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2009-12-08, 08:54 PM
How much money do you have? asked the shopkeep.

2009-12-08, 08:55 PM
"I've got about 100 golden coins to work with. I don't know what that is worth around here."

2009-12-08, 09:00 PM
100 gold, eh? Well that's not going to get you anything spectacular but I do have something. Hold on, said the shopkeep, retreating into the back rook and returning with a silver amulet that had a large, blood colored ruby imbedded in it.

I have no idea what it does, but I know that it is very old and has a magical aura. I can let it go for 70 gp, he said.

2009-12-08, 09:02 PM
Extracting seventy pieces of gold from his pouch, Fortis handed them to the man, and took the amulet in his other hand. "Any idea who might be able to tell me what this does?"

2009-12-08, 09:04 PM
Fallow would be a good bet, replied the shopkeep.

2009-12-08, 09:05 PM
Lemme look, Kir takes the amulet and studies it intensely.

Knowledge [roll0]

2009-12-08, 09:06 PM
"Fair enough. Thank you for your time, sir." Fortis then turned to Kir. "You ready to go, or should I wait up?"

2009-12-08, 09:06 PM
There is indeed a magic aura about it, but you don't know what it does.

2009-12-08, 09:07 PM
Kir turns to his Tauric friend. Let's get back to Fallow.

2009-12-08, 09:11 PM
Kir and Fortis return to Fallow's house where they find him sitting at the table, still pouring over books.

Oh, hello. Did you find anything? he asked.

2009-12-08, 09:13 PM
Kir sits down and changes into a perfect replica of Fallow by the time his arse hits chair. Well, I had a very interesting interaction at the temple. I'd like very much to know more about the god's you are researching. I was earlier called a child of the Mockery and I observed a very interesting altar piece you apparently donated.

Also, Fortis had questions about this trinket he bought.

2009-12-08, 09:15 PM
Setting the amulet on the table in front of Fallow, Fortis then sat next to Kir and waited for the elder dwarf to look the item over.

2009-12-08, 09:20 PM
Well, I donated the image of the Silver Flame in an attempt to generate curiousity about the old deities of the First World. The Silver Flame was a deity that embodied good and law. The church focused on Exorcism and, in that respect, was a lot like the Church of the Raven Queen that exists today. On that note, the Church of the Raven Queen is a fairly recent thing compared to other deities. As for The Mockery, it was a member of a pantheon of gods known as the Dark Six. He advocated treachery over honor and presided over destruction, evil, trickery and war. I believe whoever called you that was referring to your doppleganger heritage. As for the relic... Egads! This is a Malice Umbral! exclaimed Fallow.

2009-12-08, 09:21 PM
A what?Kir asks.

2009-12-08, 09:26 PM
This was a tool used by old, very old members of the Cult of Thuun. I had not expected to see one since I stopped researching the... never mind. The way this works is quite simple. Once the bearer has extinguisjed enough lives, the amulet is capable of releasing incredible power towards all in the way of the bearer, explained Fallow.

Translation: Once you, personally, kill 5 enemies you can deal 3d10 damage to any and all targets in a straight line that goes up to twice your level forward.

2009-12-08, 09:40 PM
Putting the amulet around his neck, Fortis thanked the dwarf. "What a find, indeed. Thank you, Fallow, for helping to figure out what this was. I'm sure it will be of use to us in the Os-Mine."

2009-12-08, 09:49 PM
Pardon me, but I've had word that you have been in contact with a man I am hunting... one Kaiyus Strife? said a voice at the door.

2009-12-08, 09:51 PM
Yes, indeed we have. . .step on in. My twin brother, Fallow and I would love to hear what you have to say.

2009-12-08, 09:58 PM
"A pleasure to meet you," replied the husky voice, "My name is Rynir."

The man walks into view. He is slightly taller than average and covered from head to toe with a traveler's cloak. Underneath the cloak is a dented and scratched-up suit of armor, painted a fading red with gold trim. The man is carrying a staff in one hand, and a crossbow is on his back.

Rynir pushes his hood back to show a weathered and beaten face. A scar runs from his hairline to his chin, and his hair is black with varying shades of gray. A beard of similar color covers his chin. His eyes look tired but the smile that crosses his face is genuine. He extends his hand to the group in welcome.

2009-12-08, 09:59 PM
Fortis stood up from his chair, pulling himself to full height, creating an imposing image for the newcomer. For the time being, he stood there, arms resting on the head of his axe.

2009-12-08, 10:02 PM
Hmmm, interesting. . .did that hurt? Kir asks as he stands and walks towards the newcomer. When he is finished studying the scar, he shifts flawlessly into a replica of the grizzled man, scar and all.

2009-12-08, 10:07 PM
"Don't rightly remember," said Rynir as he admired the shapeshifter, ""Happened over thirty years ago. One of the heretics from the land of Erebus gave me this."

Rynir's kind gray eyes shift to the minotaur who looked very much as if he was trying to be intimidating. He smiled again. "I mean no harm, my good friend," he called, "I think we can be of assistance to each other."

2009-12-08, 10:12 PM
What brings your here. . .and with the admirable goal of killing Kaiyus Strife? Says Kir, scratching his now bearded chin.

2009-12-08, 10:21 PM
Rynir brushes the front of his cloak aside, revealing a symbol engraved into his armor plating: a combination of an armored fist, a lightning bolt, and a blade.

"I am a former paladin of Kord, the Storm God and Lord of Battle," he said, "Now a loyal servant of the entire Pantheon, from Pelor to Her Majesty the Raven Queen. It seems we have similar goals, albeit for different reasons. Your....friend....Kaiyus Strife is not simply another pawn of Khana, my companions. He is after something....much more terrible. Beyond what many people consider possible."

He looks around to make sure no one is paying attention. He leans in to whisper to the group.

"I dare not speak of these things in public," he continues, "But rest assured, everybody standing in this room needs Kaiyus Strife dead. Perhaps if we could go somewhere more private so we can discuss these matters?"

2009-12-08, 10:23 PM
'Course. . .Fallow, if you'd excuse us, I believe will be retiring for the day. We will be in the guest quarters should you need us.

2009-12-08, 10:24 PM
Aye, said Fallow, waving them off as he continued to read.

2009-12-08, 10:36 PM
The group entered the room upstairs, out of earshot. Rynir shut the door and turned around. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I've been tracking the man known as Strife for the past couple of months. He is no ordinary wizard, as you are no doubt aware. He is a practioner of necromancy, which most consider to be heresy anyway and would seek to destroy all followers of the art. Regardless, the endgame of any necromancer is, inevitably, eternal life. Many clerics sell their souls away in exchange for immortality, but a lich does not need a deity to do so. Give Strife a couple more months, maybe years. He will become a lich, a very difficult creature to destroy.

But the horror does not end there, I'm afraid. From what I have gathered, Kaiyus is on a personal vendetta. His family was wiped out in a pointless border skirmish decades ago. Kaiyus is seeking to destroy those he holds responsible."

Rynir's gray eyes look even more tired as he continues.

"But he does not hold mortal men responsible. He holds the gods themselves accountable for abandoning him. Over the years, he has fostered a seething hatred for all things holy and those who follow the gods. He sees them as nothing more than tools for a god's own personal gain. If the followers can be killed, he reasons, so can the beings they follow. Make no mistake, friends: Kaiyus Strife is on a personal mission to destroy the entire Pantheon, and he WILL succeed if he is allowed to. The soul shards he was tracking down? He wanted them as a weapon. Strife is by far the most dangerous man alive at this time, and he must be stopped at all costs."

2009-12-08, 10:43 PM
Slack-jawed, Kir looks back at the servant of the Gods. How can this be?, he thinks. How can the Gods themselves be in danger?

Well, whatever we can do to help, we will. This affects all of us.

