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2008-09-16, 03:27 PM
Apparently, some pre-1956 alphabets that are not the NATO alphabet used Zebra, amature radio too apparently uses Zebra, but the NATO alphabet uses Zulu. If this is wrong, someone needs to update the wikipedia entry!


2008-09-16, 03:30 PM
In CCF the Phonetic alphabet we are taught it is Zulu. So at least that is the British version.

2008-09-16, 03:37 PM
That was the one I was told, but I think it was indeed changed.:smallconfused:

Most peculiar.

Do you know what's weird about the phrase "over and out" Exeson?

2008-09-16, 03:38 PM
it's redundant? :smalltongue:

Oddly enough, those codes seem to be one of the few things my pocket reference book doesn't have.

2008-09-16, 03:40 PM
Apparently, some pre-1956 alphabets that are not the NATO alphabet used Zebra, amature radio too apparently uses Zebra, but the NATO alphabet uses Zulu. If this is wrong, someone needs to update the wikipedia entry!


Bah humbug! These young tykes and their post-1956 phonetic alphabet. Zebras helped us defeat the Axis and replacing them with Zulus after the fact is just rank ingratitude. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-16, 03:41 PM
How do you mean Redundant? I think you do actually know what I know, although I could've been lied to anyhow.:smallfrown:

EDIT: It's actually on Wikipedia, so it's probably a lie.:smalltongue:

2008-09-16, 04:26 PM
In an interesting new tangent: I finally got around to making an original avatar for myself! :smallsmile: It's me!

Damnit, now this means I'm going to have to Cat-Muffinmicise it, doesn't it...

Well, it's not as if I was actually going to be doing that ever-growing pile of work now, was it?

2008-09-16, 04:46 PM
Rack 'em and pack 'em. We're phantoms in fifteen.

And that's the extent of my military knowledge.

2008-09-16, 04:52 PM
Do you know what's weird about the phrase "over and out" Exeson?

It doesn't work, over means you are expecting a reply and out means that you are not. so it is a contradiction.

2008-09-16, 04:54 PM
Ding ding ding. That was the answer I was looking for.

So how many things have messed up by using that phrase?

@V: That sounds about right.

2008-09-16, 04:56 PM
Ding ding ding. That was the answer I was looking for.

So how many things have messed up by using that phrase?

Pretty much every Hollywood move in existence?

2008-09-16, 06:00 PM
It's redundant because both mean you're done talking.

I have a pocket ref book, which I like. It allows me to know things I have no need to know, like the '10' radio codes and the semaphore alphabet.

2008-09-17, 08:15 AM
As dull as I thought; luckily I've been daydreaming and generally learning nothing whatsoever.
Done my optional homework last night. Exhausted today even thuogh I went bed at eleven - was watching Boris Johnsons' episode of HIGNFY. Ver' funny. Don't know why I'm so tired. Not much on tonight though so even earlier to bed tonight. At least I'm not nauseous all the time now. Stupid cold giving me a sore throat now.

Glad I'm in college though 'cause I've got unlimited monochrome printer credits and I've got lots of internet stuff I want to print off.
At least 200 pages. Doing it very slowly though. I mean, just one little document of mine is 29 pages.

Stream of conciousness rocks. As does my ability to take notes without paying attention to what's being said/is on the board. My mind loves auto pilot. That good or bad?

2008-09-17, 08:18 AM
I think its good. Back when I was still in school, every night, in my dorm room, I would hand-write a single sheet of college-ruled paper worth of random thoughts that I had at night, just before bed.

It is very cool to read over about a hundred or so of such pages and see how your thoughts evolve over a period of time.

I recommend you do stream of consciousness every night.

Edit: And when I got deliriously tired, I would compose random poetry. My favorite one was called "Ode to a Saucepan."

2008-09-17, 08:40 AM
Stream of consciousness can be hard, you have to not let the thoughts of you writting impeed on the writting. Metacognition at it's best.

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-17, 09:23 AM
I was usually in bed by 21:30 when I was at home, but I've been stayin up a bit later since I started at university (I still wake up before 5:30, though).

2008-09-17, 10:19 AM
Summary of Jibar's Today

Lesson 1: Free period. Watch Animatrix. Find it awesome.

Lesson 2: Tutorial. Bleh. But we didn't have to do anything so it's cool.

Lesson 3: Philosophy. Find out new teacher not only knows who Alan Moore is, but likes graphic novels.

Lesson 6 (Lunch): Philosophy. Actually get some homework in. Find out nobody wants to save the rhinos.

Lesson 4: Drama. Messed around with our beginning. Intent on terrifying people now.

Lesson 5: English. Brilliant lecture on Chaucer.

Conclusion: Jibar's Today kicks Jibar's Yesterday's ass.

2008-09-17, 10:31 AM
Summary of Jibar's Today

Lesson 1: Free period. Watch Animatrix. Find it awesome.

Curate's egg of a collection that. Good in parts (2nd Renaissance & Beyond), but leavened with swathes of self-indulgent, badly-animated suck.

Lesson 2: Tutorial. Bleh. But we didn't have to do anything so it's cool.
Lesson 3: Philosophy. Find out new teacher not only knows who Alan Moore is, but likes graphic novels.
Lesson 6 (Lunch): Philosophy. Actually get some homework in. Find out nobody wants to save the rhinos.
Lesson 4: Drama. Messed around with our beginning. Intent on terrifying people now.
Lesson 5: English. Brilliant lecture on Chaucer.

Conclusion: Jibar's Today kicks Jibar's Yesterday's ass.

Jibar's Yesterday is now waiting in an alley to kick Jibar's today's ass back and then swap identities with it. As a result you may feel recurrent deja vu on Tuesday Thursday. Do not be alarmed, this is a normal side-effect of diurnal impersonation. :smallwink:

^v - Gak! I am the delicious manly Geordie filling in a Norfolk sandwich. Take off and smear this unholy masculo-gustatory concoction with horseradish from orbit; it's the only way to be sure.

2008-09-17, 10:47 AM
Summary of Jibar's Today

Lesson 1: Free period. Watch Animatrix. Find it awesome.

The laptop apologises for re-formatting your MP3 player, and hopes you might find it in your heart (what little of it there is left :smalltongue:) to forgive, and presents the gift of Animatrixey awesomeness to calm thy raging soul...

That got wierd...

Yes indeed. (has nothing else to contribute)

2008-09-17, 10:51 AM

David Morrissey might be the eleventh Doctor!!!!!!


Oh please let it be true and not just a cruel internet rumor!!!!!


2008-09-17, 11:04 AM
We had Rec today. I just sat in the study room with some freinds, "writing an essay".
I did about what, 30 words? Maybe 50?
That was about 2 hours of "work".
I have like, 2 mega-essays to do tonight as well >.<
Godsdamnit i suck at work outside of lessons that isnt for my primary english teacher:smalleek:

2008-09-17, 11:09 AM
I had maths, had a test, only got a B so I'll have to redo it:smallfrown: but I know where I went wrong.

Had film, My tutor read my essay and it convinced him to let me do Ran for coursework. YAY!:smallbiggrin:

Had tutorial, met some new people, then had an assembly.

EDIT:I have tomorrow as a study day, yay!

2008-09-17, 11:41 AM
^v - Gak! I am the delicious manly Geordie filling in a Norfolk sandwich. Take off and smear this unholy masculo-gustatory concoction with horseradish from orbit; it's the only way to be sure.

And a delicious sandwich it would be too.

It's also interesting, as I have relatives in Geordie land. Chester Le Street, Pelton, Gateshead. One set of them should be putting me up when I visit Newcastle Uni in a couple of weeks.

The Bushranger
2008-09-17, 11:47 AM

David Morrissey might be the eleventh Doctor!!!!!!


Oh please let it be true and not just a cruel internet rumor!!!!!


The question is, how are they going to handle the Valeyard?

2008-09-17, 12:45 PM
Koorly received some bad news today:
She can't go to the Londond Anime Expo in October. And she was sad for this meant she couldn't hang out with Best Friend (and possibly Bath) again.

Then Koorly received some AbFab news:
The English Department is arranging a trip to London.
In December.
To go the The Globe.
And Camden Market.
And to see a Broadway show.
And to eat out.
In December.

Conclusion: Koorly's going to London in December! Oh Gods, Christmas shoppers. Meh.
Cue the Boogie please.


So the boredome of today has been vastly overshadowed by that wonderful little piece of news. And seeing as today was all boredome and writing Personal Statements that shows just how much I love this little thing.
Now the only problem is whether or not I have trip and interview conflicts. I doubt I will, but it may happen. Oh, and I still have extreme public transport phobia.
It actually increased today. I got on the bus home. Knew it was the right bus, stopped at the right stop and was faster than my old bus home; but I couldn't shake the fact that I was on the wrong bus, going to miss my stop and it would take at least half an hour.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-17, 01:38 PM
Aww. :smallfrown: School trips don't look too kindly on crazy Londoners following them around. If there's any chance of meeting up though, I demand you take it!

The Christmas shopping rush isn't so bad unless you're on Oxford St. or thereabouts. Worse on Saturdays or Sundays, the rest of the time it's just regular busy. (probably still insanely busy by normal standards...)

And what are the shows? Somehow I doubt they'll take you to Spamalot. Also: It's the West End, not Broadway. Unless you're stopping off in New York on the way. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-17, 01:40 PM
Ah, the west end!
It's so much fun, y'know. We saw woman in black, scariest thing ever.

...it's been hours, and i've done NOTHING on my homework. I am a terrible pupil.

2008-09-17, 02:00 PM
Aww. :smallfrown: School trips don't look too kindly on crazy Londoners following them around. If there's any chance of meeting up though, I demand you take it!

The Christmas shopping rush isn't so bad unless you're on Oxford St. or thereabouts. Worse on Saturdays or Sundays, the rest of the time it's just regular busy. (probably still insanely busy by normal standards...)

And what are the shows? Somehow I doubt they'll take you to Spamalot. Also: It's the West End, not Broadway. Unless you're stopping off in New York on the way. :smallbiggrin:

Two words: free time.
We can has it.
Concerning the West End/Broadway thing: all streets famous for their shows are actually all one. Like L - Space but for theatres. T - Sapce I suppose.
Also, I'm still suffering from loss of sleep.

@'zira: you're not a terrible pupil, just a very intelligent, normal student. Besides, it's only General Studies, Biology or Lang/Lit. Doubt it'd be Pyschology/Sociology so early.

