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2014-03-02, 01:14 AM
"The dog carries disease, beware the corpse!" Amiyah scowls as her shot goes awry. Again. Clearly, she needs to work on her aim. The wizard shifts her crossbow to her left hand and draws her trusty wand of magic missile with her right, mentally vowing to spend some quality time at a practice range. A small white orb zooms around the enraged Mary-Iris, heading unerringly toward the armored man.

Move action: draw wand. Standard action: shoot wand.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-03-02, 01:26 PM
Tchinik, the words of inspiration rolling off his tongue, moves and dodges blows as he drops his spear and takes out his rapier, moving to flank the battleaxe wielder with the Sister.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Free ~
Continue inspiring

Move Action
5 ft step to AZV-6

Standard Action Action ~ attack AV-7 in Punishing Stance

Rapier in Punishing Stance with Leading the Attack while flanking

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-03-02, 03:40 PM
Connaught howls a victory cheer as the beast is cleaved in twain before spinning shouting at the armoured man "try me you son of a whore" and leaping over the table, blood stained axe spinning.

Move to AW6 [roll]1d20+6[/roll dam [roll0]

Sorry for slow posting, had weird inflammation in arms so couldn't use my fingers or hands for past 72 hours

2014-03-03, 08:41 PM
Admiring the quick work that his companions made of the strange dog, Zathras fires a jet of black acid at the amored figure while repositioning slightly.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Move 5 feet to AV4.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at amored man in AV7.
-> Touch attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-03-04, 04:14 AM
<Zap> a small ball of energy shoots from Amiyah's wand and strikes the man in the arm as he trades blows with the nun. Acidic tar splashes over his shoulders and seeps into through the plates in his armour causing him to clench his teeth in pain.

Tchinik drops his spear and steps in behind the man. In pain and flanked, the man's defences let through a swift strike from Tchinik's rapier. He grunts in surprise at the decisive counterattack. Even as he recovers from the wounds and fends off the nun's repeated shield bashes Connaught leaps from the table and cuts him down with a mighty hack. "Argh-!", he falls to the flagstones, dead.

As the man goes down the nun doesn't hesitate, stepping over him and advancing on the thieves to the north. With nothing but flimsy hand crossbows equipped the Lotus Dragons are helpless. Before they have drawn their rapiers she has inflicted several bleeding wounds on one of them. Not even trying to fight they turn and flee from her as fast as they can. Sensing the battle is lost, the remaining two Lotus Dragons to the east also retreat out of sight.
NovaZulu, I trust an advance to AS7 is okay? SPMI ended up with no opponents adjacent. This is maximum 20ft move for her to still get an attack in.

The remaining thieves all flee (withdraw (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/actionsInCombat.htm#withdraw)). You can pursue, or not...over to you.
=> Party

2014-03-04, 04:21 PM
"Flee you worms. Your ancestors will piss upon your bones" Connaught howls at the retreating thieves before leaning down and wrenching his axe free of the well armoured man. A quick pair of hands as the northman begins to rifle through his pockets.


Looking back to the rest of the party he smiles, "While those cowards flee shall we find the women who rules this place and dethrone her?"

2014-03-05, 04:16 AM
"Master, that was most skillful" says the goblin to the nun. It dances across the carnage strewn floor and pulls out a small cleaver. "I will prepare a victory feast to celebrate your prowess. You are truly most grand!" Still trying to hide it's "vile face" from the nun, it starts butchering the corpse of the two-headed hound.

2014-03-05, 07:53 AM
Stopping his song, Tchinik looks at the goblin and shakes his head before sheathing his rapier and retrieving his spear, then proceeds to remove the small bolts imbedded in him. Giving each a sniff to make sure they aren't poisoned, he throws them down before looking at the massive Connaught.

"Let us get at it. I suggest we try to take her alive, though. I have some problems with slaying a woman... besides, she might be able to provide information if we do capture her."

2014-03-05, 06:11 PM
Zathras watches the goblin work on the corpse with a mix of fascination and incredulity. Didn't I just hear that thing is diseased?

"I don't think I'm very hungry today.."

He nods toward Connaught and Tchinik.

"Dethroning just so happens to be one of my favorite past-times. Let's find out what is actually going on here."

2014-03-05, 08:07 PM
Amiyah grimaces at the thought of roast death dog, picking her way past the bloody corpse. "I would stay away from the dog's body if I were you, goblin. That kind of dog carries disease; it might make you sick, and it would almost certainly make us sick." With that, she nods to Connaught. "Let us go. Hopefully we will have defeated the leader and be out of here before dawn."

2014-03-06, 04:30 AM
"Disease? Meh, are you trying to trick me? It won't work. I know what's good for the pot." The goblin eyes Amiyah suspiciously and continues to dissect the dog.

The party gathers any items of use and relocates back to the training hall. The door onward, as indicated by the goblin, appears to be locked. "Yes, yes . Through the locked door, of course. Plenty of treasure I bet. "

2014-03-07, 08:01 PM
Shaking her head, Amiyah puts her wand back in her belt and sets her crossbow down, digging her thieves' tools out of her pack. Well, it's a goblin. It probably has better disease resistance from eating filth all the time. She sets to work on the lock, taking her time and doing it right.

Taking 20 on the lock.

2014-03-07, 09:33 PM
<Click>. After a couple of minutes of tinkering Amiyah works the lock open. After making sure that everyone is ready, the nun yanks the door open.

Beyond is a small room. A single chair sits in one corner, a table heaped with several target dummies (like in the training hall) sits in another. A door (with no lock evident) leads to the northeast.

"What's in there? Is it treasure? Lots of treasure? Eh? Eh? Oh. Nothing."

2014-03-09, 04:01 AM
Seeing nothing of immediate interest the nun strides forward, yanking open the door. A short narrow corridor winds around to another door. She yanks that open too...

A small room is revealed, with another door opposite. It contains no furniture, but poised in the center of the room is a huge insect - another of the pony-sized arachnids that you fought on the Blue Nixie. At the sounds of the opening door it turns and clacks it's mandibles hungrily. The front pair of its ten legs rear up threateningly and it slowly turns and advances on you.

You note that it wears an iron collar from which trails a heavy chain. This trails loosely towards a winch in an alcove to the north.
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Amiyah| [roll1]|
Tchinik |[roll3]|
Rhagodessa|[roll0]| Flat footed
Connaught |[roll4]| Flat footed
SP Mary-Iris | [roll5]| Flat footed


=> Zathras, Amiyah, Tchinik
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-03-09, 11:27 PM
Suddenly, Amiyah is very glad that she let one of the sturdier folk go first. She whips out her wand as Khalil squawks in alarm and points it at the spider, whispering the magic word. The familiar white missile appears and zooms toward the foe.

See, this is why I waited to post.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-03-10, 08:00 AM
Zathras, being at the back of their marching line in this narrow corridor, waits for a more opportune moment to act.

Delaying my action

2014-03-11, 06:52 AM
Tchinik bounds forward, dropping his spear and drawing his rapier, as he steps in front of the sister and attacks the creature before it can react.
"Die, foul creature!" he says, a bit overdramatically.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Move Action
5 ft step to BA-21

Standard Action Action ~ attack AV-7 in Punishing Stance

Rapier in Punishing Stance with Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/) - if successful, allies gain a +4 to hit for 1 round.

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-03-12, 06:13 AM
Tchinik bounds forward and stabs again and again at the creature, skewering it between it's chitinous plates as it rears to defend itself. Wounded but very much alive, and angry, the spider creature lashes out at the Chessentan. Grabbing the man that has caused it so much pain, it draws him close. Hooks and suckers on it's forelegs catch him securely and it's massive mandibles crunch down sickeningly on Tchinik's torso!
Full attack: Pedipalp 1 [roll0], grapple [roll1] vs Tchinik [roll2] Grappled!, Rhagodessa moves into Tchinik's square BA21
Pedipalp 2 [roll3], grapple [roll4] vs Tchinik [roll5]
Bite [roll6], damage [roll7]
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Tchinik |11|Grappled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple)
Zathras|Delaying| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Amiyah| Delaying| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Connaught |4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
SP Mary-Iris | 0| Leading the Attack +4 to hit


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-03-12, 04:27 PM
Seeing his ally in trouble and another of the mutant giant bugs Connaught leaps forward into the room brandishing his massive axe. The axe slams down into the front of the inesctile monster as he tries to chop Tchinik free. A grunted "You are worse than the ugliest woman in my tribe."

Step forward and attack [roll0] dam [roll1]

2014-03-13, 05:09 AM
The nun strides forward, circling around the creature until she can find an opening. Fearless of its failing limbs she challenges the beast to drop Mr Denid and try to take a bite of her.


apols not 100% on which square Connaught is in so slightly vague move action below.

Move Action: Move to or AZ20 or AZ21 or anywhere else she can get to and reach the creature.
Standard Action: Attack bug with longsword [roll0], dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], crit dmg [roll3],
Initiating: Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/)

Not sure weather the bug can take AoO vs SP MI while grappling Mr Denid. If it can and causes it to drop him that would be ideal. If SP M-I is successfully grappled before her attack she will activate Strength Devotion (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-champion--57/strength-devotion--2793/) as a free Action and head butt the insect
Standard Action: Natural weapon slam attack [roll4], dmg [roll5]
Initiating: Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/)

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus for Round 1 from OOC
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W

2014-03-14, 04:15 AM
Roaring, Connaught barges past the nun and starts hacking away at the chitinous monster. Ichor flies and spindly limbs flail as the axe cuts away, but it keeps its firm grip on Tchinik with its hooked and suckered pedipalps.

Seeing an opportunity Zathras ducks forward around the corner. Acid jets out but with all of the flailing hacking and crunching he doesn't find his target.
Rolled a 5, with cover and attacking into melee that's a big miss (even with Leading the Attack).
Amiyah steps forward and can just see around the corner to the huge spider crunching down on Tchinik. Zap! The little white missile flashes out, weaving around the corner and pinging into it.

Not to be outdone by the barbarian, Sister Penitent Mary-Iris strides past him and into the room. Knocking back segmented limbs with her shield she stabs through openings in the armour plates with surgical precision. Still it stands, slowly grinding the bard to a pulp.
No AoO's from the bug - if grappling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple) you don't threaten any squares => can't AoO (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/attacksOfOpportunity.htm). Leading the Attack activated & in effect, again.
"Hey, what's going on up there? Masters? Are you feasting on the bones of your enemies? Eh? Surely they must suffer!" the annoying goblin pipes up inquisitively from a safe distance, a severed dog leg gripped firmly in one hand.
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Tchinik |11|Grappled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple), Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Connaught |4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Zathras|4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Amiyah| 4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
SP Mary-Iris | 0|


=> Tchinik

2014-03-14, 07:28 AM
Tchinik struggles, head whipping back and forth, as he kicks at the creature, even trying to head butt it, in order to break free of its grasp, a low string of cursing in Chondathan spilling from his mouth.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Standard Action Action
Strength check to break free

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-03-14, 04:25 PM
Tchinik struggles against the iron grip of the insect's mandibles. Desperately trying he just can't break free from the lethal jaws. Even as his allies blows rain down on the monster it crunches down one last time and his body falls limp. The rhagodessa tosses Tchinik's broken body down and turns, rearing its legs and flaring its mandibles at the remaining assailants...
Opposed grapple check to break free: Tchinik 23 vs rhagodessa (1d20+11)[30] Fail.
Rhagodessa, standard action: Bite attack vs Tchinik (1d20+6)[17] (includes -4 penalty Iron Guard's Glare) Hit, bite damage (1d8+6)[9]. That puts Tchinik on -1hp I make it :smalleek:
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Tchinik |11|Dying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#dying)
Connaught |4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Zathras|4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
Amiyah| 4| Leading the Attack +4 to hit
SP Mary-Iris | 0|


=> Party

2014-03-14, 05:36 PM
As his companion is cast down Connaught throws aside the shield and rears up bringing the axe down with a mighty blow upon the vile beast's head seeking to tear it free from its shoulder with a single stroke....

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1]...
- one more strength and that rounding up will really kick!

2014-03-14, 07:08 PM
"Tchinik!" Amiyah curses her ineffectiveness as she sends another missile zipping toward the beast. If only she had better aim, she could use more damaging spells when other people engage an enemy in melee! Mary-Iris is right there, if we can take this thing down quickly he'll have a chance!

Magic missile again, ho hum.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-03-14, 08:17 PM
Crunch! The barbarian brings his axe down and crumples the arachnid in on itself. Fluids spray and segmented legs twitch. The rhagodessa jerks and is still.

2014-03-15, 06:00 PM
The nun bats aside the twitching insectoid legs as she kneels in the blood and ichor surrounding the bard. His wounds are grievous, a deep puncture wound in his stomach leaks bile and white bone shows through the rents in his armour about his ribs.

'He lives,' the Sister says not taking her eyes off her fallen companion, 'Mr Soulfire, please keep an eye on that door.' She bows her head and begins a whispered prayer over the ravaged body.

I bear true witness to this man's glory Father,
his blood volunteered in pursuit of your Justice,
and in defence of his comrades in arms.
I ask your favour to mend his wounds in your name,
and commend him to your sight and high table.

As the prayer goes on a gentle light surrounds the nun and her patent, wounds knitting and blood loss slowing. The mans eyes open slowly to see the nun knelling over him, her face a mask of stern reproach.

'Brave but foolish Mr Denid, next time let me go first.'


Cast: Cure minor wounds (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Cure_Minor_Wounds) x2 for 2 HP
Cast: Cure Light Wounds (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Cure_Light_Wounds), spont conversion from Bless, heal [roll0] HP

2014-03-16, 02:57 AM
Connaught reaches down and helps hoist the now awake Tchinik back to his feet. "A bold move filling the creature's jaws so it could not bite the rest of us. Will you force your fist down the throat a wolf, or perhaps your head next time!" Laughing to himself at his humour the big northman retrieves his shield and moves to follow the warrior nun. "Lead on Sister, I shall follow your lead. We must be getting close to the queen of this hive."

2014-03-16, 10:05 AM
Tchinik remembers the beast crushing down on his ribs and blacking out. What seemed like an unfathomable time he was floating until he heard the gentle remonstration from the Sister calling him back.
Snapping awake with a slight shudder, Tchinik eases back slowly as he realizes what happened and that he still resides in the realm of the living.
Reaching up to Connaught's extended hand, he lets the burly northman help him to his feet.
With a wry, crooked grin on his face he says "Thanks, all of you. I was not planning on being the fly caught in the net but it seems that I should plan better next time. Thanks for making sure this creature didn't have its fill with my flesh." Thinking for a moment he continues with "Actually, if you could give me a moment. I think I'm going to swap out my armor for that chain shirt we just... acquired. It may protect me from things like this."
Changing out the armor, he looks at the heavy, wooden shield and back to his spear that Guin had given him and shrugs his shoulder and straps the shield across his back. Hefting his spear, he looks at the others and, with a tilt of his head, says "It would seem the little princess is ready.. Lead on."

2014-03-16, 05:40 PM
Amiyah lets out a ragged sigh of relief when Tchinik opens his eyes. "This is why you let the ones in heavier armor go through the door first, Tchinik." She smiles slightly at his 'princess' quip, summoning her familiar to her with a thought. Khalil flaps over and lands on her shoulder, preening a ruffled feather back into place. "I will follow your lead, Sister."

2014-03-17, 04:26 AM
As the party tends to Tchinik the goblin skips forward and kicks the dead spider. Sniffing it intently all over she mutters to herself "Could make a stew at a pinch, I guess. Not even any poison to harvest. No treasure. Useless. Unless..." Grabbing a fragment of carapace she scrapes some of the ichor off with her hand and plonks the piece squarely on her head. Satisfied with the rudimentary sedge hat/ helmet she tests various of the spider legs for use as a weapon before settling back on the severed dog leg. "Truly you are mighty, masters! The Lady Lotus shall cower before you!"

After preparations the party moves forward. Mary-Iris opens the next door revealing another room, this one properly furnished. A large hexagonal table made of oak takes up the majority of the room, surrounded by six chairs. The north wall bears a huge map of Tashluta on which dozens of tiny blue, red and gold coloured flags have been placed. To the south, a huge slate on the wall bears a tangled mess of chalk scribblings. In the northwest corner is a small winch handle, evidently used for controlling the arachnid.

A circled group of names on the chalkboard catches your attention:
Yasmeen al-Qadir AKA Amiyah al-Hassan
Tchinik Denid
Zathras Soulfire
Lady Simfraus ska'Haldor AKA Sister Penitent Mary-Iris
Connaught _______


A single door leads onward. Map to follow.

2014-03-17, 12:05 PM
Relieved that Tchinik is back among the living, Zathras enters the next room. Seeing the chalkboard, the tiefling grins widely. "Seems we got our friend into some trouble at work. How terribly rude of us."

Also interesting to note that they had no trouble identifying those of us who seem to be using new identities. Though that shouldn't surprise much, given the apparent extent of this organization's reach.

He moves toward the map on the north wall, trying to discover some pattern among the colored flags. "I wonder what the colors stand for. Does anyone have any knowledge about events or activities that line up with any of the marked locations? This job has gone far beyond what it initially seemed, and I feel like there are entirely too many things going on that we know nothing about."
With a look back at the other wall he adds: "Maybe there's a clue among these scribblings..."

2014-03-17, 03:28 PM
Looking closer at the coloured flags, among the many locations a few noble estates are marked with either red or blue flags, several of the city garrisons are marked with both blue and gold flags, while the Vanderboren Estate is marked with a gold flag.

The writings on the slate seem to mainly indicate the comings and goings of harbour traffic. Certain vessels are marked to be "holed". There is a small note scribbled next to this in an unknown language.

2014-03-17, 03:47 PM
Connaught stares at the map and shrugs as he clearly has no comprehension what the tiny scribblings mean. "you think Lady Lavinia would want all the scribblings." Then recognising his name he points and chuckles. "They must fear us. Or me at least. " he smiles before shaking his head at the long names of his fellows.

Pointing at the next door he shakes his shaggy bearded head. "Enough writings, let us end this."

2014-03-17, 10:26 PM
Amiyah's dark eyes go wide at the sight of the first name, and she lets out a strangled gasp. Khalil squawks and puffs up his feathers, agitated by his mistress' distress. No! This place was supposed to be safe! It's been more than a year, and Father always saw me as more of a burden than an asset; why would he still be searching for me? An ugly possibility springs to mind. If her would-be groom thinks that her escape reflected badly on him, well, the pride of Calish'ite nobles is legendary. Malik al-Qadir might not be willing to spend the money for spies in foreign ports, but Haroun ibn Yasir al-Mukhtar has money to burn.

The wizard scrubs a hand over her face, composing herself. "I... I would appreciate it greatly if none of you mentioned the name of Yasmeen al-Qadir outside this room. I have enemies in Calimshan, one of whom is quite wealthy and powerful." With that she gets out paper, pen and ink from her pack and starts copying those chalk lists and diagrams that look important.

2014-03-18, 01:32 AM
The wizard scrubs a hand over her face, composing herself. "I... I would appreciate it greatly if none of you mentioned the name of Yasmeen al-Qadir outside this room. I have enemies in Calimshan, one of whom is quite wealthy and powerful." With that she gets out paper, pen and ink from her pack and starts copying those chalk lists and diagrams that look important.

Connaught looks confused. Amiyah, I who is this Yasmeen you speak of? Is she in trouble from these vermin. We must rescue her?"

2014-03-18, 01:49 AM
What? He can see the list perfectly well, why is he... oh, of course. Barbarians don't read. "In a manner of speaking." Amiyah dips her pen into the ink and continues writing. "Yasmeen al-Qadir is the name I was born with. I left that person behind when I left Calimshan, though. Now I am Amiyah al-Hassan, and I much prefer it that way. Should the wrong people- well, more wrong people- learn who I was..." She shudders. "It is not something I wish to think about overlong."

2014-03-18, 02:09 AM
What? He can see the list perfectly well, why is he... oh, of course. Barbarians don't read. "In a manner of speaking." Amiyah dips her pen into the ink and continues writing. "Yasmeen al-Qadir is the name I was born with. I left that person behind when I left Calimshan, though. Now I am Amiyah al-Hassan, and I much prefer it that way. Should the wrong people- well, more wrong people- learn who I was..." She shudders. "It is not something I wish to think about overlong."

Connaught grins and throws his arms around Amiyah in a great smelly, hairy, sweaty and blood splattered bear hug. "The we shall protect Yasmeen and Amiyah both and crush those who wold put you at risk"

2014-03-18, 07:48 AM
Tchinik grins back at Connaught and says "Yes, we will."

What is the map made out of? Parchment? Can we roll it up and take it with us?

2014-03-18, 09:43 AM
Zathras watches the barbian engulf the short wizard with amusement in his red eyes.

"I have some experience with vengeful ghosts from the past as well. Your secret is safe with me."

Then he straightens his posture and focuses the door further into the complex.

"Time to get this done with, I'd say."

2014-03-19, 06:14 AM
Having taking any practical steps to record the writings and map tokens, the party moves forward. Sister Mary-Iris pulls open the door and reveals a short corridor ending in another door. Moving forward she also opens this once everyone is ready.

Beyond is a small bare anteroom with a single door leading onward. Next to the door stands a vile snake-man! It has a humanoid torso and arms but a serpents fanged head and a short, snake-like body coiled under it. Mottled green and yellow scales cover it. It holds a wicked-looking scimitar in one hand and has a large wooden shield in the other. At the opening of the door it uncoils and lurches forward to attack...
Whatever this thing was, it's clear that it is no longer alive. A fine taxidermy job has maintained the animated corpse that confronts you, but at it's heart it is simply a zombie - mindless, slow to act but with DR/ slashing (ie resistant to piercing and bludgeoning attacks).

The creature was an ophidian, a race of servile snake-men warriors typically found in servitude to yuan-ti masters. They are not unusual around here, and in any other areas where yuan-ti are found.
{table=head]Initiative Chart
{table=head]Character | Initiative | Notes
Tchinik |[roll2]|
Connaught |[roll4]|
Amiyah| [roll1]|
SP Mary-Iris | [roll5]|
Snake Man|[roll3]| Flat footed


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-03-19, 10:34 AM
Taking the opportunity for a clean shot before the situation inevitably evolvs into a chaotic melee, Zathras spits a bolt of black acid at the snake-man.

