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Thread: Undead implode with to much Negative Nrg

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Undead implode with to much Negative Nrg

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
    No. Because undead don't have bodily systems to overload. In fact, there is a type of undead with an unusually large amount of negative energy flowing through them. They're called Evolved Undead, and they're actually stronger and faster healing (and have an extra SLA) compared to normal undead.

    Honestly, I'd be a bit more interested in the opposite, making a positive equivalent to Voidstone (parts of Negative folded up so tightly that they act like weaker orbs of annihilation). What happens when the Positive is concentrated so tightly it becomes solid?
    Undead are like constructs, except that instead of being held together by plain jane generic magic, they're held together by negative energy specifically. I'll start with what we know and move from there.

    • An undead is a perpetual motion machine. You don't have to feed a zombie, or let it rest, or even water it and leave it out in the sun.
    • You know how a chicken is how an egg makes more eggs? An undead is how negative energy makes more negative energy. A suitably calibrated undead, like most zombies or skeletons, will run at constant negative output. They can't underflow or tick down - they're immune to sleep, fatigue, etc, because their internal dynamos keep pumping out energy at the same rate. By the same token, they can't overclock or flame out: These undead can't charge or run, even when you cast Inflict or leave them somewhere Unhallowed.
    • The reason Undead can't spike their power is that their body can't store excess negative energy. A vampire can sleep. A vampire can charge and run. It's not calibrated like a zombie, and this is one clue how that difference works.
    • This means that an undead on the negative energy plane wouldn't be able to retain more energy than it requires to run it. Put simply, excess negative energy can seep into the area near where such an undead will spend its time.
    • This is also why undead creation is an evil act. It's basically impossible to perfectly calibrate a self-sustaining dynamo to generate the exact energy output you need, based on undead type, race, advancement and other factors. All necromancers will err on the side of leakage; if you don't give it enough seed energy it will consume more than it generates, run out of power, and "die." Therefore, every undead that still exists necessarily seeps evil into the world merely by existing.

    How'd I do? I like justifying arbitrary cosmological decisions. The vampire exceptions need some work.