And I'm still addicted to Run runaway by Slade. Seven times in fourty minutes.
See chameleon lying there in the sun.
Smeg. Draft Personal Statement . . .

2008-09-17, 02:03 PM
Everyone else manages to do their homework!
Well. Maybe not.
But still!
Poor Human Bio. It's the shunned, ugly ginger stepchild of my subjects. But i have Boris Johnson as a teacher!

2008-09-17, 02:17 PM
But i have Boris Johnson as a teacher!

You have no idea how irrationally jealous I am.

It beats even Dr. Bob Dinn!

On another note, I hate the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Their family tree is a lethal weapon! Every adopts their great nephew, then marries him to their own daughter, then adopted great nephew adopts his uncle once-removed...


All four of the Julio-Claudian Emperors are related to Augustus in at least three ways. The pain! The agony! The ajbgfgvth...

2008-09-17, 02:20 PM
Well she's not actually Boris Johnson (that would be cool, though.) she just looks and acta like him a bit.

2008-09-17, 02:22 PM
Boris Johnson's hilarious. He won a BAFTA for that episode of HIGNFY he presented; actually I'm very glad I watched that last night because of the numerous quotes which seem so wierd out of context:
"We're stuck in a time loop!"
"We've seen that picture before!"
"Some of us have a life to lead Boris."
Plus I saw the full one hour recording before they edited it down.

See chameleon lying there in the sun.

On another note, I hate the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Their family tree is a lethal weapon! Every adopts their great nephew, then marries him to their own daughter, then adopted great nephew adopts his uncle once-removed...


All four of the Julio-Claudian Emperors are related to Augustus in at least three ways. The pain! The agony! The ajbgfgvth...

You want confusing? Try checking out the Family itp thread. So much incest and links.

2008-09-17, 02:53 PM
Why is everyone a catmuffin? :smallconfused:

2008-09-17, 02:56 PM

2008-09-17, 02:57 PM
Why is everyone a catmuffin? :smallconfused:

Boredom, mostly.

2008-09-17, 03:01 PM
No; Cat - Muffin is a contagious disease. We planned to have a week to act as a vaccine where everyone or the vast majority became Cat - Muffins to prevent any further catdemics. Sadly, the controlled specimens got loose and we now have a catdemic.
I doubt it'll go away until the end of next month.
Still, it's not a bad disease.

2008-09-17, 03:04 PM
I still say it's inbreeding.
Stop spreading the love, people!

2008-09-17, 03:05 PM
Curly speaks truth.

Also, Destro needs to find himself a new job. Because the one he has is not fun at all. It's also a night job, which makes finding a different job improbably difficult.


2008-09-17, 03:08 PM
The Stig is above your petty diseases.

And that's just brought back memories of my last Religion lessons - Richard Dawkins and his genes and memes and...


He's the first guy we've study I've actually wanted to track down and slap. I find him hypocritical and needlessly rude. :smallmad:

Here's hoping that the real firing of the LHC opens a portal to Eberron so we can sick a Pimpforged with a +5 battlefist of backhanding on him.

2008-09-17, 03:12 PM
I still say it's inbreeding.
Stop spreading the love, people!

Cat - Muffinism is a disease!
The Playground Family is inbreeding at its most refined. If such a thing actually deserves refining.
Which it doesn't.
Even if technically everything is related to every other single thing in the universe.

See chameleon lying there in the sun.

Here we are
Born to be kings
We're the Princes of the Universe
*rock out to Brian May's solo*

2008-09-17, 03:17 PM
Pssh. You think that's bad? I've had This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWeezUxIzaE&feature=related) going through my head.
It's making this comparative essay a pain to write, and all.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-17, 03:17 PM
It's a disease?! I've been handling these things for days! That wasn't part of the contract! I'M GOING TO SUE! :smallmad: :smalltongue:

Boris Johnson creeped out my friend when she was showing him and his daughter around my friend's school. She says he's a perv. :smalltongue:

2008-09-17, 03:18 PM
Aww. :smallfrown: School trips don't look too kindly on crazy Londoners following them around. If there's any chance of meeting up though, I demand you take it!
Really? My cousin came to hang out with us on quite a few of those when we went to Vienna. Our arts teacher only wondered why we had one student too much in our group.

2008-09-17, 03:22 PM
Cat-muffins are a disease.:smalleek: What the...I´ve also been treating people for days...:smallsigh: I´m with you Bath!

Everyone else manages to do their homework!
Well. Maybe not.
But still!
Poor Human Bio. It's the shunned, ugly ginger stepchild of my subjects. But i have Boris Johnson as a teacher!
I can choose if I want homework or not, which actually decides if get homework or not.:smallcool:

Dr. Bath
2008-09-17, 03:23 PM
Really? My cousin came to hang out with us on quite a few of those when we went to Vienna. Our arts teacher only wondered why we had one student too much in our group.

He must be much less suspicious looking than I, I just get told to bugger off.

This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QxeSfn1ME4) is how space should be.

2008-09-17, 03:31 PM
He must be much less suspicious looking than I, I just get told to bugger off.

Well, it'll likely be on school days so you'll be busy any way. And you don't look suspicious. You're just awesome and it shows.

OH, and concerning your Cat - Muffin handling just be glad that it's not permanent or fatal. To Brits at least.

2008-09-17, 03:34 PM
The Playground Family is inbreeding at its most refined. If such a thing actually deserves refining.
Which it doesn't.

Exactly. Inbreeding keeps the family tree clean. Let others dilute their genes with the squalid traits of the peasantry! We shall ascend and take our rightful place as masters of the universe!

2008-09-17, 03:39 PM
Exactly. Inbreeding keeps the family tree clean. Let others dilute their genes with the squalid traits of the peasantry! We shall ascend and take our rightful place as masters of the universe!

...Or, you know, undo evolution.

2008-09-17, 03:41 PM
or end up with offspring with *gasp* FIVE fingers! The horror! :smalltongue:

2008-09-17, 03:42 PM
...Ew, only 5? That's disgusting!

Dr. Bath
2008-09-17, 03:45 PM
OH, and concerning your Cat - Muffin handling just be glad that it's not permanent or fatal. To Brits at least.

Alas, poor Dallas! I knew him, Curly: A fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
baked me a cookie a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that ate cookies I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the thread on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?


2008-09-17, 03:51 PM
He must be much less suspicious looking than I, I just get told to bugger off.
Err, he's half Pakistani, he's bound to stick out in Austria. However, our teachers are quite well known for going to some trips slightly tipsy themselves.

2008-09-17, 04:04 PM
Alas, poor Dallas! I knew him, Curly: A fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
baked me a cookie a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that ate cookies I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the thread on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?


You have earnt yourself another internet bringing your total up to six. If the former your total becomes seven.
Quoted from memory or copy pasted and edited?

And it may be possible for another person to tag along with our group(s). Or at least give a guided tour.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-17, 04:12 PM
Sadly I had to remind myself of the end half and a bit. Six is still a fairly good haul though. :smalltongue: ...I don't remember winning any internets...

Well if it's on a Tuesday I'm free most of the middle of the day. So it had better be then! *shakes fist in a south-westerly direction towards english teachers*

@CSK: I dunno then. Bad experiences I guess. *shurgs*

2008-09-17, 04:16 PM
And it may be possible for another person to tag along with our group(s). Or at least give a guided tour.

I could totally be a tour guide. It's all just pointing and saying, "If you'll look to your [random direction], you'll something historical and cool and stuff." Never having been on that side of the pond isn't a problem, is it? :smalltongue:

2008-09-17, 04:25 PM
Sadly I had to remind myself of the end half and a bit. Six is still a fairly good haul though. :smalltongue: ...I don't remember winning any internets...

Well if it's on a Tuesday I'm free most of the middle of the day. So it had better be then! *shakes fist in a south-westerly direction towards english teachers*

@CSK: I dunno then. Bad experiences I guess. *shurgs*

No fist shaking at my lovely English teachers. And it'll be *roughly* the 12th, so whenever that is is when it'll be.
But I think that's the interview period for English at Oxford too.
Want to go. Will go. Even if I go straight from on to t'other.

2008-09-17, 05:01 PM
Thanks a lot, Bath. Now I'm hooked on TMBG. :smallannoyed:

2008-09-17, 05:34 PM
Yay, I had my first day of blacksmithing. Two burned fingers and a blister, but I am now capable of making fully functional arrowheads at a steady phase.
Now I need an undead blacksmith for after the cat-muffalypse.

2008-09-17, 06:25 PM
That actually sounds pretty cool, though I can imagine it's not particularly easy.
In other news, I graduated from college today and will start looking for a job soon.


Uncle Festy
2008-09-17, 07:35 PM
Yay, I had my first day of blacksmithing. Two burned fingers and a blister, but I am now capable of making fully functional arrowheads at a steady phase.
Now I need an undead blacksmith for after the cat-muffalypse.

In other news, I graduated from college today and will start looking for a job soon.


Congrats to you both!
*signs up for position of undead blacksmith/swashbuckler*

2008-09-17, 08:31 PM
I's bored.

Congrats blacksmith and ex-college guy.

2008-09-18, 12:01 AM
Banter that is horribly random.

Thes Hunter
2008-09-18, 12:03 AM
It's midnight... I guess I missed the opportunity to eat dinner.

It would have just been chili con queso of indigestion +2
But I did have some questionable water melon..

2008-09-18, 12:05 AM
Questionable watermelon sounds...questionable...

Thes Hunter
2008-09-18, 12:09 AM
I believe the question is... will the watermelon prove to be really Chili con Queso of Indigestion +2 in disguise. :smallbiggrin:

2008-09-18, 12:12 AM
I believe the question is... will the watermelon prove to be really Chili con Queso of Indigestion +2 in disguise. :smallbiggrin:

It would be the real question indeed, if it was a question at all...

2008-09-18, 12:13 AM
That definitely is, an important question.

2008-09-18, 12:16 AM
I had a questionable watermelon, i sliced it in half and made a video of my punching the watermelon with Big Splash!

Twas amazing. You could see the flesh of the melon flying out.

2008-09-18, 12:29 AM
Yum, watermelon. I had it for lunch yesterday... and the day before... and dinner the day before that... But not the day before that too, I would have to have been slightly addicted.

It was a lot of watermelon, but there was nothing particularly questionable about it.

Also, I'm looking for a type of "negative hooray" to express about the fact I've been woken up at Stupid O'Clock by my asthma... and then had to search half the house, wheezing, for my stupid inhaler. Damnit.

-hooray... √hooray... etc.