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: -
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at snake-man. I'm assuming -4 for cover through my allies.
-> Touch attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

Edit: Crit confirmation attempt in OOC thread.

2014-03-19, 02:53 PM
With a great shout of glee the Northman leaps forward, axe swinging down hard as he moves to the right ... "Take the other side Sister." he calls as he moves to flank.

Move to BA32
Chop chop [roll0] damage [roll1]

2014-03-19, 03:14 PM
Acting swiftly, Zathras shoots a bolt of black acid at the thing. With incredible marksmanship he catches it full in the face and chest. Acid eats into it terribly, exposing parts of its skull and ribcage as it burns through the scaly hide. Despite this the snake man doesn't even flinch and continues to slither forward with scimitar raised.

Behind Zathras the goblin keens in rapture at the awesome display of skill.

That's a successful (& quite phenomenal) hit & damage. The lack of reaction is just flavour.=> Tchinik, Connaught, Amiyah, SPMI
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-03-20, 07:15 AM
Tchinik, being a bit more cautious after his near death experience, charges forward after the barbarian and situates himself on the other side of the creature, dropping his spear as he begins to move and drawing his longsword.
"'Ware this creature. It has the unnatural abilities to ignore damages from any but a weapon that can slash it from breast to hip."

AC ~15; Current ~ 13
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 19

Delayed until after Connaught moves

Move Action
5 ft step to AY-32

Standard Action Action ~ attack AV-7 in Punishing Stance

Longsword in Punishing Stance with Leading the Attack - if successful, allies gain a +4 to hit for 1 round.
[roll0] +2 for flanking

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1] +2 for flanking

[roll2] + [roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2014-03-20, 03:35 PM
With a whispered word from Amiyah, the familiar white magic missile zooms toward the snakeman's acid-eaten face.

Someday, we will have the space for Amiyah to let loose with a different spell. :smalltongue:

Damage: [roll0]

2014-03-21, 04:04 AM
Tchinik ducks to one side and slashes at the snake-man. Swinging low, he cuts a great bloodless rent across it's side. Opposite, Connaught chops massively at it, knocking the shield aside and blasting through its ribcage. Still it stands, advancing.

Zap! The tiny white missile zaps out of Amiyah's trusty wand and flies unerringly through the melee. Splut! It zaps into the things head which promptly bursts apart like a rotten melon. The corpse slumps to the floor, broken and unmoving.

Just a scimitar and a heavy wooden shield for the taking here.

The sister bends to examine the corpse. "It seems the taxidermist was indeed guilty.". Pausing only to ensure that everyone is ready, she opens the next door and strides onward.

A short winding corridor holds two doors...one to the south and one leading back west. Striding to the end she wrenches open the far door revealing a pristine bathing room. The walls, floor and ceiling have been covered in white marble tile; every inch sparkles cleanly. In the middle of the room sits a five foot by ten foot pool of clear water. To the northwest sits an unlit brazier.

Uninterested in the pleasant but functional room, she turns back to the last remaining door. "Ready yourselves."

Beyond, the opulence of the revealed room is somewhat jarring. Smooth plaster walls are painted violet. Delicately crafted silver lanterns flicker softly on the wall, lighting the room. A shelf to the north holds several books, statuettes of fantastic creatures, stuffed snakes and other small creatures, and two coffers; one of darkwood and one of iron decorated with tiny jade bats. A five foot landscape of the city of Tashluta hangs on the eastern wall, yet all of the ships fly flags depicting a serpentine dragon coiled about a lotus flower. A pair of overstuffed chairs sits beside a low table heaped with fuit and bottles of wine. To the south stands a low wooden cupboard. The floor itself is adorned with a thick, deep purple carpet. An open door to the south leads to an apparent bedroom.

Leaning casually against one of the chairs is a striking red-headed woman dressed in a finely crafted chain shirt adorned with blue jewels. A rapier with a flickering, flaming gem in its hilt sits on one hip, a hand crossbow on the other. A potion vial and a couple of wands are tucked into her belt. Gold earrings, a gold armband and an array of sparkling necklaces adorn her.

Crouched at her feet is a small bipedal dinosaur-like creature with a whip-like tail, slitted eyes and grasping, taloned claws. A slim golden collar encircles its neck.

Whatever this thing is, it has some faint draconic heritage. It is stronger, tougher and somewhat resistant to sleep and paralysis magic as a result.
Three Lotus Dragon thieves stand facing you, between you and the woman. Their weapons are drawn, a rapier in one hand and a loaded hand crossbow in the other.

The woman raises an eyebrow and looks appraisingly at you. "So, you're Lavinia's flunkies then. You're obviously resourceful and," eyeing the recently used weapons "and you know how to fight. You should work for me, not her. What do you think?"


2014-04-02, 03:17 PM
Connaught looks at the female boss, a slow and careful look up and down as GE clearly assesses her assets. Grinning he asks What can you offer pretty boas lady that good Lady Lavinia cannot, why should I betray the spirits of my ancestors?

Gripping the axe behind his back he offers a smile waiting to see what the Sister of smack has to offer.

2014-04-03, 07:09 AM
Listening in, Tchinik taps Connaught on the shoulder and pantomimes to him with his fingers, trying to convey that he wishes him and the sister to draw out these assassins so that they have a better chance against them.

2014-04-05, 05:05 AM
"The harbourmaster, Islaran, is dead. We have the docks. It's only a matter of time before our people take the rest of the city. With Tashluta's trading wealth filling our coffers we will be unstoppable. Lavinia is a has-been upstart with no future. Why he didn't deal with her at the same time as his parents I don't know. She'll be feeding the fishes by the time Vanthus completes his takeover of his family fortune."

"Silence!" barks the blood-spattered nun, veins bulging at her temple. "You will all surrender your weapons and lie face-down while you are restrained. You will receive a full and fair trial and your punishment shall befit your crimes. Swift and harsh I expect. Any failure to surrender immediately will be met with lethal force." Stepping forward she lifts her sword and holds it at the chest of the nearest Lotus Dragon. "Dare to test me" she hisses through clenched teeth.

2014-04-05, 07:49 PM
Standing at the back of the group, seperated from the scene by the corridor wall, Zathras can only listen to the conversation. He idly imagines what kind of women the voice of their adversary might belong to.
When Tichink makes his wordless suggestion, the tiefling nods appreciatively, only to shrug a few seconds later, thoroughly unsurprised, when he hears the Sister's uncompromising words.

"Guess that's it then. Couldn't really see it play out any differently anyway," he murmurs.

2014-04-06, 01:56 AM
Amiyah nods to Tchinik; she can't see anything either. "Nor would I wish it to play out any other way. I think it is fairly clear who the villain of this piece is." She frowns, nervously reaching up to push a stray hairpin back into her bun. "I dislike the sound of what has been going on in the city, though. If she tells the truth, we may be in for more fighting when we leave."

2014-04-06, 04:27 AM
"Stick it up your Abyss! We're coming for ye, Lady Lotus" hoots the goblin from the extreme rear, channeling a dose of bravado and nodding eagerly to Zathras.

"Predictable" sighs the striking red-headed woman, presumably Lady Lotus. With a subtle hand signal her minions burst into action. The Lotus Dragon in front of the nun attempts to bat her sword aside and stab at her with his rapier. She easily blocks his blow with her heavy shield.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [14] Miss
=> Zathras (he can hear the fight break out, just can't see anything from where he is)

2014-04-06, 11:49 AM
Zathras concentrates for a moment and translucent multicolored energy surges across his body in a wave-like motion, while a faint, undefinable smell briefly permeates the air. The energy moves through his clothes to also cover the crystal dragon hiding under the tiefling's black breastplate.

Satisfied, he simply waits for the cramped chaos ahead to open up enough to participate.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action: -
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Manifesting Vigor, sharing it with Xin.

2014-04-07, 04:44 AM
With a gesture and a few sharp clicks of the tongue the woman gestures to the dinosaur to wait. Slipping deftly to one side she begins uttering a staccato street chant that spurs her minions on to greater feats of combat.

I am the extreme case of fire and anger
Embarking darker images and skeletal remains
Cold hearted soldier with ice in her veins
I'm twice as insane, my advice is refrain
From confrontation, total annihilation

Not-an-action: 5ft step to AX36
Move action: Handle animal
Standard action: Inspire courage
Not-an-action: Delay
The two remaining Lotus Dragons, flanking the entranceway, each raise their hand crossbows and fire point blank at the nun. The shots go badly wide as she steps forward. Their weapons spent they cast down their hand crossbows and raise rapiers to defend themselves.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with hand crossbow [roll0] (cover) Miss, damage [roll1]
Free action: Drop crossbow
Standard action: Attack SPMI with hand crossbow [roll2] (cover) Miss, damage [roll3]
Free action: Drop crossbow


Lotus Dragon 2


Lady Lotus
Inspire Courage

Draconic Dinosaur

Lotus Dragon 3

Lotus Dragon 1





=> Tchinik, Amiyah, SPMI, Connaught
Post in any order and I'll resolve actions in initiative order.

2014-04-07, 03:59 PM
Connaught grins as the violence begins leaping up beside the warrior nun, heavy axe swinging through the doorway with a great hewing blow. "Come on ye bastard sons of ogres..." the big barbarian revelling in the violence.

Step up to AX34 attacking AY35
- Attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
-- 21 to confirm, total of 25 damage

2014-04-08, 05:32 AM
Hearing the music floating on the air, Tchinik senses the magic coming from the other room.
<Two can play at that game> he thinks to himself.
Looking at Amiyah, he whispers "We need these two to draw them out otherwise they will be overwhelmed.

With that he begins his own counter-melody, seeking to bolster his own comrades.

It was an springtime morning when we heard the trumpets blow,
The shine of armor and of helm
Frost is lifted, blood begins to flow...

He began, singing one of the northern battle hymns, hoping to bolster Connaught and the Sister as they fought for the moment.

Inspire Courage - +1 to hit and damage
Move to AX-33

2014-04-09, 02:30 AM
Amiyah nods to the bard, squeezing past him and Connaught to get closer to the door in an attempt to get a line of sight through the door. She squints, trying to see through the melee... yes! The wizard dips a hand into her spell component pouch and begins chanting the words to one of her favorite spells. On the last word she throws a thumbnail-sized bit of suet into the Lady Lotus' room. It expands upon hitting the floor, a thick layer of grease covering the ground where the thieves and miniature dinosaur are standing. "Connaught, Mary-Iris, don't go into the room quite yet!"

2014-04-09, 05:25 PM
Connaught steps up alongside the nun, behind the doorway. From out of nowhere his axe sings around the corner and thunks into the door. The head of the central Lotus Dragon is cleanly lopped off and flies through the air, the body standing for a few seconds pumping arterial blood over the nun before collapsing in a heap.
No arguing with that attack. I'll presume Tchinik & Amiyah are delaying until after Connaught, otherwise you'll have movement and AoO problems respectively. SPMI delays as well, since I'm NPCing and wouldn't want to rob DrK of the kill :smallsmile:
Tchinik moves in behind Connaught, his lyrical battle with Lady Lotus bolstering his companions. Amiyah slips by and the words of magic ring out. A thick swathe of grease slicks out on the lush carpet in the room but both the thief and the dinosaur are able to keep their feet and remain upright.

"I pronounce you guilty". Sister Penitent Mary-Iris hacks at the criminal to her left, slipping through his guard and cutting down through his shoulder sending him to the floor in a widening pool of blood.
Free Action: Speak
Full Round Action: Longsword attack on Lotus Dragon in AX35, attack [roll0] Hit, dmg [roll1], crit confirm [roll2], dmg [roll3].
Feat: Dreadful Wrath, all enemies in 20ft shaken for 1 minute, will save vs DC13 negates.
Lotus Dragon 1 [roll4]
Lotus Dragon 3 [roll5] Save
Lady Lotus [roll6] Save
Draconic Dinosaur [roll7] Save

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll8]
1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones W G2
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G
The small dinosaur crouches carefully as it tries to keep its footing. A long tongue flashes in and out of its mouth and its wide cat-like eyes survey the chaos in front of it. Flinching at the crashing violence its head darts out and a spray of liquid jets from its mouth across the closest combatants.
Standard action: Poison spray
Fort save vs DC13
SMPI [roll9] (+2 for cover) Save
Connaught [roll10] (+2 for cover) Save
LD1 [roll11]

Ref save vs DC14 to avoid falling
Dinosaur [roll12] Save
From behind the goblin hoots with glee at the sounds of combat and chaos. Overcome with excitement it bangs itself on its carapace helmet again and again with the severed dog leg, whirling around as adrenaline sends it spinning.



Lady Lotus
Inspire Courage

Lotus Dragon 3


Inspire Courage



Draconic Dinosaur


=> Zathras

2014-04-09, 09:05 PM
The woman watches dispassionately as her minions are cut down. "Impressive". Ceasing her rhythmic rhyming she draws one of the wands from her belt, points it at the party uttering a single word of magic. Connaught and the nun feel a magical force assault their wills, but manage to shrug off the effects. "Curse it!"
No action: Cease inspire courage
Move action: Draw wand
Standard action: Activate wand (spell trigger)
SPMI will save (1d20+7)[21] Save
Connaught will save (1d20+2)[20] Save
The remaining thief tries to stab through the sisters defences but can't find a gap. He then steps back into the bedroom, out of the treacherous greased floor area.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll0] (cover) Miss, damage [roll1]
Move action: 10ft move to BA36. Balance check DC10 to succeed [roll2] Success


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3



Inspire Courage



Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order. Delay to adjust initiative order as you wish.

2014-04-11, 07:39 AM
Stymied by his inability to act in such close quarters, Tchinik continues to inspire his brothers and sisters in arms as he pulls one of his darts out and holds it ready.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage

Move Action
Pull out dart

Standard Action Action ~ Ready Action - to throw his dart at the first hostile party he can see (I don't think he can see anyone right now)

Confirmation (if necessary)


Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-11, 07:08 PM
Amiyah aims her wand at the doorway that's just barely within her sight, ready to shoot whatever foe shows its face first.

Come out, come out, wherever you are, and say hello to my little friend!

2014-04-12, 03:05 PM
As the grease vanishes and melts away Connaught grins and strides forwards axe swinging in hand bolstered by the singing following him. Stepping through the doorway he snarls at the strange looking dinosaur and moves to cleave the beasts head off. "A fine belt you be making me eh?" He barks at at the women as he regards her pet.

Move to AZ35
Attack the dinosaur [roll0] damage [roll1]

2014-04-12, 09:44 PM
Tchinik throws a dart but with his view obstructed the shot goes wide. Next to him Amiyah utters a word and the magical grease effect instantly disappears. She points her trusty wand and a white orb zaps out, weaving through the combatants to strike the small dinosaur in the flank. It hisses in pain and anger. Connaught steps onto the lush carpet and swings at the lizard. The taloned creature nimbly dodges left and right, avoiding the northmans blows.

Clutching her longsword the nun steps into the room next to Connaught. Looking quickly around she moves to the door to hold the flank against the hidden thief. Seeing him cower behind the doorway she too strikes at the dinosaur. It darts forward under her guard and sinks its needle sharp teeth into her leg drawing blood, before jumping away again.
Move action: Move to AZ35.
AoO: Dinosaur vs SPMI bite [roll0] Hit damage [roll1]
Standard Action: Attack dinosaur with longsword [roll2] Miss damage [roll3], if successful Stone Bones for 1 round.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll4]
1. Crusader's Strike W G3
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

=> Zathras

2014-04-13, 10:54 AM
Seeing the chaos ahead open up slightly, Zathras finally spings into action and moves forward in the corridor, toward the entrance of the room.

Catching sight of the dinosaur through the open doorway, he spits black acid at the creature, though, between the whirlwind of steel and moving bodies, his shot is far from clear.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action: Move 20 feet to AX34.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at the dinosaur
-> Touch attack: [roll0] (-4 for shooting into melee and -4 for cover included)
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-04-14, 08:27 PM
Darting deftly under the onslaught of both the barbarian and the battle nun, the dinosaur lunges with it's needle-sharp teeth and claws, raking bloody furrows across the nun.
Full round action: Full attach vs SPMI bite [roll0] Hit, damage [roll1]; claw [roll2]Hit, damage [roll3]; claw [roll4]Hit, damage [roll5]
"Let's try that again. You may have defeated my soldiers and delayed my inevitable victory, but I can still send you to the Hells!". She points her wand and again utters the command word. The magical force again assaults the minds of Connaught and the nun. Even as he swings his heavy axe for another chop at the lizard, Connaught blinks and topples over, crumpling into a huge sleeping hulk on the floor. Lady Lotus grins wickedly and draws her rapier, eyeing the easy target. However seeing another opportunity she clutches her necklace and speaks another word, leaping over the comatose form and through the doorway, right past everyone's weapons and into Zathras' face and preventing anyone from entering the room to help the barbarian!

Standard action: Activate wand (spell trigger)
SPMI will save (1d20+7)[12] Save
Connaught will save (1d20+2)[8] Fail - asleep and helpless (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#helpless) Not even an action point will help (I rolled a 1).
Move action: Draw rapier
Swift action:Activate necklace and move to AY34 (mysteriously no AoO's allowed...)

Seeing the northman fall to his boss and only the warrior priest in the room the remaining thief steps out smiling and stabs at the sister. Distracted by the swift assailant moving behind her, the thief is able to skewer a mighty blow through her calf. Looking up at her attacker she grits her teeth momentarily before the poisined blade takes its course and she is clutching her knees retching while trying desperately to keep her guard up...
No action: 5-ft step to BA35.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll6] Hit (crit fail), damage [roll7] + poison (nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated))


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3


Sleeping like a baby (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#helpless)

Inspire Courage


Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-16, 02:54 PM
Zathras suddenly finds himself much closer to the Lady Lotus than he would like to be, at least in the current circumstances. The tiefling looks around for an avenue of retreat, but quickly realizes that the way is blocked on all sides. Resigned to his fate, his lips spread in a dark smile as he raises his spiked gauntlet to strike.

"Here goes nothing..."

AC: 19 HP: 9/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action: -
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Attacking Lady Lotus with the spiked gauntlet
-> Attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (piercing)

2014-04-16, 04:06 PM
Amiyah curses as Connaught slumps to the floor, and again as Lady Lotus lands right in their midst. What to do? She could shoot the thieves' leader, but the woman probably has enough armor and magical protections that a magic missile wouldn't do much. They really need Connaught and Mary-Iris here! The nun is still on her feet but not doing well enough to wake Connaught. Well, that leaves one option. Hopefully he won't be mad at me when he gets up.

She whispers the magic word, and a little white missile zooms toward the sleeping barbarian.

Ask and ye shall receive!

Damage: [roll0]

2014-04-17, 08:09 AM
Slightly taken aback by the ladies move, Tchinik continues to sing of glory as he drops his spear and removes his rapier, stabbing at her through the narrow door frame.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage and drop spear

Move Action
Pull out rapier

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll0] +1 inspire -4 cover and does he get a +2 from flanking with SPMI?

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1] +1 inspire -4 cover and does he get a +2 from flanking with SPMI?

[roll2] +[roll3]

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-18, 04:15 AM
Even as Lady Lotus looks over the fallen barbarian and the retching warrior nun Zathras takes advantage of her lowered guard and punches her squarely in the ribs. She turns and avoids the worst of the blow. Gasping at the unexpected blow she clutches her chest and puts her guard up.
Failed confirm :smalleek:
Tchinik stabs at her too, but she meets his rapier with her own and easily turns it aside.

does he get a +2 from flanking with SPMI?
Sadly no, because SPMI is not threatening/ can't attack
Zap! A white orb zips out and stings the comatose northman. Stirring, he rises groggily to his feet, axe gripped firmly. The dinosaur nips at him as he stands. Weaving about he suddenly snaps to action and chops at the dangerous woman. Her blade flashes with fire as she stabs him, but he returns the hit with a vicious blow.
AoO: Dinosaur vs Connaught bite [roll0] Hit damage [roll1]
AoO: Lady Lotus vs Connaught rapier [roll2] Hit damage [roll3] (7 normal + 1 fire)
Move action: Stand from prone
Standard action: Attack Lady Lotus [roll4] Hit damage [roll5]
At his side the nun, doubled over with her shield raised, grits out "Come on! Do your worst! Is that all you've got?"
Free Action: Speak
Stance: Iron Guard's Glare (ineffective as not threatening)
1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G4
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G
The small dinosaur, blood dripping from its claws and fangs, backs slowly away from the nun lashing out as it does.
No Action: 5ft step to AY36
Full round action: Full attack vs SPMI bite [roll6] Hit, damage [roll7]; claw [roll8] Hit, damage [roll9]; claw [roll10] Hit, damage [roll11]
As the dinosaur moves to flank Connaught, Lady Lotus grins slyly at the setup. "Stay down, fool." She stabs at him again but he bats it aside.
Free Action: Speak
Standard Action: Lady Lotus vs Connaught rapier [roll12] Miss damage [roll13]+sneak[roll14]
The last remaining thief gloatingly taunts the retching nun. After toying with her for a second he moves in for the kill...but she fends off his blows.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll15] Miss, damage [roll16]


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3


Inspire Courage



Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-18, 08:17 AM
The others can almost hear the frustration in Tchinik's voice as he continues to rally them with his song as he lashes out again at the woman.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage

Swift Action
Sapphire Nightmare Blade (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sapphire-nightmare-blade--3637/)
You attempt a Concentration check as part of this maneuver, using the target creature’s AC as the DC of the check. You then make a single melee attack against your target. The attack is also part of this maneuver. If your Concentration check succeeds, the target is fl at-footed against your attack, and you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. If your check fails, your attack is made with a –2 penalty and deals normal damage.
Concentration Check
[roll0] +4

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll1] +1 inspire -4 cover

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll2] +1 inspire -4 cover

[roll3] +4 +[roll4] + possible [roll5] from Sapphire Nightmare Blade

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-19, 11:21 PM
Ugh, Amiyah hates enclosed spaces! The odds of her hitting Lady Lotus with anything other than her trusty but weak magic missile are slim to none. But... sometimes Mystra and Tymora favor the bold, and it would be a shame to have wasted her carefully prepared lesser orb of cold. Lady Lotus is probably the most potent foe remaining here. Please, Tymora, let her be the most potent foe remaining! The woman had mentioned unrest in the city, but if they don't live through this fight, that point will be moot.

