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2013-09-25, 04:29 AM
"More fun to come. Get ready!"

The red-skinned tiefling concentrates and a rainbow-colored flash lights up the dark chamber for a heartbeat as an ephemeral layer of translucent ectoplasma covers him. After it dissipates, his usually crimson-glowing eyes shine like orbs of silver flame.

Casting Defensive Precognition for 1 pp, sharing it with Xin, both gaining a +1 insight bonus to AC and saves for 1 minute.

2013-09-25, 07:02 AM
'I have West flank' barks the nun, sweeping south to take up position by the Souwest doors, 'make ready your courage lest He find you wanting!'

Quickly in position she drops to one knee, bowing her head in prayer.

'Your grace upon us Father' she whispers, as an other worldly peace settles the air in the room. Looking up she makes ready to smite whatever abomination dares venture through the door first.


Free Action: Speak
Move Action: Move to 10 ft to L48
Standard Action: Cast Bless (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bless.htm), +1 to hit, +1 to saves vs fear for one minute for party.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

2013-09-25, 07:14 AM
Tchinik does a quick flourish with his spear, showing his readiness.

"Form up?!?" he half asks, half tells the rest of the group.
With that, he begins a low, droning battle song that starts slowly

Waiting to see new map, as I don't see those cell callouts.
AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~

Move Action

Standard Action Action ~
Begin Inspire Courage

Bardic Music (7/8) Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls to all allies.
Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2013-09-25, 02:43 PM
Connaght grins in anticipation of the coming violence and strides into the centre of the room and readies himself for the fight. "Best drop the spear, only good manly hacking will do it."

I'll stand in the centre of the room and ready for the violence! Stand in M50

2013-09-27, 07:59 PM
Khalil lets out a squawk of fear, feathers slicked down as he huddles next to his mistress' head. Amiyah sighs, wishing he were a bit more intelligent as she begins chanting the familiar words of the mage armor spell. Arcane energy shimmers over her for a moment, leaving behind the armor of invisible force that is a wizard's best friend.

I live! And cast mage armor.

2013-09-28, 06:36 AM
Moving to the west the sister sees a group of walking zombies lurching out of the shadows. Like the one already encountered these undead seem very old, certainly not fresh corpses. You note that their outstretched arms and gnashing teeth are liberally drenched with recent blood splashes.

Crash! The eastern door also flies open and yet more of the vile things surge forward toward Connaught.

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative
Amiyah| [roll1]
Tchinik |[roll11]
Zombie 1 (L51)| [roll3]
Zombie 7 (M44)| [roll9]
Zombie (M51)| [roll2]
Zombie 4 (L45)| [roll6]
Zathras| [roll0]
SP Mary-Iris |[roll12]
Zombie 5 (M45)| [roll7]
Zombie 6 (L44)| [roll8]
Zombie 3 (M53)| [roll5]
Zombie 2 (L52)| [roll4]
Connaught |[roll10]


=> Amiyah, Tchinik

2013-09-28, 03:42 PM
So many zombies. So. Many. Zombies. She's had to fight the undead before, but never this many at one time, and she had a paladin's holy power at her side back then. Calm down, self. You're upsetting Khalil and you need to focus for this next spell. Amiyah takes a shuddering breath, forcing her thoughts into the familiar paths of conjuration. Monks have mantras, clerics and paladins have prayers; she calms and focuses herself with words and equations of arcane power.

The wizard reaches into her spell component pouch as she chants another favorite spell, coming up with a small lump of suet. On the last word, Amiyah tosses the bit of fat over the nearest zombie's head. The moment it touches the ground, it expands with unnatural speed into a thick coating of grease on the stones. "Look out for the grease, Connaught. I didn't put any where you are, but it's right in front of you."

Fun with grease! It's on L51, M51, L52 and M52. At this level it will only last for one round, sadly.

2013-09-28, 08:23 PM
The approaching zombies try to remain upright and close on Connaught. Somehow they keep on their feet.

Zombie L51 Reflex save [roll0] vs DC 14 Save
Zombie M51 Reflex save [roll1] vs DC 14 Save

=> Tchinik

2013-09-30, 01:48 PM
Tchinik groans his frustration at Connaght and, in spite of himself, drops his spear and moves to stand next to the frightening warrior, sword out, as he lashes out at the zombies.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~

Move Action
Move to L-50

Standard Action Action ~ strike against L-51 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)



[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - 0
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2013-09-30, 09:29 PM
Tchinik lashes out at the walking corpse. His blow cuts deep, but doesn't quite stop it and it attempts to grasp and bite him. As it lunges he swings again and cuts it nearly in half with a mighty blow.
Standard action: L51 Attempt grapple Tchinik
Tchinik AoO:[roll0] damage [roll1] Hit. Sry forgot your +1d6 but you kill it anyway.
Connaught AoO: [roll2] damage [roll3]
Zombie Grab (melee touch): [roll4] vs AC 12
Opposed grapple check (if relevant): Zombie [roll5] vs Tchinik [roll6]
Bite damage (if relevant): [roll7]

The other rotter in front of Tchinik and Connaught launches itself hungrily at the Northman and tries to take him down. He slashes it severely with his axe and knocks it back.
Standard action: M51 Attempt grapple Connaught
Connaught AoO: [roll8] + Action Point 1 = 13 damage [roll9] Hit
Zombie Grab (melee touch): [roll10] vs AC 10 Hit
Opposed grapple check (if relevant): Zombie [roll11] vs Connaught [roll12] Hit
Bite damage (if relevant): [roll13]Yikes!
Connaught is grappled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple) & will take automatic bite damage each round.

Two of the western zombies stumble out of the shadows to close with Sister Mary-Iris.
Move from M44 to M47
Move from L45 to L47

=> Zathras, SP Mary-Iris


2013-10-01, 07:11 AM
The sister the slashes down at the approaching zombie as it emerges through the door as if aiming to split it in half. Her sword seems to thicken in her grip, gaining mass as it arcs towards the monster.

As the mighty blow lands the nun herself seems to grow imperceptibly. The dust rises a little higher around her feet as she pivots and the swish of her habit is a little louder as she twists.

Standard Action: Attack zombie in L47 with longsword [roll0], dmg: [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit damage [roll3]
Initiating: Stone Bones DR 5/- for one round on hit

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones GE
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

2013-10-01, 09:21 AM
Zathras sighs as he sees the zombie horde barge into the room.

"Trapped inside underground caverns with a bunch of rotting corpses for company. I really didn't need to experience that again."

Seeing one of the creatures get a hold of Connaught, he focuses his attention in that direction, to ease the burden on the group's frontline. The spectral amulet at his throat glows as the tiefling spits another globe of black acid at one of the approaching zombies in the back.

Move action: None
Standard action: Dissolving Spittle at the zombie in M53.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: For some reason my brain disconnected and I rolled 1d12 instead of 2d6 for my spittle. Not a big difference, but let me know if you want me to reroll that (or feel free to do it yourself).

I'm really looking forward to higher levels where Zathras will have more options than just spitting every round. :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-02, 05:20 AM
Mary-Iris hacks at an undead abomination as it tries to drag her down. With a few solid swings it lies in pieces at her feet.

Zathras spits caustic tar at one of the intruding corpses. Despite melting away half of its face, the thing continues onward.
I rerolled for you & it came up a measly 4+1=5. Sorry about that, I thought you might have dropped it with a good roll.

The remaining zombies stumble hungrily toward you all. Mary-Iris cuts one down as it gets too close to her.
Zombie M45 move to M48
SPMI AoO: attack [roll0] +2 AP = 14 damage [roll1] Hit - Dead

Zombie L44 move to L47

Zombie L53 move to L51
Balance check [roll2] vs DC 10

Zombie M53 move to L51 or K51
Balance check [roll3] vs DC 10


=> Connaught, then Amiyah & Tchinik

Post in any order but I'll resolve Connaught's action first to close off the round.

2013-10-02, 08:09 AM

"Connaught, help the Sister before she's overwhelmed, if you can." he says through gritted teeth as does a step and swaying motion that causes his sword to flicker out like a snake striking.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~
Speak to Connaught

Move Action
Move to L-50

Standard Action Action ~ Steel Wind Strike
1st attack against K-51 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

2nd attack against L-51 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll6] + [roll7]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2013-10-02, 10:51 PM
Why oh why can't her spells actually work when it matters? Amiyah has suffered way too many embarrassing pratfalls on her own grease spells in the past; how are zombies keeping their balance? Life just isn't fair sometimes.

The wizard looks from one group to the other, wand in hand. Tchinik, Connaught, and Zathras seem to have the zombies on the east side under control, but Mary-Iris is facing two of the dead pirates by herself. Amiyah points her trusty wand at the closer of Mary-Iris' opponents and utters the magic word. A magic missile zooms out, swerving around the Sister's shoulder toward the foe.

At this rate I'll need to spend oodles of coin on a new wand soon! Attacking the zombie at L47.

Damage: [/roll]1d4+1[/roll]

2013-10-04, 03:45 PM
As he bats the zombie back away from him with a brutal stroke of the axe Connaught growls a low and harsh roar escapes from his mouth. throwing himself forward he hews mightily at the two zombies in front of him A wordless "Raaargh" and headbutting the nearest with his curling horns

- Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
- Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
- Headbutt [roll4] Damage [roll5]

- For future grapples remember I have the Jotunbrud feat so count as large for grapples. :smallsmile:

2013-10-04, 09:01 PM
Connaught hacks down one ravenous zombie and then swings into a second. Knocking it back he catches it under its ribcage on his supernatural horns and lifts it into the air before tearing it apart and dropping the pieces around him.

Nearby, Tchinik skillfully dispatches his remaining opponent with a whirlwind of sword strokes. The undead thing loses a hand, an arm, a leg and collapses at his feet.

Amiyah blasts one of the zombies attacking Mary-Iris with a magic missile. The attack strikes it unerringly but it doesn't slow its attacks.

The remaining uninjured zombie grasps at Mary-Iris and attempts to pull her towards its maw.
Standard action: M47 Attempt grapple Mary-Iris
SPMI AoO: [roll0] damage [roll1] Miss
Zombie Grab (melee touch): [roll2] vs AC 9 Hit
Opposed grapple check (if relevant): Zombie [roll3] vs SPMI [roll4] Miss
Bite damage (if relevant): [roll5] incl. DR 5

Initiative (Round 2):
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative
Amiyah| 17
Tchinik |17
Zombie 7 (M47)|17
=> Zathras| 14
SP Mary-Iris |14
Zombie 6 (L47) | 12
Connaught |1


=> Zathras & Mary-Iris

2013-10-05, 07:57 PM
The sister throws the grasping zombie back with a viscous shove, her jaw set and her teeth bared with righteous anger seething in her eyes. These undead are abomination, a sin against the enteral glory of His order.

The nun, filled with His fervent ire, raises her sword high and calls,
'Glory is at hand friends; strike them down in His name!'.

She strikes again and again, her intent not so much to kill as to obliterate, cutting this sin from the world and cauterising the wound with the inferno of faith.

Standard Action: Attack zombie with longsword [roll0], dmg: [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit damage [roll3]
Initiating: Leading the Attack, on hit allies get +4 to hit the target
Free Action: Speak

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones GE
3. Charging Minotaur WG
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

2013-10-06, 05:41 AM
Seeing one side of the chamber cleared of the walking dead, Zathras repositions himself and turns his attention to the remaining opponents that are locked in combat with the sister.
The flailing of rotting limbs and glinting steel makes it hard to line up a good shot, but he tries to wait for an opportune moment and fires another spit of sizzling black tar, making sure to avoid hitting the nun.

Move action: Move to L50.
Standard action: Dissolving Spittle at the zombie in M47.
-->Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
-->Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-07, 04:30 AM
Mary-Iris spars with the remaining zombies, warding off attacks as she tries to get in a killing blow. A spray of caustic tar strikes one of her opponents, burning deep into its decaying body and dropping it to the floor in ruins.

The final creature seems completely unfazed and continues to try to catch and consume the priestess.

Standard action: L47 Attempt grapple Mary-Iris
Zombie Grab (melee touch): [roll0] vs AC 9 Hit
Opposed grapple check (if relevant): Zombie [roll1] vs SPMI [roll2] Miss
Bite damage (if relevant): [roll3]

Initiative (Round 2):
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative
Amiyah| 17
Tchinik |17
Zathras| 14
SP Mary-Iris |14
Zombie 6 (L47) | 12
=> Connaught |1


=> Party (Connaught first to finish round 2, then everyone else)

2013-10-07, 02:37 PM
"For my ancestors! Destroy the unliving" Connaught roars above the noise of the fighting. Whirling around he bounds towards the still standing one. Lowering his head he lunges at it with the horns before hewing at it twice with massive scything swings of the axe!

Charge the zombie!
- Axe 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
- Axe 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
- Horn Gore [roll4] Damage [roll5] + [roll6]

EDIT: Well 3 "1's" and "2" for damage rolls is not the best!

2013-10-08, 05:37 AM
Connaught hacks down the final zombie. Glancing around the room you realize that the combat is over. Horrid corpses lie in pieces about the chamber, finally at rest. All of the bodies appear very old - these are not fresh corpses.

2013-10-08, 02:19 PM
Grabbing some of the untainted cloth from the fallen zombies, Tchinik cleans his blade before sheathing it and retrieving his spear.
Looking in both directions, he says to the others "I don't like the idea of being stuck in the room with three entrances and having another mob of these things descend upon us. We should get moving but the question is, which way?"

2013-10-08, 03:29 PM
Connaught breathes heavily as he calms down and surveys the destruction. "Vile beasts. I'm glad they are gone." Looking around he points towards the door that the first zombie appeared through. "First come first served I say."

I'm pleasantly pleased by the nice effects of rage for zombie chopping!

2013-10-08, 07:54 PM
Amiyah lets out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, reaching up to stroke her familiar's soft feathers. "Good job, everyone." It's irritating to be so ineffectual, especially when everyone else is doing a fine job of zombie-slaying. Well, Miss Vanderboren is definitely paying me enough money for further arcane study- provided I live long enough to use it. "One door is as good as another at this point."

2013-10-09, 07:05 AM
The nun scowls around at the chaos of body parts littering the chamber.

'A moment please,' says the Sister. She bows her head and incants an involved benediction, beseeching Tyr to consecrate the remains such that they do not rise up again to mar His sight. Sprinkling holy water across the room she dusts off her hands and moves on to the next task with grim efficiency.

'Conaught, stand still and pray with me,' she commands. She pray's quietly again at the big warrior's side, commending the Northman's valour to His sight. A soft light briefly surrounds them and Connaught's wounds knit shut.

'We must improve our battle formations if we are to survive to win glory. A more co-ordinated enemy would have overwhelmed us in seconds,' she states matter of factly before turning and proceeding out the indicated door.


Standard Action: Spontaneous conversion to cast Cure Light Wounds (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Cure_Light_Wounds) on Conaught

2013-10-09, 02:12 PM
Connaught grunts slightly at the nun's words. Clearly quite happy with the slaughter as a strand of flesh dangles from his horns. "My thanks for the healing. It is appreciated. With my horns I can see in the dark, shall I lead the way?" he asks before plunging ahead, axe and shield held ready.

2013-10-12, 04:46 AM
You step into the short corridor that the first crusty zombie emerged from. It ends at another stuck sodden door. Crunch! Booted foot meets wooden door and it flies open revealing a small room. Stepping in you see signs of recent carnage. Splashes of blood mark the walls and it pools on the floor. It seems this room hosted a brutal fight, a feeding frenzy, or more likely both.

Crunch! You all hear the sound of another door splintering open to the west, just beyond the closed door in front of you. Your ears catch a familiar, hungry moaning sound.

=> Party (only one round of actions again please)


2013-10-12, 08:53 PM
The Sister looks around the small room, sizing up the tactical position. She barks instructions as she takes three long steps to take a position to the south of the door.

'We hold here. Connaught, front and centre. Mr Denid on his right flank if you please. I have South and will keep them boxed in.'

The nun's eyes gleam as she takes up position, shield raised and sword held back ready to strike.


Move Action: Move 10 ft to I41 (H41, I41) and draw longsword
Standard Action: Ready action to attack the first enemy through the door with longsword
Free Action: Speak

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W

2013-10-13, 01:05 AM
Connaught grins at the noise, though he may not be filled with rage he will give them a surprise none the less. Aye lass. What you say is fine he mutters nodding his shaggy head.

Standing ready he remains where he is fires of bitterness building within him.

Ready to breather fire when door opens

2013-10-13, 01:22 AM
Amiyah stays behind the melee fighters, knowing she would be worse than useless up front. Trusty wand in hand, the wizard silently makes a quick prayer to Mystra. Please, Lady of Magic, let my wand work better this time!

Ready action to shoot the first zombie through the door.

2013-10-13, 09:36 AM
Zathras tenses as he watches the bloody remains inside the chamber. These surroundings made him recall experiences he'd rather forget. The red-skinned tiefling forces a sarcastic smile on his face, but his quips sound less enthusiastic than before.

"Can't say I'm impressed by the decorations. Not giving off a very inviting feeling, if I'm honest."

He takes up a defensive position and focuses his attention on the door to the west, preparing for the incoming danger.

Move action: Move to G43.
Standard action: Ready action to use Dissolving Spittle on the first enemy to appear.

2013-10-13, 09:39 AM
Tchinik nods at the Sister's orders, flourishing his sword as he prepares to meet what may come next.

Recovering manuevers.

2013-10-14, 05:01 AM
Thunk! Smash! Crunch! You all stand tensely with weapons readied as the moaning undead beat against the door. Crash! It flies open as another one of the horrors, its face and torso coated in drying blood, bursts through. In the shadows behind it are two more.

Mary-Iris' blade lashes out from behind the doorway, hacking into the creature but not quite bringing it down. Whoosh! A gout of flame pours forth unexpectedly from the big barbarian, licking at the advancing zombie and also catching the one behind it. Despite the flames they continue until splut! a magic missile from Amiyah explodes the head of the lead zombie and causes it to collapse in a heap.
I rolled for all of that separately. SPMI 6 damage, Connaught 3 damage but both saved for half :smallfrown:, Amiyah 5 damage.

From the darkness behind the zombies you hear a whispered utterance "Feed...Feed on them."

Connaught, Zathras only:
Standing in the darkness behind the zombies you see a skeletal figure in tattered robes and rusted chainmail, a golden medallion hanging from its neck.

Connaught only:
Knowledge to ID creature: [roll0]. The thing is a huecuva, an undead priest that has abandoned its vows. In death the maddened thing worships only evil. You know that it is virtually invulnerable to physical weapons that are not made of silver (ie it has DR15/silver), that its physical attacks carry disease, and that it retains the ability to cast divine spells.
Knowledge to ID garb: [roll1]. It wears the ruined garb and holy symbol of a priest of Mask, god of shadows, thievery and thieves. Rumours have been heard recently that the god Mask had been killed or subsumed by the goddess Shar (caverns, dungeons, the Underdark , dark, night, forgetfulness, loss, secrets).

