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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Korvosa was a city in turmoil. After a lifetime of scandals, king Eodred Arabasti II has taken ill and is in seclusion. Some parts of the city hold their breath in anticipation, waiting for the king to pull through, while others hope an end to his reign. For the people of the streets, such matters are of little importance. The city is full of people with their own worries.

    For Lily Rush, it was her sister, Rose. The brawler learned of her disappearance when one of the clerics came to see her after a match in the Shattered Shield, a tavern that ran a fighting pit on the side every week and one of the places where she displayed her talents. Her mentor, Stonehand, was friends with the owner. Old hands that enjoyed seeing young folks show what they're made of. Two nights ago, she had learned that Rose had not shown to her study at the temple. Since then, it has been clear that the Korvosan Guard is swamped. Concern was there, and sympathy, but there was a backlog of weeks at least. Other inquiries suggested that she had had dealings with some street urchins on the evenings before her disappearance. Called Lamm's Lambs, desperate orphans that begged and stole on the streets.

    After another day of searching and finding little of use, she found a card mixed in with her groceries. A harrow card, of decent make, depicting The Rabbit Prince. On the other side, a hand-written note.

    For Asher Levin, his missing daughter weighed most heavily on his mind, though it was far from his only worry. That man, Gaedren Lamm, was behind everything wrong with his life. Not perhaps the root cause everywhere, but from his days with the guards, he'd seen the name in report after report, always on the periphery, a slinking man willing to sell out his partners to get off the hook, and with a canny skill of not being around when the guards came calling. Or more likely, a few bribes in the right hands that had given him warning. Even now, dedicating his time in search, he could not learn where the man was hiding. That day, returning home, he finds a card placed on the latch of his home door. It is The Paladin, depicting a warrior in armour, framed by angelic wings. On the other side, he finds a written message.

    For Ember, the end a good day of performing magic tricks – and some actual magic for flair – brings up unhappy memories. A few kids playing on the stret, reminding the gnome of the childhood of whimsy she had missed because of Gaedren Lamm. He had ‘adopted’ her and taken her along for some of his ventures, none honest and all unpleasant. Until he discarded Ember as a waste. As she checks her earnings for the day, she notices that some jokester had tossed in a card. The Courtesan, one of the Varisian Hallow cards. On the backside is a message written on flourished handwriting.

    For Vincent, it was another busy day of treating the less fortunate of the city. Every day, injured and sick people with no-one else that could help them, either because of their own poverty or due to wishes of avoiding attention of the authorities. That morning, he had seen a timid boy, maybe ten years old come to him. Vincent recognized the look of the boy as one that he had seen in the mirror when he was the boy’s age. Well, more often a puddle than a mirror. He had acid burns on his arms, though he could not say how it happened. Another venture of Gaedren Lamm, Vincent could guess. He’d helped salve the boy’s injuries and given some food for him.

    As the day neared it’s end, he finds something tucked between the pages of his herbalism journal. A card, The Unicorn, depicting the noble beast drawn by a skilled hand. On the other side is a message.

    For Rudy, it was her friend Gergio’s daughter. She’d returned to the slums the moment the news had reached her. A child lost, Gergio’s little girl gone. Once she reached the city, she got mostly suspicious looks and aversion. As always. People who did not know her were the same. The gnoll had learned that the child, Dalia, or someone like her, had been seen with other young kids, known pickpockets. Both Rudy and Gergio had been in those shoes. The human scum Lamm was involved. Probably targeted Gergio’s child out of pure unreasoned malice too. This was a lead she could use to pay back for what the man had done to her. She remembered the cage.

    They say that one can’t find answers at the bottom of a glass. This wasn’t the case for Rudy that night. She had secured lodgings in a run-down inn that would serve someone like her and found a card under her mug. It depicted a wounded man, adventurer, surrounded by spectres of less fortunate. The Survivor. On the other side is a message.

    Spoiler: The Card's message
    I know what Gaedren
    has done to you. He has
    wronged me as well. I
    know where he dwells,
    yet cannot strike at him.
    Come to my home at 3
    Lancet Street at sunset.
    Others like you will be
    there. Gaedren must face
    his fate, and justice must
    be done.