Mind made up, the wizard shoves her wand into her belt and begins a series of incantations and gestures. A sphere of icy blue-white energy forms in her hand, about the size of a grapefruit. Amiyah winds up and throws it as she speaks the last word, the orb leaving a trail of mist and sparkling ice crystals in its wake.

Taking a chance here, this is a boss fight and I'm kind of sick of d4s.

Move action: put wand in belt
Standard action: lesser orb of cold at Lady Lotus
Ranged touch attack, taking into account -4 melee and +1 inspire courage: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-04-20, 01:45 AM
Rising to his feet the barbarian is stabbed and bitten as he whirls around. ho now you wee devil. I do not like your attitude.
Reeling back he tries to batter down her rapier and hack the axe into her head with savage strength.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2014-04-20, 07:48 PM
Trapped between the enemy and his allies, and forced to rely on his woefully inadequate skills in melee combat, Zathras decides to focus his attention on getting out of this situation and allow Tchinik to take his place. With a quick movement, he turns and retreats through the narrow corridor, squeezing past the bard, carefully guarding his back against the Lady Lotus at every step.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action: Withdrawal action to AY33, giving up this turns actions, but not provokinh an AoO from Lady Lotus
Free Action: -
Standard Action: -

2014-04-22, 06:21 AM
Steel, spew and snowballs!

Zathras backs carefully away from Lady Lotus, guarding against a dagger in the back. Tchinik, singing of courage and valour, lashes out at the woman but she easily dodges back behind the corner. From Amiyah the words of the spell and the ball of freezing snow flies into the melee, again easily dodged. Even the mighty blow from the barbarian fails to connect as she leans gracefully out of the arc of the blow. Next to him the nun continues to retch under the effects of the poison, trying to defend herself against any further attack.

The small dinosaur darts back and forth, excited by the combat but dwarfed by the two armoured humans next to it. Ducking to one side it shrinks back and again sprays a jet of venom across the room. The debilitated nun is crouched over and avoids the worst of the spray, but roaring Connaught catches it full in the face. Burning irritation stings his eyes as his sight is lost to the irritant. A cry of pain from the remaining Lotus Dragon indicates that he too has been caught by the spray.
Standard action: Poison spray Fort save vs DC13
SMPI (1d20+6)[23] (+2 for cover) Save + (1d6)[6] AP
Connaught (1d20+4)[9] Fail + (1d6)[3] AP Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)
LD3 (1d20+4)[9] (+2 for cover) FailBlinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)

Lady Lotus eyes the newly opened gap straight to the wizard Amiyah. With the blinded barbarian next to her she has second thoughts and turns on him. "Not yet my dear. I'll get to you soon enough. First I'll finish off these brute companions of yours". She stabs at Connaught but his whirling axe keeps her at bay.
Free Action: Speak
Standard Action: Lady Lotus vs Connaught rapier [roll0] Miss damage [roll1] + sneak [roll2]

The final Lotus Dragon curses the dinosaur and lashes out blindly at the nun.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll3], damage [roll4] 50% miss chance [roll5] Miss


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)


Inspire Courage


Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)

Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-22, 07:08 AM
As Zathras moves, shifts into the position he was just occupying, his voice rising as he maintains his tempo, his song steadily rises.

Battling and battling, as the horde comes crashing down,
The mighty arms of Gwaeron, holds back the evil tide...

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 13

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage

Swift Action
Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/)

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll0] +5 (base) +1 inspire

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1] +5 (base) +1 inspire

[roll2] +3(base) + inspire +[roll3] Punishing Stance

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - X
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-23, 03:13 PM
Connaught screams as the venom stings his eyes. "AHHH, little demon lizard. I kill you!" the big giant screams as he lays about with his axe at where the lizard had been standing before it spat in his eyes...

nasty beast!
- Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] miss 01-50 [roll2]

2014-04-23, 05:55 PM
Now seperated from Lady Lotus' steel by the bard's presence, Zathras moves one step closer to the battle again, trying to land a stream of acid through the chaos.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action:
Free Action: 5 ft. step to AX33.
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at Lady Lotus
-> Touch attack: [roll0] (-4 for shooting into melee and -4 for cover included)
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-04-23, 06:30 PM
Great, there went her best offensive spell. Amiyah points her wand at the queen of thieves and whispers the magic word. A much smaller white missile flies out, dodging around Tchinik on its way to the foe.

Damage [roll0]

2014-04-23, 09:34 PM
The party attacks, but none can connect save for Amiyah's unmissing missile. Lady Lotus winces in annoyance as the little orb slams into her.

Trapped next to the flailing barbarian, the dragon-eyed dinosaur lashes out at him leaving many bloody scratches.
Full round action: Full attack vs Connaught bite [roll0] Hit, damage [roll1]; claw [roll2] Miss, damage [roll3]; claw [roll4] Hit, damage [roll5];
With Connaught blinded and attacking the dinosaur, Lady Lotus turns to engage Tchinik as he steps up. Slashing him across the upper arm her blade flashes with fire as it draws blood.
Standard Action: Lady Lotus vs Tchinik rapier [roll6]Hit, damage [roll7] (7 normal +1 fire)
The blinded thief continues his futile attack against the incapacitated nun.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll8] Miss, damage [roll9] 1-50% miss chance [roll10]


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)


Inspire Courage


Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)

Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-24, 03:50 PM
Ignoring the pain that this woman has inflicted on him, Tchinik continues fighting on as the blood drips from his side.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 5
Action Points ~ 5; Current ~ 4

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll0] + [roll1] (action point) +5 (base) +1 inspire

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll2]+5 (base) +1 inspire

[roll3]+3(base) + inspire + [roll4] Punishing Stance

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - X
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-25, 01:40 PM
Frustrated at his failure to hit the enemy through the clamor of the cramped and chaotic melee, Zathras hisses through his fangs before he spits another glob of acid at the whirling figure of the Lady Lotus.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action:
Free Action:
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at Lady Lotus
-> Touch attack: [roll0] (-4 for shooting into melee and -4 for cover
-> Action Point: + [roll1]
-> Damage: [roll2] (acid)

2014-04-25, 03:10 PM
"What's happening.... where is that little monster" Connaught shouts loudly as he continues to wail away with the massive axe. The small nipping cuts and sashes from tiny claws makes the massive northman angry beyond reason.

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] miss [roll2] (1-50)
How long does the poison last?

2014-04-25, 04:52 PM
Note to self, learn some better spells. Well, at least she has an idea of where she needs to improve now. Another missile flies at the Lady Lotus courtesy of Amiyah's trusty (and rapidly depleting) wand.


2014-04-26, 04:16 AM
Zathras spits acid toward Lady Lotus but again can't connect. The jet does cause her distraction and Tchinik uses the opportunity to lunge, but she brings her buckler up at the last minute and wards off the strike. Zap! As she does so another magic orb flies in from Amiyah and hits her.

In the room, Connaught swings wildly. A glancing blow clips the dinosaur and it hisses it pain and anger. With nowhere else to go, it lashes out at him again, nipping at his legs.
Full round action: Full attack (fighting defensively) vs Connaught bite [roll0] Hit, damage [roll1]; claw [roll2] Miss, damage [roll3]; claw [roll4] Miss, damage [roll5]
Clearly annoyed at being struck by another magic missile, and at having not dealt with the wizard earlier, Lady Lotus lunges again at Tchinik. She tries to feint and catch him off guard, but he is wary of her cunning nature.
Move action: Feint vs Tchinik; Bluff [roll6] vs Sense Motive [roll7] Miss
Standard Action: Lady Lotus vs Tchinik rapier (1d20+2)[7] Miss, damage (1d6+3)[4] + sneak [roll8]
Meanwhile the thief continues to stab clumsily at the hunched warrior nun as she taunts him as a weakling and a coward.
Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier [roll9] Miss, damage [roll10] 1-50% miss chance [roll11]


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)


Inspire Courage


Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)

Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-26, 02:29 PM
Amiyah keeps an eye on Connaught and Mary-Iris, as best she can from her position. If one of them falls, she should be able to rescue them, albeit at the cost of putting Zathras or Tchinik into the melee in the other room. She sends another missile flying at Lady Lotus, hoping that the thief will go down before her wand runs out of charges.


2014-04-27, 10:22 AM
Tchinik, frustrated by the lady continues to battle her and sing, narrowly dodging her viper quick strike to his neck with her rapier.

We battled the horde, you and I,
bathed in battles glorious glow
The tides combat swayed,
our strength began to ebb and flow...

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 5
Action Points ~ 6; Current ~ 6

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage

Swift Action
Recover maneuvers

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll0] +5 (base) +1 inspire

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1]+5 (base) +1 inspire

[roll2]+3(base) + inspire + [roll3]Punishing Stance

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade -O
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-27, 11:09 AM
Frustration gives way to desperate realization, as Zathras recognizes that his attacks, between the chaotic melee, the narrow walls, and Lady Lotus' almost supernatural agility, will not become any more accurate than they have been so far. A feeling of helplessnes spreads through his body, and cold shivers run down his spine as the feeling invokes black memories from his past.

I swore I would never be helpless again! That I would never allow it to happen again! He was right after all! I am not strong enough! My power is useless!

He grits his fanged teeth, demon tail swishing wildly in agitation, as he, barely, pushes the memories back into the dark corners of his mind, far beyond the easy-going part of himself that he shows the outside world.

No, this time they will not die. They are strong!

Lacking any other viable options, he takes a deep breath to steady his aim, and fires another spit of black acid, hoping against hope that Tymora's favor will be with him.

AC: 19 HP: 14/9
Soulmeld effects: DR 4/magic
Currently active powers: Vigor (+5 temporary HP)

Move Action:
Free Action:
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at Lady Lotus
-> Touch attack: 1d20-4 (-4 for shooting into melee and -4 for cover)
-> Action Point: + 1d6
-> Damage: 2d6+1 (acid)

2014-04-28, 03:12 PM
His eyes still burning from the poison Connaught spins around as he hears the woman shouting and cursing under her breath. Connaught lashes out with the massive axe trying to slam the axe upon the lotus. "Dammned beast I hate you. I need water!."

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] miss [roll2] miss 1-50

2014-04-30, 06:42 AM
The party's attacks all fail to connect, with the exception of Amiyah's trusty magic missile which again slams into Lady Lotus as she ducks and evades the sword thrusts. Laughing at the barbarian's blind frustration she curses at the wizard as she is struck "I hate that cursed wand. By the Hells, that hurts." Rapier warding off blows in one hand she then raises her own wand in the other and speaks the command word. Tchinik and Amiyah feel forces of arcane energy tug at their wills but they are able to shrug off the effects and continue the fight. "Gah! Why won't you all go down!" she mutters in rage. In the room the dinosaur and the thief continue their sparring but are unable to land blows on Connaught or Mary-Iris.


Full round action: Full attack (fighting defensively) vs Connaught bite (1d20+6)[8] Miss, damage (1d4)[2]; claw (1d20+1)[12] Miss, damage (1d2)[1]; claw (1d20+1)[11] Miss, damage (1d2)[2]

Lady Lotus

Wand: saves vs sleep
Amiyah (1d20+3)[15] Save
Tchinik (1d20+4)[23] Save

Lotus Dragon

Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier (1d20+1)[3] Miss, damage (1d6+1)[7] 1-50% miss chance (1d100)[47]


Lady Lotus

Lotus Dragon 3
Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)


Inspire Courage


Blinded (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#blinded)

Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated)

Draconic Dinosaur


=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-04-30, 08:27 AM
Tchinik continues to sing, his voice starting to strain a bit, as the battle continues and he lunges with his rapier.

AC ~14; Current ~ 12
HP ~ 19; Current ~ 5
Action Points ~ 6; Current ~ 5

Free Action
Continue to Inspire Courage
Use an Action Point to hit

Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
[roll0] {+5 (base) +1 inspire} + [roll1] for Action point

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll2] {+5 (base) +1 inspire}

[roll3] {+3(base) + 1 inspire} + [roll4] Punishing Stance

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind - O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade -O
Leading the Attack - O
Inspire courage - +1 to hit/damage

2014-04-30, 01:58 PM
Connaught hears the voice and growls swinging the heavy axe at her voice. His eyes sting and the axe slips towards the voice.

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] miss 1-50 [roll2]
If the miss chance is a hit then use an AP [roll3]

2014-04-30, 02:37 PM
Amiyah can't help a tiny smirk at Lady Lotus' curses. Her wand may not do a lot of damage, but at least it's reliable. The wizard sends another magic missile flying, hoping that her comrades will get in some shots as well.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-05-02, 06:49 AM
Again Lady Lotus dodges, weaves and parries avoiding all of the attacks against her. Her grace and swordsmanship truly is outstanding until ping another irritating magic missile zaps her.

Even as the blind barbarian flails away at the woman, the cornered dinosaur behind him lashes out again and rakes the back of his leg with its razor-sharp talons. Lady Lotus feints again and tries to draw Tchinik in and catch him off guard, but he doesn't fall for it and easily parries her attacks.

The battle nun stands her ground in front of the Lotus Dragon as best she can, clutching her knees retching and holding her shield up in defence against the blind thug. Enraged, the thief stabs away and a lucky shot skewers her through her upper arm and shoulder. Finally overcome she slowly slumps to the ground insensate.

Spurred on by the sight of his companion falling, Tchinik lunges forward and catches Lady Lotus a solid blow in the upper leg. Teetering, she is zapped again by the magic missile and falls to her knees. "Yield! I yield!" She throws her weapon and wand down and holds up her hands in submission. "You've ruined everything..." A couple of words barked to the dinosaur and it obeys holding itself back, tense and nervous but not retaliating.

"I'll never yield. You'll never get me! Scum lawpriest is dead and your next you f-". The blinded barbarian steps over the fallen nun and snick Connaught's axe hones in on the voice of the blinded thief and sends his head flying clean from his torso.

"Victory!" shrieks the goblin standing some distance away forgotten by everyone, and it starts dancing on the spot in celebration.

turns out it only took one more round...


Full round action: Full attack (fighting defensively) vs Connaught bite (1d20+6)[15] Miss, damage (1d4)[2]; claw (1d20+1)[13] Miss, damage (1d2)[2];
claw (1d20+1)[21] Hit, no crit, damage (1d2)[2]

Lady Lotus

Move action: Feint vs Tchinik; Bluff (1d20+12)[13] vs Sense Motive (1d20+6)[14] Miss
Standard Action: Lady Lotus vs Tchinik rapier (1d20+2)[13] Miss, damage (1d6+3)[8] sneak (2d6)[7]

Lotus Dragon

Standard action: Attack SPMI with rapier(1d20+1)[17] Hit, damage (1d6+1)[7] 1-50% miss chance (1d100)[76]. SPMI down to -3hp.


Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at Lady Lotus
-> Touch attack:(1d20-4)[6] Miss (-4 for shooting into melee and -4 for cover)
-> Action Point: + (1d6)[6]
-> Damage: (2d6+1)[9] (acid)


Standard Action Action ~ attack Lady Lotus
(1d20+6)[24] Hit, no crit + (1d6)[6] for Action point

(1d6+4)[9] + (1d6)[3] Punishing Stance




Standard Action Action
(1d20+6)[24] Hit + (1d6)[5] for Action point

1-50% miss chance (1d100)[57]


=> Party

2014-05-02, 02:03 PM
Standing up Connaught washes water over his eyes in an effort to wash out the poison. Turning around until he can find the Lotus Dragon he grabs the axe and pushes the broad tip against her throat to pin her to the wall lest she gain a second grinning smile.... "How ye doing?" he rumbles speaking to his friends. "Are there many more of yer cowardky guards about eh? I have a hankering to split more skulls." Fumbling at his waist for a healing potion he shouts over to the others. "which one does the healing eh?"

2014-05-03, 01:35 AM
"The clear blue one... oh wait, you can't see, can you?" Amiyah keeps her wand trained on Lady Lotus, frowning. "Tchinik, you're closest to the door, would you go help him and Mary-Iris? I think Zathras and I can keep an eye on our captive. See if you can wash his eyes out, that's standard procedure in an alchemy lab when caustic materials get in your eyes." Pause. "Does anyone have rope in their pack?" There are a multitude of questions she wants to ask, but first they need to get Mary-Iris on her feet, dinosaur venom washed out of Connaught's eyes, and Lady Lotus secured. As best they can, anyway.

2014-05-03, 07:33 AM
Tchinik nods at Amiyah as he moves keeping his facing towards the lady as he also keeps his rapier out, picking up her rapier and wand as he moves past her and putting them away. Once he has them, he reaches in has pack and pulls out some rope and throws it to Zathras and says "Bind her arms. Cover her mouth, while you're at it... probably her eyes, too. You never know what magicks she may be able to wield." Pulling out his water, he hands it to Connaught and says "Here you go, big guy. Be back in a minute."
As he steps to the nun, he kneels as he checks for a pulse. "Thank the gods" he says with a sigh of relief as he reaches into his pack one last time, he removes a potion and, gently lifting the nuns head up, pours it down her throat, and waits for its magic to take effect.

2014-05-03, 04:43 PM
Finally the fight is over, and the group has emerged victorious despite the dire situation.

No thanks to you.

Instead of relief, Zathras feels the bitter taste of humiliation in his mouth, as he stares blankly into the distance. His fists are so tightly balled that small trickles of black blood drip onto the stone floor, as pointed nails dig into blood-red skin.

You were useless. Powerless. Again.

Only when his name is mentioned does his attention refocus to what is happening around him. Sister Mary-Iris is hurt badly, and there is much to do.

Act now. Think later.

Catching the rope from the air, he looks at it for a moment, realizing that he has absolutely no idea how to efficiently tie someone up. He decides to try anyway, not willing to admit failure again so soon after his disgraceful performance in this conflict. He makes sure to gag and blindfold the woman as well.

"If anyone here has experience with knots, they might want to check my work. I am mostly relying on instinct here." he mentions.

Use rope check: [roll0]

2014-05-04, 11:09 PM
"My footsoldiers..." the once-striking woman now quite dishevelled looks around detachedly at the bodies in the room. "I think you got them all. There's no more here in my sanctum, and I see you've met with Kersh," she eyes the axe that Connaught has stowed, flickering with black energy "he would have rallied the others against any attack".

Zathras binds her and gets to work gagging and blindfolding her, removing any obvious weaponry remaining. The goblin bounds up and taps her with the dog-leg club, toying delightedly with the captive. "Hey boss, I got this one. Don't worry she ain't going anywhere".

Over with Tchinik, the nun splutters and leaps to her feet, sword drawn and ready to continue the fight. As it becomes clear that the battle is won she stands guard, checking her armour is intact and on guard for any surprise ambush from more goons. "This criminal should be delivered to the relevant authorities, once we have determined the identity of any traitors who may be on her payroll." She nods toward the razor-taloned little dinosaur which is now hunched and wary having been ordered to stand down, "That beast remains a dangerous threat. It should be contained, I suggest in the bathroom if it can be secured. Mr Denid you are well equipped for the task."
Indicating to Tchinik to herd the thing into the bathroom with his spear and block the door with a chair.

=> Party
With Lady Lotus and the dino captive you are free to ask questions, search the bodies/ parlour/ bedroom or otherwise do as you please...

2014-05-06, 07:01 AM
Tchink, retrieving his spear, prods the beast into the bathroom as instructed. Once he has it in there, he finds a sturdy chair and some other furniture to prop up against the door.
After, he looks at Amiyah and points around the room. "Ready to give this area a quick check?" as he begins looking around, leaving the questioning of the Lady to the others for now.

Search check, taking 20 since we seem to have time, for a 23.

2014-05-07, 05:55 PM
Tchinik ransacks the antechamber and the bedroom. Both are extremely opulently fitted out - it seems the Lady Lotus spared no expense on herself, while her footsoldiers lived a relatively spartan lifestyle.

A bunch of trashy adventure and erotica novels
An alabaster statuette of a succubus (a beautiful female human with bat-wings)
An onyx statuette of a displacer beast (a skinny six-legged feline with tentacles sprouting from its shoulders)
Several small stuffed animals
The darkwood coffer containing several silver and gold chain necklaces and bracelets
The iron coffer decorated with jade bats containing a dozen rings and pairs of earrings
Three female courtiers outfits, a female nobles outfit, and an exquisite but scandalous robe of lavender silk

To the south, the floor of the bedroom is thickly carpeted and the walls have been smoothed with plaster and painted a soothing pale green. A delicate crystalline chandelier hangs from the center of the ceiling. A dressing table with a number of vials of expensive-looking perfume sits next to a padded stool in one corner and a large canopied bed with oversized cushions in the other. On the dressing table is a set of ledgers and lists
A detailed list of Lotus Dragon informant's, agents and allies spread throughout Tashluta's nobility, bureaucracy and military forces.
He finds a bunch of racy love letters signed off by Vanthus and addressed to a Rowyn Kellani stuffed under the mattress.

