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The Bushranger
2010-08-29, 11:40 PM
Becky does, indeed, make note of the tail. And has a few thoughts from that...

She makes a show of listening to the Moff.
Who, she has to admit, has a good point.
But it's The Moff telling her this! :smalltongue:

"...you have a point, but still. I've been constrained by business logic and societial convention my entire life up 'till now, Moffy. A girl has just got to have fun every now and then, kapiche?""

...yes, she just said 'kapiche'.
Her player facepalms in shame.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-29, 11:42 PM
Sunn opens her hand, and a glass of Scotch appears in it. She takes a sip, smacking her lips.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-29, 11:49 PM
The Moff nods and sips. I hear yah. Nothing wrong with fun. At all. The savvy player will at this point realize most of what The Moff does is for funzies. :smalltongue: Be careful, all I'm saying. You're a bit twitchy, kid, but you have potential.

2010-08-29, 11:52 PM
Angie slips out of deadtime and glances around, happy to see that the fight has ended. She taps her fingers on the bars glancing at the servers trying to decide if she should wave one down or not.

The Bushranger
2010-08-29, 11:52 PM

"...I suppose," Becky says, "that I can take that as a compliment, even coming from you."
She sticks her tongue out at the Moff, then, hearing smacking lips, turns her attention in Sunn's direction once more.
"Don't suppose I could get a glass of that spider-wine?" she calls.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-29, 11:53 PM
Becky will see Sunn throw something over her shoulder- it is indeed a glass of spider-wine, and not a drop is spilling, even as it tumbles in the air.

"There you go."

Moff Chumley
2010-08-29, 11:54 PM
The Moff shrugs. *glug glug glug*

He can't help but crack up, at this point, about how Sunn is dealing Becky...

The Bushranger
2010-08-29, 11:56 PM
Becky is a fair bit...surprised, by this.
But sends a surge of shadows that snags the glass in mid-air, pulling it down to her hand where she takes an appreciative sip.
"Why, thanks."

The Goth-looking, pigtailed shadowcaster gives Angie a look...then shrugs and dismisses her, sensing there is much Celestial-ness in that one. :smalltongue:

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-29, 11:58 PM
"No worries."

Sunn turns around. "As you can probably tell, I'm tired." She smirks a little. "I"m horny, too. I'm going home."

And with that, apart from a purple flash of light, she's gone.

And her clothes are in a pile on the floor. Odd, that.

2010-08-30, 12:01 AM
Indeed, with her blond hair and golden eyes Angie's celestial ancestory might be easy to spot. But that should make anyone listening to her surprised when she waves down one of the goblin servers.

I would like some Luhix and I heard you have it. I will take some, and a private room.

The goblin heads to go and retrieve the powder that is stored elsewhere.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 12:03 AM
The Moff bursts out laughing. He's pretty fond of Sunn, despite her contempt. He's used to it. The Moff nods to Becky, and heads out of the bar. ((Deadtime))

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 12:03 AM
Becky starts to give Sunn a wave (partially good-bye, partially dismissive)...

...then gapes as the pile of clothes falls to the floor.

Curiosity killed the cat.
And so she goes to look them over, eyes widening a bit at what she (doesn't) find...

...then she looks up in surprise at noticing Miss Celestial's request.
The Moff gets dismissed. :smalltongue:

2010-08-30, 12:07 AM
Angie receives her illicit powder and inspects it carefully. Then she hands over a few coins for the small pouch of powder and the key to the room in the back.

She stands and starts to head back, probably to enjoy the powder.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 12:12 AM
Becky shakes her head and sits on a barstool to ponder things.

"Hey, kiddo, you really should leave stuff like that to the grownups," she says in a patronizing tone.

2010-08-30, 12:16 AM
Angie stops on her way to the back room and turns and glances at Becky and just smiles at her tone. And something in her eyes says that she is older then her years would allow.

Thanks for the advice. She says in a simple way that implies the advice and the tone of the woman are not really appreciated. She seems pretty calm all things considered, not offended or nervous. Though the way she walks shows a bit of stiffness.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 12:22 AM
"Your funeral, kiddo," Becky says, waving dismissively.
She considers following Angie and asking for a bit of fun, but (perhaps to the Moff's surprise, if he knew) decides against it. Celestials make her skin itch.

2010-08-30, 12:25 AM
Angie heads into the private room to enjoy her Luhix in private.

2010-08-30, 05:51 AM
Mime starts miming a bat as Sunn stands up.

That bottle was going down!

He swings it through the air as she disappears, the bat continuing on its arc until it comes around, hitting Mime on the back of the head, causing him to stumble forwards, rubbing the back of his head.

He walks over to Becky and Moff and taps Becky on the shoulder, before pointing to the back of his head and turning around.

There's quite the lump there.

So uh, I'm not really sure what he wants Becky to do. Probably gonna have to figure that out on your own.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 07:45 AM
The door to the Den opens, bouncing back off the wall...

And so a small little wing-ed girl walks into the Den.

2010-08-30, 08:01 AM
"Hey, watch it."
One of the patrons speaks up as the door slams into the wall.
"Break the door and you pay for it."

The patron in question is a lean but hard looking woman wearing a blindfold, with two elves in neat red suits sitting beside her. They don't look like bodyguards, given their lack of muscle, though it's possible they know magic. Still, a more likely explanation is that they're to help a blind woman move around and keep their eyes out for her.

"You in a foul mood or something?"
The woman crosses her arms, displaying a number of scars that look intentionally created, given the unusual patterns they're in.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:03 AM
Hmm? No.

Kara sits down, her legs dangling over the edge of her chair, which she swings.

That's just how I open doors.

2010-08-30, 08:08 AM
"Really? Doesn't seem a particularly wise method."
There's no malice in the woman's voice, only a dry curiosity.
"You got a name?"

The two elves don't seem particularly interested in Kara, and instead turn back to a card game on the table that they're playing. Looks like poker, except instead of chips, they're using small red gems to bet with.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:10 AM
If I did it any other way, I'd rip the door off.

Kara picks up the menu and browses it. She's a bit hungry, it seems.

Kara. I'm Kara.

2010-08-30, 08:20 AM
"Not very talkative, are you, Kara?"
The woman leans forwards, her voice changing a tiny bit, implying that she's moving towards the real reason she started talking to the girl.
"I see a lot of strange people in this place, but I don't think I've seen anyone that looks quite like you."

A small smirk crosses her face.
"Those wings and eyes normal where you come from?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:23 AM
I've only ever met one person with eyes like mine. The wings are a bit more common.

Kara calls over one of the goblin servers and orders A dragon steak the size of my head.

Kara looks up at the woman looking at her. How can you tell my eye-colour through the blindfold?

Kara's posture changes subtly. She's evidently ready for the possibility of an attack.

2010-08-30, 08:27 AM
Dipsnig's plot clone undeadtimes. The goblin is still having some trouble seeing, and wishes he had been able to kill the idiot who blinded him. Over all, he's in an even worse mood than usual.

2010-08-30, 08:30 AM
"Come now, have you ever seen anyone in this place that's really disabled? Maybe I use magic- plenty of things could give me back my sight that way. Could be I just know things without having to see. Possibly I'm telepathically linked to one of these guys here."
She points to one of the elves, who glance up, then look back down at their game.
"All kinds of possible reasons."

The woman stands, keeping one arm out to feel the top of the table next to her, helping her keep her balance and feel her surroundings as she moves carefully but steadily over to Kara.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:32 AM
Kara puts her hands up into a "hey not so fast" gesture.

Why are you coming closer?

2010-08-30, 08:46 AM
Sipping his foamy green drink, Dipsnig's eyes dart across the room, before focusing on the only interesting this right now, which is the confrontation between the small winged girl and the blindfolded woman.

2010-08-30, 09:48 AM
"Because I don't like raising my voice."
The woman says, not stopping at Kara's gesture.
"But if you don't like it, stop me."
Something about her expression says that she almost wants Kara to turn this into a fight.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 09:51 AM
Kara considers that enough of a threat to justify striking first.

Kara's action is thus: she jumps up and attempts to drive her knee in the woman's crotch as hard as possible. And whether or not that succeeds, she tries to slide her forearm up past the lady's sternum with her hand clawed so that the very base of her hand will strike her chin.

Both blows are made with full force.

2010-08-30, 10:01 AM
The woman is apparently prepared for Kara's attack, and while Kara is leaping up, she is already moving- and quite swiftly, too. Her movements blur not due to her speed, but due to some strange blue trail that she seems to leave behind as she moves.

Kara's first two strikes meet air as her opponent nimbly steps just out of reach each time, keeping on the defensive for the moment.

2010-08-30, 10:01 AM
Dipsnig nods. Looks like all taverns in the Nexus were similar. He'd start taking bets but there doesn't seem to be anyone to bet.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:04 AM
Kara is not on the defensive. At all. She's attacking. Full on, full effort, no mercy.

She's driving after the person, throwing strikes with brutal force, but strong efficiency. She's not flailing wildly. Every attack is targetted towards a vulnerable area and optimized to move as quickly as possible.

2010-08-30, 10:11 AM
The two elves have paused their game of cards, and are watching carefully- but they don't move to interfere. At least, not yet.

Kara's attacks are again met with a fairly competent defense- the strange blue streams make it harder to figure out just where her opponent is, and her mobility and speed are quite something. She's probably faster than Kara...