Kir then finds a cozy chair and begins to read everything he can on the old world of Eberron. He read theological texts, ancient legend, even the language translators. Kir stays up all night reading about the world-that-was.

2009-12-08, 10:51 PM
The party members talked through the night, trading stories and reading the odd assortment of books that Fallow had lying about. As they poured over the books they became immersed in the lost world of Michael Chriton.

Dawn was breaking the next morning as the party climbed the Os-Mine hills. River had opted to stay at Fallow's house, simply too distraught to get out of bed. After several hours of hiking the party found the cave in which Fallow had procured the Dragonshard. As they went further down the cave the air became colder and staler. At last they came upon the collapsed wall that Fallow had mentioned.

Well, this is it. Ready, boys?

2009-12-08, 10:54 PM
Kir pulls out his blue everburning torch and shifts into an earth genasi male. Ready as ever. . .

2009-12-08, 10:57 PM
"Let's get this done. I want to find this scrawny little man and show him just how little control he truly has over death."

With that, Fortis descended further into the mine.

2009-12-08, 11:01 PM
All right then, let us sally forth! cried Fallow as the party entered the side passageway.

As the party progressed ever downward into the Earth the air became more and more frigid. At last they came to a somewhat large chamber with obvious exits to the West, North, South (the way you came) and another exit South to the East.

2009-12-08, 11:05 PM
Fallow, which way would most likely yield the prize?

2009-12-08, 11:07 PM
I am not sure. I have never been down this far. The Western passage seems to be going up, so that might not be the best way to go. The Northern one and the one leading South over there both go down... that's odd. I can smell sea salt coming from the northern passage, said Fallow.

2009-12-08, 11:09 PM
Inhaling deeply, Fortis could also smell the scent of sea salt emanating from the northern passage. "Fallow, how close is the ocean to where we are now?"

2009-12-08, 11:12 PM
"The ocean's far away from here, friend," replied Rynir, answering Fortis's question,"And in any case, it should be off to our east. Very strange."

2009-12-08, 11:25 PM
The party makes their way down the northern path until they reach a large room with a glowing lake inside of it. Upon closer inspection the lake contains glowing rocks and a single large pillar of salt in the middle, among several large crocodiles, all of which notice our party members.

2009-12-08, 11:31 PM
Kir drops his torch and draws his spear from his back sheath. Those don't look friendly. He steps back and readies himself for combat.

2009-12-08, 11:57 PM
"All right, boys, let's clear them out," said Rynir, sprinting out of formation and to the right. He raised his right arm, whispered an incantation, and threw his empty hand forward. A glowing spear of fire appeared in midair, heading straight for the closest crocodile to Rynir.

Move action to move three squares to the right, standard action to launch Spear of the Inquisitor at Crocodile 2. WIS vs REF. To HIT: [roll0] If hit, [roll1] damage, target is immobilized till end of next turn

2009-12-08, 11:59 PM
Rynir's spear missed... badly.

2009-12-09, 12:02 AM
Noting that the energy Rynir launched at the crocodile had missed, Fortis thought quickly, and raced to the opposite end of the room. Hefting his axe, the minotaur started slapping the water, sending ripples outwards from the point of impact, and making more than enough noise to get the crocodile's attention.

"The rest of you with ranged attacks, go over by Rynir as quietly as you can. Fateral, to me!"

Move - K5, Standard - Slap water with axe, Free - Speech

2009-12-09, 10:26 AM
The crocodile's attentions were drawn toward the hulking behemoth that was Fortis. Eying him hungrily the beasts sped toward him, hellbent on sinking their teeth into him. Two of the crocodiles savagely bit into Fortis's legs.

Crocodile 1: [roll0] vs. AC to hit and [roll1] damage.
Crocodile 2: [roll2] same deal [roll3]

2009-12-09, 03:12 PM
Eager to release some of his built up anger, Fateral flies to the side of Fortis. His longsword whipping almost haphazardly around him as he moved. Upon reaching his ally and the first of the many beasts, Fateral strikes down on the one in front of him, aiming to at least make his attacks slow enough to dodge and drawing his attention from the minotaur. He whispered to himself repeatedly
Goddess Sehanine, allow me to protect those around me and destroy those that would wish us harm.

Move action -- K6 (3 spaces)
Minor action -- Divine Challenge (Mark C2)
Major Action -- Enfeebling Strike (Charisma modifier used for damage. If target was marked, -2 penalty on attack roles until the end of my next turn) attack roll [roll0] Damage Roll (If hits) [roll1]

2009-12-09, 08:13 PM
Fateral aimed his blow at the closer of the two crocodiles, but unfortunately missed by a hairs breadth.

2009-12-10, 09:53 PM
Kir musters his courage and releases his anger. He strides forward next to Fateral and breaths a deep, low prayer. He opens his mouth and a radiance blast out of if, searing all three crocodiles, and bathing over Fateral and Fortis like a warm breeze.

Move to K7. Draw spear while moving. Cast Divine Glow (PHB 63) in close blast 3, hitting all three crocs, Fateral, and Fortis. Attack [roll0] vs. Ref. Damage [roll1]. Fortis and Fateral gain +2 power bonus to Attack rolls until the end of my next turn.

2009-12-10, 09:59 PM
The crocodiles roar in pain as the blinding light engulfs them. Grinning, Fallow pulls out what looks like a small metal sphere from his haversack.

I am so very glad that I decided to bring this, he said gaily.

Pressing a button on top of the sphere caused it to buzz with electricity. Fallow hurled the sphere with all of his might into the water causing electricity to surge throughout the lake. The crocodiles roared again in pain before their muscles tensed up and they became immobile.

[roll0] damage, dealing double because it's electric damage in superconductive water and all crocodiles are stunned, save ends.

2009-12-10, 10:07 PM
Frowning slightly at the space where his spear of fire inhabited a couple seconds ago, Rynir composed himself and lifted his hand.

"In the name of Kord, God of Storms!" he roared. A bolt of blue lightning shot from his fingertips, aimed at the nearest crocodiles.

Fire Divine Bolt at Crocs 2 and 1. WIS vs REFLEX. [roll0] to hit 2, [roll1] to hit 1. If hit, [roll2] for damage, [roll3] for damage on the other.

2009-12-10, 10:12 PM
The crocs, immobilized as they were, could not make a noise or move. If they could, they would be writhing about and roaring ferociously in pain as a result of the spectacular attack.

26 total damage to all crocodiles. All crocodiles are bloodied. Still stunned.

2009-12-12, 02:16 PM
Shrugging off the terrible blows the crocs had dealt him, Fortis exhaled deeply, and brought his axe to bear in an upward swipe at the reptile in front of him, letting the thrill of combat invigorate him.

Standard - Recuperating Strike on C1, Minor - Shift to L6

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage Roll [roll1] [roll2], rerolling < 3, add 6 damage, and granting me 4 temp. hp.

2009-12-12, 02:18 PM
Reroll [roll0]

2009-12-12, 02:23 PM
The crocodile fidgeted a bit after Fortis's blow, still unable to move.

All crocodiles attempted to regain control of their motility. Fortunately for the party, only one of them managed to regain control of it's body.

[roll0] C1
[roll1] C2
[roll2] C3

2009-12-12, 09:20 PM
Because I was bored.

The enigmatic Shadar-Kai walked the lonely road from Biblin, his destination unknown. He had succeeded in leading Kaiyus's pursuers off of his trail, at least for long enough that significant distance could be brought between them. As Jaffar walked he began to give consideration to his situation. How long had he walked the roads of this world only to end up in the same locations, but in a different world. This man, this Kaiyus Strife, he had plans for the world which, were he still young and simple-minded, he would have given his life to stop. The trouble was that he had no life left to give, not for so very long.