Rowyn Kellani - scion of House Kellani. A brash red-headed woman widely rumoured to soon be named as successor to the ailing matroness Heldreth Kellani.
House Kellani - a greedy family rumoured to be willing to do nearly anything to get ahead in the Tashlutan nobility
Heldreth Kellani - aging matron rumoured to have bought her way into Tashluta's nobility with vast wealth acquired as a pirate

Flicking through them there are a number of interesting comments
"...My parents have grown soft. I'm not worried in the slightest that they suspect anything, my delicate flower. The funds that you've trusted me with have been more than enough to pay off the local guards, the harbour watch, and the ship's crew to say nothing of the cargo. Nine Hells...they even offered to load the barrels. Of course, I didn't tell them what was inside - I'm sure they'd sing a different song if they new how much alchemist's fire we loaded into the hold of my father's new plaything. I'll be following the ships progress for a few days to make sure that the fire does its trick, so you'll not be seeing me for at least half a week. Keep your bed warm for me!"
"...It's unbelievable! Sure, she's the eldest sibling, but she knows nothing of life! She spent the last half of her childhood learning how to fold napkins and play violin, by the gods! It just goes to show you how insane my parents really were...leaving everything in her care like that! Whatever. She'll need the house to live off, I suppose. Lavinia's not a bad lass, really...I kind of miss our time together, to tell the truth. Think she'd be interested in joining the Lotus? I doubt it. And anyway, a second Vanderboren tragedy might get too many people curious. No, for now, whatever's in the vault will have to do..."
"...I really wish you could have been there, my little dragon, to see the look on their faces as I closed the trapdoor! Lavinia''s never going to get anywhere hiring fools like them. I wonder if they've found Ton Arsi yet? I hope they didn't die too quickly..."
"In any case, on to the purpose of this letter. Brissa's in the other room, getting ready for a night out on the town, so I'll have to be quick. remember that thing she hinted about to me? About the pirates that were supposedly using Kraken's Cove as a base for their smuggling operation? Turns out she wasn't spinning tales - I've heard that they'll be arriving within the week with a particularly rich cargo. I'll bring her with me on the pretext of joining up with them, get their guard down, and when they're not expecting it my men'll light the ships on fire! It'll be a simple task to pluck the treasure from the water once all those fools are dead. Should be more than enough to make up for what we lost when Lavinia inherited rather than me."
"I tell you...burning people to death on their own boats? It's the best way to make money yet. Wish I'd thought of it years ago!"
He also finds a secret door hidden in the north wall of the bedroom...

2014-05-11, 09:21 AM
Connaught, vision restored is only too happy to lock the small dinosaur in the bathroom. Making the sure the door is locked and barred before joining the others. At the letters and screeds of paper he shrugs returning to the bound thief "So lotus dragon, where is Vanthus hiding. I have a matter to settle with him, one he won't enjoy. He was supposed to be hiding with his woman, do you know where she is?"

As the search turns up some nice arts and crafts and sellable trinkets his mood improves. "You rich thief eh... You won't mind sharing." The cheer continues as the secret door is discovered... "Hold friend. I would not trust this place. They are sneaky thieves. Make her open the door."

Connaught will kick the Lotus lady forward to open the door. If there is a trap let her set it off

2014-05-12, 08:11 AM
Tchinik looks a bit uncomfortable with having the lady setting off traps, villain or no.
Pulling a dart and holding the tip to her neck, he loosens her gag and says "Since you heard everything, I'd recommend letting us know if this is trapped before we push your body that way, if you want to live."

2014-05-12, 11:10 PM
"Ms Kellani, you will tell us the complete truth immediately. Your crimes are heinous and for that you will be punished. Don't make it any harder." states the nun impassively.

"Vanthus?! You're here because of Vanthus?! You've ruined everything because of Vanthus?!! That swine, I'll tear his heart out! To think I shared a bed with that cur. Of course I'll tell you where to find him. He left for Kraken's Cove yesterday. Some scheme to rip off some pirates. It's out east. A days sail or maybe a week by foot, I hear. He went with Brissa Santos. He's been stringing her along, telling her she's his true love. She's just a pickpocket. Calls herself an artist. But she had connections with these pirates, so Vanthus thought he could make a quick profit out of it. I hope they cut them both to pieces."

Lady Lotus, aka Lady Rowyn Kellani, nudges open the secret door revealing a short corridor and another door. "That's the trapped one" she mutters. "Turn it anti-clockwise, here. Turn it the other way and you kill us all." with great effort she takes a set of keys in her bound hands and unlocks the door. Beyond is a 10ft by 15ft room, apparently a treasury by the three large iron-bound chests within. "Open that one first, otherwise say your prayers" she says. Again propelled forward, with difficulty she levers open the empty chest with her bound hands and you hear a soft click as a trap in the floor is disarmed. "It's all yours now" she spits, thoroughly beaten.

Amiyah quickly checks the remaining chests for traps. Finding none, Tchinik takes the keys from her and opens the two chests.

In the first chest:

Nothing. It's a false chest with the disarm mechanism within.

In the second chest:

A fantastic collection of jewellery, collectables and other assorted valuables

In the third chest:

An eye-watering amount of gold and gemstones, all neatly arranged in silk bags bearing the Vanderboren crest.

On Rowyn Kellani, assuming someone frisks her:

A potion
Three wands
A masterwork hand crossbow, with 10 poisoned bolts
Golden earrings
A jewelled gold necklace
Golden armband
Masterwork chain shirt adorned with blue jewels
Masterwork rapier with flickering, flaming gem in hilt
Masterwork darkwood buckler
Bag of marbles
A leather belt studded with moonstones
set of MW thieves tools
another golden neck chain with a golden rising sun and a small glass flower dangling from it

2014-05-22, 01:49 AM
Amiyah pats down their captive with brisk efficiency as Connaught looms over her with his bloody axe to prevent Lady Lotus from getting any bright ideas. She makes the woman remove all armor and jewelry as well as weapons and coin; to the victor go the spoils, after all. After what the Lotus Dragons have put Amiyah and her comrades through, she's not going to quail at taking someone's armor. The loot goes into whichever chest has more room for ease of carrying. "I think that's everything. Who has the rope? We'll take her to the guardhouse." The wizard glances at Mary-Iris. "Unless you would rather take her to a temple of Tyr?"

Once Lady Lotus is secured, Amiyah starts looking through her papers. "My, my, my. This will be quite useful. Apparently her real name, or at least the one she told to Vanthus, is Rowyn Kellani."

2014-05-22, 07:48 AM
Zathras watches the proceedings with grim satisfaction, his blood-red eyes widening slightly as the spoils of war are revealed. The fact that their destruction of the Lotus Dragon organization was somewhat of an accidental side-product of pursuing Vanthus is darkly amusing to him. One less den of evil in this city.

"Seems that taking up with Vanthus does not end well for anyone. First Ton Arsi, now our sweet lady here, and it does not sound as if his next girlfriend will fare any better. Not that they do not deserve it, by all accounts. But you would think someone would notice the pattern and think better of it."

After everything is stowed and secured, and the group is ready to leave, he takes the end of the rope that the Lady Lotus is tied with in one black-gloved hand and motions her to walk ahead.

"I trust you will not be so foolish as to make any unexpected movements." he says with a fanged smile that carries no hint of warmth. Indicating Connaught and his bloody axe with a nod of the head, he adds: "You really do not want to give him an excuse".
For additional security, he gives a telepathic command to Xin to keep watch on their prisoner from his shoulder. The crystal dragon obeys, staring at the woman with unblinking multicolored eyes of glittering gemstone.

Amiyah's comment elicits a blank stare. "I assume that means something to you. Is she an important figure?"

2014-05-22, 12:43 PM
Connaught grins. Rowan say you. Good name. A liitje bysh with poisonous shiny berries. Hefting up the chest packed with loot he motions towards the door, Come now, off to Temple you go. The one handed one will know how to handle the likes of you.

Looking at the others he sighs over dramatically, Vanthus went to sea eh? Best we be funding a boat, or buying one.

Shall we take her to temple of Tyr and then go and count all of our prodigious loot. We just won't take the chest into the temple

2014-05-23, 07:11 AM
"I doubt we have enough to buy a boat and I don't know if any of us are any good at sailoring, but we can look into renting out a ship and crew. Enough discussion in front of her, though. We can continue this later. Are we ready to move out or should we scour this area for anything that may help us with our job?"

2014-05-25, 06:30 AM
The nun speaks up, answering Zathras' question. "Lady Kellani here is the heir to House Kellani. While the House is quite powerful and certainly wealthy in it's own right, it seems that her birthright was not enough for her. She wanted more and she wanted it now. She was prepared to resort to murder and treason to do so". Turning again to Rowyn Kellani, the nun spits out "Your callous and vile ways disgust me. You will pay for your crimes!".

As the party gathers the valuables and prepares to leave, the goblin wanders up. Eyeing the piles of treasure in wonder she speaks in a mixture of awe and respect "So much treasure! And you were so greedy. Even one name was not enough for you - you had to have two. Well even as my masters will take your treasure I will take the last thing you have - your name! From now on I will be Lotus and you will be just...whatever your fancy name was, I forget already." Rowyn looks a little confused at the spiritual enthusiasm with which the goblin has renamed herself, but the little creature is off again, rifling through the pockets of the dead thieves.

Straining with the weight of the chests full of plunder the party makes its way back up to the Taxidermists Guildhall, now exposed as the cover for the criminal network's hideout. A very surprised Mr Maingwe is also slowly creeping out of the Guildhall with a sack of gold, all the more surprised as Connaught's huge palm covers his mouth and the other arm raises him by the scruff of the neck. "Oh ho what have we here, the little rat is trying to get away". The taxidermist is also securely bound and his rat, which must have chewed through his bonds, is popped in a tough leather sack from where it cannot easily escape. "I'll take that", says Lotus licking her lips.

It is a straightforward matter to obtain a cheap two-wheeled wagon. The chests are loaded and the two prisoners tied to it to prevent them trying to run. Walking through the late-afternoon streets of Tashluta you're not quite sure whether to expect retaliation or not...you know that there are Lotus Dragon agents out there, you have the complete list. After a tense hour of travel feeling that enemies are at every corner and window the party arrives outside the very modest temple to Anach-Tyr. Guards cut from the same cloth as Sister-Penitent Mary Iris glare sternly at the obvious criminals as they are marched inside. Inside the austere building the Sister explains the crimes and the named associates brusquely to the High Justicar, the party filling in details as required. Running through the list of henchmen and paid agents the high priest speaks "The accused must stand trial, that much is clear. There will be blood on the streets tonight. Your Lady Lavinia is innocent, but has many enemies. Return to her estate and make sure that she comes to no harm this evening. I assure you that by sunrise the guilty will be in custody." With that he turns to his battle priests and begins discussions of tactical raids and of engaging the assistance certain loyal watchmen and marines. The prisoners, Lady Rowyn Kellani and Mr Sepoto Maingwe, are marched off to confinement by a pair of non-nonsense enforcers.

Before the stunned party can stop her the Sister has grabbed one of the chests of loot and laid it at the feet of a clerical assistant. "These stolen goods have all been confiscated. See to it that they are returned to their rightful owners". Their is a choked sob at the back from the goblin as the valuables are quickly whisked away into the vaults. "Right. Let us go. Lady Vanderboren must be protected." She strides off without waiting for a response.

Back at the Vanderboren Estate you recount the recent events in the hideout of the Lotus Dragons, describing Vanthus' involvement and his likely location. Lady Lavinia is somber throughout, although obviously relieved at the recovery of her funds stolen by Vanthus. Tears well up when she reads her brother's journal describing the murder of her parents. "It seems he is past salvation".

Gates are fastened securely and watches are set, but despite any preparations the night actually passes uneventfully. The odd cry and clash of swords carries in the night air but nothing in the vicinity of the estate.


7th of Kythorn, 1375 DR. Late Spring.

In the morning you are woken by the smell of smoke. Fearing the worst the party hustles toward the source only to find Lotus wearing proper cooks clothes and happily cooking an array of breakfast foods under the watchful eye of Kora the halfling servant. "Look at these ingredients...such delicacies!" It seems that Lotus can actually cook a very nice meal given the right starting point. While still a goblin the creature is far less disgusting wearing a clean apron and with the halfling having clearly enforced a hand-washing regime. "A victory breakfast!". Also surprising is that the goblin has chained to a table leg the small dragon-lizard creature, the one that caused such frustration for Connaught. Seeing the looks of concern the goblin says with a wink "Eh, she's not so bad. Misunderstood maybe. Hungry for sure. I call her Lady since that other mischief woman had way too many names for the taking." She throws it a chicken (?) drumstick which it begins to happily devour.

Later that morning a temple messenger arrives and reports to Lady Lavinia. The agents of the Lotus Dragons have all been rounded up and purged, any chance of a coup has been eliminated. Those apprehended face a period of forced labour in the plantations or in the navy as punishment for their crimes. The city guard are cleaning up, but the crisis is over for now.

Another messenger arrives around midday, finely bedecked in the uniform of the Dawn Council. Servants accompanying him bring a number of bound coffers in and place them in the dining room as he says "By the order of the Dawn Council, those heroes who have this day saved Tashluta are hereby acknowledged with gratitude." The coffers are opened in unison and brim with gold coins. It seems the surviving nobles are very happy indeed! "The Council decrees a ball will be held in five days time to honour the heroes and present them with the Spire of Tashluta in recognition of their actions". The Spire is some sort of medal awarded to important heroes.

Lavinia speaks "I also am grateful. I don't know what I would have done without your help" she takes some of the sacks of Vanderboren coin which you have recently rescued from the Lotus Dragons and adds them to your rewards. "I only hope that you are able to continue to help to track down my brother and bring him to justice".

"Of course" says the nun "we leave in the morning".

=> Party

Go party, go! More detail to follow in the OOC.

2014-06-03, 05:28 AM
The party spends the day preparing for the journey - purchasing equipment, preparing spells, hiring a small boat and crew, and trying to find further information about Kraken's Cove. Knowing that you leave at daybreak, you retire early.


8th of Kythorn, 1375 DR. Late Spring.

As dawn rises your small fishing boat is leaving the entrance to Tashluta harbour and sailing east. The brisk morning air catches the sails and you make good progress. There is plenty of traffic on the seas - other fishing boats, traders cogs from Calimshan and further afield, privateers and the occasional Tashlutan naval warship. To your right, the cultivated plantations along the coast eventually give way to marshland and thick jungle. Birds flock in the trees and at one point a pod of dolphins shadows the boat, cavorting and playing until a shoal of fish catches their eye.

Lotus moves from one of you to the next during the journey, constantly questioning "How you gonna do it then? More acid spit? Or you just bop 'em on the head - pop - just like that eh boss? Teach 'em a lesson eh boss. Fireball. You gonna fireball them?" The small dinosaur Lady curls quietly in the sun on a coil of rope, resting lazily. You're never quite sure if it remembers or harbours any grudge from the previous fight - it certainly keeps a slitted eye open slightly, watching everyone moving around it.

After a long days journey night falls. You have maybe an hour or so left, cutting through the dark seas as the sun sets. The captain seems reasonably familiar with the environs. "We can anchor near this next peninsula. Kraken's Cove is just over the headlands. Plenty reefs and wrecks around. Without knowing where we'd be fools to go in any closer. The Cove's surrounded by cliffs anyway - nowhere to land unless we sailed straight in there. It should take a couple of hours to hike over the headlands to Kraken's Cove."

What's the plan?

Hike straight to Kraken's Cove (you should get there about midnight)
Camp on the beach & leave in the morning
Stay on the boat & leave in the morning

2014-06-07, 01:33 PM
After some deliberation, the decision is made to head straight to Kraken's Cove under the cover of darkness. A short discussion with the captain ensures they have the right directions to their target.

Before leaving, Zathras carefully checks his equipment for water damage from the voyage. After finding it in good condition, he gathers his belongings and straps up his backpack. He flies the short distance from the anchored boat to shore, relying on his conjured airstep sandals to avoid getting wet. Once on solid ground, he takes a minute to don his chain shirt, having previously decided against wearing it on the water.

While the hour was late, sitting in a boat all day long had not actually taken much physical effort. Zathras still felt fresh enough for an evening march.

"A wayward scion of a noble house turned criminal, a gang of (possibly) bloodthirsty pirates, and our small group in the middle of it. Let's see if this is going to be a more difficult situation than storming a thieves' lair through the front door. Or trap door, as it was. All in a day's work, I guess." The tiefling's voice sounds both amused and incredulous at the same time.

If you'd asked me a few days earlier, I would never have guessed what I'd get myself into.

While not everyone weighed in on the decision about resting or not, I hope this post is ok. I didn't want us to stall even more. Since DrK and Phasm are currently absent, two votes should be enough for a majority. I didn't know how to handle Amiyah, so I'm leaving that for you, GF. :smalltongue:

2014-06-07, 08:01 PM
Tchinik doesn't look particularly happy about marching at night but keeps it to himself.
"So, I'll take the lead with my spear and Connaught right behind me. Anyone have a bow would help. Anything else we do to get going? Anyone have better night vision?"

2014-06-08, 11:51 AM
Zathras surveys the area, trying to estimate how difficult crossing the terrain in total darkness would be for the members of the group that are not able to see well at night.

"I can see in the dark quite well. A gift of my ancestry. I think we should probably avoid carrying bright lights around as much as possible, especially when we get closer to the cove. The pirates might have lookouts stationed, if they're already there, or we might bump into Vanthus by accident." We should be so lucky. "Let's limit our lights to the minimum we need to walk safely. And one of you more sturdy warriors should take rear guard, just in case."

2014-06-09, 06:06 AM
Blergh! Amiyah is curled over the side of the boat, looking pale and greenish even in the dim shuttered lamplight. Blergh! "What? No, can't be anything she ate. I cooked it all myself. Must be seasick. No good with boats, eh?" says Lotus innocently.

The nun finishes adjusting the straps and securing buckles on her new heavy plate armour. "We must press on. Vanthus may even now be slipping away from us. Ms al-Hassan, I fear that you must stay here until your condition passes".

"Go. I'll catch you up" Blergh! Amiyah gasps out.

"Don't worry boss, I'll keep an eye on the wizzy. Bring her along later. Now, let's see what I can whip up to make you feel better..." Lotus and the dinosaur stay on the boat for the time being, planning to accompany Amiyah to meet the rest of the party later.

Mary-Iris, Connaught and Tchinik take a small rowboat ashore, leaving it hidden in the undergrowth and meeting Zathras. Starlight provides a small amount of light as the four make their way through the dense undergrowth, away from the small beach and up to the closest ridge.

It's tough going, with only Zathras able to see clearly. The group makes slow progress up to the ridge, where an old goat track provides some reprieve. Following the trail the party makes swifter progress through the night toward the headland and Kraken's Cove about two hours away. Insects chirp in the jungle around you and there is the odd rustle as a small animal flees from the group.

As the party ascends the headland there is a sudden flash of fire in the distance ahead, followed shortly after by an echoing whoompf and a huge flaming mushroom cloud rising slowly into the night sky from the next bay. Flames reflect off the smoke, illuminating the entire peninsula to a greater degree. Even as you watch the flaming cloud dissipate it is followed by a sudden strange flash of roiling green light over the ridge, again coming from your destination. Disturbed animals scramble and hide in the undergrowth around you and birds flap into the air in alarm at the unexpected explosion.

=> Party
Any comments or change of approach?
Kraken's Cove is still a mile or so away, presumably the origin of all this good excitement.
The area around you as far as you can see is considered shadowy illumination and therefore grants concealment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm#concealment).

2014-06-09, 09:41 AM
Tchinik pauses and squats, his spear held butt against the ground and tip pointing at a 45 degree angle.

"What do you guys make of this? Bad timing? I can't imagine we have been seen this far out."

2014-06-09, 09:59 AM
Zathras looks intently in the direction of their target and the explosion, trying to catch any other hints of what might be happening there.

"My guess would be that Vanthus just executed his plan and blew up a pirate ship. His letters indicated as much. I do not like the look of that green light. It might have been an aspect of Vanthus' methods, or maybe the ship was carrying volatile cargo. We should hurry and find out what exactly is going on. He will need to retrieve the loot he wants from the water, which likely means he has to wait until the fire has burned out. We should have enough time to catch him." The tiefling thinks for a moment.

"It's unlikely that anyone has noticed us so far, and after what just happened you would expected people's attention to be focused on themselves, but we should still be somewhat careful. Maybe Vanthus brought muscle with him, and he might have posted guards."

There's going to be a lot of dead people. They're pirates, but still. Vanthus is truly over the edge.

I'd say continue our approach while being careful and on the lookout for any sign of other people. Once we get close we can hopefully use the terrain to approach under cover. It's too bad that Amiyah's parrot isn't here, we could really use a flying advance scout. Sadly my psicrystal doesn't have flying yet (and won't get it until level 9). Do we have any other way of getting an impression of what's happening there without risking being seen ourselves?

2014-06-10, 07:25 AM
"Right, good thinking. Best we can do is keep moving, as stealthily as possible." with that he stands but stays hunched over a bit as he begins to move out.

Move Silently

As far as being able to scout remotely, sadly Tchinik lacks any ability in this realm.

2014-06-16, 02:54 PM
Connaught jumps slightly at the large blast, axe being drawn into his hand, a thin layer of moisture on every surface as he keeps the spirits of Focular close inside him. ""Death and violence ahead I think. We will have to fight our way in to take Vathus's head I think."

Looking about he hefts the axe in both hands. We go faster now? Otherwsie all be dead before we get there.

Connaught will pick up the pace slightly keeping an eye for out for trouble.
If possible he will try and suggest a route near the coast just in case the water breathing comes in handy.

2014-06-17, 05:13 AM
Hustling along the path the party keeps a wary eye out. Reaching the crest of the hill you can see down to the coastline of the next bay. Right around the bay steep cliffs drop away to the ocean, except for a small cove. Presumably this is your destination, Kraken's Cove, as a dull orange glow comes from the cove indicating a great fire therein.

Around you the undergrowth is alive with activity. Animals hiss and spit in the darkness. A pair of large snakes writhe and roll across the trail in front of you, locked in a fierce embrace as they bite relentlessly at one another. You notice further signs of hostile wildlife with bloodied feathers and several pieces of dismembered parrots cast about the area. Even as you try to ascertain the source or even scope of what is happening there is a loud commotion nearby. A group of small monkeys burst from the trees and leap across the ground chasing another group. Startled by your presence the fleeing group is quickly caught up by the chasers. In no time at all the fleeing monkeys are brutally torn limb from limb, blood spraying the undergrowth as the remains are casually tossed aside. Seeing your group the hostile monkeys snarl savagely and lope towards you, teeth gnashing. There's something about them that doesn't look quite right...tufts and growths sprout randomly from them as if they have been mutated or twisted in some horrific manner. They attack!