2008-09-18, 12:41 AM
Yum, watermelon. I had it for lunch yesterday... and the day before... and dinner the day before that... But not the day before that too, I would have to have been slightly addicted.

Heh, I have those types of watermelon streaks too. Watermelons're large. They take days to consume. And many of them disappoint you with lack of flavor.

Pomegranate, on the other hand... so hard to come by, yet always delicious.

Try injecting "-hooray" into your BIOS, and see what happens. :smalltongue:
"Sorry, your computer has failed to start up due to self-esteem issues. Please restart your computer when it's feeling better. Try giving it antidepressant software."

2008-09-18, 12:50 AM
Oh yes. Pomegranate. I've only had that fruit in my house twice, but oh so good when you get it. (Protip: soak a section in lukewarm water for a while, and the seeds come out supereasy.)

That reminds me of the greek myths. You know, like the one where Hades kidnaps Persephone, and she gets stuck in Tartarus for six months in the year 'cause she got tricked into eating a handful of pomegranate seeds? And now we have fall and winter because her mother gets depressed and angry and happens to be the goddess of plants? Yeah. Crazy stuff. That's just off the top of my head though... like Athena! *badum-pisssh!*

2008-09-18, 12:55 AM
Man that play last night was good.
Minimilast, abstract brilliance.
The script was nothing but one stream of consciousness, and throughout the whole play you could never tell if there was meant to be just one person or twenty.
I could talk a lot about good the script was actually, because it was good. While the performance was great, it was the script that really made it.

The Rose Dragon
2008-09-18, 02:04 AM
My laptop has been running without a battery for the last ten minutes. I'm trying to figure out how so I can patent it and win the Nobel Prize.

2008-09-18, 03:32 AM
The phone just rang becouse it was picking up a aeroplanes radiocast… with a lot of static on it. weird to hear when your expecting your potential new work to call…

2008-09-18, 03:44 AM
On another note, I hate the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Their family tree is a lethal weapon! Every adopts their great nephew, then marries him to their own daughter, then adopted great nephew adopts his uncle once-removed...


All four of the Julio-Claudian Emperors are related to Augustus in at least three ways. The pain! The agony! The ajbgfgvth...

Just watch "I, Clavdivs" until enlightenment dawns. Being able to put faces to tthe names clears things up no end.

"IS THERE ANYONE IN ROME WHO HAS *NOT* SLEPT WITH MY DAUGHTER?!!!" (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrianBlessed) :smallbiggrin:
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you..." :smalleek:

Man that play last night was good.
Minimilast, abstract brilliance.
The script was nothing but one stream of consciousness, and throughout the whole play you could never tell if there was meant to be just one person or twenty.
I could talk a lot about good the script was actually, because it was good. While the performance was great, it was the script that really made it.

So what happened then? Or am I missing the point of this modern toss entirely? :smallamused:

Also, I'm looking for a type of "negative hooray" to express about the fact I've been woken up at Stupid O'Clock by my asthma... and then had to search half the house, wheezing, for my stupid inhaler. Damnit.

Thick George from "Blackadder" used 'hurooh' to convey that his current situation was the antithesis of hurrahworthy.

My laptop has been running without a battery for the last ten minutes. I'm trying to figure out how so I can patent it and win the Nobel Prize.

Obviously - like all good mysteriotech - it is powered by the heart of a forsaken child.

The Rose Dragon
2008-09-18, 04:40 AM
It's now at it's third hour of running without a battery.

I'm scared. I think a demon possessed my computer.

2008-09-18, 04:43 AM
I have just finished reading an article in the Telegraph which I thought some of the gamers in the playground might find funny:


The essence of the piece is that the Royal Society of Chemistry has held a public competition to find a suitable name with which to rechristen the Large Hadron Collider which was recently constructed beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva.

Picked from amongst such entries as "The One Ring, Stargate," and "Black Mesa" the Royal Society selected the extremely popular "Halo" entry as the winning name.

"Halo conjures visions of radiant beauty, power and wisdom. The circle of light reflects the collider's form; it is a crowning achievement of science and engineering. It also gives more than a nod to the experiment's importance to religious debate," said a Royal Society spokesman, missing the point entirely.

The Society will be formally presenting the entry "Halo" to the European Organization for Nuclear Research and to the Institute of Physics; no doubt soothing public hysteria over the creation of micro black holes and strange matter by naming the Large Hadron Collider after a Forerunner super weapon designed to annihilate all life in the universe.

2008-09-18, 05:38 AM
It's now at it's third hour of running without a battery.

I'm scared. I think a demon possessed my computer.

Throw some holy water on it. If it survives, it's a witch. If not, you have no computer. Lose-Lose.

And to the above,
They should have named it "Black Mesa" :smallannoyed:

2008-09-18, 06:55 AM
:smallbiggrin:*BOOGIE AGAIN:smallbiggrin:

Full London details.
12 - 14th December.
Before the show we're having a five course Christmas meal.
The show is 'Woman in Black'. SO, 'zira: review please?
The Globe
London Poetry Museum
Sunday at Camden Lock Market

I am going to love this trip. Only downside is that ther're only 30 places at the moment. Depending on popularity this may increase slightly.
And Oxford won't be a problem. English interview dates (if I get asked for one) are 8 - 9th and maybe 10th.
And mum said yes as well.

Koorly is going to London! And ghosts! And culture! And ghosts!

2008-09-18, 06:59 AM
At this rate its going to be something like "all playgrounders end up in london in the end" kinda thing.
I think Zero would say its becouse you cant sink lower.

2008-09-18, 07:08 AM
The Society will be formally presenting the entry "Halo" to the European Organization for Nuclear Research and to the Institute of Physics; no doubt soothing public hysteria over the creation of micro black holes and strange matter by naming the Large Hadron Collider after a Forerunner super weapon designed to annihilate all life in the universe.

Time to stick on my Col. Blimp moustache, fire up the mighty Tw@-o-Tron and write a splenetic, harrumphing letter to the Torygraph methinks.

Dear Mr Torygraph hack

Further to your article of 18th September, your pop culture-fu is weak and you fail!

Of course, given the level of rampant Socialism infesting the education system in recent decades the colossal paucity of your knowledge base is entirely comprehensible. Not until schools restore the honourable traditions of fagging, caning, Latin for all and compulsory Compline can we expect to see standards restored...(etc. etc.)

Before the show we're having a five course Christmas meal.
The show is 'Woman in Black'. SO, 'zira: review please?
The Globe
London Poetry Museum
Sunday at Camden Lock Market

Five course Christmas meal, followed by any movement at all (let alone walking). Isn't this wildly ambitious? :smallconfused:

"And then we had ourselves rolled over to the London Poetry Museum..." :smallbiggrin:

Have fun though, and don't let the packs of filthy Cockneys and recently unemployed bankers steal your stuff.

In other news: Chinese orbital boffins go for combining space-mecha option (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/18/china_space_station/) (includes *squee*-worthy "Star Fleet" (http://www.sfxb.co.uk/) ref.).

2008-09-18, 07:37 AM
In other news: Chinese orbital boffins go for combining space-mecha option (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/18/china_space_station/) (includes *squee*-worthy "Star Fleet" ref.).

The cutting edge of scientific endeavour; it's all fun and games until someone routes a teleporter through Hell. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Doom)

2008-09-18, 08:53 AM
It just hit me this morning...

I am getting married in 24 days... I proposed in April of 2007, where has the time gone?

Wow... its so weird... We haven't even bought my ring yet...:smallredface:

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-18, 08:57 AM
That problem with your phone sounded unsettling, YPU. Were you able to find out why it happened?

2008-09-18, 09:05 AM
I had the strangest dream last night.

Got trained as a ninja with several others, in the middle of a jungle. Full wuxia jumping from tree-top to giant mushroom.

Then, all of a sudden, Team Ninja is in Paris, playing against France and Queensland in football(soccer). For those of you who are unaware. Queensland is a state of Australia.

Team Ninja, me playing striker, proceeds to get their asses handed to them. Apparently the mystical powers of the ninja are no match for professional football players.

And the ninjas played fair! Nary a smoke bomb, shruiken, or stealth-kill in sight!

Most confusing.

2008-09-18, 09:59 AM
So what happened then? Or am I missing the point of this modern toss entirely? :smallamused:

A group of bohemians go to visit their friend who has become incredibly rich and successful, but then she injures herself in her swimming pool when she doesn't realise the water has been drained.
After that... it gets confusing.
'twas called Pool (No Water) if you want to read further.

The show is 'Woman in Black'. SO, 'zira: review please?



(Brilliant) BUT SCARY.

2008-09-18, 10:02 AM
It just hit me this morning...

I am getting married in 24 days... I proposed in April of 2007, where has the time gone?

Wow... its so weird... We haven't even bought my ring yet...:smallredface:

Congratulations. You should probably get that ring.

@Loopy: That makes perfect dream-sense. That's the kind of thing that's supposed to happen in dreams. When your dreams closely resemble the real world, that's weird.
*Looks for accounts of strange dreams in diary*

2008-09-18, 10:03 AM


(Brilliant) BUT SCARY.

He's right, you know. If it's still with the same company I saw do it, it's the SCARIEST DARN PIECE OF THEATRE I HAVE EVER BEEN SUBJECTED TO. I had to sleep with the light on for weeks. And I usually live in the dark. Chilling, yet fantastic none the less.

Although, this was two years ago, and at the Cambridge Arts Theatre- quite an intimate theatre, so the "scare effect" was probably multiplied. However, my Grandparents saw it at the Theatre Royal Newcastle, and it didn't get very good reviews there- I attribute this to the fact that it is a huge theatre.

So, if it's a small theatre: Awesome, if it's somewhat larger... debatable.

Nonetheless, the Ghost Walk should be somewhat amplified by its lasting effects...

2008-09-18, 10:32 AM
I had a weird day-dream today, which I shall substitute for an actual dream because I can never remember mine.

Some backstory: High schools where I live are not allowed to sell anything which tastes good, because if it tastes good it contains either sugar or fat, and this is a horrible thing to subject our children to. Never mind that all the students are in their teens and there's a 7-11 five minutes away.

Anyways, this fact decided to intersect with Shadowrun in my mind, and then it ran into volume discounts.

So I found myself wondering why no enterprising kid had taken $12, gone to the grocery store, and started a pop smuggling racket. Because $12 buys you 96 cans of pop, and if you sell 'em back to the other students for $1 apiece it saves them walking and is actually cheaper. Plus you make a crapton of money.

Am I the only one who has ever thought of this?