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Zathras| [roll2]| Defensive Precognition
Amiyah| [roll3]| Mage Armour
Whispering thing| [roll5]| In darkness
Zombie 2| [roll7]|
Connaught |[roll8]|
Tchinik |[roll4]| Inspire Courage
Zombie 1| [roll6]|
SP Mary-Iris | [roll9]|


=> Zathras & Amiyah

2013-10-15, 10:14 PM
At this rate she's going to deplete her wand long before she can afford to buy a new one. Nothing else for it, though. Amiyah aims at the nearest still-moving zombie and lets loose with another magic missile.

Ping, ping, ping!

Damage: [roll0]

2013-10-16, 06:02 AM
Not finding a good line of fire without getting in the way of the group's frontline combatants, Zathras readies another dose of acid and waits for a more opportune moment.

Standard action: Ready action to use Dissolving Spittle at the first enemy to get within line of sight.
->Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
->Damage: [roll1] (acid)

I assume Zathras doesn't have a line of sight to any of the zombies from his current position. If he does use the previous rolls for an immediate attack instead.

2013-10-17, 05:19 AM
Amiyah zaps the lead zombie with her wand. The impact slows its advance momentarily, but it keeps coming. At least until a spray of acidic tar catches it full in the face and torso, reducing it to a smoking ruin on the floor.

Zathras has line of sight to all three enemies. They all have cover vs him (+4 AC), but with that roll it is still a hit.

From out of the shadows behind the zombie steps a skeletal figure in tattered robes and rusted chainmail, a golden medallion hanging from its neck. "Thrall of Tyr, you shall know suffering and death". It speaks a few words of magic and gestures toward Mary-Iris.

Not an action: 5ft step to H36
Standard Action: Cast spell. SPMI Will save [roll0] + 6 AP = 16 vs DC 14 Save :smallbiggrin: Effect: Frightened (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#frightened) Shaken (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#shaken) for 1 round.

Amiyah Spellcraft [roll1]
Tchinik Spellcraft [roll2]

Amiyah only:
The spell is Cause Fear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/causeFear.htm)

Tchinik only:
Tchinik Knowledge to ID creature: [roll3] The thing is a huecuva, an undead priest that has abandoned its vows. In death the maddened thing worships only evil. You know that it is virtually invulnerable to physical weapons that are not made of silver (ie it has DR15/silver), that its physical attacks carry disease, and that it retains the ability to cast divine spells.
Tchinik Knowledge to ID garb: [roll4]It wears the ruined garb and holy symbol of a priest of Mask, god of shadows, thievery and thieves. Rumours have been heard recently that the god Mask had been killed or subsumed by the goddess Shar (caverns, dungeons, the Underdark , dark, night, forgetfulness, loss, secrets).

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Zathras| 20| Defensive Precognition
Amiyah| 15| Mage Armour
Whispering thing| 13| In shadows (concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment))
=> Connaught |5|
Tchinik |3| Inspire Courage
Zombie 1| 2| In shadows (concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment))
SP Mary-Iris | 0|


=> Connaught & Tchinik

2013-10-17, 03:11 PM
Connaught grins as the zombie collapses in front of him. As he sees the strange creature he curses under his breath. "A dead priest. Ware of it - it is impervious to all but silver..."

Connaught reaches into his belt pouch retrieving a silver coin and flings it at the strange monster...

Draw silver penny
Throw silver penny [roll0] Damage 1+3 strength

2013-10-18, 08:23 AM
Tchinik moves out of view of the creature as he looks at the others.
He continues encouraging his team as he motions with his hands that they should either fall back or rush the huecuva.

2013-10-19, 04:04 AM
Connaught hurls the silver coin at the skeletal creature. It hisses in anger as the coin is deflected by its ancient chain armour. Tchinik rallies the rest of the party and the remaining zombie lurches forward to engage Mary-Iris.

Move action: 10ft move to H40

Initiative (Round 1):
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Zathras| 20| Defensive Precognition
Amiyah| 15| Mage Armour
Heucuva| 13| In shadows (concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment))
Connaught |5|
Tchinik |3| Inspire Courage
Zombie 1| 2|
=> SP Mary-Iris | 0|


=> SPMI to finish round 1, then Zathras & Amiyah

2013-10-19, 08:26 PM
The nun's face pales slightly as the Hecuva assaults her mind, fear and doubt threating to overwhelm her faith ... but only for a moment. A boiling wrath surges in her chest, her face reddens and her eyes flash with righteous fury. Adrenaline floods her body, her muscles bulge and an angry vein pops out on her forehead below her wimple.

She starts forward. Finding a shambling zombie in the doorway she lashes savagely with her sword and follows up by smashing her forehead into the zombie's decaying face.

I will not fear you fiend' she roars over the shoulder of the zombie to the undead priest behind, 'YOU WILL FEAR ME!'

Effects: Shaken
Move Action: None
Swift Action: Activate Strength Devotion
Standard Action: Attack Zombie with longsword [roll0], damage [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], damage [roll3]
Initiating: Stone Bones, DR 5/- for one round.
Natural Attack: Slam (Headbut), [roll4], damage [roll5], crit confirm [roll6], crit damage [roll7]
Free Action: Speak
Conditional Action: If SP M-I Slays the Zombie she will move to I38 and yell something defiant to the Hecuva.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones GE
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame WG

2013-10-19, 08:40 PM
Mary-Iris hacks at the approaching zombie from around the doorway. Undead flesh flies, but the thing somehow remains upright and continues it advance.
Not that it matters this time, since it missed, but that natural slam attack with the angry forehead is still a standard action to use. So at this level you can use it instead of your normal sword attack, but not in addition to your normal attack. Sorry 'bout that :smallfrown:. "A" for effort though.

=> Zathras & Amiyah

2013-10-19, 11:14 PM
Much as Amiyah would like to give the undead priest a faceful of magic missile, the zombie is blocking her line of sight. Hopefully it will go down fast so the group can concentrate on the greater foe. The wizard aims and looses another tiny missile, watching as it swerves around her teammates on its way to the zombie.

Magic missile again.


2013-10-22, 05:37 AM
Amiyah's missile slams into the zombie attacking Mary-Iris, injuring it but leaving it standing and still very much hostile.

From the shadows at the rear steps the robed and armoured skeleton, the huecuva. It advances forward, pushing past its minion in order to reach the melee. Heedless of her retaliatory blows it claws and grasps at Mary-Iris with its skeletal hands, trying to tear at her face. It is all she can do to fend off its attacks.
Move Action: Move from H36 to H41
(Attack of Opportunity SPMI vs huecuva - nil damage due to damage resistance :smalleek:)
Standard Action: Attack SPMI [roll0], damage [roll1] less Stone Bones DR 5/-
Special (if struck): SPMI Save vs huecuva blight disease. Fort save [roll2] vs DC 14

Initiative (Round 2):
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Amiyah| 15| Mage Armour
Heucuva| 13|
=> Zathras| 20| Defensive Precognition
Connaught |5|
Tchinik |3| Inspire Courage
Zombie 1| 2|
SP Mary-Iris | 0| Stone Bones


=> Zathras, Connaught & Tchinik

2013-10-22, 01:21 PM
Zathras grimaces on seeing the robed skeleton join the combat. He tries to land a spit of acidic tar on the newcomer, his task made more difficullt by the need to avoid his allies flailing limbs and bodies.

"I don't know what that thing is, but I say it would look a whole lot better with no face."

Move action: None.
Standard action: Dissolving Spittle at the heucuva.
-->Ranged touch attack: [roll0] (includes -4 for shooting into melee)
-->Damage: [roll1]

2013-10-22, 01:54 PM
Connaught steps back as the strange beast leaps into his face. Still clutching silver he reaches forward trying a crude punch into the thing's face!

Punch it with a silver penny!
[roll0] damage [roll1]
Its either an improvised weapon for a -4 or punching for lethal damage -4. Either way it ain't great!

2013-10-23, 08:46 AM
Tchinik moves to Connaught's flank as he continues to inspire his allies, where he launches into an assault against the heucuva, blade flashing in the dim light.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
5 foot step to G-42

Standard Action Action ~ Leading the Attack
attack against Heucuva in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

2nd attack against Heucuva in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll6] + [roll7]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - 0
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2013-10-24, 05:52 AM
Acidic tar jets from Zathras and coats the back of the huecuva as it attacks Mary-Iris. The substance hisses and smokes as it eats through ancient cloth, chain and bone. The creature emits an unnatural shriek at the unexpected damage. It turns its head briefly toward Zathras and fixes on the source of its pain, before refocusing its efforts on Mary-Iris.

Connaught tries to pound it with a handful of coins. He can't get a good strike in, hammering ineffectively against the things chain armour. The huecuva tries to bat him away but he easily blocks the backhand blow and stands his ground.
I'm going to call it as an unarmed strike, which provokes an AoO (sine Connaught has no special training in this). No real effect this round as you all miss each other:
Huecuva AoO: (1d20+1) [5] Miss

Tchinik also steps up and joins the melee. He slashes at the robed and armoured figure but even what he thought was a sure hit is deflected by a shimmering aura that diverts his blade harmlessly.
Amiyah Spellcraft [roll0]
Tchinik Spellcraft [roll1]

Tchinik only:
The spell effect is Shield of Faith (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shieldOfFaith.htm)

The remaining zombie lurches forward while Mary-Iris is distracted by the huecuva's attacks. It grabs hold of her and starts frenziedly biting at her, trying to eat her alive.
Standard action: Attempt grapple Mary-Iris
SPMI AoO:: (1d20+5) [13] Miss due to cover
Zombie Grab (melee touch): (1d20+1)[14] vs AC 13 Hit
Opposed grapple check: Zombie (1d20+4)[15] vs SPMI (1d20+4)[11] Hit
Bite damage: (1d6-2)[1] includes DR 5/-

"Out of my way, vile thing" yells the nun. She slams her head forward into the zombie as it gnaws at her shoulder.
Standard Action: Slam [roll2], damage [roll3]

Initiative (Round 3):
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
=> Zathras| 20| Defensive Precognition
Amiyah| 15| Mage Armour
Heucuva| 13|
Connaught |5|
Tchinik |3| Inspire Courage
Zombie 1| 2| Grappling
SP Mary-Iris | 0| Strength Devotion, Grappled


=> Zathras, Amiyah

2013-10-26, 06:32 AM
Realizing that trying to help the nun against the zombie would endanger her as much as the corpse, Zathras keeps focusing the huecuva and spits another burst of black acid at it.

I wonder if it is some kind of leader for these things? It seems different from the other corpses.

Move action: None.
Standard action: Dissolving Spittle at the heucuva.
-->Ranged touch attack: [roll0] (includes -4 for shooting into melee)
-->Damage: [roll1] (acid)

Edit: I'd consider using an action point here, but I don't think I'm close enough on the attack roll.

2013-10-27, 12:35 AM
The undead priest is probably a larger threat, but the zombie is actively trying to eat Mary-Iris' face, and both Tchinik and Connaught are concentrating on the priest. Amiyah takes a moment to mutter a Calish'ite curse at undead in general, then points her wand and fires at the zombie once more.

Damage: [roll0]

2013-10-27, 03:59 AM
With enemies all around it the undead priest still seems intent on the nun, focusing its efforts on the rival cleric. Its obsession proves its undoing. Connaught and Tchinik rain blows down upon it to little effect, but in a brief gap a wave of acidic tar strikes it. The things body is drenched and it screams silently as the thick stuff eats into it, ending its unlife. It falls to the ground, smoking. Even as the final zombie and the nun struggle a missile from Amiyah's wand slams into the living corpse and blasts it apart. You take a quick moment to catch your breath...

Looking into the room from which the recent assailants came, you see a large area extending into the darkness. Great wooden pillars rise up to support the ceiling, which sags dangerously in places and is thick with hanging strands of fungus. You can hear the sloshing of water coming from beyond your sight.

2013-10-30, 04:45 AM
Zathras relaxes as the living corpses fall, offhandedly spitting the remaining acid on his fangs into a corner of the room.

Looking over at the nun, who seemed none the worse for her close encounter with the zombie, he asks: "Everything still where it's supposed to be, Sister?"

Then he turns his attention toward the open room, taking a moment to listen for any more surprises.

"Sounds like running water to me. I don't know much about caves and related stuff, but that's usually a good sign, right? It might lead to the surface or something."

2013-10-30, 07:57 AM
Clearing the muck from his sword, he again goes and retrieves his spear.

"Depends" Tchinik says as he looks at Zathras. "What time is it and how far below sea level are we? Could mean the tide is coming in. We should be on the look out for any barrels or similar refuse, in case we need to try and float for the night." The grin on his face makes hard to tell if he is joking or being grim.

2013-10-30, 09:55 PM
Amiyah squints into the darkness, briefly wishing her light spell was stronger. "Zathras, do you see anything in there? You've probably got better eyes for the darkness than the rest of us."

Combat over, Khalil relaxes his death grip on Amiyah's shoulder (thank Mystra she thought to have those leather shoulderpads sewn into the shoulders of her robes, otherwise she would be bleeding from parrot claws about now) and pulls a lock of black hair out of her bun. "Khalil! Stop that!" The parrot just makes a sort of chuckling noise and proceeds to preen his human's hair.

2013-10-31, 01:40 AM
Connaught looks at the strange undead and places one of his silver coins in the unmoving mouth. Can't be to sure eh?. Switching back his trusty axe he motions where the undead came from. They all came from this direction, must be something of import that way?

Looking about with his darkvision he plunges down the corridor searching for anything that looks interesting.

2013-10-31, 04:07 AM
Connaught strides in ahead of the party, into the large shadowy room.

Several more doors line the walls. One to the west, and two to the north (both of which hang open on broken hinges). To the south, the ceiling of the room has collapsed, leaving this half of the room choked in debris. A rippling pool of water reaches halfway into the room from this stone and rubble. It seems a wooden pier once extended into this pool, but all the remains now are a few rotten pilings protruding from the water. A human male's body floats face down in the water.

There's a gold holy symbol of Mask hanging around the dead huecuva's neck if anyone is interested in lewt.


2013-10-31, 09:29 AM
Tchinik grits his teeth at Connaught rashness.
<I doubt he has been in an underground maze, filled with traps and what not. Well, neither have you, but you have heard tales of the sort.> he thinks to himself as he stealthily follows the huge brute, spear at the ready, nodding for the others to follow.

2013-10-31, 11:18 PM
Spotting a glint of gold in her arcane light, Amiyah stoops to remove the undead priest's necklace as she passes. Having been rich and then poor, she definitely appreciates the finer things in life more now than she did as Yasmeen. Unholy symbol of Mask... hmm, I suppose I'll see if we can get anything from the temple of Tyr for it. They always like to get evil loot so they can destroy it. She pockets the unholy symbol and follows Connaught, making sure he's between her and any zombies ahead.

2013-11-01, 04:45 PM
Connaught looks about not seeing anything moving. Not wanting to take chances with the body he scrabbles about before picking up a rock and hurling it at the body to see if it moves....

I'll throw rocks until I hit it

-Assuming the body doesn't move he moves forwards cautiously to investigate, axe and shield held ready.

2013-11-02, 05:02 AM
The party moves into the room and Connaught takes a few steps ahead to the waters edge. He picks up a few broken pieces of brick and lobs them one by one at the floating body. Splish. Plop. Eventually he lands a solid hit that rolls the body. It's not a zombie - if anything it looks like a typical dockworker, scoundrel or other hard-living local. A couple of nasty gashes and bite marks make it evident that he ran afoul of the undead that you have already encountered. A nice looking silver dagger is sheathed at his belt. Connaught reaches across to snag the body and bring it to shore.

While Connaught is investigating the body you all notice a muffled, rhythmic sloshing coming from behind the western door. This is not a new noise, rather one that you have only just noticed given a few moments in the room.

Suddenly the waters around Connaught erupt as a number of oversized crabs boil into action. With their brown-green shells they were camouflaged among the submerged rocks, but as they surge forward you see they are about two foot in diameter with equally long pincers. Alerted by the throwing of rocks, the monstrous crabs are able to act first.

Knowledge checks to identify:
Tchinik [roll0]
Tchinik only:
These are kelp crabs, a common creature around these parts. They are territorial and aggressive (surprise!). Generally they are only a danger to children, drunks and vagrants. They are easy to outrun, and most people would keep their distance. While they might give you & your companions a few nasty gashes you'd expect to overcome these quite easily.

hide/ spot checks, for posterity:

crab hide (1d20+8)[23]
crab hide (1d20+8)[19]
crab hide (1d20+8)[24]
crab hide (1d20+8)[25]
crab hide (1d20+8)[27]

connaught spot (1d20-1)[15]
spmi spot (1d20+2)[6]
zathras spot (1d20)[18]
tchinik spot (1d20-1)[9]
amiyah spot (1d20+2)[4]

Surprise Round:

Crab 1 Move to N37
Crab 2 Move to N36
Crab 3 Attack Connaught: Claw [roll1], Damage: [roll2] Crit! + [1] damage = 2 damage total
Crab 4 Move to M35
Crab 5 Move to L35

{table=head]Initiative Chart (Round 1)
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Crab 1 (N37)| [roll8]| In shadows (20% concealment)
=> SP Mary-Iris | [roll7]| Bless
Crab 3 (N35)| [roll10]| In shadows (20% concealment)
Crab 5 (L35)| [roll12]|
Crab 4 (M35)| [roll11]| In shadows (20% concealment)
Connaught |[roll6]|
Tchinik |[roll5]|
Amiyah| [roll4]| Mage Armour
Zathras| [roll3]| Defensive Precognition
Crab 2 (N36)| [roll9]| In shadows (20% concealment)


Crab 1 misses its Round 1 attacks vs Connaught


=> SP Mary-Iris

2013-11-03, 05:24 AM
Sister Penitent Mary-Iris steps forward and takes position next to Connaught, hacking at the closest crustacean that is clearly visible. Her blade strikes many furrows in the crabs shell, but cannot penetrate to cause real damage.

Move Action: Move 15 ft to L36 (via K37) and draw longsword
Standard Action: Attack crab L35 with longsword [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
[roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
1. Crusader's Strike WG
2. Stone Bones W
3. Charging Minotaur WG
4. Leading the Attack WG
5. Douse the Flame W

Snick snick. The aggressive crabs try to make a meal out of Connaught and Mary-Iris. With so many attacks, some of their pincers slip under the warriors shields and grasp at their legs, drawing blood.

