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Thread: Telekinetic Bladestorm (PEACH)

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    Titan in the Playground
    DracoDei's Avatar

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    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default Re: Telekinetic Bladestorm (PEACH)

    Finally decided to do something about how the Craven feat interacts with this class given its large number of attacks coupled with very small numbers of sneak-attack dice relative to class level (no sneak attack at all until 11th level). I would welcome suggestions for simplifying it while still covering all the bases, including the possibility of Telekinetic Bladestorm 11/Rogue 9 builds.

    [EDIT: July 2015]Actually as few TK Bladestorm levels as 8 could work since that is when they get the ability to flank with two weapons.[/EDIT]

    Here is what I have at the moment:

    *Regarding the Craven feat: If you make an attack that gains any sneak-attack-related benefit from telekinetic bladestorm then telekinetic bladestorm levels count only half for the purposes of the Craven Feat. Before resolving any given attack you can choose to treat that attack as if Telekinetic Bladestorm did not give any sneak attack. This removes both the associated damage and (unless you have sneak attack from another source) the ability to use ambush feats, special abilities that can only be used on sneak attacks, etc. However, it does not prevent your telekinetically wielded weapons from dealing sneak-attack damage from other sources provided you meet the requirements (initially this means that you have to have a flanking pair of telekinetically wielded weapons). Thus an 12th level telekinetic bladestorm would only deal +1d6+6 damage on sneak attacks from flanking telekineticly wielded weapons, while a 11th/1st level telekinetic bladestorm/rogue could either deal +2d6+6 damage or 1d6+11 damage with such attacks. Obviously the second choice is usually going to be better.

    Spoiler: Harborn
    Recommends higher to-hit penalties for higher modes at higher levels.
    Maybe poor reflex saves?... but did seem my point when I said they have a theme of high mobility.
    Move at-will Levitate to 11.

    Harborn thinks that multiclassing this with Knight could be good because you can force people to walk into your Orbiting Blades with a Challenge, and shut down movement with Spiked Chains (because your threatened areas count as difficult terrain).
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2023-03-10 at 02:10 AM.
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