2008-09-18, 10:34 AM
Woman in black : Scary, but awesome.
It made a classmate of mine cry. But then, i mad eher cry with an off-hand comment. She's very deliate >.>

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-18, 11:28 AM
I had a weird day-dream today, which I shall substitute for an actual dream because I can never remember mine.

Some backstory: High schools where I live are not allowed to sell anything which tastes good, because if it tastes good it contains either sugar or fat, and this is a horrible thing to subject our children to. Never mind that all the students are in their teens and there's a 7-11 five minutes away.

Anyways, this fact decided to intersect with Shadowrun in my mind, and then it ran into volume discounts.

So I found myself wondering why no enterprising kid had taken $12, gone to the grocery store, and started a pop smuggling racket. Because $12 buys you 96 cans of pop, and if you sell 'em back to the other students for $1 apiece it saves them walking and is actually cheaper. Plus you make a crapton of money.

Am I the only one who has ever thought of this?

See, once you said the words "Shadowrun" and "7-11" I immediately thought of "Food Fight."

Food Fight: Do you want fries with that headshot?

2008-09-18, 11:46 AM
Destro, I sure hope the first Run of our crew wont be runing pop for teens. Please tell it isnt...

2008-09-18, 11:51 AM
See, once you said the words "Shadowrun" and "7-11" I immediately thought of "Food Fight."

Food Fight: Do you want fries with that headshot?

It was always funny watching the group's troll slipping and falling on some orange goo...

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-18, 11:56 AM
It was always funny watching the group's troll slipping and falling on some orange goo...

...or attempting to save the "damsel in distress" and getting a shotgun in the face for their trouble.

My players wouldn't let me DM for a while after running that...:smallbiggrin:

2008-09-18, 11:59 AM
Food fight was always a welcome break from the constant scheming and backstabbing of the Shadowrun world.

I would spring it on them suddenly, whenever we met for our weekly game sessions (I was always GM,) occasionally I would smile and say something like "One night, you all start to feel hungry..." And the players would grin.

I did the original food fight I don't know how many times... It really enver got old, even when the players knew what was going to happen.

Then one day, I changed the whole scenario up. That was a fun day.

2008-09-18, 12:51 PM
He's right, you know. If it's still with the same company I saw do it, it's the SCARIEST DARN PIECE OF THEATRE I HAVE EVER BEEN SUBJECTED TO. I had to sleep with the light on for weeks. And I usually live in the dark. Chilling, yet fantastic none the less.

Although, this was two years ago, and at the Cambridge Arts Theatre- quite an intimate theatre, so the "scare effect" was probably multiplied. However, my Grandparents saw it at the Theatre Royal Newcastle, and it didn't get very good reviews there- I attribute this to the fact that it is a huge theatre.

So, if it's a small theatre: Awesome, if it's somewhat larger... debatable.

Nonetheless, the Ghost Walk should be somewhat amplified by its lasting effects...

Koorly has become even happier.
I am the kind of girl who laughs at horror/scary films. I read ghost stories in the dark and I have always wanted to go on a guided ghost walk. I've been on ones on my own or with friends (and scared them to death) and I tell ghost stories so well I made people cry and have nightmares.
And then got banned from telling any at any school or Guid camp ever again.
Just because one whole tent had hgysterics doesn't mean they should stop me from having fun.:smallfrown:

Conundrum: I have an 86 year old neighbour who today, lamented the fact that she hadn't had chippie chips for ages because of the walk. Naturally I offered to go down for her today, and any other time she wanted them. I'd done this before so of course I didn't mind.
However, I forgot that she paid me to do this. Today: £6. The meals cost less than that! But she forgot she paid me already; so my guilt doubled.
ANd you all know how awkward and guiltier you feel when you try to give something back as well. Especially to an older relation/neighbour who has a lot of pride, but not much else.
So now I'm left with the fact that she's paying me for a less than five minute errand. I think I'll save her money and use it to buy her and her daughter something nice for Christmas from London, but the whole paying thing's guilt - inducing.
Sometimes I can leave it on the table and I think she forgets that she gave it to me; but that's very hard to do when she's right in front of you.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2008-09-18, 12:57 PM
I think your strategy sounds like a very good one, Curly. I'd go with it.

Oh shoot, this has to be longer than two sentences.

When Han Solo was trapped in carbonite, Leia was tempted to start dating someone else. She knew that she loved him, but he was frozen and Leia had seen enough scientific data to know that she didn't believe in carbon dating.

2008-09-18, 01:00 PM
Curly, can we hear one of your horrifying stories?

And when it comes to older people paying you twice. You should take into account that they quite often take pleasure in paying you. Knowing that you will have fun with the money they pay you and you saying thank you to them makes them feel good. Generalizing here, but it is true. And perhaps quite frankly they can most often miss it. that doesn’t make it right, at all. But it probably is one of those things that work out. Kids get paid twice and elders have twice the fun of granting the kids fun.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-18, 01:06 PM
Aye, I'd take the payment. Like YPU said, she probably takes pleasure in doing it. If you're really guilty about taking it, just save it somewhere and forget about it.

Your plan, however, also ranks pretty high on my "cool things to do" list of options.

2008-09-18, 01:22 PM
Chocolates maybe? I know she can't afford to buy many now. Or maybe an ornament?
Perhaps both?

2008-09-18, 01:23 PM
Conundrum: I have an 86 year old neighbour who today, lamented the fact that she hadn't had chippie chips for ages because of the walk. Naturally I offered to go down for her today, and any other time she wanted them. I'd done this before so of course I didn't mind.
However, I forgot that she paid me to do this. Today: £6. The meals cost less than that! But she forgot she paid me already; so my guilt doubled.
ANd you all know how awkward and guiltier you feel when you try to give something back as well. Especially to an older relation/neighbour who has a lot of pride, but not much else.
So now I'm left with the fact that she's paying me for a less than five minute errand. I think I'll save her money and use it to buy her and her daughter something nice for Christmas from London, but the whole paying thing's guilt - inducing.
Sometimes I can leave it on the table and I think she forgets that she gave it to me; but that's very hard to do when she's right in front of you.

To clarify; are you upset that she is paying you to do this at all, and doubly upset because she has now paid you twice and you feel unable to draw attention to this (by returning the money,) because you think that it will damage her pride? Or are you only feeling guilty that she has paid you twice and feel that returning the money will highlight her forgetfulness and hurt her pride?

2008-09-18, 01:25 PM
A box of assorted occasion greeting cards? My Aunt Toni liked that as a gift, because she couldn't get out to choose cards herself.

2008-09-18, 01:32 PM
@Righthandless: all of them. So she's gettin a gift.

@happy: she's 86. And has many children. She has enough cards. But it'd work.

2008-09-18, 01:40 PM
Destro, I sure hope the first Run of our crew wont be runing pop for teens. Please tell it isnt...

Ok. It isn't. >.>

I kid. There will be no pop running in my game. Maybe some other kinds of running, probably involving highly illegal things, but that's what Shadowrun is about.

2008-09-18, 01:42 PM
Walks in, smiles and begins to speak Hey everyo- and then gets smashed back out the door by the llama's pun damage.

2008-09-18, 01:53 PM
@Righthandless: all of them. So she's gettin a gift.

You seem determined upon this course of action, but, I believe that this is the wrong thing to do:

The embarrassment that an elderly person feels when they realize that they have been forgetful, is, one would imagine, far lesser than the embarrassment they would feel if they then imagined that this mental slip had been taken advantage of. (I am not stating that this is what you are doing, only that it could be construed in this way.) Ultimately, it is money that you were not intended to have; you should explain the situation and return the excess money, your neighbour’s pride be damned. This, in moral terms is fairly clear cut.

If you don’t want to accept any money in the first place, tell your neighbour that you are not happy taking her money as this is the sort of thing that you do for your friends on a regular basis and it is not something to be made a fuss over.

You asked for advice; take this or leave it as you please.

2008-09-18, 01:58 PM
On a completely unrelated note:


I have PbP RPs to post in. :smallannoyed:

2008-09-18, 02:07 PM
On a completely unrelated note:


I have PbP RPs to post in. :smallannoyed:

Chaos, the warp did it.

2008-09-18, 02:09 PM
But... but why would it turn on one of it's faithful devotees?

2008-09-18, 02:09 PM
Koorly, bake the woman a cake, and go round with it, offer it to her, et cetera, et cetera. Have a chat, offer to make her some tea, help do washing up, offer to pop round again in the next few weeks to help with a problem that you'll casually observe during your visit. And, save up for a nice present?

On another note: so much for the myth that permanent hair dye isn't really permanent. Mine's immortal. :smalleek:

2008-09-18, 02:16 PM
I dyed my hair with a semi-permanent dye back in year 9, there's still part of my hair that's red and I'm in college now. How does that work?

Dr. Bath
2008-09-18, 02:17 PM
But... but why would it turn on one of it's faithful devotees?

Uh... because it can? Really now. Thinking the warp cares about you. :smalltongue: Tzeentch laughs at you. Ahaha! Ahaha!

2008-09-18, 02:18 PM
I dyed my hair with a semi-permanent dye back in year 9, there's still part of my hair that's red and I'm in college now. How does that work?

... Immortal, I tell thee! IMMORTAL!

But, yeah, I dyed my hair red with a "permanent" dye at the end of year nine, and although I'm a fanatical washer, and have had two haircuts since, it all remains dark red red, only fading a little. Even the new hair... :smalleek:

2008-09-18, 02:22 PM
That means it's seeped into your brain and you'll turn into a zombie eventually, your fault for buying umbrella corp hair dye though.:smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 02:25 PM
Uh... because it can? Really now. Thinking the warp cares about you. :smalltongue: Tzeentch laughs at you. Ahaha! Ahaha!

Grandfather Nurgle cares. Doesn't he? :smallfrown:

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-18, 02:28 PM
Of course he does, just look at me!

*disease ridden hand falls off*

Oh bother...

2008-09-18, 02:28 PM
But... but why would it turn on one of it's faithful devotees?
Thats chaos, and the four of them aint always working together you know.

2008-09-18, 02:29 PM
Grandfather Nurgle cares. Doesn't he? :smallfrown:

Yes, he does. He cares so much he'd like to shower you with blessings. Does that make you feel better?

Good ol' Grandpa Nurgle. Always lookin' out for the little guy. Only he's no longer little. He's now bloated and disease-ridden. With 7 different plagues, including one which infects the tattered grubby remains of his soul.

2008-09-18, 02:43 PM
Then it's a good thing I'm not a Nurgle player.