    A character familiar with the city (DC 12 Local check, that can be made untrained) will know where the street is. Otherwise, one can learn more by asking around. Navigating streets by chance will take a few hours but get there all the same.
    Last edited by Kallimakus; 2024-05-22 at 04:06 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Greenflame133's Avatar

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    Oct 2017

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Spoiler: OOC

    Rolling the knowledge local (d20+1)[14]

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
    Greenflame133's Avatar

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Ember flips a card a few times in her hand, considering the trust worthiness of the note. The city is full of shady characters, her included. On the other hand, there is no shortage of those who would wish Gaedren harm. Then there was an issue how would the know. It was years ago, and she was braging about it past. Ultimetly ciurosity won over douth. With one last trick the card diapper in a flurry of flames. "Alright Ashely, we off to see someone, watch my backs alright?" With that she set out see what was the situation. She got there early, but would not aprouch the house, rather she decies to bland in with the crowd and observe from a distance. Perhaps observing the people closer will yeald a clue to the true nature of this meeting.

    Spoiler: Spellcraft: No DC

    She casted Spark
    Spoiler: Spellcraft: DC 10

    It was Arcane Mark acually
    Spoiler: Spellcraft: DC 13

    Could have been anything
    Spoiler: Spellcraft: DC 15

    It was Prestidigitation
    Spoiler: DM Info

    She used Prestidigitation to teleport it from her hand into her bag

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    New Zealand

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    It all makes sense now...the information he wrung from the fisherman witness. It lines up with his sightings of what he suspected to be shady dealings of that crime lord. The drugs, the kidnapping of children, his missing daughter, the cost of his job, the murder of his Shingle friends and adoptive mother. That is the reason no one from the Guards is able to apprehend Gaedren Lamm. His record is clean. Asher chalks it up to his connections and bribery. As expected of a snake given how slippery and elusive he is. Now, he is going after him, damn the laws. He made it personal by vanishing his daughter. He just needs a location which he can't seem to track since that child nabber covers his tracks well. He grips one of his fists until it is white.

    Lora, please be alive and hold out for me...Soon, papa will save you from the bad man and make sure he can't touch you ever again.

    Asher unfurls his fingers and sighs as he walks to his home at North Point. At the threshold of his doorstep, he stops. Nestled between the metal latch and strong timber that composes his door card from a harrow deck depicting a and note. The disgraced Guard blinks as he takes the note and reads it. Is this a sign from Lady Luck? A revelation from the gods? While he is not a believer, he does not mind it. Every bit of help contributes towards bringing this reprehensible being to justice. After reading the note, he stuffs the card into his pocket. He raps at the door and a top knot red hair woman with a hawk face and barmaid outfit opens it.

    "Welcome back, dear. Any leads to our baby girl?"

    Asher smiles and holds up the message.

    "Yeah, Hun. If what this message say is true, I am going after Lamm to get back Lora."

    His wife clicks her tongue in disapproval and grab his hands.

    "I am coming with you! What kind of a mother would leave her daughter to ruffians!"

    Asher shakes his head and squeezes his wife's hands.

    "Claire, I need you to hold the fort here. Take Lora away and protect her for us once she is rescued. I know you can fight. Lamm is something else. He will thrash you to the inch of your life, ruin your reputation like he did to me or if you are unlucky, kill you. I was made an example of. I am the safer bet going after him. I am already disgraced. My job is in jeopardy. The citizens and my peers give me looks and slinging mud at me behind my back. I don't want anyone in this household to be harassed the same way."

    Claire taps her husband's head with her own.

    "Promise me both of you will come back home safe."

    Asher does not move his head.

    "I promise."

    His wife separates from him, crossing her arms.

    "Fine, you lovable scoundrel. I will take her to my parents in Magnimar. If they come after us, I will give them a beating they will never forget."

    Asher and Claire move to kiss each other in the lips.

    "Eww, get a room you two, you are grossing me out what I am reading! And why am I not included in the plan? Have you forgotten about me and leaving me out?!"

    Husband and wife disconnects with frantic expressions before looking at a halfling with slicked back black hair and a revolted cat face with worker top and tights on a cushion setting down his book.

    "Way to ruin the moment, Slinky. I have not forgotten about you and excluding you, brother. I promised mother to take care of you. You're going to help with the relocation?"

    Slinky waves an arm at Asher.

    "Yeah, yeah. Don't sweat it, Ash. We will hightail to Magnimar when things go south, watching each other's backs and protecting the kid."

    The halfling looks at Claire and nods. Claire nods back at Slinky. Asher smiles and waves at the two.

    "Glad you two are getting along. I am going now. See you when I come back with her."

    He opens the door and moves towards the address with either his knowledge or directions from the people if he will ask for if he does not recall the location. Asher knew his way around the streets since he was young. The sooner he gets his answer, the sooner Gaedren Lamm answers for his crimes against the state and his family. The house can't be that hard to find, right?

    Spoiler: Knowledge check for address
    Knowledge (Local): (1d20+7)[9]
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-05-24 at 07:35 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Rudy had been prepared to be far more patient than this.

