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2010-12-29, 11:39 AM
Did he comment that chicken tastes like humans?
You're not much wrong about vegetarians; it's not that they're vegetarian because they like nature, they hate vegetables :smalltongue:

Heh. There's a Swedish song on that theme, but with fish. First half of the song is solely why and how much the guy singing it hates fish. The he goes on telling us that's why he likes to fish and cook fish, just to eat it. :smallamused:

This contains much win. It's like a real-life version of Minecraft, only more awesome.

True. The tunnels are claustrophobically narrow (or, rather, they would be if I was a claustrophobic). They aren't that long, but having to wringle into a 2+ metres long tunnel with your arms stretched out in front if you, then stab a few times at the snow wall with a spadehead (a spade without a long handle is really convenient in confined spaces) until you've gotten a decimetre or two forward, then crawl backwards out of the tunnel to get a shovel to get the snow out is quite exhausting.

Heh, I have a few friends like that; they must be sustained by the very air itself, or their own amusement or they're at least solar-powered. Or any combination thereof. They may not be of this world :smalltongue:

They're outsiders. Or undead. Or perhaps a homebrew vampire outsider...

Cat!!! :D

2010-12-29, 11:42 AM
Cat!!! :D

Dog, and you know it.

2010-12-29, 11:46 AM
Dog, and you know it.

No, the fuzzy creature in my lap is most certainly a cat and nothing else.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-29, 12:34 PM
*Fifty-Eyed Fred Awesome Points*

However, I fear this is a topic that is very much not forum appropriate, so I'll stop any further explanation of the subject there.
Yes, that's the funny thing about cannibalism, isn't it?
You can take 'funny' any way you wish. :smalltongue:

Bad Fred. Bad, BAD Fred! :smalltongue:
Shame on you.
As always. Keeps me in check. :smallwink:

Did he comment that chicken tastes like humans?
You're not much wrong about vegetarians; it's not that they're vegetarian because they like nature, they hate vegetables :smalltongue:
I thought it was pork which tasted like human meat, due to a similar flesh composition. That's why pigs are used in animal testing, isn't it?
Actually, I had better stop as Ku points out.

Similarly, the general public should start considering stomaching the (general and then mass) consumption of insects and possibly arachnids. To overlook such an essential source of proteins and nutrients is overlooking the solution to world hunger. For science! :)
I've had a giant ant before. I found it revolting - we may need to find a sauce with which to make them delicious.

2010-12-29, 12:39 PM
Similarly, the general public should start considering stomaching the (general and then mass) consumption of insects and possibly arachnids. To overlook such an essential source of proteins and nutrients is overlooking the solution to world hunger. For science! :)

i'm okay with the consumption of insects... except for grasshoppers. yeesh

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-29, 01:38 PM
I've had several of those insect candies. I found them quite delicious.

2010-12-29, 02:34 PM
I just finished watching Mad Max. Now, this is the only movie I have seen in that series, and I can't speak for the sequels, but the pacing in it was just terrible. It took a while for me to figure out what exactly was happening, some things went by way too quickly, some were just anticlimactic, and after the final explosion... that was it, it just ended. We got very little introduction to the characters, and all the important things happened too fast while the unimportant ones took forever to go by.

And also I call BS on the insane tracking skills of the bikers. Seriously.

I know it's an old movie, but I've only just seen it. My rant, however, is now done.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-29, 02:35 PM
Ding! Avatars back!

*fist pump*

Nah. Too overdone. It's as if you asked how heavy an anvil is and someone answered "OVER NINE THOUSAND lbs".

Yah. Of all of the great Kaj inspired memes, why that one?

Rae Artemi
2010-12-29, 02:48 PM
It's still the way I joke. Be glad you never played Apples to Apples with me. Speaking of which, why did that die?

Way late on this, but I was the only one who would regularly set up games and then I got really busy for a while and when I found that there had only been one game set up in that time I sort of gave up on it. Might start doing it again at some point, but I dunno.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-29, 02:55 PM
Way late on this, but I was the only one who would regularly set up games and then I got really busy for a while and when I found that there had only been one game set up in that time I sort of gave up on it. Might start doing it again at some point, but I dunno.

Those were fun. >.>

2010-12-29, 03:32 PM
Daww. Ain't losing out on a part you know you'd be better at awful? But so long as the production is a competent one, I suppose one can't be too unhappy.

Same thing in Iolanthe. They gave Mountararat to a guy who just cannot sing or act particularly well. The rest of the male cast is very good, but he's just... bland. And I love When Britain really ruled the waves and he just doesn't do it with the right levels of pomposity.
Also, Homoerotic Friend is playing Tolloller. We would be perfect together as the two Lords, but they gave one to him and nothing to me.

I suppose the key lies in my constant incredible interest in what makes people tick. That's why I love getting to know people - I can put two and two together and analyse them in a way it would seem most people can't.
It is, of course, an automatic process, and I've done it and continue to do it with everyone I meet, ever (and by an obvious extension, everyone who posts on here).

I am very interested in what makes people tick, like you say, but I don't necessarily get it so well, at least not with everyone. Though there are at least some people who I get very well.

Yesterday a vegetarian acquaintance of mine opined that he has no problems eating humans, and that "when you die, they should mash you up and sell you to a supermarket", but that "eating a cow is outrageous".
So cannibalism is fine, but eating other animals isn't. :smalleek:
That beats my previous favourite tidbit about vegetarians (which I have related at least twice on here before, I believe) in terms of scary, but not in terms of funny. :smalltongue:

I don't know what that is. Other than kind of creepy.

Elderly flesh is far too stri-I'VE SAID TOO MUCH

Don't worry, Phase, we know you hear some strange and disturbing things from Rutskarn.

Oh yes, I'd also advise you not to take things too seriously. Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it. :smalltongue:

That sounds familiar. Is it a quote from somewhere? Oscar Wilde maybe?

Funny. I was thinking, not half an hour ago, about doing this.

You were thinking about eati-

Starting a forum up for shipping, that is. My little brother eats lemons, though, and I occasionally put them in my tea...

Ah! Pre-empted.

But she could try to hurt me with it. :smalleek: Look what always happened to Wile E. Coyote!

But he was the one who always got the anvils to use on Roadrunner! If anything, your mother should be worried. And then, only really if she's planning on crushing you with the anvil.
So you see, you're safe! She can't do anything to you without incurring a comedic reversal of her nefarious scheme!

Cat!!! :D

Goodness me,
Why, what was that?

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-29, 03:57 PM
I don't know what that is. Other than kind of creepy.
Indeed. It's a comfort when put in context that this person is also the stupidest person I have ever met, as well as one of the most quotable.
"Did you know that if you kill someone and no one sees you, it's not illegal?"
"My dad has a line pass. He can go to the front of any line."
"My kitten was outside so I trod on it and it went 'miaow', and I had my PSP in one hand and my PSP in the other hand and I dropped it and the screen cracked and now when I turn it on it goes 'nnnnnnn' and overheats."
"If you were going deaf, wouldn't your parents get you a new phone?"
"And Max was all like 'why didn't you back me up?' and I was like 'put it like this: if you were in a plane and you were about to die, would you i) jump out of the plane and die or b) jump out of the plane and save everyone?' and Max was like 'no' and I was all like 'point proven!'"

Those are ones that came instantly into my head, but there are so, so many more.

That sounds familiar. Is it a quote from somewhere? Oscar Wilde maybe?
Yep. Said by Lord Illingworth in A Woman of No Importance. :smallcool:

2010-12-29, 04:00 PM
Wait, what? There is nothing bad about a cat in the lap. Nothing ever. Period.

And if you were trying to say something I never had any chance of understanding, then, well, I guess a "Wait, what?" will do.

2010-12-29, 04:12 PM
Indeed. It's a comfort when put in context that this person is also the stupidest person I have ever met, as well as one of the most quotable.
"My kitten was outside so I trod on it and it went 'miaow', and I had my PSP in one hand and my PSP in the other hand and I dropped it and the screen cracked and now when I turn it on it goes 'nnnnnnn' and overheats."

:smallfurious: EVIL.

Yep. Said by Lord Illingworth in A Woman of No Importance. :smallcool:

Ah yes, I remember now.

2010-12-29, 04:24 PM
Those were fun. >.>

Yes, yes they were

Moff Chumley
2010-12-29, 04:26 PM
Even though I always got humiliatingly and resoundingly pwnt. :smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 04:31 PM
Even though I always got humiliatingly and resoundingly pwnt. :smalltongue:

Man, I only won once, what are you talking about.

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-29, 04:36 PM
I just won a game of Scrabble with my family. I got a score of 69 points on the word 'juke' :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-29, 04:40 PM
But he was the one who always got the anvils to use on Roadrunner! If anything, your mother should be worried. And then, only really if she's planning on crushing you with the anvil.
So you see, you're safe! She can't do anything to you without incurring a comedic reversal of her nefarious scheme!

I believe that's Newton's 2nd Law of Motion: "Anvils are jerks."

I might be paraphrasing.

2010-12-29, 04:51 PM
Just a quick thought. Is any fanfic of Star Trek regarded as "shipping"?

2010-12-29, 04:52 PM
Shipping involves a relationship, so, not necessarily, no.

I need to start playing lexulous again, I think. It was kinda fun when we did the pickup games, and I might even become almost half-decent at scrabble if I keep it up.

2010-12-29, 05:04 PM
I just won a game of Scrabble with my family. I got a score of 69 points on the word 'juke' :smallbiggrin:

69 Points was enough to win? How many people were playing?

2010-12-29, 05:06 PM
Shipping involves a relationship, so, not necessarily, no.

I need to start playing lexulous again, I think. It was kinda fun when we did the pickup games, and I might even become almost half-decent at scrabble if I keep it up.

I guess my pun wasn't very well done. I meant because they were on spaceships. I guess that only works when spoken, hell probably not even then.

2010-12-29, 05:10 PM
69 Points was enough to win? How many people were playing?

... 69 points is a pretty good score for one word.

I guess my pun wasn't very well done. I meant because they were on spaceships. I guess that only works when spoken, hell probably not even then.

Yeah. The joke can be made, though: IIRC back in the old Shipping threads someone did write a Titanic/Iceberg fic...

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-29, 05:14 PM
69 Points was enough to win? How many people were playing?

3 including me. And it was just one word.

2010-12-29, 05:15 PM
I just won a game of Scrabble with my family. I got a score of 69 points on the word 'juke' :smallbiggrin:

Something no-one's ever been able to give me an answer to. Does playing "Hastur" on a triple word score mean you instantly win, or instantly lose?

2010-12-29, 05:16 PM
Something no-one's ever been able to give me an answer to. Does playing "Hastur" on a triple word score mean you instantly win, or instantly lose?

Proper noun, not a valid play.

2010-12-29, 05:17 PM
Bah. Your answer has been declared unfun. Please report to the nearest self termination booth for discipline.

2010-12-29, 05:28 PM
3 including me. And it was just one word.
Oh. *faceplam* Never mind then. That's pretty damn good.

2010-12-29, 05:49 PM
Proper noun, not a valid play.

Instantly lose, then. If proper nouns are being accepted, the next thing to come is Ragnarok.

2010-12-29, 05:52 PM
Instantly lose, then. If proper nouns are being accepted, the next thing to come is Ragnarok.