Or, alternatively...


Dr. Bath
2008-09-18, 02:43 PM
I've always favoured Khorne, I find his personal philosophy really highlights the futili- BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.

*gets decapitated by a beserker*

@Kaelaroth: ...how is that even possible? :smallconfused: Perhaps it is cursed hair-dye.

EDIT: Great minds, Edge. Great minds... :smallwink:

2008-09-18, 02:47 PM
Me, I'm a Tzeentch guy. There's just something really cool about a bunch of bodiless souls stuck in their armour for eternity.

Well, that and the fact that Tzeentch is subtly manipulating every even in the galaxy for his own ineffable reasons...

Still, allow me to add: SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!

2008-09-18, 02:50 PM
@Kaelaroth: ...how is that even possible? :smallconfused: Perhaps it is cursed hair-dye.

Maybe I'm just crazy. I'm not crazy. Callin' me crazy, eh? I'm not crazy. Craaaazy! :eek:

On yet another rambling side-note of pink and purple fluff: I have a sneaking suspicion that I have inherited my father's OCD/nervous body stammery stuff. I find myself touching my lips when nervous, and in a crowd... Let's just hope I haven't also inherited my familial dementia, schizophrenia, standard madness, and other mental McJunk. I thought the bad stomach and scalp was enough. :smallyuk:

2008-09-18, 02:51 PM
And finally, of course, a homage to Khorne's brighest and best:


I think that's a wrap.

2008-09-18, 02:51 PM
Still, allow me to add: SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!
One for each village of the unbeliever and one skull cup made from each firstborn for the bloody slayer to drink from.

2008-09-18, 02:59 PM
Man, I can just picture the frat parties Khorne must have gone to when he was a younger warp entity. And Tzeentch would be there, and they'd both be drunk...

T: "You know Khorne, you're awesome. You're like a great whacking battering ram that I can just point at the enemy and shout KILL!"
K: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" *starts eviscerating things*
T: "God, it's like watching a mixmaster."

Why does my mind make Tzeentch sound like Stewie?

2008-09-18, 02:59 PM
Impossible maths(well impossible for me anyway), I have to rearrange this equation so it's in the form x= a + b(root2); the equation is 3x=5 + root2 +(root2*x).

Can anyone help?:smallfrown:

Dr. Bath
2008-09-18, 03:01 PM
And finally, of course, a homage to Khorne's brighest and best:


I think that's the warp.

Fix'd :smallcool:


A good WAAAGH! is usually best. (I played Orks)

@Kaelaroth: There's a good chance you haven't got any of those nasties. One of those wonderful advantages born of marrying outside your own family.

Cristo Meyers
2008-09-18, 03:10 PM
Why does my mind make Tzeentch sound like Stewie?

I just got a very weird image of Stewie/Tzeentch sitting on some destroyed battlefield holding up the body of a Space Wolf and screaming "Victory is MINE!"

...Thanks. My co-workers already think I'm insane, but the rolling on the floor doesn't help. :smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 03:11 PM
Impossible maths(well impossible for me anyway), I have to rearrange this equation so it's in the form x= a + b(root2); the equation is 3x=5 + root2 +(root2*x).

Can anyone help?:smallfrown:

Easy. Please only read as far as you need, I'd rather you do some of it yourself.

Multiply top and bottom by 3+sqrt(2) to get:

a=17/7, b=8/7

2008-09-18, 03:13 PM
Easy. Please only read as far as you need, I'd rather you do some of it yourself.

Multiply top and bottom by 3+sqrt(2) to get:

a=17/7, b=8/7

Oh god. Oh gods, my head!
It's on FIRE!
*runs about on maths fire*

2008-09-18, 03:15 PM
Wow. I mean a couple of my friends would sometimes say "I'm so scared I've caught fire", but I never thought it was actually possible.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-18, 03:16 PM
I think it's sqrt(2x) as opposed to sqrt(2)*x so your method doesn't really work...

@v Write better then!

2008-09-18, 03:16 PM
Haha, right I got it after you said rationalise the denominator, it was the first step that got me, thanks. Have a cookie!

EDIT:The square root sign was only over the 2 so I think Thufir got it right, I should have put that in brackets but I forgot.

2008-09-18, 03:17 PM
I just got a very weird image of Stewie/Tzeentch sitting on some destroyed battlefield holding up the body of a Space Wolf and screaming "Victory is MINE!"

...Thanks. My co-workers already think I'm insane, but the rolling on the floor doesn't help. :smalltongue:

Awesome. Can we get an artist in here?

And ye be welcome. Always happy to bring a little extra insanity into the world.

2008-09-18, 03:19 PM
I'm a literary type. Maths gives me a rash, you see.
Arithmetic is okay, but Maths...*shudder*

We have to include Maths in a 1,500 word essay for General Studies.
I spent an hour twisting the wording and interpretations so I could write about mythologies.
Fear the awesome power of Semantics.

2008-09-18, 03:20 PM
I think it's sqrt(2x) as opposed to sqrt(2)*x so your method doesn't really work...

I've got a cookie here which says you're wrong. Though I am now trying to figure out how to solve that version.

2008-09-18, 03:22 PM
Sorry Bath, I was distracted by the fact I've also got Geography and History work to do, so I was kind of panicking but I've cooled down now.

Even if I don't finish tonight I should have an hour to tomorrow.

2008-09-18, 03:25 PM
I'm a literary type. Maths gives me a rash, you see.
Arithmetic is okay, but Maths...*shudder*

We have to include Maths in a 1,500 word essay for General Studies.
I spent an hour twisting the wording and interpretations so I could write about mythologies.
Fear the awesome power of Semantics.

Ditto. I am a words person. Science! and math makes me cower in fear and/or annoyed. I laugh at your General Studies and congratulate you on twisting math to mythology.
And ask how?

And yeah, I have to learn forty French words by first lesson tomorrow; make notes on Mary I's foreign policy and something else I've forgot about.
And I have a full half hour of free time tomorrow.
I love being me though as I can get away with all but the vocab test.

2008-09-18, 03:27 PM
I hate maths and science but am cursed with them being my best subjects, I got As in both and A*s in some of the modules of Science.

The only reason I'm doing Maths AS is because I'm good at it(well moderately).

I also suck at English, well I got a B in Language and C in Literature, nothing stellar.

2008-09-18, 03:28 PM
She said that the essay had to use some form of statistics, and use numbers.
You know what's a significant figure? 3.
There are trios everywhere in Myths.
By the power of Semantics!

2008-09-18, 03:31 PM
A significant figure is how many number except zero you show.

For example 8.65746 to 3 Significant figures is 8.65.

It's hard for me to explain, maybe someone else can do better.

EDIT: YOu didn't mean in that sense.*facepalm*

2008-09-18, 03:32 PM
Yeah well, I set your head on fire by the power of maths without even trying. And then I sigged it. But, yeah, that's fairly impressive. What about the statistics requirement?

2008-09-18, 03:33 PM
Screw statistics. I'm going Norse on this essay.

2008-09-18, 03:34 PM
She said that the essay had to use some form of statistics, and use numbers.
You know what's a significant figure? 3.
There are trios everywhere in Myths.
By the power of Semantics!

Love you. Here's another one though:
Egyptian mythology: the pyramids are all made to repcise calculations in order for the Ka (soul) of the Pharoah and his family to fully ascend (or descend) to their heaven and the 'soul tunnel'-y things are precisely aligned with a certain constellation.
That's math!

Or how about Greek myth?
The Titans Kronos (time) and Kaos (chaos) fought during the forming of the world and Kronos won and created order and a set progression from the beginning to the end and defeated the metaphysical concept of chaos - ie being without order and precision.

And we learnt about the latter in E Lang. Love that class and my lecturer so much.

Oh, and seeing as I have half an hour I guess Mary'll be finished tonight.

Oh, Norse . . . Fear of the number thirteen is related to Norse mythology (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Triskaidekaphobia.html).

2008-09-18, 03:42 PM
That source had it's myth wrong. Loki was luck,fire, chaos, lies, deception, but not evil. That was a giantess whps name currently escapes me, but it's belived that her myths were blurred with that of loki's, resulting in some confusion - some sources have her as the mother of Hel, Fenrir and the World Serpent (agan, bad at names.)

OH! AND Loki planned the death of baldur and used his blind brother to actually do the deed.

I distrust maths even further, now.

2008-09-18, 03:44 PM
That source had it's myth wrong. Loki was luck,fire, chaos, lies, deception, but not evil.

Didn't Loki become evil after killing Baldur? Or at least he's supposed to be evil during Ragnorak on account of having burning snake venom dripped on his face for centuries by the gods? That kind of thing generally pisses people off and gets rid of any morals they had.

Dr. Bath
2008-09-18, 03:45 PM
Loki was still really morally ambiguous/a massive jerk by the end of some of the myths. Who was it he got killed... the really nice(r) one... Baldr I think...

2008-09-18, 03:48 PM
Loki was still really morally ambiguous/a massive jerk by the end of some of the myths. Who was it he got killed... the really nice(r) one... Baldr I think...

Yeah, it was Baldur. He found out that the one thing that could hurt him was mistletoe (or something) and he made a dart out of it. The gods had been screwing around by throwing stuff at Baldur and watching it swerve away from him, and Loki offered the mistletoe dart to some blind god and directed his shot right at Baldur's heart. This pissed off the gods, who imprisoned Loki in a cave where a massive snake hang in the stalactites above him, dripping venom on his face which burned like acid. At the end of the world (Ragnarok) Loki is supposed to break free and join the side that fights the gods, ie. the evil side.

2008-09-18, 03:50 PM
Loki was the trickster god who was jealous of Baldr's beauty and immortality (bar one thing) and got the blind brother Hod into shooting Baldr with the mistletoe arrow.

2008-09-18, 03:54 PM
I've got a cookie here which says you're wrong. Though I am now trying to figure out how to solve that version.

And I have succeeded! I think.
If 3x=5+sqrt(2)+sqrt(2x), then x=(1/3)(16/3+sqrt(2)+/-sqrt((2/3)((31/6)+sqrt(2))))

Anyone want to see my working? :smallamused:

2008-09-18, 04:06 PM
See that’s a nice religion. One in which the gods throw stuff at each other for fun.

2008-09-18, 04:12 PM
He may be evil, but Loki is still my favourite, damnit!
I possibly have a thing for tricksters.

2008-09-18, 04:12 PM
See that’s a nice religion. One in which the gods throw stuff at each other for fun.