The Shadar-Kai stopped. There was a man barring his way whom he had never seen before. The man wore a black cloak over black clothes, black hair covering his tanned face, all accentuating the bright, red V with silver bones superimposed upon it serving as a clasp for his cloak.

Going my way? he asked Jaffar.

Who are you who sees fit to stop travellers for no reason? asked Jaffar.

Rest assured sure, I have my reasons. I know you, but I do not believe you know me. My name is Kincaid Nau, I am the leader of the Crossbone Vanguard, said the man, bowing.

The Crossbone Vanguard. Yes, it would seem that I know of that little organization. What do you want with me? asked Jaffar.

Not I, but some aquaintances of mine have been looking for you. Tell me: what is a Shadar-Kai doing mudering members of the Church of the Raven Queen? asked Kincaid.

...Have you been following me? asked Jaffar.

Only recently. One of my men happened to be trailing one Kaiyus Strife and saw you commiting certain... reprehensible acts, including the murder of one Aelar Ilidea, said Kincaid, his knuckles whitening.

Was he a friend of yours? asked Jaffar.

Nothing so innocent. I had something to prove to him, that disagreeable elf, but at the same time I respected him and the other members of that party. For that reason I cannot let you pass, not until you answer to them, said Kincaid.

I only have one judge to answer to, and yet she refuses to pass judgement. Until she does I will continue to commit these crimes and then I will have my sentence passed, no matter what you, Kaiyus, or that party have to say about it, said Jaffar, pulling out a dagger.

You don't want to pick a fight with me, replied Kincaid, also pulling out a dagger.

No, said Jaffar, taking a step backwards, I do not, but I have nothing to lose from it.

Jaffar disappeared in a flash only to reappear in front of Kincaid, who parried Jaffar's dagger blow and delivered a swift blow to his heart.

Dead or alive, you're coming with me, said Kincaid, kicking Jaffar off of his dagger.

To Kincaids shock and horror, Jaffar merely stood up, as if the fatal wound had done nothing at all.

Round two, said Jaffar, charging Kincaid once again.

2009-12-12, 10:55 PM

Kaiyus had been stopped by Khanian soldiers on the way to his destination. They had stripped him of his belongings and his horse and were holding them at swordpoint.

If you are the advance guard, then you are attacking the wrong person, said Kaiyus smoothly.

Our orders where to kill any citizen of Astim who resisted us, replied the soldier.

I have done nothing of the sort. I have complied with all of your demands and have debased myself on your orders. I maintain what I said, though. I have need to speak to your king, said Kaiyus.

Because you wish to join him, yes, we've heard. Do you honestly think we are that stupid? asked the soldier angrily.

Only if you dispose of me before letting me speak with Raphael, said Kaiyus.

What could you possibly have to offer the Emperor? asked another one of the soldiers.

What if I told you that I could give you Idar Flamme? asked Kaiyus.

I'd say you were lying, said a soldier.

Hold on, let's listen to what he has to say, said an imprtant looking soldier, How do you intend to get us past the walls?

Kaiyus smiled.

There is much to talk about. I hope you aren't averse to sewers...

2009-12-12, 11:35 PM
Fateral, bringing his blade once again down on the enemy, feels as though he were light as air and had become stronger. Though it felt as if he moved in slow motion the actions had hardly passed seconds in the battle.

Minor action -- Suck a ****
Major action -- Bolstering Strike -- Vs AC and user gains temporary hp equal to Wisdom modifier (4) Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
No movement

2009-12-12, 11:38 PM
The croc thrashed about violently as Faterals blade slashed through its body.

2009-12-12, 11:44 PM
Kir takes a step back from the waters edge, points his spear directly at the crocodile in front of him. Muttering a quick prayer under his breath, he fires a bolt of chilling death at the crocodile. Kir unconsciously shifts into a genasi made of crystalline ice as a cold grin crosses his lips.

Move Action: Move to K9
Standard Action: Cast Lance of Faith; attack [roll0] vs. Ref damage [roll1] cold damage
Minor Action: Shift into an ice elemental humanoid

2009-12-12, 11:48 PM
The crocodile stricken by the attack convulsed violently as Kir's attack hit home. For a moment it thrashed about in pain, but soon it flipped over, floating belly up in the water.

C1 is dead

That was my only spark bomb, I've got no more, said Fallow.

Fallow skips his turn

2009-12-12, 11:53 PM
Seeing the incredible effects of his previous attack, Rynir aimed another blast of lightning at the water beside him. Thunder cracked and the chamber glowed a brilliant blue.

Can't exactly miss, so.....[roll0] damage, i guess.

2009-12-12, 11:56 PM
As the bolt hit the water electricity coursed through the pool, electrocuting the two remaining crocodiles. Their bodies tensed up and, eventually, they stopped moving.

20 damage total to all crocs. Both die. Encounter over. 132 xp for all.

2009-12-12, 11:59 PM
Kir waits for the arcing electricity to ground itself within the water, then removes his gear and armor, grabs his everburning torch, and takes a dip. Ah, its actually kind of nice in here without the wildlife!

2009-12-13, 12:01 AM

2009-12-13, 12:01 AM
This is marvelous! A naturally occurring salt lake with luminescent stones! What secrets the Earth holds! marvelled Fallow, taking a sample of the water.

2009-12-13, 12:02 AM
Perception Check [roll0]

2009-12-13, 12:03 AM
Kir sees only the glowing rocks at the bottom of the lake. He does, however, notice a small passageway to the East.

2009-12-13, 12:03 AM
Perception check [roll0]

2009-12-13, 12:04 AM
Fateral notices much the same.

2009-12-13, 12:06 AM
Kir decides this area would be a great place to take a rest. He lies back and floats quite easily, due to the high concentration of salt in the water. Whilst floating, he continues to observe the room.

Rest to regain my encounter, Taking 20 on perception.

2009-12-13, 12:07 AM
As he floated about in the shimmering waters, Kir noticed several small objects were scattered about the bottom of the lake.

2009-12-13, 12:08 AM
Kir decides to hold his breath and dive down with his everburning torch, trying to ascertain what the objects are.

2009-12-13, 12:10 AM
Roll Endurance[roll0]
Roll Athletics [roll1]

2009-12-13, 12:13 AM
Kir reached the objects and swiftly collected them from the floor of the lake. He did not, however, get all of them for he quickly ran out of breath and was forced to return to the surface. When he came topside he found that he had acquired some gold and an odd amulet that had a shimmering emerald set in the middle.

[spoiler]22 gold pieces and an odd amulet were found.[spoiler]

2009-12-13, 12:15 AM
Kir hands off the amulet and gold for division and identification, then goes back for more.


2009-12-13, 12:17 AM
And more...

2009-12-13, 12:17 AM
"What have you got there?" asked Rynir with interest as Kir surfaced. He examined the amulet with interest, turning it over in between his fingers.

Religion check to see if object is related to some kind of deity. [roll0]

2009-12-13, 12:17 AM
Kir travelled back to the bottom of the lake. Once again running out of breath, Kir pulled up the last item from the bottom: an old looking but surprisingly intact greatsword.

2009-12-13, 12:18 AM
The item is not related to any deity you know, but there are odd symbols on the back of it.

2009-12-13, 12:22 AM
Arcana check on amulet [roll0] and History check on amulet as well [roll1]

2009-12-13, 12:25 AM
What have you got there? asked Fallow, examining the sword and the amulet.

Fallows eyes widened with excitement as he examined the two items.

These are old... very old... this is old Elvish on the back of this amulet, no one would know that anymore... no one but me. It says that it is a "tool for vengance, powered by pain". Hmmm, odd. The sword looks like it was made by dwarves, but there is a magic aura about it. said Fallow.

2009-12-13, 12:26 AM
Kir takes the amulet and puts it on, willing it to reveal its use.