But you don't need to be faster to get in a good hit, and after a few dodges, Kara manages to land a blow. It doesn't hit where she planned to put it, but it is a hit nonetheless, and with her full force behind it. The woman staggers back, apparently caught off guard by just how strong the blow was.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:14 AM
Kara growls viscerally and dives onto the woman.

What she's attempting is a tight bearhug, using all of her incredible strength, with the person's jugular right in position for Kara to bite and tear out.

2010-08-30, 10:20 AM
Not able to recover in time, the woman is tackled and squeezed quite hard, wincing at the feeling. However, she manages to keep one of her arms free, and for the first time strikes back.

She's not as strong as Kara, but her fist is quicker than a snake, and the same blue trails that followed her dodging now stream from her hand, vibrant and focused as she aims for Kara's throat.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:26 AM
Kara takes the hit on her neck muscles, which are as hard and as tight as teak. It hurts, it really does, but that's a secondary concern. Her mind is focused: bite and tear.

She tries to bite down on the woman's jugular, and utilize her neck to whip back and rip out.

2010-08-30, 10:32 AM
Ohhoho. This fight is getting interesting. Rot smiles as he watches it. The vampire approves of and is rooting for Kara.

2010-08-30, 10:33 AM
Dipsnig walks over to the vampire. 25 shillings on the blindfolded one.

2010-08-30, 10:37 AM
Not keen on having her jugular ripped out, the woman barely manages to get her arm in the way, and decides that this bear hug is not where she wants to be. Her other arm is trapped, but her legs are free- so she swiftly steps to the side, trying to get a leg behind Kara, then maneuver down and sideways to sweep the girl off of her feet and down onto her back.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:40 AM
Kara's instincts: if you are on the ground, you have LOST.

She fights as hard as possible to avoid being dropped onto her back, even letting go of her bearhug to avoid it.

However, almost absent-mindedly, she's stomping down very hard, attempting to drive the side of her foot down the woman's shin and into the top of her foot, to break any bones she can.

2010-08-30, 10:45 AM
The woman dances away nimbly as soon as Kara retreats from the bear hug, but Kara manages to leave a fair bruise on one of her legs- but not much else. However, as soon as the woman has a bit of range on her, she whips her leg up and out in a fast, spinning kick to try and hit Kara in the chest before she can fully recover from the situation.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:48 AM
Kara would, if she were watching this fight from the outside critically, think that that was a dangerous and stupid move. In fighting, she finds that lifting your leg above knee level is an easy step to being dropped on your butt.

As it is, she's not watching the fight from the outside, so she simply uses a leverage block combined with a slip to cause the kick to slide above her shoulder. And then, she tries to push the leg up as high as possible, to see if she can get her opponent to be dropped on her butt.

2010-08-30, 10:56 AM
Kara's attempt is good, but her opponent is fast enough to pull her leg around and away, keeping her balance and only suffering in that she lost an attempt to attack. Turned to the side relative to Kara, she takes a balanced stance and keeps her arms out in a defensive position.

"I'm not interested in killing you, you know."
Her tone is almost conversational.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 10:58 AM
Kara's hands are up, and her balance is on her front foot.

Then you shouldn't have made yourself a threat. State yourself, or I WILL keep fighting.

2010-08-30, 11:09 AM
"I can still be threatening without wanting to kill you."
She says, smirking.
"I'm sure you're quite aware of how to bring someone down non-lethally."

The woman moves back a little, gaining some distance from her winged opponent.
"And I'm not entirely sure what my identity has to do with fighting, but-"
She raises her arms to her blindfold and unties it.
"Incidentally, the reason I could see your eyes with a blindfold on is actually quite simple. It's just a very thin cloth- I can see through it."

She rewraps the cloth around one of her hands, as her distinctly yellow eyes watch Kara with amusement.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 11:14 AM
Kara keeps her hands up.

I've only ever met one other person with eyes exactly like mine. But eye colours are easy- my little brother has golden eyes that you could easily confuse for mine.

The woman will see the tension in Kara as her sinews stand up on her body, and as her wings fluff.

So your eyes mean nothing. And yes, I can take down a threat non-lethally. I didn't think it prudent in your case- you were pulling no punches.

Kara lightly taps her (rather bruised) neck.

Who are you? Tell me.

2010-08-30, 11:16 AM
Neat trick, Dipsnig mutters. I'll have to remember that one.

2010-08-30, 11:22 AM
"I haven't formed an identity yet with you, so what use is your question?"
She asks, in a terribly frustrating and vague manner.
"What am I supposed to do? Give you a name? That tells you nothing- it is a title, a label. Labels can inform, but only if they have associations attached to them; an unknown name does not have that."

The woman lowers her guard and sits back down at her table with the two elves, turning to face Kara now.
"But you can hardly expect me to just spill out my life story and personality to you- as if an upfront narrative would give you an accurate perception of it anyway. So the only real answer to your question, 'who are you,' is not something I can give you. It's something you have to uncover for yourself."

With a terribly smug and self-satisfied smirk, she gestures to one of the empty seats at her table.
"Do you want to join me and get your answer?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 11:26 AM
I am asking out of the possibility that I'm already part of your story. Which means I HAVE the associations.

Kara points at the elves.

I stayed with grandpa once. They were there. You are connected to him somehow. TELL. ME.

2010-08-30, 11:30 AM
Rot frowns. They stopped fighting. That wasn't fun. :smallannoyed: You can't bet on a fight that ended. But the vampire doesn't complain, he wouldn't want to make himself a target for those kicks and punches. So the vampire just grumbles and drinks some of the yummy blood-like drink they have here. Ikhar or something.

2010-08-30, 11:32 AM
"If you are part of my story, you are only a guess- an implication; a hint of something that might have been there, but never mentioned."
The woman crosses her arms.
"But as you wish. My name is Tekli. And it is... interesting to meet someone related to me. Possibly a pleasure-"

She taps her bruised shin.
"And definitely a bit of a pain, but that's just part of the family tradition, isn't it?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 11:36 AM
Kara keeps her hands up, her eyes focussing.

Mama told me about you. I might even remember you. But I was young, very young...

She breathes out deeply.

So. You're my half sister. She abandoned you, too.

2010-08-30, 11:39 AM
Tekli smiles in a particularly unpleasant manner.
"Yes, she did. And plenty of others, I've no doubt."
She taps the chair next to her.
"Take a seat."

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 11:42 AM
Kara nods, taking the seat. She's still wary, however.
You're quite a good fighter. A bit flashy, but good.
She stretches a little, using her hand to massage her bruised neck.
Strong, too.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 11:47 AM
Becky just gives Mime a glare, wondering if he wants to be put out of his misery.

Then watches the fight with a lopsided grin, and some degree of amusement.

...that's all she does, though, as, for better or for worse, her player doesn't have time at the moment for more.

2010-08-30, 11:49 AM
Well, the fight was over. Dipsnig drums his fingers on the bartop, bored.

2010-08-30, 11:49 AM
"A little. Most of it is natural magic, so it adds force where strength would be limited- I don't need leverage or momentum to strike hard. You, on the other hand, are the strong one."
Tekli says, giving Kara's rather absurd physique a glance, and one of her muscles a tap. Her etiquette seems fairly lacking... which was demonstrated earlier when she picked a fight with Kara just for the hell of it.
"Everyone else seems to inherit the wings, too. I wonder why that is."

Earl of Purple
2010-08-30, 03:33 PM
Sitting at one table is a deeptroll. This strange creature is about 7ft tall, though may be taller should he not hunch, with pale white skin and a blue glowing organ upon a stalk attached to his forehead and others on his wrists. The creature is wearing a loincloth and a blindfold over his large eyes. He is also eating from a plate of smelly fish that are less than fresh.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 07:24 PM
And now Becky undeadtimes 'for real'. Giving the deadtimed Mime another dirty look, and moving down a stool, debating going to look for Ilpholin, heading back to AMEN, getting drunk and hoping to get lucky here, or any possible combination of hte above.

2010-08-30, 07:27 PM
Rot is here! Yay! Becky has company! Wait... What did the part after the getting drunk thing say? :smallconfused::smalleek:

He takes a swig of his ichor liquor.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 07:32 PM
Clearly it described what usually happens after an evil Goth shadowcaster gets stonking, stinking drunk. :smallamused:

Becky, as it happens, is doing her best 'I refuse to see him, therefore the vampire does not exist' act, while pondering the menu.

2010-08-30, 07:39 PM
Since Becky can't see him, Rot disappears from existence.


Just kidding, since Becky is pretending she can't see him, Rot gets annoyed. And pokes her. Kinda hard.

"The Liquid Agony is very good. You should try it."

If Rot took it upon himself to learn anything about his co-workers, he would suggest the Black Shadow. But who cares about public relations when you're evil?

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 07:43 PM
BR actually intends to have Becky avoid the Black Shadow, for whatever strange IC reason. Hawkeye sometimes plays an evil shadowcaster of his own, who loves them, and sometimes it's hard not to have Becky act just like Melantha as it is. :smalltongue:

...before the F.W.M.U. starts a riot, though, the fourth wall is repaired, and Becky gives Rot a glare.
"Oh, I'm quite sure, and you enjoy holy water, yes?" she says with a straight face.
...she'd say 'poke me again and lose the finger', but she's sure he'd go ahead and do it anyway.