Well it's always fun when the target (Baldur) is protected from every object in the universe (except mistletoe). Bullets would move out of his way if the Norse gods had them.

2008-09-18, 04:16 PM
Yahtzee thinks so.

Norse Mythology is one of my favourites. The first favourite is Egyptian.

2008-09-18, 04:19 PM
Norse mythology is quite fun. I've always loved Norse and Greek mythology, although I prefer the Norse mythology because the gods are slightly less depraved than the Greek ones, and their more funny. Such as the myth in which Thor dresses up as a bride to get into a giant's fortress to get his hammer back. The idea of a super manly god like Thor dressed as a giggly bride makes me smile every time.

2008-09-18, 04:20 PM
Mmm, Thor in a dress...

...What? Sorry, I was miles away.
Now ships Thor/Loki xD

2008-09-18, 04:22 PM
Norse mythology is quite fun. I've always loved Norse and Greek mythology, although I prefer the Norse mythology because the gods are slightly less depraved than the Greek ones, and their more funny. Such as the myth in which Thor dresses up as a bride to get into a giant's fortress to get his hammer back. The idea of a super manly god like Thor dressed as a giggly bride makes me smile every time.

He literally had stone breasts.
And I admire Loki because he's clearly the brains of the Norse gods. WHo d'you think got Thor out of all his manly man rage at cross - dressing.
I also like the fact that the Norse mythology has so much squick in it. What's it? Loki shape shifts into a mare to lure the stallions of the Ice Giants away from Asgard; gets pregnant and gives birth to Fenrir who is half worlf of all things.
He also gave birth to Hel who is corpse from the waist down and the snake that will eat the world. Oh, and Fenrir will eat the sun.

2008-09-18, 04:25 PM
Aye. Loki may have ultimately been the primary antagonist, but he was also one of the greatest boons to the Norse Gods - he got them all their best gadgetry, after all.

2008-09-18, 04:27 PM
He literally had stone breasts.
And I admire Loki because he's clearly the brains of the Norse gods. WHo d'you think got Thor out of all his manly man rage at cross - dressing.
I also like the fact that the Norse mythology has so much squick in it. What's it? Loki shape shifts into a mare to lure the stallions of the Ice Giants away from Asgard; gets pregnant and gives birth to Fenrir who is half worlf of all things.
He also gave birth to Hel who is corpse from the waist down and the snake that will eat the world. Oh, and Fenrir will eat the sun.

I think Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungand were all the result of Loki getting funny with a giantess, not him actually giving birth to them. And Loki never was a god. He was just a really powerful shapeshifter that was friendly with the gods.

2008-09-18, 04:31 PM
Aha! I found it!
"Gullveig (Norse) A Vanir, and one of the chief opponents of the Æsir. Note carefully, comments about Her are entirely from an Æsir point of view: They paint Her in exceedingly black terms, describing Her as a witch and sorceress of immense and malefic power. She apparently led the Vanir in an assault upon the Hall of the Æsir - three times She gained entry into the Hall, three times she was pierced with spears and destroyed by infernos, three times she arose from the ashes to cast more curses and evil spells. She is connected in obscure but important ways with both Freyja and Loki: some tales imply that She is an Aspect of Freya (she is, for example, regarded as having oracular powers), others allude to her being an associate of Freya's. Her heart was said to have been eaten by Loki, who thereby became vastly more evil than He had been before. She is also said to be the mother of many entities that Loki is said to have given birth to, Jormungand, Hel, and Fenrir, so perhaps there is a conflation between Her and Loki. She is also said to be the mother, or creator, of many creatures of earthly terror, werewolves chief among them. Her name means "Gold-Strength".

I found a fun site that lists a whole load of pantheons. You can guess what i spent most of my free lessons doing, can't you?:smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 04:33 PM
Aha! I found it!
"Gullveig (Norse) A Vanir, and one of the chief opponents of the Æsir. Note carefully, comments about Her are entirely from an Æsir point of view: They paint Her in exceedingly black terms, describing Her as a witch and sorceress of immense and malefic power. She apparently led the Vanir in an assault upon the Hall of the Æsir - three times She gained entry into the Hall, three times she was pierced with spears and destroyed by infernos, three times she arose from the ashes to cast more curses and evil spells. She is connected in obscure but important ways with both Freyja and Loki: some tales imply that She is an Aspect of Freya (she is, for example, regarded as having oracular powers), others allude to her being an associate of Freya's. Her heart was said to have been eaten by Loki, who thereby became vastly more evil than He had been before. She is also said to be the mother of many entities that Loki is said to have given birth to, Jormungand, Hel, and Fenrir, so perhaps there is a conflation between Her and Loki. She is also said to be the mother, or creator, of many creatures of earthly terror, werewolves chief among them. Her name means "Gold-Strength".

I found a fun site that lists a whole load of pantheons. You can guess what i spent most of my free lessons doing, can't you?:smalltongue:

That clears it all up. It's really a shame that Loki had to father the creature that would kill Thor, my favorite god.

2008-09-18, 04:35 PM
What about Sleipnir? IIRC Loki gave birth to him while in the form of a mare.

2008-09-18, 04:35 PM
I found a fun site that lists a whole load of pantheons. You can guess what i spent most of my free lessons doing, can't you?:smalltongue:

I can imagine, yeah.

Go look up Osiris on it. Curly needs to hear about what Set did to him. :smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 04:36 PM
I personally think it's more her getting muddled with Loki, as he was belived to have mothered them? That, or he did the nasty with her.

2008-09-18, 04:36 PM
What about Sleipnir? IIRC Loki gave birth to him while in the form of a mare.

That the 8 legged horse that he gave to Thor, and which Odin wanted badly?

2008-09-18, 04:37 PM
I demand the link to that site or sites. Please? I can give you some good sites too. Especially ghost ones.

2008-09-18, 04:38 PM
That the 8 legged horse that he gave to Thor, and which Odin wanted badly?

I was under the impression Sleipnir was Odin's horse. I've never heard anything about Loki giving him to Thor. But 8-legged horse, yes.

2008-09-18, 04:39 PM
Ghosts are awesome. I want to haunt something when I die.

I watched a couple specials on ghosts a while back. Apparently the Tower of London has a ton of them hanging around. Not really surprising, all things considered, but still nifty.

2008-09-18, 04:39 PM
I was under the impression Sleipnir was Odin's horse. I've never heard anything about Loki giving him to Thor. But 8-legged horse, yes.

If I recall correctly Loki gave him to Thor, which pissed Odin off greatly. I think that Odin tried to get Sleipnir through trickery, but my memory is hazy on this myth. I never really gave a crap about Sleipnir.

2008-09-18, 04:40 PM
The norse gods are in "Teutonic".
I'll confess i'm a tad sceptical on ghosts.
I do, however, think that the situation in American Gods is actually kinda plausible. I worded that wrong. Basically, that's probbaly how it is.

2008-09-18, 04:41 PM
If I recall correctly Loki gave him to Thor, which pissed Odin off greatly. I think that Odin tried to get Sleipnir through trickery, but my memory is hazy on this myth. I never really gave a crap about Sleipnir.

Nah, i think Loki got Thor the goats off the dwarves, and Loki gave sleipnir straight to Odin. They were blood brothers, after all.

2008-09-18, 04:42 PM
I'll confess i'm a tad sceptical on ghosts.

I myself am kind of undecided on ghosts. I do think that humans have souls and that there is an afterlife, but whether or not a soul can stay is really what I have no idea about. I do however, believe that most reported ghost activity is a load of crap, and that if there are ghosts they're very rare.

2008-09-18, 04:45 PM
Ghosts are awesome. I want to haunt something when I die.

I watched a couple specials on ghosts a while back. Apparently the Tower of London has a ton of them hanging around. Not really surprising, all things considered, but still nifty.

Not surprising at all. After all, there is the Bloody Tower, Traitors' Gate and over three dozen reported and well known ghosts there.
There two twin boys walking hand in hand who might be Edward V and Richrd, Duke of York; Anne Boelyn; servants; monks; priets; kings and queens.
They're all there.
We'd better be going there on that ghost walk too.

@'zira: Thankee kindly young sir.

And concerning Norse once more; I've always loved the Ragnarok myths because they directly correlate it to a game where the pieces are made of gold and how Ragnarok will signify the beginning of a new game.

EDIT: ANd I completely want to believe in ghosts and shall until they're proven not to exist because.

2008-09-18, 04:47 PM
Nah, i think Loki got Thor the goats off the dwarves, and Loki gave sleipnir straight to Odin. They were blood brothers, after all.

If I recall correctly this is exactly what pissed off Odin so much, that Thor got the horse even after he and Loki became blood brothers. Maybe it wasn't Sleipnir, but I do remember that Loki gave Thor something that really pissed Odin off. It does make sense that Thor would get the horse. Pre-Baldur's death Loki and Thor were good friends.

2008-09-18, 04:47 PM
There was something to do with a bed, too, I believe. Somewhere in London, anyways, there's this haunted bed. Belonged to a queen or something.

It was several years ago that I watched that show, so my memory is a little fuzzy. I do know that Vancouver, especially Gastown, has a few though.

2008-09-18, 05:09 PM
There was something to do with a bed, too, I believe. Somewhere in London, anyways, there's this haunted bed. Belonged to a queen or something.

Haunted London is very haunted. (http://www.haunted-britain.com/Haunted_London.htm) And that site now goes on my favourites too. I wonder if we can do a Jack the Ripper walk too. But he only killed six prostitues and is one of the most infamous people in history. Odd lad, that Jack.

2008-09-18, 05:26 PM
Oh my gods. Best. Greek. God. Ever. (http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/GrkPan.html#Momus)

"Momus Daughter of Nyx, and the Spirit of Derision, Sarcasm, and Irony. "
Yes <3

2008-09-18, 05:30 PM
Sarcasm, sounds more like the god of Britain, Sarcasm is the British's domain.

2008-09-18, 05:33 PM
Oh my gods. Best. Greek. God. Ever. (http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/GrkPan.html#Momus)

"Momus Daughter of Nyx, and the Spirit of Derision, Sarcasm, and Irony. "
Yes <3

Sounds like my kind of god.

2008-09-18, 06:08 PM
I don't personally believe in ghosts. This fits in with my nihilism. Awsome idea, however, and I'll gladly accept them if we get hard evidence.

2008-09-18, 06:11 PM
I do believe in ghosts.:smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 07:09 PM
I AM a ghost!


2008-09-18, 07:09 PM
Ummmmm, congratulations PZ?

