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2015-01-13, 11:09 AM
Elena glances at Gallard's blade and says, "Well...It seems that we've found the Drowned Lady. This shall be interesting..."

2015-01-14, 11:15 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn shadow conjures Mage armor, enveloping himself in shifting waves of quasi-real force.

For the next 8 hours, Ivyn has an illusory version of mage armor. Will DC 23 and the bonus is +1. +4 otherwise.


If time permits before combat begins, he'll cast protection from evil on himself as well.

2015-01-14, 12:10 PM
"Proceed with caution. Stay away from the water as well, it may conceal grave danger."casting magic circle against evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicCircleAgainstEvil.htm) on self "Gallard, I suggest you attempt parlay, but I fear little will come of it, especially with the undead near. I will make ready for the vampire we were warned of."

2015-01-15, 08:44 AM
The woman remains where she's standing. She's facing you, but it's impossible to tell for sure whether she's seen you or not. You hear something, as if she's muttering to herself, but you can't make out any words.

(Gallard's sword: Glowing.)

2015-01-15, 11:52 AM
Gallard approaches the strange woman. Jonnel seems ready to jump at the slightest sign of danger.

Once he is closer, the knight gives her a good look, trying to understand what kind of creature she might be, to be in the swamp alone. If she doesn't react, the nobleman tentatively addresses her.

"Well met, stranger; are you the Drowned Lady?"

Gallard moves to O9 and examines the creature. He also uses Detect Evil. If she doesn't react to his presence, he tries to communicate. Either way, he is on guard since he expects an attack.

2015-01-16, 11:03 AM
The woman is hideously ugly, her skin an odd shade of yellow-green, covered in warts and oozing sores, with a mad tangle of greenish-brown hair resembling rotting seaweed. She has a moderate evil aura. Her eyes stare wildly, and her face is twisted in a mask of grief. As you look at her you feel weakened.
Make a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 3 Strength damage.

"The Drowned Lady is me," she shrieks in a high-pitched voice. "Dead my sister is, but kill me you will not!"

The rest of you see Gallard shudder as though he was struck, and to his left, a cloud of mist gathers and coalesces into the seven-foot-tall figure who attacked you when you first left Barovia together, the one Gallard identified as Strahd's coachman. He holds an unsheathed bastard sword in his right hand.

(Gallard's sword: Glowing.)

One square: Five feet.
Blue: Deep bog water, costs 20 feet of movement for everyone but Ivyn, makes tumbling impossible and the DC of Move Silently checks increased by 2; Ivyn must swim to pass through deep bog water.
D: The self-identified Drowned Lady.
K: The big vampire.

Safe bet you're in combat now; if any of you want to take noncombat actions you can, but if you do so and the Drowned Lady or the vampire attack anyway, you'll have simply passed up your attack this round.

2015-01-16, 12:25 PM
Brom closes with Gallard, raising his shield to send forth a burst of light and summoning his allied weapon to harry the drowned woman.move to L9, greater turning [roll0] counts as level 9
damage [roll1] * 1.5

spiritual weapon in X9
att [roll2]
damage [roll3]

2015-01-16, 01:36 PM
Elena shrugs and says, "Well...I suppose her sister was Eva. Which means she's probably the guardian of this fane." With that, she extends a finger as she moves to K9, and fires a beam of light at the vampire, aiming to sear him with the sheer concentrated power of the sun.

Searing Light at the Berserker:

[roll0] vs. Touch

2015-01-18, 07:39 AM
Unsurprised, Gallard turns to face the enemy, ready to attack him with his blade. Blue, cold light erupts from the Ravensgate sword, as ancient enmities are renewed.
Meanwhile, Jonnel dashes ahead to join the fight, grim determination on his face. The warrior unsheathes his sword as he approaches the vampire.

Gallard - full attack the vampire: [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]; [roll3], [roll4]+[roll5].

Jonnel - run to Q9 without causing an AoO.

2015-01-18, 10:09 AM
The light from Brom's shield seems, oddly, not to reach as far as usual. It stops a foot away from the huge vampire, who bares his fangs in a savage grin which turns into a snarl as Gallard slashes him. His flesh proves highly resistant to Gallard's sword, but Gallard manages to cut two deep slashes in the vampire anyway.

Elena's beam for once strikes dead-on. While the monster withers under the blast, strangely he doesn't burst into flame as Elena might expect...but he still turns back into mist, which drifts off toward the northeast.

Jonnel sees the Drowned Lady's face through the storm as well. Ivyn hurries up to Ireena and casts a spell on her. "Thanks," Ireena says as she steps forward and fires a volley of arrows at the Drowned Lady's indistinct-to-most-of-you form.

Jonnel needs to make a DC 16 Fortitude save or take [roll0] Strength damage.
The Drowned Lady glares at Gallard. (And if he wasn't immune to fear he might be dead, but he is.) All three of Ireena's arrows strike home, wounding her horribly; she's nearly dead.
One square: Five feet.
Blue: Deep bog water, costs 20 feet of movement for everyone but Ivyn, makes tumbling impossible and the DC of Move Silently checks increased by 2; Ivyn must swim to pass through deep bog water.
D: The self-identified Drowned Lady.

(Gallard's sword: Glow fading as the cloud of mist recedes.)

PCs' turn.

2015-01-18, 11:13 AM
Elena points another glowing finger at the undead apparition in the bog and says, "Find rest in the light," as she fires another bolt of searing light through the dank air of the bog.



2015-01-18, 11:20 AM
Elena's beam weakens noticeably as it passes through the last few feet of air before reaching the Drowned Lady, but it strikes her with enough force that she lurches and falls backwards, disappearing under the water.

Only by its sudden absence do you realize that there had been a hum of power in this place, too low to register in your ears. It has utterly ceased, and the fane is now as dead as its guardian.

You spy a blue glow through the water behind the dead Drowned Lady. No other threats are apparent for the moment. Lightning strikes somewhere nearby and to your north, closely followed by a massive crash of thunder.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-18, 06:59 PM
Jonnel recoils at the sight of the creature's horrible face:suddenly weakened, he staggers under the weight of his own armor.
Gallard takes a moment to reassure that his friend is in no immediate danger, before he cautiously approaches the pool of water where the monstrous woman sank. He examines it, looking for signs of the corpse.

"What's that?" he says, pointing to the glow. "Another piece of the sword?"

2015-01-18, 07:05 PM
Gallard quickly finds the cooling corpse of a newly dead human woman, apparently a few years younger than the woman you buried at the Forest Fane. Her skin is pale, her mostly-grey some-brown hair just hair. By feel, Gallard can tell that at the bottom of the bog here is another stone circle like the one at the Forest Fane, and the central stone is what is glowing blue. When he touches it, it breaks off in his hand. Out of the water, it appears to be another ioun stone, this one incandescent blue.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-18, 08:39 PM
Brom realizes he is still grippies my his weapon tight and takes a moment to relax his fingers. "I feared there would be many more guardians. The absence of the werewolves is a boon, but does bet the question of where they are. Now, do we dare press on for the mountain fane, or do we go back to the mansion? It is still early yet, and our foes seem to find us each night we spend there."

2015-01-18, 09:29 PM
Ireena slowly returns her bow to her back. "I think we should keep going," she says. "It's remarkable that Strahd hasn't acted directly and personally against us this far; if we've truly stripped him of two of his sources of power, he must be furious. That's probably why this miserable weather."

2015-01-18, 09:51 PM
Elena nods and says, "Yes. To the mountains. We still have daylight and there's no reason to cede the initiative."

2015-01-19, 12:10 PM
"Agreed. Hopefully the path will be clear enough; I expected this to take longer and did not prepare to ask for further guidance. Are any in need of healing before we depart?"

2015-01-20, 06:02 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Onwards indeed. I've probably got a Mountain left in me.

2015-01-20, 11:23 AM
Let me know if you're doing anything with the incandescent blue ioun stone.