Crab 3 (N35)
Full Round Action: Attack Connaught with claws [roll5] Miss, [roll6] Hit, damage [roll7], [roll8]

Crab 4 (M35)
Full Round Action: Attack Mary-Iris with claws [roll9] Miss, [roll10] Miss, damage [roll11], [roll12]

Crab 5 (L35)
Full Round Action: Attack Mary-Iris with claws [roll13] Miss, [roll14] Hit, damage [roll15], [roll16]

{table=head]Initiative Chart (Round 1)
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Crab 1 (N37)|19 | In shadows (20% concealment)
SP Mary-Iris | 19| Bless
Crab 3 (N35)| 17| In shadows (20% concealment)
Crab 5 (L35)| 17|
Crab 4 (M35)| 16| In shadows (20% concealment)
=> Connaught |13|
Tchinik |12|
Amiyah| 11| Mage Armour
Zathras|7| Defensive Precognition
Crab 2 (N36)|1| In shadows (20% concealment)



=> Connaught, Tchinik, Amiyah, Zathras
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2013-11-03, 01:50 PM
Crossbow bolts should be enough for giant crabs; no need to waste the remaining charges in her wand. Amiyah sticks the wand back in her belt and swings her crossbow into position, thumbing the safety off with a soft click.

The crossbow is already loaded, just in case it matters between this turn and the next.

2013-11-03, 03:17 PM
Connaught steps back, blood seeping from the twinned wounds around his knee where crab claws have nibbled at him combined with the wounds earlier from the zombie leaving him weak and wobbly...

Down to 5/14! HP

Slashing at one of them he steps back afterwards a curse on his lips as blood pools in his boots..

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-11-04, 07:56 PM
The nun swings her shield in wide arcs, swatting away as many of the nipping pincers as she can with obvious distain.

'This foe is unworthy of our blood Father,' the Sister says while slashing about with her sword. She holds her sword high for a moment, a look of deep serenity on her face, then brings it down on the nearest crab.

A soft glow surrounds the nun and Connaught as her weapon strikes home, as the glow fades the worst of the bleeding has abated by the favour of Father Tyr.

Posting out of order for round 2 apols

No Action (Conditional): 5 ft step to M36 to cover Conaught's retreat if he falls back
Move Action: None
Standard Action: Attack Crab with longsword [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3]
Initiating: Crusader's Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/crusaders-strike--3598/), heal Connaught for 1d6+1 HP on hit, roll in OOC

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Round 2 [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], Round 3 [roll7]
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame WG3

2013-11-05, 07:23 AM
Tchinik rushes forward, spear up, as Connaught as attacked by the crabs.
"Move to the side, man, or these little buggers are going to tear you appart!" he yells at the huge man.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
Move to L-37

Standard Action Action ~ Steel Wind (two attacks)
1st attack against crab at N-37 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

2nd attack against K35 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll6] + [roll7]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - 0

2013-11-07, 06:13 AM
Splack! The bleeding barbarian brings his axe down on the shell of one of the giant crabs. It cracks and splits, its legs arms and pincers all jerking spasmodically as it dies.

Tchinik advances and lunges forward skewering another crab and ending it. He shakes it free from his spear and lunges again, missing.
The first one had 20% concealment due to shadowy illumination, but you hit it. The second one had +4 AC due to cover (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#cover) from SPMI, but you missed it anyway.

Amiyah gets her crossbow out while Zathras spits acidic tar at one of the crustaceans, eating through its shell. It collapses, lifeless.
Standard action: Dissolving Spittle at N36
->Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
->Damage: [roll]2d6+1[/roll (acid) Edit 9 damage

Crunch! Mary-Iris takes out another one as it tries to slash and grab at her. The sole remaining crab tries to catch and sever her leg.

Crab 4 (M35)
Full Round Action: Attack Mary-Iris with claws [roll5] Miss, [roll6] Hit, damage [roll7], damage [roll8]

Crab 2 (N36)
Full Round Action: Attack Connaught with claws [roll1], [roll2] , damage [roll3], damage [roll4] Zathras got this one.

{table=head]Initiative Chart (Round 2)
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
SP Mary-Iris | 19| Bless
Crab 4 (M35)| 16| In shadows (20% concealment)
=> Connaught |13|
Tchinik |12| Inspire Courage
Amiyah| 11| Mage Armour
Zathras|7| Defensive Precognition


to follow

=> Connaught, Tchinik, Amiyah, Zathras, Mary-Iris
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2013-11-07, 03:36 PM
Connaught howls with laughter, "Dinner all round eh!" and he leaps forward swinging the axe at the last crab...

Attack [roll0] (remembered the inspire courage)
Damage [roll1]
- I've got darkvision so shouldn't have the concealment issue?

2013-11-07, 06:19 PM
Zathras studies the disfigured remains of the acid-dissolved crab for a moment. "I'd skip that one in your dinner plans. Probably bad for the digestion."

After the last crab dies, he looks at the others, mostly the barbarian and the nun, who received the brunt of the crustacean fury.

"Everyone alright? First zombies, now angry crabs. Wonder what's coming up next."

I don't expect the lonely crab to make it through the whole round for Zathras' attack, but in case everybody gets a sudden case of terrible dice, here's some rolls anyway.

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2013-11-08, 08:20 AM
Tchinik lashes out at the crab with spear as soon as an opening appears between his allies. "And I forgot to bring butter or sauce to go with this."

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
Move to L-37

Standard Action Action ~ Sapphire Nightmare Blade (touch attack)
Attack against crab in Punishing Stance
Miss chance 20% (21+ hits)


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll3] + [roll4]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - 0
Inspire Courage = +1 morale to hit and melee damage rolls

2013-11-09, 12:33 AM
Amiyah isn't an expert with the crossbow, but she likes to think that she's competent enough. She braces the weapon against her shoulder, lines up her shot... and fires.

Shooting into melee, what fun. :P

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-11-09, 09:38 PM
The sister scowls at the remaining crab as the blows of her allies bounce of its shell.

'Take heart friends,'she yells, 'this pest will not stand before us.'

She spins her sword and strikes at the remaining crab, trying to lay it open to her allies attacks if not kill it outright.

Move Action: None
Standard Action: Attack crab with Longsword [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3]
Miss Chance for Concealment: [roll4], >20 hits.
Initiating: Leading the Attack (http://therafim.wikidot.com/white-raven), on hit allies again +4 moral bonus to hit target for one round.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
For Round 4: Charging Minotaur as it is the only one left
1. Crusader's Strike GE
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur WG4
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame WG

2013-11-10, 04:13 AM
Blows rain down and missiles fly. Somehow none manage to pierce the crab's armoured shell. The mindless sea creature continues to attack Mary-Iris.

Crab 4 (M35)
Full Round Action: Attack Mary-Iris with claws [roll0] Miss, [roll1] Miss, damage [roll2], damage [roll3]

{table=head]Initiative Chart (Round 3)
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
SP Mary-Iris | 19| Bless
Crab 4 (M35)| 16| In shadows (20% concealment)
=> Connaught |13|
Tchinik |12| Inspire Courage
Amiyah| 11| Mage Armour
Zathras|7| Defensive Precognition



=> Connaught, Tchinik, Amiyah, Zathras, Mary-Iris
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2013-11-10, 05:30 PM
Gritting in frustration, Tchinik he yells to himself "Come on! We defeated that undead and we are being stymied by this crab!

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 14; Current ~ 14

Free ~
Yell out

Standard Action Action
Attack against crab in Punishing Stance
Miss chance 20% (21+ hits)


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll3] + [roll4]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - 0
Inspire Courage = +1 morale to hit and melee damage rolls

2013-11-10, 06:23 PM
"Yes, well, the crab has built-in armor." Amiyah pulls another bolt from her quiver as she speaks, loading it into her crossbow with practiced ease. Perhaps she could go around to the other side of the pool, the better to find the creature's vitals. It would take time, but if that shot just now didn't penetrate, Amiyah doubts that another straight shot is going to do the trick.

Mind made up, the wizard starts making her way toward the other side of the room.

Reload crossbow and move to J33. If a 16 didn't hit, I think Amiyah is going to need a flanking bonus against this sucker.

2013-11-11, 06:00 AM
The nun spins her sword again, waiting patiently for the crab to expose a weakness. Timing her strike she thrusts forward with her sword at the narrow gap where the stalked eyes and clacking mandibles emerge from beneath the shell.

Move Action: None
Standard Action: Attack crab with Longsword [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3]
Miss Chance for Concealment: [roll4], >20 hits.
Initiating: Leading the Attack, on hit allies again +4 moral bonus to hit target for one round.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
For Round 5: [roll5], [roll6], [roll7]
1. Crusader's Strike GE
2. Stone Bones G,G5
3. Charging Minotaur WG
4. Leading the Attack G, G5
5. Douse the Flame WG, G5

2013-11-11, 04:02 PM
Connaght steps back a sneer on his face as the beast seems not to be able to die. "It may need silver of magic like that undead monster!"

He punctuates the remark by releasing a great gout of flame from his mouth, the flames baking the crab within its shell...

5ft step back and breathe fire
[roll0] damage Ref DC 14 for half

2013-11-11, 04:46 PM
The ram-headed Connaught breathes a great gout of flame over the crab. Steam hisses and you see that, while scorched, the surrounding moisture has somewhat insulated it. Tchinik stabs at the crab again, but finds it hard to get a clean hit past his allies.

Amiyah moves around the room, clearly illuminating the crab. Zathras spits acid again but also can't get a clear shot into the melee.

Crab saved vs the fire for half (3) damage.
Tchinik would have hit with a 17, but the cursed crab has cover from SPMI & Connaught giving it +4 AC. I presume you meant to attack with longspear rather than longsword (as rolled)? Normally I'd clarify things, but SPMI has this sewn up anyway, per below.
I rolled for Zathras to get this combat over with. I rolled a 2. Sorry :smallfrown:.

Mary-Iris patiently waits for an opportunity as the crab clicks and clatters against her armour. She sees the opening and slides her sword in, skewering it and finally ending it. Combat is over...

Gathering your breath you look around once more. Crab bodies lie around you. The human body has washed up at your feet. It looks like this area used to be a hidden underground pier, but the ceiling collapse has destroyed the exit and the pier. You can still hear the steady rhythmic sloshing coming from behind the western door.
Masterwork silver dagger on the corpse.

2013-11-12, 12:19 AM
"Well struck, Sister." Amiyah thumbs the safety onto her crossbow with a muted click, walking over to her teammates. After all, she's the one with the light. "Where shall we go next? I am curious about the western door; perhaps the sound of water indicates a place where we can swim out."

Oh. Wait. Connaught, Mary-Iris, and Tchinik are wearing armor, and swimming is such a very bad idea when you're wearing twenty pounds of metal. "Ah... on second thought, I'm sure we can find a way to get out on dry land if we keep looking!"

2013-11-12, 01:01 AM
Connaught reaches down and picks up the silver dagger, a wry Ho, the gods mock us. We could have used this a while ago".

Looking at the western four he glances at the wizard,if water comes in this way then we can get out this way.

2013-11-12, 08:49 AM
"I have the bad feeling that the slimy weasel wouldn't have tricked us into this place if there was an easy way out. But it's probably our best chance anyway. Doesn't hurt to check it out in any case."

Zathras feels uncomfortable with the thought of possibly having to swim or even dive to leave this place. He was not good swimmer, especially with all that armor, and his powers were currently shaped for fighting prowess over mobility. There was no point in voicing his concerns before the situation actually came up, though.

2013-11-12, 09:03 AM
Nodding, Tchinik interjects with"Aye, a weasel indeed. At worst, we may be able to construct a some kind of raft to make our way back to the mainland. Or, a smokey fire to catch the attention of a passing ship. Of course, I still have other matters to attend to on this island..."
As he begins to dig around, he pauses.
"We also need to consider what happens when the hide tide comes in and what it does to these underground passages. I'm thinking we need to move sooner than later to get out of here. Or, at least, to find and exit so when we need it."

2013-11-13, 07:33 AM
The nun bows her head and reflects silently for a moment. The chatter fades into the background as she reaches for the wisdom of her forefathers. The first lines of the Edda of Gunner spring to her mind

Courage is mastery, not absence of Fear.
Glory choses Courage when Cowardice beckons.
The path to His sight is Glory,
the path to His table Courage.

'Agreed,' she says 'we will identify and secure our fall back route first.'

'I, however, will not leave this dungeon until I am satisfied no undead abominations remain. You may each make your own choice as your conscience and courage dictate. I will continue alone if required.'

The nun nods curtly to her companions and strides purposefully over to the western door. Taking a firm grip on her sword she throws open the door.

2013-11-13, 05:34 PM
Zathras exhales in an exaggerated fashion. After a second of futilely turning his eyes to the ceiling, he follows the nun, murmuring under his breath.

"Such fervor. Fun, fun. Maybe, after zombies and crabs, we'll find some zombie crabs next, just for some diversity. Or maybe crab zombies. Is there even a difference between the two...?"

2013-11-16, 04:58 AM
Mary-Iris forces the western door open.

The sloshing sound comes from the churning waters of a sea cave. Fueled by what must be powerful submerged currents, the water laps and splashes at the walls of the twisting natural cavern that leads to the west. A sandy slope descends from the door down to the edge of the subterranean tide. Dozens of red and purple sea urchins glisten in shallow divots along the ground and lower walls here, their spines glittering with water. The water looks to be about a foot deep.


2013-11-16, 11:10 PM
The nun steps through the door and proceeds down the sandy bank to the waterline. She squints into the cavern ahead and sniffs the air trying to confirm the cave leads to an accessible exit.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

Conditional Actions:
If SP M-I is satisfied the group can get out via the cavern she will return back up the bank and offer her companions the options to leave if they wish. She will then proceed to check the doors to the north of the main chamber (G32 and G36) for more undead.

2013-11-17, 04:01 AM
When in doubt, follow the healer. Amiyah stays behind Mary-Iris, close enough to keep the cleric in the light of her spell. "Khalil, fly ahead and see what's there." She impresses the words with a strong sense of curiosity about what's ahead. The parrot probably won't venture too far out of the light- parrots don't see well in the dark- but there's a chance he'll catch something that the rest of the group misses.

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

Spot - [roll2]
Listen - [roll3]

2013-11-17, 04:42 AM
Mary Iris trudges down to the water and peers intently into the darkness. Amiyah follows, illuminating a portion of the natural caves ahead. The tunnel twists and turns ahead, but it's impossible to see how far it goes. They can hear the tidal surge sloshing around hinting at a reasonable extent of tunnels to the west. Standing this close to the water you can see footing would be quite treacherous in these tunnels due to the surging foot-deep water.
Movement is halved and you'll need a DC 16 Strength or Balance check to keep your feet in the surging shallow water.
Khalil takes wing and flaps into the cave. Within a few seconds he reappears and alights on Amiyah's shoulder. "Dark. Water. Tunnel" croaks the parrot indicating it has only seen more of the same.

Mary-Iris steps back and as the party confers she checks the two doorways to the north. Both of these open to small rooms that are empty save from the occasional broken detritus and the usual splashes of dried blood. There is no exit this way.

2013-11-17, 03:25 PM
Connaught stares at the surging water and shrugs. "Waves must be a way out eh?" Staring into the darkness he uses the blessings of Amon to gaze into the darkness and begins to wade forward holding onto the walls.

Strength [roll0]
-- Does "counting" as large give me a bonus like with strong wind?

2013-11-17, 06:51 PM
Following the others, he moves ahead and says to the sister "Lady, hold back and let me and northman lead for now."
Nodding to Connaught, he levels his spear as he advances forward.

2013-11-18, 04:26 AM
Muttering a quick prayer to Tymora for luck (the ocean isn't Mystra's domain, getting Umberlee's attention is never a good idea, but Lady Luck is everywhere), the slender Calish'ite gingerly makes her way after Connaught and Tchinik. Connaught seems to be having no problems with the darkness- one of these days Amiyah really must sit him down and talk about his magic- but Tchinik can probably use some light.

"Fly, Khalil. Walking is hard for me right now." She accompanies the words with a sense of mommy needs you off her shoulder. Obediently, the parrot takes off again, circling the group as best he can in the narrow passage.

Turns out that having her familiar fly on his own was a very good idea. A surging wave takes Amiyah by surprise, knocking her off her feet and into the water! She sputters curses in her native tongue as she gets back up again, robes soaked clean through.

Balance check: [roll0]

2013-11-18, 05:23 AM
The party makes its way through the sea caves. Surging water crashes around your knees and makes progress difficult. Amiyah holds her light high, but the winding passage and echoing noise makes it difficult to tell just what awaits you around each corner. From time-to-time the currents knock you down or a slippery rock causes you to lose your footing. The prolific sea urchins prove to be the real hazard, and both Tchinik and Zathras are injured by urchin spines as they stumble though the tunnels. Tchinik is more severely impacted by some sort of reaction to the sea urchins poison, and is soon reliant on the other party members to assist him to stagger onward as he reels from the effects.
{table=head]Character | Balance/ Str check | Result | Ref save| Result

Result: Tchinik & Zathras take 2 damage each from sea urchin spines. Tchinik is nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm) for 1 minute from urchin poison.

After a hundred feet or so of tense struggling the passageway opens into a larger chamber. Filled with seawater there is a lip that enables you to edge around to the far side with little difficulty. This chamber looks to be the source of the surging tidal waters. There must be an underwater exit somewhere in the deeper water that enables the harbour tides to wash into these caves.

To the west a sandy rise leads to a single door, looking old but sturdy in the shadows.


2013-11-18, 09:25 AM
Struggling after slipping on the wet rocks and pummeling water, Tchinik stands, only to realize that his hand his bleeding slightly. Feeling woozy, he looks at the others and sees that some of the others are struggling.
Spitting out a bit of seawater, his voice raspy, he says "Come on, let us make it to that landing." Slowly and gingerly he keeps moving forward with the others.

2013-11-18, 12:57 PM
While Zathras is in shape, his body is of a lean muscularity shaped for endurance. Weighed down by his heavy breastplate of black metal, the tiefling does not have the raw strength to easily force his way through this difficult terrain.

He stumbles a few times, and only the magic that extends from his spectral vambraces, covering his skin like an invisible second set of armor, keep the spiky sea urchins from cutting up his limbs. Each time he falls, he pulls himself up silently and stubbornly keeps on trudging forward, his tail lashing at the surface of the water in frustation.

His expression brightens at the sight of the door and the hope of drier ground it promises.

2013-11-18, 03:33 PM
Connaught looks about at his comrades as they wobble too and fro in the surf. Striding forward he wades through the surf to the other door. "Wonder what's in here eh?"

Reaching the door he kicks it hard to try and force it open...

Strength [roll0] + size (4) if applicable

2013-11-19, 02:27 AM
While Amiyah gets knocked down several times and soaked through, reflexes and luck keep her from getting stuck with sea urchin spines. She inspects her crossbow once they're out of the water; it got splashed a time or two, but the string and mechanism appear intact. Khalil lands on her shoulder again after the wizard splashes out of the water, feathers puffed up slightly. Parrots do not do well in this environment.

