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2009-10-26, 07:00 PM
Once again, Bruxs aimed a blow at the kruthik.

[roll0][roll1] Reaping Strike

2009-10-27, 06:45 PM
Kaiyus took aim at the largest of the creatures nearby, letting loose a black lightning bolt.

Black Bolt at creature labeled "C" [roll0] to hit, [roll1] for damage.

2009-10-27, 06:48 PM
The bolt hits the creature square in the chest as it tries to right itself, knocking it back down. Enraged, the creature begins to thrash about and roar violently. Finally it managed to right itself and turn on those who had attacked it.

Kruthik C is bloodied. It spends a move action to not be prone anymore. Andrew's turn.

2009-10-27, 06:53 PM
The kruthik once again attacked Bruxs.


2009-10-27, 07:22 PM
Fateral had decided to move around the larger Kruthik, hoping to gain an advantage. He moved around behind the Kruthik and brought his blade up to strike at the beast. May the light of truth guide my blade to strike through to your heart, he whispered as he swings.

Move 6 spaces (final position, one up from the large Kruthik)
Minor action -- Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike -- Attack roll [roll0], Damage roll [roll1]

2009-10-27, 07:25 PM
Fateral's blow missed the kruthik.

2009-10-27, 07:46 PM
River once again flings a crystal shard at a kruthik.

Move forward 6.
Attacking nearest.
Attack vs Ref.[roll0]

2009-10-27, 07:49 PM
The shard lodged itself within the head of the kruthik, causing it to thrash about in pain.

The smaller kruthiks slowly close in on Fateral, attacking him with their claws.

[1d20+5 and 4 damage apiece should they hit.

2009-10-27, 07:50 PM
re-roll to hit[roll0]

2009-10-27, 07:51 PM
Re-roll to hit because GITP feels like screwing with me [roll0]

2009-10-27, 07:53 PM
Re-roll to hit because GITP feels like screwing with me TWICE [roll0]

2009-10-27, 09:19 PM
Swinging his sword overhead, Aelar brings it down in an angle meant to lop the head off of the Kruthik at the neck, his sword glowing bright white as he does so.

Standard Action to use Censure of Pursuit, flanking bonus applied to attack rolls.

Attack rolls [roll0] [roll1]

Damage [roll2] [roll3] The second one is in case the first is a one roll.

2009-10-27, 09:23 PM
The sword makes contact with the shard that River had launched, sending it further into the kruthik's head.

Meanwhile, the Mayor spun his halberd about himself and attacked the kruthik once again.

[roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage

2009-10-27, 09:25 PM
Bruxs summoned all of his strength and swung the greataxe above his head. Then, with a look of victory dancing like fire in his eyes, he brought the sword down upon the Kruthik's head. However at the same time the Kruthik made a final attack against Bruxs, impaling him with it's claw. Bruxs slew the beast, the battle was over, but as the beast's claw slid from his body, Bruxs could feel the life draining from him. Turning to Aelar he smiled.

Well, they're gone. You fight all right for an elf. Do me a favor, would you? he said, reaching into his bloodsoaked armor and extracting a letter.

My daughter's birthday is coming up and... I... want you to... give her this, he finished, coughing up blood violently.

She lives... in Idar Flamme... please... he managed to croak as his legs buckled under the weight of his own body, the life faded from his eyed and he sank to the ground. Bruxs del Hoagie was dead.

[roll0][roll1] This area's encounter is over. You can talk if you wasn or you can wait for the others to finish.

2009-10-28, 09:22 AM
With a scream of triumph, Kaiyus took aim again at the weakened creature and fired yet another bolt of black lightning.

Black Bolt on large creature [roll0] to hit, [roll1] for damage.

2009-10-28, 09:25 AM
The bolt strikes the kruthik in the chest, leaving a hole the size of a tea saucer smoldering where it had hit. the kruthik slumped to the ground, dead. The smaller kruthiks then began to emit a weird chattering noise, almost as if frightened by the sight of their dead comrade.

2009-10-28, 12:52 PM
Taking the letter from the dead warrior, Aelar mentally scolded himself for getting into that kind of situation, but vowed to complete the man's last request. Turning to River, he said, "Let's go find the others. There's not much we can do here, now."

With that, the elf broke into a jog, slinging the blood on his khopesh off at one of the corpses.

Double move towards the top left part of the map to join the others.

2009-10-28, 02:40 PM
Damian simultaneously chopped with his cleaver and sliced with his scimitar at the two beasts in front of him.

Twin strike. 1st Attack: [roll0] and [roll1]
2nd attack: [roll2] and [roll3]

2009-10-28, 02:42 PM
One of the kruthiks dodged to the side but the other tasted cold steel.

2009-10-28, 04:15 PM
River runs towards the others, hoping that none of the others suffer the same fate of Bruxs.
Running for both actions towards where the others went: 16 move total.
Wait; who was Bruxs again?

2009-10-28, 08:50 PM
Patrick, and your character's concern is misplaced. In fact, I'm going to let Andrew take his skipped turn and finish off the last minion.

2009-10-28, 09:11 PM
The last kruthik attempted to flee, but the Mayor ran after it, halberd in hand. Bringing the halberd down on the fleeing kruthiik, the Mayor split the beast in twain.

And stay out of my town! he roared.

[roll0][roll1] Combat is over, go about doing what you feel like doing.

2009-10-28, 09:36 PM
The last of the insectoid creatures defeated, Kaiyus Strife instantly wheeled around and grabbed Simon with one hand.

"You had better tell me why you're so damn important," he hissed menacingly. He angled himself so that Simon could see the creature lying in the street with a hole burned through its chest. Strife lifted his other hand near Simon's face for emphasis.

"Anything you want to tell me, Mayor?" he inquired.

2009-10-28, 09:41 PM
This comes as a surprise to me as well, friend. I didn't think that You would try to run, Simon. Was it really because of the bugs or because of something else? asked the Mayor, staring intently at Simon.

Simon began to sweat profusely.

I...uh...what are you talking about, Alan? he asked.

2009-10-28, 09:43 PM
"You'd better come up with a better answer than that," said Strife.

2009-10-28, 09:48 PM
What is it that you want me to say? asked Simon.

2009-10-28, 09:49 PM
Arriving panting on the scene, River hear Simon's suppering, and cuts him off.
I think you should be honest. Lives have already been lost, and if you had a part in it....well, I might just get upset.
The last part isn't spoken, however. Instead, Simon hears it like a horrible scream inside his head.


2009-10-28, 09:52 PM
"I want to know why you're so important to the mayor over here," Strife said as he moved his face closer to Simon's, "Care to enlighten me?"

2009-10-28, 09:53 PM
Well, yes! I was running from the bugs! I'm an old man now, Alan, I can't be dodging great big lizard-bugs in my twilight years. he protested.

2009-10-28, 10:02 PM
You're lying old man. I don't like it when people lie to me, especially after I've warned them. Am I going to have to get interesting?
River says this last part in a disturbingly cheerful girls voice, and takes a threatening step closer.


2009-10-28, 10:05 PM
What reason do you have to suspect me of saying falsehoods? And what do you mean? the Mayor thinks all of his citizens are important. I'm just the village magus, if that's what you mean. sputtered Simon.

River knows hes lying. Cross examine that sucker!

2009-10-28, 10:08 PM
"And what do you know about soul shards?" asked Strife, eyes glowing with anticipation.

2009-10-28, 10:10 PM
I know what any learned person knows about them: they are the remnants of deceased elementals that hold considerable power within them. Why, what have Soul Shards got to do with anything? asked Simon nervously.

2009-10-28, 10:12 PM
"Agents of Khana have made off with at least one soul shard," replied Strife, "For what purpose might they be doing this? What can you DO with a soul shard?"

2009-10-28, 10:13 PM
You're afraid, and it's not the kruthik. Not me either, at least, not most of all. It's something else, something that would make you try and run when the village is under attack. Why didn't you just go back into a house? Or closer to the mayor and safety. No, you were running. From what, though? What are you worried about? It should be me. Don't like you. None of you. Pulling. Killing. Hurting. Broke me. But I'm stronger now, and I'll break you this time around.

2009-10-28, 10:16 PM
... What in the name of Pelor are you talking about!? he cried,
I've never seen you before in my life, and what do I care about Khana!? he blurted, starting to sweat more.

2009-10-28, 10:22 PM
Not Khana? Maybe the Crossbone Vanguard? Amounts to the same, in all cases.

Staring intently at the sweating man, River starts a chant in his head.
Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar...

2009-10-28, 10:26 PM
.... ALL RIGHT! ENOUGH! As if the bugs weren't bad enough, now I have to put up with you all interrogating me about Crossbone Vanguards and Kincaid and voices in my head! I insist that you leave! shouted Simon.

2009-10-28, 10:29 PM
River ***** her head to the side at the latest outburst.Kincaid? We never mentioned Kincaid. Who's he, and what does he have to do with the Vanguards?

The chant changes now.
Tell. Tell. Tell. Tell...

2009-10-28, 10:36 PM
I... but... GAH! FINE! I'll tell you anything! Just stop with the voices! protested a now sobbing Simon.

A few days ago a man came to my door with questions about Soul Shards. I tried to turn him away but he forced entry into my home. He said that he didn't want to hurt me but would be forced to do so if I didn't cooperate. He introduced himself later on as Kincaid Nau, leader of the Crossbone Vanguard.

2009-10-28, 10:37 PM
The voices stop.
See? Doesn't the truth feel good? What did this Kincaid man look like? And what did you tell him?

2009-10-28, 10:48 PM
I never got a good look at him because he was wearing a black cloak that obscured his features, but from what I could tell he was a humanoid and was very handy with a knife. He... didn't seem like the violent type though, just very devoted to his cause. I think he was staying at the inn until recently. He might still be in town. As for what I told him... he already seemed to know a fair bit about Soul Shards. All he wanted to know was where he could find some. After asking him why he responded that it was by his liege's will that he was searching for them and asked me once again where Soul Shards could be found. I pointed him in the direction of the Merrows crypt as I had heard tell that an Archon had once served as a guardian in its depths, and also pointed him to the city of Idar Flamme, our holy city. I heard rumors several years back that there was a cavern under the Cathedral of Pelor that had elementals in it, although I was not certain. He thanked me for the information... on behalf of Khana. It was then that I began to suspect that I had just done something detrimental to my country, so I decided to run for it before a link was established, but here we are.