You head out of the swamp and back to the village to pick up your horses before setting off down the road. The horses seem uncomfortable with the weather, but it's a lot easier for Pips to carry Jonnel than it currently is for Jonnel to carry himself. It's midafternoon when Ireena calls out for a halt and points to the north, across a rapidly flowing river. "That's Lysaga Hill," she says. "Despite the name, it's the tallest mountain in the area, and this is as close as the trail will take us to it."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-20, 12:31 PM
"Well, who is in the mood for a hike? A bit of sunshine and free from the ever-present threat, it could be a pleasant journey. The river though, could be interesting. I did not come prepared to swim." Brom gestures to his heavy armor. "Is there a bridge or ford?"

never got a taker on the second magic vestment.

2015-01-22, 02:43 PM
"It's usually shallow enough to ford pretty easily. Then again, it usually hasn't been pouring for two days." Ireena looks at the river dubiously. "I'll go first; my armor's unlikely to weigh me down too much."

She swims across the river quickly and calls back, "It's definitely deep enough to be over my head now."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-23, 12:11 PM
Brom fishes his rope from his pack. "The strongest swimmer can take it across and act as anchor for those who swim poorly."

Hoping to make it so Brom doesn't need to make a swim check, removing armor if necessary and taking 10 with help from the rope.

2015-01-23, 02:52 PM
Elena looks at the rope, and then across at Ireena, and says, "Why can't we just tie it to something with a little weight and throw it across?"

2015-01-23, 04:05 PM
Jonnel eyes the river, unconvinced

"My armor will rust for sure - if I don't drown for good."

Gallard seems to share the same opinion.

"We might try to cross with our horses, if no one has a better idea. Either way, it would be wise to find the time to remove our armors. A fall into the water will spell certain death for the unfortunate."

The knight looks at the others, open to suggestions.

2015-01-23, 07:44 PM
Brom takes off his armor and stows it carefully, ready to proceed.

2015-01-23, 08:42 PM
The horses carry the armor across the river, and you swim after it. You reach the other side without incident.

You catch a glimpse of what looks like a bat fluttering upward and ahead of you.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-23, 09:08 PM
Elena fords the river armorless, but re-dons her protections as quickly as possible once on the other side. She then looks around and says, "Seems clear. I suppose we'll end up fighting whatever is guarding the fane once we get closer to it."

Spot Check: [roll0]

2015-01-24, 08:34 AM
Brom wastes no time donning his armor, despite the comfort of being free from its weight. "True, but there are likely to be other challenges before we reach the fane."

2015-01-24, 01:30 PM
Gallard and Jonnel help each other with the armors. It takes them a few minutes, but finally they are protected once again.

The nobleman looks at the group's guide.

"Which way?"

2015-01-24, 03:19 PM

"'In the mountains,' was all the book said," Ireena says. "My best thought is that we try to find a way to the top of this mountain...or we could go where that bat appears to be going." She points off to the northwest.

2015-01-24, 04:03 PM
Elena blinks and looks around wildly for the bat. Failing to see it, she shakes her head and says, "I don't think that's a good idea...It's probably a vampire trying to lead us off."

2015-01-26, 01:01 PM
"Or one of there servants, keeping an eye on us. In which case following it to its master would be difficult since we lack wings. Let us proceed around the other side, if there is a navigable path."

2015-01-26, 01:36 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Well... If it's wings that are needed I can send out Flakey.

Ivyn will send out Flakey to follow the bat and attempt to communicate with it. If any hostility is sensed or the distance from Ivyn exceeds 1 mile, Flakey is to return and let him know everything that happened.

Does anybody want to climb up with the rope? I can animate it for a bit.

2015-01-26, 01:38 PM
Ivyn's bat flies off to the northwest. Less than two minute later, the familiar returns, lands on Ivyn's hand, and makes a squeaking noise.

You sense consternation, and then the bat flies back to you. "She turned into a human woman," the bat reports. "She saw me and said something to me in human-noise, but I don't know what. Then she went over to a big boulder and shook it before she climbed up onto it and started casting some kind of spell."

"How much rope do you have?" Ireena asks. "Unless you have over a thousand feet, it's unlikely to get us anywhere near the top of the mountain, I'm afraid."

2015-01-27, 04:15 AM
Jonnel shakes his head.

"You know, it's usually not good to change a decent plan for some shaky reason. We should focus on finding that runic drawing. The bat might be completely unrelated, for what we know."

Gallard continues: "And I happen to agree with Brom. Let's follow the road. If the situation changes, we will adapt accordingly - " the knight eyes the direction towards which the winged creature was flying, as if he could still see it somehow - "however, I believe we will once again come face to face with that servant of Strahd."

2015-01-27, 07:46 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

That "bat" is in fact a vampire. Or a human with a penchant for polymorphing into bats. So "unrelated" is also highly "unlikely". We do need to get up this mountain though, I agree. All the knotted rope we can muster isn't a quarter of the height either. We shall have to find a path upward.

2015-01-27, 12:31 PM
"Let us proceed around the other side then. Let the bat-witch wait for us in vain."

2015-01-27, 01:36 PM
You head northeast, your path curving around the mountain, looking for a way up it. It remains sheer and unclimable while you complete a half-circuit of it and see, through the storm, a blonde woman sitting on a boulder next to the mountain. Her clothing looks like it was of fine quality before it got thoroughly rained on. Her skin appears oddly red and scaly, and smoke rises from her right hand. She beckons to you, smiling widely. "Over here!" she calls in a musical voice. "Aspiring vampire slayers, gatherers of holy relics, destroyers of the Forest Fane...did I leave anything out? Ah, yes...you're Ivyn Nadirna." She looks at Ivyn. "We've corresponded. I'm Sasha Ivliskova."

You recognize her from your first visit to the castle.

The Ivliskova family was one of the most prominent families in town when you left Barovia.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-27, 08:09 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ms. Ivliscova. What a pleasant surprise. As for our adventures... Well you know how these things go. I don't suppose you've a dry place around here to chat?

2015-01-27, 11:17 PM
Elena nods and says, bowing curtly, "Good day, Ms. Ivliskova. I don't suppose you could tell us how you know all this?"

2015-01-28, 12:09 PM
The woman's unusual skin places Brom on his guard. He says nothing, looking to see any sign from Gallard.

2015-01-30, 11:52 AM
"Why not?" she chuckles. She jumps down from the boulder she's sitting on and shoves it casually away like it's a soap bubble. Behind it is a cave tunnel leading into the mountain. "This is the way Baba Zelenna takes to reach the Mountain Fane," she says.

"I remember the name Sasha Ivliskova," Ireena says coldly. "You were the burgomaster when I was a child. You gathered a group of adventurers and set off to destroy Strahd; none of you ever came back, but for a few years Strahd and his minions seemed to be gone as well. Then one day, suddenly, he was back, worse than ever. And unless you became burgomaster when you were ten years old, you're not nearly old enough."

"Yes, my expedition to the castle didn't end the way I'd hoped," Sasha replies, her voice still holding an edge of amusement but far more serious now. "Oh, you're wondering why the sword's not glowing? I cast Nondetection on myself, for His Excellency's benefit, not yours. That also means that if he's scrying on us, which he well may be, he'll hear what you say but not what I say. Choose your words with that in mind. But Ivyn wanted to get out of the rain. Come on." She turns and walks into the cave; her voice comes back to you. "I do hope you're not going to be stupid about this. I want His Excellency destroyed as much as I ever did--if not more; hate comes more easily to me than it did when I was alive. You're not in a position to turn down help."

X is where you enter the cave; if you follow Sasha into it, place yourselves on the map accordingly.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-01-30, 12:10 PM
Now I am entirely certain I do not like any of this. Why did I sleep through Brother Randolph's lectures about the planes? Brom stays near his companies, unhappy but unsure what other action to take. I5 if we go in

2015-01-30, 12:52 PM
Gallard does not hesitate: he steps into the cave, following their vampiric host.

"I'll certainly speak with you, but I will decide whether to help you or not only once I have a better comprehension of the situation."

Jonnel takes a moment to look at Brom, then opts to follow the knight closely. The warrior says nothing, but it is clear from the way he walks that he's as ready to fight as a loaded spring.

As the paladin enters the gloomy cave, he addresses the woman that is leading them.