She follows Connaught and the others to the door, hoping against hope that there's a way out that does not involve swimming underwater. How in the Nine Hells am I supposed to get my familiar out if we have to swim?

2013-11-20, 05:35 AM
Connaught's booted foot crashes against the door. After a few strong kicks the sodden door splinters and breaks apart, the bar that was holding it shut securing it momentarily.

As the door splinters a horrific stench wafts out of the room ahead. The cloying stink of rotten meat rises from the bloated, seeping body slumped in the middle of the room. The corpse's dark, almost black, flesh bulges against its armour, ready to burst at the slightest touch. An intricate tattoo of a dragon clutching a flower is barely visible on his shoulder against the diseased flesh. Clutched in one hand is a crumpled scroll.


2013-11-20, 03:00 PM
Connaught throws a chunk of door at the body waiting to see if it moves or not. If it doesn't move he'll step forward and grab the scroll handing across it Amiyah to read...

2013-11-21, 04:48 AM
The light blow from the fragment of timber causes the skin to split and ghastly fluids start to seep out. The body sags slightly as the liquefied insides leak onto the floor in puddle. The smell is quite horrific, but at least the corpse does seem to truly be dead. It's clothing looks high quality and its studded leather armour also looks to be well crafted, although both are extensively soiled.

Connaught reaches across, pulls the scroll free and hands it to Amiyah.
The following message is scrawled on the parchment in Common:

"These bones were once Betyib Ton Arsi. If you read this, I am dead, laid low by the sick put on me by that foul undead thing. Yet even as my flesh wracks, know it was not the dead that brought my doom, but one I until recently called friend.

Vanthus Vanderboren! Your name fills me with bile! Treacherous dog! You left us here to die. You left ME here to die, after all I had done to get you in to the Lotus Dragons! Your designs on the Lady of the Lotus are clear to me now. Doubtless even now you are moving into power, slithering in my vacancy like a hermit crab in a shell, or like a cadaver worm into still warm flesh. CURSE YOU!

If any of the Lotus should find this, know that Vanthus must die. Sure as can be he's working his schemes right under your noses, seeking the Lady's favour beneath Taxidermist's Hall. He must be rooted out and vengeance taken upon him. I know I'm no saint. I've done bad things in my time, very bad things. But Vanthus is pure evil. He will be the end of us, and all who cross his path.

And if, by some cruel spite of Beshaba, it is you that reads this Vanthus, know with certainty that I await you in the Nine Hells, where I will rival the pit itself in your torment".
Beshaba is goddess of misfortune & bad luck.

2013-11-21, 07:01 AM
'Here lies a lesson. All men die. This one died a coward, his soul is forfeit.'

The nun shakes her head causing water drip from her sodden wimple. She moves forward into the room, casting a careful eye over floor, ceiling and walls. Her inspection complete she moves quickly around the room, testing at seams and cracks that have caught her attention.

'Cowards often die on the way out the door,' she says by way of explanation.

Search: [roll0]

2013-11-21, 08:40 AM
Tchinik takes the scroll from Amiyah and, as he begins to read it, his hand begins to visibly tremble, his jaw line can be seen taunt underneath his beard.
Shoving the scroll roughly back in Amiyah's hands, he spits on the corpse as he stalks out of the room and onto the landing, head down and shoulder visibly sagging has he slams the butt of his spear against the floor.

2013-11-22, 02:46 AM
Amiyah's dark eyes widen as she stares at the bloated corpse, reflexively taking the offered scroll. The stench. The blackened, puffy flesh, seeping all over... "Oh my gods." She turns and vomits into the nearby water, losing every bit of the sumptuous breakfast Miss Vanderboren had provided that morning. Only when she's done does she realize that they're probably going to have to swim through that. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it..." Great. I just reinforced every stereotype ever of the weak wizard and the weak woman.

2013-11-22, 05:13 AM
Zathras and Connaught stand alert over the body, mindful of the ichor spread across the floor. They notice a gold ring on the ruins of one finger, and a masterwork dagger is tucked into a boot (both covered in goo of course).

Outside the room, Amiyah is busy regaining her composure. Tchinik also stands to one side near the surge pool, hands clutched to his head and a dark look on his face. Muttered oaths to Hoar sound under his breath.
Hoar is the god of revenge, retribution and poetic justice. His worship is particularly strong in Chessenta.
Mary-Iris stalks the room, seeking a hidden exit. She feels her way around the walls in the shadows, the only light now outside with Amiyah. Almost by surprise she discovers a thin line in the masonry marking a hidden door. A sharp push swivels a section of the wall and a blast of stale air fills the room (a somewhat welcome short relief from the stench). Beyond the doorway is a slightly larger room, not illuminated. Cobwebs hang in thick sheets from the ceiling, and against the north wall rest three old, large sea chests. Strong locks appear to seal each.


2013-11-22, 01:43 PM
As Connaught loots the body, washing off Goo in the sea he smiles at the sea chests. Ho, pirates indeed. May Tymora kiss my buttocks with this fortune.

Dragging the chests out into the room he eyes them up looking to see how strong the locks look or the hinges on the back.

2013-11-22, 04:20 PM
Zathras crimson eyes shine brightly at the sight of the chests. He leaves the heavy lifting to Connaught, content to keep an eye on their surroundings to avoid being surprised by more strange creatures.

"Good work, Sister. Maybe there'll be something good about this involuntary subterranean excursion after all. Hopefully they aren't empty."

2013-11-22, 05:08 PM
"Good work, Sister. Maybe there'll be something good about this unvoluntary subterranean excursion after all. Hopefully they aren't empty."

Connaught grunts in annoyance, sweat streaming off his body as he hefts the chests, each weighing as much as the young wizard out of the hidden chamber. "If you think they are empty friend then you try and carry these!"

I feel that Connaught is the donkey of the group :smallsmile:

2013-11-22, 07:21 PM
Once the chests are out of the Chamber of Horrible Rotting Death, Amiyah pulls her trusty lockpicking kit out of her pack. "Let me take a look, Connaught. This won't be the first time I have opened locks without benefit of keys." The stench is still palpable right outside the door, but there isn't much space between the Chamber and the water. She experimentally jiggles the catch of each one (sometimes people forget to actually lock their locks, you never know), then sets to work with her picks.

Can I take 20 on these?

2013-11-24, 05:19 AM
The chest's are as heavy as they look. In fact one is really heavy, it must weigh almost two hundred pounds! Still Connaught manages to heft them one by one out of the hidden room and onto the sandy shore of the surge chamber. Amiyah crouches down and sets to work on the heavy locks. After several minutes....click, click, click. They each fall open revealing...an ancient stash of smugglers loot!

The first, heaviest, chest is filled to the brim with old coins. Copper and silver, sure, but a lot of copper and silver.

7,500 cp
1,500 sp
That's a lot of coins - 180 lbs of weight

The second chest contains a dozen large bags filled with gold coins and gems.

1,000 gp
A dozen assorted gems

The third chest has carefully been packed with several vials or potions, a slender wand with arcane markings, and a small intricately carved jade coffer. Inside the jade coffer is a light brown gemstone on a velvet cushion. A small note tucked under the cushion identifies this gemstone as an earth elemental gem.

8 vials/ potions
A slender wand with markings identifying it as a wand of slide with 11 charges remaining (Slide is detailed in the Spell Compendium, let me know if you need details)
A jade coffer (clearly valuable in its own right)
An earth elemental gem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#elementalGem)

2013-11-24, 09:54 AM
Tchink stands away from the others as they go through the chests.
<Is Vanthus the one to feel my wrath for robbing me of my revenge? I have spent years to have failed at the very cusp at seeking revenge for you, mother. While Ton Arsi has escaped my wrath, Vanthus will feel the blade for this.> he thinks to himself, his normally open features dark as he returns to the others.

Bardic Knowledge on Lotus Dragons

2013-11-26, 02:36 PM
"Oh, my," Amiyah breathes. So much gold! And gems, and magical items, and ridiculous amounts of silver and copper! "Look at this, everyone! If we can carry even a fraction of this out, we will have such fun in the markets!" She picks up the gem from the magical item chest, examining the note beneath it. "An earth elemental gem. If one breaks it, it will summon an earth elemental. A controlled one, as if one had cast the spell to summon it." Amiyah sets it down and moves on to the wand. "Oh good, the maker labeled this one. A wand of slide, interesting spell." Tucking the wand into her pack- it's not as if anyone else will be able to use it- she moves on to the potions, carefully checking for labels.

2013-11-26, 04:13 PM
Connaught grins, picking up a handful of coins and smiling as they pour through his hands like a silver and copper rain. "A good days work eh?" Looking around he walks back out to the water and looks at the splashing waves in the tunnel. "Hmm, who's going to heading down into the water for a swim eh?" Looking about he shouts back to Amiyah, "Where did them swimming elixirs go Mistress Wizard, the ones that we got off the Nixie?"

2013-11-26, 04:42 PM
The tiefling smiles broadly as the chests reveal their valuable contents. "That certainly makes this whole affair worth it, in my book."

Turning to Connaught, he pads one of his his belt pouches. "I got one of the potions in here. Seems they will make themselves useful sooner than expected."

2013-11-28, 07:35 AM
The nun barely glances at the treasure.

'Swimming underwater weighted with a pack full of coin towards an assumed egress at an unknown distance against a current that takes your feet from under you while wading and surrounded by venomous urchin seems ... unwise' she says.

The nun begins to make her way back the way they came towards the first hall.

'There are unexplored passages to the east near the entrance, let us investigate there before committing to such an uncertain course of action here'

2013-11-28, 01:36 PM
Trying to shake himself out of his funk, Tchinik looks at the others.
"Either way, we need to get moving." he says a bit gruffly. "I, too, do not wish to be poked by those urchin again. Drier is better."

2013-11-29, 07:44 PM
The party makes its way back through the treacherous tidal caves to the brick rooms of the dungeon. It is just as slippery as before, and you have trouble keeping your feet...

{table=head]Character | Balance/ Str check | Result | Ref save| Result| Damage| Fort save #1| Fort save #2

Results: Mary-Iris and Connaught take minor damage from the urchins, but shrug off the effect of the urchin poison.

Soaked and cold, you all spend a frustrating hour or more exploring the rest of the subterranean areas. You find no more hostiles, and no further exits. There are a few torches and some old rope lying around but nothing of real use or value.

The only exits appear to be out through the submerged sea tunnel or up through the trapdoor that Vanthus has blocked.


2013-12-02, 05:39 AM
The nun casts a baleful glance upward, 'You test me Father, give me patience.'

'We swim. I will go. I will require a volunteer to accompany me. We will clear the trap door and drop a rope for the others to climb out. A light that will work underwater would be helpful if anyone can supply one'

The nun begins taking off her armour and piles it next to the entrance, along with her additional weapons and back pack.

'If we have not opened the door in 60 minutes assume we are dead and send a second group.'

She secures her shield to her back with some old rope, her longsword her only weapon.

Assuming the rest of the group go for the plan and someone agrees to go with her SP MI makes her way back to the underwater passage, gulps down the elixir of swimming and dives into the water to swim for an exit.

Assuming I need some swim checks

2013-12-02, 04:26 PM
Preparing to leave the others Connaught glances around at the others before joining the nun in stripping down to a loingcloth and his bone dagger. "We shall swim together eh? Can you follow me Sister, I have the blessings of the Void so can see in the darkness."

Wading into the water he splashes towards the far wall feeling for a hole before dropping under the water and starting to swim dragging himself along the walls.

Swim checks [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]

2013-12-02, 09:16 PM
After retrieving the swimming potion from his bag and handing it over to the nun and the barbarian, Zathras watches the muscular forms of his companions vanish into the black water. He tries to quell the uneasy feeling that is spreading through him, like a drip of cold water down his spine.

Turning to the remaining members of the group, he throws a gesture at the assembled riches on the floor.

"Let's hope they get out without problems. In the meantime, anyone got ideas about how we get all this stuff up through the trapdoor?"

2013-12-03, 03:05 AM
Amiyah nods to Mary-Iris, taking a copper coin out of the first chest and uttering a few mystic words. The coin begins to glow with the same white light as the glass 'jewel' on the front of her headband. "Here you are." She hands it over with a slight smile to hide her nerves. Underwater caves are nothing to mess around with.

She looks down at the shining chests of loot, frowning as she ponders Zathras' question. "If we had some parts from a shipwreck, there might be a way to rig a pulley. Otherwise? A rope and Connaught's mighty thews." The wizard looks over at the shallow, surging water filling the passage and grimaces. "Getting these from here to the trapdoor room is not going to be fun. Perhaps we should split the magic potions and items between us and leave that chest behind, and take the gold by bags rather than trying to take the whole chest at once." The silver and copper may be more of a burden than is feasible to haul out, but... well, since leaving home, Amiyah has had to sleep under the stars and go to bed hungry more than once. Leaving that much coin behind doesn't sit well with her.

2/3 cantrips used for the day.

2013-12-04, 08:25 AM
"Passing them up bit by bit seems to be the smart way to go about it. Shifting things around in our packs may work, too, along with using any blankets or bedrolls to make a sack out out of to carry our equipment."

Looking at Northman and the sister, he says "We will see you shortly." with confidence as helps to gather their gear. Looking back at the others he says "Ready to go meet them at the bottom of that infernal trapdoor?"

2013-12-06, 05:48 AM
Amiyah, Tchinik and Zathras prepare themselves for a swift ascent when their companions return. Meanwhile Connaught and Mary-Iris steel themselves for another trek through the tidal tunnels. With a nod, they set off.
{table=head]Character | Balance/ Str check | Result | Ref save| Result| Damage| Fort save #1| Fort save #2

Results: No injuries

The two reach the surge pool with seawater crashing about them. With a grim glance to each other they drink the potions and waste no time diving into the depths of the dark pool. The magical light illuminates a submerged tunnel through which the tides are surging. Sand, bubbles and debris roil about with the tidal flows. The ram-headed northman kicks forward and swims into the darkness, followed close behind by the battle-scarred sister. Even with the light it is difficult to see far. Seaweed clings to the sides and further impedes their progress.

After what seems forever a soft blue glow becomes visible ahead, and the two are promptly ejected into the sea. With lungs bursting they kick toward the flickering light and burst to the surface. They are not far from the island, maybe twenty feet or so. Mindful of potential enemies, Connaught & Mary-Iris swim to the shore and cautiously make their way past the rocky cliffs to the beach where they first arrived. The party's boat is there, submerged but apparently still serviceable. Someone's done a poor job of scuttling it.

Ignoring the boat for now they carefully ascend the path into the dense foliage atop the island. In the center of the clearing a pile of heavy rocks has been placed atop the trapdoor. It is a simple task to roll them aside and drag the trapdoor open. Light spills down to their companions faces below. Blinking, Amiyah, Tchinik and Zathras climb the offered rope and emerge into the welcome sunlight.
Amiyah climbs the rope and emerges into a cloud of butterflies and sunlight. Noisy parrots squawk in the trees, and beautiful bright colours are everywhere. Everything seems somewhat clearer, as if an oppressive burden has been lifted.
Down in the catacombs, the tides have shifted and the surging water has somewhat subsided. The party is able to drag the treasure back to the base of the trapdoor without incident, and lift it to the surface. A search of the small island reveals nothing further of interest.

You manage to retrieve the boat from the shallows and load it with your equipment and treasure. With that, the party departs the island and begins to row back across the harbour to the docks. After the short trip you arrive back in the bustling port. An abandoned canvas is cast over your treasure chests to hide them from prying eyes, and while you are planning your next move you are able to consult a priest of Savras and a jeweller to have the potions reliably identified and the gems valued.

A reminder of the unclaimed or not yet appraised stuff:

7,500 cp
1,500 sp
1,000 gp (less 47.2gp to ID things)
A dozen assorted gems worth 500gp
3 potions cure light wounds
potion of lesser restoration
potion of invisibility
potion barkskin+3
potion of cure serious wounds
elixir of swimming
A jade coffer worth 300gp
a gold ring with 120gp
the gold holy symbol worth 50gp

You can exchange all of the coins/ valuables for a total of 430gp each . The potions are still available to be distributed.

You also each get +1050 XP, putting you well into 2nd level (1890 XP total by my calcs)
It is now late afternoon.

=> Party, next move? Rest & level up?

2013-12-10, 05:37 AM
The party makes its way toward the Vanderboren Manor. Winding through the bustling late afternoon streets of sun-drenched Tashluta is quite the juxtaposition to your experience in the submerged catacombs.

With a few stops en route to dispose of surplus items you eventually arrive back at the Manor. The halfling Kora is a welcome sight as she ushers you politely inside to Lavinia. "Oh gods! Vanthus! I can't believe he could do such a thing! How horrible!". She takes a moment to compose herself and then speaks more measuredly. "He has committed crimes that are inexcusable. Of that there can be no doubt. Still, he is my brother. If there is any way that he can be captured alive I would be grateful....but if there is no other way I only ask that you be swift and merciful." You spend a couple of hours discussing matters with Lavinia. Bottles of wine and a selection of simple but delicious fruit and bread platters ensure everyone is well fed.

In particular you discuss the Taxidermists Guildhall. None of you know too much about it, other than its a relatively ordinary-looking building and showroom in the Sunrise Quarter.

Later that evening several of you head out into the night and make a few discreet enquiries regarding the "Lotus Dragons". A few gold coins loosen lips and you learn that that the Lotus Dragons are a new guild of thieves and smugglers - they seem to be a lot more organised than the other fly-by-night guilds that have been popping up over the last few years. "I hear that they've got more than just people working for them; they've got ties to animal smugglers, and keep the worst of the things in their guildhall as guardians."
I rolled Gather Information checks for you. Highest was 23 (including a +2 aid another).
It is only at the end of the evening, as he is returning to the Manor, that Tchinik discovers a note written in Common tucked into his coin pouch. "You are being watched by the Lotus Dragons. Your questions will bring you misery. Further interference will only bring you tears." By the time the note is found there are no obvious means of uncovering its origin.

6th of Kythorn, 1375 DR

Next morning you rise to a fine spring day and a wonderful breakfast. While you have plans to investigate the Taxidermists Guildhall later in the morning, your first priority is equipping yourselves properly. Mindful of last night's note you stick together while visiting the various merchants and vendors you require.

Traversing the early morning streets you can't help but notice a tension in the air. Guards move hurriedly with hands on their weapons, or stand alertly in groups. You hear snippets of conversation "The harbourmaster...Keltarn Islaran...murdered horribly last night...completely disemboweled....no sign of the murderer".

Another fun day in Tashluta! Make sure you've levelled up, and buy anything within reason that you might desire. Any comments or actions before we head off to Taxidermists Hall? I'll wait until everyone had levelled before I progress things further.

2013-12-11, 05:02 PM
Nekhar comes down in the morning, the teeth in his hair suppressed by sheer strength of will. The scatty distracted thoughts leaving him pacing about itching to head towards the taxidermist's hall. "Come on, come on, lest go and catch Vanthus. Arrogant swine can be choking on my boot by the end of the day.."