2009-10-28, 10:58 PM
Kaiyus listens intently to the man and waits for him to finish. When Simon pauses to take a breath, Strife turns to the mayor.

"Where is this Idar Flamme?" he asked excitedly, "How far away?"

"If I can just get back on the trail of the agents of Khana, I may have a chance at getting my hands on those soul shards!" he thought to himself. Power beyond anything he had ever accomplished....the very idea made him quiver with excitement.

2009-10-28, 11:03 PM
From here? About two-days riding distance to the west. responded Simon.

2009-10-28, 11:32 PM
Listening to Simon spill his guts on Kincaid, Aelar couldn't help but get caught up on the detail that seemed as if it were an afterthought to the frightened magus: handy with a knife.

Images of the fight flashed back into his mind, and Aelar saw the mystery man in his head: black cloak that obscured most of his features, humanoid, and handy with a knife!

Noting that the mystery man was, in fact, Kincaid, Aelar made a note that he had also helped protect River, and for that, he couldn't tip the others off onto his trail. They'd have to figure it out for themselves.

"Consider it a favor repaid, Kincaid," Aelar said under his breath. "Besides, I don't yet know if you're the kind of person who needs killing. You might just be doing your job. It might just be your leader who needs to be put down. But, then again, what do I care of politics, right?"

Projecting in his mind, he sought to contact River. "River, if you can hear me, then you'll most likely know that the man who fought with us back at the square was Kincaid. I ask of you only to let the rest of the party figure it out on their own. We both owe the man for protecting you back there, so consider our silence a repayment of that favor, ok?"

2009-10-28, 11:39 PM
... I am disappointed in you, Simon. I didn't think you were the kind of man to run away from your problems. I don't know if you really didn't know what you were doing, but you must atone for your actions. Stand, commanded the Mayor.

Simon obliged only to be held at halberd point and led in the direction of the town. Before crossing the bridge, the Mayor paused and turned to the party.

Please feel free to lodge yourselves at the Champion Inn, free of charge. Additionally, if it is not too much trouble, please stop by the town hall tomorrow before you all leave. he said before leading Simon into the town.

2009-10-29, 12:01 AM
For the record, all of you went to the inn and slept through the night, except for Fateral. He got up to use the bathroom at one point. It doesn't really matter, though. Also, quest xp, all of you get 200 of it. Zach gets an extra 75 for awesome bonuses. Roleplay xp, all of you get 50. Post awesome **** and character development to get more.

2009-10-29, 09:43 AM
River's eyes widen when she realizes the meaning of Aelar's words, then she tightens her lips and gives a curt nod.

The next morning, she rises early and heads over to the town hall, to answer the mayors request.

2009-10-29, 12:39 PM
As the party entered the town hall they saw clerks hastily cleaning up the mess that had been caused the previous night. As they entered the Mayor's office they found him staring out the window, looking distant. Slowly, he turned around and greeted the party with a look of surprise.

Oh, I didn't expect you to actually come. I cannot thank you for what you have done for Rithmere with words alone. Please, take this, said the Mayor, withdrawing a bag of gold from a drawer of his desk.

This is your payment for that business in the graveyard and for helping us protect the town. This, he said, pulling a basket from under his desk,Is a gift of thanks from me. When I was a wandering adventurer I found much use for this whenever I was hungry. The battle yesterday seemed to have instilled more fear in the bugs than would have been if we had fought alone. I do not think that they will be back. You all are heading for Idar Flamme, yes? You will need horses. Speak with Aradin Stonehewn at the stables on the east end of town, give him this, said the Mayor, giving a letter to Aelar,and you will be given horses for your travels. Once again, I thank you from the depths of my heart.

You receive a total of 500 gold to be divided amongst yourselves and a basket full of... stuff that you don't know what it is.

2009-10-29, 02:12 PM
Storing the letter, Aelar shook the mayor's hand. "Best of luck to you where the road of Life takes you, friend."

Turning, he walked out of the mayor's abode, nodding to the clerk as he went. Once outside, he looked in the direction of Idar Flamme, musing, "You've gotten a head-start, Kincaid. That's all I can allow you. Here's hoping that our next meeting doesn't involve steel." With that, he pulled a flask from his cloak, and took a nip of the liquid within. Replacing the stopper, he placed the flask back in his cloak, and started towards the stables in the east.

2009-10-29, 02:22 PM
After taking a short rest, the party made their way to the eastern end of town. Coming up to the stables they noticed a surly looking dwarf standing in front, feeding the horses. He looked up as he heard the party approaching.

Can I help you lot? he asked.

After the short rest I made you take you know that the basket holds Everlasting Provisions which, after an extended rest, will generate enough food for 5 medium or small creatures for 24 hours.

2009-10-29, 10:19 PM
Extracting the letter from a small scrollcase on his boot, Aelar handed it to the dwarf, saying, "I believe you're Aradin, are you not? The mayor asked us to seek out the one named Aradin to help us with horses. Are you the man we've been sent to find?"

2009-10-29, 10:28 PM
Aye, I be he. Alan sent you, eh? said Aradin, taking the letter from from Aelar and examining it closely.

Great, five horses. Five FREE horses. Splended, simply spiffing. You know, if anyone other than Alan had told me to do so, I would have told them to sit on it, but you helped protect the town from the bugs so... hang on, he said, retreating into the stables.

When he returned he was leading five palomino horses behind him.

Here you are. They are yours to keep and do, well, whatever you want with them. Now clear out, I have stables to muck, he growled, trudging off into the stables.

All of you have a medium mount now. Good job.

2009-10-29, 10:38 PM
Mounting her horse, River says with strained cheer: So, then, off to Idar Flamme?
Telepathically, she adds to Aelar.
And Kincaid. Worse luck for us.

2009-10-29, 10:39 PM
As the sun rose above the horizon the party made their way out into the fields surrounding Rithmere. The once arable landscape had been scarred and torn asunder by the kruthiks but people could be seen tending to what crops remained. With the kruthik threat gone the land would surely recover in time.

Several hours passed and the companions found themselves traversing a large veldt with very few trees and but an adundance of wildflowers. Noting that there was no immediate threat about, the companions resigned themselves to riding their course and talking to one another.

Current time: 10:00 AM Game Standard Time

2009-10-29, 11:15 PM
Relaxing in the saddle for the time being, Aelar turned towards the newest member of the ragtag group.

"So, Kaiyus, what exactly do you know about these Soul shards, and why is it that you want them so badly? I mean, I don't particularly care one way or the other, but I certainly wouldn't mind keeping something of power out of the Emperor's hands."

2009-10-29, 11:25 PM
"I know what any person with an education knows," replied Kaiyus, "They are simply the remnants of elementals. However, in my years of study, no one has managed to publish any research on the matter other than that fact. I'm a researcher, a seeker of knowledge. I intend to tap into that which has not been tapped into yet. Imagine: what if soul shards have some hidden quality that is unheard of as of yet? My theory is that if a human being dies and leaves behind a soul that can still wander the earth and carry out tasks (albeit in another plane of reality), then an elemental should be no different. The gods, including your own Raven Queen, draw their power from the souls of human worshippers.

Kaiyus looked at Aelar, trying to gauge the elf's reaction to what was coming.

"Understand, I do not believe that the gods aren't all-powerful. Quite the contrary: they ARE all-powerful. I have experienced the work of your Raven Queen firsthand. However, they would be NOTHING without their followers. NOTHING." Kaiyus looked bitter. "Without the thousands upon thousands of souls pledged to Her every day, your Raven Queen would not exist. No one would know she exists. She would cease to be a goddess at all. That is where my research with soul shards began."

Kaiyus licked his lips before continuing. "If a god is powered by the immortal souls of humans, why can a human not be powered by the immortal souls of elementals? Elementals are, after all, stronger than the average human."

2009-10-29, 11:46 PM
Mulling over what Kaiyus was saying, Aelar attempted to inject the man with a dose of reality, without angering him.

"Kaiyus, I'm not certain exactly where you learned about how the Gods work, or where they get their power from, but I can assure, they don't draw it from the souls of their followers. In fact, the only beings that use souls in almost that capacity would be the demons in the Nine Hells, and to be fair, they're not really on the same level as Gods. Gods themselves draw their powers from the belief of so many individuals. The more people that believe in them, the more powerful they become.

Also, on the topics of elementals, I don't believe they actually have souls. I think that, being natives of another plane of existence, they don't really have souls, but are, in fact, pure energy, and these soul shards are just that: remnants that might contain raw power, essentially. I don't believe that they will give you the abilities that the Gods have, or at least, not in the same way."

2009-10-29, 11:49 PM
River turns a sharp glance on Kaiyus.
Power for what? It matters not what power you have, but what you use it for. All the potential in the world means nothing if you don't use it.

2009-10-29, 11:50 PM
"Just because you may not like me personally doesn't mean I'm a bad person," Kaiyus snapped at River.

2009-10-30, 12:00 AM
River gives a sharp laugh, tilting her head back. Shaking her head, she answers.
You've given me no reasons to like you, and several to not. But that's not what I asked, little man. You talk of gaining power, but not what you'd do after you have it. No point in doing one without the other.

2009-10-30, 12:10 AM
Kaiyus stopped abruptly and looked directly at River."Oh really?" he asked, sarcasm dripping in his voice, "Several reasons not to like me, and no reasons to like me? Pray, do tell. Helping your sorry asses in that crypt? I apologize if that offended you. Next time you come across a strange ooze hungry for your flesh, I will do my absolute hardest to not get in your way. Please remind me next time you get into a fight.

Kaiyus angrily brought his face close to the girl.

"I don't know what your problem is with me, little one, but if you want my help in any way, shape, or form, I suggest you grow up, and do it quickly."

Pulling his horse away from River's, Kaiyus began to ride ahead. He called back over his shoulder as he rode on.