"Give us a moment, if you will. Our eyes can't see as easily in the darkness of the earth."

Jonnel looks at the others.

"Does anyone have torches? I didn't expect to venture underground."

Gallard stays on the 5th row of the map and ventures into the cave as far as he can comfortably see. Jonnel stops at the entrance to get some torches, and then reaches Gallard's side.
Once lighting is estabilished, Gallard follows Sasha from a distance of roughly 2 squares.

2015-01-30, 01:04 PM
Elena picks up on something that she believes none of her companions seem to have and glaces back and forth nervously saying, "I see. And I don't suppose with Strahd gone, you would find it so much easier to take his place."

If this is getting a bit too meta, just tell me.

2015-01-30, 03:03 PM
Brom produces and lights a pair of torches, handing one to Jonnel.

2015-02-02, 07:50 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Very well. I understand.

Ivyn casts Major image on the room for two effects. First, he makes it look like the spell he just cast results in a summoned monster (the illusion of a celestial boar appears next to Sasha). Second, the entire room is having a completely different conversation outside the illusion vice inside the illusion.

Ok. Here's what I need. The plan we're actually going to hatch, and the plan that we want Strahd to hear. The giant ugly over there is just for show. I won't lie, I'm not overly fond of the idea that we help you usurp Strahd just so that you can take over. I'm also rather curious as to how he doesn't have dominion over you if he is in fact your vampiric sire.
That said, I'm willing to accept your help and help you in return so long as the people of this region are safe. I left my home for many reasons, but I'm here to stay to help the denizens of Barovia.

Outside observer:
Your days are numbered evil doer. We shall vanquish thee!!!1!

2015-02-02, 09:02 AM
Ireena silently follows the rest of you into the cave, watching all about warily.

"Clever. It would be best if you could make it sound like I don't give you any useful information before we start fighting. To answer your question, he does. I have to do whatever he says, but I've gotten good at exploiting loopholes." She looks at Elena and continues, "You had to know that destroying him would free all his slaves--unless you're suggesting you think I'm more dangerous than he is, in which case I'm flattered but you're crazy. I wouldn't dream of sticking around and trying to rule Barovia when he's destroyed; if you can destroy him, for me to take you on would be incredibly stupid."

She turns to Gallard and says, "I have no plans to ask you to do anything you weren't going to do anyway, but I can give you information that will help you do it. He's an odd mix of loving to brag about his brilliance and playing his cards close to his vest; I don't know everything the Dayheart does, but I think I know what the fanes do."

"Until recently, he was planning to manipulate you into going after various beings around here he doesn't control. The werewolves, Baba Zelenna. When you destroyed the Forest Fane, his evaluation of you changed; I've never seen him so angry before. Next time you go to the castle, he won't be dodging around staying away from you. He wants you dead--well, all but you," she adds, looking at Ireena, who shudders.

"The Forest Fane, the one you destroyed, protected him from divinations. The Swamp Fane protects him from magic, and the Mountain Fane protects him physically. Each of them is, or was, guarded by one of a covey of hags. He sent Kavan--" (she addresses this to Gallard) "--the big guy who drove the coach--to help the Drowned Lady, the swamp hag who guards the Swamp Fane. He sent me here to reinforce Baba Zelenna, but not by actually fighting at her side, since she considers Strahd an enemy. You might be able to convince her to help you--but that would mean leaving the Mountain Fane intact, and you might also have a problem with the demons she summons."


(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-02-02, 10:02 AM
Elena frowns and says, "I don't trust this but...I don't think we have a choice. My two conditions to working with you is that you don't get involved in any way beyond giving us information...Don't even get within shouting distance. The other is that when this is all over, you accompany myself back to the Free City and agree to be raised as a human."

2015-02-02, 09:57 PM
"Wait, did you say she is summoning a demon? A bit of elaboration on that part may be helpful."

2015-02-05, 07:53 AM
Her eyes widen at Elena's words. "Being alive again...is more than I could have hoped for. I never wanted this. Of course I'll go along with you.""

She looks at Brom. "She's summoned a number of demons, only weak ones she can control so far, but she's trying to summon a demon lord powerful enough to destroy Strahd. Human cultists from the village who, like her, think anything has to be better than Strahd, come up here during the new moon to perform ceremonies with her."

2015-02-05, 08:24 AM
"A demon powerful enough to destroy Strahd would be a threat even greater than he, not just to this land but to those beyond. We ought stop this summoning. I doubt the foolish villagers would even survive the ritual or its aftermath."

2015-02-05, 08:30 AM
"The next new moon is in two weeks. However you deal with Baba Zelenna, either Strahd will be destroyed or you will by then. Just don't expect her to be alone now."

2015-02-05, 11:08 AM
Gallard speaks.

"Maybe we can prepare against these demons, then. To tell the truth, I have no particular qualm against these three creatures, and as far as I know, they have not acted against the people of Barovia on their own. If we can approach her peacefully, she might be willing to let us disrupt this... Fane, in exchange for our help in the destruction of Strahd."

2015-02-05, 12:03 PM
"We can try, though given the reactions of the other guardians regarding their fanes, I am not optimistic."

2015-02-05, 03:18 PM
Elena nods and says, "A peaceful solution would be ideal. But...Yes. It seems like their lives are bound to the fanes."

2015-02-05, 03:20 PM
"Didn't Eva attack us because she didn't believe there was a way to disrupt the Forest Fane without killing her?" Ireena asks. "If that's what the fanes do...it's a pity the one that protects Strahd from physical attacks is the one that's left. Either of the others, we could kill him in spite of. "

She pauses, then adds, "It sounds like Sasha is the one Eva said could tell us about Strahd's sunlight immunity."

2015-02-05, 04:29 PM
Elena nods and says, "Thinking back...Yeah. That makes sense. Could you tell us how Strahd is immune to the sun's effects, Sasha?"

2015-02-06, 11:01 AM
"He has an artifact he calls the Dayheart. It looks like a great big red gem that floats in the air at the top of one of the castle's towers," Sasha tells you. "I don't know all of what it can do. It protects him--and me, and Kavan--from sunlight; I don't know how many vampires it can protect. When he sent us out today, he also used it to protect us from being driven away by priests; he hadn't mentioned it could do that before. For Strahd itself, it does more than that; he seems to have only the strengths of being a vampire, none of the weaknesses. That is, if you hit him with your morningstar," she indicates Elena's weapon, "it would hurt him, because being hit with a magical silver morningstar would hurt either a vampire or a living man. But if you broke a bottle of holy water over his head, it wouldn't do anything, because it wouldn't do anything to a living man, and if you hit him with your morningstar instead," now looking at Brom, "it wouldn't hurt him, because you need silver weapons to hurt a vampire."

2015-02-06, 12:16 PM
"So how do we deactivate or destroy the dayheart?"

2015-02-07, 09:14 AM
"It's almost indestructible; hitting it with your weapons wouldn't do anything. A fiend from the Nine Hells feeds it souls; each person whose soul is fed to the Dayheart becomes a twisted tree in the garden the devil maintains high above Castle Ravenloft. If you can destroy that garden, the Dayheart will lose its power."

2015-02-07, 09:16 AM
"And thus the garden will not be undefended. What guards the garden, beyond the master of the house whom ought see such an attack coming? Where in the castle does it lay?"

2015-02-07, 09:19 AM
"The devil guards it, and whatever minions it has, I don't know. It's at the top of a tower on the northeast side of the castle."

2015-02-07, 12:12 PM
"Removing Stahd's resistance to the sun would certainly hinder his freedom to act. Good information." If we can trust you.sense motive is sadly only +4, but may as well use it

2015-02-07, 05:30 PM
The knight raises his hand, covered with a gauntlet, as if to ask the others to slow down.

"Hold your horses. What happens to the people sacrificed to that gem, if we destroy the trees? What of their souls?"

2015-02-08, 08:04 AM
She shrugs. "Not really my department; I'm a wizard, not a priest. But if there's anything left that might be salvageable, I doubt very much that leaving the garden intact would be better for them than destroying it."

As far as you can tell, everything she's said is sincere.

Though you know that vampires are naturally excellent liars.