Walking down the street in his new breastplate, a hand on his axe he glances around in a paranoid manner waiting for any potential attack.
Any suggestions for any other things an aspiring binder/barbarian should buy?

"Lets head to the taxidermist guild. Kick our way in and grab what we want..."

2013-12-11, 11:35 PM
Amiyah is uncharacteristically distracted on the way back to Tashluta, absently petting her familiar as her thoughts return to the island. The moment when she emerged from the cave was... well, magical, in a wild and beautiful way the Calish'ite had never experienced before. The plants and animals seemed even more vibrantly colored than was usual for the jungle, the butterflies danced around her instead of scattering at first sight of a human, the very air tasted of flowers and freedom. It was foreign, intoxicating for those precious few seconds before the jungle returned to being just a jungle.

Whatever happened, she wants to know how to find it again.

Sleep comes easier than she would have thought; an exhausting, harrowing trek through zombie-infested sea caves will do that to a person. Amiyah is up bright and early, finished memorizing her daily spells just as the sun is fully risen. Travelling everywhere in a group will be something of a pain, as she would prefer to shop on her own and take as much time as she wants to look things over. But being killed or kidnapped by the Lotus Dragons would be even worse, and physically Amiyah is the smallest and weakest of the group.

The wizard brightens as they approach the scroll vendor with the odd feathered hair. "Hello again! Have you anything new and interesting today?" Khalil whistles a greeting as Amiyah holds out a hand for the merchant's tressym to sniff. (A tressym! She still can't get over that. Amiyah always wanted one of the little winged cats as a companion, like the Northern heroine in the adventure books she loved as a child.) The tressym nudges her hand with its head, having evidently decided that she is worthy of petting it. "We had quite the adventure out on Parrot Island yesterday."

Speaking of which... hmm, interesting. There's something of that wild feeling around the scroll vendor, something that just barely tickles her arcane senses. How does one bring that kind of thing up in polite conversation, though? Besides, it might well be just a figment of her imagination.

2013-12-12, 07:58 AM
As they sit around telling their tale to the Lady Vanderboren, Tchinik feels for her and her fallen brother even as he can sense how their meeting will end.
"We will do what we can, Lady." He says, leaving it at that, pushing his inner turmoil down.

Later, he explain the note to the others. "We have gained their interest, it would seem either through our questions or our quarry. Thieves guilds can be nasty, because of either their muscled enforcers or the fact that some of them keep assassins on their payroll. I fear neither, but do not hold it against any of you if you choose not to continue on this." he says, his face unreadable.

2013-12-16, 01:06 PM
Zathras enjoys the luxuries of Lady Vanderboren's hospitality. The wine and food tastes even better after their stay in the dank and smelly caverns. Xin, who'd spent most of the ordeal safely tucked away under his master's armor, emerges again to watch his surroundings with glittering eyes of crystal.

Telling the Lady of her brother's deeds is not an enjoyable task. To realize that someone you grew up with is so different from what you'd thought must be a terrible feeling. That's the way of the world I guess. But it shouldn't be. He does not think that is much chance of taking the man alive.

Wenn Tchinik shows them the note, the tiefling shrugs. "It was to be expected, we did make somewhat of a spectacle of our investigation after all. We've faced pirates, walking corpses and magical guardians, and that was just the last few days. I'd feel quite silly to stop now because of some thugs."

2013-12-16, 02:07 PM
"We have gained their interest, it would seem either through our questions or our quarry. Thieves guilds can be nasty, because of either their muscled enforcers or the fact that some of them keep assassins on their payroll. I fear neither, but do not hold it against any of you if you choose not to continue on this." he says, his face unreadable.

Connaught glances around them all, "I shlal not back down. I have never fled from a fight and I will not run like a snowy hare from these petty weasels."

Looking about them he glances at the others and stares out of the balcony window at the city and jungle beyond. [COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]"How shall we approach this? By stealth and circumspect or bursting in and demanding our answers and revenge?"/COLOR]

I'm all levelled up and ready to kick some thief ass!

2013-12-19, 04:58 AM
After equipping and otherwise preparing yourselves, the party approaches the Taxidermist's Guildhall. It's a relatively modest-looking building, tucked away in a quiet and dilapidated part of the quarter. There look to be two entrances - a main doorway opens in from the street, and a smaller side door is visible in the shadows of a dinghy alleyway on one side of the building. The Guildhall's outside dimensions are roughly 50ft by 35ft.
We're still at 3 out of 5 characters ready, hopefully we'll all be on board again soon, after everyone's finished work/study etc for the year.

2013-12-19, 04:09 PM
Striding down the street bound with the distracted spirit of Dhalver-Nev Connaught twitches and paces impatiently before he pointing to the door on the side the of the guild building - "Come on, let us kick open the door and confront these weasels..."

2013-12-19, 06:22 PM
New scrolls safely tucked away in her scroll organizer (protection from evil and familiar pocket, Amiyah likes to think that she learns from near-death experiences), the wizard follows several steps behind Connaught. Her crossbow is loaded, but still slung across her back; Tchinik and his silver tongue might be able to get information out of the taxidermists without violence. Amiyah rather hopes this will be the case, as a fight may attract the Tashluta city guard. She's seen the inside of their cells before (briefly, thank Mystra and Lathander for her paladin friend Ari) and has no desire to repeat the experience.

"I think we should try knocking first, Connaught. They might let us in if we claim to be customers."

2013-12-20, 08:39 AM
"I agree with Amiyah, we should try a little bit of honey before we have to use the vinegar. Or, in this case, a vinegar doused boot."

Tchink marches through the street with the others, seemingly at ease, as he casually scans for followers. <Of course, they are probably expecting you to be looking for their agent shadowing you. he thinks wryly to himself.

"My question is: how do we present ourselves to them when we knock on the door?"

2013-12-20, 03:53 PM
Zathras walks through the bustling streets of the city clad in his black armor, ignoring the occasional stares his red skin, pointed tail and horned and fanged countenance provoke, tiny crystal dragon perched on his shoulder. He looks doubtful at the suggestion.

"Do you expect them to not recognize us, after they've seen us asking around for them? They've warned us after all and are expecting us. And some of us are not exactly difficult to remember. I'm not sure how far trickery is going to get us here."

He pauses and thinks for a while.

"I guess it depends on how involved the official members of the guild are in what goes on in secret there. If they don't know anything about it, they might not care about us."

2013-12-21, 05:00 PM
"Hmm, you have a point, Zathras." Amiyah frowns, thinking. "However, I believe it is worth a try to bluff our way in. We look like a group of adventurers- probably because we are a group of adventurers- so we can say that we have slain some exotic beast, perhaps a giant snake, and wish to have the carcass preserved as a monument to our victory." She smiles slightly, keeping her voice low. "It could also be proof that we actually did slay our foe; everyone knows that adventurers are prone to boasting, so wanting to display the body would be a reasonable thing for a group with a base to keep such things.

"And if they do not believe us, either I can pick the lock or Connaught can kick the door in."

2013-12-21, 05:02 PM
Connaught grunts in vague acceptance and nods. "Please enter then. Hopefully they will recognise us and attack and we can beat them into submission. If not we can ask the price of how much it would be turn Vanthus's rancid hide into a rug."

I agree, walk in for fake shopping and see how it goes from there

2013-12-22, 05:47 AM
The main door sits slightly ajar and you gently push it open. Inside is a large entrance hall clearly meant to impress - a showroom of skillfully preserved trophies. Dozens of native animals such as parrots, monkeys and bats are arranged around the room in lifelike poses. Among these animals are a few much stranger creatures. A fearsome rearing centipede the size of a horse, with sharp mandibles and a colourful carapace. A flock of stirges - odd creatures that resemble a cross between a bat and a mosquito. Hanging from the roof there is even a very-well rendered black dragon wyrmling swooping down upon its foes. And of course everywhere there are snakes of all sizes. Trophy of choice for the snake-fearing Tashlutans.

A bell near the door has a sign in Common "Ring for service". A door on the far side of the room leads further into the guildhall.

2013-12-23, 03:38 PM
The sister looks around the hall, her eyes lingering on the Wyrmling, diminished for display, wanting that quick menace told in the Edda of Snorri. She makes her way along the length of the room, looking for evidence of the killing blow on each figure. The work is of high quality, with little to suggest these creatures died of anything other than natural causes. She shakes her head. What a strange practice she thinks to herself.

Reaching the far end she looks back at her companions to confirm they are ready. She pushes firmly on the door.

2013-12-24, 08:47 AM
Tchinik looks at the others as he walks up to the bell and points

If no one shakes there head in disagreement, Tchinik rings the bell.

2013-12-25, 04:39 AM
Tchinik pulls the cord and a bell chimes your arrival. A muffled acknowledgement sounds from the interior of the building, behind the door that Mary-Iris is approaching.

After a few moments the door opens and a lanky, middle-aged man steps into the room. His eyes move to each of you in turn, lingering somewhat on Zathras, and he speaks brusquely to you all. "Good morning. I am Mr Sepoto Maingwe, master of taxidermy. You are adventurers, yes? Yet you haven't brought any beast for me to work on. You must be here to purchase something then. What are you looking for? I am sure I can help".

He gestures to some of the more extravagant display pieces and smiles broadly, gold glinting in his grin. As he gestures a large brown rat crawls out of his clothing and perches on his shoulder, also eyeing each of you in turn. A sharp sickle, a couple of magical-looking wands and a large bunch of keys hang from his belt.

=> Party

2013-12-26, 04:12 PM
Connaught watches the man with a cool stare. A grim smile on his face, "We may need something stuffing and mounting... maybe 160 lbs and 5 and bit foot long..., he smiles at the others. "How much would that be eh?"

2013-12-28, 01:14 AM
The man tilts his head right back so that he is looking down his nose at the hulking barbarian.

"You are not from around here are you. Let me tell you plainly that Mr Maingwe does not suffer fools. We do not deal in human trophies. Snake men, yuan-ti, yes. Demon men..." he looks at Zathras "maybe. But not real people. So if you are not here for a legitimate transaction I must insist that you leave. I am a busy man."

He stands his ground.

2013-12-28, 08:14 AM
Tchinik smiles at Connaught's attempt at subtlety.
"Good man, I think you misunderstand my very large friend. Yes, we are adventurers and we have slain a savage beast, although this monstrous snake is longer than five feet, it currently resides in a heap about 5 feet long. Obviously, some damage has happened to the carcass... we are curious what the cost would be and the time frame of return of the creatures remains once we have delivered it to you. Also, would we be bringing the remains here or to another location?" he says as he continues to smile at the man.

Bluff or diplomacy? +6 either way.

2013-12-28, 10:07 AM
Zathras, listening, squashes a provocative grin that threatens to make its way to his lips, and mutters quietly under his breath:
"I'm apparently not 'real people'. You learn something new every day. Fooled myself all these years."
With some effort he keeps a neutral expression on his face, while he lets his more socially skilled companion lead the conversation.

2013-12-29, 04:34 AM
Opposed Check: Sepoto Maingwe Sense Motive [roll0] vs Tchinik Bluff 10.
"Really. I find it quite preposterous that such a thing should occur. More likely you want me to create a monstrosity from several carcasses, so you can brag about your battle with the supposed behemoth. But look at you. Nobody would believe such a thing!

Still, if you have the coin, I am the only man who can help you. Such a task, done to my standards, will be tricky and time consuming. It will cost you 75 gold payable in advance and take one week to complete.

Bring the carcasses to my workshop. The door at the side of the building. Just knock when you arrive, Mr...?"

2014-01-01, 03:18 PM
Connaught grins some more as he potters around the shop looking at the work. "The beast we will be needing mounted is no ordinary creature. A sly and deceitful creature it is. A Vanthus. Perhaps you heard of it?"

Go for subtlety!
Sense motive [roll0]

2014-01-01, 08:32 PM
Amiyah wrinkles her nose. "Oh, Connaught, that's disgusting. Besides, he already said he doesn't do humans." Enough of this. "We are inside the building and the name of our quarry has been spoken, so I think the time for subterfuge has passed." She tilts her head slightly to address the taxidermist, wishing she was taller. "Our business is with the Lotus Dragons who reside beneath this hall, specifically with Vanthus Vanderboren. We have no quarrel with you or any others of the Taxidermist's Guild, save if you seek to hinder us."

Khalil mimics the sound of falling coins from her shoulder. "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!"

"Yes, darling, I was getting to that. If you should aid us, we would be willing to compensate you." Hopefully the others will agree; but even if they don't, Amiyah has saved most of her share of the treasure. She smiles with a confidence she doesn't feel, absently stroking Khalil's feathers. "How much would it cost to gain entry to where the Dragons reside?"

When in doubt, add gold. This is the way of Calimshan.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-01-02, 05:33 AM
The lanky man's eyes snap sharply to Connaught and then to Amiyah at the mention of Vanthus and the Lotus Dragons.

"I think that it would be wise for you to leave. Now." he whispers menacingly.

While superficially he appears calm he is clearly ready for action.

2014-01-02, 03:47 PM
The sister emits a low growl of impatience.

'Mr Maingwe, you will find Miss Hassan by far the most reasonable of our little group. I strongly recommend you agree equitable terms, answer her questions then leave,' she says glaring at the small man.

'Force me to intervene and you will find my terms far less attractive,' she goes on through gritted teeth her hand coming to rest on her sword hilt.


Intimidate: [roll0] to bring this little weasel into line.

If his attitude does not improve she will grab the toad so the party can tie him up.

Grapple Attack roll: [roll1] and strength check [roll2]

If the scum attacks SP M-I will draw her sword and shield and attack.
Move Action: draw sword
Standard Action: longsword attack [roll3], dmg [roll4], crit confirm [roll5], crit dmg [roll6].

Apols posting from phone so mods/checks from memor, might be a little off.


2014-01-03, 05:13 AM
Mr Maingwe glowers at the nun, refusing to back down under her withering gaze. "I insist that you pathetic cretins leave immediately. If you know what's good for you, you'll never show your face here again, Tyrant. Get out!" He uses a common derogatory term for worshipers of Tyr.
He rolled a 20 vs SPMI's Intimidate check of 18 (there was an extra +1 in there for SPMI that you missed).
Sister Penitent Mary-Iris steps forward to grab the man by the collar, at which point...

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Zathras| [roll0]|
Connaught |[roll2]|
SP Mary-Iris | [roll4]|
Tchinik |[roll3]|
Amiyah| [roll1]|
Mr Sepoto Maingwe| [roll5]|Flat-footed


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-01-03, 10:08 AM
Connaught growls at the man's threats and as the taxidermist moves to attack Connaught steps in just trying to bodily lift the man in preparation for throwing him across his own shop!

5ft step and attempt to grapple!
- touch [roll0] against the flatfooted man
- Grappled [roll1] *counts as large against [roll2] + ??? for the bad guy

2014-01-03, 03:11 PM
Tchinik looks a bit flustered by everyone moving to attack this man, unsure how to react as Maingwe hasn't been proved to know anything.
Hefting his spear, he holds it ready to deal with the man.

Tchinik readies an action to attack the man if he proves overly hostile. Not that he blames him.

Non-Letal damage with the butt-end of the spear (-4, right?)


Crit Conf

Non-Lethal damage

2014-01-04, 08:31 AM
Zathras stands by, unsure of what to do. Seeing no way to use his powers without actually injuring or killing the man, he decides to let the others handle this situation, as long as it does not escalate.
Instead he concentrates on their opponent, studying his aura for possible signs of his involvement with the Lotus Dragons.

Detect Evil on the taxidermist.

2014-01-04, 10:40 AM
Amiyah steps back, wishing (not for the first time) that she hadn't chosen enchantment as one of her prohibited schools. A charm person spell would be quite handy about now, or at least a sleep spell. As it is, her nonlethal options are extremely limited. She draws her shortsword, watching the scrum.

Can't really think of anything productive to do, so I guess I'll go with a 5 ft. step back and drawing her weapon. Just in case.

2014-01-04, 08:35 PM
As everyone in the room springs to action, Zathras steps back and quietly concentrates in the direction of Mr Maingwe.
Detect evil, round 1: You sense the presence of evil coming from the general direction of Mr Maingwe.
Connaught growls and steps toward the man, but he catches the movement and dodges...right into the arms of the nun. "Gah!"
Opposed grapple check SPMI 18 vs Sepoto 6, nonlethal damage 1d3+3=5
Tchinik holds his longspear ready, waiting in case the man does anything dangerous. Likewise Amiyah cautiously steps back and draws her machete-like shortsword.

Sepoto struggles against Mary-Iris' vice-like grip. "Curse you! You cannot defeat me!" He wriggles an arm free and begins the gestures and words of a spell.

Crack! Tchinik knocks him on the head and he falls to the ground, unconscious.

=> Party

2014-01-04, 09:18 PM
"Well! That was... rather more exciting than I had hoped. Why in the world would a simple businessman not take a perfectly good bribe and get out rather than try to fight five well-armed and mostly armored people all by himself?" Shaking her head at Mr. Maingwe's foolishness, Amiyah begins looking around for some rope to tie him up with. There's no telling how soon he'll wake.

2014-01-05, 09:43 AM
Zathras keeps concentrating on the now unconscious man for a while longer.

Absentmindedly, he says: "I think he is more involved with the Lotus Dragons than just serving as a legitimate facade. Just a guess, but his aura feels dark. Give me a second."

2014-01-05, 10:55 AM
Tchinik, after knocking the man out, moves to the door to see if anyone is looking in.

Spot check

After, he closes and locks/bars the door, covering any windows and putting up a closed sign if he can find one.
"We should tie and gag this man. Obviously a wizard of some stripe. Move him to the back and investigate what we can find here and question him when we have time. Anything I'm missing?" While talking, he looks a bit uncomfortable but he begins to push the feelings down as he accepts what they have done.

2014-01-06, 05:39 AM
Amiyah unties the pull cord for the bell, tests it, and securely binds the man's wrists behind his back.

Zathras continues to concentrate on the man...

Round 2: There is only 1 evil aura and it is faint.
Round 3: It is coming from the bound man, Mr Sepoto Maingwe.

Tchinik takes a key ring from Maingwe's belt and, having confirmed that there is nobody around outside, locks and bars the front door.

2014-01-06, 04:02 PM
Connaught looks around and grins and gently searches the man's pockets before helping to tie him securely up, binding the fingers and gagging him.
"Well that seemed nice and easy then" Connaught grinned, "Shall we search about then, must be a way into a lair from here..."

Putting word to action he bangs about, stamping on floors and generally looking for valuables and secret doors.

Search [roll0]
- If the mage wakes up then we can start an intimidation

2014-01-07, 12:39 AM
With Maingwe securely bound and gagged, Amiyah joins Connaught in his search. There has to be a way into the Lotus Dragons' lair somewhere in this building!