"As for what I intend to do with power....I intend to fix that which has been broken in my life. But I'm sure that you have no interest in hearing my life stories considering the fact that I have 'given you no reasons to like me,' so if you'll excuse me I have a soul shard to track down."

2009-10-30, 01:07 AM
For a second, when his face is nearest to her, a single word rings out in everyone's minds: BACK.

A shard of crystal appears in River's hands, and she moves to ward off Kaiyus with it. After he moves back, she responds in a haughty, mocking tone.
Odd. I don't seem to remember you being crucial against the jelly. You joined us, not the other way around. I never asked for your help. In fact, you seem to be pushing your "help" on us, taking credit for Victories and not defeats.
At this River shakes her head, and as she goes on, she slowly lowers it into her hands, sobbing.And I have grown up. Quickly, too, and by the looks of it, more completely than you. You blame others for what's gone wrong in your life, and say that everyone has power if they simply reach for it. Well, what about Jaquline? Kelly? Savina? Mercy? Utali? James? Ralughan? What about them? Oh, I got power, but I got my share of a curse. I just wanted to live. Meet a cute boy, have a happy ending. Then the soldiers. Red. Pain....broken. broken... For a few seconds, she almost seems to be hyperventilating, but then she looks squarely into Kaiyus's eyes, her eyes throbbing with power. Her voice sounds Strange, almost inhuman, and there seems to be several voices repeating her words in your head.
BrOKen bUT NoT UnmEndABle. woULD You likE to tESt uS LiTTle Man?
For a second, she holds this state, then, like all things, it passes. Upon coming back down, she spurns her ahead slightly, and stays on the other side of Aelar from Kaiyus.

2009-10-30, 02:18 PM
"If you don't want my help, consider me gone, then," replied Kaiyus nastily, "And put the shard down before you poke somebody's eye out. If your performance with those crystals in the crypts is any indication, you're more likely to hit a friend than me. And from what I hear about your fighting in the town, it's a miracle you would hit anything at all."

"Face it, little girl," he said, "You're pathetic. You're weak. You have a GIFT. A GIFT, River. And yet you refuse to acknowledge it as such. Any power is a gift, all you have to do is learn to control it. Which you seem incapable of doing."

River looked livid. Kaiyus laughed mirthlessly. Swinging around, he stepped off of his horse.

"Do it, then," he called to the girl, "Kill me. Set me on fire. Give me visions that will drive me insane. Punish me for what I have done to you!"

He spread his arms open wide.

"Do it," he whispered, "Or are you too much of a coward? Are you afraid to use your power, little girl? Afraid of what you might do? Conquer your fear! If you are afraid, you are as much a danger to yourself as you are to those around you! So let's see you do your work. Strike me down. I think the rest of the group would be better off without me, anyway."

Kaiyus spat on the ground in contempt.

"If only your friends could see you now," he whispered in his head, knowing that only River could hear him.

I think we're at the point where either Kaiyus is going to die, or leave the group. Just so everyone is aware.

2009-10-30, 03:02 PM
Fateral, who was enjoying his time aboard the animals up until this point mulls over the possible endings to this situation. He had thought to himself, not minding the yelling Would he be so willing to give up his life to help her move forward with her own abilities? Could Kaiyus have some other motive? Such a strange man this is. I think it would help us to keep him around, if not just to help push River into not becoming complacent

He shifts his weight on his horse, making sure the phrasing of this next statement is right in his mind before speaking River, don't let him push you into a decision that may hinder any attempt we have at finding our mark. If he's willing to insult someone who is angered enough by his presence then it can be understood that he doesn't fear death. Prove to him that you can control yourself by not killing him.

That was interesting

2009-10-30, 03:28 PM
Damian, on his horse, lagged behind the rest of the group, absorbed in his own thoughts. He had a mount now, and he suddenly had the task of giving it a name. This was no light matter, for he knew his mount would become a companion to him, and needed the proper name.

"Gurren", he said aloud, testing how it sounded. It didn't fit. "Aha!", he thought, "Lazengann!" His horse gave a snort of distaste. "Fine, what about... Enki?" His horse did not protest, and the name sounded correct to him. Damian smiled, "Enki it is." He then noticed how far behind the rest of the group he was and trotted up to join them.

2009-10-30, 04:25 PM
"Kaiyus, put your arms down. She won't kill you, no matter how much you antagonize her. I'm not saying she won't try, but I already know it's not your time to go. Should she try to "hasten" your end, I'd be forced to intervene." Turning to River, Aelar said, "And you, young lady, need to take a minute, and sort yourself out. I know that none of us could even begin to comprehend what has happened to you...to either of you, he said, indicating Kaiyus, but you both need to stop getting at each other's throats, or I'll be forced to do so for the both of you, and trust me, that's not somewhere you want me to be. Do I make myself clear?"

"And another thing. You two better start spilling about what in the Nine Hells happened to you that made you as dysfunctional as this, or you can count yourself out of my company and good graces. I won't travel with someone that's just waiting to combust at the slightest indication of fire, so start talking."

During his heated outburst, the hood of Aelar's cloak came off of his head, revealing jet-black hair and eyes of the purest white. His face was marked by several scars criss-crossing the entirety of it, and his expression remained sour. Aelar was extremely serious about the results of non-compliance.

2009-10-30, 05:12 PM
River glares at Kaiyus for several second before responding.
Aye. No reasons to like you. As I've said, you've been abrasive, rude, self-serving, and mocking what you have no right to mock. What positive things have you done? None. Do some, and I'll take that statement back. And as for what I've done, I've never claimed to be vital, nor have I dissolved myself of responsibility for failures. Unlike you. As for power, perhaps a gift, but at what cost. A hundred gold is a gift, but it's not worth your arm, is it? And I won't kill you. I don't like you, but that doesn't mean I get to kill you. Just mean I don't go out of my way to help you. I won't make the first move, Kaiyus, but I will make the last.

Turning to Aelar, she expression becomes neutral, and she looks him in the eyes. You want to know what happened to me. Fine. I'll tell. Not like stranger's aplenty don't know already.
She looks out into the horizon as she talks, he voice level at the beginning, but becoming more frantic as she goes on.
We were on the border, and it's always been a quite one. Then the war started. There weren't any troops to stop them, only the militia. No use, too many, and too good. They burned James from the inside out. Utali tried to run, and they sicced there animals on her. Slashed her up, and then left her to die in the middle of the square. Killed the men, the children, but spared us. Wanted us to serve them. We cooked and cleaned for them. At night, they herded us into the town hall to sleep. It wasn't bad at first.
At this, River's voice becomes unusually high pitched, almost what one would call hysterical. Her breathing becomes more ragged, and you can tell she's on the verge of hyperventilating.Then they came in. Rips. Tears. Tried to fight. Tried to, honest.
River stills for a moment, before seeming to shut down. She rocks from side to side on her horse, staring blankly ahead. She continues to speak, but the words don't sound like her. It's as if she's parroting someone else's speech. Hey, there, get that bitch tied down. Do't worry, c'pnt. She not home any more. Ha, took her long enough. What was it, 2 days of screaming. Had to break her arm after she tried to get Jimmy's eyes. Yeah, go--oh gods. Watch it. Stop her. Don't let h---.

Continuing, this time in a sing-song child's voice.
Broken. Everyone's broken. Nothing's right. Nothing's whole. Can't go back. Nowhere to go. No peace. No sleep. No Justice. Just us.

2009-10-30, 08:06 PM
Wary of the sudden change in atmosphere, Fateral becomes very wary of River. Dismounting his horse, he moves slowly towards her, trying to sound as calm as possible with his voice River? Are you alright? Just let it out, it will be alright. Its over now. Gone. Let it out and let it go away, there's nothing you can gain by keeping inside of you.

Edging closer, he tries to draw her attention away from the rest of the party in case she becomes dangerous. He continues to whisper to her Just let the emotion flow away. Be free of these mental chains of the cruelty of man. It's alright, no one will judge you for being free of them.

2009-10-30, 09:11 PM
Your approach snaps her out of her daze. Flailing around, she shrieks, though she soon quites and listens to your speech, though she seems to be mumbling the entire time.
"GET AWAY FROM ME! Not again. Not again...."
At the end of your speech, she shakes her head, and speaks with a harsh mirth.
Let go of my feelings? Be free of them? You're wrong. I not who I was before. I am anger, am sorrow. Without my emotions, I am nothing, nobody. They give me power, give me purpose. Give me a reason to continue. No. There's no going back now.
You realize I'm still on my horse and moving along with the rest of us, right?

2009-10-30, 09:19 PM
As the party were conducting their... interesting conversation, the path they were following took them into a wooded area. The sun, which was high in the sky, was now obscured by trees. All was quiet, perhaps too quiet.

Current Time 1:00 PM GST

Make perception checks.

2009-10-30, 09:21 PM
Drained by her outburst, River sits hunched over in her saddle, not paying attention to her surroundings.


2009-10-30, 09:26 PM
Fateral walks alongside his horse, glancing around at the surrounding trees. He always felt at peace with nature. He also used it to distract himself when life started to bother him.

Perception [roll0]

2009-10-30, 09:30 PM
Fateral, as he was listening to the sounds of nature, hears something that sounds like whispering. Listening closely he can make out that the sounds are, indeed, voices, but they are not speaking in any language that Fateral knows.

2009-10-30, 09:39 PM
Hearing the whispers, Fateral motion for the other party members to quiet down. Moving towards the voices, he motions for the rest to follow. He crouches down to try and stay stealthy while getting to a better position to see the beings speaking

Stealth [roll0]

2009-10-30, 09:43 PM
Fateral moves stealthily in the direction of the voices which, as soon as he began to move, had stopped talking. Even though he moved as quietly as possible Fateral was unable to locate the source of the voices. Whoever or whatever was making them also did not want to be found.

2009-10-30, 09:48 PM
After Fateral explains what he was doing, River closes her eyes and concentrates.

Everyone within 60ft hears the following in Common and Dwarven.
Hello? If you're out there, we don't want to hurt you. Just show yourselves.