    She had arrived with the sunrise, and kept mostly to the shadows. A few hand picked targets she guided over with a massive paw and a big toothy smile: urchins and a priest willing to go slumming in order to save souls. Rudy would have swore later that she figured the latter to be an undercover informant. She'd picked targets who wouldn't spread (believable) word that a massive gnoll was going around asking about human children, but hadn't had much luck yet, either. She was waiting for it to get good and dark before really putting the screws in. Grab some real informants, beat up some local roughs. Rudy figured she'd even have to threaten to eat somebody before the night was over. But there on the tavern countertop, was her drink before her planned 'nightshift.' It had come with a free prize inside.

    Somehow, the hyena woman figured this was still going to be a long night.

    So she went back out, and tried to get there early. Emphasis on tried. She was still a monster to many, and whoever this benefactor was, they might not want her showing up and making more than a minimal scene...

    Spoiler: OOC/rolls

    (1d20+1)[14] Kn local

    (1d20+5)[15] Rudy is also going to try to sneak up to this place.
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2009

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    She growled as she read the note, her fingers tightening around the paper, crumpling it slightly. For a moment, she considered tearing it to shreds, but something stopped her. Her sister was all that mattered now, and she was determined to find her, no matter what it took. If things didn't work out, she'd make sure those responsible would pay; they'd never stop finding their bodies.

    Her sister had been the only bright spot in her life for so long. Recently, things had started looking up: Rose had joined the temple, her fights had been going well, and then there was William. No one had ever looked at her the way he did, and he seemed genuinely interested. But could he really feel that way about a former street kid turned brawler? Especially with all those noble girls around...

    She shook her head, slapping her cheeks lightly to focus her mind. First things first—her tonfa. Old Stonehands had always told her to have a backup for her fists, just in case. She strapped it to her waist, feeling the familiar comfort of its weight. Next, she donned her studded leather armor, a remnant from when she'd considered becoming a mercenary, inspired by Stonehands.

    Gathering the rest of her belongings, she made her way out of the room she rented at the Maiden's Hands Inn. She waved to Grandma Wilks as she passed, calling out, "I won't be back tonight, Granny. Take care."

    Stepping out into the street, she began her inquiries about the location of 3 Lancet Street and the whereabouts of a Harrow reader. She was curious about the meaning of the rabbit prince symbol. She asked around, her voice carrying a sense of urgency, her eyes scanning the faces of those she encountered, hoping for a lead.

    As she continued her search, her mind wandered back to her sister, the note, and the unknown forces that had taken her. A fire burned within her—a determination to reunite with her sister and bring those responsible to justice. She would not rest until she had answers, and she vowed to make those who had taken her sister pay dearly.

    Spoiler: Rolls

    Knowledge: Local (untrained)(1d20-1)[8]
    If I need it for gathering information.
    Diplomacy (untrained) (1d20+2)[12]

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    The half-elf fingers the Harrow card that someone had tucked into his journal. It was troubling, for it indicated someone knew him well enough to know the significance of this book to him, its location in the room that he laughingly called his office, and the skills to slip into that room while the clinic is busy and slip out again without anyone being the wiser.

    Yes, it was a danger. But it was also an opportunity. Vincent knew from his own experiences that the boy he treated earlier had likely been forced to try to disarm an acid trap with little in the way of experience or tools. Gaedren had always been a firm believer in two things - first, that experience was the best teacher. And second, that there were always more urchins where the last came from.

    Moving deliberately, he ties his brown hair back in a simple ponytail and picked up his armored coat, slipping it on with easy familiarity despite its weight. His weapon and shield are concealed under the coat's heavy folds and he steps out the door, calling to his assistant Lenny to keep an eye on the clinic.

    The young acolyte of Desna was well capable in his own right, and Vincent knew the street and the location of the house, his feet carrying him through the city as the sun began to fall. He passes by the destitute and downtrodden and nods to a few faces he knows among the crowd.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground

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    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Ember recalls the address well enough. It was the home and 'office' of a varisian fortune teller called Zellara. The few final onlookers clap at the magic trick, a clear encore.
    Ashley mews affirmatively, following the gnome as she heads towards the street in Midlands district, near the docks. Lancet Street, it turns out, is a small street a block away from the docks. The street is pretty clean and crowded, porters, dockworkers and sailors mixing with the local populace. The storefronts along the street have fresh coats of paint in places. Ember and Ashley observe the address, a small home with a sign "Fortunes told" folded beside the door. It doesn't seem locked.