2009-12-13, 12:32 AM
As Kir toyed around with the amulet he tripped over a rock and scraped his elbow on the rocky floor of the cavern. Cursing his clumsiness he noticed that the emerald had started to glow. At that moment Kir had an epiphany, he had deduced the secret of the amulet. "Power from Pain".

This is The Sigil of Retribution. It is a +1 magical item. As a daily skill, you can deal damage to one creature within 5 squares equal to double the total damage you have taken.

2009-12-13, 12:43 AM
Likewise, Kir picked up the sword and began swinging it around, attempting to discern it's secrets. Once again, by accident, Kir knicked himself with the sword. At once, Kir had forgotten all of the spells, skills and rituals he knew. For a moment he worried greatly but after a time he regained memory of all of his arts.

This is a Binding Greatsword. It is a +1 weapon that, as an encounter power, can seal any and all skills that the target knows for 3 turns.

2009-12-14, 02:47 PM
As fascinating as those artifacts are, there are more interesting prizes down in the cavern's depths... at least I think so. That passageway to the East seems to continue downward, shall we continue onward? asked Fallow.

I am operating under the assumption that divvying loot will be done OOC, so get on that.

The passageway continued on for some time, pressing ever onward into the depths of the world. The air became increasingly colder and the walls of the cavern became wet, which was due to audibly running water on the other sides. After some time the tunnel widened and gave way to a larger chamber. The room was about thirty feet wide and twenty feet long, but the room was invisible, so high above that it was shrouded in darkness. There were two exits, one to the north and one to the south. Both of them seemed to stay on the current ground level.

2009-12-14, 10:11 PM
... No good. I can only hear rushing water from both ends. There isn't even a smell to tip us off like last time. Which way do you reckon we go? asked Fallow.

2009-12-14, 10:38 PM
"Well, gentlemen, it looks as if we're going to have to wing it," said Rynir. He pulled his hood over his head to offer a bit of protection from the chilling temperature. After musing for a couple of seconds, he closed his eyes and whispered a quick prayer to Avandra. His eyes snapped open and he turned south. "It appears that we are heading south," he said as he strode forward, staff at the ready.

2009-12-14, 10:43 PM
The party continued down the southern path as per Rynirs intuition. The sound of flowing water was louder than it ever had been and was no doubt torrenting overhead. As the party marched they could have sworn that they heard some kind of noise, almost like chirping, but any sound was quickly drowned out by the sound of water. Finally the party came to a chamber at the end of the passage. It wasn't very large but it held, to the surprise of the party, the remnants of the top of a belltower, bell still intact.

2009-12-14, 10:48 PM
"Wait up," whispered Rynir, eyes darting back and forth across the room.

Perception check for threats [roll0]

2009-12-14, 10:49 PM
You see nothing.

2009-12-14, 10:52 PM
Seeing nothing, Rynir and the rest of the party walked into the chamber. Rynir walked up to the remnants of the belltower, examining the large bell still hanging there.

History check to see if I can discern anything about said bell from previous readings [roll0]

2009-12-14, 10:54 PM
The bell is old. Very old. Older, perhaps, then that salt lake you passed moments ago. What you notice in addition to the bell is that the tower leads down about fourty feet into a room below. There is a rope attached to the bell but it doesn't look all that sturdy. Additionally it is dark, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.

2009-12-14, 10:59 PM
Rynir takes one of his sunrods from his belt. He leans out and drops the lit item down into the room below, hoping to shed some light on the situation.

Pun intended.

2009-12-14, 11:01 PM
As Rynir droped the sunrod down the belltower the gloom at it's base vanished instantly. There appeared to be a wooden stairwell at the bottom whith continued down to the bottom of the building.

2009-12-14, 11:07 PM
"All right, people, our back seems to be clear so let's get Kir to the back," said Rynir, falling back to his years of combat experience and leadership training. "Fortis, get to the front, and you can take Fallow behind you. I'll be right behind you two, Fateral can get behind me. Fateral, protect Kir if we do get attacked from the rear, and if the boys in front need you help, get up there ASAP. Understood?"

2009-12-14, 11:13 PM
"Kir, do you have anything that can get us down there?" asked Rynir as the group got into position.

2009-12-15, 02:11 AM
Yes, in fact I do. Kir pulls out an old dusty tome from his pack and begins to thumb through the pages. Ah ha! Here we go...give me a few minutes...keep a cautious eye on the cave whilst I cast. Kir shifts into the form of a wizened old human male, beard long and white. He begins to mutter subtle incantations under his breath.
Cast Tenser's Floating Disk

2009-12-15, 11:21 AM
As soon as Kir finished his incantation, a magical floating disc appeared and began to ferry the party members down the belltower one at a time. At last all party members were standing upon a surprisingly sturdy wooden platform and began descending the stairs down to the bottom level.

At the bottom of the stairwell was a small chapel and the remnants of a skeleton that appeared to be trying through a door opposite the stairs.

2009-12-15, 04:08 PM
"This looks inviting" Fateral says rather calmly as he readjusts himself for the fifth time. The greatsword on his back gave more weight than he was normally used to carrying around.

"I'll take a look at what our dead friend here had on him." he says as he crouches down over the body of the skeleton.

Perception Roll [roll0]

2009-12-15, 04:31 PM
The skeleton was still fully robed, wearing traveler's attire and wielding a now very corroded sword. The skeleton looked to be a dragonborn, or at least something like it. Around his neck was a golden pendant that bore the word: "Glynthinx".

2009-12-15, 05:23 PM
Rynir bent down to examine the skeletal remains.

History check [roll0] and a Religion check [roll1] to see if anything comes up.

2009-12-15, 05:25 PM
The pendant looks to be an award of some sort. There is other writing on it but time has made it unintelligible. The word "Glynthinx" has no historical or religious significance that you know of. It's probably just a name.

2009-12-15, 06:24 PM
Fallow strode forward and tried the door, but it would not budge. The knob spun around uselessly in the hole. Putting his ear to the door Fallow knocked softly.

There doesn't appear to be anything on the other side. We could probably knock it down.

2009-12-15, 08:30 PM
Putting his arm on Rynir's shoulder, Fortis moved the man out of the way of the door, and lowered his axe while staring directly at the object impeding the party's progress. With a mighty heave, Fortis attacked the door between the party and the other side of the room, attempting to break it down.

Stonebreaker Utility Power - +5 to STR Checks to break objects, deal double damage.

STR Check [roll0]

2009-12-15, 08:33 PM
The force of Fortis's blow sent the door careening off of it's hinges and into the pews beyond, causing the door to flip as it hit them. The room beyond was what remained of a church. There were several skeletons about the room and, surprisingly, one warforged with a surprisingly large sword.

Astounding... there are intact remains down here... and a Warforged no less... muttered Fallow.

2009-12-15, 08:34 PM
Fortis' eyes lit up as he saw the sword in the metal warrior's hands, and immediately entered the room, stepping over skeletons left and right.

2009-12-15, 08:52 PM
Fateral moves into the room, inspecting the closest skeleton for anything worthwhile.

Perception for loot [roll0]

2009-12-15, 08:53 PM
Perception [roll0]

2009-12-15, 08:54 PM
The closest skeleton was significantly smaller than that of the dragonborn in the chapel. It looked t be about halfling height and also bore the same kind of pendant as the other skeleton, although this one bore the inscription "Anji Mito". Other than that Fateral found nothing of worth.

2009-12-15, 08:56 PM
Rynir, meanwhile, decides to examine another of the skeletons. It was humanoid in appearance and like the others bore a pendant with an inscription, this time it read "Nebraska James". Rynir did, however, find a small monocle that stood out a bit.

2009-12-15, 08:58 PM
Rynir examined the monocle, trying to determine if it had any magical properties.

