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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: tomboys and troublemakers part 2: road to couronne

    Quote Originally Posted by wilphe View Post
    Wighard pauses his chewing for a moment, then swallows, Were you and Glod surface born or did you spend your early life in a hold? If the latter, do you remember the first time you saw the sun and the sky? Or seeing a deep born dwarf do so?
    Gimgroth lowers his head while answering Wighard. It doesn't take much emotional intelligence to see that his answer is a matter of shame to the dwarf. Suppose you wouldn't have a way of knowing but aye, I be a Zon-Garaz. I have lived my days more among you Umgi than my own kin. I have heard of the Zon-Werit though I've never seen a dwarf in such a state. Why do you ask?

    Spoiler: Khazalid & OOC

    Zon-Garaz transliterates into Sun-Youth but means one born on the surface.
    Gimgroth feels a disconnect between his life living on the surface world and his ancestry. It's a bit of an internal struggle of how he views himself constantly falling short of the ideals of his dwarfish heritage even as he is more accepted by his fellow surface dwelling races. I think he has a bit of third culture kid thing going on.
    Zon-Werit transliterates into Sun-Befuddled and I'm saying this is the Khazalid term for when a dwarf first beholds the sun on the surface of the world.

    On the trip back to Altdorf.
    Gimgroth would attempt to get Glod to tell him more about dwarf culture some of the more recent stories and legends of the mountain homes. His own stories date back to his parents time under the ground and he doesn't have anything more recent in his cultural memory. He would also seek to spar with Jasmine upon hearing that the halfling was interested in improving her martial capabilities. Besides this Gimgroth gambled a fair bit with the marines and trained relentlessly with a new crossbow he won off a marine.

    Spoiler: OOC

    I've realized that Gimgroth left his crossbow in the tunnel under the ground. I've already subtracted a bunch of bolts and another crossbow from his GC. Fluffing this as he won the crossbow in gambling from a Marine but he also lost a fair bit of gold. Let me know if there's any issues with this.