    Rudy is the next on the scene, skulking in the shadowed alleys. She remembers this place vaguely, running through the same alleys after escaping Lamm. They seemed smaller now. And the shadows of the evening appealed to her instincts. A good place to spring from. And hidden well enough from the street that few paid attention to her. She notices a few hurry their step as they pass her hiding spot. The place at the address looks nice enough. Inviting even. A light shines from between the colourful drapes on the window. An odd scent wafts from the inside to the street.

    Leaving the clinic to Lenny, he could rest assured it was in capable hands. Though the young man lacked Vincent's grasp of herbal remedies and their use, he had other ways to help the wounded and the sick, and a dogged perseverance to him. He crossed over the Narrows and into Korvosa proper. It was so much nicer here, walking through a boulevard towards the river front.

    Vincent passes through the crowded and quiet streets alike, receiving nods and waves from people he has seen to, and friends along the way. The address was home to the Varisian fortune teller, Zellara. They'd crossed paths on occasion, as the woman would sometimes pray to Desna for guidance. It had been a while since he had last seen her. Perhaps her fortunes had picked up, for her to have a home in a nicer part of town. Approaching the door, he sees it has been left unlocked and slightly ajar. An inner door of hung beads obscures view from the street inside and lends the place some mystique.

    Spoiler: Inside
    The interior of the small, humble home is a single cozy chamber filled with a fragrant haze of flowers and strong spice. The aroma comes from several sticks of incense smoldering in wall-mounted burners that look like butterfly-winged elves. The smoke gives the room a dreamy feel.

    The walls are draped with brocaded tapestries, one showing a black-skulled beast
    juggling human hearts, and another showing a pair of angels dancing atop a snow-blasted mountain. A third tapestry on the far wall depicts a tall, hooded figure shrouded in mist, holding a flaming sword in a skeletal hand. Several brightly colored rugs cover the floor, but the room’s only furnishings are a wooden table covered by a bright red throw cloth and several elegant, tall-backed chairs. A basket covered by blue cloth sits under the table

    Lily does not recall the address out of hand. After asking around, she finds a helpful couple who recall something about it.
    "Ah. Looking to get your fortune told?" the man asks. "Don't know what sort of magic was on those cards but they did wonders for us."
    "You'll need to go to to Midland district, near the docks. It crosses with Warehouse Way. It's a shorter street" the woman says in turn.

    Indeed it was. Close to the docks, the street is nice and prettied up, and sees a lot of traffic. She spots the right house.

    Saying a last goodbye to his wife, Asher heads out. His experience with the guard lets him recall how the street names are arranged, and he finds it near the docks, along with other streets and alleys named after tools of surgery. There used to be a hospital ward here, until the growing docks saw it shrunken down, but history lived on in the names. Small storefronts and homes lined the streets here, kept nice and clean. He spots a pair of guards on a leisurely patrol along Field Marshal Avenue on his way.

    He is the last to arrive to the listed address, coming close to sundown.

    From their positions, Rudy and Ember can spot a half-elf in a heavy coat come by the entrance. Ember can guess that this man is not Zellara.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Vincent pauses in front of the open front door of the house. A wave of images flash throug his mind, many possibilities jumbled together in a nonsensical wave. He sways for a moment and touches his forehead before his sense of hereand now reestablishes itself - alongside a firm suspicion that he's being watched. With a street rat's wariness, he takes hold of a weapon under his coat as he scrutinizes the shadows and buildings around him.

    Perception vs Stealth rolls - (1d20+5)[16]

    He sees at least one set of eyes peering out of the shadows of an alley and moments later another figure round the corner and start towards the building he is standing in front of. He half-draws a strange four-bladed weapon before relaxing when he sees who's coming towards him.

    "Lily. Somehow I ain't surprised that the likes 'o you is wrapped up in this." he says, his common thick with the accent of the gutter. He turns towards where the watchers are hiding. "Oi! You over there - yeah, I see you! Come on out, or do ya mean to try to rattle me braincase from behind?"
    Last edited by Gyrfalcon; 2024-05-25 at 05:52 PM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
    Greenflame133's Avatar

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    Oct 2017

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Not realizing there was someone else hiding, and what was calmed by what saw, Ember decides to revel herself. It made sens for a fortuneteller to have uncanny insight and counting people gathering in front of the door it was clear she would not be allone. Ember picks up Ashley by the scruff of her neck and places her in a shawl tied across a holder and improvised into a cat hammock. Steeping out she decides to adopt more formal and polite tone. Her racional meaning that it would help her not apper. ruffian looking to shank them an when he is distranced. "I presumed you also have been summoned here. Pardone my coyness. We are all worried given the unsuall curisomstance." She is small, even for a gnome. Shere wears a long sea teal dress with a deep green vest, and a shawl of the same colour. Her long pink and pruple hair is put to the side in neat ponytail showing off her pirced ears. She put a lot visually set herself aparet from her former life. Keeping everthing clean and in good condison with magic. Her armour carefully hiven beneath the vest, and all the surival gear stuffed in the backpack. "Do say, what do make of this situation. Surely there is more to it then charity work."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Halfling in the Playground

