Keeping in mind that the supersoldier serum doesn't make it's subjects superhuman (just the very best humanly possible - atleast as far as I remember), it should grant the best possible (per aspects) without going into the realm of the superhuman (or superhumanoid I supose in a DnD setting).

Lets start with ability scores: All of them should be raised to be equal to the highest score the base creature possesses (minimum 18?).
Note: I would have these effects remain, so instead of increasing 1 ability score each 4 levels, the supersoldier would increase all his ability scores.

Next, saves: treat all saves as high for all past and future class (and racial) levels.

Of course can't forget hit points: Each level (past and future) grants the maximum hit points possible (and maybe increase each die by 1 step? Might be too much).

Now to the somewhat harder parts, skills: each skill is treated as a class skill and any racial, feat or class related skill bonus is doubled.

Now for some fluffy parts: increase the creatures height to the maximum for his species (or atleast in the top 90-95 percentile) with a slightly above average weight for the resultant height (bulky with muscles, but not fat nor skinny).

I think that would be the basis of what I would change on the characters main abilities.

Beyond that I think I'd add something like the "diehard" feat, maybe increasing the threat range and multiplier for critical hits with weapons and probably immunity to most (at least the natural ones) poisons and diseases.

Note: This is all with the captain America concept in mind, the weirder version of the super soldier serum (like the Hulk when a bad batch is combined with radiation) would be quite different.