2008-09-18, 07:10 PM
Thank you, thank you. I worked hard to get to where I am today. Afterall, it's not easy becoming a ghost. You've gotta' get a sheet and put it over your head and everything.

2008-09-18, 07:11 PM
Well I'm glad that you're a ghost, but I must admit that I'm an angel come to bring you back to the afterlife. Begone ye spirit! :smalltongue:

2008-09-18, 07:14 PM
Wow...I'm in a banana.

Uncle Festy
2008-09-18, 07:19 PM
Pomegranate, on the other hand... so hard to come by, yet always delicious.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why it's awesome to be part of a religion that practically requires you to get a pomegranate once a year.

"Momus Daughter of Nyx, and the Spirit of Derision, Sarcasm, and Irony. "
Yes <3

Awesome. This is going in Quote of the Week, if I may. :smallcool:

2008-09-18, 09:59 PM
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why it's awesome to be part of a religion that practically requires you to get a pomegranate once a year.

Jewish, I take it?

2008-09-18, 10:23 PM
He's obviously Mesopotamian... Or maybe Aztec...

Anyway, he's, like, South American or something. It just feels right.

2008-09-18, 10:31 PM
The more I see cat-muffins, the more I want to eat one.

One muffin, that is.

Caw! Polly wants a muffin! Polly wants a muffin! *flies around wildly*

2008-09-18, 11:00 PM
I wonder if we can do a Jack the Ripper walk too. But he only killed six prostitues and is one of the most infamous people in history. Odd lad, that Jack.

Ahhhh, reminds me of one of the best episodes of Babylon 5 ever-

"Good luck to you in your holy cause, Captain Sheridan. May your choices have better results than mine. Remembered not as a messenger, remembered not as a reformer, not as a prophet, not as a hero... not even as Sebastian. Remembered only... as Jack."

DAMN that was a good series *sighs*

Thes Hunter
2008-09-19, 12:07 AM
Bab 5 was good. It's funny that it took my friends dragging me to both Bab 5 and Firefly.

I am just a little too anti-TV for my own good. :smallwink:

And update... the watermelon of questionable unpleasantness did indeed unquestionably upset my stomach.

Now I got the mudslide of known drunkeness.

I found that the French Vanilla Kahlua was much better in the mudslide mixture.. so I am happy now.

2008-09-19, 01:21 AM
It took me over an hour, and it's far from complete, but my first page on TV Tropes is up! I'm feeling proud!

2008-09-19, 04:33 AM
Oh my gods. Best. Greek. God. Ever. (http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/GrkPan.html#Momus)

"Momus Daughter of Nyx, and the Spirit of Derision, Sarcasm, and Irony. "
Yes <3

Wow, and I thought Hera was the bitch-goddess of the Greek pantheon. :smalleek:

She's still not a patch on Murcia the Roman goddess of laziness. In an ironic move her altar was buried under the spina of the Circus Maximus and once a year her priests had to go to the trouble of digging it up to honour the patron of idleness.

It took me over an hour, and it's far from complete, but my first page on TV Tropes is up! I'm feeling proud!

Link? :smallamused:

(and I pray it's not more Town...stuff)

@v: some people with no sense of cultural perspective decided that The Town sub-forum of these boards was a trope exemplar on a par with pop culture monoliths like "Star Wars", "Star Trek", "LOTR", "MST3K" and/or "Buffy" and started using their PbP here on the boards as characteristic examples of tropes.
When called on it they took defence behind the "There's no such thing as notability" idea that TV Tropes touts. :smallannoyed:

Tempest Fennac
2008-09-19, 04:34 AM
What do you mean about Town stuff, bosssmiley?

2008-09-19, 05:35 AM
It took me over an hour, and it's far from complete, but my first page on TV Tropes is up! I'm feeling proud!

Arr, we be needing a link, matey.

2008-09-19, 06:25 AM
Oh my gods. Best. Greek. God. Ever. (http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/GrkPan.html#Momus)

"Momus Daughter of Nyx, and the Spirit of Derision, Sarcasm, and Irony. "
Yes <3

I might go so far as to say simply "Best god ever." Unless some other pantheon also has a god of sarcasm.

2008-09-19, 07:50 AM
I love Spuddipus Rex: gouging out of eyes and cauliflower sheep. Epic. And like Bath, Best Friend has become an unofficial member of Friday lessons for Classics. She just started today. And that's what we saw. Nothing like the play really, but so cool.

Also, on a related note: the printers for our college are called Odin.

Momus is an amazing goddess and has entered my personal pantheon along with Athene, Artmeis, Loki and several others.

2008-09-19, 07:57 AM
Momus is an amazing goddess and has entered my personal pantheon along with Athene, Artmeis, Loki and several others.

Gimme Hermes, Dionysus, Heimdall, and Horus anyday!

Seriously, the Greeks, Norse, and Egyptians knew how to build a pantheon...

Then there's Gilgamesh, but he was kind of a jerk.

Edit: Hyarr...

2008-09-19, 08:20 AM
Thor (god of shouting and hitting things with a hammer)
Loki (the Beavis-meets-Blackadder of the North)
Murcia (goddess of slacking off)
Athena (sharper than thou)
Shen Nong (god of tea)

Oh, and Tyr. Just Tyr. :smallcool:

Odin & co.: "You're seriously okay with putting your hand in the wolf's mouth? You do know that Fenris is going to go nuts and chew your hand off once we get this rope made of impossible things on him, right?"
Tyr: "Yep. I'm fine with that. All yer yappin' ain't getting him tied up any quicker..."

2008-09-19, 08:24 AM
I forgot about Tyr. That guy was a true contender for the title of "Baddest-Ass Ever!" award.

I mean, would you ever mess with a "Human" being who is missing a hand? You know that guy lost it doing something awesome, like wrestling polar bears or fighting off commi-nazi ninjas. (Insert Dave Attell Comedy Sketch Here)

Can you imagine encountering a GOD with a missing hand?! Oh man...

Edit: Hyarr...

2008-09-19, 09:47 AM
Eh. You ask me, Loki is still the baddest ass.
He basically enables the end of the world.
If that is not badass, then what is?

2008-09-19, 09:53 AM
Odin & co.: "You're seriously okay with putting your hand in the wolf's mouth? You do know that Fenris is going to go nuts and chew your hand off once we get this rope made of impossible things on him, right?"
Tyr: "Yep. I'm fine with that. All yer yappin' ain't getting him tied up any quicker..."

Jokes aside, this has always been one of my favourite myths; from amongst the cringing Aesir and Vanir, Tyr is the only divine being with the courage and the conviction of his beliefs required to perform so great an act of self-sacrifice. I have always thought that if ever there truly was a 'perfect being' then it would be Tyr.

My user handle is a reference to this legend.


2008-09-19, 10:07 AM
So I had another weird dream. It involved some girl who, like Charlie, never appeared in person. She only spoke through IM's and one-way voicechat, so you never knew what she actually sounded like either. Anyways, it had her and some sort of demented crossbreed of The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime, in which Link had to save the world Hyrule by using the morphball to traverse a series of increasingly complicated obstacle courses...

I obviously need to get out more. :smalltongue:

2008-09-19, 10:24 AM
I arrrr not dead.
But I have Spore and I'm very busy telling a lot of civilisations to sit down and let my mosh pit loving red velociraptors destory them.
For some reason, they won't listen.


2008-09-19, 10:25 AM
Note to self : Never elect Jibar into my personal pantheon. This way lies bad things.

2008-09-19, 10:42 AM
Note to self : Never elect Jibar into my personal pantheon. This way lies bad things.

Whoops! Shamefully omitted Great Cthulhu from mine ("Cthulhu fhtagn!").

Didn't include the FSM because there's objective evidence of his existence.
Pic related (http://www.venganza.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/fireworks2.jpg)

2008-09-19, 10:45 AM
Last night I had a dream about rovin' th' seas wi' Black Sam Bellamy. Takin' from th' rich wi' naught t' defend us but our own courage!

2008-09-19, 10:48 AM
...Any relation to Matt Bellamy? Who I just pictured dressed as Jack Sparrow. Which is pretty goddamn sexy.

2008-09-19, 10:51 AM
Note to self : Never elect Jibar into my personal pantheon. This way lies bad things.

Awesome things.
This way lies awesome things.

I keep imaging my little velociraptor guys sitting in their De-Moshulator in front of a city shouting:
"Let no joyful mosh be heard! Let no dinosaur thing look down into the mosh pit with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to fire... the DE-MOSHULATOR!"

(Our trade ships are Re-Moshulators. They send money to other cities so they can establish mosh pits)

2008-09-19, 10:52 AM
I arrrr not dead.
But I have Spore and I'm very busy telling a lot of civilisations to sit down and let my mosh pit loving red velociraptors destory them.
For some reason, they won't listen.


By the by, Jibar, matie.

How has playin' Spore affected yer writin'?

2008-09-19, 10:53 AM
but Matt Bellamy's not good looking:smallconfused:, I could understand if you jsut imagined Jack Sparrow, I mean speaking as a straight male, Johnny Depp's god damn handsome.

2008-09-19, 10:54 AM
but Matt Bellamy's not good looking:smallconfused:, I could understand if you jsut imagined Jack Sparrow, I mean speaking as a straight male, Johnny Depp's god damn handsome.

What blasphemy speaketh thou? Bellamy's incredible-looking!

2008-09-19, 10:55 AM
Maybe it's just me but he just doesn't look good looking, he's certainly not ugly though. He looks kinda normal, I suppose.

2008-09-19, 10:57 AM
I would still hit that. Hit that Like the hammer of an angry Thor.

2008-09-19, 10:58 AM
...Any relation to Matt Bellamy? Who I just pictured dressed as Jack Sparrow. Which is pretty goddamn sexy.

"Black" Sam Bellamy was a pirate, known as the Prince of Pirates. He died when his ship, the Whydah sank in a storm while off Massachusetts. He was 28 when he died, and had been a pirate less than a year, but he captured more than fifty ships. He was called the Prince of Pirates because of his mercy and generosity to those he plundered from.

2008-09-19, 10:59 AM
By the by, Jibar, matie.

How has playin' Spore affected yer writin'?

Oh shush you.


*Goes back to his creatures he don't make fun of him*

2008-09-19, 11:01 AM
Oh shush you.


*Goes back to his creatures he don't make fun of him*

Its too easy t' let worldly an' electronic distractions keep ye from yer callin'. Resist, mate! Resist!

And yer creatures dasn't make fun o' ye on accoun' o' they fear ye as the'r creator an' god... Not a bad distraction, I guess...