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    May 2009

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    All the way to the meeting place Lilly was a wreck. Worries and self blame and guilt plagued her all the way there as she nears the house she sees Vince. Lilly glowered at Vincent and stalk toward him. Her fear and anger simmers under the her skin but she was controlling it for now. Now her sister is missing and he's here where the card said to be. "Why are you here Vince. What do you know about my sister's disappearance. Are you a part of the Lamm's Lamb?" She growls at Vincent.
    Last edited by Tom Foolery; 2024-05-26 at 03:03 PM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Lily seems more agitated and on edge then normal from Vincent's experience, and as she starts towards him with accusations, he holds up a hand to stop her, fishing the Unicorn card out of his pocket with two fingers, showing it to both Lily and the gnome who apparently also was summoned here. Yet he's certain that the eyes he saw were far too high to be the gnome and keeps a wary eye out for others approaching.

    "Aye, so I was." Vincent says, stashing the card away and pulling up his shirt to reveal his stomach - and a long, wide scar that wraps around his side and disappears up higher. "Lamm gave me this as a parting gift when I left his employ. I was one 'o his 'Lambs', aye, th' same as th' other poor souls that 'e takes off the street. Weren't for the grace of Desna and Her priests, I'd be right dead I'd be."

    He frowns at Lily and shakes his head. "As for yer sister, I didn't know she was missing. I can ask some o' the Lambs that come by the clinic if they ken a new lass of no. But I came here 'cause o' the promise that th' owner of these cards here knows where that bastard Gaedren hides himself."
    Last edited by Gyrfalcon; 2024-05-27 at 12:19 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Asher is irritable. He has trouble navigating through the streets not like the him from before. He believes he lost his edge when he blended back into his crowd and what once took him a breath to accomplish now takes ten. Or perhaps the mysterious inviter's accommodation is as well-covered as Lamm's hideout, masked with the housing backdrop sharing the sameness as any other housing surrounding it that makes it difficult to find. Those are his thoughts as he turns into alleyways, completing the paths, circling the main streets in Midland, lined with taverns, stores and the occasional spire and warehouse. He avoids his headquarters and his peers in the Guards. He is not in the mood to search there or talk to his colleagues. It is at his wit's end when he asks a passerby to jog his memory of the street names. Asher slaps a hand on his head.

    At the docks...

    He arrives at Lancet Street, ignoring the buildings in his gait to the correct house simultaneous to the sun setting. He enters through the entrance to hear one of the arrivals throwing venom at another. Looking around, he sees an armored gnoll with the same hairstyle as him, half-elf in heavy coat, bespectacled green robed gnome with purple hair tied to a braid and a female human with a fighter's build. The large, cloaked guardsman with a scarred eye on his stony face with a wrapped weapon strapped to his back does not interrupt the conversation and instead let it play out. He uses gap between the dialogue to survey the house. The chamber is very Varisian and befitting of a diviner. The aroma, spice, murals and basket make it so. The end of the conversation from the half-elf shakes him out of his reverie. He unhoods himself, revealing a brown mohawk.

    "Then, we have the same goal. We all want Lamm's head on a pike. He is why my daughter is missing! I am getting restless and thirsty for answers after spending hours in the sun searching for this place. I don't know how long I can hold myself back before I throttle someone for answers. I hope our benefactor gives us the location of that bastard post-haste so we can carry out justice."

    His voice while mild is tinted with anger.
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-05-27 at 04:59 AM.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
    Greenflame133's Avatar

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Flash of harrowing confirms what Ember hopes was the case. Something she didn't mention as she used to information coming at a premium. Time on the street made her rather guarded and suspicious. She turns to Asher then he arrives. "Our goals indeed aglin, but I'm also somewhat weary of Zellara, do think she really has bad blood with Gaedren?" She speaks calmly, years away from Lambs turned burning hatred into cold bloodlust. Without the time factor, missing family member, she talks a calm approach of watching her back.
    Last edited by Greenflame133; 2024-05-31 at 07:32 AM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Lily's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she offered a tentative smile to Vince. ""I'm sorry about earlier," she said, her voice soft and apologetic. ""I've been on edge since my sister disappeared, and I took it out on you. It wasn't fair." She paused, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself. ""I shouldn't have blown up like that."