Also searching: [roll0]

2014-01-07, 05:56 AM
Connaught searches the man for items of interest. He finds the following:

A wand clearly inscribed with runes marking it as a wand of ray of enfeeblement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/rayOfEnfeeblement.htm) with 29 charges
Another wand
A potion vial
A masterwork sickle
A pouch containing 4 large pearls
A set of keys (Tchinik has this already)

Can I suggest that someone takes primary responsibility for party loot (now and in the future) and therefore takes any unclaimed items.
Amiyah and Connaught then start searching the building. 'Carefully' ransacking the place you find the following rooms (starting clockwise from the entrance):
Showroom (where you are now)
Meeting Room
Bedroom - there is a locked chest under the bed in here
Workshop - the locked door to the west here exits to the alleyway. A partially complete jaguar piece sits in the middle of the room
Supply Room

Of more interest your searching also uncovers a hidden catch that triggers a secret door. A short hallway leads to a trapdoor in the floor at the northwest corner of the building (E13).

The man remains out cold.

2014-01-07, 08:31 AM
Tchinik, hearing Connaught stomp about the various rooms, cringes at the man's method of discovery. As he and Amiyah move about and find a locked chest, he comes over with the keys. "I have neither the skill to see if this thing is trapped or the magic to discern whether some dweomer has been cast on this. Do either of you?"

2014-01-07, 03:45 PM
Connaught grins as he pushes through the secret door and points at the trapdoor. "Ah ha... a way down to a little flower's garden I think!"

Joining the others he's quick to join in the looting shoving the items into his and his friend's packs. Looking at the chest he watches with a smile thinking of beer, women and ale more riches will purchase...

2014-01-08, 08:37 PM
"Hmm, let's have a look." Tchinik has the right idea here; in retrospect, it had been rather foolish of Amiyah to open up the pirate treasure chests without having a good hard look at them first. Squeezing in beside the bard, she chants a few mystic words and stares hard at the chest for any signs of magic.

Casting detect magic on the chest.

If there aren't any signs of magical traps, can she take 20 looking for normal traps?

2014-01-09, 03:05 AM
Amiyah studies the chest with her magical powers...

Round 1: Yes, magic is present
Round 2: There is only one aura and it is faint
Round 3: It is coming from the chest itself. Spellcraft check to determine school [roll0], unknown.

2014-01-09, 07:14 AM
The nun keeps a sharp watch while the party investigates the premises, while wondering again at the glories these hollow trophies can only hint at.

Noticing the parties vigorous looting a scowl crosses the nuns face.

'You'll be returning those goods in the unlikely event Mr Maingwe proves innocent in this' she growls at the group.

Mr Denid is right to be wary she thinks. In the den of thieves every door hides a needle, every carpet a deadfall. Alarms abound to alert guards lying in wait. When the party concludes its search the sister moves quickly to trap door.

'We proceed with caution and swift purpose,' she announces, 'we have already delayed to long.'

Lighting a torch she leads the group down through the trap door.

2014-01-09, 09:16 AM
"Hold, Sister. Let them find out what is in the chest first. While I agree about Maingwe, the chest could contain something that could prove his innocence or damnation along with some potential information that could save us some heartache later on. Hopefully, a few more moments will not matter." Tchinik says to the Sister.

2014-01-09, 04:09 PM
Connaught growls and paces up and down irritably as he watches them tinker with the chest. "Come on, come on lets get it open and get down the trapdoor."

Just a filler post, Connaught just channeling some impatience

2014-01-09, 04:44 PM
"I can tell you that the touch of evil permeates this man's aura. He might still prove innocent in this, but I doubt it. In any case, we should proceed with as much haste as the circumstances alllow. Every unnecessary minute here increases the chances of trouble finding us."

Despite his words, the tiefling watches the chest with interest, his curiousity peaked by the possible contents.

2014-01-09, 09:53 PM
"Well, there's something magical about the chest, but I can't quite tell what. Hold on, let me look for more mundane traps before I pick the lock..." Amiyah takes her trusty thieves' tools out of her pack and begins a methodical examination of the chest. She can't take quite as much time as she would prefer, but she's not going to jump right in either.

Not sure if you use Search or Spot for Trapfinding, but Search makes sense to me.


If she can get the lock open by taking 10, that is what she will do.

2014-01-10, 05:40 AM
Unfortunately the lock on the chest is far too complex. After several frustrating attempts Amiyah realizes it is beyond her skills.
Even with a Take 20 (total modified roll 27) it's too hard.
Using one of the keys retrieved from the taxidermist is a different story. There is a soft 'click' as the lock opens smoothly. Frustratingly the chest itself cannot be opened. It is sealed fast by some other means.
To confirm: The detect magic reveals an aura coming from the chest itself, not from within the chest. No traps go off, so I've given you the benefit of a bit of tinkering.

2014-01-10, 05:13 PM
Amiyah scowls at the chest as she gets to her feet. "Well, somebody is certainly paranoid! The chest is magically sealed. Without a magical key, a knock spell, or a dispel magic spell, we will not be getting in." She lets out a long sigh. "I suggest that we keep going. Perhaps we will find the means by which Maingwe got into the chest. I do not think that breaking in with an axe would be a good idea at the moment; it will make a great deal of noise and possibly break the valuables within."

2014-01-11, 03:30 PM
"Breaking the chest is not the route we want to take. While his innocence is still in question, we shouldn't break or use any of his items. However, we can move it to another location in his building while we search that trapdoor, is what I'm thinking. Either way, grab it and let's get going. "

With that, Tchinik hefts his spear and moves down the hall and to the trapdoor.

2014-01-12, 04:53 AM
After checking the trapdoor you heave it open. It reveals a sturdy ladder leading to a dark corridor below. The air below is quite moist and you can see moisture dripping from the walls and ceiling to the floor.

The corridor appears to be unworked stone and extends around a corner to the east. Immediately to the west is a wooden door reinforced with iron set into a brick wall. You can faintly hear the metallic sounds of swordplay coming from far beyond the door.
Yes yes, I realise that you would probably have checked the trapdoor for traps, and possibly magic. I've taken the liberty of moving you through that activity (nothing blows up :smallsmile:).
Can you please let me know what you end up doing with the chest and with the unconscious Mr Maingwe?

Map will follow, tomorrow the day after tomorrow

2014-01-13, 03:38 PM
Connaught listens to the faint swords of sword play a feral grin on his bearded face. "THey thing they know fighting eh?"

Looking around with axe in one hand he grabs a lantern form the walls and stops to briefly kick the fallen man in the head to make sure he stays out cold for a while longer. Dropping down the trapdoor he looks around with the light taking in the smell of what is clearly a den of dodgy thieves...

lets go and kick some ass!

2014-01-13, 07:39 PM
Amiyah puts her thieves' tools away, sheathes her sword and readies her crossbow. She hangs back behind the more melee-oriented members of the group, not wanting to get in their way. It'll probably be tight quarters down where they're going.

...actually, given that she can hear the sound of fighting ahead, it would be a good idea to prepare now. The wizard chants the words of her favorite protective spell, and the air briefly shimmers around her as the mage armor takes effect.

Casting mage armor and waiting for Connaught, Mary-Iris, and Tchinik to go through the door before she goes.

2014-01-14, 12:12 AM
Tchinik gives Connaught a grim smile. "You take the lead and I will follow you."
Looking at the nun he says "Things do to seem to bode well for Mr. Maingwe."

2014-01-14, 05:07 AM
The Sister favors the narrow warrior with a curt nod 'Agreed, may that it be a salve to your troubled concience Mr Denid. Glory is for every man to take for himself.'

Seeing the small company ready she draws her sword and readies her shield taking up position beside the barbarian. 'Shall we,' she asks, not waiting for a reply before throwing open the door and striding through.

2014-01-14, 06:17 AM
The door is sodden and quite stuck, but Mary-Iris yanks it open. It opens into the corner of a torchlit brick-lined corridor. To the north the corridor promptly ends in a door, standing slightly ajar. To the west the corridor continues, veering around a slight bend. It is from another ajar door along this corridor that the sounds of swordplay are coming.

Sounds are coming from the door to the south at AX13.

2014-01-14, 03:10 PM
Axe and shield in hand Connaught slowly slides forward along the wall searching out what is making the clatter of swordplay. He waves his friends forward and readies himself to leap in and let loose the maddening scream of the tortured one...

Lets go have a peek!

2014-01-14, 08:07 PM
Tchink, following Connaught's lead, readies his spear as he charges forward.

2014-01-15, 09:41 AM
Zathras stays in the back, happy to let the more martially inclined group members take the lead. Checking the fit of his spiked gauntlets, and hoping he will not end up in a situation to have to resort to their use, he readies himself for the inevitable conflict that is surely awaiting them.

2014-01-15, 09:50 PM
Once again, Amiyah lets the barbarian, priestess and bard go before her. And if someone sneaks up behind them, that's what she has benign transposition for.

2014-01-16, 05:37 AM
Clump, clump, clump. The party hustles forward, focusing on haste rather than stealth. As you approach the southern door you can hear the ring of swords just on the other side. You also hear conversation from further along the corridor to the west, accompanied by the clatter of crockery. It sounds like people are eating and talking ahead, but you can catch only a glimpse of movement as you advance.

The door to the south sits slightly ajar...from behind it you hear a woman's voice "Hold up, Ush. Did you hear something out there?"

Behind the door is a small training hall. Padded mats line the floors. A number of murderous-looking men and woman are engaged in sparring with rapiers, or target practice with hand crossbows and practice dummies. All of them look sinister with their array of weaponry and dark leather armour. They all turn in surprise as the door bursts open.


=> Party
Surprise round - 1 standard action only each before we roll initiative. Post in any order. All enemies are flat-footed.

2014-01-16, 11:10 AM
"GAAAH!" Connaught screams as he launches himself forward, battle axe hewing down in a massive arc upon the enemy!

Partial charge to AZ13 [roll0] damage [roll1]

2014-01-17, 07:36 AM
With a look of grim determination, Tchinik lets the nun move forward as he takes a handful of steps behind her. Looking at Amiyah and Zathras, he whispers "Guard the rear versus any others."
With that, he begins to sing a tale of the boldness of the northern warlords, hoping to inspire the others in combat.

Inspire courage, +1 morale to hit, damage, and saves vs fear.

2014-01-18, 05:55 AM
Connaught hurls himself at the closest opponent, they can barely get their weapon up to partially deflect the blow. Behind him, Tchinik urges on the party with tales of valour & courage.


Just a quick post to get an updated map out to you. A padded throne flanked by potted plants sits on a wooden stage to the west.

=> SPMI, Amiyah, Zathras
Surprise round - 1 standard action only each before we roll initiative. Post in any order. All enemies are flat-footed.

2014-01-20, 05:24 AM
The nun sweeps forward following the barbarian through the door. She wheels as she enters putting her back to the Northman and swings at the rogue lurking in the corner.

Looking around the room she takes in the location of her enemies. The Barbarian has set a defensible line she notes with mild surprise, but decisive victory must be secured quickly or they risk re-enforcements falling on the rear guard.

Move Action: Move 15 foot to AZ14 (AX13, AY13, AZ14) and draw longsword
Standard Action: Longword attack on mook in AZ15, attack [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3]
Activating Manu (if granted): Stone Bones (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/stone-bones--3726/), d/r 5/adman for 1 round on hit.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/iron-guards-glare)
Round 0 [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], Round 1, [roll7]
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones W(1)
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

*Edit yep so just read the rules on surprise round and only get a standard action so using it to move into position and draw longsword. No attack :(

2014-01-20, 01:14 PM
Zathras moves into a position at the back of the formation, securing it against enemy reinforcements and preparing to add fire support from range.

We certainly did not put much importance on stealth here. I hope this doesn't bring the whole place down on us at once.

Move Action: Move 25 feet to AW13.

2014-01-20, 03:56 PM
Squeezing by Tchinik, Amiyah takes a position just outside the door and peers inside. (Hey, Zathras is taller than her, he can probably see what's going on.) Two thieves together, toward the rear of the room... perfect. The wizard reaches into her spell component pouch and prepares to cast a spell.

I hate enclosed spaces as a spellcaster. :smalltongue: Move to AX13.

2014-01-21, 04:45 AM
The nun moves into the room while Amiyah and Zathras take position behind. As Zathras rounds the bend he sees an open door next to him leading to an empty lavatory. To the west, down a short corridor, is some sort of dining room or mess hall. Another group of rogues are slowly rising to their feet at the sounds of your assault. Pork chops fly as they see the devil-man, ditch their meals, and scramble for their weapons!
I make it Zathras can only move 20ft in his breastplate, but let's go with it for now.

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BA14)| [roll5]|
Lotus Dragon 1 (BB14)| [roll6]|
Lotus Dragon 2 (BB12)| [roll7]|
Lotus Dragon 8 (AW6)| [roll13]|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX6)| [roll12]|
Zathras| [roll0]|
Lotus Dragon 3 (AZ12)| [roll8]|Flat-footed
Amiyah| [roll4]|
Lotus Dragon 6 (AW7)| [roll11]|Flat-footed
Connaught |[roll1]|
SP Mary-Iris | [roll2]|
Lotus Dragon 4 (AY15)| [roll9]|Flat-footed
Lotus Dragon 5 (AX7)| [roll10]|Flat-footed
Tchinik |[roll3]4| Inspire Courage


=> Lotus Dragons!

2014-01-22, 06:23 AM
The Lotus Dragon that Connaught has struck stumbles back. She draws a potion and drinks it in one gulp, her injuries healing before your eyes.

Not-an-action: 5ft step to BB15
Move action: Retrieve potion
Standard action: Drink potion
Her sparring partner turns and steps in to engage Connaught and Mary-Iris. She deftly lunges at the nun, who batters away the attack with ease.

Not-an-action: 5ft step to BA13
Move action: Draw rapier
Standard action: Attack nun [roll0] (flanked) Miss, damage [roll1]
The rogue that was doing target practice with his hand crossbow steps back and loads his weapon, smearing a paste on the bolt as he prepares to fire.

Not-an-action: 5ft step to BB11 (Edit: Whoops I missed updating this move on the map Edit 2: Fixed. )
Move action: load crossbow
Standard action: apply poison [roll2]
In the mess hall two of the thieves scramble to their feet. One races off to the north with a cry of "Intruders!" while the other draws a hand crossbow and takes cover around the corner from Zathras.

Move action: stand up
Move action: move out of sight to the north & draw rapier

Move action: stand up
Move action: Move to AX8 & draw hand crossbow

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BB15)| 25|
Lotus Dragon 1 (BA13)| 25|
Lotus Dragon 2 (BB11)| 23|
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Lotus Dragon 3 (AZ12)| 18|Flat-footed
Amiyah| 17|
Lotus Dragon 6 (AW7)|16 |Flat-footed, sitting
Connaught |15|
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 4 (AY15)|11 |Flat-footed
Lotus Dragon 5 (AX7)| 10|Flat-footed, sitting
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


=> Zathras

2014-01-22, 08:45 AM
Tchinik, continue to inspire his comrades with his words, enters the room and, seeing that the nun is being flanked, a thrusting attack at the man attack both her and Connaught before drawing it back and lashing out against the man in the corner.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 19

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
Move to AY-13

Standard Action Action ~ Steel Wind attack against BA-13 and AY-15 in Punishing Stance

Longspear attack BY-13 in Punishing Stance

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

Longspear attack AY-15 in Punishing Stance


Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll6] + [roll7]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - 0
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-01-22, 09:37 AM
Suppressing the temptation for an exaggerated sigh at the sight of more enemies, Zathras springs into action.

"There's going to be more of them soon, so try to make this snappy!"

The tiefling focuses on the remaining Lotus Dragon in his field of vision, who, still sitting at his table, has not yet overcome his surprise. Zathras spits a glob of acid at the man, greeting the slight irritation that the sizzling black substance leaves on his lips like an old friend.

Expecting swift retribution in the form of crossbow bolts, he takes a step back into the doorway behind him in search of cover.

I'd like to take some cover from soon incoming crossbow bolts behind the corner of the hallway, but I assume that won't be possible until Amiyah has moved away from her current spot?

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: -
Free Action: Talk
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at the thief in AW7.
-> Touch attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-01-22, 05:00 PM
Connaught looks about in surprise as the room fills with a dozen of the thieves, more coming and going. Looking behind him he can see the Nun of war and Tchinik supporting him. "For Amon... For the Ronove.. For Savnok... he grunts as he hews down with an axe at the closet victim! Even as he does the battle rage overtakes him and he howls a deep howl of rage turning into a whirling frenzy of destruction!

To rage or not to rage... the eternal question! RAGE!
-- Enter the frenzy!
BA13 [roll0] damage [roll1]
AZ12 [roll2] damage [roll3]

2014-01-22, 08:12 PM
Zathras spits acid and the rising thief cries out as it splashes across his forearms, injuring him.

Another of the Lotus Dragons in the training room draws his rapier and lunges at Connaught but is easily deflected by his heavy shield.

Move action: Draw rapier
Standard action: Attack Connaught [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]
=> Amiyah

2014-01-22, 11:30 PM
Curse it, why didn't she get that spell off faster? Now the thieves have moved out of her potential target area; she can't get more than one without also getting Connaught, which would be Bad. Amiyah raises her crossbow and sights on the thief lurking in the far corner. A tricky shot, what with Mary-Iris in the way, but marginally easier than trying for the one currently getting a barbarian beatdown in front of her. The bolt flies forward, narrowly missing the cleric on its way to the target.

Shooting at the thief in BB16. The -4 penalty for soft cover (Mary-Iris) is already accounted for in my roll.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-23, 03:47 AM
Amiyah's shot goes high as she tries to avoid the chaotic melee in front of her. "Mwaargh!" Back in the mess hall, the thief that has been splashed with caustic tar screams in agony. He scrambles to his feet and moves to cover away from the corridor.
Move action: stand up
Move action: Move to AV8 & draw hand crossbow
Connaught howls and chops frenziedly at the desperate criminals in front of him. One takes a nasty slash against his chest, and the other is clipped in the head on the backswing, blood splattering as the barbarian drops him.

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BB15)| 25|
Lotus Dragon 1 (BA13)| 25|
Lotus Dragon 2 (BB11)| 23|
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Amiyah| 17|
Lotus Dragon 6 (AV8)|16 |
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 4 (AY15)|11 |Flat-footed
Lotus Dragon 5 (AX7)| 10|Flat-footed, sitting
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


=> Mary-Iris

2014-01-25, 01:23 AM
The nun experiences a divine moment of precise clarity, every detail crisp between heartbeats. Spittle arcing from the lips of the raging Northman to her right hangs in the air, his axe craving a channel through the chest of the Lotus dragon, blood not yet escaping the wound. Ms al-Hassan's bolt passes impossibly slowly past the sister's ear, too high already to threaten the target. The muffled schwump of Mr Denid's armour on his first step forward, his song of glory still fresh. The faces of Lotus Dragons, here slack still stunned, there snarling for blood, there squinting down in concentration, sludge smearing across a quarrel.