2009-10-30, 09:50 PM
A few seconds pass in silence before a female voice responds in a language that is neither Common or Dwarvish. It sounded stern and imperious. Whatever the person was demanding they would not tolerate delays.

2009-10-30, 09:53 PM
Uhhh...Sorry? I can't understand you. Does anyone else understand what they're saying?

2009-10-30, 09:54 PM
Another voice rang through the silence.

Use your head! The voice was in Common so speak in Common, fool! it said, a man's voice this time.

Fine! You five, identify yourselves and your business in this forest! said the now very agitated female voice.

2009-10-30, 09:59 PM
Fateral, unwilling to reveal everything about themselves at once, replied to the voices We are travelers, on our way to Idar Flamme. Who might you be?

He hoped that these mysterious strangers will accept the simple answer and will not ask anymore questions

2009-10-30, 10:00 PM
Idar Flamme? Have you, perchance, come from Rithmere? asked the voice.

2009-10-30, 10:03 PM
Fateral paused a moment, obviously weighing the possibility that these people may be hunting them. Determining that the detail didn't endanger them immediately, he responded Aye, we did come from Rithmere

2009-10-30, 10:04 PM
Are you in league with the Crossbone Vanguard? asked the voice which now showed obvious traces of anger.

2009-10-30, 10:07 PM
Fateral breathed a small sigh of relief. He didn't let his guard down yet but at least they were heading in a good conversational direction. He responds yet again Nay, I will say that we had slain a few in Rithmere.

2009-10-30, 10:08 PM
What proof have you that we may take you at your word? barked the voice.

2009-10-30, 10:17 PM
Worrying slightly that the group might be attacked, Fateral tried to think of a way to prove themselves. Acting quickly, Fateral calls back As a sign of good faith, I'll move out into the open. You may inspect the blade at my side for any symbol of the Vanguard

Moving out of his hiding place, he motions for River to stay where she is.

2009-10-30, 10:18 PM
That's supposed to be proof? You would have that even if you were in the Vanguard! responded the voice.

2009-10-30, 10:20 PM
River gives an exasperated sigh, and snaps at the unseen voice. Well then how should we prove that we aren't?

2009-10-30, 10:21 PM
Fateral was quickly growing tired of this game. He calls back again If you have undoubted proof that I am a member of the vanguard, show it to me and strike me down. If I was, I'd be the dumbest member in the organization as I've given away my location, giving you the element of surprise

2009-10-30, 10:23 PM
Well... I... uh... stammered the voice.

This is ridiculous! I knew this would happen if we let the new recruit do the talking! protested another voice.

At once something jumped down from the trees and into the party's midst. He was elven, wearing all green and brown so as to blend in with the forest's foliage and had both a short and longsword strapped to his back. Rounding on Fateral he looked him dead in the eye and asked:

Are you in the Vanguard?

2009-10-30, 10:27 PM
Fateral was stunned by the sudden appearance of the elven man but his voice had hardly changed an octave as he spoke I am not in the Vanguard trying wholeheartedly to keep the sincerity in his voice so there would not be even a shadow of a doubt.

2009-10-30, 10:31 PM
The elf locked eyes with the tiefling for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly.

Works for me. he said, motioning towards the trees above him.

At his signal seven other elves of varying heights, genders and armaments leapt into the midst of the party.

You had sincerity in your eyes, tiefling. You're lucky. We were ready to skewer you all like pigs. I'm Ileron and these are my woods. As enemies of the Vanguard, we welcome you. said the elf who had jumped down first.

2009-10-30, 10:37 PM
Fully relaxing as the tension released, Fateral gave a bow to Ileron
Master Elf, I have no doubt that you would have been able to destroy us, and I am glad that you have not done so.

Fateral Motions for River and the party to come out of hiding, finally relieved of his duty in this debate.

2009-10-30, 10:43 PM
Truth be told I was just out here showing some newly recruited warriors the ropes. We weren't expecting someone to show up out here again, not after the Vanguard decided to loot our village. We took care of them easily, but the audacity, I... never mind. I don't think their leader knew they were out here anyway by the way they were talking. Deserters, most likely, turned bandit. But I digress, what business do you have in Idar Flamme? asked Ileron.

2009-10-30, 10:44 PM
There's a man, Kincaid, who's heading that way. He's associated with the Vanguard, and is after a Soul Shard. Probably for the Empire.

2009-10-30, 10:49 PM
Khana's forces are all the way up here? Last I heard they were being held at Malinet, or at least the army was. Soul Shards, eh...? What in blazes would they want those things for? mused Ileron aloud.

What is a Soul Shard? asked one of the female elves.

A Soul Shard is the remnant of a dead elemental, concentrated energy in a crystalized form. They are tools, Diedara, or weapons depending on who uses them. Is that why the Vanguard is here? To gather Soul Shards? asked Ileron.

2009-10-30, 10:51 PM
Seems to be so. They already got the one in Rithmere, and they seem to be looking for the one in Idar Flamme.

2009-10-30, 10:55 PM
I see. That's interesting news. The elders will want to hear about this. All right, thank you for your cooperation, but be careful. I don't think we got rid of all of the Vanguard Deserters. They may still be in the forest so be on your guard. Until we meet again! said Ileron, vanishing with the rest of the elves into the trees.

2009-10-30, 11:09 PM
The party continued onward into the forest. The foliage had become very thick in a short amount of time. The canopy above allowed little to no sunlight to pass through but one could still easily see the path. As they continued into the gloom the eerie silence that shrouded the area was burst open by a loud cheering noise followed by rapid chattering in common.

Again, perception checks to hear what they are saying.

2009-10-30, 11:10 PM
For once, River is actually paying attention to her surroundings, and strains to comprehend the sounds.


2009-10-30, 11:14 PM
River hears the following exchange.

I don't believe it! A Soul Shard here in this miserable forest!

Keep it down! what if those elves hear us?

Who cares? we can blast them to kingdom come with this!

Fool! We could use that shard to regain good grace with Lord Kincaid.

Who cares about him? He never lets us go looting! Think's its dishonorable, the pious scum!

What would you do with it?

If I ever get out of this forest I'll sell it! I'm sure it'll fetch a high price.

2009-10-30, 11:16 PM
Telepathically, being careful to refrain from having the message spread beyond the group, River informs the others.
I think there are some Vanguard up ahead. The mention a "Lord Kincaid", and a soul shard. I think we should try and surprise them.

2009-10-31, 12:26 AM
River gathers up her will and thrusts it forward, forming a hulking creature that immediately attacks one of the vanguard. It misses, but at the same some of the construct's aura overlaps with him. Soon afterward, the man feels weak, and even though he has no injuries, clutches his left side.

Using Astral Construct, and augmenting for 2.
Attack vs AC.[roll0]
Using action point.
Also, using disable on the same person, Roll of 14 vs Will and 10 damage if it hits. Also, he's weakened until the end of my next turn.

2009-10-31, 12:35 AM
The human cries out in pain, drawing his greataxe.

2009-10-31, 12:45 AM
Circling around to the other side of the two men, Aelar charges the Bugbear when River unleashes her attack on the human. Sword held low, he brings it up at the last, attempting to slice the beast in twain. His eyes glowing brighter for a moment from beneath his hood, the elf brought his sword around in an arc, before pointing it at the beast's face, and stabbing upward, his sword reflecting the color of his eyes: brightest white.

Minor OoE, Standard Charge

Attack rolls [roll0] [roll1]

Damage [roll2] [roll3]

Action point spent, used to activate Oath of the Final Duel with Elven Accuracy

Attack Rolls [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] Miss=Half damage

Damage rolls [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] Add 7 damage.

And if the target is more than 3 squares away from me at the start of my turn, I can teleport to within 3 squares of him as a minor action. Lasts until the end of the encounter.

2009-10-31, 12:50 AM
The Bugbear shrieks in pain and readies itself to fight.

Initiatives in the OOC

2009-11-02, 09:55 PM
Damian attacks!

I move if I must to get to whatever's closest I suppose and then twin strike it.

ATTACKS: [roll0][roll1]
DAMAGES: [roll2][roll3]

forgive the inelegant post, in the middle of doing a time-sensitive paper

2009-11-03, 01:24 PM
Damian's blow delivers a vicious scratch that greatly inconveniences the human.

I told you that this forest was more trouble than it was worth! roared the human to the bugbear.

Don't worry! The others will be back soon! We'll crush these interlopers! replied the bugbear.

2009-11-03, 02:21 PM
The bugbear turned on Aelar, raising his morningstar to strike. With a savage grin etched upon his face, the bugbear brought down the morningstar, tearing into Aelar's shoulder. As Aelar recoiled in pain the bugbear let out a mirthless laugh.

Thought you'd sneak up on us didn't you, you dirty elf? Your lot gave us a fair bit of trouble when we raided their village. They repelled us, yes, but not without casualties. Personally, I hate elves. High and mighty scum that look down on everyone else. If you're man enough to fight me, then why not make it fun? A one-on-one duel, you and me! What do you say, filthy elf?

[roll0] vs. AC to hit and [roll1] damage should it do so.

2009-11-03, 02:52 PM
The Phantasm continues to attack, purple waves of energy cascading off of it to flow around the human. He seems to be resisting them well, but then a crystal shard slams into his side, disrupting his concentrations. With a mental note of triumph, the phantasm sends a stronger wave of energy, beating the human down and tearing at his mind.

Standard: Crystal Shard Human:
Attack vs Ref:[roll0]
Damage[roll1]- Actual damage is 8, rolled in the OOC thread.

Move Action: the Construct Attacks the Human
Attack vs Will:[roll2]
Minor Action: Sustain

2009-11-03, 03:07 PM
The human cried out in agony, clutching his side where the shard had hit and pulling it out. Looking up he noticed River concentrating heavily as the constructs form flickered for a moment before solidifying again. Suddenly a look of realization dawned on his face.

Watch out for the girl, she's a psion! shouted the human, an expression of great anger filling his face.

A what? asked the bugbear.

Beings who utilize abnormal mental power as a means of aggression, replied the human.

Mental power? Like the one who...