Mutant Monkey 4



Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3


The first savage simian closes, leaping from branch to branch and right onto Tchinik. Before he can react the mutant monkey has started tearing into his leg with it's unnaturally sharp teeth.
Full round action: charge! vs tchinik Move to E8. Bite (1d20+6)[20] Hit, damage (1d4-2)[2]
"Ware!" shouts the nun, moving forward to engage. She stomps through the foliage in her heavy armour, swinging swiftly an efficiently at the creature attacking Tchinik. Her clinical strikes puncture the thing again and again but it seems strangely unconcerned by the blows.
Free Action: Speak
Move Action: move to D8
Standard Action: Initiate Crusader's Strike. Longsword attack on monkey 4, 20% concealment (1d100)[21], attack (1d20+7)[27] Hit, (1d8+3)[9] but DR5 vs the attack...
Crit confirm: attack (1d20+7)[13] Fail

Crusader's Strike heals Tchinik (1d6+1)[5] hp

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus (1d5)[1], (1d4)[3], (1d3)[2]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones W
3. Charging Minotaur G2
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W

Low light conditions provide 20% concealment.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Connaught

2014-06-17, 12:43 PM
Connaught laughs at the tiny monkey and strides forward, lightning crackling and playing about his watery teary eyes before the sky is split by a bolt streaking down onto oneof the crazed beasts.

Move to C11
Zap D16 [roll0] ref dc15 for half

2014-06-18, 06:24 AM
At Connaught's beckoning a bolt of lightning slams down from the heavens and into the critter savaging at Tchinik. Scorched and blackened the small creature continues its frenzied attack.
Monkey reflex save vs DC15 [roll0] Save => 3 damage

Connaught only gets to move to C9 as the undergrowth hampers movement
Snapping and gnashing more of the rabid little beasts close to attack, both joining their quicker companion to rip and tear at Tchinik's legs as he tries to bat them off.
Monkey 1
Full round action: charge! vs tchinik Move to E8. Bite [roll1] -4 from Iron Guard's Glare Miss, damage [roll2]

AoO: Longsword vs Monkey 1 20% concealment [roll3], attack [roll4] Hit, [roll5] -5 DR = 3 damage

Monkey 2
Move action: Move to E8
Standard action: Bite vs tchinik [roll6] Miss, damage [roll7]


Mutant Monkey 4



Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Zathras

2014-06-18, 07:39 AM
Zathra's Airstep Sandals swirl with energy as he flies through the night sky, landing a few feet to the left in the undergrowth beside the trail.
Not willing to expend his limited psionic power on these creatures yet, he spits a sizzling streak of black acid at one of the monkeys swarming Tchinik.

AC: 19 HP: 15/15
Soulmeld effects: Fly Speed 20 ft.
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Fly 10 feet to G5.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Dissolving Spittle at the Monkey injured by SPMI. -4 for melee included.
-> Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
-> Damage: [roll1] (acid)

2014-06-18, 05:03 PM
Sizzling acid covers one of the mad monkeys, covering it from head to foot in searing acid. Surprisingly the little beast is completely unaffected and continues tearing away at Tchinik's leggings.
Resist acid 10!!! :smalleek:
The final twisted monkey bounds down the path and, with Tchinik covered in monkeys, sees the sister as a clearer target. It closes with her and prepares to attack!
Monkey 3
Double move action: Move to D8


Mutant Monkey 4



Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Tchinik

2014-06-19, 08:28 AM
A stream of barely heard curses erupts from Tchinik as he tries to back away from the hellish monkeys that are biting and gnawing on him.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action
Curse a bunch while taking a 5 foot step back to E-9, dropping longspear

Move Action
Take out Rapier

Swift Action
Steel Wind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/steel-wind--3657/)

Standard Action Action ~ Attack two of the monkeys

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2]+ [roll3] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-06-20, 05:17 AM
Tchinik curses and stabs at the disturbing little menaces but can't land a blow as they dodge around his knees. As he steps back one of them leaps at Mary-Iris...she bats it aside with her heavy shield and Tchinik runs it through in mid air but it still doesn't drop!
Monkey 4
Move action: Move to D8
Standard action: Bite vs SPMI [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]

AoO: Longsword vs Monkey 4 20% concealment [roll2], attack [roll3] Miss, damage [roll4]

AoO: Rapier vs Monkey 4 20% concealment [roll5], attack [roll6] Hit, damage [roll7] + [roll8] +1 fire - DR5 = 4 damage
The nun grits her teeth and hacks at one of the monkeys as it looks for fresh meat!
Full Round Action: Initiate Leading the Attack. Longsword vs Monkey 1 20% concealment [roll9], attack [roll10] Miss, damage [roll11]

Dreadful Wrath: Monkey's immune!

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll12]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G3
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W


Mutant Monkey 4



Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Connaught

2014-06-20, 03:20 PM
Connaught looks at te strange monkeys with a confused expression. He had never seen beasts act so strangely before... though it was true to say he had never seen monkeys that were not on strings attacked to pirates. "Cease this nonsense you wee beastie" he grumbles as once more he pulls down lightning from the moist air, this time the aura of sadness oozing from his bond with the fallen sea god slowing the monkey's reflexes...

Zap the monkey attacking the sister [roll0] REF DC 15 for half. But aura of sadness gives a -2 to the monkey's save

2014-06-20, 05:10 PM
Crack! Another blast of electricity arcs down from the heavens and slams into the ferocious little creature flailing at the sister. It teeters for a second as its ruined body tries to tell it's brain it has died...no good, it pounces on the nun and tries to savage her one last time. And then splick! the blasted beast explodes into a shower of acidic ichor and entrails, showering Connaught, Mary-Iris, Tchinik and the other monkeys in burning blood! All that remains is a tiny gooey monkey skeleton sizzling and popping with acid.

Two more of the monkeys leap at her, ignoring the sizzling goo and trying but failing to bite through her heavy armour.

Lightning Strike and Aura of Sadness are both standard actions to activate, so the Aura doesn't happen this turn. In any case the monkey's are immune and it would only affect SPMI so nothing is lost.

Immediate Action: Bite vs SPMI [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]

Burning explosion of acidic guts :smallbiggrin: (Ref save DC 15 negates):

Connaught [roll2] + AP if needed [roll3], damage [roll4]
SPMI [roll5] + AP if needed [roll6], damage [roll7]
Tchinik [roll8] + AP if needed [roll9], damage [roll10]
Monkeys: Resist!

Monkey 1
Move action: Move to D8
Standard action: Bite vs SPMI [roll11] Miss, damage [roll12]

Monkey 2
Move action: Move to D8
Standard action: Bite vs SPMI [roll13] Miss, damage [roll14]


Standing in acid!


Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Zathras

2014-06-20, 05:40 PM
The monkeys's resilience and post-mortem volatility surprise Zathras.

"What are these things? And why are they here of all places?"

Frustrated at the ineffectiveness of his trusted acid, he decides to tap his reservoir of power. Black fire wells up in his crimson eyes and a low throbbing hum fills the night air for a moment, as the tiefling projects a blast of pure force directly into a monkey's mind.

AC: 19 HP: 15/15
Soulmeld effects: Fly Speed 20 ft.
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: -
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Mind Thrust at the most injured monkey remaining (Monkey 1 I think?). Augmented to 2 pp.
-> [roll0] Will Save DC15 negates.

Being a level behind on a spellcaster is turning out to be more annoying than I thought it would be. I'll be glad once that is over (a long time from now:smalltongue:).

2014-06-20, 09:23 PM
The monkey's mind is a whirling frenzy of chaos and rage. Zathras' mental assault cannot find anything left to target.
Monkey immune! Dumb luck that they are resistant/ immune to Zathras' go-to powers namely acid and mind-affecting :smallmad:
The last remaining monkey on the track leaps to join it's comrades in attacking the sister, equally ineffectively.
Monkey 3
Move action: Move to D8
Standard action: Bite vs SPMI [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]


Standing in acid!


Mutant Monkey 1

Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Tchinik, SPMI, Connaught
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order

2014-06-21, 09:11 AM
"Oh, bloody hells!" Tchinik curses as the monkeys swarm over the sister, as he moves towards better positioning.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Move Action
Move to E-8

Standard Action Action - Attack the most wounded monkey with Sapphire Nightmare Blade (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sapphire-nightmare-blade--3637/)
Concentration check vs. AC

Attack roll (vs flat-footed if concentration check is successful, -2 if vs regular AC if not)

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll3] +[roll4](Punishing Stance) +[roll5](if Sapphire Nightmare Blade successful) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - O

2014-06-21, 02:58 PM
Connaught looks at the creatures. Ducking as the nearest explodes in a vile explosion of bits of guts and bile he shudders. Before casting more lightning at the nearest one.

Lightning [roll0] DC15 for half.
- I'll start hitting things soon, having fun with the lightning

2014-06-21, 09:34 PM
Tchinik curses and tries to get a clear strike at one of the monkeys, but they are too frenzied and move around too quickly.

Mary-Iris moves slowly away from the swarming simians, her habit hanging in tatters where the acidic muck has burned most of it away. "Keep your distance everyone. Try to take them at range" She speaks between sword blows and warding with her shield.
Free Action: Speak
Standard Action: Initiate Stone Bones. Longsword attack on monkey 1, 20% concealment [roll0], attack [roll1] Hit, damage [roll2] -5DR = 6 damage
Move Action: move to D7

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus (1d1)[1]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G4

Monkey 1
AoO: Bite vs SPMI [roll3] Resist!, damage [roll4]

Monkey 2
AoO: Bite vs SPMI [roll5] Miss damage [roll6]

Monkey 3
AoO: Bite vs SPMI [roll7] Miss, damage [roll8]
As she steps back Connaught calls down another bolt of lightning to blast one of the beasts. Sploosh! it explodes covering the nun and Connaught in burning slime!
Monkey save vs DC 15 [roll9] = 6 damage = kaboom! 5 ft radius, saves from OOC:

Acidic monkey explosion (Ref save DC 15 negates):

Connaught (1d20+1)[13] Fail + AP if needed (1d6)[1], damage (1d6)[3]
SPMI (1d20)[5] Fail + AP if needed (1d6)[6], damage (1d6)[3]
Tchinik (1d20+5)[17] Save + AP if needed (1d6)[2], damage (1d6)[4]
Monkeys: Resist!

One of the rapid mutants leaps forward, drawn hungrily to the nun's flesh...she hacks at it with ruinous blows, forcing it back but barely injuring it.

Monkey 1
Move Action: move to D7
Standard Action: Bite vs SPMI [roll20], damage [roll21] Dead

Monkey 2
Move Action: move to D7

AoO: Longsword attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment [roll10], attack [roll11] Hit, damage [roll12] - 5 DR = 2 damage

AoO: Axe attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment [roll13], attack [roll14] Miss, damage [roll15] + healed 1 hp?

AoO: Rapier attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment [roll16] Miss, attack [roll17] , damage [roll18] + [roll19] + 1 fire

Monkey 2
Standard Action: Bite vs SPMI [roll22] Resist!, damage [roll23]




Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3



Low light conditions provide 20% concealment for those without darkvision.
Terrain off the track counts as light undergrowth: Vines, roots, and short bushes cover much of the ground in a forest. A space covered with light undergrowth costs 2 squares of movement to move into, and it provides 20% concealment. Undergrowth increases the DC of Tumble and Move Silently checks by 2 because the leaves and branches get in the way. Running and charging are impossible.

=> Zathras

2014-06-22, 05:17 AM
This is not my day.

Seeing that none of his go-to methods of attack have any effect on these monkeys, Zathras decides to try something new. A quick soaring move over the underbrush brings him to a better position, and he focuses once more, tapping into his rapidly diminishing pool of power. He points at one of the monkeys, and with a rumbling sound a ray of pure ice springs forth from his clawed fingers, streaking toward the mutated animal.

AC: 19 HP: 15/15
Soulmeld effects: Fly Speed 20 ft.
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Fly to G9.
Free Action: -
Standard Action: Energy Ray (Cold) at the monkey in D8. Augmented to 2 pp.
-> [roll=Damage (cold)]2d6+2

Edit: Not sure what I messed up here, guess I tried to get too fancy with naming the rolls. Rolling in OOC.

2014-06-23, 05:03 AM
A ray of cold shoots out from Zathras and strikes one of the monkeys. The thing is covered head-to-toe in sparkling frost as the freezing cold covers its whole body. Despite the intense elemental effect the monkey somehow still survives.
All good: 10 cold damage. No need for an AP, the attack hits without.
Limbs cracking an splintering under the effect of the ice, the monkey still shows no fear and leaps forward to try to savage at Mary-Iris.
Monkey 3
Move Action: move to D7
Standard Action: Bite vs SPMI [roll0] Miss, damage [roll1]




Mutant Monkey 2


Mutant Monkey 3


Map to follow

=> Tchinik, SPMI, Connaught

2014-06-23, 07:37 AM
Tchinik says to the sister "Move the other way so we can help you!", a slight tone of irritation creeping into his voice as takes a step and thrusts his rapier at one of the monkeys as he yells "Foehammer's might strike you down!"

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Move Action
5 foot step to E-7

Standard Action Action - Attack the most wounded monkey with Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/)

Attack roll

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - X

2014-06-23, 03:01 PM
Connaught steps sideways, tired of the lightning as he swung the heavy axe at the monkey standing by the pools of acid. "Die you horrid monsters! the heavy blade and its glittering black crystal seeking to draw the beasts life blood into it.

Move to C8 to flank
Chop the monkey :smallsmile: PA for 2 [roll0] Damage [roll1]+1 negative life leech

2014-06-26, 04:14 AM
Tchinik moves alongside, trying his best to take down a feral monkey. Striking swiftly he skewers it through the neck with his rapier. It snaps at Mary-Iris even as its body quivers and gives up on its half-life, exploding in another mess of burning goop that burns as it splashes.
Monkey gets a free attack as it dies, but SPMI will resist anyway with her DR5.
Monkey boom, ref saves vs DC15:
Connaught [roll0] Fail + AP if needed [roll1], damage [roll2]
SPMI [roll3] Fail + AP if needed [roll4], damage [roll5]
Tchinik [roll6] Save + AP if needed [roll7], damage [roll8]
Sister Penitent Mary-Iris grits her teeth and steps back out of yet another pool of acid. Swinging her sword she can't connect with the last agile little beastie.
Standard Action: Initiate Douse the Flames. Longsword attack on monkey 1, 20% concealment (1d100)[64], attack (1d20+8)[12] Miss , damage (1d8+4)[8] -5DR = ? damage
Move Action: move to D6

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus (1d4)[3](1d3)[2](1d2)[2]

1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G5

Monkey 1
AoO: Bite vs SPMI (1d20+4)[8] Miss , damage (1d4-2)[0]
Connaught steps around and swings his axe, cleaving the last deformed monkeys almost in two. As the blade is bathed in blood the axe begins pulsing with dim black energy and Connaught seems invigorated.
Actually needs to move to C7 to get the flank.
Axe heals Connaught 1 hp each hit. Can heal max 10hp per day. Doesn't inflict any extra damage because of this ability.

Despite being mortally wounded the little monkey doesn't seem to notice and leaps again at the nun. mary-Iris and Tchinik cut it down in midair and the last opponent explodes showering all in nearby in acid.
AoO: Longsword attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment (1d100)[86], attack (1d20+11)[29] Hit, damage (1d8+3)[8] - 5 DR = 3 damage

AoO: Axe attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment (1d100)[82], attack (1d20+11)[19] Hit, damage (1d8+3)[4] -5DR = 0 damage (Resist) + healed 1 hp?

AoO: Rapier attack on monkey 2, 20% concealment (1d100)[22] attack attack (1d20+11)[19] Hit, damage (1d6+3)[4] + (1d6)[5] + 1 fire -5 DR = 5 damage

Monkey boom, ref saves vs DC15:
Connaught [roll9] Fail + AP if needed [roll10], damage [roll11]
SPMI [roll12] Save + AP if needed [roll13], damage [roll14]
Tchinik [roll15] Fail + AP if needed [roll16], damage [roll17]
Stepping clear of the burning slime the nun casts her gaze carefully around the surrounding jungle, searching for any more assailants. As the area appears cleared she speaks "Is anyone badly injured?"

=> Party

2014-06-26, 07:24 AM
Tchinik, reaching into his pack, pulls out his water skin as he washes himself off of the acid.
"Yes, lady, I have. While flaming hard to hit, the bite of these things were not as bad as their bark... or, exploding, as the case may be. Anyone know what these things are?"

Bardic Knowledge

Various Knowledge skills

2014-06-27, 06:30 AM
Zathras studies the exploded remains of the mutated animals with a mixture of exasperation and disgust.

"I am fine, thanks to your presence on the frontlines they did not touch me. I do not know what these things are, but I hope there are no more of them in the area. Their nature makes them annoyingly resistant to most of my powers, and we do not have time to waste. Who knows what is going on with Vanthus and the pirates ahead."

While the group's injuries are tended to, Zathras studies the area with his darkvision, keeping watch.

2014-06-28, 05:40 AM
"Quite so" mutters the nun, her raiment hanging in tatters from her armour, underneath her exposed skin blistered and raw. Pulling a magical wand from her belt she utters the command word and slowly the worst of the parties injuries heal.
Lesser vigor on herself and Tchinik (and Connaught too if he needs it). +11hp each.

No one knows what the creatures were via Knowledge etc, although they were definitely originally just cute little monkeys
"Whatever they were, the natural elements seemed to hurt them. Fire, ice, lightning all proved more effective than our weapons at dispatching them. If we come across any more we must keep them at range if possible. Do we have anything else that could hurt them? Tyr will infuse my weapon with magic energy which may hurt them more, but it will only aid for a few minutes."

While preparing and considering your options, the bubbling pools of acid that were the mutant monkeys all sizzle and dry leaving only the skeletons covered in a fine green powder.

Once prepared the party continues down the far side of the toward the flaming cove. Animal shrieks and cries bear testament to more chaotic struggles in the jungle around you. Something has affected the place. The evidence is everywhere, with mutilated birds and animals strewn about the ground as you advance. Thankfully nothing further bursts out to attack you. Over the next half hour the trail winds down to the cliffs overlooking the cove...

In the sheltered cove below an inferno rages atop the water. Several ships including a two-masted caravel, a sizeable frigate, a long barge, and what might have been a schooner are all ablaze. Further out a three masted caravel seems to have escaped the blaze - for now. A shiny slick on the surface of the water burns as well, creating a wall of wood and flame. The heat rises in searing sheets, and the roar of the flaming maelstrom mixed with the crashing surf masks any other sounds that might be issuing up from below. Through periodic gaps in the smoke, however, movement on the beach is visible - something still lives in the inferno below.

The cliffs drop about forty feet to the beach and/ or sea below. Alternatively the trail leads to a rickety-looking walkway that descends the side of the cliff to the beach.

=> Party

Map to follow (tomorrow)

2014-06-29, 08:56 AM
Squatting down and trying to keep some cover from the surrounding brush, Tchinik motions the others to do the same. "I do not like the idea of those ships burning with possible captives." He tries various ways to shade his eyes from the flames, in vain, until he relents.
"We need to make our way down but I dislike climbing down on a rope, exposed, for 40 odd feet. I also do not like the idea of that walkway." Scratching his head, he thinks for a moment. "But, I think I like climbing down a little bit better. What says you?" he asks the others.

2014-06-30, 07:34 PM
Here's a map:

Grid squares are 10ft by 10ft.
Two cave entrances can vaguely be seen through the smoke to the north.
40ft high cliffs surround the cove and it opens to the ocean to the south.
Flames illuminate the entire open cove area (so no darkvision required), although smoke obscures a lot.

2014-07-01, 02:21 PM
Connaught drops onto his belly and slithers to the edge of the cliffs and stares down at the flames and the carnage beneath them. Looking down he nods at the tiefling, "Sliding down the rope seems to make sense. Better than walkways or anything like that. Handing out a hand he grins at the others. "I hold and you slide down..."

2014-07-01, 03:38 PM
Zathras looks at the war nun expectantly. "Sister, maybe you should go first. You will be able to handle yourself if you get attacked while most of our group is still up here. I will fly down to join you once you are on the ground. Tchinik goes next, with our northern friend bringing up the rear."

The tiefling takes up a crouching position at the edge of the cliff, watching the scene below.

2014-07-04, 05:55 AM
Mary-Iris clomps to the edge and surveys the burning wreckage below before stepping back. "I am not as agile as you I fear. The rope is unlikely to treat me well, and in this armour I may become tangled. I will take the walkway and trust that it holds. I will meet you down there. "

2014-07-06, 06:29 AM
Sister Penitent Mary-Iris moves off to the walkway. Checking her gear is secure, she steps cautiously onto the planks. Smoke and embers dance around her, blown aloft by the gentle sea breeze. Crack. The wood gives way under her heavy boot. She leaps back as a section of the walkway collapses and falls to the sea below.

As the rest of the party secures the ropes, she returns. "The ropes it is then."

She slings her shield on her back and begins lowering herself down the cliff face. Slowly and methodically she makes her way down. Reaching the bottom she draws her sword again and stands guard. Zathras flies effortlessly down to land next to her, while the other two climb swiftly afterward.

Now that you are all down on the beach the extent of the situation becomes more apparent. Swathes of blood and body parts strewn across the beach testify to a terrible and recent battle upon the sands here. Broken crates and bamboo cages litter the area, blood and bits of bone sprayed cross bolts of colourful silk, and cracked barrels of ambergris seeping into the coarse sand. A large number of mangled corpses, each stripped nearly clean of flesh and bones cracked open, lie strewn about the beach. The casualties are staggering, with a quick count putting the dead at twenty or so.

A couple of the bodies have not been consumed like the rest. These are almost worse however. Horribly mutated in a similar fashion to the monkeys, the bodies barely pass as once-human. Riddled with dozens of crossbow bolts they lie twisted amongst the carnage.

=> Party

2014-07-06, 11:10 AM
Adjusting his rapier unconsciously in its scabbard, Tchinik's hand snap back to his spear.
"Sister, are these things some kind of undead or something?" he whispers back.