    With a slight hesitation, she reached into her pocket and withdrew the rabbit prince card, holding it out to Vince. ""I received this, and it mentioned the Lamm's Lamb," she explained, her eyes flicking nervously to the card and then back to him. ""I just—I had to make sure, you know?"

    As the new arrival approached, Lily turned, her body tensing as she took in the man's appearance. He bore the unmistakable air of a guard or hired sword, and Lily's hands curled into fists at her sides before she consciously relaxed them. She knew she couldn't let her personal dislikes or prejudices get in the way of finding her sister.

    ""Did you also receive a card?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. ""The rabbit prince... it seems to be a sign or symbol of some sort. I'm hoping it will lead me to my sister." Lily's gaze flickered between the two men, her expression a mix of determination and unease.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    The answer is in the note. Perhaps in her rush, the she-gnome forgotten the contents of the paper. However, by a second telling, the guarded demeanour from the speech and body language indicate to the guardsman that it is not the case. He knows it is a learned behaviour: a trait he learned when dropped into the Shingles and fighting for his life. It is relatable. To test the waters then. He turns to Lily who is displaying similar traits but more open from her emotional responses. Her overprotectiveness for her sister mirrors his own for his daughter which is frightening. Instead of pushing them for their reasons for acting this way, he will indulge in the small talk to gain their trust. Asher breaths in and out. Once he is calm, he shrugs.

    "I believe her note."

    Though calm, his dialogue is unable to hide the quickened pace and distress. He strokes his beard.


    After a pause and drawling of the name, the big man takes out a card emblazoned with a winged paladin from his pocket and shows it to the brawler.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Knowledge (Local) for information on Zellara: (1d20+7)[15]
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-05-31 at 01:21 AM.

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrfalcon View Post
    "Oi! You over there - yeah, I see you! Come on out, or do ya mean to try to rattle me braincase from behind?"
    After a pregnant pause, in which the very shadows themselves let out a gruff, frustrated, sigh, a lean, female gnoll pads quietly out of the darkness, her golden eyes shining.

    "Well. I'm not here to rattle yourr brain case if that means anything to you." she growls her 'r's ever so slightly, folding her arms over her chest.

    "So. You'rre all here for missing children, too? Figurres. Who's the charlatan passing out mummery carrds that wants to talk to us about them? I won't say I was hunting Lamm just fine on my own, but I don't trrust any of this."
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Vincent makes a gesture of dismissal as Lily apologizes. "As leaves on the wind." he says, a translation of an Elven saying - roughly as something not to be worried about.

    The half-elf raises an eyebrow in surprise as the watcher in shadows steps out and reveals herself to be a gnoll - a rare sight, even in the slums. "Aye, well, unless she sent out a whole deck 'o cards, let's take this inside where there are less eyes to pry. We're an odd enough lot that a chinwagger'll happily sell a rumor o' this if it'll earn him coppers for his drink."

    Vincent opens the door and steps through the beaded curtain, a hand under his coat to grip one of the handles of his starblade.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Spoiler: Zellara
    Asher knows Zellara just as a fortune teller. He recalls seeing her name in some cold case before he was suspended from the guard.

    At Vincent's urging, they enter. A table has been set for them, with six seats. Candles shine on the table, and there's a basket beneath it. A delicious scent emanates from it.
    "Please take a seat" a woman's voice says. A hand pushes aside one of the tapestries. A Varisian woman with long, dark hair enters the room. She is lean, getting on in years but her beauty has not yet tarnished. From her pocket she produces a deck of cards. She shuffles and mixes, and lays a card for each other person, a twin to the one bearing the message
    “Thank you for coming, my friends, and for putting up with my unconventional method of contacting you. I have reason to remain hidden, you see—a vicious man would see great harm done to me if he knew I was reaching out for help. This man has done something terrible to each of you as well. I speak, of course, of Gaedren Lamm, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives of those he touches are matched only by his gift for avoiding reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves stole this, my harrow deck, from me. It is important to me, an heirloom passed down through a dozen generations, and also my sole means of support. When Lamm’s pickpockets stole it, my son Eran tracked them down and returned my deck to me. But Gaedren had him followed, and soon after he left my home, Gaedren’s thugs murdered him.
    She gathers the cards, shuffling them back, and laying the deck on the table face down, fanning the cards before her.

    “I sought help from the Korvosan Guard, but they turned me away. And so I asked around. I paid bribes. I consulted my harrow deck for advice. And recently, I was rewarded—I found out where Gaedren dwells. He can be found in an old fishery north of here, at Westpier 17, where he trains abducted children to be pickpockets and counts his stolen treasures."
    Her eyes move through Asher, Vincent, Lily, Ember and Rudy.