Yeah, that's right. I'm bringing her down! GET OUT OF MY WAY! roared the human, turning his axe on Damian. The blow missed but the ferocity with which the human lashed out shocked Damian.

[roll0] vs. AC to hit and [roll1] damage should it do so.

2009-11-03, 03:42 PM
For a second, sanity snaps back into River's eyes as she ***** her head at the man.
You've met more like me? Where?

2009-11-03, 03:56 PM
Feh! I've only ever met one other like you. When my family and I lived in Colchis there was a certain interest in a number of young peoples being born within a certain radius of The Dierhorn, a mountain in the center of the country. The children were said to have extraordinary powers as a result of growing up so close to the mountain although this was never substabtiated. Before long a project was statred to test the capabilities of these wonder children. The tests were to see if they could be used in an intelligence capacity, like interrogation. One day my sister was summoned to act as a test dummy for one of the subjects. She was scared out of her mind but Mom and Dad told her that it would be all right... it would be... THEY BROKE HER! When she was delivered home she was nothing more than a vegetable! The psion destroyed her mind, destroyed who she was, destroyed her soul! She could only sit there, staring at the ceiling... well I got my revenge on the institute. Joining the Vanguard helped me do that. Kincaid seemed to think that putting psions through that was wrong. I agree, but I will never forgive them for taking my one of my family from me. WHAT GOOD IS POWER IF YOU CANNOT CONTROL IT!? roared the human, his face flecked with tears.

2009-11-03, 11:38 PM
"None," came a cold voice from under Kaiyus's hood. The look on his face was indistinguishable, but his green eyes seemed to be fixed on River.

2009-11-04, 07:41 PM
The shooting pain from his injury spurred Aelar into action. Thinking quickly, he realized how he needed to play this fight out.

"One on one, you say? Fair enough, but if you're as mighty as you say, then you most certainly wouldn't need a weapon to fight a dirty elf, would you?" he said, motioning that he was going to sheath his weapon. Then, taking a leap backwards, Aelar slashed at the Bugbear, his blade glowing white. At the end of his leap, he sheathed his sword, grinning at the bugbear, and flew off, shouting back, "Catch me if you can, you poor excuse for a warrior! I've seen female halflings hit harder than you!"

Standard action, Angelic Alacrity, Move action to book it.

Attack Rolls [roll0] [roll1]
Damage Rolls [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] First two are the rolls, second two are if either of them are a 1. Add 7 damage to the total.

Then, after shifting 5 squares away from the Bugbear (down), and moving 7 to the right.

2009-11-04, 07:48 PM
Although the blow missed, the bugbear raged at Aelar's words.

2009-11-05, 05:47 PM
Fateral rushes beside Damian. As he motions to grab his sword, he mutters under his breath I swear to Pelor, sometimes I wonder whether or not this is some bad dream and I'll wake up underneath some bench with an empty bottle of ale in my hand. Maybe that would be good, there are indeed worse ways to wake up. Oh right I'm still in battle aren't I?

Maybe I should focus on that so that I wont fall behind. Maybe I should verbally antagonize my opponent, rendering him hopelessly confused as I cut him to ribbons, or maybe I can pull off a series of difficult acrobatic stunts that leave him in awe as I cut him to ribbons. Or maybe I should just watch for a while... That seems good, it doesn't put me in danger after all, but then theres the rest of my friends to think about. I can't just leave them here to face these foul villains alone.

Oh well, I guess I'll move forward with this moment, and maybe will achieve a new understanding of combat

Pulling out his blade, Fateral makes a very rude gesture while challenging the man. He then slashes with his blade in such a way as to weaken the man should his weapon strike true.

Move 5 spaces (1 south from Damian)
Minor action -- Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike (vs AC) [roll0] Damage [roll]1d8+3

2009-11-05, 05:50 PM
Swing and a miss.

2009-11-05, 08:18 PM
The bugbear merely laughed at Aelar's words.

As I thought, cowards to the end. If you won't fight me straight up then I am leaving. I have what I want and what I imagine you want as well, he said, taking a piece of crystal out of his tunic pocket that was roughly the size of a fist.

Godot! If you live through this then come find me! I could use a man like you on my side! Fare well, dog of the Raven Queen, called the bugbear to both the human and Aelar as he made to leave.

2009-11-05, 08:22 PM
Damian once again attacks the human, know revealed to be called Godot. His second strike lands a blow.

To hit:[roll0][roll1]
Damage: [roll2][roll3]

2009-11-05, 08:31 PM
Kayius laughed a cold, mirthless laugh.

The quarry is fleeing and, as I think of it, his words are correct. All of you, naught but cowards and children who refuse to see the truth of the world. You have served your usefulness to me and I believe that I can gain no more from your company save pointless arguments. I must bid you all farewell. No, I take that back. I could care less about how you are from this point on. Good riddance to you all, especially you, little girl. Should we meet again, twill be as enemies, he said, and with that Kayius Strife rode off into the gloom of the woods and out of sight.

2009-11-05, 08:39 PM
Startled by the man's outburst, River takes a step backward, addressing him with wide eyed.
Not all of us choose our paths. I didn't want to be this way, but the Empire took away all the options. What do you have to say to that?
At this moment, she flings another crystal, and the construct redoubles it's attack.

River looks after Kayius, and speak to no one in particular. A nasty man, and It's good to see the back of you. If you're determined to be our enemies, then I won't hesitate.

Attack vs ref:[roll]1d20+3[roll]

attack vs Will[roll1]
Minor to Sustain

2009-11-05, 08:49 PM
The human, now identified as Godot, looked stunned at the bugbear's words.

So this is the kind of man you are. Very well. Leave with your prize, you will not get far alone.

Turning to River, he said:

No one chooses their path? I cannot believe that. One may be given a beginning and end point, but the road you use to traverse between these two points is your choice. Can you honestly say that you never had the option to resist, or was it that you were afraid to? While it may not be the fault of the psion, they were still the one to do the deed and they must live with that as I do. So long as you stand in front of me as an enemy, I will fight you to my last breath.

With that he swung his axe at Damian once again.

[roll0] vs. AC and [roll1] damage

2009-11-05, 09:25 PM
Giving a harsh bark of laughter, River replies, sneering all the while, a slightly mad gleam in her eyes.THIS is resistance. The Empire attacked without warning, without provocation. Everyone else is dead, and me, I'm broken. But I won't go quietly into the night. I'll rage against them with my dying breathe if that's what it takes. Them, and all who aid them.

2009-11-05, 09:29 PM
Godot shook his head.

Wash blood with blood? What good does that do? AS I think of it, revenge does nothing for you. Certainly it gives you drive and a reason to live, but what happens after the fact? You are left even more broken and empty than before. Then again, I'm not one to talk... tell me this: if told to, would you destroy someone's mind?

2009-11-05, 09:37 PM
There's nothing left for me to live for. And the one's who took it all away are still out there. Until they pay there's no peace for me, and afterward. After I'll have no reason to fight the night.
River gives him a sad smile, and a quick shake of her head, then looks up at Godot.
As your question, Yes. The person who ordered it. No one deserves to be broken. Not like that...
At this, River shivers, as if warding off bad memories.

2009-11-05, 09:41 PM
There's always something to live for, even if it's just for the sake of living. If one resigns themselves to the abyss without trying to find something to live for, then can they really make such a statement? Everyone and everything had a purpose. Lord Kincaid taught me that. He saved me from being an engine hellbent on destroying psions. Though I can still get a little... emotional on the subject, I have something to live for. The Vanguard sees to that, replied the human.

2009-11-05, 09:52 PM
So in order for you to have a reason for living, others must suffer? If that is the only way, then I will gladly go into the night.

2009-11-05, 09:58 PM
It wasn't always like that. The Vanguard... it used to be that we only went after those who would destroy others, criminals and warlords and such. The Vanguard never harmed innocents, not even at the order of the Emperor. During our quest for Soul Shards I cannot think of a single time where anyone was harmed. As I think of it, Kincaid would always stay behind and help if an innocent life was in danger. We... Feran left with a group of others who wanted more spoils. I accompanied him to try and stop him. I didn't... don't like fighting. That raid on the elf village... barbaric in every way. I have much respect for Lord Kincaid and what he believes in. As to why he deigns fit to work for the Emperor I have no idea, although he has been looking worse for the wear of late, said Godot.

2009-11-05, 10:26 PM
Even if you yourself have done nothing, the fact that you support those who do taints your claims. Your emperor burnt attack without warning. Your emperor's army killed and raped. If good men do nothing, and work to support the bad, what will the world come to?

2009-11-05, 10:27 PM
Ruin. He's not my emperor and I don't condone what he does. However, I will follow Lord Kincaid simply because I believe in him, if someone like you can understand that.

2009-11-05, 10:29 PM
Yet Kincaid supports him. And because you willingly follow, some responsibility is yours as well. Is following Kincaid worth helping the Emperor?

2009-11-05, 10:31 PM
That's just it: I'm not sure Lord Kincaid is following the emperor's orders simply out of a sense of duty. Like I said, the Vanguard punishes warmongers which is why I could never wrap my head around why Kincaid would follow the orders of such a man. I think... perhaps he's being forced to.

2009-11-05, 10:36 PM
And yet you still follow. Even if he is being forced, compliance is still compliance, and Kincaid seems to be efficient if nothing else. Why? Shouldn't he be draging his feet, telling those he can about what is happening, seeking help? None of this makes sense.

2009-11-05, 10:38 PM
Few things in life do. And yes, I will keep following him if only to see where that road takes me, for that is the meaning of life. If you get the chance, ask him what his motivations are. I would myself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't be making it out of this forest alive.

2009-11-05, 10:50 PM
River concentrates for a moment, contacting Aelar.
What do you think? If what he says is true, Kincaid might be turnable. Plus, if nothing else, the bugbear seems to be more of a threat, and he can carry word to Kincaid of Feran's actions.

2009-11-09, 08:42 PM
"Sure thing, keep him under control, or get him on our side, your choice. I've got business to tend to."

Bolting after the bugbear, Aelar leveled his khopesh at his opponent, and loosed a bolt of divine energy, shouting, "I think you forgot something, coward!"

