodded.

    "That's what the voice that called to me said. It told me what to look for, and to call these things Personas." He looked at the ground. "I just hide and tried to focus like what Chrétien-san suggested earlier. No weapon means I can't fight like you guys."

    Arata offered a comforting smile. "Hey, if it works, it works. And so long as we all lived. Seems weird that it just kinda, took control after you said that." He looks at the spot where the Pyro Jack had been a moment earlier. "Persona, huh..... wonder if we're the only ones......"

    Combat Ends!
    Each Party member gets 6 XP!
    The demons dropped 2000 yen, a Agi Stone, and a Revival Bead.
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-05-08 at 08:34 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
    The Slime lets out a death rattle as the knives piece it's viscous body, fading away to ash.

    Pyro Jack turns and glares at the frenchman as his lantern is stolen and then turns back to Sakuma. "N-n-now wait a hee-ho minute!"

    The shot from Sakuma's nails its head before it can make its plea. The demon begins to dissolve before any innards spill from the bullet holes.

    Yoshiro comes out from his hiding spot and looks around. "Looks like that's all of them for now. That other one seems to have run away, but it could be back any minute now."

    Arata looks around and starts to check on Sakuma's injuries. "You ok dude? Seems like you had a pretty nasty hit there." He turns to Yoshiro. "And what did you call that thing? A Persona, like... the game we played?" His expression was confused as Yoshiro nodded.

    "That's what the voice that called to me said. It told me what to look for, and to call these things Personas." He looked at the ground. "I just hide and tried to focus like what Chrétien-san suggested earlier. No weapon means I can't fight like you guys."

    Arata offered a comforting smile. "Hey, if it works, it works. And so long as we all lived. Seems weird that it just kinda, took control after you said that." He looks at the spot where the Pyro Jack had been a moment earlier. "Persona, huh..... wonder if we're the only ones......"

    Combat Ends!
    Each Party member gets 6 XP!
    The demons dropped 2000 yen, a Agi Stone, and a Revival Bead.
    We work differently and for different purposes, the Lady of the Lake told Chrétien. Through you, my champion, I can effect your world — so long as you serve me. In time, you may learn to do this on thine own. For now, call me forth that I may heal thy friend.

    Chrétien obeyed.

    Taking the lantern from the edge of his rapier, he dripped to one knee, bowing his head and resting his rapier, point down, on the floor.

    Before him, the Lady of the Lake, bearing a golden cup, shimmered into existence as if walking out of a mist. She stepped forward, smiling gently and extending the chalice towards Sakuma.

    “Drink,” she said in a tone that floated somewhere between an invitation and a command. “Drink and be healed.”

    Spoiler: The Lady heals Sakuma!
    Diarama: 2d6+2 9

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Troll in the Playground

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    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High


    Sakuma walks down the stairs with a frown, his clothing flickering before evaporating and leaving his slightly singed casual attire behind.

    He pops the cylinder of the revolver and checks the load: Three outta six.

    He tucks the revolver back in it's holster.

    The red-headed youth is stopped in his tracks by the manifestation of the Lady of the Lake. Saucer-eyed, he takes the chalice and drinks, the singed fibers and carbon residue and marred flesh melting away, good as new.

    "Th-Thanks?" He offers the ethereal vision.

    "I think I'm fine now." He offers to Arata's question.

    Sakuma's eyes narrow as he watches Yoshiro and Arata's interaction. He nods, as if resolving something.

    "What aren't you telling us, Arata? You seem really comfortable with all this, gung-ho even."

    Sakuma plants his feet and crosses his arms, not quite resting his fingers on the holstered revolver, not quite gauging the distance between himself and his classmate.

  22. - Top - End - #82
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Akiko lets out a long breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. We didn’t die! I thought we were going to be dinner for those things for sure.

    Without thinking, she releases grip on her axe and it disintegrates into black ash that is quickly carried away by the cold wind coming through the open door.

    She watches with great interest as the Lady of the Lake manifests before Sakuma. She didn’t look like some demon, unlike Ruin Collector.

    After waiting for Arata’s response to Sakuma’s question, she turns to Yoshiro. “Did the voice tell you anything else?”

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Quote Originally Posted by big teej View Post

    "I think I'm fine now." He offers to Arata's question.

    Sakuma's eyes narrow as he watches Yoshiro and Arata's interaction. He nods, as if resolving something.

    "What aren't you telling us, Arata? You seem really comfortable with all this, gung-ho even."

    Sakuma plants his feet and crosses his arms, not quite resting his fingers on the holstered revolver, not quite gauging the distance between himself and his classmate.
    Arata looks over at Sakuma and holds up his hands in front of him. "N-no no no, I'm just as weirded out by this as you guys are. If anything, I feel we got lucky and right now my only thought is to try and remain composed if we can. We gotta get back home."

    He sighed. "Part of the rumor with the Persona game was that a group of kids ended up reaching another world and learning the truth of it all. Seeing that the lines between dimensions were not as distinct as we had thought and that their true selves would be the key to making that line more distinct. It ended up being that they were chosen to do it."

    "I didn't think it had any merit behind it, or that the fortune teller would end up having us dive into another world. And I'm pretty freaked out, but until we know what's going on, it doesn't do much but to keep moving forward." He shrugged. "At least, that's how I'm looking at it."