Her own sword is swinging, each ring of mail pressing into her palm with a distinct and different pressure. Where's the little demon she wonders? '... snappy!' The world accelerates, everything suddenly at once.

'FEAR ME!' she roars as her sword comes down. With one long step she is in the face of the cowardly Dragon poisoning his bolt.

Free Action: Speak
Full Round Action: Longsword attack on Lotus Dragon in AY15, attack [roll]1d20+7[roll], dmg [roll]1d8+3[roll], crit confirm [roll]1d20+7[roll], dmg [roll]1d8+3[roll].
Feat: Dreadful Wrath (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-guide-to-faerun--22/dreadful-wrath--751/), all enemies in 20ft shaken (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Shaken) for 1 minute, will save vs DC13 negates.
Non-Action: 5 ft step to BA14

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
1. Crusader's Strike W2
2. Stone Bones WG
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

Edit: Rolls in OOC thread.

2014-01-25, 04:55 AM
With a swift stroke the nun strikes the Lotus Dragon in the corner before he can even draw his rapier. He reels against the wall and fumbles weakly for his blade. "Gah! It's them!" he sputters.
Remember extra +1 damage from Inspire Courage, brings it up to 8 total :smallsmile:.

Lotus Dragon saves vs Dreadful Wrath DC13:
LD0 (BB15) [roll0]
LD1 (BA13) [roll1]
LD2 (BB11) [roll2]
LD4 (AY15) [roll3]

LD4 (disabled)
Move action: Draw rapier

Tchinik steps in behind the barbarian and the nun, his song of valour ringing out. As the barbarian and a Lotus Dragon square off he lunges deftly into the melee and catches the thief in her throat, ending her.

Swiftly turning he whips his spear in behind as the nun steps forward, and skewers the fumbling rogue in the corner through his heart.

The other cornered Lotus Dragon, having drunk her potion flings the empty vial aside. With few options remaining she lunges ineffectively at the nun with her rapier.

Standard action: Attack SPMI [roll4] Miss , damage [roll5]

At the back of the training hall the thief raises his crossbow and takes careful aim at Connaught. The shot flies true toward his neck, but at the last instant the barbarian raises his shield and casually catches the bolt.

Standard action: Attack Connaught [roll6] Miss , damage [roll7] + poison??
Not-an-action: 5ft step to BB10
Free action: Drop hand crossbow
Move action: Draw rapier

Back in the mess hall a thief ducks around the corner and shoots down the corridor at Zathras, who is also sheltered behind a door.

Standard action: Attack Zathras [roll8] Miss , damage [roll9]
Move action: Reload crossbow

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BB15)| 25| Shaken
Lotus Dragon 2 (BB10)| 23|
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Amiyah| 17|
Lotus Dragon 6 (AV8)|16 |
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AX7)| 10|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


=> Zathras & Amiyah
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-01-25, 05:20 PM
Sadly, it doesn't look like the thieves will be stupid enough to move into Amiyah's line of fire. Time for a different tactic. The wizard pulls a wand from her belt and aims at the thief currently trying to fend off an enraged battle-priestess. With a whispered word, the familiar tiny white orb of a magic missile spell zooms through the melee toward its target.

Move action: retrieve stored item. Standard action: eat magic missile, Lotus Dragon!

Damage: [roll0]

2014-01-25, 07:09 PM
The sister continues her assault, her shield battering against the Lotus Dragon as her sword seeks a killing blow.

Standard Action: Longsword attack on Lotus Dragon in AY15, attack [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], dmg [roll3].
Initiating: Stone Bones (http://dndtools.eu/spells/magic-of-faerun--20/stone-bones--1798/), on hit dmg reduction 5/Ad for 1 round.

Conditional Actions: If the Lotus Dragon in BB15 drops SP M-I strides to the rear of the group (barking orders of some kind) and starts down the corridor toward the Dragons in the mess hall.
Free Action: Speak
Move Action: Move 20 ft to AW13 (AZ14, AY13, AX13, AW13)

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus: rolls for round 3 [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]
1. Crusader's Strike W2G3
2. Stone Bones WG3
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G3
5. Douse the Flame G

2014-01-26, 06:31 AM
Zathras fires another spit of acid down the corridor. He does not expect to actually hit the thief taking cover around the corner, but at least it might keep him suppressed.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: -
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at the thief in AV8.
-> Touch attack: [roll0] (including -8 for cover)
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-01-27, 04:13 AM
Crossbow bolts fly down the corridor from the thieves in the mess hall. Thunk, thunk, thunk. They bite solidly into the door but Zathras is safe.

"Get 'em."
"Protect the Dragon Mistress!"

One of the thieves is not so lucky. "Aaargh!" As he ducks around the corner to shoot a gout of acidic tar catches him full in the face. He falls to the ground shrieking horribly for a moment before silence, his face a mess.
They only have +4 AC for their cover, so that's a hit.
Next to Zathras, an orb of white light zaps out from Amiyah's wand and strikes the thief locked in a desperate struggle with the nun, injuring her slightly.

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BB15)| 25| Shaken
Lotus Dragon 2 (BB10)| 23|
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AX7)| 10|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage

=> Connaught, SPMI (missed attack already posted)

2014-01-28, 03:53 PM
As bodies tumble and fly all around him Connaught whirls around still sheathed in blood, a low deep seated growl before storming towards the thief cowering by the throne as he falls upon the thief in a brutal hacking assault.

Charge the thief in BB10
[roll0] damage [roll1]
[roll2] damage [roll3]

2014-01-28, 09:40 PM
"Rouse the blood and rouse the flame,
The Morninglord's glory bear's no shame,
Shields are shattered and blades are broken,
Tymora's smile shall be your only token,
Lament upon not your apparent fate,
Choose, now, your glory to take..."

Tchinik sang on, urging his companions with his words, the ephemeral magic raising their spirits as he leapt into combat against their foes.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 19

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
5 ft step to AZ-14

Standard Action Action ~ attack BB-15 in Punishing Stance

Longspear attack BB-15 in Punishing Stance

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - 0
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-01-28, 10:26 PM
Connaught steps over the bodies and advances towards the thief in the corner. The Lotus Dragon looks at the ineffective crossbow bolt lodged in his shield, and just barely brings his crossbow up in time to ward off the first blow. It is all in vain though as Connaught slams him into the wall and hacks him down.

Tchinik uses the opportunity created by the wizards magic missile and strikes at the one remaining enemy in the room. He almost takes her down, but is hampered at the last moment by the melee with the nun.
soft cover +4AC

From the mess hall the two Lotus Dragons take positions either side of the corridor and loose crossbow bolts at Zathras. "Hurry, you fools" they shout to unseen reinforcements.

LD5 crossbow attack [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
LD7 crossbow attack [roll2] Miss damage [roll3]

The cornered Lotus Dragon strikes desperately at the nun

LD0 rapier attack [roll4] Miss damage [roll5]
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 0 (BB15)| 25| Shaken
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AV8)| 10|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage

=>Zathras, Amiyah, Connaught & SPMI
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-01-29, 02:48 AM
Same song, second verse. Amiyah aims at the cornered thief and looses another magic missile. If only the spell did a bit more damage! But two of her spells need a bit more room, and since she only has one lesser orb of cold, she would prefer to save it for when she has a clear shot.

Hmm. Maybe they should have talked with the Lotus Dragons first? This will not be fun to explain to the city guard if they get caught coming out. But getting a priestess of Tyr to negotiate with thieves and at least one murderer... unless there were hostages or something involved, not likely to happen.

It's a bit late for second thoughts now, at any rate.

Magic missile, magic missile, night and day it's magic missile!

Damage: [roll0]

2014-02-01, 07:29 PM
The Dragon's knees buckle as the wizard's spell strikes but the nun does not wait to see the man hit the ground. She turns promptly and strides to the rear flank, favouring Ms al-Hassan with a curt nod as she passes.

The sharp scent of acid in the air the Sister catches sight of the little demon bunkered in the toilet as she passes. 'Well held Mr Soulfire.'

Rounding the corner without pausing the sister moves grimly down the hall, her shield held before her ready for a hail of bolts from the mess hall.

Double Move Action: Move 40 ft to AW9 (AZ13, AY13, AX13, AW13, AW12, AW11, AW10, AW9)
Free Action: Speak

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus: rolls for round 4 [roll0]
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W

2014-02-02, 03:25 PM
As the thief in the corner is blasted down by magic the massive northman howls in rage before charging screaming down the corridor towards the mess hall, long strides and a maddened soul carrying him far! A different approach to the careful approach of the nun.

Double move to the mess hall. Move max 60ft (think I can reach AW7)

2014-02-04, 05:38 AM
Zathras ducks his head around the door and shoots another jet of acid, spattering one of the thieves who ducks back gasping, injured slightly.
Taking the liberty to post Zathras' attack, hope that's okay Battlemage... I figured it was a pretty sure bet what he'd do.

touch attack vs AX8 (1d20)[18]
damage (2d6+1)[5]

Amiyah blasts the thief in the corner, desperately fighting off both the nun and Tchinik. She slams into the wall with the impact of the magic missile and falls to the floor, unmoving.

Connaught, seeing no foes immediate nearby, howls and charges into the mess hall. He hurtles past the stunned thieves, who are cowering with their crossbows out, unable to even retaliate as he moves into the room. Even as they turn to face him, the nun steps in behind and engages. In the far corner of the room a large cage full of tropical birds squawk and flap in alarm at the hectic melee.
No AoO, since they've got no melee weapons out. Connaught can actually move one more square but I figured he'd stay in melee range of them both.

One of the thieves throws down his crossbow and draws a rapier, lunging clumsily at the frenzied barbarian.

Free action: Drop crossbow
Move action: Draw rapier
Standard action: Attack Connaught w rapier [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AV8)| 10|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


2014-02-04, 09:01 AM
Tchinik, continuing his battle hymn, rushes out of the room towards the new battle. As he passes Zathras and Amiyah, he points to his eyes and then down the hall they just came before coming up behind the sister.

Continue Inspiring Courage and move to AW-10.

2014-02-05, 06:17 AM
Shouts from the north precede a large group of Lotus Dragons rushing into the mess hall. Holding wicked-looking rapiers and hand crossbows they mean business, but they've obviously been caught ill-prepared. They wear various dark clothes but are not equipped with the hardened leather armour that the thieves so far have worn. Some of them are even shirtless, displaying tattoos of dragons and lotus flowers intertwined across their shoulders, arms and torsos. Even so they launch themselves toward Connaught.

A thief in the mess hall draws a rapier, stabbing at Connaught and drawing a gash across his arms as the thief tries to find an opening against the raging northman.

Free action: Drop crossbow
Move action: Draw rapier
Standard action: Attack Connaught w rapier [roll0] Hit, due to frenzy -2 AC penalty, damage[roll1]
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Lotus Dragon 13 (AS6)|17|
Amiyah| 17|
Lotus Dragon 15 (AT7)|15|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
Lotus Dragon 14 (AU7)|14|
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 17 (AS8)|11|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AV8)| 10|
Lotus Dragon 12 (AS7)|9|
Lotus Dragon 16 (AV7)|9|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


2014-02-05, 09:11 AM
Leaving his cover, which had done its job admirably, Zathras moves down the corridor, toward the maelstrom of steel and blood ahead.

Why do I always sign up for things that get me into situations like this? Must be something wrong with me.

He fires another spit of acid at one of the thiefs, though the corner of the hallway and the confusion of the melee made it hard to find a clear shot.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Move 15 feet to AW11
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at the thief in AX8. (Rolled a 7 in the OOC thread).

I don't think I have a line of sight to anything I want to hit, and I don't feel like double-moving into the midst of the melee, so I guess I'll leave the spitting until next round.
Edit: Edited attack in.

2014-02-05, 05:13 PM
As crossbows and blow go wild Connaught dances around. A look of savage delight on his blood smeared face as he surveys the pair of trapped thieves behind him and between him and Sister MP...

Lunging forward with great hacking blows like he is hewing down trees he hacks left and right seeking to disembowel both!

Attack both thieves
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

2014-02-06, 04:27 PM
From the back of the mob, a Lotus Dragon ducks his head around the corner and shoots wildly at Connaught. It's a tough shot, and luck is not with him. He misses by a mile.

Move action: Load crossbow
Standard action: Attack Connaught w hand crossbow [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 7 (AX8)| 20|
Lotus Dragon 13 (AS6)|17|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
Lotus Dragon 15 (AT7)|15| Delay action
Lotus Dragon 14 (AU7)|14|
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 17 (AS8)|11|
Lotus Dragon 5 (AV8)| 10|
Lotus Dragon 12 (AS7)|9|
Lotus Dragon 16 (AV7)|9|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage
Lotus Dragon 15 delays his action to go after Connaught.


=> Amiyah & Connaught (Connaught's action already posted)

2014-02-06, 11:40 PM
These aren't just tight quarters, they're ridiculously tight quarters. Amiyah mutters a Calish'ite curse under her breath, marshals her courage, and follows after Tchinik. She has to be able to see her targets, even a little, in order to hit them. There's Mary-Iris, there's the howling madman usually known as Connaught, aha! There's a Lotus Dragon. Once again she utters the magic word, sending a tiny white missile whizzing around her allies on its unerring path toward the enemy.

Move to AW11 and magic missile the guy or girl in AX8. Sorry, Battlemage, I wouldn't be in Zathras' line of sight if I could avoid it.

2014-02-07, 04:27 AM
The blast from Amiyah's wand catches the thief as he turns to face Connaught and the Sister Penitent. His body goes flying back over a chair in a mess of limbs, leather and weaponry.

Connaught doesn't hesitate, switching his attacks from the recently felled Lotus Dragon to the two in front of him. They don't stand a chance, the flimsy rapiers cannot halt the momentum of the heavy hacking axe. Chop, chop, chop...the bodies fall to the ground in a messy heap and Connaught is clear.

"Fall back!"
"Get Cruncher! Where in the Nine Hells is Cruncher?!"

The closest Lotus Dragons retreat hastily past their crossbow toting companions, having seen all of their other colleagues hacked down around the room.

Lotus Dragon 15
Move action: Move from AT7 up to AS7 and then move west

Lotus Dragon 14
Move action: Move from AU7 up to AS7 and then move west

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 13 (AS6)|17|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
Lotus Dragon 15 (?)|15|
Lotus Dragon 14 (?)|14|
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 17 (AS8)|11|
Lotus Dragon 12 (AS7)|9|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage



2014-02-10, 05:54 PM
The Sister steps through the carnage, not bothering to check her footing as she kick outstretched limbs out of the way and stomps on limp hands and fingers. She nods brusquely to the barbarian as she advances on the cowering cravens at the end of the corridor, cutting one down.
Move Action: Move 20 ft to AT7 (AW8, AV7, AU7, AT7)
Standard Action: Longsword attack on Lotus Dragon in AS8 (+4 AC due to cover), attack [roll0] Hit, dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], dmg [roll3].
Initiating: Stone Bones, on hit dmg reduction 5/Ad for 1 round.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus: tbc

The two remaining thieves look weakly at their ineffective hand crossbows as the Sister storms up and cuts down their companion. One of them, prevented from making a clean retreat, steps to one side over his fallen friend and stabs at Mary-Iris.

Lotus Dragon 12
Not-an-action: 5ft step from AS7 to AS8.
Free action: Drop crossbow
Move action: Draw rapier
Standard Action: Rapier attack on SPMI (-4 due to cover), attack [roll4] Miss, dmg [roll5], crit confirm [roll6], dmg [roll7].
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21|
Lotus Dragon 13 (AS6)|17|
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
Lotus Dragon 15 (?)|15|
Lotus Dragon 14 (?)|14|
SP Mary-Iris | 12|
Lotus Dragon 12 (AS7)|9|
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage

to follow

=> Tchinik (round 4) and then Zathras (round 5)
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-02-11, 08:34 AM
Tchinik, continuing his song of glory, moves into the room and down the hall as he follows the sister, the thought <Cruncher?> Floating in his head as he stabs outwards.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 19

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
AT-6, right behind the Sister?

I am a bit unsure but I if Tchinik can attack either of the two remaining he will, otherwise he will ready an action to attack when they are in range.

Standard Action Action ~ attack ? in Punishing Stance

Longspear attack BB-15 in Punishing Stance

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - 0
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-02-11, 04:19 PM
Zathras enters the room behind his allies, stepping over the bloody remains of the thieves that litter the floor.
Looking for an opening in the melee, he tries to land a splash of acid on Sister Mary-Iris' opponent.

Cruncher? Looks like the warm up is over. Time for the real fun.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Move 20 feet to AX7
Free Action: -
Standard Action:Dissolving Spittle at the thief in AS7 or AS8. (I'm not quite sure where exactly they are now).
--> Touch attack: [roll0] (incl. -4 cover and -4 melee)
--> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

Edit: Hello, natural 20. Confirmation attempt in OOC thread.

2014-02-12, 04:53 AM
Tchinik steps in behind the nun, stabbing away but unable to get a clear shot at the thieves. From out of nowhere a blast of acidic tar shoots through the melee and strikes down one of the thieves. The one remaining Lotus Dragon turns tail and flees after his companions through a doorway to the west.

From much further to the west, in the direction that the thieves have fled, you hear the loud barking of vicious-sounding dogs echoing through the corridors.

Lotus Dragon 13
Move action: Withdrawal from AS6 to AS5, AR5, AR4 and then move west
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon 8 (?)| 21| Fled
Lotus Dragon 13 (?)|17| Fled west
Amiyah| 17|
Connaught |15| Frenzy!
Lotus Dragon 15 (?)|15| Fled west
Lotus Dragon 14 (?)|14| Fled west
SP Mary-Iris | 12| Stone bones
Tchinik |4| Inspire Courage


=> Amiyah & Connaught (no enemies in sight!)
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-02-12, 03:44 PM
THe rage leaves Connaught as he comes back to his senses, blood dripping from the axe and the floor covered in dead bodies, many dismembered by the massive northman. Breathing heavily stands ready, trying to capture his breath.

Move to stand behind Sister MP
- Rage ends, so fatigued for 10 minutes

2014-02-12, 04:12 PM
No live enemies in sight, and it looks like Connaught's rage has spent itself. Safe enough, then. Amiyah beckons to Khalil (currently perched on an unlit wall sconce) and cautiously moves up just inside the door, wand at the ready.

Move to AW8.

2014-02-13, 04:01 AM
You hear further barking from the west, at least two dogs in unison...and then nothing. Blood and acidic tar is spattered around the room, and dead thieves litter the floor.

Phew! We'll end the combat here, at least for a bit. Next interaction we'll roll initiative and start anew. Unless you all want to hang up your boots and become bakers or something.