Move action to move 7 spaces away from the bugbear, and standard to use radiant vengeance.

Attack rolls (vs REF) [roll0] [roll1]

Damage [roll2] [roll3] In case the first is a 1, and adds 4 temp hp to myself.

2009-11-09, 08:46 PM
The bolt flies harmlessly past the bugbear, but makes an example out of the rebellious tree which was several feet from him. After all, that tree was getting a little big for it's breeches.

2009-11-09, 08:48 PM
Cursing under his breath, Aelar venomously spat at the Bugbear, "What will your friends think if they find out you ran away from an elf, huh?"

2009-11-09, 08:50 PM
I don't have friends, I have lackeys. Anyway, I have what I came for, and if I have to debase myself to get out of here alive, then so be it. said Feran.

Call me crazy, but I don't think you'll be leaving this forest, hissed a familiar voice.

At once the form of an elf bull rushed the fleeing bugbear, knocking him back several feet. Ileron had joined the fray.

2009-11-09, 09:48 PM
Go. Tell Kincaid what happened, and that we want to talk to him. This isn't over yet, but less broken the better.

2009-11-09, 10:17 PM
Godot looked stunned at first, but soon broke into a broad smile.

Wasn't expecting that, but all right. First though, he said, turning on the form of the recently bull rushed bugbear, axe in hand, I need to rectify a mistake.

Congratulations! You now have two temporary allies!

2009-11-09, 10:40 PM
Fateral and Damian exchanged grins. They knew they were no longer needed in this battle and decided to sit back and watch.

The bugbear, frightened by this new development, lashed out at the elf. His blow struck Ileron, leaving a gash in his shoulder.


2009-11-09, 10:52 PM
River runs toward Faren, the construct flowing before her, sending waves of energy washing over Faren.

Move foward 6.
Minor Action: sustain
Move action: direct construct to move to Faren and attack:
attack vs will[roll0]

2009-11-09, 10:54 PM
The construct hits it's intended target.

2009-11-09, 10:56 PM
Godot sprinted for his once-comrade, axe held high. Unfortunately, he missed.


2009-11-10, 02:43 PM
Fateral, not quite content with just being out of the fight, shouted towards the group fighting the bugbear with a smile on his face Yeah! Tear his head off and beat him with it! Go human whom until recently I wanted to kill! Don't worry about missing, you'll get him next time! Hey, bugbear! Yes you son of a stale wench, I hear your mother still cleans the room you were birthed in due to the vile stench that yet remains!

Ummm Action: Taunting? Permission to quote Monty Python?

2009-11-10, 05:06 PM
Permission granted.

2009-11-10, 07:28 PM
Fateral continues to taunt the Bugbear from a distance You don't frighten me you ugly Pig-dog! Go Boil your bottom son-of-a silly person. I blow my nose at you and your so called "lackeys" *Blows a very long raspberry* I don't want to deal with you no more you empty headed, animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! Now hurry up and die, or I shall taunt you a second time!

2009-11-10, 10:21 PM
After a severe bout of taunting the bugbear looked flummoxed and generally confused.

2009-11-11, 10:06 PM
Seeing that the Bugbear was thoroughly distracted for the time being, Aelar caught his breath, and moved closer to it as he drew his sword.

Standard Action, Second Wind, Move Action to move 1 space away from the bugbear

2009-11-11, 10:09 PM
The bugbear, thoroughly incensed by the numerous amounts of enemies he now had to face, swung his morningstar at Godot. The maul struck Godot hard in the chest, causing him to reel in pain.


2009-11-11, 10:11 PM
Because I loused up [roll0]

2009-11-11, 10:16 PM
River concentrates, forming a crystal shard and flinging it at Faren. At the same time, the construct sends waves of energy at him, confusing his mind.

Attack vs Ref[roll0] Damage[roll1]

Attack vs will[roll2] Damage[roll3]

2009-11-11, 10:19 PM
Neither hit.

Recovering from his bout with a bludgeon, Godot returned the favor with his greataxe... or he would have if it made contact.


2009-11-12, 09:03 PM
Summoning all of his available strength, Ileron swings his longsword down upon the distracted bugbear, tearing a large gash in his back. As the bugbear roared in pain Ileron spun around and brought his shortsword down in the opposite direction, creating a perfect X-shaped wound in the bugbear's back. Crying out in pain, the bugbear dropped his morningstar. Taking this opportunity, Ileron thrust his longsword through the back of the bugbear, piercing his heart. Feran hit the ground, dead as a doorknob.

[roll0][roll1] vs REF to hit [roll2][roll3] plus an extra 4 damage if both hit. Encounter over. All parties involved get 106 xp.

2009-11-12, 09:39 PM
Breathing heavily, the rush of battle slowly leaves River's eyes, and the phantasm slowly disperses. Reaching down, she removes the soul shard from Faren's body. Turning to the others, she pockets the pulsing gem.
I think I'll hold onto this. So, what now?

2009-11-12, 09:46 PM
Now I go and hunt for the rest of his lackeys, said Ileron And as for you... Godot, was it? Do you have any intention of harming my village?

I never had any intention to do so the first time. I just want to go back where I belong said Godot unflinchingly.

The two locked eyes for a moment before Ileron shrugged and vanished into the trees. Godot heaved a sigh of relief.

Good. I 've had enought fighting for one day. As for the rest of you, thanks for turning a blind eye. I owe you one. he said before departing from the group and disappearing down the path.

2009-11-12, 11:41 PM
Noticing that this shard seems different than the one from before, River closely examines it, attempting to discern it's properties.


2009-11-12, 11:45 PM
The Shard was certainly much larger than the one they had found in Rithmere, being about as large as the bugbear's fist. Inside of the SHard was not fire, but instead a swirling cloud of dust, possibly from an earht elemental. Regardless, it was obvious that this Shard held more latent power than the other one. As River continued her study of the Shard, she noticed a fracture that ran the circumfrence of the shard. Any significant force applied on the Shard would destroy it.

2009-11-13, 09:17 PM
Wandering around the body of the fallen, Fateral takes a couple of moment to search for anything useful they can gather from the deceased. Come on, lets see what you got

Search (perception?) [roll0]

2009-11-13, 09:25 PM
On the body of the dead bugbear Fateral finds a several of things. One of them was a bag of gold and some silver pieces. Another was a small doll, perhaps one of the elves'. Finally, around the bugbear's neck, Fateral found a pendant in the shape of a holy symbol.

You find, in total, 35 gold pieces and 18 silver pieces, a doll made of some expensive looking fabric, and a holy symbol which does... you don't know that yet.

2009-11-13, 10:03 PM
Looking over the doll and the holy symbol, Fateral appears perplexed. Moving towards River, he absentmindedly hands the doll for her to take as he continues to look over the Symbol, as if at any moment it may disappear should he take his eyes away from it. He began trying to remember if he had seen this symbol somewhere before. It seemed so familiar to him but he just couldn't name it.
Religion check [roll0]

2009-11-13, 10:08 PM
You know that the symbol belongs to the Raven Queen, but more than that it is a Symbol of Life, a tool for healers.

Technically, it does this:Power (Daily ✦ Healing): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn, any character healed by one of your encounter
powers or daily powers regains an additional 1d6 hit

2009-11-13, 10:44 PM
Suddenly, BAMF! a flash of light and a large cloud of smoke appears in the middle of the road next to the group of intrepid adventurers. They draw their weapons in surprise and anticipation, but as the smoke clears the begin to hear coughing and see the lump of a form on the ground.

Cagh! Cough! Ahum! Damn mages can never get it strait; my robes'll smell like brimstone for a week! And look at what they did to my rucksack!. . .

The group sees that the contents of an adventurers kit strewn about the road, obviously garbled in the. . .um. . .travel. In the middle of the road they see a disheveled, old dwarf man. The look he gives them suggests a kind of crotchety old geezer that has seen more than one sword pointed his way. He stands up and brushes the dirt off of his robes, then reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a pair of glasses. He grabs a slip of paper from the mess in the road and asks,

Which on of you lot is. . .he squints. . .Aelar Ilidea?

2009-11-13, 10:51 PM
Pointing to Aelar, River calmly says He is. Who are you?

2009-11-13, 11:04 PM
Gloman Whistlebolt. . .my young lady.

The elderly dwarf bow slightly to River, looking over his glasses and smiling. His smile shows off the huge wrinkles in his face that only years of hard work can create.

Alright my boy, lets have a look at you. Gloman eyes the elf with a critical scowl. Looking him over as if he were judging a prize hound. I, he says extending his hand to shake, am your handler. The Church see it fit to appoint a clergyman to it's valued. . .um. . .field men. I will be here to help you, be counsel to you and your friends, and keep you in line with the teachings of the Queen. Its seems like we have more than our fair share of rogue avengers these days and I have been sent by the abbot of our church to help you stay within the Queen's eyes.

The Dwarf then sits down and pulls off his boot. He begins to empty the sand and dirt out of it, muttering under his breath. . .damn mages. . .

2009-11-13, 11:13 PM
Now, my young lady, Gloman says to River, could you be a dear and get an old dwarf some water and bread? I'm afraid the blasted mages teleported my supper into the elemental chaos instead of back into my stomach.

2009-11-13, 11:47 PM
In dwarvish, River replies. <Of course, Honored Elder. What Clan-Hall do you hail from?>. She then gives she some rations from her pack.

2009-11-14, 04:07 PM
Additionally, Aelar notices enough about the dwarf's behavior to know that he is, in fact, not a dwarf.

2009-11-14, 05:11 PM
Stepping in before the dwarf could respond to River, Aelar said, "Now now, plenty of time for you two to chit chat in Dwarven later, but for now, I need to speak with him in private regarding why he has been assigned to me, and the state of things back at the monastery. So, if you'll excuse us.

He then led the dwarf away from the others. Walking slowly, Aelar decided it was best to take this equally slow.

"So, Gloman, was it? Forgive me if I'm being naive, but I don't believe I recall seeing you around the monastery. Are you a recent arrival, perhaps?"