2008-09-19, 11:02 AM
Maybe it's just me but he just doesn't look good looking, he's certainly not ugly though. He looks kinda normal, I suppose.


Pictures, to prove otherwise. :smalltongue:

2008-09-19, 11:09 AM
Yer he looks pretty normal and I think the first picture isn't very flattering really.

2008-09-19, 11:11 AM
I don't think he's that good looking a guy. I think its the Musician-Factor that really adds to his appeal.

Shoulda learned to play an instrument other than the Cello...

2008-09-19, 11:16 AM
Bah. WHich has more pulling power : A writer, a poet, or a musician?

2008-09-19, 11:18 AM
Definitely the Musician. I was basically saying that before.

As a writer, I can appeal to certain types of girls. Luckily, those are generally the girls I'm mostly attracted to.

Actually, were you referring to something else when you referred to "pulling power?"

2008-09-19, 11:22 AM
Bah. WHich has more pulling power : A writer, a poet, or a musician?

It be dependin' upon which o' them has the biggest truck, matey.

2008-09-19, 11:23 AM
Nono. I meant "Who gets the most girls". Or dudes, really. I'm not that fussy.
I don't want to sex up every musician, though. Some really arent that good looking.

2008-09-19, 11:26 AM
Nono. I meant "Who gets the most girls". Or dudes, really. I'm not that fussy.
I don't want to sex up every musician, though. Some really arent that good looking.

Musicians then. Its often not a matter of attractiveness at all. Have you ever seen KISS without their make-up? They are some fugly dudes, but you know they can take their pick.

2008-09-19, 11:34 AM
I think writer/poet/musicians are the best. Take Sting, for example. :smallbiggrin:
*Is a fanboy.*

2008-09-19, 11:42 AM
Yes, its true that many musicians transcend th' Writer/Poet barrier. Thar be many Singer/Songwriters who truly deserve that level o' respect an' recognition.

However, thar be many "Musicians" who dasn't write the'r own songs, an' jus' play what th' guys in suits tell them they be contractually obligated t' play.

An' someone who be jus' a writer or a poet would be hard-pressed t' achieve th' same level o' attraction as any breed o' musician. I reckon seein' a guy jus' strummin' a squeezebox on a bench at me University, an' gettin' like four phone numbers in th' hour that I happened t' be observin' th' lad's durin' one o' me people-watchin' sessions.

(That took forever to write...)

2008-09-19, 11:44 AM
Bah. WHich has more pulling power : A writer, a poet, or a musician?

Puh! Obviously all three, merged into a super-powered conglomerate entity, with over three arms to make much interest to the lands of cultural development!

And my Maths teacher's kinda hot.

2008-09-19, 11:46 AM
Bah. We need to get back to Mythology! It's more fun than poets.

Kael, get out. Maths is EVIL.

2008-09-19, 11:49 AM
He talked about Arabic scholars, and advocacy, and makes jokes, and is quirky, and cute.

Mythology rocks. It frickin' rocks. Anyone else think Eris just gets bad PR?

2008-09-19, 11:50 AM
He talked about Arabic scholars, and advocacy, and makes jokes, and is quirky, and cute.

Mythology rocks. It frickin' rocks. Anyone else think Eris just gets bad PR?

No man, as a Discordian, I think Eris rocks!!!

In fact, today I am going to continue the tradition of joyously partaking in a bunless hotdog, and meditate upon the original snub.

Edit: And always be vigilant for the followers of Greyface...

2008-09-19, 12:18 PM
Mythology is indeed awesoem although I know very little about it.

Is my avatar too small?:smallconfused: You can hardly see the mini-chocobo on his shoulder.

2008-09-19, 12:23 PM
Murcia, goddess of the lazy; and her altar was buried under the spina in the Circus Maximus, so once a year, the High Priest of the Lazy Goddess had to dig to an enormous depth to worship her properly.
I love the irony.

I have officially decided to declare my love of Medieval History; E Lang and E Lit and Classics as the best of my five subjects.
During Med His we got into a discussion argument involving Maggie Thatcher, her clawed hand, and her Spitting Image Thatcher which then turned into a discussion about how so many conquerors were short: Napoleon; Charles I was a dwarf and then . . . Farquad.
Yes. Lord Farquad from Shrek.
Fictional short conquerors and evil people then got compared into depth to real ones.
And then involved half the class.

2008-09-19, 12:27 PM
I do medieval history too, tis great! Although my favourite subject so far is film and my 500 word essay about a scene from Ran convinced my tutor that I'm good enough to do Ran for my coursework, yay.*cue final fantasy victory theme*

2008-09-19, 12:28 PM
Curly, why is your class so awesome?

Best I ever got in school was that one time in Math where we had an involved discussion on what happened when you divided zero by itself, and how this related to infinity...

2008-09-19, 12:33 PM
Murcia, goddess of the lazy; and her altar was buried under the spina in the Circus Maximus, so once a year, the High Priest of the Lazy Goddess had to dig to an enormous depth to worship her properly.
I love the irony.

I have officially decided to declare my love of Medieval History; E Lang and E Lit and Classics as the best of my five subjects.
During Med His we got into a discussion argument involving Maggie Thatcher, her clawed hand, and her Spitting Image Thatcher which then turned into a discussion about how so many conquerors were short: Napoleon; Charles I was a dwarf and then . . . Farquad.
Yes. Lord Farquad from Shrek.
Fictional short conquerors and evil people then got compared into depth to real ones.
And then involved half the class.

*Is jealous*

Yer class be awesome, lass.

2008-09-19, 12:57 PM
We never do anything like that in our classes.

2008-09-19, 01:04 PM
Curly, why is your class so awesome?

Best I ever got in school was that one time in Math where we had an involved discussion on what happened when you divided zero by itself, and how this related to infinity...

Nah, that and quantum physics happened in E Lit today. Plus I got to use my superior knowledge of Terry Pratchett's Discworld to make me look supremely inciteful and intelligent.
Comparing harvest imagery from I have Fears of when I Cease To Be or similar title to how it means death on another more primal and universal level.
Reaper Man, you are wonderful.
And when I was asked why I liked the poem I said "I've read Reaper Man by Pratchett." and mystified many people.

And my class is so awesome because we're all eccentric and very, very voluble. Being opinionated and bored definitely helps. We went through a twelve page powerpoint crammed full in fifteen minutes and then had to fill in some chart on foreign policy when noone'd done the basic foreign policy research.

2008-09-19, 01:24 PM
The exterior of my nose is bleeding; I have blood smeared on my hands slightly.

Not so slight anymore...
Brb... Nosebleed...

2008-09-19, 01:24 PM
My English class sucks a bit. We've got some very quiet but actually pretty brilliant people (about 6, maybe 7. Working together we have accomplished grea things, but none of us ever talk >.>) and some loud, not-that-smart people who i nevertheless resent.

Ah, jealousy. My old freind <3

2008-09-19, 01:29 PM
Best I ever got in school was that one time in Math where we had an involved discussion on what happened when you divided zero by itself, and how this related to infinity...

I know that I’m going t spark a debate by saying this, but wouldn’t it be likely that if zero was dividable by itself the solution would we one. We have one nothing here, now how many nothings are there kids? One. Of course the fact that nothing is something would create infinity. But that’s a different discussion.

2008-09-19, 01:32 PM
Odd... That was arterial blood... :smallconfused:

My English class is fairly nice this year. Small, and relatively smart. :smallsmile:

2008-09-19, 01:36 PM
And my class is so awesome because we're all eccentric and very, very voluble. Being opinionated and bored definitely helps. We went through a twelve page powerpoint crammed full in fifteen minutes and then had to fill in some chart on foreign policy when noone'd done the basic foreign policy research.

See, maybe if I could be in your class I'd go back to school. Not only are you all eccentric as well, you just used a word I actually had to look up. I approve. I approve greatly.

Also, you like Pratchett, who is clearly awesome. I need to get my hands on another pile of his books at some point, because I finished that other pile...

I know that I’m going to spark a debate by saying this, but wouldn’t it be likely that if zero was dividable by itself the solution would be one? We have one nothing here, now how many nothings are there kids? One. Of course the fact that nothing is something would create infinity. But that’s a different discussion.

See, this was my point, but they all kept blathering on about impossibilities and undefined numbers. It only occurred to me later that infinity itself is, by definition, really undefined, so we might have both been right. Anything/0=∞. And since ∞ makes anything else it's applied to ALSO ∞, it doesn't even screw up the fundamental laws of the universe.

2008-09-19, 01:46 PM
It's all very theoretical, and therefore not measurable. So it shouldn't mess up any laws, right?

2008-09-19, 01:47 PM
That's weird... When arterial blood dries, unlike venal blood, it doesn't turn so brown. There's some blood on my pants from this little weird nosebleed.

Am I grossing anyone out yet? That was actually my intent. :smallsmile:

:smallyuk: Still. I don't like nosebleeds.

2008-09-19, 01:49 PM
See, maybe if I could be in your class I'd go back to school. Not only are you all eccentric as well, you just used a word I actually had to look up. I approve. I approve greatly.

I do not mean to moralize, and I am also sure that you have heard all of this before, but, if you have the opportunity and unless you have an extremely good reason not to, I strongly urge you to return to school.

I was forced to leave school by circumstance when I was seventeen and I cannot convey how great a value I place upon that lost education nor how difficult my efforts to reclaim it are proving.

I do not regret my decision as I had excellent reasons for leaving, but, I wanted to offer you this advice so that you might not find yourself in the same situation that I now do.

2008-09-19, 01:49 PM
Of course it doesn't. Arterial blood is oxygenated. Venal blood isn't. The browning that you typically see is the hemoglobin binding with oxygen in the air. Basically, your blood rusts.

2008-09-19, 01:52 PM
Its too easy t' let worldly an' electronic distractions keep ye from yer callin'. Resist, mate! Resist!

And yer creatures dasn't make fun o' ye on accoun' o' they fear ye as the'r creator an' god... Not a bad distraction, I guess...

I have been writing. A lot. But all on paper. Instead of doing school work.
Since you seek to have me writing, then fine. Either tonight or tomorrow you'll get a nice short story about my Spore creatures on my blog.
Jibarasium - Grabbiasium. Or as they're more commonly called: "Mr. Grabby".
For now, I'll go pop something in the Shipping thread.

2008-09-19, 01:53 PM
Yeah, I know how blood works... I just haven't really bled from an artery (a very minor one in this case - no real damage) before, so I've never actually seen it happen. :smallconfused: