Quote Originally Posted by Just to Browse View Post
C 816I could, say, write up a 5-10 level monster base class called "dinosaur" that gets you dinosaur traits or something, and starts with you being awakened.

EDIT: I can make you a vestige for a dinosaur, though. Do you want "generic T-Rex dinosaur: natural attacks, forehead plate or armor spikes, bite attack, looks like a bird" or do you want a special type of dinosaur, like "T-Rex: dinky arms, bites, huge" and "Triceratops: horns, head plate, charges a lot"?

If you want a specific species/type/general swath of dinosaur, name it and I'll hammer something out. I don't write lore, though, so think of something cool.
The Generic Dinosaur Idea sounds cool....If you could come up with the name, Im sure I could write the lore.