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Thread: Trissociate [3.5 Base Class] (PEACH)

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Trissociate [3.5 Base Class] (PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by qazzquimby View Post
    It seems like the courteous thing to do, but if they don't get back to you I'd make the association anyway. I tend to see homebrew more as contributing to the pool of shared content than making guarded private works.
    Quote Originally Posted by Durazno View Post
    Should we ask for permission before Associating other folks' classes?
    Yeah, asking for permission is at least the polite thing to do. In fact, it would be best if you can get creator endorsement, then they can hopefully provide useful input.

    So, running through the numbers once more, I have come to a sudden realization on a calculation error I made previously. As such, here is a proposed edit to designing your own new association.

    Despite the name, a Trissociate is actually made of FOUR components: 1 focus, and 3 Associations. Each component should be approximately Tier 5 on its own, having ~1/4 the power of a Tier 3 class. Keep in mind a class is not just its class features: hit points, BAB, Skills, and Saving throws also play a part. With regard to Focus, you can quickly see that Battle Focus is Fighter-lite (high BAB, high hit points, and a wider selection of bonus feats) and Skill Focus is Expert-plus (4-8 skill points per level, 2-0 bonus hit points, and Average Skill).

    So the new general power level of an Association is 1/4 of Tier 3, keeping in mind hit points/BAB/saves/skill points as well.

    Edit: Change log
    -Ardent has given a significant boost. Now has 2 mantles, and can learn 15 powers in all.
    -Wizard and Archivist no longer have Bonus feat or Scribe Scroll
    -Archivist now automatically gets the benefit of Academic Priest
    -Totemist and Incarnates: Reduce final Soulmelds to 2.
    -Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Warmage added
    -Mythos: Bellator added

    Anybody have any opinions on Eldritch Blast I mentioned above?
    Last edited by JeminiZero; 2014-05-02 at 07:59 AM.
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