2015-02-08, 08:37 PM
[roll0] though it shouldn't be too necessary since he has aced two checks on knowledge about vampires in the past... "Is there anything else of use you can tell us of Strahd, the castle, or this fane and its guardian?"

2015-02-08, 09:15 PM
"About the castle? Not unless you have specific questions. About His Excellency? Not that I can think of. Baba Zelenna? You noticed Eva was an annis, right? The Drowned Lady, at the Swamp Fane, is a swamp hag, and Baba Zelenna is a green hag sorceress. You'll have to talk fast and convincingly if you want to make nice with her. That's all I can think of." She stretches. "Are we done talking, then?"

2015-02-09, 12:09 PM
"Afraid I know little of hags of any descriptor, but thank you for the warning. Where can we find Baba Zelenna? I presume near the fane, but do you know where about here she resides?"

2015-02-09, 09:41 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

I have... a great many questions. But for another time. When you are freed of Strahd's control I hope we can have an arcane discussion on the subject of your transformation. There is much I wish to learn.

Although I guess I have one question pertinent to our current situation: which of us is Strahd scrying? My illusion can't last forever. And I'd like to finish with something believable.

2015-02-11, 08:18 PM
She smiles at Ivyn. "I look forward to it. He may not be scrying anyone. If he is, it's most likely the knight, who he met...or Ireena, more likely still."

She paces smoothly to the northwest and points south past you. "If you follow the cave around, you should come to the Mountain Fane, and Baba Zelenna. Now." The rest of her sentence is words of magic; [roll0] Sashas are suddenly standing in a clump around where she was standing a moment ago.


(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2015-02-12, 08:03 AM
So we are to fight now, but is it in earnest? I suppose as a vampire she has little to fear, with the protection of the dayheart, so even a show fight can look earnest if she ends up a cloud of mist. Brom raises a hand to dismiss the defenses she threw up. targeted dispel magic on the vampire [roll0] vs DC 11+CL

2015-02-12, 10:28 AM
The crowd of Sashas remains a crowd, but their skin changes from red and scaly across most of their bodies and smoking and dripping on their right arms to a uniform pale pink. They laugh merrily. "Well done! I'm going to rip your throat out for that!"

Still the PCs' turn; just thought the information about what did and didn't get dispelled might be important to others' actions.

2015-02-12, 11:10 AM
Elena frowns and, not quite putting two and two together, steps forwards and lifts her Sun Pendant up from her chest, saying in a dangerously flat tone, "Traitor. Face the sun," as a blinding flash of light emits from it and fills the room.

Greater Turning: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-13, 06:33 AM
Gallard is quick to approach the vampire; he does the only thing he can do to try to break through the illusion, producing a sequence of blows aimed at the different images. One strike to the head, followed by a cut to the knees.
Similarly, Jonnel moves to the knight's side, to aid him in the offensive. The warrior lunges, thrusting to the chest of the closest image.

Gallard - 1 step to K4, full attack: [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]; [roll3], [roll4]+[roll5].

Jonnel - moves to K3, attack: [roll6], [roll7].

2015-02-13, 07:57 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

I suppose this outcome was inevitable. A pity though. Experimentation on you whilst still undead would have been more fruitful, rather than discussing your experiences after. I do hope you'll permit revival at some point in the future. For arcane science, of course.

Ivyn will move back to K-7 and casts his last haste on the party.

2015-02-13, 08:34 PM
The light from Elena's pendant weirdly stops short of Sasha. Gallard and Jonnel both strike true once, but fail to make contact with the real Sasha, an image of her winking out at each blow. Ireena fires a volley of arrows at the crowd of Sashas, destroying the remaining three images; her last arrow lodges bloodlessly, and apparently harmlessly, in Sasha's chest. "If you don't have a silver weapon, take my rapier," she says tensely. The remaining Sasha takes a step to the southwest and strikes Brom a terrible blow directly to his throat. (Brom takes 22 damage and gains four negative levels.)

Ireena: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2015-02-13, 08:48 PM
Elena gasps as Brom is struck, and angrily shouts, "Traitorous *****! Face the wrath of the sun!" and steps next to Sasha, her arms lightened by Ivyn's magic as she swings at the vampiress.

5-foot-step to J5, full attack Sasha:


2015-02-14, 10:06 AM
Barely able to stand, Brom backs off and tries to stop the bleeding.move to H6, burn bull's strength for cure moderate [roll0]

2015-02-15, 04:44 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

With Brom out of melee range, Ivyn fires off two Rays of arcane fire.

Attack: [roll0] Ranged touch
Damage:[roll1] fire
Attack: [roll2] Ranged Touch
Damage:[roll3] fire

2015-02-17, 01:38 PM
Gallard starts maneuvering to the left to surround the vampire. Jonnel gives his companion a quick glance and nods, no words needed.
They both renew their efforts, now that the illusion has been broken.
The knight raises his sword and slashes horizontally, aiming for the chest of the enemy. He then whirls his blade, and directs the tip towards Sasha's head, in an attempt to stab her.
Jonnel, on the other hand, aims at the body, hoping that Gallard's threatening blade might prove sufficient to distract the vampire from his own non magical sword. He attacks with a diagonal cut meant to injure Sasha's back.

Gallard - takes a step to the left, then full attacks Sasha: [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]; [roll3], [roll4]+[roll5].

Jonnel - attacks Sasha: [roll6], [roll7].

2015-02-17, 03:24 PM
Elena smashes her morningstar into Sasha once and misses her twice. Ivyn strikes her with a fiery beam, the other beam flying wide and striking the cave wall. Jonnel swings at her and misses; Gallard strikes her twice, though each blow's effect is greatly reduced by her resistance. Ireena fires another volley of arrows, from a different quiver this time; two of her arrows wound Sasha, who now looks badly hurt.

Sasha steps to the west and speaks words of magic.

She cast Translocation Trick, a spell that lets her change places with another person, disguising each of them as the other one.

Sasha looks alarmed. "What just happened? I..."


(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

(PCs' turn.)

2015-02-17, 04:41 PM
Elena angrily swings her morningstar again, shouting, "BEGONE! YOU HAVE TURNED YOUR BACK ON THE SUN'S LIGHT!"

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2015-02-20, 04:28 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn grasps the situation quickly, though he's not certain who was body swapped. He explains the spell's effect as quickly as he can.

Wait! Sasha has cast a spell to swap locations with one of us. You! Pointing at the location of the Sasha-looking illusion What is your name, quest, and average velocity of a sparrow?!

2015-02-21, 08:53 AM
Beorn falters, then remembering how Elena's light stopped short of their foe before, channels a burst of the sun, watching to see who it does not touch.Since it was described as having a visible effect when Sasha wasn't harmed previously, why not? Regular channel as a swift, no check since she's immune (I presume), remaining actions to follow on result.

2015-02-21, 08:54 AM
The light barely leaves Brom's shield at all this time.

2015-02-21, 05:57 PM
Jonnel glances at Ivyn, and then looks at Gallard: he seems unsure about what to do.
The nobleman instead retains his composure. Keeping his shield ready, he moves to the side to have a better view of the others.

Jonnel readies an attack against Sasha, were she to be unmasked.
Gallard moves to K4, and uses Detect Evil.

2015-02-21, 05:59 PM
Caster level check: [roll0]
Gallard sees a strong aura of evil around Ireena and none around (what appears to be) Sasha.

2015-02-23, 11:56 AM
"There she is", the knight says, pointing at Ireena with his sword.
Immediately Jonnel springs forward, moving to intecept the disguised vampire. He stops right next to Ivyn, his shield held up to provide protection to the body.

Gallard uses a free action to rely what he has detected. Jonnel finishes his turn by moving to J7. He fights defensively until his next turn.

2015-02-23, 11:59 AM
Brom trusts the paladin's direction and attacks with divine might.full attack w/ haste, using strength domain for +8 strength on the first attack, taking a -4 penalty to all attacks, +1 for haste

att [roll0]
damage [roll1]

att [roll2]
damage [roll3]

att [roll4]
damage [roll5]

attack counts as magic

2015-02-23, 12:14 PM
"Ow! Elena, it's me--Ireena!" Sasha shouts as Elena's morningstar slams into her.