I played Ziggurat in Scrabble. Does that mean the end of the world?

2010-12-29, 06:07 PM
I played Ziggurat in Scrabble. Does that mean the end of the world?

No. Why would it? :smallconfused:

PJ the Epic
2010-12-29, 06:16 PM

Hello all again, it's good to be back
Just had my wisdom teeth out, so I'm in pain. Yay! :smallconfused:

2010-12-29, 06:17 PM
No. Why would it? :smallconfused:
Isn't it a propper noun?

PJ the Epic
2010-12-29, 06:18 PM
Isn't it a propper noun?

I don't think so. Isn't it the step pyramids in South America?

2010-12-29, 06:20 PM
Ziggurat. noun (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ziggurat)

PJ the Epic
2010-12-29, 06:21 PM
Ziggurat. noun (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ziggurat)

Darn. Well, at least I had the pyramid part right. :smallsmile:

2010-12-29, 06:29 PM
Scrabble is truly the great provider. None can be united quite as well as by Scrabble.

That was hyperbole, but it's the only time I've, like, ever used hyperbole in my entire life, so it's fine.

2010-12-29, 06:32 PM
I just won a game of Scrabble with my family. I got a score of 69 points on the word 'juke' :smallbiggrin:

Doesn't beat my personal best, 77 points just off the word 'sturgeon'. :smallcool: It's also the only time I've cleared out an entire set of seven letters in one go. It's not my favourite play though. That has to go to the time I opened a game with the word 'zydeco'. :smallbiggrin: I'm a bit of a scrabble demon sometimes.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-29, 06:35 PM
It's also the only time I've cleared out an entire set of seven letters in one go.

You are aware that that gives you an extra fifty points, right? Or is that how you got the 77?

2010-12-29, 06:42 PM
My sister always challenges me to play Scrabble when I visit the family back home in Sweden.

Last time I was home, we were playing Scrabble (in Sweden) while listening to a local Scottish radio station on digital radio, when they had a competition on the radio station where one of the questions was:
'How many squares does a Scrabble board have along one side?'

None of the contestants who called in got it right, and one of them even gave the answer that a Scrabble board has ONE square along one side. We both laughed at that answer.

2010-12-29, 06:56 PM
Doesn't beat my personal best, 77 points just off the word 'sturgeon'. :smallcool: It's also the only time I've cleared out an entire set of seven letters in one go. It's not my favourite play though. That has to go to the time I opened a game with the word 'zydeco'. :smallbiggrin: I'm a bit of a scrabble demon sometimes.
Hot damn man. My unlce has a dream to get Quixotic down. Yeah right. (He does play a heck of a lot though.)

2010-12-29, 07:05 PM
Hot damn man. My unlce has a dream to get Quixotic down. Yeah right. (He does play a heck of a lot though.)

Very difficult/unlikely, though not outright impossible.

2010-12-29, 07:05 PM
You are aware that that gives you an extra fifty points, right? Or is that how you got the 77?

The latter. It's only worth 9 points, triple word score, plus the extra fifty for going all out. Boom. :smallcool:

2010-12-29, 09:10 PM
Dog Soldiers is possibly one of the best werewolf movies out there.
It's packed with awesome.

Where else do you get a character standing in the middle of a werewolf-infested forest, waving a flare around and yelling:
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!"

2010-12-29, 09:12 PM
I once got the word "Equations" on a triple word score. Landed me 92 points.

Or maybe is was Equations on two triple word scores... Eh, beggars can't be choosers.

2010-12-29, 09:12 PM
Dog Soldiers is possibly one of the best werewolf movies out there.

Man, I thought they were a real thing. :smallannoyed: :smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 09:15 PM
Man, I thought they were a real thing. :smallannoyed: :smalltongue:

Of course they are, padawan.
It's... a documentary. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 09:17 PM
Of course they are, padawan.
It's... a documentary. :smallwink::smalltongue:

No, I meant Dog Soldiers as in Dog-Man Fighters armed with AK-47s. Not werewolves. Everyone knows werewolves are real. :smalltongue:

2010-12-29, 09:20 PM
No, I meant Dog Soldiers as in Dog-Man Fighters armed with AK-47s. Not werewolves. Everyone knows werewolves are real. :smalltongue:

Obviously. That's what I'm saying. Not really, but the following is a good cover-up.
Wolves are basically wild dogs, right?
So, it's documentary about the army trying to use werewoles as soldiers.
Werewolves = Dog
Army = Soldiers

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-29, 09:23 PM
I once got the word "Equations" on a triple word score. Landed me 92 points.

Or maybe is was Equations on two triple word scores... Eh, beggars can't be choosers.

Fun fact: The highest possible score in Scrabble with one word is 1,790, with the word "Benzoxycamphors" also completing the words "Proverb," "In," "Gaudez," "Ex," "Dutifully," "Squandermaniac," "Ta," "Flowereth," "Io," "Vagabondager," and "Jinnyrickshaws," half of those I don't know the meaning of.

2010-12-29, 09:27 PM
Fun fact: The highest possible score in Scrabble with one word is 1,790, with the word "Benzoxycamphores" also completing the words "Proverb," "In," "Gaudez," "Ex," "Dutifully," "Squandermaniac," "Ta," "Flowereth," "Io," "Vagabondager," and "Jinnyrickshaws," half of those I don't know the meaning of.

What? "Io" isnt un the word "Benzoxycamphores."

2010-12-29, 09:41 PM
Dog Soldiers is possibly one of the best werewolf movies out there.
It's packed with awesome.

I forgot that was on tonight.

Me, for the past two or three days I've been been marathoning Jonathan Creek. I'm very happy with it. Already on series four, having great fun. Many giggles.

This episode's got a Crimewatch expy. Very fun actually.

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-29, 10:35 PM

What? "Io" isnt un the word "Benzoxycamphors."


2010-12-29, 10:39 PM

Yeah, but... Well, using that logic, you could just complete any word that has the letter B, E, N, Z, O, X, Y, C, A, M, P, H, O, R, or S. That's a lot of different words.

Or are you saying that that list of words are what wee used in the game?

2010-12-29, 10:41 PM
Or are you saying that that list of words are what wee used in the game?

I'm pretty sure that is what was said.

...I'm not even sure what you were saying with the first half of that post. :smallconfused:

Rae Artemi
2010-12-29, 10:43 PM
Yeah, but... Well, using that logic, you could just complete any word that has the letter B, E, N, Z, O, X, Y, C, A, M, P, H, O, R, or S. That's a lot of different words.

Or are you saying that that list of words are what wee used in the game?

No, he's saying that when you put down the word, it completes all of the other words separately from itself, like this (http://www.fun-with-words.com/scrabble_1962.html) putting the letters across the bottom.

Ranger Mattos
2010-12-29, 10:53 PM
Yeah, but... Well, using that logic, you could just complete any word that has the letter B, E, N, Z, O, X, Y, C, A, M, P, H, O, R, or S. That's a lot of different words.

Or are you saying that that list of words are what wee used in the game?

No, he's saying that when you put down the word, it completes all of the other words separately from itself, like this (http://www.fun-with-words.com/scrabble_1962.html) putting the letters across the bottom.

Yes, exactly like that.

2010-12-29, 11:58 PM
No, he's saying that when you put down the word, it completes all of the other words separately from itself, like this (http://www.fun-with-words.com/scrabble_1962.html) putting the letters across the bottom.

Um, I don't know if anyone else caught this... is "dutifull" a word? I'm pretty sure it isn't :smalltongue:

Rae Artemi
2010-12-30, 12:03 AM
Um, I don't know if anyone else caught this... is "dutifull" a word? I'm pretty sure it isn't :smalltongue:

I think it's Old English, or something.

2010-12-30, 12:30 AM
The Collins Scrabble Checker (http://www.collinslanguage.com/extras/scrabble.aspx) says no.

Rae Artemi
2010-12-30, 12:40 AM
The Collins Scrabble Checker (http://www.collinslanguage.com/extras/scrabble.aspx) says no.

Yeah, it says in the link that some of the words are illegal in an official game of Scrabble. This (http://www.fun-with-words.com/scrabble_legal.html) is the highest with all legal words.

2010-12-30, 05:31 AM
I once got the word "Equations" on a triple word score. Landed me 92 points.

Or maybe is was Equations on two triple word scores... Eh, beggars can't be choosers.

Well, due to the fact that 42 isn't divisible by 9, I would guess just one triple word score.

2010-12-30, 06:21 AM
as far as scrabble goes, i always follow one rule, when in doubt, put an "S" on the end of a word

2010-12-30, 08:12 AM
Um, I don't know if anyone else caught this... is "dutifull" a word? I'm pretty sure it isn't :smalltongue:
I wasn't sure about "Vagabondager" and absent mindedly clicked the first thing that popped up. I now need a massive does of Brain Bleach and to run a my Virus Protection.

2010-12-30, 08:14 AM
I have my first game of ADnD in about two hours. Fun times ahoy!

2010-12-30, 08:18 AM
I have my first game of ADnD in about two hours. Fun times ahoy!

What time is it in England?

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 08:38 AM
Currently 1:38pm.

Zeb The Troll
2010-12-30, 08:44 AM
Um, I don't know if anyone else caught this... is "dutifull" a word? I'm pretty sure it isn't :smalltongue:Dutiful is a word. Dutifully is a word.

2010-12-30, 08:50 AM
Currently 1:38pm.

Ah. Yes, that's a *thinks* 5 hour time difference. Yes. :smallcool:

2010-12-30, 10:42 AM
I've become a lot more accustomed to time zones in recent years. Probably because of all the international friendships I got going on.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-30, 10:53 AM
All I know is that I'm +8 time zone. I think.

2010-12-30, 11:11 AM
All I know is that I'm +8 time zone. I think.

In Canada? That doesn't sound right. (Unless Toronto got up and mpved a lot closer to Alaska.)

EDIT: Never mind, I read +12.

2010-12-30, 11:16 AM
Dutiful is a word. Dutifully is a word.

Yes, but there's two letters difference. You can't make "dutifully" by playing a word across the end of "dutiful".

2010-12-30, 11:34 AM
Yes, but there's two letters difference. You can't make "dutifully" by playing a word across the end of "dutiful".

You could if there was another word one space further on that either started or ended with a 'y'.
||||||||l ||
|d|u|t |i |f|u|l |l |y|

2010-12-30, 11:34 AM
You could if there was another word one space further on that either started or ended with a 'y'.
||||||||l ||
|d|u|t |i |f|u|l |l |y|

But what is yes built off of?

2010-12-30, 11:44 AM
But what is yes built off of?

|u||r|||||l ||
|d|u|t |i |f|u|l |l |y|

Happy? :smallwink:

2010-12-30, 11:47 AM
||||||||l ||
|d|u|t |i |f|u|l |l |y|

Happy? :smallwink:

Maybe. :smalltongue:

2010-12-30, 11:49 AM
Maybe. :smalltongue:

I may need to challenge you to a Lexulous scrabble battle at some point. :smallwink::smalltongue:

2010-12-30, 11:58 AM
I may need to challenge you to a Lexulous scrabble battle at some point. :smallwink::smalltongue:

One, I don't know what that is. (Well, I do now thanks to Google.)
Two, you're like twice my age.