=> Party

2014-02-15, 06:32 PM
Zathras spits some reamining acid onto the floor and wipes his fanged mouth with the back of his hand. He looks around at the carnage.

"Well... I guess that could have gone better."

He begins quickly looking through the thiefs' possessions. No sense letting it go to waste after all. One had to be pragmatic in these matters. Xin shows his sparkling head for the first time since the fighting had become, peeking out from the tiefling's clothing to study the trinkets scattered around the room with interest.

"I'm sure they're calling in the cavalry right now. Metaphorically speaking of course, I don't think horses would fit down here. Anyone here got a special aptitude with dogs? Big, angry dogs preferably."

2014-02-16, 08:13 PM
Amiyah joins Zathras in the looting; blood washes off coin easily enough. You can't afford to be too squeamish as an adventurer. (Although she still draws the line at rotting, bloated corpses.) She lets Zathras handle the ones with acid on them, though. "Nobody's dead or maimed, so I think it went well enough. Unfortunately enchantment is one of my prohibited schools of magic, so I cannot 'handle' dogs any differently than the thieves here."

2014-02-17, 01:38 AM
Connaught breathing heavily closed the door looking for a lock or something heavy to drag in front of it. His arms felt leaden after the rage though he admired his handiwork. I have no tricks with dogs though a heavy door and large axe may help!

Continuing to stack up objects he looked to the others, my memory be a little fuzzy but none of them thieves seemed to be the boss or queen thief

I need a minute to catch breath from rage!

2014-02-17, 05:17 AM
The party consolidates in the mess hall, smashed crockery and dead thieves littering the room. The caged birds sit timidly in the corner trying to avoid any attention given the outcomes for their former owners.

Sister Mary-Iris stands grimly in front of the doorway, sword in hand and shield ready as Connaught pushes tables and benches against it.

Zathras and Amiyah quickly search the bodies while Tchinik stands guard to the east, still uttering words of inspiration in a low voice.
Inspire Courage still effective.
A quick search of the 3 bodies in this room uncovers on each of them:

leather armour (dark & thievish-looking)
hand crossbow + bolts
10gp (each)
a potion vial (like you saw one of them drink - presumably a healing potion of sorts)
2 poison vials (each, again like you saw one of them apply)

Each of the thieves has a elaborate lotus dragon tattoos concealed underneath their clothing.

After a few moments searching and catching your breath you hear ferocious barking and thumping against the door. It sounds like their are a couple of vicious fighting dogs right behind it!
Still a couple of rounds left until Connaught recovers from his rage...any particular tactics or prep?

=> Party

2014-02-17, 05:23 AM
The nun keeps watch as the barbarian barricades the entrance, occasionally shaking bloody pieces of lotus dragon off her habit and out of the errant stands of hair that have strayed from under her wimple.

'Catch your breath quickly Northman, their defences are in disarray, we gift them time to regroup at our peril.'

When the group has recovered the sister takes up her sword and marches purposefully through the door in the south wall of the mess hall.

Is anyone in need of healing?

2014-02-18, 11:19 PM
Murmuring under his breath, Tchinik continues the hymn of courage as the Sister directs, nodding his agreement with her as he keeps an eye out.

<We need to move or get into a better position> he thinks to himself.

"...the battle standards, raised high above the crowd,
Dolithar stood with blood upon his brow.
The enemy grew, the ground shook by their booted feet,
as the goblin flew before their master, drow..."

He continued, trying to save his voice for when the battle drew itself upon them again.

2014-02-19, 12:53 AM
Amiyah takes the time to reload her crossbow, just in case she has a chance to take a shot before the others charge in. Mundane bolts usually do more damage than magic missiles. Of course, she does have a more powerful spell under her belt now, but she'll only get one shot with that.

2014-02-19, 03:11 PM
Connaught continues to lean against the door and the pile of stuff in front of it. Trying his best all he has to do is restrain the door long enough to recover his breath... then what ever is on the other side can be killed.

After a second he struggles he waves the rest of the back...

If the rest of the party retreat 20ft then I'll do a maddening scream!
All within 20ft Will DC 14 or dazed for 1 round

2014-02-20, 09:32 PM
If the barbarian with mysterious powers gestures you to back up, the prudent thing to do is obey. Amiyah retreats to the other side of the room.

2014-02-21, 04:58 AM
Connaught waves the party away and leans his huge frame against the stack of benches against the door. Savage snarling and thudding continues as the party retreats back down the corridor toward the training hall and the toilet. Connaught grabs his head and unleashes a maddening moan that strikes to your very souls. The caged tropical birds all drop to the floor of the cage, stunned out of their little minds. From behind the door there is a respite, the snarling pausing momentarily before the deep barking of two large dogs can be heard receding away with faint yells of handlers...
Looks like it actually has a 30ft radius, not 20ft. All good though.
...the party regroups in the mess hall, Tchinik's words continuing to inspire and rally. The barbarian flexes his muscles and looks around, confirming to all that he is ready for whatever might be next. After taking anything of use from the bodies the party gathers behind the nun as she wrenches open the door to the south. Somewhat anticlimactically, it is stuck fast, and it takes a few firm tugs to yank it open.
Recovered from rage fatigue. Take any loot that you want. The 4th open doors check opens the door. :smallredface:
The door opens to a small 10ft square room. A battered wooden table sits to one side, its surface covered with knives, pots and other cooking implements. A fireplace to the south keeps the room dry, if somewhat smoky. A bubbling cauldron sits over the fire, the unseen contents filling the room with a bitter stink. Two doors leads onward.
<Clink. Snick. Twang.>
A bent length of metal jerks back into shape, catapulting the cauldron out of the fireplace at speed. The boiling contents splash across the nun, scalding her badly.
ranged touch (1d20+8)[28] vs AC 9
crit confirm (1d20+8)[25] vs AC 9
damage (1d6)[5] + cauldron crit (1d6)[4] = 9 fire damage
"Yusssss!" exults a flat-faced, greenish yellow-skinned little goblin, peeking out from one of the doors, quickly followed by "Uh? Oh-oh. Aiiii!" as it becomes apparent that the nun has not been felled and there are plenty more big folk behind her. The goblin ducks her head back behind the door and out of view. Quickly following, you see another small room, an apparent bedroom. Sand and seashells covers the floor, and a small hammock hangs from hooks driven into the walls. The rear-end of a cowering goblin sticks out from behind a bundle of blankets and cushions underneath the hammock.

=> Party

2014-02-21, 06:46 AM
The nun emits a growl between gritted teeth as the scalding liquid covers her face and seeps through her armour.

'YOU DARE!?' she bellows at the fleeing goblin as she gives chase, a hot flush of rage adding to the burning on her checks.

Coming upon the exposed rear end of the goblin the nun walks swiftly forward and plants a solid kick directly into his behind. The goblin is propelled even further into the pile of bedding by the force of the blow.

'Would you like another or are you coming out now you vile little coward? the sister snarls, already winding up for another kick.


If the goblin doesn't immediately start to come out the sister will kick him again before reaching in to grab him by the scruff of the neck to haul him out and hold him up in the air.

Not sure if SP M-I needs attack rolls to punish the goblin or not. Not aiming to do any damage, just deliver a little pain to encourage compliance.

Kick 1: [roll0]
Kick 2 (if required): [roll1]
Grab 1: [roll2]
Grapple Check 1: [roll3]
Grab 2 (if required): [roll4]
Grapple Check 2 (if required): [roll5]

While the nun has the goblin aloft she will occasionally beat him about the head and shoulders with the back of her hand. Usually this is occasioned by the goblin being uncooperative or when she thinks the goblin might be forgetting that he breaths only because she continues to permit it.

2014-02-21, 11:43 AM
After Zathras realizes what exactly has happened, and determines that the nun's injuries are not too serious, his tail twitches in amusement and he has to bite back the grin spreading across his fangs. It could not have hit a better target. The Sister's seriousness and formality makes the incident all the more hilarious. Though it would probably be prudent not to mention this fact to her, all things considered.

"Inventive fellow", he murmurs, while watching Sister Mary-Iris take her vengeance on the yelllow-skinned creature.

2014-02-21, 02:58 PM
As the now slightly spicy Sister grabs the goblin Connaght looms above the beast, his mere arms as thick as the tiny cooks waist. Still splattered with the blood of the thieves he has just finished hacking into tiny pieces he drops his head close to the goblin... "Tell us where the guild leader hides. And the treasury. And most importantly the coward Vanthus."

Looking around he spies the stove and hurls a few more coals in... "You had best tell us quickly lest I break your legs and roast you in your own fat. My clansmen know many way to cook a greenskin."

Essentally intimidate for information. With an amusing +8! for the 2 size category difference [roll0]

2014-02-21, 10:59 PM
A most unladylike snort comes from the back of the group as Amiyah sees just what that splat was. She covers her mouth with her left hand, thin shoulders shaking slightly as she tries to hold in the laughter. It's really not nice, Mary-Iris looks a bit scalded, but the dignified nun covered in soup is just too funny!

Khalil tilts his head, watching the scene sideways. "Bathtime!"

2014-02-23, 05:28 AM
Mary-Iris kicks the exposed rear of the goblin again before grabbing the hapless creature by the ankle and hoisting it into the air. <Slap. Slap slap>. Shells and the odd bone fall to the floor from it's ragged pockets.

"Ai!...no more, master!" it wriggles and squirms but cannot break free. As the blood-spattered barbarian bends down to confront the goblin she stares wide-eyed and silent, then quickly covers her face and peeks out between her fingers. "Aaargh! Please master! Get him away! The Lady Lotus, she's in her chambers. Past the practice room. Honest, I tells ya. Vanthus...he's there too I bet. And Gut-Tugger! They're all there! Please, no more!" The goblin wails overly dramatically and pleads to Mary-Iris, screaming and cowering at the slightest touch.

2014-02-23, 08:57 AM
Tchinik, watching what happens, gives up his singing, partially in amusement and partially in disgust of the creature.

Sense Motive

"Shut your mouth, filth." he says blankly to the creature. "Sister, do you need healing before we move on? It sounds like our quarry may be close and we should be ready to deal with a couple of cornered beast by the sounds of it."

2014-02-24, 03:15 AM
The nun regards the bard for a moment, 'Quite right Mr Denid', she says. 'Will you relieve me?' she asks holding out the squirming Goblin for the man to take a hold of.

Taking a long step backwards the nun sinks to one knee, head bowed, hands clasped before her. Her lips move, a gentle murmur escapes her lips as she prays. 'Bless this servant Father, that she may work your justice and in furtherance of your eternal glory.'

A soft glow surrounds the kneeling figure of the nun, barely visible above the torchlight. The blisters that had already started to form fade back into her skin and the bright red burns subside to a residual flush.

Standing the sister says fixes the goblin with a baleful stare. 'Repent your wickedness and perhaps some measure of glory is not beyond you,' she says. 'But mark me well worm, if I see your vile face again I will gut you without hesitation.'

The sister turns and leads the group back to the training hall, ready to open the door.


Cast: Cure Light Wounds (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Cure_Light_Wounds) on self (spontaneous conversion of Shield of Faith) for [roll0] HP

2014-02-25, 03:36 AM
The goblin isn't worth a fight. Amiyah turns and follows Mary-Iris, crossbow in hand and Khalil on her shoulder.

2014-02-25, 03:11 PM
Connaught taps the goblin on the head pushing it into the corner before he follows the others in the decoration the goblin indiciated. "You think this guild mistress will be having a lot of treasure in her chamber eh?"

2014-02-25, 03:58 PM
"I think its best you answer him. He hasn't eaten in a while and you probably look tasty to him right about now."

Intimidate, even though it's not really his thing

2014-02-26, 05:50 AM
"Glory...vile face...yes master, I will!" blabs the goblin to the nun. "You are right, she probably has all the treasure herself. So greedy" the goblin mutters to itself gazing into the middle distance as it hunches in the corner and considers the barbarians parting comment.

Stepping back into the mess hall the party prepares to move onward. Suddenly there is a ferocious howl and loud savage barking approaching fast from the eastern corridor. It seems that the hounds have circled around and coming from the other direction!
One round to position yourselves and prepare, then we'll roll initiative. The door to the north is still barricaded.

2014-02-27, 05:53 AM
The nuns eyes flash in anticipation of the coming battle.

'Ambush' she says to the Barbarian and the Bard, nodding to either side of the corridor entrance. 'I'm the bait.'

The Sister moves forward and draws her sword, sets her feet and raises her shield. Looking down the corridor over the rim of her shield she waits patiently for her glory to arrive on scurrying paws. She very nearly smiles.


Free Action: Speak
Move Action: Move 10ft to AW7 (AW6, AW7) and draw longsword.
Standard Action: Ready an action to attack the first dog to come into range with her longsword. Attack [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit cofirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3]
Initiating: Depending on granted manus but ideally Crusaders Strike or Stone bones

Edit Crusader's Strike (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/crusaders-strike--3598/) it is. Roll for healing in OOC

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus for Round 1 [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones W
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W

2014-02-27, 07:18 PM
Zathras quickly moves into a position a good bit behind and to the side of Sister Mary-Iris. A quick telepathic command makes his crystal familiar retreat back under his clothes as he readies himself for the fight.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Move 10 feet to AV5.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Ready Action: Dissolving Spittle at the first enemy to show up in his line of sight
-> Touch attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)
Edit: Add +1 to the rolls for Tchinik's song, which I forgot.

2014-02-27, 09:45 PM
The table looks sturdy enough, and Amiyah isn't a large person. She hops up, crossbow in hand, and gives Khalil a mental nudge. He flies off to perch on the chandelier as she takes aim at the door.

Move to AW5 on top of the table and ready an action to shoot at the first dog through the door.

2014-02-28, 04:47 AM
Connaught leaps onto the table, brandishing axe and shield. Amiyah crouches behind him with crossbow out. The others take position around the room, Tchinik's song of inspiration ringing out.

"It's Cruncher!" yelps the goblin, peeking out from behind the door to the kitchen. "We're all dog food!"

2014-03-01, 05:50 AM
The party tenses, waiting for the coming onslaught...

It begins. A couple of crouching Lotus Dragon lean around from the far corner and let fly with hand crossbows. One goes wide, the other catches Tchinik in the shoulder.
Move action: Move to AX13
Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll2], damage [roll3]

Move action: Move to AX14
Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll4] Hit, damage [roll5]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll6] Confirmed!, damage [roll7]
Under the cover of the thieves' attack, a snarling canine shape bursts forth and rushes toward the party. Not a normal dog at all, a vicious coal-black hound with two slavering heads slams around the corner at you.
You recognise this ferocious hound as a death dog, an evil creature of limited intelligence. Of particular note they have:

All of the magical beast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#magicalBeastType) traits
Two bite attacks (obviously) each with a trip attack

You also know that they carry disease
Amiyah takes careful aim and shoots her crossbow at the rapidly approaching canine. It's too quick, and with the bard in the way the shot goes amiss.
Standard (readied) action: Attack death dog with crossbow [roll8] Miss, damage [roll9]
Crit confirm: Attack death dog with crossbow [roll10], damage [roll11]
Zathras also shoots a jet of acidic tar at the death dog, but he can't target the fast-moving beast and it spatters harmlessly against the wall. The beast ignores the bristling weapons pointed at it and quickly closes with the nun. That proves to be the wrong move and the reckless beast is hacked to bits on a wall of weapons. The nun eventually chopping one of it's heads clean off, and seeming to strengthen and heal as she does. The goblin cook, peeking out from behind it's hands, let's out a little cheer and mutters thoughtfully to itself "I like these new masters".
Tchinik Standard (readied): Attack death dog with longspear [roll12] Miss, damage [roll13]
Crit confirm: Attack death dog with longspear [roll14], damage [roll15]
Tchinik AoO: Attack death dog with longspear [roll16] Hit, damage [roll17] + punishing stance? tbc
Crit confirm: Attack death dog with longspear [roll18], damage [roll19]
SPMI AoO: Attack death dog with longsword [roll20] Hit, damage [roll21]
Crit confirm: Attack death dog with longsword [roll22], damage [roll23]
Connaught Standard (readied): Attack death dog with battleaxe [roll24] Hit, damage [roll25]
Crit confirm: Attack death dog with battleaxe [roll26] Confirmed!, damage [roll27] + 7 extra crit damage
SPMI Standard (readied): Attack death dog with longsword [15] Hit, damage [12] (remember inspire courage)
Death Dog Standard action: Attack SPMI with bite [roll28], damage [roll29], trip: Death Dog [roll30] vs SPMI [roll31]
Crit confirm: Attack SPMI with bite [roll32], damage [roll33]
<Crash!> The barricaded door to the north bursts apart and an armoured man stumbles into the room. Dressed head to foot in chainmail armour and wielding a wicked-looking battle axe and shield he quickly regains his balance, looks around and swings at Mary-Iris. "Tyrran filth! You think you rule here! We own this city!"
Move action: Smash door
Not-an-action: 5ft step to AV7
Standard action: Attack SPMI with battleaxe [roll34] Miss, damage [roll35]+[roll36]
Crit confirm: Attack SPMI with battleaxe [roll37], damage [roll38]
Behind him, two more Lotus Dragons shoot around the corner through wreckage of the door, another small bolt catching Tchinik in the side.
Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll39] Hit, damage [roll40]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll41], damage [roll42]
Move action: Reload

Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll43] Miss, damage [roll44]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll45], damage [roll46]
Move action: Reload
The Lotus Dragons hiding to the east reload and fire again into the melee, hitting nothing.
Move action: Reload
Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll47] Miss, damage [roll48]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll49], damage [roll50]

Move action: Reload
Standard action: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll51] Miss, damage [roll52]
Crit confirm: Attack Tchinik with hand crossbow [roll53], damage [roll54]

{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Lotus Dragon AX13| 24|
Lotus Dragon AX14|20|
Amiyah| 5|
Tchinik |5| Inspire Courage
Connaught |5|
SP Mary-Iris | 5|
Death Dog |5|
Warrior w Axe |5|
Lotus Dragon AS6|5|
Lotus Dragon AS8|5|


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-03-01, 10:49 PM
The dog's last heartbeats pump arterial spray against the nun as she spins to face the new attacker.


Her onslaught is terrifying in its intensity. Her shields punches out repeatedly at the mans axe, her sword strikes his shield again and again like hammer on anvil. Elbows and knees drive toward the lightest opening. With each pivot of her feet the massive woman moves a few inches forward, crowding the man, menacing him, bringing her face inches from his.

'Fear me' she whispers.


Free Action: Speak
Full Round Action: Full attack on armoured man with longsword [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3].
Granting: Frightful Presence (http://dndtools.eu/feats/players-guide-to-faerun--22/dreadful-wrath--751/), 20ft radius enemies shaken for 1 minute, will save vs DC13 negates.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
1. Crusader's Strike GE
2. Stone Bones W,G3
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame WG