Brom strikes at Ireena repeatedly, but she ducks out of the way of each blow and lunges at him, and now it's clear who is who. Brom's morningstar smashes into the oncoming vampire, but she shrugs it off and grabs his wrists. (Brom is grappled and takes 2 damage; must beat a grapple check of 11 to escape.)

Attack of opportunity for Brom: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attempted grab: [roll2]
Grapple check: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

You hear someone moving toward you from further in the cave.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2015-02-23, 01:09 PM
Brom struggles to pull himself freeGrapple [roll0]
the -4 to attacks apply to grapple? I've never used the 3.5 grapple rules.

2015-02-23, 01:38 PM
Elena blinks and shakes her head, then realizes that the vampire has grabbed Brom. Angrily she shouts, "GET OFF OF HIM!" as she turns on the spot and swings her morningstar at Sasha's head, trying to at least daze her enough to knock her off of Brom.

Full Attack Sasha: [roll0]


2015-02-25, 02:36 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn Will take a defensive posture and back away from the grapple.

Not much I can do. Sorry if you all are waiting on me.

2015-02-26, 05:06 PM
Jonnel steps to the southwest to flank Sasha with Elena and takes two quick swings at her. Gallard moves to attack her as well. Ireena fires an unerring volley of arrows at her. Pierced by three silver arrows, Sasha turns into a cloud of mist and floats out of the cave.

"What's going on here?" a deep female voice demands.

Jonnel's attacks: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3]
Gallard's attack: [roll4]
Ireena uses Improved Precise Shot: [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9][roll10][roll11][roll12]
Sasha's attack: [roll13][roll14][roll15]

Two muscular vaguely humanoid figures coated in a red jelly lurk in the shadows behind the new arrival.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

PCs' turn.

2015-02-26, 08:40 PM
"A spirited conversation. As you are newly arrived, may we have the pleasure of your name?"

2015-02-26, 09:26 PM
Gallard looks for the newcomer, trying to see in the dark of the cave.

"Baba Zelenna? Is that you, moving down there?"

Jonnel approaches the nobleman, and whispers to him his concern.

"Gallard, is this wise?"

The knight's reply is immediate: he seems to have taken a decision already.

"I won't fight her if it can be avoided."

2015-02-27, 06:05 PM
"You know my name, but you are not of my flock," the woman says suspiciously.

Maybe her skin has a faint green tinge, or maybe you only think that because of what Sasha said, but she certainly looks far more like an ordinary human woman than either of her sisters did. The only thing that definitely stands out as odd is that her voice sounds like that of a woman in her late thirties, some thirty years younger than she looks.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-01, 09:01 AM
Gallard lowers his sword in an attempt to look less menacing.

"Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I am sir Gallard Ravensgate, and these are my companions. We are on a quest to destroy the evil count Strahd, and we are looking for a fane - that is the name, or so I am told - from which the count is stealing magic to augment his own, so that we can disrupt Strahd's hold over the land."

The knight pauses for a moment, searching the words that might prevent the situation from escalating to another violent confrontation.

"I know little of spells, but I understand you are the guardian of this fane. My duty is to sever Strahd's connection to it, but that does not necessarily make us enemies. Maybe we can find a compromise, so that we can part on peaceful terms."

2015-03-02, 11:28 AM
Brom stands by, letting the more eloquent speaker take the lead.

2015-03-02, 03:24 PM
"You...are the ones who killed Eva, and the Drowned Lady, aren't you?" She tilts her head, sounding indifferently curious rather than angered; she looks a great deal less likely to launch an attack than she did before Gallard spoke. "I am the guardian of the Mountain Fane, but I know no way to reverse what Strahd did to it other than destroying him."

2015-03-03, 09:36 PM
Still sounding tense, Ireena says, "You don't know any way to prevent Strahd from benefiting from the fane's power?"
"Eva was the diviner, not I," Baba Zelenna replies. "From the way your meeting with her ended, I take it she didn't offer you anything useful."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-03, 09:43 PM
Elena frowns and says, "Quite the opposite, in fact. She was quite helpful until she realized that destroying the fane would probably cause her death. Hmm...I wonder if it could remain intact, but we could disrupt it's connection to Strahd."

2015-03-04, 09:02 AM
"How?" Ireena asks.

2015-03-04, 09:13 AM
Elena shrugs and says, "I don't know. Still, it seems like it might be possible. But I don't even know where to begin. Just a suggestion."

2015-03-04, 12:16 PM
"What exactly did Eva tell you?" Baba Zelenna asks.

Giving her a completely honest answer--that Eva said the only way to strip Strahd of the fanes' powers was to kill each fane's dread guardian and put the guardian's body in the fane--would be a really bad idea if you want to avoid combat.

The fact that Eva, despite not being evil, being on relatively friendly terms before that, and wanting you to destroy Strahd, immediately assumed you would try to kill her, suggests that there is no way to strip Strahd of a fane's power without killing the fane's guardian or destroying Strahd, or if there is it's beyond all Eva's prophetic powers to discern.

2015-03-04, 05:45 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

I understand Strahd draws his power from the Fanes through his own dark magic. However, what is your connection to the Fane? What made you it's guardian?

2015-03-04, 07:59 PM
"We three sisters served the land before the Count ever declared himself its ruler. Eva was a priest of Obad-Hai, and..." She gets a confused look. "You know, I can't remember her name? My younger sister, she who was not yet the Drowned Lady, was a druid. My magic was more prosaic than theirs, but my devotion was just as great. We all sought to serve the land and the land rewarded us. Then he came--Strahd. And things changed. I should hate you for killing my sisters--I loved them, I remember it--but all I can find in my heart is glee that there are fewer rivals to my power now."

2015-03-05, 04:53 AM
Jonnel looks at Ivyn.

"Maybe this change of mindset has something to do with Strahd's connection to the fanes? You know, maybe it influenced the guardians in a negative way."

Gallard seems to considering more options. When he speaks, he speaks cautiously - as if unsure of what he is actually suggesting.

"Strahd forged a link to the fanes to harness the power of the land. Could we do the same, then? That would dilute the benefits among everyone... Or at least reduce the power that the Count can keep for himself."

The knight's gaze shifts towards Zelanna.

"...And maybe we might act as a counterbalance to Strahd's influence over the last guardian."

2015-03-05, 09:51 AM
You have no clue if what Gallard proposes is possible, or how to go about doing it if it is.

It is theoretically possible, you think, but it would likely take both more power and more time than you have; Strahd isn't likely to let you spend months here.

2015-03-05, 11:28 AM
Elena clenches a fist, and says, angry tears welling up but not released, "Yes..." She takes an angry breath then continues, "We should try that. Power for us, less for him...And maybe helping the land and it's guardians recover." She looks at Zelenna sadly as she says the last part.

No chance of passing the Arcana test.

2015-03-05, 12:03 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Hmmm. That is unfortunate. It seems then there is but one logical, morally correct option. Kill the final guardian of the Fane. And raise all of the guardians, you and your sisters, following the defeat of Strahd. I am sorry.

With that Ivyn casts stoneskin on himself.

2015-03-06, 03:18 PM
Brom leans heavily against a wall, weary from the vampire's touch, too out of his depth to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. Ivan's statement brings him to attention though, doubting that the hag would just lay down and die regardless of any promise they made.

2015-03-06, 10:36 PM
As Ivyn sprinkles diamond dust on himself, Baba Zelenna casts a spell on herself and disappears from sight.
I'd suggest making Spot checks to see if you can see the results of the Spot check here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18881915&postcount=1346). If anyone else wants to act, post your actions; Zelenna will act again on Tuesday or when all of you have, whichever comes first.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-06, 11:49 PM
Elena's eyes widen as she process's Ivyn's words, too shocked to say anything as Zelenna vanishes, then curses at Ivyn, saying, "Dammit! We nearly were able to at least walk away without a fight!" She tries to help Brom up and get out of the cave, unwilling to try to fight the hag with Brom so badly injured.

