I've been thinking for a while now about two specific questions:

Why do we homebrew?
Why don't most homebrewers make their own games?

The first I'm mostly curious about. I'd imagine some brew simply so that they can use that material in their game. Some brew so others can use it. Some brew for the recognition. Some brew just for the heck of it. Why do YOU brew?

The second, is an honest question. I've seen some downright AMAZING stuff on these boards. Far, far better than in any WotC book. Some have even gone so far as to effectively write books of material. Why do so many talented 'brewers choose to only create derivitive material for D&D and other games instead of trying to make one themselves? I realize that many simply don't have the time or ambition, or reasons like that, but I'd still imagine that I'd see a lot more of those projects going on. What do you guys think about it? Why aren't you making your own game?