Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Suitably depressing?
You know, over here a really popular song to play at funerals is 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life', and for irony's sake 'Another One Bites the Dust'.
(Also, 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra.)
See also: cynical/darkly humorous Brits.

But from the sounds of it, that seems fairly certain.
Obviously. If it wasn't depressing, how would people tell my funerary procession apart from other kinds of processions?
And you British people! I'd prefer it if such music was not played at my funeral because I'm boring.

It's mostly certain. I just need several hundred thousand dollars at the very least.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
My tortuously circuitous thinking does lend itself to some interesting revelations at times. Or at least something fascinatingly warped.
Warped ideas are the best kind. I mean... Just last night, I was thinking to myself and came up with the idea of drawing a Piano Kraken. As in, a Kraken that lives inside a piano.
Clearly, the most annoying kind of pest.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
Kneen is the most fabulous personage around.
Also, he has darling tastes in clothes and most come over to the UK as soon as is feasibly possible because he's just that fabulous.
And when he does go to England, I shall sit here in Australia and be consumed with jealousy. But I shall strive forwards knowing that Australia is better than England. (But not when it comes to Architecture)
And I agree. Kneenibble is fabulous.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
A happy coincidence, then, because that buttery yellow and that purplish-pink march fabulously together, especially set off by green.

I live in Winnipeg, which is perhaps 2/3 from the west end of the Prairies. To be fair, it's not altogether as horrible as I like to declaim -- I just need to move to a better neighbourhood. Every city has its underclass of subhuman cretins, I suppose, it just seems like the overly abundant inmates run the asylum around here.

Mabel says she wants to bite your eyebrow, which is her preferred form of affection. It tickles pleasantly
Oh indeed. I admit that I initially chose them for cultural reasons, but they make an excellent combination.
In fact, I shall have to see whether it is possible to cultivate such an orchid.
Though it would likely be difficult, I shall attempt to prevail.
Actually... It doesn't seem hard according to this description at all.

Oh, and in other news, we have an orchid that used to be my Grandma's before she died. It's nothing special, but it's soon to flower, so I might be able to upload some pictures.
And I should plant a silky oak, but my Mum won't let me. Maybe I could convince her to let me plant a smaller variety...

I thought Winnipeg was the case given all the hints and clues you've provided. But I wasn't certain.
And you are correct. Even my fair home city of Brisbane houses undesirable elements. Fortunately, I live in a quiet neighbourhood on the North Side, which one I'm not saying, that is rather good.
Many of the streets are named after poets and a nearby street used to a military runway during World War II. And just down the road, on land that cannot be developed due to flooding, there are a few paddocks where people keep horses and sometimes cows that are attended by egrets.
(It sounds more romantic than it actually is)

Oh... Okay... It probably feels strange the first time a bird attacks your eyebrows though...
But I am used to cats pretend biting...

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
My visit to the UK is inevitable. I have not-altogether-distant family somewhere in England, and I wish to visit the places whence my grandfather came such as Lincolnshire Cathedral where he used to play the organ. I often suffer pangs of homesickness for the country I have never set foot in, a kind of diaspora for an unseen homeland.

[Once I left a phone message for my mother in a RP accent, and she did the same back to me -- and to hear my mother speaking in that accent was as if I heard her true voice for the first time. She sounded beautiful and I wanted to hug her.]

I shall certainly wear my blue velvet coat and a garish handkerchief when, at that time, we become acquainted over claret, mademoiselle.
*is the epitome of seething jealousy*
I take comfort in that I'm exaggerating this. I'm really quite shy and wouldn't know how to greet someone from the Internet.
Really, it's almost crippling.

Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
Good point. I'm fine with my old flip phone anyway. Nothing's more stylish and "future techy" then flipping open your phone like a comminicator.
I am in complete agreement.
Though I don't have a phone so my opinion is useless. But I do like Star Trek.

In other news: I may get a job at a bank! Employment for the win!
And when I have money, I shall purchase things for myself and use my funds to acquire delicious pastries from the Bakery such that I may enjoy that which I desire so much.