2010-08-30, 07:46 PM
And since plot has stopped happening here, and there is no worries about adding another person to the Teb-pile-on from earlier, a plot clone of Darcy arrives, possibly to take up permanent residence.

In unrelated events, a hand sized robot creeps into the place, using the shadow of another patron as cover to remain unseen as it enters, and then makes it's way to the rafters.

2010-08-30, 07:51 PM
Rot doesn't poke her again, as she didn't tell him not to do it or anything. He scowls. Sarcasm. :smallannoyed:

"No... Just a suggestion. Trying to be 'nice'. How am I suppose to know that the bottled pain emotions of others hurts you wittle mortals, I thought anyone truly evil might enjoy it."

He ignores Darcy, as he is already interacting with her in AMEN and that would be weird and paradox-y if he did here too. He doesn't notice the robit.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 08:00 PM
"...Oh, I might enjoy it. I just find it hard to believe that you, of all people (or vampires) would try to be nice to me?"
Becky smirks, and chuckles at Rot.
"I might try it later, though."

Noticing Darcy, she smirks and gives her fellow AMENite a wave.

2010-08-30, 08:06 PM
Rot grumbles. Pointing out how nice he's being is a very easy way to get him to be very mean. I'd stop doing it before he tears out someone's throat to prove his unfriendliness. :smalleek:

"Just trying to get along. I know we're evil and all, but acting like children and fighting isn't going to help AMEN at all."

Rot gets a clearer head the less hungry for blood he is. Yay vampire-friendly taverns.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 08:15 PM
"Point. Doesn't mean I have to like you, though," Becky points out with a smirk.

And decides to order...the Mushroom Wine. :smalleek:

2010-08-30, 08:20 PM

Syringe gun is currently holstered.

Someone entirely new enters the Den, soon finding her way to a seat and a menu. She soon looks up from it in surprise, glancing around at no one in particular. "I get the feeling there's a chem lab in here..." Should someone overhear that mumbling, they'll probably notice it's not an accusing or suspicious one.

More a curious one.

2010-08-30, 08:22 PM
"Of course not. Takes all my willpower just to not smack you right in that smart mouth of yours..."

Rot is making a :smallannoyed: face. He glares at the new person, probably a bit lot more harshly than necessary.

2010-08-30, 08:23 PM
"You sure about that choice?"
Tekli speaks up as Becky orders.
"It's strong stuff, and not in the usual way, either."
By now, Tekli has replaced her blindfold, and her two elven servants are at the bar.

2010-08-30, 08:23 PM
Darcy has a seat at the AMEN table and waves at the newcomer. "Hey! Want to come join us? Rounds on me." She orders a round of drinks for the table, but continues drinking her own whiskey. After all, it's the best whiskey in the universe, and nothing else can compare. She's wise enough to know that one should not take up space at a bar without spending money, hence the offer of drinks for others.

2010-08-30, 08:27 PM
The newcomer looks like she's going to accept the invitation to come over, before noticing Rot's glare. "What's up with the hematophage?" Looks like she's already guessed he's a vampire.

2010-08-30, 08:31 PM
"Well... I... Err... What?" :smallconfused:

Rot is completely lost by the word hematophage. It's not in the Thesaurus of Evil! The vampire understands the words "Rounds on me" though, and orders another ichor liquor.

2010-08-30, 08:31 PM
"Oh, he's just grumpy. Got set on fire earlier." Hush, Darcy. You weren't even here for that, and you aren't that good at spying. "I'm Darcy Diavolo."

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 08:32 PM
"Don't mind him," Becky says to the newcomer, with a smirk. "He's part of the scenery."

She;s probably not helping Rot's urges...

Hearing Tekli's words, the shadowcaster girl looks over to the blindfolded woman, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Well, it says right on the menu it's liable to make me a bit...loopy, right? How strong can it really be?"

2010-08-30, 08:37 PM
"Well, depends on how lucky you are. You get a weak batch, things might be a little weird, but otherwise normal. Strong batch? Anything you remember for the rest of the night will be incomprehensible."
Tekli says, grinning a little.
"It used to be one of my favorites to serve, but I never tried it myself."

2010-08-30, 08:43 PM
"It essentially means 'vampire'. Merissa, by the way." She declines to offer a last name, for whatever reason, before heading over to the AMEN table, still looking over the menu, though she does order a simple, if high-quality, wine.

Those paying attention might notice a look of mild confusion as she looks over that menu. As if asking, 'Why is half the menu designed to kill you?'

2010-08-30, 08:46 PM
The answer is that half the menu is designed NOT for you. :smalltongue:

"... Well if it means vampire, why didn't you just say vampire? I'm Rot."

Oh hush Rot, you have a Thesaurus of Evil. :smalltongue: Merissa may note that Rot is drinking a bloody mixture of red goo and alcohol. Yum.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 08:46 PM
"I see..."
Becky pauses as she considers Tekli's description of the effects of the Mushroom Wine.
...then grins back at the woman.
"So, a gamble, and a dangerous one, then? Sounds like something that would be right up my alley."
And waving one of the serving goblins over, she formally places her order.
"Name's Becky, by the way. You gotta handle?"

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:48 PM
Kara shakes off the effects of deadtime and tugs at Tekli's arm.

Thank you. And maybe you drew the genetic short-straw.

2010-08-30, 08:53 PM
"I go by Tekli."
She answers, then looks towards Kara.
"Seems that way."
The comment apparently doesn't sit all that well with her.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 08:56 PM
Which Kara notices, and it causes her a bit of discomfort.

I didn't mean it badly. I just meant that you didn't get wings. I mean, I didn't get your natural magic...

Kara's already taken Tekli to heart as a long-lost sister. She doesn't want to upset her.

2010-08-30, 08:58 PM
"Is it too difficult to believe that I simply desired to be overly verbose?" Merissa's tone indicates that she is mocking Rot, if the overly-verboseness of her declaration of feeling like being overly verbose is any indication.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 09:00 PM
"Pleasure to meetcha, Tekli," Becky says, already dubbing her 'Tekkie' in her mind.
And giving Kara a wave, as well, as she undeadtimes.

Then, the Mushroom Wine arrives!

And, bracing herself, Becky takes an exploratory sip...

2010-08-30, 09:00 PM
"I suppose that's believable. It does seem like a thing some people would do to try and make themselves feel superior to others. I have a thesaurus too ya'know."

Rot's tone indicates extreme grumpiness. He takes another swig of ichor.

2010-08-30, 09:12 PM
Tekli raises an eyebrow at Kara, but reaches out to ruffle her hair.
"Not your fault. Still, it'd be nice to be able to fly."
She keeps an eye on Becky, curious to see what reaction she'd have to the wine.

Shadow of the Sun
2010-08-30, 09:17 PM
Kara smiles as Tekli ruffles her hair, although she winces a little as Tekli's hand hits her ears.
It's not all that great. It's just like walking.
Kara pauses.
Except with one more direction.

2010-08-30, 09:21 PM
"It also seems like instantly greeting someone with a glare is a move best befitting a child seeking to establish dominance in an elementary school playground," Merissa calmly states, sipping her drink.

Meanwhile, under the table, she draws that syringe gun with her free hand and fires it at a glass belonging to an NPC, causing it to fall off the table and shatter. Once that's done it's quickly holstered again. The gun's rather quiet, though, and probably won't be heard very clearly.

It'll be rather difficult to know it was her.

Should anyone investigate, they'll find that the syringe was empty.

Why did she do that? Well, it's mostly a distraction.

Should Rot look away long enough, she'll put a drop of a red fluid in his ichor liquor. This fluid happens to be a highly unstable and fast-acting mutagen that will play havoc with the blood in Rot's drink.

As for what exactly it does to the blood? That's Rot-the-player's choice.

2010-08-30, 09:30 PM
Rot would give her an indignant and grumpy reply, but spins around as glass shatters. The vampire sees no immediate threats, but is distracted long enough for anything to be placed in his drink. The mutagen does stuff! Rot turns a suspicious glare on Merissa. And slowly drinks his drink...

Which he immediately spits out, but the damage is done.

"Ack! Oh, godsh. Shat tashted orribal. Waiht. Waht'sh wrong wif mah voice?"

Rot's open and protesting mouth reveals an extremely swollen tongue and very corroded teeth. The vampire's voice soon becomes impossible to understand, with incoherent mumbling and vampire slobber the only things coming from his mouth. His eyes are wide with fury and surprise. It may be funny, but Rot punches the first one to laugh. Seriously.

"Shnot foony!"

2010-08-30, 09:33 PM
Darcy acts quickly, standing up and drawing a dagger. What? You're going to stab the vampire while he's down?

No, she drags the knife across her arm to get a nice flow of blood and lets it fall into Rot's mouth.

Honestly, the girl's insane. Is she just asking to be nommed to death?

2010-08-30, 09:34 PM
Merissa doesn't seem to be reacting very much, aside from observing Rot with an almost scientific curiosity.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 09:36 PM
Becky, sitting at the counter, giggles a bit, and considers taking another sip of her wine - a bigger one this time.
"Oooooh, nifty..."