She then peers into the shadows at the back of the cave and mutters, "Blast and hellfire..." before calling out, "Watch out! She brought friends too!"

Spot Check: [roll0]

2015-03-07, 09:15 AM
"She still might let us leave if that's what we're doing," Ireena says, bringing her bow back up and nocking an arrow as she backs toward the cave entrance as well, "but I don't--are we leaving the Mountain Fane alone then?"

2015-03-07, 10:38 AM
"We must decide quickly. I will do what I can for either path."

2015-03-08, 05:45 AM
Gallard seems unsatisfied as he takes the lead.

"Fall back - we are leaving!"

The words of the knight echo within the stony cave. As loyal as ever, Jonnel steps to Gallard's side.
The two start to backtrack towards the exit, their shields raised to defend from any attack that might originate from the depths of the mountain's darkness.

2015-03-08, 07:33 AM
You emerge from the cave into the continuing storm. No one seems to follow you.

What do you do now?

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-08, 04:04 PM
Elena takes a deep breath as she sprints out of the cave, but once she realizes nobody is chasing them, she glares at Ivyn and says intensely, "Never...NEVER do that again."

2015-03-08, 04:11 PM
"Issues of unilateral decisions to start fighting aside, it does seem our options come down to killing Zelenna or trying to kill Strahd with the Mountain Fane intact," Ireena says. "Unless one of you has knowledge of some other way we could strip the fane's power from Strahd. I think we shouldn't go back to the castle today anyway--one of you can heal Brom, right?"

2015-03-08, 04:32 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

There isn't another option. We either die fighting a vampire immune to magic or strip him of his protections and maybe defeat him. There is still the matter of his floating courtyard. You also seem to have missed the part where Strahd had warped the minds of the guardians. Whoever Zelenna used to be, she's actively keeping the count alive, whether she wills it or not. And we don't have the luxury of months to alter the fane with her alive.

So tell me. What is our next play? What grand plan doesn't have us all die horrible deaths and render all that we've done, including the murder of the other two guardians, in vain?

2015-03-08, 04:42 PM
"Not immune to magic. At least not if...that other vampire is to be believed," Ireena says. "She said the Mountain Fane protected him from physical attacks, that the Swamp Fane was the one that protected him from magic, and...I thought Eva implied that the Sunsword would be more severely weakened by Strahd being immune to sunlight than by any of the fanes, which means he can't be simply invulnerable even with the fanes. If Strahd has the same resistances the guardians of the fanes themselves do...we didn't try using magic directly against the Drowned Lady, did we? Still. I agree with Ivyn that it's likely a choice between killing Zelenna or accepting that Strahd will have whatever the Mountain Fane gives him when we fight him--whatever that turns out to mean."

After a minute in which Ireena stares off into space and thunder booms, Ireena looks up and says, "Wait, no. One of Elena's energy beams killed the Drowned Lady. So the Swamp Fane didn't make her completely immune to magic and presumably Strahd is not completely immune to physical attacks now."

2015-03-09, 11:12 AM
Brom coughs to clear his throat. "Maybe that it is best to fight her, maybe not. I would have been of little use after that blasted vampire anyhow and that will not be changing until I get some help. If Elena was not here I would be in a difficult situation, but as it stands, if we have enough diamonds, I can be back to normal in the morning. As for what we do then, this dayheart stone will have to be dealt with. Not sure about the fane though."

2015-03-09, 08:00 PM
"It doesn't appear," Ireena says, looking back and forth between Ivyn, Elena, and Brom, "that we're going to achieve a consensus, so let's take a vote. All in favor of leaving the Mountain Fane alone, please raise your hands."

She waits about thirty seconds before saying, "All in favor of killing Zelenna, please raise your hands."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-09, 09:18 PM
"There is still the matter of the summoning. We ought oppose her on those grounds alone. I would not have such a creature unleashed."

2015-03-09, 09:45 PM
"Not really a consideration unless you think Sasha was lying. In two weeks, whatever else happens--this should all be over."

2015-03-09, 10:08 PM
Elena nods, frowning, before eventually saying, "I think...I think that everyone who's had their life ruined by Strahd's corruption, be it Sasha, or Baba Zelenna, or Eva, or anyone else he's twisted into mockeries of their former selves. And...Frankly, we can't go around resurrecting everyone after this is over. Additionally, this is probably the least important Fane anyways. If we could only barely hit Sasha, despite her not being protected by it, I'm not sure destroying this one would make much of a difference anyways. Strahd thinks we're going to try to take this one out before we go after him. If we take advantage of this, and strike while the sun is rising, we stand a real chance of destroying this 'Dayheart' before he realizes what's going on. And...I think that's our best bet."

2015-03-10, 06:22 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

That we had such a hard time hitting Sasha is likely due to the power of the last Fane.

Resurrecting the entirety of the dead due to Strahd is unrealistic. The guardians of the Fanes would be worth it though, either through resurrection or replacement. As would helping to strengthen those Fanes once we are done.

I would also like to point out that Strahd wants us to leave this last Fane alone. And that's reason enough to sever his connection to it for me.

Admittedly, much of my reasoning comes from believing Sasha. I recognize the flaw there, but I still trust her. I don't think she turned on us. She spent far too little time as our ally to make that tactic viable. I think she attempted to help us as best she could within the confines of powerful magic.

I vote to sever Strahd's connection to the mountain Fane now. With no alternative method, that means killing, no, murdering Zelenna. I'll not sugar coat this act. I'm not even going to prevent raising her from the dead makes it all right. Killing Strahd once and for all, however. That makes this worthwhile.

2015-03-10, 12:08 PM
"One vote for each," Ireena says. "Brom? Jonnel? Gallard?"

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-10, 01:08 PM
Gallard's answer is immediate.

"This is not a thing on which I am willing to compromise. If you want to slay that last guardian and destroy the fane, you will have to do it without my help. I am not going to kill Zelanna on the mere base of what she might or might not do. If I struck down everyone who had the simple disposition towards commiting evil acts, I'd leave a bloody path behind me."

The knight sheathes his weapon.

"As long as I have no reason to think that Baba Zelanna is a danger to innocents, I will not bring retribution to her door. If this means I will have to face the Count while he still has some measure of control on this kind of strange magic, so be it: I will do it nonetheless."

Jonnel, on the other hand, doesn't seem to share his companion's opinion. He is still eyeing the entrance to the cave, as if he expects an attack.

"I think your piety could lead to a path we might regret, my friend. However, I will defer to your judgement."

2015-03-10, 01:10 PM
"Then, it seems, the majority opinion is that we should leave the Mountain Fane alone," Ireena summarizes. "Let's go back to my home, dry off, and treat Brom."

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-10, 02:58 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Suicide by democracy it is. Better than suicide by solo encounter, admittedly.

But we will need magical assistance.

2015-03-10, 03:09 PM
Elena nods and says, "As soon as I get my hands on some diamonds, I can heal Brom. I have the spell ready for it."

2015-03-10, 03:34 PM
"Then let us go. I do not relish the thought of remaining this week a moment longer than necessary. Strahd has not shown himself willing to be passive in these matters."

2015-03-10, 04:38 PM
You make your way back to Ireena's mansion through the deepening mud as the storm continues. The sun's beginning to set as you dry yourselves off there.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-10, 06:13 PM
Once they're back in town, Elena nods to Ireena and asks, "Do you know where I can get enough diamonds?"

2015-03-10, 06:19 PM
"We have them, don't we? I thought Ivyn and Jonnel found them at the church during my father's funeral. If not, the only place I could think of to look would be in the castle; Strahd should have a lot more treasure than we found when we were there."

2015-03-10, 06:33 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ireena. I'm sorry to impose, but I am in dire need of additional spell resources. Do you know of anything available?

Diamonds? I recall finding them with that rogue that up and vanished on us.

I'm not sure how long we plan to hole up here before assaulting the castle, but at some point we will all need to sit down and discuss strategy.

Ivyn gladly shows the party wherever he hid the diamonds.

2015-03-10, 07:42 PM
Elena smiles and picks up the diamonds, nodding as she presses a hand against Brom's forehead, uttering a brief prayer and tossing the diamonds into Brom's hair before finishing "In the name of Pelor, be healed."

