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    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

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    May 2007
    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default Re: Ruceeglaelsktinag: "Justifiable Genocide", Contradiction in terms? (IC)

    Scene Reptile
    To Vaex:
    "Your tone is UNACCEPTABLE, I am in command and you WILL respect that just like any other soldier!"

    Spoiler: Sense Motive DC 15 to open
    He is asserting his authority in a military way... NOT as a "you kobold piece of dung",
    Spoiler: If your roll would have beat a DC 20, open this one too.
    and is actually being just a TINY HAIR less harsh about it than you think he would be with another humanoid, based on what you have observed of the interactions between various levels of the chain of command around the unit.

    He pauses just long enough that one of you is about to respond before he starts to speak again.
    If we were playing face-to-face I'd allow some sort of opposed charisma check here or something for each of you to say something or just do the same thing IRL as he is doing in-game, but since this is PbP, I'm going to say that neither of you get a complete thought in in the gap, or maybe nothing at all, depending on how you write your responses.

    "Your request, on the other hand, was a perfectly reasonable one. It is... unfair to keep you waiting around like this. You say you are willing to set right what went wrong on the behalf of your tribe, and that is... sufficient.

    I'm of a mind to grant you a leave of absence. I rather doubt that the three weeks of emergency leave it is within my discretion to grant to a soldier under my command would do much to resolve the situation, but if you could convince me that you could work with some group of heroic professionals, I could assign you and one or more others to them to give assistance of a very open ended sort. For one thing, it is a proven fact that such units work best without a strict chain of command. You would be observed by the other enlistees and/or officers I would send along, but you wouldn't be subject to their authority per se.

    I've got a group in mind, and an initial, more defined, mission for you. Sort of a trial period to see if things work out, or if some other group might be more suitable for our requirements.

    I'm going to send you to them right now for you to make an assessment of their suitability. If they seem good, then your group should report to Sargent Roberts for your marching orders on that initial mission I suggested. If not, return here and explain the problem or problems to me, and I'll use that to direct further search for an appropriate position.

    As for you objections to the level of results of our search, I'll be sure to pass along your sentiments to my superior... if that is what you actually still wish?

    To Forseti:
    "I'm going to excuse you due to your young age and the fact that you aren't TECHNICALLY under my command. You are going to need to learn better judgement about how you say things..."
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2014-02-02 at 09:40 PM.
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