(Remainder of her experience being awated. :smallwink:)

2010-08-30, 09:42 PM
The golden mushroom wine flows smoothly through Becky's waiting lips. It doesn't taste fungal, like one would expect. It's smooth and a bit sweet, but even so, there is an earthy tone to it, telling her of it's roots(or mycelium that is :smallwink:) The first sip, tastes...plain at first, but then the complex flavors begin to show themselves. The alcohol is barely showing, making sure that there is hardly any burn to cover the taste.

First to make itself known, is a slightly meaty flavor, a...slightly sweet one that seems to melt over the palate, soothing it for the next flavor, one that seems to taste of stone. Not hard or dirty, but something with a slight edge, a bite to it, reminding her of how it feels to lay back in the shade...

Breathing in, the slight alcohol vapors in it waft through her nose, dragging the other scents with it. The barely tangible scent of fresh baked bread, from the yeast used to ferment it...

The slightly sickly sweet smell of the sugars it made, caramelized by the heat of the fermentation process into the wonderful brew...

The smell of freshly turned summer top soil, thriving with life and manna...

And that, was merely the first sip. :smallamused:

2010-08-30, 09:44 PM
No one laughed? Aww, Rot doesn't get to punch anyone. :smallfrown:

Rot practically laps up the blood flowing from Darcy's arm. The vampire grabs at her arm and pulls his fangs near her wound, but checks himself and lets go. Rot wipes blood from Darcy's wound with one finger and licks it off to heal his tongue, gums, and teeth completely. Unfortunately, after that he's clueless on how to stop the blood from flowing, so he stands up and glares accusingly. In general.

"Who. Did. That?"

His glaring eyes shift to Becky, but she seems to be ingesting some mushroom wine right now. :smallconfused:

2010-08-30, 09:47 PM
"Place like this? Anyone could bribe the bartender to slip you a tainted drink," Darcy says. She didn't see Marissa's attack either, so she honestly doesn't know. "Did you get enough?" she asks Rot as she grabs some probably not very clean cloth napkins to hold to her arm.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 09:47 PM
Becky stares at the glass in her hand for a long moment. She didn't feel too many hallunications - at least, not that she can tell - but the taste...

Oh, dear.
The taste.

She smiles broadly, and goes to take another sip.

A much bigger one this time...

2010-08-30, 09:49 PM
Merissa quietly pulls out a tube of some unknown ointment and offers it to Darcy. "This is a regenerator chem. Should heal and disinfect that rather quickly." Indeed, if applied, it should do both. It's not supermagic, so the wound won't heal instantly, but it should accelerate the healing a fair bit.

2010-08-30, 09:53 PM
"Yeah. Sure. Thanks."

:smallconfused: Rot wonders why Darcy would sacrifice blood to help save someone. Isn't she evil? Evil folks tend to not sacrifice stuff like that, especially at risk of being nomed. Well, one of those goody goody GLoGers probably would risk it to save someone. Man, he hates them. Hates em! What was he thinking about again? Oh right, the assassin drink.

"I'm not sure why anyone would want to poison me. But they've made themselves a dangerous enemy. If I ever catch them, I'll make em scream." :smallfurious:

2010-08-30, 10:06 PM
Because she figured it would make her look more loyal to AMEN if she saved a fellow AMENite. Otherwise, she'd have cheered on the poisoner.

Darcy takes the ointment from Marissa and applies it, causing her wound to close up and stop looking so tempting to Rot. "Thanks."

2010-08-30, 10:10 PM
Merissa will take the tube back after that. "I recommend either getting your blood from a more reputable bar in the future or actually hunting, Rot."

2010-08-30, 10:13 PM
"I do hunt. I just wanted to relax for a day or two without getting caught up in any plots or fights. And which reputable bars that you know of serve blood?"

Actually, what bars do you know that are reputable? :smalltongue:

Poor Rot plot clone just wanted some rest.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 10:13 PM
The Moff moonwalks into the bar, because he can. No, seriously, he spent the entire day figuring out how to moonwalk. Hey hey hey, what did I miss?

2010-08-30, 10:20 PM
I imagine most are more reputable than this one, even if they don't exactly deserve to be called that themselves.

"Considering the look of the place, I wouldn't be surprised if there were others that served blood. You could probably at least find one that didn't make poison so readily available." Merissa pauses. "I'm half-tempted to find the owner of this place and ask him if there's a chem lab somewhere in here."

2010-08-30, 10:25 PM
Rot raises an eyebrow and gestures wordlessly to Becky. Who is having "fun" drinking the mushroom wine.

Why would you need to ask? Unless... :smallamused:

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 10:26 PM
"Mmmmmm, prettttty..." Becky mutters, clearly lost in her own little world on her seat at the bar now. The glass of wine empty, as she leans back, in a fashion that suggests she thinks she's falling back onto a bed...even as she falls over backwards onto the floor...

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 10:28 PM
The Moff prods her with his boot, and takes a look at her glass. Ooh, can I get a bottle of that, for later?

2010-08-30, 10:28 PM
"Someone tried to poison Rot, and Becky's in lala land. Nothing much," Darcy says.

2010-08-30, 10:33 PM
"Point taken, bloodsucker." Merissa glances down at Becky, tempted to do something, but she doubts she could pull a successful trick again, and so doesn't.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 10:43 PM
Becky's eyes flutter open from her spot on the floor, and she stares up at...

Well, not at the Moff. More like through him.

And giggles - not in a drunken way, so much as a 'groovy, far out, dude!' kind of way.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 10:58 PM


Alright Becky, pay attention. This is important. You listening? Okay. YOU'RE.... running your running your running your running your running your running your running you go left you go right you go left you go right you go left you go- BRICK WALL!

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 11:03 PM
Much to the Moff's probable consternation, Becky seems to show no signs whatsoever of hearing him. And every sign of being in Cloud Cuckooland.

...seems she got a strong batch. :smalltongue:

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 11:06 PM
Wow, make that two bottles... The Moff turns to Darcy. Bugs me when humans can't hold their booze, ya know? The Moff pulls a bottle of something or other out of hammerspace. *chug*

2010-08-30, 11:15 PM
Merissa has a rather contemplative look on her face right about now. "I could try to snap her out of it..."

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 11:16 PM
The Moff is appalled. That... why would you want to? I mean, I'm as evil as the next orphanage arsonist, but that's just not cool. :smallmad:

2010-08-30, 11:21 PM
Merissa shrugs. "I was hoping it would keep people from tripping over her. But if you insist, I'll leave her alone. Your loss if you trip."

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 11:24 PM
The Moff trips. Picks himself up and brushes himself off with as much dignity as he can muster, orders a glass of Frenzywater, and sips. It doesn't seem to be affecting him...

2010-08-30, 11:27 PM
Angie walks out of the private room looking much like she did when she went in, but a bit more loose and relaxed. She takes a seat and looks over the menu before ordering a black shadow, she had always wondered what those were like.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 11:28 PM
Angie might notice Becky (for whose appearance, if needed, her character-thread page is referred to), sprawled on the floor, blissfully smiling, and staring off into space in a 'I'm having a VERY good trip, thank you, man' kind of way.

2010-08-30, 11:32 PM
Merissa just quietly smirks when Moff trips.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-30, 11:34 PM
The Moff downs the Frenzywater, still completely unnafected... or maybe his AMEN plotclone is seeing the effects? :smalltongue:

2010-08-30, 11:37 PM
If Angie notices anyone in the room she doesn't really show it. When her glass is dropped off in front of her she lazily runs her fingers around the rim enjoying the quite noise it makes. Then she slowly sips her drink, closing her eyes as the shiver runs through her spine as the drink hits her. Yeah she can see why so many friends like this stuff.

The Bushranger
2010-08-30, 11:53 PM
Erin in particular. :smallwink:

Becky, meanwhile, looks to be coming down from her Mushroom Wine trip a bit. Although perhaps slipping more into unconsiousness, might be more like it.

2010-08-31, 09:00 AM
Dipsnig undeadtimes. He has no idea why Mushroom Wine was supposedly so dangerous. He drinks stuff made out of mushrooms and lichen all the time.

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 08:44 PM
...Becky, meanwhile, groans, and starts to sit up on what now feels rather less like a waterbed mattress, and rather more like a rather hard floor.

2010-08-31, 08:52 PM
Marissa glances over, noting Becky getting up. "Rise and shine. I would've gotten you up sooner, but he vetoed that plan." She points at Moff. "Then he tripped over you after I specifically referenced the possibility of that occurring if I didn't get you up." She thought it was rather funny.

2010-08-31, 08:59 PM
Angie looks over at Marissa, and the rather sore Becky and smiles. She stands and stretches a bit starting for the door, but stopping near Becky.

"Hey, kiddo, you really should leave stuff like that to the grownups," She does her best to copy the patronizing tone Becky used on her awhile ago.

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 09:14 PM
"I missed the Moff tripping over me? Shame."

Becky, meanwhile looks up at Angie, with her best 'drop dead' stare.

...thankfully she doesn't actually have that specific power. :smalltongue:

"Oh yes, thank you, Miss Karma," she snarks, as she tries to stand.

If Angie remembers Melantha, she might notice some of Becky's mannerisms being similar. But not quite as outrageous, or nearly as powerful.

2010-08-31, 09:28 PM
"Count yourself lucky that you weren't robbed while you were out." Becky should also count herself lucky that Merissa elected not to inject her with some random mutagenic serum while she was out.

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 09:32 PM
Merissa might or might not be the lucky one there.
"Pfft. Like I'd have anything they could take," Becky smirks, as she makes her way to the bar and drops onto a seat. "...how long was I out?"

2010-08-31, 09:35 PM
Angie just smiles as she leaves the Den.

2010-08-31, 09:41 PM
Of course. That's the whole point of random mutagens. You never know what will happen!

It's exciting.

Merissa pointedly does not answer the question about how long Becky was out. Mostly because DC doesn't know!

Deadtime is weird like that. In fact, a wave of fourth-wall-shattering information will suddenly wash over Becky to explain why Merissa cannot answer that question. Because picking at issues caused by deadtime is never fun. *nodnod*

"So, out of curiosity...was it worth it?"

2010-08-31, 09:44 PM
Rot undeadtimes to glare at people. Glaaaaare.

THE TIME IS NOW DUSK! The sun is going to set soon. That's what the magical clean-shaven men behind the screens say!

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 10:07 PM
"I think it was, yes," Becky smirks at Merissa's question.
"...at least, from what I can rememebr of it, anyway..."
She shrugs. "I'd get a private room before I did it again, though."

2010-08-31, 10:15 PM
Merissa nods at the bit about the private room. "Probably advisable. I think there's probably a chem lab somewhere in this place, too. Be sure to tell me if you ever find it."

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 10:21 PM
"Shoulda asked Miss Karmic Celestial before she left," Becky says, jerking a thumb at the door. "Pretty sure she found it, what with the stuff she was carrying back there earlier."

2010-08-31, 10:26 PM
Merissa shrugs. "Maybe. I was just looking at the menu and wondering what someone of sufficient skill could make out of some of the, ah, stranger things on it."

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 10:36 PM
"Something strong enough to blow the roof off, no doubt," Becky quips, debating heading back to AMEN to see if Ilpholin is there, or sticking around in hopes of Sunn returning.

Of course, Kara's pretty easy on the eyes, too, and so is Tekli...

So she orders a glass of ice water, for the moment.

2010-08-31, 10:43 PM
"I never really liked making explosives...Always preferred mutagenic serums, myself." Merissa frowns, remembering something. "Haven't had a proper lab in a while..."

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 10:58 PM
"You could come join AMEN," Becky voluenteers. "We could use somebody good with stuff like that."

2010-08-31, 11:02 PM
Al decides to walk into the bar accompanied with Shadow. The werewolf looking creature with no hair and gray skin and no real definition to it. " Hm, interesting. " He says and goes over to open a menu.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:02 PM
The Moff walks back into the bar in time to hear the tail end of the conversation. We defintely got labs...

2010-08-31, 11:07 PM
"Eh. Fixed jobs never really last for me. Either I get bored, or a prototype serum ends up turning a test subject into a rampaging monstrosity that kills half the group or more before getting put down." Merissa lets that sink in for a moment. "If it wasn't obvious, they usually chase me out after that happens."

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:12 PM
The Moff shrugs. For what it's worth, I'm essentially second in command and my job essentially entails... wait, what is it The Moff does aside from picking fights and being a smartass? well, it's not really a job so much as a membership, and we don't have rules so much as... eh, you know the drill. and rampaging monsters we can deal with, especially given that we have quite a few of them on the payroll.

2010-08-31, 11:13 PM
Al just happens to be listening in on the conversation. " Eh, that's why you always make sure the holding cells are indestructible and you always have a kill switch. Even then I prefer to work on my own. " He says browsing over the menu. Hmm, some of these things could be useful in his drug creations.

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 11:14 PM
"What he said," Becky says, jerking her thumb at The Moff, and giving Al a curious look.

Becky is, for those who don't know her, a just-in-her-20s, Goth-looking young woman, hair in two pigtails, orange-ish eyes, and...well, Goth. Also, shadowcaster.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:19 PM
The Moff tosses back a glass of rat mead. Extra-curricular activities are, as it were, encouraged. However, the new management doesn't really like it when your victims follow you back to the base and seek revenge... but I'm sure you don't have to worry about that. The Moff glares for a moment. Then turns his attention to his empty glass; he glares at that with much greater intensity.

2010-08-31, 11:20 PM
Merissa seems to be in thought for a while. "Do I get free test subjects? Kidnappings are such a bother..."

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:23 PM
The Moff attempts to find the fourth wall. Unsuccessfully, of course. AMEN doesn't have that kind of budget. Certainly. Gotta reccomend NPCs for that purpose, HALO got pretty upset when we abducted their children...

2010-08-31, 11:25 PM
" Beh, handpicking your subjects is the only true way of doing genetic manipulation. I still say that doing things by one's self in this area is best. " He says and decides to write down a few of the things on the menu for later.

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 11:32 PM
"That was GLoG," Becky says, before her player smacks her with the Fourth Wall Bat, lest the F.W.M.U. start picketing again.

"We have a good health plan, too. Something about unlimited clones, I heard?" she says.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:34 PM
The Moff shrugs hugely. You know, I've been kicking around Nexus for quite a while, and I still have no idea what the difference between the two is... and he doesn't care. Health plan is quite nice indeed. Free clones are a lot of fun.

2010-08-31, 11:38 PM
Merissa's calm look suddenly fades, and she glares at Al. "Bah to you too. Handpicking subjects means you're tainting the experiment. In order to do things properly, you need to make sure you know as many possible results as you can. Failures can be just as important as successes in the long run."

Then the glare fades as her attention turns back to Becky and Moff. "Cloning, eh? Convenient. I might have to borrow a few tanks for experiments." Seems she likes what she's hearing about that.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:42 PM
The Moff pulls an application out of hammerspace. Sign in blood, please! Rather cheerfully. :smallwink:

2010-08-31, 11:44 PM
Al frowns back at Merissa. Then he smirks when she thinks about the clone vats. " Eh eh, two steps ahead of you there. And also I prefer to manipulate the genetic code myself. That and Shadow here was technically a failure though it is quite the useful pet. " Al says sounding proud of himself creating the lanky werewolf like creature.

Shadow blinks it's red eyes and looks over at Al and Merissa

The Bushranger
2010-08-31, 11:44 PM
Becky grins, and orders a spiderwine in celebration.

Possibly premature celebration, but, heck, she likes the stuff. So why not?

2010-08-31, 11:50 PM
Merissa merely sighs at Al this time. So dull. "I always preferred mutagenics to direct manipulation. Many more possibilities with a single one than with one of your techniques, I'm sure. And I don't suppose I could have a pen provided?" Seems she doesn't happen to have one on her.

Moff Chumley
2010-08-31, 11:54 PM
The Moff pulls a pen out of hammerspace, offers it to Merissa. He carefully observes what she does with it afterwards. [/vetinari wannabe]

The Bushranger
2010-09-01, 12:03 AM
Becky sips her spiderwine, and watches as well.
She wonders if Merissa will use her own blood, or cop out. :smalltongue:

2010-09-01, 12:15 AM
Merissa takes the pen, and raises her left arm a bit. She moves her right hand over the middle of it, and then, surprisingly enough, one of her fingertips shapeshifts into a claw, making a very small cut, and she gets enough for the purposes of the pen.

The cut quickly 'heals', though it's likely a shapeshifter trick. Afterwards, though, she grabs a fluid dropper out of a pocket.

The same one she used to spike Rot's ichor liquor, in fact, though those present don't know that. It gets dropped on the pen too. "I had to assume that was for the purpose of cloning. Unfortunately, I've come to a very odd conclusion after analyzing my own genetic code. There's nothing in it that should make me be able to do that, so any clone of mine would lose my abilities. So I may as well make this a little experiment as well. I wonder what making a clone out of that will do now...?" She's never without a scientific angle, it seems. Then she stops delaying and signs, making a little note somewhere on the thing: "I do not intend to partake in combat missions or any other such things. I will, however, provide genetic modifications if they are desired, and may provide interesting experimental products. I will take no responsibility for the disposition of these creations." It's red text because it's blood. If mutagen-tainted blood.

2010-09-01, 02:15 AM
Mime, finally undeadtiming, runs the events he missed through his mind.

Hey, she didn't fix his bump! She's so mean. Mime sho-

Mime starts laughing his head off. Albeit silently.

His tongue swelled up! He was talking so funnily!

Mime bends over, his entire body shaking with silent laughter.

Rot can probably see him easily.

2010-09-01, 07:53 AM
"Yeah yeah. Welcome to AMEN and all tha-

Is that Mime laughing? At me!?"

Rot snarls at the mime. He hates mimes! :smallfurious: They were third on the list after sunlight and garlic! The vampire walks over and taps the mime on the shoulder.

"Mime. What you laughing about?"

2010-09-01, 08:05 AM
Dipsnig's plot clone undeadtimes, waiting for something to happen.

The Bushranger
2010-09-01, 04:03 PM
That might be Becky, finishing her spiderwine, and fishing in her purse for coins to pay.

2010-09-01, 04:08 PM
Levi Dryden strolls up to the bar, glancing around with a rather perplexed expression. He places his hat gingerly on a relatively clean section of bar top, and addresses the bartender. "Strange joint you've got here shorty. Can I get a glass o' rye?"

2010-09-01, 04:09 PM
Merissa, meanwhile, raises an eyebrow at Rot. "You do realize that he's not going to answer you in a way you are likely to comprehend, correct?"

It seems these two have a constant antagonism thing going.

Especially since it's her fault Mime is 'laughing'...

2010-09-01, 04:11 PM
An NPC bartender shows Levi Dryden the drink menu((to be found in the first post of the thread)). Meanwhile, Dipsnig - a small, brown-skinned goblin - orders a refill of his Goblin Thudrud Beer and watches the newcomer curiously.

The Bushranger
2010-09-01, 04:14 PM
I think everybody has an antagonism thing going with Rot.

Becky, who happens to be a 20-something, black-haired, pigtailed, pale, orange-eyed, Goth-looking woman, raises both eyebrows at the newcomer.
"...I don't think they serve rye," she observes.
She'd comment on the wisdom of calling a goblin 'shorty', but she's hoping for a fight...
"Stranger in these parts?"

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 04:17 PM
Or it could be the person which just entered. This person is a male gnome, wearing a crimson silk brocaded shirt, green pantaloons and a long, flowing black cloak with a white two-tailed scorpion emblazoned clearly upon it. Around this gnome's neck is a silver amulet, also depicting a two-tailed scorpion. This especially flashy gnome has blonde hair dyed black, unless it's black with natural blonde roots, a large nose and violet eyes. He chooses to sit at a table part way between human-sized and gnome-sized, so patrons of other sizes feel more comfortable if he motions them over for a chat. This particular patron orders Hearth Brew Mead.

2010-09-01, 04:24 PM
Levi fumbles for his reading glasses, balancing them on the bridge of his crooked nose and paging through the menu. "" Oh they got menus in speak-o's now? Classy joint. Thanks fella." He orders and hands the menu back to the bartender. He nearly falls over when Becky addresses him. "Ah! Oh, hello ma'am. Sorry, you kinda snuck up on me. Yeah I guess I am abit of a stranger. Still trying to get my bearings. All the while oblivious to being observed by Dipsnig.

The Bushranger
2010-09-01, 04:27 PM
Becky starts giggling at being called 'ma'am'.
"I see. Well, welcome to the second most fun place in the Nexus."
She waves a hand around the inside of the Den.
"I reccomend the Mushroom Wine."

...from her smirking-grin of an expression, her reccomendation should put a neon Stay Away sign on the item in question. :smalltongue:

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 04:28 PM
It's not just Dipsnig the goblin watching this particular new-comer. The gnome in very flashy rich clothing is watching as well. The gnome is probably more noticable; he's wearing red and green after all. Plus there's not many gnomes here.

2010-09-01, 04:29 PM
The goblin speaks up. I wouldn't recommend that. It has strange effects on most people. He could drink it with no problem, but he's a goblin.

2010-09-01, 04:36 PM
"That's alright, ive never really liked wine. The boys back the 'port kept trying to get me into it, but I dont much like all that fancy stuff. Ill leave that for the camorista goons. He loosed the collar of his shirt abit, a nervous tick he had " Ah, um, forget I said that.Nexus, eh? So thats where this is. Didnt see any signs on Route 9. Im Levi by the way" He smiles awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder at the flashy gnome.

2010-09-01, 04:37 PM
Rot attracts antagonism like a vacuum. Probably because he's a jerk.

Rot glares at Merrisa.

"Of course. It's for emphasis and stuff."

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 04:41 PM
The Flashy Gnome waves and smiles, and takes a sip of his Hearth Brew Mead. Being a gnome, he's only about 3ft tall, yet he seems confident and self-assured. So much so, nobody in this bar of morally bankrupt humanoids is considering trying and relieve the gnome of his money. Apart from the waiters, but it's their job.

The Bushranger
2010-09-01, 04:44 PM
"Name's Becky, Becky O'Brien. I'm with AMEN. And I've never heard of this Route Nine. Must have been in your world, not this one."
She chuckles, and offers her hand to shake.
As the shadows around her shift a bit.

2010-09-01, 04:47 PM
Rot attracts antagonism like a vacuum. Probably because he's a jerk.

Rot glares at Merrisa.

"Of course. It's for emphasis and stuff."

"Proceed, then. Perhaps his form of an answer will be amusing enough to placate you." If not, Rot's frustration will certainly be amusing enough to Merissa.

Such a win-win situation we have here.

2010-09-01, 04:52 PM
Levi takes her hand an plants a gentlemanly kiss on the back ."Pleasure to meet ya, doll" He visibly brightens as his drink arrives, and takes a sip of straight whiskey. "My world eh? My worlds everywhere but Chicago now. Hoo boy. So whats this AMEN thing now, eh? He nods at the flashy gnome pleasantly. He didnt like being watched, but as long as the shorty wasn't gonna ventilate him, he'd decided to be friendly.

2010-09-01, 04:56 PM
Raz pushes open the door and walks in

He is a handsome, young man, 25 or so, with a Mediterranean cast to his features . He has boyish good looks - tight, short curly black hair, and green eyes. He is wearing a ripped grey hoody and tracksuit combo, with duct tape around the waist, wrists, and ankles. A pair of orange ski goggles hang around his neck. He is carrying a bag over his shoulder. He appears unarmed

He looks around and says to himself 'This looks like the kind of place I'm after'

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 05:01 PM
So long as Levi doesn't call the Flashy Gnome 'shorty' to his face, then Levi's innards won't become outtards.

Raz, meanwhile, may recognise the two-tailed scorpion symbol on the Flashy Gnome's cloak and also on the amulet around his neck; Jorje in the Dancing Fox also had such a symbol. He'd have to get the Flashy Gnome's attention, though, currently it's all on Levi.

2010-09-01, 05:06 PM
Raz (because he's a showoff) mutters under his breath, steps forward and teleports to the bar, reappearing leaning on it. He orders a drink, looks surprised, then amused at the goblins serving, and pays with an obvious wad of cash. He then sits down facing away from the bar and looks at everyone in turn, sizing them up

2010-09-01, 05:09 PM
He might probably definitely notices Rot (avatar minus the weapons) trying to strangle a deadtimed Mime. The vampire looks very angry.

2010-09-01, 05:10 PM
Dipsnig is a small, brown-skinned goblin wearing a gray shirt over leather armor. He has a pickaxe and a heavy high-tech crossbow with him. He's looking at Raz, rather not impressed.

2010-09-01, 05:11 PM
Does Rot have any magic or magical effects on him?


Also Dipsnig

2010-09-01, 05:13 PM
Does Rot have any magic or magical effects on him?


Also Dipsnig

Not really. He doesn't have his weapons with him, and unless his vampirism counts there are no other enchantments on him.

2010-09-01, 05:13 PM
Dipsnig's armor and pickaxe are magical. It's not obvious, however, they don't glow or have runes or anything like that.

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 05:15 PM
The Flashy Gnome in a red, brocade silk shirt and green pantaloons, combined with a black cloak with a two-tailed scorpion emblazoned prominantly in white upon it has no magical effects other than five magically concealed knives, two of which are shielded to make it harder for them to be detected magically and a ring of gold which prevents poisons and diseases from having any effect. The silver amulet, like that of Jorje, has been used in several religious rituals requiring the use of magic.

2010-09-01, 05:15 PM
(Raz has a form of mage sight. Can't detect Vampires though)

Does Dipsnig appear hostile, or just unfazed?

2010-09-01, 05:20 PM
Dipsnig doesn't appear hostile, apart from his state of constant mild annoyance caused by leading his organization. He's just rather bored and he's seen quite a lot of flashy teleportation. He waves at Raz. Well hello there.

2010-09-01, 05:26 PM
Raz nods back

Hi. The names Raz. I'm new in town and I'm trying to get my bearing. Mind if I buy you a drink and chat?

2010-09-01, 05:27 PM
Go ahead. The goblin waves his hand. I always have a moment for introducing the newcomers to the neighbourhood.

2010-09-01, 05:32 PM

Raz orders another one of whatever Dipsnig's drinking, and sits with him.

'So what do you do here?' he says. I'm currently in the selling market myself. Just popped up here earlier today. Thought I might get a better price here than back home

2010-09-01, 05:34 PM
I'm the Acting Leader of Neutralist Organization, the official mercenary organization of this place. What exactly are you selling?

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 05:38 PM
The Flashy Gnome tries to maneuveur himself closer to the conversation between the mage and the goblin without being spotted. He's also trying to eavesdrop without being noticed.

2010-09-01, 05:39 PM
'Merc, hey?'

He laughs

Couple of mates of mine do that sort of thing. Anyway, right now I'm selling ice. A very rare diamond actually, 'bout the size of your head. Hot as hell back in London, but should be ok here.


Can the flashy gnome see magic?

Lord Magtok
2010-09-01, 05:40 PM
Magtok nonchalantly hovers in, stealing some NPC's drink as he passes by, before peering into the brew and realizing it might jump out of the mug and bite his face off. The cyborg awkwardly hands the drink back over to the troll, and hurriedly darts away towards some familiar-looking people.

He'd heard most of his Associates have been taking to the dump like little children to ice cream in the summer, and as he zips towards Darcy, Becky, Rot, and the rest, it looks like those rumors are true. Except there's no ice cream or children, and instead of everyone pleasantly having a good time, drunk idiots are bumping into tables and chairs and lewdly making advances on each other.

Hi folks. When you lot get back from being off-duty, I was thinking we'd head to Inside and start looking into a-

Magtok blinks, and raises an eyebrow at the menu.

Gods...is there anything on this that won't kill me?

2010-09-01, 05:43 PM
'Merc, hey?'

He laughs

Couple of mates of mine do that sort of thing. Anyway, right now I'm selling ice. A very rare diamond actually, 'bout the size of your head. Hot as hell back in London, but should be ok here.

Yeah, you can most likely sell it here with no problem. Law is, shall we say, rather lax 'round some parts here.

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 05:44 PM
The flashy gnome cannot see magic unless he makes a prayer to Dalachrech first; he hasn't used that prayer yet, so no. He is very good with his knives, however; the three magically concealed from normal sight, the two magically concealed from normal and magical sight and the other one hidden non-magically.

2010-09-01, 05:46 PM
Magtok nonchalantly hovers in, stealing some NPC's drink as he passes by, before peering into the brew and realizing it might jump out of the mug and bite his face off. The cyborg awkwardly hands the drink back over to the troll, and hurriedly darts away towards some familiar-looking people.

He'd heard most of his Associates have been taking to the dump like little children to ice cream in the summer, and as he zips towards Darcy, Becky, Rot, and the rest, it looks like those rumors are true. Except there's no ice cream or children, and instead of everyone pleasantly having a good time, drunk idiots are bumping into tables and chairs and lewdly making advances on each other.

Hi folks. When you lot get back from being off-duty, I was thinking we'd head to Inside and start looking into a-

Magtok blinks, and raises an eyebrow at the menu.

Gods...is there anything on this that won't kill me?

"Oh hi Magtok. Did you have something for us to do?"

Rot is trying to choke a deadtimed mime.

2010-09-01, 05:47 PM
My kind of place

Raz grins

Do you know anyone who might be interested? Special one this. All black and swirly inside. Haven't seen anything like it before. Thought it might be magic at first, but it scanned as normal. Still, I reckon its worth something

Edit: If the gnome's a knife fighter, he might notice that Raz is sitting in a way that suggests he might be carrying a knife

2010-09-01, 05:49 PM
Magtok gets a glance from Merissa. "You're not the only one who asks that question, from what I gather. Either they've got a very good supplier or there's a lab somewhere in this place. Anyway, what were you saying?"

2010-09-01, 05:50 PM
Dipsnig raises his hand. A word of warning: the official law enforcement might not always come after you, but it does exist. And apart from that, there's boatloads of various vigilantes. So tread carefully. As to where you might sell that thing... I'm not sure. I don't deal in this kind of stuff anymore. It's clear he used to be involved in such business, though.

2010-09-01, 05:55 PM
Raz shrugs, and says 'Well, I haven't broken any laws here.

He thinks for a second

Never been convicted of breaking any laws back home actually. So tell me about this organisation. If you run a whole merc organisation, you must know someone who can fence this.

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 05:56 PM
The Flashy Gnome Demon-Cultist gets out of his seat and approaches Raz. Flashy Gnome sits next to the mage. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and I think my superiors may be a buyer. May I see the diamond?" The Flashy Gnome's amulet is very similar to that of the guy in the Dancing Fox Raz met yesterday; so's the magical reading from it.

2010-09-01, 06:01 PM
Raz looks the gnome up and down. Well, down, in any case.

'Yeah, Ok' he says. 'You packing anything that might block magic?'

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 06:06 PM
"Only a concealed pocket in my shirt." Depending on how good Raz is at reading people, and also if he can see the anti-magesight wards, he's lying and there's two; each containing a knife. Although, the anti-magesight wards are designed to be indetectable through magic use. However, three other knives magically concealed from mundane view aren't hidden from magic view, and a sixth knife is hidden using non-magical methods.

2010-09-01, 06:14 PM
Raz doesn't comment, but nods, mutters under his breath, and suddenly the gnome's vision is filled with
a cushion in a pool of soft light, on which rests a diamond a bit smaller than a human head. It is black, but in an obviously luminescent way. It seems to swirl with a cloud of deeper black inside. It is *ridiculously* fascinating, and seems to pull your attention such that it almost pains you to look away.

(while this spell is up, you can't see where your body is, although, the rest of your senses work fine. Basically, its as if your eyes are seeing somewhere else)

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 06:16 PM
"Oh, my. It really is something, isn't it? Yes, they'd be very interested in it. How much do you want for it?"

Lord Magtok
2010-09-01, 06:20 PM
Magtok clears his throat, and continues. He figures this Marissa person is a new recruit, and has already had everything explained.

Well, at the present time, Inside and the rest have an air-to-ground advantage over us, in the form of a few rather nasty airships. Now, if we can get someone to locate where one of those things are stored, I've a feeling we could turn this situation right around and keep their sky ship in check with our own freshly liberated vessel.

Given the nature of these vessels, I imagine they have fairly light security, are locked up in some undisclosed location, and they don't expect an assault whilst off-duty. If we can drum up a distraction at Inside's gates, another strike team can slip into their secret hangar, take down the crew, and run off with the ship. If all goes well, we might not even need to replace the lava cannon.

2010-09-01, 06:21 PM
Raz drops the spell and the gnome's vision returns.

He grins

Well, lets not be hasty here. I can't just promise it to the first potential buyer I meet. I've got to look around, research first. Tell me what you can about your employer. Unless he wants to remain anonymous of course


He pauses, and quietly says ''Are those people over there planning a war or something?'

2010-09-01, 06:28 PM
"Huh. So, I suppose I'm going to be volunteered as the distraction? I can distract people real good."

Rot stops trying to strangle Mime to give Magtok a large fanged grin.

"Having their major organs outside of their bodies usually is a distraction to most people."

2010-09-01, 06:29 PM
Merissa's a bit surprised at that. Airship theft. Wow. "As far as I know, there is only one airship belonging to the local government, and it's in the air. Quite a sight, that was, but I understand that it's a carrier, and resupplying it would prove difficult, even if we could obtain it. Ergo, I would write that one off as impossible to obtain."

Under the table, Merissa pulls out her syringe gun, loading it with a syringe full of some bluish liquid. I wonder why?

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 06:32 PM
"My direct superior is the spiritual head of an entire religion, one that's rather common in this area. He has been here for quite a while and has rebuilt the Cult of Dalachrech up from scratch since his homeworld was destroyed. The High Priest Terrowin only survived because Dalachrech ordered him to visit the Termite Mound where he resides on another plane. Thus, it was literally from one priest, who hadn't even been high up the old hierarchy of the Cult, who has managed to build one of the most successful and widespread religions in less than a year. Me and the other clerics serve Dalachrech through Terrowin, although we are always concerned that other dieties and their priests misunderstand us so you won't find a temple unless it is pointed out to you. Is that enough information?" The Flashy Gnome ignores the question of war, because he's too focussed upon the diamond. Incidently, he's lying about how common the religion is; the only PC converts are characters of mine. For some reason, few people want to pledge their immortal souls to the Demon Lord of Invertebrates.

2010-09-01, 06:39 PM
Raz nods. Cool. Well, for payment, money's always nice. What currency do you deal in? I've been using pounds stirling, and been getting some funny looks off of people so far. How much would you offer?

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 06:47 PM
"My native currency is made of polished marble discs. Terrowin's homeworld used solid iron cubes, another cleric has coins made of dragonscale, and yet another uses pinecones. So long as some world, somewhere, uses it as a medium of exchange, most shops accept it. Most common coins are gold, silver, copper and platinum. The Church would be willing to buy it for 116 platinum coins. Is that exceptable?" Had he not mentioned currency trouble, the Flashy Gnome may have offered more. However, he's currently relying on Raz's newbie nievete to think it's a good deal.

2010-09-01, 06:55 PM
(Fortunately for Raz, he's made a living back on earth, dealing with dodgey people all around the globe :smallbiggrin:)

Raz idly looks at the bar tariff, calculating in his head

'Well that's a start. I think you *may* have mispronounced 1000 however'

Lord Magtok
2010-09-01, 06:56 PM
Magtok shrugs.

Even better, then. I'm sure there's more than a few members who can fly, and if we get inside without being noticed, shoot our way in, throw the captain out, and fly off with all the aircraft being carried by the ship, free planes for the henchpeople to-

Magtok pauses, and tries to take a look under the table to see what Marissa is up to.

Earl of Purple
2010-09-01, 06:59 PM
"Not as green as you make out to be." Flashy Gnome's a fine one to talk; his trousers & speech colour are both green! "Would you accept 900 platinum coins?" Unfortunately, it's nearly 1am, so I should be off to bed. Which, in turn, means Deadtime.

2010-09-01, 07:03 PM
Now that's more reasonable Raz smirks.

Unfortunately Deadtime strikes. To be continued ...

2010-09-01, 07:04 PM
Merissa frowns at Magtok, seeing as he didn't notice the obvious problem with stealing a carrier. "You would quickly run into problems keeping the planes fueled and armed, I imagine." Magtok will find out the obvious thing, as the syringe goes flying for Raz's neck. It's quiet enough that it won't be obvious where it came from (for anyone other than Magtok, anyway).

She happened to notice that he was asking questions.

Should the syringe find its mark, it'll quickly turn out to be a powerful, fast acting hallucinogen, and Raz's memory of events immediately preceding the injection-and his actions during his hypothetical trip-is likely to be extremely impaired, if not gone altogether. Yay memory-affecting shenanigans.

2010-09-01, 07:05 PM
Magtok shrugs.

Even better, then. I'm sure there's more than a few members who can fly, and if we get inside without being noticed, shoot our way in, throw the captain out, and fly off with all the aircraft being carried by the ship, free planes for the henchpeople to-

Magtok pauses, and tries to take a look under the table to see what Marissa is up to.

"I can fly. I can't pilot an airship though."

Rot flexes his wings. Then makes a :smallconfused: face when Magtok looks under the table. Why would he be doing that? Crazy cyborgs.

Lord Magtok
2010-09-01, 07:13 PM
Magtok sighs dejectedly, tactfully ignoring the dart. It wouldn't be the first time an AMENite went ahead and did something like that in public.

Well...true. Speaking of which, we should probably get some sort of supplier before pushing against anyone. Might be a bit difficult, given that places like Erin's Emporium can afford to be picky about their clientele.

Moff Chumley
2010-09-01, 10:16 PM
The Moff speaks up. Gordon made a deal with Edencorp a few days back; they should be able to keep us supplied. Also, I believe Lethargia was in the air when we took it... however, for this sort of job, I think we need teleportation. Might not be a bad idea to wait for Jack to return. The Moff orders a fifth of vodka; he's in that sort of mood.

2010-09-02, 05:06 AM
Raz undeadtimes, buys another drink, and sits back down, waiting.

He eavesdrops the other conversation, although you would have to be spectacularly observant, or reading his mind through his mind shield to notice

Edited cause I missed a dart attack :smallyuk:. See the later post.

Raz is sitting with his back to the group

2010-09-02, 05:21 AM
"Yeah yeah. Welcome to AMEN and all tha-

Is that Mime laughing? At me!?"

Rot snarls at the mime. He hates mimes! :smallfurious: They were third on the list after sunlight and garlic! The vampire walks over and taps the mime on the shoulder.

"Mime. What you laughing about?"

Mime points at Rot several times while still silently laughing, adding as much emphasis to the points as possible. Probably the tongue thing.

Then he starts getting choked! Oh no!

Good thing deadtime was there to save him, with Rot getting bored before Mime escaped from deadtime.

Mime high-fives the temporal anomaly, before picking up a chair, and attempting to suspend it above Rot in his deadtime.

Come ooooooon, work.

((Pssst. PM (Wow that's weird. Let's call you Mayhem to not get confused with Private Message. (Or Prime Minister. x4 BRACKET COMBO!) Mayhem, Raz was shot with a dart. Look at DC's post.))

2010-09-02, 05:39 AM
(Aww nuts, missed that. OK.)

Anyone sensing magic will realise
he has a powerful shield active that tweaks his position in space subtly such that attacks normally miss, especially precision attacks, rather than say a sweeping cut. Since the dart fired, he has put up two more magical shields, one that toughens his clothes and the air around him slightly, and one that affects the perception of the attacker. He has also since magically apported a pistol into his lap

Anyone skilled observer watching Raz closely will notice the dart missed closely even though it looked like it shouldn't have. Very very observant people will notice he's now subtly holding a silenced pistol, although it's not pointed at anyone yet.

Finally, anyone watching him who knows a lot about fighting and or athletics notices His body tension and balance have changed such that he is ready to spring. His body control is *very* good

Oh yeah, and he's sitting with his back to everyone, and at a casual glance appears to not have reacted

that should cover it all, sorry.

2010-09-02, 07:14 AM
Mime points at Rot several times while still silently laughing, adding as much emphasis to the points as possible. Probably the tongue thing.

Then he starts getting choked! Oh no!

Good thing deadtime was there to save him, with Rot getting bored before Mime escaped from deadtime.

Mime high-fives the temporal anomaly, before picking up a chair, and attempting to suspend it above Rot in his deadtime.

Come ooooooon, work.

((Pssst. PM (Wow that's weird. Let's call you Mayhem to not get confused with Private Message. (Or Prime Minister. x4 BRACKET COMBO!) Mayhem, Raz was shot with a dart. Look at DC's post.))

Rot undeadtimes to get hit in the head by a chair. The vampire rubs his head and curses, for chairs to the head hurt just as much if not more than actual weapons to vampires. There is now a comically large bump on the top of his head, which is quite impossible for Rot to have. Bloody Mimes! :smallannoyed:

"I'm going to murder you, mime! If our players can manage to get on at the same time that is..."

2010-09-02, 04:32 PM
The dart sails past Raz, but it seems its little story isn't over just yet. It drops a bit, hitting an orcish NPC patron in the chest. He doesn't seem affected too much just yet as he quickly and forcibly removes the dart, but keep watching him!

Right now he's glaring around and wondering where that came from. Merissa, meanwhile, doesn't show any outward signs of disappointment, instead quickly re-holstering the syringe gun. This could prove interesting. Merissa's never really had much opportunity to test these things on non-human sapients...

She replies to Magtok nonetheless. "I'm afraid I won't be of any help in finding another craft, as I haven't been around very long. On that note, I don't believe I'm familiar with the corporation Moff mentioned."

2010-09-02, 04:39 PM
Raz' eyes flicker momentarily to the Orc.

Now is the time to decide how angry he should be that she was aiming at him. He stays ready to react.

then he deadtimes.

Lord Magtok
2010-09-02, 09:01 PM
Magtok shrugs.

S'alright. I was probably getting ahead of myself with big plans like that, anyways. Oh, and if things go bad in the next two minutes, I'd rather not get involved. Nothing personal, you understand, and I'm sure the others will watch your back, but I'd rather keep my neck out of it.

2010-09-02, 09:34 PM
Angie walks inside the Den and heads to the bar. She is wearing a pair of dark black pants and a gray sweatshirt.

She goes and takes a seat at the bar glancing around seeing who is here.

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 09:47 PM
That would be...Becky. Who finally shrugs off that deadtime ooze at the bar.
"Oh, hey, it's Karma von Celestis," she says, giving Angie a mocking wave as she spots the blonde.

2010-09-02, 09:49 PM
Angie glances over at Becky and shrugs. Glad to see you aren't on the floor again.

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 09:59 PM
"Pfft. Next time, I'll be getting a private room," Becky sniffs. "So, anyway. Did you have a nice trip the other day?"

...and now, the Goth-ic shadowcaster smirks.

2010-09-02, 10:04 PM
Yes as a matter of fact I did, pretty enjoyable. Angie says smiling and waving down one of the servers and slipping him a note.

Moff Chumley
2010-09-02, 10:06 PM
The Moff undeadtimes and finds a barstool. He spins around a few times, because The Moff and that's just what he does.

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 10:11 PM
"Well, as long as you're still alive afterwards, it's all good."
Becky winks, and then waves over one of the goblins to order...yup...another Spiderwine.
"Ever tried it before that night?"

2010-09-02, 10:15 PM
Angie smiles and nods. Yes I have had some experience with Luhix before. Though it is often hard to get it with good quality. The stuff here is some of the best I had since my introduction to it.

Becky may be able to guess what is in the small pouch that the goblin gives Angie now.

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 10:21 PM
Becky does indeed. And arches an eyebrow.
"Tryin' it again so soon? I've never tried the stuff myself, but I've heard about it. Mushroom wine, now, that's more my style."
Even with the pink elephants it puts on parade.
"Any other vices you like to indulge, Miss Not-So-Innocent?"

2010-09-02, 10:25 PM
Plenty of them, and it isn't my fault that you assumed I was innocent. I never would dream of claiming that.

2010-09-02, 10:26 PM
"Hm. You humans and your drugs always confused me. Do they really feel that good? Looks kinda silly from the outside, losing most of your mental facilities and opening yourself up for any kind of malicious actions."

Rot is grumpy as ever.

Moff Chumley
2010-09-02, 10:27 PM
The Moff tuts. Kids these days... there's no substitute for getting hammered, none at all... *chug chug chug*

2010-09-02, 10:29 PM
That orc that got hit with the hallucinogenic dart, incidentally, is now starting to see many objects in the den as giant bottles of assorted alcoholic beverages.

He, swaying as if drunk, goes over Raz's seat, and, when Raz undeadtimes, will literally try to yank it out from under him and hold it in the air above his face, as if trying to pour a drink on it...Which is what he's doing.

Merissa merely smirks slightly as she observes the goings on. "Looks like it's getting interesting."

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 10:36 PM
"Hey, you're the Celestial here. You're supposed to be preachin' fire and brimstone and live good or Pelor's gonna come and smite you. Or Thor. Or the Unconqured Sun. Or insert-insufferable-Good-and-Sunshine-diety-name-here." Becky chuckles. "You're racking up a few Cool Points now though."

She observes the orc's odd actions with bored interest.

2010-09-02, 10:39 PM
Did you pick who your parents were? And most of my celestial blood is from a good ways back, I just got a stronger dose of it then most.

And drinking is nothing like Luhix. And while not everyone would enjoy it, there are a select few who can and will.

She says to the peanut gallery. It is fairly obvious though that she doesn't care what any fo these guys think about her.

Moff Chumley
2010-09-02, 10:44 PM
I'm glad we're on the same page then. *chug chug chug*

2010-09-02, 10:44 PM
Well that's good. If she did suddenly care what Rot though of her, she might have bursted into tears by now. The vampire is generally glaring around the room. Though he does crack a smile at the crazy orc. Though he lacks the mental facilities to link it with his own poisoning. He just assumes the orc is drunk out of its mind.