Cast Restoration on Brom.

2015-03-11, 08:50 AM
"What do you need?" Ireena asks Ivyn. "If it's spiderwebs or bat dung or something like that, we might be able to find it in the forest. Or we could...break into Bildrath's shop...or see if Parriwimple left town when his uncle did...or, if all else fails, Strahd must have materials for his own spells."

2015-03-11, 11:07 AM
"Thank you, Elena. I had not expected such an attack at that moment, I should have warded myself. Lesson learned, I suppose."

2015-03-11, 11:25 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Scrolls, wands, alchemical items. A library filled with spell books. ::sigh:: An army of iron golems? I'm not sure. If we have a full 24 hours before we march on I can add a single spell to my repertoire. Baring that, yeah, scrolls, wands, staves.

2015-03-11, 11:43 AM
"Even if Bildrath's store was still open, he never sold magic items. Strahd collects them at the castle."

2015-03-11, 12:06 PM
"Fortunately, the castle is where we are headed. I suppose we will have to appropriate items as we go. I do not think we need to worry about our host's good will in the matter."

2015-03-11, 08:35 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Appropriation it is then. Such should be taken into account when we plan our assault.

2015-03-11, 08:42 PM
Elena nods and says, "In this case, yes. Normal I would be against looting, but our foe clearly has no honor. I think a little appropriation is reasonable."

2015-03-12, 11:06 AM
"Is there anything else we're doing tonight, or should we plan to set out for the castle tomorrow morning? I think waiting longer than that would be a bad idea," Ireena says.

You think Ireena's eyes went to Elena as she said the last part.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-12, 11:08 AM
"Dawn will allow me to request renewed blessings, I would be of little aid before then. We must keep careful watch tonight though. I can think of no reason to delay longer than that though."

2015-03-13, 08:42 AM
"I agree: we should return to the Count's castle as soon as the sun dawns. There's trepidation in the air. I think Strahd will make his move soon, and we should not delay any longer - or we might end up being too late."

2015-03-13, 06:39 PM
Elena nods and says, "Yes. Dawn tomorrow. Let us make the most of the sun's light."

2015-03-14, 07:57 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

As dawn is the most logical time to strike, it is certainly the time Strahd will most expect us. I think we should use that to our advantage. What's more, he can also scry on us...

Ivyn looks at the other members of the room.

After some more thought Ivyn starts again.

Ok. First we need a map. And then everyone who hasn't been in direct contact with Strahd, we're having a little pow wow.

Ivyn will look about for parchments and writing utensils.

2015-03-14, 09:17 AM
"That would be Elena, Jonnel, you, and Brom?" Ireena summarizes. Ivyn finds parchment and pens easily enough.

2015-03-14, 05:42 PM
Elena nods and says, "Mmhmm. Haven't met the bastard personally though I did come pretty close at one point. It was a bad thing." She goes to wherever Ivyn wants to have his little pow-wow.

2015-03-15, 01:08 PM
Brom bows to his ally's superior arcane knowledge and follows.

2015-03-16, 03:05 AM
Gallard and Jonnel look at each other for a moment before the knight expresses his agreement with a nod. At that point, the warrior steps up.

"What do you have in mind?" - he asks Ivyn, with curiosity in his eyes.

2015-03-16, 10:18 AM
"I think Ivyn wants those of us who might have been hypnotized by Strahd to leave the room," Ireena comments to Gallard. As she leaves, you hear, "Of course, none of us know that he didn't hypnotize us and order us to forget seeing him when we were at his castle."

2015-03-16, 11:03 AM
"If that is the case, then we really have no recourse against it so we will have to assume not."

2015-03-16, 11:48 AM
Elena nods and says, "Mmhmm...If Strahd has infiltrated our group to that degree, then there isn't much we can do."

2015-03-17, 03:32 PM
Gallard considers the situation.

"I think that my will is still my own, but even then, I might have been tricked. Thus, you should speak in private, I agree."

2015-03-17, 09:20 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

It isn't your will power we're worried about. Well, indirectly it is, but never matter. Just stand there and look pretty.

Upon drafting up a map, Ivyn discusses the assault on the castle with the others.

All right. First and foremost, I'm sorry for jumping the crossbow on the mountain fane. Honestly, I'm glad we didn't kill her. We probably needed to, but that's neither here nor there.

As I see it, we need to discuss a few things: Where to go within the castle and in what order. Strahd's invulnerabilities and how to overcome them. Obviously dealing with the Dayheart helps with defeating Strahd, but if he himself is defending it or any other choke points en route to specifically rendering him impotent to the sun before we get there, we're likely to fail. After all, logically, if we need to destroy the Dayheart to defeat him, he can defeat us any time before we destroy the Dayheart. Honestly, that he hasn't done so already is indicative that we're either too weak to be registered as a threat, or the highly unlikely case that we are a threat even with the Dayheart active.

We didn't find an armory, but there was that magic device in the chapel that repelled evil. We certainly want that. The assistance of the resident ghost we met would also be beneficial, assuming she returns. Other than those quick stops, I think we need to make a quick run up the northwest tower and go straight for the aforementioned demonic garden. If we make it that far and Strahd hasn't shown up, we should go straight to the Dayheart. And I mean straight, as in flight. I've got some magic that'll help, but every spell used for the purpose is a spell unavailable for fighting Strahd.

One last thing: Assuming Strahd doesn't have access to this circle, but knows that we're plotting against him, well, if I was him I'd be incredibly curious. I think we can use that to our advantage. Any Ideas?

2015-03-18, 07:48 PM
"Neutralizing the garden is our primary goal for this sortie, if we achieve that than we can fall back if necessary. How best to access it, I could not say. Most gardens are open to the sun, but I would not know if a foul mockery such as this would so be."

2015-03-23, 02:39 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Honestly, I assumed once we went in we weren't coming out without the count destroyed. Being able to regroup after would also be convenient.

On actually killing him, between You and Elena, how much holy water can you make? Do you think it effective to have our muscled types grapple him into a pool of holy water? However strong he may be as a vampire, he was still a wizard.

2015-03-23, 02:44 PM
Elena nods and says, "It's worth a try. I can make a good deal of water fairly easily, and I'm sure that between the two of us it would be fast enough to bless it, though I'd have to wait until tomorrow to request that ability and finish the ritual before we leave. The other issue is how to transport it to the Castle. After all, it would take a good deal of the water to drown him in it, and our plan would quickly become apparent."

2015-03-23, 03:31 PM
"The ritual also takes powdered silver. I do not think we have that much on hand. I would also caution against grappling a vampire, as I was recently reminded of the danger of their touch. I think perhaps we need a different plan than that."

2015-03-23, 03:38 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

That's what Gallard is for. Besides. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. No, I'm not talking about drawing him a bath. I mean to take a pool already at the castle and bless the water there, or fill it with water magically. Maybe even in a consecrated place? The chapel? Jonnel, do you recall seeing anything to bathe the count in?

2015-03-23, 08:03 PM
"Five pounds of silver to make a single flask. How much powdered silver do you have concealed in your pockets? Will the count stand idly by as we spend days performing the ritual? We can ward against the vampire's touch, for awhile, but I see little hope for this plan."not aware of a spell to bless significant bodies of water

2015-03-24, 02:06 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

You are correct. There might be some at the church, but if I recall correctly it was picked clean. The logistics do not support. At the least does everyone who utilizes weapons have a silver or Mithral version? I hope we've more than Ireena's heirloom serving ware.

2015-03-25, 04:15 AM
Gallard shakes his head.

"My sword's not made of silver. Me and Jonnel were heading to the yearly joust of the King, and we had no reason to carry one with us."

Jonnel nods, confirming what the knight said.

"Can't you just, you know... Transform the metal? I heard alchemists can change lead to gold, so changing steel to silver couldn't be much more complicated, right? I mean, they even look similar to begin with."

2015-03-25, 11:21 AM
"I do not have any such power. Perhaps a spell exists to do so, but I am not familiar with it."