Then again I have beat my mom and she has a Ph.D (not in English but whatever) and I don't think she was going easy on me...

2010-12-30, 11:58 AM
One, It's a website where people can gather and play Scrabble against each other online.
Two, English is not my native tongue.

2010-12-30, 11:59 AM
All I know is that I'm +8 time zone. I think.

In Canada? That doesn't sound right. (Unless Toronto got up and mpved a lot closer to Alaska.)

EDIT: Never mind, I read +12.

Actually, it isn't right, but not for that reason. Toronto can't possibly lie in a positive time zone, as the positives lie to the east of the Greenwhich Time Meridian. The sun rises in the east, remember.

Also, my time zone is +1, as is most of Europe.

Also, your time zone is displayed at the bottom of every page on this forum.

We're on our way back home again. We were almost close to hitting a fox a while ago. Also, factory chimneys make for very cool effects when their smoke is illuminated against the pitch black sky by the city lights below.

I like to use the word 'also'.

Also, I like to write 'ION'.

'ION' can't have too many Os.

2010-12-30, 12:05 PM
One, It's a website where people can gather and play Scrabble against each other online.
I have found that out. :smallwink:

Two, English is not my native tongue.
You do plenty fine here. :smallbiggrin:

Actually, it isn't right, but not for that reason. Toronto can't possibly lie in a positive time zone, as the positives lie to the east of the Greenwhich Time Meridian. The sun rises in the east, remember.

Oh. Well. Uhhh. No. I can't remember what I've never learned.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-30, 12:15 PM
See what I mean? I'm officially timezone illiterate.

-5 and +8 are very different.

2010-12-30, 12:15 PM
See what I mean? I'm officially timezone illiterate.

-5 and +8 are very different.

Just a tad.

2010-12-30, 12:58 PM
Oh. Well. Uhhh. No. I can't remember what I've never learned.

That the sun rises in the east? I thought that was pretty common knowledge... :smallconfused: Everything else should be possible to get to based on that knowledge.

Anyway, I'm mostly messing with you (all). :smallwink:

2010-12-30, 01:10 PM
That the sun rises in the east? I thought that was pretty common knowledge... :smallconfused: Everything else should be possible to get to based on that knowledge.

I know the sun sets in the East. That's why the sun was up at, like, 5 AM in Japan. I just really have never learned about Time Zones. All I know is that the US has 4 (Hawaii and Alaska don't count) and that Russia has 11, but wants to get rid of a few of them.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 01:43 PM
I know the sun sets in the East. That's why the sun was up at, like, 5 AM in Japan. I just really have never learned about Time Zones. All I know is that the US has 4 (Hawaii and Alaska don't count) and that Russia has 11, but wants to get rid of a few of them.

It rises in the east.
I don't see how a failure to comprehend timezones is even possible when your country crosses more than one of them. Aren't you about 16? I know I was taught pretty early on what GMT meant. How did you comprehend things like British Summer Time Daylight Savings Time?
Bah. Oh well. Now you know.

2010-12-30, 01:58 PM
You could if there was another word one space further on that either started or ended with a 'y'.
||||||||l ||
|d|u|t |i |f|u|l |l |y|

That doesn't let you produce... whatever that supposed top-scoring word was, though.

2010-12-30, 02:02 PM
It rises in the east.
I knew that, I swear! This what I get for not paying attention while I type. HEY LOOK, A SHINY PENNY!

I don't see how a failure to comprehend timezones is even possible when your country crosses more than one of them. Aren't you about 16? I know I was taught pretty early on what GMT meant. How did you comprehend things like British Summer Time Daylight Savings Time?
Bah. Oh well. Now you know.
Well, the state I grew up in didn't actually DO Daylight Savings Time...

2010-12-30, 02:11 PM
..... :smallsigh:

I just spent two hours shopping with my grandma and my 88 year old great grandmother.

My great grandma spent literally, 20 minutes opening and closing a $60 overpriced wallet deciding whether she wanted to buy it. And my grandma and I almost dragged her out of the store. My great grandma is Sicilian, and with her being my grandpa's mom, my grandma and I never learned to speak Italian or anything. She continuously rambled about stuff for two hours in a weird mixture of Italian and English. :smallannoyed: She would would accidentally bump into people and not apologize, so we had to say sorry and then leave the store. Its incredibly frustrating. She doesn't say thank you to anyone, she doesn't say hello unless you say hello to her first, she rearranges everything in our house when she visits and just left a pot on the stove and walked upstairs. Honestly, she's one of the most rude, obnoxious, and annoying older people I have ever met. I cannot wait for her to go back up to New York. :smallfurious:

ION: Tomorrow is New Years Eve! :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-30, 02:25 PM
She doesn't say thank you to anyone, she doesn't say hello unless you say hello to her first...
In the store, or at home? Because the first in normal.

2010-12-30, 02:30 PM
In the store, or at home? Because the first in normal.

At home. :smallsigh:

She's staying at our house and she hasn't once thanked any of us for anything. Not even making dinner.

2010-12-30, 02:36 PM
At home. :smallsigh:

She's staying at our house and she hasn't once thanked any of us for anything. Not even making dinner.


Old, OLD people are like that. She could be becoming senile. Plus, she isn't fluent in English. I wouldn't worry about it.

2010-12-30, 02:41 PM

Old, OLD people are like that. She could be becoming senile. Plus, she isn't fluent in English. I wouldn't worry about it.

Actually, she is fluent in English. She just chooses not to use it. :smallannoyed: She's always been like this, her being ungrateful is nothing new. I just never really noticed it until I got older. According to my grandma she's been obnoxious ever since she met her.

But yeah, I just felt the need to ramble about it. :smallsigh:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-30, 02:44 PM
In the store, or at home? Because the first in normal.

This is reminding me that the rest of the world is very rude. You don't say thank you in public? When you live in Canada, the rest of the world just seems rude! Do you not apologize when you bump into someone in a store? Cause we apologize even when someone else bumps into US! Sometimes...

2010-12-30, 02:49 PM
This is reminding me that the rest of the world is very rude. You don't say thank you in public? When you live in Canada, the rest of the world just seems rude! Do you not apologize when you bump into someone in a store? Cause we apologize even when someone else bumps into US! Sometimes...

I almost always say thank you to the people working in stores that I go to. And always apologize when I bump into people, or even when they bump into me. It frustrates me when people don't, I was always taught that you had to be polite and all from an early age. And when people who are fully capable of just saying a simple "thank you" don't, its just.... frustrating. How hard is it to say two words?

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-30, 02:51 PM
I almost always say thank you to the people working in stores that I go to. And always apologize when I bump into people, or even when they bump into me. It frustrates me when people don't, I was always taught that you had to be polite and all from an early age. And when people who are fully capable of just saying a simple "thank you" don't, its just.... frustrating. How hard is it to say two words?

I have the same thing. I'm much more formal and polite than anyone else I know. Hell, I've had people's parents tell me to stop calling them 'sir', and I'm all like "I'm sorry sir, it's a hard habit to kick." And they're like "Stop calling me 'sir', goddamit!" and I'm like "I CAN'T SIR!" :smallbiggrin:

2010-12-30, 02:55 PM
This is reminding me that the rest of the world is very rude. You don't say thank you in public? When you live in Canada, the rest of the world just seems rude! Do you not apologize when you bump into someone in a store? Cause we apologize even when someone else bumps into US! Sometimes...

Well if I bump into someone I'll say sorry, but I'm not going out of my way to say hello to strangers.

2010-12-30, 02:56 PM
I have the same thing. I'm much more formal and polite than anyone else I know. Hell, I've had people's parents tell me to stop calling them 'sir', and I'm all like "I'm sorry sir, it's a hard habit to kick." And they're like "Stop calling me 'sir', goddamit!" and I'm like "I CAN'T SIR!" :smallbiggrin:

xD Those poor parents.
I rarely call people "sir", I've always felt strange doing it. Other than in formal occasions or school interviews and stuff like that.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 03:13 PM
Europeans and Americans frequently comment upon how polite and reserved we Brits are, when most of us don't really believe it ourselves. I must say I do find the notion of not saying thank you in a shop astounding, though.

2010-12-30, 03:18 PM
Europeans and Americans frequently comment upon how polite and reserved we Brits are, when most of us don't really believe it ourselves. I must say I do find the notion of not saying thank you in a shop astounding, though.

Aren't "Brits" European?

Also, the Super-Market isn't a shop. Nor does it deserve such pleasantries. Usually anyway, I make exceptions for Target and a few others..

2010-12-30, 03:50 PM
Aren't "Brits" European?

Evil British Glare Of DeathTM

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 03:52 PM
Aren't "Brits" European?

Yes and no. I shan't delve into it as the debate easily leads onto politics, but I would separate the UK from the Continent in this instance since it's basically a matter of cultural difference.

2010-12-30, 03:53 PM
In the absence of a quote thread outside of the terms of thread necromancy, enjoy this (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/dec/30/bankers-thesis-bank-card-security):

You seem to think we might censor a student's thesis, which is lawful and already in the public domain, simply because a powerful interest finds it inconvenient. This shows a deep misconception of what universities are and how we work. Cambridge is the University of Erasmus, of Newton and of Darwin; censoring writings that offend the powerful is offensive to our deepest values.

Brits are not the masters of the gradations of stares and glares, but they are second to none in their finely tuned sense of snark. I find this very nearly up there with the 'pox or gallows' quote.

2010-12-30, 03:53 PM
Evil British Glare Of DeathTM

What? Is this like how when I was in Japan they didn't consider themselves Asian? (At least, when it came to food anyway.)

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 03:56 PM
What? Is this like how when I was in Japan they didn't consider themselves Asian? (At least, when it came to food anyway.)

There's more to culture than geography.

2010-12-30, 04:31 PM
There's more to culture than geography.

OK I cant see how this conversation cant go into Politics, so lets talk about something else. Like, uhm... Shakes. I like Shakes. Whats the difference between a Malt and a Shake anyway?

2010-12-30, 05:02 PM
Aren't "Brits" European?

That question is a bit contentious because of the huge differences in culture from the different countries within Europe.

Brits, Germans, Italians and Swedes are in deed all European, in the same way that both Canadians, Americans (from the US) and Mexicans are all North American, but there are distinct differences.

2010-12-30, 05:13 PM
That question is a bit contentious because of the huge differences in culture from the different countries within Europe.

Brits, Germans, Italians and Swedes are in deed all European, in the same way that both Canadians, Americans (from the US) and Mexicans are all North American, but there are distinct differences.

Well, is "European" meaningful from a cultural standpoint anyway? I thought it was, y'know, geographical.

2010-12-30, 05:20 PM
That question is a bit contentious because of the huge differences in culture from the different countries within Europe.

Brits, Germans, Italians and Swedes are in deed all European, in the same way that both Canadians, Americans (from the US) and Mexicans are all North American, but there are distinct differences.

*Thinks back to Geogrpahy* We actually learned that Candians and Americans are North Americans, and that anything South of the border is a Latin American country, which was interesting, considering I had always considered Mexico a North American Country.

2010-12-30, 05:24 PM
This is reminding me that the rest of the world is very rude. You don't say thank you in public? When you live in Canada, the rest of the world just seems rude! Do you not apologize when you bump into someone in a store? Cause we apologize even when someone else bumps into US! Sometimes...