2014-07-07, 12:58 AM
Connaught pulls out his shield and axe walking warily. Eyes narrowed at the bodies. do the pirates fight the twisted ones? Where did these things come from. looking at the ships he scans for signs of life...


2014-07-07, 05:32 AM
Mary-Iris steps across the beach to the nearest twisted body. It may once have been human, but now its grey skin, strangely flopping limbs and vacant-eyed vestigial head hanging from its neck make it anything but. The thing has a cavernous mouth filled with a twisting landscape of flesh-tearing teeth. She gives its quarrel-riddled body a sharp kick to make sure it is really dead. "No, not undead Mr Denid. Still a man, one of the pirates even, albeit warped by some sort of sorcery or disease. It looks like this one resisted their weapons, in the same fashion as the monkeys. Only a few of the blows, here and here, seem to have inflicted actual wounds. Even then they couldn't take it down cleanly. It looks like it finally bled out."

Connaught scans the burning debris, looking for anything of interest through the smoke. Movement! Near the shore, amidst the wreckage of one of the ships a couple of mutant pirates are huddled down, tearing into the remains of some poor soul. Bones are cast aside as the two creatures ferociously consume what they can. Finishing their prey they look around for more flesh and spot the party!
The party has surprise on the foul things - one single action (standard or move action) each prior to normal initiative.


Mutant Pirate 2

Mutant Pirate 1






=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-07-08, 04:08 PM
Connaught spits in disgust at the creatures. Appalled by the strange monstrous cannibalism. "By the ancestors foul beasts. What manner or evil has corrupted them?" His words mostly directed at the more learned members of the party. Tears streaming from his face he allows some of Focular's great sadness to leave his body as he readies the axe and shield. "everyone back... lets shoot them down like the dogs they are!"

Retreat 20ft to about 100ft away
Activate Aura of Sadness (-2 on adjacent creatures saves)

2014-07-08, 05:55 PM
Zathras steps back behind the barbarian.

"Nothing I currently have at my disposal reaches that far. Also, the only way for me to pierce their resistance is using my powers, and I am hesitant to empty the last of my reserves. Who knows what else awaits us here."

AC: 19 HP: 15/15
Soulmeld effects: Fly Speed 20 ft.
Currently active powers: -

Move Action: Move 20 feet back to stay behind Connaught.
Free Action: Talk
Standard Action: -

2014-07-09, 08:58 AM
"I, too, have nothing to range out that far. If you can take them down one by one, I will provide cover as they close." With that Tchinik holds his ground, spear out, ready for the creatures oncoming charge.

Ready an action to set vs. charge

2014-07-09, 09:17 PM
The party readies, with the cliff face behind, as the ferocious cannibal mutants charge forward with savage bloodlust! As well as snapping mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth each wields a blood-slick scimitar!

With speed borne by hunger they close with the party, the first of them leaping at the nun only to be impaled through its chest as Tchinik steps from behind. Even bearing such a mortal wound it still swings it's scimitar at the sister, hacking her viciously in the side.
Move Action: move to BY15

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus (1d5)[2] (1d4)[2] (1d3)[2]

1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G1
5. Douse the Flame W
Mutant Pirate 2
Full round action: Charge!

Tchinik readied attack: longspear (1d20+7)[26] Hit damage (1d8+4)[8] + (1d8+4)[9] + (1d6)[5] - 5DR = 17 damage!

Pirate charge attack SPMI: scimitar [roll0] Hit (crit not confirmed) damage [roll1]

Mutant Pirate 1
Full round action: Double move to close

Full round Action: Initiate Stone Bones. Longsword vs pirate 2, attack [roll2] Hit damage [roll3] but DR5 vs the attack...2 damage

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll4]

1. Crusader's Strike W
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G2


Mutant Pirate 2
Charging, -2 AC

Mutant Pirate 1

Stone Bones





=> Party
Post in any order and I'll resolve in initiative order.

2014-07-10, 03:46 PM
Connaught blinks in surprise at the rapid speed of advance by the maddened creatures as they surge forward. Seeing his comrades' blood being shed he roars his own battle cry as he races in, kicking through the blood splattered sand to unleash lightning on the closest one as it's caught in Focular's aura of sadness...

Take a circuitous route round to BY17 getting both of the baddies in the aura of sadness (-2 to saves)
Lightning bolt upon the lower one (BZ16) [roll0] Electric Ref DC15 half

2014-07-11, 07:15 AM
Tchinik says to the sister "Move, so they can't both attack you."
A blur in motion, he crouches low and springs up, spear thrusting faster than the eye can follow as strikes out at both of the crazed creatures.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Full Round Action - Attack both creatures with Steel Wind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/steel-wind--3657/)

1st attack roll

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3](Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-07-11, 12:15 PM
"If you have this under control, I will save my power for whatever else awaits us here."

Zathras stays back, watching the fight to determine if the use of his last power reserves is needed or not.

Skipping my action this turn. My normal attacks can't hurt these things because of acid resistance, and I'd rather not use my last powers on these guys. Tell me if you want me to, though.

2014-07-12, 05:54 AM
Mary-Iris hacks efficiently at the impaled mutant, severing one arm and then the next. Even with it's life's blood pumping out onto the sand it makes one final effort to bite her with its shark-like teeth...and then its flesh wavers and splick! it explodes in a burst of burning acidic guts leaving only an oozing skeleton to fall to the beach!

Tchinik flicks the melted corpse from his weapon and quickly spins to its companion, again catching the creature and pinning it to the ground through its torso, flames licking along the shaft of the weapon. Pfzzzzt! lightning strikes through the smoke and blasts the thing to a blackened husk. Again somehow it pulls itself forward as death claims it and tries to sink its teeth into the nun before splack! it too erupts in a dangerous mess, covering her in burning goo!

Final death attack vs SPMI: [roll0] Miss damage [roll1] less 5 DR
SPMI Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll2] Save damage [roll3]

Aura of Sadness: bad guys immune!

Final death attack vs SPMI: [roll4] Miss damage [roll5] less 5 DR
SPMI Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll6] Fail damage [roll7]
Connaught Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll8] Fail? damage [roll9]

Looking around, there is no further sign of life on the beach. The burning ships illuminate the cove and cast eerie shadows against the cliffs. There are two tunnels leading into the cliffs, a large one nearby and a smaller one just across a short bridge.

The nun turns to Zathras and speaks slowly as she scans the area, "Mr Soulfire, these cursed abominations are proofed against your abilities. I can call on Tyr's favour to aid you in combat. It will only be a brief blessing, but it may make all the difference. Let me know if you wish to accept Tyr's aid." She pulls out her wand again and mutters the command word, the wounds on her body closing over as the healing energies affect her.

SPMI can cast Magic Weapon on a weapon for Zathras, if required. Might be useful given Zathras' acid attack is largely useless. It will only last 3 minutes though, so best used in a rapid all-out assault. Plenty of scimitars and crossbows lying around if that helps.

Casting Lesser Vigor on herself again.

=> Party

2014-07-13, 12:48 PM
Zathras nods at the nun in acknowledgement. "I thank you for the offer, but your blessing would likely have greater effect on one of our frontline combatants. I am not particularly talented with physical weapons, spell or not."

The tiefling nevertheless picks up a crossbow and ammunition from one of the dead pirates, it was better than nothing after all.

He surveys the beach, taking in the full extent of the carnage and destruction. "I wonder if these mutations are the effect of whatever Vanthus used to attack this place. If so that man is even more depraved than we already thought."

Looking at the two tunnels he thinks for a moment. "We will have to choose which of these to take. We should probably take a quick look inside both, maybe there is something to see that makes the decision easier."

2014-07-17, 12:02 AM
Connaught looks at the tunnels carefully before shrugging, both looking like foreboding dark caved. Doubke checking his shield again he looks at Zathras, Both are pretty dark. The bigger one? Start on the left and keep on going?

2014-07-17, 06:31 AM
Both of the tunnels are illuminated with cheap lanterns starting to run low. The larger, western, tunnel branches after about 40ft. The smaller eastern one curves out of sight in a north-north-west direction.

Liberal splashes of blood and body parts mark both tunnels. From deeper inside you hear the occasional faint howl and perhaps screams of terror and/ or pain...

2014-07-17, 08:31 AM
"That isn't the slightest bit creepy." Tchinik mutters to himself.
A bit louder he says "Alright... if we are going to do this, let's go Connaught and me up front. I'll try to slow anything down while the rest of you... you know, do your thing..." he says with a smile.

2014-07-21, 05:18 AM
The party enters the cave, keeping to the left. The tunnel branch to the right leads away and seems to open into a room hanging with bolts of brightly coloured silk cloth. To the left, the tunnel also opens into a large room. You hear a thunk, thunk and a gibbering, slathering sound from further within...it seems to have once been some kind of mess all. Tables lie in ruin and to the north dozens of smashed barrels spill foodstuffs across the floor. Bodies lie throughout the cave in various stages of dismemberment and consumption - it's hard to count the total dead due to the state of the corpses, but at least six people recently met a gory end here.

Peeking around the corner, you spy three of the savage mutants cackling away. One of them wields a cleaver and is merrily dismembering a body that is lying on a table between them, the others hungrily await. They haven't seen you yet....
since you haven't been seen you can either retreat or take a surprise action (one move or standard action) before combat.

Edit: Although of course the nun is not going to be retreating in a hurry!

2014-07-23, 01:44 AM
Before Sister Mary-Iris has the opportunity to sound the charge, a light footstep and the fluttering of wings heralds a new arrival! A familiar blue and gold macaw flies toward the group from the direction that they just came. Close behind him is the group's new goblin mascot, followed closely by Amiyah and Lady the dinosaur. The wizard flashes a smile and waves with her free hand; the other is carrying her loaded crossbow. How did she get here with just the goblin and Lady? Either the main party managed to clear out most of the enemies between here and the ship, Tymora smiled upon her, or perhaps a little of both.

Amiyah refrains from speaking until she is close enough to do so quietly. "My apologies for being late to the ball. I have two grease spells prepared; just say the word, and I'll make their lives a little more difficult."

I didn't want to kick things off until you all had a chance to react to Amiyah's appearance. :smallsmile: She'll cast grease under the zombies-but-not once the fight begins.

Amiyah currently has mage armor active, having used a charge from her nifty new wand.

2014-07-23, 08:44 AM
Tchinik, with a look of disgust at the cannibalistic creatures, turns briefly to his companions as he hears Amiyah behind him.
With a quick nod to her, he turns back to the creatures as he keeps his spear level. "Do we charge these beasties?" he whispers to the others as he readies himself.

2014-07-23, 03:18 PM
Connaught nods in front of his feet at the natural choke point. A greasy floor and narrow walls. They're a nasty bunch, better they come to us...

Grease in front of us
Then we've got a choke point to slap them rounf

2014-07-23, 05:14 PM
With an almost imperceptible nod to acknowledge the arrival of the wizard and her entourage the nun quietly speaks "I agree, better they come at us and lose themselves in their rage. Best we take them at range given their cursed volatile nature. A grease spell there, to break their charge. Mr Denid, with your spear you are well-placed to take any that get close to us. I will have your side. Mr...Connaught, it seems your mastery of lightning is a fortunate blessing, rather than a curse of Talos as it may have appeared. When we're all ready..."

When everyone indicates that they are prepared, Sister-Penitent Mary-Iris steps out into position and shouts a battle-challenge of Tyr at the twisted men, sword and shield held ready.

2014-07-23, 07:31 PM
The moment Mary-Iris shouts her challenge, Amiyah begins chanting and Khalil flees back down the tunnel at her mental urging. She dips her hand into her spell component pouch; just as the chant ends, the wizard hurls a tiny lump of suet onto the floor in front of the group. It expands hugely, covering the floor in a thick layer of glistening grayish grease.

2014-07-24, 02:24 AM
Zathras nods his assent to the plan. "That should work well enough."

When the wizard casts her grease spell, the tiefling psion readies the crossbow he took from one of the dead pirates. The monsters were resistant to his acid, and the crossbow had a small chance to penetrate their thick hides. Not a great option, but better than nothing.

Still would rather keep my remaining spells for any kind of boss battle.

Readied action: Shoot one of the approaching mutants with the crossbow
Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-07-28, 06:43 AM
The cannibal mutant savage pirates cackle in glee at the challenge and lick their lips hungrily. Not paying any attention to the greased floor, the first of the ravenous freaks hurtles toward the party. Pzzzzaappp! Lightning arcs from floor to ceiling and chars it but the smoking thing keeps coming, Zathras' crossbow bolt deflecting off its mutated hide. Somehow it's speed carries it over the spell-slick with no ill effects and it closes with the party. Hacking wildly at Connaught with its scimitar the barbarian easily fends off its attacks.


Mutant Pirate 3



Mutant Pirate 1


Mutant Pirate 2





Half-squares (ie those obstructed by cave walls, like B17, BK19 or BI19 can be squeezed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into for a -4 penalty to attacks and AC
=> Tchinik & SPMI
(sorry Razorback I wasn't sure if you intended a readied attack as it closed or not...since it missed anyway I figured a full attack on normal initiative was a better result)

2014-07-28, 03:23 PM
Tchinik stabs past Connaught with his spear as he mutters "To your right, big guy, move to your right."

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Standard Action - Attack mutie attacking Connaught with long spear

attack roll

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2]+ [roll3] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-08-06, 06:35 AM
Tchinik stabs the mutant marauder, skewering him through the torso and spilling its guts everywhere. Heedless of its imminent demise the pirate bites at Connaught with its overlarge maw before splick! exploding into burning goo! A sizzling puddle of goo remains where it falls.
Final death attack vs Connaught: [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
Connaught Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll2] +5AP Save damage [roll3]
The nun steps up next to Connaught and readies herself for the coming creatures...
Move Action: Move to BI18
Standard action: Ready attack vs any in range

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll4][roll5][roll6]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G2
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack W
5. Douse the Flame G
Heedless of the gory end its colleague just met, another of the mutants surges forward to attack. Again it miraculously bounds over the slick surface and closes. Mary-Iris hacks at it...
Savage Pirate 1
Full-round action: Double move to BI17 (made it's saves & skill checks vs grease)

Readied action: Longsword attack on mtant pirate, attack [roll7] Miss, damage [roll8] -5DR




Mutant Pirate 1


Mutant Pirate 2





Half-squares (ie those obstructed by cave walls, like B17, BK19 or BI19 can be squeezed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into for a -4 penalty to attacks and AC
=> Zathras

2014-08-06, 07:13 AM
Knowing that his weapons are useless against this type of foe, Zathras moves to the back of the formation to give everyone more room to maneuver.

Move to BN22.

2014-08-06, 08:31 PM
The final slavering savage throws down the hunk of flesh that it was consuming and lopes toward the combat, cackling and growling.
Double move to BH17. It saves vs the grease.




Mutant Pirate 1
Balancing/ flat-footed


Mutant Pirate 2
Balancing/ flat-footed





Half-squares (ie those obstructed by cave walls, like B17, BK19 or BI19 can be squeezed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into for a -4 penalty to attacks and AC
=> Amiyah, Lady, Connaught, Lotus, Tchinik, SPMI

2014-08-07, 04:46 PM
"Cowards! More beasts attack from the rear!" Connaught shouts as he hurls out a hand hurling a great bolt of lightning at the fearsome looking dinosaur, axe and shield readied in his hands as he readies to step forward to support the iron sister!

[roll0] lightning DC 15 for half on the dinosaur

2014-08-10, 02:13 AM
Amiyah scowls as the cannibals somehow manage to keep their feet. "Why does that spell never work as it's meant to?" She pulls out her trusty wand- low on charges, but it still has a few- and whispers the magic word. A magic missile zips toward the nearest enemy, dodging around Connaught and Mary-Iris.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-08-11, 05:50 AM
Lightning blasts down, catching one of the deformed creatures a glancing blow as it spars with the nun. Pzaaap! Amiyah's magic missile veers through the melee and blasts straight into the startled creatures chest. Still, it shrugs off the wounds and keeps looking for an opening.

"Tee hee" laughs Lotus, the goblin, and pats the little dinosaur next to it. "Magic!"

=> Tchinik, SPMI

2014-08-15, 06:22 AM
Tchinik slides over, crouching a bit against the wall, as he thrusts past the sister.
"Flamin' caves..." he mutters.

AC ~16; Current ~ 10
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Standard Action - Attack both creatures via Steel Wind (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/steel-wind--3657/)

1st attack roll against BI-17

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

2nd attack roll against BH-17

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll6] + [roll7] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-08-16, 05:00 AM
Tchinik lashes out, stabbing through one of the frenzied mutants shoulders but failing to bring it down. It continues to flail away with its scimitar, heedless of the wounds its body is taking.

Next to Tchinik, the nun waits for an opportunity and then she lashes out with her sword from behind her shield but the flailing creature dodges her blow.

Standard action: longsword attack vs BH17 [roll0] Miss damage [roll1], initiate Stone Bones if hits

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus [roll2]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G2
3. Charging Minotaur G3
4. Leading the Attack W
5. Douse the Flame G

One of the pirates attacks again, whipping its scimitar from side to side and trying to bite the nun as she fends it off.

Full round action: Scimitar attack vs nun [roll3] Miss damage [roll4];
bite attack vs nun [roll5] Miss damage [roll6]




Mutant Pirate 1


Mutant Pirate 2





Half-squares (ie those obstructed by cave walls, like B17, BK19 or BI19 can be squeezed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into for a -4 penalty to attacks and AC
=> Zathras

2014-08-16, 05:13 AM
Still unwilling to spend his remaining magic on the creatures, Zathras stays in the back, cheeering on his companions. They seemed to have the fight well in hand.

Skipping my turn, and probably any following ones too if the fight goes that long. Sorry for being useless here, but I feel that the few power points I have will be more useful later

2014-08-16, 05:24 AM
The other pirate also attacks, trying to get past the nun's shield ... but it's frenzied attacks causes it to lose its footing on the slippery floor and as its feet fly up it falls flat on its back in front of her.

Full round action: Scimitar attack vs nun [roll0] Miss damage [roll1];
bite attack vs nun [roll]1d20-2[roll] Miss damage [roll2]
Failed reflex save so now prone

=> Amiyah, Lady, Connaught, Lotus, Tchinik, SPMI

2014-08-17, 01:10 AM
Impressed by the nuns stoicism Connaught continues to flay the deformed monsters with lightning, positioning himself to hold off any that break past the Nun...

Zap [roll0] DC 15 half

2014-08-17, 11:28 PM
Ha! Finally! Amiyah grins and shoots another magic missile at the downed mutant, silently sending a prayer of thanks to Mystra and Tymora.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-08-18, 08:19 AM
Tchinik, dropping his spear, pulls his rapier as he maneuvers himself just past the sister.
"Can't be letting you have all this up close and personal fun." he says, with a quick wink to her, as he thrusts with the thin blade.

AC ~16; Current ~ 10
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action

Standard Action - Attack the one that is still standing

Attack with Sapphire Nightmare Blade (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sapphire-nightmare-blade--3637/) - Concentration check [roll0]

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll3]+ [roll4] (Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - O

2014-08-20, 07:09 AM
A magic missile blasts into the one on the ground, and it flinches and spits in anger. Crack! Another bolt of lightning blasts down, again striking a glancing blow and grievously wounding one of the mutants. Tchinik and the nun can't get clear strikes in, succeeding only in battering at the pirates defences.

In turn, one of the pirates lands a wicked strike on the sister, blood seeping out from under her armour where the scimitar strikes home. The other twists on the ground, attempting to stand. Rising to it's feet it draws the attention of both the Chessentan and the sister as they both run it through simultaneously. It coughs up blood and tries one last feeble strike with its blade before finally dying and slumping to the ground a bloody mess.
"Yes! Masters, you are all powerful. Show them no mercy!" yells Lotus excitedly as sword and sorcery is unleashed on your foes.
Full round action: Scimitar attack vs nun (1d20+3)[22] Hit damage (1d6+3)[6];
bite attack vs nun (1d20-2)[5] Miss damage (1d8+1)[7]

Move action: Stand
SPMI AoO: longsword attack vs pirate (1d20+11)[28] Hit damage (1d8+3)[11]-5 DR = 6 damage
Tchinik AoO: (1d20+7)[16] Hit damage (1d6+3)[5]+ (1d6)[4] (Punishing Stance) + 1 for energy crystal - 5 DR = 5 damage
Standard action: Scimitar attack vs nun (1d20+3)[13] Miss damage (1d6+3)[9]
Final action: Bleeds out & dies (doesn't explode)




Mutant Pirate 1






Half-squares (ie those obstructed by cave walls, like B17, BK19 or BI19 can be squeezed (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm) into for a -4 penalty to attacks and AC
=> Party

2014-08-20, 07:25 PM
"Nice hit, Mary-Iris, Tchinik!" Amiyah sends another missile weaving through the melee, briefly wondering if they'll ever fight someone in a nice, clear open area. Somewhere she can let it rip without hitting the lovely people in melee who keep the enemy off her back.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-08-22, 04:38 AM
Connaught grins as the enemy plummet, blocked by the iron bulwark of the warrior Nun. Blocked by the nun and the great pool of acid Connaught is left with little choice but to hurl another great bolt of lightning at the last of the maddened pirates.

Lightning [roll0] Ref DC15

2014-08-22, 08:16 AM
Tchinik grins at Amiyah's comment as he hacks away at the other beast.

AC ~16; Current ~ 10
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Standard Action - Attack BI-17

Attack with Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/)

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2]+ [roll3](Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -X
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - X

2014-08-22, 05:54 PM
Magic slams into the savage pirate, lightning blowing it almost in half. It teeters, lunging to bite one last time before spleck! it explodes in yet another shower of goo.

Final death attack (bite) vs SPMI: [roll0] Miss damage [roll1]
SPMI Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll2] Fail + AP if needed [roll3] damage [roll4]
Tchinik Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll5] + AP if needed [roll6] Save damage [roll7]

"Oooh. They come apart real easy." says the goblin in wonder as Sister Mary-Iris wipes the burning slime from her armour.