2015-03-26, 06:46 PM
Elena shakes her head and says, "No...I don't believe such a spell exists. But there are still ways to get past whatever unholy protection cloaks him. For example, I do not believe it guards against magical abilities."

2015-03-27, 11:11 AM
"Then let us rest, tomorrow will be trying, even if we make it until dawn undisturbed."

2015-03-27, 03:57 PM
Ivyn Nadirna

Yeah. I guess you're right. There's still something I need to do though. You all are likely to hear a scream. Don't panic. It's part of a plan.

Retiring from the tactics discussion, Ivyn calls over to Ireena.

Is there somewhere we can discuss in private? I need to ask you to do something unpleasant and then not ask questions.

2015-03-27, 03:58 PM
"Sure, we can go upstairs," Ireena says.

The rest of this should probably be handled by PM.

2015-03-27, 04:10 PM
Elena blinks as Ireena and Ivyn go up stairs and says, "Um...So...Please tell me that I'm not the only one suspicious of that. Does anyone else want to try to see what's going on?"

2015-03-27, 05:54 PM
About a minute after they leave, you hear a scream from upstairs, in what sounds like Ireena's voice.

2015-03-27, 06:34 PM
When she hears the scream, Elena shakes her head and growls, "No. This cannot be a good thing," and rushes upstairs, trying to see what's going on.

2015-03-28, 03:32 AM
Gallard and Jonnel look at each other for a moment, before the knight speaks.

"Please, go have a look. After the cave, I don't completely trust our mage's judgement."

The warrior nods, and simply follows Elena as she walks up the stairs.

2015-03-28, 06:54 AM
Before Ireena can respond to whatever Ivyn has most recently said, Elena comes running in from one direction and Ismark from the other. "Ireena! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Ismark demands.

2015-03-29, 07:37 AM
"I'm fine, Ismark. Elena," Ireena says. "You don't need to be concerned. Ivyn wouldn't hurt me," the last sentence one addressed to Elena, and Jonnel appearing behind her.
"Then why did you scream?" Ismark demands.
"I...can't tell you that. But it's not because I was hurt."

2015-03-29, 11:39 AM
Jonnel nods, reassured. He speaks before he turns to head downstairs once again.

"Good enough. Do what you have to do - it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

2015-03-29, 03:53 PM
Elena frowns and says, "I see..." She bites back the urge to growl at Ivyn, then shakes her head, wondering where the impulse came from as she heads back downstairs.

2015-03-29, 07:43 PM
Brom broods, concerned at his ally's actions but not having firm grounds to challenge him.

2015-03-30, 07:42 AM
Shortly after you come back downstairs, you hear Ireena laughing from upstairs. She laughs for nearly half a minute before stopping.

2015-03-30, 08:21 AM
Elena glares at Ivyn and says, "What. Did. You. Do."

2015-03-30, 09:03 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn is still smiling as he walks down the stairs following the laughter.

Diversifying our strategy. Elena, Brom please pray to your gods for the power to cancel magical effects in the morning. Additional to having to combat a powerful wizard, I imagine you're both rather suspicious of my actions. Which is good. The possibility exists that any one of us might... Turn. Ivyn fixes on Elena for longer than a normal pause with this last word.We need to be prepared for anything.

Ivyn will go find a quiet room to study and nap in, but will otherwise not hide from the rest of the party.

2015-03-30, 11:10 AM
Brom shakes his head and checks on Elena when she comes down, just to be certain.spell list set

2015-03-30, 03:32 PM
Elena snaps at Brom, "I'm fine." She then sighs and says, "I'm sorry...I'm just worried about Ireena. Just...With the thing Sasha did earlier when she swapped faces with Ireena...And the way Ivyn seemed to admire her...I don't know who we can trust anymore."

2015-03-31, 11:07 AM
"We need to be ready to go back to the castle."ready to move forward

2015-03-31, 09:22 PM
The night's sleep is actually, much to the surprise of at least Brom, undisturbed.

The next morning, shortly after the priests have finished preparing their spells, you hear the sound of glass and boards shattering from upstairs. Ireena grabs her bow and runs up the stairs.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-03-31, 09:46 PM
Elena has barely finished suiting up when she hears the glass break, and rushes up the stairs after Ireena, looking for what the cause of the sound was.

2015-04-01, 06:07 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn hears the commotion and is jolted from his morning study. Before he can yell a warning against distraction, Ireena and Elena are already gone. He runs after them, the balance between discretion and safety-in-numbers tipping towards the latter.

2015-04-01, 06:59 AM
Brom slaps the last strap into position and hefts his shield just as the commotion starts. He trundles toward it at the best speed he can manage under a pile of steel.

2015-04-03, 11:22 AM
Similarly, Gallard and Jonnel make haste to follow the others: their armors slow them down though, and they can't keep up with their companions as they move to check the source of the noise.

2015-04-03, 11:34 AM
As you run up the stairs, Gallard's sword begins to glow.

You run into Ismark's room. The boarded-up windows have been smashed; a massive bat, with a fifteen-foot wingspan, is flying off toward the northeast. In the early morning light you see Ismark dangling, head-down, from the bat's claws. The glow from Gallard's sword fades as the bat flies away.

Ireena gasps as she sees a sheet of parchment nailed to the wall beside the door with a dagger.


2015-04-03, 02:26 PM
Elena screams in rage and defiance as she sees the bat carrying Ismark, "NO! YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM!" and, if the bat is within 30-or-so feet, fires a beam of glowing light at it, trying to make it drop him in pain.

Use a Searing Light!
[roll0] vs. Touch
[roll1] (Assuming it's undead)

2015-04-05, 05:28 AM
Gallard and Jonnel can't do anything but watch the unnatural creature carry away its victim.

"We have to put an end to this.", says the nobleman.

2015-04-05, 08:48 AM
Looking at the letter, Ireena gasps inarticularly. Her fists clench and unclench as she sputters, her face bright red with fury.

2015-04-05, 09:25 AM
Ivyn Nadirna

Ivyn loosens his hood and sends out his familiar into the cold early dawn. You know what to do.

Flakey will follow Ismark and report back with his fate, fleeing if engaged.

2015-04-05, 09:29 AM
Flakey quickly flies beyond the range of his empathic link with Ivyn.

2015-04-05, 11:11 AM
Elena nods and says, "We should go now. Perhaps we can save Ismark before it's too late."

2015-04-05, 07:11 PM
Flakey comes back and reports that the bat took Ismark to the castle and flew inside through an upper window.

2015-04-06, 09:01 AM
"Well, we knew he would see us coming. We have another person to save, but I do not believe we can change our plan. We have until the next dawn to save him. If we have not destroyed the Dayheart by then we are likely dead ourselves anyhow. The only difference is that we will not be able to retreat to rest if we are successful, not without rescuing him first." He puts a hand on Ireena's shoulder. "We will find him."

2015-04-07, 08:58 AM
"Yes, you're right," Ireena says grimly after a minute. "Let's go." She tears the letter down and crumples it, leaving the dagger stuck there.

2015-04-07, 09:05 AM
Elena nods and says, "We will get there in time to save your brother, Ireena," as she starts down the stairs.

2015-04-07, 11:17 AM
"Then let us start now."

shortly before entering the caste, Brom will cast his long term buffs, magic weapon, magic vestment x2

2015-04-07, 12:54 PM
As you go down the stairs, it occurs to you that it appears the storm has stopped. Ireena sets the blue ioun stone in motion about her head.

Outside, you collect your horses and go riding down the trail toward the castle; less than ten minutes into your trip, a thick fog rolls in.

(Gallard's sword: Not glowing.)

2015-04-07, 01:30 PM
"Rain, fog, mist, its a wonder we are not swimming to the castle. I will not miss this land when I leave. If we do not get eaten by monsters hidden in the mist, that is."

2015-04-07, 02:42 PM
Elena grins somewhat grimly at Brom's complaint and says, "Welcome to Barovia. Land of terrible weather and horrific undead despots. Please enjoy your stay and try not to die."

2015-04-07, 06:28 PM
In light of the page we're on, this seems like a good time to move to a new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?408376-Expedition-to-Castle-Ravenloft-IC-2&p=19076864#post19076864).