2009-11-14, 05:39 PM
Aelar. . .they told me you were smart. No my boy, I'm afraid I've just been playing the role here. Names Kir, the dwarf extends his wrinkly hand. I am your handler, but I was . . .let me think. . . probably human the last time you saw me. I had the upper-ups do a little scrying when I got assigned to you. I saw this little waif here wasn't too fond of the human-type folk. I thought I'd have a little fun. Anyways, let me get a little bit more comfortable. . .

As Kir says these last words his form shifts. He grows at least three feet taller and thins out considerably. His skin becomes smooth and pale and his eyes go from the wide gems of dwarves to the black orbs of a Shadar-kai. His hair grows a foot and turns white and he shakes it out of his face.

There we go, he says in a new voice that sounds like liquid shadow melting out of a cauldron. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

2009-11-14, 05:47 PM
"Hehe, I was curious to see how long you kept up the facade, but as soon as the young lady, River's her name, started speaking dwarven, I figured I should intervene. I mean, I wasn't sure if you actually knew the language, that's all.

So, now that you're here, what exactly is going on back at the monastery?"

2009-11-14, 05:53 PM
We are getting a lot of pressure from the local magistrate. War means bodies, bodies mean funerals, funerals need clerics. Were short on brothers to perform the duties and we are having quite a resurgence of undead because of it. And on top of that, we are now mandated to have a certain number of brothers in the field to monitor the. . .hands of our Queen, as we are so fond to call those of your profession. And, so, I was sent here, because the undead see little use for my many faces, but I may be of use to you and yours.

2009-11-14, 06:01 PM
"I guess that's fair, and makes sense, but what of the other Avengers? What's happened that's causing us to be monitored? I thought our Queen already monitored us."

2009-11-14, 06:06 PM
Well. . .Kir leans in to whisper to Aelar. To be honest, you're dropping like flies. The Church doesn't understand it, but it is cause or concern. Over a hundred of our Queen's avengers have died within the past month. We are not sure why, but it has been decided that a greater presence of the Queen's brothers should be in the field to help with your missions.

2009-11-14, 06:24 PM
His expression grim, Aelar took in the news of his brothers meeting untimely demises. Surely, his Queen would be none too pleased by this, and would require the perpetrator of this crime to be punished. No doubt her Ferrymen would be up to the challenge, considering their ranks were being depleted by this unknown enemy.

"Very well. Let's see if these killings are at all related to these shards we've found. I'm becoming increasingly worried about what these things mean for the rest of the world," Aelar said, beginning to walk back to where the others were.

2009-11-14, 06:31 PM
With their new companion in tow, the group proceeded on their way to Idar Flamme. Damian, who had become increasingly bored wit heverything that had been going on, decided to leave the group and go off in search of a more interesting adventure. In two days time, the group reached the magnificent walled city of Idar Flamme. As they approached one of the gates a guard asked them who they were and their business. Giving suitable answers for both, the party entered the city without issue.

2009-11-14, 06:39 PM
Kir dips behind a large carriage and emerges as a lanky Elf male, hair long and raven. His eyes are a piecing shade of gray that look almost white.

2009-11-14, 06:44 PM
The group makes their way around the city until they found an inn, the Dragon's Neck Inn. Figuring that it would be as good a place as any to start gathering information, the party entered the inn. The inn itself was full of various peoples. There were a mixed group of dwarves and eladrin playing 3 Dragon Ante in a corner, various other peoples sitting down, enjoying drinks and talking, and a lone man with black hair and a clack cape bearing an emblem of two sharpened bones superimposed over a large, red V, who looked up as the party entered the bar.

Ah, we meet again, he said, twirling a dagger in his hands.

2009-11-14, 06:48 PM
Kir, almost with a fluidity exclusive to rogues, unclasps the belt loop holding his mace at his side and looses the weapon.

Friend of yours? he asks Aelar.

2009-11-14, 06:49 PM
Sitting down across from the man, Aelar extended his hand.

"I didn't get the opportunity to thank you for what you did back at the village. Before we get comfortable, though, I have something for you, that I'd like you to explain to me, if you would," he said, extracting the letter he'd found on the gnome in the crypt. As he handed the letter to the man, he ordered a round of drinks for the table.

2009-11-14, 06:50 PM
Kir sits at the table and sips his mead without taking his eyes of Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 06:53 PM
With a brief feeling of familiarity, Fateral expresses a feeling of great joy on his face even though the presense of one of his kind in the pub obviously made a couple of the other patrons uncomfortable.

I'm guessing that you're not my great uncle Ernie, are you? Might you have known him? He seemed to have the same taste in clothing as you. He spoke as if the man was a recent acquaintance from some local gathering.

2009-11-14, 06:54 PM
Yes, I wrote that. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kincaid Nau, I am the leader of the Crosbone Vanguard. You are Aelar Ilidea, River, Fateral and... I don't know of you, but yes, I had sent them in to retrieve the Shard from the Merrows crypt but before long it became apparent that they would abscond with the Shard and abandon the Vanguard. So I sent you in also under the pretense of retrieving the Shard and lo, you took care of them. I would have preferred if they had willingly surrendered, but the Vanguard is a lifetime service organization. Does that answer all of your questions?
asked Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 06:57 PM
K-. . . Elohim. . .the name is Elohim.

2009-11-14, 06:58 PM
"I'd like to know what exactly you want with these shards, actually. Also, I want to know if you have any knowledge of the slayings of my brethren, other Raven Queen worshippers. It seems to be a targeted attack on us, and if you've heard anything, I'd very much like to hear it, as well."

2009-11-14, 07:01 PM
Killing members of the Order of the Raven Queen? I'm afraid I have no knowledge of that. As for why I want the Shards... I don't, Raphael does, responded Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 07:02 PM
Raphael would be. . .? leads Kir, wanting to get more information out of this shadowy character.

2009-11-14, 07:04 PM
Taking long droughts from his drink, Fateral listened to the ensuing conversation intently.

2009-11-14, 07:06 PM
"Raphael is the Emperor of Khana, friend. He's more bloodthirsty and power-hungry than any other being I've encountered. A terrible stain on his family name."

Turning to Kincaid, Aelar asked, "So, what exactly does The Bloody One want with these shards?"

2009-11-14, 07:09 PM
From what I know, he's using them to make a weapon that will end the war. One Shard of reasonable size will do considerable damage, he plans to use them en masse... despicable man... muttered Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 07:15 PM
Fateral doesn't finish raising his drink to his lips before he stops moving. Moving his eyes from his ale, he looks at Kincaid

If you find him to be a despicable man, why would you work for him to begin with. I just find that to be about as logical as purposefully poisoning yourself in hopes of living a longer life. He spoke with only a mild hint of interest, trying to cover the fact that he was almost hanging off this man's every word.

2009-11-14, 07:19 PM
... That is my business. Speaking of business, I hear tell that you ran into one of my men in the woods. He tells me that you not only let him go, but also helped him dispose of a barbaric traitor. I thank you for that, but I must also ask that you give me the Soul Shard that was in his possession, said Kincaid, extending his hand.

2009-11-14, 07:20 PM
I'd rather drink dragon piss than hand over a weapon, Kir whispers to Aelar.

2009-11-14, 07:26 PM
"Sorry, Kincaid, but you walked out of town with our soul shard last time, I think we'll hold onto this one until you tell us why you're doing Raphael's bidding. Godot was fairly clear about what your organization stood for, and it would seem being The Bloody One's lapdog doesn't quite sit well with the Vanguard's tenets. Now, if you want the shard, start talking. Otherwise, we'll be seeing you."

2009-11-14, 07:31 PM
Kincaid sighed.

While it's true that I do not like what it is the Empire is doing, I am... unable to refuse a request from the Emperor. As for you all, I'm not certain you understand the position you're in, he said, gesturing to the other bar patrons, who had all ceased their activities and were staring stony-eyed at the group, hands on until previously concealed weapons.

I'll ask you again: please give me the Shard.

2009-11-14, 07:34 PM
Pulling the shard he had held onto from beneath his cloak, he held it out of reach of Kincaid.

"If you or anyone else attempts to take this from me, I will destroy it. We are leaving, and that's final. End of discussion."

With that, Aelar stood up from the table, and began to slowly back towards the door with the others.

2009-11-14, 07:39 PM
Staring into his empty glass and showing only the discomfort of having nothing left to drink, Fateral mock-whined

And I was having such a nice drink too. Too bad too, you seemed like such a noble person the way Godot described you. Now I see that all you are is a coward who fights for his masters scraps and attention. I do believe it is time to leave. Directing his last statement more towards the rest of the party instead of at Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 07:40 PM
Well I guess the veil is useless now. . .

Kir groans loudly as he changes into a huge, smelly, bloody Gnoll. His mouth is foaming and he growls. . .get out of here guys, I'll cover the exit.


2009-11-14, 07:40 PM
Quickly, seven men jumped up and barred the exit. Kincaid stood up from the table and slowly walked up to Aelar.

I know you know of the Shard's destructive power, but if you don't mind using your head for a moment, consider two things. One: there are innocent lives upstairs in the rooms that will be snuffed out if you use that in here. Two: I have no intention of giving that particular Shard to the Emperor. I have more... intricate plans for it if what Godot told me is correct.

Incidently, if that's how you want to play it, said Kincaid at the now knoll shaped Kir I can do that, too.

Suddenly, Kincaid's body erupted in scales as he turned into a tall, snake-man: a Yuan-ti.

2009-11-14, 07:50 PM
Everyone in the bar was all in a tizzy. They had just seen an elf turn into what looked like a really convincing knoll. The men guarding the door were scared ****less, by which I mean they had vacated their bowels just after the transformation. The others in the bar weren't entirely convinced that this fight was a good idea either. Kincaid, who had just transformed himself, sighed at his companions.

Honestly, after all the time's you've seen me do that you still get this scared whenever someone changes into a monster. He's a doppleganger, or an offspring of one, not an actual gnoll, said Kincaid.

The men, reassured at Kincaids words, once again stood resolute against the party, albeit with stained pants.

2009-11-14, 07:54 PM
What is this. . .second option. . .you are talking about Kincaid? Kir growls and a huge drip of Gnoll drool hits the floor.

2009-11-14, 07:56 PM
I intend to use that Shard to end the war, in my own way, on my own terms. However in order to do that I need you to give it to me. I don't want anyone to die here. Not you, not my men, not the innocents upstairs. I want to end this cycle of death with my own hands. Does that explain it for you? asked Kincaid, staring unflinchingly into Kir's eyes.

2009-11-14, 07:58 PM
Kir looks out of the corner of his eye at Aelar. Sounds good enough for me. . .


2009-11-14, 08:05 PM
Fateral was skeptical of this assertion of course but it did intrigue him. thinking about how Godot admired the man, this may be a true statement but it could just as easily be some lie. Would you have any proof of this statement or do you expect us to just roll over like good dogs and give it to you on faith?

Insight roll [roll0]

2009-11-14, 08:06 PM
You know without a doubt that he is not lying.

2009-11-14, 08:07 PM
"If you want to end this war, then you best learn to do so with the help of allies," Aelar said, grinning, because I'm holding onto this shard. At least in my hands, I know that it's not in Raphael's. I've still yet to trust a word you're saying, but if they hold true, then we can work together towards this goal. For now, though, we are leaving, and we will see you soon, Kincaid.

2009-11-14, 08:08 PM
Wait Aelar! I think it would be prudent to listen to him! Rather than making more enemies, make allies.

2009-11-14, 08:10 PM
Yes, lets hear him out Aelar Fateral never let his gaze leave Kincaid He isn't lying, that much I can see.

2009-11-14, 08:11 PM
Those sleeping above are not yet ripe for our Queen, brother. . .

2009-11-14, 08:12 PM
"Friend, if it's one thing I've learned while out in the field, it's that allies can be deadlier than enemies."

Turning to Kincaid, he asked, "What do you plan on doing with these shards? And once this war is at an end, what will you and your Vanguard do?"

2009-11-14, 08:15 PM
It takes a lot of force to damage a Soul Shard. How that one got so damaged, I haven't the foggiest idea. The fact that it is so damaged is conveniet, though. Unlike you, I have access to the Emperor himself. I intend to use that Shard to end him, once and for all. As for when after the war is over, the Vanguard will once again return to the shadows, keeping the peace of Icriae.

2009-11-14, 08:21 PM
"Kincaid, you're a fool. Raphael isn't stupid, nor is he blind. He probably knows that his orders don't sit well with you, and he's probably already figured out how to dispose of you when you have outlived your usefulness to him. Attempting to detonate this near him will result in your death before you could even trigger it, and you would give him another weapon to use to slaughter the innocent. If you took a moment, and realized just how vengeful your plan sounds, you'd see that your one-man-vendetta against The Bloody One will never work, the way that you're going about it. In addition, it doesn't hold true to what your Vanguard stands for. Attempting to kill him by detonating that shard and taking him down with you is the coward's way out, and last I checked with your men, the Crossbone Vanguard was not a group of cowards. So, my previous statement still stands: You think of a better way to use this against him, and I'll give it to you. Until then, think about what I've said, and outfit your men with new pants."

With that, Aelar turned to the men in front of the door, and gestured for them to move.

2009-11-14, 08:24 PM
... The Shard in this town lies wtihin the temple of Kord in the Deus District. Do with it what you will, said Kincaid, reverting to his human form and exiting the inn, his men in tow.

2009-11-14, 08:26 PM
Kir's form melts away like dry ice. Whats left is a dwarf male, younger than his previous incarnation with ruddy cheeks and a long red beard.

Well that was fun, Kir says heartily. I haven't been that close to killing someone in years!

2009-11-14, 08:30 PM
Fair sir, I wish I could say the same. If you don't mind I'll stay here a bit longer and have a couple more drinks before heading out again. Fateral says, motioning to his still empty flagon.

2009-11-14, 08:36 PM
The group stays around for several more drinks before heading out. After asking some of the locals about the layout of the city the party made their way over to the Deus District. Within moments they found themselves facing the Temple of Kord. As they tried to enter, they were stopped by one of the priests.

I am sorry, but weapons are not permitted within the temple. You may leave them here until you finish your business.

2009-11-14, 08:39 PM
Even a fellow priest may not bring his holy cudgel alongside him? Kir asks. Surely, the servants of the God of Strength have nothing to fear from us!

2009-11-14, 08:41 PM
Believe me, I don't like it either. A couple months ago there was an... incident with two of the pilgrims and, well, the city passed a law saying that no weapons are allowed in the temples unless it belongs to a temple guard,

2009-11-14, 08:48 PM
Kir loosens his mace and spear, hands them to Aelar, and says I'll be right back.

Kir then strolls into the temple, finds a dark corner, and shifts into the most dazzlingly beautiful human female the gods have ever sculpted. She stroles confidently up to the closest guard and whispers softly into his ear. . .

Sehanine has given me a vision brother. I was dancing naked in the moonlight when she told me. . .she demands that I find a champion of Kord to cement our union within the world. I was wondering if you might join me for a drink?


2009-11-14, 08:51 PM
Hardly able to keep the party that was going on in his pant's at bay, the guard dropped his weapons and trotted along behind the now extremely sultry Kir like a puppy awaiting a snack.

2009-11-14, 08:57 PM
Kir leads him outside and winks at Aelar as she passes him. The Kir, the Gaurd, and Aelar make thier way into an alley some way down the street. Once in the alley, Kir removes the Gaurd's belt and uses it to tie his hands, then she uses a stray scarf to gag him.

This is the way I like it, she says with doe-like eyes.

Aelar stays out of sight in the shadows, but can't help but watch.

With the Guard thoroughly bound and gagged, Kir stands back and says. . .

Brother A., if you please. Some motivation for this man to sleep. Kir grabs her mace and helps.

Attack roll[roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:00 PM

2009-11-14, 09:02 PM
The swift blow knocks the guard to the ground, very dizzy.

2009-11-14, 09:11 PM
Kir makes swift work of undressing the gaurd, placing all of her clothes into her rucksack and dressing in the gaurd's. She then studies his face very carefully and changes again, this time into the very same gaurd.

Now this won't be too hard. . .Kir laughs in the hearty human baritone.

Kir then walks back up to the temple and speaks to the priest out front.

Brother, I just got word, these adventurers were sent by the abbot himself, we musn't keep them, weapons or no. I will personally watch them.

2009-11-14, 09:15 PM
Aren't you supposed to be... ah forget it, all you guards look the same. Very well, you may pass. said the priest, moving out of the way.

2009-11-14, 09:17 PM
Kir leads the group inside, looking very imposing and yet impressed by the social caliber of the group.

I've never even met the abbot! I mean, you must be important if he sent for you!

2009-11-14, 09:37 PM
As the group enters the temple they arrive in a large domed chamber with several guards stationed around the perimeter. In the center there was a large, flaming sword around which several burning beings stood watch. On the other side of the sword there was a stairwell leading down.

2009-11-14, 09:40 PM
Kir begins to lead the group down the stairs.

2009-11-14, 09:43 PM
Downstairs you find a long tunnel with several branching hallways. At the end of the hallway was a large, metal door, guarded by two of the burning beings.

2009-11-14, 09:44 PM

2009-11-14, 09:46 PM
You know they were Angels of Valor. Angels of valor are the soldiers of the gods, serving in vast armies and following the commands of mortal priests or more powerful angels. When a cleric needs numbers to get the job done, angels of valor offer the best aid. When a devout worshiper of a particular god does something to delight that god, such as showing valor in the god’s name, an angel of valor might be dispatched to reward the worshiper. An appropriate reward might include a magic item or even the service of the angel of valor for 10 days.

2009-11-14, 09:47 PM
Looking at the angels, Fateral recalls something about them from his teachings. Thinking about the schooling before.

Religion [roll0]

2009-11-14, 09:55 PM
Kir walks up to one of the angels.My Immortal friend. I am escorting these adventurers at the behest of the Abbot. May I enlist your help in getting these pious men and women to the Soul Shard?

2009-11-14, 09:57 PM
The angel's looked at Kir, appraising him. Finally they moved to block the door and held their swords at the ready.

2009-11-14, 10:00 PM
Seeing himself clearly outmatched Kir turns to the rest of the group...

Maybe we should go talk to the Monsignor?

2009-11-14, 10:14 PM
Turning back towards the stairs upward, Fateral moves the party back up the stairs to see that MonSignor.

2009-11-14, 10:14 PM
Aelar nods, agreeing with Kir. "That might help to clear this up. Sorry for the trouble," he said, slipping a silver piece into what the elf thought was the palm of the angel's hand.

2009-11-14, 10:15 PM
One of the angels cocked it's head and started speaking with the other in eternal.

2009-11-14, 10:19 PM
Walking back upstairs the party inquired as to where to find the monsignor.

...Are you you serious? You've worked here for five years, Matt!

2009-11-14, 10:21 PM
I know where he usually is you dolt <don't make me look like a fool in front of these guys, the Abbot sent for them by name>. I'm asking where he is now!

2009-11-14, 10:22 PM
Letting out an exasperated sigh, Aelar took the new guard aside.

"This guard has taken us all over the place, and we've been here for ages! We came to see the Monsignor, and he's taken us everywhere else. Do you think you could point us in the direction, so that we can find him?"

2009-11-14, 10:23 PM
...<You're going to get a pay cut for this>... The abbot is currently in his home next to the temple.

2009-11-14, 10:24 PM
And where would one acquire one of those swords? Fateral asked hoping to have his question answered too

2009-11-14, 10:24 PM
*Grumble* Thank you sir. . .

I then lead the rest of the group to the house of the Monsignor.

2009-11-14, 10:25 PM
... One of what sword?

2009-11-14, 10:26 PM
You know...One of those flaming swords you have in the giant room with the fiery guards of doominess Fateral said matter-of-factly

2009-11-14, 10:29 PM
... <I think one of your wards is retarded> whispered the guard to Kir.

Typically one get's one of those by praying to Kord and having him cast it down from heaven as a sign of his favor. No scram, you're bothering me.