Arcana Roll [roll0]

2009-12-15, 08:59 PM
Moving on to another skeleton, Fateral take much more time to search this one completely

I'm just gonna take 20 on this one

2009-12-15, 09:00 PM
Technically this is a 3.5 item and has no place here in 4e, but who cares? It is an Arteficers Monocle. It grants a +5 bonus when trying to identify an item.

2009-12-15, 09:01 PM
Rynir pocketed the monocle into a pouch on his pack, whispering a quick prayer of thanks to the Pantheon.

"I found something over here," he called to the party, "But we can examine it in detail later on. Let's keep moving."

2009-12-15, 09:03 PM
Fateral moved on to another of the skeletons, a human by the look of it. His pendant bore the inscription "Snowblood". It had a satchel upon it's back but any and all items had degraded past any usefulness.

2009-12-15, 09:03 PM
Fortis inspected the metallic warrior closely, searching for any clues as to what had left him petrified like this.

Take 20 on Perception around the Warforged, total of 29.

2009-12-15, 09:08 PM
The minotaur examined the warforged closely. It appeared to be in mid-stride and had shut down while en route to the back of the church. It carried a large fullblade upon it's back and, interestingly enough, bore the symbol of a dragonmarked house, which As they had found out via reading and discussion yesterday, was House Cannith.

2009-12-15, 09:09 PM
Rynir walked over to the skeleton that they hadn't looked at yet. He bent down to examine the remains as well as the immediate surrounding area, looking for clues as to its demise.

Gonna take twenty, so that puts me at 25.

2009-12-15, 09:13 PM
This human skeleton, like the others, bore a pendant. This one read "Korren Manyblades". This one in particular had several weapons in its possession, all of them corroded beyond all belief. The only thing reletively intact was a book which bore the title "Personal Log of Korren Manyblades".

What have you got there? asked Fallow, clapping Rynir on the shoulder.

As soon as he saw the log, hs eyes lit up and he snatched it from Rynir.

This is... wonderful! Primary source documents!

P.S. Fallow called dibs.

2009-12-15, 09:20 PM
Fallow thunbed through the book eagerly and poured over it's pages. Many of them were illegible due to age but enough was still able to be read to put a twinkle in the old dwarf's eye. When he finished he breathed a sigh of deep satisfaction.

Wonderful, simply wonderful. Would anyone like to look?

2009-12-15, 09:22 PM
Fateral was mildly curious about the book and decided to take a peek, being careful as it was old and very fragile.

2009-12-15, 09:33 PM
While most of the book seemed to contain nothing but daily activities, one particular entry toward the end caught Fateral's eye.

January 15,
Dragon Jesus had another vision. He said that the end times were nigh and that it would be by a mortal's hand. We all thought he had gotten drunk again off of Shortstack's private stash. He was, however, very insistant on that point and we eventually decided that it would behoove us to see what was going on, if only to shut him up. One thing he mentioned with great frequency was something called an Essence Devourer, which would be the instrument of the end. Granted we had no idea what the thing was but when we looked in to the matter we found that some of Glyn's dream may have been rooted in fact. The scion of house Cannith was rumored to be making a weapon, something that would make the Last War look like a joke. I must say I have grown quite accustomed to peace so I couldn't very well let that pass. We travelled to Calleron, where the scion of House Cannith, Manfred Khana, was staying. When we came to call on him we found that he was not at home, but out on an excursion and would not be here until tomorrow. So we've decided to wait until he arrives and confront him. Before that, though, Shield wanted to visit the local church, due to that demon of his acting up, so we'll do that to kill time.

The record ended there.

2009-12-15, 09:36 PM
There was a post script on the next page.

Weird thing, there are no Dragonshards about the area. Closest thing we could find to one was this.

Attached to the page was a small Soul Shard.

2009-12-15, 09:45 PM
Fortis laid his axe on the ground, and attempted to pry the metal warrior's weapon from it's grasp.

2009-12-15, 09:46 PM
Fateral takes the "Oh cool" moment by the horns and picks up the small soulshard. After admiring the piece, shows it around as well as showing the entry in the journal.

2009-12-15, 09:48 PM
As Fortis attempted to pry apart the hands of the metal man, he couldn't help but marvel at it's construction. At last he managed to pry open the hands of the warforged and claim the fullblade, only to recoil in shock when its eyes came to life and it shouted That's mine!

2009-12-15, 09:52 PM
Fortis took a few steps back to see if the construct was sentient or not. As he did so, he slowly lowered the sword to the ground.

2009-12-15, 09:56 PM
The warforged strode forward, picked up the sword and put it back on his back. He looked as though he was about to give Fortis a piece of his mind when he stopped and looked around, as though suddenly realizing where he was.

...... Where am I? Is this still Calleron? it asked.

2009-12-15, 09:57 PM
Impressed with the warrior's stature, Fortis spoke to the man.

"Calleron? I don't know of any place by that name, stranger, but I can assure you, I doubt that it would be this far underground."

2009-12-15, 09:59 PM
What!? Underground!? That's impossible! It has only been a few moments! Anji just locked Glyn in the chapel and I was going... to... let... him... where are my friends? he asked.

2009-12-15, 10:03 PM
Knowing instinctively that letting this warrior know of his friends' demise would not be the wisest choice, Fortis simply stepped aside to show the rest of the party looting the corpses of what Fortis assumed were the friends he had been looking for.

2009-12-15, 10:04 PM
Those... are... Korren... Anji... GET OFF OF THEM!!! roared the metal warrior, loosing several pounds of dust from the rafters.

2009-12-15, 10:09 PM
Rynir stood up from his examination of the late Korren Manyblades. He turned to face the automaton, staff clenched firmly in his hand.

"We mean you no harm," he spoke in a stern voice, "Nor do we wish your friends any disrespect. What are you and what is your purpose?"

2009-12-15, 10:11 PM
My name is Shield. I have had many purposes, all of them lost to time. Now you tell me: how did this happen? asked Shield in a quiet but furious tone.

2009-12-15, 10:12 PM
"Actually....we were hoping you could tell us," replied the invoker.

2009-12-15, 10:18 PM
We came here, the six of us, to investigate a dream had by our compatriot. It foretold the end of days where the gods would be destroyed by a machine called the Essence Devourer. Its grand architecht was a man named Manfred Khana, the scion of House Cannith. He was said to live in this town so we called upon his house but he was not there. We were going to call again the today... the next day, but it would seem that is impossible..... How long have I been down here? asked Shield.

2009-12-15, 10:21 PM
Rynir's eyes flashed with fire when the Warforged mentioned the so-called, "Essence Devourer."

"And what did you intend to do with this
essence devourer' exactly?" he asked dangerously.

2009-12-15, 10:23 PM
Destroy it, replied Shield simply, No man should have power over a god.

2009-12-15, 10:26 PM
"Then it appears we have similar motivations, friend," replied Rynir. He stepped forward and extended his hand. "My name is Rynir, servant of the Pantheon."

2009-12-15, 10:32 PM
To answer your question, you have been underground for a good 5,000 years, perhaps more. My name is Fallow, I am a historian and you, my metal friend will vindicate me. said Fallow.

How do you mean? asked Shield.

Tell me, what is the name of the world?

The world? It's Eberron, that's common knowledge. Not much of a historian are you? said Shield jokingly.

AHA! I knew it! Well, my boy, it's not Eberron anymore. Welcome to Icriae!

2009-12-16, 01:11 AM
Kir tries with all his might to keep from gawking. A man made completely out of metal is beyond anything he had ever seen before. The warforged is fantastic. He tries test shifting on his left hand, changing it between a metallic, robotic form and that of a flesh and blood humanoid. We are adventurers, not unlike yourself I imagine. You have been inactive for thousands of years friend. I am sorry, but the Raven Queen has long had your friends in her keeping. Tell me, to which being here did you belong? Who was your master?

2009-12-16, 11:50 AM
Master? I prefer to think of myself as his bodyguard. To answer your question I swore fealty to one Korren Manyblades, a warmage, which should be him, said Shield, indicating the skeleton with Korren's pendant.

The other members of our groups were Anji Mito, halfling warlock; Nebraska James, human factotum;Snowblood, human druid... although for some reason the name Gore Dog comes to mind; and Glynthinx Elandor, dragonborn sorcerer. We had traveled all over Khorvaire, righting wrongs and, in some cases, lining our pockets. So long ago...

Sit down, son. I have some things to tell you about the world today, said Fallow, sitting down in one of the pews.

Kaiyus Strife was led to a large, golden tent that stood out in the bright sunlight. Pulling his hood further onto his head Kaiyus strode forward through the flaps and into the tent. Sitting before him behind a table piled with battle maps was a man, no older than 25, who was examining Kaiyus with great interest.

I hear that you have some information for me. Please, sit down, said the man, gesturing to a chair on the opposite end of the table.

Kaiyus obliged, taking a seat and propping his boots upon the table, dripping mud on the charts.

Oh, yes. I can help you take Idar Flamme, for a price, said Kaiyus, smugly.

Are you talking about the route to the city's heart via the sewers? Because we already know about that, said the man.

Kaiyus was dubfounded. He was certain that this piece of information would be his bargaining chip in this deal. The smug smile vanished from his face instantly.

If you already knew that, then why did you bother inviting me here? snapped Kaiyus.

The man wagged his finger at Kaiyus disapprovingly as if correcting a petulant child.

You assume that Idar Flamme is the reason I brought you here? How naive. Why would I want your input on battle strategy? No, I have other needs for you, Kaiyus Strife. Tell me, what do you know of the Essence Devourer? asked the man.

Kaiyus was flabbergasted. The only records he had found pertaining to the device were i thaty cavern in the Os-Mine hills, and he had taken everything except for that journal, which he had left for Aelars surviving teammates.

How do you know about that? asked Kaiyus.

The man laughed, fiddling with the rapier that was sheathed at his hip.

My name is Raphael Khana, last surviving member of House Cannith, legacy of Manfred Khana, creator of the Essence Devourer and Blood Emperor of Khana. Now then, let's have a chat...

2009-12-16, 06:11 PM
As Fallow was explaining the modern world to Shield, he asked that the rest of the party to explore what was outside the church. The party obliged and, upon opening the double doors, bore witness to the town of Calleron, lost to time. There were many, many buildings, all still intact, and equally as many skeletons, remains of the inhabitants of the town.

This is where I stop ferrying you all. Check out the town. Split up. Search for clues. Indicate what you are doing and I'll make it happen within the best of my ability.

2009-12-16, 08:52 PM
Fateral Started to walk among the many buildings, searching for any sign of a weapon or an item store. He also kept a close eye on anything that looked to be a magic or a book store in hopes that they may contain some still readable books. As he walked through, he made sure to mark certain buildings to make sure he wouldn't get lost. The walk seemed to forever.

I'm going to take 20 on the search. Puts me up to 26.

2009-12-16, 09:08 PM
This is a map of the town http://www.celestine-empire.net/battlegrid/DM.php?sessionID=Encounter%204

2009-12-16, 09:09 PM
Fortis surveyed the underground city with little interest, until he saw a building with the same markings upon it as were upon the warrior named Shield. The minotaur made his way towards the building, interested in finding more anything similar to the Warforged.

2009-12-16, 09:12 PM
Fateral headed straight towards the magic shop, eager to see what was left of the ancient building. His mood was well reflected in the way he bounced with every step he took. Moving carefully, he enters the old building.

2009-12-16, 09:12 PM
The stalwart warrior pushed open the doors of the ancient manse and let loose a flurry of dust and dirt. Coughing, he stepped inside and took a quick look around. The first floor contained a large atrium with the remains of a once-flowing fountain in the center. There were two rooms leading off to the sides as well as a large staircase leading up and splitting off into two directions.
The remains of several servants could be seen scattered about the floor.

2009-12-16, 09:16 PM
Fateral entered the magic shop and looked around for anything of interest. The shopkeeper's remains were hunched over what appeared to be a sales record. There were dusty tomes that had various prices attached to them, although much of their content was illegible. What Fateral could read he could not understand. Feeling particularly curious he opened the till on the counter and found several gold pieces.

you find 18 gold

2009-12-16, 09:18 PM
Fortis decided that it was worth the time to search the entirety of this building, in case it held more secrets like the Warforged.

2009-12-16, 09:23 PM
Taking a few of the more legible books, Fateral take some time to talk with Fallow about the books he had taken from the magic shop. He wanted to know more about what these books were about. It may also be possible that the Warforged may also answer a few questions about this world.

2009-12-16, 09:26 PM
Fortis found that the two side rooms were both large parlors that each seemed to have their own purpose. One was wide open and ha a wooden floor that suggested it was used for dancing. There was a piano against the wall that had a silver figurine of a dancing elf on it. The other parlor had several sitting chairs which suggested that this was a lounge. There was a bar with several dusty bottles of incredibly old liquors and one very dead barkeep. Up the stairs Fortis found several bedrooms all of which had a dead body inside. They all seemed to be aristocratic, by the way they were dressed. Several of them had jewelry on. One man in particular seemed to have been particularly affluent, sporting a gold-framed monocle. Up the other staircase was what appeared to be the masters study. It appeared as though this room had been visited not too long ago. Papers lay strewn all over the floor and a large safe at the back of the room had been forcibly opened. As he was illiterate, Fortis could not make heads or tails of the papers.

2009-12-16, 09:29 PM
Hmmmm... it seems like they had a different manner of learning abilities back then. These books are instructions on how to learn specific spells, said Fallow, examining one of the books Fateral had brought back.

It would seems so. I myself appear to have lost my knowledge of martial stances while incapacitated, said Shield.

2009-12-16, 09:30 PM
Collecting them into a bundle, Fortis grabbed all of the papers in the room, and emptied the remnants of the safe. As he was walking out of the room, Fortis realized how much easier it would be if he just carried the safe back with him. So he did, after stuffing it with all of the papers from the upstairs room, the jewelry from the bodies in the house, the silver figurine, and the liquor from the bar.

2009-12-16, 09:37 PM
Fallow examined the papers closely.

A lot of these are illegible. The ones that I can read are all written in a cipher. IT looks fairly simple though. Once we get back to my house I will examine them more thoroughly, said Fallow, stowing the papers away for later.

Total value of that loot you have is 154 gold pieces

2009-12-16, 09:42 PM
Sir Fallow, what would these abilities require in terms of learning them? Ancient magic seems like an interesting subject and I believe would greatly increase our ability to chase down our prey Fateral had asked rather quizzically as he looked at the book from different angles.

2009-12-16, 09:45 PM
I don't think you can. The system they used back then looks like it would literally make your head explode if you tried to use it, replied Fallow.

2009-12-16, 10:13 PM
While the rest of the party had split up, Rynir made his way towards the structure that resembled an equipment shop. He ran his hand over the walls and door, then pushed it open.

2009-12-16, 10:19 PM
The equipment shop was full of old and very corroded armaments that were displayed proudly in a dusty and grimy window. The shopkeeper did not appear to be present anywhere in the store, dead or alive, and there was no money in the till. There was, however, a belt that appeared to be in pretty good condition that looked as though it had some writing on it, but it was illegible.

2009-12-16, 10:22 PM
Arcana to detect any sort of magical aura (just in case) [roll0]

2009-12-16, 10:22 PM
As it would turn out the belt did in fact have a magical aura.

2009-12-16, 10:23 PM
Rynir's brow furrowed slightly. With a second's pause, he decided to chance the potential risks and donned the belt.

2009-12-16, 10:28 PM
Rynir saw no immediate effect from donning the belt. As he walked out of the shop a stalactite fell from the ceiling and cut through his cloak. Almost as if his motions were being guided Rynir swung his staff at the stone spire, shattering it.

You found a Counter Belt. Whenever you are dealt over 10 damage you may do 1[W] damage as an immediate reaction.

2009-12-16, 10:51 PM

...And that's everything I know about it, finished Kaiyus.

Raphael mulled over what Kaiyus had told him before a moment before shrugging and standing up.

As I thought, impractical and useless to what I have in mind. However it would seem that we are after the same thing. You, Kaiyus Strife, have found yourself an ally, said Raphael, extending his hand to Kaiyus.

Kaiyus could not believe his luck. Having the Emperor of Khana backing him would make his dreams a reality in no time. He reached out eagerly to shake Raphael's hand, only to have it withdrawn quickly. As fast as lightning Raphael drew his rapier and slashed Kaiyus's face, leaving a light but long wound. Kaiyus recoiled in pain, flailing about wildly.

Did I say ally? I meant to say master. Consider that to be a mark of your servitude. Now now, don't fret. You will be compensated for your trouble, said Raphael, looking up at a man garbed in black who had just entered the tent.

Lord Raphael, I.... what is he doing here? asked Kincaid, showing visible wounds from his bout with Jaffar.

Ah, Kincaid. I would like you to meet your replacement as the leader of the Crossbone Vanguard. You have ten minutes for a head start before I declare you a security breach, said Raphael.

Excuse me? You do not hold sway over the Vanguard. We are a hired body, and I will break my contract with you if you think you can replace me so easily! snarled Kincaid, drawing his knife.

Kincaid lunged at Raphael who, in a surprising show of dexterity, parried all of Kincaid's blows with his rapier.

I do not employ those I cannot best, Kincaid. Bo then, you have nine minutes. I suggest you start running, laughed Raphael.

Furious, Kincaid strode out of the tent. Raphael summoned a guard once the coast was clear.

See that he doesn't make it back to the rest of the Vanguard. Also, let the Shadar-Kai he has imprisoned free, I would speak with him. Take this man to the Vanguard and explain the... terms we discussed earlier, said Raphael, shoving the still bleeding kaiyus into the arms of the guard who strode out of the tent with Kaiyus in tow.

His tent empty, Raphael returned to his seat and stared blankly at the roof.

Perhaps I was too rough... he said jokingly.

2009-12-16, 11:34 PM
Kir examines the church, trying to find anything of use.

2009-12-16, 11:39 PM
You find nothing in the church that you hadn't already found, save a pendant that resembled a carved tooth.

2009-12-18, 07:16 PM
Not including the houses there are at least two non-investigated places left on the map. Should you wish to continue searching through the world of yesteryear then by all means do so. If not, then tell me and I will make something happen.

2009-12-19, 10:00 AM
Fateral, who had asked around for what the others had searched, went to the first house closest to camp.

Lets get the last couple of houses and then we can move on I guess,
Perception, I'll take 20. That puts me at 26.

2009-12-19, 06:21 PM
Kir puts on the trinket and moves on to the courthouse, looking for anything of note.

2009-12-20, 11:59 AM
In the houses Fateral finds little of value. He mostly sees the remains of children, some in the middle of playing with their toys. In one house, though, he finds some potions scattered about.

Kir headed to the courthouse. It was a large building so he took his time searching it. He found several papers pertaining to one "Manfred Khana" in one of the drawers. As he was about to leave he noticed a door that he hadn't yet checked marked "Evidence". He tried to open said door, but it was locked.

Fateral finds 3 potions in total, not entirely sure what they are. As for the papers found by Kir, a brief skim shows that they are past criminal charges brought against Manfred Khana. The lock on the evidence room is old, but the door holds strong, almost like it is stuck in addition to being locked.

2009-12-21, 10:29 PM
Kir returned to the party and shared what he found at the courthouse.

If nothing happens in the next 24 hours, and that could be a significant post or character development BS, then I will move things along in an unfortunate manner.

2009-12-22, 06:14 PM
"Evidence? What's that?" asked Fortis, curious as to what would be kept in a locked room.

2009-12-22, 06:16 PM
Evidence are items that are acquired to be used as proof that someone committed a particular crime. This could range from incriminating papers to murder weapons. replied Fallow.

2009-12-22, 06:19 PM
"...murder weapons..." mused Fortis, scratching the tuft of hair on his chin. "Let's go get this 'evidence', and see just what we can use."

2009-12-22, 06:20 PM
Kir lead the party and Shield to the steel evidence door.

2009-12-22, 06:32 PM
Please, allow me to be of assistance, said Shield, motioning for the party to stand aside.

Shield walked up to the door and examined it for a moment, sizing it up. After knocking several times on the surface of the door Shield took a step back.

You may want to vacate the immediate area, lest you become injured, cautioned Shield.

Once everyone had stepped back Shield once again turned his attention to the door. Bringing his fist back Shield loosed a mighty blow upon the door. The steel door crumpled around Shield's fist, tearing itself from it's hinges and forming an elongated gauntlet. Ripping the bit of the door that still clung to it's place, Shield turned around, the door still wrapped around his fist. Bringing his fist back again Shield looses another punch which sent the door flying off of his hand and careening into the opposite wall of the courthouse.

There you are, search to your hearts content, said Shield, clapping the dust off of his hands.

2009-12-22, 06:38 PM
Fortis stepped past the metallic relic and into the evidence room, searching for items of worth.

Take 20 on Perception, total of 29.

2009-12-22, 06:40 PM
Fortis found several papers that he could not read in addition to several diagrams of a machine of some sort, but he could not read the captions. He found a number of broken bottles and other such useless items, but what interested him most was a set of bloodstained Katars.

2009-12-22, 06:53 PM
As the door lay beaten to scrap on the ground beside the doorway, the Gods brought a brief reprieve to the world they lived in to mourn the loss of this door. The door was the love-child of a great godly orgy that lasted 3 decades and was cast away from each god in turn. The forsaken door was left in the desert of eternal despair to lie for eternity. However the great goddess of fate thought to intervene with the door's sorrow and brought an evil overlord to the desert of eternal despair to search for a new lair. There the overlord found the door which he was to use in his new den of evil. There the overlord ruled over the desert and the door with such evil that the door slowly became corrupted itself. Soon, the door found the ability to call upon the sand itself to swallow the rest of the desert fortress and the overlord and his evil forces with it. The door then was taken into the care of a noble hero who had come to defeat the overlord but had not counted on the desert swallowing the fortress. The door was then sold to a nearby junk merchant who had sold items of terrific value to other evil society members. Not realizing the door's true abilities, he tried to pass it off as an unbreakable door. It was then snatched up by an up and coming young evil member who used this door to house any items of power that could destroy him. The house was in the volcano of unrest past the mountains of relentless damnation and just beyond the dragons of fiery ambivalence. This house was quickly burned to the ground when an unfortunate thief had taken shelter for the night and had slept in the sleeping bag of constant burning badness. The door had been the only thing to survive the long lasting fire. It had been happened upon by a wandering swordsman and brought to a courthouse where the swordsman was charged with sexual assault. After gifting the court with the steel door for their evidence room, he was sued for 5000 gold and had his genitals chopped off. Slowly, each god spat on the door for its passing and moved on with their eternity.

In the real world Fateral moved into the room and inspected the papers that Fortis had thrown aside. What might we have here...

2009-12-22, 07:11 PM
The papers were all letters that had been written by or addressed to Manfred Khana. Much of them spoke of a project to save the world from destruction and the financial obligations that such an endeavor would require. One letter in particular caught Fateral's eye.