    “But I need your help. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if they were willing to help, Gaedren would certainly know of their coming well in advance. And even if they arrested him, what guarantee would I have he would be punished? This criminal has evaded the law for decades. But you know of these frustrations as well, for my cards say that Gaedren has wronged each of you, too. So there we are. It is time for him to pay.”

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Ember enter the house with some lingering unease but finding confidence in the size of the group. She makes her way onto the chair, finding the need to climb on top rather incontinent, nor was the pile of cushions super stable. When giver her card, she fidgets with it idly, making it fly between her fingers like a leaf on the wind.

    When Zellarafinishes her speach. "We seem to have numerical advantage, and given the time sensitive nature of the issue it would be best to make a move before sunrise. any clue why would he kidnap so many children all at once? It's not something I seen him do."

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Lilly settled into the seat offered by the old fortune teller, her eyes focused intently on the mysterious figure. As the fortune teller began to speak, Lilly listened intently, her brow furrowed in concentration. She wasn't used to strategic thinking, but she knew the gravity of the situation demanded it.

    When the fortune teller finished, Lilly sat in silence for a moment, considering the information she had just received. Finally, she spoke, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "Do we know if the missing children are being held at the Lamm's headquarters? Are they using them as hostages? We can't just charge in without considering their safety." Lilly's eyes narrowed as she envisioned the upcoming attack, her mind working through potential pitfalls.

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ettin in the Playground
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    The gnoll keeps her arms folding in front of her before taking a scolding tone: "You couldn't find even more people Lamm's wronged? Grrr. Well. Tell us where he is so we can go get him tonight; the sooner we leave, the less chance Lamm has of finding out about this, less chance he has of hurting children."
    <BananaPhone> Stop sniveling worm! You think something as petty as "oh boo hoo my house is collapsing!" should stop you from posting in an online fantasy game where people pretend to be werewolves?

    "Let me get this straight. Some guy dressed up as Batman to fight the guys dressing up as clowns scaring people. Maybe this planet aint so bad after all."

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    While several of the others eagerly bite on the opportunity to do harm to Gaedren Lamm, Vincent sits back in his chair and frowns, his arms crossed and drumming his fingers on his arm.

    "I'm sorry for yer loss, Miss Zellara. Aye, Lamm has done me wrong, and I'll be the first t' dance a jig o'top his grave when he dies. But we cannae the only ones that Lamm has wronged and that'll happily slide a knife 'tween his ribs. But why us, en nae a few mercenaries or sneakblades?" he asks bluntly.

    "Also, Lamm always has skullcrackers close t' hand, and while I know Lily is a solid enough pit dog, we cannae just rush in."

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Asher sits down and hears her tale after the Varisian lays down a card matching the one she gave him which he pocketed after showing it to Lily. He relaxes after Zellara reveals the location of their elusive target who is hiding in a fishery and her story that gives her justification for vengeance. The Guards failed her. He failed her. He has to make this right. He growls as he thinks of this. While the gathered are divided between questioning the selection to go after Lamm and state of children, he bows his head to the fortuneteller.


    The giant turns to the gnoll.

    "Zellara told us where to find him."

    The guardsman narrows his eyes in solemnity, looking downward in thought. Not because of the gravitas of the situation. Zellara's story checks out mostly. There is a missing jigsaw piece in the story from the report of a case gone cold that causes him doubt and share some of the female gnome's wariness. Namely the methods of a missing person living under low-profile sending invitations to their addresses in the form of cards without garnering Lamm's attention or getting caught. Magic is plausible if casted by an experience spellcaster. Zellara does not look the type. She would have to do so physically, risking or abolishing her anonymity. Then, there is her locating of Gaedren Lamm's hideout and escaping without repercussions which branches off to couple of questions. Lamm is thorough in tying up loose ends. How did she escape alive? How is she not moving from location to location to avoid surveillance? How did Lamm not find her with his connections and clout? Asher discards the thought of her gathering more experienced adventurers or wronged victims. Those will scare Lamm into being more prepared and invisible. Puzzle, puzzle, puzzle. Asher looks up to meet Zellara's eyes.

    "I have a question before I give you my answer. The report I read about your disappearance contradicts with your appearance here. How could a missing person escape Gaedren Lamm and live to tell the tale after finding him? Gaedren Lamm is not the type of person who let someone leak his whereabouts live. Hiding is pointless. He has eyes lurking around and the means to make someone disappear in areas not under his claim. I need to know that before I move on to my answer, preferably with proof. We need to know if you are present in this room and is the person speaking to us."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Knowledge (Local) on Gaedren Lamm: (1d20+7)[26]
    Last edited by Yas392; 2024-06-04 at 06:10 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    "The cards tell what they tell. It is how I found each of you." Zellara says. "While there are no doubt those of mercenary bent, I have little more than bread and common wine to offer, beside the chance to avenge the wrongs he has committed."