The large room appears empty of danger for the time being. Food, dismembered corpses and smashed furniture litter the floor. A single passageway leads onward to the northeast. You can catch glimpses of bright colours from the next room, indicating that like the last passage this one also leads to the room with the hanging silks.

2014-08-26, 02:19 PM
Clearing the gunk off himself, Tchinik moves to the opening near him and says "If the rest of you want to check out their possessions, I will guard the way." sheathing his rapier, he picks up his spear and taps the butt against the ground a couple of times to shake loose anything it picked up in the last combat.


2014-08-26, 09:35 PM
Connaught stares at the mess, kicking a few pebbles into the steaming goo with a disapproving look at it. Strange this place. I do not like these beasts. Once men they have been cursed by the gods, is the curse theirs Aline or can they pass it onto others?

Looking up the passageway he puts himself next to Tchinik awaiting the next threat...

2014-08-27, 10:08 PM
From further into the caves you can all hear a faint cacophony of shrieking and howling indicating that more twisted mutant pirates still lurk deeper within. Still, there doesn't seem to be any sound of hostiles nearby - not it the next room anyway. The view of the next room is somewhat obscured. From here it looks like a sort of laundry, with bright cloth hanging down and blocking a clear view of the whole room.

Looking at the remains of pirates and mutants scattered about the room, there are plenty of scimitars for the taking. And while the exploding goo has eaten away at any other items some of the deceased non-mutants have reasonable quality (if horrifically blood-drenched) armour.
As many scimitars as you want, plus 3 sets of MW studded leather armour.
As for the origins of the chaotic deformations, the answer is less straight-forward. Judging from the similar clothing and the location of the bodies so far, it appears that something has caused some of the pirates to randomly transform. The non-mutant victims are scattered relatively randomly, some still seated at their mess tables, indicating that whatever happened to their colleagues was swift and gave no warning. The mutants turned on their friends with no warning. Some of the deceased whom had obviously put up a fight and lasted a little longer show disturbing black rashes around recent bite wounds they have suffered. It is clear that all of the mutants are similar in nature but have widely varying deformations, from extra vestigial limbs/ heads/ sensory organs to small tentacles and other growths. All have had thickened grey skin, fang-filled maws and have been super-quick on their feet.
The above includes some info from basic Heal checks. No-one is aware of any known spell, power, disease or curse that could cause such widespread (remember you first encountered the monkeys about a mile away) and instant horror.

2014-08-29, 05:07 AM
Staring at the deformed corpses of mutants and their mutilated victims brings a up a sense of dread in Zathras, that he had thought buried in the past. This is just what some of Rishan's experiments would have looked like if he'd done them on a bigger scale. I never thought I'd see such sights again so soon.

With a grim face, he looks at the rest of the party and says: "I do not know if Vanthus is responsible for this, but if he is, our conflict goes much further than paid work and personal grievances now. This is a crime against life itself, and whoever did it must answer for it."

If he really is resonsible though, where did he get the power necessary for something like this?

After some further study, he adds: "I truly do not like the look of these rashes around the bite wounds. We should take care indeed."

2014-08-29, 11:22 PM
Amiyah nods grimly as Khalil comes in for a landing on her shoulder. "Indeed. Should one of them bite me and I start mutating, please kill me swiftly. Give me a clean death rather than... that." She shudders and turns away, stroking her familiar's brightly colored feathers. "Shall we go? The sooner we deal with the source of this foulness, the sooner we can leave."

2014-08-30, 01:27 AM
Connaught rests a hand on Amiyah's shoulder, My axe shall take your head in but a single blow. Fear not... then with a sly grin, just make sure your head does not bite as it rolls away.

Taking stock of the cave and the strangeness he shivers.Vanthus must have powerful magics or dark allies to accomplish all of this.Have you seen its like before? We have nothing of this in my mountains. The question thrown out to the magical party members.

Walking by the nun he grins.You fight well Sister. Likeva Valkyrie.

2014-08-31, 04:41 AM
"A valkyrie...." Sister Mary-Iris stares into nothingness for a moment, uncharacteristically contemplating the praise of the barbarian. She snaps back to the present and nods over to Tchinik "As did Mr Denid. Most courageous, taking the front line. You Chessentans have a fine reputation with the spear and sword that I see is well deserved. These fallen men are almost mindless. If we keep to our present tactics and let them hurl themselves upon our weapons we shall surely prevail".

On hearing Connaught and Amiyah speaking she interjects. "Hold your axe, Northman, if but for a moment" says the nun, cleaning her blade and checking her armour. "Tyr may see fit to show us a mercy should we show weakness to this foul blight"
SPMI has 1 Resurgence memorized, which gives a reroll on a save if needed. Otherwise the axe it is :-)
As the party steps forward towards the "laundry room" there is a snarling and slavering from above. Clutching the ceiling of the tunnel is a strange creature that would be cute if it weren't horrifically mutated like everything else so far. It looks like a cross between a monkey and a raccoon, with flaps of skin between its limbs for gliding through the air. "Come to me meatbags! I'll eat you all!" the small creature shrieks optimistically as it hurls itself into the air toward you, a wicked kukri crackling with electricity clutched in one hand. The nun raises her shield and it slams harmlessly into it, dropping to the ground in front of the party in a small but rabid rage.
Standard action: Charge! Kukri vs SPMI [roll0] Miss damage [roll1] +1 elec + [roll2] sneak attack
Crit, if needed: Kukri vs SPMI [roll3] damage [roll4]










=> Zathras

2014-08-31, 04:14 PM
"Navesh hungry! Navesh eat you all up!" squeaks the furry assailant as it slashes futilely at the cleric's shield, sparks flying at each strike.
Full round action: Attack kukri vs SPMI [roll0] Miss damage [roll1] +1 elec
=> Party

2014-09-01, 12:29 AM
Amiyah is rapidly coming to hate narrow tunnels. Once more she utters the magic word, and once more a white missile zips past her comrades to hit the raccoon-monkey.


2014-09-02, 02:42 PM
Connaught booms a great laugh at the squirrel monster as he steps forward axe spinning. begone little monster, I crush you.

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] +1 life drain

2014-09-03, 07:31 AM
As the creature catches him off guard, Tchinik realizes that the creature is within his guard and he drops his spear and quickly removes his rapier.
"Go back to the hell that spawned you, foul creature." he growls as he lunges as the mutant.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Free Action
Drop spear

Move action
Take out rapier

Standard Action - Attack BI-17

Attack mutie

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3](Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-09-04, 05:13 AM
Poink! Amiyah zaps the little thing with a magic missile, and then Smack! Connaught catches it with a glancing blow as it ducks and dives. The nun steps up and faces the foul spawn but neither she nor Tchinik can land a blow.
Standard action: longsword attack (1d20+7)[11] Miss damage (1d8+3)[7], initiate Leading the Attack if hits

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manus: (1d5)[4](1d4)[3](1d3)[3], round 2: (1d2)[1]

1. Crusader's Strike W G2
2. Stone Bones W
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G
The deformed little monkey/raccoon-man slashes away at Mary-Iris, desperately trying to sink its teeth into her..."Just one tasty mouthful". It can't get past her defences.
"Make it explode!" shouts Lotus at the rear of the party, clapping her hands like an excited child.
Full round action: Attack kukri vs SPMI [roll0] Miss damage [roll1] +1 elec
plus Attack bite vs SPMI [roll2] Miss damage [roll]1d6[roll]
=> Party (round 2)

2014-09-06, 03:56 PM
Connaught looks surprised at the little beasts resilience before he chops down at it again. little beast. We explode you.

Attack [roll0] dam [roll1] +1 life drain (2/10)

2014-09-07, 02:21 AM
Poink, poink, poink. Where is the awesome arcane power that wizards are supposed to have? Probably years of study away. If I live that long. Amiyah whispers the magic word again, uncomfortably aware of the fine cracks appearing on her wand. She only has a few more shots before the magic is spent.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-09-08, 02:36 PM
Tchinik shakes his head in frustration, thrown off by the manish creatures visage. The normally vocal warrior seems especially distracted by the creature as he dodges it's blows and thrusts.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Standard Action - Attack BI-17

Attack mutie

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2] + [roll3](Punishing Stance) + ? for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - O

2014-09-09, 05:11 AM
Connaught swings at the little mutant but just misses as it jumps from side to side, trying to get at the nun. Zap! Amiyah's trusty magic missile zaps into it again, and Tchinik catches it as it is momentarily off guard.

Focusing on the whirling furball at her feet, Mary-Iris slashes out again but misses.

Standard action: longsword attack [roll0] Miss damage [roll1],

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G3
3. Charging Minotaur G
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

The savage little mutant keeps snarling and snapping as it tries to get a mouthful of nun...sinking its sharp little teeth into an exposed area of her calf and worrying away, licking blood off it's lips and seeking more with unsated hunger.
Full round action: Attack kukri vs SPMI [roll2] Miss damage [roll3] +1 elec
plus Attack bite vs SPMI [roll4] Hit damage [roll5]

=> Party (round 3)

2014-09-11, 12:06 AM
Another magic missile zooms through the group, hurling itself at the mutant raccoon-thing.


2014-09-11, 01:08 AM
Seeing the horrible monkey beast tearing a chunk out of Sister MP Connaught moves to crush the little beast and pin it to the wall for the others to kill!

It gets an AoO
Touch [roll0]
Grapple [roll1]

Edit: damn you poor dice roller!

2014-09-13, 09:13 AM
Tchinik hesitates for a moment as he sees the big northerner try to manhandle the creature, which eludes his grasp. As the creature dodges Connaught big arms, Tchinik lunges forward again, blade held in a low guard as he tries to catch him between beats.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Standard Action - Attack mutie with Sapphire Nightmare Blade (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/sapphire-nightmare-blade--3637/)

Concentration Check vs AC

Attack mutie

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll3]+ [roll4](Punishing Stance) + 1 fire damage for energy crystal + [roll5] if Sapphire Nightmare Blade is successful

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - O

2014-09-13, 09:40 PM
The warriors lunge and grab at the little man beast but cannot quite get it, it's agile feet and thickened warped skin helping at evade harm...except for the relentless poink poink of Amiyah's magical attack. As Connaught tries to grab it, it slashes at him...delivering a nasty gash for his efforts.
fyi Tchinik made the conc check but just missed on the actual attack :smallannoyed:
AoO: Attack kukri vs Connaught [roll0] Hit damage (1d3+1) 4 +1 elec
Having kicked the thing off her bloodied leg, Sister Penitent Mary-Iris slashes at it once more...but unable to connect with the vermin. "By Tyr's unwavering eye, you will submit!"
Standard action: longsword attack [roll1] Miss damage [roll2] initiate douse the flames if it hits ,

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manu's: [roll3][roll4][roll5]

1. Crusader's Strike G4
2. Stone Bones G4
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G4
5. Douse the Flame W
The little mutant, evidently called Navesh, leaps at the nun with renewed vigor...but merely flails ineffectively against her armour.
Full round action: Attack kukri vs SPMI [roll6] Miss damage [roll7] +1 elec
plus Attack bite vs SPMI [roll8] Miss damage [roll9]
At the back the goblin watches the melee with interest. Tugging Zathras' sleeve she whispers "It is good of you, master, to let your minions do some fighting. Can't have all the fun, eh?". The small dinosaur hunches tense behind the two hissing occasionally, clearly not liking the action of the close-quarter combat at all.

=> Party (round 4)

2014-09-14, 05:04 AM
Connaught reels back with his bleeding hand. A look if rage in his eyes as he restrains the blood rage that is building. Accursed demon monkey!. Emphasising the curse with crackling lightning!

[roll0] dc 15 half

2014-09-15, 11:57 PM
"You know, one of these days it would be nice to fight somewhere that I can use spells other than magic missile." She'll have to come up with something once this wand runs out of charges. But it's still working for now, and yet another small but deadly sphere of force hurls itself at the foe.

Damage: [roll0]

2014-09-17, 07:10 AM
"Hrammar! To the abyss with you, foul creature!"

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 22

Standard Action - Attack mutie with Leading the Attack (http://dndtools.eu/spells/tome-of-battle-the-book-of-nine-swords--88/leading-attack--3760/) (+4 to everyone else if Tchinik is successful).

Attack mutie

Confirmation (if necessary)

[roll2]+ [roll3] (Punishing Stance) + 1 fire damage for energy crystal + (1d6)[2] if Sapphire Nightmare Blade is successful

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - X
Leading the Attack - X

2014-09-17, 06:28 PM
Lightning crackles and arcs from the walls of the corridor, jumping and snapping to strike the mutated creature as it tries to evade. Zap! A magic missile slams into it, and as the chaos of the energy attack distracts it Tchinik strikes it, running through the chest - a lethal strike. It's life blood spilling out, it cackles coughing up more but not relenting it continues to attack!

Sister Penitent Mary-Iris wards off the little thing that will not die, slashing at it again but momentarily distracted by the lightning.
Standard action:longsword attack (1d20+11)[15] Miss damage (1d8+3)[10] initiate stone bones if it hits ,

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manu's: [roll0]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame W
Bleeding profusely but refusing to acknowledge its imminent death it lashes out again at the cleric...cutting a nasty gash across her legs.
Full round action: Attack kukri vs SPMI [roll1] Hit damage [roll2] +1 elec
plus Attack bite vs SPMI [roll3] Miss damage [roll4]
"Foul being!" Mary-Iris roars and stomps down with her boot on the vicious little thing. Pinning it, she strikes down without mercy ending its life. With one final act of savagery the mutant tries once more to sink its teeth into her leg before quavering and...splick! exploding into a shower of burning goo!
Death attack: bite vs SPMI [roll5] Miss damage [roll6]
SPMI Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll7] Fail + AP if needed [roll8] damage [roll9]
Tchinik Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll10] Fail + AP if needed [roll11] damage [roll12]
Connaught Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll13] + AP if needed [roll14] Save damage [roll15]

=> Party

2014-09-18, 11:36 PM
"Well, that was unpleasant." Amiyah wrinkles her nose at the mutant-goo. "Sister, are you all right? Do you feel feverish or otherwise ill?" She dearly hopes not. The nun is both their resident healer and Connaught's backup on the front lines, as well as a comrade.

2014-09-19, 08:02 AM
"Grrr..." is all that comes out of Tchinik's mouth as the dead's creature's body explodes over him, living a burning, sickening goo. Taking out his waterskin, he tries to wash it away as best he can, looking for any clean bits of rags lying around.

Once he's cleaned himself, he cleans his blade before putting away and picking up his spear and doing the same. Hefting it in the air, he says to the others "I think we need to come up with a plan on keeping away from these things if we run into more and they keep doing... this. We won't survive long if they whittle us down every time they die." Shaking his head a bit and looking at the others, he finishes with "Anyone hurt or are we ready to continue?"

2014-09-20, 01:51 AM
Connaught prods a bit with his foot. Strange demon monkey. I would not like to meet a bigger one. He points with his axe. Come let us explore these caverns so that we may leave. I do not like this place.

2014-09-21, 05:23 AM
The nun looks grimly to the rest of the party and their questions. "Tyr has shown me favour, this time. I do not feel any sign of the curse afflicting me. But a better tactic may well aid us in our fight here. What do you suggest?". While showing no signs of disease she is quite injured, cuts and blistered skin covering her exposed body. She once more draws her wand and invokes the command word, healing energy washing over her and slowly causing the worst of the wounds to knit and the blistered skin to heal.
Lesser Vigor on the nun (again!). Anyone else need healing?
Kicking the remains of the creature lying on the ground, Connaught dislodges the sharp kukri. A brilliant blue jewel sits in its hilt, and from this sparks crackle up the hilt and blade. With a quick twist he frees the jewel and holds it up. Lotus darts forward and scoops up the discarded blade tucking it into her belt.
MW kukri (small) - Lotus will take this
Crystal of Energy Assault, Least - +1 elec damage. Fits on any MW or better weapon (just like Tchinik's fire crystal). Who wants this?
Moving forward you come to a very large chamber. A series of clotheslines crisscross the room and from these hang many bolts of brightly coloured silk. The hanging fabric makes it hard to clearly view the room, but you can vaguely see four more passages exiting the room. The two to the south appear to lead back toward the beach. To the northwest you can hear the manic shouts and yells of more twisted mutants, still some way off and not approaching. To the northeast, much closer but growing no nearer, come barks and ferocious growling sounding like a pack of vicious dogs nearby...


2014-09-22, 07:36 AM
"Well, that way and that way seem inviting." says with a wry grin on his face as he points to the two northern passageways. "So, more of these offensive creatures or dogs that may be like these? Neither sounds like they will be particularly pleasant but I'm thinking we deal with the closer menace." he says as the others collect themselves.

Tchinik is down 8 hp.

2014-09-22, 01:12 PM
Connaught paused. I do not like this place/ it smells like a trap. Shall we test it? suiting words to actions banged the blade of the axe off the wall. And then waited

2014-09-23, 01:31 AM
Annoyed by his inability to help the fight against the mutated creatures, Zathras steps forward.

"My acid cannot hurt their twisted bodies, and my crossbow cannot pierce their skin. Sister, would you lend me your faithful sword for a while, so I can try and contribute that way?"

If SPMI agrees, he asks for the blue energy crystal from Lotus, and fastens it at the sword's hilt, causing dancing sparks to flash along the blade. Hefting the sword, he takes a few test swings to get used to the weight of the weapon. "Not my usually preferred way of combat, but I do know how to use it."

Arriving at the large room, the tiefling eyes the colorful silks with suspicion. "These are probably not just ornamental, and I am loath to trigger a possible trap while something is closing in on us. We could wait here and use the tunnel's exit as a choke point for whatever is approaching."

2014-09-25, 12:55 AM
Amiyah frowns as she looks around, letting Khalil fly over the ropes to scout the room out. "This... actually looks more like a laundry room than anything else. What need would the savage creatures we fought have for a laundry?" Oh. Wait. "...Ah, they probably dwelt here before they were turned." She reaches up and fingers one of the pieces of cloth hanging from a line; is it still wet, has it been soiled by creatures pushing through with no regard to the fact that it's laundry, is it tattered?

2014-09-26, 05:42 PM
"Let us prepare ourselves" Mary-Iris unbuckles her longsword and hands it to Zathras, watching as he tests its weight and affixes the new crystal, electricity crackling along the blade. She rearms herself with a heavy warhammer from her belt. Clutching her holy symbols she mutters a few words of prayer, invoking the power of Tyr to protect and crinkling a page from a small prayer book as she briefly touches Connaught's shoulder, her own shoulders and her warhammer. A shimmering aura flickers over his heavily muscled body as the divine protection takes effect. She also intones a prayer over Tchinik, easing his blistered skin somewhat.
casting shield of faith on Connaught
protection from evil on herself (since she's so bad at the Ref saves)
magic weapon on her warhammer

each lasts 3 minutes

healing on Tchinik - 2 x Cure Minor = +2 hp
Khalil takes to the air and flaps noisily around the room, the bright parrot looking at home with the bright hanging silks. Striding to the edge of the room Connaught strikes his axe against the wall "It smells like a trap". At the sound of the metal hitting rock, the snarling and barking of the dogs increases sounding especially feral. All of a sudden Khalil squawks in raucous alarm and starts flapping back toward Amiyah a brief breeze wafts through the chamber, perhaps stirred from the heat of the burning boats outside. The silks flutter and you catch a brief glimpse of savage dogs snapping and straining to the northeast. Just inside the corridor they are warped and twisted like their human handlers have been, but the vicious mutant mastiffs are fortunately held back by spiked collars fastened with chains to keep them secured. Could this be what alarmed Khalil so...?
everyone except Khalil fails
Tchinik and Mary Iris are distracted, the flapping cloth and snarling dogs capturing their attention.
...hears heavy footsteps padding closer....a rustle and tearing of cloth nearby. It doesn't sound good
Turning, you see a fearsome predatory dinosaur bearing down on you. Having snuck within close range through the hanging silks the two legged creature leaps and bounds towards you, sharp claws and fangs gleaming. Like everything else, it too is mutated, with deformed taloned limbs and an impossibly wide fang-filled mouth. It's scaled body twisted horribly but its talons still looking fearfully lethal.
Zathras [roll0]
Tchinik [roll1]
Amiyah [roll2]

This vicious looking predator is a deinonychus, an ancient reptilian beast of the group known as dinosaurs that are relatively common in these parts. This result reveals all animal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#animalType) traits.

Deinonychus, also incorrectly known as velociraptors (which are in fact much smaller creatures), are very fast for reptiles, and this speed combined with their razor sharp talons, nasty bite and ability to leap in to combat to deliver a deadly initial attack make them a very dangerous opponent.

Perhaps even more worrying than the deinonychus' array of natural weaponry is its intelligence. Most dinosaurs are quite simple minded creatures, but these reptiles have large and advanced animal brains and often hunt in packs with cunning tactics.










The hanging silks obscure vision and provide concealment to everybody
=> Dino :smalleek:

It's a surprise round so a single move or standard action only

2014-09-26, 10:27 PM
Amiyah reaches up to touch the closest piece off cloth...a fine embroidered silk it has no doubt been plundered from a rich merchant ship by these scoundrel pirates. Still slightly damp, perhaps it was being prepared for storage or transport. Wait...that silk over there has a splash of fresh blood on it...and was that a bloodied foot that she may have glimpsed through the swaying silks....uh-oh.

The taloned dinosaur leaps through the closest silks toward unsuspecting Amiyah, cloths tearing and snagging on its limbs in almost comical fashion as it bears down on her. It's razor-sharp talons and claws rake her as she tries futilely to ward off the crazed beast. Leaving her collapsed in a pile of bloodied embroidery the vicious mutant dinosaur looks hungrily around for more!!!
Standard Action: Charge vs Amiyah!
Move to AW29.
Talons (1d20+12)[23] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[17] Miss damage (1d8+6)[8]

Plus extra Pounce:
talons (1d20+10)[23] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[73] Hit damage (1d8+6)[10]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[27] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[36] Hit damage (1d3+3)[6]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[22] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[98] Hit damage (1d3+3)[5]
bite (1d20+8)[23] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[80] Hit damage (2d4+3)[6]


20% Concealment

20% Concealment

Surprised, 20% Concealment

Surprised, 20% Concealment

20% Concealment, Prone, Dying, Very unhappy

20% Concealment

20% Concealment



The hanging silks obscure vision and provide concealment to everybody in the room

=> Zathras, Connaught, Lady & Lotus (& Amiyah for what it's worth)

Surprise round so single actions only. Post in any order & we'll resolve in order of posting (indicate if you want to act in a different order).