While I agree that this might seem to be an impossible and extremely dangerous task, I feel that I must continue onward with it. More and more deities are cropping up every day, such an example is your new "Raven Queen" and the various other cults that riddle our world. Such variations in belief, if history has taught us anything, will ultimately lead to a war which will encompass the whole of Eberron. To this end I have created a device which will quell the impending conflict before it starts. I call it the Essence Devourer, for it will absorb and destroy the life force of the gods. I firmly believe that the gods must be destroyed if we are to ever shed this cycle of religious war and dependence upon the gods. The machine itself draws power from the energy in the Earth that creates Dragonshards and, as a side effect, will cease their natural production. Another interesting side effect that I have observed is that the machine, while active, causes the energy left behind by dying Elementals to stay here on Earth as opposed to going back to the Elemental Chaos. Such "Soul Shards" as I have taken to calling them contain varying amounts of power depending on the size of the shard, but I have little interest in them. The courts have caught wind of my plan and mean to stop me, but they will have to find me first. My plan will go through and the gods will die. If you believe so strongly that your Queen is right, then come and stop me. One more warning: I am considerably rushed in my endeavors so the chance of error is high. Worst case scenario many will die. Likelihood of that particular end, however, is nil.

Manfred Khana

The diagrams were of the Essence Devourer itself.

2009-12-22, 09:13 PM
Fateral, eager to share the contents of the letter, quickly shows it to the group. He poses a question to the group
Who is this Jaffar guy? Maybe we could find some sort of record of him from the Order of the Raven Queen?

2009-12-22, 09:36 PM
Jaffar? I think I've heard that name before, but I'm not sure where... said Kir.

It's just as well, I think that we are done here anyway. Let's head back to the surface, said Fallow.

Make a perception check

2009-12-22, 09:37 PM
Fateral takes another quick glance around

Perception Check [roll0]

2009-12-22, 09:39 PM
Fateral sees nothing, but hears a soft, chattering sound.

2009-12-22, 09:42 PM
Fateral dismisses the sound as just "rats scampering about" and follows Fallow.

2009-12-23, 12:08 AM
Rynir fell into line behind the rest of the party, hood drawn up and deep in thought. Was this "Essence Devourer" ever built? Was it used? Was there a mistake in its use that led to the destruction of a world previously unknown to him?

When was it used? Who used it? And, more importantly, could it be built and used again?

Rynir drew his cloak around him to shield out the damp chill of the caves. His eyes darted around the group, ever watchful and vigilant.

Perception [roll0]

2009-12-23, 05:41 PM
Rynir notices nothing out of the ordinary, but he can't help but feel that the party is being watched.

2009-12-23, 11:18 PM
Kir took one final scan of the area before following the party. He, like Fateral, heard the sound of soft chattering, but noticed that it was growing steadily closer. Spinning around Kir caught a glimpse of a small, gray creature darting around a corner.

Gentlemen, we are not alone... he muttered, readying his spear.


2009-12-24, 08:56 PM
Kir kisses his holy symbol before placing it back into his robes. He remembers the townsfolk talking of chokers. Look up gentlemen, chokers are fond of attacking from on high. They're fast and deadly, so everyone form a protective ring around our patron. Remember to keep your eyes on the roof! Kir shifts into a stocky male dwarf and readies himself for battle.

2009-12-24, 10:55 PM
Almost immediately after Kir issued his warning two small, gray creatures hopped down from the roof of a nearby house and bare their fangs menacingly. As the party made ready to do battle they heard a loud clicking noise. From the other side of the square came several large beetles that were glaring hungrily at the party. Enemies on either side, the party steeled themselves for the fight to come.

Initiatives in the OOC

2009-12-24, 11:02 PM
Eager for exercise after his long slumber, Shield charged the nearest Choker, slashing at it with his Fullblade. Though the weapon barely hit the Choker, the blow was devastating nonetheless.

[roll0] to hit and [roll1] damage upon doing so.

2009-12-27, 09:09 PM
I do these little OOC moments because I get bored waiting for people to post. You know who you are, so rectify that.


As the morning sun rose high into the sky Kincaid burst out from the underbrush of the woods, having cleverly evaded who were, until recently, his own men. Raphael had succeeded in turning the Crossbone Vanguard against him. How exactly he had done that was a mystery to Kincaid, but the very idea that the men he had fought alongside would turn so easily against him brought the bile to his throat. Standing up, Kincaid took a measure of his surroundings. He was on the edge of the woods near Idar Flamme, midway between the city and Biblin, just out of sight of several Vanguard members who rushed through in search of him.

Kincaid was wholly enraged at his current state of affairs. Not only had he failed to solicit any new information from the Shadar-Kai Jaffar, but he had also been deposed by a fledgling necromancer with delusions of grandeur. The army of Khana slowly marched ever onward toward Idar Flamme, no doubt subduing the town of Biblin in the meantime. Suddenly, Kincaid heard a rustling sound from behind him. As quick as lightning Kincaid had his dagger upon his assailant, knocking the surprised Godot to the ground.

..... Have you turned on me as well? asked Kincaid, pressing the dagger to Godot's throat.

Perhaps if you were to shift form, we would have a harder time of finding you, said Godot, smiling.

I've shifted form in front of you many times before. I know you would be able to recognize me, replied Kincaid.

Too true, sir, but I am not here to hunt you, said Godot.

Is that right? said Kincaid, removing himself from Godot, Then why are you here?

I refuse to follow that man, that Kaiyus person. He will twist the purpose of the Vanguard, and I will not stand for that, said Godot, a look of deep malice upon his face.

Oh so? Well then, we have work to do, said Kincaid, stepping out of the woods and on to the grassy plain.

What do you mean? asked Godot.

That party you encountered in the forest, they might be able to help us, as will several others who fought alongside them. Come, Godot, we have some people to contact, said Kincaid, striding off under the sunlight.

2009-12-28, 10:06 PM
Deciding the much more formidable looking Chokers to the automaton, Fateral charged the closest beetle, slashing at it with his sword.

Divine Challenge to mark B4, [roll0] for Enfeebling strike which deals [roll1], B4 takes -2 penalty to attack rolls.

2009-12-28, 10:10 PM
The two Chokers teamed up on Shield. Fortunately, neither hit.

[roll0] to attack and [roll1] for damage from C1, [roll2] to attack and [roll3] from C2. If either hit Shield is grabbed and takes a -4 to the escape check

2009-12-28, 10:16 PM
Grinning broadly, Fallow rushed towards the beetles, drawing another odd contraption from his pouch on the way. Removing a pin in the device, Fallow hurled the machine at one of the beetles. Upon contact the machine detonated and engulfed several of the beetles.

[roll0][roll1][roll2] to hit B2, B3, and B4 respectively and [roll3] damage to all

2010-01-04, 10:26 PM
Figuring Shield could handle himself at least for the moment, Rynir stepped out of the group and raised his hands. Lightning bolts blasted from his palms towards the two closest beetles.

Move action to F9 for line of sight, fire Divine Bolts at B1 and B2. [roll0] to hit B1, [roll1] to hit B2. [roll2] damage, [roll3] damage

2010-01-05, 04:37 PM
The beetles, enraged be the damage they had suffered, decided to take out their aggression on the closest enemy: Fateral.

B1: [roll0] vs. AC and [roll1] damage.
B2: [roll2] vs. AC and [roll3] damage.
B3: [roll4] vs. AC and [roll5] damage.
B4: [roll6] vs. AC and [roll7] damage
B5: [roll8] vs. AC and [roll9] damage.
B6: [roll10] vs. AC and [roll11] damage.

2010-01-10, 09:28 PM
I figure that the parties involved will be more likely to see this here than in the OOC. It has become apparent that the whole of you have become uninterested in continuing to play. To that end I am discontinuing the game. If at any time you want me to continue I will gladly start the game up again, but I highly doubt that you will want to. This is what inactivity does so... I bid you farewell.