    "I have little doubt he and any cronies he has will try to bully the children and use them as hostages given half a chance.

    Those that have worked with Lamm know this much: Many of his lambs will be out during the day, but asleep now. Both situations have their own risks. Going at night might let them catch Lamm and his thugs with their pants down, while going by day might result in fewer kids in the line of fire, but the place perhaps more alert.

    As for the questions of Asher, his experienced eye can tell she's not eager to reply, or lie to a lawman. Eventually, she does reply. "I am the person speaking to you, not some wizard's trick of a spell, nor a trick of Gaedren to lure out his enemies, for he is a coward, as well as many other despicable things. Nor am I even a ghost come seeking revenge."
    She shuffles her cards again, laying out nine in a harrow spread.

    Those that are attentive can tell she is a little evasive. However, it is clear that she was able to furnish the room for the visitors, and touch the cards she wields.

    Everyone can make a Sense Motive and Perception checks.

    Spoiler: Gaedren Lamm, DC 22 Local
    Gaedren Lamm is an old hand at crime at this stage, a lowlife throughout his career. He has tagged along with a few criminals that have outshined him in notoriety, like the Saint's Mask mugger, who wore the likeness of Korvosa's founding saint, or Aester the Immolator, a dropout from Academae who burned himself and his home after running a foul of law.

    He is a rogue and cutpurse originally, though for decades his "lambs" gave done the street work for him. He has also run a variety of innovative scam businesses, from instant cure mud bricks (with Aster's fire magic and child labor, to home cleaning that cleans away everything not nailed down.

    Asher knows that he tends to take advantage of a loophole in the city ordinances, where there is a gap between when a building is abandoned by its owner and when the city takes action to take ownership of it or tear it down.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Lily listened intently as the fortune teller laid out the options for their impending mission. The choice between a daytime or nighttime raid was a difficult one, each presenting its own set of advantages and drawbacks. As she considered the pros and cons, her mind kept returning to the element of surprise that a night raid would afford them.

    "If we decide on a night raid," Lily began, her voice steady and thoughtful, "we'd have the cover of darkness on our side. The element of surprise could be crucial in ensuring the Lamb doesn't have time to move the children or make a run for it." She paused, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she envisioned the scenario. "Plus," she added, "it plays to my strengths. As a prize fighter, I'm adept with my hands, both in terms of combat and agility. I can move quickly and strike hard when needed."

    Lily's gaze shifted around the room, taking in the diverse group of individuals who had assembled for this mission. "I'm a good dancer too," she continued, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "If we require a distraction, I can provide one. But what about the rest of you? What unique skills and abilities can each of you bring to the table?"

    She scanned the faces of her companions, knowing that their success would depend on their ability to function as a cohesive unit. "Are there any stealth experts among us? Anyone with a particular talent for strategy or problem-solving? We might be a collection of misfits," she said with a hint of a challenge in her voice, "but together, we can form a formidable team."

    Lily's eyes sparkled with determination as she awaited their responses. She knew that each person present had their own story, their own unique set of experiences and abilities. It was time to unite their strengths and forge a plan that would ensure the safe rescue of the missing children. Despite their differences, she believed in the power of their collective effort, and she was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, confident in the capabilities they could bring to bear.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Asher listens then holds up his hand to Lily.


    He keeps eye contact with the fortune teller as she evades answering.

    "You haven't answered my question on how you escaped from Lamm and survived to this day. I'm waiting for an answer."

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Zellara remains quiet for a moment before meeting Asher's eyes. "I did not" she says in reply to his question. "What's left is just an echo. And hope"

    "Hope that you can get justice. For the wrongs he has done to each of you. To me, and my son, and countless others besides. Make this city just that little better."

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Ember start fidgeting, worrying a little bit as there in needed an unaddressed matter. "You have told us of things you are not. Yet here we are. In your home, home many know of. I evaded Gaedren, but I'm not nowhere as well knows as you, nor is there a place one could find me reliably. For all that he is crew, Gaedren is no fool. Tell me then, how did you outwit him."

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Kallimakus' Curse of the Crimson Throne [IC]

    Asher stands up all of a sudden, moving to touch Zellara's hand, at the same time surveys the woman's actions with thoroughness.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Perception (Take 20) - 20

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