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    After waiting for Arata’s response to Sakuma’s question, she turns to Yoshiro. “Did the voice tell you anything else?”
    Yoshiro looked at Akiko after Arata's speech. "Just that we should stay here, and someone is coming to-"

    Before Yoshiro can finish, there is a knock on the door with a familiar voice. "I suppose you couldn't wait until I could talk to you then. May I enter?"

    The figure opens the dorm doors and closes them behind her, you all recognize her as Nadia from the festival. "Well then, we don't have much time so let me be quick, and we'll cover how this is going to be a safe zone from now on."

    She looks back at the doors and snaps her fingers, as a brilliant light engulfs them much like a forcefield. "Not according to plan, but I suppose this will have to do. Where did you all enter from?"

  24. - Top - End - #84
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Akiko shakes her head as Arata talks. “Who were these kids? Where did this rumor start anyway?”

    She stares at the fortune teller as she enters the dorm and with every word that she speaks, Akiko’s anger begins to build. “According to plan?” she repeats in a quiet voice that slowly grows in volume. “What do you mean, ‘according to plan’? You gave us those cursed cards knowing that we would end up in this… Hell?”

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    Akiko shakes her head as Arata talks. “Who were these kids? Where did this rumor start anyway?”

    She stares at the fortune teller as she enters the dorm and with every word that she speaks, Akiko’s anger begins to build. “According to plan?” she repeats in a quiet voice that slowly grows in volume. “What do you mean, ‘according to plan’? You gave us those cursed cards knowing that we would end up in this… Hell?”
    “Hell has but one gate,” Chrétien replied softly, trying to reassure his classmate — discomforted by the sudden thought that He’ll might be far more real than he had conceived. “The Otherworld has many. Any pool might serve and yet remain hidden to mortal eyes. And the Lady of the Lake would not be free to appear in infernal realms.”

    He turned to the seer, shaking his head at the change of cadence that was coming into his voice — from deep within rather than imposed from without. “No pool served us this night — if night it still be. The basement of our dorm was where our ritual took place and became our point of entry.

    “I would call it ill-advised but something higher seemed to be guiding our actions and words. I can only hope that we were called rather than acted foolishly.”

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High


    Sakuma frowns at Arata's suspiciously elaborate answer, but says nothing as the tide of conversation carries past into the fortune teller's reappearance.

    This is all just a little too convenient... Sakuma thinks.

    His eyes don't waver from the fortune teller, not even as Akiko vents her frustration. As she talks, Sakuma takes a few steps back to be closer to her and holds out a hand. "Let her talk. She might be our only way out of here."

    The photographer's voice is flat and emotionless.

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Persona! Gosei High


    Before anything else transpires, Arata looks at Akiko and explains a bit. "From what was said, they were students at St. Hermlin High. It seems like the rumor started soon after they went to the hospital following the events because five of them blacked out. No one knows their names though."

    Nadia looks around and first stops at the scene between Sakuma and Arata, then focuses on Akiko as Chrétien explains to her their journey thus far. Looking at Akiko, she bows.

    "Yes, I was planning to bring you all to this, Hell, the Shadow World. But my plan included a space to adjust to it, rather than diving head first, and following the awakening of your abilities, a choice to go forward with what needed to be done, or to turn back." She sighs and regret comes across her face. "It seems that fate had other plans. But I will still offer the choice, I only ask that you hear me out."

    She opens the book in her hands, and you each see cards float up from the pages. This time, the cards have an image of the beings talking in your minds, and the ones that Akiko and Arata summoned.

    "To start with, you have all awakened to the power of Persona. Much as what Arata-san and Yoshiro-san had mentioned. These are reflections of your true self, a mask if you will that one wears to the outer world. And it seems as though some planned to share more with their user than most." She looks at the pair again. "These can also affect your personality, such as how Chrétien-san here seems much more akin to a knight now than earlier today."

    "The beings that you all fought a moment ago, those demons, we call them Shadows. They are the enemy of mankind, but someone is controlling them right now. Trying to infringe on our world to cover it in darkness. I believe you all experienced a bit of this at the festival today." She looks for confirmation, and once it comes as Yoshiro nods his head, she continues. "You being able to come out of that state, is why I chose you all."

    She stops for a moment, and counts each of you. "Wait, wasn't there a sixth? And come to think of it, allow me to make sure that your electronics will work in this world. It is a reflection of ours, so the layout is the same, and having access to maps will be a necessity should you choose to continue."

    She waves her hand and you each hear your phones chime on. Sakuma's camera is now fully functional as well. "There, and I'll set a door in the basement too, that only you all can see."

    Before moving to the basement she looks around. "My Master..... or should I say, Father, is trapped somewhere in this world. He would usually be the one to call on you, but my sisters and brother have all been taken as well. That fog in Inaba, it should be gone for good. One of your teachers, she shouldn't even be here in this city. Someone or something has manipulated events in the past to change them drastically. I want to lead an investigation into why this is occurring, or even if we have just all been launched into an alternate timeline. Shadows normally act on instinct purely, but they have organized."

    She looks up at everyone. "I am deeply sorry for not explaining this all at first, but I really did not expect you to be lead here without all this information. I will do everything in my power to assist on the investigation. I won't ask for an answer now unless you are sure, but I would like one by the end of the week if possible. Are there any other questions for now?"
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-06-13 at 11:17 AM.

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