1. We did not play Fourthland this weekend. We started Grimtooth's Dungeon of Doom, though. I think the total death count was in the 30s.

2. I am doing more research into the business requirement of Kickstarters. I have submitted a help request on the topic.

3. My copyright-friend has talked me out of Preregistering, given that it doesn't actually do much and it has such a large cost. The new plan is to publish and copyright the first draft in increments, going through the process for each separately. In the long run, this will likely be cheaper.

4. I plan to claim that domain very soon. I've dabbled in web design and know some people that do it for a living. I'll likely set up my own forums there, though they won't be terribly active for a while still.

5. Sending a PM to Roland about whether or not I can post a link to a Kickstarter here.

Here it is, word for word:
Quote Originally Posted by Welknair
I apologize for having to trouble you again, but I have another question about the status of donations/links to where things could be purchased. We have discussed this previously, and I don't mean to be redundant, so I'll keep it short.

For my WIP-game Fourthland, could I include a simple Kickstarter link at the bottom of the OP? It'd be a single word "Kickstarter", with the hyperlink. No advertisements, coercions or anything of that sort. If this is not acceptable, is there any way for me to notify followers of my thread as to the existence of a Kickstarter for the game? Would it be alright to PM interested individuals the link? PM them that there IS a kickstarter, but not supply the link? What, if anything, is acceptable?

Secondly, upon the hypothetical completion of said game, what would I be allowed to say regarding its ability to be purchased? Pretty much the same list of questions as above, starting with a single-word link to where it could be bought, without any form of coercement or advertisement to do so, ending with PMs without links sent to interested individuals.

Thank you for your time.
6. More work on game-phsyics, primarily how weight, breaking, and supports work.

7. Consideration about one of my original design goals that I forgot to mention, and one that is VERY RELEVANT given the section of this thread: "Homebrew-ability". The property of a game that allows homebrew to be created for it. I want my game to very much encourage homebrew, and I've seen many games that do and don't do so. For example, D&D 3.5e is obviously quite homebrew-able. 4e, not so much (Though Surrealistik does make some decent stuff). This is because it is more difficult to create classes, which were always the most popular topic of homebrew. Exalted is another example of something that's difficult to homebrew for. What're you going to make? You can make side-charms, or martial arts styles, but that's about it.

In my game, you'll be able to (And encouraged to, if you have the capacity) homebrew the falling, among others: Shapes (Class-things. I expect tons of these.), Alchemies and Masteries (*Sinister Laughter*), Creatures (Why of course!), Materials, and finally Energies (That's right. You can add your own.),