That very Britlander-ish too. Many, many a time I've bumped into people and they say "Sorry" the moment I do. Knee-jerk response we're taught from birth.

Aren't "Brits" European?

Yes and no.
Yes, we're part of the continent called Europe and are a member of the EU.
No for a lot more reasons. Generally you ask a Britlander, especially one above a certain age, they'll say no.

To give you an example of something:

Heavy Fog In Channel, Continent Cut Off

Or the wossname that goes "Of Europe, but not part of it'.

But to discuss more would be delving into the political. So let's not. There's also a few thousand years of culture and history separating the two.

'The Black Canary'! With the accident with the -

2010-12-30, 05:25 PM
*Thinks back to Geogrpahy* We actually learned that Candians and Americans are North Americans, and that anything South of the border is a Latin American country, which was interesting, considering I had always considered Mexico a North American Country.

Latin America is not a continent.

Therefore. countries such as Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica who are Latin American Countries are still part of the North American continent.

2010-12-30, 05:28 PM
Yes and no.
Yes, we're part of the continent called Europe and are a member of the EU.
Are you smarter then a 5th Grader... (I'd like to think that 96 in Freshman Geography would mean yes.)

No for a lot more reasons. Generally you ask a Britlander, especially one above a certain age, they'll say no.



Latin America is not a continent.

Therefore. countries such as Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica who are Latin American Countries are still part of the North American continent.

We didn't learn in Continents, but regions. So Instead of Asia, we had Indian-Subcontinent, East and South East Asia, and the Middle East. Also Russia (but that's own can of worms.)

2010-12-30, 05:32 PM
I always wondered, as a boy, where the line was drawn between N. and S. America as far as the continents themselves.

Because they called Mexico and its ilk "Central America" like it was its own pseudo-continent. :smallannoyed:

2010-12-30, 05:35 PM
Because they called Mexico and its ilk "Central America" like it was its own pseudo-continent. :smallannoyed:
It can be, like India and it's surrounding countries.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 05:39 PM
Or the wossname that goes "Of Europe, but not part of it'.
Churchill quote.

It can be, like India and it's surrounding countries.
The Indian subcontinent is geographically a subcontinent though - it's a separate land mass that collided with Asia. The Himalayas mark that boundary.

2010-12-30, 05:42 PM
The Indian subcontinent is geographically a subcontinent though - it's a separate land mass that collided with Asia. The Himalayas mark that boundary.
Well, society has made Central America its own Subcontinent.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-30, 05:46 PM
I suppose that's possible - after all, Europe as a separate continent from Asia is largely a construction.

2010-12-30, 05:46 PM
Youtube's sound isn't working for me... I have my computer sound on, my speakers on, and Youtube's sound on, but no noise is coming out of my speakers, which I just put in yesterday. Anyone have any clue as to what's wrong?

2010-12-30, 05:51 PM
We didn't learn in Continents, but regions. So Instead of Asia, we had Indian-Subcontinent, East and South East Asia, and the Middle East. Also Russia (but that's own can of worms.)

But a region can span across two continents, same as a country in itself can be on two different continents at the same time (see: Russia, Turkey).

I would assume that a region would be defined as having several countries of a similar culture, politics and heritage, so more defined by the population, whereas a continent is defined by the actual geography.
The part of Turkey that's located west of the Bosporen sound is in Europe, while the other 85-90% of Turkey is located in Asia.
The part of Russia located on the western side of the Caucasus mountains are in Europe, while the other 70-75% is in Asia.

I always wondered, as a boy, where the line was drawn between N. and S. America as far as the continents themselves.

Because they called Mexico and its ilk "Central America" like it was its own pseudo-continent. :smallannoyed:

I was always taught that you go from North to South America as you go from Panama to Colombia, or thereabouts. Panama was definitely part of the North American continent while Colombia was part of South America.

2010-12-30, 06:07 PM
But a region can span across two continents, same as a country in itself can be on two different continents at the same time (see: Russia, Turkey).

I would assume that a region would be defined as having several countries of a similar culture, politics and heritage, so more defined by the population, whereas a continent is defined by the actual geography.
The part of Turkey that's located west of the Bosporen sound is in Europe, while the other 85-90% of Turkey is located in Asia.
The part of Russia located on the western side of the Caucasus mountains are in Europe, while the other 70-75% is in Asia.

That's pretty much how it worked. We had, North America, Latin America (which was included Cental America, South America, and all the Islands), Europe, Russia (a few more countries too), East Asia, South East Asia, Australia and Antartica, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

2010-12-30, 07:01 PM
i bet we wouldn't have any of this geography splagmah if we still had pangea

2010-12-30, 07:04 PM
i bet we wouldn't have any of this geography splagmah if we still had pangea

When my mom was a kid, the Plate-Tectonic Theory didn't exist yet. :smallcool:

EDIT: Wasn't Accepted.

2010-12-30, 07:52 PM
i bet we wouldn't have any of this geography splagmah if we still had pangea

For some reason I always thought that the name "Pangea" would be a good name for a bread company. :smallamused::smallconfused:

2010-12-30, 08:09 PM
For some reason I always thought that the name "Pangea" would be a good name for a bread company. :smallamused::smallconfused:

I think I'll do some google fu to see if this doesn't already exist. It should.

EDIT: Found one bakery (http://pangaeabakery.net/), and one maker of Pita and other flatbreads (http://www.caravantrd.com/products/pitabread.htm). Curiosity coupled with 'insomnia'...

2010-12-30, 08:16 PM
Dutiful is a word. Dutifully is a word.

My dictionary says otherwise agrees.

Adverb: dutifully

1. Out*of a sense*of*duty; in a dutiful manner
"he dutifully visited his mother every Sunday"

Adjective: dutiful

2010-12-30, 08:21 PM
Uh... that seems to completely confirm what he said.

2010-12-30, 08:26 PM
Huh. So whadya know. Chris Cornell sings in French (http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/Can+t+Change+Me+french+Vers+/3ggP3W) sometimes. I don't know anything about French pronunciation... So could some francophone itP tell me how he did, just for my curiosity?

Also, any others a fan of the Grunge genre? I could do without the occasionally whining lyrics and some of the (in my opinion overrated) big names *coughNirvanacough*, but the music itself I liiike. I suppose because it's so different. (I would talk about the harmonic things that Grunge likes to use, but I think few people would find that interesting. :smalltongue:)

IRN: I... cannot... stop... listening, Cecillia (http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/Cecillia/3mZWJR)...

2010-12-30, 08:33 PM
Uh... that seems to completely confirm what he said.

Oh, you're right. I read it as "Dutiful is a word. Dutifully is not a word."

2010-12-30, 09:34 PM

How did I not know about the multiquote function before today?

And I just found out about it by chance whilst browsing the Board Issues section.

Frankly, this is just embarrassing. I've been on the boards for almost six years, and all this time I've been opening quotes in separate tabs and compiling them into a single post via copypaste.


2010-12-30, 09:42 PM
I think I'll do some google fu to see if this doesn't already exist. It should.

EDIT: Found one bakery (http://pangaeabakery.net/), and one maker of Pita and other flatbreads (http://www.caravantrd.com/products/pitabread.htm). Curiosity coupled with 'insomnia'...

:smallbiggrin: !

I must buy bread from them now. Maybe this is a sign that eating the Pangea Bread will magically benefit me in some way.

ION: Is there anyone else that absolutely cannot stand Christmas movies in any shape or form? :smallannoyed:

Moff Chumley
2010-12-30, 09:44 PM

How did I not know about the multiquote function before today?

And I just found out about it by chance whilst browsing the Board Issues section.

Frankly, this is just embarrassing. I've been on the boards for almost six years, and all this time I've been opening quotes in separate tabs and compiling them into a single post via copypaste.


I think it's fairly recent, actually... >.>

2010-12-30, 09:45 PM
ION: Is there anyone else that absolutely cannot stand Christmas movies in any shape or form? :smallannoyed:

depends on the film, i love it's a wonderful life... but i detest that film about the green furry thing who steals chrimma frome those other things who live in a snowflake

2010-12-30, 09:46 PM
I think it's fairly recent, actually... >.>

Really? Huh.

I figured it had been around since the board switch, however many years ago that was...

2010-12-30, 09:48 PM
depends on the film, i love it's a wonderful life... but i detest that film about the green furry thing who steals chrimma frome those other things who live in a snowflake

...but how can anyone hate the Grinch? The Grinch is awesome! :smallconfused:

2010-12-30, 09:51 PM
ION: Is there anyone else that absolutely cannot stand Christmas movies in any shape or form? :smallannoyed:
The only Christmas movie I like at all is Die Hard.

2010-12-30, 09:53 PM
...but how can anyone hate the Grinch? The Grinch is awesome! :smallconfused:

I do not like him in a box.
I do not like him with a fox.
I do not like him in a house.
I do not like him with a mouse.
I do not like him here or there.
I do not like him anywhere.
I do not like the grinch.
I do not like him, Naoto I am
yeah, it's a different book. sue me :b

2010-12-30, 10:04 PM
depends on the film, i love it's a wonderful life... but i detest that film about the green furry thing who steals chrimma frome those other things who live in a snowflake

Bleh, I've only seen part of its a wonderful life. Didn't like it. =P

...but how can anyone hate the Grinch? The Grinch is awesome! :smallconfused:

Actually, now that the Grinch was brought up, I can make an exception for that. Animated classics like the Grinch I can live with.

2010-12-30, 10:13 PM
Huh. So whadya know. Chris Cornell sings in French (http://listen.grooveshark.com/s/Can+t+Change+Me+french+Vers+/3ggP3W) sometimes. I don't know anything about French pronunciation... So could some francophone itP tell me how he did, just for my curiosity?

Pretty good actual. Some of his inflection and prosody's a bit off, but his French is very good.
I'd say the issues with prosody have to do with fitting the French into the space for the English lyrics, but that's understandable, lots of translated songs have that problem.

Nice song though, I get a very '60s feel from it for some reason.

2010-12-30, 10:23 PM
Nice song though, I get a very '60s feel from it for some reason.

*smiles* You remember the Sixties? :smalltongue:

2010-12-30, 10:28 PM
*smiles* You remember the Sixties? :smalltongue:

A very good time it was too.
Aaaah, to be back in the days where a loaf of bread cost a few pence, a penny sweet lasted you a week and there were two hundred and forty of them to a pound.
LPs were coming out, there was a whole genre of music for teenagers; teenage rebellion. Fantastic movies like The Italian Job and Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book.
The Rolling Stones were out and about, so were The Beatles, but they weren't all that.
Let me tell you, the '60s was the decade to be in, and you could legally leave school at fourteen.
Great times.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-30, 10:31 PM
*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

...not worth it. No one reads my posts here anyway. :smalltongue:

2010-12-30, 10:35 PM
A very good time it was too.
Aaaah, to be back in the days where a loaf of bread cost a few pence, a penny sweet lasted you a week and there were two hundred and forty of them to a pound.
LPs were coming out, there was a whole genre of music for teenagers; teenage rebellion. Fantastic movies like The Italian Job and Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book.
The Rolling Stones were out and about, so were The Beatles, but they weren't all that.
Let me tell you, the '60s was the decade to be in, and you could legally leave school at fourteen.
Great times.

i dunno, i prefer the 40's

EDIT: i read your posts moff

Rae Artemi
2010-12-30, 10:36 PM
*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

Is it because music doesn't go away, and therefore as more good music is produced it only adds more good music, and the old music is still there? Because that makes sense to me, at least.

2010-12-30, 10:37 PM
*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

...not worth it. No one reads my posts here anyway. :smalltongue:

I never said music now sucks.
Certain genres of music aren't to my taste, and thus I find them sucky. Same with some singers and bands, but I like a fair range of stuff.
But my heart is unrepentently of the 50s - early 90s.

Besides, I can rant about obscure literary topics, so you have more than enough right to rant abouttopics close to your heart.

Moff Chumley
2010-12-30, 10:48 PM
I guess the point I'm trying to make is there wasn't LCD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOHLeXxfNu0) Soundsystem (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5oaCPCqN3Y&feature=related) in the 60s. :smalltongue:

2010-12-30, 11:00 PM
I'd say the biggest difference between the music of today and the music of the olden days is that, IMO, there's less of an overarching musical zeitgeist these days, if that makes sense. Too many subcultures and subgenres and subsubcultures and subsubgenres, all fragmented with all these people just doin' their own thang.

Not necessarily bad, just different.

As much as I love me some good 60's sunshine pop or folk or some 90's lo-fi or shoegaze, I love me just as much some good Menomena, Octopus Project, Caribou, Atlas Sound, Yeasayer, Beach House, Four Tet, Women, Deerhoof, what have you.

Em Blackleaf
2010-12-30, 11:10 PM
I'd say the biggest difference between the music of today and the music of the olden days is that, IMO, there's less of an overarching musical zeitgeist these days, if that makes sense. Too many subcultures and subgenres and subsubcultures and subsubgenres, all fragmented with all these people just doin' their own thang.
This is made possible by the fact that record companies have less power over a band's ability to produce music and make a living off of it. Since the availability of recording equipment and the internet make this process easier and cheaper.

So more and more independent bands are cropping up, crappy or otherwise, and they're making money. So I guess that could explain the success and prevalence of utterly awful music these days (then again, most of those guys are on big record labels ;P).

Like, The Beatles were so famous because their record company had the power to put the spotlight on them, but nowadays they would have just been a particularly talented band and not nearly as legendary.

2010-12-31, 02:38 AM
The only Christmas movie I like at all is Die Hard.

I like the Muppet's Christmas Carol; I was so disappointed when they deemed it unmarketable and took if off air in Australia. That movie was definitely the highlight of Christmas day.

2010-12-31, 02:44 AM
randman, I'd love to hear you talk about what makes grunge unique, since I do like it, but no way would I understand what you're talking about, unless you mean that it easily adapts itself to being sung along with even if your voice is god-awful. It's like drunk songs for the non-country crowd.

2010-12-31, 03:14 AM
i dunno, i prefer the 40's

I've always been a 20's-30's man myself.

It's just somehow it doesn't feel right when legs aren't gams, tommy-guns aren't common, and alcohol isn't brewed in a bathtub the back-room of a Legitimate Establishment using 20% grain alcohol, 70% water, 6% motor oil, and 4% blood.

2010-12-31, 03:23 AM
The adventurous should add condiments of gunpowder and lye for that unexpected experience.

Re Scrabble, someone should find a way to fit antidisestablishmentarianism onto the board; it would be glorious.

2010-12-31, 03:54 AM
Re Scrabble, someone should find a way to fit antidisestablishmentarianism onto the board; it would be glorious.

or Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapiki maungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu

2010-12-31, 04:23 AM
Frankly, this is just embarrassing. I've been on the boards for almost six years, and all this time I've been opening quotes in separate tabs and compiling them into a single post via copypaste.

I used to do that all the time until the multiquote function was restored (Apparently it was available before at some point?) a few months ago.

The Rolling Stones were out and about, so were The Beatles, but they weren't all that.

I've never understood the whole Rolling Stones/Beatles rivalry. I suppose it made more sense when they were still playing gigs and releasing music.
Anyway, The Beatles were much better than the Stones. :smalltongue:

*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

More, sure. Better? Highly debatable.

...not worth it. No one reads my posts here anyway. :smalltongue:

Pish tosh.

Like, The Beatles were so famous because their record company had the power to put the spotlight on them, but nowadays they would have just been a particularly talented band and not nearly as legendary.

I think you're under-rating them. Apart from anything else, a significant point was that they started doing stuff which no-one else had really done before. They inspired and influenced so many people one suspects popular music would not be the same now if they hadn't happened.
Though, I suppose I do take your point, that with the proliferation of artists/bands, both good and bad, in this day and age, the wouldn't have been so much THE big thing, as they were in the 60s.

I like the Muppet's Christmas Carol; I was so disappointed when they deemed it unmarketable and took if off air in Australia. That movie was definitely the highlight of Christmas day.

I think the Muppets is the only version of A Christmas Carol I've ever seen.
Well, of the actual original story, that is. I've also seen the Blackadder Christmas Carol, and this year's Doctor Who Christmas special. But those were different takes on the story, with different characters, etc.

ION: Concert yesterday was really good, and drinks and food afterwards (In that order). Making me all nostalgic.
However, not getting anywhere near enough sleep two nights in a row tok its toll on me and I pretty much collapsed on getting home. Which in turn is why I'm now up at this relatively early hour, getting annoyed by the database backup happening just as I try to make this post.

2010-12-31, 04:32 AM
randman, I'd love to hear you talk about what makes grunge unique, since I do like it, but no way would I understand what you're talking about, unless you mean that it easily adapts itself to being sung along with even if your voice is god-awful. It's like drunk songs for the non-country crowd.

I think before anyone could get into a discussion about grunge it needs a proper definition. It's one of those genres that a lot of different people think means a lot of different bands. Plus there's like 5 bands that most music snobs will allow to be called grunge and the rest they wind up labeling post-grunge. (I have to fight the urge to slap people whenever I see the word "post" in front of any genre.)

That said, I think there are some really talented singers within the genre. Layne Staley, Scott Weiland, Chris Cornell, Shannon Hoon are all singers I'd say were/are really talented. They just get overshadowed sometimes by your Kurt Cobains and your Mark Arms and Eddie Vedders, who (while I enjoy their music) are pretty terrible singers.

2010-12-31, 04:43 AM
*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

...not worth it. No one reads my posts here anyway. :smalltongue:

I read all posts of yours which I come across. Also, I've never seen you praise or link to any music I didn't like too, so I suspect I would agree with your rant.

2010-12-31, 05:06 AM
I've always been a 20's-30's man myself.

It's just somehow it doesn't feel right when legs aren't gams, tommy-guns aren't common, and alcohol isn't brewed in a bathtub the back-room of a Legitimate Establishment using 20% grain alcohol, 70% water, 6% motor oil, and 4% blood.

yeah , but the Depression was... depressing

2010-12-31, 05:08 AM
I never really got into either the Stones or Beatles, possibly because they were a bit before my time.
Hell, I grew up listening to the likes of Alphaville, Baltimora, Duran Duran, Nik Kershaw, Howard Jones and Thompson Twins.

However, at this moment on my MP3 player's playlist, I've got stuff like Chris Cornell, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stone Sour, Amy MacDonald, Carole King, Coheed & Cambria, Matchbbox 20, Takida and Eliza Doolittle.

My taste in music is very diverse..

ION: It's New Years Eve. I'm at work. Working until 5PM. Then I'm going home. Haven't got any plans for the evening at all.

What's everyone else's plans? From previous pages in the thread, we know the plans of Koorly and Thufir, but what's anyone else doing tonight?
Special plans?

2010-12-31, 05:18 AM
I was just forced to stay up until 4:00 in the morning playing WoW with my brother and dad. What kind of sick world is this? NO SLEEP UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED YOUR WOW MISSY

2010-12-31, 05:24 AM
I was just forced to stay up until 4:00 in the morning playing WoW with my brother and dad. What kind of sick world is this? NO SLEEP UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED YOUR WOW MISSY

haha, oh wow
that's like my aunt and farmville when i visit

2010-12-31, 05:26 AM
I was just forced to stay up until 4:00 in the morning playing WoW with my brother and dad. What kind of sick world is this? NO SLEEP UNTIL YOU'VE FINISHED YOUR WOW MISSY

Well, they're breaking stereotypes, which is something, I guess...

Oh, and I forgot to say, happy Hogswatch to the peoples of the Playground!

2010-12-31, 05:50 AM
ION: It's New Years Eve. I'm at work. Working until 5PM. Then I'm going home. Haven't got any plans for the evening at all.

What's everyone else's plans? From previous pages in the thread, we know the plans of Koorly and Thufir, but what's anyone else doing tonight?
Special plans?
My plans are going to a friend's house with four people in total. We will be having a friend pseudo-Christmas. We will also be drinking somewhat profusely I imagine.

Well, they're breaking stereotypes, which is something, I guess...

Oh, and I forgot to say, happy Hogswatch to the peoples of the Playground!
And a happy Hogsmany Hogmanay to you sir!

2010-12-31, 06:06 AM
Oh, yeah. Happy Hogmanay to everyone. :smallsmile:

Peace and

Archonic Energy
2010-12-31, 06:11 AM
now Ku. that's just too scary!

it looks like what people say is true...
no-one uses Napster!

2010-12-31, 06:50 AM
now Ku. that's just too scary!

It was standing at Waterstone's in Glasgow with that sign.
It was too good to pass up on taking a picture. :smallwink:
For the sheer preposterousness of having a Dalek with a 'Love' sign.

2010-12-31, 07:04 AM
It was standing at Waterstone's in Glasgow with that sign.
It was too good to pass up on taking a picture. :smallwink:
For the sheer preposterousness of having a Dalek with a 'Love' sign.

In between binges of conquest, Daleks need love too :smallbiggrin:
It's what powers them up stairs.

2010-12-31, 07:09 AM
In between binges of conquest, Daleks need love too :smallbiggrin:
It's what powers them up stairs.

I thought they went up and down stairs the same way R2-D2 did.

2010-12-31, 07:14 AM
*deep breath, about to embark on a rant concerning why there's more and better music today than there ever has been*

...not worth it. No one reads my posts here anyway. :smalltongue:

I know the feeling :(

2010-12-31, 07:19 AM
I thought they went up and down stairs the same way R2-D2 did.
Magic The Force? :smalltongue:

2010-12-31, 07:30 AM
I thought they went up and down stairs the same way R2-D2 did.

Magic The Force? :smalltongue:

Very gingerly? :smallbiggrin:

ION: Every New Year's Eve, our SBS broadcasting channel always screens Dinner For One, it's become an institution in Australia.

2010-12-31, 07:39 AM
Very gingerly? :smallbiggrin:

Generally off-screen. :smallbiggrin:

ION: Every New Year's Eve, our SBS broadcasting channel always screens Dinner For One, it's become an institution in Australia.

Same goes for Sweden. They've shown it in Sweden for as long as I can remember.

'Same procedure as last year.'

2010-12-31, 07:45 AM
Denmark too. And the viewer of course has to respond to all of the toasts, which can lead to one getting slightly tipsy. Good fun.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2010-12-31, 07:49 AM
The Beatles > The Stones
I love The Beatles far too much.

My New Year plans involve getting ruined, and they start in ten minutes. See you lot in 2011! :smalltongue:

2010-12-31, 08:03 AM
The Beatles > The Stones
I love The Beatles far too much.

i like the who better than both of them

My New Year plans involve getting ruined, and they start in ten minutes. See you lot in 2011! :smalltongue:

i'll see you there tomorrow with an empty vodka bottle

2010-12-31, 09:30 AM
A very good time it was too.
Aaaah, to be back in the days where a loaf of bread cost a few pence, a penny sweet lasted you a week and there were two hundred and forty of them to a pound.
LPs were coming out, there was a whole genre of music for teenagers; teenage rebellion. Fantastic movies like The Italian Job and Mary Poppins and The Jungle Book.
The Rolling Stones were out and about, so were The Beatles, but they weren't all that.
Let me tell you, the '60s was the decade to be in, and you could legally leave school at fourteen.
Great times.
No you couln't. My uncle dropped out at 16, and he had the truancy officer after him and you live in a different country, never mind. (Then again, he dropped his books out a second story window and ran away to a friends house in a different town...) My dad was telling me he remembered going to DQ and getting a Milk Shake for a Quarter. A freaking Quarter. And my dad would beg to differ about the Beatles being worse then the Stones. :smalltongue: (As would Record Sales.)

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2010-12-31, 11:36 AM
I'm with Avacado here. My answer to the question "Who's better, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?" is "The who?" phrased as a question, with a mischievous smile on my face.

As for decades, the 20's would be fun. They're not called the Roaring 20s for nothing! It's just afterwards that you run away. Canada got the Great Depression as bad, or even worse! than the US, because our entire economy was resource extraction, and that was one of the hardest-hit areas.

2010-12-31, 12:50 PM
So, in less than 6 hours, there will be a new year over here (as well as the majority of the rest of the world). I'm not quite sure on how to react...

Also, the weather threatens to cover the fireworks. That's a bad thing. Low clouds and snowfall (the second one is just predicted, but anyway) won't be appreciated tonight. :smallannoyed:

2010-12-31, 12:56 PM
So, in less than 6 hours, there will be a new year over here (as well as the majority of the rest of the world).

I'm not quite sure on how to react...
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be... Whispered words of wisdom: Let it be.


ION: I'm sort of freaking out. I was checking my email, and I got an email from a nearby College, saying that they want me to enroll in a program that would help fill out College Applications. So spam. Anyway, it said it got it's informtion from the National Research Center for College and University Admissions. Anyway, I was curious about what this site knew about me and they no the following: My name, my last name, my email (duh), what state and city I live in, the year I graduate, and my "academic interests" (which I think I put down when I took the PSAT). The funny thing is, it doesn't know what High School I go to.

Creepy, huh?


IOON: I just took my dog outside, and I saw somthing bright red in the corner of our yard. I figured I must have left her Frisbey out last night, so I told her to go get it. It turns out that it was a dead Cardinal. Now she is happrly chewing it to pieces out in the yard. Great. :smallyuk:

Dubious Pie
2010-12-31, 01:35 PM
You silly, silly dog owners.... When will you realize that the only good pet is a cat? Clean, loving, fwuffy, you don't have to walk them, only rarely do they cause major blood loss, the list goes on.

2010-12-31, 01:41 PM
You silly, silly dog owners.... When will you realize that the only good pet is a cat? Clean, loving, fwuffy, you don't have to walk them, only rarely do they cause major blood loss, the list goes on.

I have 2 dogs. One that's sweet and one thats indifferent. The one that ate the Cardinal is sweet. I will sick my other dog on you. It's a Malamute.

EDIT: (Also, I have a cat. So yeah. I do like my Dogs better though.)

2010-12-31, 02:43 PM

Heh, that's just who I am. If it can be calculated, I will do so and find a reason to include it. Also, I like to write long sentences and have all my sides covered, so I'll find a way to make everything I write (and most of what I say as well) as long and general as possible, like this sentence, for example. :smallamused:

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be... Whispered words of wisdom: Let it be.

It's probably due to a week of sleep deprivation, but I can't really make out what these whispered words of wisdom are telling me (apart from them being Beatles, obviously).

ION: People have been firing of sporadic fireworks the entire evening, even though there's still more than 3 hours left until midnight. All the sounds of the city are quite a contrast to the silent countryside...

2010-12-31, 02:46 PM
Heh, that's just who I am. If it can be calculated, I will do so and find a reason to include it. Also, I like to write long sentences and have all my sides covered, so I'll find a way to make everything I write (and most of what I say as well) as long and general as possible, like this sentence, for example. :smallamused:

It's probably due to a week of sleep deprivation, but I can't really make out what these whispered words of wisdom are telling me (apart from them being Beatles, obviously).
It means, don't care.

ION: People have been firing of sporadic fireworks the entire evening, even though there's still more than 3 hours left until midnight. All the sounds of the city are quite a contrast to the silent countryside...
I hate how people do that. (Potentially) Scares the crap out of my dog (not the Malamute). Literally.

2010-12-31, 03:46 PM
ION: I'm sort of freaking out. I was checking my email, and I got an email from a nearby College, saying that they want me to enroll in a program that would help fill out College Applications. So spam. Anyway, it said it got it's informtion from the National Research Center for College and University Admissions. Anyway, I was curious about what this site knew about me and they no the following: My name, my last name, my email (duh), what state and city I live in, the year I graduate, and my "academic interests" (which I think I put down when I took the PSAT). The funny thing is, it doesn't know what High School I go to.

Creepy, huh?

Still a n00b, but I'm going to hazard a guess that ION stands for 'in other news'?

Anyway, yeah before I went off to college I was getting all sorts of stuff like that, not just in e-mail form either. I got a snail mail thing at one point that wanted me to join some bogus national who's who for something to the effect of $175, and they had full name, graduation year, just also the wrong high school. Apparently they thought I was attending school about 30 miles away.

2010-12-31, 03:58 PM
Still a n00b, but I'm going to hazard a guess that ION stands for 'in other news'?

For a "n00b" (I prefere the term "newly initiated" better :smallwink:) you got that pretty quickly, and in your first go, no less. :smallsmile:

2010-12-31, 04:23 PM
Still a n00b, but I'm going to hazard a guess that ION stands for 'in other news'?

Anyway, yeah before I went off to college I was getting all sorts of stuff like that, not just in e-mail form either. I got a snail mail thing at one point that wanted me to join some bogus national who's who for something to the effect of $175, and they had full name, graduation year, just also the wrong high school. Apparently they thought I was attending school about 30 miles away.

Yeah, but how old are you? I'm 16. When I'm a Freshman in College, I'll be 19 in the second month of school.

PJ the Epic
2010-12-31, 04:50 PM
nyway, yeah before I went off to college I was getting all sorts of stuff like that, not just in e-mail form either. I got a snail mail thing at one point that wanted me to join some bogus national who's who for something to the effect of $175, and they had full name, graduation year, just also the wrong high school. Apparently they thought I was attending school about 30 miles away.

Nice. I get my name misspelled all the time, even on college letters. Apparently I wrote it bad somewhere, which is a real surprise. [/sarcasm]. While I can't actually tell you what they said, they did make me out to be Arabic, which I most certainly am not.

2010-12-31, 07:05 PM
New Years Eve isn't what it used to be. I can't really put my finger on it, but there's something I miss.
*another sigh*
Nostalgia and escapism, what have become of me?
*yet another sigh*

Well, well.
Happy New Year, I guess... :smallsmile:

2010-12-31, 11:59 PM
I'm with Avacado here. My answer to the question "Who's better, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?" is "The who?" phrased as a question, with a mischievous smile on my face.

As for decades, the 20's would be fun. They're not called the Roaring 20s for nothing! It's just afterwards that you run away. Canada got the Great Depression as bad, or even worse! than the US, because our entire economy was resource extraction, and that was one of the hardest-hit areas.

yeah, but boozes was legal up there.

Moff Chumley
2011-01-01, 01:05 AM
You gotta wonder: did that help, or hurt? :smallconfused:

Ranger Mattos
2011-01-01, 01:05 AM
I just beat my dad at Othello for the first time! And he had all 4 corners no less! :biggrin:

He did beat me by almost 50 in Scrabble though.

2011-01-01, 01:10 AM
I won't ruin the video by telling you what it is. Just, watch it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ssXJtzFOjA)

Moff Chumley
2011-01-01, 01:27 AM

That... is a thing of beauty.

2011-01-01, 01:37 AM
I won't ruin the video by telling you what it is. Just, watch it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ssXJtzFOjA)

Brilliant. And a nice way to start off 2011.

2011-01-01, 02:18 AM
:smalleek: Late Happy New Year!

*hugs everyone*

2011-01-01, 04:28 AM
DING! Happy Calendar Level-up Day! (http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/index.php)

2011-01-01, 04:33 AM
DING! Happy Calendar Level-up Day! (http://nodwick.humor.gamespy.com/ffn/index.php)

lvl MMXI:smalltongue:

2011-01-01, 05:10 AM
So, in less than 6 hours, there will be a new year over here (as well as the majority of the rest of the world). I'm not quite sure on how to react...

Win; I began the new year with a rather debilitating hangover, having spent the night at the beach with friends; it was disturbingly hot yesterday, today it has dropped a full 16 degrees celsius.

Also, the weather threatens to cover the fireworks. That's a bad thing. Low clouds and snowfall (the second one is just predicted, but anyway) won't be appreciated tonight. :smallannoyed:

They should have thought laterally; cause the fireworks to explode launch from underneath all that snow; it'd ensure a spectacular spectacle and clean the streets.

Alternatively, they should've seeded the clouds with rockets containing fireworks :D

Creepy, huh?

They know what you did last summer.
Also, research is a byword for governmental investigative agencies checking in on their citizens. The eye of the Illuminati on your one dollar bill is not just there for decoration or aesthetics :smallwink:

You silly, silly dog owners.... When will you realize that the only good pet is a cat? Clean, loving, fwuffy, you don't have to walk them, only rarely do they cause major blood loss, the list goes on.

Very much true; cats make the finest pets, and they are considerate too, ofttimes bringing presents to their owners.

2011-01-01, 05:30 AM
Very much true; cats make the finest pets, and they are considerate too, ofttimes bringing presents to their owners.

they also make great alarm clocks

2011-01-01, 05:34 AM
And also apparently defy gravity :smallbiggrin: which means they're made from magic.

2011-01-01, 06:06 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs063.snc6/167364_1510924143452_1544820460_31187265_8028641_n .jpg
something to help you sleep

2011-01-01, 06:20 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs063.snc6/167364_1510924143452_1544820460_31187265_8028641_n .jpg
something to help you sleep

that is possibly the second scariest thing i have ever seen.
i believe that this one is a better sleep aid

2011-01-01, 06:26 AM
Is it as terrifying as this?

2011-01-01, 06:46 AM
Is it as terrifying as this?

its gaze pierces the soul:smalleek::smalltongue:

2011-01-01, 07:37 AM
Came back from today's new years dive. Lots of crazy folk like myself running into the sea. It's cold, but also refreshing!

Anyone else go for a swim this morning?

2011-01-01, 10:21 AM
They should have thought laterally; cause the fireworks to explode launch from underneath all that snow; it'd ensure a spectacular spectacle and clean the streets.

Alternatively, they should've seeded the clouds with rockets containing fireworks :D

Well, it was snowing quite a bit this night, but to be honest, it wasn't as much of a problem as it could've been.

Still, about half of the fireworks that were fired from my position exploded in the treetops, and one even exploded on the ground at the forest edge, which was on the opposite side of the field we were standing, so, luckily, no one was in any danger.

Fireworks from the clouds would be awesome. I can't stop imagining a firework bomb carpet dropped from a plane, set to explode on a specific altitude. If When I get rich and influential, this will be one of the awesome things I will do. Little brother will agree to that.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-01-01, 10:33 AM
Hangover is... less than was expected. New Years party was the bomb. New friends made, fun had, etc etc etc. Only just got up half an hour ago. Very tired. Speaking in broken sentences. Being self-referential.

2011-01-01, 10:50 AM
Anyone else go for a swim this morning?

I can't swim.

2011-01-01, 11:03 AM
For a "n00b" (I prefer the term "newly initiated" better :smallwink:) you got that pretty quickly, and in your first go, no less. :smallsmile:

But Teddy, we haven't 'initiated' him yet... :smallamused::smalltongue:

So, my new year:
Napped in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep. Went and bought a new phone, spent a couple of hours sorting it out, then grabbed my stuff and headed to the metro. Just missed one, which was annoying, especially since they were running reduced service after 6pm, but I figured it wouldn't be too bad, so I buy my ticket and wait. The sign saying when the next trains are is currently not working.
5-10 minutes later, the sign starts working again. For reference, if you go here and click on 'view map' (http://www.nexus.org.uk/metro/stations), that's the metro system. I was at Monkseaton and needed to get to Central Station. The sign, as I said, comes back on to reveal the next 3 trains are only going as far as Longbenton. I think, OK, maybe I can go round the other way and walk down from Monument? Glance across to platform 2, next train for St. James, 42 minutes. ****.
Fortunately, Male Rubiks Friend had yet to partake of any alcohol and had a car, though having come and picked me up and driven back in, we found there were no parking spaces, and had to go on a rather circuitous route to find one.

Finally, I arrive at the party and start drinking. An amusing level of inebriation is achieved. We watch some youtube videos, two of which enlighten me as to the sources (Of which I had not hitherto been aware) of two internet memes: namely "I'm on a boat!" and "LIKE A BOSS."
Then for some reason we watched a film. The film eventually chosen was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It's good, and also funny. Additionally I was surprised to learn that the character of Scott Pilgrim is the same age as me. LOL THIS COINCIDENTAL LINK BETWEEN ME AND THE PROTAGONIST MAKES THE FILM MORE RELATABLE LOL.*

*This is untrue. The film is relatable because the protagonist is a total nerd.

Now it is almost midnight. Wait a bit, chatting, yell "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" all together. Call Curly. Chat. Reception goes terrible then cuts out all together. Call her again, continue conversation, including fist shaking at mobile network inconsistensies and excessive distance between our respective residences.
At some point during the conversation, insert this picture:
I can no longer remember why though.
Do strange drunken dances which would amuse interlocutor no end if she could see them. Eventually run out of credit on phone and discover it's just gone 1am. And for some reason everyone's going to bed already. So sadly I missed out on much of the enjoyment which could have been derived from my amusing state of inebriation.
Wake up with terrible hangover. Drink water, steal sofa space from friend while he's in the bathroom, try to go back to sleep, with unknown level of success. Repeat. Eventually I am given incontrovertible proof that I have been dozing off from time to time, because suddenly friend is sitting on the sofa next to me, when the last time I looked he was on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Eat breadsticks very slowly to combat hunger and hangover. Come home, eat more food, post on forums. Go to bed for a few more hours.

2011-01-01, 11:14 AM
Bah, my New Years was comparatively boring.

Drive to Casino. Punch in. Stand around looking important and smiling at drunk people for ten hours. Drive home. Post on forums.

I didn't have a single thing last night with alcohol anywhere near it.

2011-01-01, 11:18 AM
But Teddy, we haven't 'initiated' him yet... :smallamused::smalltongue:

I was never initiated either. :smalleek:

2011-01-01, 11:22 AM
But Teddy, we haven't 'initiated' him yet... :smallamused::smalltongue:

So, my new year:
Napped in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep. Went and bought a new phone, spent a couple of hours sorting it out, then grabbed my stuff and headed to the metro. Just missed one, which was annoying, especially since they were running reduced service after 6pm, but I figured it wouldn't be too bad, so I buy my ticket and wait. The sign saying when the next trains are is currently not working.
5-10 minutes later, the sign starts working again. For reference, if you go here and click on 'view map' (http://www.nexus.org.uk/metro/stations), that's the metro system. I was at Monkseaton and needed to get to Central Station. The sign, as I said, comes back on to reveal the next 3 trains are only going as far as Longbenton. I think, OK, maybe I can go round the other way and walk down from Monument? Glance across to platform 2, next train for St. James, 42 minutes. ****.
Fortunately, Male Rubiks Friend had yet to partake of any alcohol and had a car, though having come and picked me up and driven back in, we found there were no parking spaces, and had to go on a rather circuitous route to find one.

Finally, I arrive at the party and start drinking. An amusing level of inebriation is achieved. We watch some youtube videos, two of which enlighten me as to the sources (Of which I had not hitherto been aware) of two internet memes: namely "I'm on a boat!" and "LIKE A BOSS."
Then for some reason we watched a film. The film eventually chosen was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It's good, and also funny. Additionally I was surprised to learn that the character of Scott Pilgrim is the same age as me. LOL THIS COINCIDENTAL LINK BETWEEN ME AND THE PROTAGONIST MAKES THE FILM MORE RELATABLE LOL.*

*This is untrue. The film is relatable because the protagonist is a total nerd.

Now it is almost midnight. Wait a bit, chatting, yell "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" all together. Call Curly. Chat. Reception goes terrible then cuts out all together. Call her again, continue conversation, including fist shaking at mobile network inconsistensies and excessive distance between our respective residences.
At some point during the conversation, insert this picture:
I can no longer remember why though.
Do strange drunken dances which would amuse interlocutor no end if she could see them. Eventually run out of credit on phone and discover it's just gone 1am. And for some reason everyone's going to bed already. So sadly I missed out on much of the enjoyment which could have been derived from my amusing state of inebriation.
Wake up with terrible hangover. Drink water, steal sofa space from friend while he's in the bathroom, try to go back to sleep, with unknown level of success. Repeat. Eventually I am given incontrovertible proof that I have been dozing off from time to time, because suddenly friend is sitting on the sofa next to me, when the last time I looked he was on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Eat breadsticks very slowly to combat hunger and hangover. Come home, eat more food, post on forums. Go to bed for a few more hours.

Ahaha! Good night. Least you went to a party!

Me...not so fortunate. Work.

1800: Arrive and begin to set everything up
2200: Open doors. Spend next hour juggling staff as at least 3 haven't shown up.
0000: Cover the receptionists till so she can go see in midnight with some friends on the bar...she says I should kiss the face she's drawn on a balloon at midnight. If that wasn't bad enough I later discover as I go in for a quick peck that she's drawn a boys face. Not being gay I back out with as much dignity as I can muster.
0015: Trying to nip round the bars and wish a HNY to everyone and discover a blocked drain flooding the place.
0045: Having unblocked the drain have to spend next hour and a half inputting order data ready for head office to kick off the new year.
0130: Nothing to report. Phew
0230: counting the take starts to be counted
0600: Counting ends. Other various machines need fixing, cash needs collecting...etc
0730: Lock up the club.
0800: Walk home and collapse in bed.

Bar Tenders Eve tonight! Roll on! :smallsmile:

2011-01-01, 11:49 AM
I can't swim.



2011-01-01, 11:56 AM
But Teddy, we haven't 'initiated' him yet... :smallamused::smalltongue:

I was never initiated either. :smalleek:

I count signing up on this forum as being initiated. I mean, it's what separates the cool guys from us us from them. :smalltongue:

2011-01-01, 12:10 PM


Mmmm. No... I have a phobia.

2011-01-01, 12:12 PM
Mmmm. No... I have a phobia.

Ah, I see the problem now. That sucks. :smallfrown:

2011-01-01, 12:16 PM
Ah, I see the problem now. That sucks. :smallfrown:

I guess. It doesn't help that my dad's a Parasailing nut.

2011-01-01, 12:18 PM
Happy New Year everybody. Better late than never right?

2011-01-01, 12:18 PM
Happy New Year everybody. Better late than never right?

Depends on what you're doing. In this cas, yes.

2011-01-01, 12:45 PM
Yeah, it'll be a great new years. I can feel it. Got home from work, went to go get snacks for New Years party last night, and BOOM! rear driver side tire explodes. Long story short, it's a windchill of like -8 outside while I'm trying to change this tire, and BANG! head of the lug nut snaps off. I know you should never try to remove lug nuts if they've been machined off, but sometimes you just don't care. Thank Fharlanghn for AAA.

2011-01-01, 12:56 PM

Ah, the good old games and their broken English.
Beating this one while very tipsy was fairly challenging.

2011-01-01, 04:11 PM

Ah, the good old games and their broken English.
Beating this one while very tipsy was fairly challenging.

What game is that.

2011-01-01, 04:28 PM

Ah, the good old games and their broken English.
Beating this one while very tipsy was fairly challenging.

Back when the best reward for beating a game was being told to do it again. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-01, 06:05 PM
What game is that.

I'm more interested in the Goomba looking out from behind the computer screen. And the sticky note. The sticky note intrigues me.

2011-01-01, 06:18 PM
I'm more interested in the Goomba looking out from behind the computer screen. And the sticky note. The sticky note intrigues me.

I didn't even notice the Goomba. :smalleek:

2011-01-01, 06:31 PM
New Years Eve for me was very uneventful.

I'mma spoiler it for you so you won't have to scroll through it.

Worked from 9-4 (they let me leave an hour early)
Headed to the shops to fill up with food to last me through the weekend (and likely for the majority of next week as well)
Got back home at about 5:30-ish.
Watched some tv for about an hour, then logged onto Battle.net for some StarCraft.
One of my colleagues, who had just as little planned for the evening joined up, and we played a bunch of games until about 11:20PM, where his computer decided that it didn't want to participate anymore.
Headed out for some food (pizza).
Got back home with said pizza at about 11:40.
Sat down in front of the tv and watched Tim Minchin Live until about 1am.
Random channel surfing until about 2:30 and then decided to go to bed.
Ended up getting stuck playing another game of StarCraft against some random guy that I'm pretty sure I'd have won outirhgt if he hadn't disconnected, giving me the win anyway.
Then went to bed.

2011-01-01, 07:15 PM
But Teddy, we haven't 'initiated' him yet... :smallamused::smalltongue:
... Oh, dear. What is this 'initiation'?

I was never initiated either. :smalleek:
Neither was I.

I count signing up on this forum as being initiated. I mean, it's what separates the cool guys from us us from them. :smalltongue:
Oh. That's a load of my mind.

My New Year's Eve:
5 PM: Go ice skating for the first time as a date.
6 PM: Stop ice skating because of the intermission to tidy up the ice and spend the remaining hour of the date talking.
7 PM: Get picked up by my brother, get dinner and go home.
7:30 PM: Get home and eat dinner.
8 PM: Begin my celebration, which consisted of playing video games and browsing the web.
12 AM: Start telling people "Happy Calendar Level-up Day!"
1 AM: Begin texting my date.
2 AM: Start reading Proven Guilty.
4 AM: Go to sleep.

Surprisingly, I came away from the rink with a slightly sore right knee and the outside of my left ankle is a tad tender, but I'm otherwise in good shape. Since it was my first time skating (ever), I'm a tad surprised. And the girl had fun.
And now I need to get ahold of the friend I'm supposed to hang out with tomorrow so we can figure out what the hell we're doing.
I find the fact that I've seen three of my five best friends a total of 11 times between them (if you count the ten minutes I saw one of them where she was talking with another friend) rather vexing.

2011-01-01, 07:59 PM
my new years eve
-eat at amigo juan's
- search house for vodka
-find no vodka
-look for odka again
-resign search for vodka and make some cider
-pour whiskey in cider
-look for vodka
-fall asleep

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-01-01, 08:03 PM
My New Years Eve:
6:00 eat dinner. Homemade meat pie. Delicious.
7:00 get dressed. My dad realizes I'm dressing formalish, and has fun dressing me up for half an hour.
8:00ish, arrive at party. Begin party.
1:30ish, party is over.
2:00ish, leave party for home, cause I'm just that cool. On way, walk girl home. Cause I'm just that smooth.

Yeeeeh. :smallcool:

2011-01-01, 08:06 PM
Hello everyone! A happy new year to you all. My new years eve went as follows:
14:00- Go into Leeds to buy presents for fake Christmas that was planned for that day.
16:00- Finish buying everything so I went to the pub for a couple of pints with a friend.
18:00- Arrived at friend's house. Presents were exchanged, pizza was eaten.
22:00- Drinking games happened.
0:00- Go outside to see the fireworks. Fall over.
8:00- Wake up in a sleeping bag with no recollection of going to sleep. I realise I have memory gaps possibly caused by a concussion from whacking my head against a wall. The 700ml of whiskey I had to myself also didn't help.

It's now 1:05 AM on January the second. I am still hungover. This hangover had better be gone by tomorrow or else I'll be sad, and in more pain.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-01-01, 08:09 PM
It's now 1:05 AM on January the second. I am still hungover. This hangover had better be gone by tomorrow or else I'll be sad, and in more pain.

Harsh. I got off light, hangoverwise. Then again, I didn't have as much drink as that; only a coupla cocktails, a coupla shots of whisky, a coupla shots of vodka, and around a lot of cups of beer. Dunno how many cans, cause it was outta a keg.

2011-01-01, 08:09 PM
Hello everyone! A happy new year to you all. My new years eve went as follows:
14:00- Go into Leeds to buy presents for fake Christmas that was planned for that day.
16:00- Finish buying everything so I went to the pub for a couple of pints with a friend.
18:00- Arrived at friend's house. Presents were exchanged, pizza was eaten.
22:00- Drinking games happened.
0:00- Go outside to see the fireworks. Fall over.
8:00- Wake up in a sleeping bag with no recollection of going to sleep. I realise I have memory gaps possibly caused by a concussion from whacking my head against a wall. The 700ml of whiskey I had to myself also didn't help.

It's now 1:05 AM on January the second. I am still hungover. This hangover had better be gone by tomorrow or else I'll be sad, and in more pain.

my faorite hangover cure, coffee with no suger and black as emperor palpatine's soul with a peanut butter and bologna sandwitch

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-01-01, 08:17 PM
my faorite hangover cure, coffee with no suger and black as emperor palpatine's soul with a peanut butter and bologna sandwitch

Belgians have hangover cures down.

More beer.

I like the way they think. After all, if you're constantly drunk, you never hit the hangover!

Edit: Speaking of which, I am drinking a double chocolate stout my parents got me for christmas, and it is delicious.

2011-01-01, 08:30 PM
Belgians have hangover cures down.

More beer.

I like the way they think. After all, if you're constantly drunk, you never hit the hangover!

Edit: Speaking of which, I am drinking a double chocolate stout my parents got me for christmas, and it is delicious.

ah, the ol' hair of the dog, verra nice

PJ the Epic
2011-01-01, 08:30 PM
My parents always told me that you were supposed to cure a hangover with bacon. :smallconfused:. Never been drunk, but I don't complain when they are. :smallbiggrin:

2011-01-01, 08:42 PM
My favourite hangover cure, coffee with no suger and black as Emperor Palpatine's soul with a peanut butter and bologna sandwich.

First time I read this, I missed the words "black as" and thought you used Emperor Palpatine's soul as a hangover cure.

2011-01-01, 08:59 PM
First time I read this, I missed the words "black as" and thought you used Emperor Palpatine's soul as a hangover cure.
It's effective.

2011-01-01, 09:21 PM
It's effective.

side effects may include

adanced aging
yellowing of the eyes
feelings of being electrocuted

if side effects persist for more than four hours seek medical attention

those taking Palpatine's Soul(TM) should not drive or operate large planet killing space stations

2011-01-01, 10:05 PM
side effects may include

adanced aging
yellowing of the eyes
feelings of being electrocuted

if side effects persist for more than four hours seek medical attention

those taking Palpatine's Soul(TM) should not drive or operate large planet killing space stations

So, operating star cruisers are ok?
Just want to make sure before I try it.

2011-01-01, 10:07 PM
So, operating star cruisers are ok?
Just want to make sure before I try it.

of course. just make sure you hae someone with you

2011-01-01, 10:12 PM
of course. just make sure you hae someone with you

OK. Need to fly with supervision.
If that's the case, how about TIE Fighters, X-Wings or A-Wings, who are all single seaters?
Gonna get crowded in a TIE Fighter cockpit if I need supervision while under the influence of Palpatine's Soul™.

2011-01-01, 10:12 PM
Hi playgrounders, I was wondering if someone who speaks Spanish could help me out a little bit. How would you say "You're my Lobster" in Spanish?

2011-01-01, 10:15 PM
Hi playgrounders, I was wondering if someone who speaks Spanish could help me out a little bit. How would you say "You're my Lobster" in Spanish?

Google Translate says:

Tú eres mi langosta.

2011-01-01, 10:16 PM
OK. Need to fly with supervision.
If that's the case, how about TIE Fighters, X-Wings or A-Wings, who are all single seaters?
Gonna get crowded in a TIE Fighter cockpit if I need supervision while under the influence of Palpatine's Soul™.

abstain from single seats with the exception of TIE fighters.

seriously. those things are death traps

2011-01-01, 10:19 PM
abstain from single seats with the exception of TIE fighters.

seriously. those things are death traps

Wait, what?
So you're telling me I should go for the TIE fighter since they are death traps?
Or that single seaters in general are death traps? Cause that would make more sense.

2011-01-01, 10:19 PM
Google Translate says:

Tú eres mi langosta.

Thanks man :)

2011-01-01, 11:15 PM
So, my new year:
Napped in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep. Went and bought a new phone, spent a couple of hours sorting it out, then grabbed my stuff and headed to the metro. Just missed one, which was annoying, especially since they were running reduced service after 6pm, but I figured it wouldn't be too bad, so I buy my ticket and wait. The sign saying when the next trains are is currently not working.
5-10 minutes later, the sign starts working again. For reference, if you go here and click on 'view map' (http://www.nexus.org.uk/metro/stations), that's the metro system. I was at Monkseaton and needed to get to Central Station. The sign, as I said, comes back on to reveal the next 3 trains are only going as far as Longbenton. I think, OK, maybe I can go round the other way and walk down from Monument? Glance across to platform 2, next train for St. James, 42 minutes. ****.
Fortunately, Male Rubiks Friend had yet to partake of any alcohol and had a car, though having come and picked me up and driven back in, we found there were no parking spaces, and had to go on a rather circuitous route to find one.

Finally, I arrive at the party and start drinking. An amusing level of inebriation is achieved. We watch some youtube videos, two of which enlighten me as to the sources (Of which I had not hitherto been aware) of two internet memes: namely "I'm on a boat!" and "LIKE A BOSS."
Then for some reason we watched a film. The film eventually chosen was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It's good, and also funny. Additionally I was surprised to learn that the character of Scott Pilgrim is the same age as me. LOL THIS COINCIDENTAL LINK BETWEEN ME AND THE PROTAGONIST MAKES THE FILM MORE RELATABLE LOL.*

*This is untrue. The film is relatable because the protagonist is a total nerd.

I remember you complaining about the travel to the party. Still sounds like fun though. What with the fillums and the chatting and fun times and the alcohol.

Now it is almost midnight. Wait a bit, chatting, yell "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" all together. Call Curly. Chat. Reception goes terrible then cuts out all together. Call her again, continue conversation, including fist shaking at mobile network inconsistensies and excessive distance between our respective residences.
At some point during the conversation, insert this picture:
I can no longer remember why though.
Do strange drunken dances which would amuse interlocutor no end if she could see them. Eventually run out of credit on phone and discover it's just gone 1am. And for some reason everyone's going to bed already. So sadly I missed out on much of the enjoyment which could have been derived from my amusing state of inebriation.

The envy arose from the fact that I was envying your being at a party, but you were envying my - um. My location I think. Mixed in with it was the envy that you weren't reading Maltak and I was.
I do feel I missed out on the on the amusing phsyical antics of a squiffy fellow, but the chat was lovely nonetheless.

Wake up with terrible hangover. Drink water, steal sofa space from friend while he's in the bathroom, try to go back to sleep, with unknown level of success. Repeat. Eventually I am given incontrovertible proof that I have been dozing off from time to time, because suddenly friend is sitting on the sofa next to me, when the last time I looked he was on the floor in a sleeping bag.
Eat breadsticks very slowly to combat hunger and hangover. Come home, eat more food, post on forums. Go to bed for a few more hours.

I warned you. :smalltongue: Glad you had a good time even though you were hung over and kannackered at the end of it.
My New Year's Eve thus:
Maltak - annoying
Maltak - boring
Maltak - horrific
Maltak - I've gone insane
Maltak - brains are trickling out of my ears, I can no longer read
Maltak - I've become gormless
Didn't actually get to bed until half ten in the morning either. Have had two hours of sleep this year.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-01-01, 11:17 PM
Didn't actually get to bed until half ten in the morning either. Have had two hours of sleep this year.

Go to sleep.

2011-01-02, 03:45 AM
my faorite hangover cure, coffee with no suger and black as emperor palpatine's soul with a peanut butter and bologna sandwitch

The best hangover cure is to drown that pounding headache with more alcohol.
Or fatty foods, especially fatty foods.

So, operating star cruisers are ok?
Just want to make sure before I try it.

On the other hand, you'll be able to disregard the Jedi and acquire an empire.

2011-01-02, 03:52 AM
The best way is to preemptively not get a hangover; quit drinking earlier on, so you don't go to sleep totally drunk, and accomplish this by drinking much water and walking around. Maybe jogging, weather permitting.