2014-09-26, 11:37 PM
Amiyah has just enough time to scream before the deinonychus is upon her. Khalil screeches in fear and pain as his mistress' agony echoes through the familiar bond. The wizard's scream cuts off into a gurgle as a talon hits something vital, and she crumples to the ground in a puddle of green robes and rapidly spreading blood. Clearly, if someone doesn't apply healing magic soon, she will be the group's first fatality.

Amiyah is now at -8 hp. Help!

2014-09-27, 01:37 AM
Connaught barely has time to blink before the swirling cloths give rise to the monster, blood sprays across the linens, scarlet on green before he hears the scream. Amiyah! Noo he cries feeling the shame of failure burning.

Rage building he hurls lightning at the creature as he readies axe to carve it into chunks. Save her! he cries to the others

Single action zap [roll0] dc15 half

Next round we bring the rage!

2014-09-27, 09:00 AM
As the first sounds of something big approaching reaches Zathras, he quickly concentrates and an oscillating field of rainbow colors suffuses his person for moment, before it vanishes with a light ozone smell. Strengthened by his powers, the tiefling awaits whatever comes.
Despite the brief forewarning, the ferocity of the monster's attack surprises the tiefling, and he can only watch in horror as he sees his companion go down in a frenzy of blood and terror.

Surprise round action: Casting Vigor on himself and Xin, augmented to 2 pp, gaining 10 temp HP.

2014-09-28, 02:30 AM
Electricity crackles and blasts from walls ceiling and floor Electricity crackles and blasts from walls ceiling and floor as Connaught hurls the fury of the elements at the brutal creature that stands over his dying companion. The nimble beast tries to avoid the worst of the blast but is slammed full with the raw power of lightning again and again.
Dino save vs DC15 [roll0] Fail
At the entrance to the room, Zathras summons the forces of his mind to bolster him as the dinosaur leaps. Behind him Lotus frantically pushes and kicks at Lady with all her might. "Get in there. Help Mistress! You wretched beast! Get in behind it." Lady hisses like an angry goose but the goblin is relentless and the small dragon-dinosaur ducks under everyone's legs and scuttles in behind the hungry predator, ready to nip at its feet.
Move action: Handle Animal (1d20+7)[27] Success

Move to AX30. Will give Tchinik a flank, at least.

stabilise? 1-10 [roll1] Fail. -1hp...
The dienonychus glances quickly across its remaining foes with its predators eyes. Spasming with mutant twitches it lunges at the nearest meal within range, one it recognizes from the jungle, the little dinosaur. Lady ducks and weaves as it strikes, avoiding most of the attacks but still suffering a couple of blows. The attack leaves it bloodied but still standing...
Full attack vs Lady:
talons (1d20+10)[19] Miss concealment 1-20 (1d100)[27] damage (1d8+6)[11]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[14] Miss concealment 1-20 (1d100)[5] damage (1d3+3)[5]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[26] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[98] Hit damage (1d3+3)[5]
bite (1d20+8)[20] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[81] Hit damage (2d4+3)[6]


20% Concealment

20% Concealment

20% Concealment

20% Concealment

20% Concealment, Prone, Dying

20% Concealment

20% Concealment



The hanging silks obscure vision and provide concealment to everybody in the room

=> Party

Post in any order & we'll resolve in order of posting (indicate if you want to act in a different order).

2014-09-28, 04:29 AM
Quickly, Zathras steps closer to their fallen companion, drops his borrowed sword to the ground and uses his now free hand to draw a potion from the bandolier across his chest. Going down on one knee, he carefully administers the contents of the bottle to Amiyah.

Potential swift action: 5-foot step to get to Amiyah if needed (can't tell from the map)
Free Action: Drop longsword
Free action: Draw CLW potion from potion belt
Full-round action: Administer CLW potion to Amiyah

2014-09-29, 07:44 AM
Dropping his spear, Tchinik quickly unsheathes his rapier as he steps towards the creature, trying to put his body between his and his downed companion. Waving his hands hands in the airs, he yells out "Ah! Ah!" at the creature to catch its eye a moment before he lunges in deftly.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 20

Standard Action - Attack Dino with Leading the Attack (+4 to everyone else if Tchinik is successful).

Attack Dino
[roll0] includes +2 from flanking

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1] includes +2 from flanking

[roll2]+ [roll3](Punishing Stance) + 1 fire damage for energy crystal

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2014-09-29, 04:22 PM
Connaught leaps forward standing atop Amiyahs body, axe swirling as he chops at the beast. Despite the rage beating on his chest he keeps calm unable to let his rage off the leash.

Chop [roll0] dam [roll1]
+4 if leading the attack hits
Giving cover to Amiyah

2014-10-01, 06:16 AM
Zathras bends down to Amiyah and administers a healing potion. The magical liquid quickly takes effect and he can immediately see her injuries knit and close. She is alive, still unconscious but out of immediate danger. Tchinik distracts the fearsome beast, making himself a more obvious target, before he lunges and stabs it quickly drawing blood but in no way bringing it down. Also acting swiftly to defend his companion, Connaught leaps into combat hacking at the things legs as it spins this was and that, trying to drive it away from Amiyah.
tchinik vs concealment 1-20 (1d100)[71]
Damage (1d6+3)[5]+ (1d6)[5](Punishing Stance) + 1 fire damage for energy crystal - 5DR = 6 damage
Leading the Attack activates
Remember it's a move action to attach or remove the fire crystal from a weapon

connaught vs concealment 1-20 (1d100)[40]
dam (1d8+3)[8] - 5DR = 3 damage
"You shall not take her from us! Amiyah - stay with us!" Mary-Iris urges Amiyah's recovery as she steps forward and lands a bone-crunching strike on the mutant dinosaurs torso. The nun's voice reaches Amiyah and drags her back from unconsciousness, bringing the din of battle to her ears as she revives on the ground cradled by Zathras and with Connaught standing over her.

Not-an-action: 5 ft step to AX29
Standard action: warhammer (1d20+10)[19] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[62]Hit damage (1d8+4)[8]initiate crusaders strike if it hits ,

Crusaders strike: Heal Amiyah [roll0] hp
Not quite sure how it works now Amiyah & Connaught are both in the same space.

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manu's: (1d5)[4](1d4)[1](1d3)[1] (1d2)[2]

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur W
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G2
Your smaller dinosaur companion scratches and bites at the larger beast but cannot inure the thickly scaled predator. Lotus shouts incoherently at the small lizard, presumably trying but failing to inspire the wee animal to greater melee competence.
Swindlespitter can't damage it due to DR
Surrounded but heedless of the damage it has taken from all sides the ferocious dienonychus turns to a new target, the steel-encased nun that has been painfully smashing its ribs. Launching its full fury of tooth and claw against the priestess of Tyr the dinosaur savages her, blood splashing and chain links flying from the merciless tearing. The nun stands stalwart, not even flinching as the wounds take a terrible toll.

vs spmi

talons (1d20+10)[22] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[1] Miss damage (1d8+6)[13]

foreclaw (1d20+8)[28] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[89] Hit damage (1d3+3)[4]
crit confirm foreclaw (1d20+8)[25] Crit! damage (1d3+3)[6]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[25] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[33] Hit damage (1d3+3)[6]

bite (1d20+8)[27] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[46] Hit damage (2d4+3)[5]


20% Concealment

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment

20% Concealment

20% Concealment, Prone, , Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment

20% Concealment



The hanging silks obscure vision and provide concealment to everybody in the room

=> Party

Post in any order & we'll resolve in order of posting (indicate if you want to act in a different order).

2014-10-01, 07:26 AM
As Tchinik thrusts, he sees his swords tips bend, nearly breaking, before just penetrating the fearsome creatures hide.
Withdrawing the blade, he sidesteps to his left as he begins to chant, practically growling out the words.

The drum of war,
_____ The thunder of boots,
The enemy falls,
_____ Under foot,
Victory now,
_____ Within our grasp...

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 20

5 foot step to AV-29 to flank with SPMI

Swift Action
Cast Inspirational Boost (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-adventurer--54/inspirational-boost--393/)

Standard Action
Begin Bardic Music - Inspire Courage

Immediate Action (taking next turns swift action)
Activate Badge of Valor

Net = +3 to saves vs charms and fear plus +3 to hit and damage.

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2014-10-01, 08:20 AM
Angered by the beast's mauling of his companions and energized by the bard's song and the nun's example, Zathras picks up the dropped longsword from the floor, steps toward the beast, and strikes out with the blade, fury burning in his crimson eyes.

"Your skin will make for fine new boots!"

Delaying my action until right after the immediate action that Tchinik uses after his turn.
Move action: Pick up longsword
Swift action: 5-foot step to AX28
Standard action: Attack Dienonychus
[roll1] (+4 leading the attack, +3 song)
[roll2] slashing + 1 electricity

2014-10-02, 03:03 PM
Connaught shouts out in rage as the Sister is so brutally slashed at! "Sister Mary, have a care, step aside do not let this creature kill you." Pushing back he jostles the beast with his shield still standing astride Amiyah as he hews with mighty blows. Although he is filled with rage he dare not let it bubble over lest he leave Amiyah vulnerable..

PA for 2
Attack [roll0] dam [roll1]
- poss +2 from flank
- Do we have +1 from bless?
- poss +4 from Lead attack?

2014-10-03, 02:35 AM
Amiyah groans, waking up in a hot, sticky puddle of blood with a view of Connaught that she really could have lived without. But he's keeping the dinosaur off her, which is a very good thing! "Thank you, whoever healed me! Connaught, I need to get a wand out of my pack, can you keep defending me until I find it? The spell will push the dinosaur back a few feet, be ready to advance when I say the word. Then I'll be able to get up without having my throat ripped out again." Without waiting for a response, the wizard squirms around until she can get a hand into her backpack, and then into the bag of holding inside the backpack. Fortunately all of the wands she's picked up are different in size and texture. This one? No, it's got carvings, that's the mage armor wand. Scroll case, thieves' tools, spare bolts... aha! Triumphantly she draws a smooth, slender wand out of the handy extradimensional storage space.

2014-10-04, 04:16 AM
Tchinik's rousing words spur the party on, the whirling predator whipping back and forth baring teeth and talons as it fights on all fronts. Zathras picks up the longsword and steps into the melee, slashing the flank of of the deadly dinosaur and managing to strike deep as sparks course along the blade. Connaught jostles the beast and strikes at its side, keeping its attention away from Amiyah but failing to land a meaningful hit. At his feet the wizard stirs and rolls over, searching her belongings for something.

The barbarian's words cut through the adrenalin of battle to resonate with the nun. Wanting nothing more than to leap on the dinosaur and tear its throat out with her teeth she suppresses the urge, realizing she is nearly spent and soon to become a liability. Blood matting her hair and clouding her vision, she looses her shield and throws it to one side. With a final mighty effort she swings her hammer with both hands bringing it cracking under the beasts jaw and barely dazing it before stumbling backward seeking Tyr's strength to guide her back to battle once more.
Move action: Loose & drop shield
Standard action: warhammer (two-handed) (1d20+10)[22] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[94] Hit damage (1d8+8)[9]initiate leading the attack if it hits ,
Not-an-action: 5 ft step to AY29

Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Manu's: All

1. Crusader's Strike G
2. Stone Bones G
3. Charging Minotaur G3
4. Leading the Attack G
5. Douse the Flame G

SPMI down to 0hp...:smalleek:
Lady, the little dragon/ dinosaur, darts under the larger creatures feet and tries to nip it. The much bigger mutated dienonychus turns once more on the wee reptile, grabbing it in its razor-sharp teeth and crunching down even as Lady struggles weakly. It jerks it's head and tosses the limp body to the ground, turning again on the larger human-sized prey.
talons (1d20+10)[29] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[53] Hit damage (1d8+6)[11]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[27] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[63] Hit damage (1d3+3)[5]
foreclaw (1d20+8)[20] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[18] Miss damage (1d3+3)[4]
bite (1d20+8)[22] concealment 1-20 (1d100)[45] Hit damage (2d4+3)[7]
"Get up, you lazy thing" the goblin scurries forward & drags the body of Lady away from the bigger dinosaur. "Get up, get up!"
Move action: Move to AY30
Move action: Drag Lady 5ft south


20% Concealment

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment, Disabled

20% Concealment, Prone, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit), Dying

20% Concealment, Leading the Attack (+4 to hit)


The hanging silks obscure vision and provide concealment to everybody in the room

=> Party

Post in any order & we'll resolve in order of posting (indicate if you want to act in a different order).

2014-10-04, 05:44 AM
Encouraged by his successful attack and anxious to defend their injured comrades, Zathras presses his advance, stepping into a better tactical position. Again he strikes, swinging the blade in a vicious arc, trailing a swirl of sparks through the air.

Swift action: 5-foot step to AX29 to flank with Tchinik.
Standard action: Attack Dienonychus
[roll0] (+4 leading the attack, +3 song, +2 flank)
[roll1] slashing + 1 electricity

This party sure can lay on the buffs.

2014-10-04, 10:21 AM
Tchinik continues to working his way with words as he instills purpose in his allies and himself as he throws himself wholeheartedly into the fray.

AC ~16; Current ~ 14
HP ~ 24; Current ~ 20

5 foot step to AW-30

Standard Action - Attack Dino

Attack Dino
[roll0] includes +2 from flanking & +4 from leading the attack & 3 from Inspire Courage

Confirmation (if necessary)
[roll1] includes +2 from flanking & +4 from leading the attack & 3 from Inspire Courage

[roll2]+ [roll3](Punishing Stance) + 1 fire damage for energy crystal + 3 from IC

Punishing Stance - -2 to AC and +1d6 damage
Steel Wind -O
Sapphire Nightmare Blade - O
Leading the Attack - X

2014-10-04, 02:22 PM
Wand in hand, Amiyah rolls over and points it at the dinosaur. "Connaught, now!" She whispers the magic word, and an unseen force pushes the foe back five feet.

Whee, wand of slide finally has a use! Amiyah can't get up until Connaught moves forward though.

2014-10-05, 12:12 AM
Happy for a second as the beast focuses on the strange goblins pet he leaps forward as the beast slides back, shield being thrown to the floor as he hews at the beast with great 2-handed overhead blows...

Drop shield
5ft step
Power attack 2 [roll0] dam [roll1]

2014-10-07, 04:11 AM
Again Zathras sweeps his blade around, sparks flying as his sword bites deep. Tchinik stabs too, driving his rapier through the beasts heart and injuring it mortally. Any normal creature would have dropped and breathed its last, but you've seen these mutated abominations keep on fighting beyond the point they should be able too. This dinosaur is no different, and merely roars in fury at the blow.

As it turns to bite down Amiyah's magic takes effect and the lizard is suddenly dragged backward a few steps as if tugged by a horse & cart. Bewildered by the confusing spell its guard is momentarily and Connaught doesn't miss the opportunity, bringing his axe down and splitting it skull in two, the axe staying firmly embedded.

Again, somehow the now very dead thing manages one last ferocious bite, trying to take Connaught with it as its life ends in an explosive burst of goop.
Death attack: bite vs Connaught [roll0] Hit damage [roll1]
Tchinik Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll2] Save + AP if needed [roll3] damage [roll4]
Connaught Ref save vs exploding guts DC 15: [roll5] Fail + AP if needed [roll6] damage [roll7]
Surveying the scene you are confronted with chaos. The goblin's pet lies bleeding, and Mary-Iris is not much better barely standing although trying not to show it. Beautiful silks hang all around, although those nearby are slashed and bloodstained if not destroyed by acid. Across the chamber you can clearly see the mutated dogs straining at their collars snarling and trying desperately to get at your tasty flesh! Near them you can now also see a low table that has many books and papers spread across it, drying. From the northern corridor you can still hear somewhat human howls and shrieks as before.
Well done guys, that was brutal. I reckon one more round would have seen another man down and probably tipped the balance for good.

2014-10-07, 09:16 AM
Dropping his rapier, Tchinik moves to the Sister, removing a potion as he does.
"Here, take this." he says as he offers her the healing potion.
Once she downs it, he moves back to his sword and cleans it with some clean silks and sheaths it before retrieving his spear.
Looking at the goblin he ask "How fares Lady?"

Tchinik gives her a potion of CMW.

2014-10-08, 05:25 AM
Sister Mary-Iris takes the healing potion with a curt nod, unstoppers it and downs the magical liquid. Yet again her most grievous wounds bind and cease bleeding leaving her more steady on her feet.

Lotus looks up at Tchinik from where she has been trying to rouse Lady. "I think it is too far gone. probably best we eat it, eh? Not much on it, but I make us all a tasty snack". Mary-Iris interrupts "It fought and bled for us. It deserves our assistance". Briefly resting her warhammer at her feet she draws her wand and uses its healing energies once more on the small draconic lizard and on herself. Lady stirs and rouses itself, hissing in confusion as it tries to get its bearings. Lotus simply shrugs her shoulders and pats it on the head.

"Ms al-Hassan, here, this is for you" Sister Mary-Iris hands Amiyah a tarnished silver ring. "You were exposed to great danger. We cannot have that happen again. If you wear this ring and stay close by I will be able to extend Tyr's most lawful protections to you." Mary-Iris utters a prayer to Tyr and moves her hands, casting the spell of protection on Amiyah.

Lesser Vigor on Lady and on herself.
Cast Shield Other (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shieldOther.htm) on Amiyah
Anyone else want healing?

2014-10-09, 12:58 AM
Amiyah struggles to her feet, trying not to slip on the worryingly large puddle of blood beneath her. "Thank you, Sister. I will be more cautious in the future." She accepts the ring and slips it onto her left middle finger, silently reciting a prayer of thanks to Mystra, Tymora and Tyr. (Might as well thank Mary-Iris' god while she's thanking her personal patron and the goddess of good fortune, right?) "And thank you for guarding me, Connaught. The creature would most likely have killed me had you not done so."

Khalil swoops down to perch on Amiyah's shoulder, vigorously preening the locks of black hair that have escaped from her bun. "Not dead! Good Amiyah, good red-horn-man, good big-man!" She smiles, scratching him in the good spot on top of his head. "Yes sweetheart, I'm all right. Good boy." Turning to look at Mary-Iris, Amiyah clears her throat. "Ah, Sister, would you mind using your healing wand on me? My wounds are not fatal anymore, but they are still very much present."

2014-10-09, 03:00 AM
"Good job everyone, that creature was dangerous indeed."

Zathras lightly claps Amiyah's shoulder, careful not to exert to much pressure on her wounds. "Glad that you are alright. That was too close a call for my comfort. At least Khalil seems to have improved his impression of me now." He smiles.

While the group is healing their various wounds, he walks over to the nearby table and studies the books and papers on it, careful to stay out of the frenzied dogs' reach.

"Maybe these will give some insight into what happened here."

2014-10-09, 01:23 PM
Connaught breathes a sigh of relief tempered with pain as blood streams from the wounds. Calling on his ancestors he rubs the ivory carvings on the belt feeling wounds closing.

2 x 1 charges [roll0]

Are you ok Miss Amiyah? We had feared for the worst. That was a savage beast. looking at the tiefling reading he shakes his head. do the runes talk to you anything of import?

2014-10-10, 05:00 PM
Zathras approaches the table, mindful of the snarling dogs not far away. A variety of books and scrolls are laid out carefully on the table, drying. They have been carefully arranged and look to be in reasonable condition, despite the minor water damage. Perhaps the silks and books are the bounty of some piratical raid, being carefully prepared for resale or storage?

The books bindings appear to be of fine quality, and the titles indicate a range of anthropological topics relating to the human and lizardfolk tribes of the Chultan Peninsula. The scrolls contain writing that you cannot immediately decipher - magical writings!

From where he is at the table, Zathras can also see a little more to the northwest and also past the dogs to the northeast. To the northwest the corridor continues and seems to have a makeshift barricade of tables and benches blocking a side passage. Gibbering howls and shrieks come from somewhere to the northwest. To the northeast, past the snarling dogs, he can see a passageway exiting on the far side of the kennel-room that the dogs are chained within.

2014-10-14, 01:48 AM
Another shot from Mary-Iris' healing wand has Amiyah feeling considerably better. "I think I'll be all right now, Connaught, thank you." The rustle of paper catches the wizard's attention. She follows the sound until she spots Zathras by a table filled with books and scrolls. "Ooh! Scrolls! I'll cast read magic on these once we're out of here and see what we have. Thank Mystra for extradimensional storage space!" Amiyah puts her pack down and carefully opens both the pack and the bag of holding within. She promptly proceeds to loot every scrap of written material. Who knows, maybe they'll find themselves in Chult one of these days.

2014-10-14, 02:26 PM
Connaught looks at the beasts the far side of the cage. Making sure to keep at least 10ft back from the bars lest the monsters try and break through. "We should destroy these things. They are vile and worthy only of destruction." He looks around, seeing the longspear. Shall we destroy them with the spear, and quickly lest some other creature attack us. I don't like the idea of leaving these beasts behind us."

2014-10-15, 05:13 AM
Amiyah gathers the various books and scrolls and stows them carefully in her magical bag. As she does this, Connaught and Tchinik deal with the dogs. Fearsome twisted beasts that they are, they cannot break their chains and with arcing lightning and a few merciful spear thrusts the mutant pack is put down, each one exploding into messy goo as it is silenced.

2014-10-20, 06:41 AM
Helping Connaught kill the vile creature leaves a bad taste in Tchinik's mouth, even though putting them down was the right thing to do. Again grabbing some rags, he wipes down his beloved spear before looking around.
Knowing the feeling must be shared by his companions, he puts a smile on and says "Alright, everyone, we need to make a decision on which way to go. I'm thinking that way towards the barricade might have some hope of survivors. What is everyone elses opinion?"